(外研版)高三英语一轮复习课件:必修2 Module 4 公开课一等奖课件

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3.What do you ________________? 你对这有何看法? [解析] make of在此意为“认为”。 [仿写] 你对这个计划有何看法? What do you ______________________? 答案:1.considered to be; discussed at the meeting yesterday
______b_e__c_ra_z_y__a_b_o_u_t __
__________p_u_t _o_ff______
________t_a_k_e_t_u_rn_s_____ _______因__…__…__而__闻__名___ _______喜__欢__;__喜__爱_____ ______对__…__…__产__生__兴__趣__ _____从__…__…__可__以__看__出___ ________一__系__列__的______
2.most famous; a most difficult 3.make of it; make of the plan
Artist Nationality
Painting Style
Different __(3)__ of the object or person showing at the same time.
Famous For __(7)__
Soup cans and advertisements
1.Everyone agrees that traditional Chinese painting is considered to
be very beautiful. 2.First... Besides... What's more... 3.I can't get tired of looking at them. 4.What's more, traditional painting is .... which I can tell by the
Ⅱ.短语互译 1.对……厌烦 2.迷恋 3.推迟;延期 4.放弃 5.轮流 6.be known/famous for 7.be fond of 8.develop an interest in 9.tell by 10.a series of
All in all, traditional Chinese painting not only makes our life beautiful, but also brings artistic enjoyment to us all the time.
Ⅰ.单词速记 核心必记
1._s_c_e_n_e___(n.)风景;景色 2.__a_l_iv_e___(adj.)有活力的;有生气的 3.__a_d_o_p_t__(vt.) 采纳;采用 4.___a_im____(vi.)以……为目标;打算;意欲 5.__s_ta_n_d___(vt.) 忍受 6 . _d_e_li_g_h_tf_u_l(adj.) 令 人 愉 快 的 ; 可 爱 的 → _d_e_l_ig_h_t__(n.) 愉 快,高兴→_d_e_li_g_h_te_d_(adj.)高兴的
Traditional Chinese Painting Everyone agrees that traditional Chinese painting is considered to be very beautiful. In my opinion, the reasons why people are fond of it are as follows. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Ⅲ.典句析练 1.This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso,
__________ the greatest western artist of the twentieth century. 这是西班牙画家巴勃罗·毕加索的一幅油画,他被认为是
走向高考 ·英语
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路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索
第一部分 基础知识聚焦
必修二 Module 4 Fine Arts
—Western,Chinese and Pop Arts
1 话题作文晨诵 2 基础知识梳理 3 考点探究演练
4 单元语法 5 基础知识巩固 6 课时作业
Roy Lichtenstein
Showing ordinary 20th century __(4)__ life.
Qi Baishi
__(5)__ drawing in __(2)__ black inks natural
Xu Beihong
Showing __(6)__ and the “life” of a picture's subject
高频必知 12._c_o_n_te_m__p_o_ra_r_y_(adj.)当代的 13.__a_s_p_ec_t__(n.)方面 14._im__i_ta_t_e__(vt.)临摹;仿造;模仿;仿效 15._a_r_t_is_t(n.)艺术家→___ar_t(n.)艺术→__ar_t_is_t_ic_(adj.)艺术的 16.___p_a_in_t__(vt.) 绘画; ( 用颜 料 ) 画→__p_a_i_n_te_r_(n.) 画家 →_p_a_i_n_ti_n_g_(n.)绘画;油画 17.e_x_h_ib_i_t_io_n_(n.)展览→__e_x_h_ib_i_t_(vt.)展览
Ⅱ.范文必背 Traditional Chinese Painting
Everyone agrees that traditional Chinese painting is considered to be very beautiful. In my opinion, the reasons why people are fond of it are as follows.
First,it is the art with a Chinese brush,ink or watercolour painting on a piece of Xuan paper or silk. The styles of traditional Chinese paintings are close to reality and easy to understand. I can't get tired of looking at them. Besides, there are many outstanding traditional Chinese painters, one of whom is Qi Baishi. His paintings of little shrimps are well received by many people. Another famous Chinese artist,Xu Beihong,is famous for his paintings of horses, which look so alive. What's more, traditional painting is a perfect combination of pictures, poetry, calligraphy and seals, which I can tell by the style.
7.tr_a_d_it_i_o_n_al_(vt.)传统的;习俗的__tr_a_d_it_i_o_n_al_l_y_(adv.)传统 上地→__tr_a_d_it_io_n_(n.)传统
8._o_b_s_e_rv_e__(vt.)观察;注意到→_o_b_s_e_rv_a_t_io_n__(n.)观察 9.e_x_p_r_e_ss_i_o_n__(n.)表现;表达→__e_x_p_r_e_ss_(vt.)表达 10 . _r_e_a_li_s_e__(vt.) 领 悟 ; 了 解 ; 实 现 ; 实 行 →_r_e_a_li_s_ti_c_(adj.)现实主义的;写实主义的→__r_e_a_li_ty__(n.)现实
Leabharlann Baidu
话题: 请根据下面提示,以“Traditional Chinese Painting”为题写 一篇120~150词的英语短文,简要介绍中国画并说明人们喜欢 的原因。 关键词语: 1.中国画是用毛笔和墨水或水彩在宣纸上的绘画艺术;2. 中 国 有 许 多 著 名 的 画 家 , 如 齐 白 石 、 徐 悲 鸿 ; 3. 中 国 画 是 绘 画、诗歌、书法和印章的完美结合;4.中国画给人艺术享受。 生词:书法calligraphy;印章seal;结合combination
1.traditional传统的;习俗的 2.watercolour水彩画 3.style风格 4.reality现实;真实;实际 5.artist艺术家,美术家 6.alive有活力的;有生气的
1.be fond of喜欢;喜爱 2.get tired of对……厌烦 3.tell by从……可以看出 4.all the time总是;一直
情景活用 选用上面单词或短语的正确形式填空 I like colorful ________( 油 画 ) by ________( 当 代 的)________(画家). Sometimes I try to ________(临摹)them. Once I went to an ________(展览). That was a ________(令人愉 快 的 ) experience. Some drawings were ________( 画 ) in the ________(传统的) Chinese style; some were ________(现实主义 的). At last I ________(采纳)my sister's advice and bought a watercolor painting. 答案:paintings;contemporary painters; imitate; exhibition; delightful; painted; traditional; realistic; adopted
20世纪西方最伟大的画家。 [解析] 过去分词短语considered to be...作定语修饰Pablo
Picasso。 [仿写] 这是昨天会议上讨论过的问题。 This is the problem _______________________.
2.He is ________________ for his lively paintings of horses. 他以画生动的马而著称。 [解析] “most+形容词或副词”结构前不加冠词时,不 表示最高级概念,而是表示“很、非常”的含义。 [仿写] 这是非常难的一个问题,但并不是最难的。 This is ________________ problem, but it isn't the most difficult.