商务英语 reading阅读
Business English Reading 商务英语阅读

Business English readingI have learned a lot in the Business English Reading classes. This course mainly analyses business stratages during the development of some famous companies, and introduces some main influencial factors.We talked about P&G Company at the very beginning. P&G is a well-known and successful company all over the world. It produces various products of different brands, for example VS, Pantene, OLAY, Crest, Pampers, Safeguard, Tide, Whisper and Gilllete and so on. These products are trusted generally by consumers and used almost in each family. P&G is a successful example in the same kind of company absolutely.However, it is not easy to gain the big success. It has ever been in danger of becoming another Eastman Kodak Co., a once great company that had lost its way. Thank to Lafley, the current CEO, taking some effective measures, the P&G could get through the trouble. Different with the former CEO, the first thing he told his managers when he took the job was just what they were thinking: focus on selling the company’s major brands, instead of trying to develop new brands. He has replaced more than half of the company’s top 30 officers and cut 9,600 jobs. And he has move more women into senior positions. He wants a focused, flexible company, that’s why he does all the things. To reach this goal, he has adopted the policy of outsourcing: he outsourced P&G’s information-technology operation to Hewlett Packard Co.. As to sales, Lafley suggests that they should remain the biggest retailer Wal-Mart stores, and develop more wholesalers to promote sales quotas. All these correct decisions owe to Lafley’s significant cognition and well preparation.Of course, there are many other successful examples. Too much factors can have effects on a company’s destiny.Of all the factors, the most important is the ability of leadership in management and decision making. Leadership includes the top leaders, CEO or president or general manager, and managers of each department. These leaders can be regarded as the main body of a company, so the quality of the body directly influences the whole company’s development. Every department has its own responsibility, only all departments work well can the whole company goes well. No matter what happened, capable leaders always catch up with proper methods to solve those problems to keep company running normally. Although sometimes it may be suffer a big shock, like economic crisis, good leadership must be able to negotiate a countermeature to avoid loss or reduce loss. This’s the most important function of leaders. Therefore, if we want to know whether a company can go further or not, we just need to realize what kind of leadershis it has.In my opinion, if a company wants to become a success, it should have the following points: first, it is based on quality-reliable products; second, it should win a good credit by considerate service and reasonable products price; third, keep communicating with consumers in order to know what the product that consumers really want is; forth, it should have an outstanding leading group to manage the company. For this reason, I think P&G is really an example of success.。
(完整word版)商务英语 reading阅读

