
箱包材料术语范文1. 真皮(Genuine Leather):指使用动物皮革制作而成的箱包材料。
2. 仿皮(Faux Leather):也叫合成皮革或人造皮革,是一种人工合成材料,用于替代真皮。
3. 尼龙(Nylon):一种合成纤维材料,轻巧、耐磨、柔软且具有防水功能。
4. 帆布(Canvas):一种由棉纤维、麻纤维或其他纤维原料制成的坚固耐用的材料。
5. 聚酯纤维(Polyester):一种合成纤维,具有防皱、抗拉伸和耐久的特点。
6. 聚氨酯(Polyurethane):一种聚合物材料,常用于仿皮材料的制作。
7. 亚麻(Linen):一种由亚麻植物纤维制成的材料。
8. PVC(Polyvinyl Chloride):一种塑料材料,具有良好的耐磨性和防水性能。
9. 钢丝(Steel Wire):一种高硬度的金属线材,常用于制作箱包的拉链或支撑结构,提供稳定性和耐用性。
10. 游丝(Silk):由家蚕丝腺分泌的蛋白纤维构成,具有柔滑、轻盈的质感。
11. 雪纺(Chiffon):一种薄而透明的纺织品,由细薄的纱线制成。
12. 皮毛(Fur):动物的皮肤上的毛发,可以用于制作箱包的装饰或保暖层。
13. 背胶(Adhesive):一种粘合剂,常用于箱包材料的粘合和固定。
14. 扣具(Fastener):用于固定和关闭箱包的装置,如拉链、扣子、磁扣等。

箱包专业术语中英对一、颜色^Sky-blue:天蓝色lime :淡黄绿色?olive:橄榄绿jade:碧玉色poppy:深红色violet:紫罗兰色?beige:米白色?scarlet :鲜红golden:金色??navy~blue:海蓝?russet:赤褐色?khaki :卡其色mustard:深黄色?tan:茶色?bottlegreen:深绿色cream:淡黄色maroon:褐红色?royalblue:宝蓝?turquoise :青绿色?emerald:祖母绿peach:粉红色?burgundy :枣红?lemon柠檬色??tangerine:橘红色apricot:杏黄色lightgray:浅灰roseate:深粉红色?magenta:红紫色mauve:淡紫色?lilac:紫J香色?coffee:咖啡色??buff:暗黄色aquamarine:碧绿色?yellow:黄色?orange:橙色?crimson:深红色red:红色?blue:蓝色?green:绿色?pink:粉红色purple:紫色?brown:棕色?gray:灰色??white:白色fuchsia:紫红色?cyan:青色/蓝绿色?camouf lage:迷彩色二、材料和配件:??foam:泡棉?padded:垫料?panel:底板/侧板compartment:间隔层riptop:格子布??strap:带子?handle:手把?puller:拉头?microfiber:花瑶布?interior/outer:内/外部grip:把手flap:盖子?trolley:拉杆420Dcrinklenylon: 420D 的水洗布?PEboard:PE 板?swatch:样卡elastic:松紧带?adjustable:可调节的cardboard:纸板?jean:牛仔布?stud:角钉?fabric:布料?plastic :塑料??weavelabel:织陵taslon:塔幺幺.龙tapestry:窗帘提花布?nickel银?:rivet:钏钉zipper:拉链?logo:标记?rubber:橡胶?buckle:扣子?matchcolor:配色ribbon:缎带??carton:纸箱yarn:线?mark: “麦头?embroider:刺绣printing:印刷?innerlabel:内标?hangtag:挂牌???packing:包装?pantone:色卡velcro:麾术贴??Piping :胶骨?binding:包边??embroidery:绣花?hanger:衣架taffeta:平纹labourcost:工价?check:格子backstitch:回钊,overtimeworking:力口班taffeta:平纹?twill:斜纹?? jacquard:提花??breakstitch:断针designsketch:设计图stripe:条纹?fabric:面料?polyester:涤纶?nylon:尼龙zipper:拉链lining:里布??piping:凯线?matchcolor:配色pattern:纸样backingCOATIIN:涂层鸡眼:EYELET 钮圈:BUCKLELOOPpatch:滴塑mesh/net :网布撞钉:RIVET 胶针:PLASTICSTINGGLUEPRIN:胶体印刷layer:层rope:绳子?FELT:毛绒布rubberlabel:滴陵TODsponge: 70 发泡elasticcord:橡皮筋selffabricpipping:本布包骨Unvisiblezipper/conceal:隐形拉链pippingcord:衬条Semitransparent:磨沙?PVC?wovenlabel:织卩麦靛蓝青年布:indigochambray 人棉布植绒:rayonclothflockingpvc 植绒:pvcflocking针织布植绒:knittingclothflocking珠粒绒:claimondveins倒毛:downpilemaking半绒:velveteen (velvet-plain)仿鹿皮:microsuede牛仔皮植绒:jeansflocking尼幺幺纺:nylontaffeta (nylonshioze)尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylonseersuckertaffeta 素面植绒:plainflocking印花植绒:flocking (flower)雕印植绒:embossingflocking皮革沟底植绒:leather imitationflocking牛仔植绒雕印:embossingjeansflocking兔羊绒大衣呢:angoracachmereovercoat ing羊毛双面呢:double-facedwoolengoods立绒呢:cutvelvet顺毛呢:overcoating粗花呢:costumetweed弹力呢:lycrawoolengoods塔幺幺绒:nylontaslon塔幺幺绒格子:n/taslonripstop桃皮绒:polyesterpeachskin涤塔夫:polyes ter taffeta春亚纺:polyesterpongee超细麦克布:microfiber锦棉稠(平纹):nylon-cottonfabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cottonfabric (doubleweft)人宁锦棉纺:nylon-cottonfabric斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cottonfabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:solidvelvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:ribfleecevelvet雪花天鹅绒:melangevelvet 轧花天鹅绒:ginningvelvet 粒粒绒布:pelletfleecevelvet 麻棉混纺布:linen/cottonblendedfabric麻棉交织布:linen/cottonmixedfabric素色毛巾布:solidterry蚂蚁布:fleeceinoneside素色卫衣布:solidfleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripess ingle jerseyt/r 弹力布:t/rbengalinet/c 色织格子布:t/csolidcheckfabric弹力仿鹿皮:microsuedewithspandext/r 仿鹿皮:t/rmicrosuede仿鹿皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyestermicrosuedeboundingwithpolarf leece仿鹿丿丈£1•多{彳卩复合:100%polyesterboundingwithknit ti ngmicrosuedefabric 仿鹿皮羊羔绒复合布:100%polyestermicrosuedeboundingwithlambfur蜡光缎:ciresatine全消光尼丝纺:fulldullnylontaffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dullnylontaffeta亮光尼龙:trilobalnylon全消光塔丝隆:fulldullnylontaslan全消光牛津布:fulldullnylonoxford尼龙格:nylonrip-stop塔幺幺隆格:taslanrip-stop 哑畐迪:fulldullmicropolyesterpongee 全消光春亚纺:fulldullpolyesterpongee 春亚纺格子:po lyes terpongeerip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:fulldullpolyesterpeach宽斜纹桃皮绒:bigtw订].polyesterpeach涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylonpeach涤纶格子:poly ester taffetarip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔幺幺隆:polyesterhoneytaslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:fulldullpolytexturedoxford 涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyesterinter-wovenpeach三、常用皮革英语artificial leather 人造革baseballleather 棒球革basketbal 1 leather 篮球革bellowleather 风箱革beltleather 带皮beltingleather 带革;轮带book-bindingleather 书面川bottomleather 丿氐甲・boxing-glove leather 拳击手套革buckleather (雄)鹿革buckleleather 带用革buffedleather 磨面革buttleather 底革cardleather fiK单caseleather 箱皮charredleather 皮炭chamoisleather 鹿丿殳chromeleather 辂革chrometannedleather 钾隊革clothingleather 服装革combinationtannedleather 结合草柔制的革combingleather 梳刷革cowleather 牛皮crownleather上等皮革crupleather 马臀革crustleather坯革;半硝革cupleather制动缸皮碗diaphragmleather 隔膜革[皮]dogskinleather 狗皮(制的)革dressingleather f布drumleather 鼓皮dryc leanable leather 耐干洗革easy-careleather 易保养羊embossedleather 压花羊enamelleather 漆皮enamelledleather 漆皮fairleather集市皮革»腥衮JH o q F e o I O O J e bn u aJ上 理«5H £4->E ^PEUUECL ^冊^鏗J (D l p cd (D I P a)u u cd F UO J :I冊旺务H着*-eppsnpu- 壮燥冊迥Y匚爪熬守變.••肚熬镇込根总上着*U .2越£占(鬻旺轲細)鬻县田系2上韦*。


箱包专业术语中英对照一、颜色:Sky-blue:天蓝色lime:淡黄绿色olive:橄榄绿jade:碧玉色poppy:深红色violet:紫罗兰色beige:米白色scarlet:鲜红golden:金色navy-blue:海蓝russet:赤褐色khaki:卡其色mustard:深黄色tan:茶色bottle green:深绿色cream:淡黄色maroon:褐红色royal blue:宝蓝turquoise:青绿色emerald:祖母绿peach:粉红色burgundy:枣红lemon柠檬色tangerine:橘红色apricot: 杏黄色light gray:浅灰roseate:深粉红色magenta:红紫色mauve:淡紫色lilac:紫丁香色coffee:咖啡色buff:暗黄色aquamarine:碧绿色yellow:黄色orange:橙色crimson:深红色red:红色blue:蓝色green:绿色pink:粉红色purple:紫色brown:棕色gray:灰色white:白色fuchsia:紫红色cyan:青色/蓝绿色camouflage:迷彩色二、材料和配件:foam:泡棉padded:垫料panel:底板/侧板compartment: 间隔层riptop:格子布strap:带子handle:手把puller:拉头microfiber:花瑶布interior/outer:内/外部grip:把手flap:盖子trolley: 拉杆420D crinkle nylon:420D的水洗布PE board:PE板swatch:样卡elastic: 松紧带adjustable:可调节的cardboard:纸板jean:牛仔布stud:角钉fabric:布料plastic:塑料weave label:织唛taslon:塔丝龙tapestry:窗帘提花布nickel镍rivet:铆钉zipper:拉链logo:标记rubber:橡胶buckle:扣子match color:配色ribbon:缎带carton:纸箱yarn:线mark:唛头embroider:刺绣printing:印刷inner label:内标hangtag:挂牌packing:包装pantone:色卡velcro:麾术贴Piping:胶骨binding:包边embroidery:绣花hanger:衣架taffeta:平纹labour cost:工价check:格子back stitch:回针overtime working:加班taffeta:平纹twill:斜纹jacquard:提花break stitch:断针design sketch:设计图stripe:条纹fabric:面料polyester:涤纶nylon:尼龙zipper:拉链lining:里布piping:凯线match color:配色pattern:纸样backing COATIIN:涂层鸡眼:EYELET 钮圈:BUCKLE LOOP patch:滴塑mesh/net:网布撞钉:RIVET 胶针:PLASTIC STING GLUE PRIN:胶体印刷layer:层rope:绳子FELT:毛绒布rubber label:滴唛70Dsponge:70发泡elastic cord:橡皮筋self fabric pipping:本布包骨Unvisible zipper/conceal:隐形拉链pipping cord:衬条Semitransparent:磨沙PVC woven label:织唛靛蓝青年布:indigo chambray人棉布植绒:rayon cloth flockingpvc植绒:pvc flocking针织布植绒:knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:claimond veins倒毛:down pile making平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain)仿麂皮:micro suede牛仔皮植绒:jeans flocking尼丝纺:nylon taffeta (nylon shioze)尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylon seersucker taffeta素面植绒:plain flocking印花植绒:flocking(flower)雕印植绒:embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:leather imitation flocking牛仔植绒雕印:embossing jeans flocking兔羊绒大衣呢:angora cachmere overcoating 羊毛双面呢:double-faced woolen goods立绒呢:cut velvet顺毛呢:over coating粗花呢:costume tweed弹力呢:lycra woolen goods塔丝绒:nylon taslon塔丝绒格子:n/taslon ripstop桃皮绒:polyester peach skin涤塔夫:polyester taffeta春亚纺:polyester pongee超细麦克布:micro fiber锦棉稠(平纹):nylon-cotton fabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft) 人字锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric素色毛巾布:solid terry蚂蚁布:fleece in one side素色卫衣布:solid fleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseyt/r弹力布:t/r bengalinet/c色织格子布:t/c solid check fabric弹力仿麂皮:micro suede with spandext/r仿麂皮:t/r micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece 仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta亮光尼龙:trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:taslan rip-stop哑富迪:full dull micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:full dull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:full dull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:big twill polyester peach涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyester inter-woven peach 三、常用皮革英语artificial leather人造革baseball leather棒球革basketball leather篮球革bellow leather风箱革belt leather带皮belting leather带革; 轮带book-binding leather书面革bottom leather底革boxing-glove leather拳击手套革buck leather(雄)鹿革buckle leather带用革buffed leather磨面革butt leather底革card leather梳革case leather箱皮charred leather皮炭chamois leather麂皮chrome leather铬革chrome tanned leather铬鞣革clothing leather服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather梳刷革cow leather牛皮crown leather上等皮革crup leather马臀革crust leather坯革; 半硝革cup leather制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather隔膜革[皮]dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革dressing leather饰革drum leather鼓皮drycleanable leather耐干洗革easy-care leather易保养革embossed leather压花革enamel leather漆皮enamelled leather漆皮fair leather集市皮革fancy leather美术革, 装饰用革finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather足球革football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革garment leather衣服革gas meter leather气表革glace leather白鞣革glove leather手套皮hair-on leather带毛革half leather半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather马具革hat leather制帽革hat sweatband leather帽圈革heavy leather厚革heel leather(鞋)后跟皮hunting leather粗绒面革hydraulic leather水压机革(密封用革)imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather工业用革iron tanned leather铁鞣革japanned leather漆皮kangaroo leather袋鼠革kaspine leather开斯宾革levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather轻革line leather马具革luggage leather箱包革mountain leather石棉napped leather绒毛皮革oar leather桨革oil seal leather油封革oiled leather涂油革oil-tanned leather油鞣革organ-pipe leather风琴管革packing leather皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather漆皮patent leather漆革piano leather钢琴革piston packing leather活塞填密皮plated leather熨压皮革portmanteau leather旅行皮包革rein leather马具革rock leather一种石棉rolled leather轧制革roller leather机轴革rough-tanned leather粗鞣革rubbing leathers【纺】搓条皮圈Russia(n) leather俄罗斯革saddle leather鞍皮[革]saffian leather山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather废皮; 碎皮semi-aniline leather半苯胺革semi-chrome leather混合铬鞣革sheep leather(绵)羊革shrink leather皱纹革skirt leather植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather光面皮革soccerballleather足球革softleather软革soleleather底革stirrup leather镫革strop leather磨刀皮革suede leather起毛皮革sweat band leather(帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather扎染革two-tone leather双色调革upholstery leather装饰用皮革upper leather面革valve leather阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather正绒面革zirconium tanned leather锆鞣革volleyball leather排球革wash leather可洗皮革washable chamois leather可洗麂皮welting leather镶边革; 贴边革white leather白革; 矾鞣革四、箱包类型hunting pack:狩猎包army pack军用背包h iking pack远足背包backpack背囊mountain pack登山包school pack学生包travel easy旅行包travel pack旅行包book pack书包Leisure bag休闲包baby carrier婴儿背囊Hip pack腰包Hip pack for hunting狩猎腰包computer bag电脑包single shoulder pack单肩背包offtrack休闲单肩包wheel pack轮子背包travel gear轮子旅行包trolley case拉杆箱beauty case化妆箱briefcase公文箱suitcase旅行箱waist bag腰包net pocket/mesh网袋briefcase公文包pouch钱包shoulder bags肩包picnic hamper rucksack野餐用帆布包五、辅料(一)原料纺织原料textile raw materials 天然纤维natural fibre化学纤维chemical fibre植物纤维vegetable fibre纺织纤维textile fibre人造纤维man made fibre动物纤维animal fibre(二)面料1.机织物服装面料平纹布plain cloth牛津布oxford斜纹布drill线卡ply-yarn drill哔叽serge灯芯绒corduroy起绒布fleece泡泡纱seersucker麻纱hair cords亚麻布linen cloth绸silk粗纺毛织物woolen cloth全毛单面华达呢woolen one-side gabardine 凡立丁valitine啥味呢twill coating精纺花呢worsted fany suiting法兰绒flannel大衣呢overcoat suiting交织物mixed fabric府绸poplin青年布chambray纱卡single yarn drill华达呢gabardine牛仔布denim平绒velveteen绉布crepe巴厘纱voile苎麻布ramie fabric电力纺habotai精纺毛织物worsted fabric全毛华达呢pure wool gabardine驼丝锦doeskin女士呢ladies cloth粗花呢tweed2.针织物面料纬编针织物weft-knitted fabric单面针织物single knit fabric纬平针织物plain knit fabric双罗纹针织物interlock fabric起绒针织物interlock fabric毛圈针织物terry knitted fabric双梳栉经编针织物two-bar fabric经编针织物warp-knitted fabric双面针织物double knit fabric罗纹针织物rib knit fabric双反面针织物purl fabric长毛绒针织物high pile knitted fabric 提花针织物jacquard knitted fabric 多梳栉经编针织物multi-bar fabric(三)辅料1.衬树脂衬resin interlining麻布胸衬breast canvas树脂领衬resin collar interlining绒布胸衬breast fleece热熔衬fusible interlining粘合衬adhesive-bonded interlining双面粘合衬double-faced adhesive interlining 无纺布衬non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬non-woven adhesive interlining 有纺粘合衬adhesive woreninterlinging黑炭衬hair interlining马尾衬horsehair interlining化纤衬chemical fibre interlining针织衬knitted interlining2.填料棉花cotton人造棉artificial cotton喷胶棉polyester wadding丝棉silk wadding腈纶棉acrylic staple fibre羽绒down3.线、扣、拉链线thread棉线cotton thread丝线silk thread尼龙线nylon thread装饰线ornamental thread钮button四目扣four-hole button装饰纽扣decorative button异形扣special-shaped button塑料扣plastic button玻璃扣glass button子母扣,四合扣snap button拉链zipper尼龙拉链nylon zipper涤纶拉链polyester zipper双头拉链zipper with double sliders 装饰带fashion tape罗纹rib缝纫用线twist麻线flax thread绣花线embroidery thread涤纶线polyester thread宝塔线cone of thread两目扣two-hole button包扣covered button羊角扣claw button金属扣metal button树脂扣resin button木扣wood button尼龙搭扣nylon fastener tape 金属拉链metal zipper塑料拉链plastic zipper领钩collar clasp搭钩agraffe橡筋elastic ribbon弹力罗纹elastic ribWelcome To Download !!!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。

包包专业术语Accessories:Piping: 胶骨Foam: 泡棉Sponge: 海棉Velcro: 魔术贴Zipper: 拉链Key holder/Key hanger: 钥匙钩Binding: 包边PE board: PE板Rubber/Plastic logo: 滴塑标Label: 标签Woven label: 织唛Webbing/Weave band: 织带Elastic webbing: 松紧带Hangtag: 吊牌Riband/Ribbon: 丝带,缎带Barcode: 条形码Inner label: 内标Reflective stripe: 反光条Plastic handle: 塑料手提Headphone-hole: 耳机孔Trolley system/Draw-bar: 拉杆D-ring: D扣Bungee cord: 绳扣Interior handle syetem: 内置式拉杆Alpenstock: 登山杖Buckles: 扣具Outside handle syetem: 外置式拉杆Sliders/Zipper puller: 拉头Square-ring: 方扣Ladder lock/Tri glide button: 日字扣Triangle button: 三角扣Insert button: 插扣Hook: 钩扣Stair button: 目字扣Pressing buckle: 压扣Beltstay buckle: 织带尾扣Shoulder pad: 肩垫Stopper: 绳扣Zipper puller: 拉尾扣Handle: 手把Reinforced pad: 加强片Blister mail,liner: 泡钉,垫片Handle bar-pipe: 手提管Webbing handle: 织带手提Bottom seat,beam: 底座,护角Rivet: 鉚钉/四合钮Colours:sky-blue:天蓝色 lime:淡黄绿色 olive:橄榄绿jade:碧玉色 poppy:深红色 violet: 紫罗兰色beige:米色 scarlet:鲜红 golden:金色navy-blue:海蓝 russet:赤褐色 khaki:卡其色mustard:深黄色 tan:茶色 bottle green:深绿色cream:淡黄色 maroon:褐红色 royal blue:宝蓝turquoise:青绿色 emerald:祖母绿 peach/pink:粉红色burgundy:枣红 lemon:柠檬色 tangerine:橘红色apricot: 杏黄色 light gray:浅灰 dark gray:深灰roseate:深粉红色 magenta:红紫色 mauve: 淡紫色lilac:紫丁香色 coffee:咖啡色 buff:暗黄色aquamarine:碧绿色 yellow:黄色 orange:橙色crimson:深红色 red:红色 blue:蓝色green:绿色 purple:紫色 brown:棕色gray:灰色 white:白色 fuchsia:紫红色cyan:青色/蓝绿色 berry:酒红 royal:彩蓝black:黑色Specialized words of bags and suitcase:Plastic:PVC 聚氯乙烯:polyvinyl chloridePU 聚亚安脂:polyurethanePP 聚丙烯:polypropylenePS 聚苯乙烯:polystyrenePF:酚醛塑料PE 聚乙烯:PolytheneAcrylic:晴纶Vinylon:维尼沦Terylene:涤沦Polyester:聚酯Fabric:70D sponge: 70D发泡Microfiber: 花瑶布420D Crinkle Nylon: 420D水洗布Jean: 牛仔布Burlap: 粗麻布Mesh screen/net: 网布Canvas: 帆布Sandwich: 三明治网Corduroy: 灯芯绒Wrinkle Taslon: 皱尼龙布Chambray:有条纹或格子花纹的布Nylon: 尼龙Denim: 粗斜纹棉布Nylon Ripstop: 尼龙格子布Jacquard: 提花布Flannelette: 毛绒布Lining: 里布Other concerned words: Swatch: 样品Dimension: 尺寸Sample: 样品Mark: 唛头Adjustable: 可调节的Trade mark: 商标Cardboard: 纸板Brand: 品牌Match colour/Combination: 配色Stitching: 打枣Plastic: 塑料Carton: 纸箱Rubber: 橡胶Cartoner: 纸板包装机Embroidery: 刺绣Draw a design: 打样Printing/Silk Screen: 丝印Compartment: 间隔层Pantone: 色卡Plain: 平纹Packing: 包装Twill: 斜纹Fabric Width: 布宽Back stitch: 回针Break stitch: 断针Labour cost: 工价Overtime working: 加班Pattern: 纸样Design sketch: 设计图。

包包专业术语Accessories:Piping: 胶骨Foam: 泡棉Sponge: 海棉Velcro: 魔术贴Zipper: 拉链Key holder/Key hanger: 钥匙钩Binding: 包边PE board: PE板Rubber/Plastic logo: 滴塑标Label: 标签Woven label: 织唛Webbing/Weave band: 织带Elastic webbing: 松紧带Hangtag: 吊牌Riband/Ribbon: 丝带,缎带Barcode: 条形码Inner label: 内标Reflective stripe: 反光条Plastic handle: 塑料手提Headphone-hole: 耳机孔Trolley system/Draw-bar: 拉杆D-ring: D扣Bungee cord: 绳扣Interior handle syetem: 内置式拉杆Alpenstock: 登山杖Buckles: 扣具Outside handle syetem: 外置式拉杆Sliders/Zipper puller: 拉头Square-ring: 方扣Ladder lock/Tri glide button: 日字扣Triangle button: 三角扣Insert button: 插扣Hook: 钩扣Stair button: 目字扣Pressing buckle: 压扣Beltstay buckle: 织带尾扣Shoulder pad: 肩垫Stopper: 绳扣Zipper puller: 拉尾扣Handle: 手把Reinforced pad: 加强片Blister mail,liner: 泡钉,垫片Handle bar-pipe: 手提管Webbing handle: 织带手提Bottom seat,beam: 底座,护角Rivet: 鉚钉/四合钮Colours:sky-blue:天蓝色 lime:淡黄绿色 olive:橄榄绿jade:碧玉色 poppy:深红色 violet: 紫罗兰色beige:米色 scarlet:鲜红 golden:金色navy-blue:海蓝 russet:赤褐色 khaki:卡其色mustard:深黄色 tan:茶色 bottle green:深绿色cream:淡黄色 maroon:褐红色 royal blue:宝蓝turquoise:青绿色 emerald:祖母绿 peach/pink:粉红色burgundy:枣红 lemon:柠檬色 tangerine:橘红色apricot: 杏黄色 light gray:浅灰 dark gray:深灰roseate:深粉红色 magenta:红紫色 mauve: 淡紫色lilac:紫丁香色 coffee:咖啡色 buff:暗黄色aquamarine:碧绿色 yellow:黄色 orange:橙色crimson:深红色 red:红色 blue:蓝色green:绿色 purple:紫色 brown:棕色gray:灰色 white:白色 fuchsia:紫红色cyan:青色/蓝绿色 berry:酒红 royal:彩蓝black:黑色Specialized words of bags and suitcase:Plastic:PVC 聚氯乙烯:polyvinyl chloridePU 聚亚安脂:polyurethanePP 聚丙烯:polypropylenePS 聚苯乙烯:polystyrenePF:酚醛塑料PE 聚乙烯:PolytheneAcrylic:晴纶Vinylon:维尼沦Terylene:涤沦Polyester:聚酯Fabric:70D sponge: 70D发泡Microfiber: 花瑶布420D Crinkle Nylon: 420D水洗布Jean: 牛仔布Burlap: 粗麻布Mesh screen/net: 网布Canvas: 帆布Sandwich: 三明治网Corduroy: 灯芯绒Wrinkle Taslon: 皱尼龙布Chambray:有条纹或格子花纹的布Nylon: 尼龙Denim: 粗斜纹棉布Nylon Ripstop: 尼龙格子布Jacquard: 提花布Flannelette: 毛绒布Lining: 里布Other concerned words: Swatch: 样品Dimension: 尺寸Sample: 样品Mark: 唛头Adjustable: 可调节的Trade mark: 商标Cardboard: 纸板Brand: 品牌Match colour/Combination: 配色Stitching: 打枣Plastic: 塑料Carton: 纸箱Rubber: 橡胶Cartoner: 纸板包装机Embroidery: 刺绣Draw a design: 打样Printing/Silk Screen: 丝印Compartment: 间隔层Pantone: 色卡Plain: 平纹Packing: 包装Twill: 斜纹Fabric Width: 布宽Back stitch: 回针Break stitch: 断针Labour cost: 工价Overtime working: 加班Pattern: 纸样Design sketch: 设计图。

箱包术语及常规买点汇总一、箱包面料牛津布知识用在箱包上的面料的原材料有Nylon 和Poly 两种,偶尔也用两种料混在一起用的。
Nylon 是尼龙,Poly 是聚乙烯,这两种料都是从石油中提炼出来的,Nylon 要比Poly 质量更好一点。
从面料上来说,Nylon 手感更柔软一些。
比如:N.1000D CORDURA,就是说是1000D 的尼龙CORDURA,是材料+ 纤维度+ 纺织方法。
D 是denier 的缩写。
而Denier 是纤维的度量单位。
计算方法是:每9,000 米长的线重1 克称作为Denier 。
公式D=G/L×9000 。
所以说,D 前面的数字越小,它的线就细,密度也就越小。
经常出现的一些面料有:杜邦尼龙、牛津尼龙、仿杜邦尼龙、高密尼龙、过胶尼龙、提格尼龙、超强尼龙、防水尼龙、聚乙烯过胶、太空网、涤纶--- 聚脂纤维、氨纶--- 伸缩尼龙、锦纶--- 尼龙、尤利麻、水洗布、提花料等我司采用较多的为:1680D尼龙面料、尤利麻、水洗布、古池尼龙等在介绍产品面料卖点时、请注意,阐述我司采用勉励的特点:1\大部分均为国际流行的环保料,经过“三防处理”—防水、防污、防尘。
ABS即丙烯腈—丁二烯—苯乙烯Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Terpolymer三元共聚物,简称ABS。

