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There is a person knocking at the door. Who can it be?


He is fifty-two, but doesn't look it.

Jim is ill. Have you heard of it?


What's this/that?------It's a book。


It was noisy when I got to the room.

五, 表含糊概念

How's it going with you? 近况如何?

Does it itch much? 很痒痒吗?Where does it hurt? 哪儿疼?

Whose turn is it next? 接下来轮到谁了Take it easy. 放松点!不要紧张!



It 作形式主语的常见句型:

1. 代作主语的动词不定式,其句型为

(1)It be adj. (for sb.) to do sth.

(2)It be adj. of sb. to do sth.

2, It替代作主语的动名词的常见句型:

It’s no good/use doing…

It’s (well)worth doing…

It’s (well)worth one’s while doing/to do It’s (well)worth while doing/ to do

3, It替代作主语的从句常见句型

(1)It is + noun +从句

(2).It is adj. +clause

It’s surprising that… (should)………竟然……

It’s a pity/shame that…(should)………竟然…

(3)It verb sb. + clause= It is v-ing + clause

It+surprise/delight/inter est/disappoint/worry /please/anger sb. that…

(4)It verb (to sb.) that…= sb/sth verb to do

(verb = appear, seem, happen, occur, turn out)

(5)It is v-ed that…=sb/sth is to do

(verb=say, report, think, believe, hope, expect, know)

七、It 作形式宾语


It 作形式宾语的常见句型:

1. verb+ it+ adj./noun (for/of) to do/clause (verb=think, believe, suppose, consider, keep…)

八、It 常用的固定搭配

1. make it


It 作形式主语时,常用于下列四种结构,且由固定译法

a) it + be + noun + that-clause

it is a fact that…事实上是……

it is a pity that…可惜的是……

it is no good that………是没用的

it is no use that…做……是无用的

it is a waste of time to do…做……是浪费时间

b) it + be + adjective + that-clause

it is certain that…很肯定的是……

it is clear/evident that…很清楚……

it is unlikely that…未必会,不见得,不太可能

it is likely that…很可能……

it is necessary that...有必要……

c) it + be + past participle + that-clause

it is said/reported that…据说/报道……

it is believed that… 据认为……;人们认为……

it is believed/recognized that 普遍认为……

it is well known that 大家都知道,众所周知

d) it + be + intransitive verb + that-clause

it seems that/as if 好像是……

it happens/happened that 碰巧……

it occurs/occurred to sb that 某人想到……

it looks as if 看起来好像,似乎


it all depends=that depends 视情况而定

if it is convenient to you 如果你方面的话

believe it or not 信不信由你

take it easy 别着急,慢慢来,别紧张,

see (to it ) that 设法使,务必做到

十、it 引起的容易混淆的时间句型

1、 it is/has been +段时间+since-clause

"自从……以来已经多久了",主句多采用一般现在时,从句用过去时,如果表示过去的情况,since 主句用一般过去时,从句用过去完成时,或主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。如:

It's five years since they were married. (从过去算起)

It is three years since his father passed away.

2、 it be +段时间+before-clause段时间(long years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes)主句中的谓语动词用肯定式,意思为:
