Social Security System - USA and China
他现任的主管是Michael J. Astrue。
⼆、美国国防部(DoD) & 美国国家安全局(NSA)美国国防部(DoD)是美利坚合众国政府下属的⼀个部门,它的中⼼是五⾓⼤楼,国防部的领导是美国国防部长。
比如,1996年的健康保险可移植性与责任法案 (HIPAA)旨在保护健康保险相关数据的安全;2003年的灾害应对与反恐法案 (DAA)则针对国家安全和反恐目的,强化了个人信息保护措施。
force to be reckoned in crisis management,and be
be taken into account by the government functions.As the
body,non—governmental organizations in China started late,the
5.3非政府组织自身建设………………………………………………………1 9
5.4完善对非政府组织的监督评估机制………………………………………l 8 5.5提高非政府组织的应急能力…………………………………………….110 5.6借鉴国外经验………………………………………………………………21 5.6.1在合作领域方面……………………………………………………21 5.6.2在物质保障方面……………………………………………………2l 5.6.3在信息共享方面…………………………………………………….22 结语…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….23 参考文献……………………………………………………………………………..24 致谢…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….26
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答辩委员会主席: 评 阅 人:
彭惠青教授 彭惠青教授 高英波主任
武汉科技大学 研究生学位论文创新性声明
Social security system
• social services
Formation and development
• The dawning: Before Roosevelt's New Deal.
• The period of formation:Roosevelt's New Deal • Fully promote
2.The age of prosperity and the great society.
F r o m Tr u m a n t o c a r t e r, t h i s i s a period of rapid e x pa n s i o n of t h e American social security system, and a stage of gradual improvement of the welfare level.
从FERA到WPA: 联邦政府不断提升社会救济和促进就业责任
• 1933年5月,罗斯福签署《联邦紧急救济法案》,并成立联邦紧急 救济署,拉开了“新政”的序幕。联邦紧急救济署三年总拨款达33 亿美元,至少部分地扭转了救济主要依靠地方政府的局面。 • 与此同时,国会通过了民间资源保护营计划,为年轻人提供工作 机会。如市政工程署在高峰时雇佣了426.4万人。 • 1934年6月成立的经济保障委员会认为,公共就业“应被视为联 邦政府永久性的政策而不仅仅是一种紧急措施”; • 1935年1月创立的市政工程振兴署到1936年2月就已雇佣了300 万人。
The presidents of USA
33 34 35 36 37 38
Franklin Roosevelt
美国个人数据保护法律制度的演进与启示目录一、内容描述 (2)1.1 背景与意义 (3)1.2 文献综述 (4)二、美国个人数据保护法律制度的历史演进 (5)2.1 初步立法阶段(1970s-1980s) (7)2.1.1 数据隐私法的起源 (8)2.1.2 《电子通讯隐私法案》(ECPA)的出台 (10)2.2 成熟发展阶段(1990s-2000s) (11)2.2.1 《健康保险可移植性和责任法案》(HIPAA)的颁布 (12)2.2.2 《儿童在线隐私保护法》(COPPA)的制定 (14)2.3 最新进展阶段(2010s至今) (15)2.3.1 《加州消费者隐私法案》(CCPA)的实施 (16)2.3.2 《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)的影响 (17)三、美国个人数据保护法律制度的特点与优势 (19)3.1 法律框架的完整性 (20)3.2 权力平衡的机制 (21)3.3 对科技发展的促进作用 (23)3.4 国际合作的典范 (24)四、对中国的启示与借鉴 (25)4.1 完善数据保护法律的必要性 (26)4.2 立法技术的发展与应用 (27)4.3 公众参与与教育的重要性 (28)4.4 国际合作与交流的策略 (30)五、结论 (31)5.1 美国个人数据保护法律制度的总结 (32)5.2 对未来发展的展望 (34)一、内容描述随着数字化时代的迅猛发展,个人数据保护已成为全球关注的焦点问题。
美国 CISA 网络安全
美国 CISA 网络安全美国国土安全部的网络安全与基础设施安全局(CISA)是负责协调联邦政府与私营部门之间的网络安全工作的机构。
social security in China
China's Social Security Systemby Wu Jievice minister, State Commission for Restructuring the Economic SystemSocial security is an economic and social system relating to the vital interests of members of the entire society for safeguarding social stability, promoting economic development. The social security system originated in the social salvage system designed to provide material compensation or aid to help citizens overcome difficulties in their livelihood and unexpected disaster. The Decision on Some Questions Concerning the Establishment of a Socialist Market Economic Structure adopted by theThird Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China points out that China's social security system includes social relief, social welfare, special care to and emplacement of disabled servicemen, and family members of revolutionary martyrs and servicemen, and community service, pension, unemployment and other social insurances; and commercial insurances. The Decision clearly defines the goal and principles for reform of the social security system. I wish to discuss four questions in the following.I. The Historical Evolution of the Social Security System1. The social security system evolution of various countriesThe social security system, originated in social salvage, is a product of the industrial revolution and large scale socialized production, and the inevitable requirement of productive forces developing to a definite level. After Britain embarked on the road of industrialization, numerous farmers flowed into cities and the number of the urban poor drastically increased, at the same time, the ranks of the working class expanded rapidly, worker movement developed day by day. Under this background, in 1830's, Britain promulgated the Law on Assisting the Poor, under which, part of the money was drawn from the surplus value created by the working class to assist the poor. A new economic and social system that brought the role of social security to full play began to emerge.In the late 19th century, German working class waged long term struggle against capitalism in order to win their own economic benefits, labour rights and interests. In an attempt to ease class contradiction and disintegrate the workers' self help organizations, Germany successively promulgated compulsory social insurance regulations between 1883 89.Later many European countries followed suit. The birth of social insurance marked the entry of the social security system into a new stage of development.During the 1929 33 economic crisis period, in an effort to alleviate class contradictions and heal its economic wounds, Sweden's ruling Social Democratic Party introduced a series of welfare measures, so as to readjust the redistribution of national income and narrow the income gap. These measures later became the theoretical foundation for the ``welfare country'' practised in Sweden.In 1933, as part of his effort to shake off economic crisis and alleviate labour capital contradiction, US President F. Roosvelt proposed that the state introduce the practice of social relief, social insurance and social welfare. US Congress adopted the Social Security Law in 1935, and the Federal government set up the Social Security Administration. This was the first national social security law undertaken by the Federal government and put into practice in coordination with Roosevelt's New Deal, it was a means employed to introduce Keynesianism, impose government interference, stimulate and expand social demand, and alleviate and eliminate economic crisis resulting from overproduction. This marked the birth of a comparatively complete modern social security system.After World War II, Western countries, driven by the existence of the socialist camp and under the pressure of domestic class struggles, instituted a social security system featuring exclusive stress on material benefits.Britain was the first to declare establishment of a ``welfare state', wherein all citizens ``from cradle to grave'' were ensured social security, followed by developed countries in Western Europe, Northern Europe, North America, Oceania and Asia which successively declared implementation of a ``universal welfare'' policy. At the same time, socialist countries in Eastern Europe and Asia, following the model of the former Soviet Union, adopted the state insurance model which provided the greatest social security for the working class. Thus far, more than 160 countries and regions have established a social security system of different types.After the beginning of the 70s and 80s, social security standards in developed countries remained high, resulting in the dependence of members of society on the state and heavy financial burdens on the government, the ``universal welfare'' policy suffered setbacks: the prolongation of people's average life expectancy; the aging population bracket; improvement in modern medical means, the update and replacement of medicines and the higher charges for medicine than the rate of GDP growthled to the continued growth of insurance expenses and therefore adversely affected society's reproduction and weakened enterprises' competitiveness; inappropriate management means led to the waste of resources and egalitarianism in consumption. Given this situation, various countries have begun different forms of reform. The main contents include:(I) Reducing benefit(1) Putting off the retirement age;(2) Reemployment after retirement;(3) Reducing or freezing pension.