四年级下册英语教案-lesson 1 Can I hep you_ 鲁科版

Can I help you?Instructional DesignI. Class Type: Listening and SpeakingⅡ. Grade: Grade FourⅢ. Analysis of the reading materialThe topic of this material is Can I help you? It’s mainly about shopping language. Students have already learned words like “help, shopping, take...” and sentences like “I’d like a ...”. They are expected to use sentences “Can I help you?” “I’d like a ...” fluentlyin shopping. At the same time, students are expected to improve their ability of listening and speaking by learning the dialogue.Ⅳ. Learning goals1.Knowledge goal1) All the students will be able to get the main idea of the dialogue and know shopping language very well.2) All the students can read and say the following words and sentences: toy, bus, car, fast, cheap; Can I help you? I’d like a ...;How about ... ?; I’ll take it.3) 90% of the students will be able to retell the dialogue in class.2. Ability goal1) 90% of the students will be able to use the shopping language in Part two: Let’s talk.2) 85% of the students will be able to use the shopping language in different situations.3. Emotion goalHelp students’ develop a reasonable consumption concept and ask students to be well-behaved when they go shopping.Ⅴ. Key points and difficult pointsUse the shopping language in different situations based on the dialogue they learn in this class.Ⅵ. Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warm-upFree-talk. I’m your new English teacher today. I’m so happy to see you. Nice to meet you. Before our class, let’s enjoy a song and try to sing along.【Purpose】Make the students and teacher much closer by free talk.2. Now who can tell me what this song is about.Yes. It’s about shopping. I like shopping. I often go shopping at the weekend. Look! I bought lots of things for my daughter last weekend. What are they? They’re all toys. Oy says/oi/. My daughter is two and a half years old. She likes toys and she likes shopping too. Do you like shopping? Our friend Li Ming also likes shopping. Look! He and his mother are shopping now. Can you guess what Li Ming wants to buy?【Purpose】Review “I often... at the weekend.” in unit 4 and lead in the topic and introduce the background. Try to lay a foundation for the new lesson by guessing.Step 2. Presentation1. Watch and answerLead students to watch the cartoon and get the answer to the questions:What does Li Ming want to buy?【Purpose】Students can get the main idea of the dialogue.2.Listen and saySet up two questions : 1) When we want something, we can say...2)When we go shopping, we can say...Ask students to find the answer by listening specific information. And try to make more sentences in pairs.Then set up another two questions to help students understand the dialogue.3)Will they take the toy car? Why do they take this car?【Purpose】Students can know more details about the dialogue. Help them to analyze the structure the the dialogue. At the same time, they can learn the new words and key sentences.Reason: It goes fast. And it’s cheap. So, Li Ming buys a cheap car. When you go shopping, what kinds of things will you buy?【Purpose】Help students develop a reasonable consumption concept and ask students to be well-behaved when they go shopping.3.Summarize the dialogue【Purpose】Help students to know the dialogue better. Improve students’ capability of language application.4.Watch and follow【Purpose】Students can imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Andcomprehend the dialogue as a whole..Step 3. Practice1.Work in groups and read in different roles.2.Let’s talk (Choose one task to do)e the pictures and sentences on Page 53 to practiceB.Make up a new dialogue.【Purpose】Students can practise according to their own English level. Step 4. Production1. Introduce three different situations and ask students to choose one or create one situation to make a dialogue.【Purpose】Use shopping language in different situations and improve students’ capability of language application.2. Introduce a picture book and enjoy reading【Purpose】To relax and offer an English environment to read.Step 5. SummarySummarize what we learn in this class【Purpose】To recall the sentences in shopping and the emotional goal.Step 6. Homework1. Tell your parents and friends the shopping language you learned today.2. Enjoy the picture book and read more.【Purpose】Develop students’ ability to use the sentences in daily life.Blackboard DesignCan I help you?May I have a ...? I’d like a ..., please.How about...?I’ll take it.。
鲁教版小学英语四年级下册Unit1 Lesson 1 I’m from Britain教学设计

Unit1 Lesson 1 I’m from Britain.一、教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:China,from,Canada,America,Britain.2.能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’m from…”3.学会运用所学句型询问对方的国籍。
二、教学重难点:重点:能听懂、会说、认读并灵活运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’m from…”.难点:单词America,Canada,Britain的发音及运用。
三、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1、介绍地球村,欣赏并了解本课涉及四个国家的风景、标志性建筑和国旗。
)2、图片落脚到China 上,通过趣味游戏:比比反应速度来巩固新词。
Step 2 Presentation1. 展示李明图片:I’m from China.学习主句型。
2、展示李明到机场接朋友图片,进而询问:Are they from China?学生观看动画选择:Where are you from, Jim? 学习单词Canada.the U.S.对学生来说并不难,此处一块学习。
3、看动画连线学生找出另外两位同学来自哪里,学习单词:Britain.通过对话巩固句型:—Where are you from? —I’m from…4、快看快说复习四个国家单词5、猜国旗说国家通过对国旗的描述猜测国家名称6、课文(1) 听读模仿(2)分角色朗读Step 3 Practice展示四个国家的经典动画人物,然后让学生说出他们来自哪里。
Step 4 Summary总结本课学习的主要单词句型Step5 Homework1、听读第四页课文五遍2、了解美国、加拿大、英国的历史文化习俗等。

