Strategic Management(战略管理-中英文)
英语大学作业 MBA课程 战略管理 strategy management

Question 1A:Porter's generic strategy: According to Porter (1985), a business can maximize performance either by striving to be the low cost producer in an industry or by differentiating its line of products or services from those of other businesses; either of these two approaches can be accompanied by a focus of organizational efforts on a given segment of the market (See appendix 1).The strategy clock: From the market-facing point of view and based on the principle that organizations achieve competitive advantage by providing their customers with what they want better or more effectively than competitors, Bowman presented ―strategy clock‖ (Johnson, 2006). The position on the ―strategy clock‖ represent different positions in the market where customers have different ―requirement‖ in terms of value-for-money they also represent a set of generic strategies for achieving competitive advantage (See appendix 2).The strategy cube: Aiming at providing a more systematic insight into a balance between market position and resource position of a product, Jenkins (2004) originated the strategy cube. It is a developed model by establishing a three dimensional matrix with the relative parameters of product price, product cost and perceived level of product benefits (both functional and intangible benefits). In the strategy cube there are nine reference points, eight where each of the three variables takes two values relatively high and relatively low and the average product, which has a notional, average level of benefits at an average price and cost. Then each competitive strategy can be identified explicitly by the eight extreme positions (See appendix 3).Ryanair is now the largest low cost airline in Great Britain and Europe (Box, 2007). Ryanair’s objective is to maintain its position as Europe’s leading low fares airline. Ryanair has pursued simplicity, efficiency, productivity and high utilization of assets to offer low fares. Part of Ryanair's strategy for market stimulation even is the issuingof free tickets.The situation of Malaysia's Air Asia is similar to that of Ryanair. With the world's lowest unit cost of $0.023/ASK and a passenger break-even load factor of 52%, Air Asia is showing all the signs of being a Ryanair clone. From the perspective of Porte r’s generic model, it seems that Ryanair and Air Asia have kept succeeded by following the cost leadership strategy. Their cost-leadership strategy is based on establish a cost structure which can provide its air travel service with a lower cost than their competitors.In the meantime, the strategy they employed might be ―No frills‖ as their market positioning strategy targeting the low-price with low-benefits. Ryanair’s basic flights are attracted by business travelers for its frequency and punctuality. Air Asia also applied the same strategy as Ryanair to operate in the emerging market of Asia Pacific rim. Lawton (2002) pointed out that the average fares of no frills carriers were some 40–60% lower than their full service competitors. Passengers’ percepti on is therefore to expect low fares from this no frills carrier and accept no frills in exchange for low fares. According to strategy clock, a no frills strategy combines a low price, low perceived product/service benefits and a focus on a price-sensitive market segment (Johnson, 2006).Besides, it is clear that Ryanair and Asia air pursue the low fares, no frills and relative lower benefits to the customers. We could get a conclusion that Ryanair and Asia Air position at point E in strategy cube, which means would be a tenable position for a firm competing on price with low cost and low benefit. Firms which supply low benefits, low price products would rationally seek to operate as near to position E as possible, to be the lowest cost producer in the market (Jenkins, 2004).B:The segment for minicar had exited for a long time. It had seen increasing demand and volumes because of macro economic factors including economic uncertainty, highunemployment and high fuel prices in the Europe minicar segment. This was a new segment for Toyota and Toyota was deeply interested in it. PSA had two successful models in the minicar segment. However these models were getting old and urgently needed to be replaced and PSA wanted to maintain and improve its market share in the minicar segment. The joint venture of the two partners -TPAC would produce Toyota Aygo, Peugeot 107 and the Citroen C1 into minicar segment.The profit margins in the minicar segment were smaller than the luxury car segment, but the minicar segment had long product life cycles and was a lucrative proposition in the long term. Competitors either relied on cars from low-cost countries such as the Fiat Panda, VW Fox, Hyundai Getz. Some other competitors opted for very long product lifecycle: Renau lt’s Twingo had sold for over a decade without major changes, as had the former model of the Nissan Micra.Toyota Aygo, Peugeot 107 and the Citroen C1 possessed the characterization of low –cost and low price, but they had some differentiator to some extent. The minicar would differ primarily only in their exteriors, each car was addressing a different customer segment. The Aygo pronounces ―I go‖. This implies its target buyers are young people who are about to have their first taste of car ownership. For example, the Aygo from Toyota would target first time buyers (18-30 years, Generation Y) while the Peugeot 107 was positioned for women (Generation X) and the Citroen Saxo was positioned for lifestyle oriented people. So though there would definitely be some minor overlap of the customers, each of the minicars would not cannibalize each other but expand the market and create sales opportunities.Toyota and PSA applied the differentiation focus strategy which focuses on narrow target. From the perspective of strategy clock model, its strategy belongs to ―Hybrid‖-low cost base and reinvestment in low price and differentiation. As for strategy cube model, its strategy is located in ―F‖, it shows relatively high benefits with relatively low costs and a relatively low price. In a market hitherto characterised by positive relationship between benefits and costs, an innovative firm very quicklydevelops a product with a higher than average level of benefits at a lower than average cost (Jenkins, 2004).C:Automotive and airline segments are facing fierce competition, but their competitive behavior and competitive strategy has difference to some extent.First of all, the airline segment is the services sector, airline competition in this segment is sensitive to price. Therefore, competitive strategies applied by airlines concentrate on cost reduction and low fares, such as cost-leadership strategy, no-frills service strategy.Secondly, the automotive industry belongs to manufacturing industry, and the products are durable goods. In this segment more consideration to differentiation and consumer perception are given in addition to cost and price. For example, differentiation focus strategy and Hybrid strategy are like to be used in this segment.Finally, the automobile segment is a mature industry with high degree of internationalization and characterized by global competition. On the contrary, Airline segment is emerging sector with low degree of internationalization and characterized by local competition.Question: 2Toyota was deeply interested in the minicar segment in Europe, and sales from Europe were critical in helping it achieve its goal which reachs 15% global market share by 2010 from 11% in 2005. In return, PSA was already doing well in this segment and wanted to maintain and improve its market share. Toyota and the PSA group, their needs in the minicar converged in their overall business strategy.The strategic benefits led to the formation of TPCA. The TPCA (Toyota PeugeotCitroen Automobile) company was established by Toyota and the PSA (the holding company for the Peugeot and Citroen brands), locating in Kolin with an annually capacity of 300,000 minicars. The new TPCA operated by the parties could improve the performance of their existing operations and create a favorable competitive environment. For Toyota it was an entry strategy into the minicar segment while for PSA, it was a model replacement strategy. It fit in perfectly with the localization strategy of Toyota and the Eastern European strategy of the PSA group. It is true that either party, each of the parties could potentially provide the complementary resources and capabilities to the joint venture.TPCA value analysisValue chain is a basic tool for diagnosing a firm’s competitive advantage and finding ways to create and sustain it. The value chain concepts can be helpful in understanding how value is created or lost in terms of the activities undertaken by organizations (Johnson et. al, 2006). It involves all the activities within and around an organization together. Each activity can contribute to a firm’s relative cost position and create a basis for differentiation (Porter, 1998). Through the analysis of the value creating activities of TPCA, a value chain is drawn as seen in appendix 4.1. Procurement:PSA would manage all the purchasing functions and supplier relationships. PSA has supplier relationships and purchasing efficiencies. There were the biggest suppliers at the top of the hierarchy and many of them were the Czech and Slovakia subsidiaries of the big international suppliers. TPCA was directly dealing with around 150 Tier-1 suppliers. They do not outsource external surfaces and key structural parts for quality reasons.2. Technology development:Toyota is in charge of R&D accounted for 6% of value-added in car manufacturing. Toyota has an excellent technology reputation and a strong positioning around green issues. The hybrid technologies would be applied for the three models. Fuel efficientdesign also helped TPCA to make big improvements to their voluntary target for reducing carbon dioxide by 2008. Toyota would use its capability in gasoline engines by bringing a 3-cylinder gasoline engine to TPCA.3. Human resource management:TPCA had around 3000 employees. It focuses on maximal work safety, employee benefits and health of employees. It also focuses on team work and equal approach to employees. Extensive training took place at various European factories and in Japan for the senior positions to improve qualification of employees. The trainings sessions lasted for an anywhere between one month and six months. Toyota established the Toyota Technological Institute in Japan and opened another supporting facility in UK, European Global Production Centre, to teach train production staff and supervisors from all over Europe in 2006 (Toyota in Europe 2008).4. Infrastructure:Toyota and PSA would hold each own 50% of the equity of TPCA. Toyota would responsible for running the factory according to the TPS and would responsible for the development of the three vehicles to be produced at the factory. The PSA group would handle all the purchasing and supplier relations including their selection. TPCA also clearly demarcated the operating areas for each firm and this provided clarity and helped the plant to be managed more effectively.5. Inbound logistics:PSA would ensure that 80% of all the parts purchased by volume and value were from local suppliers. TPCA adopted Just-in-time supply system invented by Toyota to minimize stock inventories.6. Production:TPCA would apply the Toyota stamp of quality through the rigor of the Toyota Production System (TPS) and adopt a platform strategy--three different models were being built in the same factory. The principle of efficient production are introduced infull process including Kaizen (continuous improvement), Jidoka (fixing problems right away, where they occur), just-in-time delivery and visualization (production process is visible at all times). And with a projected 93% commonality of parts between the three models the inputs prices and degree of complexity in manufacturing three different models would be reduced. TPCA pays exceptional attention to quality control with every car leaving TPCA is thoroughly checked.7. Outbound logistic, marketing and sales as well as serviceTPCA was limited to manufacturing the cars and that the cars were later sold separately through the Toyota/Peugeot/Citroen distribution channels. The annually outcome of the 300,000 units to be manufactured, PSA would absorb 2/3rd i.e. 200,000 units and Toyota half of that. TPCA would charge each buyer (Toyota and PSA) the cost incurred in manufacturing the minicar and it would not make any profits on sale of cars to Toyota and PSA. The profits were subsequently generated by Toyota and PSA from their own sales.Identify the resources at the disposal of TPCAAfter the TPCA value-creation activities analysis above, now it comes to how and to what extent the TPCA can make full use of resources and benefits from the wider values systems of Toyota and PSA.First, TPCA can benefit from the advantageous sources of PSA for the procurement. PSA would be able to leverage its existing relationships with all the leading suppliers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia to ensure that 80% of all the parts purchased by volume and value were from local suppliers. PSA also had an automobile manufacturing plant in Slovakia about 250 km from Kolin, and could consolidate purchasing to extract better deals from suppliers. Besides, the town of Kolin was close to the hometown of Skoda Auto (member of the V olkswagen Group) and had an established supplier base of auto parts manufacturers.Second, TPCA can gain the strongest technology support in minicar segment fromToyota and PSA. Toyota has an excellent technology reputation and a strong positioning around green issues. The hybrid technologies pioneered by Toyota positioned it as the technology leader in Europe. For supporting R&D, in 2000, Toyota Europe Design Development (ED) was establish in France, to run design concepts for the European market, production support for European models and design research information (Toyota in Europe 2008).Third, TPCA would embrace the advantageous and rational organization and operational structure from unique alliance of Toyota and PSA. Toyota had the highest ratings on the quality surveys and had robust sales growth. PSA was a cost leader in the industry and had a capability in managing joint ventures successfully. It had successful ventures with Ford, Renault, Fiat and Mitsubishi amongst others in the automobile industry. And The PSA group had two successful models in the minicar segment. Besides, Toyota Motor Europe (TME) as a holding company to control subsidiaries in Europe has strongly coordination in production, sales, marketing and technology departments for more efficiency in management (Toyota in Europe 2008).Fourth, Toyota Production System (TPS) could endow TPCA the production and operation with High efficiency and high quality. TPCA would apply TPS known as part of The Toyota Way, including a series of principle of efficient production, such as Kaizen, Jidoka, just-in-time delivery, visualization and so on. This would provide the stamp of approval on the quality and efficiency of the minicars production. 420 1320The analysis of VRIOThe VRIO framework, is an internal tool of analysis in the context of businesses about a resource or capability to determine its competitive potential (Barney, 1991). It applies four issues on value, rarity, imitability and organization of the resource and capability to evaluate the competitive advantages. By analyzing TPCA’s resources and capabilities, we can identify it internal strengths and its internal weaknesses.About Value:1. Running plants efficiently with the Toyota Production System (TPS)2. Platform strategy--three different models were being built in the same factory3. The principle of efficient production including Kaizen, Jidoka, just-in-time delivery and visualization4. The strongest technology support, renowned vehicle design capabilities of Toyota and small car design capabilities of PSA. The hybrid technologies lead in Europe, fuel efficient design meets the voluntary target for reducing carbon dioxide, 3-cylinder gasoline engine from Toyota for the petrol version and 4-cylinder diesel engine from PSA for the diesel version5. Supplier relationships and purchasing efficiencies of PSA6. Attractive prices from the cost leadership strategies employed by PSAAbout Rarity and Imitability:1. Running plants efficiently with the TPS and the Toyota Way philosophy, efficient production including Kaizen, Jidoka, just-in-time delivery and visualization2. Renowned vehicle design capabilities of Toyota and small car design capabilities of PSA. The hybrid technologies leading in Europe, fuel efficient design meeting the voluntary target for reducing carbon dioxideAbout Organization:1. Toyota had the highest ratings on the quality surveys and had robust sales growth. PSA was a cost leader in the industry and had a capability in managing joint ventures with large automobile firms successfully.2. Clearly demarcated the operating areas for each firm and this provided clarity and helped the plant to be managed more effectively.3. Toyota Motor Europe (TME) as a holding company to control subsidiaries in Europe has strongly coordination in production, sales, marketing and technology departments for more efficiency in management (Toyota in Europe 2008).Both Toyota and PSA has made a lot of transaction specific investments in the TPCAand correspondingly bestowed TPCA the potential to create sustained competitive advantage because of the complementary resources and capabilities of both the parties.Figure 1 shows the TPCA’s VRIO framework.Sources: Jenkins, W. (2009) Managing Strategy, Pearson Custom Publication, p108.Culture web analysisOrganizational culture is the basic assumptions and believes that are shared by members of an organization that operate unconsciously and define in a basic taken-for-granted fashion an organization’s view of it self and its environment (Johnson et. al, 2006). And organizational culture influence how an organization runs.A strong organizational culture can be a source of competitive advantage for organizations (Aldrich & Ruef, 2006).Toyota and PSA are all famous car makers with distinctive organization culture fostered in process of development and in turn influenced the organization as a competitive sources for long time. A distinctive organizational culture can ensure that the various parts of the organization are all working to a common end and provide the very basis of competitive advantage in markets because it proves so difficult to imitate (Kemp & Dwyer, 2001). As the wholly-owned subsidiaries of Toyota and PSA, the two partner’s culture undoubtedly contributes to the competitive advantage of TPCA. In order to understand the contribution of each partners’ culture to TPCA for competitive advantage, a cultural web should be identified (See appendix 5).Stories: TPCA was established in 2002 originated from two famous car makers,Toyota-the world’s largest automaker in terms of sales, net worth, revenue, and profits (Wikipedia, Toyota) and PSA- Europe’s second largest car manufacturer a fter the V olkswagen group.Symbols: As a subsidiary of Toyota, TPCA would inherit Toyota’s guiding principles- Contribution towards Sustainable Development and It also aims to be a good, local corporate citizen under the Toyota’s globalization and localiz ation objective. Just as Satoshi Takae, the president of TPCA said: ―To be the number one plant in Europe.‖Routines and rituals: Toyota’s philosophy would contribute to and be accepted by TPCA as its organization routines and rituals. It is the famous Toyota Way which involves four components: long-term thinking as a basis for management decisions, a process for problem-solving, adding value to the organization by developing its people and recognizing that continuously solving root problems drives organizational learning.Control systems: Because the Kolin plant is a typical Toyota factory, Toyota Production System (TPS) would endow TPCA the principles of control and operation model. A series of principle of efficient production, such as Kaizen, Jidoka, just-in-time delivery, visualization would take root in TPCA.Power structures and organization structures: Toyota and PSA would each own 50% of the equity of the joint venture company. Toyota would responsible for running the factory and would responsible for the development of the three vehicles. The PSA group would handle all the purchasing and supplier relations including their selection.Question: 3Julius Shiskin (1974, cited by Achuthan, 2008) suggested several rules of thumb to identify a recession, which included two successive quarterly declines in gross domestic product (GDP), a measure of the nation's output. A global recession is aperiod of global economic slowdown. International Monetary Fund (IMF) states that global economic growth of 3 percent or less is "equivalent to a global recession".According to the IMF’s World Economic Outlook, the world economy is ―entering a major downturn‖ in the face of ―the most dangerous shock‖ to rich-country financial markets since the 1930s. IMF expects global GDP growth to decline to 0.9% in 2009 from 2.5% in 2008, on the verge of what it considers to be a global recession, and International trade will decline from 2007 levels.The auto industry is in the midst of a deep global depression, the full force of the global recession is impacting all the grandiose plans and decisions of the world’s automakers, in the process shredding them to pieces. Most of car manufacturers have been forced to cut back on production volumes following reports that millionaires and billionaires are cutting back on their expenditures. For example, General Motors witnessed a catastrophic drop in sales of 53% in February, Toyota experienced a decline of 40% in sales of motor vehicles in its largest market, the United States.This is reflected in the staggering levels of over-capacity in auto manufacturing worldwide. At present, the combined capacity of all the carmakers throughout the world amounts more than 90 million cars annually. The deadly demand destruction being inflicted by the global recession has reduced purchases to about 50 million units per years, meaning that the world’s auto companies have nearly double the productive capacity that can be absorbed by current consumer demand.In Europe car sales dropped by 9% in 2008, compared to 2007. However, not all types are experiencing a slow down in production and sales, at least 4% more small cars were sold between August and December 2008. So large cars are having disastrous sales at the moment, on the contrary, people are seeking for small cars which is less expensive to buy and what’s more, less expensive to use. It indicated that the global recession has raised the demand for such vehicles.TPCA has weathered the impacts of the economic recession better than other European producers as people shifted to less expensive model, its small cars are selling well in Germany.But no company can dodge the global recession especially auto industry according to the analysis above. For TPCA managers, the strategy priority is to keep its production volumes rather than adhering its boost for production capacity to 340,000 cars this year. Because car market in Europe will not rebound this year and the very difficult period will continue, and it was not clear how long an incentive scheme to replace older cars in Germany keeps boosting demand for small cars. TPCA should stay cautious in order to minimize the potential risk.(3650 words)Reference:Achuthan, Lakshman. "The risk of redefining recession, Lakshman Achuthan and Anirvan Banerji, Economic Cycle Research Institute, May 7, 2008".Aldrich,H.& Ruef,M. (2006), Organizations Evolving, SAGE,2006.Barney, J. (1991) “Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage.” Journal of Management, 17.Box, T. M.(2007), RYANAIR (2005): Successful Low Cost Leadership, Journal of the International Academy for Case StudiesHill, C. (1988), Differentiation versus low cost or differentiation and low cost: a contingency framework, Academy of Management Journal, V ol. 13 No.3,Hotel, Sydney, International Journal of Hospitality Management, V olume 20, Issue 1.Lall, Subir. "IMF Predicts Slower World Growth Amid Serious Market Crisis," International Monetary Fund, April 9, 2008.Lawton, 2002 T. Lawton, Cleared for Take-Off—Structure and Strategy in the Low Fare Airline Business, Ashgate, Aldershot (2002).Jenkins W. (2004) Towards a strategic framework for competition in multi-product consumer markets, Int. J. Management and Decision Making, 5(2/3), pp. 11-134Jenkins W. (2005) Competing in times of evolution and revolution: An essay on long-term firm survival, Management Decision, 43(1).Johnson,G., Scholes,K., Whittington,R.(2006), Exploring Corporate Strategy, PrenticeKemp & Dwyer (2001) “An examination of organisational culture — the Regent.Porter, M. E. (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and sustaining superior performance, Free Press.Porter, M. E., (1998) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, A division of Simon & Schuster, New York.Online, 2009, Wikipedia Toyota./wiki/ToyotaToyota Motor official global site, in English official site in English. 1:Porter’s generic strategy conceptSource: Porter M. (1998)Appendix 2: The strategy clockSource: Bowman, C. and Faulkner, D. (1995) The Essence of Competitive Strategy. Cornwall: Prentics Hall.SOURCE OF COMPETITIVE ADV ANTAGEDifferentiationCostCOMPETITIVE SCOPEBroad TargetNarrow TargetAppendix 3: The strategy cubeSource: Jenkins, 2004Appendix 4: TPCA Value chainAppendix 5: TPCA’ s Culture WebSource: Johnson et al, 2006: 202。

