



目 录2003年中山大学外国语学院352基础英语考研真题及详解2004年中山大学外国语学院352基础英语考研真题及详解2005年中山大学外国语学院352基础英语考研真题及详解2006年中山大学外国语学院348基础英语考研真题及详解2007年中山大学外国语学院738基础英语考研真题及详解2008年中山大学外国语学院616基础英语考研真题及详解2009年中山大学外国语学院628基础英语考研真题及详解2010年中山大学外国语学院622基础英语考研真题及详解2011年中山大学外国语学院632基础英语考研真题及详解2012年中山大学外国语学院632基础英语考研真题及详解2013年中山大学外国语学院637基础英语考研真题及详解2014年中山大学外国语学院638基础英语考研真题及详解2015年中山大学外国语学院638基础英语考研真题及详解2016年中山大学外国语学院637基础英语考研真题及详解2017年中山大学外国语学院638基础英语考研真题及详解2018年中山大学外国语学院638基础英语考研真题及详解2003年中山大学外国语学院352基础英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Reading (30%)Green Wave Washes Over Mainstream Shopping Research in Britain has shown that “green consumers” continue to flourish as a significant group among shoppers. This suggests that politicians who claim environmentalism is yesterday’s issue may be seriously misjudging the public mood.A report from Mintel, the market research organization, says that despite recession and financial pressures, more people than ever want to buy environmentally friendly products and a “green wave” has swept through consumerism, taking in people previously untouched by environmental concerns. The recently published report also predicts that the process will repeat itself with “ethical” concerns, involving issues such as fair trade with the Third World and the social record of businesses. Companies will have to be more honest and open in response to this mood.Mintel’s survey, based on nearly 1,000 consumers, found that the proportion who look for green products and are prepared to pay more for them has climbed from 53 percent in 1990 to around 60 percent in 1994. On average, they will pay 13 percent more for such products, although this percentage is higher among women, managerial and professional groups and those aged 35 to 44.Between 1990 and 1994 the proportion of consumers claiming to be unaware of or unconcerned about green issues fell from 18 to 10 percent but the number of green spender among older people and manual workers has risen substantially. Regions such as Scotland have also caught up with the south of England in their environmental concerns. According to Mintel, the image of green consumerism as associated in the past with the more eccentric members of society has virtually disappeared. The consumer research manager for Mintel, Angela Hughes, said it had become firmly established as a mainstream market. She explained that as far as the average person is concerned environmentalism has not “gone off the boil”. In fact, it has spread across a much wider range of consumer groups, ages and occupations.Mintel’s 1994 survey found that 13 percent of consumers are “very dark green”, nearly always buying environmentally friendly products, 28 percent are “dark green”, trying “as far as possible” to buy such products, and 21 percent are “pale green” tending to buy green products if they see them. Another 26 percent are “armchair greens”; they said they care about environmental issues but their concern does not affect their spending habits. Only 10 percent say they do not care about green issues.Four in ten people are “ethical spenders”, buying goods which do not, for example, involve dealings with oppressive regimes. This figure is the same as in 1990, although the number of “armchair ethicals” has risen from 28 to 35 percent and only 22 percent say they are, unconcerned now, against 30 percent in 1990. Hughes claims that in the twenty-first century, consumers will be encouraged to think more about the entire history of the products and services they buy, including the policies of the companies that provide them and that this will require a greater degree of honesty with consumers.Among green consumers, animal testing is the top issue—48 percent said they would be deterred from buying a product if it had been tested on animals—followed by concerns regarding irresponsible selling, the ozone layer, river and sea pollution, forest destruction, recycling and factor farming. However, concern for specific issues is lower than in 1990, suggesting that many consumers feel that Government and business have taken on the environmental agenda.Questions 1-6Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer of the passage? In your answer booklet write YES, NO, or NOT GIVEN for each statement.1. The research findings report commercial rather than political trends.2. Being financially better off has made shoppers more sensitive to buying ‘green’.3. The majority of shoppers are prepared to pay more for the benefit of the environment according to the research findings.4. Consumers’ green shopping habits are influenced by Mintel’s findings.5. Mintel has limited their investigation to professional and managerial groups.6. Mintel undertakes market surveys on an annual basis.【答案与解析】1. YES(文章通篇没有多提政治,除了第一段“politicians claims environmentalism is yesterday’s issue”,本文更多的是从消费者的角度来讨论这一问题的。




performative utterance
mood creole plosive
第二个是什么life gives us different experiences 然后影响到the impression of the utterance?大概是这样。

