
那么对于怎样推理,首先我们需要知道什么样的题型是推断题?1,推断题的辨别如果题干中出现infer/ imply/ reflect/indicate/ suggest 等词,通常这类题我们可以直接判定为推断题(Inference Questions)2,推断题的解题方法提取题干中的关键词(Key Words)回文定位所有出现关键词的句子,然后综合分析各句提取结论性的信息。
4,实例验证Paragraph 1: Groundwater is the word used to describe water that saturates the ground, filling all the available spaces. By far the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water; this is the groundwater that circulates as part of the water cycle. Ordinary meteoric water is water that has soaked into the ground from the surface, from precipitation (rain and snow) and from lakes and streams. There it remains, sometimes for long periods, before emerging at the surface again. At first thought it seems incredible that there can be enough space in the solid ground underfoot to hold all this water.Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about the ground that we walk on?A. It cannot hold rainwater for long periods of time.B. It prevents most groundwater from circulating.C. It has the capacity to store large amounts of water.D. It absorbs most of the water it contains from rivers.解析:首先,我们可以确定的是本题题干的关键词为“Ground that we walk on”,回到原文中,就只有最后一句提及了“ground underfoot”,也就是和本题题干信息一致的内容;接下来具体分析本句意思“乍想之下,我们脚下的土地能够有足够的空间容纳这么多水,似乎看起来很不可思议。

尽管托福考试中此类题所占比例较少, 但却是考生获得 满分或高分的最大障碍。
此类题特点在于原文中未明确说明,其含义在其中( implied ) ,也就是说, 要考生通过适当的理解并运用推理、判断、归纳等方式,找出文中某个词或句子的特殊含义,或者判 断出句子与句子之间或段落与段落之间关系。
有些考生对此类题往往不知从何入手, 凭一般感觉解题, 这样虽然可以解对几题,但获得全对可能性极小。
下面根据本人多年托福阅读教学经验,对此类题进 行具体论述。
一、 推理模式 其特点是利用文中某个词汇、词组、句子含义进行外延及相关性引伸。
如根据“ teacher ”——教 师,可推现教师经常上课,应保护嗓子,或根据舞蹈演员推理出身体灵活等。
此类题关键在于文中关 键词汇的合理引伸,一般寻找此类引伸方法可以用如下图形表达:具体、抽象 方式、内容 语气强、弱中心词来源 中心词应用场合 主客观转换 人物、关系 例 1: After the administration of lighthouses was taken over in 1852by the United States Lighthouse Board, an agency of the Treasury Department, the keeper corp gradually became highly professional. It can be inferred from the passage that the Treasury Department, after assuming control of the lighthouses, improved which of the following? (A) The training of the lighthouse (B) The sturdiness of the lighthouses (C) The visibility of the lights (D) The locations of the lighthouses 提示: 原文中提到在 1852 the United States Lighthouse Board 接管灯塔管理之后, 看灯人就日趋专 业化。


【例1】Paragraph 1: Groundwater is the word used to describe water thatsaturates the ground, filling all the available spaces. By far the mostabundant type of groundwater is meteoric water; this is the groundwater thatcirculates as part of the water cycle. Ordinary meteoric water is water thathas soaked into the ground from the surface, from precipitation (rain and snow)and from lakes and streams. There it remains, sometimes for long periods,before emerging at the surface again. At first thought it seems incredible thatthere c an be enough space in the ―solid‖ ground underfoot tohold all this water.1. Which of the following can be inferredfrom paragraph 1 about the ground that we walk on?○It cannot hold rainwater for long periodsof time.○It prevents most groundwater fro mcirculating.○It has the capacity to store large amountsof water.○It absorbs most of the water it containsfrom rivers.这个题目其实只需要关注段落中的最后一句就可以了,因为这是唯一一句据提到了“我们脚下的土地”的,句中说,…乍一想起来,我们脚下结实的土地居然能有空间容纳这么多的水,这似乎有点不可思议。

