船舶排放控制区方实施方案船舶排放控制区(Emission Control Area,ECA)是指为了减少船舶排放对环境造成的影响而设定的特定区域。
二、船舶排放控制区的设立1. 根据国际海事组织(IMO)的指引和标准,确定适当的船舶排放控制区范围。
2. 确定船舶排放控制区的边界和划定方法,包括地理坐标和水域范围等。
三、船舶排放控制标准1. 根据国际海事组织(IMO)和国家相关法规,制定适用于船舶排放控制区的排放限值标准,包括氮氧化物(NOx),二氧化硫(SO2)和颗粒物(PM)等。
2. 船舶排放控制标准应按照不同类型、尺寸和使用情况的船舶分类制定,并根据环保技术的发展和可行性进行修订和调整。
四、船舶尾气排放监测与治理1. 建立船舶尾气排放监测系统,监测船舶在船舶排放控制区内的排放情况。
2. 对未达到排放标准的船舶,采取相应的措施进行治理,包括检查、处罚、限制进出口港口等。
3. 鼓励船舶采用低排放燃料、尾气净化器等尾气减排技术,以达到或超过排放控制标准。
五、宣传与培训1. 开展船舶排放控制区的宣传教育活动,提高公众对船舶排放的环境影响的认识和理解。
2. 提供船舶排放控制区管理政策和技术培训,使船舶企业和船员了解和适应相关的排放控制措施。
六、合作与国际交流1. 加强国际合作,与其他国家和国际组织共同推动船舶排放控制区的设立和实施。
2. 参与国际海事组织(IMO)等国际航运组织的相关会议和活动,分享经验和技术,促进国际间的合作和交流。
七、筹备工作1. 制定船舶排放控制区设立的时间表和路线图,确保各项准备工作按照计划进行。
德国组织NABU的运输政策官员Sönke Diesener表示,现在我们需要同沿岸国家开展合作,以促进国际海事组织指定地中海为排放控制区。
沿海控制区范围为表 1 所列 60 个点依次连线以内海域,其中海南水域范围为表 2 所列 20 个点依次连线以内海域。
内河控制区范围为长江干线(云南水富至江苏浏河口)、西江干线(广西南宁至广东肇庆段)的通航水域,起止点位坐标见表 3。
1. 2019 年 1月 1日起,海船进入排放控制区,应使用硫含量不大于 0. 5%m/m 的船用燃油,大型内河船和江海直达船舶应使用符合新修订的船用燃料油国家标准要求的燃油;其他内河船应使用符合国家标准的柴油。
2020 年 1月 1日起,海船进入内河控制区,应使用硫含量不大于 0. 1%m/m 的船用燃油。
2. 2020 年 3 月 1日起,未使用硫氧化物和颗粒物污染控制装置等替代措施的船舶进入排放控制区只能装载和使用按照本方案规定应当使用的船用燃油。
3. 2022 年 1月 1日起,海船进入沿海控制区海南水域,应使用硫含量不大于 0. 1%m/m 的船用燃油。
4.适时评估船舶使用硫含量不大于0. 1%m/m 的船用燃油的可行性,确定是否要求自 2025 年 1月 1日起,海船进入沿海控制区使用硫含量不大于 0. 1%m/m 的船用燃油。
5. 2000 年 1月 1日及以后建造(以铺设龙骨日期为准,下同) 或进行船用柴油发动机重大改装的国际航行船舶,所使用的单台船用柴油发动机输出功率超过 130 千瓦的,应满足《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》第一阶段氮氧化物排放限值要求。
船舶大气污染物排放控制区实施方案 PPT
4、 适时评估船舶使用硫含量不大于0. 1%m/m 的船用燃油的可行性,确定是否要求自 2025 年 1月 1日起,海船进入沿海控制区使用硫含 量不大于 0. 1%m/m 的船用燃油。
各省级交通运输主管部门、各直属海事 管理机构要积极协调地方人民政府出台相关 激励政策和配套措施,增加执法装备、人员 培训等执法保障方面的投入,对使用低硫燃 油、清洁能源、尾气后处理、油气回收、岸 电、在线监测、提前淘汰老旧船舶等措施, 采取资金补贴、便利通行等鼓励政策和措施。
(四)发挥科技支撑作用。 各省级交通运输主管部门、各直属海事管 理机构、长江航务管理局、珠江航务管理局要 积极引导和支持相关科研单位、港航企业和设 备厂商等,开展船舶大气污染控制和监管技术 研究,组织制定技术标准,促进成果转化。
• (一)硫氧化物和颗粒物排放控制要求
• (二)氮氧化物排放控制要求 • (三)船舶靠港使用岸电要求 • (四)其他
• 海船
• 1、 2019 年 1月 1日起,海船进入排放控制 区,应使用硫含量不大于 0. 5%m/m 的船用 燃油。 • 2、 2020 年 1月 1日起,海船进入内河控 制 区,应使用硫含量不大于 0. 1%m/m 的船用 燃油。
船舶大气污染物排放控 制区实施方案 船舶大气污染物排放控制区实
通过设立船舶大气污染物排放控制 区(以下简称排放控制区),降低船 舶硫氧化物、氮氧化物、颗粒物和挥 发性有机物等大气污染物的排放,持 续改善沿海和内河港口城市空气质量。
交通运输部关于印发船舶大气污染物排放控制区实施方案的通知(交海发[2018]168号)英文版Implementation Scheme of the Domestic Emission Control Areas forAtmospheric Pollution from Vessels1by Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China on30th Nov.2018In order to implement the national policies on ecological civilization development,pollution prevention and control,to protect the blue skies,as well as to facilitate the green shipping development and the energy saving and emission reduction of vessels,this Implementation Scheme is formulated in accordance with the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People’s Republic of China and the applicable international conventions,and on the basis of the Implementation Scheme of the Domestic Emission Control Areas for Vessels in the Pearl River Delta,the Yangtze River Delta and the Bohai-Rim Area(Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei) (JHF[2015]No.177).1.ObjectivesThe Domestic Emission Control Areas for Atmospheric Polluti on from Vessels(hereinafter referred to as“DECAs”)are designated to control and reduce emissions of atmospheric pollutants including SOx,NOx,particulate matters(PMs)and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)from vessels and to improve the air quality of coastal areas and inland river port cities.2.PrinciplesThe DECAs are designated according to the following principles:(i)Promoting a coordinated development of the environmentquality improvement and theshipping economy growth.(ii)Strengthening the control of air pollution from vessels.(iii)Complying with the international conventions and domestic laws.(iv)Taking a phased-in approach and conducting pilot programs.3.Scope of ApplicationThe Scheme applies to vessels navigating,berthing and operating in the DECAs.4.Geographic Scope of the DECAsThe DECAs referred to in the Scheme include both the coastal control area and the inland river control area.The coastal control area covers the sea area enclosed by the60coordinates listed in Table1, and the sea area in Hainan waters is enclosed by the20coordinates listed in Table2.The inland river control area is the navigable waters of the main stream of the Yangtze River (from Shuifu,Yunnan to the mouth of the Liuhe River,Jiangsu)and the main stream of the Xijiang River(from Nanning,Guangxi to Zhaoqing,Guangdong),the coordinates