LVMH reports strong salesBy Jo Johnson and Martin Arnold in PairsLVMH (Louis Vuitton, Moet Hennessey) manufactures and sells luxury goods, such as designer clothes, fashion accessories, watches and luggage. There are several companies in the group. LVMH has 60 famous brands, such as Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Kenzo, Christian Dior and Donna Karan. It has 1,500 stures worldwide and is expanding its network. It employs 56,000 people. Its head office is in France, but 63% of its staff work outside France.Sales at its Louis Vuitton division rose 22% to £1.175bn($1.26bn) in the fourth quarter. Total sales at the LVMH group rose 4% to £12.7bn last year. Bernard goods division of LVMH made ‘excellent progress’.LVMH had excellent sales because of its strong brands, store opening and successful new product launches. One of its new products, the Tambour watch, did not have huge sales but it brought customers into the stores.Sales in the US, France and Japan were good. Fewer Japanese tourists travelled last year, but they bought more goods in their home market. Recently, LVMH opened a large store in Japan, which is doing well.LVMH is a creative and innovative group. It aims to impress its customers with its high quality and long-lasting products. Its new products----particularly in cosmetics---depend a lot on research and development .LVMH controls every detail of the brands’image.Making money from the InternetHow can companies make money from Internet? Many companies have tried and failed. Even big companies like AOL and Yahoo! Are doing less well these days. People did not buy enough to keep the retailers in business, and advertising did not make enough money for them.Martin Child, UK Managing Director of the internet company Overture, says you have to make it easy for customers to find you. Overture began as in 1997. Advertisers pay to get their products at the top of the list when surfers enter keywords into search engines on the Internet. This is called paid-for placement searches and it seems to work. Overture had revenues of $142.8m in the first quarter of this year, and a profit of $29.3m. Sixty thousand advertisers use its services worldwide.The world’s biggest search engine is Google. It first offered paid-for placement searches to advertisers in January 2000. Now clients can buy keywords so that customers see their sites on the right-hand side of the screen. Google now has AOL and Earthlink in the US and Lycos in Canada as its biggest clients.There is strong competition, and paid-for placement companies must offer services which seem to be different from their competitors. Staffan Engdegard, Senior Analyst at Jupiter Research, says, ‘There isn’t much difference between them. SO the market will be very competitive.’If advertisers see little difference in service, the main competition will be on price. Google, says Engdegard, may stay in first place, but it too will have to keep prices low.SUBW AY…GOING DOWN?BY MARK ROBINSONSubway, the American sandwich franchise, has 14,000 outlets. It is American’s biggest fast-food chain–bigger than McDonald’s. Subway Japan set up 195 franchise stores between 1992 and 2001. One hundred and twelve failed. Why? Masahiro Kabayashi of the Japan franchisee’s Association says this was because the American company did not adapt to Japan. As an example he explains that the size of the subway bread roll is too big for Japanese women to eat comfortably. Many customers visited a Subway store once and did not come back.Another problem may be that Subway’s image is too ‘healthy’for Japan. To suit Japanese tastes, hamburgers need a lot of mayonnaise, and the buns need a lot of extra sugar.Some people blame the failures on poor management. When Tetsuzo Ono became a franchisee, he asked the company for advice. He said they told him, “Remember to greet your customers”and “Keep the store clean.”“That was it. They never suggested anything else”Ono said.According to Ono, Subway promised to run advertisements but this did not happen. He says, “They failed to promote the brand. People who did not know Subway sandwiches never saw any commercials or heard from other people about the stores. Ono shut down his store. In just over two years he lost over 35 million yen. He and his wife never had a day off. He now works as a taxi driver.Yoshimasa Kawabata, Marketing Manager of Subway Japan, does not agree that Subway has bad management. He says, “We are just a franchise of Subway in America, but we are still the biggest sandwich chain in Japan.They like using the Internet. They have lots of money to spend. And they spend a higher proportion of it online than the rest of us. Teenagers are just the sort of people an Internet retailer wants to sell to, and the things they want to buy-games, CDs and clothing-are easily sold on the Web. But paying online is a tricky business for consumers who are too young to own credit cards. Most have to use a parent’s card. ‘Kids are frustrated with the Web,’says Phil Bettison, European Managing Director of WorldPay, an Internet payments company. ‘they want a facility that allows them to spend money.’That may come sooner than they think: new ways to take pocket money into cyberspace are springing up on both sides of the Atlantic, if successful, these products could provide an important stimulus to online sales. In general, teenagers spend enormous amounts: Visa calculates it totalled $153bn in the US last year, while the UK market is estimated at 20bn pounds ($24.9bn) annually by NOP, the market research group. Most teenagers have access to the Internet at home or at school -88 percent in the US, 69 percent in the UK. One in eight of those with Internet access has bought something online –mainly CDs and music. In the US, 12- to 17-year-olds spend an average of six hours a month online, according to Jupiter Research. One in six buys things over the Internet, with CDs, books, games, videos and clothing the most popular items. In most cases, parents pay for these purchases with credit cards, an arrangement that is often unsatisfactory for them and their children:’Pressing parents to spend online is less productive than pressing on the high street. A child who sees a pair of shoes in a shop can usually persuade he parent to by them. They’re more likely to ask “why?”if you ask to spend some money online,’says Mike Young of Mondex, the electronic payments company. One way to help them convert notes and coins into cybercash is through prepaid cards such as InternetCash in the US and Smart cards in the UK. Similar to those for pay-as-you-go mobile telephones, they are sold in amounts such as 20 pounds or $50 with a concealed. 14-digit number that can be used to load the cash into an online account.Unit1 ONE *More than 1400 readers of Cosmopolitan have applied to become a London Tube train driver. London Underground described the response to its single advert in this month`s issue as “exceptional”.Successful applicants with have to get out of bed for regular 4.45 a.m. starts,but the $27650 salary and up to eight weeks` holiday may prove sufficient compensation. Lorraine Candy, editor od Cosmo, said the interest her readers had shown demonstrated that young women were not bound by traditional career patterns. “It`s always been a classic thing for boys to want to be train drivers. Now we`re seeing that girls can do it too,” she said. “I don’t think the job is boring and I am sure the passengers could not care less whether the train is being driver by a man or a woman as long as it is on time. The ability to break bad news to travelers more sympathetically is one reason London Underground is keen to increase its number of female drivers from 100- just three percent of driving staff.Unit 5A BANK manager has given up his £30,000-a-year job with NatWest to realise his childhood ambition of becoming a bus drive.Despite the £11000 salary and anti social hours, John Burgin, 48, has never been happier.‘Banking was a career but in the end it became just a job,’he said.‘Once I knew I was leaving, I used to go outside at lunchtime and watch as the buses drove up and down.The time had come.’His passion was awakened as a boy growing up in Sheffield, where he collected bus maps and time tables.But Mr Burgin, from Nailsea, near Bristol, went on to spend nearly 30 years working his way up through NatWest.‘The levels of stress are totally different,’he said.‘At the bank, things were very political.I worked hard all day then took work home, and it never really finished.There is stress in driving a bus around Brisrol, but it’s a different kind and I don’t take it home.’Unit 10ANegotiations are demanding and may become emotional. You may find your Russian negotiator banging his or her fist on the table or leaving the room. Accept such tactics with patience and calmness. They are designed to make it difficult for you to concentrate.Russian negotiating teams are often made up of experienced managers whose style can be like a game of chess, with moves planned in advance. Wanting to make compromises may be seen as a sign of weakness.Distinguish between your behaviour inside and outside the negotiations. Impatience, toughness and emotion during the negotiations should be met with calmness, patience and consistency. Outside the negotiating process you can show affection and personal sympathy.BAs well as being formal, negotiations are direct. German managers speak their mind. They place great weight on the clarity of the subject matter and get to the point quickly.Excessive enthusiasm or compliments are rare in German business. You should give a thorough and detailed presentation, with an emphasis on objective information, such as your company’s history, rather than on clever visuals or marketing tricks. Prepare thoroughly before the negotiation and be sure to make your position clear during the opening stage of the talks, as well as during their exploratory phases. Avoid interrupting, unless you have an urgent question about the presentation.CCommunicating is a natural talent of Americans. When negotiating partners meet, the emphasis is on small talk and smiling. There is liberal use of a sense of humour that is more direct than it is in the UK. Informality is the rule. Business partners do not use their academic titles on their business cards. Sandwiches and drinks in plastic or boxes are served during conferences.This pleasant attitude continues in the negotiation itself. US negotiators usually attach little importance to status, title, formalities and protocol. They communicate in an informal and direct manner on a first-name basis. Their manner is relaxed and casual.The attitude ‘time is money’ has more influence on business communication in the US than it does anywhere else. Developing a personal relationship with the business partner is not as important as getting results.DAt the start of the negotiations you might want to decide whether you need interpreters. You should have documentation available in Spanish. Business cardsshould carry details in Spanish and English.During the negotiations your counterparts may interrupt each other, or even you. It is quite common in Spain for this to happen in the middle of a sentence. For several people to talk at the same time is accepted in Latin cultures, but is considered rather unusual in Northern Europe.The discussion is likely to be lively. In negotiations, Spanish business people rely on quick thinking and spontaneous ideas rather than careful preparation. It may appear that everybody is trying to put his or her point across at once. That can make negotiations in Spain intense and lengthy, but also enjoyably creative.。
商务英语阅读 Business English Reading

Google Corporate Culture (Cont.)
Google员工可骑乘电动滑板车往来于办公室之间, 也可以带着心爱的狗儿来上班,只要宠物不乱跑、不大 叫就都可以带到公司来。如果工作累了,还可以带宠物 到外面的草地上一起享受一下阳光和运动。工作时间可
以随时洗澡、健身、打甚至游泳,到处可见 免费的食物和饮料等等。
恶意收购实质收购方不够被收购公司董事会和经理 层的利益和苦衷,既无事先沟通,也鲜有警告,直 接在市场上展开标购,诱引被收购公司股东出让股 份。
恶意收购的价格常高出市价很多,而且结果具有很 大的不确定性。
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Text B
现在,邮购业务更多地借助专业杂志、电视 直销、专业网站等媒体力量。
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Text B
Business English Reading
Term Study
Flexitime 弹性工作时间制
A system in which employees can start and finish work at different times each day, provided that each of them works a certain number of hours in a week or month.
Google规定员工可以拿出20%的上班时间做自己工 作之外的事情。结果在私人时间,大家反而创意勃发,有 很多产品就是在这20%的时间内做出来的,当然创意必 须卖给Google。
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

