新世纪英语 高一下 Translation of Unit 3(book2)

Translation of Unit 3(book2)1. 要强调孩子们的教育。
(emphasis)More emphasis should be put on children’s education.2. 他同桌叫他绰号,他感到被冒犯了。
(offend)He felt that he was offended when his desk mate called him by his nickname.3. 如果你足够仔细,许多这样的错误都能避免。
(avoid)If you are careful enough, many such mistakes can be avoided.4. 为了避免被敌人发现,士兵们躲在树后。
(avoid)To avoid being found by the enemy, the soldiers hid themselves behind the trees.5. 由于所有的座位都有人,我们不得不站着看电影。
(occupy)Because all the seats had been occupied, we had to stand and sea the movie.6. 上网占据了我大部分空余时间。
(occupy)Surfing the Internet occupies most of my spare time.7. 她为没有照顾好她儿子而感到难过。
(for doing)She felt sorry for not taking good care of her son.8.当你和外国人交谈时,应该避免谈论个人隐私。
(avoid)When you talk with foreigners, you should avoid talking about personal matters.9. 我很抱歉的通知你:我不能参加这个聚会。
( regret)I regret to inform you that I can’t join the party.10. 我记不得以前见过他。

加 开心的 分开 方面 专心,注意,注意力 专心地,留心地 引起对…的兴趣 培育;品种 浏览 浏览器 小圆面包,小圆甜糕 点 储藏柜,陈列柜 旧式四轮载客马车 二轮客车或货车 漫画画家 天花板,平顶 小教堂 闲聊,闲谈 基督 基督徒 点击 创造,杜撰 好笑的 意见,评论 通讯手段 一对夫妇,一对 手艺人 发明,创作 提示,暗示 文化上的 与电脑有关的,与互 联网上信息传递有关 的 装饰物 示范,演示 侦探,警探 数字的,数码的 失望的,灰心的 图画 (使)变大,扩大 表情 面部的,脸上的 品种稀奇的;别致的 使着迷,使神魂颠倒 迷人的事物,吸引力
做出努力,奋斗;斗 争,争斗 款式 阳光,日照 超级英雄 冲浪, 外科医生 同情,同情心 症状 技巧,技术 思考 建议 烤,烘 张口结舌的,说不出 话的 话题,题目,论题 方向,移动线路;追 踪 传统上 时髦,时尚,趋势 普通的,一般的 向上 讲,说 变化 作坊,车间 全世界的,全世界范 围的;在全世界,遍 及全世界
addition amused apart aspect attention attentively attract breed browse browser bun cabinet carriage cart cartoonist ceiling chapel chat christ christion click coin comic comment communication couple craftsman create cue cultural cyber decoration demonstrate detective digital disappointed drawing expand express facial fancy fascinate fascination

all through one's life [] 一生all walks of life [] 各行各业be involved in [] 参与;忙于bellboy ['belb3i] n.(宾馆里工作的)青年男服务员biology [bai'3l4d9i] n.生物学cabinet ['k1binit] n.储藏柜,陈列框career [k4'ri4] n.事业,职业challenging ['t51lind9i6] adj.具有挑战性的check in [] 签到chef [5ef] n.厨师,(尤指饭馆、宾馆的)厨师长composer [k3m'p4uz4] n.作曲家course [k3:s] n.课程;一道菜decision [di'si94n] n.决定,抉择demanding [di'm2:ndi6; (US) di'm1ndi6] adj.要求高的;费力的;需要技术的disagree [.dis4'gri:] v.不同意;有不合even though [] 虽然,虽然fashion ['f154n] n.时装,时尚file [fail] n.档案,卷宗file cabinet [] 档案柜gain [gein] v.取得graduate ['gr1djueit, -d9ueit] n.毕业生grateful ['greitful] adj.感激的,感激的greengrocer ['gri:ngr4us4(r)] n.蔬菜水果商hairstyle ['he4stail] n.发型,发式impact ['imp1kt] n.影响;作用institution [.insti'tju:54n] n.机构introduction [.intr4'd8k54n] n.介绍,入门指导make a decision [] 作决定management ['m1nid9m4nt] n.管理,经营meaningful ['mi:ni6ful] adj.成心义的,重要的,有效的model ['m3dl] n.时装模特organ ['3:g4n] n.器官partner ['p2:tn4] n.合股人patient ['pei54nt] n.病人,患者practise medicine [] 行医professional [pr4'fe54nl] n.专业人员adj.专业的,职业的rewarding [ri'w3:di6] adj.值得做的,成心义的salary ['s1l4ri] n.薪金,薪水style [stail] n.样式successful [s4k'sesful] addj成功的suitcase ['sju:tkeis] n.手提箱surgeon ['s4:d94n] 外科医生swan [sw3n] n.天鹅Swan Lake [] 芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》take an interest in [] 对……产生兴趣Tchaikovsky [t5ai'k3fski] 柴可夫斯基the difference between life and death [] 生死攸关tip [tip] n.小费tiring ['tai4i6] adj.令人困倦的;令人疲劳的traditionally [tr4'di54n4li] adv.传统上trend [trend] n.时兴,时尚;趋势try one's best [] 尽最大尽力a great number of [] 许多(后接可数名词)absent-minded [.1bs4nt'maindid] adj.健忘的;心不在焉的ambitious [1m'bi54s] adj.有理想的,野心勃勃的at an early age [] 年纪还小时Beethoven ['beith4uvn] 贝多芬by the time [] 到……之前;不迟于can't help but do something [] 忍不住做某事capable ['keip4bl] adj.熟练的,能干的ceiling ['si:li6] n.天花板;平顶chapel ['t51p4l] n.小教堂conduct ['k3nd8kt; k4n'd8kt] v.指挥craftsman ['kr2:ftsm4n] n.手艺人creative [kri(:)'eitiv] adj.创造性的deaf [def] adj.耳聋的,失聪的deed [di:d] n.行动,行为develop [di'vel4p] v.冲印(底片);使(底片)显影edge [ed9] n.边,边缘equip [i'kwip] v.