美国文学第一阶段独立革命之前(十七世纪中期之前)(before the revolution of independence)第一节美国本土文学(美国印第安传统文学)印第安传统文学的主要内容和形式:在各种典仪上咏颂的祝词,在劳作中吟唱的歌曲,时代交口相传的部落神话故事和英雄故事,刻写在山河岩壁上的象形史诗。
第二节北美殖民时期文学(十六世纪末-----十七世纪中)(colonial settlement)这一时期的文学作品主要是一些英国的殖民地官员或者传道士、冒险家们以日记或游记等形式记录的新大陆的风土人情、自然景色和民间生活等。
John Smith 约翰·史密斯《关于弗吉尼亚的真实叙述》A True Relation of Virginia(被认为是美国文学史上的“第一部作品”)第三节请教思想的表述(Puritanism)他们的作品主要是以传布清教主义思想的布道文为主第二阶段独立革命时期(十七世纪中期-------十八世纪末)(around the revolution of independence)独立革命前后的美国文学,标志着北美文学产生后的第一次大转折该期文学特色:充满浓烈的政治性和思辨性。
Benjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林《穷查理历书》Poor Richard’s Almanac《自传》The AutobiographyThomas Paine 托马斯·潘恩《常识》Common Sense 《美国危机》The America Crisis《人的权利》Rights of Human《理性时代》The Age of ReasonPhilip Freneau 菲利普·弗伦诺(18世纪最杰出的美国诗人,被誉为“the poet of the American revolution)《英国囚船》The British Prison Ship 《美国的荣耀蒸蒸日上》The Rising Glory of America《印第安人殡葬地》(lyric)The Indian Burying Ground 《野金银花》The Wild Honey Suckle第三阶段浪漫主义时期(18世纪末---19世纪中后期)(American Romanticism)该时期主题多为传统文化与现代文明之间的冲突、“对久远与遥远故事的兴趣”以及对死亡、潜意识的剖析等。
1. 起源:现实主义起源于19世纪中期的法国,当时一些文学家和艺术家开始反对浪漫主义的夸张和想象,转而关注现实生活中的人物和事件。
2. 早期发展:19世纪60年代至70年代,现实主义在法国得到了进一步的发展,出现了许多现实主义小说和戏剧,如《人间喜剧》、《羊脂球》和《悲惨世界》等。
3. 英国现实主义:19世纪80年代,现实主义开始在英国流行,出现了许多现实主义小说和戏剧,如狄更斯的《雾都孤儿》、《双城记》等。
4. 德国现实主义:19世纪末,现实主义开始在德国流行,出现了许多现实主义小说和戏剧,如托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》等。
5. 20世纪现实主义:20世纪初,现实主义开始逐渐式微,但仍然存在一些现实主义作家和艺术家,如海明威、福克纳和毕加索等。
由于种种原因,美国的文学发展较晚,因而19 世纪以前我们只讨论英国现实主义文学。
一、浪漫主义文学浪漫主义文学兴起于 18 世纪末至 19 世纪初,强调个人情感、想象力和自然的重要性。
(一)英国浪漫主义作家1、威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)他是英国浪漫主义诗歌的先驱之一,其作品强调对自然的热爱和对普通人生活的关注。
代表作有《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads)。
2、塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)他的诗作充满奇幻的想象和神秘的元素,《古舟子咏》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)是其经典之作。
3、乔治·戈登·拜伦(George Gordon Byron)拜伦以其奔放的激情和叛逆的精神著称,作品有《唐璜》(Don Juan)等。
4、珀西·比希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)雪莱的诗歌富有理想主义和革命精神,《西风颂》(Ode to theWest Wind)广为流传。
(二)美国浪漫主义作家1、华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving)他的作品具有浓厚的地方色彩和幽默风格,《瑞普·凡·温克尔》(Rip Van Winkle)是其代表作。
2、詹姆斯·费尼莫·库珀(James Fenimore Cooper)以描写边疆生活和印第安人而闻名,《皮袜子故事集》(The Leatherstocking Tales)是其重要作品。
二、现实主义文学现实主义文学在 19 世纪中叶兴起,注重真实地反映社会现实和生活。
(一)英国现实主义作家1、查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)狄更斯的作品生动描绘了英国社会底层人民的生活,如《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)、《大卫·科波菲尔》(David Copperfield)。
1. The early development of American literatureA. The early development of American literature is slow, as then America was at the period of development withlow living standard.B. The first problem immigrants had to solve was food. It was really hard for them to care for the spiritualenjoyment.C. In 1704, first newspaper got published in America.In 1731, first library was established.In 1752, first professional troupe (剧团)was set up.What was put on the stage were English plays.It was not until 1767 that the first play by American writer was put on the stage.It was after the war of Independence that novels appeared.2. Main literary writers and writings of this periodA.The writings of this period were diaries, travel notes and works of religion.B. Though they could’t be regarded as the birth of American literature, to some extent, they reflected the livingsituation and social customs of the early colonized place, which had played an important role in the cultural life of American people, thus influenced the following American literature.3. Literature of Reason and RevolutionWriters of the periodBenjamin Franklin: The Autobiography; Poor Richard’s Almanac(历书,年鉴)Thomas Paine: Common Sense;Thomas Jefferson: The Declaration of IndependenceThomas Paine(1737-1809)and Common Sense1. Published anonymously by Thomas Paine in January of 1776, Common Sense was an instant best-seller, both in the colonies and in Europe. It went through several editions in Philadelphia, and was republished in all parts of United America. Because of it, Paine became internationally famous.2. Paine's political pamphlet brought the rising revolutionary sentiment into sharp focus by placing blame for the suffering of the colonies directly on the reigning British monarch, George III.3. First and foremost, Common Sense advocated an immediate declaration of independence, postulating a special moral obligation of America to the rest of the world.4. Not long after publication, the spirit of Paine's argument found resonance in the American Declaration of Independence.1. What were Benjamin Franklin’s achievements?2. How could he be so successful?野金银花菲利普·弗瑞诺美丽的金银花,造化令你素裹银妆,你粲然绽放于幽静一角。
英美文学选读(美)现实主义时期(Selected readings of American and British Literature (American) realism)第二章现实主义时期一。
英美文学选读-美国-现实主义时期-大题3 Emily Dickinson43. “We passed the School, where Children stroveAt Recess -in the Ring -We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain-We passed the Setting Sun -”Questions:A.Who is the author of this stanza taken from the poem “Becaus e I couldnot stop for Death-?B.What do the underlined parts symbolize?C.Where were “we” heading toward? (034) 4143. A. These lines are taken from a poem written by Emily Dickinson.B. The School, the Fields of Gazing Grain, the Setting Sun symbolizethree stages of one' s life: youth, manhood and old age.C. "We" were riding in a hearse (or a carriage), heading toward Eternity.43. “With Blue— uncertain stumbling Buzz —Between the light — and me —And then the Windows failed — and thenI could not see to see —”Questions:A. Identify the poem and the poet.B. What do “Windows” symbolically stand for?C. What idea does the quoted passage express? (044) 4243. A. Emily Dickinson: (465) “I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died”.B. Eyes, for they are considered as the windows of human soul.C. The last thing the dying person saw and heard was the fly and its buzz.When the eyes failed, the human soul was closed and the person died.(The speaker could not see any of the afterlife or God or angels sheexpected to see.)44.“We passed the School, where Children stroveAt Recess—in the Ring—We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain—We passed the Setting Sun—”Questions:A.Identify the poem and the poet.B.What do“the School,” “the Fields”and“the Setting Sun”stand for respectivel y?(054)44. A. Emily Dickinson; “Because I could not stop for Death-”B. Three stages of life: childhood, adulthood and old age.43. “This is my letter to the WorldThat never wrote to Me —The simple News that Nature told —With tender Majesty”Questions:A. Identify the poet.B. What idea does the poem express?C. Why does the poet use dashes and capital letters in the poem? (104)4443. A. Emily DickinsonB. The poem expresses the poet’s anxiety about her communication with the outside world.C. Dashes are used as a musical device to create cadence and capital lettersas a means of emphasis.43. “ We passed the School, where Children stroveAt Recess- in the Ring-We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain -We Passed the Setting Sun- ”( Fro m Emily Dickinson’s poem Because I could not stop for Death) Questions:A. What does the phrase “Fields of Gazing Grain” symbolize?B. What figure of speech is used in the poem?C. What are Dickinson’s unique writing features?