商务英语阅读教程3Business English Reading Course 3Unit 1: Sustainable Business PracticesIn today's global business landscape, sustainable business practices have become increasingly important. With growing environmental concerns and a greater emphasis on corporate social responsibility, companies are recognizing the need to adopt sustainable strategies. In this unit, we will explore some key concepts and examples of sustainable business practices.1. Definition of Sustainable Business PracticesSustainable business practices refer to strategies and actions taken by companies to minimize their negative impact on the environment and society, while also maximizing their long-term profitability. These practices aim to balance economic growth with social and environmental responsibility.2. Benefits of Sustainable Business PracticesBusinesses that adopt sustainable practices can enjoy several benefits. Firstly, they can enhance their reputation and brand image, as consumers are increasingly favoring companies that are environmentally and socially responsible. Secondly, sustainable practices can lead to cost savings through energy efficiency and waste reduction. Finally, these practices can help businesses comply with environmental regulations and mitigate the risk of legal issues.3. Examples of Sustainable Business Practicesa) Renewable Energy: Many companies are investing in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. By generating their own clean energy, they can lower their carbon footprint and decrease their energy costs.b) Waste Management: Implementing effective waste management systems can help companies reduce their environmental impact. This includes recycling, composting, and responsibly disposing of waste materials. Some companies even turn waste into a resource through initiatives like upcycling or converting it into biofuel.c) Supply Chain Management: Sustainable businesses prioritize suppliers who follow ethical and sustainable practices. Through careful selection and regular monitoring, they ensure that their supply chain is free from unethical labor practices or unsustainable sourcing. This enables businesses to minimize their social and environmental impact throughout their entire value chain.d) Stakeholder Engagement: Companies engage with their stakeholders, including employees, customers, and local communities, to foster positive relationships and address their concerns. This can involve community outreach programs, collaborative partnerships, and open dialogue to gain valuable feedback and ensure a sustainable business model.4. Case Study: PatagoniaPatagonia, an outdoor clothing and gear company, is renowned for its commitment to sustainability. They have implemented various sustainable business practices, including:- Product Lifecycle: Patagonia encourages customers to repair their items instead of buying new ones through their "Worn Wear" initiative. They also provide free repair guides to extend the lifecycle of their products.- Transparency: Patagonia publishes information about their supply chain, including the factories where their garments are produced. This allows customers to make informed decisions about their purchases.- Environmental Activism: The company actively supports environmental causes and campaigns for the protection of natural resources. They donate a portion of their sales to grassroots environmental organizations.Through these actions, Patagonia has built a strong brand image as a socially and environmentally responsible company, attracting customers who align with their values and commitment to sustainability.Overall, sustainable business practices are not only beneficial for the environment and society but also contribute to a company's long-term success. As companies increasingly recognize the importance of sustainability, incorporating these practices into their operations will become crucial for their competitiveness and growth.。
商务英语阅读 Unit 3

I. Read the news on P.30 and discuss the questions. 1. What’s the source of the news? 2. What’s wrong with Starbucks according to the news? 3. What factors are considered in pricing according to Starbucks? 4. What do you think of the price of Starbucks? 5. What would you consider in the buying of one product?
( D ) 10. current price
J. 利润最大化
Comprehensive Reading
Text A
Comprehension I. Answer the following questions according to Text A.
1. What should a company consider in fixing the price of the product? 2. What methods are traditionally used in assessing pricing policies? 3. Is the low price strategy always effective? Why or why not? 4. Which objective of pricing would be the best approach for the medium-size or small business? 5. What factors should be considered in

商务英语阅读Business English reading mainly involves understanding the business documents, such as contracts, emails, memos, reports, and other forms of written communication. It is important to understand the purpose of the document, the terminology used, and the context of the situation.In order to improve business English reading skills, it is important to read extensively. Reading newspapers, magazines, and books related to business topics can help to increase one's vocabulary and comprehension. Additionally, using online resources such as business English websites and blogs can help to expand one's knowledge of the language.In addition to reading, it is also important to practice writing business documents. This can help to improve one's understanding of the language and its usage in different contexts. Writing practice can also help to improve one's grammar and spelling.Finally, it is important to participate in business English conversations. This can help to increase one's confidence in speaking the language, as well as to gain a better understanding of the nuances of the language. Listening to business English podcasts and watching business English videos can also help to improve one's comprehension of the language.。

商务英语阅读理解试题Part I: Passage ReadingDear all,I hope this email finds you well. As part of our ongoing professional development program, I have prepared a series of business English reading comprehension exercises for you. Please find the questions related to the passage below.Passage 1:Companies nowadays are increasingly looking for employees with strong business English skills. The ability to understand and communicate effectively in English is crucial in the globalized business environment.One of the main reasons why companies value business English skills is the need to connect and collaborate with international partners. English has become the lingua franca of business, enabling communication across borders and cultures. By having employees who are proficient in English, companies can facilitate negotiations, build relationships, and expand their international reach.Moreover, business English proficiency enhances an individual's chances of career advancement. Many senior positions require candidates to have excellent communication skills in English to interact with clients and stakeholders from different countries. Being able to present ideas clearly and confidently in English is often a key factor for promotion and professional growth.Furthermore, business English proficiency is essential for accessing a wide range of business resources and information. With English fluency, employees can conduct research, read industry reports, and keep up-to-date with the latest developments in their field. By understanding English-language publications and participating in discussions, individuals can gain valuable insights and stay competitive in today's fast-paced business world.In conclusion, mastering business English is crucial for both individuals and companies. It opens doors to international opportunities, enhances career prospects, and enables access to valuable resources. Investing in business English training can yield long-term benefits and contribute to overall business success.Questions:1. Why do companies value business English skills?2. How does business English proficiency benefit an individual's career?3. What advantages does business English proficiency bring in terms of accessing information and resources?Part II: Short Answer Questions1. What are the main reasons companies value employees with business English skills?2. How can business English proficiency contribute to an individual's career advancement?3. Explain the benefits of business English proficiency in terms of accessing information and resources.Please take your time to read the passage and answer the questions. Once completed, kindly submit your answers by replying to this email. The deadline for submission is Friday, 15th October.Good luck!Best regards,[Your Name]Note: The format used in this article is an email format, commonly used in professional settings for communication and sharing information.。
商务英语阅读1 Unit 1

