39 24 21 15 18 19 6 18 39 25 34 28 3 12 16 19 7 20 3 18 11 1 38 44 6 37 11 7 8 13 30 1 1 22 33 48 47 23 2 62 17 29 32 40 14 10 19
牛雅楠 李燕文
郝锦旗 潘世博 张敬凯 刘嘉静
王琳 朱欣
王齐 陈 晓 王昌楠
102 109 103 92 102 99 106 105 93 95 100 96 97 98 90 99 101 105 95 99 90 97 100 96 99 101 102 95 102 104 100 93 94 99 96 101 93 98 94 99 92 97 106 97 94 103 97
崔梦瑶 张浩奇
实验学校 第四中学 兴凯学校 实验学校 实验学校 兴凯学校 第四中学 第四中学 兴凯学校 实验学校 第四中学 兴凯学校 新世纪 第四中学 第四中学 实验学校 第四中学 第四中学 实验学校 兴凯学校 实验学校 柳园中学 兴凯学校 兴凯学校 实验学校 兴凯学校 第四中学 实验学校 实验学校 第四中学 实验学校 新世纪 香中 第四中学 兴凯学校 兴凯学校 兴凯学校 兴凯学校 新世纪 实验学校 第四中学 兴凯学校 兴凯学校 兴凯学校 第四中学 第四中学 第四中学
90 102 102 96 93 103 74 106 93 100 104 103 106 95 97 88 81 103 97 84 101 78 87 81 98 88 88 86 92 66 93 88 108 99 92 101 98 81 81 92 95 93 85 98 82 94 89
永年二中 磁县一中 鸡泽一中 永年一中 肥乡一中 广平一中 邱县一中 临漳一中 成安一中 单 位 春光中学 大名一中 曲周一中 永年二中 磁县一中 鸡泽一中
1016 1030 828 1341 591 452 490 563 1129 参考人数 459 963 1053 1016 1030 828
市四中 市三中 市二中 魏县一中 邯县一中 曲周一中 武安一中 涉县一中 鸡泽一中 永年二中
单 位 参考人数 585 1341 1030 452 1129 459 563 963 490 591 参考人数 585 1341 1030 452 1129 459 563 963 490 591 语文 82 144 249 132 163 146 106 140 53 22 英语 98 216 231 46 194 103 77 208 36 43 有效分率 14.0% 10.7% 24.2% 29.2% 14.4% 31.8% 18.8% 14.5% 10.8% 3.7% 有效分率 16.8% 16.1% 22.4% 10.2% 17.2% 22.4% 13.7% 21.6% 7.3% 7.3% 排名 15 19 9 8 14 7 12 13 18 20 排名 15 16 10 18 14 9 17 11 19 20 数学 124 219 166 69 164 65 73 111 45 52 理综 99 186 180 41 113 74 49 140 22 19 有效分率 21.2% 16.3% 16.1% 15.3% 14.5% 14.2% 13.0% 11.5% 9.2% 8.8% 有效分率 16.9% 13.9% 17.5% 9.1% 10.0% 16.1% 8.7% 14.5% 4.5% 3.2% 排名 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 排名 12 15 11 17 16 13 18 14 19 20
2024年河北省邯郸市中考一模理综物理试卷一、单选题(★★★) 1. 分类是认识和研究问题的重要方法之一,下列分类正确的是()A.氮气、生铁、金刚石都属于单质B.氨水、火碱、熟石灰都属于碱C.风能、太阳能、核能都属于可再生能源D.羊角锤、镊子,钓鱼竿都是省力杠杆(★★★) 2. 下列对生产、生活中做法的解释不正确的是()A.集中供暖采用热水循环——水的比热容大B.汽车表面刷油漆能够防止铁生锈——油漆可以隔绝氧气和水C.空气开关“跳闸”——一定是电路中发生了短路D.使用煤炉要防止中毒——煤不充分燃烧产生的一氧化碳有毒(★★★) 3. 下列推理正确的是()A.燃烧都伴随有发光、放热现象,则有发光、放热现象的变化都是燃烧B.灼烧砂糖和面粉均产生炭黑,则砂糖和面粉中都含有碳元素C.物体的温度升高,其内能一定增加,则物体的内能增加,温度一定升高D.带异种电荷的两个物体相互吸引,则相互吸引的两个物体一定带异种电荷(★★★) 4. 对如图所示实验的分析不正确的是()A.甲:铁球的运动方向发生了变化,说明力可以改变物体的运动状态B.乙:蔗糖溶解后形成均一稳定的溶液,因为蔗糖以离子形式分散在水中C.丙:将自制气压计从山脚下拿到山顶,玻璃管内液柱会升高,说明大气压减小D.丁:使用浓盐酸比使用稀盐酸的反应速率更快,因为反应物的浓度会影响化学反应速率(★★★) 5. 下列数据最接近实际情况是()A.教室课桌的高度约为80cm B.九年级物理课本的质最约为1kgC.人体感觉舒适的室温大约是37℃D.升国旗时奏国歌所需的时间约为5min(★★) 6. 民间有句谚语“日晕三更雨,月晕午时风”,日晕的出现,意味着风雨天气的到来。
下列诗句中的物态变化与题中相同的是()A.“塞外悲风切,交河冰已结”,冰的形成B.“露从今夜白,月是故乡明”,露的形成C.“鸡声茅店月,人迹板桥霜”,霜的形成D.“晚来天欲雪,能饮一杯无”,雪的形成(★★★) 7. 2023年10月8日晚,第十九届杭州亚运会闭幕式在杭州奥体中心体育场(“大莲花”)举行。
8、搜集最新高考信息、社会热点、新型科技等,融 入到教学中,或者设计成练习让学生训练。
难度 0.75
正确率 75.1%
区分度 0.42
●考查内容:闭合电路欧姆定律,传感器。 ●主要错误:错选D和A的多。 ●主要原因:1、不会从表达式上说明问题;
题号 16
平均分 4.5
Байду номын сангаас
难度 0.75
正确率 59.5%
区分度 0.42
●考查内容:曲线运动,运动的合成与分解。 ●主要错误:漏选D的多。 ●主要原因:没有搞清位移的概念,认为猴子对地的位移
题号 21
平均分 4.1
难度 0.68
正确率 52.8%
区分度 0.51
●考查内容:复合场知识;带电粒子在磁场中的运动。 ●主要错误:漏选者居多;还有多选上C的。 ●主要原因:1、受力分析和物体的平衡知识应用不熟练;
2、审题不仔细,把入射的那一束粒子当成了 同位素。
题目 22 23 24 25 33 34 35
4、实验能力,尤其是设计实验能力过于欠缺,导致丢 分严重。
1、复习过程中要指导学生不断地翻看课本,夯实基础知 识,熟练掌握基本能力,把送分题全做对。
2、要让学生不断地翻看错题本,总结经验教训,不能让 同一种错误反复出现,不能带着错题进考场。
3、教师要引导学生构建知识网络,建立知识的横向联系, 善于知识的迁移,做到一题多变和一题多问,培养学生的 分析综合能力。
第一部分(1~3题14分)1. 阅读下面文字,回答后面的问题。
【甲】我们在学习中尽可能地避免走弯路,汲取经验,助已成功;在生活中也应尽可能地避开(fán suǒ)坎坷,把握方向,扬帆直航;在工作中也应尽量减少懈怠,构筑和谐,让生命呈现五光十色。
①(fán suǒ)___________②(zhèn hàn)___________(3)按照文段乙中的句子形式,围绕“人生”这个话题再仿写一个句子。