F1-管理学术语英汉对照解释(8)Strategic Management1、strategic management : 战略管理That set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of an organization.战略管理是一组管理决策和行动,它决定了组织的长期绩效。
2、strategic management process: 战略管理过程An eight-step process that encompasses strategic planning, implementation, and evaluation.是一个包含8个步骤的过程,其中包括战略计划、实施和评估。
3、opportunities : 机会Positive trends in external environmental factors.机会是外部环境因素的积极趋势。
4、threats : 威胁Negative trends in external environmental factors.威胁是外部环境因素的负面趋势。
5、Core competencies: 核心能力An organization’s major value-creating skills , capabilities , and resources that determine its competitive weapons.核心能力是组织主要的价值创造技能,它决定了组织的竞争武器。
6、Strengths: 优势Any activities the organization does well or any unique resources that it has.优势是组织擅长的活动或者专有的资源。
7、Weaknesses: 劣势Activities the organization does not do well or resources it needs but does not possess.劣势是组织不擅长的活动或者非专有的资源。

The Strategic Management Process
© Prentice Hall, 2002
8 6
The Strategic Management Process
1. Identifying the Organization’s Current Mission, Objectives, and Strategies确定组织当前的宗旨、 目标和战略 – Mission宗旨 - statement of the purpose of an organization组织的目的陈述 • important in profit and not-for-profit organizations在盈利性和非盈利性组织中都 很重要。 • important to identify the goals currently in place and the strategies currently being pursued 确定当前的目标和当前追求的战略是非常重 要的。
The Importance Of Strategic Management 战略管理的重要性
What Is Strategic Management什么是战略管理?
– A set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the longrun performance of an organization一个组织从全局出发而
The Strategic Management Process (cont.)
6. Formulating Strategies制定战略 – require strategies at the corporate, business, and functional levels of the organization 战略需要在公司层、事业层和职能层设立 – strategy formulation follows the decision-making process 指定战略应遵循决策程序 7. Implementing Strategies实施战略 – a strategy is only as good as its implementation 无论战略计划制定得多么有效,如果不能恰当地实施 仍不会成功 8. Evaluating Results评价结果 – control process to determine the effectiveness of a strategy 控制过程决定一个战略的效果

管理学关键词中英文对照1.管理Manage2.管理的目标Management goal3.组织绩效Organization performance4.效益Effectiveness5.效率Efficiency6.管理的二重性Twoness of management7.管理职能Management functions8.计划Plan9.组织Organize10.指挥Command11.协调Coordinate12.控制Control13.计划职能Planning14.组织职能Organizing15.领导职能Leading16.控制职能Controlling17.管理学Management18.管理者Manager19.高层管理者Top managers20.中层管理者Middle managers21.基层管理者Fist-line managers22.组织层次Organizational levels23.管理者的角色The Role of the manager24.人际关系角色Interpersonal roles25.信息情报方面的角色Informational roles26.挂名首脑Figurehead27.监听者Monitor28.谈判者Negotiator29.决策方面的角色Decisional roles30.组织规模Organizational sale31.价值取向Value orientation32.管理者的素质Stuff of managers33.智力商数Intelligence Quotient, IQ34.情商Emotional Intelligence, EI35.情绪Mood36.情感智力Emotional Quotient, EQ37.管理技能Management skill38.技术技能Technical skill39.人际技能Human skill40.概念技能Conceptual skill41.劳动分工Divide of labor42.劳动生产力Prolificacy of work43.劳动时间Time of work44.科学管理理论Scientific management theory 45.工业革命Industrial revolution46.泰罗制Taylor’s Principles47.时间研究Labor time study48.动作研究Motion study49.一般管理理论General administrative theory 50.管理原则Principles of management51.行政组织理论Administrative organization theory 52.古典组织理论Classical organization theory 53.行政管理Administrative management54.官僚制Bureaucracy55.官僚行政组织Bureaucracy56.行为科学Behavior science57.霍桑效应Hawthorne effect58.组织行为Organization behavior59.行为科学理论Behavior school60.X –Y 理论Theory X Y61.X理论Theory X62.Y理论Theory Y63.管理理论丛林Management theory jungle64.管理过程学派Management process school 65.人际关系学派Human relation school66.人际关系Human relation67.群体行为学派Group behavior school68.经验(或案例)学派Experience school69.社会合作系统学派Social technical systems theory 70.社会技术系统学派Social technical systems theory 71.系统管理学派Systems theory school72.决策理论学派Decision theory school 73.管理科学学派Management science school 74.权变理论学派Contingencies theory school 75.权变Contingencies76.经理角色学派Manager role school77.企业文化Organization culture78.愿景Vision79.共同愿景Shared vision80.文化冲击Culture shock81.公司再造Company Reengineering82.准时生产(JIT)Just-in-time83.计算机集成制造系统(CIM)Computer integrated manufacturing 84.精益生产Lean manufacturing85.学习型组织Learning organization86.管理环境Managerial environment87.外部环境External environment88.内部环境Internal environment89.一般环境因素General environmental factors90.宏观环境因素Macro environmental factors91.直接作用因素Direct-action factors92.间接作用因素Indirect-action factors93.环境的复杂性Environmental complexity94.动态环境Dynamic environment95.PEST分析法, PEST(polictial,economic,social,technological) 96.政治与法律环境Political & Legal environment97.特殊任务环境Specific environment98.供应商Suppliers99.服务对象Service object100.顾客Customer101.竞争对手Competitors102.潜在竞争对手Potential competitors103.竞争环境Competitive environment104.竞争意识Competitive intelligence105.进入障碍Barriers to entry106.规模经济Economies of scale107.范围经济Economies of scope108.政府管理部门Government Management department109.特殊利益团体Special-interest groups110.组织内部环境Organizational environment111.组织文化Organizational culture112.使命Mission113.凝聚力Cohesiveness114.合作Collaboration115.核心竞争力Core competence116.环境设计Design for environment117.组织设计Organizational design118.社会责任Social responsibility119.社会义务Social obligation120.社会响应Social responsiveness121.管理道德Management ethics122.道德规范Morality rule123.伦理Ethics124.可持续发展Sustainable development125.全球化Globalization126.全球组织模式Global organization model127.全球性组织Global organization128.全球性外包Global outsourcing129.全球战略Global strategy130.组织利益相关者Stakeholders131.组织Organization132.组织绩效Organizational performance133.生产型组织Manufacture organization134.服务型组织Service organization135.私人组织Private organization136.公共组织Commonality organization137.正式组织Formal organization138.非正式组织Informal organization139.实体组织Entity organization140.虚拟组织Virtual organization141.商业计划Business plan142.企业家Entrepreneur143.企业家才能Entrepreneurship144.创业Entrepreneurship145.创业机会分析Opportunity analysis146.组织目标Organizational goals147.研究与开发(R&D)Research and development 148.目标管理(MBO)Management by objective 149.企业Enterprise150.小企业Small business151.企业法人Corporation152.组织的法律形式Legal forms of organization 153.独资企业Solely- invested enterprise154.个人业主制企业 Sole proprietorship155.合伙制企业Partnership enterprise156.公司制企业Corporation157.有限责任公司Limited liability partnership 158.股份有限公司Limited liability Company 159.无限公司Unlimited company160.两合公司Limited partnership161.企业集团Group company162.劳动密集型企业Labor denseness enterprise 163.资金密集型企业Capital denseness enterprise 164.知识密集型企业Knowledge denseness enterprise 165.股东Shareholder166.董事Director167.董事会Directorate168.监事Monitor169.总经理General manager170.首席执行官(CEO)Chief executive officer171.非营利性组织Nonprofit organitation172.企业生命周期The corporate lifecycles173.发展Development174.萌芽阶段Embryonic stage175.衰退阶段Decline stage176.环境的不确定性Environmental uncertainty 177.组织变革Organization transform178.障碍Obstacle179.核心能力Core competencies180.战略Strategy181.战略管理Strategic management182.战略单位Strategic business units183.企业战略Enterprise strategy184.业务战略Business stratagem185.战略实施Strategy implementation186.差异化Differentiation187.差异化战略Differentiation strategy188.集中战略Concentration strategy189.一体化Intgeration190.纵向一体化V ertical integration191.同业多样化战略Concentric diversification strategy 192.战略联盟Strategic alliance193.合作战略Cooperative strategies194.机会Opportunities195.威胁Threats196.优势Strengths197.劣势Weaknesses198.风险Venture199.SWOT分析SWOT analysis200.成长战略Growth strategies201.稳固战略Stability strategies202.撤退战略Retrenchment strategies203.战略方针Strategic policy204.战略目标Strategic goles205.战略步骤Strategic process206.战略重点Strategic keystone207.战略措施Strategic measure208.预测Forecasting209.长期预测Long-time forecast210.中期预测Metaphase forecast211.短期预测Short-time forecast212.定性预测方法Qualitative forecast213.定量预测方法Quantitative forecast214.德尔菲法Dalphi Method215.讨论Discussion216.集合意见法Jury of opinion217.头脑风暴法Brainstorming218.时间序列法Time series analysis models 219.因果分析法Cause and effect analysis models 220.回归分析预测法Regression modals221.决策Decision222.决策过程Decision –making process 223.问题Problem224.决策标准Decision criteria225.权重Weights226.备选方案Alternatives227.最优化决策Optimum decision228.满意Satisfied229.评价Evaluating230.直觉决策Intuitive decision231.定性决策Qualitative decision232.定量决策Quantitative decision233.战略决策Stratagem decision making234.战术决策Tactics decision235.程序化决策Programmed decision236.非程序化决策Nonprogrammed decision 237.确定型决策Certain decision238.风险型决策Risk decisions239.不确定型决策Uncertain decision240.长期决策Long-term decision241.中期决策Intermediate-term decision242.短期决策Short-term decision243.个人决策Person decision244.集体决策Group decision245.有限理性Bounded rationality246.量本利分析法Breakeven analysis247.盈亏平衡点Breakeven point248.固定成本Fixed costs249.变动成本Variable costs250.决策树Decision tree251.悲观决策法Pessimistic decision252.乐观决策法Optimistic decision253.折衷决策法Compromise decision254.机会均等决策法Occasion equalization decision 255.最小后悔值决策法Regardless decision 256.计划Plan257.执行计划Execute plan258.宗旨Aim259.使命Mission260.目标Goal261.战略Stratagem262.政策Policy263.程序Process264.规则Rule265.规划Program266.项目Project267.预算Budget268.环境扫描Environmental scanning269.长期计划Long-term plans270.中期计划Intermediate-term plans271.短期计划Short-term plans272.战略计划Strategic plans273.业务计划Operational plans274.综合计划Synthetic plans275.局部计划Department plans276.项目计划Project plans277.高层管理计划Top management plans278.中层管理计划Middle management plans279.基层管理计划Fist-line management plans280.生产计划Manufacture281.供应计划Provide plans282.新产品开发计划New product plan283.营销计划Marketing plans284.财务计划Finance plans285.人事计划Human plans286.情境计划Scenario planning287.后勤保障计划Service ensure plans288.指令性计划Mandatory plans289.指导性计划Directional plans290.派生(辅助)计划Derivative plans291.甘特图Gantt chart292.滚动计划方法Rolling plan technique293.网络计划技术Network plan technique294.项目评审法(PERT) Program Evaluation and review techniques 295.线性规划Linear programming296.组织Organizing297.组织结构Organizational structure298.组织工作Organize299.劳动分工Division of labor300.统一指挥Unity of command301.职权Authority302.职责Accountability303.直线权力Line authority304.参谋权力Staff authority305.职能权力Function authority306.组织设计Organizational design307.组织结构设计Organizational structure design 308.组织手册Organization handbook309.职位说明书Job description310.组织系统图Organization system chart 311.组织规模Organization scale312.机械式的结构Mechanistic organization 313.单件生产Unit production314.小量生产Small production315.成批生产Process production316.大量生产Mass production317.连续生产Continuum production318.目标原则Goal principle319.管理幅度Span of control320.指控链Chain of command321.管理层次Chain of command322.岗位设定Job design323.工作分析Job analysis324.岗位设定Job design325.岗位轮换Job rotation326.多样化培训Diversity training327.岗位扩大化Job enlargement328.岗位丰富化Job enrichment329.部门划分Departmentalization330.部门化Departmentalization331.职能部门Functional department332.产品部门化Product departmentalization 333.地区划分部分Geographical departmentalization 334.顾客划分部门Customer departmentalization 335.管理者的能力Ma nager’s ability336.扁平型组织Flattening organization337.锥型组织Awl organization338.组织构架Organizational architecture339.机械式组织Mechanistic organization340.有机式组织Organic organization341.集权Centralization of state power342.集权组织Centralized organization343.分权Decentralization of state power344.分权组织Decentralized organization345.委员会制Committee system346.直线制组织结构Line strcture347.职能制组织结构Functional structure348.直线职能制组织结构Line-functional structure349.事业部制组织机构Divisional structure350.矩陈制组织结构Matrix structure351.专门工作组Bottlegging352.模拟分权制组织Simulation Decentralized organization 353.网络结构Network structure354.领导Leading355.领导Leadership356.职位权力Position power357.个人影响Referent power358.合法权Legitimate authority359.奖赏权Reward power360.惩罚权Punish right361.模范权Exemplary right362.专长权Specialty right363.魅力权Glamour right364.感情权Affection right365.士气Morale366.领导风格Leadership styles367.专制作风Autocratic styles368.民主作风Democratic styles369.放任作风Laissez-faire styles370.领导行为理论Behavioral approach371.管理方格图Managerial grid chart372.贫乏型管理Impoverished management373.任务型管理Task management374.俱乐部型管理Country club management375.中庸型的管理Middle –of –the- road management 376.团队型的管理Team management377.领导权变理论Contingency theory378.菲德勒的权变理论Fiedler contingency model379.“任务导向型”的领导方式Task –oriented leadership 380.“关系导向型”的领导方式Relationship-oriented leadership 381.菲德勒模型The Fiedler model382.情境领导理论Situational leadership theory383.途径——目标理论Path –goal theory384.教练Coach385.指导Coaching386.授权Authorization387.沟通Communicate388.消息Message389.渠道Channel390.传言链Grapevine chains391.语言沟通Verbal communication392.非语言沟通Nonverbal communication393.身体语言Body language394.过滤Filtering395.正式沟通Formal communication396.非正式沟通Informal communication397.小道消息Grapevine398.横向沟通Horizontal communication399.单向沟通One –way communication400.对上沟通Upward communication401.对下沟通Downward communication402.斜向沟通Diagonal communication403.沟通网络Communication network404.链式沟通网络Chain communication network 405.环式沟通网络Round communication network 406.Y式沟通网络Y communication network407.纵向沟通网络Vertical communication network 408.轮式沟通网络Wheel communication network 409.全通道式沟通网络All channel communication network 410.团队管理Team management411.激励Motivation412.激励因素Motivators413.需求Needs414.诱因Inducement415.动机Motivation416.行为Action417.绩效Performance418.激励理论Motivation theory419.内容型激励理论Content motivation theory420.积极性Enthusiasm421.需求层次理论Hierarchy of needs theory422.需求Need423.需求层次Need hierarchy424.生理需要Physiological needs425.安全需要Safety needs426.社交需要Social need427.尊重需要Esteem need428.自我实现需要Self –actualization needs 429.“ERG”理论ERG theory430.存在需要Existence need431.关系需要Relatedness need432.成长需要Growth need433.成就激励论Three-need theory434.成就需要Need for achievement435.权力需要Need for power436.合群需要Need for affiliation437.双因素理论Two –factors theory438.激励——保健理论Motivation –Hygiene theory 439.保健因素Hygiene factors440.激励因素Motivation factors441.满意Satisfaction442.不满意Dissatisfaction443.过程型激励理论Process motivation theory 444.期望Expectancy445.期望理论Expectancy theory446.效价Valence447.努力Make great efforts448.期望Expectation449.公平理论Equity theory450.投入Input451.产出Outcomes452.公平Equity453.不公平Inequity454.外在强化Extrinsic rewards455.内在强化Intrinsic rewards456.强化理论Reinforcement theory457.正强化Positive reinforcement458.负强化Negative reinforcement459.规避性学习Avoidance learning460.修正行为Behavior modification461.搭便车Hitchhike462.投机心理Venture psychology463.消退Fade away464.目标激励法Goal –setting theory465.报酬激励法Reward –setting theory466.工资Wage467.津贴Allowance468.认可Certificate469.赞赏Admiration470.奖惩Rewards and punishment471.惩罚Punishment472.考评Appraise473.控制Control474.控制系统Control system475.信息Information476.反馈Feedback477.信息反馈Information feedback478.控制论Cybernectics479.偏差Warp480.纠正Rectify481.前馈控制Feedforward control482.实时控制Real-time control483.反馈控制Feedback control484.业绩考核Performance appraisals 485.财务报表Financial statement486.资产负债表Balance sheet487.损益表Income statement488.现金流量表Statement of cash flow 489.预算Budgeting490.预算控制Budgeting control491.财务预算Financial budget492.业务预算Operation budget493.销售预算Sell budget494.生产预算Production budget495.生产进度日程表Production schedule table 496.内部审计Internal audit497.外部审计External audit498.创新Innovation499.技术创新Technoiogical innovations 500.产品创新Product innovation501.流程再造Process reengineering502.产品设计Product design503.首席技术官Chief technology officier。