Part II:Voice of Courage
I Background knowledge 1. Know abt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt(1882–1945), 32nd President of the United States, commonly known as FDR who served as the 32nd President of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945.
A Democrat, he won a record four presidential elections and emerged as a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century.
He directed the United States government during most of the Great Depression and World War II.
Although its causes are still uncertain and controversial, the net effect was a sudden and general loss of confidence in the economic future.
What 's the function of Roosevelt talk?
As a dominant leader of his party, he built the New Deal Coalition, realigning American politics into the Fifth Party System and defining American liberalism throughout the middle third of the 20th century. He is often rated by scholars as one of the three greatest U.S. Presidents, along with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Business EnglishExtensive Reading (1)商务英语阅读(1)Ⅰ. Reading ComprehensionPart One : Directions: Choose the correct answers according to the information given from the passeges. Read the passages through carefully before making your choices. Please mark the corresponding leter for each item on Answer Sheet.Passage One: Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.The popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, a leading brand of bottled water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.Arthur Wiesenberger, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America.As a boy,he spent time in the larger cities of Italy,France and Switzerland, where bottled water is consumed daily.Even then,he kept a water journal,writing down the brands he liked best.“My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water,”he says.But is plain tap water a11 that bad? Not at a11.In fact, New York’s municipal water for more than 100 years was recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity.Similarly,a magazine in England found that tap water tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water.Nevertheless,soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-ground for market share.As diners thirst for leading brands, soft-drink companies and restaurants salivate(垂涎)over the profits.A restaurant’s typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often 300 to 500 percent.As a result some restaurants are selling bottled water.According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottles on the table for a visual sell,listing brands on the menu without prices,and pouring bottled water without even asking the diners if they want itRegardless of how it's sold,the popularity of bottled water bring us better health and purity. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上作答。
商务英语阅读教程Unit 1

Unit 1 EducationPart I Pre-reading Questionscation is generally defined as the process of learning and acquiring information. Formal learning in a school or university is one of the most common types. It is generally classified into three types: school education, family education and social education.cation plays an important role in our lives, the function of which includes cultivating high-quality and knowledgeable talents, providing work-force for the development of economy and creating scientific knowledge for our nation.3.It hasn’t realized the elimination of social inequality. Because of realistic and historical reasons, there still exists unfairness in the area of education. Take China for example, the deficiency of educational investment is a prominent problem. Some children in poor areas can’t be equally educated compared with the children in cities.Part II Extensive ReadingText A Getting In Gets Harder1.主旨归纳:The article begins with the story that the student named Maxine fails to apply to Northwestern University, and then the article indicates the situation where the number of applications is increasing in recent years, so universities become selective. Maxine decides to apply to other universities after being rejected from Northwestern University.2.结构分析Part I The introduction: the experience of Maxine Wally who gets rejected from Northwestern University (Para. 1)Part II The body: the difficult situation where the number of applications begins to increase, which makes universities more selective (Paras. 2-7)Part III The conclusion: Universities take measures to confront the overflowing applications. (Paras. 8-10)3. 难句解析(1) For students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall, that dream is turning out to be frustratingly unobtainable. (Para. 2)如今有很多像玛克辛一样正在申请秋季入学的学生,他们感受到这样的梦想遥不可及,希望非常渺茫。
商务英语阅读Unit 1-叶兴国

Business English: A Reading Course
Business English: A Reading Course
1. Enrolling in college is one step toeard fulfilling our vision of the future. 进入大学是完成将来梦想的第一步。 enroll in: 登记入学,入伍,入会等。 2. Goal-setting involves developing a list of things you would like to achieve in your personal or professional lives-your goals.
Business English: A Reading Course
Notes on the Text:
road warriors:此处指从事跨国商务活动的
road warrior飞车勇士
say Harvard Business School faculty and alumni. Alumnus(男校友)—alumni(复数)可兼指男女校友 如:Harvard Alumni Association 哈佛大学校友会。 alumna(女校友)—alumnae (复数)

4. It is a teacher’s business to help his pupils. 5. Has he business of his own? 6. After school she went into business. 7. Are you here on business or for pleasure? 4. 老 师 有 责 任 帮 助 他 的 学 生 。 (duty, responsibility) 5. 他自己有店吗? (organization) 6. 毕业后她经商去了。 (activity) 7. 你在这里办公事还是游玩?(activity)
(5) a rightful concern or responsibility e.g. "it's none of your business"; "mind your own business" (6) the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money e.g. "he's not in my line of business" [syn: occupation, job, line of work, line] (7) an immediate objective e.g. "gossip was the main business of the evening"
trade surplus贸易顺差, 贸易盈余, 出超 A positive balance of trade(贸易差额), i.e. exports exceed imports. opposite of trade deficit(贸易逆差).

bec商务英语真题及答案解析BEC商务英语真题及答案解析商务英语考试(Business English Certificate,简称BEC)是指专门为那些需要运用英语进行商务沟通的人士而设计的考试。
题目:A company wants to reduce its carbon emissions as part of its corporate social responsibility initiatives. The company is considering implementing various measures, including switching to renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency in its facilities. It has sought the advice of a consulting firm to help evaluate the cost-effectiveness and feasibility of these measures. Based on the report provided by the consulting firm, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The company wants to increase its carbon emissions.B. The company is not concerned about reducing its carbon emissions.C. The consulting firm will evaluate the potential benefits of switching to renewable energy sources.D. The consulting firm will not provide any suggestions on improving energy efficiency.解析:根据题目,公司希望减少碳排放作为企业社会责任的一部分,并考虑实施一些措施,包括转向可再生能源和提高设施的能源效率。
商务英语阅读 英文

