关于西方思想家卢梭的 英文传记 经典实用
Walden, or Life in the Woods
30. 这里指希腊神话故事中,冥土判官埃阿科斯 (Aeacus)说服宙斯将蚂蚁变成人,以补充一个王国 因瘟疫而死掉的人口。 31.在荷马史诗《伊里亚特》第3卷,特洛伊人被比 做仙鹤,与侏儒作战。另一说是,根据希腊寓言,侏 儒每年春季受到仙鹤攻击,被他们吞食掉。 32.dead reckoning:不依靠观察天象,仅按照航路 方向和航速来估计船的方位。 33.German Confederacy:意指伸斯麦 (Bismarck)于1871年建立统一的德意志帝国之前, 许多小王国于1815年维也纳大会上组成的松散无力 的德国联邦。
40. 19世纪争权夺利的西班牙贵族。 41. head in the newspaper:新闻题目。 42. the revolution of 1649: 指1649年克伦威尔 (Oliver Cromwell,1599-1658)领导的处决查理一 世、建立共和政体的17世纪英国资产阶级革命。 43 梭罗的意思是秀才不出门,便知天下事;另外,世界 上也没有什么值得关心的新鲜事儿,人生最重要的事就 是修身养性。
45. 梭罗认为,人们忙于钻营,积财致富,但思想没有什 么进步。 46. This; 指上文中的reality。超验主义的"现实"是精神 和灵魂的最高体现。超验主义者认为,一般人称为"现 实"的只是表面的、暂时的现象而已。本段是对梭罗的" 现实"观点的精辟说明。 47 梭罗津津乐道的题目之一是"儿时的天真"。他认为儿童 对生活真谛的领悟力比成年人强。他在本章末尾说," 我一向感到遗憾的是,我不象降生时那样聪慧了。" 在 《与禽兽为邻》一章中,他又谈起"婴儿的纯真"他本人 终生保持着一颗赤子之心,因此他的一个传记家称他为 "永恒的稚子"。"小儿的天真"是19世纪欧美浪握主义思 想的一个中心内容。
Henry David Thoreau美国超验主义作家梭罗简介及《瓦尔登湖》赏析英文PPT课件.
• “美国还没有知道——至少不知道它失去了 多么伟大的一个国民。这似乎是一种罪恶, 使他的工作还没有做完就离开,而没有人能 替他完成;对于这样高贵的灵魂,又仿佛是 一种侮辱。他还没有真正给他的同辈看到他 是怎样一个人,就离开了人世。但至少他是 满足的。他的灵魂是应该和最高贵的灵魂作 伴的;他在短短的一生中学完了这世界上的 一切的才技;无论在什么地方,只要有学问 ,有道德的,爱美的人,一定都是他的忠实 读者。”
enjoy his or her life leisurely
• Economy • Complemental Verses • Where I Lived, and What I lived
For • Reading • Sounds • Solitude • Visitors • The Bean-field • The Village
“最好的政府一无所治;在人们准备好之前 ,那将是他们愿意拥有的那种政府。”
• “难道公民必得将良心交给立法者, 自己一分也不留?若此,则人有良心 何为?我认为我们首先必须是人,然 后再谈是不是被统治者。...则此 法律不值得尊重——去违反这样的法律 吧。...。如果一千个人今年拒绝 缴税,跟同意缴税相比,前者不算是 暴力与血腥的手段,因为缴税将可能 使国家使用暴力、且使无辜者流血。 事实上,这就是和平革命”( peaceable revolution)。
Personal Interpretation to Walden
Published in 1854 Detailed description of his life and thoughts during his solitude beside
卢梭名言短句英文作文高级英文回答:Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a philosopher, writer, and composer who is considered one of the most importantfigures of the Enlightenment. He was born in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1712 and died in Ermenonville, France, in 1778. Rousseau's writings had a profound impact on the development of modern political thought, education, and the arts.One of Rousseau's most famous quotes is "Man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains." This quote is fromhis book "The Social Contract," which was published in 1762. In this book, Rousseau argues that human beings are bornwith natural rights, including the right to freedom and equality. However, he also argues that these rights areoften violated by society.Another one of Rousseau's famous quotes is "The onlytrue freedom is the freedom to be who you are." This quote is from his book "Emile, or On Education," which was published in 1762. In this book, Rousseau argues that the goal of education should be to help children develop their natural talents and abilities. He believes that children should be allowed to learn at their own pace and in their own way.Rousseau's writings have had a lasting impact on the world. His ideas about freedom, equality, and education have inspired countless people throughout history. He is considered one of the most important thinkers of the Enlightenment, and his work continues to be studied and debated today.中文回答:卢梭的一句名言是“人生而自由,但无处不在枷锁之中”。
lfitflows,itflowsaway;ifitstaysstill,itdriesup;ifitgrows,itslowl ywithers,a ndtheworldhas no eternity.2、生活本身没有任何价值,它的价值在于怎样使用它。
Lifeitselfhas no value」tsvalueliesi nhowtouseit.3、唯独在这些孤独和沉思默想的时刻,我才是真正的我,才是和我的天性相符的我,我才既无忧烦又无羁束。
On lyi nthesel on elya ndmeditativemome ntsca nlbetherealme,the on ethatisi naccorda ncewithm yn ature,a ndlamfreefromwor ryan drestrai nt.4、教育的最大的秘诀是:使身体锻炼和思想锻炼互相调剂。
Thegreatestsecretofeducatio nistomakephysicalexercisea n dideologicalexerciseadjusteachother.5、人类智力的发展都应该主要归功于欲望,而欲望能否被普遍满足要依靠智力的发展。
Thedevelopme ntofhuma nin tellige nceshouldbemai nlyattributedtodesire,a ndwhetherdesireca nbege nerallysatisfieddepe ndson thedevelopme ntofi ntellige nee.6、人类的进步史也就是人类的堕落史;而私有制的确立,是造成人类不平等及其后果的关键。
Thehistoryofhuma nprogressisalsothehistoryofhuma ndeg en erati on,an dtheestablishme ntofprivateow nershipisthekeytoh uma nin equalitya nditsc on seque nces.7、人只有在处于依赖状态的时候才是柔弱的,如果他无拘无束, 不依赖他人的话,他早就是很强壮的了。
社会契约论 英文版
社会契约论英文版(原创版)目录一、引言二、《社会契约论》的概述三、英文版《社会契约论》的内容四、结论正文一、引言《社会契约论》是法国思想家让 - 雅克·卢梭的一部重要著作,该书于 1762 年首次出版。
You sacrifice nothing, and you get nothing. Because you pursue your desires with all your heart, you will never be able to satisfy your desires.2、大自然希望儿童在成人以前就要像儿童的样子。
Nature wants children to look like children before they become adults.3、异性友情的发展,就象双曲线,无限接近但永不触及。
The development of heterosexual friendship, like hyperbola, is infinitely close but never touched.4、如果你的目的只是想到某一个地方去,你当然可以坐驿车,但是,如果是为了游历,那就要步行了。
If you only want to go somewhere, you can certainly takea post-car, but if you want to travel, you have to walk.5、一目了然的拙劣谄媚绝不会出之于善意。
Flattery at a glance can never come from goodwill.6、人的价值是由自己决定。
The value of man is determined by himself.7、性格软弱,至多只能做到不犯罪恶,如果还要侈谈高尚的美德,那就是狂妄和大胆了。
Weak character, at most can only do not crime evil, if we want to talk about noble virtues, it is arrogant and bold.8、追得太凶,爱情就跑得快,甚至把对方仅剩的一点好感,也赶得无影无踪。