【答案】(1)①. xièdài ②. qūzhé(2)①. 繁琐②. 震撼的(3)示例:人生就像一缕春风,温暖和凛冽碰撞,才能彰显朝气蓬勃的力量。
①懈怠:xiè dài,松懈懒散,不努力工作或学习。
②曲折:qū zhé,指复杂的、不顺当的情节或者事情的发展过程。
第24题 (计算题1):本题考查运动学知识,试题 难度较低,物理情景清晰,得分率较高,
第(1)问:得分率较高,但学生错误多; 第(2)问:错误在受力分析,多数同学认 为有a或忘记将第(1)问中的R代入,少数 同学忘记答方向。 第(3)问:基本不得分,除不答外,有学 生有思路,但答题不规范写不出得分点。
难度 0.52 0.32 0.9 0.3 0.15 0.67 0.42
标准差 2.49 2.72 3.18 4.9 3.82 3.46 4.52
区分度 0.42 0.44 0.26 0.45 0.33 0.25 0.51
通过率 51.89% 31.87% 89.68% 30.09% 14.56% 66.89% 41.58%
6 4.305 0.717 71.743% 0.43 2.7
6 2.422 0.404 40.367% 0.36 2.94
6 3.538 0.59 58.96% 0.44 2.95
6 2.084 0.347 34.74% 0.45 2.86
6 3.637 0.606 60.612% 0.51 2.93
没有单位 没有图
第35题: 第(1)题:错选D的同学较多。 第(2)题:主要考查动量守恒定律、 能量守恒定律、子弹打击木块问题中有 机械能的损失、因摩擦而产生热量的计 算等知识。 主要问题有:(1)没有注意动量守恒 定律的矢量性;(2)计算能力差。
等级 良好 低分
比例 20.98% 56.02%
它们低低地在沼泽和草地上空曲折地穿行着,向每个刚刚(róng huà)的水洼和池塘问好。
第一群大雁一旦来到这里,它们便向每一群(qiān xǐ)的雁群喧嚷着发出邀请。
(1)①融化②迁徙(2)①shòu lieè②qǔzhé(3)文段中【甲】【乙】两处应填入的关联词语,恰当的一项是()(2分)A.因为所以B.尽管但C.既然那么D.不但而且(4)“向每个沙滩低语着,如同向久别的朋友低语一样”一句运用了修辞手法。
这一变化( )A.体现了多元一体的特点B.奠定了南稻北粟格局C.催生了国家的初始形态D.反映了原始农业发展2.商鞅认为,实行为善、怀柔的政策必然导致“奸民”增多,民强则国起内乱,民弱则众皆依上,唯以权力压制民众,才能使秦国“民勇于公战,怯于私斗”。
据此可知,商鞅这一主张的特征是( )A.重刑轻德B.严刑峻法C.崇尚耕战D.国富民弱3.魏晋时期的玄学家在多方面论证了道家“自然”与儒家“名教”的一致,他们主张“儒道兼综”,孔子依然是最高“圣人”。
这表明魏晋( )A.士人阶层主张崇实尚学B.儒家思想失去正统地位C.门阀政治制约思想解放D.玄学推动了哲学的发展4.据西湖老人《西湖繁胜录》记载:南宋临安城内,各行头、行老熟悉行内商品物价、供求状况,“凡雇请人力及干当人,如解库掌事、贴窗铺席、主管酒肆食店博士……俱各有行老引领”;行老为政府旬估定价提供商业信息。
这一记载可以印证南宋( )A.经营模式日趋市场化B.商业信息传播方式灵活C.生产理念具有开放性D.城市时空限制彻底打破5.洪武年间《大诰》云:凡良民中年高有德无公私过犯者,自为一席,坐于上等。
含体育的成绩在进入区前350名的人数与不含体育的人数相同, 进入区前450名的人数比不含体育的总分人数少9人,说明我校部分优生在体育学科存在问题,致使他们的总分出现波动。
3. 我校本届九年级学生在升入初中后的11次考试中进入路北区前350名的学生人数变化为132人、114人、114人、132人、121人、105人、118人、102人、131人、127人、145人,将11次考试我校达区350名学生总人次求和为1341人次,取其平均值,可以看出我校平均每次进入区350名学生数约为122人,此次考试为我校本届学生进入区前350名人数最高的一次。
2018年邯郸市初中毕业生模拟考试(一)理科综合参考答案及评分标准一、选择题(本大题共22个小题,共47分) 二、填空及简答题(本大题共9个小题,31分) 23.直线传播 光路图如右图 24.重力势 动 热传递 25.比热容 3×105 60026.发射电磁波然后检测反射回来的信号再放大信号 上 840 27.内 8 CH 4+2O 2 点燃 CO 2+2H 2O28.(1)③(或④) (2)温度升高,气体分子之间间隔增大,气体体积增大(或温度升高,分子热运动更加剧烈,分子对容器壁撞击更强烈) (3) 8:129.(1)钙(或Ca ) (2)减小 (3) 大 (4)CaO + H 2O =Ca(OH)2(5)滴加肥皂水的量(或加肥皂水的滴数) 30.(1)Ca(OH)2 + CO 2=CaCO 3 ↓+ H 2O 液体倒流进入试管,引起试管炸裂(2)不能 Cu 和Ag 都无法与FeSO 4溶液发生反应,因此无法确定Cu 和Ag 的活动性顺序 (3)二氧化碳能与氢氧化钠发生反应31.(1)催化作用 (2)Cu (3)化合反应 (4)3CO+ Fe 2O 3高温 2Fe + 3CO 2 三、实验探究题(本大题共4个小题,共24分)32.(1)将木块分别平放、侧放、立放在长木板上,用弹簧测力计拉动木块,使它分别沿水平长木板匀速滑动,测出木块与长木板之间的滑动摩擦力。
(2)不同放置方式匀速拉动时弹簧测力计示数 (3)每次弹簧测力计示数不相同每次弹簧测力计示数都相同33.(1)20 (2) 成正比 (3)无关 (4)150 (5)21 0.75×10334.(1)图略 (2) A (或10Ω 2A ) (3)灯泡短路(或电压表短路) (4)2 (5)0.5拓展: ①闭合开关S 、S 2,断开S 1调节滑动变阻器R 的滑片P ,使电流表示数为I 额 ③R 0(I ﹣I 额)I 额题号1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 选项 B C D B C A B A C D C 题号 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 选项ABCADBCDADABABC%100g20g 8.0⨯35.【实验回顾】4P+5O 2点燃2P 2O 5 气压【进行猜想】红磷的量不足【交流与反思】装置内残留的氧气更少,实验结果更准确 【实验改进2】20.2%【结论与反思】增大铁粉与空气的接触面积,加快化学反应速率(其它合理答案即可) 【拓展延伸】不能,因为空气中CO 2含量只有约0.03%,铜不能将装置内的氧气消耗尽 四、计算应用题(本大题共3个小题,共18分)36.(1)NaCl 和NaOH ……………………………………(1分) (2) 解:设所测氢氧化钠溶液中溶质的质量为x依据表格中的数据可知,当滴加稀盐酸质量为10.0g 时,20g 氢氧化钠溶液与所加稀盐酸恰好完全反应,参加反应的氯化氢的质量为:10g×7.3%═0.73gNaOH + HCl ═ NaCl +H 2O ………………………………(1分) 40 36.5x 0.73g……………………………………(1分)解得 x ═ 0.8g ……………………………………(1分)氢氧化钠溶液中溶质的质量分数= = 4﹪ ………………………(1分)答:略37.