
【篇⼀】有哪些穿着打扮的英语⼝语句⼦ Honey, get dressed by yourself. 宝贝,⾃⼰穿⾐服。
Button up your shirt. 把衬衫给扣上。
这两句话中,有三个地⽅特别值得学习: 第⼀, dressed, dr很多⼈会发成“只”⾳,不能丢了/r/, 怎么发不会丢呢? 记住,dr=dʒ+ r, dress可以这样发:dʒrrrɛs(这⾥刻意把r拉长了)。
再⽐如, dream: /dʒrrrim/。
第⼆, button, /tn/可以做⼀个⿐腔爆破:做出t的姿势,不动,在此基础上加上/n/,同样的还有: certain, written等。
第三, shirt, sh和ir之间不要加/j/,要直接拼读。
原⽂ Honey, get dressedby yourself. 宝贝,⾃⼰穿⾐服。
Button up your shirt. 把衬衫给扣上。
#穿⾐服 表达“穿⾐服”的“穿”,可以说: She's wearing a red dress. 她穿着⼀条红裙⼦。
Put on your clothes quickly. 快点穿上⾐服。
She washed her face and dressed and went to work. 她洗完脸,穿好⾐服去上班了。
Can you dress yourself? 你可以⾃⼰穿⾐服吗? Gimme a sec. I'll go get dressed. 等我⼀下,我去穿好⾐服。
#扣扣⼦,拉拉链 You dress too casually. Button your shirt. 你穿得太随意了,把扣⼦扣上。

时尚穿搭技巧简单的英文Simple Fashion Tips:1. Keep it basic and timeless: Invest in basic wardrobe essentials like a white T-shirt, black trousers, and a classic pair of jeans. These timeless pieces can be easily styled for any occasion.2. Accessorize wisely: Add statement accessories like a bold necklace or a colorful scarf to elevate your look. Accessories can instantly add a touch of style and personality to any outfit.3. Mix and match: Don't be afraid to mix patterns and textures, but keep the colors cohesive. Pair a striped top with a floral skirt or a leather jacket with a flowy dress for a unique and stylish look.4. Pay attention to fit: Clothes that fit well can make a huge difference in your overall appearance. Always ensure that your clothes are the right size and silhouette for your body type.5. Play with layers: Layering is not only practical for changing weather, but it also adds depth and interest to your outfit. Experiment with layering different lengths and textures to create a stylish and cozy look.6. Pay attention to details: Details like tucking in your shirt, rolling up your sleeves, or adding a belt can create a polished and put-together look. Small details can make a big difference in the overall style of your outfit.7. Confidence is key: No matter what you wear, the most important fashion tip is to wear it with confidence. When you feel good in what you're wearing, it will show and make a lasting impression.Remember, fashion is about self-expression, so feel free to experiment and have fun with your style!。

下面为大家介绍一些服装时尚的英文表达:服装时尚的英文句子 1.F a s h i o n i s n o t o n l y a k i n d o f a p p e a r a n c e,o r a n i n n e r,p o p u l a r m a y n o t b es u i t a b l e f o r y o u,b u t a c c o r d i n g t o t h e i r o w nc h a r a c t e r i s t i c s t od re s s u p y o u r s e l f,y o u b e l o n g t o t h a t k i n d, m a t u r e, l a d y, o r s i m p l e a n d n a t u r a l, o r p u r e,o r m o v e m e n t,af a c t t h a t c a n a l l b ef a s h i o n a b l e.时尚不光是一种外表,还是一种内在,时下流行的不一定都适合你,而是要根据自身的特点来打扮自己,看你属于那一种类型,成熟的,淑女的,还是简单自然的,还是清纯的,还是运动的,其实那一种都可以是时尚的。
2.F a s h i o n, i s a k i n d o f a e s t h e t i c v i e w. B r o t h e ri s a p u n k, y o u s a t i s f i e d时尚,就是一种审美观。
哥就朋克,你不服吗?3.H i p-h o p, c o w b o y w i n d, a n d t h e w i n d w i n d w i n d,o c c u p a t i o n, f u r, a l l-m a t c h, h i p p i e, l a d i e s f a s h i o n, K o r e a n, J a p a n e s e, w h a t i s i t F a s h i o n i s t h e u r b a n s p e c i a l l o g o, i s a c i t y i n t h e v a s t c i t y o f s p e c i a l p s y c h o l o g i c a l n e e d s.嘻哈风、牛仔风、欧美风、职业风、皮草风、百搭、嘻皮、淑女、韩流、哈日,时尚到底是什么?时尚其实是都市特殊的标志,是都市人在纷繁芜杂的城市中特殊的心理需要。