of the starting and ending points are listed in Table3.Table1Coordinates of the Boundary Control Points in the Coastal Control Area1This English version of Implementation Sheme for DECAs is only for refrence,whileas the documents issued by MOT should be used as the officail version.No.Longitude Latitude No.Longitude Latitude 1124°10′06.00″39°49′41.00″31112°50′52.80″21°22′25.68″2122°5 7′14.40″37°22′11.64″32112°29′20.40″21°17′12.48″3122°57′00.00″37°21′29.16″33111°27′00.00″19°51′57.96″4122°48′18.00″36°53′51.36″34111°23′42.00″19°46′54.84″5122°45′14.40″36°48′25.20″3 5110°38′56.40″18°31′10.56″6122°40′58.80″36°44′41.28″36110°3 7′40.80″18°30′24.12″7122°24′36.00″36°35′08.88″37110°15′07.20″18°16′00.84″8121°03′03.60″35°44′44.16″38110°09′25.20″18°12′45.36″9120°12′57.60″34°59′27.60″39109°45′32.40″17°59′03.12″1 0121°32′24.00″33°28′46.20″40109°43′04.80″17°59′03.48″11121°51′14.40″33°06′19.08″41109°34′26.40″17°57′18.36″12122°26′42. 00″31°32′08.52″42109°03′39.60″18°03′10.80″13123°23′31.20″30°49′15.96″43108°50′42.00″18°08′58.56″14123°24′36.00″30°45′51. 84″44108°33′07.20″18°21′07.92″15123°09′28.80″30°05′43.44″45 108°31′40.80″18°22′30.00″16122°28′26.40″28°47′31.56″46108°3 1′08.40″18°23′10.32″17122°07′30.00″28°18′58.32″47108°28′44.4 0″18°25′34.68″18122°06′03.60″28°17′01.68″48108°24′46.80″18°4 9′13.44″19121°19′12.00″27°21′30.96″49108°23′20.40″19°12′47.1 6″20120°42′28.80″26°17′32.64″50108°22′45″20°24′05″21120°36′10.80″26°04′01.92″51108°12′31″21°12′35″22120°06′57.60″25°18′37.08″52108°08′05″21°16′32″23119°37′26.40″24°49′31.80″5310 8°05′43.7″21°27′08.2″24118°23′16.80″24°00′54.00″54108°05′38. 8″21°27′23.1″25117°50′31.20″23°23′16.44″55108°05′39.9″21°27′28.2″2611 7°22′26.40″23°03′05.40″56108°05′51.5″21°27′39.5″27117°19′51. 60″23°01′32.88″57108°05′57.7″21°27′50.1″28116°34′55.20″22°45′05.04″58108°06′01.6″21°28′01.7″29115°13′01.20″22°08′03.12″5 9108°06′04.3″21°28′12.5″30114°02′09.60″21°37′02.64″60The end of the center line of the main waterway of the Beilun River towardthe sea sideTable2Coordinates of the Boundary Control Points in Hainan Waters No.Longitude Latitude No.Longitude LatitudeA1108°26′24.88″19°24′06.50″33111°27′00.00″19°51′57.96″A2109°20′00″20°07′00″34111°23′42.00″19°46′54.84″A3111°00′00″20°1 8′32″35110°38′56.40″18°31′10.56″36110°37′40.80″18°30′24.12″37110°15′07.20″18°16′00.84″38110°09′25.20″18°12′45.36″39109°45′32.40″17°59′03.12″40109°43′04.80″17°59′03.48″41109°34′26.40″17°57′18.36″42109°03′39.60″18°03′10.80″43108°50′42.00″18°08′58.56″44108°33′07.20″18°21′07.92″45108°31′40.80″18°22′30.00″46108°31′08.40″18°23′10.32″47108°28′44.40″18°25′34.68″48108°24′46.80″18°49′13.44″49108°23′20.40″19°12′47.16″Table3Coordinates of the Starting and Ending Points in the Inland River Control Area Inlandriver control area BoundarynameName of thelocationDescription of thelocationLocationNo.Longitude LatitudeMain stream ofthe Yangtze River StartingShuifuYunnanXiangjiaba BridgeB1104°24′30.60″28°38′22.38″B2104°24′35.94″28°38′27.84″EndingpointMouth of theLiuhe riverJiangsuLine connectingLiuheiwu in the lower reaches of the mouthof the Liuhe River and Shixin signal pole inthe lower reaches ofthe Shiqiao River Chongming islandB3121°18′54.00″31°30′52.00″B4121°22′30.00″31°37′34.00″Main stream ofthe Xijiang River Starting pointNanningGuangxiMinsheng Terminal of NanningB5108°18′19.77″22°48′48.60″B6108°18′26.72″22°48′39.76″pointZhaoqingGuangdongLine connectingTiexianjiao,Jinli andShangzui,Yongkou,Wudinggang on thetrunk stream of theXijiang RiverB7112°48′30.00″23°08′45.00″B8112°47′19.00″23°08′01.00″LegendControl points of coastal control areaControl points of the Hainan Water AreaStarting and Ending Point Locationsin Inland River Control AreaInland River DECA(Yangtze River MainstreamSection)Inland River DECA(Xijiang River MainstreamSection)Provincial administrative regionScope of coastal control area Figure1Geographic Scope of the Emission Control AreaLegendControl points of the Hainan Water AreaControl points of coastal control areaProvincial administrative regionScope of coastal control area Figure2Geographic Scope of the Emission Control Area in Hainan Waters5.Control Requirements(i)Emission control requirements for SOx and particulate matters.1From1January2019,the sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board sea-going vessels operating in the DECAs should not exceed0.5%m/m;the fuel oil compliant with the newly revised national standards for marine fuels should