配备,装备except for [] 除fascination [f1si'nei5(4)n] n.迷人的事物,吸引力feed [fi:d] v.逐渐放入,导入film [film] n.胶片,软片go through [] 经历handicapped ['h1ndik1pt] adj.残疾的,弱智的heroic [hi'r4uik] adj.英勇的,英雄的impatient [im'pei54nt] adj.不耐烦的,无耐心的keep something in order [] 使某物(寄存)有序leading ['li:di6] adj.最好的,最重要的,最成功的masterpicec [] n.杰作,名作,代表作measure ['me94] v.仅仅,只不过Michelangelo [.maikil'1nd9il4u] 米开朗琪罗modest ['m3dist] adj.谦虚的,谦让的on the right track [] 做对了,摸着路子orderly ['3:d4li] adj.有序的,整齐的outstanding [aut'st1ndi6] adj.杰出的overseas ['4uv4'si:z] adj.来自(发生在)外国的adv.向(在)海外(国外) plate [pleit] adj.金属板regard [ri'g2:d] v.把……看做,视为n.关心,关注remove [ri'mu:v] v.移动,移开satisfied ['s1tisfaid] adj.满意的,知足的schooling ['sku:li6] n.学校教育sculptor ['sk8lpt4(r)] n.雕刻家,雕塑家sculpture ['sk8lpt54] n.雕刻艺术,雕塑艺术,雕刻作品,雕塑作品selfless ['selflis] adj.无私的,忘我的shut up somebody [] 把某人隔离Sistine Chapel [] (罗马梵蒂冈的)西斯廷教堂technician [tek'ni5(4)n] n.技师,技术员totally ['t3t(4)li] adv.完全地tricky ['triki] adj.难处置的,棘手的trust [tr8st] v.信赖,信赖turn down [.t4:n 'daun] 拒绝upward ['8pw4d] adv.(又作upwards)向上well-built [.wel'bilt] adj.(人)体魄健壮折,结实的workshop ['w4:k53p] n.作坊,车间X-ray ['eksrei] 射线,X光amount [4'maunt] n.数量,总数,总额appointment [4'p3intm4nt] n.约定,约会attention [4'ten54n] n.专心,注意,注意力attentively [4'tentivli] adv专心(地)留意(地)behavior [bi'heivj4] n.举止,行为belief [bi'li:f] n.相信,信心,信赖,信仰call off/cancel an appointment [] 取消约会/预约chat [t51t] v.闲聊,闲谈comment ['k3ment] n.意见,评论common ['k3m4n] adj.大量的;常见的,多发的critical ['kritik4l] adj.评判性的,判断审慎公正的cue [kju:] n.提示,暗示deadline ['dedlain] n.最后期限,截止时间dentist ['dentist] n.牙医expression [ik'spre54n] n.表情facial ['fei54l] adj.脸部的,脸上的feel like doiing something. [] 想要做……financial [fai'n1n54l] adj.金融的flow [fl4u] v.(发言或文笔)流畅forgetful [f4'getful] adj.健忘的,爱忘事的generally ['d9en4r4li] adj.普通的guilty ['gilti] adj.羞愧的,内疚的indicate ['indikeit] v.表明,表示keep an appointment [] 守约lauch into [] 突然开始……launch [l3:nt5, l2:nt5] v.发动,发起lead to [] 致使leisure ['le94; 'li:94] n.空闲,闲暇lie on one's back [] 仰卧make an appointment [] 与某人约会marriage ['m1rid9] n.婚姻meaning ['mi:ni6] n.意义,意思,含义naturally ['n1t54r4li] adv.正常地,自然地normal ['n3:m4l] adj.正常的,平常的open-ended [] adj.无穷制的oversight ['4uv4sait] n.疏忽,失察owe [4u] v.感激(某人);亏欠perfect ['p4:fikt] adj.最适当的;理想的personal ['p4:s4nl] adj.私人的,个人的political [p4'litik4l] n.政治(政党)的,与政治(政党)有关的positive ['p3zitiv] adj.踊跃的,乐观的psychologist [sai'k3l4d9ist] n.心理学家put off an appointment [] 推延约会/预约regret [ri'gret] n.惋惜,抱歉relationship [ri'lei54n5ip] n.关系religion [ri'lid94n] n.宗教信仰religious [ri'lid94s] adj.宗教的respond [ris'p3nd] v.回答ruin [ruin; 'ru:in] v.完全毁掉,损坏schedule ['sked9ul] n.计划表,日程表shame [5eim] n.羞耻,惭愧share [5A4] v.告知;分享show up [] 到场,露面small talk [] 闲谈,聊天social ['s4u54l] adj.社交的,交际的somewhat ['s8m(h)w3t] adv.有点儿,有几分stare [ste4(r)] v.凝望,盯着看starter ['st2:t4] n.第一道菜,开胃小吃stick to [] 紧扣(某主题)subway ['s8bwei] n.(美)地下铁路,地铁technical ['teknik4l] adj.技术的,技术的think to oneself [] 心里想tip [tip] n.建议tongue-tied [] adj.(尢指因尴尬而)张口结舌的,说不出话的topic ['t3pik] n.话题,题目,论题track [tr1k] n.方向,移动线路v.追踪universal [.ju:ni'v4:s4l] adj.普遍的,一般的utter ['8t4] v.讲,说what a shame [] ……真遗憾!多可惜啊!what if [] 若是……将会怎么样without regard to/for [] 不考虑,不顾a big deal [] 重要的事情annual ['1nju4l] adj.一年一度的at the stroke of midnight [] 午夜钟声最后一响时balloon [b4'lu:n] n.气球Bank Holiday [] 银行假日be connected with [] 与……有关Boxing Day [] 节礼日bun [b8n] n.小圆面包;小圆甜糕点calendar ['k1l4nd4] n.日历,月历challenge ['t51lind9] n.挑战,考验Christ [kraist] n.基督Christian ['krist54n] n.基督徒Christmas Eve [] 圣诞前夜count down [] (重要事件发生前)倒记时cracker ['kr1k4] n.爆竹,鞭炮decoration [.dek4'rei54n] n.装饰物disappointed [.dis4'p3intid] adj.失望的,悲观的disappointment [.dis4'p3intm4nt] n.令人失望的人(或物) Easter ['i:st4] 复活节enormous [i'n3:m4s] adj.(尺寸或数量)庞大的,庞大的fall on [] 在(某一天)family reunion [] 家庭团聚feast [fi:st] n.盛宴,盛会fireplace ['fai4pleis] n.