1.管理与组织导论管理者:(manager)基层管理者:(first-line managers)中层管理者:(middle managers)高层管理者:(top managers)管理:(management)效率:(efficiency)效果:(effectiveness)计划:(planning)组织:(organizing)领导:(leading)控制:(controlling)管理角色:(management roles)人际关系角色:(interpersonal roles)信息传递角色:(informational roles)决策制定角色:(descisional roles)技术技能:(technical skills)人际技能:(human skills)概念技能:(conceptual skills)管理的普遍性:(universality of management)2.管理的历史劳动分工:(division of labor)工作专业化:(job specialization)工业革命:(industrific revolution)科学管理:(scientific management)一般行政管理理论:(general administrative theory) 管理原则:(principles of management)官僚行政组织:(bureaucracy)定量方法:(quantitative approach)组织行为:(organizational behavior)霍桑研究系统:(Hawthorne studies systems)封闭系统:(closed systems)开放系统:(open systems)权变理论:(contingency approach)劳动力多元化:(workforce diversity)电子企业:(e-business)电子商务:(e-commerce)内部网:(intranet)学习型组织:(learning organization)知识管理:(knowledge management)质量管理:(quality management)3.组织文化与环境管理万能论:(omnipotent view of management) 管理象征论:(symbolil view of management) 组织文化:(organization culture)强文化:(strong cultures)社会化:(socialization)工作场所精神境界:(workplace spirituality)外部环境:(external environment)具体环境:(specific environment)一般环境:(general environment)环境的不确定性:(environment uncertainty)环境的复杂性:(environment complexity)利益相关群体:(stakholders)4.全球环境中的管理狭隘主义:(parochialism)民族中心论:(ethnocentric attitude)多国中心论:(polycentric attitude)全球中心论:(geocentric attitude)跨国公司:(multinational corporation)多国公司:(multidomestic corporation)全球公司:(global company)跨国或无边界组织:(transnational or boredrless organization) 初始全球化组织:(born globals)全球外购:(global sourcing)出口:(exporting)进口:(importing)许可证经营:(licensing)许可经营:(franchising)战略同盟:(strategic alliance)合资企业:(joint venture)外国子公司:(foreign subsidiary)市场经济:(market economy)计划经济:(command economy)民族文化:(national culture)5.社会责任与管理道德古典观点:(classical view)社会经济学观点:(socioeconomic view)社会义务:(social obligation)社会响应:(social responsiveness)社会责任:(social responsinility)社会屏障筛选:(social screening)管理的绿色化:(gerrning of management)以价值观为基础的管理:(values-based management) 道德:(ethics)自我强度控制点:(ego strength locus of control)道德准则:(code of ethics)社会企业家:(social entrepreneur)社会影响管理:(social impact management)6.制定决策决策:(decisions)决策制定过程:(decision-making process)决策标准问题:(decision criteria problem)理性的:(rational)有限理性:(bounded rationality)满意的承诺升级:(satisfied escalation of commitment) 直觉决策:(intuitive decision making)结构良好问题:(structured problems)程序化决策:(programmed decision)程序:(procedure)规则:(rule)政策:(policy)结构不良问题:(unstructured problems)非程序化决策:(nonprogrammed decisions) 确定性:(certainty)风险性:(risk)命令型风格:(directive style)分析型风格:(analytic style)概念型风格:(conceptual style)行为型风格:(behavioral style)启发法:(heuristics)7.计划的基础陈述目标:(stated goals)真实目标:(real goals)战略计划:(strategic plans)运营计划:(operational plans)长期计划:(long-term plans)短期计划:(short-term plans)具体计划:(specific plans)方向性计划:(directional plans)一次性计划:(single-used plans)持续性计划:(standing plans)传统目标:(traditional goal setting)手段-目标链:(means-ends chain)目标管理:(management by objectives)使命:(mission)承诺概念:(commitment concept)正式计划部门:(formal planning department) 8.战略管理战略管理:(strategic management)组织战略商业模式:(strategies business model ) 战略管理过程:(strategic management process) 机会:(opportunities)威胁:(threats)资源:(resources)能力:(capabilities)核心竞争力:(core competencies)SWOT分析法:(SWOT analysis)公司层战略:(corporate strategy)增长战略:(growth strategy)相关多元化:(related diversification)非相关多元化:(unrelated diversification)稳定性战略:(stability strategy)更新战略:(renewal strategies)紧缩战略:(retrenchment strategy)扭转战略:(turnaround strategy)BCG矩阵:(BCG matrix)业务层战略:(business strategy)战略业务单元:(strategic business units) 竞争优势:(competitive advantage)成本领先战略:(cost leadership strategy) 遵循差异化战略:(differentiation strategy) 聚焦战略:(focus strategy)徘徊其间:(stuck in the middle)战略灵活性:(strategic flexibility)市场先入者:(first mover)9.计划的工具技术环境扫描:(environment scanning)竞争对手情报:(competitor intelligence) 预测:(forecasts)定量预测:(quantitative forecasting)定性预测:(qualitative forecasting)标杆比较:(benchmarking)资源:(resources)预算:(budget)甘特图:(Gantt chart)负荷图:(load chart)事件:(events)计划评审技术:(the program evaluation and review technique) 活动:(activities)松弛时间:(slack time)关键路径:(critical path)盈亏平衡分析:(breakeven analysis)线性规划:(linear programming)项目管理:(project management)脚本:(scenario)10.组织结构与设计组织结构设计:(organazational structure design)工作专门化:(work specialization)职能部门化:(functional departmentalization)产品部门化:(product departmentalization)地区部门化:(geographical departmentalization)过程部门化:(process departmentalization)顾客部门化:(customer departmentalization)跨职能团队:(cross-functional teams)指挥链:(chain of command)职权:(authority)职责:(responsibility)统一指挥:(unity of command)管理跨度:(span of control)集权化:(centralization)分权化:(decentralization)员工授权:(employee empowerment)正规化:(formalization)机械式组织:(mechanistic organization) 有机式组织:(organic organization)单件生产:(unit production)大批量生产:(mass production)连续生产:(process production)简单结构:(simple structure)职能型结构:(flanctional structure)事业部型结构:(divisional structure)团队结构:(team structure)矩阵型结构:(matrix structure)项目型结构:(project structure)无边界组织:(boundaryless organization) 虚拟组织:(virtual organization)学习型组织:(learning organization)组织结构图:(organizational charts)11.沟通与信息技术沟通:(communication)人际沟通:(interpersonal communication) 组织沟通:(organizational communication) 信息:(message)编码:(encoding)解码:(decoding)沟通过程:(communication process)噪声:(noise)非语言沟通:(nonverbal communication) 体态语言:(body language)语调:(verbal intonation)过滤:(filtering)信息超载:(information overload)积极倾听:(active listening)正式沟通:(formal communication)非正式沟通:(informal communication) 下行沟通:(upward communication)横向沟通:(lateral communication)斜向沟通:(diagonal communication)沟通网络:( communication networks)小道消息:(grape-vine)电子邮件:()即时消息:(instant messaging)音频邮件:(voic)电子数据交换:(electrinic data interchange)电话会议:(teleconferencing)可视会议:(videoconferencing)网络会议:(webconferencing)内部互联网:(intranet)外部互联网:(Extranet)实践社区:(communities practive)12.人力资源管理高绩效工作实务:(high-performance work practices)人力资源管理过程:(human resource management process) 工会(labor union)反优先雇佣行动计划:(affirmative action)人力资源规划:(human resource planning)职务分析:(job analysis)职务说明书:(job description)职务规范:(job specification)招聘:(recruitment)解聘:(decriuitment)甄选:(selection)效度:(validity)信度:(reliability)工作抽样:(work samping)评估中心:(assessment centers)真实工作预览:(relistic job preview)上岗培训:(orientation)绩效管理系统:(performance management system)书面描述法:(written essay)关键事件法:(critical incidents)评分表法:(graphic rating scales)行为定位评分法:(behaviorally anchored rating scales) 多人比较法:(multiperson comparisons)360度反馈法:(360-degree feedback)基于技能薪酬:(skill-based pay)浮动工资:(variable pay)精简机构:(downsizing)性骚扰:(sexual harassment)基于家庭的福利:(family-friendly benefits)13.变革与创新管理组织变革:(organizational change)变革推动者:(change agent)组织发展:(organizational development)压力:(stress)14.行为的基础行为:(behavior)组织行为学:(organizational behavior)员工生产率:(employee productivity)离职率:(turnover)组织公民行为:(organizational citizen behavior)工作满意度:(job satisfaction)工作场所不当行为态度:(workplace misbehavior attitudes) 认知行为:(cognitive component)情感成分:(affective component)行为成分:(behavior component)组织承诺:(organizational commitment)组织支持感:(perceived organizational support)认知失调:(cognitive dissonance)态度调查:(attitude surveys)人格:(personality)马基雅维里主义:(machiavellianism)自尊:(self-esteem)自我控制:(self-monitoring)印象管理:(impression management)情绪:(emotion)情绪智力:(emotional Intelligence)知觉:(perception)归因理论:(attribution theory)基本归因错误:(fundamental attribution error) 自我服务偏见:(self-serving bias)假设相似性:(assumed similarity)刻板印象:(stereotyping)晕轮效应:(halo effect)操作性条件反射:(operant conditioning)社会学习理论:(social learning theory)行为塑造:(shaping behavior)15.理解群体与团队群体:(group)形成阶段:(forming)震荡阶段:(storming)规范阶段:(norming)执行阶段:(performing)解体阶段:(adjourning)群体思维:(groupthink)地位:(status)社会惰化:(social loafing)群体内聚力:(group cohesiveness)冲突:(conflict)冲突的传统观点:(traditional view of conflict)冲突的人际关系观点:(human relations view of conflict) 冲突的交互作用观点:(interactionist view of conflict) 积极冲突:(functional conflict)消极冲突:(disfunctional conflict)任务冲突:(task conflict)关系冲突:(relationship conflict)过程冲突:(process conflict)工作团队:(workteams)自我管理团队:(self-managed work teams)跨职能团队:(cross-functional team)虚拟团队:(virtual team)社会网络构造:(social network structure)16.激励员工动机:(motivation)需要层次理论:(hierarchy of needs theory) 双因素理论:(two-factor theory)保健因素:(hygiene factors)激励因素:(motivators)三种需要理论:(three-needs theory)成就需要:(need for achievement)权力需要:(need for power)归属需要:(need for affiliation)目标设置理论:(goal-setting theory)自我效能感:(self-efficacy)强化理论:(reinforcement theory)强化物:(reinforcer)工作设计:(job design)工作扩大化:(job enlargement)工作丰富化:(job enrichment)工作深度:(job depth)工作特征模型:(job characteristics model) 公平理论:(equity theory)参照对象:(referents)分配公平:(distributive justice)程序公平:(procedural justice)期望理论:(expectancy theory)压缩工作周:(compressed workweek)弹性工作制:(flexible work hours)弹性时间制:(flextime)工作分担:(job sharing)远程办公:(telecommuting)账目公开管理:(open-book management)员工认可方案:(employee recognition programs) 绩效工资方案:(pay-for-performance program) 股票期权:(stock options)17.领导领导者:(leader)领导:(leadership)行为理论:(behavioral theories)独裁型风格:(authoeratic style)民主型风格:(democratic style)放任型风格:(laissez-faire style)定规维度:(initiating strueture)关怀维度:(consideration)高-高型领导者:(high-high leader)管理方格:(managerial grid)权变模型:(contingency model)最难共事着问卷:(least-preferred co-worker questionnaire) 情境领导理论:(situational leadership theory)成熟度:(readiness)领导者参与模型:(leader participation model)路径-目标理论:(path-goal theory)交易型领导者:(transactional leaders)变革型领导者:(transformational leaders)领袖魅力型领导者:(charismatic leader)愿景规划型领导:(visionary leadership)法定权利:(legitimate power)强制权利:(coercive power)奖赏权力:(reward power)专家权利:(expert power)参照权利:(referent power)信誉:(credibility)信任:(trust)授权:(empowerment)18.控制的基础控制:(controlling)市场控制:(market control)官僚控制:(bureaucratic control)小集团控制:(clan control)控制过程:(control process)偏差范围:(range of variation)直接纠正行动:(immediate corrective)彻底纠正行动:(basic correvtive action)绩效:(performance)组织绩效:(organizational performance)生产率:(productivity)组织有效性:(organizational effectiveness)前馈控制:(feedforward control)同期控制:(concurrent control)走动管理:(management by walking around)反馈控制:(feedback control)经济附加值:(economic value added)市场附加值:(market valueadded)平衡计分卡:(balanced scorecard)管理信息系统:(management information system)- - -标杆比较:(benchmarking)员工偷窃:(employee theft)服务利润链:(service profit chain)公司治理:(corporate governance)19.运营与价值链管理运营管理:(operations management)制造型组织:(manufacturing organizations)服务型组织:(service organizations)价值链:(value chain)价值链管理:(value chain management)组织过程:(organizational processes)知识产权:(intellectual processes)质量:(quality)批量定制:(mass customization)- - 总结资料。

