
1. G F6概述1.1 GF6 简述6T40/45E 变速箱是一款全自动 6 速变速箱,可以有前轮驱动,两轮驱动和全轮驱动几种配置,电控变速箱具有离合器 -离合器换档控制功能。
6T40/45E 主要由变矩器,三组行星齿轮组,机械式离合器,液压控制系统和电子控制系统组成。
行星齿轮组可以提供 6 个前进档和一个倒档, TCM 通过监测各个传感器的信息,自动控制档位的切换,是变速箱始终处在最优化的状态。
TCM 通过控制换档电磁阀和压力调节阀来控制换档正时,通过控制压力电磁阀来控制换档时的感觉, TCM也通过控制 TCC的结合和释放实现发动机动力传递效率最大化。
摩擦元件是由 5 片式多片离合器构成的,多片离合器,一个机械式单项离合器及行星齿轮组可以提供7 种不同的齿轮速比,星星齿轮组将扭矩传递到变速箱的输出轴。
1.2 GF6 结构说明1) 反作用行星齿轮架总成11) 油泵总成2) 控制阀体总成12) 差速器齿轮架总成3) 输入行星齿轮架总成13) 前差速器环齿4) 阀体通道隔板14) 被动齿轮架5) 输出行星齿轮架总成15) 1-2-3-4 离合器总成6) 驻车齿轮16) 低速 -倒档离合器总成7) 控制电磁阀总成17) 2-6 离合器总成8) 驱动链条18) 3-5-R 离合器总成9) 驱动齿轮架19) 4-5-6 离合器总成10) 变矩器总成20) 输入速度传感器总成1.3 GF6ID识别1.广播码2.变速器总成零件号3.出厂源代码 (SGMDY)4.部件标识符( 61=TRANS)5.车型年( 8=2008 )6.变速器型号 (AA)7.变速器族系( 6T40=W)8.产地代码( M= 中国烟台)9.年份( 8=2008 )10.儒略历日期11.班次标识符( A/B)12.数字序列号,每天上午 12 :01从0001 开始出厂源代码4-RamosArizpe ,墨西哥H-Ypsilanti ,密歇根州J-Windsor ,安大略州S-Strasbourg ,法国W-Warren ,密歇根州Y-Toledo ,俄亥俄州BRO-Boryeong ,韩国SGMDY- 中国山东烟台2. GF6参数2.1 GF6 技术参数6T40/456:前进档位变速箱型号T:前轮驱动40/45:扭矩参数变矩器直径236mm1st 4.584:12nd 2.964:13rd 1.912:1 变速箱档位4th 1.446:15th 1.000:16th 0.746:1R 2.940:11-2-3-4 离合器3-5-R 离合器4-5-6 离合器离合器名称2-6 离合器低速 -倒档离合器低速单向离合器(OWC )变速箱油型号DEXRONVI3. GF6控制功能3.1换档控制杆P 档( Park)P 档位置将车辆前轮锁住,同时防止车辆前后运动,P 档是启动车辆的最佳档位。

Automatic Transmission Drive (D 3) —This position is similar to D 4, except only the first three gears are selected. Use D 3 when towing a trailer in hilly terrain, or to provide engine braking when going down a steep hill. D 3 can also keep the transmission from cycling between third and fourth gears in stop-and-go driving.For faster acceleration when in D 3 or D 4, you can get the transmission to automatically downshift by pushing the accelerator pedal to the floor.The transmission will shift down one or two gears, depending on your speed.Second (2) — To shift to Second,press the release button on the side of the shift lever. This position locks the transmission in second gear. It does not downshift to first gear when you come to a stop. Second gives you more power when climbing,and increased engine braking when going down steep hills. Use second gear when starting out on a slippery surface or in deep snow. It will help reduce wheelspin.Whenever you move the shift lever to a lower gear, the transmission downshifts only if the engine's redline will not be exceeded in the lower gear.First (1) — To shift from Second to First, press the release button on the side of the shift lever. With the lever in this position, the transmission locks in First gear. By upshifting and downshifting through 1, 2, D 3 and D 4,you can operate this transmission much like a manual transmission without a clutch pedal.DrivingAutomatic TransmissionMaximum SpeedsThe speeds in this table are themaximums for the given position. Ifyou exceed these speeds, the enginespeed will enter into the tachometer'sred zone. If this occurs, you will feelthe engine cut in and out. This iscaused by a limiter in the engine'scomputer controls. The engine willrun normally when you reduce theRPM below the red zone.4 cylinder models6 cylinder modelsShift Lock ReleaseThis allows you to move the shiftlever out of Park if the normalmethod of pushing on the brakepedal and pressing the releasebutton does not work.1. Set the Parking brake.2. Remove the key from the ignitionswitch.3. Insert the key in the Shift LockRelease slot next to the shift lever.4. Push down on the key while youpress the release button and movethe shift lever out of Park toNeutral.5. Remove the key from the ShiftLock Release slot. Depress thebrake pedal and restart the engine.If you need to use the Shift LockRelease, it means your car isdeveloping a problem. Have the carchecked by your Honda dealer.DrivingRELEASE BUTTONSHIFT LOCK RELEASE SLOT。

5-speed Manual TransmissionThe manual transmission is syn-chronized in all forward gears for smooth operation. It has a lockout so you cannot shift directly from Fifth to Reverse. When shifting up or down, make sure you push the clutch pedal down all the way, shift to the next gear, and let the pedal up gradually. When you are not shifting,do not rest your foot on the clutch pedal. This can cause your clutch to wear out faster.Come to a full stop before you shift into Reverse. You can damage the transmission by trying to shift into Reverse with the vehicle moving.Push down the clutch pedal, and pause for a few seconds before shifting into Reverse, or shift into one of the forward gears for a moment. This stops the gears so they won't "grind".When slowing down, you can get extra braking from the engine by shifting to a lower gear. This extra braking can help you maintain a safe speed and prevent your brakes from overheating while going down a steep hill. Before downshifting,make sure engine speed will not go into the tachometer's red zone in the lower gear. Refer to the Maximum Allowable Speeds chart.Recommended Shift Points Drive in the highest gear that lets the engine run and accelerate smoothly. This will give you the best fuel economy and effective emis-sions control. The following shift points are recommended:Driving5-speed Manual TransmissionMaximum SpeedsThe speeds in this table are the maximums for the given gear. If you exceed these speeds, the engine speed will enter into the tachometer's red zone. If this occurs, you may feel the engine cut in and out. This is caused by a limiter in the engine's computer controls. The engine will run normally when you reduce the RPM below the red zone.Before downshifting, make sure the vehicle will not exceed the maximum speed in the chart in the lower gear to avoid engine damage.(DX)(HX)(U.S.: EX, Canada: Si)Driving。

