I Z 0 。 l = Z o [ 1 一 Z o l + ( Z o J , 1 ) ]
接 下 来 我 们 使用 A D S中 的 L a y O u t 电路
版 图设计功能,对平行耦合微带滤波器进行版 图的设计并投板加 工。最终我们对加工好 的滤
1 Z o ¨ = Z o [ 1 + Z o J i 1 + ( Z o L 】 ( 1 ・ 1 )
1 J 一 1 1 r BW
A D S 2 0 0 8 微 波仿真软件对 其进行 了 仿 真 与优 化 ,优化 完 毕制 成版 图 并加 工 P C B ,再使用安捷伦 矢量 网
求 如 下: 中 心 频 率 = 1 6 G Hz ,通 带 范 围为
1 5 . 9~ 1 6 . 1 GHz ,带 内波纹 为 0 . 5 d B, 驻 波 比 <1 . 5 , 在 =1 6 . 5 GHz以 及 c o= 1 5 . 5 G Hz时 ,
波仿真软件进 行了原理图仿真与e p , J , 板制作 ,
最终制成实物并完成 测试 。测试结果显示滤波 器具有 良好 的通带插损与 阻带抑 制,能够用于 K u波段通 信设备 中。本文 对滤波 器的设 计过 程进行 了详细 的阐述 ,为 以后相近频率 或相似
插入 损耗, > 3 0 d B。要满 足指 标要 求,根据 滤
6的波纹 系数 分 量、杂散信号 的作用 ,并 直接决定了混频输 波器 低通 原型 理论 ,应选 择 N=
带入 式 ( 1 . 1 ),可 计算 出滤 波 器的 奇模 与偶
模特性阻抗值 。
计。究其原因, 根据切比雪夫滤波器设计原 理, 对本次设计结构的微带滤波器, 六节耦 合线已经能够提供足够的阻带衰减, 使得 阻带衰减值相对固定, 而通带可能已接近 可发挥性能的极限, 使得其提升不易实现。
在得到较好的全局优化设计以后, 需 要依据优化设计结果绘制加工版图、制作 以及器件实物的参数测试。在绘制加工版 图时, 受加工工艺的限制, 微带线的具体尺 寸需要手动调整到精度 0.01mm, 并考虑到 加工电路板时的侧向腐蚀问题, 微带线的 宽度和长度需要适当增加。因此, 采用“见 数进一”的方法来取值, 如 9.421mm 取为 9.43mm, 也给电路板的调试留下余量。当 然, 取值完毕后也需要版图仿真, 确定精度 的调整是否对最终结果有较大的影响。
0引言 微波滤波器在微波中继通信、卫星通信、雷 达 技
术 、电 子 对 抗 及 微 波 测 量 仪 器 中 都 有 广 泛 的 应 用 。 近 年来, 微波电路计算机辅助设计软件的应用越来越广 泛 , Agilent 公 司 的 高 级 设 计 系 统 ( Advanced Design System— ——ADS) 软件就是其中的佼佼者, 它也是国内 各大学和研究所在微波电路和通信系统仿真方面使 用最多的软件之一。本文利用 ADS 软件对微带带通 滤波器进行优化设计, 节省了设计时间, 提高了设计 精度和设计效率。 1 基于 ADS 优化的微带带通滤波器设计 1.1 微带带通滤波器的设计指标
- 32 -
总第 44 卷 第 498 期 2007 年 第 6 期
电测与仪表 Electr ical Measur ement & Instr umentation
Vol.44 No.498 J un. 2007
•引言•微波滤波器基本原理•ADS 软件在微波滤波器设计中的应用•微波滤波器制作工艺流程•调试技巧与常见问题解决方案•实验案例分析与讨论•总结与展望目录01引言微波滤波器概述微波滤波器是一种用于控制微波频率响应的二端口网络,广泛应用于无线通信、雷达、卫星通信等领域。
教程目的和内容02微波滤波器基本原理低通滤波器高通滤波器带通滤波器带阻滤波器微波滤波器分类工作原理及性能指标工作原理性能指标常见类型微波滤波器特点集总参数滤波器分布参数滤波器陶瓷滤波器晶体滤波器03ADS软件在微波滤波器设计中的应用ADS软件简介及功能模块ADS(Advanced Design System)是一款领先的电子设计自动化软件,广泛应用于微波、射频和高速数字电路的设计、仿真与优化。
通过调整滤波器参数,如电感、 电容、长度、宽度等,对滤波 器性能进行优化。
通过仿真软件对所设计的滤波 器进行性能验证,确保满足设 计要求。
明确滤波器的性能指标,如通带范围、 阻带范围、插入损耗等。
根据设计目标和工作频率,设定合适 的介质参数,如厚度、相对介电常数 等。
根据设计需求,选择合适的微带线结 构,如平行耦合线、发卡型等。
通过调整微带线间的距离、 宽度等参数,优化耦合系 数,以实现理想的滤波器 性能。
调整谐振器的长度,以实 现所需的频率响应。
ADS(Advanced Design System) 是一款微波电路和系统设计软件,由 美国安捷伦公司开发,提供了从电路 设计、仿真、版图绘制到系统仿真的 全流程解决方案。
ADS软件具有友好的用户界面和强大 的功能模块,支持多种设计工具和第 三方软件接口,广泛应用于通信、雷 达、电子战等领域的电路和系统设计。
关键词: ADS; 微带线;带通滤波器;优化0 引⾔微带滤波器具有⼩型化、⾼性能、低成本等优点,在射频电路系统设计中得到⼴泛的应⽤。
1微带带通滤波器的理论设计⽅法1.1 微带带通滤波器主要指标和基本设计思想微带滤波器的主要技术指标包括以下⼏个:(1) 通带边界频率与通带内衰减、起伏, 以及阻带边界频率与阻带衰减;(2) 通带的输⼊电压驻波⽐;(3) 通带内的相移与群时延;(4) 寄⽣通带, 它是由于分布参数传输线的周期性频率特性引起的, 即离设计通带⼀定处⼜产⽣了通带。
微波带通滤波器应⽤⼴泛, 结构多样, 但以微带线实现带通滤波器的结构种类有限, 为此,本⽂以平⾏耦合微带线为例来设计微带带通滤波器。
由于单个带通滤波器单元不能提供良好的滤波响应及陡峭的通带- 阻带过渡, ⽽通过级连基本的带通滤波器单元则可以得到⾼性能的滤波效果。
图1所⽰是⼀种多节耦合微带线带通滤波器的结构⽰意图, 这种结构不要求对地连接, 因⽽结构简单, 易于实现, 这是⼀种应⽤⼴泛的滤波器。