be used on board large inland waterway vessels and on board vessels engaged in direct voyages between the sea and the river;and the diesel fuel compliant with the national standards should be used on board other inland waterway vessels.From1January 2020,the sulphur content of fuel oil used on board sea-going vessels should not exceed0.1%m/m when operating in the inland river emission control area..2From1March2020,vessels that do not use the alternative arrangement for the control of SOx and PMs should only be loaded and use the fuel oil as required in this Scheme when operating in the DECAs..3From1January2022,the sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board sea-going vessels should not exceed0.1%m/m when operating in the coastal emission control area in Hainan waters..4The feasibility study for vessels using the fuel oil with the sulphur content not exceeding0.1%m/m should be conducted in due course,so as to inform the decision on the implementation of0.1%m/m sulphur cap for sea-going vessels when operating in the coastal emission control area on and after1January2025.(ii)Emission control requirements for NOx.5Each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than130kW installed on vessels engaged in international voyages constructed on and after1January2000 (according to the datethat the keel is laid,similarly hereinafter)or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion should meet the Tier I requirements in the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships(MARPOL) Annex VI..6Each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than130kW installed on vessels engaged in international voyages constructed on and after1January2011or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion should meet the Tier II requirements in MARPOL Annex VI..7Each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than130kW installed on Chinese vessels engaged in domestic voyages constructed on and after1March2015 or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion should meet the Tier II requirements in MARPOL Annex VI..8Marine diesel engines with a per cylinder displacement at or above30litres installed on Chinese vessels engaged in domestic voyages constructed on and after1 January2022or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion should meet the Tier III requirements in MARPOL Annex VI when operating in the coastal emission control area in Hainan waters and in the inland river emission control area..9The application of the Tier III requirements of MARPOL Annex VI should be assessed in due course,so as to inform the decision on the implementation of the Tier III requirements for marine diesel engines with a per cylinder displacement at or above30litres installed on Chinese vessels engaged in domestic voyages constructed on and after1January2025or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion.(iii)Requirements for the use of shore power for vessels atberth.10The Chinese public service vessels,inland waterway vessels(except for tankers) and vessels engaged in direct voyages between the sea and the river constructed on and after1January2019should have onboard devices for the use of shore power.The Chinese container vessels,cruise ships,ro-ro passenger ships,passenger ships at3,000 gross tonnage and above as well as dry bulk cargo ships at50,000gross ton level and above engaged in domestic coastal voyages constructed on and after1January12020 should have onboard devices for the use of shore power..11From1July2019,the existing ships(except for tankers)with onboard devices for the use of shore power should use the shore power when berthing at a berth with shore power supply capabilities inside the coastal emission control area for more than3 hours,or inside the inland river emission control area for more than2hours without using other alternative or equivalent measures(including the use of clean energy,new energy,onboard UPS or auxiliary engine shutdown,similarly hereinafter).From1 January2021,cruise ships should use the shore power when berthing at a berth with shore power supply capabilities inside the DECAs for more than3hours without using other alternative or equivalent measures..12From1January2022,the Chinese public service vessels,inland waterway vessels (except for tankers)and Chinese container vessels,ro-ro passenger ships,passenger ships at3,000gross tonnage