新托福考试阅读真题十种题型:Basic Information and Inference questions (12 to 14 questions per set )1. Factual Information questions (3 to 6 questions per set )细节题2. Negative Factual Information questions (0 to 2 questions per set )排除题3. Inference questions ( 0 to 2 questions per set )推断题4. Rhetorical Purpose questions ( 0 to 2 questions per set )修辞目的题5. Vocabulary questions ( 3 to 5 questions per set ) 词汇题6. Reference questions ( 0 to 2 questions per set )指代题7. Sentence Simplification questions ( 0 to 1 questions per set )简化句子题8. Insert Text questions ( 0 to 1 questions per set )插入句子题Reading to Learn questions (1 question per set )9. Prose Summary 文章内容小结题10. Fill in a Table 完成图表题新托福考试阅读真题题型之Inference questions ( 0 to 2 questions per set )推断题推断题最关键的本质就是作者强烈暗示,但是绝不明说。

托福阅读推理题题型介绍和解题思路实例讲解托福阅读推理题题型介绍和解题思路实例讲解托福阅读推理题题型介绍1.时间对比推理在这种推理中,一般有两个形成对比的时间段,它们所具有的特征一般相反.当题干问一个时间段的特征时,只要将与之相反的时间段的特征否定掉就可以了.2.集合概念推理一个大的集合的两个方面形成对比,两者之间存在着互补性关系,也就是一个的增加意味着另一个的减少.反之,相同.3.一般对比推理在文章中介绍事物1的特征,并给出了事物1.2的特征对比,然后问事物2的特征,解答题目时只要将事物1的特征否定掉就可以.托福阅读推理题解题思路实例讲解遇到这类题型,考生先不要盲目看选项,而要有个大致的解题思路.题干中一般给出关键词A,学生根据题目出现位置对应到段落,找到关键词所在句子;然后根据内容依据以上说明判断题目属于三种推理类型的哪一种;最后根据类型对应的解题方法答题.实例解析The story of the westward movement of population in the US is, in the main,the story of the e_pansion of American agriculture of the development of newareas for the raising of livestock and the cultivation of wheat, corn, tobacco,and cotton. After __, improved transportation enabled more and more westernfarmers to escape a self-sufficient way of life and enter a national market economy during periods when commodity prices were high, the rate of westwardmigration increased spectacularly.What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about western farmers prior to__?A. They had limited their crop production to wheat, corn, tobacco andcotton.B. They were able to sell their produce at high pricesC. They had not been successful in raising cattle.D. They did not operate in a national market economy.思路分析根据题干关键词western farmers prior to __定位(重点关注年代),可以看到关于〝After__〞的信息,这里就可以猜测解题用到时间对比.只要把__年之后的内容看懂了,并且在这个内容前面加not即可.文中说到,改善的交通使得越来越多的西部农民摆脱了自给自足的生活,并且进入了国家性的市场经济,那个时候货物的价格很多,所以向西迁移的速率也大幅增长.所以选项D是正确的.托福阅读背景材料之性格决定魅力If you e_hibit positive traits such as honesty and helpfulness, the chancesare that you will be perceived as a good looking person, for a new study hasfound that the perception of physical attractiveness is influenced by a person spersonality.The study, led by Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr, found that people who e_hibitnegative traits, such as unfairness and rudeness, appear to be less physicallyattractive to observers.In the study, the