二、GF6自动变速器行星齿轮机构运动特性方程的建立单排单级行星齿轮机构的运动规律特性方程式为:n1+an2-(1+a)n3=0 (1)其中,n1为太阳轮转速;n2为齿圈转速;n3为行星架转速;a为齿圈齿数z2与太阳轮齿数z1之比,即a=z2/z1。
GF6自动变速器的前排、中排和后排均为单排单级行星齿轮机构组成,因此对这3排行星齿轮机构建立运动特性方程式如下:n11+a1n12-(1+a1)n13=0 (2)n21+a2n22-(1+a2)n23=0 (3)n31+a3n32-(1+a3)n33=0 (4)其中,n11为前排太阳轮转速;n12为前排齿圈转速;n13为前排行星架转速;n21为中排太阳轮转速;n22为中排齿圈转速;n23为中排行星架转速;n31为后排太阳轮转速;n32为后排齿圈转速;n33为后排行星架转速;a1为前排的齿圈齿数z12与太阳轮齿数z11之比,即a1=z12/z11;a2为中排的齿圈齿数 z22与太阳轮齿数z21之比,即a2=z22/z21;a3为后排的齿圈齿数z32与太阳轮齿数z31之比,即 a3=z32/z31。

The manual transmission is syn-chronized in all forward gears for smooth operation. It has a lockout so you cannot shift directly from Fifth to Reverse. When shifting up or down, make sure you push the clutch pedal down all the way, shift to the next gear, and let the pedal up gradually. When you are not shifting, do not rest your foot onthe clutch pedal. This can causeyour clutch to wear out e to a full stop before you shift into reverse. You can damage the transmission by trying to shift into reverse with the car moving.Depress the clutch pedal and pause for a few seconds before putting it in reverse, or shift into one of the forward gears for a moment. This stops the gears so they won't"grind".You can get extra braking from the engine when slowing down by shifting to a lower gear. This extra braking can help you maintain a safe speed and prevent your brakes from overheating while going down a steep hill. Before downshifting,make sure engine speed will not go into the red zone in the lower gear.Refer to the Maximum Speeds chart.CONTINUEDDriving5-speed Manual TransmissionRecommended Shift PointsDrive in the highest gear that letsthe engine run and acceleratesmoothly. This will give you thebest fuel economy and effectiveemissions control. The followingshift points are recommended:The VX and CX models in the U.S.(except in California) and the VXmodel in Canada have an UpshiftIndicator (see page 32 ).Use this indicator to help deter-mine the shift points for best fueleconomy.(US: DX, Si, Canada: CX, DX, Si)Maximum SpeedsThe speeds in this table are themaximums for the given gears. Ifyou exceed these speeds, theengine speed will enter into thetachometer's red zone. If thisoccurs, you may feel the engine cutin and out. This is caused by alimiter in the engine's computercontrols. The engine will runnormally when you reduce theRPM below the red zone.Driving。
上汽通用 gf9 变速器的工作原理

上汽通用gf9 变速器的工作原理全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:上汽通用GF9变速器是一种先进的汽车变速器技朮,其工作原理非常复杂但又非常精妙。

通用GF6变速器深度图文解析6T404550E变速器倒档不走没有前进挡小伙伴们修车的老师傅都应该认识下图这款变速器把GF6没错他就是我们比较数以的GF6 6T的变速器。
TCM例如诊断仪报的关于变速器故障码DTC P0751:换档电磁阀1性能 - 卡在断开位置DTC P0752:换档电磁阀1性能 - 卡在接通位置就是电磁阀1故障,此故障出现时就只能更换总成了。
变速器控制模块(TCM) 通过打开或关闭低电平侧驱动器来操作该电磁阀。
TCM图标(1) 压力控制电磁阀3(倒档-1/4-5-6档)(2) (第1代)压力控制电磁阀2(3-5档-倒档)(2) (第2代)压力控制电磁阀5(1-2-3-4档)(3) 变矩器离合器 (TCC) 压力控制电磁阀(4) 换档电磁阀1(通电/断电)(5) (第1代)压力控制电磁阀5(1-2-3-4档)(5) (第2代)压力控制电磁阀2(3-5档-倒档)(6) 压力控制电磁阀4(2-6档)(7) 管路压力控制电磁阀(8) (第1代)变速器油压力 (TFP) 开关1(3-5档 - 倒档)(9) (第1代)变速器油压力 (TFP) 开关3(2-6档)(10) (第1代)变速器油压力 (TFP) 开关4(1-2-3-4档)(11) 贯穿连接器(12) (第1代)变速器油压力 (TFP) 开关5(4-5-6档/倒档-1档)上图已确认红色标记的哪个就是换挡电磁阀1 。

1940年,美国通用正式装备OLDSMOBILE 顺风轿车Hydra-Matic 自动变速器。
1998年上海通用汽车率先在国产的别克新世纪轿车上推出4T65E 自动变速器。
2) 提高汽车通过性。
3) 具有良好的自适应性。
4) 操纵轻便。
二.GF6自动变速器概述GF-6变速器主要特点1)GF6自动变速器采用族系化的设计思路,方便移植/匹配:不同的发动机,只要输出功率及扭矩转速等接近,只要更改很少的零件就可以有合适的GF6变速器可以匹配使用.2)采用专有且简单的动力传动方案,结构简单,性能可靠.3)在相同的产品外廓尺寸条件下能够承载更高的发动机扭矩及功率4)充分引进及吸纳了全球各专业公司的先进技术5)新颖/齐全的产品功能:GF6在设计上基本保证了目前已知的世界上所有有级式机械变速器的先进功能都可以被实现.6)成本低:产品成本在设计之初就得到了严格的控制GF-6变速器简介GF6自动变速器的完整英文名称为:Global Front Wheel Drive6 Speed automatic transmission (全球前轮驱动6挡自动变速器)。