壁炉fortune ['f3:t54n] n.运气;命运giant ['d9ai4nt] adj.庞大的,特大的Good Friday [] (基督教)受难节goose [gu:s] n.鹅harvist [] n.收获季节;收成have several weeks off [] 放几礼拜的假Indian ['indj4n] n.美洲印弟安人keep away [] 使……远离,使……不接近kingdom ['ki6d4m] n.王国let off [] 使点燃,使爆炸lower ['l4u4] v.降下adj.较下面的,基层的major ['meid94] adj.主要的Mexican ['meksik4n] n.墨西哥人的,墨西哥的adj.midnight ['] n.子夜,午夜misfortune [mis'f3:t54n] n.不幸,恶运occasion [4'kei94n] n.(某事发生的)时刻,时候,时节packet ['p1kit] n.小纸包,硬板盒parade [p4'reid] n.(庆贺)游行particular [p4'tikjul4] adj.特定的,各个的pattern ['p1t4n] n.式样,花腔prosperous ['pr3sp4r4s] n.成功的,发达的,繁荣的pudding ['pudi6] n.布丁,甜点relative ['rel4tiv] n.亲戚adj.相对的,比较的renew [ri'nju:] v.使更新,使恢复reunion [ri:'ju:nj4n] n.重聚round off [] 使……圆满结束settler ['setl4] n.移居者,居住者silver ['silv4] n.银adj.银制的,银(白)色的sit down to…[] 坐下来从事……,开始进行……solar ['s4ul4] adj.太阳的,与太阳有关的specialize ['spe54laiz] v.专门从事,专攻specialty ['spe54lti] n.特色食物,特色菜spectator [spek'teit4;'spekteit4] n.观看者,观众stroke [str4uk] n.(钟、铃等)一次鸣响symbolize ['simb4laiz] v.象征theme [7i:m] n.主题toast [t4ust] v.烤,烘turn over a new leaf [] 掀开新的一页United Kingdom [ju:'naitid 'ki6d4m] 联合王国(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的简称,即英国)vary ['vA4ri] v.转变view [vju:] v.看待(某事物),考虑after a while [] 过了一会all of a sudden [] 突然apart [4'p2:t] adv.分开bark [b2:k] v.(狗等动物)吠,叫breathe [bri:0] v.呼吸breed [bri:d] v.培育;驯养。

Unit 51我们是好朋友,可他居然将这么大的一件事瞒着我,实在令我吃惊。
We are good friends; however, he kept such an important matter from me, which took me by surprise.2考试得不得一百分不要紧。
It doesn’t matter if you can not get full marks for the exam; what matters is not to lose con fidence in yourself.3昨天晚上他和我聊天,并安慰我说,这种病并不难治,还没人死于这种病。
He chatted with me last night and reassured me that the disease was not hard to cure and that nobody had ever died of it.4她决心用钢铁般的意志来克服生活中的种种障碍。
She was determined to overcome all the obstacles in her life with a will of iron.5事实是他早就收到我的钱了,却有意不给我回条确认。
It turned out that he had already received my money, but did not acknowledge the receipt of it on purpose. This really drove me crazy.6他是个害羞和沉静的男孩,在走上讲台叙述自己的经历之前,他悄悄地坐在礼堂的一角集思冥想。
He is a shy and silent boy. Before he went onto the stage to share his experiences, he sat quietly in a corner of the auditorium, gathering his thoughts.7他当场承认他要出国留学,因为他相信国外的教育会给他将来的研究工作打开大门。
高一新世纪第二学期Unit 4中文

…放几周假来欢度21.…….?/ …….? 你认为。
挑剔,讲究U51. 四条腿的朋友2. 一群羊3. 给某人一个真实的画面4. 在历史上5. 充当卫士6. 抚养一个孩子7. 除了。
之外还有8. 在某种程度上9. 与某人分享某物10. 陪伴某人11. 依赖某人做某事/获取某物12. 把,,,区分开来13. 敏锐的嗅觉14. 克服困难15. 思考某事16. 走完了160公里的路17. 露面、出现18. 在隆冬19. 不是。
而是20. 改变习性21. 传递某物给某人22. 被感染。
23. 易传染的疾病24. 显示出。
症状25. 必然,一定会26. 阻止某人做某事27. 仍然。
28. 预防29. 携带一种疾病30. 跟往常一样31.遛狗32. 还是。
为好33. 很有可能做某事34 依次。
轮流35. 突然37. 发出喊叫声38. 朝。
艰难走去39. 在任何阶段40 高声喊叫41.吵吵闹闹U61.觉得做某事很难2. 用语言来表达他们的情感3. 努力寻找4. 新的表达请感的方式5. 除了6. 到19世纪末为止7. 与此同时8. 形成、产生9. 处置、处理10. 有趣的东西11. 一套幽默的连坏画12. 讲一个故事13. 成绩报告单14. 用一种很不同寻常的方式15. 被绑到。
上海市高一上英语(新世纪版)U2 Additional Reading翻译

上海市高一上英语(新世纪版)U2 Additional Reading翻译Jim CorriganJim Corrigan, a well-built man in his late 20’s ,works in a large hospital. Jim is an X-ray technician. It is his job to develop the many X-ray films that are taken of people’s lungs, stomachs and other body part.吉姆Corrigan,建设一个好的男人在他20年代后期,在大医院工作。
Jim works in a darkroom, a room that is specially equipped for developing film. First he removes the film from the lead plates that are used to hold it. Then he feeds the film into a developing machine. It takes about 90 seconds for it to develop. The film is then ready to be examined by a doctor.吉姆在暗房里工作,一个是专门配备洗片室。
Jim’s work is important, and both doctors and patients eagerly, often worriedly, wait for the results of his work. Jim doesn’t keep them waiting too long. H e is quick and orderly at his job. This would not be unusual except for the fact that Jim Corrigan is blind.吉姆的工作是重要的,医生和病人都,经常苦恼,等待他工作的结果。