participants viewed photographs of opposite-se_individuals and rated them for attractiveness before and after being providedwith information on personality traits.After personality information was received, participants also rated thedesirability of each individual as a friend and as a dating partner.Information on personality was found to significantly alter perceiveddesirability, showing that cognitive processes modify judgments ofattractiveness.Perceiving a person as having a desirable personality makes the personmore suitable in general as a close relationship partner of any kind, saidLewandowski.The findings show that a positive personality leads to greater desirabilityas a friend, which leads to greater desirability as a romantic partner and,ultimately, to being viewed as more physically attractive.The findings remained consistent regardless of how attractive the individual was initially perceived to be, or of the participants currentrelationship status or commitment level with a partner.What would you think of this lady s physical attractiveness if shee_hibited bad personal traits?This research provides a more positive alternative by reminding peoplethat personality goes a long way toward determining your attractiveness; it caneven change people s impressions of how good looking you are, saidLewandowski.如果你表现出诚实和乐于助人等美好品质,那么别人会觉得你的外表也很迷人.一项最新研究发现,一个人的性格会影响别人对他或她的外表吸引力的看法.该项由盖里?W?勒万多维斯基负责的研究发现,人们认为,表现出不诚实和粗鲁等恶劣品质的人外表也不够吸引人.研究对象首先观看了一组异性的照片,随后分别在得知照片中人物的性格特点之前和之后给他们的外表评分.研究对象在得知照片中人物的性格特点后,还对与其中每个人交朋友或做恋人的期望值进行了评分.研究人员发现,有关人物性格特点的信息大大改变了之前的喜好度评分,研究对象的认知过程改变了他们对照片中人物外表的评价.勒万多维斯基说:〝总的来说,如果人们认为一个人的性格较好,那么他们会觉得无论与这个人做朋友还是做恋人都更合适.〞研究结果表明,人们更期望与性格较好的人交朋友.成为恋人,从而会认为他们的外表更迷人.无论照片中人物给人的〝第一印象〞怎样.或者研究对象目前的情感关系状况以及与伴侣的亲密程度如何,研究结果都是一致的.勒万多维斯基说:〝该研究提出了一个更为积极的观点,它提醒人们,性格在很大程度上能决定你的吸引力;性格甚至能够改变人们对于你外表的印象.〞大量的托福阅读背景知识积累对于托福阅读非常有帮助,不管是英文原版还是中文翻译版,同学们都可以大量去阅读,熟悉内容即可.托福阅读背景知识之水烟的危害World health e_perts warned Thursday that smoking water pipes, long popularin the Middle East and North Africa and with a growing fan base elsewhere, canbe more harmful than cigarettes.世界卫生专家近期警告称, 在中东和北非盛行的水烟危害程度可能比香烟更大,全球其他地区也有越来越多的水烟爱好者.A single puff from a water pipe is nearly equal to the volume of smokeinhaled from an entire cigarette, said The Tobacco Atlas launched at the WorldConference on Tobacco OR Health in Abu Dhabi.在阿布扎比的世界烟草或健康大会上推出的世界烟草图册显示; 从水烟管吸入一口的烟量几乎等于吸入一整只香烟的量.〞And World Health Organization tobacco e_pert Edouard Tursan d Espaignet said one session of shisha (water pipe) can be equal to smoking 20 to 30cigarettes in one go, which can be very dangerous.世界卫生组织烟草专家爱德华·图尔桑·艾斯帕内特说〝吸食一次什莎(水烟)的量可能等于一口气吸食20到30只香烟的量,这是很危险的.〞The water pipe, variously known as a hubbly-bubbly, hookah, shisha or nargileh, has become a major worry for anti-tobacco campaigners as its ispopularised across university campuses, overlooked by regulators.