M— 在M位置时驾驶员可以手动的将档位杆推动到M+ 或 M- 的位置进行升档和减档,变速箱将根据档位杆的位置进行升档或减档。
1. 广播码
2. 变速器总成零件号
3. 出厂源代码( SGMDY)
4. 部件标识符(61=TRANS)
5. 车型年(8=2008)
6. 变速器型号(AA)
7. 变速器族系(6T40=W)
8. 产地代码( M= 中国)

0-0.16 mm (0-0.0063 in.)
0.79-1.25 mm (0.0311-0.0492 in.)
1.35-1.81 mm (0.0531-0.0713 in.)

Shifting the 5 SpeedThe fully synchronized manualtransmission is very easy to shiftup or down. When you slow downfor traffic, steep hills, or corners,shift to a lower gear before theengine starts to labor. When de-scending steep grades, select alower gear to help maintain a safespeed and to prevent the brakesfrom overheating.When shifting, depress the clutchpedal fully, shift gears and then release the clutch gradually. Do not speed-shift; allow time for the gears to synchronize.To prevent grinding the gears when shifting into reverse, hold the clutch pedal depressed briefly before shifting, or shift the lever into one of the forward gears before selecting reverse.A safety lockout prevents accidental shifting straight from 5th to Reverse.Avoid rapid acceleration or sudden deceleration when either or both driving wheels are on a slippery surface. Decreased traction could cause loss of directional control.CAUTION:Do not drive with your foot on the clutch pedal as this will causepremature wear of clutch components.Do not shift into reverse while the car is moving.(cont'd)Shifting the 5 Speed (cont'd)Maximum Allowable SpeedsThe speeds shown below are the maximum at which the car can be driven or downshifted in each gear without over-revving the engine.Recommended Shift SpeedsFor best fuel economy, and effective emission control, shift at the speeds shown:Shifting the AutomaticThe automatic transmission shift lever has a locking mechanism to prevent accidental shifting into Reverse (R), Park (P) or 2nd (2). Also,an Automatic Shift Lock prevents you from shifting out of Park unless the brake pedal is already depressed and the ignition switch is in the II position.Push the button on the shift handle to shift into 2nd, Reverse or Park; depress the brake pedal and then push the button on the shifthandle to shift out of Park.: Depress the brake pedal firstand push the button, then shift.: Push the button, then shift.: Shift as desired.If you cannot shift out of Park with the brake pedal depressed and the ignition switch in the II position:1.Turn the ignition switch off and remove the key.2. Insert the key in the Shift Lock Release located to the right of the shift lever.3. Press and hold the key down,then press the button on the shift handle and move the shift lever to Neutral.4. Return the key to the ignition switch, depress the brake pedal and restart the engine.NOTE:If you encounter any problem shifting out of Park, have your authorized Honda dealer check the system as soon as possible.Depress buttonInsertSHIFT LOCK RELEASEKEY(cont'd)Operating TipsFor smoother operation, apply the brakes when shifting from Neutral or Park to a forward or reverse gear.When parking: bring the car to a stop with the foot brake, hold the brake on and shift into Park, set the hand brake and then turn off the engine.NOTE:Your 4 speed automatic transmission is equipped with a torque converter lock-up clutch. Because of this, you may notice what feels like an extra shift as the clutch engages.CAUTION:Shift into P only after the car has come to a complete stop.Shift into or out of R only after the car has come to a complete stop.Do not "rev-up" the engine when the brake is on and the shiftlever is in D, S, 2 or R.When stopped on a hill, use the brakes to hold your position, not the accelerator pedal.Do not shift from N or P into D, S, 2 or R when the engine is above idle speed. Before shifting into gear, make sure your footis firmly on the brake pedal.Do not rest your hand on the shift lever or push the shift button while driving.Driving TechniqueD-4thUse the D range for normal in-town and highway driving. The car will start off in 1st and shift automatically to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The further down you push the accelerator, the later the transmission will shift and the faster the car will accelerate.S 3 / S 4The "S " shift selector range changes the shift points under part throttle acceleration, allowing the transmission to stay in each lower gear for a longer period before automatically upshifting. With the shift selector in the "S " range, the "S 3" indicator light in the instrument panel will come on and the transmission will shift from 1st to 2nd and 3rd but not 4th. This is especially useful when climbing or descending grades. While driving in the "S " range, the car's performance is improved but fuel economy is reduced.Shifting the Automatic (cont'd)While driving in the "S " range, you can select 4th gear by pushing th e "S 4" switch. Depending upon vehicle speed and throttle pedal position, the transmission will shift to 4th gear when the switch is pressed ; the "S 4" indicator light in the instrument panel will come on . Pushing the "S 4" switch again will cause the transmission to downshift to 3rd gear in the "S 3" mode. The "S 4" indicator light in th e instrument panel will go out, and the "S 3" light in the instrument panel will come on I f the shift lever is moved to any other driving range, the "S 4".switch will be cancelled automatically.NOTE:In both the D and S modes, the transmission holds in 2nd while you are stopped in gear. When you start moving again, thetransmission shifts to 1st, then 2nd and so on.If rapid acceleration is necessary, depress the accelerator to the floor; the transmission will automatically shift down according to load and engine speed. This applies to both D and S ranges.(cont'd)S 4SWITCH2-2ndUse 2nd gear for increased engine braking when driving downhill,and increased power when driving uphill; also for driving on slippery roads, and freeing the car from mud or sand, where 1st gear could provide too much power and cause skidding or wheelspin. The maximum recommended speed in 2nd gear is:60 mph (97 km/h)R-Reverse CAUTION:Shift into or out of reverse only after the car has come to a complete stop; the transmission may be damaged if you shift while the car is moving.P-ParkCAUTION:Use this position when starting the engine, or when parking. Shift into Park only when the car is COMPLETELY stopped.N-NeutralUse when starting the engine or during prolonged idling in traffic.Shiftin gthe Automatic (cont'd)Towing a TrailerYour car is designed primarily to carry passengers and a normal amount of luggage. Although your car is capable of towing a trailer, there will be an effect on handling, performance, braking, general vehicle and tire durability and fuel economy.The weight of the trailer plus its cargo must not exceed a totalof 1,000 Ibs. (450 kg).The gross vehicle weight must not exceed the Gross VehicleWeight Rating (GVWR) indicated on the Certification label (see page 131 ). The gross vehicle weight is the total weight of the car, driver, passengers, luggage, hitch and trailer tongue load.The total weight supported by each axle must not exceed theGross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR). The front and rear GAWR's are shown on the Certification label (page 131 ). The distribution of luggage and passengers in the car, as well as the tongue load and hitch weight should also be considered in terms of the GAWR, which is the maximum amount of weight that should be supported over the front and the rear axles. You should have your car and trailer weighed at a commercial weighing station to check both the GVWR and GAWR's to confirm that the total weight and weight distribution are within safe driving limits.The maximum trailer tongue load must not exceed 100 Ibs. (45kg). Cargo should be distributed so that the tongue load is approximately 10% of the total weight of the trailer and its cargo. This is done by distributing approximately 60% of cargo weight toward the front of the trailer and 40% toward the rear.TRAILER WEIGHT TONGUE LOADMaximum: 1,000 Ibs (450 kg)Maximum: 100 Ibs (45 kg)Never load the trailer so that the back is heavier than the front.This will seriously affect vehicle handling. Be sure the cargo is secured so that it will not move during driving.