Olivertwist读书笔记读书心得(英文)(大全)第一篇:Oliver twist读书笔记读书心得(英文)(大全)Oliver twistThis report is written to Ms Millie of Class Four.Oliver Twist is written by Charles dickens.It is made up by 232 pages which are published by Guangming Daily Press.This masterpiece is the sixth edition since 2001.I chose it as the first reading novel this semester is just because one of my best friends said she was totally touched by plot.What’s more, Oliver Twis t is the first English novel published in the United States.Oliver Twist, our main character, was born into a life of poverty and misfortune since his mother’s death and his father’s unexplained absence.After many roundabout ways, Oliver ran away from London and finally restored to a life of happiness and health.As soon as Oliver Twist arrived in London, he was cheated by a bang of thieves whose leader is Fagin.They set him up, but Oliver was proved innocent and was served in Mr.Brownlow’s where Oliver live d freely for some months.It’s a book that depicting the old society in justified shoes.Dickens gives a truthful presentation of the sufferings of the poor and oppressed and make a bitter and complexedexposure of the terrible conditions, Charles Dickens makes him the most popular English novelist of the Victorian era at that time.After reading this masterpiece, I’m deeply impressed that how an orphan can still remain kind-hearted after suffering that much, such as hunger, thirst, abuse and so forth.Those charitable figures that Dickens created in the novel, such as Mrs.Maylie, are really what need in modern life.They should love and care to others, just as the gentle rain from the sky fell upon the earth,which was carved into my heart deeply, Goodness to human is what water to fish.So, my gracious peers, as the famous saying goes, “The fragrance always stays in hard that gives the rose, I sincerely urge that we can reach out our hands when someone is in need.I like the book as before, but frankly speaking, I was wondering some details should be more explicit.All in all, what I gain the most important is being kind and not giving up is the secret of surviving.I will pass on this novel to my gracious classmates since it deserves it.第二篇:论文olivertwistThe Unique Visual Angles of “Oliver Twist”Abstract: “Oliver Twist” vividly describes all kinds of vices of the 19th century’s Victoria Age and the living conditions of working people from the unique visual angles of workhouses and slums in East London District.The novel looks on life with children’s viewpoint and reflects reality in fairy tales pattern.Key words: unique visual angles;children;fairy tales《雾都孤儿》的独特视角摘要:《雾都孤儿》以济贫院和伦敦东区的贫民窟为独特的视角,生动地反映了十九世纪维多利亚盛世的伦敦的种种罪恶和劳动人民的生活状况;作品以儿童的眼光看待生活,用童话的模式反映现实社会。
卢梭生前遭人唾弃,死后却受人膜拜。卢梭被安 葬于巴黎先贤祠。1791年12月21日,国民公会投 票通过决议,给大革命的象征卢梭树立雕像,以 金字题词——“自由的奠基人”。卢梭的观念渗 入社会风气,成为时尚。年轻人模仿《爱弥儿》, 要做“居住在城里的野蛮人”。路易王太子也深 受《爱弥儿》的影响,按照卢梭的观点从小教育 他的儿子,学一门手工匠人的手艺。据说,这就 是路易十六那个著名的嗜好——业余锁匠的由来。
Байду номын сангаас
卢梭1712年6月28日出生于瑞士日内瓦一个钟表匠的家庭。父亲是钟表匠, 技术精湛;母亲是牧师的女儿,颇为聪明,端庄贤淑。母亲因生他难产去世。他 一出生就失去了母爱,他是由父亲和姑妈抚养大的。比他大7岁的哥哥离家出走, 一去不返,始终没有音讯。这样,家里只剩下他一个孩子。卢梭懂事时,知道自 己是用母亲的生命换来的,他幼小的心灵十分悲伤,更加感到父亲的疼爱。他的 父亲嗜好读书,这种嗜好无疑也遗传给了他。卢梭的母亲遗留下不少小说,父亲 常常和他在晚饭后互相朗读。每读一卷,不一气读完是不肯罢休的,有时通宵达 旦地读,父亲听到早晨的燕雀叫了,才很难为情地说:“我们去睡吧,我简直比 你还孩子气呢。”在这种情况下,卢梭日复一日地读书,无形之中养成了读书的 习惯,渐渐充实并滋养了他年幼的心灵。7岁的卢梭就将家里的书籍遍览无余。 他还外出借书阅读,如勒苏厄尔著的《教会与帝国历史》、包许埃的《世界通史 讲话》、普鲁塔的《名人传》、那尼的《威尼斯历史》、莫里的几部剧本等等, 他都阅读过。由于这些历史人物的典范影响和他父亲的谆谆教诲,卢梭深深体会 到了自由思想和民主精神的可贵。他既有父亲的爱国血统,又以这些伟人为榜样, 甚至言行之间常把自己比作那些历史中的人物。有一天,他在桌旁叙说斯契瓦拉 的事迹,在座的人全都很惊讶地看到卢梭走上前去,把手放在熊熊燃烧的炉火之 上,来表演斯契瓦拉的英雄壮举。这种早熟早慧的表现,正是卢梭特有天资的最 初显露。
2、Challenge to Spontaneous Generation Confirm that fermentation was caused due to
microbiology, making "Pasteurization” 证实发酵作用都是由于微生物引起,创立“巴斯德
Evaluation 评价
Louis Pasteur, 1822.12.271895.9.28) 法国微生物 学家、化学 家,近代微 生物学的奠 基人。
As well as open up classical mechanics of Newton, Pasteur opened the field of microbiology, created a unique set of basic research methods in microbiology, beginning with "practical-theoretical-practice" method to start the research, he was a scientific giant.
安息吧,史蒂夫·乔布斯。 我们所有人感谢你所做出 的工作,你使我们日常生 活中很多事情成为可能。
My first meeting with Steve Jobs about 30 years ago. Since then, after half time, between the two of us as colleagues, competitors and friends relationships.
The officials, the government is weak.2、人是生而自由的,但却无往不在枷锁之中。
Man is born free, but he is not in chains.3、人性本善,但罪恶的社会环境使人变坏了。
Human nature is good, but evil social environment makes people become bad.4、大自然希望儿童在成人以前就要像儿童的样子。
Nature wants children to be like children before they are adults.5、最重要的教育原则是不要爱惜时间,要浪费时间。
The most important educational principle is not to cherish the time, to waste time.6、生活本身没有任何价值,它的价值在于怎样使用它。
Life itself has no value, its value lies in how to use it.7、我们的痛苦正是产生于我们的愿望和能力的不相称。
Our pain is not commensurate with our desire and ability.8、从我们心中夺走对美的爱,也就夺走了生活全部魅力。
From our hearts to take the love of the United States, but also took away all the charm of life.9、教育的的秘诀是:使身体锻炼和思想锻炼互相调剂。
The great secret of education is to make physical exercise and mental exercise to adjust to each other.10、事实上,法律永远有利于占有者,而不利于一无所有的人。
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)French, Swiss-born writer and philosopher, whose historical importance can be compared to that of Marx or Freud. Rousseau's life was full of contradictions: he defended the rights of little children but consigned his five illegitimate offspring to a foundling institution. Although Rousseau gained fame as an educationist, his formal education ended at about the age of twelve. He also was almost certifiably paranoid, an unsociable and quarrelsome human being, but championed man's innate goodness. Until he was 37, Rousseau had written nothing except libretti for his own music. In his later age Rousseau became one of the dominant thinkers of the 18th century Enlightenment. The French Nobel writer Romain Rolland once said of Rousseau: "He opened into literature the riches of the subconscious, the secret movements of being, hitherto ignored and