水烟的叫法五花八门,如hubbly-bubbly,hookah,shisha或者nargileh,而因为其在大学校园颇为流行并被管理者忽视,所以水烟已成为反烟运动者主要的担忧.In recent years, its use has spread to the United States, Europe and, to alesser e_tent,South America.近年来,水烟已流入美国.欧洲和南美的部分地区.Gemma Vestal of the WHO s Tobacco Free Initiative told AFP that whileshishas were previously the domain of older males, younger people between _-and 24-years old living in cities and educated are increasingly smokingthem.世界卫生组织无烟倡议行动的杰玛·维斯塔说,虽然先前吸食水烟的群体是老年男性,但是越来越多年龄在_岁到24岁之间.住在城市且受过教育的年轻人都开始吸食水烟.The chairman of pathology and laboratory medicine at the AmericanUniversity of Beirut, Ghazi Zaatari, says aromatic flavourings known as maasaladded to the tobacco offer younger smokers a smoother and more toleratedalternative to the taste of traditional tobacco.贝鲁特美国大学的病理学和实验室医学主席加齐·扎泰里说,水烟中添加的一种叫做maasal的芳香味道给年轻烟民提供了比传统烟草〝更顺畅,更易接受〞的味道.And the water pipe has an interesting design because it somewhat engagesyour five senses. You re holding the hose, there’s something you re looking at,there is the aroma, there is the sound of the bubbling and there is this kind ofsensational thing with the social gathering.而且水烟的设计很有趣,因为它从某种程度上同时调动吸烟者的五官感受.你拿着烟管,你看着它,它有香味,它有冒泡的声音,此外,在社交聚会中吸水烟是一件多么美妙的事.In social gatherings that last for an average of an hour, the smoker canquickly get hooked on it because of the nicotine.在持续平均一小时的社交聚会中,水烟吸食者会迅速对它上瘾,因为它含有尼古丁.Moreover, the smoke from charcoal used to heat the tobacco containsto_ins.此外,用于加热烟草木炭释放的烟雾也含有毒素.The WHO said harmful effects include impact on the respiratory system,cardiovascular system, oral activity and teeth.世界卫生组织称,它会对人的健康造成危害,包括损坏呼吸系统,心血管系统,口腔活动和牙齿等.In addition to the dangers of lung cancer, data also suggest probableassociations with oral, oesophageal, gastric, and urinary bladder cancer, aswell as chronic bronchitis, cardiovascular disease, stroke as well as otherillnesses.除了肺癌的危险,数据还表明吸食水烟的危害可能与口腔癌.食管癌.胃癌和膀胱癌,以及慢性支气管炎.心血管疾病.中风,以及其他疾病相关联.Global tobacco companies are increasingly investing in the water pipebusiness, e_perts say, while little has been done to curb their use, despite acrackdown on cigarettes.专家表示,全球的烟草公司正越来越多地投资于水烟行业,但是除了打击烟草行业以外,对于水烟的消费没有任何限制措施.According to The Tobacco Atlas, water pipes fall into a less heavily orun-regulated group of tobacco products in most countries.根据烟草图册介绍,水烟在大多数国家是不受严重监管或不监管的烟草产品. There has been a gap for a while andnow hopefully, with this global effort, they (tobacco regulators) are comingback to emphasise the importance of including the water pipe in all thesepolicies and regulations on tobacco, Zaatari said.〝这个缺口已经存在一段时间了,希望通过全球的努力,他们(烟草监管者)能够强调将水烟纳入所有烟草政策和法规监管的重要性,〞扎泰里说.Brazil has taken measures to ban flavourings, while Turkey has e_tendedwarning labelling from cigarette packets to include the water pipe.巴西已经采取措施禁止在水烟中加入香料,同时土耳其已将之前有关香烟烟盒上必须有警告标志的规定执行范围扩展至水烟领域.And the ruler of the UAE emirate of Sharjah has banned the use of waterpipes altogether, earning him an award this week from the WHO.