跨文化商务沟通chapter 6
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• Not important
Business Dress
Casual or Not?
Business Scheduling
Cultural Variations
Office hours
Cultures vary in
Lunch period
Business days
The Use of Humor
• What is the importance of appropriate etiquette and protocol in intercultural business communication?
Next most IMP.Guest
Cocktail Party
The Goal
• To meet as many people as possible • No body expects to get into deep discussion
Gift-giving Etiquette
Chapter 6
Intercultural Business Etiquette and Protocol
Learning Objective
• Understand the importance of appropriate etiquette and protocol in intercultural business communication • Identify cultural differences in naming systems, business card exchange and other initiating business contacts • Understand how cultural differences in social entertainment may affect intercultural business communication • Understand how gift-giving practices vary from culture to culture
商务沟通技巧 学习情境六 跨文化沟通
![商务沟通技巧 学习情境六 跨文化沟通](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/12ff5145376baf1ffc4fadb4.png)
❖ (一)西方文化的历史渊源 ❖ 西方文化起源于古代的希腊文化和罗马文化。西方文化的基本特征是
个体激进性和开放吸收性。 ❖ 西方文化强调征服自然、战胜自然的思想渊源,可以追溯到基督教经
典《圣经》。其思想观认为:人是凌驾于自然之上的,有统治自然界 的权力。西方人认为有了知识就能制服自然、获得财富,实现自己的 社会理想。 ❖ (二)西方文化的价值取向 ❖ 西方文化价值观的核心是个人主义。 ❖ 个人主义是一种关于人性的判断,它认为人的本性是平等的、自由的、 利己的。个人主义还是一种个人生活态度和生活方式,强调个体的独 立性、个性的发展和个人隐私权,崇尚个人竞争。个人主义还强调对 个人隐私权的尊重和保护。
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技能点二 了解跨文化中的西方文化
❖ 一、西方文化概述 ❖ 二、以美国文化为背景的沟通 ❖ 三、以英国文化为背景的沟通 ❖ 四、以法国文化为背景的沟通 ❖ 五、以德国文化为背景的沟通 ❖ 六、以加拿大文化为背景的沟通 ❖ 七、以丹麦文化为背景的沟通 ❖ 八、以瑞典文化为背景的沟通
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❖ 以美国文化为背景的沟通 ❖ 以英国文化为背景的沟通 ❖ 以法国文化为背景的沟通 ❖ 以德国文化为背景的沟通 ❖ 以加拿大文化为背景的沟通 ❖ 以丹麦文化为背景的沟通 ❖ 以瑞典文化为背景的沟通
法 国
一个组织如果更加重视工作的快速与成员的秩 序,宜用单向沟通 例行公事、低层的命令传达,可用单向沟通 如果要求工作的正确性高,重视成员的人际关 系,则宜采用双向沟通 处理陌生的新问题、上层组织的决策会议,双 向沟通的效果较佳 从领导者个人来讲,如果经验不足,无法当机 立断,或者不愿下属指责自己无能,想保全权 威,那么单向沟通是有利的
第三节 沟通客体
受众的确定 对受众的分析 预估受众的反应 激发受众兴趣
一般来说,沟通中的受众包括六类: (1)第一类为最初对象。他们最先收到信息,有时这些文件就是这些最初对象要 求你提供的。 (2)第二类是守门人,即沟通者和最终受众之间的“桥梁受众”,他们有权阻止 你的信息传递给其他对象,因而他们也有权决定你的信息是否能够传递给主要对 象。有时让你起草文件的就是守门人;有时守门人在公司的更高层;有时守门人 来自企业外部。守门人分析在于判断是否必须通过此人来传递信息。如存在,则 判断是否他以你为某些理由而改变信息或封锁信息。 (3)第三类是主要受众,又称直接受众,即那些直接自沟通者处获得口头或书面 信息的人或团体。他们可以决定是否接受你的建议,是否按照你的提议行动,各 种信息只有传递给主要对象才能达到预期的目的。 (4)第四类是次要受众,又称间接受众,即那些间接获得信息,或通过道听途说, 或受到信息波及的人或团体。他们可能会对你的提议发表意见,或在你的提议得 到批准后负责具体实施。 (5)第五类是意见领袖,即受众中有强大影响力的、非正式的人或团体;他们可 能没有权力阻止传递信息,但他们可能因为拥有政治、社会地位和经济实力,而 对你的信息的实施产生巨大的影响。 (6)第六类是关键决策者,即最后且可能最重要的,可以影响整个沟通结果的关 键决策者。如存在,则要依据他们的判断标准调整信息内容。
• 全球化、全球本土化以及增长 • 文化 • 社会文化适应 • 文化适应 • 民族中心主义 • 规范、规章、角色和人际关系 • 亚文化和亚群体 • 文化智力 • 沟通障碍 • 跨文化构念 • 全球化思维方式 • 跨国公司管理方向
1.1 全球化、全球本土化以及 增长全球化
• 全球化
– 全球化就是通过社会和商业两种途径传播生活方式。
• 全球本土化
– 全球本土化指的是“全球和本土的相互渗透,会在不同地 理区域导致独特的结果”。
• 增长全球化
– 增长全球化指通用的规范和惯例从一个地方向另一个地方 的扩展。换句话说,它就是给一个群体强加上一种新文化。
1.2 文化
• 文化及其维度
• 地心主义管理
– 地心主义管理要有一个各个国家通用的结构,以便各个地方 的分公司有足够的自由运营来满足工人的文化需求。
1.12 跨国公司管理方向
• 走向国际的十诫
– 准备好。 – 提问题,细心倾听。 – 不断努力;尝试而发生错误要好于不尝试。 – 当问题出现,假设主要原因是误传。 – 要有耐心;在另一个国家或者文化背景下完成你的目标,往
• 后台文化
– 想向圈外人掩藏的文化称为后台文化。后台文化的一个例 子就是一位销售代表隐瞒他的孩子有智力缺陷。
1.4 文化适应
• 文化适应
– 文化适应是调整和适应一种新的不同文化的过程。
• 文化协同
– 如果两种不同文化背景的人吸收了彼此大量的文化差异并 且有很多相似的地方,文化协同就产生了,即两种文化融 合形成一种更强大的具有压倒性的文化。
者政治优势。 – 非常看重合同和写出来的文字内容。 – 意识到组织内的地位差异。 – 易变动。 – 在他们的行为中传达出一种优越感。
跨文化商务沟通复习资料第一章一.文化适应的四个维度P9Dimensions of AcculturationIntegration - persons become an integral part of the new culture while maintaining their cultural integritySeparation - individuals keep their culture and stay independent of the new culture Assimilation - persons are absorbed into their new culture and withdraw from their old cultureDeculturation - individuals lose their original culture and do not accept the new culture第二章不作为考试重点第三章一.不同文化的人们对待女性,道德标准以及工作的态度不同P47~P56①Attitudes Toward Women:Influenced by cultural roots;U.S. women are supposed to have the same rights as men;Kenya women are considered subordinate to men;Gender differences in the U.S. workplace are de-emphasized - women are accepted at higher levels in government and in many companies;U.S. women have taken two-thirds of new jobs created; they are starting new businesses at twice the rate of men;In France, one-fifth of small businesses are owned by women; in Canada, the rate is one-third;The U.S. and Canada lead the world in the number of women in executive positions; Northern and Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand also have high numbers of women managers.Percentage of Women in Top Management Positions:The Russian Federation 42%,European Union 30%,Australia 23%,United Kingdom 21%,United States 20%,Japan 7%.