解:(1)不计绳重及滑轮的摩擦,对动滑轮的拉力:F'=F -f =F -0.1×G =60 N -0.1×200N=40 N…………………………………………(1分) 动滑轮重为:G 动= F'-2G B =40N- 2×18N =4N……………………………………………………(1分) (2)拉力所移动的距离:h '=21h =21×0.4m=0.2m………………………………………………….………(1分) η=总有W W ×100%=F'h'h G B ×100% =m 2.0N 40m4.0N 18⨯⨯×100%=90% …… ……………...(1分)(3)物体A 的移动速度:ʋA =21ʋB =21×t s B =21×2s 0.4m=0.1m/s…………………………………………(1分)由于物体A 匀速运动,所以拉力F 做功的功率为:P =FʋA =60N×0.1m/s=6W ……………………………………….…………(1分)g 73.05.3640x =38.解:(1)小灯泡R 1电阻为:R 1=额额P U 2=W0.9)V 3(2=10Ω ……..……………………….…(2分)(2)当闭合S 1、S 2、S 3时,灯泡R 1正常发光,此时小灯泡R 1和电阻R 2并联,电源电压:U =U 额=3V … …………………………………………….…………(1分) 只闭合S 2,断开S 1、S 3、S 4,R 2与R 3串联,由图可知:I =0.4A 时,U 2=1V 则:R 3=4×I U U 2-= 4×A4.0V1V 3-=20Ω ….…………………….…………(1分) (3)更换电源后,因R 3以及R 总不变,由欧姆定律:33U'U =65=32I I =U'U 所以新的电源电压为:U'=56U =56×3V=3.6V …………………….…………(1分) 只闭合S 1、S 4时,R 1与R 3串联,由题意可知,电路最大电流为:I 最大=I 1=额额U P =V3W0.9=0.3A 最大功率:P 最大=U' I 最大=3.6V×0.3A=1.08W ……………….……...……(1分) 只闭合S 2、S 4时,R 2与R 3串联,由题意可知,电路最大电流为:I'最大=0.6A最大功率:P'最大=U'I'最大=3.6V×0.6A=2.16W…….………………….…...………(1分)评分说明:(1)解答应写出必要的文字说明、依据的公式和主要演算步骤,没有过程只写出最后答案的不得分。
病句题(48.3). 存在的主要原因是:对《考纲》规定的常 见病句类型掌握不到位
补救措施:①强化特征意识,记一些典 型的病例。②强调“读”的意识,要流利默 读语句,对疑窦点快速聚焦,认定语病点。 ③认真总结辨析病句的方法,如语感审读法、 主干枝叶梳理法、造句类比法等。④重视语 法教学。判断病句最有效的方法就是对其进 行语法分析。⑤明确考查重点。
春晖 中学
平均 正确率
24.6 57.8 48.3 85.5 41.7 69.4
60 51.6 81.4 67.8
字形题(24.6) 复习原则:反复识记,平时点滴积累,考前 集中强化 存在的主要原因是:掌握不准确 补救措施:①强化意识。近三年全国卷没有 考查字形,根据考点轮流考查的原则,2011年考 查字形的可能性很大。②考场上根据自己最有把 握的词和字,快速突破某一选项。③备考中要对 每个词语快速判断,稍有犹豫的都是复习重点。 ④建立“错别字档案”,多看《常见错别字表》 《咬文嚼字》整理列出一百个最常见别字和近五 年公布的十大语文差错。 ⑤建议以填空的题型来
广平 一中
15.8 49.6 45.5 81.1 23.5 48.0 59.0 26.9 75.9 57.5
邱县 一中
27.5 46.2 39.3 82.6 26.8 48.6 63.8 31.9 77.8 60.5
永年 二中
21.3 53.3 59.0 87.0 66.9 98.3 45.8 51.8 82.3 43.1
全国卷每年必考。近五年全国卷1共 设计了15个错例,其考点分布情况如下:
2023年河北省邯郸市高考英语一模试卷AThe Best High School Study Abroad Programs For 2023Are you interested in studying abroad while in high school but have no idea where to start Here is our guide to choosing the right high school abroad program for you. Best Program For Seniors:Travel For TeensLocation:Multiple CountriesAchieving independence is a key part of growing up,but it doesn't happen overnight.Teenagers need time to explore their options and figure out what they want from life.This program is designed to help students make the most of their summer vacation,whether they're looking for a multicultural experience or want to add some adventures to their trip.Best Program For LanguageLearning:CIEE Location:SpainCIEE allows students to learn Spanish culture and language through educational activities.Students will learn about the history,architecture,and art of Spain through visits to museums and cultural sites.Moreover,the certificate of learning you receive can be used in college applications.Best Program For Southeast Asia:Travel For Teens In ThailandLocation:ThailandThailand has something for everyone.If you want to explore the local cultures,you can visit the floating markets or take an elephant ride through the jungle.If relaxation is more your scene,then there are plenty of beaches just waiting for you to spend a day there!Best Program For Conservation:Global WorksLocation:Costa RicaHave you ever dreamed of traveling through the canals of Costa Rica,spotting various wild animals along the way?Does hiking to waterfalls and active volcanoes,all while helping support conservation efforts sound like your dream study abroad experience?If so,Global Works has created an experience that will blow you away.1. Which program suits those intending to appreciate diverse cultures?