阿拉伯联合酋长国的沙迦酋长国国王已下令彻底禁止吸食水烟,世界卫生组织因此给他颁了一个奖.Vocabularypathology:病理学hose:软管aroma:香味oesophageal cancer:食道癌urinary bladder cancer:膀胱癌托福趣味阅读之麦兜的鱼丸粗面McDull: Fish ball noodle, please.麦兜:麻烦你,鱼丸粗面!School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:没有粗面了.McDull: Fish ball rice noodle then.麦兜:这样啊……来一碗鱼丸河粉吧.School Principal and Logan: No fish ball left.老板:没有鱼丸.McDull: Chicken wing noodle then.麦兜:这样啊……金钱肚粗面好了.School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:没有粗面.McDull: How about fish ball congee?麦兜:那么要鱼丸油面吧.School Principal and Logan: No fish ball left.老板:没有鱼丸.McDull: Nothing left today? How about beef noodle?麦兜:怎么样样都没了?那要个墨鱼丸粗面吧.School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:没有粗面.McDull: Again? Fried chicken wing with fish ball...麦兜:又没啊?那麻烦来碗鱼丸金钱肚吧.School Principal and Logan: No fish ball left.老板:没有鱼丸.Darby: Hey, fish ball and noodle are both gone... You can t combine themwith other things.得巴:麦兜啊,鱼丸和粗面都卖光了,也就是所有的鱼丸或者粗面的搭配都没有了.McDull: Can t combine them? A bowl of fish ball then.麦兜:哦_没有那些搭配啊?那麻烦要净鱼丸吧.School Principal and Logan: No fish ball left.老板:没有鱼丸.McDull: A bowl of noodle?麦兜:那么净粗面呢?School Principal and Logan: No noodle left.老板:没有粗面托福阅读推理题题型介绍和解题思路实例讲解。

托福阅读难点易错题型解题思路实例解析:推断题托福阅读推断题解题基本思路介绍题干特征:推断题的题干常常会消失infer,suggest,imply, indicate 这类单词考查形式主要分为两大类:对比推断和细节推断,而后者消失的几率更大。
如:原文会消失before1990的信息,而题目会问after 1990的信息?解决方案:收集问题对应的时间点的信息,然后取反。
留意原文中消失的表示时间节点的词before, after, not…until…例题The story of the westward movement of population in the United States is, in the main,the story of the expansion of Americanagriculture-of the development of new areas for theraising of livestock and the cultivation of wheat, corn, tobacco, and cotton. After1815improved transportation enabled more and more western farmers to escape a self-sufficientway of life and enter a national market economy during periods when commodity prices werehigh, the rate of westward migration increased spectacularly. “Old America seemed to bebreaking up and moving westward,” observed an English visitor in 1817, during the first greatwave of migration. Emigration to the west reached a peak in the 1830’s, whereas in 1810 onlya seventy of the American people lived west of the Appalachian mountains, by 1840 more thana third lived there.What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about western farmers prior to 1815?A. They had limited their crop production to wheat, corn, tobacco, and cotton.B. They were able to sell their produce at high prices.C. They had not been successful in raising cattle.D. They did not operate in a national market economy.答案D对应关键句:After 1815 improved transportation enabled more and more western farmersto escape a self-sufficient way of life and enter a national market economy during periodswhen commodity prices were high, the rate of westward migration increased spectacularly.B直接对比两个或多个事物的特征——如原文会消失A的特点,然后会有B 和A相比较的信息,然后题目问B的特点?解决方案:收集题干所问的推断对象(about后面的信息一般为推断对象)的全部信息(一般为上述的B),然后在原文所描述的与之相关的信息(一般为上述的A)的基础之上取反。