All walks of life 各行各业Grown up 长大成人Grown-up 成人Take up 开始从事,占用Be made up of=consist of=be composed of ……由……组成In the future 将来 in future 从此Give sb. some idea 让某人赢得Educational institutions 教育机构In society 社会上Be involved in 把某人牵涉到…… involve doing 涉及做A ll through one’s life 一生Operate on 为……做手术 perform the operation 做手术No longer work properly 功能失常no longer=not……any more不再Take care of 照顾Medical treatment 医疗治疗Mean the difference between life and death 决定生死Answer telephone calls 接电话Receive(=greetpeople 接待In good order 整齐有序File cabinet 档案柜Work out 计算出Wear the latest styles of clothes 穿着最时尚的服饰A large audience 许多观众A large number of +[C]Follow trends 赶时髦Dress sb. / dress oneself 为某人穿衣 be dressed in 穿着……Admire sb. For sth. 因……佩服某人(n.)admirationAt the end of 在……末In fact=actually=as a matter of fact 事实上High school graduate 高中毕业Practice medicine 行医Even though 虽然,尽管Insist on doing 坚持做某事Insist that + clause 坚持说Insist that … (should do 坚持要求Make up one’s mind 下决心On (theone hand 一方面On the other hand 另一方面Disagree with 不同意Right now 立即Attitude towards 对…态度Be grateful to sb. For sth. 为…感谢某人Force sb. to do 强迫某人做某事Take an interest in 对…产生兴趣Make a decision 做决定(all on one’s own 独立的Give up doing 放弃。
高一上英语新世纪unit 6翻译句子

unit 6Translations1.到期末考试来临时,我才意识到努力学习的重要性。
(give in)4.50年前拍的《罗马假日》一直是人们最喜欢的电影之一。
(range v.)6.那些孩子们很难应付。
(find it)10. 看到自己的学生在英语比赛中获得一等奖,刘老师的喜悦之情难以言表。
(put)11. 看了那些现代画后,有些人觉得自己的感受难以用语言来表达。
(put … into words)12. 外科医生正在忙着做手术,眼下你不能和他通话。
(for the moment)13. 我买到了一套意大利新邮票;他们的印刷技术仍旧是传统的。
(a set of)14. 史诺比在50年前就是老少皆宜的漫画作品了。
(people of all ages)15. 没有严格训练而想在比赛中取胜是不可能的。
(out of the question)16. 作为一种表达我们感情的手段,漫画是成功的。
(means of expressing our feelings)17. 手工绘画的漫画将来是不会被电脑绘制的漫画取代的。
(take the place of)Unit 610.到期末考试来临时,我才意识到努力学习的重要性。
(until)I didn’t realize the importance of studying hard until the final examination came.11.随着家庭影院技术的进步,越来越多的人宁愿在家里享受超级巨片而不是影院。

新世纪英语高一第二学期1、There is no feeling like …没有什么感觉比得上,感觉无与伦比There is no + n、 + like 没有什么…比得上[拓展]There is no hope of There is no chance that There is no telling of There is no knowing of2、 There I stood、我站在那里there/here位于句首,若句子主语是名词到装;若句子主语是代词不倒装3、 look up at sth、仰视,仰望4、 be located= be situated = be sited = lie 坐落于5、 storey pl storeys 楼房共有几层story pl storiesa three-storey/storeyed building三层楼的房屋 three-story/storied6、 tower over/above sb/sth 远高于周围的人或物7、 sth be beautiful to look at主动形式e、g、 The work is easy to do、Fish may not be safe to eat、8、 in one’s right mind 思维正常的9、 prepare for sth 为(应对)…做准备prepare sth 准备某事(动作直接落在事情上)e、g、prepare a meal/one’s lessons 做饭,备课prepare a test 准备考试(老师出考卷)prepare for a test 为考试准备(学生复习应考)10、 be prepared to do (有能力且愿意做某事)打算,准备做某事be prepared for sth对…有准备11、make preparations for为…做准备in preparation for 以备,为…做准备without ~ 无准备地12、 take a special class 上专门的课13、 store personal belongings 放好个人物品14、 change into special climbing clothes 换上专用爬山服change into换衣15、 use the safety belt 使用安全带16、 climb the steep ladders 攀爬陡峭的楼梯17、 little personal radios 个人无线电接受设备18、 receive instructions 接受指令follow instructions 遵从指示give instructions 发出指令19、 expectations build期望增强20、 in expectation of sth 希望某种情况against all one’s expectations 出乎意料beyond expectation21、expect sb、/sth、预期…; 期望expect (sb、)to do预期(某人)做某事expect that…预期…; 期望22、 the road part of the bridge 路桥23、 be afraid of heights 恐高24、 lead to 通向25、 speed by 疾驰而过26、 The wind blows fiercely、风刮得很猛,风呼啸着27、 come into view 映入眼帘28、approach ①vt、 (时间,空间)走近,靠近e、g、 approach the town 接近城镇approach adulthood 接近成年Christmas is approaching 圣诞节临近② n、接近,通道,入口,方法e、g、 the approach to the airport 通往机场的路the approach to language teaching语言教学的方法29、 a bird’s eye view of 鸟瞰30、 extend 时间,空间的延长e、g、 We extended our