3. Read the new sentences together.
4. T: In this class, I’ll introduce some new friends to you.
Watch the CD-Rom,let’s see “Who comes to China?”
1. Greetings.
2. Free talk.
How are you today?
Did you have a good time for your holidays?
Where did you go?
这时在大屏幕上显示“Where did you go?I went to… ”引导学生用此句型回答。
Step 2 Presentation
1. T: Look, this is our old friend Li Ming.
T: Now I’m Li Ming.(老师带上头饰)I’m from China.(板书句子“I’m from China.”)China is our country.
Show the word card and read the word together.
“China”the letter “i”is pronounced / ai /.
“from” the letter“o”is pronounced/ɔ/.
Girls read together. Boys read together.
2. T: OK, class. I’m from China.Where are you from?(板书)

Unit 1 Countries【单元教材分析】功能:询问和了解他人的国籍及居住地。
教学重点:能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’m from …”“Where’s he/she from?”“He’s /She’s from …”“Where do you live?”“I live in …”教学难点:在实际生活中能灵活运用所学知识并掌握Australia, America, Canada等单词的读音。
【单元教学目标】1.能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词: China, from, her, live, please;能听懂、会说、认读单词:famous, America, Australia, France, Britain, India, Ottawa, London, Washington D.C, 并能结合句型灵活运用。
2.能听懂、会说、认读句型:“Where are you from? ”“I’m from …”“Where’s he/she from?”“He’s/She’s from …”“Where do you live? ”“I live in …”3.学会运用所学句型询问对方的国籍及居住地,并能简单描述居住地情况。
4.初步了解字母j, w, u 在单词中的发音规律。
Lesson1 I’m from Britain.课型:新授课一、教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:China, from, Canada, America, Britain.2.能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’m from…”3.学会运用所学句型询问对方的国籍。
二、教学重难点:重点:能听懂、会说、认读并灵活运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’m from…”.难点:单词America,Canada,Britain的发音及运用。
四年级下册英语教案-Lesson1 Sometimes I do housework∣鲁科版(五四制)

鲁科版小学英语四年级下Unit 4 WeekendLesson1 Sometimes I do housework.教学设计:课时目标:1.能听说,认读并运用单词:visit, sometimes, weekend, grandparents, museum。
2. 能用熟练运用句子“Wh at do you do at the weekend? I often …. / SometimesI ….Do you often…? Yes, I do.”描述自己的周末活动,询问他人的周末活动。
4. 培养学生热爱家庭、热爱生活的美好情感。
教学重难点:1.能用熟练运用“What d o you do at the weekend? I often …. / Sometimes I ….Do you often…? Yes, I do.”描述自己的周末活动,询问他人的周末活动。
2.能熟练区别sometimes 与often 的意义及用法。
教学准备:多媒体课件、单词卡片教学方法:小组合作法,故事表演法,游戏法教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.T: Boys and girls, have a nice day!Ss: Thank you.T: You can also s ay“You,too.” to me.【设计意图】课前与学生互相问好,营造和谐的师生关系和融洽的课堂氛围。
更为重要的是通过使用“Have a nice day!”这一旧的语言内容向学生渗透本课新的语言内容“Havea nice weekend!”及其回应方法,加大语言的输入量。
2. Play a game: Sharp eyes.Please look at the pictures and say the phrases.【设计意图】通过游戏让学生复习以前学过的关于活动的词组,活跃气氛,为后面的课文学习及游戏做准备。
鲁湘版四年级下册Unit1 What do we need教案

让学生分组用英语讨论,制订出一个具体外出计划,并列出所带用品。然后, 向老师和全班同学做具体汇报。
教师课前需要准备录音机、磁带、教学挂图、单词卡片和外出用品图片(或 实物)。
1. Warm-up. 本节课是新学期开学后的第一节英语课,教师在讲课之前可以先问一下同学
物)仿照课文句型进行问答对话。 (4)让学生分组用英语讨论,制订出一个具体外出计划,并列出所带用品。然后,向老师和全班同学做具
本节通过看图进行问答对话形式,重点考查学生听力和问答对话能力,符合 “语言技能”中的“听懂简单话语或录音材料”的要求。课文内容是讨论日 常生活中经常用的物品,贴近学生生活,便于学生学了就用。
coat 上衣,外套 Why not...? 为什么不……呢?
take 拿,取 umbrella 雨伞
good idea 好主意 What about...? ……怎么样?
kite 风筝 cloudy 多云的,阴天的
library 图书馆 shoe 鞋
cold 寒冷的 camp 野营
tent 帐篷
2. Target structures
们在假期都做了哪些事,有哪些活动,让学生做简单谈论。然后,问一下学 生中有没有人外出活动(比如去公园、爬山、野营等)。并让同学们谈论一 下外出活动都需要准备哪些用品。 在学生进行谈论过程中,教师要积极引导,将话题始终围绕外出活动需要带 的用品这个中心,并将重点词语和句型写在黑板上,以便学生仿照和参考。 通过这样的热身活动,从而引出本节课所讲的教学内容。
以小组为单位,讨论进行外出旅游需要准备哪些物品。先个人说说需要准备 的物品,然后综合小组成员意见后,列出一份小组外出旅游所需物品清单, 并制作出一期海报,张贴出来供大家观赏。