(107)43. A. It symbolizes the mature period.B. PersonificationC. (1) Her poems have no titles. (2) Dashes are used as a musical device. (3) Capital letters are used as a means of emphasis. (4) Irregular and inverted sentence structure is used. (5) Her poetic idiom is noted for its laconic brevity, directness and plainness. (6) Her poems are usually short, personal and meditative.48. The literary school of naturalism was quite popular in the late 19th century. What are the major characteristics of naturalism? (044)48. A. Strongly influenced by social Darwinism, naturalism emphasizes thedetermining power of the crushing forces of environment and heredity.B. Being devoid of the freedom of choice and incapable of shaping theirown destinies, men and women are helpless and insignificant in a coldand indifferent world.C. The naturalistic writers reported truthfully and objectively, with apassion for scientific accuracy and overwhelming accumulation offactual detail.48.Why are naturalists inevitably pessimistic in their view?(084)47. Who are the three dominant figures of the American Age of Realism andwhat are the differences in their understanding of the “truth”? (094)47. A. William Dean Howells, Mark Twain, Henry JamesB. Mark Twain and Howells seemed to have paid more atte ntion to the “life”of the Americans. Howells focused his discussion on the rising middle class and the way they lived; Mark Twain preferred to have his own region and people at the forefront of his stories; Henry James had apparently laid a greater emphas is on the “inner world” of man.47. What are the factors that gave rise to American naturalism? (104)47. A. The impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the American thought.B. The influence of the 19th century French literature on the Americanmen of letters.Mark Twain48. Local colorism is a unique variation of American literary realism. Who is the most famous local colorist? What are local colorists most concerned?(097)48. A. Mark TwainB. Local colorists concerned themselves with presenting and interpretingthe local character of their regions. They tended to idealize and glorify,but they never forgot to keep an eye on the truthful color of local life.They formed an important part of the realistic movement.48. Briefly state Mark Twain’ s magic p ower with language in his novels. (104) 48. A. His words are colloquial, concrete and direct in effect, and his sentencestructures are simple, even ungrammatical spoken languageB. His characters speak with a strong accent, which is true of his localcolorism.C. Different characters from different literary or cultural backgroundstalk differently.Henry James48.What is the most famous theme in Henry James′s fiction? And what is hisfavourite approach in characterization, which makes him different from Mark and W. D. Howells as realists? Give two titles of his works in which this theme and this approach are employed. (034)48. Henry James' s most famous theme is what is generally called "theinternational theme". His novels or short stories of the theme are always set against a larger international background,usually between Europe and America. They center around the conflict of the two cultures,represented by an innocent American and a sophisticated European. James is regarded as the founder of psychological realism for his psychoanalytical approach to his Characters. Daisy Miller, The Portrait of A Lady, The American, The Ambassadors are his representative worksof this kind.Theodore Dreiser47. “In your rocking-chair, by your window dreaming, shall you long, alone. In your rocking-chair, by your window, shall you dream such happiness as you may never feel.” The two sentences are taken from Theodore Dreiser’s novel, Sister Carrie. What idea can you draw from the “rocking-chair”? (044)47. A. The “rocki ng-chair” is a symbol standing for fate. It is like a cradle thatmakes one feel peaceful. It is also like a tide that ever goes on with life, the destiny of which is uncertain.B. At the end of the novel, Carrie sits in the rocking-chair which implies thather future is still uncertain and hard to foresee.48. What's Dreiser' s naturalistic belief? Please discuss the question with Carrie,a character in Sister Carrie as an example. (094)48. A. Dreiser believes that while men are controlled and conditioned by heredity,instinct and chance, a few extraordinary and unsophisticated human beings refuse to accept their fate wordlessly and instead strive, unsuccessfully, to find meaning and purpose for their existence.B. Carrie, as one of such, senses that she is merely a cipher in an uncaringworld yet seeks to grasp the mysteries of life and thereby satisfies herdesires for social status and material comfort, but in spite of he success,she is lonely and dissatisfied.Mark Twain50. Summerize the story of Mark twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in about 100 words, and comment on the theme of the novel. (024)50. A. Mark Twain's novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a Sequa to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.The Story takes place along the Mississippi River before the Civil War in the United States, around 1850.Along the river, floats a small raft, with two people on it; One is an ignorant,uneducated black slave named Jim and the other is little uneducated outcast white boy about the age of thirteen, called Huckleberry Finn or Huck Finn.The novel relates the story of the escape of Jim from slavery and ,more important, how Huck Finn, floating along with Jim and helping him as best he could, changes his mind ,his prejudice, about Black people, and comes to accept Jim as a man and as a close friends as well.During their journey, they experience a series of adventures:coming across two frauds, the “Duke” and the “King”,witnessing the lynching and murder of a harmless drunkard, being lost in a fog and finally Tom's coming to rescue.B. The theme of the novel may be best summed in a word “freedom”: Huck wants to escape from the bond of civilization and Jim wants to escape from the yoke of slavery. Mark Twain uses the raft's journey down the Mississippi River to express his thematic contrasts between innocence and experience, nature and culture, wilderness and civilization.50.Take Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as an example to illustrate the statement that Mark Twain was a unique writer in American literature. (054)50. A. Mark Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made