Developing a Strategy
Supportive Culture
Adapting Production/ Operations Processes
Developing HR
If Necessary Downsizing
Management Issues & Strategy Implementation
Positioning forces before the Managing forces during the
Focuses on effectiveness
Focuses on efficiency
Primarily an intellectual process
Requires good intuitive and analytical skills
• Sets expectations for managers and employees
• Basis for management control and coordination
Management Issues & Strategy Implementation
Allocating Resources
Human Resources Concerns
• Assessing staffing needs and costs
• Develop performance incentives
• ESOPs • Child-care policies • Work-life balance
Important Implementation Concerns

Organizing Themes
• Global considerations impact virtually all strategic decisions.
• E-commerce has become a vital strategic management tool.
• The natural environment has become an important strategic issue.
▪ Widely viewed as panacea for problems
Brief History
• 1980s
➢ Strategic planning cast aside
▪ Planning models did not yield higher returns
• 1990s–2000
➢ Revival of strategic planning
• Strategic planning
➢Refers to:
▪ Strategy formulation
Brief History
• 1950s
➢ Term strategic planning originates
1960s – 1970s ➢ Strategic planning very popular
1. Strategists 2. Vision statements 3. Mission statements 4. External opportunities and threats 5. Internal strengths and weaknesses
Key Strategic Management Terms (Cont’d)
战略管理 Strategy Management

缺口分析与预测:如果以2015年进入世界500强为目标,则 中国海运集团营业收入未来三年的复合增长率需要达到40%
系列1, 1, 220 系列23, 1, 100
系列1, 2, 235.55
系列3, 2, 140.00 系列2, 2, 113.9
系列1, 3, 252.21 系列3, 3, 194.95
• Planning School: The formation of the strategy as a formal planning process.
• Positioning School: Emphasize rational analysis and believe that the strategy is to determine the location of the organization in the market.
项目规划目标:明确宏观经济和行业趋势给中海运 带来的机遇和挑战,以进入世界500强和打造世界一 流航运公司为目标,分阶段确立公司模式创新战略
目 标 年 收 入
亿 美 元
第一阶段 明确战略方向 确定业务发展
第二阶段 经营规模成长 进入世界500强
第三阶段 核心竞争力建立 全球配置资源 世界一流航运公司
如果均以最近十年(2003— 系列23,04,12721.4)7 7.07%的年均复合增长
Strategic Management(战略管理-中英文)

Analyze their external environment and their internal environment 分析企业的内外部环境
Market entry: 市场进入 Across borders 跨国 Alliances 联盟 Entrepreneurship 创业
Strategic Leadership 战略领导
– Developing a vision for the firm – 为企业制定愿景 – Designing strategic actions to achieve this vision – 设计战略行动来达成愿景 – Empowering others to carry out those strategic actions 赋能授权他人来执行战略行动
Strategic Management 战略管理
Leadership in Enterprise for Asian Development 亚洲发展中的企业领导
Leonard D. Van Drunen June 2008
What Is Strategic Management? 什么是战略管理
Support activities 辅助任务
Human resources 人力资源
Primary activities 基本任务
Using an external supplier to provide part of the value chain 利用外埠供货商来达成部分价值链 Benefits of outsourcing: 外包益处 Same quality or better at a lower cost. 同等或较好的品质,但成本 较低。 Higher quality because of supplier specialization.供货商专业,品 质较好。 Economies of scale that the specialization produces. 专业化产生的经济比 Increased flexibility, reduced risks, decreased capital requirements.