(II) Increasing social investment(1) Raising contribution proportion;(2) Raising the upper and lower limits of payment of wages;(3) Government allocations;(4) Initiating the collection of new tax items.(III) Privatization of social insurance fundIn short, various countries are actively trying to design a set of mechanisms which coordinate insurance systems with economic development, price index and personal contribution. They affirm that the pension is the continuation of ``labour wage'', not ``citizen wage'' which any person can receive when reaching a definite age.2. Past and present of China's social security systemChina's social security system, founded during the war years on the basis of the supply system, has roughly gone through four stages.The first stage, which began in the early period after the founding of New China to 1966, was the initial stage. In 1951, the state promulgated the Regulations (Draft) of the People's Republic of China Concerning Labour Insurance, its contents include items such as disease, injury, birth, medical care, retirement and death treatment and job waiting reliefs. Later on a series of policies and regulations were promulgated. At that time, the All China Federation of Trade Unions was the highest leading body for national insurance service, and the Ministry of Labourwas the highest supervisory institution for the national labour insurance work. Part of labour insurance fund was paid directly by enterprises, another part was raised by the All China Federation of Trade Union. The social security system has played an important role in rehabilitating and developing the national economy, guaranteeing the essential life of the people and consolidating people's democratic dictatorship.The second stage ranged between 1966 and 1976. During the 10 chaotic years, social insurance work suffered serious setbacks and destruction, management organs were dissolved, trade union organizations were compelled to suspend activities, social pooling from society for retirement expenses was cancelled, and social insurance was turned into enterprise insurance.The third stage ranged from the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978 to the 14th National Congress of the Party. Along with the in depth development of reform and opening up, we have engaged in the research and promotion of the establishment and advancement of the socialist security system as an important aspect of the economic system reform. In 1984, some regions began exploration of methods for reform of the old age pension insurance system, the method of raising funds from society for retirement pension was introduced to state owned enterprises and most urban collective-owned enterprises, and it was decided to institute employee's contribution system. Some regions even boldly explored ways for the establishment of a system which integrates social pooling with personal account. Government institutions and some villages have also conducted trial reform of the pension system.In his Government Work Report to the First Session of the Seventh National People's Congress in 1988, Premier Li Peng pointed to the need of accelerating reform of the social security system, establishing and perfecting various social insurance systems and gradually forming a social security system with Chinese characteristics. In 1990, in many of his written instructions and speeches, Premier Li Peng noted that reforms of the housing system, the insurance system and the medical system should be placed in an important position in the next 10 years, these three reforms directly concern the vital interests of the people.The fourth stage ranged from the 14th National Congress of the Party to the present. While proposal for the establishment of a socialist market economic system was put forward for the first time, deepening reform of the social security system was also clearly defined for the first time as one of the important links in the reform of the economic system. The Decision on Some issues Concerning the Establishment of a Socialist Market Economic System adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 14th PartyCentral Committee further clearly defined the goal and principle for the establishment of a new social security system. The pace of the social security system reform has notably accelerated.Some problems currently existing in China's social security system are in urgent need of solutions through deepening relevant supportive reforms.First, chaotic management system. There are two major problems: one is making no distinction between the government and the institution, and confusing supervision and management have both adversely affected management efficiency and increased management cost; second, policies coming from many sources and multiple management. For example, the fact that the Ministries of Labour, Personnel, Civil Affairs, and Public Health, the State Family Planning Commission, the People's Insurance Company of China respectively participated in the management of social security, plus the trade insurance introduced to 11 local pension insurance trades, has aggravated the chaos in the social security management system.Second, imperfection of laws and systems. As a system guaranteeing the basic interest of life of all labourers, social security needs to be standardized by law and to guarantee its implementation. China's current social security system, although having gone through many years of revisions and supplements, is still very incomplete and cannot meet the needs of the development of multiple economic forms, multiple operational methods and multiple employment systems in the market economy. For example, many difficult problems related to social insurance in foreign funded enterprises have been encountered, regarding which there are no laws to go by, and there exists the problem whereby foreign funded enterprises take advantage of loopholes in China's laws and evade employees' social insurance.Third, limited coverage of social insurance and its uneven development between regions. Most employees with China's private enterprises have not as yet participated in social insurance; the urban unemployed can only enjoy a low level social security; the development of social security in rural areas is slow and its level is low, the current coverage of rural social security is less than 5 percent of the rural population. There is a wide gap in the average social insurance expenses for labourers in various provinces and cities. The level of social insurance expenses is high in Shanghai, Guangdong, Hainan and other provinces and cities, with the highest reaching 1,326 yuan per month, and the lowest being only 100 yuan.Fourth, a low degree of socialization. China's social security system, which is based mainly on enterprise security, limits the universality of security, and weakens enterprises' competitiveness. In addition, there are many covert but few overt security projects, therefore labourers have only shallow impression on them, although the state and enterprise have spent huge amounts of expenses, social effect is not notable.Fifth, heavy burden on the state and enterprise, personal right being dissociated from personal duty.China's current