商务英语阅读英文Business English ReadingThe world of business is constantly evolving, and the ability to effectively communicate in English has become increasingly crucial for success. As the global economy continues to expand, the demand for professionals who can navigate the complexities of international business communication has never been higher. This is where the importance of mastering business English reading skills comes into play.Effective business English reading encompasses the ability to comprehend and analyze a wide range of materials, from financial reports and market analyses to negotiation strategies and corporate policies. It requires a deep understanding of industry-specific terminology, as well as the ability to extract key information and draw meaningful conclusions from complex written materials.One of the primary benefits of developing strong business English reading skills is the ability to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest industry trends and developments. By regularly reading and comprehending business-related literature, professionals can gain acompetitive edge, make more informed decisions, and position themselves as valuable assets within their organizations.Moreover, the ability to read and understand business English documents can facilitate seamless cross-cultural communication and collaboration. In a global business landscape, where teams and stakeholders often span multiple countries and languages, the capacity to accurately interpret and respond to written communications can be a game-changer.Effective business English reading skills also contribute to more efficient decision-making processes. By quickly and accurately extracting relevant information from various sources, professionals can make more informed and strategic choices, leading to better outcomes for their organizations.To cultivate strong business English reading skills, it is essential to adopt a multifaceted approach. This may include regular exposure to business-related literature, such as industry publications, case studies, and academic journals. Additionally, actively participating in professional development programs, attending conferences, and engaging in peer-to-peer discussions can further enhance one's understanding of business English and its practical applications.Another key aspect of developing business English reading skills isthe ability to critically analyze and synthesize information. This involves not only comprehending the written content but also identifying underlying themes, evaluating the credibility of sources, and drawing informed conclusions. By honing these analytical skills, professionals can make more strategic and well-informed decisions that contribute to the overall success of their organizations.In conclusion, the mastery of business English reading skills is a crucial component of professional development in the modern business landscape. By staying informed, communicating effectively, and making more strategic decisions, professionals who excel in this area can position themselves as valuable assets and drive the growth and success of their organizations. As the global economy continues to evolve, the importance of business English reading skills will only continue to grow, making it a vital investment in one's career and professional development.。