箱包专业术语手袋箱包术语1Bags/Case Name 袋/箱包名称Beauty Case 化妆袋Briefcase 公文袋Cabin Case 航空袋Camera Bag 相机袋Duffle /Travel bag 旅行袋Flight Bag /Tote 航空袋Garment Bag 西装袋Simple Notebook Bag 简单电脑袋Toilet Kit 洗手间袋Travel Bag with Trolley 拖轮袋Trolley /Uprights 拉杆箱Trolley Backpack 拉杆背包Waist Bag 腰包Handbag 手提包Material 原料:Binding Material 包边用料Cord for Cord-Handles 手把索Brushed Nylon for Computer Cases 拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱Cardboard Bottom Boards 纸底板Dobbie Weave 交织Cord for Cord-Locks 锁索Dividers & Separators’ material分隔面料Elastics松紧带Foams海绵Insulating Materials 绝缘物料Leather Trim真皮配料Linings内里Main Coated materials主要外层面料Mesh /Other type of Tissue 网布/纱布Piping Bumpers 管条脚座Piping Materials 管条Plywood Bottom Boards 底部胶合板木板/三合板、Polyethylene for Corners /Backing角位/底部面料PolyvinylPVCSponge Trim PVC海绵配料Thread 车线Velcro 幺术贴Webbing 织带Zipper Pulls拉片Zipper Sliders拉链头Zipper Tapers拉链Structural Hardware 金属结构Accessory Hook 前拖带Rivets & Washers 铆钉和垫圈Alligator Studs 短钉Runners 背面长条Bottom Stand 前脚Screws 螺丝Bottom Studs 底钉Shoulder Strap 肩带Complete Extendable Handle System 拉杆架Side Handle 侧手把Conveyor Belt 运轮带Snaps 纽扣/四合扣Extendible Handles’ Parts /Mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构Grommets 垫圈Studs Side Studs 大头钉侧泡钉Handle with brackets手把连扣Top Carrying Handle 主手把Honeycomb Sample 蜂巢板Wheel Casings 轮子的盖Handle Wrap 手握片Wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座Metal Frame Sample 铁框Polyethylene Board Samples ---PE板Rings /Other Metal Parts 金属环/其它金属配件Accessories 配件Badge /Emblem 徽章,象征,标志Buckles 插扣Chains 缝条/链Cord-Locks Toggle-Locks ,Barrel-Locks s锁套索锁,桶锁Hanger Hooks & Mechanisms for Swing-Hooks 挂钩和摇摆钩Hooks 勾Lid盖Luggage Identification Tags 行李箱地址牌Nameplate 商标/Logo /铝牌Strap 背带Outside Hanger Hooks for Garment Bags 供西装袋用的勾衣架Padlocks & Keys 锁和钥匙Plastic Water Bottles 塑胶水桶钉Swivel Hanger bracket 旋转衣架座Universal Hanger Hooks 整体挂勾Labels 标签Guarantee Carton Tags 保证吊牌Inside Country of Origin Label 内布标Other Required Tag 其它要求的吊牌Product Knowledge Carton Tags 产品吊牌Tear-Me Test Tags 本布吊牌UPC Tag –UPC吊牌Buckle/Lock扣或锁Belt Buckle 皮带扣Press Locks 插锁Metal Pin Buckle 铁线针扣Snap Fastener 四合扣Metal Ring /Buckle 铁线扣Turn Locks 拧制Plastic Buckle 塑胶插扣Button 纽扣Handbag Side Clips 手袋侧夹Magnet Button 磁纽Press Button 珠纽Press Stud 纽扣Snap Button 急纽Rivet 钉Compression Rivet 束口钉Semi-Tublar Rivet中空钉Full Tublar Rivet 空心钉Single Layer Rivet 单面撞钉Cloth 布料Canvas 帆布Jacquard /Tapestry 提花布Ramie 麻Ripstop /Tartan 格子布Sponge 海绵Spun 山东绸Twill 斜布Zipper Cord 拉头上的棉绳Defects 瑕疵Baggy Cloth 波断纹Filling Bar 稀密路Mixed Filling 错纬Barre 横档Finishing Bar 横痕Neps 棉结Broken End 断线Float End 走经Oil Spots 油渍Broken Picks 断线Float 浮织Pleat 褶Coarse Picks 粗纬Fold Marks 褶痕Rope Marks 条痕Cockles 起皱Fuzzy Ball 毛球Slack Picks 松纬Color Spots 色渍Holes Sto 破洞stop Mark 停机痕Crease 皱Loopy Selvedge 毛圈边Tight End 紧经Curled Selvedge 卷边Mispick 缺纬Tight Picks 紧纬Double Picks 双纬Missing End 缺经/线Water Stain 水印Dyeing Streak 染褶Mix End 错经Wavy Selvedge 浪边Other Vocabulary 其他生字Abrasion 摩擦Bent 弯曲Crooked 歪Engraved 雕刻Eyelets 鸡眼Jaggedly 锯齿Protrudes 突出Rip Off 裂开Seam 接缝Stiff 硬Stumbles 错误Trimming 装饰Wobble 摇晃Removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边Gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 开口袋Herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线Top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板Wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间Removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈Wheel housings 轮子座Pull handle grip and bezel 拉杆杯bumpers / runners 脚座Garment grips 衣架座Logo gasket logo 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣Top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底Smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带Shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线Extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条swivel hook 狗钩These zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉Heat transfer pattern 热传递风格leather tab 皮革饰片Text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮纹理芙蓉皮graphic carton 彩盒Master carton 大箱zip-away 拉链袋handle ring 手把环Clear PVC 透明PVCkohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料Color 颜色Aubergine 紫红色Beige 米黄色Bone 米色Chrome/ Nickel 镍色Navy 海军蓝Pewter 沙电色Khaki 卡其色Sky-blue: 天蓝色lime:淡黄绿色olive:橄榄绿jade:碧玉色poppy:深红色violet: 紫罗兰色beige:米白色scarlet:鲜红golden:金色navy-blue:海蓝russet:赤褐色khaki:卡其色mustard:深黄色tan 茶色bottle green:深绿色cream:淡黄色maroon:褐红色royal blue宝蓝turquoise:青绿色emerald:祖母绿peach:粉红色burgundy:枣红lemon柠檬色tangerine:橘红色apricot: 杏黄色light gray;浅灰roseate:深粉红色magenta::红紫色mauve: 淡紫色lilac:紫丁香色coffee:咖啡色buff:暗黄色aquamarine:碧绿色yellow:黄色orange:橙色crimson:深红色red:红色blue蓝色green绿色pink:粉红色purple:紫色brown:棕色gray:灰色white:白色fuchsia:紫红色cyan:青色/蓝绿色: 中国箱包材料和配件:thin: 薄thick 厚net pocket/mesh: 网袋briefcase:公文包waist bag: 腰包foam:泡棉padded:垫料panel: 底板/侧板compartment: 间隔层shoulder bags:肩包strap: 带子handle:手把puller 拉头grip:把手Ripstop: 格子布microfiber:花瑶布420D crinkle nylon 420D的水洗布PE board:PE 板flap: 盖子trolley: 拉杆swatch:样卡elastic: 松紧带adjustable: 可调节的cardboard:纸板jean: 牛仔布camouflage:迷彩色weave label: 织唛stud: 角钉fabric:布料plastic:塑料taslon:塔丝龙tapestry:窗帘提花布backpack: 背包pouch 钱包travelling bags:旅行包riptop:格子布nickel 镍rivet:铆钉zipper:拉链log 标记rubber 橡胶buckle:扣子match color:配色ribbon: 缎带embroidery刺绣yarn;线mark: 唛头printing: 印刷inner laber 内标hangtag 挂牌carton;纸箱packing: 包装pantone 色卡velcro 麾术贴Piping:胶骨binding包边embroidery 绣花hanger 衣架back stitch 回针break stitch断针labour cost 工价overtime working 加班taffeta 平纹twill 斜纹jacquard 提花check 格子stripe 条纹fabric 面料polyester 涤纶nylon 尼龙lining 里布piping 凯线match color 配色pattern 纸样design sketch设计图invisible zipper/conceal zipper:隐形拉链; backing .COATIING涂层钮圈BUCKLE LOOP鸡眼EYELET撞钉RIVET胶针PLASTIC STINGJEL PRINT--胶体印刷;WOVEN LABEL--织唛;FELT--毛绒布;rubber patch--滴塑; rubber label---滴唛;elastic cord----橡皮筋;self fabric pipping---本布包骨;pipping cord----------衬条; Semitransparent:磨沙PVC 70Dsponge:70发泡;mesh / net : 网布;rope: 绳子;interior:/outer 内/外部layer:层靛蓝青年布:indigo chambray人棉布植绒:rayon cloth flockingpvc植绒:pvc flocking针织布植绒:knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:claimond veins倒毛:down pile making平绒:velveteen velvet-plain仿麂皮:micro suede牛仔皮植绒:jeans flocking尼丝纺:nylon taffeta nylon shioze尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylon seersucker taffeta素面植绒:plain flocking印花植绒:flockingflower雕印植绒:embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:leather imitation flocking牛仔植绒雕印:embossing jeans flocking兔羊绒大衣呢:angora cachmere overcoating 羊毛双面呢:double-faced woolen goods立绒呢:cut velvet顺毛呢:over coating粗花呢:costume tweed弹力呢:lycra woolen goods塔丝绒:nylon taslon塔丝绒格子:n/taslon ripstop桃皮绒:polyester peach skin涤塔夫:polyester taffeta春亚纺:polyester pongee超细麦克布:micro fiber锦棉稠平纹:nylon-cotton fabric plain重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cotton fabricdouble weft人字锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric twill素色天鹅绒:solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric素色毛巾布:solid terry蚂蚁布:fleece in one side素色卫衣布:solid fleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseyt/r弹力布:t/r bengalinet/c色织格子布:t/c solid check fabric弹力仿麂皮:micro suede with spandext/r仿麂皮:t/r micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta亮光尼龙:trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:taslan rip-stop哑富迪:full dull micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:full dull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:full dull polyester peach 宽斜纹桃皮绒:big twill polyester peach涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyester inter-woven peachContainer Cubic: 20':26-28 CBM40':56-58 CBM40' HQ:65-68 CBM45':75 CBMjhbags 网友提供:裁床CUTTING BED绣花机EMBROIDERING M/C直刀电剪STRAIGHT KNIFE M/C切布机CLOTH CUTTING M/C一字镭射灯"一" LASER LIGHT十字定位灯CROSS LASER LIGHT切朴机INTERLINNING CUTTING M/C卷朴机WINDING INTERLINNING M/C钻孔机HOLER M/C自动裁割机AUTOMATIC CUTTING M/C啤机HYDRAULIC CUTTING PRESSER拉布机SPREADER单针平车1-NEEDLE LOCKSTITCH M/C单针链缝平车1-NEEDLE CHAINSTITCH M/C人字平车ZIG-ZAG STITCHES M/C双针车TWIN-NEEDLE M/C钮门车BUTTONHOLE M/C钉钮车BUTTON ATTACHING M/C打枣车BARTACK M/C埋夹车CHAIN STITCH FEED-OFF ARM M/C切刀车LOCKSTITCH TRIMMING M/C五线及骨车5-THREAD SAFTY STITCHES M/C三线及骨车3-THREAD OVERLOCKING M/C拉筒车MUTI-NEEDLE CHAINSTITCH M/C 耳仔机LOOPER SEWING M/C辘脚车SPECIAL STREAMLINED LOCKSTITCH三针网车3-NEEDLE INTERLOCK M/C四针虾苏网车4-NEEDLE INTERLOCK M/C 四针拼缝车FEED-OFF-THE-ARM,4 NEEDLE BOTH CUT FLAT SEAMER挑脚车CHAIN-BLINDSTITCH M/C凤眼车EYELET END M/C开袋机POCKET M/C切耳仔机LOOPER CUTTING MACHINE粘合机FUSING M/C啤钮机SNAP FIXING M/C切领机COLLAR CUTTING M/C切筒车CUTING PLACKET MACHINE拉布机SPREADER直送捆条机BALER大型翻线机8个头CROSSING THREAD M/C反领机COLLAR TURNING MACHINE自动反介英机AUTO CUFF TURNING M/C 点领机HEAT NOTCHING M/C切领机COLLARTRIMMING M/C切筒机PLACKET TRIMMING M/C平缝线迹----PLAIN STITCH ,FLAT STITCH疏缝线迹----BASTING STITCH ,TACKING STITCH绷缝线迹----COVERING STITCH ,FLAT -LOCK STITCH绗缝线迹----QUILTED STITCH嵌缝线迹----CORD STITCH面缝线迹----TOP STITCH,OVER STITCH暗缝线迹----INVISIBLE STITCH ,BLIND STITCH缲缝线迹----SLIP STITCH折缝线迹----FELL STITCH倒缝线迹----REVERSIBLE STITCH , BACKWARD STITCH包缝线迹----OVERLOCK STITCH ,OVERCASTINGSTITCH ,OVEREDGE锁式线迹----LOCK STITCH ,LOCKSTITCH链式线迹----CHAIN STITCH联式线迹----CHAINLOCK STITCH人字线迹----HERRINGBONE STITCH 羽状线迹----FEATHER STITCH珠式线迹----PEARL STITCHz形线迹----CATCH STITCH,ZIGZAG STITCH 角形线迹----ANGLE STITCH弓形线迹----ARCHED STITCH锯齿形状线迹----PICOT STITCH ,ZIGZAG STITCH贝壳形状线迹----SHELL STITCH网眼形状线迹----BASKET STITCH蜂窝形状线迹----HONEYCOMB STITCH直形线迹----STRAIGHT STITCH双十字形状线迹---DOUBLE STITCH交叉线迹,十字线迹---CROSS STITCH 圆形线迹----ROUND STITCH廓形线迹----OUTLINE STITCH曲折形线迹---ZIGZAG SITITCH变形线迹---CHANGE STITCH钩编线迹---CROCHET STITCH织补线迹---DARNING STITCH刺绣线迹---EMBROIDERY STITCH,CREWEL STITCH装饰线迹---ORNAMENTAL STITCH,DECORATIVE STITCH花式线迹---FANCY STITCH点划线迹---DOT DASH STITCH对称线迹---COUNTER STITCH比翼线迹---FLY STITCH特殊线迹---SPECIAL STITCH复合线迹---COMBINATION STITCH, SPLIT STITCH复式线迹---DOUBLE ACTION STITCH 双针线迹---TWICE STITCH双重线迹---TWICE STITCH三重线迹---TRIPLE STITCH缝式线迹---SEAM STITCH加固线迹---FASTENING STITCH ,TACKING STITCH打结线迹---KNOTTING STITCH扎缚线迹---PADDING STITCH袖褶线迹---SHIRRING STITCH伸缩线迹---STRETCH STITCH,ELASIC STITCH滚边线迹---BINDING STITCH卷边线迹---HEMMING STITCH暗卷缝线迹---BLINDING HEMMING STITCH拼合线迹---ABUTTING STITCH间断线迹---BROKEN STITCH跳针线迹---SKIPPING STITCH安全线迹---SAFETY STITCH手针缝法缭针法----SLIP STITCH拱针法----PRICK STITCH明缲针法---FELL STITCH暗缲针法---BLING HEMMING STITCH 环针法----CATCH STITCH叠针法----FASTENING STITCH扎针法----PAD STITCH扳针法----DIAGONAL BASTING绗针法----QUILTING STITCH锁针法----LOCK STITCH倒针法----BARTACK STITCH ,BACK STITCH三角针法---HERRINGBONE STITCH杨树花针法--FEATHER STITCH花针法----ZIGZAG STITCH跳针法----SKIPPING STITCH常用皮革英语----by fox_p兄弟artificial leather人造革baseball leather棒球革basketball leather篮球革bellow leather风箱革belt leather带皮belting leather带革; 轮带book-binding leather书面革bottom leather底革boxing-glove leather拳击手套革buck leather雄鹿革buckle leather带用革buffed leather磨面革butt leather底革card leather梳革case leather箱皮charred leather皮炭chamois leather麂皮chrome leather铬革chrome tanned leather铬鞣革clothing leather服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather梳刷革cow leather牛皮crown leather上等皮革crup leather马臀革crust leather坯革; 半硝革cup leather制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather隔膜革皮dogskin leather狗皮制的革dressing leather饰革drum leather鼓皮drycleanable leather耐干洗革easy-care leather易保养革embossed leather压花革enamel leather漆皮enamelled leather漆皮fair leather集市皮革fancy leather美术革, 装饰用革finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather足球革football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革furniture leather家具革garment leather衣服革gas meter leather气表革glace leather白鞣革glove leather手套皮hair-on leather带毛革half leather半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather马具革hat leather制帽革hat sweatband leather帽圈革heavy leather厚革heel leather鞋后跟皮hunting leather粗绒面革hydraulic leather水压机革密封用革imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather工业用革iron tanned leather铁鞣革japanned leather漆皮kangaroo leather袋鼠革kaspine leather开斯宾革levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather轻革line leather马具革lining leather衬里革luggage leather箱包革mountain leather石棉napped leather绒毛皮革oar leather桨革oil seal leather油封革oiled leather涂油革oil-tanned leather油鞣革organ-pipe leather风琴管革packing leather皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather漆皮patent leather漆革piano leather钢琴革piston packing leather活塞填密皮plated leather熨压皮革portmanteau leather旅行皮包革rein leather马具革rock leather一种石棉rolled leather轧制革roller leather机轴革rough-tanned leather粗鞣革rubbing leathers纺搓条皮圈Russian leather俄罗斯革saddle leather鞍皮革saffian leather山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather废皮; 碎皮semi-aniline leather半苯胺革semi-chrome leather混合铬鞣革sheep leather绵羊革shrink leather皱纹革skirt leather植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather光面皮革soccerballleather足球革softleather软革soleleather底革stirrup leather镫革strop leather磨刀皮革suede leather起毛皮革sweat band leather帽中汗带皮synthetic leather合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather扎染革two-tone leather双色调革upholstery leather装饰用皮革upper leather面革valve leather阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather正绒面革zirconium tanned leather锆鞣革volleyball leather排球革wash leather可洗皮革washable chamois leather可洗麂皮welting leather镶边革; 贴边革white leather白革; 矾鞣革常用辅料英语---by luke兄弟一原料纺织原料textile raw materials天然纤维natural fibre化学纤维chemical fibre植物纤维vegetable fibre纺织纤维textile fibre人造纤维man made fibre动物纤维animal fibre二面料1.机织物服装面料平纹布plain cloth牛津布oxford斜纹布drill线卡ply-yarn drill哔叽serge灯芯绒corduroy起绒布fleece泡泡纱seersucker麻纱hair cords亚麻布linen cloth绸silk粗纺毛织物woolen cloth全毛单面华达呢woolen one-side gabardine 凡立丁valitine啥味呢twill coating精纺花呢worsted fany suiting法兰绒flannel大衣呢overcoat suiting交织物mixed fabric府绸poplin青年布chambray纱卡single yarn drill华达呢gabardine牛仔布denim平绒velveteen绉布crepe巴厘纱voile苎麻布ramie fabric电力纺habotai精纺毛织物worsted fabric全毛华达呢pure wool gabardine驼丝锦doeskin女士呢ladies cloth粗花呢tweed2.针织物面料纬编针织物weft-knitted fabric单面针织物single knit fabric纬平针织物plain knit fabric双罗纹针织物interlock fabric起绒针织物interlock fabric毛圈针织物terry knitted fabric双梳栉经编针织物two-bar fabric经编针织物warp-knitted fabric双面针织物double knit fabric罗纹针织物rib knit fabric双反面针织物purl fabric长毛绒针织物high pile knitted fabric提花针织物jacquard knitted fabric多梳栉经编针织物multi-bar fabric三辅料1.衬树脂衬resin interlining麻布胸衬breast canvas树脂领衬resin collar interlining绒布胸衬breast fleece热熔衬fusible interlining粘合衬adhesive-bonded interlining双面粘合衬double-faced adhesive interlining无纺布衬non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬non-woven adhesive interlining 有纺粘合衬adhesive woreninterlinging黑炭衬hair interlining 马尾衬horsehair interlining化纤衬chemical fibre interlining针织衬knitted interlining2.填料棉花cotton人造棉artificial cotton喷胶棉polyester wadding丝棉silk wadding腈纶棉acrylic staple fibre羽绒down3.线、扣、拉链线thread棉线cotton thread丝线silk thread尼龙线nylon thread装饰线ornamental thread钮button四目扣four-hole button装饰纽扣decorative button异形扣special-shaped button塑料扣plastic button玻璃扣glass button子母扣,四合扣snap button拉链zipper尼龙拉链nylon zipper涤纶拉链polyester zipper双头拉链zipper with double sliders 装饰带fashion tape罗纹rib缝纫用线twist麻线flax thread绣花线embroidery thread涤纶线polyester thread宝塔线cone of thread两目扣two-hole button包扣covered button羊角扣claw button金属扣metal button树脂扣resin button木扣wood button尼龙搭扣nylon fastener tape金属拉链metal zipper塑料拉链plastic zipper领钩collar clasp搭钩agraffe橡筋elastic ribbon弹力罗纹elastic rib手袋箱包术语1Bags/Case Name 袋/箱包名称Beauty Case 化妆袋Briefcase 公文袋Cabin Case 航空袋Camera Bag 相机袋Duffle /Travel bag 旅行袋Flight Bag /Tote 航空袋Garment Bag 西装袋Simple Notebook Bag 简单电脑袋Toilet Kit 洗手间袋Travel Bag with Trolley 拖轮袋Trolley /Uprights 拉杆箱Trolley Backpack 拉杆背包Waist Bag 腰包Handbag 手提包Material 原料:Binding Material 包边用料Cord for Cord-Handles 手把索Brushed Nylon for Computer Cases 拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱Cardboard Bottom Boards 纸底板Dobbie Weave 交织Cord for Cord-Locks 锁索Dividers & Separators’ material 分隔面料Elastics 松紧带Foams 海绵Insulating Materials 绝缘物料Leather Trim 真皮配料Linings 内里Main Coated materials 主要外层面料Mesh /Other type of Tissue 网布/纱布Piping Bumpers 管条脚座Piping Materials 管条Plywood Bottom Boards 底部胶合板木板/三合板、Polyethylene for Corners /Backing 角位/底部面料PolyvinylPVCSponge Trim PVC海绵配料Thread 车线Velcro 幺术贴Webbing 织带Zipper Pulls 拉片Zipper Sliders 拉链头Zipper Tapers 拉链Structural Hardware 金属结构Accessory Hook 前拖带Rivets & Washers 铆钉和垫圈Alligator Studs 短钉Runners 背面长条Bottom Stand 前脚Screws 螺丝Bottom Studs 底钉Shoulder Strap 肩带Complete Extendable Handle System 拉杆架Side Handle 侧手把Conveyor Belt 运轮带Snaps 纽扣/四合扣Extendible Handles’ Parts /Mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构Grommets 垫圈Studs Side Studs 大头钉侧泡钉Handle with brackets 手把连扣Top Carrying Handle 主手把Honeycomb Sample 蜂巢板Wheel Casings 轮子的盖Handle Wrap 手握片Wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座Metal Frame Sample 铁框Polyethylene Board Samples ---PE板Rings /Other Metal Parts 金属环/其它金属配件Accessories 配件Badge /Emblem 徽章,象征,标志Buckles 插扣Chains 缝条/链Cord-Locks Toggle-Locks ,Barrel-Locks s 锁套索锁,桶锁Hanger Hooks & Mechanisms forSwing-Hooks 挂钩和摇摆钩Hooks 勾Lid 盖Luggage Identification Tags 行李箱地址牌Nameplate 商标/Logo /铝牌Strap 背带Outside Hanger Hooks for Garment Bags 供西装袋用的勾衣架Padlocks & Keys 锁和钥匙Plastic Water Bottles 塑胶水桶钉Swivel Hanger bracket 旋转衣架座Universal Hanger Hooks 整体挂勾Labels 标签Guarantee Carton Tags 保证吊牌Inside Country of Origin Label 内布标Other Required Tag 其它要求的吊牌Product Knowledge Carton Tags 产品吊牌Tear-Me Test Tags 本布吊牌UPC Tag –UPC吊牌Buckle/Lock扣或锁Belt Buckle 皮带扣Press Locks 插锁Metal Pin Buckle 铁线针扣Snap Fastener 四合扣Metal Ring /Buckle 铁线扣Turn Locks 拧制Plastic Buckle 塑胶插扣Button 纽扣Handbag Side Clips 手袋侧夹Magnet Button 磁纽Press Button 珠纽Press Stud 纽扣Snap Button 急纽Rivet 钉Compression Rivet 束口钉Semi-Tublar Rivet 中空钉Full Tublar Rivet 空心钉Single Layer Rivet 单面撞钉Color 颜色Aubergine 紫红色Beige 米黄色Bone 米色Chrome/ Nickel 镍色Navy 海军蓝Pewter 沙电色Khaki 卡其色Cloth 布料Canvas 帆布Jacquard /Tapestry 提花布Ramie 麻Ripstop /Tartan 格子布Sponge 海绵Spun 山东绸Twill 斜布Zipper Cord 拉头上的棉绳Defects 瑕疵Baggy Cloth 波断纹Filling Bar 稀密路Mixed Filling 错纬Barre 横档Finishing Bar 横痕Neps 棉结Broken End 断线Float End 走经Oil Spots 油渍Broken Picks 断线Float 浮织Pleat 褶Coarse Picks 粗纬Fold Marks 褶痕Rope Marks 条痕Cockles 起皱Fuzzy Ball 毛球Slack Picks 松纬Color Spots 色渍Holes Sto破洞stop Mark 停机痕Crease 皱Loopy Selvedge 毛圈边Tight End 紧经Curled Selvedge 卷边Mispick 缺纬Tight Picks 紧纬Double Picks 双纬Missing End 缺经/线Water Stain 水印Dyeing Streak 染褶Mix End 错经Wavy Selvedge 浪边Other Vocabulary 其他生字Abrasion 摩擦Bent 弯曲Crooked 歪Engraved 雕刻Eyelets 鸡眼Jaggedly 锯齿Protrudes 突出Rip Off 裂开Seam 接缝Stiff 硬Stumbles 错误Trimming 装饰Wobble 摇晃Removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边Gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 开口袋Herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线Top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板Wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间Removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈Wheel housings 轮子座Pull handle grip and bezel 拉杆杯bumpers / runners 脚座Garment grips 衣架座Logo gasket logo 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣Top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底Smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带Shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线Extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条swivel hook 狗钩These zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉Heat transfer pattern 热传递风格leather tab 皮革饰片Text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮纹理芙蓉皮graphic carton 彩盒Master carton 大箱zip-away 拉链袋handle ring 手把环Clear PVC 透明PVCkohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料包袋英语---论坛似乎没有的品种:backpack: 背包pouchwallet: 钱包traveling bags: 旅行包briefcase: 公文包Tote bag:大手提袋lady bag: 女士包waist bag: 腰包pencil case: 笔袋shoulder bags肩包sport bag 运动包satchel 小背包hand bag 手袋backpack 背包cosmetic bag 化妆包tote 手提袋slg 小包waist pack 腰包swagger bag 休闲包natural tan 自然包pouch 小袋flight bag /air travelling roller bag 航空旅行箱garment bag 西装套computer backpack 电脑背包luggage upright 拉杆箱travel kit 换洗袋/旅行工具袋golfbag 高尔夫袋pull rod for flight bag 航空旅行拉杆travel suitcase 旅行箱purse 女用包note case 公文袋soft attache case 手提箱辅件/部位:pack PE foam 发泡棉handle webbing 织带手挽woven lable 布标10front panel/前片,11 flap of pocket袋盖.12 Printing artwork /印刷图,13 compartment: 隔层14 back panel后片,15foam发泡,16 sponge海棉,17 inner pocket里袋,18 bottom底部/ bottom board底板,19 trolley 拉杆,20 handle手把,21 hook buckle 钩扣,22 buckle扣具,23zipper拉链24zip puller拉头,25 webbing 织带,26straps 肩带,27 woven label: 织唛,28 piping胶骨,29 binding捆边,30hangtag:挂牌,31 barcode sticker条形码不干胶,32 polybag塑料袋33reinforce panel: 补强片, 34 rivet: 柳钉35 net pocket: 网袋36 bottle: 水瓶37 logo: 商标38. rubber: 橡胶39 match color: 配色40 ribbon: 尼龙丝带41.embroidery: 刺绣42 yarn: 线43mark: 唛头44 inner label 内标45 carton: 纸箱46 packing: 包装47 pantone: 色卡48Velcro: 摩术贴49rope: 绳子50. stud: 角钉51elastic: 松紧带52. padded: 垫料53cardboard: 纸板Term about handbagfront pocket 前附袋outside body front 前幅outside body back 后幅outside bottom front 前附袋底logo patch 饰片embroidery 刺纋片accessories 附属的配件slash pocket 开口袋binding 包边lash 鞭梢dome 圆顶层stitching 车线shoulder pad 肩片single enttry 单开口sling 吊袋triple compartment 间隔top stitching 面车线bottom 底部division 分部handle webbing 织带手挽under neath 盖底里gusset 侧围lining 里布adjustable 可调节式的seams 缝合线扣子圈子环拉链钩扣类:snap hook US钩swivel hook 如意钩swivel snaphook 旋转钩uviv snaphook 旋转US钩key-ring 锁匙圈cord hook 绳钩small hook 小钩round 圈骨SR buckle 插扣类side release BK 旁开扣dual SR/dual contourde SR 双调旁开扣side release BK 重型插扣plated SR 电镀插扣release SR 反光插扣contoured SR 弯型插扣center SR/push 即开扣lock SR 数码锁turn lock 转锁cam buckle 合扣belt buckle 束衣扣sliele&straplock 日型梯扣类slide 日型环small slide 八字环slide+belt+loop 日型环+束带圈slide+loop 日型环+耳ladder lock 梯扣contour ladder lock 弯形梯扣heavy ladder lock 强力梯扣loop 长方圈belt loop 束带圈sewable loop 可缝长方圈D-ring D型环triangle 三角环six ring 六角环o-ring o型环sewable D-ring 可缝D型环chate tab 塑片加圈metal zippers with pullers 金属拉链metal slider with pull 金属拉头delrin zippers with pulllers 塑钢拉链delrin slider with pull 塑钢拉头nylon zippers with pulllers 尼龙拉链nylon slider with pull 尼龙拉头zip tap 拉链布puller with connecter 拉链strap 带,皮带metal ornament 金属饰片ornament 饰片piping 管条stopper 束扣press button 按扣brooch 别针pin snap 走珠钮ticker 贴标magnetic snap 磁扣keyhook 匙圈string ring beltstay 织带拉环cupula 吸盘fastness-lock 固定手把扣bradde chain 珠链double rivet 撞钉shell 框架snap 厌扣velcro 麽术贴布料A 420D ripstop: 420D格子布B 300DC 600DD polyester: 涤沦Enylon: 尼龙F 420DG microfiber: 花瑶布H. transparent PVC: 透明PVCI semitransparent: 磨沙PVCJ. 70D sponge: 70D 发泡K.mesh/net: 网布L. 420D crinkle nylon: 420D 水洗布M210T N190TOPE board: PE板P swatch: 样品Q cardboard: 纸板R jean: 牛仔布Sfabric: 布料T plastic: 塑料U. taslon: 塔丝龙V. tapestry: 窗帘提花布W ripstop: 格子布X Yarn or stitch line: 线或车线reflector 反光料pong plush 乳马纹毛毛料ripstop 格子布linen 亚麻料twill 斜纹理布microfiber 超细纤维料plush 绒毛料nylon taffeta 尼龙印花布quilted panel 棉格料satin 沙丁料logan 宇富料iridescent 珠光料leopard skin point 天然豹纹holegram 万彩/雷射料darkdenim 深色牛仔料ragon 人造丝heoprene 一种合成像胶jute 黄麻纤维split leather 贴合皮laminate 贴胶料nylon mesh 尼龙网布jacquard 提花布raw robber 生胶reflectorvinyl 反光维伦料velvet/velours 天鹅绒swanskin 天鹅皮五金&颜色类:black nickel B 黑镍色chrome CR铬色brass plated 青铜色brush 黑镍刷面nickel brush 镍色刷面antique brush 青古制面pearl nickel 珍珠镍pearl golden 珍珠金antique 青古铜色pure golden 纯金matt silver 粉雾色matt nickel 水雾色nickel 镍色matt pearl paint 烤雾黑finishing 五金表面处理plating 电镀/喷镀eleetro painting 电着涂装E/P black nickel plating 黑镍B-N/P anti silver plating 黑古银ANT-S satin gold plating 沙电金SG/P gold plating 正金G/Pnickel plating 镍N/Pchromium plating 铬CR/Psatin nickel plating 沙电SN/P nickel free plating 无铅电镀NF/P gun metal plating 枪管色GM/P brass gold 铜金色black enamel 黑漆tin plating 铝银T/Pbrass plating 青铜B/Psilver plating 纯银S/Pprint 印色P/Aantique brass plating 青古铜ANT-Bdark copper plating 红古铜DCP/P zinc plating 白锌Z/Pcopper plating 红铜CP/Pdark 深色beige 米黄色fuscous 暗褐色fuschia 桃红色brown 棕色burgandy 梅红色navy 深蓝色recst 褐色khaki 卡其色/土黄色eggplant 茄紫色mint 薄荷色purple 紫色slate 板色ltaupe 浅褐色charcoal 深灰色bone 骨色turquoise青绿色mallard 绿色forest 深絿色gray/grey 灰色的teal 蓝绿色的color swatch 色卡pantone 国际色卡olive green 橄榄绿其他1. thin: 薄2. thick: 厚3 interior/outer: 内/外部: 可调节的screen print/silkscreen/heat transfer 丝印dyeing 染色printing house/factory 印刷厂embroderyLogo 刺绣punch 冲孔decorative 装饰的embossing 压纹leather 真皮fabric 布类straw 革类hardware 五金类zipper 拉链头dog leash 狗钩buckle 方扣类rivet 撞钉h-bar 圈扣rings 钮扣类snaps 饰片类est sample 测试样production sample 大货生产样construction sample 结构样salesman sample 销售样approval sample 确认样sample room 样版房cutting section 开料部packing section 包装部skiving section 产皮车间string 绳类pp web pp 织带UPC 电脑条码emboss 凹纹twist handle 变形手挽eyelet 鸡眼7-hook 七字钩washer 套片metal plate 铁板zinc alloy 锌合金制品half round handle 半圆手把corner protection 护角kettle 水壶metal line 钢线,铁圈zipper slider 拉饰片combination padlock 密码锁end tabs 织带尾hangtag/sling brand 吊卡caster 角轮trolley 拉杆wheel set 轮组square tube 方管2 stops 二段式3 stops 三段式paper board 纸卡exhaust hole 排气孔cothes lock/hanger 衣架rhombic slotted lash tab 菱形饰片rectangular slotted lash tab 长方形饰片rhomibic slotted lash tab 正方形饰片top cuft 头圈base tray 底盘honeycomb frame 蜂巢框cart outside setting 外置式拉杆cart inside setting 内置式拉杆footstand 脚座hand fell 手感。