an extensivecombination of American folk humor and serious literature.B. The novel has become a great contribution to the legacy of American literature.C. The novel is written in a language that is totally different from therhetorical language used by his contemporary writers such as Emerson,Poe and Melville. It is simple, direct, lucid and faithful to the colloquialspeech. This style of colloquial ism is best described as “vernacular”.D. He successfully used local color and historical settings to illustrate andshed light on the contemporary society. That’s why he is known as alocal colorist.E. Mark Twain’s humor is remarkable, too. Most of his works tend to befunny, containing some practical jokes, comic details, witty remarks.etc. Some of them are typical of tall tales. And a great deal of hishumor is characterized by puns, straight-faced exaggeration,repetition, and anti-climax. He uses his humor to criticize the socialinjustice and satirize the decayed romanticism.50. Briefly discuss Mark Twain's art of fiction in terms of the setting, thelanguage, and the characters, etc., based on his novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.50. A. Mark Twain uses the Mississippi Valley as his fictional kingdom, writingabout the landscape and people, the customs and the dialects of one particular region, and is therefore known as a local colorist.B. He creates life-like characters, especially the conventional HuckleberryFinn, who runs away from civilization and stands opposite toconventional morality.C. He uses a simple, direct vernacular language, totally different from anyprevious literary language. It is the kind of colloquial languagebelonging to the lower class, the living local American English.D. He has created a special humor to satirize social injustices and thedecayed convention.Henry James50. Please discuss Henry James’ contribution to American literature in regard to his representative works, themes, writing techniques and language. (104) 5050. A. works: Daisy Miller, The Portrait of A Lady, The Wings of the Dove, The Ambassadors, The Golden Bowl (listing any two of the novels will be enough)B. international themes…C. his psychological emphasis and narrative point of view…D. Language: highly refined and insightful…。
代表作家和作品1.威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth):《抒怀颂》是他最著名的一部作品,探讨自然与灵性之间的联系,强调个人内心世界的重要性。
2.拉姆齐·伊夫林(Samuel Taylor Coleridge):《古船行》是他与华兹华斯合作创作的诗集,其中包括了经典名篇《水仙花》和《阿尔赛斯及其费利西娅》等。
3.约翰·奥登(John Keats):他以其细腻、感性的诗歌而闻名,代表作品包括《秋天》,表达了对美和短暂生命的思考。
Nathaniel Hawthorne:Romantic novelist, short-story writer. Combined the American romanticism with puritan moralism; a central figure in the American Renaissance“Mosses from an Old Manse ( 1846 )(“Young Goodman Brown” and “Rappaccini’s daughter”)The Scarlet Letter (1850)The House of the Seven Gables (1851)The Blithedale Romance (1852)The Marble Faun,(1860)Interrogating the innocenceStrong sense of sin and evil in life.Sin will get punished, and evil educates.Source of sin: original sin, conflict between body and soul.Source of evil : overweening intellect, a part of human natureThe Seven Commandments Of The Children Of NoahIdolatry - Monotheism. Adultery. Murder. Blasphemy, not to curse God. Not to eat the live meat not to steal Maintain courts to enforce these laws.Seven heavenly virtuesFaith Hope Charity Fortitude Justice Temperance PrudenceHawthorne’s aestheticsFavor on “romance”, instead of “novel”Contents: sensational material, such as poisoning, murder, adultery, crime.Themes: explore the human nature, deal with moral problems, study the effects of sin on man. Purpose: to show the inner world of man is the source of evil in society—the tragic rise born of the fortunate fall,fall→rise innocence →maturityThe Scarlet Letter•Time: in the mid-1600s Setting: Puritan town of BostonCharacters:Roger Chillingworth Pearl•The victim of the adultery A symbol: the symbol of the violation of the social laws • A merciless avenger To Hester: the fruit of human love and passion•The worst sinner To Dimmesdale: the reminder of his sin•Symbol of devil To Chillingworth: the motivation to take his revenge Puritanism in The Scarlet LetterPuritan emphasis on the individual conscience.Hawthorn’s attitude towards Puritanism – scolded the harshness of Puritans, yet took the Puritanism as his living criteria.Purpose of The Scarlet Letter1. Explore the source of evils:unreasonable and inhuman social systemmen’s inner world, defects in men’s nature: strong desire, dishonesty, cowardice, revenge.2. Explore the effect of sin on different characters:To brave Hester: gain moral rebirth by redeeming her sin, win respect/ love again.To coward Dimmesdale: torment of conscience, suffer in hell fire.To vicious and vengeful Chillingworth: reduced to demon, deteriorated, malicious sinner3. Explore ways of redeeming sin:brave to confess and face itcorrect it through love, devotion, generosity and forgiveness.Hawthorne’s Stylerich imagination; well-woven structure; psychological analysis; effective symbolism with delicate imageries, ambiguity and mysterySymbolism in the novelChillingworth is cold and inhuman and thus brings a “chill” to Hester’s and Dimmesdale’s lives. “Prynne” rhymes with “sin”“Dimmesdale” suggests “dimness”—weakness, indeterminacy, lack of insight, and lack of will, all of which characterize the young minister.“Pearl” evokes a biblical allegorical device—the “pearl of great price” that is salvation.a token of shame “Adultery” at firstAA symbol of being alone and alienation“Angel”, “Able” ,”Admiration”Hester offers the genuine sympathy and help to her fellow villagersHerman Melvillea master of allegory and symbolism1) early worksTypee (1846) : the “man who lived among cannibals.”Omoo(1847)Mardi (1849) :The first three drew from his adventures among the people of the South Pacific islands;Redburn (1849) is a semi-autobiographical novel, based Bedburn on his first voyage to EnglandWhite Jacket (1850) relates his life on a United States man-of-war.Moby Dick (1851)Later works: Pierre (1852) The Confidence Man (1857) Billy Budd(1924)Moby-Dickis regarded as : * an encyclopedia of everything * the first American prose epicThe white whale Pequod ----a world in miniature* Melville's bleak view--------"Everlasting Nay”* One of the major themes ---------alienation,* Ahab may have been Melville's portrait of an Emersonian self-reliant individual-----solipsism .Henry Wadsworth Longfellow"School-room Poets" or "New England Poets" or "Fireside Poets"Longfellow, Holmes, Lowell and Whittierfirst American to translate Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedypoet and educator; "Paul Revere's Ride“; The Song of Hiawatha ; Evangeline.Longfellow holds the distinction of being the first American poetPoetry : Voices of the Night (1839) Evangeline (1847) The Song of Hiawatha (1855)A Psalm of Life My Lost Youth the Slave’s Dream Hiawatha’s Fasting* His writings belong to the milder aspects of the romantic movement, and he was strongly influenced by the German romantic lyrists.