Business English Extensive Reading (2)商务英语阅读(2)Ⅰ. Reading ComprehensionDirections: Choose the correct answers according to the information given from the passeges. Read the passages through carefully before making your choices. Please mark the corresponding leter for each item on Answer Sheet.Passage One: Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.It is , everyone agrees, a huge task that the child performs when he learns to speak, and the fact that he does so in so short a period of time challenges explanation.Language learning begins with listening. Individual children vary greatly in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking, and late starters are often long listeners. Most children will "obey" spoken instructions some time before they can speak, though the word obey is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the child. Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gesture and by making questioning noises.Any attempt to trace the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves out as particularly indicative of delight, distress, sociability, and so on . But since these cannot be said to show the baby's intention to communicate, they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language.It is agreed, too, that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are able to add new sounds to their repertoire This self-imitation leads on to deliberate imitation of sounds made or words spoken to them by other people. The problem then arises as to the point at which one can say that these imitations can be considered as speech.1.By "....challenges explanation" (Line 2, Para.1) the author means that ______.A)no explanation is necessary for such an obvious phenomenonB)no explanation has been made up to nowC)it's no easy job to provide an adequate explanationD)it's high time that an explanation was provided2. The third paragraph is mainly about _________A)the development of babies' early forms of languageB)the difficulties of babies in learning to speakC)babies' strong desire to communicateD)babies' intention to communicate3. The author's purpose in writing the second paragraph is to show that children _______.A)usually obey without asking questionsB)are passive the process of learning to speakC)are born cooperativeD)learn to speak by listening4.From the passage we learn that _______-A)early starters can learn to speak within only six monthsB)children show a strong desire to communicate by making noisesC)imitation plays an important role in learning to speakD)children have various difficulties in learning to speak5.The best title for this passage would be _______.A)How Babies Learn to SpeakB)Early Forms of LanguageC)A Huge Task for ChildrenD)Noise Making and Language LearningPassage Two Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk. It’s now a “global villa ge” where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communications equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills.Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern businesspeople who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. In modern markets, success overseas often helps support domestic business efforts.Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superiors will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more prevalent (普遍的).Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communications devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isn’t generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equalThe employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and cam have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm.6. What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?A) Critical. C) Indifferent.B) Prejudiced. D) Positive.7. With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, businesspeople ______.A) have to get familiar with modern technologyB) are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operationsC) are attaching more importance to their overseas businessD) are eager to work overseas8. In this passage, “out of sight and out of mind” (Lines 2-3, Para. 3) probably means ____.A) being unable to think properly for lack of insightB) being totally out of touch with business at homeC) missing opportunities for promotion when abroadD) leaving all care and worry behind9. According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?A) Connections with businesses overseas.B) Ability to speak the client’s language.C) Technical know-how.D) Business experience.10. The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they can _______.A) better control the whole negotiation processB) easily find new approaches to meet market needsC) fast-forward their proposals to headquartersD) easily make friends with businesspeople abroadPassage Three Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.Some pessimistic experts feel that the automobile is bound to fall into disuse. They see a day in the not-too-distant future when all autos will be abandoned and allowed to rust. Other authorities, however, think the auto is here to stay. They hold that the car will remain a leading means of urban travel in the foreseeable future.The motorcar will undoubtedly change significantly over the next 30 years. It should become smaller, safer, and more economical, and should not be powered by the gasoline engine. The car of the future should be far more pollution-free than present types.Regardless of its power source, the auto in the future will still be the main problem in urbantraffic congestion (拥挤). One proposed solution to this problem is the automated highway system.When the auto enters the highway system, a retractable (可伸缩的) arm will drop from the auto and make contact with a rail, which is similar to those powering subway trains electrically. Once attached to the rail, the car will become electrically powered from the system, and control of the vehicle will pass to a central computer. The computer will then monitor all of the car's move-ments.The driver will use a telephone to dial instructions about his destination into the system. The computer will calculate the best route, and reserve space for the car all the way to the correct exit from the highway. The driver will then be free to relax and wait for the buzzer (蜂鸣器) that will warn him of his coming exit. It is estimated that an automated highway will be able to handle 10,000 vehicles per hour, compared with the 1,500 to 2,000 vehicles that can be carried by a present-day highway.11. One significant improvement in the future car will probably be________.A) its power source C) its monitoring systemB) its driving system D) its seating capacity12. What is the author's main concern?A) How to render automobiles pollution-free.B) How to make smaller and safer automobiles.C) How to solve the problem of traffic jams.D) How to develop an automated subway system.13. What provides autos with electric power in an automated highway system?A) A rail. C) A retractable arm.B) An engine. D) A computer controller.14. In an automated highway system, all the driver needs to do is _______.A) keep in the right laneB) wait to arrive at his destinationC) keep in constant touch with the computer centerD) inform the system of his destination by phone15. What is the author's attitude toward the future of autos?A) Enthusiastic.C) Optimistic.B) Pessimistic. D) Cautious.Passage Four Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.Henry Ford, the famous U.S. inventor and car manufacturer, once said, ‘The business of America is business.” By this he meant that the U.S. way of life is based on the values of the business world.Few would argue with Ford’s statement. A brief glimpse at a daily newspaper vividly shows how much people in the United States think about business. For example, nearly every newspaper has a business section, in which the deals and projects, finances and management, stock prices and labor problems of corporations are reported daily. In addition, business news can appear in every other section. Most national news has an important financial aspect to it. Welfare, foreign aid, the federal budget, and the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank are all heavily affected by business. Moreover, business news appears in some of the unlikeliest places. The world of arts and entertainment is often referred to as “the entertainment industry” or “show business.”The positive side of Henry Ford’s statement can be seen in the prosperity that business has brought to U.S. life. One of the most important reasons so many people from all over the world come to live in the United States is the dream of a better job. Jobs are produced in abundance (大量地) because the U.S. economic system is driven by competition. People believe that this system creates more wealth, more jobs, and a materially better way of life.The negative side of Henry Ford’s statement, however, can be seen when the word business is taken to mean big business. And the term big business—referring to the biggest companies, is seen in opposition to labor. Throughout U.S. history working people have had to fight hard for higher wages, better working conditions, and the right to form unions. Today, many of the old labor disputes are over, but there is still some employee anxiety. Downsizing—the laying off of thousands of workers to keep expenses low and profits high -- creates feelings of insecurity formany.16. The united States is a typical country ______.A) which encourages free trade at homes and abroadB) where people’s chief concern is how to make moneyC) where all businesses are managed scientificallyD) which normally works according to the federal budget17. The influence of business in the U.S. is evidenced by the fact that ______.A) most newspapers are run by big businessesB) even public organizations concentrate on working for profitsC) Americans of all professions know how to do businessD) even arts and entertainment are regarded as business18. According to the passage, immigrants choose to settle in the U.S., dreaming that ______.A) they can start profitable businesses thereB) they can be more competitive in businessC) they will make a fortune overnight thereD) they will find better chances of employment19. Henry Ford’s statements can be taken negatively because ______.A) working people are discouraged to fight for their rightsB) there are many industries controlled by a few big capitalistsC) there is a conflicting relationship between big corporations and laborD) public services are not run by the federal government20. A company’s efforts to keep expenses low and profits high may result in ______.A) reduction in the number of employeesB) improvement of working conditionsC) fewer disputes between labor and managementD) a rise in workers’ wagesⅡ. CloseDirections: In this section, there is a passage with 10 blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the blank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding leter for each item on Answer Sheet. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.It is a typical day at the office----a senior manager is away when an urgent letter arrives from one of her clients.Meanwhile someone has discovered that the wrong price list has been sent out and half of the last mailshot has been returned because the addresses are out of date.After a lot of time and effort has been __1__ sorting out all these problems,someone asks why the new computer system didn’t __2__ all of this from happening.Unfortunately,such problems are __3__.One firm which used to have __4__ computer problems is Brinkman Levis,a professional services firm.David Callaghan,a partner at the firm,__5__:“The initial problem for us was that we had all this information on computers around the office but didn’t know what to do with it.”Finally, Brinkman Lewis decided to __6 __ a network linking all the machines in the office.Rather than simply asking one of the senior managers to accept responsibility for information technology,the firm brought in __7__ Zoe Edlington to plan the development of its network.She began by upgrading the __8__ telephone system so it could be integrated with the computers to provide closer links between the members of the firm.She then began finding other ways in which the information already on the network could be used more __9__.The strategy worked.The company soon realized that there could be a market for sucha __10__,and before long Zoe Edlington was head ofthe firm’s new network consultancy business.A) prevent B) effectively C) frustrate D) existing E) explains F) spent G) serious H) competently I) authority J) general K) specialist L) common M) introduce N) ongoing O) solutionⅢ. Word ExerciseDirections: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. The first letter and the Chinese meaning are given. Please write the missing letters for each item on Answer Sheet. 1.All of them fulfilled the q___________(资格) for registering to vote in thepresidential election.2.In 1993 convertible b________(债券) appeared, convertible into common shares.One successful example is the Shanghai Pinkerton Float Glass Plant.3.The m____________(货币的) value of most coins exceeds the amount you wouldget by melting them down and selling off the metals they contain.4.Our firm is s___________(赞助) three engineering students at the university.5.This is the best price we can q___________(报价) you.6.In accounting the term d_____________(记入借方) means to enter a sum on the left-handside of an account or accounting ledger.7.Leading industrial e____________(股权) were fairly firm on selective demand today,although the best prices were not always maintained.8.Some people predict that the sales of portable computers will surpass the sales ofd______________(台式计算机) in a few years.9.An i_____________(存货清单) of property or goods tells how many there are ofeach article and what they are worth.10.The use of money ---- any c________(商品) generally accepted in payment forgoods, services, and debts ---- makes the trading process simpler and more efficient.11.Can you show me the w________(担保书) of the car?12.The economic r_________(衰退) in the past few years has caused a lot ofunemployment in that country.13.They sell lipstick and a whole range of other c_____________(化妆品).14.To some consumers, the country of origin or m_______(生产厂家) of productsand services may indicate superior or poor quality.15.She gets a c_______(佣金) of 10% on all the sales she makes.Part two: Directions:Please translation the following sentences into Chinese. Writethe Chinese version on the Answer Sheet.1. Durable goods have physical qualities and uses that permit them to last arelatively long time, even while being used.2.Unless you inherit the family business or invent a best-selling product while youare still in college, you will eventually have to search for your first full-time, career-field job.3. Dell has decided not to target retail buyers, who account for only about 10% ofDell’s China sales.4. As consumers’incomes and buying habit change, or as prices drop, goods shiftfrom one classification to another.5. Newspaper, too, have attempted to make advertising more attractive to small firmsby offering special full page advertisements featuring the messages of several different firms.。
商务英语阅读教程Unit 1

Unit 1 EducationPart I Pre-reading Questionscation is generally defined as the process of learning and acquiring information. Formal learning in a school or university is one of the most common types. It is generally classified into three types: school education, family education and social education.cation plays an important role in our lives, the function of which includes cultivating high-quality and knowledgeable talents, providing work-force for the development of economy and creating scientific knowledge for our nation.3.It hasn’t realized the elimination of social inequality. Because of realistic and historical reasons, there still exists unfairness in the area of education. Take China for example, the deficiency of educational investment is a prominent problem. Some children in poor areas can’t be equally educated compared with the children in cities.Part II Extensive ReadingText A Getting In Gets Harder1.主旨归纳:The article begins with the story that the student named Maxine fails to apply to Northwestern University, and then the article indicates the situation where the number of applications is increasing in recent years, so universities become selective. Maxine decides to apply to other universities after being rejected from Northwestern University.2.结构分析Part I The introduction: the experience of Maxine Wally who gets rejected from Northwestern University (Para. 1)Part II The body: the difficult situation where the number of applications begins to increase, which makes universities more selective (Paras. 2-7)Part III The conclusion: Universities take measures to confront the overflowing applications. (Paras. 8-10)3. 难句解析(1) For students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall, that dream is turning out to be frustratingly unobtainable. (Para. 2)如今有很多像玛克辛一样正在申请秋季入学的学生,他们感受到这样的梦想遥不可及,希望非常渺茫。