and above as well as dry bulk cargo ships at50,000gross ton level and above engaged in domestic coastal voyages and installed with each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than130kW that does not meet the Tier IIrequirements of MARPOL Annex VI should be fitted with onboard devices for the use of shore power,and such vessels should use the shore power when berthing at a berth with shore power supply capabilities inside the coastal emission control area for more than3hours,or inside the inland river emission control area for more than2 hours without using other alternative or equivalent measures..13The Chinese shipping companies and operators are encouraged to fit vessels other than those specified in paragraph.12above with onboard devices for the use of shore power,and the shore power should be used when such vessels are berthing at a berth with shore power supply capabilities inside the DECAs.(iv)Others.14The clean energy,new energy,onboard UPS and exhaust gas cleaning systems can be used by vessels as alternative methods to meet the emission control requirements.In case where the exhaust gas cleaning system is used,the discharge monitoring and control system should be installed and any wastes and discharges should be treated according to the applicable regulations..15The local governments are encouraged to develop requirements on fuel sulphur content for sea-going vessels when operating in inland rivers other than those specified in this Scheme,taking into account the emission control requirements in the inland river emission control areas..16The Chinese oil tankers at150gross tonnage and above engaged in domesticvoyages constructed on and after1January2020should meet the oil and gas recovery requirements when operating in theDECAs,and the oil and gas recovery operation should be conducted whenever the safety requirements are met.Vessels engaged in international voyages should meet the requirements on VOCs as provided in MARPOL Annex VI..17Vessels should strictly comply with the emission control requirements as stipulated in the existing applicable international conventions,domestic laws and regulations as well as relevant rules and standards.6.Supporting Measures(i)Strengthening the administrationThe transport authorities at the provincial level,maritime administrations,the Yangtze River shipping authority and the Pearl River shipping authority should strengthen the administration and coordination,make detailed implementation plans and assign duties,so as to build a comprehensive supporting mechanism for the implementation of this Scheme.The Ministry of Transport should assess the implementation results of the above emission control measures and develop amendments to the Implementation Scheme, if necessary.(ii)Enhancing the joint supervisionThe transport authorities at the provincial level and the maritime administrations should follow the“Guidance on Strengthening the Low Sulphur Marine Fuel Oil Supply and the Joint Supervision by the Ministry of Transport and other12Relevant Departments”(JHF[2017]No.163),so as to set up the joint supervision mechanism to guarantee the supply of low sulphur marine fuel oils and to enhance the supervision and management of air pollution prevention and control for vessels.(iii)Focusing on the policy supportThe transport authorities at the provincial level and themaritime administrations should coordinate with the local governments to adopt incentives and relevant measures,increase inputs in the enforcement equipment and personnel training; Subsidies and facilitation arrangement can be made to vessels using the low sulphur fuel oil,clean energies,exhaust gas cleaning systems,the oil and gas recovery,the shore power,the online monitoring as well as the phase-out of old and outdated vessels.(iv)Application of science and technologiesThe transport authorities at the provincial level,maritime administrations,the Yangtze River shipping authority and the Pearl River shipping authority should provide guidance and support to the research and development institutes,shipping and port companies and equipment manufacturers to conduct technological studies on the emission control and reduction from vessels,and to develop technical standards to promote the application of science and technologies.。
关键词:船舶大气污染燃油硫含量岸电0 引言为改善环境污染的严峻局面,交通运输部于2015年12月2日,印发了《珠三角、长三角、环渤海(京津冀)水域船舶排放控制区实施方案》并于2016年1月1日起正式实施。