Strategy As an Emergent Process
Strategy making in an unpredictable world
❖ Creates the necessity for flexible strategic approaches.
Strategy making by lower-level managers
Engagement, explanation, and expectations
Planning for the present: Strategic Intent
❖ Recognition of the static nature of the strategic fit model. ❖ Strategic intent in focusing the organization on winning by
Success requires adapting strategy and structure to a changing world.
The feedback loop in strateБайду номын сангаасic planning.
Strategic Managers
Planning under uncertainty
❖ Scenario planning for dynamic environmental change
Ivory tower planning
❖ Lack of contact with operational realities ❖ The importance of involving operating managers ❖ Procedural justice in the decision-making process

1.人力资源管理导论组织:(organization)管理者:(manager)管理过程:(management process)人力资源管理:(human resource management)职权:(authority)直线职权:(line authority)职能职权:(staff authority)直线经理:(line manager)职能经理:(staff manager)全球化:(globalization)人力资本:(human capital)伦理道德:(ethics)2.公平就业机会及相关法律积极的反歧视行动:(affirmative action)规范化指南:(uniform guide lines)受保护群体:(protected class)混合动机:(mixed motive)合格者:(qualified individuals)性骚扰:(sexual harassment)五分之四法则:(4/5 ths rule)消极影响:(adverse impact)差别拒绝率:(sisparate rejection rates)限制性政策:(restricted policy)人口比较:(population comparisons)真实职业资格:(bona tide accupational qualification)建设性争议处理程序:(alternative dispute resolution)建设性争议处理计划:(ADR program)多元化:(diversity)刻板印象:(stereotyping)歧视:(discrimination)象征主义:(tokenism)种族中心主义:(ethnocentrism)性别角色刻板印象:(gender-role stereotype)善意努力战略:(good faith effort strategy)逆向歧视:(reverse discrimination)3.人力资源管理战略与分析战略规划:(strategic plan)战略管理:(strategic management)使命陈述:(mission statement)公司战略:(corporate-level strategy)竞争战略:(competitive strategy)竞争优势:(competitive advantage)职能战略:(functional strategy)战略性人力资源管理:(strategic human resource management)战略地图:(strategy map)人力资源计分卡:(HR scorecard)数字仪表盘:(digital dashboard)基于战略的衡量指标:(strategy-based metrics)人力资源管理审计:(HR audit)高绩效工作系统:(high-performance work system)4.职位分析与人才管理过程人才管理:(talent management)职位分析:(job analysis)职位描述:(job description)任职资格:(job specification)组织结构图:(organization chart)工作流程图:(process chart)工作流分析:(workflow analysis)业务流畅再造:(business process reengineering)职位扩大化:(job enlargement)职位轮换:(job rotation)职位丰富化:(job enrichment)工作日记/日志:(diary/log)职位分析问卷法:(position analysis questionnaire)标准职位分类:(standard occupational classification)任务描述:(task statement)职位要求矩阵:(job requirements matrix)5.人事规划与招聘人事规划:(workforce planning)趋势分析:(trend analysis)比率分析:(ratio analysis)散点分析:(scatter plot)任职资格条件库:(qualifications inventories)人员替代图:(personnel replacement charts)职位替代卡:(position replacement card)马尔科夫分析法:(markov analysis)继任规划:(succession planning)员工招聘:(employee recruiting)招聘产出金字塔:(recruiting yield pyramid)职位空缺公告:(job posting)非常规性配员:(alternative staffing)即时招聘服务机构:(on-demand recruiting services)大学校园招募:(college recruiting)求职申请表:(application form)6.员工测试与甄选疏忽雇佣:(negligent hiring)信度:(reliability)测试效度:(test validity)效标关联效度:(criterion validity)内容效度:(content validity)构想效度:(construct validity)期望图:(expectancy chart)兴趣测试:(interest inventories)工作样本:(work samples)工作样本技术:(work samples technique)管理评价中心:(management assessment centers)情境测试:(situational test)视频模拟测试:(video-based simulation)小型工作培训和评价方法:(miniature job training and evaluation) 7.求职者面试非结构化面试:(unstructured interviews)结构化面试:(structured interviews)情景面试:(situational interview)行为面试:(behavioral interview)职位相关性面试:(job-related interview)压力面试:(stress interview)结构化顺序面试:(unstructured sequential interview)小组面试:(panel interview)集体面试:(mass interview)求职者面试顺序误差:(candidate-order or contrast error)结构化情境面试:(structured situational interview)8.员工培训与开发新员工入职引导:(employee orientation training)培训:(training)任务分析:(task analysis)培训疏忽:(negligent training)胜任素质模型:(competency model)绩效分析:(performance analysis)在岗培训:(on-the-job training)学徒制培训:(apprenticeship training)工作指导培训:(job instruction training)程序化学习:(programmed learning)行为塑造:(behavior modeling)电子化绩效支持系统:(electronic performance support system)工作助手:(job aid)终身学习:(lifelong learning)交叉培训:(cross training)虚拟课堂:(virtual classroom)管理技能开发:(management development)职位轮换:(job rotation)行为学习:(action learning)案例研究法:(case study method)管理游戏:(management games)角色扮演:(role play)企业内开发中心:(inhouse development centres)高管教练:(executive coach)组织发展:(organization development)控制实验:(controlled experimentation)9.绩效管理与评价绩效评价:(performance appraisal)绩效评价过程:(performance process)绩效管理:(performance management)图评价尺度法:(graphic rating scale)交替排序法:(alternative ranking method)配对比较法:(paired comparison method)强制分布法:(forced distribution method)关键事件法:(critical incident method)行为锚定等级评价法:(behaviorally anchored rating scale)目标管理:(management by objectives)电子化绩效监控:(electronic performance monitoring)标准不清:(unclear standard)晕轮效应:(halo effect)居中趋势:(central tendency)宽大或严格倾向:(strictness/leniency)近因效应:(recency effect)绩效评价面谈:(appraisal interview)10.员工保留、敬业度及职业生涯管理职业生涯:(career)职业生涯管理:(career management)职业生涯开发:(career development)职业生涯规划:(career planning)现实震荡:(reality shock)导师指导:(mentoring)教练指导:(coaching)晋升:(promotion)调动:(transfer)不服从上级:(insuboardination)自由解雇:(terminate at will)解雇面谈:(termination interview)重新谋职咨询:(outplacement counseling)离职面谈:(exit interview)临时解雇:(lay off)裁员:(down sizing)解雇管理:(managing dismissals)生命周期:(lifecycle career)职业生涯管理:(career management)职业锚:(career anchor)11.制定战略性薪酬计划员工薪酬:(employee compensation)直接经济报酬:(direct financial payment)间接经济报酬:(indirect payments)职位评价:(job evaluation)报酬要素:(compensable factores)杠杆职位:(benchmark jobs)职位排序:(ranking method)职位分类法:(job classification or job grading)职级:(classes)职等:(grades)职位等级定义:(grade definition)计点法:(point method)市场竞争性薪酬系统:(market-competitive pay system)薪酬政策线:(wage curves)薪酬调查:(salary survey)薪酬等级:(pay ranges)比较比率:(compa ratios)胜任素质薪酬:(competency-based pay)宽带薪酬:(broad banding)可比价值:(comparable worth)12.绩效薪酬和经济性奖励经济类奖励:(financial incentives )生产率:(productivity)日公平工作标准:(fair day’s work)科学管理运动:(scientific management movement)可变薪酬:(variable pay)期望:(expectancy)关联性:(instrumentality)效价:(Valance)行为修正:(behavior modification)简单计件工资:(straight piecework)标准工时计划:(standard hour plan)绩效加薪:(merit pay or merit raise)年终奖:(annual bonus)股票期权:(stock option)团体或群体奖励计划:(team or group incentive plans)组织绩效奖励计划:(organization-wide incentive plans)利润分享计划:(profit-sharing plans)收益分享计划:(gainsharing plan)收入风险型薪酬计划:(earnings-at-risk pay plans)员工持股计划:(employee stock owership plan)广泛股票期权计划:(broad-based stock option plans) 13.福利与服务福利:(benefits)失业保险:(unemployment insurance)补充性薪酬型福利:(supple-mental pay benefits)病假:(sick leave)遣散费:(severance pay)补充性失业福利:(supplemental unemployment benefits)工伤保险:(worker’s compensation)健康维护组织:(health maintenance organization)自选医疗服务组织:(preferred provider organization)团体人寿保险:(group life insurance)社会保障:(social security)养老金计划:(pension plans)固定收益制计划:(defined benefit plans)固定缴费制计划:(defined contribution plans)可转移性:(portability)储蓄节约计划:(savings and thrift plan)延期利润分享计划:(deferred profit-sharing plan)员工持股计划:(employee stock ownership plan)现金金额养老金计划:(cash balance plans)养老金担保公司:(pension benefits guarantee corporation)提前退休窗口:(early-retirement window)员工援助计划:(employee assistance program)弹性福利计划:(flexible benefits plan)自助餐式福利计划:(cafeteria benefits plan)弹性工作时间:(flextime)压缩工作周:(compressed workweek)职位分享:(job sharing)工作分享:(work sharing)14.伦理道德、员工关系管理伦理道德:(ethics)程序公平:(procedural justice)分配公平:(distributive justice)社会责任:(social responsibility)网络欺凌:(cyberbullying)组织文化:(organizational culture)非惩罚性惩戒:(ninpunitive discipline)解雇:(dismissal)员工关系:(employee relations)建议团队:(suggestion teams)问题解决团队:(problem-solving teams)质量圈:(quality circle)自我管理:(self-managing)15.劳资关系与集体谈判封闭型企业:(closed shop)工会制企业:(union shop)工会代理制企业:(agency shop)工会会员优先企业:(preferential shop)会员资格保持型企业:(maintenance of membership arrangement)工作权利:(right to work)工会渗透:(union salting)授权卡:(authorization cards)谈判单位:(bargaining unit)代表取消:(decertification)集体谈判:(collective bargaining)有诚意谈判:(good faith bargaining)自愿性谈判主题:(voluntary or permissible bargaining items)非法谈判主题:(illegal bargaining items)强制性谈判主题:(mandatory bargaining items)僵持:(impasses)调解:(mediation)实情调查员:(factfinder)仲裁:(arbitration)利益仲裁:(interest arbitration)权利仲裁:(rights arbitration)经济罢工:(economic strike)同情罢工:(sympathy strike)野猫罢工:(wildcat strike)反不当劳资关系行为罢工:(unfair labor practice strikes)设置纠察:(picketing)联合施压运动:(corporate campaign)联合抵制:(boycott)内部游戏:(inside games)闭厂:(lockout)禁令:(injunction)争议处理程序:(grievance procedure)16.员工安全与健康职业病:(occupational illness)传讯:(citation)不安全工作条件:(unsafe conditions)工作伤害分析:(job hazard ananlysis)运行安全审查:(operational safety reviews)行为安全教育:(behavior-based safety)安全意识项目:(safety awareness)工作倦怠:(burnout)自然安全:(natural security)机械安全:(mechanical security)组织安全:(organizational security)17.全球化人力资源管理国际人力资源管理:(international human resource management)工人理事会:(works councils)外派员工:(expatriates)母国公民:(home-country nations)第三国公民:(third-country nations)虚拟团队:(virtual team)民族中心主义:(ethnocentric)多国中心主义:(polycentric)全球中心主义:(geocentric)适应性甄选:(adaptability scerrning)国外服务补贴:(foreign service premium)艰苦补贴:(hardship allowances)迁移补贴:(mobility premiums)。