______A. CIEE.B. Global Works.C. Travel For Teens.D. Travel For Teens In Thailand.2. What is an advantage of participating in CIEE?______A. It allows you to see large parts of Spain.B. It motivates you to socialize with local people.C. It connects you with students from all over the world.D. It may enable you to stand out in applying to a college.3. What special experience can you expect in Global Works______A. Catching sight of volcano eruption.B. Paying visits to some famous temples.C. Riding an elephant through the jungle.D. Exploring the issue of ecosystem restoration.BThere have been a few times in my life when I felt very lonely.I particularly remember my loneliness when I moved to New York City.I had a couple of friends in the city,still,it was a time in my life when I needed to put forth some effort to form more meaningful relation-ships.But the more I went out to parties,the more disconnected and lonely I felt.Feeling lonely in a room full of people,or in my case,a whole city packed with people everywhere,was the loneliest I have ever felt.So,rather than trying a new way to make friends,I was more likely to ignore phone calls from friends,and I looked at social invitations and opportunities to meet new people as drudgery(苦差事).Looking back on this period of loneliness,I wonder at the way I isolated(孤立)myself instead of reaching out to those who were willing to keep me company and offer friendship.What I have learned from my own experience and the experience of many of my friends is that more often than not,those who feel lonely choose isolation.Indeed,many of my own friends describe avoiding social life as away of dealing with feelings of loneliness.This behavior is somewhat common,and new research takes a big step towards explaining this behavior.According to leading experts on the loneliness,Stephanie and John Cacioppo,there is an evolutionary explanation for this tendency to isolate when we are feeling lonely.By monitoring lonely people's brainwaves,they found that lonely people tend to respond negatively to social life."Loneliness causes some brain-related changes that put us into a socially nervous mode,"Dr.Christian Jarrett explains.Making ourselves aware of this evolutionary natural tendency could actually be thefirst step in fighting loneliness.Once we know that we are more sensitive to negativity during lonely spells,we can focus our energy on resisting the desire to put up walls.4. What happened to the author after she moved to New York City?______A. She had no friends there.B. She lacked confidence there.C. She needed opportunities for parties.D. She felt lonely even with people present.5. How did the author try to deal with her situation?______A. By refusing to go out to meet others.B. By looking for solutions on the Internet.C. By trying various methods to make friends.D. By doing some drudgery to forget her problem.6. What did Stephanie and John Cacioppo find in their research?