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Unlocking the Climate Puzzle Nonetheless, in1995, after years of intense study, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC), sponsored by the United Nations, concluded tentatively that “the balance of evidence suggests that there is a discernible human influence on global climate”.


The amount of that influence, the group noted, is unknown because of “uncertainties in key factors”, including the degree to which clouds and the oceans affect the rate of temperature change.


It may take decade or more of additional research to resolve those uncertainties.


1.What causes climate change? 是什么导致了气候变化?

2.Weather is what happens outside your home this morning.


3.Climate is what you can expect to happen outside during your 30-year mortgage.


4.Over time small changes can make a big difference.


5.Driven by tremendous flows of heat over the surface of the planet, Earth’s climate system is influenced by innumerable interacting variables.


The role of clouds is poorly understood, but they are known to both cool earth by reflecting solar energy and warm earth by trapping heat being radiated up from the surface.


When solar energy penetrates the land surface, it is converted into heat, most of which radiates upward quickly.


Still, topography and land use can have major effects on climate.


Mountain ranges can block clouds, creating dry “shadows”downwind. 在下风口,山脉会挡住云层,形成缺乏雨水的“阴影地”。

Sloping land allows more water runoff, leaving the land and air drier.


A tropical forest will soak up CO2 ,but once cleared for cattle ranching, the same land becomes a source of methane.


If CO2 emission increases are to blame for global warming,skeptics say,then temperatures should have risen appreciably during the postwar economic boom,when fossil fuels were burned in escalating quantity.

质疑者们说,如果CO2的增加应该对全球变暖负责,那么在战后经济繁荣期间化石燃料被越来越多的燃烧时,温度应该很明显的增加。Jerry Mahlman,director of NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory at Princeton, however, has calculated that the surge in coal and oil use quickly increased the amount of sulfates aloft,prompting the cooling.

不管怎样,Jerry Mahlman,美国国家海洋和大气局位于普林斯顿关于地球物理流体动力学实验室的主任,曾计算过煤和油的使用量的激增会迅速增加空气中大量的硫酸盐,并促进它们冷却。

After 1970 the longer term effect of CO2 and methane overwhelmed the short-lived aerosols,accounting for the temperature rise since then.


Furthermore,higher temperatures might be most welcome where they are most likely to occur.此外,高温在可能发生的地方也许会很受欢迎。