整个电路可以印制在很薄(⼩于1mm) 的介质基⽚上;其纵向尺⼨虽和⼯作波长可以⽐拟, 但采⽤⾼介电常数的介质基⽚则可使线上的波长⽐⾃由空间缩⼩⼏倍; 此外, 整个微带电路元件共⽤⼀个接地板, 且只需由导体带条构成电路图形, 因⽽结构⼤为紧凑, ⼤⼤减⼩了其体积和重量。
图 1 实际低通滤波器原型
采用电容输入式梯形网络,图 1 中各元件的cZc C3=g3/2πfcZc L2=L4=g2Zc/2π fc
(2) (3) (4)
Z oh
gLZC p /4
Z oL
pZC 4 gc
(5) (6)
Zoh 是当选取高阻抗线作为传输线时,计算得出的高阻抗
线的特性阻抗,ZoL 是计算得出的低阻抗线的特性阻抗。实际
波器,其具有结构简单,容易加工等优点。文章进行了理论计算,并用 ADS 进行了优化仿真,仿真结果显示其具有良好的
【关键词】滤波器设计;阶梯阻抗滤波器;ADS 软件;频带响应
Key words: filter design; step-impedance microstrip line; ADS software; frequency response
1 介绍
滤波器在通信/雷达系统中发挥着重要的作用[1],随着信 息技术的发展,人类对通信系统的要求也越来越高,随之而 来的是信号频域的更加拥挤,各种频段的通信系统也相应出 现,这就出现了频段间的串扰问题,滤波器应运而生,并且 其性能很大程度上决定于传输信号的质量,直接影响到整个 系统性能好坏。微带滤波器具有设计灵活,质量轻,可以在 PCB 板上进行设计,便于集成化等诸多优点。尤其是在微波 频段,高选择性的滤波器被广泛应用,已经成为通信系统中 至关重要的电子器件。本文采用微带线高低阻抗线来设计一 种截止频率为 2GHz 的低通滤波器[2],仿真结果显示其基本满 足设计要求。
本科生毕业论文(设计)题目:基于ADS的微带耦合滤波器的设计学生姓名:学号:专业班级:指导教师:完成时间:2014年月日目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第一章绪论 (1)1.1 背景 (1)1.2 研究意义 (2)1.3 设计要求 (2)1.4 方案比较与选择 (3)1.4.1 方案一:基于ADS设计平行耦合微带线带通滤波器 (3)1.4.2 方案二:基于Designer的多带外零点微带带通滤波器仿真设计 (3)1.4.3 方案三:基于FPGA的FIR数字滤波器的设计与仿真 (4)第二章关于低通滤波器的设计 (5)2.1 低通原型滤波器 (5)2.1.1 滤波器的基本原理 (5)2.1.2 低通滤波器的设计指标 (7)2.1.3 低通原型滤波器的设计 (7)2.2 低通滤波器原理图设计 (7)2.2.1 仿真参数设置和原理图仿真 (9)2.2.2 原理图仿真 (10)第三章平行微带耦合滤波器的设计 (11)3.1 传输线理论 (11)3.1.1 微带线的结构及传输模式 (11)3.1.2 耦合微带线及其传输模式 (11)3.1.3 传输线的基本特性参数 (12)3.2 微带滤波器的技术指标 (14)3.3 平行微带耦合滤波器的设计 (14)3.3.1 平行耦合微带线带通滤波器的原理 (14)3.3.2 设计指标 (16)3.3.3 生成滤波器的原理图 (17)3.3.4 微带线计算工具 (18)3.3.5 设置微带器件的参数 (18)3.3.6 添加变量 (19)3.3.7 S参数仿真电路设置 (20)第四章电路优化 (21)4.1 优化目标控件 (21)4.2 参数优化 (22)4.3 观察仿真曲线 (23)4.3.1 原理图 (23)4.3.2 原理图的仿真 (24)4.3.3 平行耦合型滤波器的最终设计参数 (25)结论 (27)参考文献 (28)致谢 (30)摘要滤波器是最基本的信号处理器,滤波器的主要特性包括低通、高通、带通、带阻衰减。
关键词: ADS; 微带线;带通滤波器;优化0 引言微带滤波器具有小型化、高性能、低成本等优点,在射频电路系统设计中得到广泛的应用。
1微带带通滤波器的理论设计方法1.1 微带带通滤波器主要指标和基本设计思想微带滤波器的主要技术指标包括以下几个:(1) 通带边界频率与通带内衰减、起伏, 以及阻带边界频率与阻带衰减;(2) 通带的输入电压驻波比;(3) 通带内的相移与群时延;(4) 寄生通带, 它是由于分布参数传输线的周期性频率特性引起的, 即离设计通带一定处又产生了通带。
微波带通滤波器应用广泛, 结构多样, 但以微带线实现带通滤波器的结构种类有限, 为此,本文以平行耦合微带线为例来设计微带带通滤波器。
由于单个带通滤波器单元不能提供良好的滤波响应及陡峭的通带- 阻带过渡, 而通过级连基本的带通滤波器单元则可以得到高性能的滤波效果。
图1所示是一种多节耦合微带线带通滤波器的结构示意图, 这种结构不要求对地连接, 因而结构简单, 易于实现, 这是一种应用广泛的滤波器。
整个电路可以印制在很薄(小于1mm) 的介质基片上; 其纵向尺寸虽和工作波长可以比拟, 但采用高介电常数的介质基片则可使线上的波长比自由空间缩小几倍; 此外, 整个微带电路元件共用一个接地板, 且只需由导体带条构成电路图形, 因而结构大为紧凑, 大大减小了其体积和重量。
1、ADS仿真软件及 ADS软件的分析方法
ADS电子设计自动化功能十分强大,包含时域电路仿真(SPICE-like Simulation)、频域电路仿真 (Harmonic Balance、Linear Analysis)、三维电磁仿真 (EM Simulation)、通信系统仿真(Communication System Simulation)、数字信号处理仿真设计(DSP);ADS支持射频和系统设计工程师开发所有类型的RF设计,从简单到复杂,从离散的射频/微波模块到用于通信和航天/国防的集成MMIC,是当今国内各大学和研究所使用最多的微波/射频电路和通信系统仿真软件软件。
[12]Chaimool S and Akkaraekthalinl P.Resonator-embedded four-pole cross-coupled dual
[3]C Hunter.L Billonet.B Jarry.P.GuillonMicrowave Filters-Applications and Technology[M]. 2002,3.