1. 理解文章主旨和细节信息在阅读文章时,考生首先要理解文章的主旨和细节信息。
2. 查找线索信息在阅读文章时,考生要查找线索信息,即文章中提到的关键词、短语或句子,这些信息可能有助于回答推断题。
3. 使用规律思维进行推理考生在回答推断题时要运用规律思维进行推理。
4. 集中留意力于“隐含信息”在阅读文章时,考生要关注文章中的隐含信息,也就是没有直接提及但可以通过规律推理得出的信息。
【示例】In recent years, many people have become increasingly concerned about the health risks associated with exposure to pesticides. Although it is difficult to accurately estimate the actual health risks posed by pesticides, because it is difficult to isolate the effect of pesticides from other factors, there is growing evidence that exposure to certain pesticides is associated with an increased risk of certain types of cancer, neurological disorders, and other health problems. As a result, some countries have taken steps to ban or limit the use of certain pesticides in agriculture.Based on the information in the passage, it can be inferred that __________.A. all pesticides pose health risksB. pesticides are the main cause of cancerC. the health risks of pesticides are well understoodD. banning or limiting the use of certain pesticides is an effective solution to the health risks associated with pesticides【解析】依据文章第一段的最终一句话,可以得出一些结论:虽然很难精确估量农药带来的实际健康风险,但有越来越多的证据表明接触某些农药与某些类型的癌症、神经系统疾病和其他健康问题的风险增加有关。

解题方法:1. 基于事实推断:基于已有的事实信息进行推断,这类题目一般在文章中提供了部分信息,需要考生通过对已有信息的分析和推理来得出一个推断。
2. 基于逻辑推断:基于已有的逻辑关系进行推断,这类题目一般在文章中没有明确提供相关信息,需要考生根据已有的逻辑关系来进行推断,寻找与之相关的信息。
3. 基于推理的推断:基于作者的观点、态度和意图进行推断,这类题目一般要求考生根据作者的观点和态度来进行推断,推断作者对某个事物的看法、态度或者意图。

新托福阅读10大题型解析新托福考试不仅会考察托福考生的托福阅读能力,并且托福考试不仅有单独的新托福阅读理解测试,还从各类型题全方位的考查考生的阅读理解能力本文将带来新托福阅读10大题型超强解析的内容,希望能够帮助正在备考托福的同学们!新托福阅读10大题型超强解析1.托福阅读的细节题(Factual Information)解法:a. 提取题干中关键词定位原文段落中关键词所在的所有句子. 阅读定位句理解。
c. 正确选项是正确定位句的同义转述或者同义改写。
细节的题的错误选项主要有以下几种:a. 该选项的全部或者局部出现了该段落根本就没有涉及的信息,概念,特有名词等等。
b. 原文定位句没有出现比较级,最高级一类的语言现象,但是选项中出现了这种无端的比较。
c. 选项中出现了定位句范围以外的信息,尽管这些信息在本段落中的确被完全提及。
d. 选项中有某些形容词或者副词起到了加重语气从而使选项的叙述程度甚至方向发生了改变脱离原文语言风格叙述。
2. 托福阅读的事实否定题解法:定位题干关键词回原文。
正确选项应具备:a. 原文未提及的. 与原文叙述矛盾的;3. 当选项中同时出现看似未提及和明显矛盾的选项时,优先选择明显矛盾的选项。
3. 托福阅读的推论题(Inference)解法:提取题干中的关键词回文定位所有出现关键词的句子,综合各句提取结论性的信息。

托福阅读各题型结构及解题方法一、事实信息题同义改写原则1.读题干,找到其中的关键词2.根据关键词,定位到原文中的有效信息3.正确答案是原文有效信息的同意改写4.选项定位法,逐个击破二、否定事实信息题排除原则1.选项定位法2.核对题干信息三、修辞目的题细节原则1. 看选项中的动词从文中找逻辑排除(demonstrate/contrast/refute…)2. 重点看本句(细节题)前一两句(观点),关注段首句(段落观点)3.选择同义改写四、推断题排除原则1. 根据原文有效信息选项定位法,逐个击破2.不可过分推,宁可推少,不可推多;宁可保守,都不过分推理3.思路上可以有取反或取非五、句子简化题逻辑对应原则1.正确选项必须包含原句主要信息(主干),修饰信息可删除,可同义改写,可概括总结;2.最好用的逻辑关系词对照:因果(原因对原因,结果对结果);转折让步比较(虽然对虽然,但是对但是)3.and前后信息有前必有后,不能缺失前后信息六、句子插入题承上启下原则先看插入句找线索,三大线索分别是代词,逻辑连接词和结构七、指代题联系上下文原则指代对象一般为前一句的主语或宾语(主优先于宾八、词汇题熟词直选原则认识单词直接选;不认识根据上下文的逻辑猜测九、六选三题总结观点原则1. 全文主题2. 一个或多个段落的主旨大意十、图表题总结全文原则1.根据引导词先大定位2.匹配与引导词语义相关的选项,排除与引导词无关/错误的选项托福技巧:托福阅读常考的几类专业词汇托福阅读:1. 人:学术阅读中最常出现的就是各种科学家,以ist 和er结尾居多。
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托福阅读10种题型举例分析——推断题无论是OG还是Delta,都把阅读的题目分成十类,即:Understanding Facts and Details, Identifying Negative Facts, Locating Referents, Understanding Vocabulary in Context, Making Inferences, Determining Purposes, Recognizing Paraphrases (Simplifying sentences), Recognizing Coherence (Sentence inserting), Summarizing Important Ideas and Organizing information.还有很重要的一点,做题的时候,无论考试还是练习,不光要分析对的选项为什么对,更要分析错的选项为什么错。