②Cultural Attitudes Toward Work:Work ethic - hard work is applauded and rewarded; not working is viewed negatively. U.S. persons value work; executives work-56 hours per week.-take 14 days of vacation a year.European persons work-36 to 41 hours per week.-take 4 to 6 weeks of vacation a year.Europeans:Relaxed;Vacation during month of August;Do not work weekends or holidays (The French take longer vacations than people of any other country.) Australians:Value free time; Value short work weekJapanese :Work Monday through Friday, often 18 hours a day;Work until their boss leaves③Attitudes Toward Ethics:Ethical behavior means acting with integrity, honesty, competence, respect, fairness, trust, courage, and responsibility.Ethical standards are guidelines established to convey what is perceived to be corrector incorrect behavior by most people in a society.Ethics: The Four-Way Test:Is it the truth?Is it fair to all concerned?Will it build goodwill and better friendships?Will it be beneficial to all concerned?二.个人主义和集体主义P57Individualism - attitude of valuing ourselves as separate individuals with responsibility for our own destinies and actions.Collectivism - emphasizes common interests, conformity, cooperation, and interdependence.第四章一.文化冲击的阶段P69Stages of Cultural Shock:Stage 1: Excitement and fascination with the new culture; the "honeymoon" stage. Stage 2: Crisis or disenchantment period; excitement has turned to disappointment. Stage 3: Adjustment phase; you begin to accept the new culture, try new foods, see the h umor in situations.Stage 4: Acceptance or adaptation phase; feel at home in the new culture and become involved in activities of the culture.Stage 5: Reentry shock; follows the stages identified earlier: initial euphoria, crisis or disenchantment, adjustment, and adaptation.二.如何缓解文化冲击P71~P74To alleviate cultural shock, try to see the environment from the perspective of the host nationals.①慎重挑选外派人员Alleviating Cultural Shock by Careful Selection of Overseas Personnel(Sensitive, cooperative, able to compromise;Open to others' opinions;Reaction to new situations; appreciation of cultural differences;Understanding of own values and aware-ness of values in other cultures;Reaction to criticism;Understanding governmentsystem;Ability to develop contacts in new culture;Patience and resiliency.)②提供出国前培训Intellectual or classroom model - involves giving facts about the host country using a variety of instructional methods;Area training or simulation model - emphasizes affective goals, culture specific content, and experiential processes;Self-awareness or human relations model - based on the assumption that the trainee with self-understanding will be more effective in the overseas assignment;Cultural awareness model - emphasizes cultural insight and stresses affective goals and an experiential process;Interaction approach - participants interact with people in the host country; Multidimensional approach - attempts to combine cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of training;③提供反馈和奖励Reward systems include special allowances for housing, hardship, home leave, medical, taxes, etc.Appraisal and reward system must reflect the purpose and expectations of theassignment (profit or building a presence in the country).Reward system must compensate for what persons are leaving behind and must be based on the idea of equity④发挥员工的最大潜力Developing Employees to Their Potential:Plan for repatriation, including reasons for the assignment and how the employee will contribute to the company upon his/her return.Allow adequate time for readjustment before employee reports to work.Provide appropriate compensation for transition expenses.Assist in locating proper housing.Show appreciation to family for their contributions.第五章一.高语境和低语境的语言P86High-Context Language 特点:Low-Context Language 特点:二.线性语言和非线性的语言P90Linear Language:Has a beginning and an end;Is logical;Is object oriented;Linear languages look at time on a continuum of present, past, and future (English).Nonlinear Language:Is circular;Is tradition oriented;Is subjective;Nonlinear languages view time asLow Context -Get down to business first -Value expertise and performance -Agreement by specific, legalistic -contract -Negotiates as efficiently as possible High Context -Establish social trust first -Value personal relations and goodwill -Agreement by general trust -Negotiations slow and ritualistic -Nonverbal; cultural aspects are important-Language transmits little of explicit messageExample: Japanese language Chinese language-Restricted code - speech coding system of high-context languages; spoken statement reflects the social relationship-Message is explicit-May be given in more than one way to assure understanding-Very direct and verbalExample: U.S. English (high-context language viewed as a waste of time) Example: Spanish language-Elaborated code - speech coding system of low-context languages; verbal elaboration is necessary due to few shared assumptionscyclical and seasons as ever-repeating pattern (Chinese and Japanese).