[4][美]Marc T.Thompson著,张乐峰等译.Intuitive Analog Circuit Design[M].北京:人民邮电出版社.2009,2.
课程设计报告题目:基于ADS的微带滤波器设计姓名:学号:班级:电子101专业:电子信息工程指导老师:提交时间: 2014-01-051.绪论我们利用微波滤波器只让频率正确的的信号通过阻碍频率不同的信号的特性来区分信号。
因此本节将重点研究如何设计并优化微带滤波器1.1 微带滤波器简介滤波器是一个的二端口网络,对频率适合的信号进行传输,对频率不匹配的信号进行发射衰减,从而实现信号频谱过滤。
通常用X=3、1、0.5 即BW3dB、BW1dB、BW0.5dB 表征滤波器通带带宽参数。
Design of Low Phase-Noise Microwave Oscillator and Wideband VCO Based on MicrostripCombline Bandpass FiltersChao-Hsiung Tseng,Member,IEEE,and Chih-Lin ChangAbstract—This paper presents a new low phase-noise mi-crowave oscillator and wideband voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)based on microstrip combline bandpassfilters.For this type of oscillator,the passbandfilter is embedded into the feed-back loop to treat as a frequency stabilization element.Instead of designing the oscillator at the group-delay-peak frequency of the filter to achieve a good phase-noise performance,in this paper, the peak frequency of the complex quality factor is adopted for oscillator design.To demonstrate the effectiveness of using -peak frequency,twofilter-based oscillators are implemented at the-peak and group-delay-peak frequencies,respectively. The oscillator designed at the-peak frequency improves the phase-noise about10dB as compared with that realized at the group-delay-peak frequency.The developed oscillator with the three-pole comblinefilter is experimentally demonstrated at2.05GHz with148.3-dBc/Hz phase noise at1-MHz offset frequency.Moreover,by attaching a varactor on each resonator of the comblinefilter,the oscillator can be extended to a wideband VCO.The developed VCO has a frequency tuning range from 1.3to2.2813GHz with a54.8%bandwidth.Over this frequency range,all the phase noises measured at1-MHz offset frequency are better than117.19dBc/Hz.Index Terms—Comblinefilter,filter-based oscillator,microwave oscillator,voltage-controlled oscillator(VCO).I.I NTRODUCTIONI N THE microwave regime,the oscillator is mainly em-ployed to produce a continuous wave(CW)signal.It can then be treated as a local-oscillating(LO)signal generator for performing the frequency up-conversion/down-conversion in a wireless communication system,or it can be applied to be a mi-crowave source in a radar system.As the oscillation frequency of an oscillator can be properly tuned by embedded voltage-controlled devices,it can be also referred to as a voltage-con-trolled oscillator(VCO).The key performances of a VCO in-clude low phase noise,low power consumption,and wide fre-quency tuning range.Manuscript received June21,2012;revised July08,2012;accepted July17, 2012.This work was supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan under Grant NSC101-2221-E-011-080.The authors are with the Department of Electronic Engineering,National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,Taipei10607,Taiwan(e-mail: chtseng@.tw).Color versions of one or more of thefigures in this paper are available online at .Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TMTT.2012.2210441According to the Leeson’s phase-noise model[1],the spec-trum-based quality factor dominates the oscillation spec-trum.To achieve a good phase-noise performance,the overall network of the oscillator should have a high value at the os-cillation frequency.Hence,a resonator with a high quality factor is usually employed to increase.Here,the quality factor of the resonator is defined as(1) where is the oscillation frequency,is the phase re-sponse of the resonator,and is the group delay.Note that the spectrum-based quality factor[2],[3]is different from the quality factor of the resonator.In practical applications, the high-resonators,such as the dielectric resonator(DR) [4]and metallic air cavity[5],are usually adopted to develop low phase-noise oscillators.However,they are not easy to in-tegrate with other planar circuits,and they are impossible to be implemented in the integrated circuit(IC)process.Besides,the mechanical tuning technique should be adopted to realize the frequency tuning function of the DR or cavity oscillator.To overcome the above-mentioned problems,recently,a new type of the planar microwave oscillator[6],[7]has been pro-posed to achieve a good phase-noise performance.Instead of using only one high-resonator,it utilizes a four-pole el-liptic-responsefilter as a frequency-selective element to develop a loop oscillator.It is because the multipole bandpassfilter can synthesize two group-delay peaks near two corner frequencies of the passband.According to(1),these two group-delay peaks are corresponding to two high values,respectively.There-fore,as the oscillation frequency is designed at the group-delay-peak frequency,the phase-noise performance can be dramati-cally improved.However,for some types of microwavefilters, the frequencies of the peak values are not absolutely mapped to those of the high values.If the oscillator is still designed at the group-delay-peak frequency,it may not achieve the best phase-noise performance.Besides,the low phase-noise oscil-lator proposed in[6]and[7]is difficult to be extended to the VCO with a moderate frequency tuning range.Although the multiple split-ring resonatorfilter[8]and trisectionfilter[9] have been employed to develop VCOs,their frequency tuning ranges are very limited.To further reduce the phase noise,the passive four-polefilter in[6]and[7]is extended to become an activefilter and embedded into the feedback loop of the oscillator[10].However,it increases the manufacturing cost,0018-9480/$31.00©2012IEEEFig.1.Block diagram of a feedback oscillator.namely,adding two microwave transistors,to achieve a better performance.Instead of using the group-delay peak and the phase-noise figure-of-merit(PNFOM)[7]to evaluate thefilter characteris-tics for the oscillator design,in this paper,the complex quality factor[2],[3]is introduced to simultaneously consider ef-fects of the amplitude and phase responses of thefilters,and then applied to implement low phase-noise oscillators using the two-pole coupled-resonator and three-pole comblinefilters[11]. Since the is inherently related to the spectrum-based quality factor of the Leeson’s model[1],the phase-noise perfor-mance of the oscillator can be significantly