13个选择题考到的作家有简奥斯丁勃朗特狄更斯henry james .dreiser...
然后莎士比亚的sonnet 18
14题简答sonnet 18的主题
15题john donne的诗一首我没读过的诗然后分析这首诗的metaphysical conceit 问诗的流派及其特点.
16题12分emerson的nature 问是如何体现他的玄学理念的




第二天去外院的路上看成绩的路上,讨论组里面的CQ说我们都被录取了,心咯噔一下,考研总有算是告一段落了………笔试:日语听力(80)备考资料:新日语能力考试考前对策N3/N2,新完全掌握日语能力考试听力N3/N2,日本语N3 /N2(APP), N3/N2计划日本语( APP)。






上面用的两个APP 都是N3和N2听力的真题APP。

两个APP 也是各有优劣。


日本语那个APP N2版的有解释,你们在APPLE STORE 搜N3或者N2听力就有了。






虽然从初试到复试,日语备考都夹杂着对日语的讨厌,但是练了听力之后,最近发现我居然能听懂一些平时接触的日语内容了,这种成就感让我现在终于有兴趣会想去学日语了…语言学(90)备考资料:Yule的语言研究,语言研究的中文版Yule 的书出了名的比胡简单,但是我还是在淘宝买了影印版的中文版,主要为了减少我理解的时间和对一些我不想细看的章节(像第四章等)有个快速简单的了解。



中山大学2017年硕士研究生招生考试范围或参考书目211 翻译硕士英语①英美概况部分参见《英语国家社会与文化入门》上、下册,朱永涛编,高等教育出版社,2005。


241 英语①《新编英语教程》(1-3册),李观仪等,上海外语教育出版社,1999。

242 俄语①《大学俄语》【新版】(1-3),史铁强总主编,外语教学与研究出版社,2010年7月第二版。

243 日语①新版《中日交流标准日本语》初级上、下册,集体合著,人民教育出版社、光村图书出版株式会社,2005。

244 法语①新公共法语(初级、中级和高级教程)吴贤良,上海外语教育出版社,2011年。

245 德语①《大学德语》修订本(1-2册),赵仲、戴鸣钟等编,高等教育出版社,2001-2002。

246 西班牙语①董燕生、刘建:《现代西班牙语》第一册,外语教学与研究出版社,1999。



247 韩语①郭一诚:《韩国语能力考试真题精解及模拟800题(中级)》,世界图书出版公司。

248 阿拉伯语新编阿拉伯语( 1-4册),国少华主编,外语教学与研究出版社,ISBN7560033199 ②《阿拉伯语阅读》(上、下),《阿拉伯语阅读》组,出版社:外语教学与研究出版ISBN756000620。

331 社会工作原理旨在选拔知识基础扎实、且具备逻辑思维和批判能力的考生。


334 新闻与传播专业综合能力注重考核新闻实务操作的意识和基本技能以及公共/公益传播领域的知识和实践,具体包括:1、通识类:新闻采访的原则、方式、策略,新闻文体类型、特点及变化,新闻写作原理及技巧,新闻编辑、新闻评论的原理及技巧等。



