1 防止船舶大气污染的主要措施1.1岸电靠岸船舶使用岸电是目前最普遍使用的减少船舶大气污染物排放的措施之一。
据资料查阅,岸电上船应用的码头类型和港口如下表1-1:在国内,2009年,青岛招商局首先完成了5 000吨级支线集装箱船舶接岸电的任务;2010年上海港务局集团与中国海运集团在上海外高桥港区对低压船舶岸基供电设施进行了实验;天津港于2011年由天津港电力公司邀请相关变频设备领域、船电领域、船级社专家进行了技术研讨和交流,同时组建了岸电课题小组,通过两年调研、试验,设计出新型岸电电源箱并申请了专利[1]。
一、将第十一条第一款中的“并报海事管理机构批准” 修改为“并报海事管理机构备案”。
Observer 行业观察80影响有影响的人水上蓝天保卫战走向深入—交通运输部海事局副局长杨新宅解读《船舶大气污染物排放控制区实施方案》编辑/本刊记者2018年年底,交通运输部印发《船舶大气污染物排放控制区实施方案》(以下简称《实施方案》),该方案明确,在已设立的环渤海(京津冀)、长三角、珠三角水域船舶排放控制区基础上,进一步扩大控制地理范围,严加控制排放要求,降低船舶硫氧化物、氮氧化物、颗粒物和挥发性有机物等污染物的排放,促进沿海和内河港口城市空气质量持续改善。
近年来,国际海事组织大力推进船舶大气污染防治,2020年船舶在全球水域将强制使用硫含量小于0.5%m/m 的燃油以降低硫氧化物排放,很多国家和地区正在逐步加强对氮氧化物排放的控制要求。
新发布的《实施方案》提出了总体目标、调整原则、方案适用对象以及控制区地理范围交通运输部海事局副局长杨新宅汪T R A M S P O R T C O N S T R U C T I O N & M A N A G E M E N T8101. FEBRUARY . 2019交通建设与管理 影响有影响的人等方面的重点内容,其中,提出了17条具体的控制要求,包括硫氧化物和颗粒物控制要求、氮氧化物控制要求、船舶靠港使用岸电要求和其他相关要求;此外,为了保证方案顺利实施,方案还要求加强组织领导、强化监督管理、注重政策引导、发挥科技支撑作用等一系列保障措施。
区),降低船舶硫氧化物、氮氧化物、颗粒物和挥发性有机物等大气 污染物的排放,持续改善沿海和内河港口城市空气质量。
二、设立原则 (促进环境质量改善和航运经济协调发展。 (强化船舶大气污染物排放控制。 (遵守国际公约和我国法律标准要求。 (分步实施和先行先试并举。 三、适用对象 本方案适用于在排放控制区内航行、停泊、作业的船舶。 四、排放控制区范围 本方案所指排放控制区包括沿海控制区和内河控制区。
108。06'Ol. 6"
21。28'Ol. 7"
59 108。06'04. 3"
21。28'12. 5"
表 2 海南水域的海域边界控制点位坐标
序号 经 度
Al 108。26'24. 88"
A3 111000F00即
纬度 19。24'06. 50"
26 117。22'26. 40"
27 117。19'51. 60"
28 116。34'55. 20"
29 115。13'Ol. 20"
30 114。02'09. 60"
纬度 28。18'58. 32" 28。17'Ol. 68" 27。21'30. 96" 26。17'32. 64" 26。04'Ol. 92" 25。18'37. 08" 24。49'31. 80" 24。00'54. 00" 23。23'16. 44" 23。03'05. 40" 23。01'32. 88" 22。45'05. 04" 22。08'03. 12"
NAVIGATION航海56Marine Technology 航海技术0 引 言长江口水域是船舶进出长江和上海港,以及南北航行船舶必经之处。
目前,该水域每天船舶流量超过1 000艘次[1],其中许多船舶存在排放黑烟的问题。
医学研究表明,船舶黑烟排放对人体有负面影响,柴油机排放的黑烟成分在世卫组织2017年A 类致癌物质排名第39位[2]。
1 船舶排放黑烟的危害船舶排放的黑烟主要包含碳一氧化碳、二氧化硫、苯并芘、碳氢化合物、氮氧化合物、含铅化合物及固体颗粒物等污染物。
中国港口划定大气污染物控制区作者:暂无来源:《环境与生活》 2018年第12期12月10日,国家交通运输部公布了最新的《船舶大气污染物排放控制区实施方案》,以下简称“新方案”,对港口船舶的排放控制区地理范围、污染物控制范围、排放控制标准和实施时间、具体要求等方面进行了详细规范。
图1 珠三角水域船舶排放控制区示意图〔二〕长三角水域船舶排放控制区。
A:南通与盐城大陆岸线交界点B:外磕脚岛外延12海里处C:佘山岛外延12海里处D:海礁外延12海里处E:东南礁外延12海里处F:两兄弟屿外延12海里处G:渔山列岛外延12海里处H:台州列岛〔2〕外延12海里处I: 台州与温州大陆岸线交界点外延12海里处J:台州与温州大陆岸线交界点内河水域范围为南京、镇江、扬州、泰州、南通、常州、无锡、苏州、上海、嘉兴、湖州、杭州、绍兴、宁波、舟山、台州16个城市行政管辖区域内的内河通航水域。
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Implementation Scheme of the Domestic Emission Control Areas forAtmospheric Pollution from Vessels1by Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China on30th Nov.2018In order to implement the national policies on ecological civilization development,pollution prevention and control,to protect the blue skies,as well as to facilitate the green shipping development and the energy saving and emission reduction of vessels,this Implementation Scheme is formulated in accordance with the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People’s Republic of China and the applicable international conventions,and on the basis of the Implementation Scheme of the Domestic Emission Control Areas for Vessels in the Pearl River Delta,the Yangtze River Delta and the Bohai-Rim Area(Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei) (JHF[2015]No.177).1.ObjectivesThe Domestic Emission Control Areas for Atmospheric Pollution from Vessels(hereinafter referred to as“DECAs”)are designated to control and reduce emissions of atmospheric pollutants including SOx,NOx,particulate matters(PMs)and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)from vessels and to improve the air quality of coastal areas and inland river port cities.2.PrinciplesThe DECAs are designated according to the following principles:(i)Promoting a coordinated development of the environment quality improvement and theshipping economy growth.(ii)Strengthening the control of air pollution from vessels.(iii)Complying with the international conventions and domestic laws.