______A. Lonely people tend to disgust social life.B. People respond negatively to lonely people.C. Loneliness can do great harm to people's health.D. Loneliness can be caused by a socially nervous mode.7. What does the author most probably want to show in the text______A. We shouldn't be influenced by negativity.B. We shouldn't choose isolation when we feel lonely.C. We should make friends based on scientific findings.D. We should spend more time with friends than relatives.CBee protection is a big issue these days in America,with people planting native pollinator (传粉者)gardens,setting up bee houses,and taking part in scientific activities to monitor local bee populations.And this is for good reason—in North America,a quarter of native bee species are at risk of extinction.Bees pollinate 35 percent of our global food supply and many of the wild plants our ecosystems depend on.No Mow May,a movement that began in the UK,is now rapidly spreading throughout the US.Its popularity lies in its being simple:Just give bees a help during the crucial spring-time by removing a chore from your list and letting your lawn(草坪)grow for the month of May.This lets"lawn flowers"such as dandelions(蒲公英)grow at a time when bee food is rare.Dandelions,despite being pretty and useful,are non-native.Then why do we promote a movement that encourages their growth?Here's the basic answer—don't let"perfect"be the enemy of"good".Sure,it'd be great to turn your entire neighborhood into a bee kingdom of native plants,but that can take lots of time and money.While dandelions have become the poster child for No Mow May,other plants—including native species—may also appear in your lawn."Besides dandelions,there are many other plants that are going to be there,"says Dr.Claudio Gratton at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.In Massachusetts,scientists found 63 species of plants in lawns,30 percent of which were native to the state.Most of the Americans probably loved dandelions as children but have tended to hate them as adults because of American lawn culture,which allows no flowers."No Mow May forces us to think about our relationship with nature.We should reflect on the way we have made nature suit our needs,and realize flowers play really important roles,"says Dr.Claudio Gratton.8. What is the background to No Mow May in the US?______A. Native bee species are increasing.B. There is a tendency to protect bees.C. Bees mainly depend on garden plants.D. More people have no time to cut lawns.9. What do we know about the No Mow May?______A. It needs almost no cost.B. Few Americans support it.C. It is aimed at growing dandelions.D. It appeals for careful attention to the lawns.10. What does the underlined part"poster child"in paragraph 4 probably mean?______A. Slight element.B. Rare exception.C. Typical example.D. Difficult problem.11. Which of the following agrees with American lawn culture?