流行时尚的英文短语1. "On - fleek fashion is the name of the game." (On - fleek这个词表示完美、无可挑剔的时尚感。
就像我那天去参加派对,看到Sara穿着一身超级酷炫的搭配,那简直就是on - fleek fashion。
)2. "Dress to kill and slay the day." (Dress to kill意思是精心打扮以给人惊艳的感觉。
比如说,我有个朋友Jack,每次面试的时候他都会dress to kill。
)3. "Slaying in style is what we all strive for." (Slay表示做得非常好、表现出众,在这里就是在时尚方面出众。
我在时装周上看到那些时尚博主,哇,他们真的是slaying in style。
)4. "Trendy threads are the talk of the town." (Trendy表示流行的,threads在这里指衣服。
就像Lucy那天穿了一件当下最流行的露肩连衣裙,整个办公室的人都在说她的trendy threads,都说她看起来好时尚好漂亮。
)5. "In - vogue outfits make heads turn." (In - vogue表示流行的,时尚的。
我记得上次参加音乐节,有个女孩穿着一身in - vogue outfits。

穿衣搭配英语作文带翻译Title: Dressing Style and Fashion Sense。
Dressing well is more than just putting on clothes;it's a form of self-expression and a reflection of one's personality. Whether you're dressing for a casual outing or a formal event, your attire speaks volumes about you. In this essay, we will explore the importance of dressingstyle and fashion sense.First and foremost, one's dressing style is a way of communicating one's identity to the world. It's like a visual language that others can interpret. For example, someone who prefers classic and elegant attire may be perceived as sophisticated and timeless, while someone who embraces bold colors and unconventional fashion may be seen as creative and daring. Our clothing choices send out signals about our values, interests, and even our mood on any given day.Moreover, dressing well can boost one's confidence and self-esteem. When we put effort into selecting outfits that make us look and feel good, it positively impacts our mindset. The right clothes can enhance our features, accentuate our strengths, and make us stand tall with assurance. As the saying goes, "When you look good, youfeel good," and this rings true in many situations, whether it's acing a job interview or simply going about our daily activities.Furthermore, fashion sense is not just about following trends blindly but rather about understanding what suits us best and adapting it to our personal style. It's about knowing how to mix and match different pieces to create a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing look. Fashion is subjective and ever-evolving, so it's essential to staytrue to ourselves while also being open to experimentingwith new styles and trends.In today's world, where social media plays asignificant role in shaping perceptions of beauty and style, it's easy to feel pressured to conform to unrealisticstandards. However, it's crucial to remember that truestyle comes from within and cannot be bought or imitated. It's about owning who you are and expressing yourself authentically through your clothing choices.In conclusion, dressing well is more than just a superficial act; it's a form of self-expression and empowerment. By paying attention to our dressing style and cultivating a fashion sense that resonates with our personality, we can present the best version of ourselves to the world. So, whether you prefer a classic chic look or a bohemian vibe, embrace your style with confidence, andlet your fashion sense shine.中文翻译:标题,着装风格与时尚品味。

适合女装店的英文句子以下是适合女装店的英文句子,包括店铺标语、宣传口号和广告语:1. Fashion is not just about style, it's about attitude.时尚不仅仅是风格,更是态度。
2. Dress to impress, always.穿得漂亮,留下深刻印象。
3. Confidence is the best outfit, rock it and own it.自信是最好的装束,展现出来并拥有它。
4. Be your own kind of beautiful.做自己的美丽。
5. Life is too short to wear boring clothes.生命太短暂,不要穿着乏味的衣服。
6. Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret reality.时尚是一种语言,通过衣服来诠释现实。
7. Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.风格是一种表达自己的方式,不必言语。
8. A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.女孩应该做到两点:有品位和迷人。
9. Fashion fades, only style remains the same.时尚会逝去,只有风格保持不变。
10. Fashion is about dressing according to what's fashionable. Style is more about being yourself.时尚是根据潮流穿着,风格更多的是做自己。
in style造句简单

"In style" 这个短语在英语中通常表示“以时尚的方式;符合时尚潮流”。
下面是关于"in style" 的简单造句:1. She dressed in style for the party.她为派对打扮得时尚。
2. In style: clothing and accessories for the modern为现代女性打造的服饰和配饰。
3. His new car is in style and attracts a lot of attention.他的新车时尚新颖,吸引了很多人关注。
4. The restaurant's menu is updated regularly to keep up with the latest trends in cuisine.餐厅的菜单定期更新,以跟上餐饮潮流。
5. In style: the art of living with style and以优雅和sophistication 生活的艺术。
6. She walks with confidence and in style, making her a role model for many.她自信地走在时尚前沿,成为了很多人的榜样。
7. The designer's collection is a perfect blend of traditional and modern elements, making it in style.设计师的系列作品融合了传统与现代元素,非常时尚。
8. In style: the way you dress, act, and present yourself to the你穿衣、行动和向世界展示自己的方式。
9. He's always dressed in style, looking sharp and impressive.他总是穿着时尚,看起来锐利而引人注目。

一、描述衣着款式和造型1. 优雅:elegant, graceful, refined, sophisticated2. 休闲:casual, relaxed, laid-back, informal3. 精致:delicate, exquisite, intricate, elaborate4. 华丽:gorgeous, magnificent, splendid, luxurious5. 时尚:fashionable, trendy, stylish, chic6. 复古:retro, vintage, classic, old-fashioned7. 简约:minimalist, simple, understated, sleek8. 夸张:dramatic, bold, extravagant, avant-garde9. 高贵:noble, dignified, royal, regal10. 自然:natural, effortless, organic, unpretentious二、描述颜色和图案1. 亮色:bright, vibrant, vivid, bold2. 柔和色:soft, muted, pastel, delicate3. 鲜艳色:bold, striking, eye-catching, vibrant4. 中性色:neutral, earthy, subdued, understated5. 纯色:solid, monochrome, single-color, plain6. 花纹:patterned, printed, floral, geometric7. 条纹:striped, pinstriped, lined, streaked8. 格子:checked, plaid, gingham, tartan9. 动物纹理:animal print, leopard print, zebra print10. 波点:polka dots, dotted, speckled三、描述服饰和配饰材质1. 棉质:cotton, cottony, soft, breathable2. 丝绸:silk, silky, smooth, luxurious3. 羊毛:wool, woolen, cozy, warm4. 麻质:linen, linen-like, lightweight, cool5. 皮革:leather, leather-like, tough, durable6. 人造革:faux leather, synthetic leather, vegan leather7. 金属:metallic, metallic-like, shiny, reflective8. 绒面:velvet, velvety, plush, soft9. 缎面:satin, silky, lustrous, glossy10. 蕾丝:lace, lacy, delicate, feminine四、描述衣着搭配和风格1. 时尚风格:fashion-forward, on-trend, edgy, contemporary2. 传统风格:traditional, classic, timeless, vintage-inspired3. 运动风格:sporty, athletic, active, casual4. 优雅风格:elegant, sophisticated, refined, polished5. 复古风格:retro, vintage, nostalgia, old-school6. 日常休闲风格:casual, laid-back, relaxed, easy-going7. 商务正装:business attire, formal wear, professional attire8. 异域风情:exotic, ethnic, cultural, global9. 流行趋势:trendy, in vogue, up-to-date, fashionable10. 创新风格:creative, inventive, innovative, experimental五、描述不同场合的服饰1. 正式场合:formal occasions, black tie events, gala dinners2. 社交宴会:social gatherings, cocktail parties, soirées3. 非正式场合:casual occasions, informal events, get-togethers4. 日常生活:everyday wear, casual attire, daily outfits5. 职业装扮:professional attire, office wear, business clothes6. 休闲活动:leisure activities, recreational outings, weekend wear7. 运动时尚:sporty fashion, athletic wear, workout outfits8. 高级晚宴:prestigious dinners, upscale events, formal galas9. 婚礼仪式:wedding ceremonies, nuptial celebrations, bridal attire10. 夏季度假:summer vacations, beach getaways, resort wear六、其他有关时尚的描述用语1. 搭配:match, coordinate, complement, pair2. 个性:personal style, individuality, uniqueness, character3. 设计师:designer, fashion designer, couturier4. 时尚界:fashion industry, fashion world, fashion scene5. 潮流:trend, trendiness, popularity, fashion trend6. 模特:model, fashion model, runway model, catwalker7. 设计元素:design elements, fashion details, style features8. 符号:symbol, representation, signification, expression9. 形象宣扬:image promotion, branding, marketing, advertising10. 时尚灵感:fashion inspiration, style ideas, trend influence以上是关于如何描述衣着和时尚的一些常用用语,希望本文能够帮助读者更好地理解和应用这些词汇,达到准确表达时尚观点、描述服饰风格的目的。

