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定语从句精选过关检测Name Class


1.The man ____ she married last year was a soldier. A whom B to whom C with whom D whose

The man ____ she was married was a soldier. A whom B to whom C with whom D who 2.The reason _____ she gave was not true. A for that B for which C which D why

The reason she gave up teaching was her serious illness. A that B for which C which D for that 3.The day ____ she spent with us was never to be forgotten. A / B on which C when D in which

The day ____ she played with us was never to be forgotten. A / B on which C that D which

4.Is this the factory ____ you visited last week? A where B which C to which D in which

Is this factory ____ you visited last week? A that B where C in which D the one

5.The house ____ window faces south is for the doctor. A which B that C whose D of which

The house ____ faces south is for the doctor. A which B whose C who D where

6.She brought forward a plan ____ we didn’t agree. A that B which C / D to which

She brought forward a plan ____ we couldn’t accept. A / B for which C to which D of which 7.Tom, ____ I went to the concert, is a friend of mine. A whom B who C with whom D whose

Tom, __ bicycle I went to the concert, is a friend of mine. A whom B who C w hose D on whose 8.Tom, ____ we had expected, got the first place in the competition. A as B which C whom D who

Tom, ____ we had expected to help us, didn’t even show his face. A as B whom C that D which 9.This is one of the best novels __ published last year.

This is the only one of the best novels ____ published last year.

A which were

B which was

C that were

D that was

10.Is the flat ____ you once lived in?

Is this the only one flat ____ you once lived in?

Is this the flat ____ you once lived?

Is this the flat in ____ you once lived?

Is it in this flat ____ you once lived?

A which

B where

C that

D the one

11.She has two skirts, ____ were bought last summer.

She has two skirts. ____ were bought last summer.

A Both of which

B both of them

C both of which

D Both of them

12.He’s many children, some of ____ are workers.

He’s many children, and some of ____ are workers.

A which

B that

C them

D whom

13.I was surprised that he did this the same way___ I had done.

I was surprised that he didn’t like the way ___ I had done. A that B which C on which D as

14.____ is well known that great changes have taken place in China recently.

____ is well known, great changes have taken place in China recently.

A That

B As

C Which

D It

15.Galileo collected facts ____ proved the earth moves round the sun.

Galileo collected facts ____ the earth moves round the sun.

A. which

B. that

C. of which

D. A and B

16.It is in the hall ____ a meeting was held.

This is the hall ____ a meeting was held. A there B where C which D that 17.It is such an interesting film ____ we all want to see it.

He is such a good teacher ____ we all love and respect. A which B as C who D that