______A. A bee-friendly lawn.B. A regularly cut lawn.C. A lawn growing naturally.D. A lawn with native flowers.DSchool is important for children and parents everywhere,and there are a lot who take the education of youth very seriously.Parents want their children to succeed,and a lot of children want to do well in school.A new study,which was done by Brigham Young University,has found that students perform better in school if they go on more cultural field trips.Field trips have always been seen as fun for students,and they look forward to their chances to get out of the classroom and go somewhere fun.But field trips can be difficult for teachers to plan,because they need to make sure that there is learning and value included.Some have argued about the worth of field trips,and whether they are worth a student missing a whole day out of school.However,Heidi Erickson,one of the researchers in the study,stated that there is no harm in taking students out of the classroom,even for multiple days throughout the year,as long as they are learning and in an appropriate space.The study had 4th- and 5th-grade students from 15 schools take part in this study.They went on three cultural field trips during the school year,to an art museum,a live theater performance,and a classical concert.Then the researchers looked at their school year compared to students who did not take part and this is where they saw the difference.The study found that students who went on multiple field trips a year had higher test scores,performed better in class and had a greater cultural responsibility over time when com-pared to students who did not go on as many field trips.Although there has been a remarkable decrease in the number of field trips due to various reasons,this new study is showing the true value of field trips,especially when they are considered"cultural".12. Why is it hard for teachers to plan field trips?______A. Teachers are concerned about the price.B. Teachers don't believe in the worth of field trips.C. Students have to miss a whole day out of school.D. Teachers have to ensure students' meaningful experiences.13. What is Heidi Erickson's attitude to cultural field trips______A. Skeptical.B. Favorable.C. Concerned.D. Tolerant.14. How did the researchers draw the conclusion?______A. By asking students questions.B. By taking field trips themselves.C. By doing surveys among teachers.D. By comparing different groups of students.15. What is the main idea of the text?______A. Cultural field trips improve students' grades.B. Students perform better in an appropriate space.C. Why cultural field trips are popular with students.D. Why the number of students' field trips is dropping.How to Have Good Table MannersHaving table manners can leave a great impression on your fellow guests,and it will help everyone feel happy and comfortable as they enjoy their meal.(1)______ .Put your phone on silentNo one wants to be interrupted by a ringing phone.Before you head to the table,put your phone on silent or vibrate(振动)and put it away in a pocket or a purse.Try to keep your phone off the table while you eat.(2)______ .If you get an important phone call,excuse yourself from the table to take it so you don't disturb any other guests.Wait for everyone to be seatedThis includes the host,too!If you're at a dinner party,let everyone get settled before you touch your place setting.The same goes for a restaurant—once your party is seated,you can start getting settled.If there isn't assigned seating,give the guest of honor or the host the best seat at the table.