repressed.""The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said, "This is mine," and found people na?ve enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society." (from Discours sur l'Origine et le Fondement de l'Inégalité Parmi les Hommes, 1754)Jean Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva, Switzerland, into a Protestant family of French refugees. His mother died shortly after his birth. Rousseau's father, who was a watchmaker of unstable temperament, fled from Geneva after being involved in a brawl. The young Jean-Jacques was cared for in childhood by an aunt and a maternal uncle. Rousseau received very little regular training, and never adopted ideas of rigorous discipline. He was sent for a while a school in the country, kept by a retired pastor, and later he was apprenticed to an engraver (1725-28).At the age of 16 Rousseau left Geneva to travel. The next 20 years he spent traveling, studying, and adventuring. Rousseau's upbringing had been Calvinist, but under the influence of his benefactress and eventually his mistress, the Vaudois Madame de Warens, he became a Roman Catholic. From 1731 until 1740 Rousseau lived with or near Madame de Warens. At her country home, Les Charmettes, near Chambery in Savoy, Rousseau began his first serious reading and study.After moving to Paris Rousseau earned his living with secretarial work and musical copying. In 1741 he met Thérèse Le Vasseur, a dull and unattractive hotel servant girl, with whom he stayed for the rest of his life, never marrying her. They had five children whom Rousseau allegedly consigned to Enfants-Trouvés, a foundling hospital. This was a quite a common practice of the time, but in The Confessions (1782-89) Rousseau expressed his eternal and bitter regret. The celebrated autobiography is actually not a true account of his life, and also this detail has been under debate.In 1743-44 Rousseau was a secretary to the French Ambassador Comte de Montaignu to Venice, and first came into close contact with political life and institutions. Back in Paris he was introduced through the famous philosopher Denis Diderot to the Encyclopedists. His own contributions to The Encyclopedia were mostly on musical subjects, although he wrote one on political economy. Rousseau's new musical notation had been pronounced by the Academy of Sciences "neither useful nor original," and his opera, LES MUSES GALANTES, had failed.Rousseau's life changed on the road to Vincennes when he noticed an announcement in which the Dijon Academy was offering a prize for the best essay on the subject 'Has the progress of the arts and sciences contributed to the purification or the corruption of morals?" "All at once," Rousseu wrote, "I felt myself dazzled by a thousand sparkling lights; crowds of vivid ideas thronged into my head with a force and confusion that threw me into unspeakable agitation; I felt my head whirling in a giddiness like that of intoxication. Rousseau won at the age of 38 the prize for his essay "Discours sur les sciences et les arts", and gained fame. The development of the arts and sciences, he wrote, did not improve man in habits and moral. Far from improving human behavior, the development had promoted inequality, idleness, and luxury. "If the sciences really better'd manners, if they taught man to spill his blood for his country, if they heighten'd his courage; the inhabitants of China ought to be wise, free, and invincible. - But if they are tainted with every vice, familiar with every crime; if neither the skill of their magistrates, nor the pretended wisdom of their laws, nor the vast multitude of people inhabiting that great extent of empire, could protect or defend them from the yoke of an ignorant Barbarian Tartar, of what use was all their art, all their skill, all their learning?" (from Discourse on Arts and Sciences)Around 1750 Rousseau began to promulgate the romantic conception of the noble - or innocent - savage. The theme was elaborated in Rousseau's second essay, "Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégualitéparmi les hommes" (1755), where he maintained that only the uncorrupted savage is in possession of real virtue. The most famous adaptation of the idea in literature is Edgar Rice Burroughs's hero of the jungle, Tarzan. The cultivation of earth and invention of metallurgy led to the birth of work and property. People were divided into poor and rich, and laws solidified the state of affairs permanently. Despotism is the ultimate end of historical development - we are all equal because we are slaves of one ruler.In Rousseau the feeling of 'discomfort with culture' became a target of serious study for the first time. The cultured man is degenerate, Rousseau thought, and the whole history of civilization a betrayal. Rousseau's naturalism was in great contrast to all that his great contemporary Voltaire considered the quintessence of civilization. Taking seriously his thesis, Rousseau decided to "reform" and live the simple life. He returned in 1754 to Geneva, reverted to Protestantism, and regained citizenship. In 1756 Rousseau moved to a cottage near the forest of Montmorency."With Rousseau the wider classes of society, the petty bourgeoisie and the undifferentiated mass of the poor, the oppressed and the outlawed, found expression for the first time in literature... Rousseau is the first to speak as one of the common people, and to speak for himself when he is speaking for the people; the first to induce others to rebellion, because he is