1. Fashionable - 时髦的,时尚的
例句:She is always dressed in fashionable clothes. 她总是穿很时尚的衣服。
2. Stylish - 有型的,时尚的
例句:The model is wearing a stylish dress. 这个模特穿着一件很时尚的连衣裙。
3. Trendy - 流行的,时髦的
例句:This trendy handbag is very popular this season. 这个时髦的手提包这个季节非常流行。
4. In fashion - 流行的
例句:Small accessories are in fashion this year. 这一年小配件都是流行元素。
5. Faddish - 流行的,时髦的
例句:Faddish clothes come and go very quickly. 时尚的衣服变化很快。
6. À la mode - 按照时尚的,流行的
例句: The àla mode style keeps changing every season. 流行风格每个季节都在变。

穿衣打扮Making Up1. You can pair a cropped jacket with a mini-skirt. It’ll make you look taller.你可以搭件短外套来配迷你裙,这样可以使你看起来高一些。
2. A puffy jacket is a good alternative when you’re not in a dress-up mood.当你没心情打扮的时候,太空装式的夹克是蛮好的选择。
3. Let me show you some clothes.让我给您介绍一些衣服。
4. I’m petite, so I favor shorter tops.我的身材娇小,所以我比较喜欢短一点的上衣。
5. The shoulders of this coat look very broad. I don’t think it will fit me.这件外套的肩膀看起来好宽,我认为我穿会不合身。
6. The knee-length coat minimizes my full hips.及膝长度的大衣可以使我丰满的臀围看起来小一些。
7. This fuchsia ruched chiffon blouse is a little too dramatic. 这件紫红色细褶的雪纺罩衫有点太引人注目了。
8. My thighs are big so a pencil skirt doesn’t suit me.我的大腿很粗,所以直筒裙不适合我。
9. You can create an empire-waist style with a belt to draw attention to your top.你可以用皮带制造出高腰的效果,把注意力拉到你的上半身。
10. You have nice long legs, and you should wear short skirts more often to show them off.你有双漂亮修长的腿,应该常穿短裙显现一下。