(cont'd)Towing a Trailer (cont'd)HitchesUse only a hitch recommended by your Honda dealer. The hitch should be bolted securely to the car and installed by a qualified technician. Do not use a hitch designed for temporary installation and never use one that attaches only to the bumper.Trailer Brakes and Safety ChainsThe Honda Automobile Division recommends that trailers equipped with brakes should conform to any applicable federal and state regulations. When using a trailer equipped with electric brakes, a trailer brake controller that connects to the car's electrical system is recommended. Installing a brake controller that connects to the car's brake hydraulic system could result in brake fluid contamination or leaks. A safety chain must always be used between the car and the trailer. Leave sufficient slack in the chain so that it does not bind in sharp turns. The chain should cross under the trailer tongue to prevent the tongue from dropping to the ground.TiresMake sure your car's tires are properly inflated. Adjust tire pressure to the recommended tire pressure indicated on the label attached to the edge of the driver's door. The trailer tires should be of the proper size, load rating and inflated to the pressure recommended by the trailer manufacturer.Trailer LightsTrailer lights must comply with federal, state and local regulations. See your local recreational vehicle dealer or rental agency for the correct type of lighting and wiring for your trailer. Check for correct operation of the turn signals and stop lights each time you hitch up.CAUTION:Connections to your car's electrical system should be made by your Honda dealer or a qualified electrician. Improper installation may damage your vehicle's electrical system and cause a malfunction of the lights.Break-in ScheduleDo not tow a trailer during the 600 miles (1,000 km) break-in period: see page 2 .MaintenanceIf you tow a trailer, your vehicle will require more frequent maintenance due to the additional load. Refer to the "Maintenance schedule under severe driving conditions" on page 82 for specific information.Before TowingWith the car and trailer completely loaded and parked on a level surface, confirm that the tongue loading is correct. If the car has an abnormal nose-up or nose-down attitude, check for improper cargo distribution. Check also for excessive cargo weight, worn suspension or other causes and correct the problem before driving. Be sure the cargo is secured so it will not shift while driving. Check that your rearview mirrors conform to any federal, state or local regulations. If not, install rearview mirrors designed for towing. Before towing a trailer, practice turning, stopping and reversing with a trailer in an area away from traffic until you learn the technique.(cont'd)Towing a Trailer (cont'd)Towing SafetyStopping distance will be increased when towing a trailer. Foreach 10 mph (16 km/h) of speed, allow at least two car lengths between you and the vehicle ahead. Avoid sudden braking which may cause trailer jackknifing and loss of control.Avoid jerky starts and sudden acceleration. If your car has amanual transmission, always start out in first gear and release the clutch at moderate engine rpm.Avoid rapid lane changing and sharp turns. The trailer could hityour car in a tight turn. Slow down before making a turn. Remember, the total length of your car plus trailer will require a wider turning circle.Crosswinds may adversely affect handling of your car andtrailer. Use the rearview mirrors frequently to warn you of approaching large vehicles that may pass you causing your car and trailer to sway. When being passed, firmly grip the steering wheel and be prepared to reduce speed immediately but gradually. Never increase speed. Steer straight ahead.Towing a trailer in bad weather will magnify any difficulty incontrolling the car caused by the weather itself. Avoid sudden maneuvers: slow down and use extra caution.Be careful when passing other vehicles. Passing requiresconsiderable distance because of the added weight and length of your trailer.CAUTION:Before starting out, check the operation of the lights and all car/trailer connections. After driving a short distance, stop and recheck the lights and connections.Reversing is difficult and requires practice. While backing-up,the trailer may pivot off-course. To correct for this, grip the bottom of the steering wheel and move your hand to the left to move the trailer to the left; or to the right to move the trailer to the right. Turn the steering wheel a little at a time, and keep thespeed very low. Have someone guide you when backing.To help prevent overheating of the brakes, shift into a lower gear to make use of engine braking before descending steep orlong grades. Do not make sudden downshifts.Pay strict attention to the coolant temperature gauge when going up hills. Because of the added load of the trailer, your car's engine may overheat on hot days. Turning off the air conditionerwill reduce the load on the cooling system.On cars equipped with automatic transmission. '— Do not hold the car stationary on an incline by using the accelerator pedal; this can cause the transmission fluid to overheat. Instead, use the handbrake or foot brake.— When towing trailers, avoid high transmission fluid temperatures (caused by the transmission frequently shifting between 3rd and 4th gears) by driving in S 3.NOTE:Be sure to check state and local laws concerning maximum speed or other driving restrictions for cars towing trailers. If you are driving across several states, check each state's requirements before leaving home, because restrictions may vary,Parking with a Trailer Whenever parking your car on an incline with a trailer attached,place and seat chocks at each wheel of the car and trailer. This is in addition to the normal parking preparations of firmly applying the parking brake and placing the transmission in first or reverse (manual transmission) or P (automatic transmission).CAUTION:Parking on an incline is not recommended and should be done only if it cannot be avoided. Follow all precautions mentioned above and turn the wheels to point towards a curb if facing downhill,away from a curb if facing uphill. When leaving an inclined parking place, move the car slightly to unseat the chocks. Then while keeping the foot brakes firmly applied, have an assistant removethe chocks.。