a rebel himself." (Arnold Hauser in The Social History of Art, vol. 3, 1962)During the next six years Rousseau wrote The New Heloise (1761), émile (1762), a treatise on education, eventually turning into a Bildungsroman about the ideal education of the innocent child, and The Social Contract (1762), which starts with the opening declaration, "Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they." Its catchphrase 'Liberté, égalité, Fraternité', inspired the French Revolution. Rousseau argues that only by surrendering to the general will, can an individual find his fullest freedom. The general will, essentially directed toward common good, Rousseau believed, isalways right. The citizens of a united community exchanges their natural liberty for something better, moral liberty. In this theory political society is seen as involving the total voluntary subjection of every individual to the collective general will; this being both the sole source of legitimate sovereignty and something that cannot but be directed towards common good.Rousseau's JULIE; OU, LA NOUVELLE HéLO?SE (1761) was an 18th-century best-seller. It was born of the aging author's dream of finding a perfect love with a kindred soul. The story depicts the passionate love of the tutor Saint Preux and his pupil Julie, their separation, and Julie's marriage to the Baron Wolmar. The theme of sexual passion is in the end transformed into an account of a social utopia on the Baron's country estate.èmile paved way for the liberal modern educational experiments. It stated that experience should come not from books but from life. Rousseau's theory of education rests on two assumptions: that man is by nature good and that society and civilization corrupt the native goodness. Only through proper education in youth could the "natural man" come to being. Children should be kept from books until the age of 12 and youth should be taught "natural religion" only. Girls were to be trained solely as wives and mothers.After its publication, èmile was banned both in France and Switzerland. The French parliament ordered the book to be burned, and in 1762 Rousseau was condemned for religious unorthodoxy. He fled to Switzerland, first to Neuchatel (1762-65), then to Bienne (1765). When the government of Berne ordered Rousseau out of its territory, he visited England. Rousseau's misanthropy and growing persecution mania led to quarrels with his new friends, among them David Hume, and he went to France, where he lived for a time in disguise. In 1768 he married Thérèse, and in 1770 he was officially permitted to return to Paris - if he do not write against the government."I have entered on an enterprise which is without precedent, and will have no imitator. I purpose to show my fellows a man as nature made him, and this man shall be myself." (from Les Confessions, 1781-1788)Rousseau's later works include The Confessions, the first "romantic" autobiography, which was composed between 1765 and 1770. Rousseau starts with his of uniqueness. "I am not made like any of those I have seen; I venture to believe that I am not made like any of those who are in existence. If I am not better, at least I am different." The book was part of his immersion into self-observation, also exemplified in Rousseau Judge of Jean-Jacques (1776) and the Reveries (1782). In 1778 Rousseau moved to Ermenonville. He died of apoplexy on July 2, 1778. Rousseau's remains were placed with V oltaire's in the Panthéon in Paris in 1794.For further reading: Bibliography of the Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau to 1800 by Jo-Ann McEachern (1989-93); Jean-Jacques Rousseau by Maurice Cranston (1983-91); Rousseau's Exemplary Life by C. Kelly (1987); Rousseau and the Republic of Virtue by Carol Blum (1986); Rousseau and Romantic Autobiography by H. Williams (1983); Fictions of Feminine Desire by Peggy Kamuf (1982); Rousseau et sa fortune littéraire by Raymond Trousson (1977); Jean-Jacques Rousseau by Lester G. Crocker (1968-73, 2 vols.); Jean-Jacques Rousseau by JeanGuéhenno (1966, 2 vols.); Rousseau: A Study of His Thought by J. Broome (1963); Jean-Jacques Rousseau by F.C. Green (1955); Rousseau and Romanticism by I. Babbitt (1919) - For further information: Lucidcafé Library ; The Rousseau Association WebsiteJean-Jacques Rousseau and Finland - The most Rousseauesque practice in the Finnish way of life is the mass migration on holidays and weekends to summer cottages, which usually are located in the wilderness far from the urban centers. Three of Rousseau's central works, émile, The Social Contract, and an abridged edition of The Confessions have been translated into Finnish (1905, 1918, and 1968 respectively ). As early as in 1775 Fredrik Collin criticized Rousseau's religious views in his doctoral thesis De juventute in religione Christiana contra opinionem Rousseauianam instituenda. Collin believed that religious instruction was especially useful to the young. The influential historian and journalist Henrik Gabriel Porthan (1739-1804) considered émile pedagogically recommendable, although he saw in it some paradoxes. J.V. Snellman (1806-1881), a hugely influential philosopher, journalist and statesman, was against Rousseau's "nature gospel" of education. Snellman's philosophy was based on the ideas advanced by the German philosopher Hegel. Snellman argued that all education should be supervised by the state. He emphasized traditions and the Finnish national ideals. Rousseau's view, that the State