最重要的一句话就是:You should be able to defend your choice by pointing to explicitly stated information in the passage that leads to the inference you have selected。
比较容易出推断题的地方,一个明显的标志是时间状语:before 2000, after 1999之类的。
很可能就问你what can be inferred about _X after 2000或者before 1999. 看到这样的话,你要小心可能在此出推断题了。
OG上的例子就是一个perfect example:一看见这个题,首先就回到文中找相关信息,关键词:nineteenth century; 只要找到after nineteenth century就可以了。
第一句…. Was available to all,必然取反,选择19世纪之前,蜡烛是not available to all。
另外,有助于你推断的也有可能是一些表示否定意思的词,比如different from, unlike, in contrast to等等。
同样,文中给出诸如Unlike A, B is C的句子。
然后题目问What can be inferred about A。
如OG Practice Set 1的第二题:阅读的时候,看到unlike就要小心点;或者做第二题的时候,unlike可以帮助你有小定位。
说unlike sea otters, it’s not easy to envision what the first whales looked like. 把这句话后半部分取反,那sea otters 自然是not difficult to imagine. 这也是对not easy to envision的反意paraphrase.上面这两种应该算是推断题里最简单的,只需取反即可。
再拿上面文章8题举例:第一段最后第二行,milksick(A),是由于喝了病牛牛奶导致,病牛(B)是吃了有毒的叶子得的病(C), CèB, BèA, 则CèA. 而最后一条CèA 就是正确答案的意思了。
而错误的选项都加入了文中根本没有的元素,如A中的common illness, B中的children, D中的kill cattle,都在文中没有任何相关信息。
举个不太容易看出来的例子,OG Practice set 2,11题。
有人可能会说不是说有什么enforced program吗?这就需要抬杠了。
B里的什么in cycle, change原文都没有;D更好抬杠,总不能大海也沙漠化吧。
这必然说明作者相信沙漠化会继续,不然何谈slow or reverse?推断题出的类型比较多,我也难以尽述。
托福阅读推理类题目的解法一、推理题的标志托福阅读题型中推理题的题干中一般含有infer, imply, most likely, least likely, probably等词,分为有共性的推理题和无共性的推理题两大类。
例如:It should be obvious that cetaceans–whales, porpoises, and dolphins–are mammals. They breathe through lungs, not through gills, and give birth to live young. Their streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land-dwelling mammals. However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses whose limbs are functional both on land and at sea), it is not easy to envision what the first whales looked like.2. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about early sea otters?&<61;It is not difficult to imagine what they looked like.&<61;There were great numbers of them.&<61;They lived in the sea only.&<61;They did not leave many fossil remains.根据关键词sea otters定位第四句:However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds…,由原文的unlike可知 sea otters 和pinnipeds 两种动物与whales 形成对比,而且很难想象原始的whales 的样子;根据“一般对比推理”思路,可以推出“原始的sea otters 的样子不难想象”。
例一:Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country’s impressive population growth….…It appeared that Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller families that had occurred all through the Western world since the time of the Industrial Revolution.…It can be inferred from the passage that before the Industrial Revolution(A)families were larger.(B)population statistics were unreliable.(C)the population grew steadily.(D)economic conditions were bad.工业革命之后与工业革命之前两个时间形成对比。