visit、The road extends for miles、31、in all directions 向四面八方in the direction of 向…方向32、 feel proud of = take pride in 以…为豪33、 be ready to do 准备做…,乐意做…34、it is the time to do… 到了做…的时候35、 in an instant 立即马上pass in an instant 瞬间即逝36、 the instant = instantly = as soon as37、the memory of …的记忆38、 unique (无比较和最高级)独特的,独一无二的39、 for a lifetime 一生ADDITONAL READING1、tourist brochure 旅游宣传册2、 advertising campaign 广告宣传,宣传大战3、 and rightly so 的确是这样4、 greet sb (with sth)问候,致意sb be greeted with 给以某种反响,引起5、 rent sth from sb 租借,租用rent sth (out)to sb/rent sb sth 出租给某人6、in the nature of … 在…的天性中7、 say with a smile 笑着说8、 share happiness with sb 和某人分享快乐9、 appreciate sth 欣赏,感谢 appreciate yourhelp/your helping me 感谢你帮忙sth be appreciated …受到感谢10、 rank high/ low 排位高/低rank above/ below sb/sth11、a man of high rank 级别高的人be in the first rank第一流的12、 be well received 收到很好的反响13、 experience friendliness 体验到友好14、 have sth to do with 与…有关15、point out (that…)指出16、 the surrounding countryside 近郊17、 remote town 偏远的城镇18、 offer sb a warm welcome 热诚欢迎某人19、 It is pointed out 人们指出It is asked that… 人们会问It is believed that… 人们相信It is noted that… 人们注意到It is reported that… 据报道It is said that… 据说20、 fall in love with 爱上21、beyond words 无法用语言表达。

cycle ['saikl] v.骑自行车(或三轮车、摩托车)decade ['dekeid] n.十年depart [di'p2:t] v.离开,出发destination [.desti'nei54n] n.目的地determine [di't4:min] v.影响;决定efficient [i'fi54nt] adj.(指人)有能力的;能胜任的highway ['haiwei] n.公路,大路historical [his't3rik4l] adj.历史的;与历史有关的inexpensive [.iniks'pensiv] adj.不贵的;价廉的inland ['inl4nd] adj.内地的,内陆的journey ['d94:ni] n.(尤指)长途旅行,行程limited ['limitid] adj.有限的;不多的native ['neitiv] n.本地人,本国人a.出生地的,本地的rail [reil] n.铁路regional ['ri:d94nl] adj.地区的;区域的safety ['seifti] n.安全;平安seaport ['si:p3:t] n.海港;海港市镇site [sait] n.场所;遗址sleeper ['sli:p4] n.(火车)卧铺state [steit] n.国家;政府v.说明;陈述steep [sti:p] adj.陡峭的;险峻的waterway ['w3:t4wei] n.水路,航道depend on [] 依靠;依赖generally speaking [] 一般而言on schedule [] 按时the Three Gorges [] 长江三峡agency ['eid94nsi] n.代理处,代理approx [] adv.大约,大概aquarium [4'kwAri4m] n.水族馆arrange [4'reind9] v.安排atmosphere ['1tm4sfi4] n.气氛background ['b1kgraund] n.背景brochure ['br4u54] n.手册;小册子coach [k4ut5] n.(英式英语)长途汽车countless ['kautlis] adj.数不清的darling ['d2:li6] adj.惹人受的,心爱的n.宝贝duration [dju'rei54n] n.期间;持续时间entertaining [ent4'teini6] adj.使人愉快的;有趣的exhibit [ig'zibit] n.展览品,陈列品feature ['fi:t54] n.以……为主要内容;我写habitat ['h1bit1t] n.栖息地;产地jewelry ['d9u:4lri] n.珠宝;首饰marine [m4'ri:n] adj.海的;海产的marvelous ['m2:vil4s] adj.很好的;极好的mysterious [mis'ti4ri4s] adj.神秘的;难解释的option ['3p54n] n.选择outing ['auti6] n.短途旅行;远足permanent ['p4:m4n4nt] adj.永久的province ['pr3vins] n.省shark [52:k] n.鲨鱼sort [s3:t] v.将……分类;整理species ['spi:5iz] n.物种;种群spectacular [spek't1kjul4] adj.壮观的;富丽堂皇的surround [s4'raund] v.围绕workshop ['w4:k53p] n.车间in(great)detail [] (非常)详细地one-way ticket [] (美式英语)单程票round trip [] (美式英语)回程票shopping mall [] (有屋顶的(大型购物商场)sort out [] 解决;(从一批中)挑出tuour guide [] 导游within arm's reach [] 伸手可及的approach [4'pr4ut5] n.走近;靠近n.方法;手段arch [2:t5] v.拱廊;拱belongings [bi'l3:6i6z] n.动产;财产belt [belt] n.皮带;腰带climb [klaim] n.攀登;爬direction [di'rek54n, dai'rek54n] n.方向expectation [.ekspek'tei54n] n.期望;期待fiercely ['fi4sli] adv.猛烈地instant ['inst4nt] n.片刻,顷刻adj.马上的;立刻的ladder ['l1d4] n.梯子lifetime ['laiftaim] n.一生,终生locate [l4u'keit] v.位于;找出……的位置magnificent [m1g'nifisnt] adj.壮丽的;不凡的;堂皇的oranizer [] n.组织者skyline ['skailain] n.(建筑物等的)空中轮廓线spot [sp3t] n.地点,场所storey ['st3:ri] n.楼层;楼的一层unique [ju:'ni:k] adj.独一无二的,独特的a bird's eye view [] 鸟瞰come into view [] 映入眼帘,出现在眼前in all directions [] 向四面八方……in an instant [] 立刻;一会儿speed by [] 很快地过去;飞逝advertising ['1dv4taizi6] n.广告appreciate [4'pri:5ieit] v.赏识;鉴赏beach [bi:t5] n.海滨;湖滨beyond [bi'j3nd] prep.超出……范围;超出bureau ['bju4r4u] n.局;办公署café [] n.小餐饮;咖啡馆campaign [k1m'pein] n.