2017年中山大学833英语语言文学考研真题及详解Part ⅠLinguistics (75 points)1. Transcribe the following words into IPA symbols, with stress marking where necessary. (20 points)Example: see /siː/; below / bɪ'ləʊ/(1) thank【答案】/θæŋk/(2) curious【答案】/'kjʊəriəs/(3) butcher【答案】/'bʊtʃə(r)/(4) washed【答案】/wɒʃt/(5) competence【答案】/'kɒmpɪtəns/(6) singer【答案】/'sɪŋə(r)/(7) column【答案】/'kɒləm/(8) chimney【答案】/'tʃɪmni/(9) expertise【答案】/ˌekspɜ:'ti:z/(10) confused【答案】/kən'fju:zd/2. Fill in the following blanks. (10 points)(1) When languages share major features that transcend families it may be useful toarrange them by such features rather than by family. This is the study of _____. 【答案】language【解析】Linguistics is the scientific study of language.(2) A principal distinction between morphology and syntax is that the former isconcerned with the internal composition of a word, whereas the latter is concerned with _____ of words.【答案】combinations【解析】Morphology is concerned with the internal organization of words. It studies the minimal units of meaning- morphemes and word -formation processes. Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different constituents are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the interrelationships between elements in sentence structure.(3) _____ _____ is the accent of Standard English in the United Kingdom, with arelationship to regional accents similar to the relationship in other European languages between their standard varieties and their regional forms.【答案】Received pronunciation【解析】Received pronunciation is an accent of Standard English in the United Kingdom, and is defined as “the standard accent of English as spoken in the south of England”.(4) Cognates are words that have a _____ etymological origin.【答案】common【解析】A word is cognate with another if both derive from the same word in an ancestral language.(5) A _____ condition is a condition that must apply before an utterance can constitute a speech act.【答案】felicity【解析】Though performatives cannot be true or false, there are still conditions for them to meet to be appropriate or felicitous. These conditions are called felicity conditions.(6) Embedding is the _____ of one clause within another.【答案】inclusion【解析】Embedding refers to the means by which one clause is included in the sentence (main clause) in syntactic subordination.(7) Language is a form of human communication by means of a system of _____principally transmitted by vocal sounds.【答案】symbols【解析】Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.(8) The means employed by a language to indicate the relationship between theelements of a sentence include _____ _____, a case system, prepositions and particles.【答案】relative clause【解析】The elements of a sentence can be linked grammatically by means of relative clause, a case system, prepositions and particles.(9) _____ refers to the way that a word has a form appropriate to the number orgender of the noun or pronoun it relates to.【答案】Agreement【解析】Agreement or concord is defined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words of specific word classes that stand in specific syntactic relationship with one another., shall also be characterized by the same paradigmatically marked category (or categories).(10) When we consider how language has changed over time we are looking at itfrom a _____ point of view.【答案】diachronic【解析】When we study language developments through time, it is called diachronic linguistics. It focuses on the differences in two or more than two states of language over decades or centuries.3. Define the following terms. (25 points)(1) assimilation【答案】Sounds belonging to one word or one syllable can cause changes in soundsbelonging to neighboring words or syllables. This is called assimilation. For example, in English the negative prefix occurs as im- before words such as possible: impossible. As “possible”starts with a bilabial sound, the prefix im- ends in a bilabial sound. Before words like tolerant, however, the prefix is in-: intolerant. As “tolerant” starts with an alveolar sound, the prefix in- ends in an alveolar sound. As the following sounds bring about the change, this process is called regressive assimilation. On the other hand, the difference between the [s] in the English word cats and the [z] in the English word “dogs”is an example of progressive assimilation because the preceding sounds bring about the change.(2) performative utterance【答案】Austin distinguishes two types of sentences: performatives and constatives. Some sentences do not describe things. They cannot be said to be true or false. The uttering of these sentences is, or is a part of, the doing of an action. So they are called performatives. Although performatives cannot be true or false, there are still conditions for them to meet to be appropriate or felicitous. And these conditions are called felicity conditions.(3) mood【答案】Mood is one of the realization means of interpersonal function. Mood shows what role the speaker selects in the speech situation and what he assigns to the addressee. If the speaker selects the imperative mood, he assumes the role of。



















中⼭⼤学2017~2018年翻译硕⼠英语考研真题及详解【圣才出品】中⼭⼤学2017年翻译硕⼠英语考研真题及详解PART ⅠGRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [60 MIN] (1×30=30 POINTS)There are thirty sentences in this section Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D Please choose the correct answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.1. There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than _____ in the public mind today.A. existingB. to existC. existsD. have exist【答案】C【解析】句意:由于登⼭存在的危险⽽产⽣的焦虑不应像如今公众⼼⾥所想的那么多。

than 在这⾥可视为特殊的关系代词,出现在more ... than, less ... than, fewer ... than等结构中,在从句中可以充当主语、宾语、表语,以充当主语为多。

2. I knew that I would have to do everything I could to keep _____ being anxious or desperate.A. out ofB. fromC. atD. up【答案】B【解析】句意:我知道,我原本可以尽我所能来使⾃⼰免于陷⼊焦虑或绝望。