三.寓言和谚语P92四.语言的性质P94How Languages Differ①②①Syntactic Rules – arrangement of words in a sentence. Subject, verb, object can be combined in six possible ways. English follows mainly a subject-verb-object order (as do French and Spanish). Japanese and Korean have the preferred order of subject-object-verb. Hebrew and Welsh follow verb-subject-object. The object does not come first in any language.②Meanings - Denotative (Japanese Spider Crab), Connotative (Alaskan King Crab), and Figurative (kicking the bucket)Variations in Verbal Style①②③④⑤⑥(了解)①Japanese Verbal Style:The Japanese converse without responding to what the other person says. Emphasis is on nonverbal communication so they do not listen.They prefer less talkative persons and value silence.The Japanese prefer a person say something in as few words as possible.They make excuses at the beginning of a talk for what they are about to say. They do not want apologies for was already said.They use “yes” to mean many different things.②Mexican Verbal Style:The Mexican style seems overly dramatic and emotional by U.S. persons.Mexicans rise above fact; they embellish facts; eloquence is admired.They like to use diminutives, making the world smaller and more intimate.They add suffixes to words to shrink problems. Mexicans come across as less than truthful.Their rationale involves two types of reality - objective and interpersonal. Mexicans want to keep people happy for the moment. When asked directions, if they do not know the answer, they will make up something to appear to be helpful.③Chinese Verbal Style:The Chinese understate or convey meanings indirectly. They use vague terms and double negatives. Even criticism is indirect.Harmony is very important. During negotiations, the Chinese state their position in such a way that seems repetitious.They do not change their point of view without discussing it with the group.They speak humbly and speak negatively of their supposedly meager skills and those of their subordinates and their family.④Verbal Styles in the Arab World:The Arabs encourage eloquence and “flowery” prose. They are verbose, repetitious, and shout when excited.For dramatic effect, they punctuate remarks with pounding the table and making threatening gestures.Arabs view swearing, cursing, and the use of obscenities as offensive.They like to talk about religion and politics but avoid talking about death, illness, and disasters. Emotional issues are avoided.The first name is used immediately upon meeting but may be preceded by the title “Mr.” or “Miss.”⑤German Verbal Style:In the German language, the verb often comes at the end of the sentence. In oral communication, Germans do not get to the point right away.Germans are honest and direct; they stick to the facts. They are a low-context people; everything is spelled out.Germans usually do not use first names unless they are close friends (of which they have few).They do not engage in small talk; their conversations are serious on a wide variety of topics. Avoid conversations related totheir private lives.⑥Language Variations in the U.S.Age - some word s are specific to an age group (“cool”).Gender - men speak more, they repeat more, and more often than women; women are more emotional and use such terms as “sweet,” “darling,” and “dreadful.”Race - Black English includes such terms as rapping (a narration to a musical beat). Regional Variations - distinctive language patterns exist between various parts of the United States.五.语言和文化的相互影响 P102Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis - The main idea is that language functions as a way of shaping a person’s experience, not just a device for reporting that experience. Both structural and semantic aspects of a language are involved.Linguistic determinism is the assumption that a person’s view of reality stems mainly from his or her language. Ex: The absence of the word snow in Inuit, the language of the Eskimo people. The language does, however, have numerous words for types of snow, while other languages do not have the equivalent of flaky snow or crusty snow.Bernstein Hypothesis - explains how social structure affects language and is an extension of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. Bernstein considers culture, subculture, social context, and social system to be part of social structure. Speech emerges in one of two codes - restricted or elaborated. Channels used in the restricted code would be oral, nonverbal, and paralinguistic. Restricted codes would include highly predictable messages. Elaborated codes are used with strangers; involve messages that are low in predictability. Give very explicit information. The verbal channel is important in elaborated codes, while restricted codes make use of nonverbal and paralinguistic cues.