is born from a contract, also was criticized by Snellman.In the 20th-century Rousseau's influence is seen in Erik Ahlman's (1892-1952) writings on education, especially in the concept of man's "true" nature and "pure" individuality. According to Ahlman, the purpose of education is to develop the individual, personal self. In the modern literature Arto Paasilinna has used in several books the "back to nature" theme. His novels, such as J?niksen vuosi (1975, The Year of the Hare; in French translation Le lièvre de Vatanen), have been very popular in Finland and in France. - The Confessions was reprinted in 1999, but émile has been out of print since the 1930s. The Social Contract is nowadays only found in the stockrooms of large libraries. In 2001 appeared Rousseau's Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité in Finnish, 246 after its publication.Selected works:DISCOURS SUR LES SCIENCES ET LES ARTS, 1750 - A Discourse on the Arts and Sciences LE DEVIN DU VILLAGE, 1752 - The Village SoothsayerNARCISSE, 1752LETTRES SUR LA MUSIQUE FRAN?AISE, 1753DISCOURS SUR L'ORIGINE ET LES FONDEMENTS DE L'INéGALITéPARMI LES HOMMES, 1755 - A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality - Tutkielma ihmisten v?lisen eriarvoisuuden alkuper?st? ja perusteistaDISCOURS SUR L'éCONOMIE POLITIQUE, 1758 - Discourse on Political Economy LETTRE à D'ALEMBERT SUR LES SPECTACLES, 1758 - A Letter to M. d'Alembert JULIE; OU LA NOUVELLE HéLO?SE, 1761 - Julie; or, The New Eloise - émile eli Kasvatuksesta, suom. J. HahléMILE; OU, DE L'éDUCA TION, 1762 - EmileDU CONTRAT SOCIAL; OU, PRINCIPES DU DROIT POLITIQUE, 1762 - Treatise on theSocial Compact / On the Social Contract / The Social Contract Yhteiskuntasopimuksesta, suom. J.V. LehtonenLETTRES éCRITES DE LA MONTAGNE, 1764ROUSSEAU JUGE DE JEAN-JACQUES, 1776 - Rousseau Judge of Jean-JacquesESSAI SUR L'ORIGINE DES LANGUES, 1781 - On the Origin of LanguageCONSIDéRATIONS SUR LE GOUVERNEMENT DE LA POLOGNE, 1782 - Considerations on the Government of PolandLES RéVERIES DU PROMENEUR SOLITAIRE, 1782 - The Reveries of the Solitary Walker LES CONFESSIONS, 1782-89 - The Confessions - Tunnustuksia, suom. Edwin Hagfors Political Writings, 1953The First and Second Discourses, 1964CORRESPONDANCE COMPLèTE, 1965?UVRES COMPLèTES, 1959-69 (4 vols.)?UVRES COMPLèTES, 1967-71 (3 vols.)LETTRES PHILOSOPHIQUES, 1974The First and Second Discourse Together with the Replies to Critics; and Essay on the Origins of Languages, 1986Basic Political Writings, 1987Selections, 1988Political Writings, 1988The Collected Writings, 1990-92 (in progr。
经典英文名人传记经典英文名人传记1. Confession Jean Jacques –Rousseau (1712-1778, France)1.《忏悔录》让·雅克·卢梭 (法国 1712~1778)Jean Jacques Rousseau is one of the most influential Master of Philosophy, whose ideas represent the end of Rationalism and the start of Romanticism. Confession is the most influential work of Rousseau, and is named as “the distinguished book in the history of literature”. In this book, Rousseau sees himself as a specimen, his bluffness was unprecedented.让·雅克·卢梭是近代最具影响力的哲学大师,他的思想标着理性时代的终结和浪漫主义的诞生。
2. Biography of Beethoven Romain Rolland (1866-1944, France)2. 《贝多芬传》罗曼·罗兰 (法国 1866~1944)The name of Romain Rolland is like an eternal star, which shines in the sky forever. This famous French writer and musician occupies a pivotal position in the field of world literature. Biography of Beethoven is the most satisfied work of Rolland himself, and is honored as “one of the best 30 books in human history”.罗曼·罗兰,这个名字就像一颗恒星,永久的闪耀着光芒。
When a person concentrates on doing well, he will succeed in the end.2、所有一切有益人类的事业中,首要的一件,即教育人的事业。
Of all the causes that benefit mankind, the first one is the cause of educating people.3、婚姻的结合要求夫妻双方都要忠实,忠实是一切权利中最神圣的权利。
The combination of marriage requires both husband and wife to be faithful. Faithfulness is the most sacred right of all rights.4、美德是一种战争状态,我们生活于其中,就要常常与自己作斗争。
Virtue is a state of war, in which we must often struggle with ourselves.5、最盲目的服从乃是奴隶们所仅存的唯一美德。
The blindest obedience is the only virtue left by slaves.6、你要宣扬你的一切,不必用你的言语,要用你的本来面目。
If you want to publicize everything about you, you don't need to use your words, you need to use your true face.7、对于一个善于理解幸福的人,旁人无论如何也不能让他真正潦倒。
For a person who is good at understanding happiness, no one else can make him really down.8、立法的力量就应该总是倾向于维持平等,因为事物的力量总是倾向于摧毁平等的。
他写道:“Everything that is done for him, and everything he does for himself, should be done as if he were not there. This is the way to teach him to think.” 这段话意味着,爱弥儿的每一次行动和决策都应该是在仿佛他不存在的情况下进行的,这样他才能学会独立思考。
在书中,卢梭提到:“Let him learn, not from books, but from nature,not from men, but from things.” 这句话强调了直接从大自然和事物本身学习的重要性,而不是仅仅依赖书本和他人的教导。
在讨论情感教育时,卢梭指出:“Feelings are the first language of the human heart; they are the first lessons of the human mind.” 这里,他强调了情感在人类心灵和心智发展中的首要地位,认为情感是心灵最初的语言,也是心智最初的课程。
对于道德教育,卢梭有着自己独特的见解:“Do not teach him to read, but to reason; for, of all our faculties, the one thatis least developed by our education is reason.” 他主张,教育不应仅仅局限于阅读,而应更多地培养推理能力,因为在我们的教育中,最不被重视的能力就是理性。
