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times per minute? times per minute? times per minute? times per minute?
CF: rhythm, metre & tempo
rhythm 指说话,音乐,舞蹈等韵律,节奏(Regular repeated pattern of sounds) S This music is written in a rhythm of four beats to a bar.
rhythm: n. regular successions of weak and strong stresses, accents, sounds of movements (in speech, music, dancing, etc.
S A rhythm of one two three one two three is characteristic of waltz.
T 这段音乐是以一小节四拍的节奏写成的。
metre 指诗歌的格律、韵律(the arrangement of words into strong and weak beats) S The metre of the first stanza is similar to that of the second
violent death. • I could feel mother controlling her sobs
from the next room. • 那孩子的啜泣声渐渐静了下来. • The child's sobs gradually died down.
• 一个板球队由11名队员组成。
give sb. no peace: keep disturbing sb.
• The spread of SARS gave local people no peace in those days.
• 因为那个顽皮的男孩总是惹祸,让他父母不 得安宁。
• The naughty boy gave his parents no peace as he always made trouble.
churn: move sth. energetically in different
directions; beat and shake (cream) in a tub (to make butter )
The village woman churned the milk until it turned into butter.
tick: 1. make light, regularly repeated sounds;
2. put a small mark against (names, figures, etc.) to show that sth. is correct
While we waited the taxi's meter kept ticking away
S 可以感受到他的心跳节律。
T The rhythm of his heart beats could be felt.
In rhythm The young mother was rocking the cradle in rhythm.
A Game: Listen to the Heartbeats
The fish churned (up) the water when we threw into food.
• Some pulp writers churn out two or three short stories a day.
• 有些捣浆糊的作家每天粗制滥造地写出两三 篇短篇小说。
sob: v,n, draw in breath sharply and irregularly
T 第一节诗的格律同第源自文库节诗的格律相似。
tempo 音乐,器乐演奏的拍子,速度;动作,活动的节奏(speed of music playing)
S The later part of music is played at a fast tempo.
T 音乐的后半部分以快速演奏。
S He is used to the busy tempo of urban life.
from sorrow or pain, esp. while crying;
• I found her sobbing in the bedroom because she'd broken her favorite doll.
• 她哭著诉说儿子横死的经过. • She sobbed out the story of her son's
T 他已经适应了都市生活的快节奏。 .
cricket: 1. a game played with a ball and bat by two
teams of 11 players; 2. leaping insect
• A cricket team is comprised of eleven players.
Tick the sentence that best describes your feelings.
这么闷的天,这钟滴滴答答声让我们打瞌睡。 The ticks made us all dose off in such a stuffy
day. 请在你答案后的方框里打勾。 Please put a tick in a box next to your answer.
Listen to the heartbeats. Each one is different. Figure out which heart is beating at which speed. Then, check the answers.
Which heart beats Which heart beats Which heart beats Which heart beats