2. 自动变速器机械原理 2.3 DRIVELINE
详见Driveline Illustration
2. 自动变速器机械原理 2.3 DRIVELINE
P2*5 T24 24230779
P3*4 T34 24230778
S3, Gear asm-reaction sun 24231230 Gear-reaction sun(24230768)+Hub 2-6 CLU(24230770) T35
CB26 C35R
R3, T103
P3, T34
R2, T89
P2, T24
R1, 83 P1, T23
Mo2=Fo2mto2=Mi3=Min=100N.m MCB1234=-Fo1mto1=-Fo2mto1 =-Mo2to1/to2 =-100×37/83=-44.5783N.m
R1, 83 P1, T23
2. 自动变速器机械原理 2.3 DRIVELINE
4档速比 t1n1+t2n2=(t1+t2)n3
no2=ni3=ni1=nin nin/nou =(ni1/ni3)(ni3/no3) =ni3/no3 =no2/no3 =1+to1/to2 =1+37/83 =1.445783
5档时, MC35R=-Mr1=-Fr1mtr1 =-Fr2mtr1=-Moutr1/tr2 =-Mtr1/tr2/RF =-559.602×35/103/3.87 =-559.602/0.340/3.87=-49.136
GF6变速器内部结构、动力流分析 PPT

2)类型:棘轮式、滚柱斜槽式 、楔块式
输出行星齿 轮排
反作用行星 齿轮排
输入行星齿 轮排
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1、学习目标 达成度自 我检查
1、个人评价 2、组内评价 3、教师评价
档位 4th
C4-5-6 结合
C3-5-R C2-6
CL-R C1-2-3-4 传动比
3) 5档动力流分析
档位 5th
C3-5-R C4-5-6
C4-5-6 C3-5-R
Байду номын сангаас
C1-2-3-4 传动比 1
档位杆 P R N
P R N 1st
2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
结合 结合 结合
C3-5-R 结合
结合 结合
C2-6 结合
结合 结合 结合
Holding 结合*MT

Automatic TransmissionNeutral (N) — Use Neutral if you need to restart a stalled engine, or if it is necessary to stop briefly with the engine idling. Shift to Park posi-tion if you need to leave the car for any reason. Press on the brake pedal when you are moving the shift lever from Neutral to another gear.Drive (D 5) — Use this position for your normal driving. Thetransmission automatically selects a suitable gear for your speed and acceleration. You may notice the transmission shifting up at higher speeds when the engine is cold. This helps the engine warm up faster.Sequential SportShift Mode — With the shift lever in "D 5" position, you can select the Sequential SportShift mode to shift gears; much like a manual transmission, but without a clutch pedal.To enter the Sequential SportShift mode, move the shift lever to the left.To return to "D 5", move the shift lever to the right.When you move the shift lever from "D 5" to the Sequential SportShiftmode, the display shows the selected gear.In the Sequential SportShift mode,each time you push forward on the shift lever, the transmission shifts to a higher gear. Pull back on the lever to downshift. The number of thegear selected is displayed next to the "D 5" indicator (see page 166).Even with the Sequential SportShift Mode selected, the transmission will automatically upshift and downshift between first and second gear.CONTINUED +UpshiftDownshiftDrivingAutomatic TransmissionWhen you accelerate away from a stop, the transmission will start in first gear and then automatically upshift to second gear. You have to manually upshift between second and fifth gears. Make sure you upshift before the engine speed reaches the tachometer's red zone. The transmission remains in the selected gear (5, 4, 3). There is no automatic downshift when you pushthe accelerator pedal to the floor.The transmission may automaticallydownshift from the higher gear tothe lower gear under the followingconditions:Driving on level roads and downhillTo shift from4 35 4Speed rangeunder 18 mph(29 km/h)under 34 mph(55 km/h)Driving uphillTo shift from4 35 4Speed rangeunder 34 mph(55 km/h)under 47 mph(75 km/h)Downshifting gives you more powerwhen climbing or provides enginebraking when going down a steep hill.The transmission will also shiftautomatically as the vehicle comes toa complete stop. It will downshift tofirst gear when the vehicle speed isunder 9 mph (15 km/h).If you try to manually downshift at aspeed that would cause the engine toexceed the redline in a lower gear,the transmission will not downshift.The gear indicator will flash thenumber of the lower gear severaltimes, then return to the higher gear.DrivingAutomatic TransmissionIf the car speed slows to below the redline of the selected lower gear position while the indicator is flashing, the transmission willdownshift and the display will show the selected lower gear.If the transmission temperature is below 14 °F (-10 °C), you may not SportShift mode.The table shows the speed ranges for upshifting and downshifting.To shift from2 33 44 5Speed range over 9 mph (15 km/h)over 18 mph (29 km/h)over 34 mph (55 km/h)To shift from3 24 35 4Speed range under 60 mph (96 km/h)under 93 mph (150 km/h)under 125 mph (200 km/h)CONTINUEDDrivingAutomatic TransmissionDrive (D4, D3) — These positions are similar to D5, except when you select the D4 position, only the first four gears are selected. When you select D3, only the first three gears are selected. D4 can also keep the transmission from cycling between fourth and fifth gears in stop-and-go driving, and D3 can keep the transmission from cycling between third and fourth gears.Use D3 when towing a trailer in hilly terrain, or to provide engine braking when going down a steep hill. D3 gives you more power and increased engine braking.For faster acceleration when in D3,D4 or D5, you can get thetransmission to automaticallydownshift by pushing the acceleratorpedal to the floor. The transmissionwill shift down one or two gears,depending on your speed.Second (2) — This position locksthe transmission in second gear. Itdoes not downshift to first gearwhen you come to a stop. Secondgives you more power when climbing,and increased engine braking whengoing down steep hills. Use secondgear when starting out on a slipperysurface or in deep snow. It will helpreduce wheelspin.DrivingAutomatic TransmissionFirst (1) - With the lever in this position, the transmission locks in First gear.If you shift into First position when the vehicle speed is above 31 mph (50 km/h), the transmission shifts into Second gear first to avoid sudden engine braking.Engine Speed LimiterIf you exceed the maximum speed for the gear you are in, the engine speed will enter into the tachometer's red zone. If this occurs, you may feel the engine cut in and out. This is caused by a limiter in the engine's computer controls. The engine will run normally when you reduce the RPM below the red zone.Shift Lock ReleaseThis allows you to move the shift lever out of Park if the normal method of pushing on the brakepedal does not work. This procedure also releases the Reverse Lockout.1. Set the Parking brake.2. Make sure the ignition switch is in the OFF (0) position.To release the Reverse Lockout,make sure the ignition switch is in the ACCESSORY (I) position.CONTINUEDDrivingAutomatic TransmissionCOVER3. Put a cloth on the edge of the ShiftLock Release slot cover next tothe shift lever.Use a small flat-tipped screwdriver or small metal plate (neither areincluded in the tool kit) to removethe cover. Carefully pry off theedge of the cover.SHIFT LOCK RELEASE SLOT4. Insert a screwdriver in the ShiftLock Release slot.5. Push down on the screwdriver andmove the shift lever out of Park toNeutral.To release the Reverse Lockout,move the shift lever from Neutralto Reverse, then Park.6. Remove the screwdriver from theShift Lock Release slot, thenreinstall the cover. Make sure thenotch on the cover is on the rightside. Depress the brake pedal andrestart the engine.If you need to use the Shift LockRelease, it means your car isdeveloping a problem. Have the carchecked by your Acura dealer.Driving。