第六章看案例第七章不考第八章一.电子通讯礼仪P157Electronic Communication EtiquetteWhen communicating by telephone, the initial impression is formed more on vocal quality than on words spoken.Good telephone manners include answering the phone promptly, identifying yourself properly, and being courteous at all times.When using voice mail, be brief but complete when leaving a message.When using e-mail, avoid negative or personal information.Proper netiquette avoids the following:shouting - typing the message in all capital lettersdissing - speaking ill of someoneflaming - sending vicious, insulting messagesspamming - mass mailings of commercial advertisements or material cross-posted to numerous newsgroups.二.小费文化P160Tipping:People communicate nonverbally by their tipping practices; those who are basically stingy and those who are basically generous will reveal these traits by their tipping behavior.“Insult tipping” (leaving a few coins) shows a lack of breeding and is always inappropriate.Although a tip of 15 percent of the bill used to be considered a generous tip in fine restaurants, 20 percent is now closer to the norm when the service is excellent.第九章特色食品和饮食禁忌P187Unusual Foods:特色U.S. - corn-on-the-cob, grits, popcorn, marshmallows, crawfishSouth Korea - dog meatSaudi Arabia - sheep's eyeballsMexico - chicken's feet in chicken soupChina - duck's feetRussia - Danish pastry stuffed with raw cabbageSome African countries - gorillaConsumption Taboos:禁忌U.S. - horse meat and dog meatStrict Muslims - pork and alcoholOrthodox Jews - pork, shellfish, meat, and milk togetherHindus - beef。
GBS191.新媒体时代的跨文化商务沟通 跨文化商务沟通课后答案
![GBS191.新媒体时代的跨文化商务沟通 跨文化商务沟通课后答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2435623d551810a6f4248617.png)
智慧树知到《跨文化商务沟通》章节测试答案第一章1、The belief that your own cultural background, including ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbal communication, is superior.culturecommunicationethnocentrismsender答案: ethnocentrism2、The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.intercultural communicationculturebusiness communicationfeedback答案: culture3、A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.ethnocentrismnoisecommunicationhorizontal communication答案: noiseand profits for both the individuals and organizations.lateral communicationethnocentrismbusiness communicationintercultural communication答案: business communication5、The communication at the same level in an organization.horizontal communicationethnocentrismbusiness communicationlateral communication答案: horizontal communication6、When culture is contrasted with nature, it can be defined as “ life way of a population” in its broad sense, meaning what characterizes the particular way of life of a population.对错答案: 错7、Cul ture is all men’s medium; there is no aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture.对错答案: 对8、The culture shown in an onion consists of two levels; a level of norms and values, or an invisible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.错答案: 错9、Culture cannot be known without a study of communication, and communication can only be understood with an understanding of the culture it supports.对错答案: 对10、In the global village, neighbors communicate free of troubles and difficulties.对错答案: 错11、With the integration of language into the fabric of culture, confusion and dysfunction would reign and the culture would fail.对错答案: 错第二章1、A good mastery of grammar of one language can guarantee a successful communication.对错答案: 错2、Long before writing was developed,we learned to speak first.对答案: 对3、There should always be an attachment at the end of a business memo.对错答案: 错4、A recommendation report is to recommend something to others.