* He wrote about American subjects, but always in European styles.* His works are highly spiritual. He emphasized the mysteries of birth, death, and love. Most of his works are simple and easily read so that even children can understand them.* If his worst fault is that-he made poetry seem so easy to write that anyone could do it, his greatest virtue is that he made poetry seem worth reading and worth writing.* He was the first American poet to be honored by having his bust placed in the Poets' Comer of Westminster Abbey. This indicates that his poetry has been highly appreciated in Britain.(A Psalm of Life 赏析见另材料)P4 the literature of realism1. How to define the Realistic Period in American Literary history?The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to as the Age of Realism in the literary history of the United States, which is actually a movement or tendency that dominated the spirit of American literature, especially American fiction, from the 1850s onwards.What is the historical and socio-cultural background of the Realistic Period in America?The American society after the Civil War provided rich soil for the rise and development of Realism. This period is characterized with changes, in relation to every aspect of American life, politically, economically, culturally, and religiously.First of all, politically, the Civil War affected both the social and the value system of the country. America had transformed itself into an industrialized and commercialized society. Wilderness gave way to civilization. The burgeoning economy and industry stepped up urbanization. However, economically, the changes were not all for the better. The industrialization and the urbanization were accompanied by the incalculable sufferings of the laboring people.Therefore, polarization of the wellbeing between the poor and the rich started to show up. Thirdly, as far as the ideology was concerned, people became dubious about the human nature and the benevolence of God, which the Transcendentalists cared most. What Mark Twain referred to as “ the Gilded Age” replaced the frontier and the spirit of the frontiersman, which is the spirit of freedom and human connection.Fourthly, the literary scene after the Civil War proved to be quite different a picture. The harsh realities of life as well as the disillusion of heroism resulting from the dark memories of the Civil War had set the nation against the romance. The Americans began to be tired of the sentimental feelings of Romanticism. Thus, started a new period in the American literary writings known as the Age of Realism, characterized by a great interest in the realities of lifeRealism had originated in France as realisme, a literary doctrine that called for “reality and truth” in the depiction of ordinary life.The three dominant figures of the period are William Dean Howells, Mark Twain, and Henry James.English realisma new literary trend rose in late 18th century and flourished in the 19th century with the impact of the Industrial Revolution.presenting the reality, the external life of characters, exposing the dark side of the society Truthful to life, little fancy or fantasymajor contribution: perfection of the novelAmerican realisma. Historical and social background: the impact of American Civil War (1861-1865)b. Literary influence from Europe: Realism as a literary trendWalt Whitmanone of America's best ; and most influential poetsLeaves of Crass; Song of Myself O Captain My Captain2. Leaves of Grass (response)* sexuality and exotic and vulgar language"noxious weeds, “ "poetry of barbarism, " and "a mass of stupid filth, "* "I was simmering, simmering, simmering, "he said, "Emerson brought me to a boil. "* Whitman, along with Emerson, sees the poet as taking over what had used to be the job of a minister, a clergyman, the Church.1.Leaves of Grassa poet with a strong sense of missionWhitman was one of the most original and inspiring American poets, true to his art and to his role as a poet. He devoted himself to poetry eulogizing the native American experience. As America's first genuine epic poem, Leaves of Grass ran nine editions with more than 400 poems all written in free verse form, that is, poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. Title: The title implies rebirth, renewal, or green life.where there is earth, where there is water, there is grass.Blend science, democracy and spirituality into one. To write on the organic principle(Song of Myself 赏析另见资料)Emily DickinsonAmerica’s best-known female poetHer modernity is her articulation of psychological experience and skeptical desire for faith. affected by two men, Benjamin Newton and Charles Wadsworth.The Poems of Emily Dickinson; I taste a liquor never brewed; I felt a Funeral, in my Brain; A Bird came down the Walk ; I died for Beauty—but was scarce; I heard a Fly buzz — when I died ; Because I could not stop for Death ;This is my letter to the worldEmily Dickinson was a pessimistic poet. She had a tragic message and was closer to Edgar Allan Poe, Hawthorne, and Melville.The range of her poetry suggests not her limited experience but the power of her creativity and imagination. Her subjects were love, death, nature, religion, immortality, pain, beauty. The poems employed irregular rhythms, slantrhymes, paradox, and a careful balancing of abstract Latinate and concise Anglo-Saxon words.She is now ranked as one of America’s great poets.2 Subjects:Death: her poems concerning death and immortality, ranging over the physical as well as the psychological and emotional aspects of death.Love: One group of her love poems treats the suffering and frustration love can cause. The other group of love poems focuses on the physical aspect of desire.Nature: In her poems about nature, her general skepticism about the relationship between man and nature is well-expressed.Religion: In some of her poems she wrote about her doubt and belief about religious subjects.诗歌赏析另见材料Artistic characteristicsHer poems have no titles, hence are always quoted by their first lines. In her poetry, there is a particular stress pattern, in which dashes are used as a musical device to create cadence and capital letters as a means of emphasis. Most of her poems borrow the repeated four-line, rhymed stanzas of traditional Christian hymns, with two lines of four-beat meter alternating with two lines of three-beat meter. A master of imaginary that makes the spiritual materialize in surprising ways, Dickinson managed manifold variations within her simple form.She uses imperfect rhythms, subtle breaks of rhythm, and idiosyncratic syntax and punctuation to create fascinating world puzzles, which have produced greatly divergent interpretations over the years. Due to her deliberate seclusion, her poems tend to vivify some abstract ideas. Her poetry, despite its ostensible formal simplicity, is remarkable for its variety, subtlety and richness. Her limited private world have never confined the limitless power of her creativity and imagination.Local ColorismTime: late 1860s and early 70sFeatures: the realistic presentation of the local characters with their regional qualities such as dialects and customs.having such quality of texture and background that it could not have been written in any other place or by another one else than a native.