5.品牌与名词- Louis Vuitton:世界著名的奢侈品牌,其包包以高品质、独特的设计而著称。
- Hermès:法国奢侈品牌,手工制作的包包以极高的技术和精致的皮革而闻名。

箱包英语专业术语On January 11, 2021, study hard and make progress every day.箱包专业术语手袋箱包术语1Bags/Case Name 袋/箱包名称Beauty Case 化妆袋Briefcase 公文袋Cabin Case 航空袋Camera Bag 相机袋Duffle /Travel bag 旅行袋Flight Bag /Tote 航空袋Garment Bag 西装袋Simple Notebook Bag 简单电脑袋Toilet Kit 洗手间袋Travel Bag with Trolley 拖轮袋Trolley /Uprights 拉杆箱Trolley Backpack 拉杆背包Waist Bag 腰包Handbag 手提包Material 原料:Binding Material 包边用料Cord for Cord-Handles 手把索Brushed Nylon for Computer Cases 拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱Cardboard Bottom Boards 纸底板Dobbie Weave 交织Cord for Cord-Locks 锁索Dividers & Separators’ material分隔面料Elastics松紧带Foams海绵Insulating Materials 绝缘物料Leather Trim真皮配料Linings内里Main Coated materials主要外层面料Mesh /Other type of Tissue 网布/纱布Piping Bumpers 管条脚座Piping Materials 管条Plywood Bottom Boards 底部胶合板木板/三合板、Polyethylene for Corners /Backing角位/底部面料PolyvinylPVCSponge Trim PVC海绵配料Thread 车线Velcro 幺术贴Webbing 织带Zipper Pulls拉片Zipper Sliders拉链头Zipper Tapers拉链Structural Hardware 金属结构Accessory Hook 前拖带Rivets & Washers 铆钉和垫圈Alligator Studs 短钉Runners 背面长条Bottom Stand 前脚Screws 螺丝Bottom Studs 底钉Shoulder Strap 肩带Complete Extendable Handle System 拉杆架Side Handle 侧手把Conveyor Belt 运轮带Snaps 纽扣/四合扣Extendible Handles’ Pa rts /Mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构Grommets 垫圈Studs Side Studs 大头钉侧泡钉Handle with brackets 手把连扣Top Carrying Handle 主手把Honeycomb Sample 蜂巢板Wheel Casings 轮子的盖Handle Wrap 手握片Wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座Metal Frame Sample 铁框Polyethylene Board Samples ---PE板Rings /Other Metal Parts 金属环/其它金属配件Accessories 配件Badge /Emblem 徽章,象征,标志Buckles 插扣Chains 缝条/链Cord-Locks Toggle-Locks ,Barrel-Locks s锁套索锁,桶锁Hanger Hooks & Mechanisms for Swing-Hooks 挂钩和摇摆钩Hooks 勾 Lid 盖Luggage Identification Tags 行李箱地址牌Nameplate 商标/Logo /铝牌Strap 背带Outside Hanger Hooks for Garment Bags 供西装袋用的勾衣架Padlocks & Keys 锁和钥匙Plastic Water Bottles 塑胶水桶钉Swivel Hanger bracket 旋转衣架座Universal Hanger Hooks 整体挂勾Labels 标签Guarantee Carton Tags 保证吊牌Inside Country of Origin Label 内布标Other Required Tag 其它要求的吊牌Product Knowledge Carton Tags 产品吊牌Tear-Me Test Tags 本布吊牌UPC Tag –UPC吊牌Buckle/Lock 扣或锁Belt Buckle 皮带扣Press Locks 插锁Metal Pin Buckle 铁线针扣Snap Fastener 四合扣Metal Ring /Buckle 铁线扣Turn Locks 拧制Plastic Buckle 塑胶插扣Button 纽扣Handbag Side Clips 手袋侧夹Magnet Button 磁纽Press Button 珠纽Press Stud 纽扣Snap Button 急纽Rivet 钉Compression Rivet 束口钉Semi-Tublar Rivet 中空钉Full Tublar Rivet 空心钉Single Layer Rivet 单面撞钉Cloth 布料Canvas 帆布Jacquard /Tapestry 提花布Ramie 麻Ripstop /Tartan 格子布Sponge 海绵Spun 山东绸Twill 斜布Zipper Cord 拉头上的棉绳Defects 瑕疵Baggy Cloth 波断纹Filling Bar 稀密路Mixed Filling 错纬Barre 横档Finishing Bar 横痕Neps 棉结Broken End 断线Float End 走经Oil Spots 油渍Broken Picks 断线Float 浮织 Pleat 褶Coarse Picks 粗纬Fold Marks 褶痕Rope Marks 条痕Cockles 起皱Fuzzy Ball 毛球Slack Picks 松纬Color Spots 色渍Holes Sto破洞stop Mark 停机痕Crease 皱Loopy Selvedge 毛圈边Tight End 紧经Curled Selvedge 卷边Mispick 缺纬Tight Picks 紧纬Double Picks 双纬Missing End 缺经/线Water Stain 水印Dyeing Streak 染褶Mix End 错经Wavy Selvedge 浪边Other Vocabulary 其他生字Abrasion 摩擦Bent 弯曲Crooked 歪Engraved 雕刻Eyelets 鸡眼Jaggedly 锯齿Protrudes 突出Rip Off 裂开Seam 接缝Stiff 硬Stumbles 错误Trimming 装饰Wobble 摇晃Removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边Gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 开口袋Herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线Top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板Wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间Removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈Wheel housings 轮子座Pull handle grip and bezel 拉杆杯bumpers / runners 脚座Garment grips 衣架座Logo gasket logo 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣Top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底Smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带Shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线Extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条swivel hook 狗钩These zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉Heat transfer pattern 热传递风格leather tab 皮革饰片Text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮纹理芙蓉皮graphic carton 彩盒Master carton 大箱zip-away 拉链袋handle ring 手把环Clear PVC 透明PVCkohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料Color 颜色Aubergine 紫红色Beige 米黄色Bone 米色Chrome/ Nickel 镍色Navy 海军蓝Pewter 沙电色Khaki 卡其色Sky-blue: 天蓝色 lime:淡黄绿色 olive:橄榄绿 jade:碧玉色poppy:深红色 violet: 紫罗兰色 beige:米白色scarlet:鲜红golden:金色 navy-blue:海蓝 russet:赤褐色 khaki:卡其色mustard:深黄色 tan 茶色 bottle green:深绿色cream:淡黄色maroon:褐红色 royal blue宝蓝 turquoise:青绿色emerald:祖母绿peach:粉红色 burgundy:枣红 lemon柠檬色tangerine:橘红色apricot: 杏黄色 light gray;浅灰 roseate:深粉红色magenta::红紫色mauve: 淡紫色 lilac:紫丁香色 coffee:咖啡色 buff:暗黄色aquamarine:碧绿色 yellow:黄色 orange:橙色crimson:深红色red:红色 blue蓝色 green绿色 pink:粉红色purple:紫色 brown:棕色 gray:灰色 white:白色fuchsia:紫红色 cyan:青色/蓝绿色: 中国箱包材料和配件:thin: 薄 thick 厚 net pocket/mesh: 网袋 briefcase:公文包waist bag: 腰包 foam:泡棉 padded:垫料 panel: 底板/侧板compartment: 间隔层 shoulder bags:肩包strap: 带子 handle:手把 puller 拉头 grip: 把手Ripstop: 格子布 microfiber:花瑶布 420D crinkle nylon 420D的水洗布PE board:PE 板 flap: 盖子 trolley: 拉杆 swatch:样卡elastic: 松紧带 adjustable: 可调节的 cardboard:纸板jean: 牛仔布 camouflage:迷彩色 weave label: 织唛stud: 角钉 fabric:布料 plastic:塑料 taslon:塔丝龙tapestry:窗帘提花布 backpack: 背包 pouch钱包travelling bags:旅行包 riptop:格子布 nickel镍rivet:铆钉zipper:拉链 log 标记 rubber 橡胶 buckle:扣子match color:配色ribbon: 缎带 embroidery刺绣 yarn;线 mark: 唛头printing: 印刷 inner laber 内标 hangtag 挂牌carton;纸箱packing: 包装 pantone 色卡 velcro 麾术贴 Piping:胶骨binding包边 embroidery 绣花 hanger 衣架 back stitch 回针break stitch断针 labour cost 工价 overtime working 加班taffeta 平纹 twill 斜纹 jacquard 提花 check 格子stripe 条纹 fabric 面料 polyester 涤纶 nylon 尼龙lining 里布 piping 凯线 match color 配色 pattern 纸样design sketch设计图invisible zipper/conceal zipper:隐形拉链; backing .COATIING涂层钮圈 BUCKLE LOOP鸡眼EYELET撞钉RIVET胶针PLASTIC STINGJEL PRINT--胶体印刷;WOVEN LABEL--织唛;FELT--毛绒布;rubber patch--滴塑;rubber label---滴唛;elastic cord----橡皮筋;self fabric pipping---本布包骨;pipping cord----------衬条;Semitransparent:磨沙PVC 70Dsponge:70发泡;mesh / net : 网布;rope: 绳子;interior:/outer 内/外部layer:层靛蓝青年布:indigo chambray人棉布植绒:rayon cloth flockingpvc植绒:pvc flocking针织布植绒:knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:claimond veins倒毛:down pile making平绒:velveteen velvet-plain仿麂皮:micro suede牛仔皮植绒:jeans flocking 尼丝纺:nylon taffeta nylon shioze尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylon seersucker taffeta素面植绒:plain flocking印花植绒:flockingflower雕印植绒:embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:leather imitation flocking牛仔植绒雕印:embossing jeans flocking兔羊绒大衣呢:angora cachmere overcoating 羊毛双面呢:double-faced woolen goods立绒呢:cut velvet顺毛呢:over coating粗花呢:costume tweed弹力呢:lycra woolen goods塔丝绒: nylon taslon塔丝绒格子:n/taslon ripstop桃皮绒:polyester peach skin涤塔夫:polyester taffeta春亚纺:polyester pongee超细麦克布:micro fiber锦棉稠平纹:nylon-cotton fabric plain重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cotton fabricdouble weft人字锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric twill素色天鹅绒:solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric素色毛巾布:solid terry蚂蚁布:fleece in one side素色卫衣布:solid fleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseyt/r弹力布:t/r bengalinet/c色织格子布:t/c solid check fabric弹力仿麂皮:micro suede with spandext/r仿麂皮:t/r micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta亮光尼龙:trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:taslan rip-stop哑富迪:full dull micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:full dull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:full dull polyester peach 宽斜纹桃皮绒:big twill polyester peach涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyester inter-woven peachContainer Cubic:20':26-28 CBM40':56-58 CBM40' HQ:65-68 CBM45':75 CBMjhbags 网友提供:裁床 CUTTING BED绣花机 EMBROIDERING M/C直刀电剪 STRAIGHT KNIFE M/C切布机 CLOTH CUTTING M/C一字镭射灯 "一" LASER LIGHT十字定位灯 CROSS LASER LIGHT切朴机 INTERLINNING CUTTING M/C卷朴机 WINDING INTERLINNING M/C钻孔机 HOLER M/C自动裁割机 AUTOMATIC CUTTING M/C啤机 HYDRAULIC CUTTING PRESSER拉布机 SPREADER单针平车 1-NEEDLE LOCKSTITCH M/C单针链缝平车 1-NEEDLE CHAINSTITCH M/C 人字平车 ZIG-ZAG STITCHES M/C双针车 TWIN-NEEDLE M/C钮门车 BUTTONHOLE M/C钉钮车 BUTTON ATTACHING M/C打枣车 BARTACK M/C埋夹车 CHAIN STITCH FEED-OFF ARM M/C切刀车 LOCKSTITCH TRIMMING M/C五线及骨车 5-THREAD SAFTY STITCHES M/C 三线及骨车 3-THREAD OVERLOCKING M/C拉筒车 MUTI-NEEDLE CHAINSTITCH M/C耳仔机 LOOPER SEWING M/C辘脚车 SPECIAL STREAMLINED LOCKSTITCH 三针网车 3-NEEDLE INTERLOCK M/C四针虾苏网车 4-NEEDLE INTERLOCK M/C四针拼缝车 FEED-OFF-THE-ARM,4 NEEDLE BOTH CUT FLAT SEAMER挑脚车 CHAIN-BLINDSTITCH M/C凤眼车 EYELET END M/C开袋机 POCKET M/C切耳仔机 LOOPER CUTTING MACHINE粘合机 FUSING M/C啤钮机 SNAP FIXING M/C切领机 COLLAR CUTTING M/C切筒车 CUTING PLACKET MACHINE拉布机 SPREADER直送捆条机 BALER大型翻线机8个头 CROSSING THREAD M/C反领机 COLLAR TURNING MACHINE自动反介英机 AUTO CUFF TURNING M/C点领机 HEAT NOTCHING M/C切领机 COLLARTRIMMING M/C切筒机 PLACKET TRIMMING M/C平缝线迹----PLAIN STITCH ,FLAT STITCH 疏缝线迹----BASTING STITCH ,TACKING STITCH绷缝线迹----COVERING STITCH ,FLAT -LOCK STITCH绗缝线迹----QUILTED STITCH嵌缝线迹----CORD STITCH面缝线迹----TOP STITCH,OVER STITCH 暗缝线迹----INVISIBLE STITCH ,BLIND STITCH缲缝线迹----SLIP STITCH折缝线迹----FELL STITCH倒缝线迹----REVERSIBLE STITCH , BACKWARD STITCH包缝线迹----OVERLOCKSTITCH ,OVERCASTINGSTITCH ,OVEREDGE锁式线迹----LOCK STITCH ,LOCKSTITCH 链式线迹----CHAIN STITCH联式线迹----CHAINLOCK STITCH人字线迹----HERRINGBONE STITCH羽状线迹----FEATHER STITCH珠式线迹----PEARL STITCHz形线迹----CATCH STITCH,ZIGZAG STITCH角形线迹----ANGLE STITCH弓形线迹----ARCHED STITCH锯齿形状线迹----PICOT STITCH ,ZIGZAG STITCH贝壳形状线迹----SHELL STITCH网眼形状线迹----BASKET STITCH蜂窝形状线迹----HONEYCOMB STITCH 直形线迹----STRAIGHT STITCH双十字形状线迹---DOUBLE STITCH交叉线迹,十字线迹---CROSS STITCH圆形线迹----ROUND STITCH廓形线迹----OUTLINE STITCH曲折形线迹---ZIGZAG SITITCH变形线迹---CHANGE STITCH钩编线迹---CROCHET STITCH织补线迹---DARNING STITCH刺绣线迹---EMBROIDERYSTITCH,CREWEL STITCH装饰线迹---ORNAMENTALSTITCH,DECORATIVE STITCH花式线迹---FANCY STITCH点划线迹---DOT DASH STITCH对称线迹---COUNTER STITCH比翼线迹---FLY STITCH特殊线迹---SPECIAL STITCH复合线迹---COMBINATION STITCH, SPLIT STITCH复式线迹---DOUBLE ACTION STITCH双针线迹---TWICE STITCH双重线迹---TWICE STITCH三重线迹---TRIPLE STITCH缝式线迹---SEAM STITCH 加固线迹---FASTENING STITCH ,TACKING STITCH打结线迹---KNOTTING STITCH扎缚线迹---PADDING STITCH袖褶线迹---SHIRRING STITCH伸缩线迹---STRETCH STITCH,ELASIC STITCH滚边线迹---BINDING STITCH卷边线迹---HEMMING STITCH暗卷缝线迹---BLINDING HEMMING STITCH 拼合线迹---ABUTTING STITCH间断线迹---BROKEN STITCH跳针线迹---SKIPPING STITCH安全线迹---SAFETY STITCH手针缝法缭针法----SLIP STITCH拱针法----PRICK STITCH明缲针法---FELL STITCH暗缲针法---BLING HEMMING STITCH环针法----CATCH STITCH叠针法----FASTENING STITCH扎针法----PAD STITCH扳针法----DIAGONAL BASTING绗针法----QUILTING STITCH锁针法----LOCK STITCH倒针法----BARTACK STITCH ,BACK STITCH三角针法---HERRINGBONE STITCH杨树花针法--FEATHER STITCH花针法----ZIGZAG STITCH跳针法----SKIPPING STITCH常用皮革英语----by fox_p兄弟artificial leather人造革baseball leather棒球革basketball leather篮球革bellow leather风箱革belt leather带皮belting leather带革; 轮带book-binding leather书面革bottom leather底革boxing-glove leather拳击手套革buck leather雄鹿革buckle leather带用革buffed leather磨面革butt leather底革card leather梳革case leather箱皮charred leather皮炭chamois leather麂皮chrome leather铬革chrome tanned leather铬鞣革clothing leather服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather梳刷革cow leather牛皮crown leather上等皮革crup leather马臀革crust leather坯革; 半硝革cup leather制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather隔膜革皮dogskin leather狗皮制的革dressing leather饰革drum leather鼓皮drycleanable leather耐干洗革easy-care leather易保养革embossed leather压花革enamel leather漆皮enamelled leather漆皮fair leather集市皮革fancy leather美术革, 装饰用革finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather足球革football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革furniture leather家具革garment leather衣服革gas meter leather气表革glace leather白鞣革glove leather手套皮hair-on leather带毛革half leather半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather马具革hat leather制帽革hat sweatband leather帽圈革heavy leather厚革heel leather鞋后跟皮hunting leather粗绒面革hydraulic leather水压机革密封用革imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather工业用革iron tanned leather铁鞣革japanned leather漆皮kangaroo leather袋鼠革kaspine leather开斯宾革levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather轻革line leather马具革lining leather衬里革luggage leather箱包革mountain leather石棉napped leather绒毛皮革oar leather桨革oil seal leather油封革oiled leather涂油革oil-tanned leather油鞣革organ-pipe leather风琴管革packing leather皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather漆皮patent leather漆革piano leather钢琴革piston packing leather活塞填密皮plated leather熨压皮革portmanteau leather旅行皮包革rein leather马具革rock leather一种石棉rolled leather轧制革roller leather机轴革rough-tanned leather粗鞣革rubbing leathers纺搓条皮圈Russian leather俄罗斯革saddle leather鞍皮革saffian leather山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather废皮; 碎皮semi-aniline leather半苯胺革semi-chrome leather混合铬鞣革sheep leather绵羊革shrink leather皱纹革skirt leather植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather光面皮革soccerballleather足球革softleather软革soleleather底革stirrup leather镫革strop leather磨刀皮革suede leather起毛皮革sweat band leather帽中汗带皮synthetic leather合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather扎染革two-tone leather双色调革upholstery leather装饰用皮革upper leather面革valve leather阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather正绒面革zirconium tanned leather锆鞣革volleyball leather排球革wash leather可洗皮革washable chamois leather可洗麂皮welting leather镶边革; 贴边革white leather白革; 矾鞣革常用辅料英语---by luke兄弟一原料纺织原料 textile raw materials天然纤维 natural fibre化学纤维 chemical fibre植物纤维 vegetable fibre纺织纤维 textile fibre人造纤维 man made fibre动物纤维 animal fibre二面料1.机织物服装面料平纹布 plain cloth牛津布 oxford斜纹布 drill线卡 ply-yarn drill哔叽 serge灯芯绒 corduroy起绒布 fleece泡泡纱 seersucker麻纱 hair cords亚麻布 linen cloth绸 silk粗纺毛织物 woolen cloth全毛单面华达呢 woolen one-side gabardine 凡立丁 valitine啥味呢 twill coating精纺花呢 worsted fany suiting法兰绒 flannel大衣呢 overcoat suiting交织物 mixed fabric府绸 poplin青年布 chambray纱卡 single yarn drill华达呢 gabardine牛仔布 denim平绒 velveteen绉布 crepe巴厘纱 voile苎麻布 ramie fabric电力纺 habotai精纺毛织物 worsted fabric全毛华达呢 pure wool gabardine驼丝锦 doeskin女士呢 ladies cloth粗花呢 tweed2.针织物面料纬编针织物 weft-knitted fabric单面针织物 single knit fabric纬平针织物 plain knit fabric双罗纹针织物 interlock fabric起绒针织物 interlock fabric毛圈针织物 terry knitted fabric双梳栉经编针织物 two-bar fabric经编针织物 warp-knitted fabric双面针织物 double knit fabric罗纹针织物 rib knit fabric双反面针织物 purl fabric长毛绒针织物 high pile knitted fabric提花针织物 jacquard knitted fabric多梳栉经编针织物 multi-bar fabric三辅料1.衬树脂衬 resin interlining麻布胸衬 breast canvas树脂领衬 resin collar interlining绒布胸衬 breast fleece热熔衬 fusible interlining粘合衬 adhesive-bonded interlining双面粘合衬 double-faced adhesive interlining无纺布衬 non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬 non-woven adhesive interlining 有纺粘合衬 adhesive woreninterlinging黑炭衬 hair interlining马尾衬 horsehair interlining化纤衬 chemical fibre interlining针织衬 knitted interlining2.填料棉花 cotton人造棉 artificial cotton喷胶棉 polyester wadding丝棉 silk wadding腈纶棉 acrylic staple fibre羽绒 down3.线、扣、拉链线 thread棉线 cotton thread丝线 silk thread尼龙线 nylon thread装饰线 ornamental thread钮 button四目扣 four-hole button装饰纽扣 decorative button异形扣 special-shaped button塑料扣 plastic button玻璃扣 glass button子母扣,四合扣 snap button拉链 zipper尼龙拉链 nylon zipper涤纶拉链 polyester zipper双头拉链 zipper with double sliders装饰带 fashion tape罗纹 rib缝纫用线 twist麻线 flax thread绣花线 embroidery thread涤纶线 polyester thread宝塔线 cone of thread两目扣 two-hole button包扣 covered button羊角扣 claw button金属扣 metal button树脂扣 resin button木扣 wood button尼龙搭扣 nylon fastener tape 金属拉链 metal zipper塑料拉链 plastic zipper领钩 collar clasp搭钩 agraffe橡筋 elastic ribbon弹力罗纹 elastic rib手袋箱包术语1Bags/Case Name 袋/箱包名称Beauty Case 化妆袋Briefcase 公文袋Cabin Case 航空袋Camera Bag 相机袋Duffle /Travel bag 旅行袋Flight Bag /Tote 航空袋Garment Bag 西装袋Simple Notebook Bag 简单电脑袋Toilet Kit 洗手间袋Travel Bag with Trolley 拖轮袋Trolley /Uprights 拉杆箱Trolley Backpack 拉杆背包Waist Bag 腰包Handbag 手提包Material 原料:Binding Material 包边用料Cord for Cord-Handles 手把索Brushed Nylon for Computer Cases 拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱Cardboard Bottom Boards 纸底板Dobbie Weave 交织Cord for Cord-Locks 锁索Dividers & Separators’ material 分隔面料Elastics 松紧带Foams 海绵Insulating Materials 绝缘物料Leather Trim 真皮配料Linings 内里Main Coated materials 主要外层面料Mesh /Other type of Tissue 网布/纱布Piping Bumpers 管条脚座Piping Materials 管条Plywood Bottom Boards 底部胶合板木板/三合板、Polyethylene for Corners /Backing 角位/底部面料PolyvinylPVCSponge Trim PVC海绵配料Thread 车线Velcro 幺术贴Webbing 织带Zipper Pulls 拉片Zipper Sliders 拉链头Zipper Tapers 拉链Structural Hardware 金属结构Accessory Hook 前拖带Rivets & Washers 铆钉和垫圈Alligator Studs 短钉Runners 背面长条Bottom Stand 前脚Screws 螺丝Bottom Studs 底钉Shoulder Strap 肩带Complete Extendable Handle System 拉杆架Side Handle 侧手把Conveyor Belt 运轮带Snaps 纽扣/四合扣Extendible Handles’ Parts /Mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构Grommets 垫圈Studs Side Studs 大头钉侧泡钉Handle with brackets 手把连扣Top Carrying Handle 主手把Honeycomb Sample 蜂巢板Wheel Casings 轮子的盖Handle Wrap 手握片Wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座Metal Frame Sample 铁框Polyethylene Board Samples ---PE板Rings /Other Metal Parts 金属环/其它金属配件Accessories 配件Badge /Emblem 徽章,象征,标志Buckles 插扣Chains 缝条/链Cord-Locks Toggle-Locks ,Barrel-Locks s锁套索锁,桶锁Hanger Hooks & Mechanisms for Swing-Hooks 挂钩和摇摆钩Hooks 勾 Lid 盖Luggage Identification Tags 行李箱地址牌Nameplate 商标/Logo /铝牌Strap 背带Outside Hanger Hooks for Garment Bags 供西装袋用的勾衣架Padlocks & Keys 锁和钥匙Plastic Water Bottles 塑胶水桶钉Swivel Hanger bracket 旋转衣架座Universal Hanger Hooks 整体挂勾Labels 标签Guarantee Carton Tags 保证吊牌Inside Country of Origin Label 内布标Other Required Tag 其它要求的吊牌Product Knowledge Carton Tags 产品吊牌Tear-Me Test Tags 本布吊牌UPC Tag –UPC吊牌Buckle/Lock扣或锁Belt Buckle 皮带扣Press Locks 插锁Metal Pin Buckle 铁线针扣Snap Fastener 四合扣Metal Ring /Buckle 铁线扣Turn Locks 拧制Plastic Buckle 塑胶插扣Button 纽扣Handbag Side Clips 手袋侧夹Magnet Button 磁纽Press Button 珠纽Press Stud 纽扣Snap Button 急纽Rivet 钉Compression Rivet 束口钉Semi-Tublar Rivet 中空钉Full Tublar Rivet 空心钉Single Layer Rivet 单面撞钉Color 颜色Aubergine 紫红色Beige 米黄色Bone 米色Chrome/ Nickel 镍色Navy 海军蓝Pewter 沙电色Khaki 卡其色Cloth 布料Canvas 帆布Jacquard /Tapestry 提花布Ramie 麻Ripstop /Tartan 格子布Sponge 海绵Spun 山东绸Twill 斜布Zipper Cord 拉头上的棉绳Defects 瑕疵Baggy Cloth 波断纹Filling Bar 稀密路Mixed Filling 错纬Barre 横档Finishing Bar 横痕Neps 棉结Broken End 断线Float End 走经Oil Spots 油渍Broken Picks 断线Float 浮织 Pleat 褶Coarse Picks 粗纬Fold Marks 褶痕Rope Marks 条痕Cockles 起皱Fuzzy Ball 毛球Slack Picks 松纬Color Spots 色渍Holes Sto破洞stop Mark 停机痕Crease 皱Loopy Selvedge 毛圈边Tight End 紧经Curled Selvedge 卷边Mispick 缺纬Tight Picks 紧纬Double Picks 双纬Missing End 缺经/线Water Stain 水印Dyeing Streak 染褶Mix End 错经Wavy Selvedge 浪边Other Vocabulary 其他生字Abrasion 摩擦Bent 弯曲Crooked 歪Engraved 雕刻Eyelets 鸡眼Jaggedly 锯齿Protrudes 突出Rip Off 裂开Seam 接缝Stiff 硬Stumbles 错误Trimming 装饰Wobble 摇晃Removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边Gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 开口袋Herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线Top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板Wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间Removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈Wheel housings 轮子座Pull handle grip and bezel 拉杆杯bumpers / runners 脚座Garment grips 衣架座Logo gasket logo 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣Top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底Smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带Shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线Extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条swivel hook 狗钩These zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉Heat transfer pattern 热传递风格leather tab 皮革饰片Text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮纹理芙蓉皮graphic carton 彩盒Master carton 大箱zip-away 拉链袋handle ring 手把环Clear PVC 透明PVCkohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料包袋英语---论坛似乎没有的品种:backpack: 背包pouchwallet: 钱包traveling bags: 旅行包briefcase: 公文包Tote bag:大手提袋lady bag: 女士包waist bag: 腰包pencil case: 笔袋shoulder bags肩包sport bag 运动包satchel 小背包hand bag 手袋backpack 背包cosmetic bag 化妆包tote 手提袋slg 小包waist pack 腰包swagger bag 休闲包natural tan 自然包pouch 小袋flight bag /air travelling roller bag 航空旅行箱garment bag 西装套computer backpack 电脑背包luggage upright 拉杆箱travel kit 换洗袋/旅行工具袋golfbag 高尔夫袋pull rod for flight bag 航空旅行拉杆travel suitcase 旅行箱purse 女用包note case 公文袋soft attache case 手提箱辅件/部位:pack PE foam 发泡棉handle webbing 织带手挽woven lable 布标10front panel/前片,11 flap of pocket袋盖.12 Printing artwork /印刷图,13 compartment: 隔层14 back panel后片,15foam发泡,16 sponge海棉,17 inner pocket里袋,18 bottom底部/ bottom board底板,19 trolley 拉杆,20 handle手把,21 hook buckle 钩扣,22 buckle扣具,23zipper拉链24zip puller拉头,25 webbing 织带,26straps 肩带,27 woven label: 织唛,28 piping胶骨,29 binding捆边,30hangtag:挂牌,31 barcode sticker条形码不干胶,32 polybag塑料袋33reinforce panel: 补强片,34 rivet: 柳钉35 net pocket: 网袋36 bottle: 水瓶37 logo: 商标38. rubber: 橡胶39 match color: 配色40 ribbon: 尼龙丝带41.embroidery: 刺绣42 yarn: 线43mark: 唛头44 inner label 内标45 carton: 纸箱46 packing: 包装47 pantone: 色卡48Velcro: 摩术贴49rope: 绳子50. stud: 角钉51elastic: 松紧带52. padded: 垫料53cardboard: 纸板Term about handbagfront pocket 前附袋outside body front 前幅outside body back 后幅outside bottom front 前附袋底logo patch 饰片embroidery 刺纋片accessories 附属的配件slash pocket 开口袋binding 包边lash 鞭梢dome 圆顶层stitching 车线shoulder pad 肩片single enttry 单开口sling 吊袋triple compartment 间隔top stitching 面车线bottom 底部division 分部handle webbing 织带手挽under neath 盖底里gusset 侧围lining 里布adjustable 可调节式的seams 缝合线扣子圈子环拉链钩扣类: snap hook US钩swivel hook 如意钩swivel snaphook 旋转钩uviv snaphook 旋转US钩key-ring 锁匙圈cord hook 绳钩small hook 小钩round 圈骨SR buckle 插扣类side release BK 旁开扣dual SR/dual contourde SR 双调旁开扣side release BK 重型插扣plated SR 电镀插扣release SR 反光插扣contoured SR 弯型插扣center SR/push 即开扣lock SR 数码锁turn lock 轉鎖cam buckle 合扣belt buckle 束衣扣sliele&straplock 日型梯扣類slide 日型環small slide 八字環slide+belt+loop 日型環+束帶圈slide+loop 日型環+耳ladder lock 梯扣contour ladder lock 彎形梯扣heavy ladder lock 強力梯扣loop 長方圈belt loop 束帶圈sewable loop 可縫長方圈D-ring D型環triangle 三角環six ring 六角環o-ring o型環sewable D-ring 可縫D型環chate tab 塑片加圈metal zippers with pullers 金屬拉鏈metal slider with pull 金屬拉頭delrin zippers with pulllers 塑鋼拉鏈delrin slider with pull 塑鋼拉頭nylon zippers with pulllers 尼龍拉鏈nylon slider with pull 尼龍拉頭zip tap 拉鏈布puller with connecter 拉鏈strap 帶,皮帶metal ornament 金屬飾片ornament 飾片piping 管條stopper 束扣press button 按扣brooch 別針pin snap 走珠鈕ticker 貼標magnetic snap 磁扣keyhook 匙圈string ring beltstay 织带拉环cupula 吸盘fastness-lock 固定手把扣bradde chain 珠链double rivet 撞钉shell 框架snap 厌扣velcro 麽术贴布料A 420D ripstop: 420D格子布B 300DC 600DD polyester: 涤沦Enylon: 尼龙F 420DG microfiber: 花瑶布H. transparent PVC: 透明PVCI semitransparent: 磨沙 PVCJ. 70D sponge: 70D 发泡K.mesh/net: 网布L. 420D crinkle nylon: 420D 水洗布M210T N190TOPE board: PE板P swatch: 样品Q cardboard: 纸板R jean: 牛仔布Sfabric: 布料T plastic: 塑料U. taslon: 塔丝龙V. tapestry: 窗帘提花布W ripstop: 格子布X Yarn or stitch line: 线或车线reflector 反光料pong plush 乳马纹毛毛料ripstop 格子布linen 亚麻料twill 斜纹理布microfiber 超细纤维料plush 绒毛料nylon taffeta 尼龙印花布quilted panel 棉格料satin 沙丁料logan 宇富料iridescent 珠光料leopard skin point 天然豹纹holegram 万彩/雷射料darkdenim 深色牛仔料ragon 人造丝heoprene 一种合成像胶jute 黄麻纤维split leather 贴合皮laminate 贴胶料nylon mesh 尼龙网布jacquard 提花布raw robber 生胶reflectorvinyl 反光维伦料velvet/velours 天鹅绒swanskin 天鹅皮五金&颜色类:black nickel B 黑鎳色chrome CR鉻色brass plated 青銅色brush 黑鎳刷面nickel brush 鎳色刷面antique brush 青古制面pearl nickel 珍珠鎳pearl golden 珍珠金antique 青古銅色pure golden 純金matt silver 粉霧色matt nickel 水霧色nickel 鎳色matt pearl paint 烤霧黑finishing 五金表面處理plating 電鍍/噴鍍eleetro painting 電著涂裝E/P black nickel plating 黑鎳B-N/P anti silver plating 黑古銀ANT-S satin gold plating 沙電金SG/P gold plating 正金G/Pnickel plating 鎳N/Pchromium plating 鉻CR/Psatin nickel plating 沙電SN/P nickel free plating 無鉛電鍍NF/P gun metal plating 槍管色GM/P brass gold 銅金色black enamel 黑漆tin plating 鋁銀T/Pbrass plating 青銅B/Psilver plating 純銀S/Pprint 印色P/Aantique brass plating 青古銅ANT-Bdark copper plating 紅古銅DCP/P zinc plating 白鋅Z/Pcopper plating 紅銅CP/Pdark 深色beige 米黃色fuscous 暗褐色fuschia 桃紅色brown 棕色burgandy 梅紅色navy 深藍色recst 褐色khaki 卡其色/土黃色eggplant 茄紫色mint 薄荷色purple 紫色slate 板色ltaupe 淺褐色charcoal 深灰色bone 骨色turquoise青綠色mallard 綠色forest 深絿色gray/grey 灰色的teal 藍綠色的color swatch 色卡pantone 國際色卡olive green 橄欖綠其他1. thin: 薄2. thick: 厚3 interior/outer: 内/外部: 可调节的screen print/silkscreen/heat transfer 丝印dyeing 染色printing house/factory 印刷厂embroderyLogo 刺绣punch 冲孔decorative 装饰的embossing 压纹leather 真皮fabric 布类straw 革类hardware 五金类zipper 拉链头dog leash 狗钩buckle 方扣类rivet 撞钉h-bar 圈扣rings 钮扣类snaps 饰片类est sample 测试样production sample 大货生产样construction sample 结构样salesman sample 销售样approval sample 确认样sample room 样版房cutting section 开料部packing section 包装部skiving section 产皮车间string 绳类pp web pp 织带UPC 电脑条码emboss 凹纹twist handle 变形手挽eyelet 鸡眼7-hook 七字钩washer 套片metal plate 铁板zinc alloy 锌合金制品half round handle 半圆手把corner protection 护角kettle 水壶metal line 钢线,铁圈zipper slider 拉饰片combination padlock 密码锁end tabs 织带尾hangtag /sling brand 吊卡caster 角轮trolley 拉杆wheel set 轮组square tube 方管2 stops 二段式3 stops 三段式paper board 纸卡exhaust hole 排气孔cothes lock/hanger 衣架rhombic slotted lash tab 菱形饰片rectangular slotted lash tab 长方形饰片rhomibic slotted lash tab 正方形饰片top cuft 头圈base tray 底盘honeycomb frame 蜂巢框cart outside setting 外置式拉杆cart inside setting 内置式拉杆footstand 脚座hand fell 手感。

