Christie Spyder X20说明书

Christie Spyder X20Auditoriums Boardrooms Broadcast studios Conference rooms Control rooms Houses of worship Media centers Post-production Rental and staging Training roomsFast and flexible video processingand matrix switchingThe Christie® Spyder X20 is a versatile hardware-based video processor combined with the flexibility of a universal routing switcher. Its integrated source monitoring enables simultaneous, real-time, full frame rate monitoring of all inputs.The Spyder X20 provides users with a 20 megapixel bandwidth to blend, window, mix and scale any source format and then routes the signal to any destination device or combination of display devices – quickly and easily. It is easy to deploy and install because of its advanced architecture and reduces the amount of wires, boxes and rack space traditionally required because everything is all in one unit.Features20 megapixel bandwidthI nternal matrix switching Universal input/output capabilities – mix and match multiple formats with one piece of equipmentInput capability – either 8 or 16 inputs (depending on model) that can be a mix of analog BNC and DVI signalsOutput capability – 8 outputs that natively support any display from component analog 480i to digital 4KBuilt-in conversion for analog/digital, interlaced/progressive, resolution, aspect ratio and refresh rate 2D and 3D capabilitiesManages and displays multiple 3D sources Define properties for each output independent of each signalIntegrated source monitoring – real-time and full frame-rate view of all sources connected to the Spyder X20 (either 16 or 8 inputs) on a single output, tiled into either a 4x4 array (X20-1608) or a 4x2 array (X20-0808)Single point of control for all processing and signal distribution functions from front panel, PC via Ethernet, or external control system 10-bit processingSmall form factor – (LxWxH): 21.9 x 17.3 x 7.0" (556 x 439 x 178mm). Additionally, only one piece of equipment is required so the overall space used in a rack is reduced Each output individually supports rotation – enabling the creation of vertically-oriented displaysUser-definable edge blending and tiling Create any kind of window border ordrop shadow with adjustable color, width, softness, shadow offset and transparency Online editing mode allows for preset displays to be built and edited in preview mode without affecting what the audienceis seeingBuilt in VESA calculator for custom resolution outputsIntuitive graphical user interface (GUI)Simple cohesive control of all functions Redundant hot swappable power supplies Optional stereoscopic support Advanced auto-sync functionality Bitmap borders Window titlingOptional HDCP supportThis generation of SpyderThe Spyder X20 is designed for users in any environment to take images from unique sources, use a variety of display systems and present the images as intended. It is ideal for applications such as live events, broadcast, high-end boardrooms, command and control, houses of worship and education – any installation that has multi-windowing, multiple displays and processing requirements. The Spyder X20 also offers the flexibility to display 2D and 3D content simultaneously in the same display.Software interfaceThe Microsoft® Windows® based control software provides full set-up, configuration, and real-time control with an easy-to-use interface.20B itmapborders.R educed rack space.V ista Advanced is a Windows-based softwareinterface that makes it easy to configure and control the Spyder X20.1Minimum PC requirementsMicrosoft Windows 7 Based ComputersMicrosoft’s Windows 7 platform provides a rating called the ‘Windows Experience Index’, which measures the capability of your computer’s hardware and software configuration and expresses thismeasurement as a number called a base score. A higher base score generally means that your computer will perform better and faster than a computer with a lower base score, and makes it simple to purchase a PC with confidence that it will work properly with the Vista Advanced software interface.Requirements‘Windows Experience Index’ of 4.0 or greaterMicrosoft Windows XP Based Computers Computers running the Windows XP user interface do not support the ‘Windows Experience Index’ provided in Windows Vista and Windows 7, and therefore the hardware profile listed below can be used as a base hardware configuration.RequirementsPentium 4, 2.5Ghz or equivalent 512MB of RAM128MB, DirectX 9.0 compatible video card (NVidia preferred)Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 3Microsoft .NET framework, Version 4.0Microsoft DirectX 9.0c or laterNote: MAC or PC emulators such as VMWare and Microsoft Virtual PC should not be used to run Vista Advanced; support cannot be provided for users using an emulator of any kind.Technical specificationsF ront panelWith the Spyder X20, layers can be in ‘program’ and in ‘preview’ mode. You can build preset displays in preview mode using live layers without affecting the display being viewed by the audience.S pyder X20-1608 rear panelThe Spyder X20-1608 has 16 inputs and 8 outputs, that can be a mix of analog BNC and DVI signals. S pyder X20-0808 rear panelThe Spyder X20-0808 has 8 inputs and 8 outputs, and is easy to use and configure.2Corporate offices Worldwide officesChristie Digital Systems USA, Inc. Cypressph: 714 236 8610Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc. Kitchenerph: 519 744 8005Independent sales consultant officesItalyph: +39 (0) 2 9902 1161Australiaph: +61 (0) 7 3624 4888Brazilph: +55 (11) 2548 4753China (Beijing)ph: +86 10 6561 0240China (Shanghai)ph: +86 21 6278 7708Franceph: +33 (0) 1 41 21 44 04Germanyph: +49 2161 664540Indiaph: +91 (080) 6708 9999Japan (Tokyo)ph: 81 3 3599 7481Korea (Seoul)ph: +82 2 702 1601Mexicoph: +52 55 4744 1790Republic of South Africaph: +27 11 251 0000Russian FederationEastern Europeph: +36 (0) 1 47 48 100Singaporeph: +65 6877 8737Spainph: +34 91 633 9990United Arab Emiratesph: +971 (0) 4 503 6800United Kingdomph: +44 (0) 118 977 8000United States (Arizona)ph: 602 943 5700United States (New York)ph: 646 779 2014For the most current specification information, please visit Copyright 2017 Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc. All rights reserved. All brand names and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or tradenames of their respective holders. Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc.’s management system is registered to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Performance specifications are typical. Due to constant research, specifications are subject to change without notice.Printed in Canada on recycled paper. 4546 Jul 17。


• 閱讀完這些注意事項後,請將其妥善保管。
周圍溫度低於 +10 ℃或高於 +35 °C 時,充電時間將會延長。
請不要在溫度高於 40 °C 的環境下為電池充電;溫度低於 0 °C 時,電池將不會充電。
■電池壽命在常溫下,電池大約可以充電 300 次。
若準備長期不使用相機,請取出電池,並將其存放在比較乾燥的地方,且周圍環境溫度需在 +15 °C 至 +25 °C 之間。
■注意:電池使用注意事項• 請勿與項鍊、髮夾等金屬物品一起運輸或存放。
• 請勿將電池扔進火中或加熱。
• 請勿分解或改造電池。

富士牌照相机使用说明书富士牌照相机使用说明书各部件名称(P10)1、快门键(p22)2、开关(电源)键(p18)3、闪光灯(30)4、自动摄影指示灯(p32)5、镜头∕镜头盖(P46)6、麦克风(p46)7、扬声器(p47)8、液晶显示屏(p11)9、DISP(照片显示)∕BACK(退回)键(P22.39) (静态摄影)键(p31) 10、指示灯 11、W (广角变焦)键(p21.41)12、T(摄远变焦)键(p21.40)13、USB多级连接器插孔(p13.48.55.57)14、(放像)键(p39)15、吊带挂扣(p2) 16、电池盖(p12) 17、三脚架用螺丝孔18、电池插入部(p12) 19、电池拆卸按纽(p12) 20、存储器插孔(p15)打开∕关闭电源(p18)按ON∕OFF(电源)键,电源打开;再按一次,电源关闭。

技术指南αβχδS1V2 S1V2/EN I/A11 MiCOM M/PX20用MiCOM S1V2目录1.适用于MiCOM M/PX20系列产品的 MiCOM S1V2 (3)2. MiCOM M/PX20系列产品的整定和记录 (4)2.1 菜单和工具栏 (5)2.1.1 菜单功能 (5)2.1.2 工具栏 (10)2.2 如何使用M/PX20 S&R (11)2.2.1从IED中获取、修改已有的整定文件 (11)2.2.2下载编辑过的整定文件至IED (12)2.2.3 生成新的IED整定文件 (12)2.2.4获取并保存IED整定文件 (13)2.2.5打印IED整定文件 (13)2.2.6从 IED中获取事件记录 (13)2.2.7打开 IED中的事件记录 (13)2.2.8过滤 IED中的事件记录 (14)2.2.9从 IED中提取故障录波 (14)2.2.10 将 IED中的故障录波存储在PC机的硬盘 (14)2.2.11 激活IED中的定值组 (15)2.2.12 设置IED的日期和时间 (15)3. MiCOM M/PX20系列产品的监控 (16)3.1 菜单和工具栏 (16)3.1.1菜单功能 (16)3.1.2如何使用M/PX20测量菜单 (19)1.适用于MiCOM M/PX20系列产品的 MiCOM S1V2 针对MiCOM M/PX20系列产品的 MiCOM S1V2给用户提供了两类不通的操作功能。
∙Settings & Records(整定和记录)∙Monitoring (监控)进入不同的功能仅需点击移动鼠标并单击相应图标。
2. MiCOM M/PX20系列产品的整定和记录单击进入MiCOM M/PX20的整定和记录。
整定模块允许你通过MiCOM M/PX20产品的前面板通讯口与其相联,并获取和编辑它的整定文件,然后再将该文件传回MiCOM M/PX20产品。

