2016届高考英语二轮复习检测:第二部分 题型专题突破 专题二 阅读理解 第三讲专题强化训练含答案

2016届高考英语二轮复习检测:第二部分 题型专题突破 专题二 阅读理解 第三讲专题强化训练含答案
2016届高考英语二轮复习检测:第二部分 题型专题突破 专题二 阅读理解 第三讲专题强化训练含答案



Fuel Cell Technology for Cars

Fill her up with hydrogen? That’s what some California motorists may be saying soon,as car makers try to speed up production of zero emission(零排放) cars to meet state requirements in the near future.

Beneath the skin of this ordinary looking Hondas FCX Concept Vehicle sits an electro-chemical reactor:a hand-built,astronomically expensive power_plant known as a fuel cell.It’s expected to be running ordinary family cars on California’s roads within three years.

So what exactly is a fuel cell,anyway? Why are governments,private businesses and academic institutions cooperating to develop and produce them? A fuel cell,very simply described,is a power generator,making electricity through the combination of hydrogen and oxygen.Fuel cells generate electrical power quietly and efficiently,without pollution.Unlike power sources that use fossil fuels,the only by-products from an operating fuel cell are heat and water.To be more technical about it,a hydrogen atom with its one electron,attempts to pass through a fuel cell membrane(膜) to unite with an oxygen atom.The membrane allows only the hydrogen proton(质子) to pass through,forcing its electron to run around the membrane to catch up with the proton on the other side.This creates electricity,water,and heat,but no exhaust emissions.

If the fuel cell is powered with pure hydrogen,it has the potential to be up to 80-percent efficient.That is,it turns 80 percent of the energy content of the hydrogen into electrical energy.However,we still need to turn the electrical energy into mechanical work.This is accomplished by the electric motor.A reasonable number for the efficiency of the motor is about 80 percent.So we have 80-percent efficiency in generating electricity,and 80-percent efficiency turning it into mechanical power.That gives an overall efficiency of about 64 percent.Honda’s

FCX concept vehicle reportedly has 60-percent energy efficiency,which is twice or even three times more efficient than usual cars.

But in spite of all the advantages described above,experts say,“We still have technical challenges getting this extremely complex system to work properly,the way customers expect it to work.There are challenges in using new fuels,and providing the new fuel basic facilities.And before fuel cell vehicles hit the road,there will have to be a network of hydrogen stations that will allow drivers to fill up with the flammable gas,under 36-hundred pounds of pressure.”


1.What can be inferred from California’s “zero emissions policy”?

A.New cars with fuel cell technology will surely become much cheaper.

B.By carrying out the policy,traffic will not be so busy as it is now.

C.The quality of life in California will improve once this policy is in effect.

D.With facilities of new kinds,more local employment will be created.


2.What does the underlined phrase “power plant”in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.A power device generating electricity.

B.A power station providing electricity.

C.A power component consuming electricity.

D.A power engine using electricity.

解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据句子结构可知,power plant就是指的后面的fuel cell(燃料电池),还有下段中A fuel cell,very simply described,is a power generator,making electricity through the combination of hydrogen and oxygen.故据此推断答案选A,一个发电装置。

3.One of the reasons why fuel cell powered vehicles are superior is that________.

A.they give out almost no water or heat

B.they run faster and more smoothly

C.they give out almost no noise

D.they turn 64% of the energy into electricity

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Fuel cells generate electrical power quietly and efficiently,without pollution.可知答案选C,燃料电池发电安静、高效、无污染。

4.What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?

A.Customers will not think it a good idea to develop fuel cell technology.

B.It is still not very easy to speed up production of zero emission cars.

C.We can’t ignore the financial problems to build a network of hydrogen stations.

D.We still have much difficulty turning all the chains of the business into reality.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一句话:But in spite of all the advantages described above,experts say,“We still have technical challenges getting this extremely complex system to work properly”可知,现在利用该项技术还有较大挑战。故答案选D。


(2015·南京市三模)ELMONT,N.Y.(AP)Elmont High School senior Harold Ekeh had a plan—he would apply to 13 colleges,including all eight Ivy League schools,figuring it would help his chances of getting into at least one great school.