improved as de-signed at the frequency of the peak.In addition,by attaching varactors to the resonators of the comblinefilter[12],[13],one can easily extend the developed oscillator to a wideband low phase-noise VCO with a54.8%frequency tuning range.II.O SCILLATOR D ESIGN U SING Q UALITY F ACTORplex Quality FactorReferring to the Leeson’s oscillator model[1],the output os-cillation spectrum can be expressed as(2) where is the offset frequency from the oscillation frequency ,is the additive noise component,and the is the spectrum-based quality factor,which dominates the oscillation spectrum.Fig.1shows afilter-based loop oscillator with a cur-rent-controlled current source(CCCS)active device,namely, the BJT amplifier.The characteristics of the bandpassfilter are represented by two-port impedance parameters.Assuming that the effects of the output load,connecting lines,and para-sitic components are ignored,the complex quality factor is defined as[2](3) It can be related to the spectrum-based quality factor as[3].Moreover,translating into the polar coordinate, it can be presented as[3](4)Fig.2.(a)Four-pole coupled-resonatorfilter and(b)its complex quality factor and group delay.Observing(4),one can learn that the not only considers the derivative of the phase response,,with respect to the frequency,but also the amplitude effects of thefilter.It is more rigorous than the quality factor defined in(1).Forfilter-based oscillator design in[7],the oscillation frequency is desig-nated at the group-delay peak of thefilter,namely,only consid-ering the derivative of the transmission phase angle,,of thefilter.In[7],the amplitude effects influenced by the band-width,location of transmission zero,and return loss of thefilter are evaluated by a newly defined factor,i.e.,the PNFOM.Actu-ally,the amplitude effects discussed in[7]has been including in (4).Section II-B will use complex quality factor to evaluate the two-and four-pole coupled-resonatorfilters.plex Quality Factor of FilterIn[6]and[7],the four-pole coupled-resonatorfilter is em-ployed to design a low phase-noise oscillator.To comprehen-sively understand the characteristics of thisfilter,as shown in Fig.2(a),a four-pole elliptic-response bandpassfilter is imple-mented on an RO4003substrate with a thickness of0.508mm, a dielectric constant of3.38,and a loss tangent of0.0027.The center frequency and fractional bandwidth of thefilter are set to2GHz and4%,respectively.The normalized frequency of the attenuations pole is selected to.Hence,the element values of the low-pass prototypefilter[11]are, ,,,and.TSENG AND CHANG:DESIGN OF LOW PHASE-NOISE MICROWA VE OSCILLATOR AND WIDEBAND VCO3The coupling coefficients and external quality factor[11]are calculated as,, ,and.The electromagnetic(EM)simulator Agilent Momentum is used to determine the physical dimen-sions as shown in Fig.2(a).Transferring the simulated-pa-rameters of thefilter to-parameters,the complex quality factor are calculated by(3),while the group delay is obtained by performing the derivative of the phase response.The cal-culated and group delay are plotted in Fig.2(b).For this four-polefilter,the frequencies of two group-delay peaks are almost the same as those of the peak.Consequently,the os-cillators designed at the high-frequency[6]and low-frequency [7]group-delay peaks can achieve a significant improvement of the phase-noise performance.In addition,since thefilter at the design center frequency has a lower insertion loss and a mod-erate group delay value,it forms a peak at about2GHz. Note that since the modulus is performed in(3),the transmis-sion zeros of thefilter will contribute two pseudo peaks indicated in Fig.2(b),which are also corresponding to negative notch points of the group-delay curve.As shown in Fig.3(a),a two-pole coupled-resonatorfilter with the Butterworth response is designed at2GHz with a3% fractional bandwidth.The element values of the low-pass pro-totypefilter[11]are,,, and,and their corresponding coupling coefficients and external quality factor are calculated as and .The simulated phase response of the developed filter is given in Fig.3(b).It has an abrupt slope at the de-sign frequency of thefilter,about2GHz.Observing the group delay and complex quality factor given in Fig.3(c),two group-delay peaks are located near the corner frequencies of the filter.However,as compared with Fig.2(b),only a peak ap-pears at the center frequency of the passband because the slope of the phase response curve is not sharp enough to form two peaks close to two group-delay peaks.According to design procedures in[6]and[7],the oscillator is suggested to be de-signed at the frequency of group-delay peak.However,based on (2),the oscillator should be implemented at the frequency of thepeak.To judge which peak frequency shown in Fig.3(c)is better for the low phase-noise oscillator design,in Sections II-C and II-D,two oscillators will be designed at the-peak and group-delay-peak frequencies.C.Oscillator Designed at-Peak FrequencyBased on the block diagram shown in Fig.1,afilter-based loop oscillator can be realized by an amplifier with a bandpass filter embedded in the feedback path.Here,thefilter is replaced by the two-pole coupled-resonatorfilter shown in Fig.3(a).The amplifier is realized by an Infineon BFP405bipolar transistor, which is biased at V with a collector current mA,as shown in the inset of Fig.1.To completely con-sider effects of the parasitic components and bias circuitry,the phase response of the amplifier arefirst measured as shown in Fig.4(a)for the oscillator design.By integrating thefilter,am-plifier,parts of the connecting lines,and50-load in the circuit simulator,the total phase response can be achieved as shown in Fig.4(b).According to the“Barkhausen oscillation criteria,”the loop gain of the oscillator must be greater than unity and thetotal Fig.3.(a)Two-pole coupled-resonatorfilter and(b)its phase response, (c)complex quality factor,and group delay.loop phase should satisfy0or multiple of360.Thus,to de-sign the oscillator operated at the-peak frequency,namely, 2.01GHz,the length of the transmission line to connect ports1 and2in Fig.4(b)can be determined as360220.78.The physical dimensions of the connecting line are clearly indicated in Fig.5(a).Fig.5(a)and(b)shows the circuit photograph of the devel-oped oscillator,and simulated loop gain and phase,respectively. As shown in Fig.5(c),the output spectrum is measured by Agi-lent Spectrum Analyzer N9010A with the settings of a100-kHz resolution bandwidth and a10-MHz frequency span.The output power is2.4dBm at the oscillation frequency1.986GHz,which is close to the frequency with a0loop phase,as shown in Fig.5(b).The amount of the consumed dc power is20mW. The phase noise of the developed oscillator is measured by Ag-ilent source signal analyzer E5052B.As shown in Fig.6,the4IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWA VE THEORY ANDTECHNIQUESFig.4.(a)Measured phase response of the amplifier.(b)Total phase response of the amplifiter with thefilter,parts of connecting lines and50-load. measured phase noises are117dBc/Hz and140dBc/Hz at 100-kHz and1-MHz offset frequencies,respectively.Thefigure of merit(FOM)[14]of an oscillator can be calculated bymW(5) where is the phase noise at the offsetfrequency,is the oscillation frequency,and is the dc power consumption Fig.5.(a)Circuit photograph of the oscillator designed at the-peak fre-quency and(b)its simulated loop gain and loop phase and(c)measured output spectrum.(in milliwatts).The FOM of the developed oscillator at1-MHz offset frequency is192.9dBc/Hz.D.Oscillator Designed at Group-Delay-Peak Frequency Following the design procedures described in Section II-C, the oscillator operated at the group-delay-peak frequency,TSENG AND CHANG:DESIGN OF LOW PHASE-NOISE MICROWA VE OSCILLATOR AND WIDEBAND VCO5Fig.6.Measured phase noises of the oscillator designed at the-peak and group-delay-peak frequencies.namely,1.98GHz,is developed as shown in Fig.7(a).Except for the length of the connecting line,the oscillator shown in Fig.7(a)is the same as that of Fig.5(a).Since the phase response of thefilter shown in Fig.3(b)has a abrupt curve slope around the design frequency,a longer folded microstrip should be adopted to satisfy the loop phase requirement as compared with the oscillator in Fig.5(a).Shown in Fig.7(b)are the simu-lated loop gain and phase of the developed oscillator.Referred to the measured output spectrum shown in Fig.7(c),the output power is3.919dBm at the oscillation frequency1.9466GHz. As expected,the frequency with a0loop phase is close to the measured oscillation frequency,1.98GHz.The amount of the consumed dc power is20mW.As plotted in Fig.6,the measured phase noises are107dBc/Hz and130dBc/Hz at100-kHz and1-MHz offset frequencies,respectively.It reveals that designing the oscillator at the-peak frequency can achieve a10-dB phase-noise improvement as compared with the oscillator designed at the group-delay-peak frequency. However,since the oscillator designed at the group-delay-peak frequency has a higher loop gain,it can provide a higher output power as expected.It is worth noting that the-peak and group-delay-peak fre-quencies of the four-pole coupled-resonatorfilter in Fig.2(a) are almost located at the same frequency,as well as the conven-tional LC tank resonator.Therefore,whether the oscillator is designed at the-peak or group-delay-peak frequency,one will obtain a similar phase noise level.However,as the peak and group-delay peak of thefilter are located at different frequencies,such as those of the two-pole coupled resonator filter,as shown in Fig.3(c),the oscillator should be designed at the-peak frequency to achieve a better phase-noise per-formance.It also demonstrates that the complex quality factor is more rigorous parameter than the group delay for evalu-ating thefilter.E.Design Procedures of Filter-Based OscillatorThe design procedures of thefilter-based oscillator proposed in this paper are summarized asfollows.Fig.7.(a)Circuit photograph of the oscillator designed at the group-delay-peak frequency and(b)its simulated loop gain and loop phase and(c)measured output spectrum.1)Design and simulate thefilter by the EM simulator andthen apply the de-embedded technique to acquire the phase response,as shown in Fig.3(b).6IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWA VE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES2)Use(3)to calculate of thefilter,as illustrated asFig.3(c),and then designate the oscillation frequency of the oscillator to be the-peak frequency.3)Design the amplifier to have a proper gain,and then mea-sure the phase response,as shown in Fig.4(a),with the thru-reflect-line(TRL)calibration to remove the effects of the testfixture.4)Integrate the-parameters of thefilter and amplifier[ob-tained in1)and3)]with the50-load and connecting lines in the circuit simulator,as plotted in Fig.4(b),and predict the total phase angle.5)Design the transmission line with the electrical length ofat the oscillation frequency.III.O SCILLATOR D ESIGN B ASED ON C OMBLINE F ILTERIn[6]and[7],thefilter-based oscillators have been success-fully developed with very low phase-noise performances.How-ever,they are only operated at a single frequency and are unsuit-able for applying in the wireless communication or radar system with the frequency tuning requirement.Since the comblinefilter has the advantage of the simple circuit structure and easy exten-sion to a tunablefilter[12],[13],it will be employed to imple-ment the oscillator and VCO in this paper.In Sections III-A–C, the oscillator based on the comblinefilter will befirst designed and then extended to a wideband VCO.A.Oscillator Design Using Combline FilterAs shown in Fig.8(a),the three-pole combline bandpassfilter developed in this paper is composed of three coupled quarter-wave resonators.The open-and short-circuited terminations are connected with the bilateral ends of each resonator.Moreover, thefilter is directly fed by two tapped lines.Thefilter is de-signed with the Chebyshev response at2GHz and fabricated on the RO4003substrate.Since the fractional bandwidth of the filter is set to4%,the element values of the low-pass prototype filter[11]are,,,, and.The coupling coefficients and external quality factor are calculated as,and .Based on the above parameters,the physical dimensions of thefilter are determined by the EM simulator and