商务英语阅读理解(精选5篇)1.商务英语阅读理解第1篇Questions 1-7Look at the statements below and the article about the development of future business leaders on the oppositeWhich section of the article (A, B, C or D) does each statement (1-7) refer to?For each statement (1-7), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer You will need to use some of these letters more than1 Managers need to take action to convince high-flyers of their value to the2 Organisations need to look beyond the high-flyers they are currently3 There is a concern that firms investing in training for high-flyers may not gain the benefits4 Managers need expert assistance from within their own firms in developing5 Firms currently identify high-flyers without the support of a guidance6 Managers are frequently too busy to deal with the development of7 Firms who work hard on their reputation as an employer will interest The Stars of the FutureA Existing management research does not tell us much about how to find and develop high-flyers, those people who have the potential to reach the top of an As a result, organisations are left to formulate their own A more effective overall policy for developing future leaders is needed, which is why the London Business School has launched the Tomorrow's Leaders Research Group (TLRG). The group contains representatives from 20 firms, and meets regularly to discuss the leadership development of the organisations'B TLRG recognises just how significant line managers are in the process of leadership Unfortunately, with today's flat organisations, where managers have functional as well as managerial responsibilities, people development all too often falls victim to heavy One manager in the research group was unconvinced by the logic of sending his best people away on development courses, 'only to see them poached by another department or, worse still, another firm'. This fear of losing high-flyers runs deep in the organisations that make up the researchC TLRG argues that the task of management is not necessarily about employee retention, but about creating 'attraction centres'. 'We must help line managers to realise that if their companies are known as ones that develop their people, they will have a greater appeal to high-flyers,' said one Furthermore, selecting people for, say, a leadership development programme is a sign of commitment from management to an Loyalty can then be more easily demanded inD TLRG has concluded that a company's HR specialists need to take action and engage with line managers individually about their role in the development of Indeed, in order to benefit fully from training high-flyers as the senior managers of the future, firms must actually address the development of all managers who will be supporting the Without this, managers will not be in a position to give appropriate And when eventually the high-flyers do move on, new ones will be needed to replace The next challenge will be to find a new generation of2.商务英语阅读理解第2篇give speech to 演说[例] address audience on a business projectadjourn (v) to stop (a court case, a meeting , )for a time before beginning again 延期,休会[例] The board meeting has been adjourned to an uncertain[同义词] postponeadjust (v) to settle an insurance claim 理算保险索赔[例] After the car accident, he made an insurance claim that will be adjustedadministration () organization and control of a company经营、管理[例] The administration power of a company also shows the internal control of the[同义词] managementadmin () abbreviation for administration 经营、管理administer () organize, control: 管理[同义词] manageadopt () choose, decide on采用[例] We adopted a newadvance () money paid before it is due, or for work only partially completed 预付款[例] Yesterday I received an advance on my monthly(v) to increase 提高[例] On bull market , shares are advancing[同义词] increase3.商务英语阅读理解第3篇《Staff appraisals》,员工评估。
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LVMH reports strong salesBy Jo Johnson and Martin Arnold in PairsLVMH (Louis Vuitton, Moet Hennessey) manufactures and sells luxury goods, such as designer clothes, fashion accessories, watches and luggage. There are several companies in the group. LVMH has 60 famous brands, such as Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Kenzo, Christian Dior and Donna Karan. It has 1,500 stures worldwide and is expanding its network. It employs 56,000 people. Its head office is in France, but 63% of its staff work outside France.Sales at its Louis Vuitton division rose 22% to £1.175bn($1.26bn) in the fourth quarter. Total sales at the LVMH group rose 4% to £12.7bn last year. Bernard goods division of LVMH made ‘excellent progress’.LVMH had excellent sales because of its strong brands, store opening and successful new product launches. One of its new products, the Tambour watch, did not have huge sales but it brought customers into the stores.Sales in the US, France and Japan were good. Fewer Japanese tourists travelled last year, but they bought more goods in their home market. Recently, LVMH opened a large store in Japan, which is doing well.LVMH is a creative and innovative group. It aims to impress its customers with its high quality and long-lasting products. Its new products----particularly in cosmetics---depend a lot on research and development .LVMH controls every detail of the brands’image.Making money from the InternetHow can companies make money from Internet? Many companies have tried and failed. Even big companies like AOL and Yahoo! Are doing less well these days. People did not buy enough to keep the retailers in business, and advertising did not make enough money for them.Martin Child, UK Managing Director of the internet company Overture, says you have to make it easy for customers to find you. Overture began as in 1997. Advertisers pay to get their products at the top of the list when surfers enter keywords into search engines on the Internet. This is called paid-for placement searches and it seems to work. Overture had revenues of $142.8m in the first quarter of this year, and a profit of $29.3m. Sixty thousand advertisers use its services worldwide.The world’s biggest search engine is Google. It first offered paid-for placement searches to advertisers in January 2000. Now clients can buy keywords so that customers see their sites on the right-hand side of the screen. Google now has AOL and Earthlink in the US and Lycos in Canada as its biggest clients.There is strong competition, and paid-for placement companies must offer services which seem to be different from their competitors. Staffan Engdegard, Senior Analyst at Jupiter Research, says, ‘There isn’t much difference between them. SO the market will be very competitive.’If advertisers see little difference in service, the main competition will be on price. Google, says Engdegard, may stay in first place, but it too will have to keep prices low.SUBW AY…GOING DOWN?BY MARK ROBINSONSubway, the American sandwich franchise, has 14,000 outlets. It is American’s biggest fast-food chain–bigger than McDonald’s. Subway Japan set up 195 franchise stores between 1992 and 2001. One hundred and twelve failed. Why? Masahiro Kabayashi of the Japan franchisee’s Association says this was because the American company did not adapt to Japan. As an example he explains that the size of the subway bread roll is too big for Japanese women to eat comfortably. Many customers visited a Subway store once and did not come back.Another problem may be that Subway’s image is too ‘healthy’for Japan. To suit Japanese tastes, hamburgers need a lot of mayonnaise, and the buns need a lot of extra sugar.Some people blame the failures on poor management. When Tetsuzo Ono became a franchisee, he asked the company for advice. He said they told him, “Remember to greet your customers”and “Keep the store clean.”