The Importance of Strategic Management
ØDefine strategic management, strategy, and business model.
Strategic Management Process (cont’d)
• Step 3: Doing an internal analysis
➢ Assessing organizational resources, capabilities, and activities:
❖ Strengths create value for the customer and strengthen the competitive position of the firm.
ØExplain why strategic management is important.
The Strategic Management Process
ØList the six steps in the strategic management process. ØDescribe what managers do during external and internal
➢ Goals: the foundation for further planning
❖ Measurable performance targets
• Step 2: Doing an external analysis
➢ The environmental scanning of specific and general environments

18. 世界经济World Economy
19. 外经贸英语函电Business English Correspondence
20. 中国对外贸易概论An Introduction to Foreign Trade of China
2. 金融风险管理Financial Risk Management .
3. 金融工程学Financial Engineering
4. 金融计量学Financial Econometrics
5. 金融经济学Financial Economics
6. 金融市场学Financial Market
19. 文化管理理论与实践Theory and Practice of Culture Management
20. 文化学导论Introduction to Culture
21. 中国文化简史A History of Chinese Culture
22. 公共部门公共关系学Public Section Public Relations
23. 公共人力资源管理Public Human Resource Management
24. 公共政策Public Decision
25. 文化产业概论Culture Industry Management
四. 金融学院 The College of Finance
1. 国际金融International Finance
4. 战略管理 Strategic Management
5. 质量管理Quality Management

1.全球化的商务活动国际商务:(international business)跨国企业:(multinational enterprise)对外直接投资:(foreign direct investment)全球商务:(global business)新兴经济体:(emerging economies)新兴市场:(emerging markets)国内生产总值:(gross domestic product)购买力评价法:(purchasing power parity)三大经济体:(triad)金字塔底层: (base of the pyramid)反向创新: (reverse innovation)外派经理: (expatriate manager)跨国补贴: (international premium)外商劣势: (liability of foreignness)全球化: (globalization)风险管理: (risk management)情景规划:(scenario planning)半全球化: (semiglobalization)非政府组织: (nongovernment qrganization) 2.理解政治、法律和经济制度:(institutions)制度转型: (institutional transitions)制度基础观:(institution-based view)制度框架:(institutional framework)正式的制度:(formal institutions)规章支柱:(regulatory pillar)非正式制度:(informal institutions)规范支柱:(normative pillar)认知支柱:(cognitive pillar)交易成本:(transaction costs)机会主义:(opportunism)有限理性:(bounded rationality)政治体制:(political system)民主制:(democracy)集权制:(totalitarianism)政治风险:(political risk)法律体系:(legal system)大陆法:(civil law)普通法:(common law)神权法:(theocratic law)智力资产:(intellectual property)知识产权:(intellectual property rights)国有企业:(state-owned enterprise)道德风险:(moral hazard)专利:(patent)版权:(copyright)商标:(trademark)盗版:(priracy)经济体制:(economic system)市场经济体制:(market economy)计划经济体制:(command economy)混合经济体制:(mixed economy)主权财富基金:(sovereign wealth fund)3.重视文化、道德和规范民族中心主义:(ethnocentrism)社会结构:(social structure)社会分层:(social stratification)社会流动性:(social mobility)低语境文化:(low-context culture)权利距离:(power distance)个人主义:(individualism)集体主义:(collectivism)文明:(civilization)族群:(cluster)男性特征:(masculinity)女性特征:(femininity)不确定性规避:(uncertainty avoidance)长期导向:(long-term orientation)道德:(ethics)行为准则:(code of conduct)道德相对主义:(ethical relativism)道德帝国主义:(ethical imperialism)腐败:(corruption)文化智慧:(cultural intelligence)《反海外腐败法》:(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) 4.在全球利用能力资源基础观:(resource-based view)SWOT分析:(SWOT analysis)资源:(resources)能力:(capability)价值链:(value chain)基准分析法:(benchmarking)商品化:(commoditization)外包:(outsourcing)离岸经营:(offshoring)近岸经营:(onshoring)圈养资源:(captive sourcing)因果模糊:(causal ambiguity)辅助资产:(complementary assets)社会复杂性:(social complementary)VRIO框架:(VRIO framework)有形的资源与能力:(tangible resources and capabilities)无形的资源与能力:(intangible resources and capabilities)原始设备制造商:(original equipment manufacturer)原始设计制造商:(original design manufacturer)原始品牌制造商:(original brand manufacturer)5.国际贸易贸易逆差:(trade deficit)贸易顺差:(trade surplus)贸易平衡:(balance of trade)古典贸易理论:(classical trade theories)现代贸易理论:(modern trade theories)重商贸易理论:(theory of mercantilism)保护主义:(protectionism)自由贸易:(free trade)绝对优势理论:(theory of absolute advantage)比较优势:(comparative advantage)绝对优势:(absolute advantage)机会成本:(opportunity cost)要素禀赋:(factor endowments)要素禀赋理论:(factor endowments theory)先动者优势:(first-mover advantage)钻石理论:(diamond theory)资源可流动性:(resource mobility)关税壁垒:(tariff barrier)进口关税:(import tariff)净损失成本:(dead-weight costs)非关税壁垒:(nontariff barrier)补贴:(subsidies)进口配额:(import quota)自愿出口限制:(voluntary export restraint)当地含量要求:(local content requirement)行政管理政策:(administrative policy)反倾销税:(antidumping duty)幼稚产业观点:(infant industry argument)贸易禁令:(trade embargo)国家产业竞争优势理论:(theory of national competitive advantage of industries)战略性贸易理论:(strategic trade theory)产品生命周期理论:(product life cycle theory)战略性贸易政策:(strategic trade policy)6.对外直接投资对外证券投资:(foreign portfolio investment)管理控制权:(management control rights)欧力优势:(OLI advantages)所有权:(ownership)区位:(location)内部化:(internalization)扩散风险:(dissemination risks)积聚效应:(agglomeration)知识溢出:(knowledge spillover)市场失败:(market failure)激进观点:(radical view on FDI)市场的不完善:(market imperfection)自由市场观点:(free market view on FDI)实用民族主义:(pragmatic nationalism)技术溢出:(technology spillover)示范效用:(demonstration effect)议价能力:(bargaining power)沉没成本:(sunk cost)议价能力衰减:(obsolescing bargain)感染和模仿效应:(contagion or imitation effect)水平对外直接投资:(horizontal FDI)垂直对外直接投资:(vertical FDI)上游垂直对外直接投资:(upstream vertical FDI)下游垂直对外直接投资:(downstream vertical FDI)对外直接投资流量:(FDI flow)对外直接投资存量:(FDI stock)7.外汇交易外汇汇率:(foreign exchange rate)升值:(appreciation)贬值:(depreciation)国际收支平衡:(balance of payments)浮动汇率制:(floating exchange rate policy)自由浮动:(clean float)有管理的浮动:(dirty float)目标汇率:(target exchange rates)爬行带:(crawling bands)固定汇率制:(fixed exchange rate policy)盯住:(peg)顺风车效应:(bandwagon effect)资本外逃:(capital flight)金本位制:(gold standard)兑换中介:(common denominator)配额:(quota)外汇市场:(foreign exchange market)即期交易:(spot transaction)远期交易:(foreign transaction)货币套期保值:(currency hedging)远期贴水:(forward discount)远期升水:(forward premium)货币互换:(currency swap)最低报价:(offer rate)买入价:(bid rate)价差:(spread)外汇风险:(currency risk)战略性对冲:(strategic headging)货币局制度:(currency board)布雷顿森林体系:(Bretton Woods System)国际货币基金组织:(International Monetary Fund)8.全球与区域一体化多边贸易体制:(multilateral trading system)非歧视性:(non-discrimination)自由贸易区:(free trade area)关税同盟:(customs union)共同市场:(common market)经济联盟:(economic union)货币联盟:(monetary union)政治联盟:(political union)区域经济一体化:(regional economic integration)全球经济一体化:(global economic integration) 9.进入外国市场区位优势:(location-specific advantages)文化距离:(cultural distance)制度差异:(institutional distance)先动者优势:(first-mover advantages)后动者优势:(late-mover advantages)进入规模:(scale of entry)进入模式:(mode of entry)非股权模式:(non-equity mode)股权模式:(equity mode)交钥匙工程:(turn key project)研发合同:(R&D contract)联合营销:(co-marketing)合资企业:(joint venture)全资子公司:(wholly owned subsidiary)绿地运营:(greenfield operation)10.创业型企业中小型企业:(small and medium-sized)创业:(entrepreneurship)创业者:(entrepreneurs)国际创业:(international entrepreneurship)风险投资者:(venture capitalist)小额信贷:(microfinance)天生国际企业:(born global)直接出口:(direct export)信用证:(letter of credit)许可证:(licensing)特许经营:(franchising)间接出口:(indirect export)出口中介:(export intermediary)连续创业者:(serial entrepreneur)阶段模型:(stage model)11.联盟与收购战略联盟:(strategic alliances)契约性联盟:(contractual alliances)基于股权联盟:(equity-based alliances)战略性投资:(stragic investment)交叉持股:(cross-shareholding)收购:(acquisition)合并:(merger)尽职调查:(due diligence)实物期权:(real option)学习竞赛:(learning race)关系能力:(relational capability)收购溢价:(acquisition premium)战略匹配:(strategic fit)组织匹配:(organizational fit)干中学:(learning by doing)过度自信:(hubris)管理动机:(managerial motives) 12.管理动态竞争动态竞争:(competitive dynamics)竞争者分析:(competitor analysis)合谋:(collusion)隐性合谋:(tacit collusion)显性合谋:(explicit collusion)反托拉斯法:(anti-trust law)囚徒困境:(prisoners’ dilemma)博弈论:(game theory)集中度:(concentration ratio)价格领袖:(price leader)惩罚能力:(capacity to punish)市场共通性:(market commonality)多市场竞争:(multimarket competition)相互容忍:(mutual for bearance)跨市场报复:(cross-market retaliation)竞争政策:(competition policy)串通定价:(collusive prise setting)掠夺性定价:(predatory pricing)倾销:(dumping)反倾销法:(antidumping law)资源相似性:(resource similarity)攻击:(attack)反击:(counterattack)蓝海战略:(blue ocean strategy)防御者:(defender)扩展者:(extender)躲避者:(dodger)竞争者:(contender)13.战略与结构地区调适:(local responsiveness)母国复制战略:(home replication strategy)当地化战略:(localization strategy)卓越中心:(centres of excellence)全球托管:(world wide mandate)跨国战略:(transnational division strategy)国际部结构:(international division)地理区域结构:(geographic area structure)全球矩阵结构:(global matrix)组织文化:(organizational culture)知识管理:(knowledge management)显性知识:(explicit knowledge)隐性知识:(tacit knowledge)开放式创新:(open innovation)全球虚拟团队:(global virtual team)吸收能力:(absorptive capacity)社会资本:(social capital)子公司主导:(subsidiary initiative)全球客户结构:(global account structure)整合-响应模型:(integration-responsiveness framework)全球标准化战略:(global standar dization strategy)国家或区域经理:(country manager)全球产品部结构:(global product division structure)微观-宏观联系:(mocro-macro link)基于解决方案的结构:(solutions-based structure)14.公司治理融资:(financing)公司治理:(corporate governance)股权:(equity)股东:(shareholder)债务:(debt)债券:(bond)债券持有人:(bond-holder)违约:(default)资本成本:(cost of capital)跨境上市:(cross-listing)集中的所有权及控制权:(concentrated ownership and control)所有权分散:(diffused ownership)所有权和控制权相分离:(separation of ownership and control)首席执行官:(chief executive officer)高管团队:(top management team)代理关系:(agency relationship)委托人:(principal)代理人:(agent)代理理论:(agency theory)委托-代理冲突:(principal-agent conflicts)代理成本:(agency costs)信息不对称:(information asymmetries)委托-委托冲突:(principal-principal conflicts)剥削:(expropriation)挖墙脚:(tunneling)关联交易:(related transaction)内部董事:(inside director)外部董事:(outside director)CEO兼任:(CEOduality)基于话语的机制:(voice-based mechanisms)基于退出的机制:(exit-based mechanisms)私募股权:(private equity)杠杆收购:(leveraged buyout)股东型资本主义:(shareholder capitalism)管理人力资本:(managerial human capital)管家理论:(steward ship theory)15.公司社会责任公司社会责任:(corporate social responsibility)利益相关者:(stakeholder)三重底线:(triple bottom line)反应性战略:(reactive strategy)防御性战略:(defensive strategy)适应性战略:(accommodative strategy)行为准则:(codes of conduct)前瞻性战略:(proactive strategy)全球可持续发展:(global sustainability)首要利益相关者群体:(primary stakeholder groups)次要利益相关者群体:(secondary stakeholder groups)。
战略营销管理(Strategic Marketing Management, 缩写为SMM )