also indi-cated in Fig.8(a).Shown in Fig.8(b)are the measured insertion loss and group-delay response of thisfilter.Although the group delay peak at about2.05GHz has a higher value,it is corre-sponding to a worse insertion loss.If the designer determines the quality factor only by the group delay,namely,by using(1), the group-delay peak at about2.05GHz will reasonably cor-respond to a higher quality factor.However,as simultaneously considering the effects of the insertion loss and group delay,two peak values of illustrated in Fig.8(c)are almost equal.In addition,two peaks are close to group-delay peaks,but not exactly located at the same frequencies.In[7],the amplitude ef-fects of thefilter are considered by performing the PNFOM pa-rameter study.In this paper,the more rigorous complex quality factor is adopted to evaluate thefilter performance,and the frequency with the peak will then be chosen to design a low phase-noise oscillator.Followed by the oscillator design procedures in Section II-E, the comblinefilter shown in Fig.8(a)is employed to designthe Fig.8.(a)Three-pole comblinefilter and(b)its measured insertion lossand group delay and(c)complex quality factor calculated from measured -parameters of the comblinefilter.oscillator operated at the-peak frequency,2.0493GHz,as shown in Fig.9(a).Basically,the circuit configuration is sim-ilar to the oscillators developed in Section II,except for re-placing thefilter structure and adding the tuning inductors.The microstrip lines are adopted to connect thefilter and the ampli-fier,and their dimensions are indicated in Fig.9(a).Here,the shunt tuning inductors are mainly used tofine tune the loop phase for satisfying the oscillation criteria.Their function is similar to the network embedded in feedback loop in[6]and [7].Since this oscillator will be extended to a wideband VCO, in this design,there are no narrowband matching networks at-tached with the transistor.As shown in Fig.9(b),the measured output power is0.685dBm at the oscillation frequency ofTSENG AND CHANG:DESIGN OF LOW PHASE-NOISE MICROWA VE OSCILLATOR AND WIDEBAND VCO7Fig.9.(a)Circuit photograph of the oscillator using the comblinefilter and(b)its measured output spectrum.2.0472GHz.Referred to the wideband output spectrum illus-trated in Fig.10,this oscillator has an18.82-dBc second har-monic and18.18-dBc third harmonic suppressions.The mea-sured phase noise is shown in Fig.11,and two asymptotes with the slopes of30and20dB/decade are also plotted to reveal the trend of the phase-noise curve.The measured phase noises are125.6and148.3dBc/Hz at100-kHz and1-MHz offset frequencies,respectively.The dc power consumption of the de-veloped oscillator is22mW.By using(5),the FOM at1-MHz offset frequency is201.1dBc/Hz.Fig.10.Measured wideband output spectrum of the developed oscillator using the comblinefilter.Fig.11.Measured phase noises of the developed oscillator using the combline filter.plex Quality Factor of OscillatorIn Section II-B,the complex quality factor is used to evaluate thefilter,and then choose the-peak frequency for the low phase-noise oscillator design.In order tofigure out the reason why the phase-noise performance of the developed os-cillator using a comblinefilter can be significantly improved, in this section,will be employed to quantitatively evaluate the oscillator.Based on the method in[2],the developed oscil-lator using the comblinefilter shown in Fig.9(a)can be rep-resented as Fig.12(a)with the equivalent circuit model of the bipolar junction transistor(BJT).The component values of the BJT(Infineon BFP405)circuit model are given in Table I.Here, the two-port impedance network represents the characteris-tics of the comblinefilter,conneting lines,bias network,and output load of the oscillator.Embedding the parasitic compo-nents of the BJT to the network,one can obtain the equiva-lent circuit shown in Fig.12(b),which is mainly composed of the intrinsic part of the BJT and the parasitic-embedded net-work.By applying(3),the complex quality factor of the oscillator can be calculated from-parameters,as shown in Fig.13.Since the oscillator is designed at the peak of the filter,namely,2.0493GHz,the peak of the oscillator around this frequency is conserved well.The other peak of thefilter at1.9708GHz is obviously degraded.Referring to Fig.13,the8IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWA VE THEORY ANDTECHNIQUESFig.12.(a)Developed oscillator represented with the BJT equivalent model and (b)its equivalent circuit with parasitic components embedding from the BJT to the filter network.TABLE IC OMPONENT V ALUES OF BJT E QUIVALENT C IRCUIT MODELpeak appears at 2.0515GHz,which is very close to the measured oscillation frequency,2.0472GHz,of the developed oscillator.Hence,one can achieve a very good phase-noise per-formance.C.VCO Design Using Tunable Combline FilterBased on the design procedures in [13],the combline filter shown in Fig.8(a)can be extended to a tunable combline filter,as depicted in Fig.14(a).The varactor (Skyworks SMV 1233)is attached on the open-circuited end of the resonator for providing a capacitance tuning range of 0.84–3.28pF.The bias circuit of the varactor is also clearly shown in Fig.14(a).The center frequency of the tunable filter is set to 2GHz and the electrical length of the resonator is 37.5.The resonator becomes shorter because the parasitic capacitance of the varactor providessomeFig.13.Calculated complex quality factor of the developed oscillatorusing the combline filter.Fig.14.(a)Developed tunable combline filter and (b)its complex quality fac-tors calculated from measured -parameters for different tuning voltages.equivalent length.Plotted in Fig.14(b)are the peak values of the tunable combline filter for the different tuning voltages .They are calculated from measured -parameters by the procedures in Section II.For a decreasing tuning voltage,thepeak goes to the lower frequency band with a lower value.It implies that as one uses this tunable filter to develop a VCO,the phase-noise performance will be degraded by tuning the oscillation frequency to the lower frequency band.TSENG AND CHANG:DESIGN OF LOW PHASE-NOISE MICROWA VE OSCILLATOR AND WIDEBAND VCO9Fig.15.Circuit photograph of the wideband VCO using the tunable combline filter.Fig.16.