2.【自动】:机器将根据设定的功能,自动选择分页或集中。 使用自动送稿器时,将会被分页。 而使用稿台玻璃时将使用集中方式输出。
【分页(按份数)装订/打孔】:1,2,3;1,2,3。可选择装订或 打孔的位置。 【不分页(按页号)】:1,1;2,2;3,3
3.可按需选择输出位置。(输出接收盘、侧接收盘和完成装订器需 要另外选购)
一. 基本操作
共有两种方法放置原稿: 自动输稿器:单张,多张原稿。 稿台玻璃:单张原稿,单张装订原稿,例如书刊
自动输稿器: 1. 放置原稿前,去除所有装订 针或纸夹。 2. 将原稿正面朝上,(双面原 稿正面朝上)放置在输稿器中部 位置。 3. 调整原稿导杆,适合放置原 稿尺寸。
利用此功能,您可将2张、4张或8张原稿复印到单页上, 能节省不少纸张呢!
2.选择【2张->1张】,【4张->1张】,或【8张->1张】,并选择副本 的排版顺序。
2. 根据副本的阅读方式可选择副本为【左右对开】或【上下对开】
1. 在【基本复印】画面的左侧进行倍率选择。 输入倍率值--触摸输入框,使用数字键或上下箭头在25%-400% 之间输入所需倍率。 【100%】--副本尺寸与原稿相同。 【自动%】--复印倍率将按原稿和指定的纸张尺寸而自动设定, 原稿将被自动缩放以适应选定的纸张。 缩放倍率(第3键)--显示预设的复印倍率50%(即A3->A5)。
4K摄像机HC-X2 HC-X20快速入门指南说明书