It worked.And then some,the teenager from Long Island was accepted at all 13 schools,and now faces his next big test:deciding where to go.

“I was stunned,I was really shocked,”Ekeh told The Associated Press during an interview Tuesday at his home near the Belmont Park racetrack,his four younger brothers running around.

He found out last week he had been accepted to Princeton University.That made him eight for eight in the Ivy League—he had already been accepted to Yale University,Brown University,Columbia University,Cornell University,Dartmouth College,Harvard University and University of Pennsylvania.His other acceptances came from Johns Hopkins University,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,New York University,Stony Brook University and Vanderbilt University.

“We are so proud of him,”said his mother ,Roseline Ekeh.“Hard work,dedication and prayer brought him to where he is today.”

Born in Nigeria,Harold was eight years old when his parents brought the family to the United States.

“It was kind of difficult adjusting to the new environment and the new culture,”he said.But he saw his parents working hard,“and I took their example and decided to apply_myself.”

He referenced that effort in his college essay,writing,“Like a tree,uprooted and replanted,I could have withered in a new country surrounded by people and languages I did not understand.Yet,I witnessed my parents persevere despite the potential to give in.I faced my challenges with newfound zeal; I risked insults,spending my break talking to unfamiliar faces,ignoring their sarcastic remarks.”

“Harold is tremendously focused in everything he does.”said John Capozzi,the school’s principal,“He’s a great role model.All the students and faculty are so proud of him.”

Harold is the second Long Island student in as many years to get into all eight https://www.360docs.net/doc/2119130344.html,st year,William Floyd High School’s Kwasi Enim chose to go to Yale.

Harold,who has a 100.51 grade-point average and wants to be a neurosurgeon,said he was leaning toward Yale,and had heard from Enin,offering congratulations.Like Enin,he’s likely to announce his college choice at a press conference later this month.The deadline to decide is May.

5.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase“apply myself”?

A.Work hard.

B.Write to the college.

C.Make a formal request.

D.Make an adjustment.

解析:选A。词义猜测题。A.Work hard努力工作;B.Write to the college给大学写信;C.Make a formal request做一个正式的要求;D.Make an adjustment进行调整。根据该划线短语前的he saw his parents working hard,“and I took their example...”判断是努力工作。故选A。

6.Which of the following is TRUE about Harold?

A.He was born in a Nigerian family in the US.

B.He planted a tree once he moved to the US.

C.He was always welcome and popular in his schools.

D.He paid a lot to make his way to offers from all Ivies.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据题干关键词是Harold,找到文章的对应段落是第六段的Born in Nigeria,Harold was eight years old when his parents brought the family to the United States.可排除A;根据文章第八段的第二、三句话排除B;根据文章第八段的I witnessed my

parents persevere despite the potential to give in.I faced my challenges with newfound zeal; I risked insults,spending my break talking to unfamiliar faces,ignoring their sarcastic remarks.可知Harold在学校遭受的困难,排除C;根据文章的第五段Roseline Ekeh.“Hard work,dedication and prayer brought him to where he is today.”可知Harold付出了很多,故选D。

7.Harold is probably going to________.

A.Harvard B.Princeton

C.Yale D.MIT

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的Harold,who has a 100.51 grade-point average and wants to be a neurosurgeon,said he was leaning toward Yale,and had heard from Enin,offering congratulations.可知Harold很可能选择去耶鲁大学。故选C。

8.What can we infer from this passage?

A.Too many cooks spoil the soup.

B.He who laughs last laughs best.

C.One can kill two birds with one stone.

D.Chance favors only the prepared mind.

解析:选D。推理判断题。A.Too many cooks spoil the soup.厨子越多,汤越难喝;B.He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑到最后谁笑得最好;C.One can kill two birds with one stone.一个人能一石二鸟;D.Chance favors only the prepared mind.机会只会垂青有准备的头脑。通读全文,根据Harold的经历的磨难和付出的努力可判断是机会只会垂青有准备的头脑。故选D。


(2015·泰州市二模)The most complex object known to humanity is the human brain—and not only is it complex,but it is one of the few natural phenomena that science has no consciousness of.To try to replicate (复制) something that is so poorly understood may therefore seem like pride.But you have to start somewhere,and International Business Machines (IBM) and the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne(EPFL),in Switzerland,propose to start by replicating “in silico”,one of the brain’s building blocks.