服装英语文案生活浪漫句子1. Life is too short to wear boring clothes.生活太短暂,不能让无聊的服装掩盖你的美。
2. You are never fully dressed without a smile.没有微笑,你的着装不会完整。
3. Fashion fades, only style remains the same.时尚会变,风格永恒。
4. Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.衣着邋遢记得是衣着,衣着完美记得是女人。
5. Fashion is like eating, you shouldn't stick to the same menu.时尚就像饮食,不应固步自封。
6. Walk like you have three men walking behind you.走路的样子要有三个男人在你身后追逐的风范。
7. A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.女孩应该兼具优雅和华丽。
8. Fashion is part of the daily air and it changes all the time. 时尚随着生活的节奏与空气在变。
9. Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions.时尚即建筑:它是比例的事。
10. A girl should be two things: Who and what she wants. 女孩应该做两件事:成为她想要的那个谁和那个什么。
11. There's no taste in wearing more than you can afford.佩戴超过你能负担的东西是没有品味的。

下面为大家介绍一些服装时尚的英文表达:服装时尚的英文句子1.Fashion is not only a kind of appearance, or an inner, popular may not be suitable for you, but according to their own characteristics to dress up yourself, you belong to that kind, mature, lady, or simple and natural, or pure, or movement, a fact that can all be fashionable.时尚不光是一种外表,还是一种内在,时下流行的不一定都适合你,而是要根据自身的特点来打扮自己,看你属于那一种类型,成熟的,淑女的,还是简单自然的,还是清纯的,还是运动的,其实那一种都可以是时尚的。
2.Fashion, is a kind of aesthetic view. Brother is a punk, you satisfied 时尚,就是一种审美观。
哥就朋克,你不服吗?3.Hip-hop, cowboy wind, and the wind wind wind, occupation, fur, all-match, hippie, ladies fashion, Korean, Japanese, what is it Fashion is the urban special logo, is a city in the vast city of special psychological needs.嘻哈风、牛仔风、欧美风、职业风、皮草风、百搭、嘻皮、淑女、韩流、哈日,时尚到底是什么?时尚其实是都市特殊的标志,是都市人在纷繁芜杂的城市中特殊的心理需要。

正能量的打扮句子简短英文1. Dress for success and radiate positive energy.2. Choose outfits that make you feel confident and empowered.3. Wear a smile as your best accessory.4. Dress in colors that uplift your mood and those around you.5. Embrace your unique style and let it shine brightly.6. Dress to inspire and motivate others.7. Wear clothes that reflect your inner strength and resilience.8. Dress in outfits that make you feel unstoppable.9. Dress in a way that reflects your positive mindset.10. Wear clothes that make you feel like you can conquer the world.11. Dress in outfits that make you feel like a ray of sunshine.12. Wear clothes that make you feel like you can achieve anything.13. Dress in a way that reflects your positive attitude towards life.14. Wear clothes that make you feel like a beacon of positivity.15. Dress in outfits that make you feel like a force to be reckoned with.16. Wear clothes that make you feel like you can make a difference.17. Dress in a way that reflects your optimistic outlook on life.18. Wear clothes that make you feel like you can spread joy and happiness.19. Dress in outfits that make you feel like you can inspire others.20. Wear clothes that make you feel like you can overcome anychallenge.21. Dress in a way that reflects your positive energy and enthusiasm.22. Wear clothes that make you feel like you can bring positivity to any situation.23. Dress in outfits that make you feel like you can uplift and empower others.24. Wear clothes that make you feel like you can radiate positivity wherever you go.25. Dress in a way that reflects your positive vibes and good intentions.26. Wear clothes that make you feel like you can make the world a better place.27. Dress in outfits that make you feel like you can create a positive impact.28. Wear clothes that make you feel like you can inspire change and make a difference.。