箱包专业英语词汇3 bar adjuster 三档扣bottom studs 底脚organizer 整理袋release buckle 插扣(常用于背包的胸带、腰带上)square ring 两档扣dog leash 狗钩swivel hook 如意钩swivel snaphook 旋转钩key-ring 锁匙圈cord hook 绳钩round 圈骨SR buckle 插扣类side release BK 旁开扣dual SR/dual contourde SR 双调旁开扣side release BK 重型插扣plated SR 电镀插扣release SR 反光插扣contoured SR 弯型插扣center SR/push 即开扣lock SR 数码锁turn lock 转锁cam buckle 合扣belt buckle 束衣扣sliele&straplock 日型梯扣类slide 日型环small slide 八字环slide+belt+loop 日型环+束带圈slide+loop 日型环+耳ladder lock 梯扣contour ladder lock 弯形梯扣heavy ladder lock 强力梯扣belt loop 束带圈sewable loop 可缝长方圈D-ring D型环triangle 三角环six ring 六角环o-ring o型环sewable D-ring 可缝D型环chate tab 塑片加圈lash 鞭梢dome 圆顶层sling 吊袋triple compartment 间隔handle webbing 织带手挽under neath 盖底里gusset 侧围construction sample 结构样approval sample 确认样sample room 样版房cutting section 开料部packing section 包装部skiving section 产皮车间pp web pp 织带UPC 电脑条码emboss 凹纹twist handle 变形手挽brooch 别针bradde chain 珠链pack PE foam 发泡棉stopper 束扣reflector 反光料pong plush 乳马纹毛毛料nylon taffeta 尼龙印花布iridescent 珠光料leopard skin point 天然豹纹holegram 万彩/雷射料split leather 贴合皮laminate 贴胶料raw robber 生胶reflectorvinyl 反光维伦料swanskin 天鹅皮sport bag 运动包satchel 小背包hand bag 手袋backpack 背包cosmetic bag 化妆包tote 手提袋slg 小包waist pack 腰包swagger bag 休闲包natural tan 自然包pouch 小袋flight bag / air travelling roller bag 航空旅行箱garment bag 西装套computer backpack 电脑背包luggage upright 拉杆箱travel kit 换洗袋/旅行工具袋golfbag 高尔夫袋pull rod for flight bag 航空旅行拉杆travel suitcase 旅行箱purse 女用包note case 公文袋soft attache case 手提箱magnetic snap 磁扣keyhook 匙圈string ring beltstay 织带拉环cupula 吸盘fastness-lock 固定手把扣exhaust hole 排气孔cothes lock/hanger 衣架rhombic slotted lash tab 菱形饰片rectangular slotted lash tab 长方形饰片rhomibic slotted lash tab 正方形饰片top cuft 头圈base tray 底盘honeycomb frame 蜂巢框cart outside setting 外置式拉杆cart inside setting 内置式拉杆footstand 脚座caster 角轮trolley 拉杆wheel set 轮组square tube 方管2 stops 二段式3 stops 三段式paper board 纸卡hangtag /sling brand 吊卡7-hook 七字钩washer 套片metal plate 铁板zinc alloy 锌合金制品half round handle 半圆手把corner protection 护角kettle 水壶metal line 钢线,铁圈zipper slider 拉饰片combination padlock 密码锁e/p: eleetro painting 电着涂装b-n/p: black nickel plating 黑镍ant-s: anti silver plating 黑古银sg/p: satin gold plating 沙电金g/p: gold plating 正金n/p: nickel plating 镍cr/p: chromium plating 铬sn/p: satin nickel plating 沙电nf/p: nickel free plating 无铅电镀gm/p: gun metal plating 枪管色t/p: tin plating 铝银b/p: brass plating 青铜s/p: silver plating 纯银p/a: print 印色ant-b: antique brass plating 青古铜dcp/p: dark copper plating 红古铜z/p: zinc plating 白锌cp/p: copper plating 红铜。

箱包手袋术语箱包专业名词箱包专业名词颜色:Sky-blue: 天蓝色lime: 淡黄绿色olive: 橄榄绿jade: 碧玉色poppy: 深红色violet: 紫罗兰色beige: 米白色scarlet: 鲜红golden: 金色navy-blue: 海蓝russet: 赤褐色khaki: 卡其色mustard: 深黄色tan 茶色bottle green: 深绿色cream: 淡黄色maroon: 褐红色royal blue 宝蓝turquoise: 青绿色emerald: 祖母绿peach: 粉红色burgundy:枣红lemon 柠檬色tangerine: 橘红色apricot: 杏黄色light gray; 浅灰roseate:深粉红色magenta: 红紫色mauve: 淡紫色lilac: 紫丁香色coffee: 咖啡色buff: 暗黄色aquamarine: 碧绿色yellow: 黄色orange: 橙色crimson: 深红色red: 红色blue 蓝色green 绿色pink: 粉红色purple:紫色brown: 棕色gray: 灰色white: 白色fuchsia: 紫红色cyan: 青色/蓝绿色材料和配件:thin: 薄thick 厚net pocket/mesh: 网袋briefcase: 公文包waist bag: 腰包foam: 泡棉padded: 垫料panel: 底板/侧板compartment: 间隔层shoulder bags: 肩包]strap: 带子handle: 手把puller 拉头grip: 把手Ripstop: 格子布microfiber: 花瑶布420D crinkle nylon 420D的水洗布PE board: PE 板flap: 盖子trolley: 拉杆swatch: 样卡elastic: 松紧带adjustable: 可调节的cardboard: 纸板jean: 牛仔布camouflage: 迷彩色weave label: 织唛stud: 角钉fabric: 布料plastic: 塑料taslon: 塔丝龙tapestry: 窗帘提花布backpack: 背包pouch 钱包travelling bags: 旅行包riptop: 格子布nickel 镍rivet: 铆钉zipper: 拉链logo: 标记rubber 橡胶buckle: 扣子match color: 配色ribbon: 缎带embroidery 刺绣yarn; 线mark: 唛头printing: 印刷inner laber 内标hangtag 挂牌carton; 纸箱packing: 包装pantone 色卡velcro 麾术贴Piping: 胶骨Binding 包边embroidery 绣花hanger 衣架back stitch 回针break stitch 断针labour cost 工价overtime working 加班taffeta 平纹twill 斜纹jacquard 提花check 格子stripe 条纹fabric 面料polyester 涤纶nylon 尼龙lining 里布piping 凯线match color 配色pattern 纸样design sketch 设计图invisible zipper/conceal zipper隐形拉链backing coating 涂层buckle loop 钮圈plastic sting 胶针jel print 胶体印刷woven label 织唛;FELT 毛绒布;rubber patch 滴塑;rubber label 滴唛;elastic cord 橡皮筋;self fabric pipping 本布包骨; pipping cord 衬条; Semitransparent: 磨沙PVC 70Dsponge: 70发泡PVC mesh / net : 网布;rope: 绳子;interior:/outer 内/外部layer: 层indigo chambray 靛蓝青年布rayon cloth flocking 人棉布植绒pvc flocking pvc植绒knitting cloth flocking 针织布植绒claimond veins 珠粒绒down pile making 倒毛velveteen (velvet-plain)平绒micro suede 仿麂皮jeans flocking 牛仔皮植绒nylon taffeta (nylon shioze) 尼丝纺nylon seersucker taffeta 尼龙塔夫泡泡纱plain flocking 素面植绒flocking(flower) 印花植绒embossing flocking 雕印植绒leather imitation flocking皮革沟底植绒embossing jeans flocking 皮革沟底植绒angora cachmere overcoating兔羊绒大衣呢double-faced woolen goods 羊毛双面呢cut velvet 立绒呢over coating 顺毛呢costume tweed 粗花呢lycra woolen goods 弹力呢nylon taslon 塔丝绒n/taslon ripstop 塔丝绒格子polyester peach skin 桃皮绒polyester taffeta 涤塔夫polyester pongee 春亚纺micro fiber 超细麦克布nylon-cotton fabric (plain)锦棉稠(平纹) nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft) 重平锦棉稠nylon-cotton fabric 人字锦棉纺nylon-cotton fabric (twill) 斜纹锦棉纺solid velvet 素色天鹅绒rib fleece velvet 抽条磨毛天鹅绒melange velvet 雪花天鹅绒ginning velvet 轧花天鹅绒pellet fleece velvet 粒粒绒布linen/cotton blended fabric 麻棉混纺布linen/cotton mixed fabric 麻棉交织布solid terry 素色毛巾布fleece in one side 蚂蚁布solid fleece 素色卫衣布fleece 鱼网布color-stripes single jersey 彩条汗布t/r bengaline t/r 弹力布t/c solid check fabric t/c 色织格子布micro suede with spandex 弹力仿麂皮t/r micro suede t/r 仿麂皮100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece 仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮针织布复合100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布cire satine 蜡光缎full dull nylon taffeta 全消光尼丝纺semi-dull nylon taffeta 半消光尼丝纺trilobal nylon 亮光尼龙full dull nylon taslan 全消光塔丝隆full dull nylon oxford 全消光牛津布nylon rip-stop 全消光牛津布taslan rip-stop 塔丝隆格full dull micro polyester pongee哑富迪full dull polyester pongee全消光春亚纺polyester pongee rip-stop 春亚纺格子full dull polyester peach全消光涤纶桃皮绒big twill polyester peach 宽斜纹桃皮绒poly/nylon peach 涤锦复合桃皮绒polyester taffeta rip-stop 涤纶格子polyester honey taslan 涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆full dull poly textured oxford全消光涤纶低弹牛津布nylon/polyester inter-woven peach涤锦交织桃皮绒常用皮革英语artificial leather 人造革baseball leather 棒球革basketball leather 篮球革bellow leather 风箱革belt leather 带皮belting leather 带革; 轮带book-binding leather 书面革bottom leather 底革boxing-glove leather 拳击手套革buck leather( 雄)鹿革buckle leather 带用革buffed leather 磨面革butt leather 底革card leather 梳革case leather 箱皮charred leather 皮炭chamois leather 麂皮chrome leather 铬革chrome tanned leather 铬鞣革clothing leather 服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather 梳刷革cow leather 牛皮crown leather 上等皮革crup leather 马臀革crust leather 坯革; 半硝革cup leather 制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather 隔膜革[皮]dogskin leather 狗皮(制的)革dressing leather 饰革drum leather 鼓皮drycleanable leather 耐干洗革easy-care leather 易保养革embossed leather 压花革enamel leather 漆皮enamelled leather 漆皮fair leather 集市皮革fancy leather 美术革, 装饰用革finished leather 成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather 足球革football-helmet leather 橄榄球头盔革furniture leather 家具革garment leather 衣服革gas meter leather 气表革glace leather 白鞣革glove leather 手套皮hair-on leather 带毛革half leather 半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather 马具革hat leather 制帽革hat sweatband leather 帽圈革heavy leather 厚革heel leather (鞋)后跟皮hunting leather 粗绒面革hydraulic leather 水压机革(密封用革) imitation leather 充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather 工业用革iron tanned leather 铁鞣革japanned leather 漆皮kangaroo leather 袋鼠革kaspine leather 开斯宾革levant leather 皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather 轻革line leather 马具革lining leather 衬里革luggage leather 箱包革mountain leather 石棉napped leather 绒毛皮革oar leather 桨革oil seal leather 油封革oiled leather 涂油革oil-tanned leather 油鞣革organ-pipe leather 风琴管革packing leather 皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather 漆皮patent leather 漆革piano leather 钢琴革piston packing leather 活塞填密皮plated leather 熨压皮革portmanteau leather 旅行皮包革rein leather 马具革rock leather 一种石棉rolled leather 轧制革roller leather 机轴革rough-tanned leather 粗鞣革rubbing leathers 【纺】搓条皮圈Russia(n) leather 俄罗斯革saddle leather 鞍皮[革]saffian leather 山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather 废皮; 碎皮semi-aniline leather 半苯胺革semi-chrome leather 混合铬鞣革sheep leather (绵)羊革shrink leather 皱纹革skirt leather 植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather 光面皮革soccerballleather 足球革softleather 软革soleleather 底革stirrup leather 镫革strop leather 磨刀皮革suede leather 起毛皮革sweat band leather (帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather 合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather 扎染革two-tone leather 双色调革upholstery leather 装饰用皮革upper leather 面革valve leather 阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather 正绒面革zirconium tanned leather 锆鞣革volleyball leather 排球革wash leather 可洗皮革washable chamois leather 可洗麂皮welting leather 镶边革; 贴边革white leather 白革; 矾鞣革(一)原料textile raw materials 纺织原料natural fibre 天然纤维chemical fibre 化学纤维vegetable fibre 植物纤维textile fibre 纺织纤维man made fibre 人造纤维animal fibre 动物纤维(二)面料1.机织物服装面料plain cloth 平纹布oxford 牛津布drill 斜纹布ply-yarn drill 线卡serge 哔叽corduroy 灯芯绒fleece 起绒布seersucker 泡泡纱hair cords 麻纱linen cloth 亚麻布silk 绸woolen cloth 粗纺毛织物woolen one-side gabardine全毛单面华达呢valitine 凡立丁twill coating 啥味呢worsted fany suiting 精纺花呢flannel 法兰绒overcoat suiting 大衣呢mixed fabric 交织物poplin 府绸chambray 青年布single yarn drill 纱卡gabardine 华达呢denim 牛仔布velveteen 平绒crepe 绉布voile 巴厘纱ramie fabric 苎麻布habotai 电力纺worsted fabric 纺毛织物pure wool gabardine 全毛华达呢doeskin 驼丝锦ladies cloth 女士呢tweed 粗花呢2.针织物面料weft-knitted fabric 纬编针织物single knit fabric 单面针织物plain knit fabric 纬平针织物interlock fabric 双罗纹针织物interlock fabric 起绒针织物terry knitted fabric 毛圈针织物two-bar fabric 双梳栉经编针织物warp-knitted fabric 经编针织物double knit fabric 双面针织物rib knit fabric 罗纹针织物purl fabric 双反面针织物high pile knitted fabric长毛绒针织物jacquard knitted fabric 提花针织物multi-bar fabric 多梳栉经编针织物(三)辅料1.衬resin interlining 树脂衬breast canvas 麻布胸衬resin collar interlining 树脂领衬breast fleece 绒布胸衬fusible interlining 热熔衬adhesive-bonded interlining 粘合衬double-faced adhesive interlining双面粘合衬non-woven interlining 无纺布衬non-woven adhesive interlining无纺粘合衬adhesive woreninterlinging有纺粘合衬hair interlining 黑炭衬horsehair interlining 马尾衬chemical fibre interlining化纤衬knitted interlining 针织衬2.填料Cotton 棉花artificial cotton 人造棉polyester wadding 喷胶棉silk wadding 丝棉acrylic staple fibre 腈纶棉down 羽绒3.线、扣、拉链Thread 线cotton thread 棉线silk thread 丝线nylon thread 尼龙线ornamental thread 装饰线button 钮four-hole button 四目扣decorative button 装饰纽扣special-shaped button 异形扣plastic button 塑料扣glass button 玻璃扣snap button 子母扣,四合扣zipper 拉链nylon zipper 尼龙拉链polyester zipper 涤纶拉链zipper with double sliders双头拉链fashion tape 装饰带rib 罗纹twist 缝纫用线flax thread 麻线embroidery thread 绣花线polyester thread 涤纶线cone of thread 宝塔线two-hole button 两目扣covered button 包扣claw button 羊角扣metal button 金属扣resin button 树脂扣wood button 木扣nylon fastener tape 尼龙搭扣metal zipper 金属拉链plastic zipper 塑料拉链collar clasp 领钩agraffe 搭钩elastic ribbon 橡筋elastic rib 弹力罗纹Bags/Case Name 袋/箱包名称Beauty Case 化妆袋Briefcase 公文袋Cabin Case 航空袋Camera Bag 相机袋Duffle /Travel bag 旅行袋Flight Bag /Tote 航空袋Garment Bag 西装袋Simple Notebook Bag 简单电脑袋Toilet Kit 洗手间袋Travel Bag with Trolley 拖轮袋Trolley /Uprights 拉杆箱Trolley Backpack 拉杆背包Waist Bag 腰包Handbag 手提包Material 原料:Binding Material 包边用料Cord for Cord-Handles 手把索Brushed Nylon for Computer Case拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱Cardboard Bottom Boards 纸底板Dobbie Weave 交织Cord for Cord-Locks 锁索Dividers & Separ ators’material分隔面料Elastics 松紧带Foams 泡沫Insulating Materials 绝缘物料Leather Trim 真皮配料Linings 内里Main Coated materials 主要外层面料Mesh/Other type of Tissue 网布/纱布Piping Bumpers 管条脚座Piping Materials 管条Plywood Bottom Boards 底部胶合板(木板/三合板)Polyethylene for Corners /Backing角位/底部面料Polyvinyl(PVC)Sponge TrimPVC海绵配料Thread 车线Velcro 幺术贴Webbing 织带Zipper Pulls 拉片Zipper Sliders 拉链头Zipper Tapers 拉链Structural Hardware 金属结构Accessory Hook 前拖带Rivets & Washers 铆钉和垫圈Alligator Studs 短钉Runners 背面长条Bottom Stand 前脚Screws 螺丝Bottom Studs 底钉Shoulder Strap 肩带Complete Extendable Handle System 拉杆架Side Handle 侧手把Conveyor Belt 运轮带Snaps 纽扣/四合扣Extendible Handles’ Parts /Mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构Grommets 垫圈Studs (Side Studs ) 大头钉(侧泡钉)Handle with brackets 手把连扣Top Carrying Handle 主手把Honeycomb Sample 蜂巢板Wheel Casings 轮子的盖Handle Wrap 手握片Wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座Metal Frame Sample 铁框Polyethylene Board Samples PE板Rings /Other Metal Parts 金属环/其它金属配件Accessories 配件Badge /Emblem 徽章,象征,标志Buckles 插扣Chains 缝条/链Cord-Locks(Toggle-Locks,Barrel-Locks )锁(套索锁,桶锁)Hanger Hooks & Mechanisms forSwing-Hooks 挂钩和摇摆钩Hooks 钩,Lid 盖Luggage Identification Tags 行李箱地址牌Nameplate商标Logo /铝牌Strap 背带Outside Hanger Hooks for GarmentBags 供西装袋用的勾(衣架)Padlocks & Keys 锁和钥匙Plastic Water Bottles 塑胶水桶钉Swivel Hanger bracket 旋转衣架座Universal Hanger Hooks 整体挂勾Labels 标签Guarantee Carton Tags 保证吊牌Inside Country of Origin Label 内布标Other Required Tag 其它要求的吊牌Product Knowledge Carton Tags 产品吊牌Tear-Me Test Tags 本布吊牌UPC Tag UPC吊牌Buckle/Lock 扣或锁Belt Buckle 皮带扣Press Locks 插锁Metal Pin Buckle 铁线针扣Snap Fastener 四合扣Metal Ring /Buckle 铁线扣Turn Locks 拧制Plastic Buckle 塑胶插扣Button 纽扣Handbag Side Clips 手袋侧夹Magnet Button 磁纽Press Button 珠纽Press Stud 纽扣Snap Button 急纽Rivet 钉Compression Rivet 束口钉Semi-Tublar Rivet 中空钉Full Tublar Rivet 空心钉Single Layer Rivet 单面撞钉Color 颜色Aubergine 紫红色Beige 米黄色Bone 米色Chrome/ Nickel 镍色Navy 海军蓝Pewter 沙电色Khaki 卡其色Cloth 布料Canvas 帆布Jacquard /Tapestry 提花布Ramie 麻Ripstop /Tartan 格子布Sponge 海绵Spun 山东绸Twill 斜布Zipper Cord 拉头上的棉绳Defects 瑕疵Baggy Cloth 波断纹Filling Bar 稀密路Mixed Filling 错纬Barre 横档Finishing Bar 横痕Neps 棉结Broken End 断线Float End 走经Oil Spots 油渍Broken Picks 断线Float 浮织Pleat 褶Coarse Picks 粗纬Fold Marks 褶痕Rope Marks 条痕Cockles 起皱Fuzzy Ball 毛球Slack Picks 松纬Color Spots 色渍Holes Sto 破洞stop Mark 停机痕Crease 皱Loopy Selvedge 毛圈边Tight End 紧经Curled Selvedge 卷边Mispick 缺纬Tight Picks 紧纬Double Picks 双纬Missing End 缺经/线Water Stain 水印Dyeing Streak 染褶Mix End 错经Wavy Selvedge 浪边Other Vocabulary 其他生字Abrasion 摩擦Bent 弯曲Crooked 歪Engraved 雕刻Eyelets 鸡眼Jaggedly 锯齿Protrudes 突出Rip Off 裂开Seam 接缝Stiff 硬Stumbles 错误Trimming 装饰Wobble 摇晃Removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边Gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 开口袋Herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线Top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板Wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间Removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈Wheel housings 轮子座Pull handle grip and bezel拉杆杯Bumpers/runners 脚座Garment grips 衣架座Logo gasket 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣Top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底Smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带Shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线Extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条swivel hook 狗钩These zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉Heat transfer pattern 热传递风格leather tab 皮革饰片Text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮(纹理芙蓉皮)graphic carton 彩盒Master carton 大箱zip-away 拉链袋handle ring 手把环Clear PVC 透明PVCkohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料。