keep sb. from doing阻⽌或约束(⾃⼰或他⼈)做某事。






考试科目:方向01、11(1)101 思想政治理论(2)242 俄语、243 日语、244 法语、245 德语、246 西班牙语、247 韩语、248 阿拉伯语(3)637 基础英语(4)831 语言学概论C(报考英语专业考生考,用英文作答)复试专业课:方向01:S1505001 英美文学(英语语言文学专业文学方向考生考,用英文考试)、S1505002 语言学(报考英语语言文学专业语言学方向、外国语言学及应用语言学专业的考生考,用英文考试)方向11:S1505002 语言学(报考英语语言文学专业语言学方向、外国语言学及应用语言学专业的考生考,用英文考试)方向03(1)101 思想政治理论(2)241 英语(3)638 基础法语(4)832 语言学概论B(报考法语、德语、日语专业考生考,用中文作答)复试专业课:S1505003 法国文学与文化(用法文考试)方向04(1)101 思想政治理论(2)241 英语(3)639 基础德语(4)832 语言学概论B(报考法语、德语、日语专业考生考,用中文作答)复试专业课:S1505004 德国文学与文化(用德语考试)方向05(1)101 思想政治理论(2)241 英语(3)640 基础日语(4)832 语言学概论B(报考法语、德语、日语专业考生考,用中文作答)复试专业课:S1505005 日本文学与文化(用日语考试)研究方向:01 英语语言文学03 法语语言文学04 德语语言文学05 日语语言文学11 外国语言学及应用语言学2017外国语言文学专业课考研参考书目:新编大学德语1新编大学德语2新编大学德语3新编日语(1)(修订版)学习参考:课文翻译与练习答案新编日语(2)(修订版)学习参考:课文翻译与练习答案新编日语(3)(修订版)学习参考:课文翻译与练习答案新编日语(4)(修订版)学习参考:课文翻译与练习答案新编日语(修订本)1新编日语(修订本)2新编日语(修订本)3新编日语(修订本)4新编西班牙语阅读课本1(10新)新编英语教程1新编英语教程2新编英语教程3新大学俄语简明教程(二外成人)2017外国语言文学考研专业课资料:《中山大学242俄语考研真题及答案解析》《中山大学243日语考研真题及答案解析》《中山大学244法语考研真题及答案解析》《中山大学245德语考研真题及答案解析》《中山大学246西班牙语考研真题及答案解析》《中山大学247韩语考研真题及答案解析》《中山大学248阿拉伯语考研真题及答案解析》《中山大学648综合英语考研真题及答案解析》《中山大学846英语写作与百科知识考研真题及答案解析》《2017中山大学外语与翻译大学院(翻译学院)考研复试一本通》历年考研复试分数线:2015年总分:350,政治/外语:50;业务1/业务2:90;2014年总分:350,政治/外语:55;业务1/业务2:90;【17外国语言文学考研辅导】2017中山大学考研高端保录班2017中大专业课考研无忧通关班2017中山大学专业课考研一对一班2017中大专业课考研面授集训班外国语言文学就业方向:主要到外事、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等部门从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作。



英语:①《新编英语教程》(1-3册),李观仪等,上海外语教育出版社,1999241445 汉语国际教育基础:依据《全日制汉语国际教育硕士专业学位研究生入学考试大纲》448 汉语写作与百科知识: 参照教指委公布的考试大纲。

610 民俗学概论:本科目考试范围为:民俗的基本特征,民俗的类别及其特征(如物质生产民俗、物质生活民俗、社会组织民俗等等不同类别及其特征),中外民俗学史、民俗学研究方法。



611 文学评论写作:主要考察对具体文学作品的评论赏鉴,兼及对众多批评方法与文学流派的理论把握和应用。


612 语言学概论:①《语言学纲要》,叶蜚声、徐通锵编,北大出版社613 现代汉语与语言学概论:①《语言学纲要》,叶蜚声、徐通锵编,北大出版社;②《现代汉语》黄伯荣、廖序东主编,高教出版社614 文献释读:主要考察考生对古代文献的标点与翻译,阅读与理解,分析与评论的能力615 文学基础:本课目考察考生对中国文学史、外国文学史以及古代汉语的基础知识,包括文学史现象、作家作品、流派和思潮等;古代汉语的常识,例如字词的释义、古文断句等,也在考察范围之内。


616 世界文学:①郑克鲁主编:《外国文学史》(上、下),高等教育出版社,2006年修订版803 民间文学概论:本科目考试范围为:民间文学的基本特征,民间文学的类别及其特征(如神话、传说、故事等不同类别及其特征),民间文学与作家文学的关系,民间文学的多民族交流关系,民间文学的田野作业及其科学写定,中国民间文学史略,民间文学的鉴赏与研究等等。

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方向01 英语语言文学
(1)101 思想政治理论
(2)242 俄语、243 日语、244 法语、245 德语、246 西班牙语、247 韩语、248 阿拉伯语
(3)637 基础英语
(4)831 语言学概论C(报考英语专业考生考,用英文作答)
S1505001 英美文学(英语语言文学专业文学方向考生考,用英文考试)、S1505002 语言学(报考英语语言文学专业语言学方向、外国语言学及应用语言学专业的考生考,用英文考试



S1505001英美文学(英语语言文学专业文学方向考生考,用英文考试)①《美国文学简史》(A Survey of American Literature),第二版,常耀信编,南开大学出版社,2003。