对错答案: 错5、Which is not verbal communication?Chat with your leaders and colleaguesDiscuss an issue in a groupGreeting with a smileLeave a message答案: Greeting with a smile6、____ refers to anything that distorts the message the source encodes.NoiseMessageSourceContext答案: Noise7、It is a universal truth that language is by culture and in turn it __ culture.influenced, reflectsdisplayed, influencesdetermined, reflectsshaped, influences答案: influenced, reflects8、Why should we take notes during a business call?Listen attentivelyServes as a record to take follow-up actionReport on the call to someone elseReflect on the call答案: Listen attentively,Serves as a record to take follow-up action,Report on the call to someone else9、How can you identify your audience in preparing a business presentation?AgeAppearanceInterestOccupation答案: Age,Interest,Occupation10、Before making a business call, what kind of questions can you reflect?Do you need to report to your boss?Do you need to get information?Do you want to sell something, or convince the person of an idea?Do you need to ask for the person’s help or support?person of an idea?,Do you need to ask for the person’s help or support?第三章1、Nonverbal behavior reflects the speaker’s subconciousness.对错答案:A2、Depending on the culture,a smile can indicate joy and amusement, it can also indicate embarrassment.对错答案:A3、Posture is the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting.对错答案:对4、Intimate distance is most common when friends, old classmates, acquaintances and relativestalk.对错答案:错5、People in __ cultures usually view silence as lack of communication and are generally ____ with it.low context uncomfortablehigh context uncomfortablehigh context comfortable答案:low context uncomfortable6、Which of the following countries uses high-context language?CanadaGermanyJapanUnited States答案:Japan7、The function of nonverbal signs is sometimes indispensible. For example, placing your index finger to your lips as an alternative to saying “Please calm down so that I can speak” is a case of ____.complementingrepeatingcontradictingsubstituting答案:substituting8、Which statements are correct about nonverbalcommunication?Nonverbal behavior is easily controlledA smile sometimes doesn’t mean a sincere smileNonverbal behavior accounts for much of the meaning we derive from conversation.Nonverbal communication is more than the complement of verbal communication.答案:9、How does nonverbal behavior control the pace or flow of communication?Gesture of stoppingClap handsRaise voice答案:Be silent Gesture of stopping Clap hands Raise voice10、Which of the countries belong to individualistic culture?ItalyAmericaFranceGreece答案:Italy America France第四章1、Power distance is a conceptual was developed by Hofstede to describethe extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequallythe power of multinational organizationsthe power differential between developed and less developed countriesthe power difference between men and women答案:2、Hofstede’s _ index measures the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.value orientationcultural dimensionscultural valuespower distance答案:power distance3、These are the most significant studies of cultural values except ___.Hall's High- and Low- Context TheoryKluckhohn and Strodtbeck's five Value OrientationsFons Trompenars’s model of culture with seven dimensionsGeert Hofstede's six Cultural Dimensions答案:Fons Trompenars’s model of culture with seven dimensions4、The opinion that everyone has a position and clearly defined privileges is____.a view of hierarchical structure of social relationshipa view of group orientation of social relationshipa view of individual orientation structure of social relationshipnone of the above答案:a view of hierarchical structure of social relationship5、Low-context communication is characterized by explicit speaking.对错答案:对6、Chinese culture is high-context in comparison to western culture.对错答案:对7、Cultures with a large power distance are hierarchical cultures.对错答案:对8、At the core of uncertainty avoidance is the idea that the future is predictable.对错答案:错9、Power distance in Hofstede's cultural dimensions is roughly similar to the value Kluckhohn calls hierarchy.对错答案:错10、In a culture emphasizing masculinity, it is more possible for men to play a nurturing role.对错答案:错第五章1、Etiquette is simply showing respect for others.对错答案:错2、Etiquette refers to the guideline for knowing how to behave appropriately in all situations.错答案:A3、Kiss greeting usually happen between two men in the United States.对错答案:错4、It’s OK to write on someone’s business card.对错答案:B5、A handshake should be friendly or respectful gesture, not a show of physical strength. So we should not squeeze other’s hand too hard.对错答案:A6、Before a dish is served, napkins can be placed either on the plate or on the left of forks.对错答案:A7、You’re invited to a business dinner. When do you take your napkin from the table and place it on your lap?Open it immediately.Wait for the host to take his or her napkin before taking yours.Wait for the oldest person at the table to take his or hers.Wait for all the ladies to take theirs before taking yours if you are a gentle man.