bags/case name 袋/箱包名称beauty case 化妆袋briefcase 公文袋cabin case 航空袋camera bag 相机袋duffle /travel bag 旅行袋flight bag /tote 航空袋garment bag 西装袋simple notebook bag 简朴电脑袋toilet kit 洗手间袋travel bag with trolley 拖轮袋trolley /uprights 拉杆箱trolley backpack 拉杆背包waist bag 腰包handbag 手提包salesman sample 走街办pp(production phase) sample 产前办original sample 原办diamond plating eva pads 钻石纹eva waist apron 围裙roller 滚筒assorted luggages 杂物袋upright case 直箱duffel bag 行李箱(圆形大帆布袋)trolley case 滚轮箱cooler bag 冰袋roller bag 拖轮箱backpack 背包cosmetic bag 化妆袋camping bag 登山包mould 模具pouch 小袋/手机袋goody bag (制造商为了倾销而免费)的礼品袋,促销袋material 原料:binding material 包边用料cord for cord-handles 手把索brushed nylon for computer cases 拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱cardboard bottom boards 纸底板dobbie weave 交织cord for cord-locks 锁索dividers & separators’ material 分隔面料elastics 松紧带foams 海绵insulating materials 绝缘物料leather trim 真皮配料linings 内里main coated materials 主要外层面料mesh /other type of tissue 网布/纱布piping bumpers 管条脚座piping materials 管条plywood bottom boards 底部胶合板(木板/三合板)、polyethylene for corners /backing 角位/底部面料polyvinyl(pvc)sponge trim pvc海绵配料thread 车线velcro 幺术贴webbing 织带zipper pulls 拉片zipper sliders 拉链头zipper tapers 拉链structural hardware 金属结构accessory hook 前拖带rivets & washers 铆钉和垫圈alligator studs 短钉runners 背面长条bottom stand 前脚screws 螺丝bottom studs 底钉shoulder strap 肩带complete extendable handle system 拉杆架side handle 侧手把conveyor belt 运轮带snaps 纽扣/四合扣extendible handles’ parts /mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构grommets 垫圈studs (side studs )大头钉(侧泡钉)handle with brackets 手把连扣top carrying handle 主手把honeycomb sample 蜂巢板wheel casings 轮子的盖handle wrap 手握片wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座metal frame sample 铁框polyethylene board samples ---pe板rings /other metal parts 金属环/其它金属配件accessories 配件badge /emblem 徽章,象征,标志buckles 插扣chains 缝条/链cord-locks (toggle-locks ,barrel-locks ) s锁(套索锁,桶锁)hanger hooks & mechanisms forng-hooks 挂钩和摇晃钩hooks 勾lid 盖luggage identification tags 行李箱地址牌nameplate 商标/logo /铝牌strap 背带outside hanger hooks for garment bags 供西装袋用的勾(衣架)padlocks & keys 锁和钥匙plastic water bottles 塑胶水桶钉universal hanger hooks 整体挂勾labels 标签guarantee carton tags 保证吊牌inside country of origin label 内布标other required tag 其它要求的吊牌product knowledge carton tags 产品吊牌tear-me test tags 本布吊牌upc tag –upc吊牌buckle/lock扣或锁belt buckle 皮带扣press locks 插锁metal pin buckle 铁线针扣snap fastener 四合扣metal ring /buckle 铁线扣turn locks 拧制plastic buckle 塑胶插扣button 纽扣handbag side clips 手袋侧夹magnet button 磁纽press button 珠纽press stud 纽扣snap button 急纽rivet 钉compression rivet 束口钉semi-tublar rivet 中空钉full tublar rivet 空心钉single layer rivet 单面撞钉cloth 布料canvas 帆布jacquard /tapestry 提花布ramie 麻ripstop /tartan 格子布sponge 海绵spun 山东绸twill 斜布zipper cord 拉头上的棉绳defects 瑕疵baggy cloth 波断纹filling bar 稀密路mixed filling 错纬barre 横档finishing bar 横痕neps 棉结broken end 断线float end 走经oil spots 油渍broken picks 断线float 浮织pleat 褶coarse picks 粗纬fold marks 褶痕rope marks 条痕cockles 起皱fuzzy ball 毛球slack picks 松纬color spots 色渍holes sto破洞stop mark 停机痕crease 皱loopy selvedge 毛圈边tight end 紧经curled selvedge 卷边mispick 缺纬tight picks 紧纬double picks 双纬missing end 缺经/线water stain 水印dyeing streak 染褶mix end 错经wavy selvedge 浪边other vocabulary 其他生字abrasion 摩擦bent 弯曲crooked 歪engraved 雕刻eyelets 鸡眼jaggedly 锯齿protrudes 凸起rip off 裂开seam 接缝stiff 硬stumbles 错误trimming 装饰wobble 扭捏removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 启齿袋herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈wheel housings 轮子座pull handle grip and bezel 拉杆杯bumpers / runners 脚座garment grips 衣架座logo gasket logo 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条these zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉heat transfer pattern 热传递风格leather tab 皮革饰片text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮(纹理芙蓉皮)graphic carton 彩盒master carton 大箱zip-away 拉链袋handle ring 手把环clear pvc 透明pvckohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料颜色:sky-blue: 天蓝色lime:淡黄绿色olive:橄榄绿 jade:碧玉色poppy:深红色violet: 紫罗兰色beige:米白色scarlet:鲜红golden:金色navy-blue:海蓝russet:赤褐色khaki:卡其色mustard:深黄色tan 茶色bottle green:深绿色cream:淡黄色maroon:褐红色royal blue宝蓝 turquoise:青绿色emerald:祖母绿peach:粉红色burgundy:枣红lemon柠檬色tangerine:橘红色apricot: 杏黄色light gray;浅灰roseate:深粉红色magenta::红紫色mauve: 淡紫色lilac:紫丁香色coffee:咖啡色buff:暗黄色aquamarine:碧绿色yellow:黄色orange:橙色crimson:深红色red:红色blue蓝色green绿色pink:粉红色purple:紫色brown:棕色gray:灰色white:白色fuchsia:紫红色cyan:青色/蓝绿色royal blue 宝/品蓝nickel 沙电色dull nickel 沙叻(无光,磨砂)black nickel 克绿khaki 黄褐色cobalt 中蓝色pacific blue 海水蓝dim 暗淡的,恍惚的transparent 透明的tan 棕褐色matte silver 哑叻aubergine 紫红色beige 米黄色bone 米色chrome/ nickel 镍色navy 海军蓝pewter 沙电色khaki 卡其色材料和配件:thin: 薄thick 厚net pocket/mesh: 网袋briefcase:公文包waist bag: 腰包foam:泡棉padded:垫料panel: 底板/侧板compartment: 距离层shoulder bags:肩包]strap: 带子handle:手把puller 拉头grip: 把手ripstop: 格子布microfiber:花瑶布420d crinkle nylon 420d的水洗布pe board:pe 板flap: 盖子trolley: 拉杆swatch:样卡elastic: 松紧带adjustable: 可调节的cardboard:纸板jean: 牛仔布camouflage:迷彩色weave label: 织唛stud: 角钉fabric:布料plastic:塑料taslon:塔丝龙tapestry:窗帘提花布backpack: 背包pouch钱包travelling bags:旅行包riptop:格子布nickel镍rivet:铆钉zipper:拉链log 标记rubber 橡胶buckle:扣子match color:配色ribbon: 缎带embroidery刺绣yarn;线mark: 唛头printing: 印刷inner laber 内标hangtag 挂牌carton;纸箱packing: 包装pantone 色卡velcro 麾术贴piping:胶骨binding包边embroidery 绣花hanger 衣架back stitch 回针break stitch断针labour cost 工价overtime working 加班taffeta 平纹twill 斜纹jacquard 提花check 格子stripe 条纹fabric 面料polyester 涤纶nylon 尼龙lining 里布piping 凯线match color 配色pattern 纸样design sketch设计图invisible zipper/conceal zipper:隐形拉链; backing .coatiing涂层钮圈buckle loop鸡眼eyelet撞钉rivet胶针plastic stingjel print--胶体印刷;woven label--织唛;felt--毛绒布;rubber patch--滴塑;rubber label---滴唛;elastic cord----橡皮筋;self fabric pipping---本布包骨;pipping cord----------衬条; semitransparent:磨沙pvc 70dsponge:70发泡;mesh / net : 网布;rope: 绳索;interior:/outer 内/外部layer:层靛蓝青年布:indigo chambray人棉布植绒:rayon cloth flockingpvc植绒:pvc flocking针织布植绒:knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:claimond veins倒毛:down pile making平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain)仿麂皮:micro suede牛仔皮植绒:jeans flocking尼丝纺:nylon taffeta (nylon shioze)尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylon seersucker taffeta 素面植绒:plain flocking印花植绒:flocking(flower)雕印植绒:embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:leather imitation flocking 牛仔植绒雕印:embossing jeans flocking 兔羊绒大衣呢:angora cachmere overcoating羊毛双面呢:double-faced woolen goods 立绒呢:cut velvet顺毛呢:over coating粗花呢:costume tweed弹力呢:lycra woolen goods塔丝绒:nylon taslon塔丝绒格子:n/taslon ripstop桃皮绒:polyester peach skin涤塔夫:polyester taffeta春亚纺:polyester pongee超细麦克布:micro fiber锦棉稠(平纹):nylon-cotton fabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft)人字锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric 麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric 素色毛巾布:solid terry蚂蚁布:fleece in one side素色卫衣布:solid fleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseyt/r弹力布:t/r bengalinet/c色织格子布:t/c solid check fabric弹力仿麂皮:micro suede with spandex t/r仿麂皮:t/r micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece 仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta亮光尼龙:trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:taslan rip-stop哑富迪:full dull micro polyester pongee 全消光春亚纺:full dull polyester pongee 春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:full dull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:big twill polyester peach 涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan 全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyester inter-woven peachcontainer cubic:20':26-28 cbm40':56-58 cbm40' hq:65-68 cbm45':75 cbmjhbags 网友提供:裁床cutting bed绣花机embroidering m/c直刀电剪straight knife m/c切布机cloth cutting m/c一字镭射灯"一" laser light十字定位灯cross laser light切朴机interlinning cutting m/c卷朴机winding interlinning m/c钻孔机holer m/c自动裁割机automatic cutting m/c啤机hydraulic cutting presser拉布机spreader单针平车1-needle lockstitch m/c单针链缝平车1-needle chainstitch m/c人字平车zig-zag stitches m/c双针车twin-needle m/c钮门车buttonhole m/c钉钮车button attaching m/c打枣车bartack m/c埋夹车chain stitch feed-off arm m/c切刀车lockstitch trimming m/c五线及骨车5-thread safty stitches m/c三线及骨车3-thread overlocking m/c拉筒车muti-needle chainstitch m/c耳仔机looper sewing m/c辘脚车special streamlined lockstitch三针网车3-needle interlock m/c四针虾苏网车4-needle interlock m/c四针拼缝车feed-off-the-arm,4 needle both cut flat seamer挑脚车chain-blindstitch m/c凤眼车eyelet end m/c开袋机pocket m/c切耳仔机looper cutting machine粘合机fusing m/c啤钮机snap fixing m/c切领机collar cutting m/c切筒车cuting placket machine拉布机spreader直送捆条机baler大型翻线机(8个头) crossing thread m/c 反领机collar turning machine自动反介英机auto cuff turning m/c 点领机heat notching m/c切领机collartrimming m/c切筒机placket trimming m/c平缝线迹----plain stitch ,flat stitch疏缝线迹----basting stitch ,tacking stitch绷缝线迹----covering stitch ,flat -lock stitch绗缝线迹----quilted stitch嵌缝线迹----cord stitch面缝线迹----top stitch,over stitch暗缝线迹----invisible stitch ,blind stitch缲缝线迹----slip stitch折缝线迹----fell stitch倒缝线迹----reversible stitch , backward stitch包缝线迹----overlock stitch ,overcastingstitch ,overedge锁式线迹----lock stitch ,lockstitch链式线迹----chain stitch联式线迹----chainlock stitch人字线迹----herringbone stitch羽状线迹----feather stitch珠式线迹----pearl stitchz形线迹----catch stitch,zigzag stitch 角形线迹----angle stitch弓形线迹----arched stitch锯齿外形线迹----picot stitch ,zigzag stitch贝壳外形线迹----shell stitch网眼外形线迹----basket stitch蜂窝外形线迹----honeycomb stitch 直形线迹----straight stitch双十字外形线迹---double stitch交叉线迹,十字线迹---cross stitch圆形线迹----round stitch廓形线迹----outline stitch曲折形线迹---zigzag sititch变形线迹---change stitch钩编线迹---crochet stitch织补线迹---darning stitch刺绣线迹---embroidery stitch,crewel stitch装饰线迹---ornamental stitch,decorative stitch花式线迹---fancy stitch点划线迹---dot dash stitch对称线迹---counter stitch比翼线迹---fly stitch特殊线迹---special stitch复合线迹---combination stitch, split stitch复式线迹---double action stitch双针线迹---twice stitch双重线迹---twice stitch三重线迹---triple stitch缝式线迹---seam stitch加固线迹---fastening stitch ,tacking stitch打结线迹---knotting stitch扎缚线迹---padding stitch袖褶线迹---shirring stitch伸缩线迹---stretch stitch,elasic stitch 滚边线迹---binding stitch卷边线迹---hemming stitch暗卷缝线迹---blinding hemming stitch 拼合线迹---abutting stitch中断线迹---broken stitch跳针线迹---skipping stitch安全线迹---safety stitch手针缝法缭针法----slip stitch拱针法----prick stitch明缲针法---fell stitch暗缲针法---bling hemming stitch环针法----catch stitch叠针法----fastening stitch扎针法----pad stitch扳针法----diagonal basting绗针法----quilting stitch锁针法----lock stitch倒针法----bartack stitch ,back stitch 三角针法---herringbone stitch杨树花针法--feather stitch花针法----zigzag stitch 跳针法----skipping stitch常用皮革英语----by fox_p兄弟artificial leather人造革baseball leather棒球革basketball leather篮球革bellow leather风箱革belt leather带皮belting leather带革; 轮带book-binding leather书面革bottom leather底革boxing-glove leather拳击手套革buck leather(雄)鹿革buckle leather带用革buffed leather磨面革butt leather底革card leather梳革case leather箱皮charred leather皮炭chamois leather麂皮chrome leather铬革chrome tanned leather铬鞣革clothing leather服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather梳刷革cow leather牛皮crown leather上等皮革crup leather马臀革crust leather坯革; 半硝革cup leather制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather隔膜革[皮]dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革dressing leather饰革drum leather鼓皮drycleanable leather耐干洗革easy-care leather易保养革embossed leather压花革enamel leather漆皮enamelled leather漆皮fair leather集市皮革fancy leather美术革, 装饰用革finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather足球革football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革furniture leather家具革garment leather衣服革gas meter leather气表革glace leather白鞣革glove leather手套皮hair-on leather带毛革half leather半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather马具革hat leather制帽革hat sweatband leather帽圈革heavy leather厚革heel leather(鞋)后跟皮hunting leather粗绒面革hydraulic leather水压机革(密封用革) imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather产业用革iron tanned leather铁鞣革japanned leather漆皮kangaroo leather袋鼠革kaspine leather开斯宾革levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather轻革line leather马具革lining leather衬里革luggage leather箱包革mountain leather石棉napped leather绒毛皮革oar leather桨革oil seal leather油封革oiled leather涂油革oil-tanned leather油鞣革organ-pipe leather风琴管革packing leather皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather漆皮patent leather漆革piano leather钢琴革piston packing leather活塞填密皮plated leather熨压皮革portmanteau leather旅行皮包革rein leather马具革rock leather一种石棉rolled leather轧制革roller leather机轴革rough-tanned leather粗鞣革rubbing leathers【纺】搓条皮圈russia(n) leather俄罗斯革saddle leather鞍皮[革]saffian leather山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather废皮; 碎皮semi-aniline leather半苯胺革semi-chrome leather混合铬鞣革sheep leather(绵)羊革shrink leather皱纹革skirt leather植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather光面皮革soccerballleather足球革softleather软革soleleather底革stirrup leather镫革strop leather磨刀皮革suede leather起毛皮革sweat band leather(帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather扎染革two-tone leather双色调革upholstery leather装饰用皮革upper leather面革valve leather阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather正绒面革zirconium tanned leather锆鞣革volleyball leather排球革wash leather可洗皮革washable chamois leather可洗麂皮welting leather镶边革; 贴边革white leather白革; 矾鞣革常用辅料英语---by luke兄弟(一)原料纺织原料textile raw materials自然纤维natural fibre化学纤维chemical fibre植物纤维vegetable fibre纺织纤维textile fibre人造纤维man made fibre动物纤维animal fibre(二)面料1.机织物服装面料平纹布plain cloth牛津布oxford斜纹布drill线卡ply-yarn drill羽缎serge灯芯绒corduroy起绒布fleece泡泡纱seersucker麻纱hair cords亚夏布linen cloth绸silk粗纺毛织物woolen cloth全毛单面华达呢woolen one-side gabardine凡立丁valitine啥味呢twill coating精纺花呢worsted fany suiting法兰绒flannel大衣呢overcoat suiting交织物mixed fabric府绸poplin青年布chambray纱卡single yarn drill华达呢gabardine牛仔布denim平绒velveteen绉布crepe巴厘纱voile苎夏布ramie fabric电力纺habotai精纺毛织物worsted fabric全毛华达呢pure wool gabardine驼丝锦doeskin女士呢ladies cloth粗花呢tweed2.针织物面料纬编针织物weft-knitted fabric单面针织物single knit fabric 纬平针织物plain knit fabric双罗纹针织物interlock fabric起绒针织物interlock fabric毛圈针织物terry knitted fabric双梳栉经编针织物two-bar fabric经编针织物warp-knitted fabric双面针织物double knit fabric罗纹针织物rib knit fabric双反面针织物purl fabric长毛绒针织物high pile knitted fabric提花针织物jacquard knitted fabric多梳栉经编针织物multi-bar fabric(三)辅料1.衬树脂衬resin interlining夏布胸衬breast canvas树脂领衬resin collar interlining绒布胸衬breast fleece热熔衬fusible interlining粘合衬adhesive-bonded interlining双面粘合衬double-faced adhesive interlining无纺布衬non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬non-woven adhesive interlining有纺粘合衬adhesive woreninterlinging黑炭衬hair interlining马尾衬horsehair interlining化纤衬chemical fibre interlining针织衬knitted interlining2.填料棉花cotton人造棉artificial cotton喷胶棉polyester wadding丝棉silk wadding腈纶棉acrylic staple fibre羽绒down3.线、扣、拉链线thread棉线cotton thread丝线silk thread尼龙线nylon thread装饰线ornamental thread钮button四目扣four-hole button装饰纽扣decorative button异形扣special-shaped button塑料扣plastic button玻璃扣glass button子母扣,四合扣snap button拉链zipper尼龙拉链nylon zipper涤纶拉链polyester zipper双头拉链zipper with double sliders装饰带fashion tape罗纹rib缝纫用线twist麻线flax thread绣花线embroidery thread涤纶线polyester thread宝塔线cone of thread两目扣two-hole button包扣covered button羊角扣claw button金属扣metal button树脂扣resin button木扣wood button尼龙搭扣nylon fastener tape金属拉链metal zipper塑料拉链plastic zipper领钩collar clasp搭钩agraffe橡筋elastic ribbon弹力罗纹elastic rib术语增补*************************手袋箱包术语(1)bags/case name 袋/箱包名称beauty case 化妆袋briefcase 公文袋cabin case 航空袋camera bag 相机袋duffle /travel bag 旅行袋flight bag /tote 航空袋garment bag 西装袋simple notebook bag 简朴电脑袋toilet kit 洗手间袋travel bag with trolley 拖轮袋trolley /uprights 拉杆箱trolley backpack 拉杆背包waist bag 腰包handbag 手提包material 原料:binding material 包边用料cord for cord-handles 手把索brushed nylon for computer cases 拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱cardboard bottom boards 纸底板dobbie weave 交织cord for cord-locks 锁索dividers & separators’ material 分隔面料elastics 松紧带foams 海绵insulating materials 绝缘物料leather trim 真皮配料linings 内里main coated materials 主要外层面料mesh /other type of tissue 网布/纱布piping bumpers 管条脚座piping materials 管条plywood bottom boards 底部胶合板(木板/三合板)、polyethylene for corners /backing 角位/底部面料polyvinyl(pvc)sponge trim pvc海绵配料thread 车线velcro 幺术贴webbing 织带zipper pulls 拉片zipper sliders 拉链头zipper tapers 拉链structural hardware 金属结构accessory hook 前拖带rivets & washers 铆钉和垫圈alligator studs 短钉runners 背面长条bottom stand 前脚screws 螺丝bottom studs 底钉shoulder strap 肩带complete extendable handle system 拉杆架side handle 侧手把conveyor belt 运轮带snaps 纽扣/四合扣extendible handles’ parts /mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构grommets 垫圈studs (side studs )大头钉(侧泡钉)handle with brackets 手把连扣top carrying handle 主手把honeycomb sample 蜂巢板wheel casings 轮子的盖handle wrap 手握片wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座metal frame sample 铁框polyethylene board samples ---pe板rings /other metal parts 金属环/其它金属配件accessories 配件badge /emblem 徽章,象征,标志buckles 插扣chains 缝条/链cord-locks (toggle-locks ,barrel-locks ) s锁(套索锁,桶锁)hanger hooks & mechanisms for swing-hooks 挂钩和摇晃钩hooks 勾lid 盖luggage identification tags 行李箱地址牌nameplate 商标/logo /铝牌strap 背带outside hanger hooks for garment bags 供西装袋用的勾(衣架)padlocks & keys 锁和钥匙plastic water bottles 塑胶水桶钉swivel hanger bracket 旋转衣架座universal hanger hooks 整体挂勾labels 标签guarantee carton tags 保证吊牌inside country of origin label 内布标other required tag 其它要求的吊牌product knowledge carton tags 产品吊牌tear-me test tags 本布吊牌upc tag –upc吊牌buckle/lock扣或锁belt buckle 皮带扣press locks 插锁metal pin buckle 铁线针扣snap fastener 四合扣metal ring /buckle 铁线扣turn locks 拧制plastic buckle 塑胶插扣button 纽扣handbag side clips 手袋侧夹magnet button 磁纽press button 珠纽press stud 纽扣snap button 急纽rivet 钉compression rivet 束口钉semi-tublar rivet 中空钉full tublar rivet 空心钉single layer rivet 单面撞钉color 颜色aubergine 紫红色beige 米黄色bone 米色chrome/ nickel 镍色navy 海军蓝pewter 沙电色khaki 卡其色cloth 布料canvas 帆布jacquard /tapestry 提花布ramie 麻ripstop /tartan 格子布sponge 海绵spun 山东绸twill 斜布zipper cord 拉头上的棉绳defects 瑕疵baggy cloth 波断纹filling bar 稀密路mixed filling 错纬barre 横档finishing bar 横痕neps 棉结broken end 断线float end 走经oil spots 油渍broken picks 断线float 浮织pleat 褶coarse picks 粗纬fold marks 褶痕rope marks 条痕cockles 起皱fuzzy ball 毛球slack picks 松纬color spots 色渍holes sto破洞stop mark 停机痕crease 皱loopy selvedge 毛圈边tight end 紧经curled selvedge 卷边mispick 缺纬tight picks 紧纬double picks 双纬missing end 缺经/线water stain 水印dyeing streak 染褶mix end 错经wavy selvedge 浪边other vocabulary 其他生字abrasion 摩擦bent 弯曲crooked 歪engraved 雕刻eyelets 鸡眼jaggedly 锯齿protrudes 凸起rip off 裂开seam 接缝stiff 硬stumbles 错误trimming 装饰wobble 扭捏removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 启齿袋herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈wheel housings 轮子座pull handle grip and bezel 拉杆杯bumpers / runners 脚座garment grips 衣架座logo gasket logo 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条swivel hook 狗钩these zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉heat transfer pattern 热传递风格leather tab 皮革饰片text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮(纹理芙蓉皮)graphic carton 彩盒master carton 大箱zip-away 拉链袋handle ring 手把环clear pvc 透明pvckohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料原材料fabric 布料demin 斜纹布plaid fabric 格子花呢布ripstop fabric 格子布napkins 餐巾cotton canvas 棉帆布fake fabric 假布mesh 网布elastic 松紧带velcro strip 魔术贴/粘扣带foam 海绵pe foam 珍珠棉neoprene 潜水料string 索头绳quickstop/snap hook 索止webbing 织带micro-fibre米高料puller/zipper 拉头/拉链water repellent zipper 防水拉链inside label 内布标rubber logo 胶章corner wheels 角轮belt clip 皮带扣zine-alloy 锌合金clip 铁夹/手机夹srtip 带/肩带lab dip crinkle nylon 皱纹尼龙/洗水布thread 线loose ends 零碎资料swatch 布样dog hooks 钩头拉链d-ring d型钩tarpaulin 防水油布transparent pvc window 透明pvc胶纱支数horizontal 1200d yarn count is xx per inch vertical 900d yarn count is xx per inch gauge:0.65m/mmetal adjuster 拉芯扣reflective stripe 反光条产品salesman sample 走街办pp(production phase) sample 产前办original sample 原办diamond plating eva pads 钻石纹eva waist apron 围裙roller 滚筒assorted luggages 杂物袋upright case 直箱duffel bag 行李箱(圆形大帆布袋)trolley case 滚轮箱cooler bag 冰袋roller bag 拖轮箱backpack 背包cosmetic bag 化妆袋camping bag 登山包mould 模具pouch 小袋/手机袋goody bag (制造商为了倾销而免费)的礼品袋,促销袋颜色其他/杂项screen print/silkscreen/heat transfer 丝印dyeing 染色printing house/factory 印刷厂embrodery(logo) 刺绣punch 冲孔decorative 装饰的embossing 压纹。