今天我们也来说说有关衣装的一些常用表达吧!1. What will you wear for the party?晚会上你穿什么?2. I'll wear my blue dress.我会穿我的蓝色裙子。
3. Don't you think it's too formal?你不觉得太正式了吗?4. I like your new dress. Where did you get it?我喜欢你这件新衣服。
在哪儿买的啊?5. It's not new. I bought it two years ago.不是新买的,我两年前就买了。
6. You should have your suit cleaned and ironed.你应该把你的套装拿去洗烫一下。
7. You'd better put on your jacket. It's cold outside.你最好穿上夹克,外面冷。
8. The blouse no longer fits me.这件衬衣现在不合身了。
9. My son has outgrown these trousers.这条裤子我儿子已经穿不进去了。
10. The shoes are worn-out.这鞋已经不能穿了。
11. I don't like wearing the uniform.我不喜欢穿制服。
12. The color matches you quite well.这颜色跟你很相配。
13. Your shoe lace is loose.你的鞋带松了。
14. You forgot to fasten the collar buttons. 你忘了扣领纽了。

" "Fashion passes, style remains."2."时尚不过是一种引人注目的艺术。
" "Fashion is just a kind of artthat catches people's eyes."3."时尚是一种态度,一种生活方式。
" "Fashion is an attitude, a way oflife."4."时尚是不断变化的潮流,但风格是永恒的。
" "Fashion is aconstantly changing trend, but style is eternal."5."时尚是一种表达个性和自我的方式。
" "Fashion is a way to expressindividuality and self."6."时尚是一种艺术,它可以让我们感到自信和舒适。
" "Fashion is anart that can make us feel confident and comfortable."7."时尚是一种不断追求完美的过程。
" "Fashion is a constant pursuitof perfection."8."时尚是一种文化,它反映了社会的变化和人们的需求。
" "Fashionis a culture that reflects the changes in society and the needs of people."9."时尚是一种不断变化和创新的过程。

穿衣时尚的英语作文Fashion in Dressing。
Fashion is a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, and body. Fashion is a distinctive and often constant trend in the style in which a person dresses. It is the prevailing styles in behavior and the newest creations of textile designers. Fashion is not just about clothing, but it is a way of life. It is a reflection of one's personality, beliefs, and values. In this article, we will discuss the latest fashion trends in dressing.The first trend in dressing is oversized clothing. Oversized clothing is a trend that has been around for a while, and it is still going strong. Oversized clothing is comfortable, and it gives a relaxed and laid-back look. Oversized clothing can be worn in many different ways, such as oversized t-shirts, oversized sweaters, and oversized jackets. The key to wearing oversized clothing is tobalance the proportions. If you wear an oversized top, pair it with skinny jeans or leggings.The second trend in dressing is athleisure. Athleisure is a trend that combines athletic wear with leisurewear. It is a comfortable and stylish way to dress. Athleisure can be worn in many different ways, such as leggings, sweatpants, and sneakers. The key to wearing athleisure is to make sure that it looks intentional. You can pair leggings with a sweater or a denim jacket to make it look more put together.The third trend in dressing is sustainable fashion. Sustainable fashion is a trend that focuses on reducing the environmental impact of clothing. Sustainable fashion involves using eco-friendly materials, such as organic cotton, recycled polyester, and bamboo. It also involves reducing waste by recycling and upcycling clothing. Sustainable fashion is not only good for the environment, but it is also stylish. Many sustainable fashion brands are creating beautiful and fashionable clothing that is both ethical and sustainable.The fourth trend in dressing is bold prints. Boldprints are a trend that has been around for a while, and it is still going strong. Bold prints can be worn in many different ways, such as dresses, skirts, and tops. The keyto wearing bold prints is to balance it with neutral colors. If you wear a bold print dress, pair it with neutral shoes and accessories.In conclusion, fashion in dressing is constantly evolving, and it is important to keep up with the latest trends. The trends discussed in this article are just a few of the many trends that are popular right now. It is important to find a style that suits your personality, beliefs, and values. Fashion is not just about looking good, but it is also about feeling good. When you feel good, you look good. So, go ahead and experiment with differentstyles and trends until you find the one that makes youfeel confident and beautiful.。