(a)Measured phase noises,oscillation frequencies and (b)output power of the developed wideband VCO.Replacing the combline filter in Fig.9(a)by the developed tunable filter,one can form a VCO,shown in Fig.15.Here,theTABLE IIP ERFORMANCE C OMPARISONS B ETWEEN P UBLISHED VCOs AND T HIS STUDYlength of the connecting line is adjusted to obtain an optimal frequency tuning range.As shown in Fig.16(a),the available frequency tuning range of the developed VCO is from 1.3to 2.2813GHz with a 54.8%bandwidth.Over this tuning range,all the measured phase noises at the 100-kHz and 1-MHz offset fre-quencies are better than 93and 117.19dBc/Hz,respectively.The best phase noises at the 100-kHz and 1-MHz offset frequen-cies can be achieved at 2.2813GHz,and they are 109.87and 134.17dBc/Hz,respectively.Here,the measured phase noises become better as the oscillation frequency is tuned to the higher frequency band.The phase-noise curve is opposite to the curve tread of the peak values of the tunable combline filter,as il-lustrated in Fig.14(b).The output powers are varied from 4.7to 2.38dBm,as shown in Fig.16(b).Since the measured power gain of the ampli fier decreases about 2.5dB over the frequency tuning range,as given in Fig.16(b),it leads to a notable variation of the VCO output power.The FOM at 1-MHz offset frequency is 188.3dBc/Hz.As compared with the developed oscillator in Section III-B,the phase-noise performance of the VCO has some degradation due to the parasitic element losses of the var-actors.The performance comparisons between published VCOs and this study are summarized in Table II.Although the VCO in [8]has a better FOM than that developed in this paper,it oc-cupies a large circuit area and only provides a 1.6%frequency tuning range.IV .C ONCLUSIONIn this paper,the complex quality factor is introduced to evaluate the filter performance,and then employed to designate the -peak frequency for the low phase-noise oscillator design.Section II experimentally demonstrates that as the -peak frequency of the filter is different from the group-delay-peak frequency,one should design the oscillator at the -peak frequency to achieve a better phase-noise performance.Since the value simultaneously considers the amplitude and phase effects of the filter,it is more rigorous than the group-delay evaluation approach [7],and able to replace the PNFOM parameter study in [7].Based on the proposed oscillator design procedures,the oscillator using the three-pole microstrip combline filter is developed at 2.05GHz with a measured 148.3-dBc/Hz phase noise at 1-MHz offset fre-quency.In addition,the value of the developed oscillator is calculated to quantitatively figure out the reason of achieving this very low phase noise.By attaching a varactor on each resonator of the combline filter,the developed oscillator can be10IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWA VE THEORY AND TECHNIQUESeasily extended to a wideband VCO with a54.8%frequency tuning range.In the future,the proposed circuit schematics of the VCO may be implemented in the IC process to achieve a low phase-noise monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC)VCO.R EFERENCES[1]D.B.Leeson,“A simple model of feedback oscillator noise spectrum,”Proc.IEEE,vol.54,no.2,pp.329–330,Feb.1966.[2]T.Ohira,“Rigorous-factor formulation for 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from National Taiwan University,Taipei,Taiwan,in1999and2004,respectively.From November1999to August2000,he was anAssociate Microwave Researcher with the Center forMeasurement Standards,Industrial Technology Re-search Institute,Hsinchu,Taiwan.From August2001 to July2002,he was a Teaching Assistant with the Department of Electrical Engineering,National Taiwan University,where from February2004to July 2005,he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow.From August2005to July2006, he was with the Department of Electrical Engineering,University of California at Los Angeles(UCLA),as a Visiting Scholar.Since August2006,he has been on the faculty of the Department of Electronic Engineering,National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,Taipei,Taiwan,where he is currently an Associate Professor.His research interests include microwave circuits and modules,microwave and millimeter-wave ICs,left-handedmetamaterials,mi-crowave measurement and calibration techniques,microwave-imaging systems, and techniques.Chih-Lin Chang was born in Chiayi,Taiwan,in1983.He received the B.S.degree in electrical engi-neering from Da-Yeh University,Changhua,Taiwan,in2006,the M.S.degree in electronic engineeringfrom National Taiwan University of Science andTechnology,Taipei,Taiwan,in2008,and is currentlyworking toward the Ph.D.degree at the NationalTaiwan University of Science and Technology.His research interests include microwave/mil-limeter-wave ICs,left-handed metamaterials,andmicrowave active and passive circuits.。
项目名称:基于ADS优化的微带带通滤波器设计一、实验目的(1) 了解低通滤波器、带通滤波器、高通滤波器等滤波器原理(2) 利用ADS2008 软件设计,以切比雪夫滤波器为原型,设计一种微带线带通滤波器。
二、实验设备(1) PC 机一台;(2) ADS2008 软件;三、实验内容和要求(1) 设计一个微带线带通滤波器,以切比雪夫低通滤波器为原型;(2) 中心频率:2G+学号*50MHz ;(2G+10*50MHz=2.5GHz )(3) 相对带宽:8%;(2.5GHz*8 %=200MHz )四、实验原理1. 滤波器原理滤波器的基础是谐振电路,它是一个二端口网络,对通带内频率信号呈现匹配传输,对阻带频率信号失配而进行发射衰减,从而实现信号频谱过滤功能。
Richard 变换和Kuroda 恒等关系提供了这个手段。
2. 微带线微带线(microstrip1ine) 是现在混合微波集成电路和单片微波集成电路使用最频繁的一种平面传输线。
微带线是在金属化厚度为h 的介质基片的一面制作宽度为W ,厚度为t 的导体带,另一面作接地金属平板而构成的。
3. 耦合微带线当两个无屏蔽的传输线紧靠一起时,由于传输线之间电磁场的相互作用,在传输线之间会有功率耦合,这种传输线称为耦合传输线。
耦合微带传输线由靠得很近的 3 个导体构成。
这种结构介质厚度为d,介质相对介电常数为η,,在介质的下面为公共导体接地板,在介质的上面为 2 个宽度为W、相距为S 的中心导体带。
五、实验步骤与结果1. 设定滤波器指标中心频率: 2.5GHz通带带宽:200MHz (2.4~2.6GHz )输入输出的阻抗:50Ω插入损耗:小于2dB阻带衰减:在距离中心频率300MHz 处的衰减大于50dB相对带宽:8%(表示信号带宽为0.2GHz)带内输入输出端口反射系数:小于-15dB4. 滤波器选用与微带线的计算2.dB 切比雪夫滤波器, 5 阶。
唐 山 学 院 学 报
J o u r n a l o f Ta n g s h a n Co l l e g e
Vo 1 . 2 6 NO . 6
No v.Leabharlann 2 O1 3 基 于 AD S软 件 的 微 带 滤 波 器 的 设 计
0 引 言
随着 现 代 微 波通 信 系统 的发 展 , 系 统 对 通 道 选 择 性 能 的 要求越来越 高, 这对 微带滤 波器 的设计 提 出了更高 的要求 , 因 为微 带 滤 波器 性 能 的优 劣 往 往 决 定 了 整 个 通 信 系 统 的 质
量 。微 带 滤 波器 具 有 体 积 小 且 便 于集 成 等 优 点 , 在 微 带 电 路
ma de a n d ha r d wa r e t e s t s p r ov e t h a t go o d r e s u l t s h a v e b e e n a t t a i ne d.