包包英文专业术语大全精品整理bags/case name 袋/箱包名称beauty case 化妆袋briefcase 公文袋cabin case 航空袋camera bag 相机袋duffle /travel bag 旅行袋flight bag /tote 航空袋garment bag 西装袋simple notebook bag 简朴电脑袋toilet kit 洗手间袋travel bag with trolley 拖轮袋trolley /uprights 拉杆箱trolley backpack 拉杆背包waist bag 腰包handbag 手提包salesman sample 走街办pp(production phase) sample 产前办original sample 原办diamond plating eva pads 钻石纹eva waist apron 围裙roller 滚筒assorted luggages 杂物袋upright case 直箱duffel bag 行李箱(圆形大帆布袋)trolley case 滚轮箱cooler bag 冰袋roller bag 拖轮箱backpack 背包cosmetic bag 化妆袋camping bag 登山包mould 模具pouch 小袋/手机袋goody bag (制造商为了倾销而免费)的礼品袋,促销袋material 原料:binding material 包边用料cord for cord-handles 手把索brushed nylon for computer cases 拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱cardboard bottom boards 纸底板dobbie weave 交织cord for cord-locks 锁索dividers & separators’ material 分隔面料elastics 松紧带foams 海绵insulating materials 绝缘物料leather trim 真皮配料linings 内里main coated materials 主要外层面料mesh /other type of tissue 网布/纱布piping bumpers 管条脚座piping materials 管条plywood bottom boards 底部胶合板(木板/三合板)、polyethylene for corners /backing 角位/底部面料polyvinyl(pvc)sponge trim pvc海绵配料thread 车线velcro 幺术贴webbing 织带zipper pulls 拉片zipper sliders 拉链头zipper tapers 拉链structural hardware 金属结构accessory hook 前拖带rivets & washers 铆钉和垫圈alligator studs 短钉runners 背面长条bottom stand 前脚screws 螺丝bottom studs 底钉shoulder strap 肩带complete extendable handle system 拉杆架side handle 侧手把conveyor belt 运轮带snaps 纽扣/四合扣extendible handles’ parts /mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构grommets 垫圈studs (side studs )大头钉(侧泡钉)handle with brackets 手把连扣top carrying handle 主手把honeycomb sample 蜂巢板wheel casings 轮子的盖handle wrap 手握片wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座metal frame sample 铁框polyethylene board samples ---pe板rings /other metal parts 金属环/其它金属配件accessories 配件badge /emblem 徽章,象征,标志buckles 插扣chains 缝条/链cord-locks (toggle-locks ,barrel-locks ) s锁(套索锁,桶锁)hanger hooks & mechanisms forng-hooks 挂钩和摇晃钩hooks 勾lid 盖luggage identification tags 行李箱地址牌nameplate 商标/logo /铝牌strap 背带outside hanger hooks for garment bags 供西装袋用的勾(衣架)padlocks & keys 锁和钥匙plastic water bottles 塑胶水桶钉universal hanger hooks 整体挂勾labels 标签guarantee carton tags 保证吊牌inside country of origin label 内布标other required tag 其它要求的吊牌product knowledge carton tags 产品吊牌tear-me test tags 本布吊牌upc tag –upc吊牌buckle/lock扣或锁belt buckle 皮带扣press locks 插锁metal pin buckle 铁线针扣snap fastener 四合扣metal ring /buckle 铁线扣turn locks 拧制plastic buckle 塑胶插扣button 纽扣handbag side clips 手袋侧夹magnet button 磁纽press button 珠纽press stud 纽扣snap button 急纽rivet 钉compression rivet 束口钉semi-tublar rivet 中空钉full tublar rivet 空心钉single layer rivet 单面撞钉cloth 布料canvas 帆布jacquard /tapestry 提花布ramie 麻ripstop /tartan 格子布sponge 海绵spun 山东绸twill 斜布zipper cord 拉头上的棉绳defects 瑕疵baggy cloth 波断纹filling bar 稀密路mixed filling 错纬barre 横档finishing bar 横痕neps 棉结broken end 断线float end 走经oil spots 油渍broken picks 断线float 浮织pleat 褶coarse picks 粗纬fold marks 褶痕rope marks 条痕cockles 起皱fuzzy ball 毛球slack picks 松纬color spots 色渍holes sto破洞stop mark 停机痕crease 皱loopy selvedge 毛圈边tight end 紧经curled selvedge 卷边mispick 缺纬tight picks 紧纬double picks 双纬missing end 缺经/线water stain 水印dyeing streak 染褶mix end 错经wavy selvedge 浪边other vocabulary 其他生字abrasion 摩擦bent 弯曲crooked 歪engraved 雕刻eyelets 鸡眼jaggedly 锯齿protrudes 凸起rip off 裂开seam 接缝stiff 硬stumbles 错误trimming 装饰wobble 扭捏removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 启齿袋herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈wheel housings 轮子座pull handle grip and bezel 拉杆杯bumpers / runners 脚座garment grips 衣架座logo gasket logo 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条these zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉heat transfer pattern 热传递风格leather tab 皮革饰片text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮(纹理芙蓉皮)graphic carton 彩盒master carton 大箱zip-away 拉链袋handle ring 手把环clear pvc 透明pvckohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料颜色:sky-blue: 天蓝色lime:淡黄绿色olive:橄榄绿 jade:碧玉色poppy:深红色violet: 紫罗兰色beige:米白色scarlet:鲜红golden:金色navy-blue:海蓝russet:赤褐色khaki:卡其色mustard:深黄色tan 茶色bottle green:深绿色cream:淡黄色maroon:褐红色royal blue宝蓝 turquoise:青绿色emerald:祖母绿peach:粉红色burgundy:枣红lemon柠檬色tangerine:橘红色apricot: 杏黄色light gray;浅灰roseate:深粉红色magenta::红紫色mauve: 淡紫色lilac:紫丁香色coffee:咖啡色buff:暗黄色aquamarine:碧绿色yellow:黄色orange:橙色crimson:深红色red:红色blue蓝色green绿色pink:粉红色purple:紫色brown:棕色gray:灰色white:白色fuchsia:紫红色cyan:青色/蓝绿色royal blue 宝/品蓝nickel 沙电色dull nickel 沙叻(无光,磨砂)black nickel 克绿khaki 黄褐色cobalt 中蓝色pacific blue 海水蓝dim 暗淡的,恍惚的transparent 透明的tan 棕褐色matte silver 哑叻aubergine 紫红色beige 米黄色bone 米色chrome/ nickel 镍色navy 海军蓝pewter 沙电色khaki 卡其色材料和配件:thin: 薄thick 厚net pocket/mesh: 网袋briefcase:公文包waist bag: 腰包foam:泡棉padded:垫料panel: 底板/侧板compartment: 距离层shoulder bags:肩包]strap: 带子handle:手把puller 拉头grip: 把手ripstop: 格子布microfiber:花瑶布420d crinkle nylon 420d的水洗布pe board:pe 板flap: 盖子trolley: 拉杆swatch:样卡elastic: 松紧带adjustable: 可调节的cardboard:纸板jean: 牛仔布camouflage:迷彩色weave label: 织唛stud: 角钉fabric:布料plastic:塑料taslon:塔丝龙tapestry:窗帘提花布backpack: 背包pouch钱包travelling bags:旅行包riptop:格子布nickel镍rivet:铆钉zipper:拉链log 标记rubber 橡胶buckle:扣子match color:配色ribbon: 缎带embroidery刺绣yarn;线mark: 唛头printing: 印刷inner laber 内标hangtag 挂牌carton;纸箱packing: 包装pantone 色卡velcro 麾术贴piping:胶骨binding包边embroidery 绣花hanger 衣架back stitch 回针break stitch断针labour cost 工价overtime working 加班taffeta 平纹twill 斜纹jacquard 提花check 格子stripe 条纹fabric 面料polyester 涤纶nylon 尼龙lining 里布piping 凯线match color 配色pattern 纸样design sketch设计图invisible zipper/conceal zipper:隐形拉链; backing .coatiing涂层钮圈buckle loop鸡眼eyelet撞钉rivet胶针plastic stingjel print--胶体印刷;woven label--织唛;felt--毛绒布;rubber patch--滴塑;rubber label---滴唛;elastic cord----橡皮筋;self fabric pipping---本布包骨;pipping cord----------衬条; semitransparent:磨沙pvc 70dsponge:70发泡;mesh / net : 网布;rope: 绳索;interior:/outer 内/外部layer:层靛蓝青年布:indigo chambray人棉布植绒:rayon cloth flockingpvc植绒:pvc flocking针织布植绒:knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:claimond veins倒毛:down pile making平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain)仿麂皮:micro suede牛仔皮植绒:jeans flocking尼丝纺:nylon taffeta (nylon shioze)尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylon seersucker taffeta 素面植绒:plain flocking印花植绒:flocking(flower)雕印植绒:embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:leather imitation flocking 牛仔植绒雕印:embossing jeans flocking 兔羊绒大衣呢:angora cachmere overcoating羊毛双面呢:double-faced woolen goods 立绒呢:cut velvet顺毛呢:over coating粗花呢:costume tweed弹力呢:lycra woolen goods塔丝绒:nylon taslon塔丝绒格子:n/taslon ripstop桃皮绒:polyester peach skin涤塔夫:polyester taffeta春亚纺:polyester pongee超细麦克布:micro fiber锦棉稠(平纹):nylon-cotton fabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft)人字锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:rib fleece velvet 雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric 麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric素色毛巾布:solid terry蚂蚁布:fleece in one side素色卫衣布:solid fleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseyt/r弹力布:t/r bengalinet/c色织格子布:t/c solid check fabric弹力仿麂皮:micro suede with spandex t/r仿麂皮:t/r micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece 仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta亮光尼龙:trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:taslan rip-stop哑富迪:full dull micro polyester pongee 全消光春亚纺:full dull polyester pongee 春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:full dull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:big twill polyester peach 涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan 全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyester inter-woven peachcontainer cubic:20':26-28 cbm40':56-58 cbm40' hq:65-68 cbm45':75 cbmjhbags 网友提供:裁床cutting bed绣花机embroidering m/c直刀电剪straight knife m/c切布机cloth cutting m/c一字镭射灯"一" laser light十字定位灯cross laser light切朴机interlinning cutting m/c卷朴机winding interlinning m/c钻孔机holer m/c自动裁割机automatic cutting m/c啤机hydraulic cutting presser拉布机spreader单针平车1-needle lockstitch m/c单针链缝平车1-needle chainstitch m/c人字平车zig-zag stitches m/c双针车twin-needle m/c钮门车buttonhole m/c钉钮车button attaching m/c打枣车bartack m/c埋夹车chain stitch feed-off arm m/c切刀车lockstitch trimming m/c五线及骨车5-thread safty stitches m/c三线及骨车3-thread overlocking m/c拉筒车muti-needle chainstitch m/c耳仔机looper sewing m/c辘脚车special streamlined lockstitch三针网车3-needle interlock m/c四针虾苏网车4-needle interlock m/c四针拼缝车feed-off-the-arm,4 needle both cut flat seamer挑脚车chain-blindstitch m/c凤眼车eyelet end m/c开袋机pocket m/c切耳仔机looper cutting machine粘合机fusing m/c啤钮机snap fixing m/c切领机collar cutting m/c切筒车cuting placket machine 拉布机spreader直送捆条机baler大型翻线机(8个头) crossing thread m/c反领机collar turning machine自动反介英机auto cuff turning m/c点领机heat notching m/c切领机collartrimming m/c切筒机placket trimming m/c平缝线迹----plain stitch ,flat stitch疏缝线迹----basting stitch ,tacking stitch绷缝线迹----covering stitch ,flat -lock stitch绗缝线迹----quilted stitch嵌缝线迹----cord stitch面缝线迹----top stitch,over stitch暗缝线迹----invisible stitch ,blind stitch缲缝线迹----slip stitch折缝线迹----fell stitch倒缝线迹----reversible stitch , backward stitch包缝线迹----overlock stitch ,overcastingstitch ,overedge锁式线迹----lock stitch ,lockstitch链式线迹----chain stitch联式线迹----chainlock stitch人字线迹----herringbone stitch羽状线迹----feather stitch珠式线迹----pearl stitchz形线迹----catch stitch,zigzag stitch 角形线迹----angle stitch弓形线迹----arched stitch锯齿外形线迹----picot stitch ,zigzag stitch贝壳外形线迹----shell stitch网眼外形线迹----basket stitch蜂窝外形线迹----honeycomb stitch 直形线迹----straight stitch双十字外形线迹---double stitch交叉线迹,十字线迹---cross stitch圆形线迹----round stitch廓形线迹----outline stitch曲折形线迹---zigzag sititch变形线迹---change stitch钩编线迹---crochet stitch织补线迹---darning stitch刺绣线迹---embroidery stitch,crewel stitch装饰线迹---ornamental stitch,decorative stitch花式线迹---fancy stitch点划线迹---dot dash stitch对称线迹---counter stitch比翼线迹---fly stitch特殊线迹---special stitch复合线迹---combination stitch, split stitch复式线迹---double action stitch双针线迹---twice stitch双重线迹---twice stitch三重线迹---triple stitch缝式线迹---seam stitch加固线迹---fastening stitch ,tacking stitch打结线迹---knotting stitch扎缚线迹---padding stitch袖褶线迹---shirring stitch伸缩线迹---stretch stitch,elasic stitch 滚边线迹---binding stitch卷边线迹---hemming stitch暗卷缝线迹---blinding hemming stitch 拼合线迹---abutting stitch中断线迹---broken stitch跳针线迹---skipping stitch安全线迹---safety stitch手针缝法缭针法----slip stitch拱针法----prick stitch明缲针法---fell stitch暗缲针法---bling hemming stitch环针法----catch stitch叠针法----fastening stitch扎针法----pad stitch扳针法----diagonal basting绗针法----quilting stitch 锁针法----lock stitch倒针法----bartack stitch ,back stitch 三角针法---herringbone stitch杨树花针法--feather stitch花针法----zigzag stitch跳针法----skipping stitch常用皮革英语----by fox_p兄弟artificial leather人造革baseball leather棒球革basketball leather篮球革bellow leather风箱革belt leather带皮belting leather带革; 轮带book-binding leather书面革bottom leather底革boxing-glove leather拳击手套革buck leather(雄)鹿革buckle leather带用革buffed leather磨面革butt leather底革card leather梳革case leather箱皮charred leather皮炭chamois leather麂皮chrome leather铬革chrome tanned leather铬鞣革clothing leather服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather梳刷革cow leather牛皮crown leather上等皮革crup leather马臀革crust leather坯革; 半硝革cup leather制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather隔膜革[皮]dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革dressing leather饰革drum leather鼓皮drycleanable leather耐干洗革easy-care leather易保养革embossed leather压花革enamel leather漆皮enamelled leather漆皮fair leather集市皮革fancy leather美术革, 装饰用革finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather足球革football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革furniture leather家具革garment leather衣服革gas meter leather气表革glace leather白鞣革glove leather手套皮hair-on leather带毛革half leather半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather马具革hat leather制帽革hat sweatband leather帽圈革heavy leather厚革heel leather(鞋)后跟皮hunting leather粗绒面革hydraulic leather水压机革(密封用革) imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather产业用革iron tanned leather铁鞣革japanned leather漆皮kangaroo leather袋鼠革kaspine leather开斯宾革levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather轻革line leather马具革lining leather衬里革luggage leather箱包革mountain leather石棉napped leather绒毛皮革oar leather桨革oil seal leather油封革oiled leather涂油革oil-tanned leather油鞣革organ-pipe leather风琴管革packing leather皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather漆皮patent leather漆革piano leather钢琴革piston packing leather活塞填密皮plated leather熨压皮革portmanteau leather旅行皮包革rein leather马具革rock leather一种石棉rolled leather轧制革roller leather机轴革rough-tanned leather粗鞣革rubbing leathers【纺】搓条皮圈russia(n) leather俄罗斯革saddle leather鞍皮[革]saffian leather山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather废皮; 碎皮semi-aniline leather半苯胺革semi-chrome leather混合铬鞣革sheep leather(绵)羊革shrink leather皱纹革skirt leather植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather光面皮革soccerballleather足球革softleather软革soleleather底革stirrup leather镫革strop leather磨刀皮革suede leather起毛皮革sweat band leather(帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather扎染革two-tone leather双色调革upholstery leather装饰用皮革upper leather面革valve leather阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather正绒面革zirconium tanned leather锆鞣革volleyball leather排球革wash leather可洗皮革washable chamois leather可洗麂皮welting leather镶边革; 贴边革white leather白革; 矾鞣革常用辅料英语---by luke兄弟(一)原料纺织原料textile raw materials自然纤维natural fibre化学纤维chemical fibre植物纤维vegetable fibre纺织纤维textile fibre人造纤维man made fibre动物纤维animal fibre(二)面料1.机织物服装面料平纹布plain cloth牛津布oxford斜纹布drill线卡ply-yarn drill羽缎serge灯芯绒corduroy起绒布fleece泡泡纱seersucker麻纱hair cords亚夏布linen cloth绸silk粗纺毛织物woolen cloth全毛单面华达呢woolen one-side gabardine凡立丁valitine啥味呢twill coating精纺花呢worsted fany suiting法兰绒flannel大衣呢overcoat suiting交织物mixed fabric府绸poplin青年布chambray纱卡single yarn drill华达呢gabardine牛仔布denim平绒velveteen绉布crepe巴厘纱voile苎夏布ramie fabric电力纺habotai精纺毛织物worsted fabric全毛华达呢pure wool gabardine驼丝锦doeskin 女士呢ladies cloth粗花呢tweed2.针织物面料纬编针织物weft-knitted fabric单面针织物single knit fabric纬平针织物plain knit fabric双罗纹针织物interlock fabric起绒针织物interlock fabric毛圈针织物terry knitted fabric双梳栉经编针织物two-bar fabric经编针织物warp-knitted fabric双面针织物double knit fabric罗纹针织物rib knit fabric双反面针织物purl fabric长毛绒针织物high pile knitted fabric提花针织物jacquard knitted fabric多梳栉经编针织物multi-bar fabric(三)辅料1.衬树脂衬resin interlining夏布胸衬breast canvas树脂领衬resin collar interlining绒布胸衬breast fleece热熔衬fusible interlining粘合衬adhesive-bonded interlining双面粘合衬double-faced adhesive interlining无纺布衬non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬non-woven adhesive interlining有纺粘合衬adhesive woreninterlinging黑炭衬hair interlining马尾衬horsehair interlining化纤衬chemical fibre interlining针织衬knitted interlining2.填料棉花cotton人造棉artificial cotton喷胶棉polyester wadding丝棉silk wadding腈纶棉acrylic staple fibre羽绒down3.线、扣、拉链线thread棉线cotton thread丝线silk thread尼龙线nylon thread装饰线ornamental thread钮button四目扣four-hole button装饰纽扣decorative button异形扣special-shaped button塑料扣plastic button玻璃扣glass button子母扣,四合扣snap button拉链zipper尼龙拉链nylon zipper涤纶拉链polyester zipper双头拉链zipper with double sliders装饰带fashion tape罗纹rib缝纫用线twist麻线flax thread绣花线embroidery thread涤纶线polyester thread宝塔线cone of thread两目扣two-hole button包扣covered button羊角扣claw button金属扣metal button树脂扣resin button木扣wood button尼龙搭扣nylon fastener tape金属拉链metal zipper塑料拉链plastic zipper领钩collar clasp搭钩agraffe橡筋elastic ribbon弹力罗纹elastic rib术语增补----by fred__zhang@手袋箱包术语(1)bags/case name 袋/箱包名称beauty case 化妆袋briefcase 公文袋cabin case 航空袋camera bag 相机袋duffle /travel bag 旅行袋flight bag /tote 航空袋garment bag 西装袋simple notebook bag 简朴电脑袋toilet kit 洗手间袋travel bag with trolley 拖轮袋trolley /uprights 拉杆箱trolley backpack 拉杆背包waist bag 腰包handbag 手提包material 原料:binding material 包边用料cord for cord-handles 手把索brushed nylon for computer cases 拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱cardboard bottom boards 纸底板dobbie weave 交织cord for cord-locks 锁索dividers & separators’ material 分隔面料elastics 松紧带foams 海绵insulating materials 绝缘物料leather trim 真皮配料linings 内里main coated materials 主要外层面料mesh /other type of tissue 网布/纱布piping bumpers 管条脚座piping materials 管条plywood bottom boards 底部胶合板(木板/三合板)、polyethylene for corners /backing 角位/底部面料polyvinyl(pvc)sponge trim pvc海绵配料thread 车线velcro 幺术贴webbing 织带zipper pulls 拉片zipper sliders 拉链头zipper tapers 拉链structural hardware 金属结构accessory hook 前拖带rivets & washers 铆钉和垫圈alligator studs 短钉runners 背面长条bottom stand 前脚screws 螺丝bottom studs 底钉shoulder strap 肩带complete extendable handle system 拉杆架side handle 侧手把conveyor belt 运轮带snaps 纽扣/四合扣extendible handles’ parts /mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构grommets 垫圈studs (side studs )大头钉(侧泡钉)handle with brackets 手把连扣top carrying handle 主手把honeycomb sample 蜂巢板wheel casings 轮子的盖handle wrap 手握片wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座metal frame sample 铁框polyethylene board samples ---pe板rings /other metal parts 金属环/其它金属配件accessories 配件badge /emblem 徽章,象征,标志buckles 插扣chains 缝条/链cord-locks (toggle-locks ,barrel-locks ) s锁(套索锁,桶锁)hanger hooks & mechanisms for swing-hooks 挂钩和摇晃钩hooks 勾lid 盖luggage identification tags 行李箱地址牌nameplate 商标/logo /铝牌strap 背带outside hanger hooks for garment bags 供西装袋用的勾(衣架)padlocks & keys 锁和钥匙plastic water bottles 塑胶水桶钉swivel hanger bracket 旋转衣架座universal hanger hooks 整体挂勾labels 标签guarantee carton tags 保证吊牌inside country of origin label 内布标other required tag 其它要求的吊牌product knowledge carton tags 产品吊牌tear-me test tags 本布吊牌upc tag –upc吊牌buckle/lock扣或锁belt buckle 皮带扣press locks 插锁metal pin buckle 铁线针扣snap fastener 四合扣metal ring /buckle 铁线扣turn locks 拧制plastic buckle 塑胶插扣button 纽扣handbag side clips 手袋侧夹magnet button 磁纽press button 珠纽press stud 纽扣snap button 急纽rivet 钉compression rivet 束口钉semi-tublar rivet 中空钉full tublar rivet 空心钉single layer rivet 单面撞钉color 颜色aubergine 紫红色beige 米黄色bone 米色chrome/ nickel 镍色navy 海军蓝pewter 沙电色khaki 卡其色cloth 布料canvas 帆布jacquard /tapestry 提花布ramie 麻ripstop /tartan 格子布sponge 海绵spun 山东绸twill 斜布zipper cord 拉头上的棉绳defects 瑕疵baggy cloth 波断纹filling bar 稀密路mixed filling 错纬barre 横档finishing bar 横痕neps 棉结broken end 断线float end 走经oil spots 油渍broken picks 断线float 浮织pleat 褶coarse picks 粗纬fold marks 褶痕rope marks 条痕cockles 起皱fuzzy ball 毛球slack picks 松纬color spots 色渍holes sto破洞stop mark 停机痕crease 皱loopy selvedge 毛圈边tight end 紧经curled selvedge 卷边mispick 缺纬tight picks 紧纬double picks 双纬missing end 缺经/线water stain 水印dyeing streak 染褶mix end 错经wavy selvedge 浪边other vocabulary 其他生字abrasion 摩擦bent 弯曲crooked 歪engraved 雕刻eyelets 鸡眼jaggedly 锯齿protrudes 凸起rip off 裂开seam 接缝stiff 硬stumbles 错误trimming 装饰wobble 扭捏removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 启齿袋herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈wheel housings 轮子座pull handle grip and bezel 拉杆杯bumpers / runners 脚座garment grips 衣架座logo gasket logo 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条swivel hook 狗钩these zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉。