(3)______ .Eat slowly and with your mouth closed(4)______ .If you want to say something,finish what's in your mouth and swallow before speaking up.Eat your food slowly and one bite at a time to avoid wolfing anything down.The same goes for drinking:try to take small sips and avoid splashing your drink. (5)______A dinner party is about more than just food.As you eat,be sure to talk to the other guests around you and join in the topic of conversation.Be sure to chew and swallow your food thoroughly before you start talking,and listen attentively to those around you.A.Participate in the conversationB.Share the same topic with other guestsC.Try not to show anyone your food as you chewD.It can be a distraction to keep it so close to the foodE.Everyone else can have a seat wherever they'd like toF.Anyone can show their interest and hobbies while having dinnerG.We've collected a list of things on how to have good table manners16. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. GH. H17. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. GH. H18. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. GH. H19. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. GH. H20. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. EF. FG. GH. HPlaying sports teaches students a lot a boat how to behave,both on the field and off.Middle school-er Andrew Hawkinson had never run a cross-country race before,but he spared no (1)______ at a cross-country race against competitors from Liverpool Middle School.While near the finish line,the boy couldn't seem to catch his (2)______ .Andrew took a knee and tried to (3)______ himself,crying from physical exhaustion due to the run.Cooper Kohanski,a runner for the other team,heard Andrew crying,and he didn't think twice about (4)______ him with words of encouragement."When I turned around,I heard a kid crying,which is common because it really does hurt,so I wanted to (5)______ he was okay,"said Cooper. As Cooper (6)______ his opponent,someone snapped a(n)(7)______ of the two boys.The image was then shared online,where it quickly made the rounds on the Internet.Andrew's mother (8)______ the whole scene and was (9)______ moved."It just really fed my soul and I was really (10)______ ,"she said."I wouldn't haveexpected somebody from the other team to (11)______ him."Those who know Cooper best say they're not the least bit (12)______ ,however.Coach Greg Hamilton says Cooper is always the first to be there when another runner is (13)______ .It's just in the boy's (14)______ to help others. Cooper thinks running cross-country is about much more than (15)______ the match!It's about sportsmanship,character,and basic human kindness.21. A. energy B. courage C. effort D. focus22. A. attention B. breath C. pace D. routine23. A. compose B. perform C. delight D. distract24. A. attracting B. approaching C. entertaining D.monitoring25. A. figure out B. speak up C. look into D. makesure26. A. comforted B. challenged C. criticized D.highlighted27. A. sight B. union C. photograph D. interaction28. A. admired B. suspected C. celebrated D.witnessed29. A. seriously B. apparently C. incredibly D.eventually30. A. amused B. impressed C. annoyed D. defeated31. A. devote to B. hold back C. wait for D. check on32. A. disappointed B. worried C. surprised