(政治或商业性)活动;竞选运动collection [k4'lek54n] n.收藏品;收集物courteous ['k4:tj4s] adj.有礼貌的;谦恭的gigle [] n.咯咯地笑;傻笑v.咯咯地笑;傻笑greet [gri:t] v.问候;向……致意high-rise [] n.高层大楼hike [haik] v.远足;徒步旅行n.远足;徒步旅行intention [in'ten54n] n.意向;意图merchant ['m4:t54nt] n.(批发)商人mountainous ['mauntin4s] adj.多山的nationality [.n154'n1liti] n.民族rank [r16k] v.把……分等n.等级rental ['rentl] n.(汽车、房子等的)租赁;租借rightly ['raitli] adv.有道理地;有充分理由地romance [r4'm1ns, r4u-] n.传奇气氛;浪漫rude [ru:d] adj.无礼的;粗鲁的shopkeeper ['53pki:p4(r)] n.店主similarly ['simil4li] adv.同样地,相似地Thai ['t2:i(:)] n.泰国人;泰国语adj.泰国人的;泰国语的treat [tri:t] n.令人高兴的事v.对待;看待beyond words [] 无法用言词形容fall in love with [] 恋上;爱上have to do with [] 与……有关point out [] 指出attempt [4'tempt] n.试图;企图attendant [4'tend4nt] adv.服务员avoid [4'v3id] v.避免;逃避chairman ['t5A4m4n] n.主席chairperson ['t5e4pɜ:s(e)n] n.主席create [kri'eit] v.造成;创造disrespectful [.disris'pektful] adj.无礼的;失礼的emphasis ['emf4sis] n.强调;重点fair [fA4] adj.公平的;公正的fairly ['fA4li] adv.公正地gender ['d9end4] n.性别handicapped ['h1ndik1pt] adj.残废helpless ['helplis] adj.没用的;不能自立的imply [im'plai] v.暗示;意味occupy ['3kjupai] v.担任(职务或工作)offend [4'fend] v.冒犯;使……不愉快plural ['plu4r4l] adj.复数的pronoun ['pr4unaun] n.代词respectful [ris'pektful] adj.表示尊敬的;有礼貌的singular ['si6gjul4] adj.单数的stewardess [stju:4'des, 'stju:4dis] n.(轮船、飞机等)女乘务员structure ['str8kt54] n.结构waitress ['weitris] n.女服务生change with the times [] 随时代变化而变化flight attendant ['flait 4.tend4nt] 飞机上的空中服务员put emphasis on [] 强调singular pronoun [] 单数代词ad [1d] n.广告appropriate [4'pr4upri:4t] adj.合适的;恰当的broadcast ['br3:dk2:st] n.(电台或电视的)节目v.广播;播送club [kl8b] n.社团;俱乐部communication [k4.mju:ni'kei5n] n.交流;表达context ['k3ntekst] n.场合;环境cultivate ['k8ltiveit] v.培养;养成cure-all ['kjur.3l] n.尤灵药;灵丹妙药effect [i'fekt] n.作用;效果expose [ik'sp4uz] v.使接触(新事物)fluency ['flu4nsi] n.流利;流畅handle ['h1ndl] v.对待;掌握intonation [.int4'nei54n] n.单调;语调input ['input] n.(计算机)输入信息master ['m2:st4] v.掌握;精通neighbourhood ['neib4hud] n.街坊;社区pointless ['p3intlis] adj.无目标的;无意义的pronunciation [pr4.n8nsi'ei54n] n.发音;发音法recipe ['res4pi] n.秘方;秘诀shortcut ['53:tk8t] n.捷径;近路signpost ['sainp4ust] v.清楚地表明simply ['simpli] adv.仅;只useless ['ju:slis] adj.无用的;无效的workplace [] n.工作场所bear in mind [] 记住have an effect on [] 对……起作用out of style [] 不再流行out-of-date ['aut4v'deit] 不合时宜pen pal [] 笔友quite a few [] 很多arouse [4=rauz] n.唤起;激起attentively [4'tentivli] v.聚精会神地back [b1k] (使)后退;(使)退出block [bl3k] n.街区阻碍;阻止clue [klu:] n.线索;迹象content [k3ntent;k4n'tent] n.内容doze [d4uz] v.打瞌睡;打盹driveway ['draivwei] n.私人车道;汽车道honour ['3n4] v.尊敬n.荣誉;名誉lean [li:n] v.倾身;屈身obstacle ['3bst4kl] n.障碍(物);妨碍reaction [ri(:)'1k54n] n.反应shift [5ift] v.移动;转移n.转移;转变signal ['signl] n.信号;暗号v.用信号发出;标志yawn [j3:n] v.打哈欠n.呵欠be clear of [] 清除了……的,不接触……的call for [] 需要go down [] 下沉go down well [] 被接受;受欢迎in a low voice [] 低声pull into [] (火车等)到达;到站the worst [] 最糟的部分aware [4'we4] adj.知道的;察觉的bump [b8mp] v.碰;撞complicated ['k3mplikeitid] adj.复杂的concept ['k3nsept] n.概念;观念confidence ['k3nfid4ns] n.自信;信心constantly ['k3nst4ntli] adv.不断地;时常地convey [k4n'vei] v.传达;传递delighted [di'laitid] adj.高兴的dishonest [dis'3nist] adj.不诚实的;欺诈的elder ['eld4(r)] adj.年龄较大的n.长者;前辈goodness ['gudnis] int.(表示惊讶、生气等)天哪;啊呀impolite [imp4'lait] adj.无礼的incredible [in'kred4bl] adj.极妙的;难以置信的move [mu:v] n.挪动地方;移动位置performance [p4'f3:m4ns] n.演出;演奏posture ['p3st54] n.姿势;姿态shy [5ai] adj.害羞的space [speis] n.空间status ['steit4s] n.地位;身份unsure ['8n'5u4] adj.缺乏信心的;无把握的become/be aware of [] 意识到;注意到believe it or not [] 信不信由你body language [] 身势语bump into [] 无意中遇到in doubt [] 不确定的;未确定的put one's finger on [] 准确地证明或指出run into [] 偶遇sell some body out [] 背叛anthem ['1n74m] n.颂歌anti- ['1nti] (前缀)表示“反”,“抗”ban [b1n] n.禁止;禁令v.禁止baton [b1't4n] n.乐队用指挥杖cello ['t5el4u] n.大提琴composition [k3mp4'zi54n] n.作曲;写作conductor [k4n'd8kt4] n.