security system features the high integration of employment and welfare, with social security funds either coming completely from the financial department, or being borne mainly by the enterprise. As a result, the enterprise become a ``welfare enterprise'' which provides all directional service for the employees, leading the enterprise welfare funds to get out of control, involving enterprises into trouble and putting burdens on the government. This system, which lacks a guaranteeing mechanism for the labourers themselves, lacks efficiency and is devoid of vigor.II. The Attribute and Function of Social SecurityDifference of views, which is of far reaching significance as approached from today's perspective, occurred during the 1930s. Debate on these problems was begun late for 50 full years in China. The idea advanced by Keynes of Britain that the state interferes in the economy through macro control includes the establishment of a social security mechanism, which is considered to be a means used by capitalist countries for self improvement and economic readjustment, and therefore it is essentially ``capitalist''. Myrdal, a Swedish economist, and some Frenchmen proposed that social security be used to regulate income redistribution, reduce polarization and realize social justice, thinking that this is essentially ``socialist''; in his New Deal, US President F. Roosvelt adopted a neutral attitude, holding that state macro control and social security are both means used by the state to interfere in and regulate economic development, they are neither ``socialist'', nor``capitalist''.In fact, to know the nature of social security, it is necessary to notice: First, the establishment and development of the social security system primarily source from the significant scientific and technological progress, as well as the resultant substantial rise in labour productivity and the rapid increase in social wealth. Therefore, we can say that it is the natural outcome of social development and cultural progress. Second, it is the result of the prolonged struggles waged by the working classand other labouring masses, and is the need for the bourgeoisie to promptly readjust the relationship of social production in order to suit the high level of socialized production and the new development of productive forces, and use this as a means to alleviate social class contradiction, and promote the steady development of society and the economy. This is also the necessity of social development and is no exception for capitalism and socialism for the sake of economic development and social stability, it is a subject socialism must face in regard to readjustment of the relationship of production. Third, it is a component part of the state's interference in economic operation and development, used to regulate income distribution, increase demand and alleviate periodic economic crisis resulting from overproduction. This is not unique to capitalism and therefore cannot be considered as completely``capitalist''. Fourth, it cannot fundamentally eliminate, but can only alleviate, polarization. This shows that it is not purely ``socialist''.In brief, like macro control, social security is a means the state uses to interfere in economic life, and does not involve the question of``socialism'' or ``capitalism''. Regarding this, we should agree to F. Roosevelt's viewpoint.Then its attribute and functions can be summed up as the following points:1. The social security system is one of the basic aspects of China's socialist market economic systemA healthily operating market economy is an economy which allocates social resources on the basis of a market mechanism. It not only requires a qualified market mainstay, that is, enterprises engaging in independent management and assuming the responsibility for profits and losses, but also needs a sound, multi level social security system. These four aspects constitute an organic whole which complements one another, and none of them can be dispensed with. Western countries' market economy cannot work without social security, as a socialist country, China should establish a more sound social security system. The establishment and perfection of China's social security system directly affect whether the framework for the socialist market economic structure can be basically set up by the end of this century.2. Establishing and perfecting a multi level social security system is one of the basic supporting measures for invigorating state owned enterprisesSocial security is required by the transformation of the operational mechanisms of state owned enterprises and by the establishment of a modernenterprise system and the readjustment of the economic structure, as well as by state owned enterprises' equal participation in market competition. First, for a long time in the past, state owned enterprises have formed a system that integrates employment, welfare and security, centered on employment. As long as a person is employed to work in a unit owned by the whole people, he or she will enjoy old age pension, medical and housing insurance and various other kinds of security and welfare. Many contradictions and difficulties state owned enterprises currently encountered in the transformation of operational mechanisms, such as difficulties encountered in the course of the readjustment of the economic structure, the rational flow of assets, the enhancement of enterprise competitiveness and technological progress, are closely related to the imperfection of the social security system. Second, generally there exists the problem of redundant personnel in China's state owned enterprises, standing at an estimated 20 30 percent, the problem also exists in government organizations and institutions. Economic circles once called this phenomenon as ``hidden unemployment''. With the existence of large numbers of redundant personnel and ``the work for three persons to be done by five persons'', how can enterprise efficiency be improved? And how can enterprise operational mechanisms be transformed? Third, compared with enterprises of other forms of ownership, one difficulty currently facing state owned enterprises is the large numbers of retired personnel and heavy social burdens, thus obviously landing them in a disadvantageous position of competition. Reducing many social burdens on state owned enterprises, and enabling them to lay down burdens and go forward without any loads are an indispensable move to invigorate state owned enterprises. In short, a sound social security system is a necessary social condition for enterprises to really become the mainstay in market competition.3. Establishing a social security system is one of the basic conditions for maintaining China's social stabilityFirst, the social security system is the ``safety valve'' of society. Under this system, the elderly are supported, diseases are treated, workers suffering from industrial injury are given insurance, disasters given compensation, the unemployed given reliefs, the disabled are properly placed and the poor are provided with aid. From various aspects, social security guarantees people's essential life, ensures industrial and agricultural production, therefore naturally guarantees social stability. At the same time, it helps make up for the defects of the market economy which cannot guarantee the interests of the weak, playing the role as a safety net of society. Second, social security is an economic``stabilizer''. Through readjusting the proportion of burdens onenterprises and the flexible