Operating Instructions <Quick Start Guide>4K Video CameraModel No.HC-X2/HC-X20Please read these instructions carefully before using this product, and save this manual for future use.More detailed operating instructions are available in “Operating Instructions<Complete Guide>” (HTML format/PDF format). This can be viewed with a PC or smartphone.https://panasonic.jp/support/video/oi/X2/index.htmlDVQX2257ZAF0822GY0DVQX2257 (ENG)2Information for Your Safety∫Concerning the batteryWARNING:To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock or product damage,0Do not expose this unit to rain, moisture, dripping or splashing.0Do not place objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on this unit.0Use the recommended accessories.0Do not remove covers.0Do not repair this unit by yourself. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.CAUTION!To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock or product damage,0Do not install or place this unit in a bookcase, built-in cabinet or in another confined space. Ensure this unit is well ventilated.0Do not obstruct this unit’s ventilation openings with newspapers,tablecloths, curtains, and similar items.0Do not place sources of naked flames, such as lighted candles, on this unit.The mains plug is the disconnecting device. Install this unit so that the mains plug can be unplugged from the socket outlet immediately.This unit is intended for use in moderate and tropical climates.WarningRisk of fire, explosion and burns. Do not disassemble, heat above 60 o C or incinerate.CAUTION0Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the type recommended by the manufacturer.0When disposing of the batteries, please contact your local authorities or dealer and ask for the correct method of disposal.Information for Your SafetyDVQX2257 (ENG)3∫Product identification markingFor Singapore onlyFor Thailand onlyProductLocation4K Video CameraBottom AC adaptorBottom Battery charger Bottom This telecommunication equipment conforms to NTC/NBTC technical requirement.AC AdaptorDisconnect the AC mains plug from the AC mains socket when not in use.Cautions for useKeep this unit as far away as possible from electromagnetic equipment (such as microwave ovens, TVs, video games etc.).0If you use this unit on top of or near a TV, the pictures and/or sound on this unit may be disrupted by electromagnetic wave radiation.0Do not use this unit near cell phones because doing so may result in noise adversely affecting the pictures and/or sound.0Recorded data may be damaged, or pictures may be distorted, by strong magnetic fields created by speakers or large motors.0Electromagnetic wave radiation generated by microprocessors may adversely affect this unit, disturbing the pictures and/or sound.0If this unit is adversely affected by electromagnetic equipment and stops functioning properly, turn this unit off and remove the battery or disconnect AC adaptor. Then reinsert the battery or reconnect AC adaptor and turn this unit on.Do not use this unit near radio transmitters or high-voltage lines.If you record near radio transmitters or high-voltage lines, the recorded pictures and/or sound may be adversely affected.When this unit is turned on, do not use it in direct contact with the skin for a long period of time.0When using this unit for a long period of time, use a support such as a tripod. Low temperature burns may result if any high temperature part of this unit or hot air from the ventilation openings on the front side of the hand strap of this unit is in direct contact with the skin for a long period of time.0Do not aim the lens or the viewfinder at the sun or strong light. Doing so may cause the unit to malfunction.The date and time have not been set at the time of purchase. Before use, make sure you set the clock and time zone so that date and time information is correctly recorded. (l17)0When using this product during rain or snow or when at the beach, be careful that water, sand and/or dust do not get inside the camera.0Clips recorded with devices other than this unit are not supported by this unit.0Hold the handle or grip when carrying the camera, and handle it carefully.4DVQX2257 (ENG)Cautions for use 0If you prepare to record important images, always shoot some advance test footage to verify that both pictures and sound are being recorded normally.0Always remove the battery from the unit after use.0The LCD monitor and viewfinder are managed with high precision so that at least 99.99% of the dots are effective pixels and 0.01% or less are invalid pixels and always lit. This is not a malfunction and it has no effect whatsoever on the recorded images.The SD cards can be used with the camera.0Do not perform the following operations when accessing the memory card (the card 1 access lamp/card 2 access lamp is flashing in orange).–Removing the memory card–Disconnecting battery or the AC adaptor without turning off the main unit–Apply vibration of impact0Keep the memory card out of reach of children to prevent swallowing.Speed Class during shootingThe memory card to use differs depending on the file format and the recording format.Use memory cards compatible with the Speed Class or UHS Speed Class.The recording may stop suddenly when a memory card not compatible with the required Speed Class is used.DVQX2257 (ENG)5Cautions for useDVQX2257 (ENG)6Speed Class and UHS Speed Class are the speed specification regarding continuous writing. Check the display on the label and other information on the memory card.0When using a commercially-available USB cable, use a USB Type-C cable that conforms with USB3.1 and that is a shielded product with a ferrite core. We recommend using a cable that is within 1.5m where possible.0Use a commercially-available Premium High Speed HDMI cable.0Use a commercially-available 5C-FB or equivalent double-shielded cable for the BNC cable.0For the cable that connects to the <LAN> terminal, use the one below.–LAN cable (STP (Shielded Twisted Pair), category 5e or above, maximum 100 m)0You can remotely control some of the camera's functions by connecting a remote control unit (commercially-available) to the <REMOTE> terminal.Fileformat Recording bit rate or recordingfunctionSupported memory cards and Speed Classes Example of card display MOV/MP4200Mbps, 150Mbps,100Mbps, Superslow recording, VFRrecording0SDXC memory card with UHS Speed Class 372 Mbps,50Mbps 0SDXC memory card with UHS Speed Class 1 or better0SDXC memory cardwith Speed Class 10AVCHD All 0SDHC/SDXCmemory card withSpeed Class 4 orbetterCautions for use 0Excessive sound pressure from earphones and headphones can cause hearing loss.0Listening at full volume for long periods may damage the user’s ears.Panasonic is not liable in any way regarding following.1Incidental, special, or consequential damages caused directly or indirectly by the unit2Damages, breakage of the unit, etc., caused by misuse or carelessness of the customer3When disassembly, repair, or modification of the unit is performed by the customer4Inconveniences, damnification, or damages by not being able to record and/or display the video due to any reasons including failure or malfunction of the unit and recording media5Inconveniences, damnification, or damages resulting from malfunction of the system combining with any third party equipment6 A liability claim or any claim for a privacy violation by an individual or a group thatwas the subject of the video that the customer has shot (including recording) that became public by any reason (including using with the network userauthentication turned OFF)7The registered information is lost due to any reason (including initializing this unit because the authentication information such as user name or password isforgotten)Be careful with regard to copyrightsUnder copyright law, you may not use the images and audio you have recorded for other than personal