--- Hamlin Garland: Crumbing IdolsLocal colorists: Stowe, Mark Twain, Kate ChopinHarriet Beecher Stowe“The little woman who wrote the book that started this great war.” -- Abraham LincolnUncle Tom's Cabin (1851)A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin (1853)Dred, A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp (1856)The Minister's Wooing (1859)The Pearl of Orr's Island (1862)Little Foxes (1866)Old Town Folks (1869)Poganuc People (1878)Slavery and the Civil WarUncle Tom's Cabin was a best seller in the United States, England, Europe, Asia, and translated into over 60 languages.Uncle Tom's Cabin humanized slavery by telling the story of individuals and families. Harriet portrayed the physical, sexual, and emotional abuse endured by enslaved people.The Civil War grew out of a mixture of causes including regional conflicts between North and South, economic trends, and humanitarian concerns for the welfare of enslaved people.The strength of Uncle Tom's Cabin is not the plot, but its ability to illustrate slavery's effect on families. Characters freely debated the causes of slavery, the Fugitive Slave Law, the future of freed slaves, what an individual could do, and racism.Mark TwainLocal colorism: having such quality of texture and background that it could not have been written in any other place or by another one else than a native.--- Hamlin Garland: Crumbing IdolsStowe, Mark Twain, Kate ChopinThe Gilded Age (1873)The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)The Prince and the Pauper (1881)Life on the Mississippi (1883)The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884)A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1889)The £1,000,000 Bank Note and Other New Stories (1893)The Man That Corrupted Hadleybury (1900)Style of WritingBiting and realistic social satire, dealt largely with the lower strata of societyHumor, sharp wit and comic exaggeration;Colloquial style, a supreme command of vernacular American Englishearlier works are light, humorous, optimistic; the gloomy view in later lifeIronyVerbal irony: what one says is opposite to what one means. (It is universally acknowledged that a man in big fortune must be in want of a wife.)Dramatic irony: a contrast bt. what a character believes or says and what the reader understands to be true. (Merchant of Venice Portia disguised in a lawyer)Situational irony or irony of fate: an incongruity what is expected to happen and what actuallyhappens.)O. HenryWilliam Sydney Porter; embezzlement at Ohio Penitentiaryknown for their wit, wordplay, warm characterization, surprise endings"The Gift of the Magi“"The Ransom of Red Chief""The Cop and the Anthem""A Retrieved Reformation""The Duplicity of Hargraves"The Last LeafHenry Jamesthe founder of psychological realismHis fictional world is concerned more with the inner life of human beings than with overt human actions.the forerunner of the 20th-century "stream-of-consciousness" novels .His father, Henry James, Sr.an eminent philosopher、reformer and theological writer,His brother, William James, was to be the famous philosopher and psychologist.* In 1862, James entered Harvard Law School ,where he met HowellsHe toured England, France and Italy, and met, among others, Flaubert (Madame Bovary) , and TurgenevThe literary career of Henry James is generally divided into three distinctive periods: early , middle and mature.1) The first period (1865-1882) "international theme"The American (1877) Daisy Miller. (1878) The Europeans (1878)The Portrait of A Lady (1881)2) The second period (1882 –1895)3) The third period(1895-1900 )Third stage: In the third stage, he returned to his international themes and produced the complex and profound novels such as The Wings of the Dove 《鸽翼》(1902) , The Ambassadors 《专使》(1903) , and The Golden Bowl 《金碗》(1904). Critics regard them as his most mature and his best.3. Major Subjects(P.98) James stressed three subjects that are now regarded as influential in modem fiction. Children: James wrote about children as children, not as small adults. He examined their minds, their psychology and accepted it as valid.(2) New Woman: James's fiction is filled with female characters, not as sexual objects, never married, reticent from sexual passion. He treated the new woman in America in the latter half of the 19th century as a representative of culture and refinement. While men were engaged in business in making money at that time, women maintained culture. They were to be interested in beauty and refinement. And James's women are interested in those subjects. In a way, the women in his fiction are concerned about the same things that he was concerned with — beauty, culture, and refinement .4. Theory of Fiction* Henry James’s literary criticism :To him "art without life is a poor affair,“The Art of Fiction clearly indicates that the aim of the novel is to present life, so it is not surprising to find in his writings human experiences explored in every possible form: illusion, despair, reward, torment, inspiration, delight, etc.*“point of view“叙事视角the author should avoid artificial omniscience as much as possible , making his characters reveal themselves with minimal intervention of the author.Jack London1905 Bought a ranch “the Valley of the Moon”.The Call of the Wild; The Son of the Wolf (1900); The War of the Classes (1905)The People of the Abyss (1903), The Sea Wolf (1904), White Fang (1906), The Iron Heel (1908), Martin Eden (1909), The Sea Wolf ; Martin Eden; Revolution (1910)The Call of the Wild, London's best-known work, is the classic tale of the dog Buck's kidnapping, rejection of civilization, and eventual transformation into the wild leader of a wolf pack. At another level, it is an allegory, in which London uses an animal's story to explore unconscious human instincts.White Fang "I'm going to reverse the process. Instead of devolution or de-civilization of a dog, I'm going to give the evolution, the civilization of a dog -- development of domesticity, faithfulness, love, morality, & all the amenities & virtues."Novelist of IdeasThroughout his career, Jack London explored ideas, both in his reading and in his own writings, seeking