use of social security funds, it can promote the ``cooling down'' of an ``overheated'' economy and boost economic growth when the economy is sliding downhill. Accumulated social security funds are the important source of funds for national economic construction.A rational control on the use of funds is conducive to readjusting the industrial structure in accordance with the state's industrial policy. In the meantime, a perfect social security system can bring about a rise in labour productivity, therefore it serves as a ``stimulator'' for economic development. Third, the social security system, also a distribution system, serves as a ``device'' to regulate the income distribution of different groups of the masses in society. It gives due consideration to both efficiency and fairness, thereby encouraging those becoming wealthy first to bring along those getting rich later, eliminating vicious polarization, and finally reaching common prosperity.4. The social security system is an effective method for accumulating social wealthThe collection and operation of social security funds have amassed a huge amount of wealth for the state, constituting an important pillar of the state's monetary market. At present, foreign social insurance funds generally account for 6 10 percent of GDP, with per capita share standing at US$1,000 2,000. While in China, the 1994 social security funds only accounted for 1.4 percent of GDP, with per capita share standing at only US$6.3. The proportion of the assets of US insurance companies to the total value of the financial assets of banks reached 33.3 percent, that of Japan was 28.6 percent, while that of China was only 1.9 percent. In comparison, China's ability to amass social security funds is apparently inadequate. Approached from a worldwide perspective, social security funds are the ``second finance'' of a country. It is predicted that by the year 2010 China's accumulated social security funds will surpass national financial revenues. As an effective means for the accumulation of social wealth, the social security system plays an extremely important role in economic and social development. Its development has a direct bearing on the improvement of the financial market and the formation of a sound circle of the capital market.Briefly stated, social security degree is a comprehensive reflection of a country's economic and social development, and constitutes an important component part of its overall national strength. From a long term point of view, the social security system will directly affect the development process of a country or a nation.III. Methods and Principles for the Establishment of a Social Security SystemSocial security is a complicated social systematic project involving the interests of every citizen and the relations of various quarters, therefore, it calls for a systematic idea to engage in overall design and make overall arrangement.First, as a systematic whole, the establishment of a social security system should have its entirety. Therefore, it is highly necessary to have unified policies and regulations, unified decisions and management and unified implementation and operation. At the same time, it should have the most extensive possible coverage, so as to enable each citizen in society as a whole to have the opportunity to get benefits.Second, as a systematic structure, the establishment of a social security system should have its levels and differences. Here, firstly, the authority of the central and local governments should be clearly divided, primarily the following relationships should be properly handled: 1. the relationship between the central government's unified and centralized policy decision management and the management of relevant departmental division of labour; 2. the relationship between the central government's unified and centralized policy decision management and management at different levels of local governments; 3. the relationship between the administrative management of governmental departments and the business management of special organizations; 4. the relationship between socialized management and the management of grass roots units; and 5. the relationship between central level management of special organizations and local level management of communities. Secondly, different guarantee levels should be established in accordance with regional difference and difference between urban and rural areas (the standards for payment and provision), the scale of overall planning (the overall planning at the provincial, prefectural or national level), so as to bring out a certain degree of difference in the internal structure of the entire social security system. Thirdly, due consideration is given to the balance of its internal structure, this means permitting the existence of difference within the social security system, the difference, however, should not be too large, so as to maintain the overall stability of the structure, this requires maintaining a definite planning and regulatory ability for the central government.Thirdly, as an element of the entire economic system, the social security system must maintain correlation with the macro policy, the entire system and market management, this is also a question of systematic coordination.The social security system is a product of large scale socialized production. The century old social security system has accumulated rich experiences and lessons for mankind. The social security systems established in different countries have their respective theoretical principles as the basis. While studying the trends of the development and change in the social security system of various countries, we should learn from the useful experiences and absorb all outstanding achievements of the cultural progress of mankind and, based on China's specific national condition, creatively establish a social security system suited to the socialist market economic structure and having Chinese characteristics. Specifically, there are the following points:1. The social security level should conform with China's national conditions and the developmental level of productive forcesSocial security must suit the need of the development of productive forces, must be able to stimulate the raise of labour productivity and promote the development of productive forces. A given development level of productive forces determines a given social security level. A successful social security system can promote the development of productive forces, conversely, an unsuccessful social security system will hamper the development of productive forces.Judging from foreign experiences and lessons, high level welfare and egalitarianism have led to a blind alley. The welfare country system practised in the West has stabilized society and developed the economy in a definite period. The social security system characterized by high standard and extensive welfare practised in Western ``welfare countries'', however, has brought about many negative effects, the great amount social security expenses have led to heavy financial burdens on the government and to continually increased deficits and have thus hindered economic development and exerted negative influence on the nationals' concept of value, the ``universal welfare'' policy preached in the past now finds it hard to continue. Statistics indicate that between 1960 90, among the member states of the OECD, the proportion of social security expenditures to the GDP rose from 7 percent to 15.4 percent; the proportion of medical and health care expenditures also doubled, climbing from 3.9 percent to 7.8 percent; around 25 percent of government public expenditures were spent on old age pensions. Excessive burdens of social security expenses resulted in huge budget deficits.Now, Western countries have come to realize that the social security welfare tendency not only cannot raise labour productivity, but has developed inertia of human beings and fostered lazy bones. The mounting amount redistributed by ``welfare countries'' inevitably leads to a。