答案:Wait for the host to take his or her napkin before taking yours.8、Which of the following behavior is appropriate in a business dinner?Use the napkin to wipe your nose.Cut all the food in your plate into small pieces.Sip from the side of the spoon when eating soup.Use the knife with your right hand.答案:CD9、What are the benefits of humor in the workplace?Humor can reduce stress.Humor can block negative emotions.Humor can help people develop rapport with each other.Humor can help solve problems.答案:ABCD10、In many Asian countries, the way you treat someone’s business card is a reflection of:How serious you are about the outcome of the meeting.How much you respect them as a person.What you think of their country.company and title.答案:ABCD第六章and a potential cause of shame to the group.对错答案:A2、Whether an international business negotiation succeeds or not is not only determined by the strategies and skills used in formal negotiation, but also closely related to whether enough careful preparation has been made.对错答案:A3、In the opening phase, the atmosphere is the only factor we should consider.对错答案:错4、Bargaining strength refers to the degree of movement that is possible for each party with respect to individual issues on the agenda.对错答案:错5、In some Asian cultures, they will use communication to encourage harmony, preserve face, and develop ____ relationships.Short-termLong-termMiddle-termShort run答案:Long-term6、The purpose of bargaining is to settle the differences that stand in the way of an agreement. Settling the differences involves____.high-context and low-contextconcession andreappraisaladjustment and compromiseaims and objectives答案:adjustment and compromise7、The proposal should be based on a sound analysis of the buyer’s current situation, taking into account of ____ and ____ within which the transaction takes place.the commercial circumstances, the overall contextthe corporate credit, the bank accounting bookthe manager’s stability, the site selectionthe commercial invoice, the chief negotiator’s ability答案:the commercial circumstances, the overall context8、Differences in____, ____, and____ have a profound impact on how successfully the parties are able to negotiate or conduct business transactions.BehavingWays of thinkingManaging conflictHuman resources答案:9、The political system,____, and the counterpart may in some way determine the success or failure of the negotiation.The legal systemThe business systemThe financial systemInfrastructure and logistics system答案:ABCD10、The specific tasks of the opening phase are concluded: To explain the concrete issueTo create suitable atmosphereTo state proposal in opening phaseTodeclare for our intention。
非语言沟通,非语言沟通通常不是独立地建立起来的,它往 往附属于面对面的口头传递形式,是一种重要的辅助性工具。 人体传递信息有两个方面:一是人体语言,指人的表情、动作、 姿态以及相关的界域、服饰等;二是人的活动,人的行为以及 各种活动本身也是一种高效率的、感染力很强的传播手段, 如以身作则的行为、热情友好的态度、文明高雅的礼节等等。 使用人体语言传递,有助于使人际沟通中的信息更加形象、 生动和易于理解,人际沟通的形式更加丰富多彩、生动活泼。 一个高明的沟通者应做到“五到”,不仅要“耳到”,更要 “口到”(声调)、“手到”(用肢体表达)、“眼到”(观察肢 体)、“心到”(用心灵体会)。
格式语言是在书面语言中通过文字格式表达的信息,关于这 一点,我们将在有关书面沟通的章节中加以介绍。
人和动物都有自己的领地感,人们往往通过占据更大的空间 来显示自己的地位和势力。同时,每个人在与其他人交往的 过程中也努力保留自己的个人空间。个人空间实际上是一种 心理空间,它代表人与人之间的亲密程度。根据亲密程度的 不同,个人心理空间可以分为4种类型,即亲密距离、私人距 离、社会距离和公共距离。
身体语言又称肢体语言、动作语言,是指借用人体的动作、 姿态、表情、着装等形式表达特定的感想、态度。身体语言 的形式很多,包括:表情、手势、姿势、方位、眼神、点头、 接触、仪表等多种形式。 表情 表情是所有非语言沟通形式中最重要、使用最频繁、表现力 最强的形式。 手势 手是人体最灵活的部位之一,十个手指、手掌和手臂在一起 可以组合出多种不同的样式。
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
为了取得跨国经营的更大成就, 目前西方 国家非常重视跨文化管理的研究, 并在实施中 取得了很好的效果。加拿大著名的跨文化组织 管理学者南希•爱德勒将企业在跨国经营中的 文化变革分为4个阶段, 并提出了各种管理措 施。
商务沟通与交流 电子教案
跨文化商务沟通中的语言沟通与非语言 沟通
第一节 跨文化商务沟通概述
第二节 跨文化商务沟通中的语言沟通 和非语言沟通
特点: 实行总部集权制,世界各地的子公司的 重要职务,一般留给母国人员担任。一般地说, 这种模式适合于无差异策略推广单一产品的特 大型跨国公司,他们的价值观念被普遍接受, 母国文化对其他文化有强大的吸引力。
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
跨国公司在建立海外子公司时,尽可能放 弃母国文化,而从当地文化背景出发构建适合 当地文化特点的子公司文化模式。一些东道国 股本占多数的合资企业,多采用这种模式。
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
跨文化商务沟通 Chapter 6
![跨文化商务沟通 Chapter 6](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7feefc4d9b6648d7c1c7466d.png)
business card) Protocols in business workplace (telephone and e-
Moreover, the professional image requires the design to be concise and information-oriented, which means the blackand-white color is preferred.
6.2.1 Etiquette in Initiating Business Credential
While protocol is the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic etiquette and courtesies expected in official dealings, like contacting and negotiations with persons in various cultures (Chaney & Martin, 2002).