(合唱团、乐队等的)指挥demand [di'm2:nd] n.要求;请求fascist ['f15ist] adj.法西斯主义的;法西斯党的n.法西斯主义者,法西斯分子float [fl4ut] v.浮动;飘动handkerchief ['h16k4t5i:f] n.手帕interpret [in't4:prit] v.演奏interpretation [in.t4:pri'tei54n] n.演奏Jewish ['d9u(:)i5] adj.犹太人的;犹太教的leap [li:p] v.跳;跳跃loyalty ['l3i4lti] n.忠诚;忠实musician [mju:'zi54n] n.音乐家;乐师;作曲家note [n4ut] n.音符orchestra ['3:kistr4, -kes-] n.管弦乐队passage ['p1sid9] n.(文章、乐曲等的)一段;一节passionate ['p154nit] adj.热情的;激昂的quit [kwit] v.放弃recall [ri'k3:l] v.回忆;想起rehearsal [ri'h4:s4l] n.排练;试演score [sk3:, sk34] n.乐谱slap [sl1p] v.掌击;掴snap [sn1p] v.突然折断stamp [st1mp] v.跺(脚);用脚践踏tear [ti4; te4] v.扯破;撕裂thus [08s] adv.因此weep [wi:p] v.哭泣;流泪at a loss [] 困惑;不知所措at very short notice [] 提前很短时间通知spare somebody fron [] 使某人免于……tear…to pieces [] 把……撕成碎片think hard [] 努力思考throw…into the air [] 把……抛向空中with the highest honours [] 成绩优秀without the help of [] 不依赖;不靠aggressive [4'gresiv] adj.有进取精神的;有干劲的awake [4'weik] adj.清醒的;醒着的boredom ['b3:d4m] n.无聊;厌倦competitive [k4m'pet4tiv] adj.好竞争的folk [f4uk] n.(可用作称呼,常用复数)各位;人们journalist ['d94:n4list] n.新闻工作者;新闻记者meanwhile ['mi:nwail; (US) 'minhwail] adv.同时;期间miserable ['miz4r4bl] adj.痛苦的;不幸的oriented ['3:rientid, '4u-] adj.以……为方向的pianist ['pi4nist, 'pj1nist] n.钢琴家;钢琴演奏者rock'n'roll [r3kn'r4ul] n.摇滚乐(舞)romantic [r4'm1ntik] adj.富于浪漫色彩的slip [slip] v.滑落;滑掉soloist ['s4ul4uist] n.独奏者;独唱者sonata [s4'n2:t4] n.奏鸣曲stand [st1nd] v.忍受;容忍sweaty ['sweti] adj.满身是汗的symphony ['simf4ni] n.交响乐,交响曲tune [tju:n] n.曲调;旋律bow tie [] 蝶形领结can't stand [] 极讨厌;无法忍受frankly speaking [] 坦率地说get straight A's [] (成绩)得全优not for long [] 不久second to none [] 首屈一指的slip through one's fingers [] (机会)被错过talk somebody into doing something [] 劝服某人做某事the other day [] 不久前某一天absolutely ['1bs4lu:tli] adv.绝对地admit [4d'mit] v.承认;供认brag [br1g] v.自夸;吹牛brand [br1nd] n.品牌;商标dangerous ['deind9r4s] adj.危险的director [di'rekt4, dai'rekt4] n.导演dramatic [dr4'm1tik] adj.戏剧性的endurance [in'djur4ns] n.忍耐exception [ik'sep54n] n.例外explode [iks'pl4ud] v.爆炸heroism ['her4uiz4m] n.英雄行为hurricane ['h8rik4n, -kin] n.飓风individual [.indi'vidju4l] n.个人adj.个人的inevitable [in'evit4bl] adj.不可避免的injury ['ind94ri] n.伤害;损害instance ['inst4ns] n.事例;实例martial ['m2:54l] adj.军事的miracle ['mir4kl] n.奇迹numerous ['nju:m4r4s] a为数众多的phenomenon [fi'n3min4n] n.现象;特殊的人stunt [st8nt] n.特技;绝技unconscious [8n'k3n54s] adj.失去知觉的action movie ['1k54n 'muvi] 动作片;武打片big name [] 名人;名流brag about [] 为……吹嘘for instance [] 例如make a living [] 谋生martial arts [] 武术on behalf of [] 为某人的利益sweep up [] 打扫;扫除take the fall [] 代人受罪talk show [] (音译)脱口秀(即谈话类节目)there be no need to do something [] 没有做……的必要acting ['1kti6] n.演技adventure [4d'vent54] n.激动人心的经历album ['1lb4m] n.唱片award [4'w3:d] v.授予,给予n.奖,奖品comedy ['k3midi] n.喜剧creation [kri'ei54n] n.创造物creature ['kri:t54] n.生物;动物effectively [i'fektivli] adv.有效地emotion [i'm4u54n] n.感情;情感gifted ['giftid] adj.有天资的;有天赋的horror ['h3r4] n.令人恐怖的事物image ['imid9] n.影像;图像initial [i'ni54l] adj.开始的;最初的inspiring [in'spai4ri6] adj.激励人心的IQ [] n.智商landscape ['l1ndskeip] n.陆上风景lifelike ['laiflaik] adj.栩栩如生的limitations [] n.局限;限制magic ['m1d9ik] n.魔力;魅力mystery ['mist4ri] n.推理小说pastime ['p2:staim] n.消遣;娱乐preference ['pref4r4ns] n.偏爱的事物(或人)relaxtion [] n.放松release [ri'li:s] v.发行;上映somehow ['s8mhau] adv.由于某种未知的原因stereo ['steri4u] n.立体声音响trilogy ['tril4d9i] n.三部典box office ['b3ks .3fis] 票房line of work [] 行业bold [b4uld] adj.(字等)粗笔画的;黑体的emphasise [] v.强调;着重eye-catching [] adj.引人注目的;显著的happening ['h1p4ni6] n.事情;事件heading ['hedi6] n.标题;题目headline ['hedlain] n.标题;大标题index ['indeks] n.索引informative [in'f3:m4tiv] adj.提供大量消息的lead [li:d;led] n.头条新闻newsstand ['nju:zst1nd] n.报摊obvious ['3bvi4s, -vj4s] adj.明显的;显著的position [p4'zi54n] n.位置;地点prime [praim] adj.主要的;首位的reputation [.repju(:)'tei54n] n.名誉,名声sensational [sen'sei54n4l] adj.