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美国 CISA 网络安全
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美国国家安全局/中央安全局(国家安全局/ CSS)是一个美国政府的情报机构,作为美国国防部的一部分进行管理。
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C-TPAT基础知识大全一概论什么是C-TPAT认证C-TPAT是美国国土安全部海关边境保护局(即US Custom s and Border protec tion,简称”CBP” ). 在9.11事件发生后所倡议成立的自愿性计划. 在于2002年4月16日正式实施. C-TPAT全名为: Custom s-Tradepartner ship Against T error ism. 即[ 海关—商贸反恐怖联盟]. 透过C-TPAT的安全建议, CBP希望能与相关业界合作建立供应链安全管理系统, 以确保供应链从起点到终点的运输安全\ 信息安全及货况的流通,从而阻止恐怖分子的渗入.C-TPAT带来了什么影响.1.供应商面对更严谨的监察首先, 本地厂商/供货商作为美国进口商的业务伙伴,将会面对美国进口商更高的安全程序要求及更严谨的监察,自2005年3月25日起, CBP已进一步收紧了对其美国进口商成员的安全要求, 其中包括规定进口商须订立书面和可核实的程序以挑选合作伙伴, 包括制造商,产品供货商和卖家, 进口商也须具备文件证明整个供应链内的商业伙伴均已达到C-TPAT的安全标准( 或外国海关当局实施的同等供应链保安计划的标准).2.服务竟争区别因素作为C-TPAT 的成员, 不论是进口商或运载商等,都能籍此令他们的货物和服务在竟争对手中区别出来. 对于非C-TPAT 的成员来说,(例如外地制造厂商和货运经营者等), 也面临一定的市场压力而考虑邀请第三方认证机构审查他们的保安程序.发出类似ISO 9000的证书, 向外界显示他们已遵循相关的供应链安全指引.3.供应链安全已成为全球采购的一部分进口商/ 国家(不限于美国,也不论是否 C-TPAT), 对供应链安全的关切将会令安全考虑成为采购要求中的一部分. 进口商会透过订单\ 证书\ 行为守则\ 经销商手册等,将安全责任加于制造厂商身上.二C-TPAT 供应链安全管理1.供应链安全管理9.11事件发生至今已有近四年的时间,供应链的安全管理仍是一大课题。
1.1 Pilgrim FathersIn 1620, Puritans—the Pilgrim Fathers sailed f or V irginia aboard the ship Mayflower.Reason to f lee f rom England:to avoid the religious persecution Landed in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.1.2 Boston Tea PartyIn 1773, patriot s staged the ―Boston Tea Party‖ inresponse to the tea tax.They boarded British merchant ships and tossed 342 crates of tea into Boston harbor.British Parliament then passed The Intolerable Acts:The independence of the Massachusetts colonial government was curtailed, and more British soldiers were sent to the Port of Boston.1.3The First Continental Congress September, 17742.1 The Shot of LexingtonOn April 19, British troops were sent to Lexington and Concord to disarm the American militiamen.The f irst shot in the American War of Independence.2.2 The Second Continental CongressHeld in Philadelphia in May 1775Assume the f unctions of a national government•Founding Continental Army and Navy under the command of George Washington.Printing paper money and opening diplomatic relations withf oreign powers.2.3 Declaration of IndependenceOn July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed.Q.What does the Declaration of Independence tell us?I t tells of the theory of politics, which latter is central to the Western political tradition:Men has a natural right to “Lif e, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness‖.Governm ent can rule only with ―the consent of the governed‖;Any government may be dissolved when it f ails to protect the right of the people.2.3 Declaration of IndependenceThe Declaration of Independence was draf t by Thomas Jeff erson.It had two parts:The f irst part justif i ed the right of people to rebel against a governm ent that denied them their natural rights.The second part was a detailed indictment of King George f or cruelties, crimes and illegal political acts against humanity and America.How did the war develop? And w hich battle marked the turning point of the war?It dragged on for seven years.Obstacles for the continental army:No enough supplies. Tired and hungry, while British troops f resh and well-equipped. By the middle of December, 1776, the Revolution seemed lost.The victory at Saratoga turning point.2.4 Process of the WarThe assistance from FranceBenjamin Franklin—a messenger to Europe to get help f rom other countries.The French King made two agreements with Franklin:France would take part in the war against England.They agreed to trade with each other.Spain and Holland joined France against England—a quick end to the war.In 1781, a decisive victory at Y orktown in V irginiaOn October 19, 1781, the British general Cornwallis was f orced to surrender, the war came to an end.The two parts signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783—America won its independence2.5 The Establishment of ConstitutionOn May 25, 1787, the constitution was draf ted.In June 1789, the constitution came into eff ect in nine states.Ten amendments—The Bill of Rights—were added to the Constitution in 1791.3.1 Causes of Civil WarWhat was the essential cause of the Civil War?3.1.1 Economic reason:two diff erent economic systems3.1.2 Political reasonThe North—Federal Government as a unionThe South—The Conf ederate Government: theindependence of each state3.1.1 Economic reasonTwo different economic systems existed side by sideIn the South—slavery was t he foundationThe slave economy—an obstacle to industrial growth and expansionIn the North—commerce and industry led the economyIndustrial economy required the restri ction of slavery and territory f or raw materials, markets and labor supplyEconomic antagonism led to increased conflicts between North and South.3.3 The Fierce Warfreedom f or black people—secondary objectiveGettysburg—turning point of the warOn April 14, Lincoln was assassinated by actor John Wilkes Booth.Q. What was the significance of the Civil War?1) abolished the slave system2) swept the obstacles to the development of US capitalist production4.1 World War IOutbreak of the First World WarInevitable result of contradiction between two groups of imperialist powers:The political, economic and colonial rivalries of the great powers.Why did America enter World War I?Germans’submarines sank ships going to England—injuring American trade.Germany promised the Mexicans a chance “to regain its lost territory by the war against the US‖.Af ter two years’f ighting, both sides grew weary—a good chance f or America to enter the war.US entered the war in 1917The German Government appealed to President Wilson f or peace settlement An armistice (停火协议) was concluded in November 19184.2 Post WWI to the 1940sThe booming 1920sThe Great DepressionIn 1929 the stock market crashed, wiping out 40 percent of the paper values of common stock.Depression deepened, many lost their lif e savingsBy 1933 the value of stock on the New Y ork Stock Exchange shrank by over 4/5Core of the problem—immense disparity between the productive capacity and the ability of people to consume4.3 World War IIWorld War II broke out in September, 1939 and ended in August, 1945.Background of the warWhat is America’s foreign policy in the early stage of World War II?A sit-on-the-fence policy dotrade with the warring countries, including the aggressorsbelieve in ―glorious isolation‖Its negative effect:Isolationism encouraged Nazi and Adolph Hitler to believe that they could rely on Ameri can neut rality and their victims could not buy munitions in US.Japan believed that paci f ist US would not f ight f or the integrity of China. 