2) Exchanging of Business Card As for exchanging business card, you should master the
appropriate time and graceful etiquette about how to do it. Firstly, when to exchange business card When someone asks for it or you are engaged in a
价值观差异:不同文化对个体主义与集 体主义、权力距离、不确定性规避等方 面的价值观存在的差异。
文化差异可能导致沟通误 解、信息传递不畅,增加 商务沟通的难度。
不同的价值观、沟通方式 和思维方式可能导致双方 产生冲突和误解,影响商 务合作关系。
团队组建 团队培训 团队协作 成功案例
在组建跨文化商务团队时,注重成员的文化多样性,确保团队 具备跨文化沟通的能力。
通过跨文化培训,提高团队成员对文化差异的认识和尊重,增 强团队凝聚力。
鼓励团队成员分享各自的文化经验和知识,促进团队成员间的 互相学习和成长,提升团队整体绩效。
学员将围绕跨文化商务沟通的主题,分享自己在工作或学 习中积累的经验和故事。通过分享,学员可以相互学习、 借鉴成功策略。
• 拓展市场份额:通过有效的跨文化商务沟通,企业 可以更好地开拓国际市场,扩大市场份额。
• 文化差异带来的沟通障碍:不同文化背景下,人们 对沟通方式、时间观念、社交礼仪等方面可能存在 差异,这增加了沟通的复杂性。
• 汲取多元文化优势:跨文化商务沟通有助于企业汲 取不同文化的优势,提升企业创新能力和竞争力。
跨文化商务交际 教材
![跨文化商务交际 教材](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/dfd44822793e0912a21614791711cc7930b77815.png)
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6-8 8
6.3 时间观念
谈、社交应酬等是非常重要的。守时被 理解为一种非常积极的态度,向别人传 达的是对对方的尊敬。迟到是一种非常 不礼貌的行为,传达出不为别人考虑或 者对工作或会议不感兴趣等信号。迟到 还传达出一种非言语信息,即你没有很 好的组织能力。
6-9 9
6-33 33
手势表示“万事俱备”或“进展顺利”等 积极的含义,而在北美洲、欧洲大部分地 区、澳大利亚和西非,这个手势被理解成 非常不礼貌。
6-34 34
美国,这是个非常积极的手势。而在巴 西这个手势代表着猥亵。在日本,它还 有另外一个意思表示钱。在比利时,这 个手势仅仅表示零。在突尼斯一定要慎 重地使用这个手势,因为OK手势在突尼 斯代表“我要杀了你”。
的非言语信息。 在法国,最高层管理者的位置是在办公 楼的中央。 日本人认为拥有私人办公室不太合适。
6-16 16
某大学的一位教授给他的学生布置了一项任 务:测试电梯里的人际距离,拥挤的人们可 以利用的空间只有电梯。他们的报告称,一 般美国人的举动是看着前方或者看着发光的 楼层指示器;调整手包、钱包、公文包等随 身物品的位置;站在角落里面或对着电梯壁 。教授又增加了一组实验:让他的学生跳上 电梯,面对着其他人,然后在电梯门关闭之 前向后跳出电梯。电梯里的乘客就会低声说 :“快打‘911’,我们这里出现了怪人。”
在脚踝处交叉,男人是将脚踝放在另一 条腿的膝盖上交叉。 在中东大部分地区的人们看来,脚踝放 在膝盖上交叉双腿是一种非常不礼貌的 行为。
6-40 40
6.9 姿势和姿态
重要的,他们通常避免将鞋子的底部或 者是将脚朝向对方,因为身体最低的部 位通常被认为是不干净的。 泰国人认为露出脚底是侮辱人的一种做 法,因此坐着的时候一定要避免被人看 到鞋子的底部。
6-17 17
6.5 眼神
一些文化比其他文化更重视眼神交流。 美国、加拿大、英国和东欧地区的人们
都喜欢直接的眼神交流。 眼神交流并不会持续很长时间,一般一 两秒钟就结束。 在这些国家,眼神交流通常意味着尊敬 和关注。总是回避眼神交流的人会被认 为不安全、不友好、不可信、不尊敬或 者怠慢。
6.9 姿势和姿态
路说明他是思考型的人。 走路时把手放在臀部表达出这个人想要 尽快到达目的地。 地位高的人通常会比他的下属姿势更放 松。 身体朝向你的交流对象前倾表示对此人 感兴趣。靠后坐着表明缺乏兴趣。
6-39 39
6.9 姿势和姿态
不同文化的人们坐姿也有不同。 美国人经常双腿交叉坐着,其中女人是
6-7 7
一次只做一件事 做事非常专注 时间观念强,注重效率 致力于任务 重视私有财产,很少借或借给 别人东西 习惯建立短期关系
同时做多件事 做事不专心,容易被打断 时间观念淡薄,做事的速度 因关系而定 致力于人 经常借或借给别人东西 习惯建立终生关系
6.9 姿势和姿态
传达积极的或是消极的非语言信息。 姿势可以传达出自信、地位和兴趣。 自信的人通常姿势放松,站姿挺拔,步 伐坚定。 走路弓着肩,步伐缓慢犹豫则是缺乏安 全感和没有自信的表现。 目标明确并且摆动双臂表明他是一个目 标导向的人。