下面店铺为大家带来《鲁滨孙漂流记》经典段落英文,欢迎大家阅读!《鲁滨孙漂流记》经典段落英文1:Being the third son of the family and not bred to any trade, my head began to be filled very early with rambling thoughts. My father, who was very ancient, had given me a competent share of learning, as far as house-education and a country free school generally go, and designed me for the law; but I would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea; and my inclination to this led me so strongly against the will, nay, the commands of my father, and against all the entreaties and persuasions of my mother and other friends, that there seemed to be something fatal in that propensity of nature, tending directly to the life of misery which was to befall me.He told me it was men of desperate fortunes on one hand, or of aspiring, superior fortunes on the other, who went abroad upon adventures, to rise by enterprise, and make themselves famous in undertakings of a nature out of the common road; that these things were all either too far above me or too far below me; that mine was the middle state, or what might be called the upper station of low life, which he had found, by long experience, was the best state in the world, the most suited to humanhappiness, not exposed to the miseries and hardships, the labour and sufferings of the mechanic part of mankind, and not embarrassed with the pride, luxury, ambition, and envy of the upper part of mankind.He told me I might judge of the happiness of this state by this one thing - viz. that this was the state of life which all other people envied; that kings have frequently lamented the miserable consequence of being born to great things, and wished they had been placed in the middle of the two extremes, between the mean and the great; that the wise man gave his testimony to this, as the standard of felicity, when he prayed to have neither poverty nor riches.《鲁滨孙漂流记》经典段落英文2:He bade me observe it, and I should always find that the calamities of life were shared among the upper and lower part of mankind, but that the middle station had the fewest disasters, and was not exposed to so many vicissitudes as the higher or lower part of mankind; nay, they were not subjected to so many distempers and uneasinesses, either of body or mind, as those were who, by vicious living, luxury, and extravagances on the one hand, or by hard labour, want of necessaries, and mean or insufficient diet on the other hand, bring distemper upon themselves by the natural consequences of their way of living; that the middle station of life was calculated for all kind of virtue and all kind of enjoyments; that peace and plenty were the handmaids of a middle fortune; that temperance, moderation, quietness, health, society, all agreeable diversions, and all desirable pleasures, were the blessings attending the middle station of life; that this way men went silently and smoothly through the world, and comfortably out of it, not embarrassedwith the labours of the hands or of the head, not sold to a life of slavery for daily bread, nor harassed with perplexed circumstances, which rob the soul of peace and the body of rest, nor enraged with the passion of envy, or the secret burning lust of ambition for great things; but, in easy circumstances, sliding gently through the world, and sensibly tasting the sweets of living, without the bitter; feeling that they are happy, and learning by every day's experience to know it more sensibly, After this he pressed me earnestly, and in the most affectionate manner, not to play the young man, nor to precipitate myself into miseries which nature, and the station of life I was born in, seemed to have provided against; that I was under no necessity of seeking my bread; that he would do well for me, and endeavour to enter me fairly into the station of life which he had just been recommending to me; and that if I was not very easy and happy in the world, it must be my mere fate or fault that must hinder it; and that he should have nothing to answer for, having thus discharged his duty in warning me against measures which he knew would be to my hurt; in a word, that as he would do very kind things for me if I would stay and settle at home as he directed, so he would not have so much hand in my misfortunes as to give me any encouragement to go away; and to close all, he told me I had my elder brother for an example, to whom he had used the same earnest persuasions to keep him from going into the Low Country wars, but could not prevail, his young desires prompting him to run into the army, where he was killed; and though he said he would not cease to pray for me, yet he would venture to say to me, that if I did take this foolish step, God would not bless me, and I should have leisure hereafter to reflect upon having neglected his counselwhen there might be none to assist in my recovery.《鲁滨孙漂流记》经典段落英文3:It was not till almost a year after this that I broke loose, though, in the meantime, I continued obstinately deaf to all proposals of settling to business, and frequently expostulated with my father and mother about their being so positively determined against what they knew my inclinations prompted me to. But being one day at Hull, where I went casually, and without any purpose of making an elopement at that time; but, I say, being there, and one of my companions being about to sail to London in his father's ship, and prompting me to go with them with the common allurement of seafaring men, that it should cost me nothing for my passage, I consulted neither father nor mother any more, nor so much as sent them word of it; but leaving them to hear of it as they might, without asking God's blessing or my father's, without any consideration of circumstances or consequences, and in an ill hour, God knows, on the 1st of September 1651, I went on board a ship bound for London. Never any young adventurer's misfortunes, I believe, began sooner, or continued longer than mine. The ship was no sooner