to find the answers to life's great questions. In this quest, he frequently reaffirmed not only his socialism, but also his belief in the superiority of humanity over the destructive power of individualism. In addition, especially in the last several years of his life, he increasingly saw the importance of the inner or spiritual side of life to humankind's self-understanding.He wrote too much too fast ,with too little concern for the stylistic and formal refinement and subtlety of characterization that rank high critics.Theodore DreiserLittle college educationReporterTo report “the coarse and the vulgar and the cruel and the terrible” in life in defiance of the genteel and evasive current futureSister Carrie"A Strangely Strong Novel in a Queer Milieu”Major characters:Carrie Meeber, a country girlDuret, a traveling salesmanHurstwood, a respectable manager, Duret’s friendTheme: The author invented the success of Carrie and the downfall of Hurstwood out of an inevitable and natural judgment, because the fittest can survive in a competitive, amoral society according to the social Darwinism.Parallel structure:the material rise of Carrie Meeber Vs the tragic decline of G. W. Hurstwood;Hurstwood sinks lower and lower. After becoming a beggar, he commits suicide;Carrie becomes mature in intellect and emotion and a star of musical comedy。
在英国和美国,狄更斯(Charles Dickens)和塞缪尔·兰金( Samuel Langhorne Clemens)(即馬克·吐溫),在他们的小说中尝试明确完整地描绘现实生活,他们创造了大量真实和具体的人物以及生动而真实的场景。
在小说《世人尚孩子》(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)中,馬克·吐溫通过具体的细节描写,刻画了“淘气”主人公托姆·索耶的生活,在整个小说中,他通过揭示人物的人性及其它方面的细微变化,表现出试图描绘真实生活的现实主义风格。
例如,法国作家欧仁·庞特黎丹写下了《天堂之路》(Les Chemins du paradis),书中的用意在于探讨现实主义的局限性和缺陷。
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1. The early development of American literatureA. The early development of American literature is slow, as then America was at the period of development withlow living standard.B. The first problem immigrants had to solve was food. It was really hard for them to care for the spiritualenjoyment.C. In 1704, first newspaper got published in America.In 1731, first library was established.In 1752, first professional troupe (剧团)was set up.What was put on the stage were English plays.It was not until 1767 that the first play by American writer was put on the stage.It was after the war of Independence that novels appeared.2. Main literary writers and writings of this periodA.The writings of this period were diaries, travel notes and works of religion.B. Though they could’t be regarded as the birth of American literature, to some extent, they reflected the livingsituation and social customs of the early colonized place, which had played an important role in the cultural life of American people, thus influenced the following American literature.3. Literature of Reason and RevolutionWriters of the periodBenjamin Franklin: The Autobiography; Poor Richard’s Almanac(历书,年鉴)Thomas Paine: Common Sense;Thomas Jefferson: The Declaration of IndependenceThomas Paine(1737-1809)and Common Sense1. Published anonymously by Thomas Paine in January of 1776, Common Sense was an instant best-seller, both in the colonies and in Europe. It went through several editions in Philadelphia, and was republished in all parts of United America. Because of it, Paine became internationally famous.2. Paine's political pamphlet brought the rising revolutionary sentiment into sharp focus by placing blame for the suffering of the colonies directly on the reigning British monarch, George III.3. First and foremost, Common Sense advocated an immediate declaration of independence, postulating a special moral obligation of America to the rest of the world.4. Not long after publication, the spirit of Paine's argument found resonance in the American Declaration of Independence.1. What were Benjamin Franklin’s achievements?2. How could he be so successful?野金银花菲利普·弗瑞诺美丽的金银花,造化令你素裹银妆,你粲然绽放于幽静一角。
Analysis of the poemIt is a deistic celebration of nature, romantic use of simple nature imagery, inspired by themes of death andtransience. Much of the beauty of the poem lies in the sounds of the words and the effects created through changes in rhythm.Flower vs Human Being, Duration vs LifeShow us how to live an useful life.In a revolution, one should not do nothing for his country for fear of being hurt, harmed and destroyed.1. What is Puritanism?1). A religious and political movement. Through it, one sees emerging the right of the individual to political and religious independence.2). Their religious doctrines: original sin, total depravity, predestination, limited atonement.3). Their attitudes toward entertainment: joy and laughter are symptoms of sin.4). Their attitudes toward work: work itself is a good in addition to what it achieves, that time saved by efficiency or good fortune should be spent in doing further work.2. What is Puritanism’s influence on American literature?1). Purpose: pragmatic2). Contents: practical matter-of-fact accounts of life in the new world; highly theoretical discussions of religious questions.3). Form: diary, autobiography, sermon, letter4). Style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical decoration, adoption of homely imagery, simplicity of diction.Historical Introduction of Reason and Revolution Period1. Industrial Revolution: spurred the economy in American colonies.2. Independence War: the industrial growth led to intense strain with Britain.The British government tried to suppress their growth economically, and ruled them from abroad politically and levied heavy tax on them.These aroused bitter resentment in colonies. Constant conflicts resulted in American revolutionary war3. Spiritual life of the colonies—Enlightenment.4. Philosophical and intellectual movement.5. Advocated reason or rationality, the scientific method, equality and human beings’ability to perfectthemselves and their society.6. Agreed on faith in human rationality and existence of discoverable and universally valid principlesgoverning human beings, nature and society.7. Opposed intolerance, restraint, spiritual authority and revealed religionBenjamin FranklinThe only good writer of the colonial period.Printer, enlightener, inventor, scientist, statesman, diplomatAid Jefferson in writing The Declaration of Independence.Seeking help from France in American Independent War.Main Works: Poor Richard’s Almanac年鉴,历书It contains many proverbsAutobiography: With it he set the form for autobiography as a genre/风格,流派/.Style: he developed an utilitarian 功利主义and didactic style.His style is characterized by simplicity, frankness, wit, clarity, logic and order.Autobiography: inspiring account of a poor boy’s rise to a high position. It is a how-to-do-it book, one on the art of self-improvement.Contents: It covered Franklin’s life only until 1757 when he was 51 years old. It described his