(iv)Taking a phased-in approach and conducting pilot programs.3.Scope of ApplicationThe Scheme applies to vessels navigating,berthing and operating in the DECAs.4.Geographic Scope of the DECAsThe DECAs referred to in the Scheme include both the coastal control area and the inland river control area.The coastal control area covers the sea area enclosed by the60coordinates listed in Table1, and the sea area in Hainan waters is enclosed by the20coordinates listed in Table2.The inland river control area is the navigable waters of the main stream of the Yangtze River (from Shuifu,Yunnan to the mouth of the Liuhe River,Jiangsu)and the main stream of the Xijiang River(from Nanning,Guangxi to Zhaoqing,Guangdong),the coordinates of the starting and ending points are listed in Table3.Table1Coordinates of the Boundary Control Points in the Coastal Control Area1This English version of Implementation Sheme for DECAs is only for refrence,whileas the documents issued by MOT should be used as the officail version.No.Longitude Latitude No.Longitude Latitude 1124°10′06.00″39°49′41.00″31112°50′52.80″21°22′25.68″2122°57′14.40″37°22′11.64″32112°29′20.40″21°17′12.48″3122°57′00.00″37°21′29.16″33111°27′00.00″19°51′57.96″4122°48′18.00″36°53′51.36″34111°23′42.00″19°46′54.84″5122°45′14.40″36°48′25.20″35110°38′56.40″18°31′10.56″6122°40′58.80″36°44′41.28″36110°37′40.80″18°30′24.12″7122°24′36.00″36°35′08.88″37110°15′07.20″18°16′00.84″8121°03′03.60″35°44′44.16″38110°09′25.20″18°12′45.36″9120°12′57.60″34°59′27.60″39109°45′32.40″17°59′03.12″10121°32′24.00″33°28′46.20″40109°43′04.80″17°59′03.48″11121°51′14.40″33°06′19.08″41109°34′26.40″17°57′18.36″12122°26′42.00″31°32′08.52″42109°03′39.60″18°03′10.80″13123°23′31.20″30°49′15.96″43108°50′42.00″18°08′58.56″14123°24′36.00″30°45′51.84″44108°33′07.20″18°21′07.92″15123°09′28.80″30°05′43.44″45108°31′40.80″18°22′30.00″16122°28′26.40″28°47′31.56″46108°31′08.40″18°23′10.32″17122°07′30.00″28°18′58.32″47108°28′44.40″18°25′34.68″18122°06′03.60″28°17′01.68″48108°24′46.80″18°49′13.44″19121°19′12.00″27°21′30.96″49108°23′20.40″19°12′47.16″20120°42′28.80″26°17′32.64″50108°22′45″20°24′05″21120°36′10.80″26°04′01.92″51108°12′31″21°12′35″22120°06′57.60″25°18′37.08″52108°08′05″21°16′32″23119°37′26.40″24°49′31.80″53108°05′43.7″21°27′08.2″24118°23′16.80″24°00′54.00″54108°05′38.8″21°27′23.1″25117°50′31.20″23°23′16.44″55108°05′39.9″21°27′28.2″26117°22′26.40″23°03′05.40″56108°05′51.5″21°27′39.5″27117°19′51.60″23°01′32.88″57108°05′57.7″21°27′50.1″28116°34′55.20″22°45′05.04″58108°06′01.6″21°28′01.7″29115°13′01.20″22°08′03.12″59108°06′04.3″21°28′12.5″30114°02′09.60″21°37′02.64″60The end of the center line of the main waterway of the Beilun River towardthe sea sideTable2Coordinates of the Boundary Control Points in Hainan Waters No.Longitude Latitude No.Longitude Latitude A1108°26′24.88″19°24′06.50″33111°27′00.00″19°51′57.96″A2109°20′00″20°07′00″34111°23′42.00″19°46′54.84″A3111°00′00″20°18′32″35110°38′56.40″18°31′10.56″36110°37′40.80″18°30′24.12″37110°15′07.20″18°16′00.84″38110°09′25.20″18°12′45.36″39109°45′32.40″17°59′03.12″40109°43′04.80″17°59′03.48″41109°34′26.40″17°57′18.36″42109°03′39.60″18°03′10.80″43108°50′42.00″18°08′58.56″44108°33′07.20″18°21′07.92″45108°31′40.80″18°22′30.00″46108°31′08.40″18°23′10.32″47108°28′44.40″18°25′34.68″48108°24′46.80″18°49′13.44″49108°23′20.40″19°12′47.16″Table3Coordinates of the Starting and Ending Points in the Inland River Control Area Inlandriver control area BoundarynameName of thelocationDescription of thelocationLocationNo.Longitude LatitudeMain stream ofthe Yangtze River StartingpointShuifuYunnanXiangjiaba BridgeB1104°24′30.60″28°38′22.38″B2104°24′35.94″28°38′27.84″EndingpointMouth of theLiuhe riverJiangsuLine connectingLiuheiwu in the lowerreaches of the mouthof the Liuhe River andShixin signal pole inthe lower reaches ofthe Shiqiao RiverChongming islandB3121°18′54.00″31°30′52.00″B4121°22′30.00″31°37′34.00″Main stream ofthe Xijiang River StartingpointNanningGuangxiMinsheng Terminal ofNanningB5108°18′19.77″22°48′48.60″B6108°18′26.72″22°48′39.76″EndingpointZhaoqingGuangdongLine connectingTiexianjiao,Jinli andShangzui,Yongkou,Wudinggang on thetrunk stream of theXijiang RiverB7112°48′30.00″23°08′45.00″B8112°47′19.00″23°08′01.00″LegendControl points of coastal control areaControl points of the Hainan Water AreaStarting and Ending Point Locationsin Inland River Control AreaInland River DECA(Yangtze River MainstreamSection)Inland River DECA(Xijiang River MainstreamSection)Provincial administrative regionScope of coastal control area Figure1Geographic Scope of the Emission Control AreaLegendControl points of the Hainan Water AreaControl points of coastal control areaProvincial administrative regionScope of coastal control area Figure2Geographic Scope of the Emission Control Area in Hainan Waters5.Control Requirements(i)Emission control requirements for SOx and particulate matters.1From1January2019,the sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board sea-going vessels operating in the DECAs should not exceed0.5%m/m;the fuel