4.3 World War IIOn the morning of December 7, 1941, Japanese air f orce attacked the US Paci f ic f leet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It was the direct cause f or Am erica’s entrance into the war.Conference at PotsdamHeads of the US, British and Soviet Union met at Potsdam, to discuss operations against Japan, the peace settlement in Europe, and a policy f or the f uture of Germany.End of WWIIThe US airf orce dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima On August 6 and on Nagasaki on August 8.On September 2, 1945, Japan surrendered4.4 Post WWII Y earsThe Cold WarUnited Nations in 1945—a new and better world would emerge from World War II.The conf lict between the two superpowers Russia and the US increased and later led to the Cold War.Truman DoctrineThis marked the beginning of the Cold War.The Vietnam War▪A long-time suff ering f or the US▪Started under Eisenhower and continued byKennedy and JohnsonWhat contributions did Richard Nixon make in promoting the Sino-US relationship?Table Tennis Foreign PolicyNixon–f irst US president visited Beijing.The ―Shanghai Communiqué‖—a new US policy:there was one China; Taiwan was part of China;a peaceful settlement of the dispute by the Chinese themselves was in American interest.George H. W. BushBush concentrated on social and economic problems.Two Wars The Gulf War Desert Storm1. US ConstitutionConstitution—basic instrument law, drawn up in 1787, came into eff ect in 1789.Two characters:separation of powers, check and balances;speci f ied exactly what power the central government had and which power was reserved f or the states.Significance of the ConstitutionTaking precedence over all state constitutions and laws, and over laws made by the congress;First of its kind in the world, it has inspired doz ens of ot her countries to seek political reform.2.1 The Federal GovernmentThe Federal Government—the central government.Three equal and separate branches:▪The Executive branch▪The Legislative branch▪The Judicial branch2.2.3 Qualifications of The PresidentNatural-born Ameri can citizen of and over 35 years-old;Being resident within the US f or at least 14 years;Serve one or two successive terms of f our years.2.3.1 Congress▪Law-making and the supreme legislative body;Two houses:the Senatethe House of Representatives2.3.2 The Senate100 voting members, two f rom each state;They may be reelected f or an unlimited number of six-year terms, chosen by a direct election;Qualifications for being a senator:over 30 years old;a US citizen f or at least 9 years;resident in the state f rom which he is elected.2.3.3 The House of Representatives435 voting members plus a non-voting representative f rom Puerto Rico, Guma and the District of Columbia;State legislature divides each state into congressional districts, each district electing one Representative;Qualifications for being a representative:▪at least 25 years old;▪ a US citizen f or no less than 7 years;▪serve f or a term of two years.2.3.4 The Function of Congresspassing laws f or the Union;Either house may introduce legislation on any subject except the revenue bills which must originate in the House ofRepresentatives.The constitution is generous in its grant of powers to Congress;2.4 The Judicial BranchThe judicial branch consists of a series of courts:▪the Supreme Court▪the courts of appeals—12▪the district courts—94The Supreme Court—highest court;One Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices; decisions are made by the majority.3.1 Sym bols of the partiesThe Democrati c Party and the Republican PartyDonkey & Elephant3.2 The Democratic PartyThe Democrati c Party—liberal;Government—playing an important role in the economy and emphasizing f ull employment;Favor civil rights laws, a strong social security system and less restrictive abortion laws,More disposed to search out a method of living with Russia and China and to look f or reduction in arms spending.3.3 The Republican PartyThe Republican Party—conservative;Favor an economic system—giving enterprises a great er freedom and demand the government to control inf lation;Stress the need f or law and order;Oppose complete governmental social programs and f ree choice of abortion;Favor a strong military posture and assertive stands in international relations.3.4 Function of PartiesTo nominate candidates for office and help them in their election campaigns.f ind the most suitable candidates;help candidates to collect the money needed, mobilize the party activists or hire people to help them with the propaganda;urge the public to vote f or them and undermine the rivals by exposing their personal f laws or attacking their policies.4. ElectionThere are many kinds of elections in the United States.When an American votes in November in the presidential election each leap year, he is voting in several other elections as well;He also votes f or a Representative or a Senator;At regular intervals he votes to choose the governor of his state, the mayor of his city and the holders of several local public off ices.EconomyⅠGeneral IntroductionUS—the current industrial, economic and technological giantranking f irst in computer technology, space technology, nuclear energy, and electronics, etc.;producing a major portion of the world’s machinery, automobiles, oil, electrical energy, and chemicals.Mixed economyemphasizing private ownershipfederal government—regulating businesses anti-trust laws1. The Colonial PeriodEnglish investors turned over colonial charters to the settlers.Clear regional patterns of development by the 18th century:2. Since American Independence3. The 20th CenturyPresident Roosevelt’s New Deal (新政)—intervention of the government Education1. Ideals of American EducationProducing a society of literacy and local controleducation governed by state and local governments, not by the national government; no national ministry of educationeach state has its own laws regulating educationEmphasis on the basic nature of knowledge and learning Scholars and students should work to discover new inf ormation or conceive (构思、设计) new ways to understand what is already known;Learning is an enterprise of exploration, experimentation, analysis, and synthesis;The goal of education is to teach children how to learn and help them reach their maximum potential.Education is both an individual benef it and a social necessity.Every American has the right and obligation to become educated. Education is both an individual benefit and a social necessity.Every American has the right and obligation to become educated.2.1 Elementary and Secondary EducationElementary and secondary education—the basis of public education, free and compulsory, 12 gradesOne academic year—f rom September through JuneDifferent divisions of school systems:elementary school—one through eight high school—next f our yearselementary school—one through sixjunior high school—seven through ninesenior high school—ten through twelveElementary educationCourses—reading, arithmetic, language arts, science, social studies, music, art, and physical educationClass size—20 to 30 studentsSecondary educationTwo stages: junior high school and senior high schoolCourses: more specialized—English, social studies, algebra, geometry, etc. Nine periods f or a day:f ive f or academic subjectsone f or physical educationa lunch periodtwo study periodsvisiting the libraryparticipating in extracurri cular activity2.2 Higher EducationThe beginning of higher education—t he founding of Harvard College in 1636a big enterprise with a complex systemFour categories of institutions:▪the university▪the f our-year undergraduate institution—the college▪technical training institution▪two-year community collegeCollege & UniversityCollege—undergraduate institution conferring a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or a Bachelor of Sciences (B.S.) degree University—a group of colleges, each serving a special purposeFunctions of higher education▪Teaching /research/public serviceLocation of institutions▪New Y ork—308 institutions▪Calif orni a—299 institutions▪Nevada and Wyoming—only nine institutions each The variety of subjects▪f ine arts and practical, career-oriented f ields The variety of institutions▪large, comprehensive universities and smalltraditional liberal arts collegesFactors for students’personal preferences▪size, academic quality, location▪reputation of the f aculty and departmentThe BoardThe board of trustees (理事)—carrying out administration of colleges and universitiesComposed primarily of laymen (非专业人士)▪Laymen—represent the public interests thanprof essionalsLegal body, responsible for the institutionResponsibilities:▪choosing the president;▪establishing policies f or administrators and faculty;▪approving the budget;▪the purchase and sale of real estate and other majorproperty items, etc.Harvard UniversityThe oldest institution of higher learning in America▪comprehensive university that mainly grants degrees▪engaged in scienti f ic researchestablished in 1636named af ter John Harvard—its f i rst benef actor (捐助者)Outstanding academic achievements▪7 presidentsJohn Adams, John Q. AdamsTheodore and Franklin D. RooseveltRutherf ord B. Hayes, John F. KennedyGeorge W. Bush▪more than 40 Nobel laureates1.1 The Colonial PeriodCharacter of Writings—religious, practical, or historical.Ameri can Puritanism—major topic stresses▪predestination (预言)▪original sin▪total depravity (堕落)▪limited atonement (赎罪)or the salvation (拯救) ofa selected f ew who would receive God’s grace.Character of Declaration of Independence▪rhetorical (带修辞色彩的) vigor▪ref ined diction (措辞)▪polished style▪ardent longing f or f reedom1.3.1 Jonathan Edwardsreligious idealismpowerf ul sermons (布道)—preaching the puritan ideas and condemning people’s work—―Sinners in the H ands of an Angry God‖(1741).initiating the Great A wakening Movement to revive Puritanism.1.3.2 Benjamin Franklinlevelheaded (头脑冷静的) common sensea completely worldly man; a statesman, ambassador, scientist, essayistas well.Poor Richard’s Almanac—both a literary achievement and a prof itable businessAutobiography—most f amous work.―the f aithf ul account of the colorf ul career of America’s f i rst self-made man‖—rising f rom poverty and obscurity (身份低微) to wealth and fame.Autobiography—a record of spiritual growth in addition to self-examination and self-improvement.2.1 FeatureCharacter of American writingsfree expression of emotions, attention to the psychic (精神的) states of their character.exalted (赞美) the individual and the common man.revealed unique characteristics of their own and grew on the native lands 2.2.1 Washington Irving“the father of American literature”the f irst to write using the local color and the details in his works. symbolism to the themes.Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow—most famous stories.2.2.2 James Fennimore Coopertwo great figures of American mythology: the brave frontiersman and the bold of the ―Leather Stocking Tales‖—a series of f ive novels▪The Pioneers (1823)▪The Last of the Mohicans (1826)▪The Prairie (1827)▪The Pathfinder (1840)▪The Deerslayer (1841)2.2.3 Ralph Waldo Emersonchief spokesman of New EnglandTranscendentalism—summit of American Romanticism.def ined as ―the recognition in man of the capacity of knowing truth intu itively, or of attaining knowledge transcending the reach of the senses‖.His essays have a casual style.The best—Nature and Essays2.2.4 Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)a descendant of Puritan immigrants.a pioneer in psychological description.wrote as a moralist; tried to f ind out how men reacted in their mind when they f ound they had done something wrong;exposed the evils of the society by describing the psychologicalactivities of human beings.most f amous novel—The Scarlet Letter2.2.5 Edgar Allan Poea lonely writer both in lif e and literature history.literary output: poetry, short stories, and reviews f or literary works.strange theme and style make him an outsider of the main current of American literature.f oreigners accl aimed him as geniusmasterpieces▪The Raven (1845)▪The Fall of the House of Usher (1839)2.2.6 Herman Melvillefame—est ablished on Moby Dick.acknowledged as one of the world’s great masterpi eces.theme—too far advanced f or his contemporaries▪presenting a bleak view of the world:the universe is Godless and purposeless;human lif e is also meaningless and f utile.2.3.1 Walt Whitmanpoems—The Leaves of Grasscombined the ideal of democratic common man and that of the rugged individualpoetic stylefree verse—poetry without a f ixed beat (拍子) or regular rhyme scheme.his poetry ironically ignored by the general public due to his unconventional style.。
ⅠTrue or FalseF1. In the United States, the social security system provides assistance to people with financial problems.F2. In the United States, Medicare provides virtually free treatment for all American citizens.F3. Social security is the nearly universal retirement program for Americans, with about 92 percent of people aged 60 and over receiving benefits.T4. Since 1996, welfare responsibility under AFDC has been passed to the states, which receive federal grants to run their own programs.F5. The Social Security Administration organizes the distribution of food and food stamps through state and local governments.F6. Since government-sponsored welfare programs are essential to the needy and the poor, they are quite adequate in confronting the poverty issue.F7. Child Welfare League of America is the largest privately-funded childcare agency in the United States, providing shelter and service to homeless and runaway youth. F8. In the United States, most employees and their families are normally insured for health care through public insurance programs.F9. Medicaid program provides federal grants to states for the free treatment of the elderly.T10. In the United States, two-thirds of the housing units in the private sector are “single-family dwellings”.ⅡMultiple Choice1. The American social security system includes the following programs EXCEPT ___C______.A. OASDHIB. MedicareC. MedicaidD. Unemployment Compensation2. Americans may start receiving their pensions at the age of _____C____.A. 55B. 60C. 65D. 703. The main federal welfare programs in the USA consist of the following programs EXCEPT___D______.A. MedicaidB. AFDCC. Food StampsD. MedicareC4. Which of the following belongs to the religious welfare organization?A. NCH.B. CWLA.C. CCHD.D. Ford Foundation.D5. Among private foundations, which has become increasingly prominent in private charity activity?A. Rockefeller Foundation.B. Ford Foundation.C. Buffett Foundation.D. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.D6. Which of the following statement is NOT true about American health care services?A. A sizable number of Americans still remain uninsured.B. The U.S. has top-quality medical facilities.C. Medicaid covers only about 40 percent of the poor nationwide.D. Compared with other developed countries, the United States spends less onhealth care.7. According to the healthcare reform proposed during the Obama administration, the government will require most Americans to have health insurance by ___D____.A. 2011B. 2012C. 2013D. 20148. Homes and houses give Americans the following sense EXCEPT ____D____.A. possessionB. material satisfactionC. personal identificationD. freedomⅢ. DiscussionWhat could be the possible reasons for Americans to be so slow and so reluctant in initiating and developing their social services, particularly in comparison with other developed countries in the world?➢Private charity organizations have been highly developed since the early days of the settlement.➢Church organizations have been heavily involved in community services.➢Americans have a long tradition of self-reliance, self-help, and self-independence.➢Americans in general do not trust government.。