out of the Humber than the wind began to blow and the sea to rise in a most frightful manner; and, as I had never been at sea before, I was most inexpressibly sick in body and terrified in mind.I began now seriously to reflect upon what I had done, and how justly I was overtaken by the judgment of Heaven for my wicked leaving my father's house, and abandoning my duty. All the good counsels of my parents, my father's tears and my mother's entreaties, came now fresh into my mind; and my conscience, which was not yet come to the pitch of hardness to which it has since, reproached me with the contempt of advice, and thebreach of my duty to God and my father.All this while the storm increased, and the sea went very high, though nothing like what I have seen many times since; no, nor what I saw a few days after; but it was enough to affect me then, who was but a young sailor, and had never known anything of the matter.I expected every wave would have swallowed us up, and that every time the ship fell down, as I thought it did, in the trough or hollow of the sea, we should never rise more; in this agony of mind, I made many vows and resolutions that if it would please God to spare my life in this one voyage, if ever I got once my foot upon dry land again, I would go directly home to my father, and never set it into a ship again while I lived; that I would take his advice, and never run myself into such miseries as these any more.Now I saw plainly the goodness of his observations about the middle station of life, how easy, how comfortably he had lived all his days, and never had been exposed to tempests at sea or troubles on shore; and I resolved that I would, like a true repenting prodigal, go home to my father.。
鲁滨孙漂流记经典英文段落摘抄《鲁滨逊漂流记》是英国作家丹尼尔·笛福的一部长篇小说作品,被认为是英国现实主义的开端之作,下面店铺为大家带来《鲁滨孙漂流记》经典英文段落,欢迎大家阅读!《鲁滨孙漂流记》经典英文段落1THAT evil influence which carried me first away from my father's house - which hurried me into the wild and indigested notion of raising my fortune, and that impressed those conceits so forcibly upon me as to make me deaf to all good advice, and to the entreaties and even the commands of my father - I say, the same influence, whatever it was, presented the most unfortunate of all enterprises to my view; and I went on board a vessel bound to the coast of Africa; or, as our sailors vulgarly called it, a voyage to Guinea.It was my great misfortune that in all these adventures I did not ship myself as a sailor; when, though I might indeed have worked a little harder than ordinary, yet at the same time I should have learnt the duty and office of a fore-mast man, and in time might have qualified myself for a mate or lieutenant, if not for a master. But as it was always my fate to choose for the worse, so I did here; for having money in my pocket and good clothes upon my back, I would always go on board in the habit of a gentleman; and so I neither had any business in the ship, nor learned to do any.It was my lot first of all to fall into pretty good company in London, which does not always happen to such loose and misguided young fellows as I then was; the devil generally not omitting to lay some snare for them very early; but it was not so with me. I first got acquainted with the master of a ship who hadbeen on the coast of Guinea; and who, having had very good success there, was resolved to go again. This captain taking a fancy to my conversation, which was not at all disagreeable at that time, hearing me say I had a mind to see the world, told me if I would go the voyage with him I should be at no expense; I should be his messmate and his companion; and if I could carry anything with me, I should have all the advantage of it that the trade would admit; and perhaps I might meet with some encouragement.《鲁滨孙漂流记》经典英文段落2I embraced the offer; and entering into a strict friendship with this captain, who was an honest, plain-dealing man, I went the voyage with him, and carried a small adventure with me, which, by the disinterested honesty of my friend the captain, I increased very considerably; for I carried about 40 pounds in such toys and trifles as the captain directed me to buy. These 40 pounds I had mustered together by the assistance of some of my relations whom I corresponded with; and who, I believe, got my father, or at least my mother, to contribute so much as that to my first adventure.This was the only voyage which I may say was successful in all my adventures, which I owe to the integrity and honesty of my friend the captain; under whom also I got a competent knowledge of the mathematics and the rules of navigation, learned how to keep an account of the ship's course, take an observation, and, in short, to understand some things that were needful to be understood by a sailor; for, as he took delight to instruct me, I took delight to learn; and, in a word, this voyage made me both a sailor and a merchant; for I brought home five pounds nine ounces of gold-dust for my adventure, whichyielded me in London, at my return, almost 300 pounds; and this filled me with those aspiring thoughts which have since so completed my ruin.