oil compliant with the newly revised national standards for marine fuels should be used on board large inland waterway vessels and on board vessels engaged in direct voyages between the sea and the river;and the diesel fuel compliant with the national standards should be used on board other inland waterway vessels.From1January 2020,the sulphur content of fuel oil used on board sea-going vessels should not exceed0.1%m/m when operating in the inland river emission control area..2From1March2020,vessels that do not use the alternative arrangement for the control of SOx and PMs should only be loaded and use the fuel oil as required in this Scheme when operating in the DECAs..3From1January2022,the sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board sea-going vessels should not exceed0.1%m/m when operating in the coastal emission control area in Hainan waters..4The feasibility study for vessels using the fuel oil with the sulphur content not exceeding0.1%m/m should be conducted in due course,so as to inform the decision on the implementation of0.1%m/m sulphur cap for sea-going vessels when operating in the coastal emission control area on and after1January2025.(ii)Emission control requirements for NOx.5Each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than130kW installed on vessels engaged in international voyages constructed on and after1January2000 (according to the date that the keel is laid,similarly hereinafter)or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion should meet the Tier I requirements in the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships(MARPOL) Annex VI..6Each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than130kW installed on vessels engaged in international voyages constructed on and after1January2011or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion should meet the Tier II requirements in MARPOL Annex VI..7Each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than130kW installed on Chinese vessels engaged in domestic voyages constructed on and after1March2015 or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion should meet the Tier II requirements in MARPOL Annex VI..8Marine diesel engines with a per cylinder displacement at or above30litres installed on Chinese vessels engaged in domestic voyages constructed on and after1 January2022or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion should meet the Tier III requirements in MARPOL Annex VI when operating in the coastal emission control area in Hainan waters and in the inland river emission control area..9The application of the Tier III requirements of MARPOL Annex VI should be assessed in due course,so as to inform the decision on the implementation of the Tier III requirements for marine diesel engines with a per cylinder displacement at orabove30litres installed on Chinese vessels engaged in domestic voyages constructed on and after1January2025or having the marine diesel engine that undergoes a major conversion.(iii)Requirements for the use of shore power for vessels at berth.10The Chinese public service vessels,inland waterway vessels(except for tankers) and vessels engaged in direct voyages between the sea and the river constructed on and after1January2019should have onboard devices for the use of shore power.The Chinese container vessels,cruise ships,ro-ro passenger ships,passenger ships at3,000 gross tonnage and above as well as dry bulk cargo ships at50,000gross ton level and above engaged in domestic coastal voyages constructed on and after1January12020 should have onboard devices for the use of shore power..11From1July2019,the existing ships(except for tankers)with onboard devices for the use of shore power should use the shore power when berthing at a berth with shore power supply capabilities inside the coastal emission control area for more than3 hours,or inside the inland river emission control area for more than2hours without using other alternative or equivalent measures(including the use of clean energy,new energy,onboard UPS or auxiliary engine shutdown,similarly hereinafter).From1 January2021,cruise ships should use the shore power when berthing at a berth with shore power supply capabilities inside the DECAs for more than3hours without using other alternative or equivalent measures..12From1January2022,the Chinese public service vessels,inland waterway vessels (except for