引起轰动的shock [53k] n.震惊standard ['st1nd4d] n.标准;水平tempt [tempt] v.吸引;打动tend [tend] v.倾向;易于unity ['ju:niti] n.统一(性);一致(性)value ['v1lju:, -ju] n.价值;价格width [wid7] n.宽度aim at [] 以……为目的catch one's eye [] 引起某人注意front page [] (报纸的)头版in brief [] 简言之the top left-hand corner [] 左上角amusing [4'mju:zi6] adj.有有趣的;好玩的applaud [4'pl3:d] v.喝彩;鼓掌欢迎ballot ['b1l4t] n.(尤指无记名的)投票bid [bid] n.努力;争取blow [bl4u] v.吹奏;鸣喇叭blolevard [] n.大马路category ['k1tig4ri] n.各类;部属cell [sel] n.细胞chant [t52:nt] v.反复(单调)地说(或唱)classify ['kl1sifai] v.将……分类;将……分等级clone [kl4un] v.克隆;无性繁殖contract ['k3ntr1kt] n.契约;合同cram [kr1m] v.把……塞满;把……挤满crash [kr15] n.(汽车、飞机等的)事故disbelief ['disbi'li:f] n.不信;怀疑distant ['dist4nt] adj.远的;久远的ddreadful [] adj.糟透的;非常讨厌的eliminate [i'limineit] v.(比赛中)淘汰express [iks'pres] v.表达;陈述horn [h3:n] n.喇叭host [h4ust] v.做东;款待indifferently [in'dif4r4ntli] adv.漠不关心地;冷淡地negatively ['neg4tivli] adv.否定地;消极地pour [p3:, p34] v.涌流;倾泻puzzle ['p8zl] n.(游戏的)猜谜react [ri'1kt] v.作出反应;反应reproduce [.ri:pr4'dju:s] v.繁殖;生殖survivor [s4'vaiv4] n.幸存者;生还者vote [v4ut] v.投票;表决at the top of one's voice [] 尽全力提高噪门be alive with [] 充满burst into [] (情绪的)突然发作electronic media [] 电子媒体in disbelief [] 怀疑in the first round [] 第一轮light up [] 照亮on the hour [] 准点;按整点print media [] 印刷媒体altas [] n.地图集bargain ['b2:g4n] n.特价商品;便宜货bonus ['b4un4s] n.奖金;红包cozy ['k4uzi] adj.惬意的enclose [in'kl4uz] v.附寄;随函封入extra ['ekstr4] adj.额外的;外加的handy ['h1ndi] adj.便利的microscope ['maikr4sk4up] n.显微镜midnight ['mid.nait] n.午夜;子夜postage ['p4ustid9] n.邮资subscribe [s4b'skraib] v.订阅订购subscription [s8b'skrip54n] n.订阅费;订购费tremendous [tri'mend4s] adj.巨大的,极大的easy chair [] 安乐椅have something at one's fingertips [] 精通;熟知in that case [] 如果那样;在那种情况下soap drama [] 肥皂剧advisable [4d'vaiz4bl] adj.可取的;适当的avenue ['1v4nju:, '1vinju:] n.大街;大道cater ['keit4] v.满足需要;迎合column ['k3l4m] n.专栏compete [k4m'pi:t] v.竞争;对抗current ['k4:r4nt] adj.现时的;当前的dry [drai] adj.枯燥乏味的dull [d8l] adj.乏味的;单调的editor ['edit4] n.主编;编辑educate ['edju(:)keit] v.教育empire ['empai4] n.大企业;帝国employ [im'pl3i] v.雇佣entertain [.ent4'tein] v.使欢乐;使娱乐expressive [iks'presiv] adj.表现的;表达的v.特点;特征flourish ['fl8ri5] v.繁荣;兴旺glance [gl2:ns] v.一瞥;扫视hardship ['h2:d.5ip] n.艰难;困苦informative [in'f3:m4tiv] v.通知;告知pleasing ['pli:zi6] adj.令人愉快的;讨人喜欢的pressure ['pre54(r)] n.压力;压迫profit ['pr3fit] n.利润;盈利publication [.p8bli'kei54n] n.出版物;刊物significance [sig'nifik4ns] n.重要性;重要visuals [] n.视觉资料well-educated ['wel'edju:keitid;-d9u-] adj.受过良好教育的witness ['witnis] v.是发生……的时间或地点be popular with [] 受欢迎care for [] 喜欢cater for [] 为……提供所需;顾及every other week [] 每两周;每隔一周glance at [] 一瞥;扫视no fewer than [] 不少于take out ['teik aut] 获得;得到the general public [] 公众to name just a few [] 仅举数例。

高一英语(新世纪)寒期翻译及答案-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1高一暑期百句翻译:1.那些故意违反交通规则的人必须受到严厉的惩罚。
(Whoever) Whoever breaks the traffic regulations on purpose must be severely punished.2.老师就在寒假里如何做到张弛有度给了我们一些合理的建议。
(balance)The teacher gave /offered us some reasonable advice on how to keep the balance between work and play in the winterholiday/vacation.3.这条河流受到严重污染的原因是那家化工厂大量排放有毒废水。
(The reason why ….is that)The reason why the river has been seriously polluted is that the chemical factory released large amounts of poisonous wasted water 4. .随着经济的飞速发展,中国在国际事务中起着越来越大的作用。
(role)With the rapid development of economy, China is playing an increasingly important role in international affairs.4.得知罗京逝世的消息,许多人陷入深深的悲痛之中。
(At)At the news that Luo Jin passed away, many people were deep in sorrow.5.在日常生活中,我们不要与经常言而无信的人交朋友。
(RelativeClause)In our daily life, we should never make friends with those whobreak their promises.6. 与班级里其他同学相比,他在工作方面更有责任感。

课文翻译UNIT1TEXT A 人在自然界1.人类生活在大自然的王国里。
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