高中英语北师大版选修八练习:Unit 22 课下能力提升(一) 含解析

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Unit 22课下能力提升(一)


1.What you said was not ________ (relate) to the matter.

2.She was looking forward to putting her ideas ________ action.

3.We insist that the tour guide ________ (inform) us immediately of any change of the plan.

4.The students answered the teacher's questions ________ turn.

5.Who did you refer ________ when you said someone was selfish?

6.I'm sure your suggestion will contribute to ________ (solve) the problem.

7.Tom is ahead ________ his class in Chinese.

8.He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn't risk ________ (lose) the good opportunity.



________________ in reading, you had better buy her a book as the birthday present.


Man ____________________________________ without air or water.


He dropped the glass, ______________________________________________.


_________________________________ and you'll breathe in fresh air.


________________ the problem is too difficult for us to work out.


Scientists have reached consensus 1.________ human beings are causing global warming. They claim that it 2.________ (see) as a danger and is relevant 3.________ our lives.

4.________ (globe) warming refers to an average increase in the Earth's temperature that, in return, leads 5.________ climate change. Over the last 100 years, plenty of carbon dioxide goes into the atmosphere every year and the temperature has increased 6.________ 1°F. And this will cause 7.________ (terribly) climate changes. Governments all over the world have a 8.________ (responsible) to take action to prevent this 9.________ going on. And a lot of things can be recycled 10.________ (save) natural resources.


Barbara was driving her six-year-old son, Benjamin, to his piano lesson on the highway. They were late and Barbara was __1__ tired. She had worked extra shifts as a night __2__ nurse. The sleet (雨夹雪) storm and icy roads__3__ her tension. She was thinking of turning around at once.

Suddenly a car ahead of them lost control on a patch of ice and crashed __4__ into a

telephone pole. The impact was horrible.

Barbara pulled onto the road's shoulder. Thank God she was a nurse — her skill might make a __5__ in the fate of these __6__ passengers! But what about Ben? Little boys __7__ see scenes like this. But was it__8__ to leave him alone? What if their car was __9__ from behind, or a stranger__10__ him? For a brief moment, Barbara decided to go on her way. “Ben, honey, __11__ me you'll stay in the car!” she cried over her shoulder.

“I will, Mommy,” she heard him say __12__ she ran, slipping and sliding, toward the crash site.

It was __13__ than she had feared. Two high-school-aged girls had been in the car. One, the blonde on the passenger side was dead. The driver, however, was unconscious. Barbara quickly __14__ pressure to the wound in the teenager's head while her practiced eyes ran over the other__15__. A broken leg, maybe two, along with probable internal damage. But if help came, this girl would live. The ambulance arrived. “Good job,” one rescue worker said, __16__ he examined the driver. “You probably saved her life, Ma'am.”

As Barbara walked back to her car a feeling of__17__ overwhelmed her, especially for the family of the passenger who had died. But what should she tell Ben?

“Mom,” he __18__,“did you see it?”

“See what, honey?” she asked.

“The angel, Mom! He came down from the sky. And he opened the door, and he took that girl out.” Barbara's eye, were filling with tears, “Which door, Ben?”“The __19__ side.”

Later Barbara was able to meet the families of the victims. They expressed their __20__ for the help she had provided. Barbara was able to give them something more: Ben's vision.

1.A.uncommonly B.commonly

C.unusually D.usually

2.A.class B.work

C.school D.duty

3.A.added to B.made up

C.added D.brought up

4.A.front B.forward

C.backward D.sideways

5.A.help B.devotion

C.contribution D.difference

6.A.fortunate B.unfortunate

C.strange D.familiar

7.A.shouldn't B.can't

C.wouldn't D.couldn't