今天就由⽆忧考给⼤家分享了关于打扮的英语⼝语句⼦,赶紧来看看吧!【篇⼀】关于打扮的英语⼝语句⼦ 1.What do you think of my new siunglasses9 i 你觉得我的新太阳镜怎么样? 2.What color tie do you think goes well with this shirt? 你觉得什么颜⾊的领带配这件衬衫宁 3.Do you thinkj we shouId go casual? 你觉得我们可以穿得随意些吗? 4.Why don't tuck in your shirt? 你为什么不把衬衫塞进去? 5.Why aren't you wearing a belt with your outfit? 为什么你不系⽪带配外套呢? 6.Are your clothes tailor-made? 你的⾐服是定做的吗? 7.Don't you think that my block tie goes better with that? 你不觉得我的⿊领带更配这个吗? 8.What do you think about my new dress? 你觉得我的新⾐服怎么样? 9.How do;es one know whcVs in style? 要怎么知道什么最流⾏? 10.Do you have this sweater in a large size? 这件⽑⾐有六号的吗? 11.Did you see what she was wearing? 你看到她穿的是什么吗? 12.What colors are in now? 现在流⾏什么颜⾊? 13.Does this color look good on me? 这个颜⾊适合我吗? 14.What are you going to wear tomorrow? 你明天准备穿侍么? 15.She's quke used to treading the caiwafk. 她已经习惯了⾛猫步。

二、形容人的穿着方式和外貌1. 形容他人的穿着方式:当我们想要描述其他人的打扮风格时,可以使用"dressed in"加上适当的衣物或风格单词。
例如:She was dressed in a beautiful evening gown.(她穿着一件漂亮的晚礼服。
)2. 描述仪表端庄:我们也可用"dressed"来形容身材高挑或衣冠楚楚。
例如:He always appears well-dressed and confident.(他永远都保持得体自信地出现。
)3. 形容心情状态良好:有时候我们会用"dressed"来表达某人感到非常自信和开心。
例如:She felt so happy and dressed for success at the party.(她在宴会上充满幸福,并且愿意赢得成功。
)三、物体的装饰和外观1. 描述物体的外观:当我们想要形容物体穿戴或覆盖了某种物质时,可以使用"dressed with/in"。
例如:The table was dressed with a beautiful tablecloth.(桌子上有一块漂亮的桌布。
)2. 表达设备的操作状态:有时候我们可以用"dressed"来描述机器或设备正处于活动状态。
例如:The engine is dressed and ready for the upcoming race.(引擎已经准备好并等待着即将到来的比赛。
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I like solid-color shirts.
What kind of material is this dress made from?
This color is really good on you.
This new style is slimming.
You will look very elegant in the style.
I dod't think the blue shirt fite your complexion.
The style is in fashion now.
This is a big hit this summer.
The brown leather shoes go well with your trousers. 这双棕色皮鞋很配你的裤子。
Do the earrings go with my hairstyle?
Do you think this blouse really suits me?
I like double-breasted garment with no belt. Could you show me some?
I want a suit of good workmanship and suitable for formal meetings.
The suit matches your shoes perfectly.
You really have a good taste in selecting clothes.
You have a good eye for materials.
This one doesn't match the suit in color.
I'm going to wear my blue suit. Is that all right?
Wear wrap-around skirts to camouflage a bulging stomach,hips and derriere. 穿束腰连衣裙可以挡住你的大肚子和臀部。
Emphasize your good points. A belt for a slim waiat; short skirt for pretty legs. 突出你的优点。
You should have your suit cleaned and ironed.