加强中美关系 Strengthening China-U.S. Relations 促进高层交往 Promoting High-Level Exchanges 应对地区和全球挑战 Addressing Regional and Global Challenges 建设全面互利的经济伙伴关系 建设全面互利的经济伙伴关系 Building a Comprehensive and Mutually Beneficial Economic Partnership 气候变化、能源和环境合作 气候变化、 Cooperating on Climate Change, Energy and the Environment 扩展人文交流 Expanding People-to-People Exchanges
2. 两国元首回顾了自奥巴马总统二〇〇九年十一月对中国进行国 事访问以来中美关系取得的进展,并重申致力于建设二十一世纪积 极合作全面的中美关系,这符合两国人民和国际社会的利益。双方 重申,中美三个联合公报为两国关系奠定了政治基础,并将继续指 导两国关系的发展。双方重申尊重彼此主权和领土完整。两国元首 还重申了对二〇〇九年十一月《中美联合声明》的承诺。 2. The two Presidents reviewed the progress made in the relationship since President Obama's November 2009 state visit to China and reaffirmed their commitment to building a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive ChinaU.S. relationship for the 21st century, which serves the interests of the Chinese and American peoples and of the global community. The two sides reaffirmed that the three Joint Communiqués issued by China and the United States laid the political foundation for the relationship and will continue to guide the development of China-U.S. relations. The two sides reaffirmed respect for each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Presidents further reaffirmed their commitment to the November 2009 China-U.S. Joint Statement.
国际共济会最高华裔组织:2012-12-27 08:43:04| 分类:默认分类| 标签:|字号大中小订阅国际共济会最高华裔组织:美国华裔精英百人会Committee of 100百人会徽标:人字象征金字塔2009年奥巴马提名两位华裔担任其内阁部长——能源部长朱棣文和商务部长骆家辉,两人均为华裔精英组织百人会成员。
百人会(Committee of 100)是1990年在美国纽约成立的一个华人精英组织,是共济会的外围。
美国 CISA 网络安全
美国 CISA 网络安全CISA(Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency)是美国政府负责网络安全和基础设施安全的机构。
一.英文全称为“social security number”,由美国联邦政府发放。
二.SSN是一个非常重要的东西,你会发现在美国办各种信用卡都需要用到SSN ,因为可以查询到你的信用分数,从而判断你是不是能申请到某张信用卡。
三.对于外国留学生来说,想要申请SSN,需要有工作证明(Offer of employment)。
美国网络空间可信身份战略的真实意图旷野;闫晓丽【期刊名称】《信息安全与技术》【年(卷),期】2012(003)011【摘要】As the global economy and social development is more dependent on the network, a cyberspace that can confirms the identity is more and more important, and the identity management becomes important factors ensuring cyberspace prosperity and health development. In April 2011 the United States issued National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace. There is a view of NSTIC in China which said the strategy is to strengthen the American control of network, and marked the important shift of America from network free to network control. This paper introduced the background and main content of NSTIC, and analyses the real intention of strategy. Then the paper put forward some enlightenment for our country.%随着全球经济社会发展对信息网络依赖性增强,一个可以确认身份的网络空间越来越重要,身份管理成为确保网络空间繁荣和健康发展的重要因素。
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二战遗留问题导致社会保障立法迅速发展 Second World War and Social Security Legistration
• 原因 - 战时工会的压力导致许多私人企业已经开始提供保障性 福利 - 许多公共社会保障项目得到认可 • 主要福利项目和援助法案立法获得通过: GIA人权法案 - 1944 NMHA 国家精神病康复法案 - 1946 NSLP 全国中小学午餐项目 - 1946 Housing Act 住房法 - 1949 SMP 学校奶制品项目 - 1954 VRA 疗养康复法案 - 1954 APTD 永久和完全残疾者援助 - 1951 Disability Insurance 残疾人保险 - 1951
2013-7-18 15
医疗健康服务 Medial Insurance
• 健康医疗福利保障包括医疗保险或医疗照 顾(住院保险),医疗补助,私人健康保 险和工伤保险;与老年,遗属和残疾保障 构成美国社会保障两大基本要素。 • 随着人口老化,老年医疗健康保障项目变 得越来越重要。 • 老年保障分为三种:强制性老年保障,非 强制性补充性老年保障和政府救济性老年 保障。
2013-7-18 7
向贫困开战 Anti-Poverty by Kennedy and Johnson
1962/07/25 PWA (Public Welfare Amendments) 公共福利修正案由 肯尼迪总统签署成为法律 第一次提出加强失业和弱势群体的职业培训,职业转换以及为公共援助 受益人提供直接服务 使贫困者在经济上逐渐独立不再单纯依靠政府,减少救济金和社会福利 开支。 1964年8月,EOA (Economic Opportunity Act) 经济发展法经约翰逊 签署成为法律 立法加强民间互助合作 有力保障青少年儿童身心健康和教育支持 对流动人口提供特殊贷款资助儿童接受教育
Social Security System – USA & China
Monsoon Accessorize ETI (China)
Mar 10 2009
• USA Social Security System 美国社会保障制度 • Current China Social Security System 中国社会保障制度
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食品劵补助项目 Food Stamp Program
• 起始与20世纪30年代大萧条时期 • 是美国基本的食品保障政策,每年联邦政 府该项支出超过100亿美元 • 1962 建立《儿童营养保障法》帮助贫困儿 童获得低价或免费午餐。 • 为稳定社会起了重要作用。 • 得到食品劵2/3的人主要是儿童,老年人 和病人。
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退伍军人的补偿与抚恤项目 Veteran’s Compensation and Pension Program • 补偿金
80年代以来,政府每年支出87亿美元,每人平 均可得4000美元,严重伤残最高可得 50000美元。 • 抚恤金 80年代以来,政府每年支出25亿美元,61万退 役每人平均可得4000美元,有未成年子女 的家庭最高可获得1万美金补助。
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《社会保障法》 Social Security Act - 1935
1935 年8月14日通过《社会保障法》,使之 成为法律,这标志着: • 贫困者的责任由地方政府,民间组织转向 联邦政府; • 贫困是制度性,结构性,而非是个人性 • 生产者与消费者,雇主与雇员相互依存 • 贫困是社会性问题,需要理性对待
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公共援助项目 补充保障收入项目(SSI)
• 包括以下三个方面: - 抚养未成年儿童的家庭援助(AFDC) - 工作福利 - 补充保障收入 优缺点 儿童援助管理权实际转交给了地方州政府,中央财 力有很大的压力 工作福利政策使得一部分人不再依靠社会保障收入, 重新投入工作。 补充保障收入是帮助65岁以上的老人,盲人和伤残 者设立的社会保障项目。
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政府医疗保险与私人医疗保险 Integration of the National and Private Insurance 私人医疗保险有: 政府医疗保险有:
• HI医疗保险 • SMI 补充医疗保险(意外) • HI主要靠雇员和雇主的工 资税的社会保障工资税 15.3%中的2.9%作为医疗 保险 • SMI 资金25%来自纳税人, 75%来自于政府。
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物品与服务资助的社会保障项目 in-kind and service supporting Program
主要有: 医疗健康服务 – medical insuarance 住房补贴项目 – housing allowance 食品劵补助项目 - food stamp program
罗伯特欧文与拉纳客纺纱厂 1799年,欧文收购了苏格兰拉纳客(New Lanark)纺纱厂着手进行系 列改革: 缩短工时,提高工资; 禁止使用童工; 开办学校和托儿所,修建工人住宅,设立互助保险,提供医疗服务。 该企业不仅没有亏本,反而帮助工厂获得巨大利润,震惊欧洲。 Owen's main contribution to socialist thought was the view that human social behaviour is not fixed or absolute, and that human beings have the free will to organize themselves into any kind of society they wished.
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进入的原因 离婚或分居 未婚生育 收入降低 其它或不明原因 离开的原因 结婚 收入增加 转移收入的增加 儿童离家出走 其它或不明原因 分布特征(%) 45% 30% 16% 10% 分布特征(%) 35% 26% 14% 11% 14%
From: Sar A. Levitan: Programs in Aid of the Poor, page 155
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实现充分就业是社会保障制度的重要功能之一。 • 对失业人员提供保障 失业保险(U-insurance) 失业津贴(U-allowance) 失业救济(U-relief) • 最低小时工资和最高工时保障 1938 公布《公平劳工法》,1989年布什进行修正。 2007年2月2日,美国联邦参议院调准最低工资为7.75美元。 理论上缩短工时可以作为增加就业的有效手段之一。 • 就业保障和就业培训 从肯尼迪到尼克松的三个人力政策法案目的在于加强就业能力的建设; 80年代以来美国政府主要加强两个方面的的建设: 青年劳力由受教育到做工作的转变 劳动力从事旧职业到新职业的转变 • 反解雇和反裁员 • 工伤保障和暂时丧失劳动能力的保障
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• 1988年,美国老年人,幸存者与伤残保险 支出总额达2172亿美元,每年大约有 3900 万人受益,约每 6人就有1人获得该项资助。 • 到1988年,93%的工人加入了改保险 • 个人要获得该保障必须至少缴纳40个季度 (10年)所得税。 • 退休或残疾者所获得的收入取决于其退休 年龄和工资水平。
1964 年食品补助法案(Food Stamp Act)-将食品分配给低收入家庭 1965/07/30 医疗保险修正案通过 - 医疗和住院保险得到保障
里根经济学 - Reaganomics
• 尼克松(1969-1974)1972年提出家庭援助计划 (FAP)向儿童失业四口之家提供每年至少1600 美元援助。 • 1974年1月,尼克松签署《补充保障收入计划》 SSIP,对没有工作能力的全国成年人统一管理, 创建了全国第一个收入保障项目。 • 卡特(1977-1981)建立NYEB (national youth employment bill)全国青年雇佣法案,主要是对不公 平的保障制度进行改革。 • 里根(1981-1989)建立全国社会保障委员会, 重新确认政府对社会保障的责任。美国开始真正 建立比较完善的社会保障制度。
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American Social Security System 美国社会保障制度
Main Topics 主要内容
1 The origin of USA Social Security System 社会保障制度的起源 2 Cash Supporting Program 现金资助的保障项目 3 In-kind and service supporting program 物品与服务资助的社会项目 4 Program for unemployment and employment 失业与就业的社会保障项目 5 The source of finances supporting programs 美国社会保障津贴的来源 6 The Characters of the USA Social Security System 美国社会保障制度的特点 7 The function and affect of USA Social Security System 美国社会保障制度的作用和影响
The Origin of USA Social Security System
威克斯法案 – the Wicks Act 1931年8月,纽约州长罗斯福提出关爱失业,老年 人,鳏寡和工伤事故 1931年9月通过威斯威克斯法案 - 成为美国第 一个提供失业救济的州 成立临时紧急救助署 – T.E.R.A(Temporary Emergency Relief Administration)管理救济资金 1933年5月,《联邦紧急救助法颁布》,建立第一 个全国性救济机构。负责人 – Harry Hopkins