In a partnership announced,the two organizations said they would be working together to build a simulation (模拟) of a structure known as a neo-cortical(新大脑皮质的)column on a type of IBM supercomputer that is currently used to study the molecular functioning of genes.If that works,they plan to use more powerful computers to link such simulated columns together into something that mimics(模仿) a brain.

In a real brain,a neo-cortical column is a cylindrical(圆柱形的)element about a third of a millimeter in diameter and three millimeters long.It is these columns,arranged side by side like the cells of a honeycomb,which make up the famous “grey matter”that has become shorthand for human intelligence.The Blue Gene/L supercomputer that will be used for the simulation consists of enough independent processors for each to be programmed to mimic an individual nerve cell in a column.

The EPFL’s contribution to the Blue Brain Project will be to create a digital description of how the columns behave.The database from its Brain Mind Institute will provide the raw material for the simulation.Biologists and computer scientists will then connect the artificial nerve cells up in a way that mimics nature.They will do so by assigning electrical properties(电能)to them,and telling them how to communicate with each other and how they should modify their connections with one another depending on their activity.

That_will_be_no_mean_feat.Even a single nerve cell is complicated,not least because each one has about 10,000 connections with others.And nerve cells come in great variety—relying,for example,on different chemical transmitters to carry messages across those connections.Eventually,however,a digital representation of an entire column should occur.

Assuming that the growth of computing power continues to follow Moore’s Law,the leader of IBM’s side thinks it should be practical to mimic an entire human brain in silico this way in ten to fifteen years.Such an artificial brain would,of course,be a powerful research tool.It would allow neurological experiments that currently take days in a “web lab”to be conducted in seconds.The researchers hope that their simulated brain will reveal the secrets of how certain psychiatric and neurological,disorders develop.But that is probably not the real reason for doing it.The most interesting question,surely,is whether such an artificial brain will be intelligent,or conscious,or both.


9.In a real brain,a neo-cortical column ________.

A.looks like the cells of a honeycomb

B.is a simulation of a structure

C.is the famous “grey matter”

D.contains a large number of nerve cells

解析:选D。推理判断题。通读文章第三段,并根据该段中的关键词a cylindrical(圆柱形的)element,arranged side by side like the cells of a honeycomb,an individual nerve cell in a column.可知选D。

10.What does the underlined sentence “That wil l be no mean feat.”in Paragraph 5 indicate?

A.It is rather difficult to connect the artificial nerve cells up.

B.The function of chemical transmitters is hard to understand.

C.A digital representation of an entire column is time-consuming.

D.A single nerve cell is complicated to identify across connections.

解析:选A。句意猜测题。根据该句话后面的那句话Even a single nerve cell is complicated,not least because each one has about 10,000 connections with others和上一段的最后一句话They will do so by assigning electrical properties(电能)to them,and telling them how to communicate with each other and how they should modify their connections with one another depending on their activity.可知连接人工神经细胞很困难。故选A。

11.The fundamental purpose of doing the research is probably ________.

A.to simulate an entire human brain in silico

B.to tell us how some certain disorders emerge

C.to discover how the artificial brain would work

D.to examine whether Moore’s Law is still functioning

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章的最后一句话The most interesting question,surely,is whether such an artificial brain will be intelligent,or conscious,or both.可知研究的最基本的目的就是发现大脑是如何工作的。故选C。

12.What type of writing is this passage?

A.A science fiction.

B.A research report.

C.An official document.

D.A computer advertisement.

解析:选B。写作类型题。A.A science fiction一个科幻故事;B.A research report一份研究报告;C.An official document一份官方文件;D.A computer advertisement一个电脑广告。通读全文并根据文章中的关键词research和study判断可知选B。