箱包专业术语中英对照一、颜色:Sky-blue:天蓝色 lime:淡黄绿色 olive:橄榄绿 jade:碧玉色 poppy:深红色violet:紫罗兰色 beige:米白色 scarlet:鲜红 golden:金色 navy-blue:海蓝russet:赤褐色 khaki:卡其色 mustard:深黄色 tan:茶色 bottle green:深绿色cream:淡黄色 maroon:褐红色 royal blue:宝蓝 turquoise:青绿色 emerald:祖母绿peach:粉红色 burgundy:枣红 lemon柠檬色 tangerine:橘红色 apricot: 杏黄色light gray:浅灰 roseate:深粉红色magenta:红紫色 mauve:淡紫色 lilac:紫丁香色coffee:咖啡色 buff:暗黄色 aquamarine:碧绿色 yellow:黄色 orange:橙色crimson:深红色 red:红色 blue:蓝色 green:绿色 pink:粉红色purple:紫色 brown:棕色 gray:灰色 white:白色 fuchsia:紫红色cyan:青色/蓝绿色camouflage:迷彩色二、材料和配件:foam:泡棉 padded:垫料 panel:底板/侧板 compartment: 间隔层 riptop:格子布strap:带子 handle:手把 puller:拉头 microfiber:花瑶布 interior/ou ter:内/外部grip:把手 flap:盖子 trolley: 拉杆 420D crinkle nylon:420D的水洗布PE board:PE板swatch:样卡 elastic: 松紧带 adjustable:可调节的 cardboard:纸板jean:牛仔布 stud:角钉 fabric:布料 plastic:塑料 weave lab el:织唛taslon:塔丝龙 tapestry:窗帘提花布 nickel镍 rivet:铆钉zipper:拉链 logo:标记 rubber:橡胶 buckle:扣子 match color:配色ribbon:缎带 carton:纸箱 yarn:线 mark:唛头 embroider:刺绣printing:印刷 inner label:内标hangtag:挂牌 packing:包装 pantone:色卡velcro:麾术贴Piping:胶骨 binding:包边 embroidery:绣花 hanger:衣架taffeta:平纹 labour cost:工价check:格子 back stitch:回针 overtime workin g:加班taffeta:平纹 twill:斜纹 jacquard:提花 break stitch:断针 design s ketch:设计图stripe:条纹 fabric:面料 polyester:涤纶 nylon:尼龙 zipper:拉链lining:里布 piping:凯线 match color:配色 pattern:纸样 backing COAT IIN:涂层鸡眼:EYELET 钮圈:BUCKLE LOOP patch:滴塑 mesh/net:网布撞钉:RIVET 胶针:PLASTIC STING GLUE PRIN:胶体印刷 layer:层rope:绳子 FELT:毛绒布 rubber label:滴唛 70Dsponge:70发泡elastic cord:橡皮筋 self fabric pipping:本布包骨 Unvisible zipper/conceal:隐形拉链pipping cord:衬条 Semitransparent:磨沙PVC woven label:织唛靛蓝青年布:indigo chambray人棉布植绒:rayon cloth flockingpvc植绒:pvc flocking针织布植绒:knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:claimond veins倒毛:down pile making平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain)仿麂皮:micro suede牛仔皮植绒:jeans flocking尼丝纺:nylon taffeta (nylon shioze)尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylon seersucker taffeta素面植绒:plain flocking印花植绒:flocking(flower)雕印植绒:embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:leather imitation flocking牛仔植绒雕印:embossing jeans flocking兔羊绒大衣呢:angora cachmere overcoating羊毛双面呢:double-faced woolen goods立绒呢:cut velvet顺毛呢:over coating粗花呢:costume tweed弹力呢:lycra woolen goods塔丝绒:nylon taslon塔丝绒格子:n/taslon ripstop桃皮绒:polyester peach skin涤塔夫:polyester taffeta春亚纺:polyester pongee超细麦克布:micro fiber锦棉稠(平纹):nylon-cotton fabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft)人字锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric素色毛巾布:solid terry蚂蚁布:fleece in one side素色卫衣布:solid fleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripes single jerseyt/r弹力布:t/r bengalinet/c色织格子布:t/c solid check fabric弹力仿麂皮:micro suede with spandext/r仿麂皮:t/r micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece 仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta亮光尼龙:trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:taslan rip-stop哑富迪:full dull micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:full dull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:full dull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:big twill polyester peach涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyester inter-woven peach三、常用皮革英语artificial leather人造革baseball leather棒球革basketball leather篮球革bellow leather风箱革belt leather带皮belting leather带革; 轮带book-binding leather书面革bottom leather底革boxing-glove leather拳击手套革buck leather(雄)鹿革buckle leather带用革buffed leather磨面革butt leather底革card leather梳革case leather箱皮charred leather皮炭chamois leather麂皮chrome leather铬革chrome tanned leather铬鞣革clothing leather服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather梳刷革cow leather牛皮crown leather上等皮革crup leather马臀革crust leather坯革; 半硝革cup leather制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather隔膜革[皮]dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革dressing leather饰革drum leather鼓皮drycleanable leather耐干洗革easy-care leather易保养革embossed leather压花革enamel leather漆皮enamelled leather漆皮fair leather集市皮革fancy leather美术革, 装饰用革finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather足球革football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革furniture leather家具革garment leather衣服革gas meter leather气表革glace leather白鞣革glove leather手套皮hair-on leather带毛革half leather半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather马具革hat leather制帽革hat sweatband leather帽圈革heavy leather厚革heel leather(鞋)后跟皮hunting leather粗绒面革hydraulic leather水压机革(密封用革)imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather工业用革iron tanned leather铁鞣革japanned leather漆皮kangaroo leather袋鼠革kaspine leather开斯宾革levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather轻革line leather马具革lining leather衬里革luggage leather箱包革mountain leather石棉napped leather绒毛皮革oar leather桨革oil seal leather油封革oiled leather涂油革oil-tanned leather油鞣革organ-pipe leather风琴管革packing leather皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather漆皮patent leather漆革piano leather钢琴革piston packing leather活塞填密皮plated leather熨压皮革portmanteau leather旅行皮包革rein leather马具革rock leather一种石棉rolled leather轧制革roller leather机轴革rough-tanned leather粗鞣革rubbing leathers【纺】搓条皮圈Russia(n) leather俄罗斯革saddle leather鞍皮[革]saffian leather山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather废皮; 碎皮semi-aniline leather半苯胺革semi-chrome leather混合铬鞣革sheep leather(绵)羊革shrink leather皱纹革skirt leather植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather光面皮革soccerballleather足球革softleather软革soleleather底革stirrup leather镫革strop leather磨刀皮革suede leather起毛皮革sweat band leather(帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather扎染革two-tone leather双色调革upholstery leather装饰用皮革upper leather面革valve leather阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather正绒面革zirconium tanned leather锆鞣革volleyball leather排球革wash leather可洗皮革washable chamois leather可洗麂皮welting leather镶边革; 贴边革white leather白革; 矾鞣革四、箱包类型hunting pack:狩猎包army pack军用背包h iking pack远足背包backpack背囊mountain pack登山包school pack学生包travel easy旅行包travel pack旅行包book pack书包Leisure bag休闲包baby carrier婴儿背囊Hip pack腰包Hip pack for hunting狩猎腰包computer bag电脑包single shoulder pack单肩背包o fftrack休闲单肩包wheel pack轮子背包travel gear轮子旅行包trolley case拉杆箱beauty case化妆箱briefcase公文箱suitcase旅行箱waist bag腰包net pocket/mesh网袋briefcase公文包pouch钱包shoulder bags肩包picnic hamper rucksack野餐用帆布包五、辅料(一)原料纺织原料 textile raw materials天然纤维 natural fibre化学纤维 chemical fibre植物纤维 vegetable fibre纺织纤维 textile fibre人造纤维 man made fibre动物纤维 animal fibre(二)面料1.机织物服装面料平纹布 plain cloth牛津布 oxford斜纹布 drill线卡 ply-yarn drill哔叽 serge灯芯绒 corduroy起绒布 fleece泡泡纱 seersucker麻纱 hair cords亚麻布 linen cloth绸 silk粗纺毛织物 woolen cloth全毛单面华达呢 woolen one-side gabardine凡立丁 valitine啥味呢 twill coating精纺花呢 worsted fany suiting法兰绒 flannel大衣呢 overcoat suiting交织物 mixed fabric府绸 poplin青年布 chambray纱卡 single yarn drill华达呢 gabardine牛仔布 denim平绒 velveteen绉布 crepe巴厘纱 voile苎麻布 ramie fabric电力纺 habotai精纺毛织物 worsted fabric全毛华达呢 pure wool gabardine驼丝锦 doeskin女士呢 ladies cloth粗花呢 tweed2.针织物面料纬编针织物 weft-knitted fabric单面针织物 single knit fabric纬平针织物 plain knit fabric双罗纹针织物 interlock fabric起绒针织物 interlock fabric毛圈针织物 terry knitted fabric双梳栉经编针织物 two-bar fabric经编针织物 warp-knitted fabric双面针织物 double knit fabric罗纹针织物 rib knit fabric双反面针织物 purl fabric长毛绒针织物 high pile knitted fabric提花针织物 jacquard knitted fabric多梳栉经编针织物 multi-bar fabric(三)辅料1.衬树脂衬 resin interlining麻布胸衬 breast canvas树脂领衬 resin collar interlining绒布胸衬 breast fleece热熔衬 fusible interlining粘合衬 adhesive-bonded interlining双面粘合衬 double-faced adhesive interlining 无纺布衬 non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬 non-woven adhesive interlining有纺粘合衬 adhesive woreninterlinging黑炭衬 hair interlining马尾衬 horsehair interlining化纤衬 chemical fibre interlining 针织衬 knitted interlining2.填料棉花 cotton人造棉 artificial cotton喷胶棉 polyester wadding丝棉 silk wadding腈纶棉 acrylic staple fibre羽绒 down3.线、扣、拉链线 thread棉线 cotton thread丝线 silk thread尼龙线 nylon thread装饰线 ornamental thread钮 button四目扣 four-hole button装饰纽扣 decorative button异形扣 special-shaped button塑料扣 plastic button玻璃扣 glass button子母扣,四合扣 snap button拉链 zipper尼龙拉链 nylon zipper涤纶拉链 polyester zipper双头拉链 zipper with double sliders 装饰带 fashion tape罗纹 rib缝纫用线 twist麻线 flax thread绣花线 embroidery thread涤纶线 polyester thread宝塔线 cone of thread两目扣 two-hole button包扣 covered button羊角扣 claw button金属扣 metal button树脂扣 resin button木扣 wood button尼龙搭扣 nylon fastener tape金属拉链 metal zipper塑料拉链 plastic zipper领钩 collar clasp搭钩 agraffe橡筋 elastic ribbon 弹力罗纹 elastic rib。

箱包工业术语(之一)1 箱体箱子成型后的主体部分。
2 箱面指箱子的面层。
3 箱帮前帮、后帮、侧帮各部所的有部件(或称箱墙)4 箱壳各类箱子的内胎。
5 箱盖指盖帮和大面结合好的在箱子上起作用的部件。
6 箱底底帮和大面结合好的主要起装纳衣物作用的部件。
7 箱里箱子里面粘贴的内衬部件。
.8 线迹箱、包上缝纫线的轨迹。
9 走轮箱、包上起滚动作用的各种轮子。
10 箱口指箱底、箱盖开口间装配的铝口、铁口、木口。
11 箱把箱子上专为手提的部件。
12 拉带开启后,起拉住箱盖作用的带子。
13 前面软箱、软包前部所有的部件。
14 后面软箱、软包底部所有的部件。
15 墙子软包起围子作用、连接前面、后面的部件16 外兜软箱、软包外面帮把、扣兜的总称。
17 牙子缝纫于帮墙与大面之间突出的配件,能使箱、包挺实(或称嵌线)。
18 里兜箱、包产品内部各种各样式小兜的总称19 背带箱、包上起肩背作用的带子。
20 拢带子内部安装的起拢住衣物作用的带子。
.21 提把箱、包上专为手提的部件的通称22 架子口包类产品开口处镶嵌的金属口。
23 牵引带箱类产品上牵引专用的带子。
24 塑料筋箱子上起紧固、装饰作用的塑料绷条。
箱包设计1 前弧箱子底、盖上正面弧度。
.2 底样做为箱包的原始样板。
3 三标样制做箱包的原始样板、投产样品、工艺标准三部分的总称。
4 接帮量接帮所需的加式接茬量。
5 窝边量接帮所需的加工余量。
6 后弧高箱子底、盖后面弧度中心处与水平线的距离。
.7 方角型箱帮呈方角型。
8 流线型箱体的边、面、角呈曲线、曲面型9 四圆型箱、包帮墙的四角呈圆角型。
10 圆角半径箱子帮角的半径。
11 椤圆半径箱子八条圆边的半径。
12 箱子长度箱口外轮廓最长点。
13 箱子自重组装完毕后箱子的净重。
14 成型规格指铝口、箱壳成型控制规格的长度尺寸。
15 角中心线盖角、底角、帮角正中的位置线。
16 箱包造型箱包制做的形态包括长、宽、楞圆、弧度、曲面等。