“That was it. They never suggested anything else”Ono said.According to Ono, Subway promised to run advertisements but this did not happen. He says, “They failed to promote the brand. People who did not know Subway sandwiches never saw any commercials or heard from other people about the stores. Ono shut down his store. In just over two years he lost over 35 million yen. He and his wife never had a day off. He now works as a taxi driver.Yoshimasa Kawabata, Marketing Manager of Subway Japan, does not agree that Subway has bad management. He says, “We are just a franchise of Subway in America, but we are still the biggest sandwich chain in Japan.They like using the Internet. They have lots of money to spend. And they spend a higher proportion of it online than the rest of us. Teenagers are just the sort of people an Internet retailer wants to sell to, and the things they want to buy-games, CDs and clothing-are easily sold on the Web. But paying online is a tricky business for consumers who are too young to own credit cards. Most have to use a parent’s card. ‘Kids are frustrated with the Web,’says Phil Bettison, European Managing Director of WorldPay, an Internet payments company. ‘they want a facility that allows them to spend money.’That may come sooner than they think: new ways to take pocket money into cyberspace are springing up on both sides of the Atlantic, if successful, these products could provide an important stimulus to online sales. In general, teenagers spend enormous amounts: Visa calculates it totalled $153bn in the US last year, while the UK market is estimated at 20bn pounds ($24.9bn) annually by NOP, the market research group. Most teenagers have access to the Internet at home or at school -88 percent in the US, 69 percent in the UK. One in eight of those with Internet access has bought something online –mainly CDs and music. In the US, 12- to 17-year-olds spend an average of six hours a month online, according to Jupiter Research. One in six buys things over the Internet, with CDs, books, games, videos and clothing the most popular items. In most cases, parents pay for these purchases with credit cards, an arrangement that is often unsatisfactory for them and their children:’Pressing parents to spend online is less productive than pressing on the high street. A child who sees a pair of shoes in a shop can usually persuade he parent to by them. They’re more likely to ask “why?”if you ask to spend some money online,’says Mike Young of Mondex, the electronic payments company. One way to help them convert notes and coins into cybercash is through prepaid cards such as InternetCash in the US and Smart cards in the UK. Similar to those for pay-as-you-go mobile telephones, they are sold in amounts such as 20 pounds or $50 with a concealed. 14-digit number that can be used to load the cash into an online account.Unit1 ONE *More than 1400 readers of Cosmopolitan have applied to become a London Tube train driver. London Underground described the response to its single advert in this month`s issue as “exceptional”.Successful applicants with have to get out of bed for regular 4.45 a.m. starts,but the $27650 salary and up to eight weeks` holiday may prove sufficient compensation. Lorraine Candy, editor od Cosmo, said the interest her readers had shown demonstrated that young women were not bound by traditional career patterns. “It`s always been a classic thing for boys to want to be train drivers. Now we`re seeing that girls can do it too,” she said. “I don‟t think the job is boring and I am sure the passengers could not care less whether the train is being driver by a man or a woman as long as it is on time. The ability to break bad news to travelers more sympathetically is one reason London Underground is keen to increase its number of female drivers from 100- just three percent of driving staff.Unit 5A BANK manager has given up his £30,000-a-year job with NatWest to realise his childhood ambition of becoming a bus drive.Despite the £11000 salary and anti social hours, John Burgin, 48, has never been happier.‘Banking was a career but in the end it became just a job,’he said.‘Once I knew I was leaving, I used to go outside at lunchtime and watch as the buses drove up and down.The time had come.’His passion was awakened as a boy growing up in Sheffield, where he collected bus maps and time tables.But Mr Burgin, from Nailsea, near Bristol, went on to spend nearly 30 years working his way up through NatWest.‘The levels of stress are totally different,’he said.‘At the bank, things were very political.I worked hard all day then took work home, and it never really finished.There is stress in driving a bus around Brisrol, but it‟s a different kind and I don‟t take it home.’Unit 10ANegotiations are demanding and may become emotional. You may find your Russian negotiator banging his or her fist on the table or leaving the room. Accept such tactics with patience and calmness. They are designed to make it difficult for you to concentrate.Russian negotiating teams are often made up of experienced managers whose style can be like a game of chess, with moves planned in advance. Wanting to make compromises may be seen as a sign of weakness.Distinguish between your behaviour inside and outside the negotiations. Impatience, toughness and emotion during the negotiations should be met with calmness, patience and consistency. Outside the negotiating process you can show affection and personal sympathy.BAs well as being formal, negotiations are direct. German managers speak their mind. They place great weight on the clarity of the subject matter and get to the point quickly.Excessive enthusiasm or compliments are rare in German business. You should give a thorough and detailed presentation, with an emphasis on objective information, such as your company‟s history, rather than on clever visuals or marketing tricks. Prepare thoroughly before the negotiation and be sure to make your position clear during the opening stage of the talks, as well as during their exploratory phases. Avoid interrupting, unless you have an urgent question about the presentation.CCommunicating is a natural talent of Americans. When negotiating partners meet, the emphasis is on small talk and smiling. There is liberal use of a sense of humour that is more direct than it is in the UK. Informality is the rule. Business partners do not use their academic titles on their business cards. Sandwiches and drinks in plastic or boxes are served during conferences.This pleasant attitude continues in the negotiation itself. US negotiators usually attach little importance to status, title, formalities and protocol. They communicate in an informal and direct manner on a first-name basis. Their manner is relaxed and casual.The attitude …time is money‟ has more influence on business communication in the US than it does anywhere else. Developing a personal relationship with the business partner is not as important as getting results.DAt the start of the negotiations you might want to decide whether you need interpreters. You should have documentation available in Spanish. Business cardsshould carry details in Spanish and English.During the negotiations your counterparts may interrupt each other, or even you. It is quite common in Spain for this to happen in the middle of a sentence. For several people to talk at the same time is accepted in Latin cultures, but is considered rather unusual in Northern Europe.The discussion is likely to be lively. In negotiations, Spanish business people rely on quick thinking and spontaneous ideas rather than careful preparation. It may appear that everybody is trying to put his or her point across at once. That can make negotiations in Spain intense and lengthy, but also enjoyably creative.。