enjoyment without the permission of the copyright holder.DVQX2257 (ENG)7Cautions for useDVQX2257 (ENG)8Models described in these operating instructions0The illustrations of the products, menu screens, etc., may differ from the actualitems. Unless specifically stated otherwise, screen depictions and illustrations of the unit are of HC-X2.0Not all models may be available depending on the region of purchase.0Model numbers are abbreviated as follows in these operating instructions:Conventions used in this manual0Words and phrases in [ ] brackets indicate content displayed in the LCD monitor.0Words and phrases in < > brackets indicate design text used on this unit, such as button names.ContentsInformation for Your Safety (2)Cautions for use (4)Preparations before recording (10)Main specifications (18)Trademark (21)DVQX2257 (ENG)9DVQX2257 (ENG)10Preparations before recordingCheck the accessories before using this unit.Product numbers correct as of August 2022. These may be subject to change.Battery packAG-VBR59(This is referred to as battery pack orbattery in this document.)Battery chargerAG-BRD50*1AC adaptorSAE0011DAC cable0For AC adaptor (A)K2CT3YY000340In Saudi Arabia,always use (A)(B)K2CQ2YY00082(C)K2CJ2YY00152*21YE19R12S1Z1YE4R12S0ZDVYE1237ZINPUT terminal cap(x2)VJF1468*1The AG-BRD50 is available for purchase as an optional accessory package containing a battery charger, AC adaptor, and AC cable. Individual battery chargers are sold under the model number SAB0002A. Contact your dealer to purchase them.*2Pre-attached to the main unit.*3The microphone holder mounting screws are supplied with the microphone holder.0Appropriately discard the AC cable cap (if attached) and packing materials after taking the product out.0Keep the microphone holder mounting screws and INPUT terminal cap out of reach of children to prevent swallowing.Preparations before recordingFor “Description of parts”, refer to “Operating Instructions <Complete Guide>”.https://panasonic.jp/support/av/cam/x2e_01.htmlAdjusting the grip belt0hand.0forward and tighten the buckle again.(A)Pad (B)Buckle1Open the buckle.2Pull the end of the belt.Attaching the eye cup1eye cup mount.(A)Ridge (B)Groove(C)Mounting markPreparations before recording2Attach the eye cup so that the ridge inside it is aligned with the groove on the eye cup mount.Push the eye cup in until it reaches the mounting mark.Attaching the external microphone1Open the microphone holder.Open buckle (1), and detach fitting (2) from hook (3).2(A)(B)00tightly.3Preparations before recording0The supplied AC cable is dedicated for this unit. Do not use with any other device. Also, do not use AC cable from other device on this unit.Charging the batteryThe battery is not charged at the time of purchase. Use only after charging sufficiently. It is recommended that you have one extra battery.0It is recommended to perform charging of the battery in a location with ambient temperature of 10°C to 30°C (same for the battery temperature).Preparations before recordingAbout the Battery ChargerThis unit can charge two battery packs simultaneously and supports quick charging batteries.(A)CHARGE indicators <CHARGE1/CHARGE2>Indicate the charge status as follows.Charging the battery1Connect the DC plug of the AC adaptor to the DC IN 12 V connector of battery charger.2Connect the AC mains lead to the AC adaptor.0Perform step (2) first, and then step (3). Insert the AC mains lead all the wayin until it stops.3Insert the battery into the battery charger.0Slide the battery horizontally into the battery charger along the “” mark.0The corresponding CHARGE indicator lights and charging starts.0The CHARGE indicator turns off when charging is complete. Slide the batteryto remove it.Indicator Charge statusLit green Quick charging is in progress.Lit orange Normal charging is in progress.Blinking orange Charging has stopped due to an error.OffCharging is complete, or a battery pack is not inserted.Preparations before recording1Install the battery by inserting it in the direction shown in the figure.0Insert the battery until it clicks and locks.Removing the batteryMake sure that the power switch is set to <OFF > and the status indicator is turned off, and then remove by holding onto it taking care not to drop. (l 16)0While pressing the battery release button (A), remove the battery.0Do not use any other AC adaptors except the supplied one.0We recommend using Panasonic batteries (l 13).0If you use other batteries, we cannot guarantee the quality of this product.0Do not heat or expose to flame.0Do not leave the battery(ies) in a car exposed to direct sunlight for a long periodof time with doors and windows closed.0Do not expose to low air pressure at high altitudes.0Do not expose to extremely low air pressure, as this may result in explosions orleakage of flammable liquids and gases.0The battery charger will determine the status of the battery after the battery is mounted. Therefore, it may take some time until the charging lamp is toilluminate. Mount the battery again if the charging lamp does not illuminate after ten seconds or longer has elapsed.0Mount the battery to be charged prioritized on the <CHARGE1> side when charging.Preparations before recordingBy connecting an AC adaptor to the<DC IN 12V> terminal on this unit and switching on the power of the unit, you can use it while it is being supplied with power from the power outlet.0Even when you use the AC adaptor forrecording images, keep the battery connected.This allows you to continue the recording evenaccident.0primary circuit is always “live” as long as the mains plug is connected to an electrical outlet.1Set the power switch to <ON> while pressing the lock release button (A) to turn on the unit.0The status indicator (B) lights on.To turn off the unitSet the power switch to <OFF> while pressing the lock release button.The status indicator goes off.0To turn on the power again after [ECO MODE] functions, first switch the powerswitch to <OFF>, then switch it back to <ON>.Preparations before recordingThe time zone, date, and time are not set when the unit is shipped.[TIME ZONE] is displayed in the LCD monitor when the power is turned on for the first time.Follow the guidance and make the settings in the order of [TIME ZONE] and then [CLOCK SETTING].[TIME ZONE]Set the time difference from the Greenwich Mean Time.(A)[TIME ZONE][CLOCK SETTING]Set the year, month, date, and time.(A)[CLOCK SETTING](B)0:0 1.JAN.20221and time.and 2037.2Select [SET].Main specificationsMain specificationsWi-FiAC adaptorBattery chargerCompliance standardIEEE802.11b/g/n compliantFrequency range used (central frequency)2412 MHz to 2462 MHz [1 to 11ch]Encryption method Wi-Fi compliant WPA ™/WPA2™Access methodInfrastructure modeMain specificationsBattery pack (AG-VBR59)The symbols on this product (including the accessories) represent the following:DVQX2257 (ENG)21Trademark0SDXC logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.0“AVCHD”, “AVCHD Progressive” and the“AVCHD Progressive” logo are trademarksof Panasonic Holdings Corporation andSony Corporation.0Manufactured under license from DolbyLaboratories. Dolby, Dolby Audio, and thedouble-D symbol are trademarks of DolbyLaboratories Licensing Corporation.0The terms HDMI and HDMI High-DefinitionMultimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logoare trademarks or registered trademarks ofHDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. in theUnited States and other countries.0USB Type-C ® and USB-C ® are registeredtrademarks of USB Implementers Forum.0The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED ™ Logo is aregistered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance ®.0The Wi-Fi Protected Setup ™ Logo is aregistered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance ®.0“Wi-Fi ®” is a registered trademark of Wi-FiAlliance ®.0“Wi-Fi Protected Setup ™”, “WPA ™”, and“WPA2™” are trademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance ®.0QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.0All other names, company names, product names, etc., contained in this instruction manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.This product incorporates the following software:(1)the software developed independently by or for Panasonic,(2)the software owned by third party and licensed to Panasonic,(3)the software licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 (GPLV2.0),(4)the software licensed under the GNU LESSER General Public License, Version2.1 (LGPL V2.1), and/or(5)open source software other than the software licensed under the GPL V2.0 and/or LGPL V2.1.TrademarkDVQX2257 (ENG)22The software categorized as (3) - (5) are distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY , without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.For details, refer to the terms of license that are displayed using the following method:1.Select the [NETWORK] menu ¨ [DEVICE SEL] ¨ [LAN]*, [WLAN] or [OFF].2.Select the [OTHERS] menu ¨ [USB DEVICE] ¨ [SERVICE MODE] ¨ [YES].Select “LICENSE.TXT” in the external drive recognized by the computer.*At least three (3) years from delivery of this product, Panasonic will give to any third party who contacts us at the contact information provided below, for a charge no more than our cost of physically performing source code distribution, a completemachine-readable copy of the corresponding source code covered under GPL V2.0 or LGPL V2.1, as well as the respective copyright notice thereof.ContactInformation:********************The source code and the copyright notice are also available for free in our website below.https:///cns/oss/index.htmlThis product is licensed under the AVC Patent Portfolio License for the personal use of a consumer or other uses in which it does not receive remuneration to (i) encode video in compliance with the AVC Standard (“AVC Video”) and/or (ii) decode AVC Video that was encoded by a consumer engaged in a personal activity and/or was obtained from a video provider licensed to provide AVC Video. No license is granted or shall be implied for any other use. Additional information may be obtained from MPEG LA, L.L.C.See 0Separate license contract with MPEG-LA is required to record in a memory card with this product and to distribute that card to end users for a profit. The end user mentioned here indicates a person or organization that handles contents for a personal use.DVQX2257 (ENG)23[For_Australia]7. 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很多人用档都是用档测光后记住参数转到档设置拍摄,其实不需要这么麻烦,具体请按我说地步骤来【请老鸟不吝惜给予补充】请按我说地步骤来:、首先开机转动转轮档、按键第一项【】设置为、第三项【图像质量】设置为、最末【胶片模式】设置为鲜艳(如果拍人像设置为柔和)、按最下端左【】键退出、接着按方向上键调整光圈为(数字越小代表光圈越大,光圈大进光越多)、按左右设置快门速度(这个时候屏幕右下角会出现一个蓝地地滑动条,滑动条上面有个小黄箭头,当小黄箭头在滑动条左端地时候按左方向键调整小黄箭头向右端移动,反之亦然,最终把小黄箭头调整在滑动条中间位置,可以拍摄了!注意:、光线越暗,快门速度就慢,这个时候手地抖动会照成拍片地模糊,请使用三角架.、要注意测光,点测地话请别把测光点对着最亮或者最暗地部位,实在不行请采用多重或者范围测光模式!资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途一般拍摄:、白天光线好地情况下各种模式都可以乱用完全不懂可以用自动挡或模式里地自动档适合纯新手或懒人但常常偏高晚上不适合自动挡、一般情况下调成可以拍出比较干净地图片键调节动态那个也是键调节、将胶片模式() 设置到档(按个人喜好),输出.、分辨率优先模式: 用于拍需要高分辨率地物品,需要清楚细节地,输出像素.、高和低噪音: 在晚上或光纤较暗地情况下使用、范围优先: 在逆光地时候,或光线有明暗不均地时候用,输出像素.关于手动档、这个需要自己研究光看论坛无法体会,晚上地时候去拍拍夜景各种参数都试试自己多少会有所领悟、关于操作:调到档按有垃圾箱图标那个键,左右键调节快门快慢,上下调节光圈大小、观察右下角地蓝条黄色光标接近号越过爆,在正中地时候差不多曝光准确,调整快门快慢即可调节光标位置(即按左右键)、拍夜景用档,调节好地话会拍出好看地照片快门越慢画面越亮一般快门以下视光线情况调节常识篇:、代表二分之一秒"表示秒、光圈比地光圈大数值越小光圈越大、是什么?感光度是(或胶卷)对光线地敏感程度.如果用地胶卷,相机秒可以正确曝光地话,同样光线条件下用地胶卷只需要秒即可、广角怎么调?打开相机默认就是广角端、打开人脸识别无法调节测光———————————————————————————————————————使用技巧总结(不断更新,欢迎指正、补充)作者.、档使用环境:()室外光线好时;()微距拍物体,如花草(此时也可以用、,似乎更好);()晚上拍夜景,但要三角架,要延长快门时间其他情况,不推荐用档,因为曝光不好掌握、拍室内静物(室内光线一般都较暗):用档,.、拍室内运动(如小孩):用档(光圈优先)或档,一般是,快门可稍加快,大光圈.(目地:弥补光线不足)、光线昏暗时:用(高低噪),此时地,但噪点确实不多,不知是什么原理、无三角架时拍夜景:这个暂时忘了,当时试了好久,今晚再试一下另外,个人觉得场景模式基本上没有什么用—————————————————————————————上手全攻略(不断更新中,欢迎拍砖...)作者一、新人使用、推荐用转盘键或自动健(红色地相机图案)、在光线良好地情况用,夜晚不建议用,室内室外均可、步骤:、打开相机、转动转盘至红色地键或自动健、按一下相机背面最右下角地人形按钮至防抖动状态、构图,人像要占以上大小,置于井字四角上、半按快门测光不要松,至转盘左侧测光灯、对焦框为绿色、稳住相机全按快门(只准右手大姆指点按,其它部位不动)、二、中人使用(业余中地业余,也叫三脚猫、业余中地准专业)、推荐用转盘键或健,先从场景练起,再用档中地模式、在光线良好地情况用,夜晚不建议用,室内室外均可,若硬要晚上用,首先要弄懂白平衡闪光灯色温曝光补偿"白加黑"什么地,练幅图,再买个元地三角架即可.、步骤:、打开相机、转动转盘至键或健至合适地位置、按一下相机背面最右下角地人形按钮至防抖动状态、构图,突出主体,黄金分割.、按键设定,一般情况或即可,不要高,除非艺术照、根据情况调白平衡,可先试一张,正常情况下不需要、半按快门测光不要松,至转盘左侧测光灯、对焦框为绿色(要记住:多重测光需要关掉面部优先)、稳住相机全按快门、传说中地高人攻略没有下文了... ————————————————————————————————————新手读用户手册后地理解及疑问,请前辈们答疑并指正作者问:阅读了说明说以后(拍摄模式),有些自己理解了,有些还是不明白毕竟是纸上谈兵,还请有实战经验地前辈们指点迷津啊..相机在手上,不会用,显得好无助地说想跟前辈们一样,能拍出好!、自动适用于拍摄清晰明丽地快照,大多数情况下推荐使用.、下选择拍摄模式,有四个选项:自动相机根据环境自动选择场景和模式自动地也没什么好说了吧分辨率优先适用于拍摄清晰明丽地照片一般在什么情况下使用?高低噪音减少高感光度时地噪点一般在什么情况下使用?范围优先增加高光区域中地可视细节量.动态范围设定为一般在什么情况下使用?、自然光闪光背光或者弱光时使用,按一次快门,出两张照片,一张闪光,一张自然光(这个自然光出来地效果,跟第个模式自然光有什么区别没?)、自然光室内、光线不足或不能使用闪光灯场合,此时闪光灯关闭,感光度提高(这个模式下出来地照片,是不是比较亮但同时噪点也多呢?)、场景定位场景定位提供种场景,可按键选择,相机会记住你上次选择地场景,要改变场景需重设.(感觉有些场景不太会用到,前辈们拍摄时场景定位用地多吗?)、手动模式下,可自己选择快门速度和光圈大小,也可根据需要更改曝光值.我地理解:拍远景,用小光圈,快门速度不快拍近景,特别是要突出某个主体时,用大光圈,快门速度快一些(纯属菜鸟蛋级别地理解,希望前辈们指正!)、程序自动曝光两个选项:程序自动曝光光圈优先这两个选项有什么作用,分别在什么情况下使用呢?不明白……答:()自动和里地自动通常不会用地,只有在对相机什么都不懂得情况下使用,第一个自动通用性差,场景稍有变化就会影响到处出片效果,第二个自动比第一个自动大大地升级了,适应许多场合:肖像、夜景、微距(特写)、风景、夜景肖像和背光肖像.选用了这个模式在开机地状态下相机不停地在调焦和在几种模式间切换,所以很费电地.分辨率优先只要是在光线好地情况下都可以使用,万象素全开,能很好地显示微小地细节.个人感觉曝光总是有点过,所以我是把补偿曝光往下调一档,即所谓地宁欠曝光也不过曝光.高低噪音是在较暗地光线如傍晚或者室内、博物馆之类地条件下使用,会自动调节到.动态范围优先是阴影部分曝光合适而蓝天常常被洗白了,或者蓝天出来了阴影部分表现地不充分,会将两个万象素分成两个通道拍出两幅图像并进行合成一幅最好到达地超宽动态范围,从而显像暗部地细节,天空表现蓝天.这个技术通常只有单反机子才有,而大多数卡片通常是在机内软件完成地.自然光和闪光灯是外出旅游拍照天阴或傍晚拍摄人物用地,由于闪光灯地指数问题,要自己摸索两者间地距离是否合适.自然光模式闪光灯是打不开地,只能是自动调节,所以光线暗地情况下,达到,会出现噪点,当然富士地超级在这点上地确表现(比其它卡片机)地相当地不错,大本身也功不可没.场景是设计人员为了方便大家使用,通过实践把各个场合场景地各种数据综合而来,对比自动挡、自然光等地使用更具体更好用,照雪景直接用场景里地雪景就行了,夜景也是一样,对于初学者非常地方便快捷.挡手动模式是完全根据个人爱好而设计地,不同地组合会拍摄出不同地效果,不像其它模式都是事先定好了地各种数据匹配.当你逐渐熟悉了这款机型地其它功能后就会喜欢使用这个功能了.你理解地‘拍远景,用小光圈,快门速度不快,拍近景,特别是要突出某个主体时,用大光圈,快门速度快一些’大致意思没错,但还要补充一点,通常再拍风景地时候,保持足够地景深用小光圈必然影响进光亮,继而要放慢快门地速度,就有必要用三脚架了;而大光圈也未必要快门速度快一些,慢一些可以表现流水地‘活性’,要看自己地创作需要了.最后来篇重量级地,相信很多人已有收藏.各档地用法和超级地使用(改为大字体)作者各档地用法和超级地使用(改为大字体)不断地有新手会常常问到:‘你们一般用拍照用哪个模式比较多呢?其实我也曾经为此迷惑过.自打注册了论坛后,渐渐觉得自己有点经验了,也居然指点过‘通常情况下应该使用挡挡或挡’之类地所谓个人经验.后来浏览多家网上地介绍、评比测评和一些专业博客地评论,加之本论坛唇枪舌剑地争论,又细读了说明书并反复研究了在摄影展上富士公司发放地一本‘影像画质地全新革命’宣传册,逐渐领悟了这款机子地优势了,以下就个人理解地几种模式地特点和使用方法注意叙述,仅给刚入坛在地网友参考吧.、自动挡:提供简洁清晰拍摄最简单地模式,仅仅用于普通拍摄,对好焦按快门就是了,适合于入门者.但我认为这个党纯属鸡肋,毫无用处,有了新地自动挡就足够了.、自然光:在光线不足地情况下拍照时产生自然自然状态优美景象,适于室内不允许开闪光地地场所,此时相机会自动设置高感光度,防止手抖而产生地模糊现象.闪光灯:此模式有助于避免使用其他模式正对阳光等拍照时可能会出现拍照失败地问题.我理解相当于逆光拍照地功能吧以上应为第一条地补充.、场景模式:这个功能地确很方便,适用于所有地人.外出时我常常设定在运动模式以便抢拍或抓拍应急,也可以在开机时候随时调出连拍功能以备万一.需要补充地是只有贯穿所有场景,动态范围和都是机内自动选择地.、挡:就像是药剂师把所有地药抓到一起一样,可以任由自己把八种、动态范围三种、白平衡若干、胶片模拟内地五种、测光三种、连拍五种等多元素任意组合.其结果完全是按照个人喜好出片,没有统一标准,否则就和自动挡一样而失去其意义了.、挡:全面控制快门速度以外地所有相机设置,可以在程序自动曝光和光圈优先中进行选择.要知道光圈优先可是单反类地优势之一,坛子里常有人说玩相机玩地就是光圈,它可以虚化背景,也可小光圈拍风景,手动功能强地机子最小地可以到,这当然离不开三脚架伺候了.这款机子有简单地两档快门可以选择,其它只有靠变焦了,实在是本机地弱项,但愿后续机型改进了.这档除了光圈优先以外基本上和自动挡没多大区别,倒是简单地光圈优先为我们提供些许方便吧.以上几种挡和其他型号地相机没啥太大地区别,各机型各型号几乎都有类似功能,并无新意,没有充分体现这款地优势,所以我认为仅仅使用以上各档和使用一般地机型差不多(除了有限地光圈优先和挡).我特别想说地是怎么才能充分体现地优势富士官方地宣传手册里是这么说地:“全新地采用新型地和处理器,引入全新地拍摄理念,能在瞬间成为适合每一场景地传感器,这就好比一个中配备了三种特别专用地传感器,每种场景下地每幅照片都漂亮地如您眼睛所看到地那般美丽自然”如果您能品味出其中地奥妙也就了解了地优势和上一代超级地不同了,你地照片也许会拍出区别于一般地卡片机里地普通模式所拍出地效果了,希望大家能在这里多下功夫. 模式:应该是接替自动挡地最佳图像模式了,不仅能在肖像、风景、夜景、微距拍摄、背光肖像和夜景肖像里任意根据现场情况选择,还能同时自动在、和里自动选择,属于超级傻瓜自动挡,新手本应该开始用这个模式.但是这个模式在自动连续地对焦将增加电量地消耗.我也觉得老手也完全可以选择这个模式,对追拍地人物在由室外步入室内等光线较为复杂并不断变换地场所跟踪拍摄时候会派上用场地.分辨率优先:万全像素最高分辨率能够在明亮地环境中看清微小地细节.高感光度低噪点:利用了高感光度和独创地像素联合技术以异常地地亮度和异常细微地噪点捕捉对象,努力使暗场景尽量明亮细致.这项独有地技术应该是富士地精髓了,普通机子在还能忍受而到了已经是惨不忍睹了(网络术语),富士敢大胆到把(万象素)动态范围地图片印制到宣传手册中,足以证明他们对地自信了.更不用说这个地和那些普通机型比较了,大家也可以去看看别地机型地图像比对吧.超宽动态范围:如人眼睛所能看清高对比度场景中从暗到亮地所有区域一样该功能可以同时用两个不同地通道拍摄两幅图像,可以最高可达到动态范围能表现较暗区域地细节,消除亮区洗白.需要说明地是,只有在地设定下才可以调整到地,在和()以及挡只能调至一下地.许多逆光时候使用,或者在拍摄风景地时候常常能发现天空很蓝但是阴影下常常很暗,有了这个功能就了.在富士相机以前地所有机型中都没有出现过,只在中用过,其他牌子地相机据说也有用到地,有说是后期生成地而非在硬件上开发出来地,这点不知道能否也属于富士地独门绝技.我在论坛上很少看到有人使用这个功能,也许网友使用了而没有注明,也许注明了没有注意,即便有也不多地.总之,我觉得大家没有把它地优势发挥出来.以上纯属个人观点,如有瑕疵、纰漏、问题、谬论及不实之言论,尽管指出或拍砖.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途。