life as a shrewd and industrious businessman and narrates how he owned the constant felicity 幸福,精彩of his life, his long-continued health and acquisition of fortune.Significance: It presents a prototype 原型of American success which inspired generations of Americans. It is an embodiment of Puritanism and enlightening spirits.Why Franklin is admired and read widely?1. He is a typical American, model of the self-made man, a cultural hero whose life exemplified the American dream of the poor boy who made good.2. He stressed the importance of working hard to make money, happiness depending in the first place on economic success and optimistically believed that every American could do so.3. He was convinced that no man could be virtuous or happy unless he did his best to improve the life of his society and his own life.Why it is said that Franklin is the representative of American Enlightenment ?1.He believed in reason or rationality, the scientific method, equality and human beings’ability to perfect themselves and their society.2. He opposed intolerance, restraint, spiritual authority and revealed religion Deist/自然神论/3. He favored the education. Self-education, educating and disseminating knowledge among people by his newspaper and Autobiography, establishing learning club, college and library.4. He favored freedom of thoughts. He set up the ideas of democracy in the USA.Thomas PainePropagandist, pamphleteer, a master of persuasion who understands the power of language to move a man to action.Main works: The American Crisis, Common Sense, The rights of man, The Age of ReasonThomas Jefferson 1Enlightener, planter, aristocrat, lawyer, a symbol of American democracy.Man of many talents: scientist, inventor, musician, linguist, architect, diplomat and writer.Thomas Jefferson 2Political Career: He served his country as Minister to France(1784-1789), Secretary of State(1789-1793), Vice President(1791-1801) and third President(1801-1809).Thoughts: Jeffersonian Democracy, which includes faith in the individual and common man, dislike an overly strong government, and emphasis on the importance of education and on agrarianism and land ownership as they brought responsibility and true judgment. Politically, he is considered the father of the democratic spirit in his country. The society he thought of as ideal was one where landowning farmers could live under as little government as possible.Style: dignity, flexibility, clarity, command of generalizationThomas Jefferson 3The Declaration of Independence: The essay, adopted July 4, 1776, not only announced the birth of a new nation, but also set forth a philosophy of human freedom which served as unimportant force in the western world.It is a statement of American principles and a review of the Causes of the quarrel with Britain, presented the American view to the world with classic dignity.It instilled among the common people a sense of their own importance and inspired struggle for personal freedom, self government and a dignified place in society.Philip FreneauFather of American PoetryTeacher, political journalist, seaman, humanitarian, polemist, propagandist, satirist, loyal follower of JeffersonMain Works: The Rising Glory of America (1772), The British Prison Ship (1781)The Wild Honey Suckle (1786), The Indian Burying Ground (1788)American Romanticism(or the American Renaissance)(from early 1800 to the Civil War )Background of American Romanticism(or the American Renaissance)Rapid development of the nation and changes of the society:1.economic changes2.political changes3. ideology4. culturebefore 1860:1. The Unite States had begun to change into an industrial and urban society, population, techology, etc.2. A renewed interest in reform and humanitarianism appeared, church reforms, feminist movements, establishment of anti-slavery societies, etc.3. The pursuit of simplicity, utility, and perfection remained an American characteristic.4 . The level of education and literacy had risen significantly, improvements of printing press and expansion of postal service made possible the rapid production and wide distribution of periodicalsElements of Romanticism1. Frontier: vast expanse, freedom, no geographic limitations.2. Optimism: greater than in Europe because of the presence of frontier.3. Experimentation: in science, in institutions (社会团体)4. Mingling of races: immigrants in large numbers arrive to the US.5. Growth of industrialization: polarization of north and south; north becomes industrialized, south remainsagricultural.Romantic Subject Matter1. The quest for beauty: non-did actic, "pure beauty.“2. The use of the far-away and non-normal- antique and fanciful:a. In historical perspective: antiquarianism (好古癖); antiquing or artificially aging; interest in the past.b. Characterization and mood: grotesque(极丑陋), gothicism (歌特式情趣), sense of terror, fear; use ofthe odd and queer.3. Escapism - from American problems.4. Interest in external nature - for itself, for beauty:a. Nature as source for the knowledge of the primitive.b. Nature as refuge.c. Nature as revelation of God to the individual.Romantic Attitudes1. Appeals to imagination; use of the "willing suspension of disbelief."2. Stress on emotion rather than reason; optimism, geniality (和蔼,亲切).3. Subjectivity: in form and meaning.The Flowering of American Literature1.The decade of 1850-59 is unique in the annals /记录/of literary production.2. For a variety of reasons American authors, both African and European, published remarkable works in such aconcentration of time.3. The feat, it is safe to say, has not been duplicated in this or any other literary tradition.Works by European American WritersYear Author Title1850 Ralph Waldo Emerson Representative Men代表性人物1850 Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter 红字1851 Herman Melville Moby-Dick 白鲸1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin 汤姆叔叔的小屋1854 Henry David Thoreau Walden瓦尔登湖1855 Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass 草叶集Washington Irving (1783-1859)(Father of American Literature)The Author’s Account of Himself 作者自述The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷的传说Rip Van Winkle 里普.凡.