箱包手袋术语箱包专业名词箱包专业名词brow n: 棕色颜色:gray: 灰色Sky-blue: 天蓝色white: 白色lime: 淡黄绿色fuchsia: 紫红色olive: 橄榄绿cyan: 青色/蓝绿色jade: 碧玉色材料和配件:poppy: 深红色thin:薄violet: 紫罗兰色thick 厚beige: 米白色net P ocket/mesh: 网袋scarlet: 鲜红briefcase: 公文包golde n:金色waist bag: 腰包n avy-blue: 海蓝foam: 泡棉russet: 赤褐色padded:垫料khaki: 卡其色panel:底板/侧板mustard: 深黄色comp artme nt: 间隔层tan茶色shoulder bags: 肩包bottle gree n: 深绿色]stra p: 带子cream: 淡黄色han dle:手把maroon: 褐红色p uller 拉头royal blue 宝蓝grip: 把手turquoise: 青绿色Rip sto p: 格子布emerald: 祖母绿microfiber: 花瑶布的水洗布peach: 粉红色420D crin kle n yl on 420Dburgundy : 枣红PE board: PE 板lemon柠檬色flap: 盖子tan geri ne: 橘红色trolley: 拉杆ap ricot: 杏黄色swatch:样卡light gray; 浅灰elastic: 松紧带roseate : 深粉红色adjustable: 可调节的magenta: 红紫色cardboard: 纸板mauve:淡紫色jea n: 牛仔布lilac: 紫丁香色camouflage:迷彩色coffee: 咖啡色weave label: 织唛buff: 暗黄色stud:角钉aquamari ne:碧绿色fabric: 布料yellow: 黄色plastic: 塑料oran ge:橙色taslo n: 塔丝龙crims on: 深红色ta pestry: 窗帘提花布red: 红色back pack:背包blue 蓝色pouch钱包green 绿色travell ing bags: 旅彳pin k: 粉红色riptop: 格子布purple :紫色n ickel 镍rivet: 铆钉zipper: 拉链logo: 标记rubber 橡胶buckle:扣子match color:酉己色ribb on:缎带embroideryyarn;线mark: 唛头printi ng: inner laber han gtagcart on; p ack ing: pantone刺绣印刷内标挂牌纸箱包装色卡velcro 麾术贴Piping:胶骨Bi nding 包边embroideryhan ger衣架backstitch break stitch绣花回针断针工价labour cost overtime working taffeta 平纹twill斜纹jacquard 提花check格子stri pe 条纹fabric 面料po lyester涤纶nylon 尼龙lining 里布piping 凯线match color酉己色p attern 纸样加班desig n sketch 设计图in visible zipper/con ceal zipper隐形拉链back ing coat ing 涂层buckle loop 钮圈p lastic st ing 胶针jel print wove nlabel FELT毛绒布; rubber p atchrubber label elasticcord胶体印刷织唛;滴塑;滴唛;橡皮筋;self fabric pipping 本布包骨;pipping cord 衬条;Semitra nsparent: 磨沙PVC 7ODsponge: 70 发泡PVC mesh / net : 网布;rope: 绳子;in terior:/outerlayer: 层尼龙格:Nyl on rip-stop内/外部尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:Nylo n seersuckertaffeta尼丝纺:Nylon taffeta (Nylonshioze)牛仔皮植绒:Jea ns flock ing牛仔植绒雕印:Embossing jeansflock ing皮革沟底植绒:Leather imitationflock ing平绒:velvetee n (velvet-plain)全消光春亚纺:Full dull polyesterpongee全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:poly textured oxford全消光涤纶桃皮绒:po lyester p each全消光尼丝纺:taffeta全消光牛津布:oxford全消光塔丝隆:taslanFullfullFullFull dullFull dulldulldulldullnylo nnylonnylon人棉布植绒:Rayon cloth flocki ng 人字锦棉纺:Nyl on-cott on fabric shoulder bags: 肩包]stra p: 带子han dle:手把双面呢:double-faced woole n goods p uller 拉头顺毛呢:over coat ing grip:把手素面植绒:p lain flocki ngRip sto p: 格子布microfiber: 花瑶布素色毛巾布:solid terry 420D crin kle n yl on 420D素色天鹅绒:solid velvet 素色卫衣布:solid fleece PE board: PE 板flap: 盖子trolley: 拉杆塔丝隆格:Taslan rip-stop swatch:样卡塔丝绒:Nylo n taslo n塔丝绒格子:N/Taslo n rip st op elastic: 松紧带adjustable: 可调节的cardboard: 纸板桃皮绒:po lyester p each skin jea n: 牛仔布兔羊绒大衣呢:Angora cachmere camouflage:迷彩色weavelabel: 织唛overcoati ng stud:角钉斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric fabric:布料(twill)plastic: 塑料taslo n: 塔丝龙雪花天鹅绒:mela nge velvet tap estry: 窗帘提花布哑富迪:Full dull Micro polyester back pack:背包pongeepouch钱包travell ing bags:旅印花植绒:flocki ng(flower) rip to p: 格子布鱼网布:fleece n ickel镍车L花天鹅绒:ginning velvetrivet: 铆钉zipper: 拉链针织布植绒:Knitt ing cloth flock ing logo: 标记重平锦棉稠:Nylon-cotton-cotton rubber 橡胶fabric(double weft)buckle:扣子match color:酉己色珠粒绒:Claim ond veins ribb on: 缎带thi n:薄embroidery 刺绣thick 厚yarn;线net p ocket/mesh: 网袋mark: 唛头briefcase: 公文包prin ti ng: E 卩屈qwaist bag: 腰包inner laber 内标foam: 泡棉hangtag 挂牌padded:垫料cart on; 纸箱pan el:底板/侧板p ack ing:包装comp artme nt: 间隔层pantone 色卡的水洗布velcro 麾术贴Piping:胶骨Bi ndi ng 包边embroidery han ger 衣架back stitchbreak stitch labour cost overtime worki ng taffeta 平纹twill 斜纹jacquard 提花check格子stri pe 条纹fabric 面料polyester 涤纶nylon 尼龙lining 里布piping 凯线match color 酉己色p attern 纸样desig n sketch 设计图in visible zipper/con ceal zipper 链back ing coat ing buckle loop p lastic st ing jel print wove n label滴塑;滴唛;橡皮筋;self fabric pipping 本布包骨;pipping cord 衬条;Semitra nsparent: 磨沙PVC 7ODsponge: 70 发泡PVC mesh / net : 网布;rope: 绳子; in terior:/outer layer: 层in digo chambrayrayon cloth flocking pvc flock ingpvckn itti ng clothflock ing claim ond veins 珠粒绒down p ile mak ing 倒毛velvetee n(velvet -plain) micro suede 仿麂皮jea ns flocki ng 牛仔皮植绒nylon taffeta (nylon shioze) nylon seersucker taffeta 纱p lain flocki ng 素面植绒flocki ng(flower) 印花植绒emboss ing flock ing 雕印植绒leather imitati on flock ing 绒emboss ing jea ns flock ing angora cachmere overcoati ng 呢double-faced woole n goods cut velvet 立绒呢overcoati ng 顺毛呢costumetweed 粗花呢lycrawoole n goods弹力呢nylon tasl on n/tasl on ripstop polyester p each skin po lyester taffetapo lyester pon gee micro fibernylon-cott on fabric纹) nylon-cott on-cott on 重平锦棉稠nylon-cott on fabric nylon-cott onfabricsolid velvet rib fleece velvet mela nge velvetginning velvetpellet fleece velvet 粒粒绒布linen/cotton blended fabric 麻棉混纺布linen/cott on mixed fabric麻棉交织布solid terry 素色毛巾布fleece in one side 蚂蚁布solid fleece素色卫衣布绣花回针断针工价加班隐形拉涂层钮圈胶针胶体印刷织唛;FELT毛绒布;rubber p atch rubberlabel elastic cord内/外部靛蓝青年布人棉布植绒植绒针织布植绒平绒尼丝纺尼龙塔夫泡泡皮革沟底植皮革沟底植绒兔羊绒大衣羊毛双面呢塔丝绒塔丝绒格子桃皮绒涤塔夫春亚纺超细麦克布(Plain )锦棉稠(平fabnc(double weft)人字锦棉纺(twill) 斜纹锦棉纺素色天鹅绒抽条磨毛天鹅绒雪花天鹅绒轧花天鹅绒fleece 鱼网布color-stri pes sin glejersey t/r ben gali ne t/r 弹力布t/c solid check fabric t/c micro suede withspan dex t/r micro suede t/r100%polyester micro suede boundingwith polar fleece 仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布100% po lyester bounding with kni tt ing micro suede fabric仿麂皮针织布复合100% polyester micro suede boundingwith lamb fur 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布cire sati ne 蜡光缎full dull n ylo n taffeta semi-dull nylon taffeta trilobal nylon 亮光尼龙full dull nylon tasla n full dull nylon oxford nylon rip-stoptasla n rip-sto p 塔丝隆格full dull micro po lyester pon gee 迪full dull po lyester pongee 纺po lyester pongee rip-stop full dull polyester p each 皮绒bigtwill polyester peachpoly/nylon p each po lyester taffeta rip-st op po lyester honey tasla n full dullpoly textured oxford 全消光涤纶低弹牛津布nylon/po lyester in ter-wove np each 涤锦交织桃皮绒back pack:背包,pouch(wallet): traveling bags:旅行包,briefcase: 文包,Tote bag:大手提袋,lady 士包,waist bag: 腰包,pencil case: shoulder bags 肩包,sport bag袋,slg 小包waist pack 腰包,swagger bag 休閑包,natural 小袋,flight bag /air bag航空旅行箱,garme nt bag 西裝套,電腦背包,travel kit 高爾夫袋,旅行拉杆,女用包,note case 公文袋,soft attache case手提箱,辅件/部位:Pack PE foam 發泡棉,handlewebbing 織帶手挽,wove nlable pan el/前片,(11)flap of p ocket12) Printing artwork / 印刷图,13) comp artme nt: 隔层14) back panel 15)foam 发泡,16) sponge 海棉,17) pocket 里袋,18) bottom 底部/ bottomboard 底板,19) trolley 拉杆,20) handle 手把,21) hook buckle 钩扣,22) buckle 扣具,23)zipper拉链24)zip puller拉头,25) webbing 27) wove n label: 骨,29) bindingbarcode sticker polybag塑料袋强片,34) rivet:网袋,36) bottle: 标,38). rubber: 配色,40)embroidery: mark: 唛头44) inner箱,46) packing: 色卡,48) Velcro: 子,50) . stud:角钉,52) . padded:垫料,53) cardboard: 板,Term about handbag , frontpocket 前附袋,outside body front 前幅,outside body back后幅,outside bottomfront 前附袋底,logo patch 飾片,embroidery 刺彩条汗布色织格子布弹力仿麂皮仿麂皮全消光尼丝纺半消光尼丝纺全消光塔丝隆全消光牛津布全消光牛津布哑富全消光春亚春亚纺格子全消光涤纶桃宽斜纹桃皮绒涤锦复合桃皮绒涤纶格子涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆钱包,公bag:女笔袋,運動包,satchel 小背包,hand bag 手袋,back pack 背包,cosmetic bag 化妝包,tote 手提rollertan 自然包,pouchtravelli ngcompu ter back pack luggage up right 拉杆箱,換洗袋/旅行工具袋,golfbagP ull rod for flight bag 航空travel suitcase 旅行箱,purse布標,(10)front袋盖.后片,inner织带,26)straps 肩带,织唛,28) piping 胶捆边,30)hangtag:挂牌,31)条形码不干胶,32)33)re in force pan el: 补柳钉,35) net pocket: 水瓶,37) logo: 商橡胶,39) matchcolor: : 尼龙丝带,41.),42) yarn: 线,43)ribb on:刺绣label 内标,45) carton: 纸包装,47)pantone:摩术贴,49) rope: 绳51)elastic: 松紧带,纸纋片,accessories 附屬的配件,slash pocket 開口袋,binding 包邊,lash 鞭梢, dome 圓頂層,stitching pad 肩片,sin gle en ttry間隔,面車線,bottom 底部,分部,han dle webbi ng 織帶手挽,under neath 蓋底里,gusset 側圍,lining 里布,adjustable 可調節式的,seams縫合線,扣子圈子环拉链,鉤扣類:snap hook US 鉤,swivel hook 如意鉤,swivel snaphook 旋轉鉤,uviv snap hook旋轉US鉤,key-ring 鎖匙圈,cord hook繩鉤,small hook 小鉤,round 圈骨,SR buckle 插扣類,side release BK 旁開扣,dual SR/dual co ntourdeSR雙調旁開扣,side release BK重型插扣,p lated SR 電鍍插扣,release SR反光插扣,con toured SR彎型插扣,center SR/ push 即開扣,lock SR 數碼鎖,turn lock 轉鎖,cam buckle 合扣,belt buckle sliele&stra plock 型環,small slide slide+belt+lo opslide+lo op 扣,con tour ladder lock 彎形梯扣,heavy ladder lock 強力梯扣,loop 長方圈,belt loop束帶圈,sewable loop 可縫長方圈,D-ring D 型環,triangle 三角環,six ring六角環,o-ring o 型環,sewable D-ring可縫D型環,chate tab塑片加圈,metal金屬拉鏈,metal金屬拉頭,delrin 塑鋼拉鏈,delrin塑鋼拉頭,nylon 尼龍拉鏈,nylon 尼龍拉頭,zip tap拉connecter 拉鏈,strap定手把扣,bradde chain 珠鏈,rivet 撞釘,shell 框架,snap velcro 麼術貼,B) 300D,涤沦,E)nylon: 花瑶布,透明PVC,I)磨沙PVC,J). 70D 网布,水洗布,,O)PE board: PE 板,P) ,Q) cardboard:纸板,R) ,S)fabric: 布料,T),U). taslon: 塔丝龙,窗帘提花布,W) rip st op: 线或反光料,pong pl ush 孚L 格子布,linen 亞麻microfiber 超細纖nylontaffeta 尼龍棉格料satin 沙iridesce nt 珠光料,天然豹紋,holegram車線,shoulder 單開口,sli ng 吊袋,triple compartme nt top stitch ing divisio n轉鎖,束衣扣,日型梯扣類,slide 八字環,日型環+束帶圈,日型環+耳,ladder lockchate tab zippers with p ullers slider with p ull zippers with pulllers slider with p ull zippers with p ulllers slider with p ull 鏈布,puller with 帶,皮帶,metal ornament 金屬飾片,ornament 飾片,piping 管條,stopper 束扣,p ress button 按扣,brooch 別針,pin snap 走珠鈕,ticker 貝占標,magnetic snap磁扣,keyhook 匙圈,string ring beltstay 織帶拉環,cupula 吸盤,fastness-lock 固double厭扣,布料A) 420D rip sto p: 420D 格子布,C) 600D,D) polyester:尼龙,F) 420D,G) microfiber:H). transparent P VC: semitra nsparent: sponge:70D 发泡,K).mesh/net:L). 420D crin kle nylo n: 420DM) 210T N)190Tswatch:样品jean: 牛仔布plastic: 塑料V). tapestry:貼合皮,尼龍網布,生膠,reflectorvi nyl velvet/velours皮,bottom studs cordlock 绳扣organi zer 整理袋release buckle插扣(常用于背包的胸带、腰带上)square ring dog leash swivel hook swivel snap hook key-ri ng锁匙圈格子布,X) Yarn or stitch line: 车线,reflector 馬紋毛毛料,rip st op料,twill 斜紋理布,維料,plush絨毛料,印花布,quilted panel 丁料,logan 宇富料,leopard skin point萬彩/雷射料,darkdenim深色牛仔料,ragon 人造絲,heoprene —种合成像膠,jute 黃麻纖維,split leather lamin ate 貝占膠料,nylon mesh jacquard 提花布,raw robber反光維倫料,天鵝絨,swa nskin天鵝底脚两档扣狗钩如意钩旋转钩cord hook 绳钩round 圈骨SR buckle 插扣类side release BK 旁开扣dual SR/dual co ntourde SR 双调旁开扣side release BK 重型插扣p lated SR 电镀插扣release SR 反光插扣con toured SR 弯型插扣center SR/push 即开扣lock SR数码锁turn lock 转锁cam buckle 合扣belt buckle 束衣扣sliele&stra plock 日型梯扣类slide 日型环small slide 八字环slide+belt+loo p 日型环+束带圈slide+loop 日型环+耳ladder lock 梯扣contour ladder lock 弯形梯扣heavy ladder lock 强力梯扣belt loop 束带圈sewable loop 可缝长方圈D-ri ng Dtrian gle six ring o-ri ng osewable D-ring 可缝D型环chate tab 塑片加圈lash鞭梢dome圆顶层sli ng 吊袋triple comp artme nt 间隔han dle webb ing 织带手挽un der n eath 盖底里gusset 侧围con struct ion sample 结构样app roval sample 确认样sample room 样版房cutt ingsecti on p ack ing sect ion skiv ing secti onPP web PP 织带UPC电脑条码emboss凹纹twist han dle brooch 另U针bradde cha inreflector 反光料pong plush 乳马纹毛毛料nylon taffeta 尼龙印花布iridesce nt 珠光料leopard skin point 天然豹纹holegram万彩/雷射料sp lit leather 贴合皮lami nate贴胶料raw rubber 生胶reflectorvi nyl 反光维伦料swanskin 天鹅皮sport bag 运动包satchel 小背包hand bag 手袋back pack 背包cosmetic bag 化妆包tote 手提袋slg小包waist p ack swagger bag n atural tan pouch小袋flight bag / air travelli ng roller bag 航空旅行箱garme nt bag 西装套compu ter back pack 电脑背包luggage up right 拉杆箱travel kit 换洗袋/旅行工具袋golfbag 高尔夫袋P ull rod for flight bag航空旅行拉杆travel suitcase 旅行箱purse 女用包note case 公文袋soft attache case 手提箱型环三角环六角环型环开料部包装部产皮车间变形手挽珠链发泡棉P ack PE foamstopper 束扣腰包休闲包自然包magn etic snap 磁扣keyhook 匙圈 stri ng ring beltstay cupula 吸盘 fast ness-lock 固定手把扣 exhaust hole 排气孑 L cothes lock/ha nger 衣架 rhombic slotted lash tab recta ngular slotted lash tab 片 rhomibic slotted lash tab top cuft 头圈 base tray 底盘 hon eycomb frame 蜂巢框 cart outside sett ing cart in side sett ingfootsta nd 脚座 caster 角轮 trolley 拉杆 wheel set 轮组 square tube 方管 2 sto ps 二段式 3 sto ps 三段式 paper board 纸卡 han gtag /sli ng brand7-hook 七字钩 washer 套片 metal p late 铁板 zinc alloy 锌合金制品 half rou nd han dle 半圆手把 corner p rotect ion 护角 kettle 水壶 metal li ne 钢线,铁圈 zipper slider 拉饰片 comb in ati on p adlock 密码锁 织带拉环 菱形饰片 长方形饰 正方形饰片 外置式拉杆 内置式拉杆 吊卡 e/p: eleetro painting b-n/p: black ni ckel p lat ing an t-s: anti silver p lat ing sg/p: sati n gold p lati ng g/p: gold p lat ing 正金 n/p: n ickel p lat ing 镍 cr/p: chromium p lat ing sn/p: sat in ni ckel p lat ing 电着涂装 黑镍 黑古银 沙电金铬沙电nf/p: ni ckel free p lat ing gm/p: gun metal p lati ng t/p: tin p lat ing b/p:brass p lat ing s/p: silver pl at ing p/a:print印色an t-b: an tique brass p lati ng dcp/p:dark copper p lat ing z/p: zinc p lat ing白锌cp/p: copper pl ati ng红铜无铅电镀 枪管色铝银青铜 纯银青古铜 红古铜。
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bags/case name 袋/箱包名称beauty case 化妆袋briefcase 公文袋cabin case 航空袋camera bag 相机袋duffle /travel bag 旅行袋flight bag /tote 航空袋garment bag 西装袋simple notebook bag 简朴电脑袋toilet kit 洗手间袋travel bag with trolley 拖轮袋trolley /uprights 拉杆箱trolley backpack 拉杆背包waist bag 腰包handbag 手提包salesman sample 走街办pp(production phase) sample 产前办original sample 原办diamond plating eva pads 钻石纹eva waist apron 围裙roller 滚筒assorted luggages 杂物袋upright case 直箱duffel bag 行李箱(圆形大帆布袋) trolley case 滚轮箱cooler bag 冰袋roller bag 拖轮箱backpack 背包cosmetic bag 化妆袋camping bag 登山包mould 模具pouch 小袋/手机袋goody bag (制造商为了倾销而免费)的礼品袋,促销袋material 原料:binding material 包边用料cord for cord-handles 手把索brushed nylon for computer cases 拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱cardboard bottom boards 纸底板dobbie weave 交织cord for cord-locks 锁索dividers & separators’ material 分隔面料elastics 松紧带foams 海绵insulating materials 绝缘物料leather trim 真皮配料linings 内里main coated materials 主要外层面料mesh /other type of tissue 网布/纱布piping bumpers 管条脚座piping materials 管条plywood bottom boards 底部胶合板(木板/三合板)、polyethylene for corners /backing 角位/底部面料polyvinyl(pvc)sponge trim pvc海绵配料thread 车线velcro 幺术贴webbing 织带zipper pulls 拉片zipper sliders 拉链头zipper tapers 拉链structural hardware 金属结构accessory hook 前拖带rivets & washers 铆钉和垫圈alligator studs 短钉runners 背面长条bottom stand 前脚screws 螺丝bottom studs 底钉shoulder strap 肩带complete extendable handle system 拉杆架side handle 侧手把conveyor belt 运轮带snaps 纽扣/四合扣extendible handles’ parts /mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构grommets 垫圈studs (side studs )大头钉(侧泡钉)handle with brackets 手把连扣top carrying handle 主手把honeycomb sample 蜂巢板wheel casings 轮子的盖handle wrap 手握片wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座metal frame sample 铁框polyethylene board samples ---pe板rings /other metal parts 金属环/其它金属配件accessories 配件badge /emblem 徽章,象征,标志buckles 插扣chains 缝条/链cord-locks (toggle-locks ,barrel-locks ) s锁(套索锁,桶锁)hanger hooks & mechanisms forng-hooks 挂钩和摇晃钩hooks 勾 lid 盖luggage identification tags 行李箱地址牌nameplate 商标/logo /铝牌strap 背带outside hanger hooks for garment bags 供西装袋用的勾(衣架)padlocks & keys 锁和钥匙plastic water bottles 塑胶水桶钉universal hanger hooks 整体挂勾labels 标签guarantee carton tags 保证吊牌inside country of origin label 内布标other required tag 其它要求的吊牌product knowledge carton tags 产品吊牌tear-me test tags 本布吊牌upc tag –upc吊牌buckle/lock扣或锁belt buckle 皮带扣press locks 插锁metal pin buckle 铁线针扣snap fastener 四合扣metal ring /buckle 铁线扣turn locks 拧制plastic buckle 塑胶插扣button 纽扣handbag side clips 手袋侧夹magnet button 磁纽press button 珠纽press stud 纽扣snap button 急纽rivet 钉compression rivet 束口钉semi-tublar rivet 中空钉full tublar rivet 空心钉single layer rivet 单面撞钉cloth 布料canvas 帆布jacquard /tapestry 提花布ramie 麻ripstop /tartan 格子布sponge 海绵spun 山东绸twill 斜布zipper cord 拉头上的棉绳defects 瑕疵baggy cloth 波断纹filling bar 稀密路mixed filling 错纬barre 横档finishing bar 横痕neps 棉结broken end 断线float end 走经oil spots 油渍broken picks 断线float 浮织 pleat 褶coarse picks 粗纬fold marks 褶痕rope marks 条痕cockles 起皱fuzzy ball 毛球slack picks 松纬color spots 色渍holes sto破洞stop mark 停机痕crease 皱loopy selvedge 毛圈边tight end 紧经curled selvedge 卷边mispick 缺纬tight picks 紧纬double picks 双纬missing end 缺经/线water stain 水印dyeing streak 染褶mix end 错经wavy selvedge 浪边other vocabulary 其他生字abrasion 摩擦bent 弯曲crooked 歪engraved 雕刻eyelets 鸡眼jaggedly 锯齿protrudes 凸起rip off 裂开seam 接缝stiff 硬stumbles 错误trimming 装饰wobble 扭捏removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 启齿袋herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈wheel housings 轮子座pull handle grip and bezel 拉杆杯bumpers / runners 脚座garment grips 衣架座logo gasket logo 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条 these zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉heat transfer pattern 热传递风格leather tab 皮革饰片text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮(纹理芙蓉皮)graphic carton 彩盒master carton 大箱zip-away 拉链袋handle ring 手把环clear pvc 透明pvckohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料颜色:sky-blue: 天蓝色 lime:淡黄绿色 olive:橄榄绿jade:碧玉色poppy:深红色 violet: 紫罗兰色 beige:米白色 scarlet:鲜红golden:金色 navy-blue:海蓝 russet:赤褐色 khaki:卡其色mustard:深黄色 tan 茶色 bottle green:深绿色 cream:淡黄色maroon:褐红色royal blue宝蓝turquoise:青绿色 emerald:祖母绿peach:粉红色 burgundy:枣红 lemon柠檬色 tangerine:橘红色apricot: 杏黄色light gray;浅灰roseate:深粉红色 magenta::红紫色mauve: 淡紫色 lilac:紫丁香色 coffee:咖啡色 buff:暗黄色aquamarine:碧绿色 yellow:黄色 orange:橙色 crimson:深红色red:红色 blue蓝色 green绿色 pink:粉红色purple:紫色brown:棕色gray:灰色white:白色fuchsia:紫红色 cyan:青色/蓝绿色royal blue 宝/品蓝nickel 沙电色dull nickel 沙叻(无光,磨砂)black nickel 克绿khaki 黄褐色cobalt 中蓝色pacific blue 海水蓝dim 暗淡的,恍惚的transparent 透明的tan 棕褐色matte silver 哑叻aubergine 紫红色beige 米黄色bone 米色chrome/ nickel 镍色navy 海军蓝pewter 沙电色khaki 卡其色材料和配件:thin: 薄 thick 厚 net pocket/mesh: 网袋 briefcase:公文包waist bag: 腰包 foam:泡棉 padded:垫料panel: 底板/侧板compartment: 距离层 shoulder bags:肩包]strap: 带子 handle:手把 puller 拉头grip: 把手 ripstop: 格子布 microfiber:花瑶布 420d crinkle nylon 420d的水洗布pe board:pe 板 flap: 盖子 trolley: 拉杆 swatch:样卡elastic: 松紧带 adjustable: 可调节的cardboard:纸板jean: 牛仔布 camouflage:迷彩色 weave label: 织唛stud: 角钉fabric:布料plastic:塑料taslon:塔丝龙tapestry:窗帘提花布backpack: 背包pouch钱包travelling bags:旅行包 riptop:格子布nickel镍 rivet:铆钉zipper:拉链log 标记rubber 橡胶buckle:扣子 match color:配色ribbon: 缎带 embroidery刺绣 yarn;线mark: 唛头printing: 印刷inner laber 内标hangtag 挂牌 carton;纸箱packing: 包装 pantone 色卡 velcro 麾术贴 piping:胶骨binding包边 embroidery 绣花 hanger 衣架 back stitch 回针break stitch断针labour cost 工价overtime working 加班taffeta 平纹 twill 斜纹 jacquard 提花check 格子stripe 条纹 fabric 面料 polyester 涤纶 nylon 尼龙lining 里布 piping 凯线 match color 配色 pattern 纸样design sketch设计图invisible zipper/conceal zipper:隐形拉链;backing .coatiing涂层钮圈 buckle loop鸡眼eyelet撞钉rivet胶针plastic stingjel print--胶体印刷;woven label--织唛;felt--毛绒布;rubber patch--滴塑;rubber label---滴唛;elastic cord----橡皮筋; self fabric pipping---本布包骨; pipping cord----------衬条; semitransparent:磨沙pvc 70dsponge:70发泡;mesh / net : 网布;rope: 绳索;interior:/outer 内/外部layer:层靛蓝青年布:indigo chambray人棉布植绒:rayon cloth flockingpvc植绒:pvc flocking针织布植绒:knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:claimond veins倒毛:down pile making平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain)仿麂皮:micro suede牛仔皮植绒:jeans flocking尼丝纺:nylon taffeta (nylon shioze) 尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylon seersucker taffeta素面植绒:plain flocking印花植绒:flocking(flower)雕印植绒:embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:leather imitation flocking牛仔植绒雕印:embossing jeansflocking兔羊绒大衣呢:angora cachmere overcoating羊毛双面呢:double-faced woolen goods 立绒呢:cut velvet顺毛呢:over coating粗花呢:costume tweed弹力呢:lycra woolen goods塔丝绒: nylon taslon塔丝绒格子:n/taslon ripstop桃皮绒:polyester peach skin涤塔夫:polyester taffeta春亚纺:polyester pongee超细麦克布:micro fiber锦棉稠(平纹):nylon-cotton fabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft)人字锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cotton fabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric 素色毛巾布:solid terry蚂蚁布:fleece in one side素色卫衣布:solid fleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripes single jersey t/r弹力布:t/r bengalinet/c色织格子布:t/c solid check fabric 弹力仿麂皮:micro suede with spandex t/r仿麂皮:t/r micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:cire satine全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffeta 半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta 亮光尼龙:trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:full dull nylon taslan 全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford 尼龙格:nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:taslan rip-stop哑富迪:full dull micro polyesterpongee全消光春亚纺:full dull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop 全消光涤纶桃皮绒:full dull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:big twill polyester peach涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop 涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyester inter-woven peachcontainer cubic:20':26-28 cbm40':56-58 cbm40' hq:65-68 cbm45':75 cbmjhbags 网友提供:裁床 cutting bed绣花机 embroidering m/c 直刀电剪 straight knife m/c切布机 cloth cutting m/c一字镭射灯 "一" laser light十字定位灯 cross laser light切朴机 interlinning cutting m/c卷朴机 winding interlinning m/c钻孔机 holer m/c自动裁割机 automatic cutting m/c啤机 hydraulic cutting presser拉布机 spreader单针平车 1-needle lockstitch m/c单针链缝平车 1-needle chainstitch m/c 人字平车 zig-zag stitches m/c双针车 twin-needle m/c钮门车 buttonhole m/c钉钮车 button attaching m/c打枣车 bartack m/c埋夹车 chain stitch feed-off arm m/c 切刀车 lockstitch trimming m/c五线及骨车 5-thread safty stitches m/c 三线及骨车 3-thread overlocking m/c拉筒车 muti-needle chainstitch m/c耳仔机 looper sewing m/c辘脚车 special streamlined lockstitch 三针网车 3-needle interlock m/c四针虾苏网车 4-needle interlock m/c四针拼缝车 feed-off-the-arm,4 needleboth cut flat seamer挑脚车 chain-blindstitch m/c凤眼车 eyelet end m/c开袋机 pocket m/c切耳仔机 looper cutting machine粘合机 fusing m/c啤钮机 snap fixing m/c切领机 collar cutting m/c切筒车 cuting placket machine拉布机 spreader直送捆条机 baler大型翻线机(8个头) crossing thread m/c 反领机 collar turning machine自动反介英机 auto cuff turning m/c点领机 heat notching m/c切领机 collartrimming m/c切筒机 placket trimming m/c平缝线迹----plain stitch ,flat stitch疏缝线迹----basting stitch ,tacking stitch绷缝线迹----covering stitch ,flat -lock stitch绗缝线迹----quilted stitch嵌缝线迹----cord stitch面缝线迹----top stitch,over stitch 暗缝线迹----invisible stitch ,blind stitch缲缝线迹----slip stitch折缝线迹----fell stitch倒缝线迹----reversible stitch , backward stitch包缝线迹----overlock stitch ,overcastingstitch ,overedge锁式线迹----lock stitch ,lockstitch链式线迹----chain stitch联式线迹----chainlock stitch人字线迹----herringbone stitch羽状线迹----feather stitch珠式线迹----pearl stitchz形线迹----catch stitch,zigzag stitch角形线迹----angle stitch弓形线迹----arched stitch锯齿外形线迹----picot stitch ,zigzag stitch贝壳外形线迹----shell stitch网眼外形线迹----basket stitch蜂窝外形线迹----honeycomb stitch 直形线迹----straight stitch双十字外形线迹---double stitch交叉线迹,十字线迹---cross stitch 圆形线迹----round stitch廓形线迹----outline stitch曲折形线迹---zigzag sititch变形线迹---change stitch钩编线迹---crochet stitch织补线迹---darning stitch刺绣线迹---embroidery stitch,crewel stitch装饰线迹---ornamental stitch,decorative stitch花式线迹---fancy stitch点划线迹---dot dash stitch对称线迹---counter stitch比翼线迹---fly stitch特殊线迹---special stitch复合线迹---combination stitch, split stitch复式线迹---double action stitch双针线迹---twice stitch双重线迹---twice stitch三重线迹---triple stitch缝式线迹---seam stitch加固线迹---fastening stitch ,tacking stitch打结线迹---knotting stitch扎缚线迹---padding stitch 袖褶线迹---shirring stitch伸缩线迹---stretch stitch,elasic stitch滚边线迹---binding stitch卷边线迹---hemming stitch暗卷缝线迹---blinding hemming stitch拼合线迹---abutting stitch中断线迹---broken stitch跳针线迹---skipping stitch安全线迹---safety stitch手针缝法缭针法----slip stitch拱针法----prick stitch明缲针法---fell stitch暗缲针法---bling hemming stitch环针法----catch stitch叠针法----fastening stitch扎针法----pad stitch扳针法----diagonal basting绗针法----quilting stitch锁针法----lock stitch倒针法----bartack stitch ,back stitch三角针法---herringbone stitch杨树花针法--feather stitch花针法----zigzag stitch跳针法----skipping stitch常用皮革英语----by fox_p兄弟artificial leather人造革baseball leather棒球革basketball leather篮球革bellow leather风箱革belt leather带皮belting leather带革; 轮带book-binding leather书面革bottom leather底革boxing-glove leather拳击手套革buck leather(雄)鹿革buckle leather带用革buffed leather磨面革butt leather底革card leather梳革case leather箱皮charred leather皮炭chamois leather麂皮chrome leather铬革chrome tanned leather铬鞣革clothing leather服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather梳刷革cow leather牛皮crown leather上等皮革crup leather马臀革crust leather坯革; 半硝革cup leather制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather隔膜革[皮] dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革dressing leather饰革drum leather鼓皮drycleanable leather耐干洗革easy-care leather易保养革embossed leather压花革enamel leather漆皮enamelled leather漆皮fair leather集市皮革fancy leather美术革, 装饰用革finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather足球革football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革furniture leather家具革garment leather衣服革gas meter leather气表革glace leather白鞣革glove leather手套皮hair-on leather带毛革half leather半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather马具革hat leather制帽革hat sweatband leather帽圈革heavy leather厚革heel leather(鞋)后跟皮hunting leather粗绒面革hydraulic leather水压机革(密封用革) imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather产业用革iron tanned leather铁鞣革japanned leather漆皮kangaroo leather袋鼠革kaspine leather开斯宾革levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather轻革line leather马具革lining leather衬里革luggage leather箱包革mountain leather石棉napped leather绒毛皮革oar leather桨革oil seal leather油封革oiled leather涂油革oil-tanned leather油鞣革organ-pipe leather风琴管革packing leather皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather漆皮patent leather漆革piano leather钢琴革piston packing leather活塞填密皮plated leather熨压皮革portmanteau leather旅行皮包革rein leather马具革rock leather一种石棉rolled leather轧制革roller leather机轴革rough-tanned leather粗鞣革rubbing leathers【纺】搓条皮圈russia(n) leather俄罗斯革saddle leather鞍皮[革]saffian leather山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather废皮; 碎皮semi-aniline leather半苯胺革semi-chrome leather混合铬鞣革sheep leather(绵)羊革shrink leather皱纹革skirt leather植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather光面皮革soccerballleather足球革softleather软革soleleather底革stirrup leather镫革strop leather磨刀皮革suede leather起毛皮革sweat band leather(帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather扎染革two-tone leather双色调革upholstery leather装饰用皮革upper leather面革valve leather阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather正绒面革zirconium tanned leather锆鞣革volleyball leather排球革wash leather可洗皮革washable chamois leather可洗麂皮welting leather镶边革; 贴边革white leather白革; 矾鞣革常用辅料英语---by luke兄弟(一)原料纺织原料 textile raw materials自然纤维 natural fibre化学纤维 chemical fibre植物纤维 vegetable fibre纺织纤维 textile fibre人造纤维 man made fibre 动物纤维 animal fibre(二)面料1.机织物服装面料平纹布 plain cloth牛津布 oxford斜纹布 drill线卡 ply-yarn drill羽缎 serge灯芯绒 corduroy起绒布 fleece泡泡纱 seersucker麻纱 hair cords亚夏布 linen cloth绸 silk粗纺毛织物 woolen cloth全毛单面华达呢woolen one-side gabardine凡立丁 valitine啥味呢 twill coating精纺花呢 worsted fany suiting法兰绒 flannel大衣呢 overcoat suiting交织物 mixed fabric府绸 poplin青年布 chambray纱卡 single yarn drill华达呢 gabardine牛仔布 denim平绒 velveteen绉布 crepe巴厘纱 voile苎夏布 ramie fabric电力纺 habotai精纺毛织物 worsted fabric全毛华达呢 pure wool gabardine驼丝锦 doeskin女士呢 ladies cloth粗花呢 tweed2.针织物面料纬编针织物 weft-knitted fabric单面针织物 single knit fabric纬平针织物 plain knit fabric双罗纹针织物 interlock fabric起绒针织物 interlock fabric毛圈针织物 terry knitted fabric双梳栉经编针织物 two-bar fabric经编针织物 warp-knitted fabric双面针织物 double knit fabric罗纹针织物 rib knit fabric双反面针织物 purl fabric长毛绒针织物 high pile knitted fabric 提花针织物 jacquard knitted fabric多梳栉经编针织物 multi-bar fabric (三)辅料1.衬树脂衬 resin interlining夏布胸衬 breast canvas树脂领衬 resin collar interlining绒布胸衬 breast fleece热熔衬 fusible interlining粘合衬 adhesive-bonded interlining双面粘合衬double-faced adhesive interlining无纺布衬 non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬non-woven adhesive interlining有纺粘合衬 adhesive woreninterlinging 黑炭衬 hair interlining马尾衬 horsehair interlining化纤衬 chemical fibre interlining针织衬 knitted interlining2.填料棉花 cotton人造棉 artificial cotton喷胶棉 polyester wadding丝棉 silk wadding腈纶棉 acrylic staple fibre羽绒 down3.线、扣、拉链线 thread棉线 cotton thread丝线 silk thread尼龙线 nylon thread装饰线 ornamental thread钮 button四目扣 four-hole button装饰纽扣 decorative button异形扣 special-shaped button塑料扣 plastic button玻璃扣 glass button子母扣,四合扣 snap button拉链 zipper尼龙拉链 nylon zipper涤纶拉链 polyester zipper双头拉链 zipper with double sliders 装饰带 fashion tape罗纹 rib缝纫用线 twist麻线 flax thread绣花线 embroidery thread涤纶线 polyester thread宝塔线 cone of thread两目扣 two-hole button包扣 covered button羊角扣 claw button金属扣 metal button树脂扣 resin button 木扣 wood button尼龙搭扣 nylon fastener tape 金属拉链 metal zipper塑料拉链 plastic zipper领钩 collar clasp搭钩 agraffe橡筋 elastic ribbon弹力罗纹 elastic rib术语增补----by手袋箱包术语(1)bags/case name 袋/箱包名称beauty case 化妆袋briefcase 公文袋cabin case 航空袋camera bag 相机袋duffle /travel bag 旅行袋flight bag /tote 航空袋garment bag 西装袋simple notebook bag 简朴电脑袋toilet kit 洗手间袋travel bag with trolley 拖轮袋trolley /uprights 拉杆箱trolley backpack 拉杆背包waist bag 腰包handbag 手提包material 原料:binding material 包边用料cord for cord-handles 手把索brushed nylon for computer cases 拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱cardboard bottom boards 纸底板dobbie weave 交织cord for cord-locks 锁索dividers & separators’ material 分隔面料elastics 松紧带foams 海绵insulating materials 绝缘物料leather trim 真皮配料linings 内里main coated materials 主要外层面料mesh /other type of tissue 网布/纱布piping bumpers 管条脚座piping materials 管条plywood bottom boards 底部胶合板(木板/三合板)、polyethylene for corners /backing 角位/底部面料polyvinyl(pvc)sponge trim pvc海绵配料thread 车线velcro 幺术贴webbing 织带zipper pulls 拉片zipper sliders 拉链头zipper tapers 拉链structural hardware 金属结构accessory hook 前拖带rivets & washers 铆钉和垫圈alligator studs 短钉runners 背面长条bottom stand 前脚screws 螺丝bottom studs 底钉shoulder strap 肩带complete extendable handle system 拉杆架side handle 侧手把conveyor belt 运轮带snaps 纽扣/四合扣e xtendible handles’ parts /mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构grommets 垫圈studs (side studs )大头钉(侧泡钉)handle with brackets 手把连扣top carrying handle 主手把honeycomb sample 蜂巢板wheel casings 轮子的盖handle wrap 手握片wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座metal frame sample 铁框polyethylene board samples ---pe板rings /other metal parts 金属环/其它金属配件accessories 配件badge /emblem 徽章,象征,标志buckles 插扣chains 缝条/链cord-locks (toggle-locks ,barrel-locks ) s锁(套索锁,桶锁)hanger hooks & mechanisms for swing-hooks 挂钩和摇晃钩hooks 勾 lid 盖luggage identification tags 行李箱地址牌nameplate 商标/logo /铝牌strap 背带outside hanger hooks for garment bags 供西装袋用的勾(衣架)padlocks & keys 锁和钥匙plastic water bottles 塑胶水桶钉swivel hanger bracket 旋转衣架座universal hanger hooks 整体挂勾labels 标签guarantee carton tags 保证吊牌inside country of origin label 内布标other required tag 其它要求的吊牌product knowledge carton tags 产品吊牌tear-me test tags 本布吊牌upc tag –upc吊牌buckle/lock扣或锁belt buckle 皮带扣press locks 插锁metal pin buckle 铁线针扣snap fastener 四合扣metal ring /buckle 铁线扣turn locks 拧制plastic buckle 塑胶插扣button 纽扣handbag side clips 手袋侧夹magnet button 磁纽press button 珠纽press stud 纽扣snap button 急纽rivet 钉compression rivet 束口钉semi-tublar rivet 中空钉full tublar rivet 空心钉single layer rivet 单面撞钉color 颜色aubergine 紫红色beige 米黄色bone 米色chrome/ nickel 镍色navy 海军蓝pewter 沙电色khaki 卡其色cloth 布料canvas 帆布jacquard /tapestry 提花布ramie 麻ripstop /tartan 格子布sponge 海绵spun 山东绸twill 斜布zipper cord 拉头上的棉绳defects 瑕疵baggy cloth 波断纹filling bar 稀密路mixed filling 错纬barre 横档finishing bar 横痕neps 棉结broken end 断线float end 走经oil spots 油渍broken picks 断线float 浮织 pleat 褶coarse picks 粗纬fold marks 褶痕rope marks 条痕cockles 起皱fuzzy ball 毛球slack picks 松纬color spots 色渍holes sto破洞stop mark 停机痕crease 皱loopy selvedge 毛圈边tight end 紧经curled selvedge 卷边mispick 缺纬tight picks 紧纬double picks 双纬missing end 缺经/线water stain 水印dyeing streak 染褶mix end 错经wavy selvedge 浪边other vocabulary 其他生字abrasion 摩擦bent 弯曲crooked 歪engraved 雕刻eyelets 鸡眼jaggedly 锯齿protrudes 凸起rip off 裂开seam 接缝stiff 硬stumbles 错误trimming 装饰wobble 扭捏removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 启齿袋herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈wheel housings 轮子座pull handle grip and bezel 拉杆杯bumpers / runners 脚座garment grips 衣架座logo gasket logo 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条swivel hook 狗钩these zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉heat transfer pattern 热传递风格leather tab 皮革饰片text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮(纹理芙蓉皮)graphic carton 彩盒master carton 大箱zip-away 拉链袋handle ring 手把环clear pvc 透明pvckohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料原材料fabric 布料demin 斜纹布plaid fabric 格子花呢布ripstop fabric 格子布napkins 餐巾cotton canvas 棉帆布fake fabric 假布mesh 网布elastic 松紧带velcro strip 魔术贴/粘扣带foam 海绵pe foam 珍珠棉neoprene 潜水料string 索头绳quickstop/snap hook 索止webbing 织带micro-fibre米高料puller/zipper 拉头/拉链water repellent zipper 防水拉链inside label 内布标rubber logo 胶章corner wheels 角轮belt clip 皮带扣zine-alloy 锌合金clip 铁夹/手机夹srtip 带/肩带lab dip crinkle nylon 皱纹尼龙/洗水布thread 线loose ends 零碎资料swatch 布样dog hooks 钩头拉链d-ring d型钩tarpaulin 防水油布transparent pvc window 透明pvc胶纱支数 horizontal 1200d yarn count is xx per inchvertical 900d yarn count is xx per inch gauge:mmetal adjuster 拉芯扣reflective stripe 反光条产品salesman sample 走街办pp(production phase) sample 产前办original sample 原办diamond plating eva pads 钻石纹eva waist apron 围裙roller 滚筒assorted luggages 杂物袋upright case 直箱duffel bag 行李箱(圆形大帆布袋)trolley case 滚轮箱cooler bag 冰袋roller bag 拖轮箱backpack 背包cosmetic bag 化妆袋camping bag 登山包mould 模具pouch 小袋/手机袋goody bag (制造商为了倾销而免费)的礼品袋,促销袋颜色其他/杂项screen print/silkscreen/heat transfer 丝印dyeing 染色printing house/factory 印刷厂embrodery(logo) 刺绣punch 冲孔decorative 装饰的embossing 压纹。