D. relaxed33. A. participating B. struggling C. complaining D.hesitating34. A. potential B. intention C. capability D. nature35. A. winning B. completing C. experiencing D. respecting36. In Sweden,September 3,1967 is remembered as"Dagen H" (1)______"H Day".It was the day on(2)______ the traffic changed from driving on the left-hand side of the road to the right.The change was extremely unpopular,but it was necessary.Finland and Norway are Sweden's neighboring (3)______ (country).Their drivers were already driving on the right-hand side of the road.Besides,the percentage of theSwedish driving left-hand-drive cars(4)______ (be)about ninety percentthen.But that type of car is more suitable for a right-side driving than a left-side driving.What's more,the number of cars on the road had increased from 500,000 to 1.5 million.The situation obviously called(5)______ a change.On September 3,1967,nearly all the traffic(6)______ (block)on all roads from one o'clock to six o'clock in the morning.Drivers were requested (7)______ (stop)at ten to five,and then they carefully changed to the right-hand side of the road,and stopped again before being(8)______ (official)allowed to move at five o'clock.In Stockholm and Malmo,two of the largest cities in Sweden,the block lasted even(9)______ (long)to allow workers to change all the road signs.From the road-safety point of view,the change was worth(10)______effort.On the"H Day",only 157 small crashes were reported,of which only thirty-two caused some injuries.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)37. 假定你是校英语俱乐部的负责人李华。
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语文 101 106 108 106 100 101 98 99 96 99 98 97 102 98 102 95 100 103 98 92 96 102 86 95 100 85 95 96 93 98 102 86 94 87 88
数学 105 102 98 95 90 102 103 102 101 91 97 94 81 96 88 95 90 81 77 94 92 86 95 83 67 94 74 88 73 73 76 76 81 89 83
名次 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 54 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
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英语 118 115 116 114 109 113 107 110 107 105 107 105 108 105 110 114 108 115 102 110 108 104 110 101 113 99 107 95 111 107 99 108 97 93 104
理综 112 108 104 101 107 89 104 103 103 105 99 107 107 101 98 101 98 92 108 104 90 95 99 98 93 91 86 83 91 86 79 94 71 77 74
名次 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
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文综 80 84 74 72 60 78 79 78 56 65 49 86 80 73 58 48 57 50 59 64 43 55 38 48 48 35 32 37
总分 423 419 417 417 410 400 394 385 378 375 371 362 362 349 345 322 321 317 302 290 247 240 205 186 185 177 157 190
语文 84 95 71 76 93 74 82 87 84 87 84 100 79 91 77 74 81 82 94 89 84 94 66 81 92 65 85 76
数学 68 75 86 84 91 84 69 79 60 68 86 63 56 70 71 81 72 78 30 13 39 41 18 25 0 10 16 26
文综 111 106 103 96 104 102 90 88ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ95 100 96 92 97 93 90 82 89 90 95 77 88 85 80 85 86 88 91 90 80 84 87 72 89 85 76
总分 547 537 529 512 510 507 502 502 502 500 497 495 495 493 488 487 485 481 480 477 474 472 470 462 459 457 453 452 448 448 443 436 432 431 425
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理综 86 71 84 93 68 85 72 68 81 82 65 50 74 53 59 67 60 64 32 34 33 50 29 32 0 22 24 7