《鲁滨孙漂流记》经典英文段落3It happened one time, that going a-fishing in a calm morning, a fog rose so thick that, though we were not half a league from the shore, we lost sight of it; and rowing we knew not whither or which way, we laboured all day, and all the next night; and when the morning came we found we had pulled off to sea instead of pulling in for the shore; and that we were at least two leagues from the shore. However, we got well in again, though with a great deal of labour and some danger; for the wind began to blow pretty fresh in the morning; but we were all very hungry.But our patron, warned by this disaster, resolved to take more care of himself for the future; and having lying by him the longboat of our English ship that he had taken, he resolved he would not go afishing any more without a compass and some provision; so he ordered the carpenter of his ship, who also was an English slave, to build a little state-room, or cabin, in the middle of the longboat, like that of a barge, with a place to stand behind it to steer, and haul home the main-sheet; the room before for a hand or two to stand and work the sails. She sailed with what we call a shoulder-of-mutton sail; and the boom jibed over the top of the cabin, which lay very snug and low, and had in it room for him to lie, with a slave or two, and a table to eat on, with some small lockers to put in some bottles of such liquor as he thought fit to drink; and his bread, rice, and coffee.We went frequently out with this boat a-fishing; and as I was most dexterous to catch fish for him, he never went without me. It happened that he had appointed to go out in this boat, eitherfor pleasure or for fish, with two or three Moors of some distinction in that place, and for whom he had provided extraordinarily, and had, therefore, sent on board the boat overnight a larger store of provisions than ordinary; and had ordered me to get ready three fusees with powder and shot, which were on board his ship, for that they designed some sport of fowling as well as fishing.《鲁滨孙漂流记》经典英文段落4THAT evil influence which carried me first away from my father's house - which hurried me into the wild and indigested notion of raising my fortune, and that impressed those conceits so forcibly upon me as to make me deaf to all good advice, and to the entreaties and even the commands of my father - I say, the same influence, whatever it was, presented the most unfortunate of all enterprises to my view; and I went on board a vessel bound to the coast of Africa; or, as our sailors vulgarly called it, a voyage to Guinea.不久之前,那种邪恶的力量驱使我离家出走。
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Introduction :(1)Jean Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva, Switzerland, into a Protestant family of French refugees, and his mother died of puerperal fever shortly after his birth .(2)He was a Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer of 18th-century Romanticism .His political philosophy heavily influenced the French Revolution, as well as the American Revolution and the overall development of modern political, sociological and educational thought.(1)让·雅克·卢梭出生在瑞士日内瓦的一个法国难民的新教家庭中,在他出生后不久,母亲死于产褥热。
Experience:(1)At about the age of twelve. Rousseau ended his formal education.(2)At the age of16 Rousseau left Geneva to travel. The next 20 years he spent traveling, studying, and adventuring.(3)His personal life was a mess, and there are some private foibles that many ordinary people can not accept.(4)From 1731 until 1740 Rousseau lived with Madame de Warens.(5)In 1741, he met Thérèse Le Vasseur, with whom he stayed for the rest of his life, never marrying her. They had five children whom Rousseau allegedly consigned to a foundling hospital. In The Confessions , Rousseau expressed his eternal and bitter regret.(6)In 1743-44 ,living in Paris ,he earned his living with secretarial work and musical copying.(7)He died of apoplexy on July 2, 1778. Rousseau…s remains were placed with V oltaire‟s in the Panthéon (先贤祠)in Paris in 1794.(1)在12岁的时候,卢梭结束了他的正式教育。
(6)在1743 - 44年,他住在巴黎,通过做秘书的工作和抄写乐谱来谋生。
同他的最著名的政治小册子 — 社会契约论一样出名的还有他的教育哲学之作—爱弥儿。
论述了艺术与科学学院《论科学与艺术》(“1749”)赢得了奖;认为在艺术和科学发展不完善Along with his most famous political tract, The Social Contract , Rousseau also contributed to educational philosophy, most notably in his Emile . An unlikely educator - Rousseau deemed himself a second-rate teacher and unworthy father ,Emile has nonetheless been described as "the most significant book on education after Plato's Republic"Discourse on the Arts and Sciences 《论科学与艺术》("1749") won the prize ; argued that the development of the arts and sciences did not improve man in habits and moral Discourse on the Origin of Inequality 《论人类不平等的起源和基础》("1755") he maintained that only the uncorrupted savage is in possession of real virtue. The cultivation of earth and invention of metallurgy led to the birth of work and property. Julie 《新爱洛伊斯》 ("1761") was an 18th-century best-seller. The Social Contract 《社会契约论》 ("1762") which starts with the famous declaration, "Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they." Its catchphrase 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity‟, inspired the French Revolution. Emile: or, On Education 《爱弥儿》("1762") After its publication, Èmile was banned both in France and Switzerland. Èmile paved way for the liberal modern educational experiments. It stated that only through proper education in youth could the "natural man" come to being. Children should be kept from books until the age of 12 and youth should be taught "natural religion" only. Girls were to be trained solely as wives and mothers. Confessions 《忏悔录》("1788") was the first “romantic” autobiography. The book was part of his immersion into self-observation, also exemplified in Rousseau Judge of Jean-Jacques and the Reveries (梦想) .《论科学与艺术》("1749")获得了奖项。
《论人类不平等的起源和基础》("1755") 他坚持认为,只有未堕落的野蛮人是拥有真正的美德。