温克尔The Legend of Sleepy Hollow1. The story is set circa /about/ 1790 in the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town, New York, in a secluded glencalled Sleepy Hollow.2. It tells the story of Ichabod Crane, a lean, lanky, and extremely superstitious schoolmaster from Connecticut,who competes with Abraham "Brom Bones" Van Brunt, the town rowdy, for the hand of 18-year-old Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter and sole child of a wealthy farmer, Baltus Van Tassel.3. As Crane leaves a party he attended at the Van Tassel home on an autumn night, he is pursued by theHeadless Horseman, who is supposedly the ghost of a Hessian trooper who had his head shot off by a stray cannonball during "some nameless battle" of the American Revolutionary War, and who "rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head".4. Ichabod mysteriously disappears from town, leaving Katrina to marry Brom Bones, who was "to lookexceedingly knowing whenever the story of Ichabod was related".RIP V AN WINKLERIP V AN WINKLE is a famous tale written by Washington Erving, telling about a story in which an old man named Rip drank some beverage and fell into asleep for 20 years.After that, he returned to the villege where he came from, and found everything changed.People talked about revolution and election, and he has no idea of what that meaned.There have been many comments on this tale saying that it shows Irving's attitude against the American revolution, and his approving of the past.James Fenimore Cooper (September 15, 1789 – September 14, 1851)1.James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the early 19th century.2.He is best remembered as a novelist who wrote numerous sea-stories and the historical novels known as the Leatherstocking Tales, featuring frontiersman Natty Bumppo.3. Among his most famous works is the Romantic novel The Last of the Mohicans, which many consider to be his masterpieceThe Spy 间谍The Leather-Stocking Tales: 皮袜子五部曲The Pioneers: (1823), 开拓者The Last of the Mohicans: (1826), 草原The Prairie: (1827), 探路者The Pathfinder: (1840), 杀鹿者The Deerslayer: (1841) 最后的莫希干人Part IV The Literature of Realism (现实主义时期) (1865 -1914)●I. Historical Introduction●II. Literary Characteristics●III. Two American PoetsPart IV The Literature of Realism (现实主义时期) (1865 -1914)●Time: The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to as the Age of Realism in the literaryhistory of the United States, which is actually a movement or tendency that dominated the spirit of American literature, especially American fiction, from the 1850s onwards.●Definition: Realism was a reaction against Romanticism or a move away from the bias towards romance andself-creating fictions, and paved the way to Modernism. It stresses truthful treatment of material.●It focuses on commonness of the lives of the common people, and emphasizes objectivity and offers anobjective rather than an idealistic view of human nature and human experience.I. Historical Introduction●The civil war brought about two results:● 1. Further industrialization(工业化), mechanization(机械化), urbanization(都市化), development oftransportation (运输) and communication(通讯).● 2. Further Westward Expansion, the last of the first 48 states were settled.● 1. Feminist movement. Emily Dickinson(艾米莉·迪金森), Harriet Beecher Stowe(哈丽叶特·比契·斯陀),etc.● 2. Decline of American Romanticism, Walt Whitman(沃特·惠特曼) “Leaves of Grass”《草叶集》● 3. Appearance of American realism● 4. Appearance of American naturalismWalt Whitman (1819-1892) Emily Dickinson(1830-1886Walt Whitman (1819-1892) and his achievements✧Whitman was one of the great innovators in American literature.✧In the book of poems he called “Leaves of Grass”《草叶集》, he gave America its first genuine epic poem.✧The poetic style he devised is now called free verse.Whitman’s Achievements✧Whitman was the first to explore fully the possibilities of free verse.✧惠特曼是探索自由诗体可能性的第一个.✧Free verse: poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme schemeO Captain!My Captain!Come up from the Fields, Father Walt Whitman (1819-1892), Leaves of Grass, 1900.Emily Dickinson(1830-1886)●America’s best-known female lyrical poet●Nearly 1800 poemsLife Story:She was born in Amberst, Massachusetts, a very wealthy family. Her father was a lawyer and founder of Amberst College.She liked Poetry very much. She withdrew from social contact at the age of 23 and devoted herself in secret into writing.●She was single in her whole life.●She died in 1886 at the age of 57.●Sources: Dickinson enjoyed the Bible, English writers Shakespeare, Milton, Dickens,Browning, Keats, George Herbert, George Eliot, Thomas Carlyle.●Themes: wholly original, from her personal experiences, love, nature, friendship, death,immortality, war, god, religious belief, humor, literature, music, art.Artistic Features●Abundant use of dashes, irregular and special punctuation and capitalization. Clear-cut,delicately original imagery, precise and simple diction, fragmentary and enigmatic metrical pattern.●Short poetic lines, condensed by using intense metaphors and by extensive use of ellipsis.●Conventional meters, iambic tetrameter(四音步句), off-rhymes.●Visual and audible effects, great imagination, sincere emotionsHarriet Beecher Stowe(1811-1896)●哈丽叶特·比契·斯陀●“Uncle Tom’s Cabin”●《汤姆叔叔的小屋》(1851 ) O. Henry (1862-1910)●欧·亨利●The Cop and the Anthem●《警察与赞美诗》●The Gift of the Magi 《麦琪的礼物》American Realism● 1. Reasons: civil war, social development. People sought to describe the wide range ofAmerican experience and to present the subtleties of human personality, to portray characters who were less simply all good or all bad.● 2. Realism originated in France. A literary doctrine that called for “reality and truth”inthe depiction of ordinary life.● 3. American realism, different from European realism, is more varied and individualistic.● 4. Development of American realism: first appear in the literature of local color(乡土色彩), arbiter/权威人士, 泰斗/: William Dean Howells. He defined realism as “nothing more and nothing less than the truthful treatment of material”.5. Important writers:William Howells (威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯),●Mark Twain(马克·吐温),●Henry James(亨利·詹姆士).William Dean Howells (1837-1920)●威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯● A Modern Instance●《现代婚姻》(1882 )●The Rise of Silas Lapham●《塞拉斯•拉帕姆的发迹》(1885 )● A Hazard of New Fortunes●《时来运转》1890William Dean Howells (1837-1920)●威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯● A Modern Instance●《现代婚姻》(1882 )●The Rise of Silas Lapham●《塞拉斯•拉帕姆的发迹》(1885 )● A Hazard of New Fortunes●《时来运转》1890Mark Twain(1835-1910)●马克·吐温●“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”●《汤姆·索亚历险记》(1876 )●“The Adventures of HuckleberryFinn”《哈克贝利·芬历险记》(1884 )Henry James (1843-1916)●亨利·詹姆士●“Daisy Miller”●《黛西·米勒》(1871 )●“The Portrait of a Lady”●《贵妇人的画像》(1881 )●American Naturalism● 1. Naturalism came from France (pessimistic●realism).● 2. Reasons: It was shaped by civil war, social●upheavals, the teachings of Charles Darwin-●Darwinism. Darwinism seems to stress the●animality of man, to suggest that he was●dominated by the irresistible forces of evolution.● 3. American Naturalist writers: Stephen Crane, Frank●Norris, Jack London, Henry Adams, Theodore Dreiser.Jack London (1876 - 1916)●Call of the Wild《野性的呼唤》(1903)●The Sea Wolf《海狼》(1904)●Martin Eden●《马丁·伊登》(1909)●semi-autobiographical novelTheodore Dreiser (1871—1945)●西奥多·德莱塞●Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》(1900)●An American Tragedy●《美国悲剧》(1925) greatest novel7。