X20BM05 X20BM051 General informationThe bus modules have node number switches that can be used to set permanent addresses. Placing one of these modules at the beginning of an X20 block ensures a unique address. The addresses of subsequent modules are automatically set in ascending order starting at this address. This simple feature greatly increases the flexibility of applications.Another advantage: Addresses can be set independently of which specific I/O modules are used. All that is required are the respective bus modules. This provides logistical advantages with respect to cost and the variety of parts.•The bus module is the base for all X20 supply modules•For creating voltage groups•The internal I/O supply is isolated to the left•Manual node number assignment•Independent of electronics module•Manual and automatic addressing can be combined as desired2 Order dataTable 1: X20BM05 - Order dataX20BM053 Technical dataTable 2: X20BM05 - Technical dataX20BM05 4 Voltage routing5 Node number switchesx16x1The X2X Link address of the module is set using the node number switches (0x01 to 0xFD).Setting node number 0x00 causes the X2X Link address to be assigned automatically.6 Bus modules with node number switchesSymbols are printed on the locking lever of bus modules with node number switches. This provides a way to see from outside that the X20 system mounted in this slot is using node number switches.。
Canon MVX25i MVX20i 数码摄像机 说明书

使用DV网络软件之前,请先详细阅读本说明书,并妥善保 存说明书作日后参考。
传输图像 其他信息
为了减少发生电击的危险,请勿开启外壳(或背盖)。当中并没有使用者可自行 维修的零件。如果需要维修服务,请向合格的服务人员洽询。
❍ [ ]即表示屏幕上所显示的菜单项目。
❍ 请注意,本说明书的示范以 MVX25i 为主。
操作模式(请参考下列说明) 菜单项目及其缺省设置
摄像机的操作模式由 POWER 开关和 TAPE/CARD 开关的位置确定。
Digital Video Cassette
使用存储卡 直接打印
• 数码视频软件 • DV 网络软件
数码视频软件 使用说明书
PUB. DIC-006 第十二版
DV网络软件 使用说明书
PUB. DIC-007 第二版 C
重要使用说明 ........................................................................................................... 2 使用本说明书 .......................................................................................................... 3 查看附件 .................................................................................................................. 6 部件指南 .................................................................................................................. 7 基本功能

Required accessories Bus modules X20 bus module, 24 VDC keyed, internal I/O supply contiheets • Analog input modules • X20(c)AI4632 Technical data
Model number Short description I/O module General information B&R ID code Status indicators Diagnostics
±10 V or 0 to 20 mA, via different terminal connections Differential input
±15-bit 15-bit 50 µs for all inputs INT
INT 0x8001 - 0x7FFF / 1 LSB = 0x0001 = 305.176 µV INT 0x0000 - 0x7FFF / 1 LSB = 0x0001 = 610.352 nA
LR GOST-R Analog inputs Input Input type Digital converter resolution Voltage Current Conversion time Output format Output format Voltage Current Input impedance in signal range Voltage Current Load Voltage Current Input protection Permissible input signal Voltage Current Output of digital value during overload Undershoot
富士电机 UG20系列 说明书

基於操作說明上的方便,本書採用了以下的記號: 重要事項
1. 溫控器網路的概要 .............................................................................................1 2. 接線電纜 .............................................................................................................3 3. 終端阻抗的設定 .................................................................................................4 4. 溫控器通信設定 .................................................................................................5 5. 處理週期流程 .....................................................................................................7 6. 直接指定溫控器記憶體時 .................................................................................8
● 請勿接觸通電中的端子等之充電部,以免觸電。

所有帧 :减少闪烁应用于所有帧连续拍摄帧率会降低。
仅拍摄时:仅当半按快门按钮(对焦模式 C)或释放快门时才启用图像稳定。
Classic Neg.
PRO Neg. Hi
Nostalgic Negative
PRO Neg. Std
20 个
在使用 a ACROS 和 b 黑白 胶片模拟所拍的黑白照片中添加偏红或偏蓝色调(暖色氛围或
1 模式
2 闪光指数
3 模式选择
4 同步模式
5 闪光范围选择

* 自拍................................................................ 46 j 增加显示屏亮度............................................. 48 使用 p- 模式菜单 (拍摄) / 拍摄菜单 .............. 49
本手册将指导您正确使用富士数码相机 FinePix F20。 请严格按照指导说明进行操作。
准备工作 相机使用方法 高级功能 • 拍摄
• 回放 • 电影
设置 相机连接 软件安装
附录 故障排除
目录 ....................................................................... 2 前言 ....................................................................... 4 关于本手册 ............................................................ 5 配件 ....................................................................... 6 相机部件和功能 ..................................................... 7 LCD 显示屏文字显示举例...................................... 8
装入电池................................................................ 9 电池充电.............................................................. 11 装入 xD-Picture Card 卡................................. 13 开启和关闭 .......................................................... 15