战略营销管理(Strategic Marketing Management, 缩写为SMM )SMM中“战略”的基本含义世界营销大师菲利普·科特勒(2000) 指出, 市场营销在企业战略规划制定的关键作用, 有如下三个方面:第一, 市场营销提供指导原则, 建议企业战略应围绕满足重点顾客群的需要来制定。
第二, 市场营销通过帮助找到有吸引力的市场机会和估计企业利用这些机会所具有的潜能, 来使战略规划制定者做出投资决策。
最后, 在各个具体业务单位之内,市场营销为达到单位目标而设计战略。
其中第一、第二方面都是针对企业层次战略的, 而第三个方面则是针对业务层次战略的, 除此之外, 营销战略还可以是针对营销职能自身的营销目标的。
由此可见, 营销管理之前冠以“战略”一词的基本含义有三个层次, 分别为市场营销对企业战略、业务战略和营销目标的作用。
由于企业营销对企业层次战略的形成和实施具有“指导”意义和“帮助”作用, 营销管理因此具有了“战略”的功效。
SMM 的“战略”的第二层次的含义指的是它在业务战略中的“战略”作用。
业务战略指的是企业中某一项业务的管理策略规划, 其核心是解决“如何建立并加强公司在市场上的竞争地位”的问题。
市场营销对这一目的有何帮助呢? 众所周知, 一个业务的运作是几个企业职能的分工合作, 这些职能包括: 制造及运作、市场营销、研究与开发/技术、人力资源/劳工关系、财务策略等。
但是, 在不同的业务战略中, 各个职能的重要性不同, 有的是主要的, 有的是次要的。
一般来说, 在整个行业的技术水平、经营模式恒定的情况下, 在某一个特定供求状态下的业务战略中, 哪个职能为主, 哪个职能为次, 具有惟一性, 它取决于供求结构。
哪家企业正好采取了这一职能战略, 在这一职能领域中建立了优势, 这个企业就能脱颖而出。
战略管理 Strategy Management

Why Are Strategies Needed?
Power school
Constrained and influenced by
Planning School Strategic Program
Strategy implementation
Cultural School Learning School
cognitive school Environmental School
第三阶段 核心竞争力建立 全球配置资源 世界一流航运公司
300 亿 美 元
第二阶段 经营规模成长 进入世界500强 第一阶段 明确战略方向 确定业务发展
2年 3-5年
缺口分析与预测:如果以2015年进入世界500强为目标,则 中国海运集团营业收入未来三年的复合增长率需要达到40%
愿景性企业(Visionary Firm):所有活动都围绕使命而展开的企业。
愿景企业: 3M American Express Boeing Ford General Electric IBM Johnson & Johnson Sony
Missions vs. Strategic Visions
• To proactively shape how a company’s business will be conducted • To mold the independent actions and decisions of managers and employees into a coordinated, company-wide game plan
战略管理第五章 战略与竞争优势中英文

战略与竞争优势 strategy and competitive advantage
成功的业务战略就是积极地去影响你所参与的游戏, 而不是仅仅是参与您所能够发现的游戏.
亚当.M.布兰登博格和巴里.J.奈尔巴夫 Successful business strategy is about actively shaping the game you play ,not just playing the game you find . 战略的核心在于以快于竞争对手模仿您今天所采取的战略 的速度为自己创造明天的优势. 加利.哈默尔和C.K.普拉哈拉德 T he essence of strategy lies in creating tomorrow’s competitive advantages faster than competitors mimic the ones you possess today.
取得成本优势的途径ways to achieve a cost advantage
► 比竞争对手更有效地完成内部价值链活动,更好地
管理可能会降低价值链活动的成本的因素. ► 改造公司的价值链,完全忽略一些高成本的价值链 活动. ► Do a better job than rivals of performing internal value chain activities efficiently and of managing the factors that can drive down the costs of value chain activities. ► Revamp the firm’s value chain to bypass some cost –producing activities altogether.
Strategic Management(战略管理-中英文)

Environments: 环境 •Internal内部 •External 外部
Competing via 竞争方 式…
Rivalry: 竞争 •Business level strategies 经营层次战略 •Multiproduct strategies 产品多元化战略 •Mergers & acquisitions 并购
Competing via 竞争方 式…
Rivalry: 竞争 •Business level strategies 经营层次战略 •Multiproduct strategies 产品多元化战略 •Mergers & acquisitions 并购
Market entry: 市场进入 •Across borders 跨国 •Alliances 联盟 •Entrepreneurship 创业
Market entry: 市场进入 •Across borders 跨国 •联盟 •Entrepreneurship 创业
External Environment Analysis 外部环境分 析
Potential Entrants 潜在竞争 对手 General Environment 总体环境
机动性增加,风险降低,资本需求降低 Allows the firm to focus on its core competencies. 发展核心竞争 力
Potential problems with outsourcing: 外包可能产生的问题 Job losses for the firm’s communities. 企业岗位减少 Hard to reverse outsourcing decisions. 外包决策难以收回
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Competitor Analysis 分析竞争对手
Products 替代产品
External Environment Analysis 外部环境分析
Economic 经济
General Environment
Select one or more strategies to create value for their stakeholde rs 选择一种或多种战略为股东创造价值
Strategic Management Process
Vision 愿景 Leadership 领导
Environments: 环境 •Internal内部 •External 外部
Strategic Management 战略管理
Leadership in Enterprise for Asian Development 亚洲发展中的企业领导
Leonard D. Van Drunen June 2008
What Is Strategic Management? 什么是战略管理
The process companies use to: 企业用于达到目标的过程 Form a vision – view of how the current firm will look in the future 形成愿景—当前企业如何展望未来
Analyze their external environment and their internal environment 分析企业的内外部环境
Porter’s Five Forces 五力模型
Suppliers 供应商
Potential Entrants 潜在对 手
Rivalry 对手
Competitor Analysis竞争 者分析
Subst Products 替代产 品
Industry Environment
•Access to distribution 经销渠道
•Government policy •政府政策
Potential Entrants 潜在对手
Suppliers 供货商
Rivalry 竞争
Competitor Analysis 竞争者分系
Industry Environment
Buyers 买方
•Entrepreneurship 创业
Strategic Management Process
Vision 愿景 Leadership 领导
Environments: 环境 •Internal内部 •External 外部
Competing via 竞争方
Rivalry: 竞争 •Business level strategies 经营层次战
•Entrepreneurship 创业
External Environment Analysis 外部环境分析
General Environment
Entrants 潜在竞争 对手
Industry Environment
Economic 经济
Suppliers 供应商
Buyers 买方
Porter’s Five Forces 五力模型
Barriers to entry: 进入壁垒
•Economies of scale •规模经济
•Capital requirements •••资S转w本换itc要成hPEin求本ongttceraonnsttitassl •Differentiation差异 化
Competing via 竞争方
Rivalry: 竞争 •Business level strategies 经营层次战
略 •Multiproduct strategies 产品多元化
战略 •Mergers & acquisitions 并购
Market entry: 市场进入 •Across borders 跨国 •Alliances 联盟
Competing via 竞争方
Rivalry: 竞争 •Business level strategies 经营层次战
略 •Multiproduct strategies 产品多元化
战略 •Mergers & acquisitions 并购
Market entry: 市场进入 •Across borders 跨国 •联盟
actions 赋能授权他人来执行战略行动
Strategic leadership actions
建立愿景与使 命
Strategic Management Process
Vision 愿景 Leadership 领导
Environments: 环境 •Internal内部 •External 外部
略 •Multiproduct strategies 产品多元化
战略 •Mergers & acquisitions 并购
Market entry: 市场进入 Across borders 跨国 Alliances 联盟 Entrepreneurship 创业
Strategic Leadership 战略领导
– Developing a vision for the firm – 为企业制定愿景 – Designing strategic actions to achieve this vision – 设计战略行动来达成愿景 – Empowering others to carry out those strategic
Subst Products 替代品
Porter’s Five Forces 五力模型
Rivalry increases due to: 竞争增加是因为
• Degree of differentiation 差异化程度
• SwitchiPngotceonsttisal • 转换成E本ntrants • Numerous or equally