5-speed Manual TransmissionThe manual transmission is syn-chronized in all forward gears for smooth operation. It has a lockout so you cannot shift directly from Fifth to Reverse. When shifting up or down, make sure you push the clutch pedal down all the way, shift to the next gear, and let the pedal up gradually. When you are not shifting, do not rest your foot on the clutch pedal. This can cause your clutch to wear out faster.Come to a full stop before you shift into reverse. You can damage the transmission by trying to shift into reverse with the car moving.Depress the clutch pedal and pause for a few seconds before putting it in reverse, or shift into one of the forward gears for a moment. This stops the gears so they won't "grind".You can get extra braking from the engine when slowing down by shifting to a lower gear. This extra braking can help you maintain a safe speed and prevent your brakes from overheating while going down a steep hill. Before downshifting,make sure engine speed will not go into the red zone in the lower gear.Refer to the Maximum Speeds chart.Driving5-speed Manual Transmission Driving Recommended Shift Points Drive in the highest gear that lets the engine run and accelerate smoothly. This will give you the best fuel economy and effective emissions control. The following shift points are recommended:Maximum Speeds The speeds in this table are the maximums for the given gears. If you exceed these speeds, the engine speed will enter into the tachometer's red zone. If this occurs, you may feel the engine cut in and out. This is caused by a limiter in the engine's computer controls. The engine will run normally when you reduce the RPM below the red zone.(S, Si)(S,Si)(VTEC)。