富士说明书富士说明书1. 简介富士是一家知名的电子产品品牌,主要生产和销售数码相机和相机配件。
2. 目录1. 简介2. 目录3. 系统要求4. 使用指南1. 开机2. 拍摄模式选择3. 快门和光圈设置4. 对焦和曝光调节5. 存储和传输数据6. 关机5. 功能介绍1. 拍摄模式2. 曝光模式3. 对焦模式4. 影像处理5. 存储和传输6. 常见问题解答7. 技术支持3. 系统要求在正常使用富士相机之前,请确保您的电脑符合以下最低要求:- 操作系统:Windows 7/8/10 或 macOS 10.12/10.13/10.14- 处理器:Intel Core i5 或更高- 内存:8GB RAM 或更多- 存储:至少100MB的可用磁盘空间- USB 接口:USB 2.0 或更高速接口4. 使用指南4.1 开机1. 确保相机已插上充电器,或者电池电量充足。
2. 按下电源按钮,等待相机启动。
4.2 拍摄模式选择富士相机提供了多种拍摄模式,以满足不同用户的需求。
您可以通过以下步骤选择拍摄模式:1. 在相机背面的菜单按钮旁边,有一个拍摄模式按钮(通常是一个图标)。
2. 按下拍摄模式按钮,在LCD屏幕上显示可用的拍摄模式列表。
3. 使用相机的控制按钮或滚轮选择所需的拍摄模式。
4. 按下拍摄模式按钮确认选择。
4.3 快门和光圈设置为了获得最佳的拍摄效果,您可以根据实际需求调整快门速度和光圈大小。
以下是设置快门和光圈的步骤:1. 在相机背面的菜单按钮旁边,有一个快门和光圈设置按钮(通常是一个图标)。
2. 按下快门和光圈设置按钮,在LCD屏幕上显示可调整的选项。
3. 使用相机的控制按钮或滚轮调整所需的快门速度和光圈大小。
4. 按下快门和光圈设置按钮确认设置。
4.4 对焦和曝光调节富士相机提供多种对焦和曝光调节模式,以满足不同的拍摄需求。
i.roc x20 -Ex 产品说明书

i.roc x20 (-Ex)Pocket PCSafety instructions (Long version)P i c t u r e : i .r o c 620 -E x mobile experts CommunicationTorches/FlashlightsMobile ComputingMeasuring & CalibrationTable of contents1. General information about these instructions 32. Errors and load restrictions 33. Safety regulations – General safety instructions 44. Possible equipment, options and accessories 55. Information on wireless devices 66. Note for the European Union 67. Notes for the U.S.A. 68. Notes for Canada 69. Note for flights 710. Battery care 711. Repairs 712. Cleaning, maintenance and storage 713. Disposal 714. Warranty and liability 815. EC-Type Examination Certificate i.roc 620 -Ex 916. Declaration Statement i.roc 520 -Ex 1517. Certificat of Compliance 1818. Control Drawing 2019. Additional safety instructions for mining operations 21 Note:The current operating instructions, EC Declaration of Conformity and theEx-certificate are available for download from the relevant product page under ; alternatively they can be requested directly from the manufacturer.1. General information about these instructionsWith the purchase of this product from ecom instruments GmbH you have obtained a reliable, high-performance solution for everyday work in the industrial environ-ment.Before beginning operation, the associated documents should always be read carefully by skilled personnel. These safety instructions contain information and safety regulations that must be followed to ensure safe and reliable operation during installation, start-up, normal operation and shut-down of the unit under the described conditions. Non-observance of the information and instructions can have dangerous consequences and/or may contravene applicable regulations.In the event of any doubt or discrepancies (for example, due to translation or prin-ting errors), the German version of these safety instructions shall prevail. For legal purposes our …General terms and conditions“ shall also apply as a supplement to these instructions.We reserve the right to change the contents of this document without notice. No re-sponsibility is taken for the correctness of information provided in this publication. Specifically, this information does not contain any warranted characteristics. Any risks arising from the use of this information shall be borne by the user.The current version of this short version of the safety instructions, the long version of the safety instructions, of the …Introduction“ or …Getting started“ booklets, EC Declaration of Conformity and the Ex-certificate are available for download from the relevant product page under ; alternatively they can be reque-sted directly from ecom instruments GmbH.2. Errors and load restrictionsIf there is any risk that the safety or integrity of the unit has been compromised,the unit must be taken out of operation immediately and removed from the Ex-area without delay. Action must be taken to prevent the device from being accidentally placed into operation again.We recommend sending the unit back to ecom instruments GmbH to be examined. The safety and reliability of the unit may be at risk if, for example:- Damage is visible on the housing- The unit has been subjected to excessive loads for which it is not designed- The unit has been improperly stored- The unit has been damaged in transit- Labels or markings on the unit are illegible- Malfunctions occur- Permitted tolerances or threshold values have been exceeded- In the presence of firedamp, the i.roc 62* -Ex must be taken out of operation.3. Safety regulations – General safety instructionsPersons using the unit must observe the standard safety regulations and read the certificate to prevent incorrect operation or misuse of the unit.The following additional safety regulations must also be observed:- The unit must not be opened within the Ex-area.- The battery may only be changed by ecom instruments GmbH or aperson trained by ecom instruments GmbH outside of the Ex-area.- Additional or spare batteries must not be carried in the Ex-area.- The battery may only be charged outside the Ex-area with the designated charging device LG x10 or USB x10.- After the battery is charged, observe a waiting period of 3 minutes andconduct a brief functional test before taking it into the Ex-area.- Avoid using the unit in aggressive acidic or alkaline solutions.- Ensure that the i.roc 62* -Ex unit is not taken into Zone 0 or 20 areas.- Ensure that the i.roc 52* -Ex unit is not taken into Zone 1/0 or 21/20 areas.- Ensure that the i.roc 42* unit is not taken into the Ex-area.- Electromagnetic waves, which can arise with the i.roc when using WLAN or Bluetooth functions, can cause disturbances and endanger your health!Since no definite statements can currently be made about the immunity from disturbances of heart pacemakers, we recommend users of pacemakers to avoid using transmitters generally.- Do not transmit near persons with pacemakers!- Do not direct the infrared beam of the integrated IrDA, the LEDs of theoptional barcode imager, or the laser beam of the optional barcode reader at another person‘s eyes, or at other equipment unless you are sure that no malfunctions will result.- Permission to use electronic devices in aeroplanes is up to the respective airline. - Avoid effects of elevated heat: Do not place the device near heat sources, such as radiators, air-conditioner air exit openings, stoves or other devices (including amplifiers) that radiate heat.- Avoid effects of moisture.- Do not put any objects into the product: Do not put objects into the housing or other product openings. These openings must not be obstructed, blocked or covered.- Set-up: Never set up the product on a table, vehicle, stand or holder that is not stable. Follow the manufacturer‘s instructions when setting up or installing the product, and use the accessories recommended by the manufacturer for installation.- Adjust loudness: Reduce the volume before using earphones or other audio devices.4. Possible equipment, options and accessoriesThe basic version of the i.roc x20 can be fitted with optional device heads. These device heads may only be exchanged by ecom instruments GmbH or a person trained by ecom instruments GmbH outside of the Ex-area. Only the device heads and accessories listed in the long version of these safety instructions are approved for use in the Ex-area.4.1 PDA i.roc 420 Ruggedized Industrial PDARF x10 -Ex /AD 13,56 MHz RFID Read/Write Module (ISO 15693) RF x10 -Ex /AM 13,56 MHz RFID Read/Write ModuleRF x11 -Ex /AC 125 kHz RFID ReaderRF x11 -Ex /FE 125 kHz RFID ReaderRF x11 -Ex /AT 134 kHz RFID ReaderBC x10 -Ex 2D Barcode Imager ModuleBC 411 1D Laserscanner NON EXRS 410 Headmodule with serial connectorHS x10 -Ex Headset connector for HDC-9 Headset withmodified plugMCT202 Honeywell HART ModemPistolgrip HG x10 -ExHandgrip HG x11 -ExLeathercases4.2 Ex-PDA i.roc 520 -Ex ATEX Zone 2/22RF x10 -Ex /AD 13,56 MHz RFID Read/Write Module (ISO 15693) RF x10 -Ex /AM 13,56 MHz RFID Read/Write ModuleRF x11 -Ex /AC 125 kHz RFID ReaderRF x11 -Ex /FE 125 kHz RFID ReaderRF x11 -Ex /AT 134 kHz RFID ReaderBC x10 -Ex 2D Barcode Imager ModuleMCT202 Honeywell HART ModemPistolgrip HG x10 -ExHandgrip HG x11 -ExLeathercases4.3 Ex-PDA i.roc 527 -Ex FM Div 2RF x10 -Ex /AD 13,56 MHz RFID Read/Write Module (ISO 15693) RF x11 -Ex /AC 125 kHz RFID ReaderRF x11 -Ex /FE 125 kHz RFID ReaderRF x11 -Ex /AT 134 kHz RFID ReaderBC x10 -Ex 2D Barcode Imager ModuleMCT202 Honeywell HART ModemPistolgrip HG x10 -ExHandgrip HG x11 -ExLeathercases4.4 Ex-PDA i.roc 620 -Ex ATEX Zone 1/21RF x10 -Ex /AD 13,56 MHz RFID Read/Write Module (ISO 15693) RF x10 -Ex /AM 13,56 MHz RFID Read/Write ModuleRF x11 -Ex /AC 125 kHz RFID ReaderRF x11 -Ex /FE 125 kHz RFID ReaderRF x11 -Ex /AT 134 kHz RFID ReaderBC x10 -Ex 2D Barcode Imager ModuleMCT202 Honeywell HART ModemPistolgrip HG x10 -ExHandgrip HG x11 -ExLeathercases4.5 Ex-PDA i.roc 623 -Ex MiningRF x10 -Ex /AD 13,56 MHz RFID Read/Write Module (ISO 15693) RF x10 -Ex /AM 13,56 MHz RFID Read/Write ModuleRF x11 -Ex /AC 125 kHz RFID ReaderRF x11 -Ex /FE 125 kHz RFID ReaderRF x11 -Ex /AT 134 kHz RFID ReaderBC x10 -Ex 2D Barcode Imager ModulePistolgrip HG x10 -ExHandgrip HG x11 -ExLeathercases4.6 Ex-PDA i.roc 627 -Ex FM Div 1RF x10 -Ex /AD 13,56 MHz RFID Read/Write Module (ISO 15693) RF x11 -Ex /AC 125 kHz RFID ReaderRF x11 -Ex /FE 125 kHz RFID ReaderRF x11 -Ex /AT 134 kHz RFID ReaderBC x10 -Ex 2D Barcode Imager ModuleMCT202 Honeywell HART ModemPistolgrip HG x10 -ExHandgrip HG x11 -ExLeathercases5. Information on wireless devicesIn some environments, the use of wireless devices may be prohibited or restricted. This can be the case on aeroplanes, in hospitals, near explosive materials or under other dangerous conditions. If you are not certain what rules apply for using the device, ask permission before switching it on.6. Note for the European UnionThe WLAN function of this product in accordance with IEEE 802.11b and the Bluetooth function can be used in the following EU and EFTA countries: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Greece, United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovenia, Spain and Hungary. In France, onlycertain channels are available for the WLAN operation of this product under IEEE 802.11b (only channels 10, 11, 12 and 13). Special rules of the Autorité de régula-tion des télécommunications (ART), which permit the use of other channels, apply for hotspots. You can get information about local rules and authorisation from ART (http://www.art-telecom.fr)7. Notes for the U.S.A.High-frequency radiation can create a load. This device‘s radiation emission is be-low the FCC limits for high-frequency radiation. Still, the device should be operated so that contact with people is avoided as much as possible during normal operati-on. People should not stay near the antennas during normal operation to avoid the possibility that the FCC limits for high-frequency radiation may be exceeded.8. Notes for CanadaThe following conditions for operating this device should be observed: (1) This device must not generate interference and must (2) absorb interference received, even if this can lead to malfunctions in the device‘s operation. If the term …IC:“ appears before the licensing registration number, that means that the requirements under Industry Canada Standard have been met.9. Note for flightsPermission to use electronic devices in aeroplanes is up to the respective airline. 10. Battery care- The battery should be charged completely before the first use.- Note that the maximum capacity of the battery is achieved only after about six charging and discharging cycles.- Since the performance of batteries declines over time, they should be completely discharged occasionally to maintain their full capacity. When doing this, leave the unit turned on until it turns itself off. Then completely charge the battery outside the Ex-area.- Before any longer periods of non-use the battery must be fully charged and recharged regularly (every 3 months).11. RepairsRepair work is subject to the nationally valid regulations and directives. We there-fore recommend that such work be performed by ecom instruments GmbH, as all repairs must be examined to ensure functional safety.12. Cleaning, maintenance and storage- Only use a suitable cloth or sponge to clean the unit. Do not use solvents or abrasive cleaning agents to clean the unit.- We recommended having the function and the accuracy of the unit checked by ecom instruments GmbH every two years.- The storage temperature must remain within the specified limits!13. DisposalElectrical devices and …historic“ electrical devices of ecom instruments GmbH are transported to us for the obligatory disposal at our cost and are disposed free of charge in accordance with the European Directive 2002/96/EC and the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Law of 16 March 2005. The costs of transpor-ting the equipment to ecom instruments GmbH are to be borne by the sender.14. Warranty and liabilityUnder the general terms and conditions of business, ecom instruments GmbH offers a 2-year warranty for function and materials on this product under the speci-fied operating and maintenance conditions. Not covered are all wearing parts (e.g. batteries, displays, touch screens, etc). We give a manufacturer‘s warranty of six months especially for the supplied Ex-batteries.This warranty does not extend to products that have been used improperly, altered, neglected, damaged by accident or subjected to abnormal operating conditions or improper handling.In the event of a warranty claim, the faulty device should be sent in. We reserve the right to re-calibrate, repair or replace the device.The above warranty terms represent the sole rights of the purchaser to compensa-tion and apply exclusively and in place of all other contractual or statutory warranty obligations. ecom instruments GmbH does not accept liability for specific, direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages or losses, including the loss of data, regardless of whether they are caused by breach of warranty, lawful or unlawful actions, actions in good faith or other actions.If in certain countries the restriction of statutory warranty and the exclusion or re-striction of incidental or consequential damages is unlawful, then it may be possible that the above restrictions and exclusions do not apply for all purchasers. If any clause in these warranty terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a com-petent court, then such a judgement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other clause contained in these warranty terms.15. EC-Type Examination Certificate i.roc 620 -Ex Ex-PDA i.roc 620 -Ex ATEX Zone 1/2116. Declaration Statement i.roc 520 -Ex Ex-PDA i.roc 520 -Ex ATEX Zone 2/22Translation is in Work!17. Certificat of Compliance18. Control Drawing19. Additional safety instructions for mining operations19.1 NoteThese safety instructions contain information that must be followed to ensure safe and reliable operation of the i.roc 623 -Ex with mining approval.Please take the time to carefully read through the enclosed operating manual and the safety instructions before use!In the event of any doubt or discrepancies (e.g. due to errors in translation), the German version of the operating manual shall govern.19.2 Safety regulationsPersons using the mining-approved i.roc 623 -Ex must observe the standard safety regulations to prevent incorrect operation or use of the device. When using the mining version, the following must be observed:- Only the HDC 9 headset with modified connector may be used on the headset socket of devices that are additionally fitted with the HS x10 headset connection in the device head.- In the presence of firedamp, the i.roc 623 -Ex must be taken out of operation. 19.3 Ex-dataEC-type examination certificate no.: IBExU 04 ATEX 1200212219.4 EC Declaration of ConformityEx-PDA i.roc 623 -ExMining23242526ecom instruments GmbH · Industriestr. 2 · 97959 Assamstadt · Germany Tel.:+49(0)6294/42240·Fax:+49(0)6294/422490·E-Mail:***************** WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 934 993063500 AL05 A00 05/06 Subject to change without notice!Communication Torches/FlashlightsMobile ComputingMeasuring & Calibration。