tankers)and Chinese container vessels,ro-ro passenger ships,passenger ships at3,000gross tonnage and above as well as dry bulk cargo ships at50,000gross ton level and above engaged in domestic coastal voyages and installed with each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than130kW that does not meet the Tier II requirements of MARPOL Annex VI should be fitted with onboard devices for the use of shore power,and such vessels should use the shore power when berthing at a berth with shore power supply capabilities inside the coastal emission control area for more than3hours,or inside the inland river emission control area for more than2 hours without using other alternative or equivalent measures..13The Chinese shipping companies and operators are encouraged to fit vessels other than those specified in paragraph.12above with onboard devices for the use of shore power,and the shore power should be used when such vessels are berthing at a berth with shore power supply capabilities inside the DECAs.(iv)Others.14The clean energy,new energy,onboard UPS and exhaust gas cleaning systems can be used by vessels as alternative methods to meet the emission control requirements.In case where the exhaust gas cleaning system is used,the discharge monitoring and control system should be installed and any wastes and discharges should be treated according to the applicable regulations..15The local governments are encouraged to develop requirements on fuel sulphur content for sea-going vessels when operating in inland rivers other than those specified in this Scheme,taking into account the emission control requirements in the inland river emission control areas..16The Chinese oil tankers at150gross tonnage and above engaged in domesticvoyages constructed on and after1January2020should meet the oil and gas recovery requirements when operating in the DECAs,and the oil and gas recovery operation should be conducted whenever the safety requirements are met.Vessels engaged in international voyages should meet the requirements on VOCs as provided in MARPOL Annex VI..17Vessels should strictly comply with the emission control requirements as stipulated in the existing applicable international conventions,domestic laws and regulations as well as relevant rules and standards.6.Supporting Measures(i)Strengthening the administrationThe transport authorities at the provincial level,maritime administrations,the Yangtze River shipping authority and the Pearl River shipping authority should strengthen the administration and coordination,make detailed implementation plans and assign duties,so as to build a comprehensive supporting mechanism for the implementation of this Scheme.The Ministry of Transport should assess the implementation results of the above emission control measures and develop amendments to the Implementation Scheme, if necessary.(ii)Enhancing the joint supervisionThe transport authorities at the provincial level and the maritime administrations should follow the“Guidance on Strengthening the Low Sulphur Marine Fuel Oil Supply and the Joint Supervision by the Ministry of Transport and other12Relevant Departments”(JHF[2017]No.163),so as to set up the joint supervision mechanism to guarantee the supply of low sulphur marine fuel oils and to enhance the supervision and management of air pollution prevention and control for vessels.(iii)Focusing on the policy supportThe transport authorities at the provincial level and the maritime administrations should coordinate with the local governments to adopt incentives and relevant measures,increase inputs in the enforcement equipment and personnel training; Subsidies and facilitation arrangement can be made to vessels using the low sulphur fuel oil,clean energies,exhaust gas cleaning systems,the oil and gas recovery,the shore power,the online monitoring as well as the phase-out of old and outdated vessels.(iv)Application of science and technologiesThe transport authorities at the provincial level,maritime administrations,the Yangtze River shipping authority and the Pearl River shipping authority should provide guidance and support to the research and development institutes,shipping and port companies and equipment manufacturers to conduct technological studies on the emission control and reduction from vessels,and to develop technical standards to promote the application of science and technologies.。