Copyright 2019General Motors LLC.All RightsReserved.Subject:Manual Transmission Operating CharacteristicsModels:2019and Prior GM Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks 2009and Prior Chevrolet and GMC Medium Duty Trucks Equipped with Manual TransmissionAttention:This Bulletin also applies to any of the above models that may be Export vehicles.Important:Even though this bulletin attempts to cover operating characteristics of manual transmissions,it cannot be all inclusive.Be sure to compare any questionable concerns to a similar vehicle and if possible,with similar mileage.The purpose of this bulletin is to assist in identifying characteristics of manual transmissions that repair attempts will not change.The following areexplanations and examples of conditions that willgenerally occur in all manual transmissions.All noises will vary between transmissions due to build variation,type of transmission (usually the more heavy duty,the more noise),type of flywheel and clutch,level of insulation,etc.Basic InformationMany transmission noises are created by the firing pulses of the engine.Each firing pulse creates a sudden change in angular acceleration at thecrankshaft.These changes in speed can be reduced with clutch damper springs and dual mass flywheels.However,some speed variation will make it through to the transmission.This can create noise as the various gears will accel and decel against each other because of required clearances.Cold OperationImportant:If the Condition is a whine,growl noise cold,specific to Chevrolet Corvette,please refer to information and diagnostics in PIP5500.Manual transmission operation will be affected by temperature because the transmission fluid will be thicker when cold.The thicker fluid will increase the amount of force needed to shift the transmission when cold.The likelihood of gear clash will also increase due to the greater time needed for the synchronizerassembly to perform its function.Therefore when thetransmission is cold,or before it has reached operating temperature,quick,hard shifts should be avoided to prevent damage to the transmission.Gear RattleRattling (not to be confused with a missed shift type of grinding,also described as a combustion knock type of noise)type noises usually occur while operating the engine at low RPMs (lugging the engine).This can occur while accelerating from a stop (for example,a Corvette)or while operating at low RPMs while under a load (for example,Kodiak in a lower gear and at low engine speed).Vehicles equipped with a dual-mass flywheel (for example,a 3500HD Sierra with the 6-speed manual and Duramax®)will have reduced noise levels as compared to vehicles without (forexample,a 4500Kodiak with the 6-speed manual and Duramax®).However,dual-mass flywheels do not eliminate all noise.Neutral RattleThere are often concerns of rattle while idling in neutral with the clutch engaged.This is related to the changes in angular acceleration described earlier.This is a light rattle,and once again,vehicles with dual massflywheels will have reduced noise.If the engine is shut off while idling in neutral with the clutch engaged,the sudden stop of the engine will create a rapid change in angular acceleration that even dual mass flywheels cannot compensate.Because of the mass of all the components,this will create a noise.This type of noise should not be heard if the clutch is released (pedal pushed to the floor).BacklashBacklash noise is created when changing engine or driveline loading.This can occur when accelerating from a stop,coming to a stop,or applying and releasing the throttle (loading and unloading the driveline).This will vary based on vehicle type,build variations,driverPage2April,2019Bulletin No.:03-07-29-004Linput,vehicle loading,etc.and is created from the necessary clearance between all of the mating gears in the transmission,axle(s)and transfer case(if equipped).Shift EffortShift effort will vary among different style transmissions and synchronizer ually the more heavy duty the transmission,the higher the shift effort because of the increased mass of the components.Shift effort can also be higher in cold weather because the fluid will be thicker.Medium duty transmissions will not shift as quickly as a Corvette transmission.To reduce shift effort,do not attempt to rush the shift–allow the synchronizers to work as designed.Shifting harder will only increase the chance of rushing past the synchronizer leading to grinding while shifting.Non-Synchronized GearsSome light duty truck transmissions in1st gear (creeper-gear)and reverse gears in various transmissions,along with all gears in some medium duty transmissions,may be non-synchronized.This means there is not a mechanism to match input and output shaft speeds to allow for a smooth shift.This function is left up to the driver.This can be noticed if a shift into1st or reverse is attempted while the vehicle is rolling or before the input shaft stops rotating leading to a gear grind.The grinding can be reduced by coming to a complete stop and pausing for a moment before shifting into the1st or reverse gear.Some slight grinding can be expected.In medium duty non-synchronized transmissions,the driver must match input shaft(engine)speed to output shaft(driveshaft)speed with every shift.This can be accomplished by double clutching,or by using other methods.If the driver is not able to perform this function properly,there will be gear grinding with each improperly completed shift.Driver training may be required to correct this condition.Clutch brakes are used in medium dutynon-synchronized transmissions to allow a shift into gear at a stop.The clutch brake is used to stop the input shaft from spinning,allowing a shift into gear at a stop without grinding.The clutch brake is activated by pressing the clutch pedal all the way to the floor.When the clutch brake is used,it is possible to have a blocked shift with the vehicle stationary.If this occurs,engage the clutch slightly to rotate the input gear to allow the shift.The clutch brake is intended to only be used while at a stop.Care must be taken to not activate the clutch brake while shifting between gears.This could lead to excessive grinding or a blocked or missed shift.Skip ShiftCurrently,the Cadillac CTS-V,Pontiac GTO,Chevrolet Corvette,Chevrolet Camaro and Chevrolet SS,ALL V8 (other models may follow)equipped with the6/7-speed manual transmission have a feature referred to as a "skip-shift.”This feature only allows a shift from1st to 4th gear when the indicator lamp is illuminated on the dash.Dealers cannot disable this feature as it was established to help meet fuel economy standards.The conditions for this feature are:engine coolant at normal operating temperature,vehicle speed of24-31km/h (15-19mph),21%or less throttle being used(refer to Service Information or the Owner Manual for more details.)GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians,NOT a"do-it-yourselfer".They are written to inform these technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles,or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle.Properly trained technicians have the equipment,tools,safety instructions,and know-how to do a job properly and safely.If a condition is described,DO NOT assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle,or that your vehicle will have that condition.See your GM dealer for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from theinformation.WE SUPPORT VOLUNTARYTECHNICIANCERTIFICATION。