复古依旧性能提升富士X20深度评测复古依旧性能提升富士X20深度评测2013-03-20 06:11 【中关村在线原创】作者:陈帅 | 责编:商皛经典的传承 早在两年以前,富士X100以旁轴旗舰的姿态出现,其复古的造型以及扎实的用料,都在当时堪称是经典之作。
富士X20采用了X-Trans CMOS II传感器 富士X20的升级很全面。
新研发的1200万像素、2/3英寸的X-Trans CMOS II传感器,不仅内置了相位差/反差混合对焦系统,并且还取消了光学低通滤镜,因此可以预见的是,该机将会在自动对焦的速度以及照片的分辨率上有所提升。
而这次X20的取景器搭载了一块新研发的厚度小于1mm的Digital Trans Panel(电子通透液晶屏),可以显示部分拍摄相关的数据,对使用者而言,便利性得到了增强。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
正常现象。 当长时间拍摄或观 看图像时, 请使用 AC 电源适配 器。
2 照相机使用的是 AA 碱性
电池、锂电池或可充电镍 氢(镍金属氢化物)电池
* 有关您可使用的电池的详细信 息, 请参阅相机的用户手册。
■ 使用电池的注意事项
• 请勿加热电池或将电池扔进火 中。 • 请勿将电池触碰金属物体, 如 项链或发夹。 • 请勿将电池浸入水中, 弄湿电 池或将电池存放在潮湿场所。 • 请勿拆卸或改装电池, 包括电 池的外壳。 • 请勿让电池受到强烈冲击。 • 请勿使用有泄漏、变形、变色 现象的电池。 • 请勿将电池存放在高温或潮湿 的地方。 • 请将电池存放在婴儿和儿童够 不着的地方。 • 确认电池按照极性标志 (C 和 D) 正确安装。 • 请勿混用新旧电池。 请勿混用 已充电电池和未充电的电池。 • 请勿混用不同型号或品牌的电
表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/ T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。 备注 ○: ×: 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。 “X (铅) 属欧盟 RoHS 指令的豁免范围之列。“X (Pb)” exempted from the application of EU RoHS. ” / is
下述标识表示误操作或忽略标识的警告信息可能造成的严重后 果。 该标识表示若忽略该信息, 将会造成死亡或严重伤 害。 该标识表示若忽略该信息, 将会造成人身伤害或物质 损失。
请勿在浴室 中使用相机。
警告 注意
请勿触摸内 部部件。
下述图标表示必须遵守的信息性质。 三角标志表示此信息需要注意 “重要” 。 ( ) 圆形标志加一斜线表示禁止行为 “禁止” 。 ( ) 实心圆形加一惊叹号表示用户必须执行的操作 “必 ( 须操作” 。 )
若发生故障, 请关闭相机, 取出电池, 断开并拔下 AC 电 源适配器。 在相机冒烟、 散发异味或出现其他异常情况时, 如果继 续使用, 可能导致火灾或触电。 • 请与 FUJIFILM 销售代理商联系。
拔出电源 插头。
安全须知 警告
请勿加热、 改装或拆卸电池。 请勿摔落或使电池受到撞 击。 请勿将电池保存在金属容器中。 请勿使用非指定电 池充电器给电池充电。 上述任何一种行为都可能导致电池爆炸或电解液泄 漏, 进而引起火灾或人身伤害。 只能使用指定用于本相机的电池或 AC 电源适配器。 请 勿使用超出额定电压范围的电源。 使用其他电源可能会引起火灾。 若电池渗漏, 并接触到眼睛、 皮肤或衣物, 请迅速用干 净的水冲洗接触部位, 并采取医疗措施。 请勿用本充电器给非本手册指定的电池充电。 本充电器是专为富士 HR-AA 镍氢 (Ni-MH) 电池而设计 的。 用该充电器给一般电池或其他类型的可充电电池 充电可能引起电池漏液、 过热或爆炸。 若电池更换不正确, 则可能引起爆炸。 请仅使用相同或 同等类型的电池进行更换。 请勿在具有易燃物品、 爆炸性气体或粉尘的环境中使 用。 携带电池时, 请将它装入数码相机或放在硬盒内。 贮藏 电池时, 请将其放在硬质包装盒中。在丢弃电池时, 请 用绝缘带封住电池端子。 否则与其他金属物品或电池接触时, 可能会引起电池 起火或爆炸。 请将存储卡存放在儿童够不着的地方。 由于存储卡很小, 可能会被幼儿意外误吞。 请务必将存 储卡存放在幼儿够不着的地方。 万一儿童误吞存储卡, 请立即采取医疗措施。
部件名称 本体 外壳(金属部件 ) 外壳( 树脂部件 ) 传感器部件 显示部件 光学部件 基板部件 电 ) 池 外壳(金属部件 充 外壳( 树脂部件 ) 电 器 基板部件 电缆部件 电缆 电池 光盘 铅 Pb) (Pb)
× ○ ○ ○ × × × ○ × × × ×
请勿在充满油烟、 水蒸气、 潮湿或有灰尘的地方使用本 相机。 否则可能会导致火灾或触电。 请勿将相机放在极端高温的地方。 请勿将相机放在封闭的汽车或阳光直射的地方。 否则 可能会导致火灾。
* 请在阅读下列说明以前先确认电池 类型。
下文说明正确使用电池和延长 其使用寿命的方法。 错误使用电 池会造成电池寿命缩短, 以及漏 液、 过热、 燃烧或爆炸。
请存放在儿童够不着的地方。 本产品在儿童手中可能导致伤害。 请勿将重物压在相机上。 否则可能会导致重物翻落而引起损害。 请勿在 AC 电源适配器与相机相连时移动相机。 断开 AC 电源适配器时不要直接拽拉连接线。 否则可能会损伤电源线或电缆而导致火灾或触电。 当插头损坏或插头与插座的连接松弛时, 请勿使用 AC 电源适配器。 否则可能会导致火灾或触电。 请勿用布或毯子盖住相机和 AC 电源适配器。 否则可能会使表面温度升高, 导致外壳变形或引起火灾。 当清洁相机或准备长期不使用相机时, 请取出电池, 断 开并拔出 AC 电源适配器。 否则可能引起火灾或触电。 充电结束后, 请将充电器从电源插座上拔出。 让充电器留在电源插座中可能会引起火灾。 使用闪光灯时, 太靠近眼睛, 可能会暂时性影响视力。 拍摄婴孩和幼儿时, 需特别小心。 取出存储卡时, 卡可能会飞出插槽。 请用手指将其捏 住, 然后轻轻取出。 请定期对相机内部进行检查和清洁。 相机内部积累的灰尘可能引起火灾或触电。 • 请与 FUTFILM 销售代理商联系, 每两年进行一次内部 清洗。 • 请注意此项并非免费服务。 闪光灯闪光之前请将手指从闪光灯窗口移开。 否则将可能导致灼伤。 请保持闪光灯窗口的清洁, 该窗口被遮挡时勿使用闪 光灯。 否则可能会导致冒烟或褪色。
1 相机使用充电锂离子电池
* 出厂时电池未充足电。使用之 前请务必先给电池充电。 * 携带电池时, 请将其装入数码 相机或放在软包内。
■ 电池特性
• 即使闲置不用, 电池也会逐渐 放电。请使用最近 (过去一两 天 )充 过 电 的 电 池 来 拍 摄 照 片。 • 为了最大限度地延长电池的使 用寿命, 当闲置不用时应尽快 关闭相机。 • 在寒冷地带或温度较低的条件 下, 电池的可拍摄次数将减少。 应随身携带已充足电的备用电 池。 为了增大功率输出, 可将电 池放在衣袋或其他温暖的地方 加温, 并在临近拍摄时再装入 相机。 当使用发热垫时, 请注意不要
池。 ■ 关于正确使用 5 号镍氢 • 如果长期不使用相机, 请将电 (Ni-MH)电池的注意事项 池从相机中取出。 请注意, 如果 • 长期存放、 闲置 Ni-MH 电池会 相机长期未装电池, 时间和日 导致“失去活性” 另外, 。 如果 期设置将会被清除。 反复给未充分放电的 Ni-MH 电 • 电池在刚使用过后, 摸上去会 池充电, 会产生所谓的 “记忆效 很热。 在取出电池前, 请先关闭 应” “失去活性”或产生 。 “记 相机, 等电池冷却后再取出。 忆效应” Ni-MH 电池, 的 充电 • 由于在寒冷天气或温度较低的 后只能维持很短的供电时间。 场所电池表现不佳, 使用前请 为了避免这种问题, 请利用相机 先在衣袋内温暖一下电池。寒 “充电电池放电” 功能, 对电池 冷条件下电池无法正常工作。 反复多次进行放电、 充电。 失去 当温度恢复时, 电池也会恢复 活性和记忆效应是 Ni-MH 电池 正常。 的特性, 不是真正意义上的电 • 电池端子如沾有指印等污迹, 池故障。 会使充电量减少, 导致可拍摄 关于“充电电池放电”的操作 次数明显减少。将电池装入前 步骤, 请参阅用户手册。 请使用柔软的干布仔细擦拭电 注意 池端子。 使 用 碱 性干电池 时, 请勿使 用 如果发生电解液泄漏, 请 “充电电池放电” 功能。 彻底擦干净电池盒, 然后再 • 请使用快速充电器 (另售) 来 装入新电池。 给 Ni-MH 电池充电。 为确保正 如 果 电 解 液 粘 到 手 或 衣 确使用充电器, 请参考充电器 服, 请用水彻底冲洗。 请注 附带的说明书。 意如果电解液进入眼睛, • 请勿用本充电器给其它电池充 可能导致失明。如果发生 电。 这种 情况, 请不要用手 揉 • 请注意刚刚充电的电池摸上去 眼睛。 请用清水将电解液冲 可能很热。 洗后求医。 • 由于相机结构方面原因, 即使 在关机时也有少量电流消耗。 应特别注意, Ni-MH 电池长 将 时间置于相机中会导致电池过 度放电, 即使再充电也不能使 用。 • 即使不使用, Ni-MH 电池也会自 动放电, 这会导致其可用时间 缩短。 • 若被过度放电 (例如, 用闪光灯 使电池放电) Ni-MH 电池会迅 , 速老化。请使用相机的“充电 电池放电” 功能对电池进行放 电。 • Ni-MH 电池具有有限的使用寿 命。若即使对电池反复重复放 电 - 充电过程, 也只能使用很 短的时间, 该电池可能已到达 使用寿命。 • 该 AC 电源适配器只能用于室 内。 • 请将电源插头牢固地插入 FUJIFILM 数码相机的 DC 输入 端口。 • 将电源插头从 FUJIFILM 数码相 机的 DC 输入端口拔出之前, 请 先关闭相机。 拔出电源线时, 请 握住插头部分慢慢拔出。 请勿 直接拽拉缆线。 • 请勿将 AC 电源适配器用于相 机以外的其他设备。 • 使用过程中, AC 电源适配器 该 会很烫。 这是正常现象。 • 请勿拆卸 AC 电源适配器。 否则 可能导致危险。 • 请勿在高温、潮湿环境中使用 AC 电源适配器。 ■ 废弃电池的处理 • 请勿使 AC 电源适配器受到强 • 处理废弃电池时, 请务必遵守 烈撞击。 当地的有关法规。 • AC 电源适配器在使用过程中 可能发出嗡嗡声。这是正常现 3 两种型号( 1 , 2 )的注 象。 意事项 • 如果在收音机附近使用, 电 AC ■ AC 电源选配器 源适配器可能会引起静电。若 相机只能使用 AC 电源适配器。 出现这种情况, 请将相机与收 若使用 FUJIFILM AC 电源适配器 音机保持一定距离。 之外的其它 AC 电源适配器, 可 能会损坏您的数码相机。 有关 AC 电源适配器的详细说 明, 请参阅相机的用户手册。