6-38 38
6-4 4
6.2 副语言
– 阿拉伯人说话的声音特别大。 – 菲律宾人说话却非常轻柔。 – 美国北部地区的居民说话的速度要普遍快于 美国南部地区的居民。 – 意大利人和阿拉伯人说话的速度要比美国人 快。
6-5 5
6.3 时间观念
6-35 35
向身体。在菲律宾,这个手势是非常不 礼貌的,因为这个手势是用来召唤动物 和家禽的。在越南和墨西哥,这个手势 也是非常不礼貌的。
6-36 36
一位美国工程师所在的美国公司收购了一家德 国企业,他被调到德国的企业工作。他和一位 德国工程师一起合作改造一台设备。这位美国 工程师提出了改造设备的新想法,他的合作伙 伴德国工程师照着他的想法实施了,正想要问 他做的是否正确。这时,美国工程师将大拇指 和食指围成一个圈,回应他一个美国式的 “OK”手势。德国工程师立马放下手中的工具 离开了,并且拒绝与美国工程师交流。后来这 位美国人从他的上级口中得知,“OK”在德国 的意思是“你是个白痴” 。 6-37 37
有眼神交流。 在埃及,不相熟的男女之间不允许有眼 神交流。 德国人很重视眼神交流,而且他们的眼 神交流程度比美国人所习惯的眼神交流 程度要强。 在中东地区,眼神交流的程度超出了大 部分美国人所能接受的舒适程度。
6-20 20
6.6 嗅觉
言沟通形式。 气味对于人们所传达的言语信息有正向 的或者负向的影响。而且一个人离开之 后他的气味还会留在我们的记忆里。
6-30 30
手势是肢体语言的另一个重要方面。 手势可以理解为象征或标志、警示、监
控,或者一种情感表达。 手势是用来强化或帮助口语表达的一种 表达方式。
6-31 31
– 与说话者持续的眼神交流、微笑或者点头表示对其 谈话感兴趣。 – 通过张开双臂或手掌向上表示思想开放或无偏见。 – 坐立不安、不敢与说话人进行眼神交流或者拨弄钥 匙、整理钱包里的钱等动作都是紧张的标志。 – 眼神漂移不定、触摸鼻子眼睛或耳朵等小动作表示 怀疑。 – 双臂在胸前交叉、握拳或双腿交叉表示防御。 – 在别人讲话时不停地看表或者盯着地板、天花板、 窗外表示对谈话不感兴趣或是厌烦。 6-32 32
6-11 11
6.3 时间观念
要,特别是在与地位高的人见面时守时 显得更重要。 伊拉克的居民也很守时,这点与它的邻 国的文化不同。 印度人很欣赏守时这一习惯,但是他们 自己却未必守时。 在澳大利亚和新西兰,不论是商业会谈 还是社交事务守时都是很重要的。
6-3 3
6.2 副语言
是指语速、音高、音量等声音的性质,可 以打断或暂时代替谈话内容并影响信息的 含义。 副语言包括这些声音特质:语气(大声的 或是轻柔的);语调(高的或者低的); 重音(平缓的或是加重音的);哭和笑的 声音特质;发音间隔或停顿,如“嗯”和 “啊”之类的间隔词。
6-27 27
几年前,当卡特总统参加埃及和以色列之间 的和平谈判时,埃及总统安瓦尔· 萨达特不 时地把手放在卡特总统的膝上,虽然表面上 看这一动作是为了表达双方的友谊,但更微 妙的意思是萨达特在向世界传达一种讯息: 他和卡特是平等的。
6-28 28
6.8 举止神态
6-24 24
6-25 25
6-26 26
因为在他们看来头部是神圣的。 所有的亚洲人都很忌讳被人摸头部,即便是小 孩子也不行。 把手搭在亚洲同事的椅背上也是非常不适合的 行为。 穆斯林可以在拥抱时搂对方的肩膀,韩国人却 不能触碰比自己年长的人的肩膀。 在香港,那么就要避免一切身体接触行为。
6.3 时间观念
为守时是尊敬和有礼貌的表现。中国、印 度、新加坡以及世界上许多其他国家和地 区的人们都认为守时对于商业业务是非常 重要的。
6-10 10
6.3 时间观念
和重要程度相关的。 德国人和瑞士人的时间观念要比美国人 强,斯堪的纳维亚人也很守时,冰岛的 居民时间观念较弱,他们所谓的守时会 更灵活些。 新加坡人和香港人也很注重守时。
思维模式 副语言 时间观念 近体学 眼神 嗅觉 触觉 举止神态 姿势和姿态 色彩 沉默 非语言泄露 物件、标志和符号
6-2 2
6.1 思维模式
在所有文化中都是一样的,但它们却都 对口头沟通有影响。 演绎法-是从普遍性的理论或观察出发, 到具体的事例以确定事实,最后是问题 的解决。 归纳法-人们从实际的情况和观察到姿势、姿 态以及其他能够协助或者替代语言沟通的 行为。
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语言,不同文化中的人们总想要通过控 制面部表情来掩饰在特定场合下不恰当 的情绪。 在中国,人们可能很少表达情感;韩国 人很少笑;泰国人很喜欢笑;日本人习 惯用笑容来掩饰其他感情;在美国,笑 就代表着很开心。
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6.4 近体学
– 美国人在交流时,通常喜欢把椅子按照一个 合适的角度面对面摆放。 – 中国人喜欢将椅子并排排列,这种摆放方式 可能是与该文化背景中的人们不喜欢直视对 方眼睛这一习惯有关。
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