Ke y Wo r ds :A D S s o f t wa r e;m i c r o s t r i p f i l t e r ; PCB b oa r d
件 测 试 取 得 了 良好 的 效 果 。 关 键词 : ADS软 件 ; 微 带滤 波器 ; P CB 板 中图分 类号 : TN7 1 3 文献标 识码 : A 文 章 编 号 : 1 6 7 2—3 4 9 X( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 3—0 0 5 0—0 4
De s i g n o f M i c r o s t r i p Fi l t e r s Ba s e d o n A DS
中得 到 了广 泛 的应 用 ] 。在 以 往 设 计 各 种 滤 波 器 时 , 往 往
ADS仿真:微带滤波器的设计关键字:ADS 仿真滤波器微波滤波器是用来分离不同频率微波信号的一种器件。
它的主要作用是抑制不需要的信号, 使其不能通过滤波器, 只让需要的信号通过。
1 微带滤波器的原理微带滤波器当中最基本的滤波器是微带低通滤波器,而其它类型的滤波器可以通过低通滤波器的原型转化过来。
2 滤波器的分类最普通的滤波器的分类方法通常可分为低通、高通、带通及带阻四种类型。
3 微带滤波器的设计指标微带滤波器的设计指标主要包括:1绝对衰减(Absolute attenuation):阻带中最大衰减(dB)。
6微分时延(differential delay):两特定频率点群时延之差以ns计。
7群时延(Group delay):任何离散信号经过滤波器的时延(ns)。
级联微带带通滤波电路的主要设计步骤如下:1 确定滤波器的参数:根据要一般来说,理论值的仿真结果和实际结果都有很大出入,需要进行优化。
可以使用Tune工具进行优化,或者采用Optim 工具。
对应的归一化参数为:g0=1.0,g1=g5=3.4817,g2=g4=0.7618,g3=4.538,g6=10 2.通过计算可得奇模和偶模阻抗,如表1所示(单位Ω)。
在原理图设计窗口中选择优化 工具栏
耦合线节的长L约为四分之一波长(根据中心频率用 微带线计算工具算出),微带线和缝隙的宽度最窄只 能取0.2 mm(最好取0.5 mm以上)。
端口1和2,点击 图标,放置两个地,并
用同样的方法依次加入S22,S21,S12的曲线,由于滤波器 的对称结构,S11与S22,以及S21与S12曲线是相同的。
然后点击菜单中的Layout -> Generate/Update Layout,弹出一个设置窗口,直接点OK,又出现一个 窗口,再点OK,完成版图的生成,这时会打开一个显 示版图的窗口,里面有刚生成的版图(见后面几页的 图) 。
【摘要】It was difficult to ues the traditional and theoretical calculation for the design of microstrip low-pass filter.This text use the ADS to design the microstrip low-pass filter quickly,and simulate in the HFSS.It got good effect in the engineering application.%使用传统的理论计算的方法设计滤波器过程较为繁琐,文章使用ADS软件快速设计微带型低通滤波器,并在HFSS中建模仿真,在实际工程应用中取得了良好的效果。
1.基于集总参数电路过渡的微带低通滤波器设计 [J], 汤红;郑宏兴
2.基于集总参数电路过渡的微带低通滤波器设计 [J], 汤红;郑宏兴
3.基于并联枝节谐振单元的超宽阻带微带低通滤波器设计 [J], 潘东阳;杨维明;王旭光;彭菊红
4.基于缺陷地结构的微带低通滤波器设计 [J], 黄鹏;黄永茂;李良荣;金海焱
5.基于ADS的微带线阶梯阻抗低通滤波器设计 [J], 仇亮
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课程设计报告题目:基于ADS的微带滤波器设计姓名:学号:班级:电子101专业:电子信息工程指导老师:提交时间: 2014-01-051.绪论我们利用微波滤波器只让频率正确的的信号通过阻碍频率不同的信号的特性来区分信号。
因此本节将重点研究如何设计并优化微带滤波器1.1 微带滤波器简介滤波器是一个的二端口网络,对频率适合的信号进行传输,对频率不匹配的信号进行发射衰减,从而实现信号频谱过滤。
通常用X=3、1、0.5 即BW3dB、BW1dB、BW0.5dB 表征滤波器通带带宽参数。
2. ADS2.1 ADS简介ADS –全名Advanced Design System,由安捷伦推出,是当今业界最流行的微波射频电路、通信系统、RFIC设计软件;也是国内高校、科研院所使用最多的软件。
2.2 ADS的仿真功能ADS有着非常强大的仿真能力,可以进直交流仿真,s参数仿真,谐波平衡增益压缩电路包络预算电磁仿真等,这些仿真可以进行现行非线性仿真,电路仿真,频域时域仿真等。
3. 基于ADS的微带滤波器设计3.1微带滤波器的设计要求本小节设计一个微带低通滤波器,滤波器的指标如下:输入、输出阻抗为50欧姆; 截止频率为3Ghz;纹波为0.5dB; 4.5Ghz时损耗不小于25 dB; Vp=0.6C。
3.2 滤波器的仿真设计新建工程,选择【File】→【New Project】,系统出现新建工程对话框。
在name栏中输入工程名,并在Project Technology Files栏中选择ADS Standard:Length unit——millimet,默认单位为mm,如图2所示。
点击DesignGuide,在下拉框中选择Filter选项,在弹出的对话框中选择第一项,既Filter Control Window…,弹出滤波器设计向导图3点击工具栏中最右边的,弹出Filter DG–All,或者直接在元件库中选择Filter DG–All进入即可,我们设计的是低通滤波器,既选择即可,将选中后可双击编辑各种技术要求。
或从新进入滤波器再的设计向导中选择Filter Assistant,从中编辑各个技术要求。
图4在Filter Assistant中选择Design,既完成了集成器件的低通滤波器。
然后选择Simulation Assistant中设置频率,然后点击仿真。
故只需将其通过Richards 转换变为无源器件即可。
3.3 Richards 转换Richards 转换是将一段开路或短路传输线等效分布的电感或电容元器件的理论,即将串联电感等效为一段短路短截线,将并联电容等效为一段并联短截线。
Kuroda 等效给出了并联短截线和一段传输线与及串联短截线和一段传输线两种电路之间的一种转换方法。
在滤波器向导对话框中选择按钮,弹出Transformation Assistant对话框,直接选择“LC to Microstrip”选项,单击集总器件选中串联电感,将会出现图7所示的电感转换界面。
图 6将串联电感转换成125 Ohm的高阻抗微带线,其中h=30 mil,Er=3同理将并联电容C进行转换。
将并联电容转换为25 Ohm的低阻抗微带线,从而实现高低阻抗实现低通滤波器。
3.4 分布元件仿真首先选择,在其中找到两个端口并放置在图中连线接地,再添加仿真模型,双击,设置不仅频率,如下图连接好的电路如下:点击工具栏的进行仿真,结果图如下:对比两次结果图与课设要求可知满足要求。
3.5 制版图在ADS制版图中,需要将两个端口失效,故点击窗口上的,再点击Term,使其失效。
然后执行Layout Generate/Update Layout,将弹出Generate/Update Layout 对话框,如下图,我们选择默认设置。
完成后版图如下版图生成后对微带和基板的参数进行设置,执行Momentum Substrate Create/Modify,将基板进行如下设置。
参考文献1,、ADS2008射频电路设计与仿真实例徐兴福2010 电子工业出版社。