5-speed Manual TransmissionThe manual transmission is syn-chronized in all forward gears for smooth operation. It has a lockout so you cannot shift directly from Fifth to Reverse. When shifting up or down, make sure you push the clutch pedal down all the way, shift to the next gear, and let the pedal up gradually. When you are not shifting, do not rest your foot on the clutch pedal. This can cause your clutch to wear out faster.Come to a full stop before you shift into reverse. You can damage the transmission by trying to shift into reverse with the car moving.Depress the clutch pedal and pause for a few seconds before putting it in reverse, or shift into one of the forward gears for a moment. This stops the gears so they won't "grind" .You can get extra braking from the engine when slowing down byshifting to a lower gear. This extra braking can help you maintain a safe speed and prevent your brakes from overheating while going down a steep hill. Before downshifting,make sure engine speed will not go into the red zone in the lower gear.Refer to the Maximum Speeds chart.Recommended Shift Points Drive in the highest gear that lets the engine run and accelerate smoothly. This will give you the best fuel economy and effective emissions control. The following shift points are recommended:CONTINUED DrivingRapid slowing or speeding-up can cause loss of control on slippery surfaces, if you crash,you can be injured.Use extra care when driving on slippery surfaces.5-speed Manual Transmission, Automatic TransmissionMaximum SpeedsThe speeds in this table are the maximums for the given gears. If you exceed these speeds, the engine speed will enter into the tachometer's red zone. If thisoccurs, you may feel the engine cut in and out. This is caused by a limiter in the engine's computer controls. The engine will run normally when you reduce the RPM below the red zone.(US: DX, LX, Canada: LX, EX)(US: EX, Canada: EX-V)Automatic Transmission Your Honda's transmission has four forward speeds, and is electro-nically controlled for smoother shifting. It also has a "lock-up"torque converter for better fuel economy. You may feel what seems like another shift when the con-verter locks.DrivingShift Lever PositionsAutomatic TransmissionThis display is on the instrument panel. It shows you the position of the shift lever.The shift lever has seven positions.It must be in Park or Neutral to start the engine. When you are stopped in D4, D3, 2,1 or R, press firmly on the brake pedal and keep your foot off the accelerator pedal.Park (P) — This position mechani-cally locks the transmission. Use Park whenever you are turning off or starting the engine. To shift out of Park, you must press on the brake pedal and have your foot off the accelerator pedal. Press the release button on the side of the shift lever to move it.You must also press the release button to shift into Park. To avoid transmission damage, come to a complete stop before shifting into Park. The shift lever must be in Park before you can remove the key from the ignition switch.If you have done all of the above and still cannot move the lever out of Park, see Shift Lock Release on page 105.DrivingSHIFT LEVERCONTINUEDAutomatic TransmissionReverse (R) — To shift to Re-verse from Park, see the explana-tion under Park. To shift to Re-verse from Neutral, come to a com-plete stop and then shift. Press the release button before shifting into Reverse from Neutral.Neutral (N) — Use Neutral if you need to restart a stalled engine, or if it is necessary to stop briefly with the engine idling. Shift to Park posi-tion if you need to leave the car for any reason. Press on the brake pe-dal when you are moving the shift lever from Neutral to another gear.Drive (D4) — Use this position for your normal driving. The transmis-sion automatically selects a suita-ble gear for your speed and acceler-ation. You may notice the transmis-sion shifting up at higher speeds when the engine is cold. This helps the engine warm up faster.Drive (D3) — This position is simi-lar to D4, except only the first three gears are selected. Use D3 toprovide engine braking when going down a steep hill. D3 can also keep the transmission from cycling between third and fourth gears in stop-and-go driving.For faster acceleration when in D3or D4, you can get the transmission to automatically downshift by push-ing the accelerator pedal to the floor. The transmission will shift down one or two gears, depending on your speed.Second (2) — To shift to Second,press the release button on the side of the shift lever. This position locks the transmission in second gear. It does not downshift to first gear when you come to a stop.Second gives you more power when climbing, and increased engine braking when going down steephills. Use second gear when start-ing out on a slippery surface or in deep snow. It will help reduce wheelspin.Whenever you move the shift lever to a lower gear, the transmission downshifts only if the engine's redline will not be exceeded in the lower gear.First (1) — To shift from Second to First, press the release button on the side of the shift lever. With the lever in this position, the transmis-sion locks in First gear. By upshift-ing and downshifting through 1, 2,D3 and D4, you can operate this transmission much like a manual transmission without a clutch pedal.DrivingAutomatic TransmissionMaximum SpeedsThe speeds in this table are the maximums for the given position.If you exceed these speeds, the engine speed will enter into the tachometer's red zone. If thisoccurs, you will feel the engine cut in and out. This is caused by a limiter in the engine's computer controls. The engine will run normally when you reduce the RPM below the red zone.(US: EX, Canada: EX-V)Shift Lock ReleaseThis allows you to move the shift lever out of Park if the normal method of pushing on the brake pedal and pressing the release button does not work.1. Set the Parking brake.2. Remove the key from the ignition switch.3. Insert the key in the Shift Lock Release slot next to the shift lever.4. Push down on the key while you press the release button and move the shift lever out of Park to Neutral.SHIFT LOCK RELEASE SLOT5. Remove the key from the Shift Lock Release slot. Depress the brake pedal and restart the engine.If you need to use the Shift Lock Release, it could mean your car is developing a problem. Have the car checked by your Honda dealer.DrivingRELEASE BUTTON(US: DX, LX, Canada: LX, EX)。

DX model without tachometer If you exceed the maximum speed for the gear you are in, you may feel the engine cut in and out. This is caused by a limiter in the engine’s computer controls. The engine will run normally when you reduce the engine speed by upshifting or slowing down.
Shift up Normal accelero 3rd 3rd to 4th 4th to 5th
15 mph (24 km/h) 27 mph (43 km/h) 39 mph (63 km/h) 53 mph (85 km/h)
Shift up Cruise from acceleration
178 Driving
v w
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5-speed Manual Transmission
Recommended Shift Points Drive in the highest gear that lets the engine run and accelerate smoothly. This will give you the best fuel economy and effective emissions control. The following shift points are recommended:
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1.G F6概述1.1GF6简述6T40/45E变速箱是一款全自动6速变速箱,可以有前轮驱动,两轮驱动和全轮驱动几种配置,电控变速箱具有离合器-离合器换档控制功能。
C3-5-R:连接反作用太阳轮和输入轴C4-5-6:连接输入轴和反作用行星齿轮架C L-R:固定反作用行星齿轮架C1-2-3-4:固定输出行星齿轮太阳轮OWC:低-倒单向离合器,从输入轴方向看,相应行星齿轮架只能顺时针旋转传动链条:连接驱动齿轮架和被驱动齿轮架*-Holding-单向离合器保持档位C4-5-6C3-5-R C2-6C L-R(OWC)C L-R C1-2-3-45th4.106档动力流档位C4-5-6C3-5-R C2-6C L-R(OWC)C L-R C1-2-3-4 6th4.11R档动力流档位C4-5-6C3-5-R C2-6C L-R(OWC)C L-R C1-2-3-4 Rev5.GF6机械部件说明5.1变矩器变矩器是连接发动机和变速箱的重要元件,其主要功能包括:●将发动机的扭矩平滑地传递到变速箱的机械部件上●在需要时增加发动机的扭矩。
变矩器在结合/分离时有5种不同的工作状态:◆在TCC压力电磁阀“ON”时状态1(结合)TCM增加压力控制电磁阀的电流(S→A),将TCC调节器结合阀和TCC控制阀完全打开,然后TCM降低TCC压力控制电磁阀的电流(B→C),将TCC控制阀及TCC 调解器结合阀保持在一个合适的位置,这个动作就是将TCC控制阀和TCC调解器结合阀从泄放位置运动到结合位置,打开充油油路。