四年级下册英语教案Unit 1 Countries鲁科版(五四制)(三起)教学内容本单元围绕“国家”这一主题,通过学习不同国家的名称、特点、文化等内容,培养学生的跨文化意识和国际视野。
教学目标1. 知识与技能:学生能够正确识别并说出几个主要国家的名称,了解这些国家的文化特点。
2. 过程与方法:通过小组讨论、情境模拟等活动,提高学生的英语听说能力,培养合作学习的能力。
3. 情感态度价值观:激发学生对不同文化的兴趣,培养学生的跨文化交际意识。
教学难点1. 正确记忆和识别国家名称的英语表达。
2. 运用英语描述国家的文化特点。
教具学具准备1. 教具:多媒体设备、国旗图片、世界地图。
2. 学具:单词卡片、练习册、彩笔。
教学过程1. 导入:通过展示不同国家的国旗图片,引导学生猜测并说出国家名称,激活学生的背景知识。
2. 新授:利用多媒体展示各国文化的视频片段,教授新单词和句型,如“France is famous for its food.”。
3. 实践:学生分小组,选择一个国家,用英语介绍该国的文化特点。
4. 巩固:进行“国家知识竞赛”,检测学生对知识的掌握情况。
作业设计1. 书面作业:完成练习册上的相关练习。
2. 口头作业:学生选择一个自己喜欢的国家,下节课用英语进行简要介绍。
教学难点正确记忆和识别国家名称的英语表达1. 直观教学:使用国旗、国徽等直观的图像来帮助学生记忆国家名称。

Unit 1 Countries【单元教材分析】功能:询问和了解他人的国籍及居住地。
教学重点:能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’m from …”“Where’s he/she from?”“He’s /She’s from …”“Where do you live?”“I live in …”教学难点:在实际生活中能灵活运用所学知识并掌握Australia, America, Canada等单词的读音。
【单元教学目标】1.能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词: China, from, her, live, please;能听懂、会说、认读单词:famous, America, Australia, France, Britain, India, Ottawa, London, Washington D.C, 并能结合句型灵活运用。
2.能听懂、会说、认读句型:“Where are you from? ”“I’m from …”“Where’s he/she from?”“He’s/She’s from …”“Where do you live? ”“I live in …”3.学会运用所学句型询问对方的国籍及居住地,并能简单描述居住地情况。
4.初步了解字母j, w, u 在单词中的发音规律。
Lesson1 I’m from Britain.课型:新授课一、教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:China, from, Canada, America, Britain.2.能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’mfrom…”3.学会运用所学句型询问对方的国籍。
二、教学重难点:重点:能听懂、会说、认读并灵活运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’m from…”.难点:单词America,Canada,Britain的发音及运用。

教学难点:单词Australia, India, France.的发音及运用。
1.能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词:China, from, her, live, please;能听懂、会说、认读单词:famous, America, Australia, France, Britain, India, Ottawa, London, Washington D.C,并能结合句型灵活运用。
8.Listen and imitate.
9.Read the text in groups.
Step 3 Practice
1.Play a game: Sharp eyes.
2.Sing a song:《Where are you from》两只老虎的曲调
3.Let’s do.
Make a dialogue in groups.
Step 4 Summary
Step5 Homework
Listen to the tape and repeat it 3 times.
熟读、背诵Listen and say.
四年级下册英语教案-Lesson 1 I want to eat noodles. 鲁科版

Ss ask, answer and draw.
8.Watch the cartoon again and learn new word: dumplings.
T:Oh, who’s that? That’s John. And what does John want to eat?
Step 4: Tips
Keep reasonable diet, keep healthy.
Step 5: Summary
Fruit garden:
I can read...
I can say...
I can know...
Step 6 Homework
1.Listen and read the contents on P24 for three times.
T: You know,Jack wants to eat noodles. And how do you know the answer. From picture 1, picture 2, or picture 3?
Ss answer.
Show the sentence: What do you want to eat?
2.FinishP25 Let’s do.
Blackboard design
Lesson I want to eat noodles.
What do you want to eat?
I want to eat...
Ss: OK.
Show the pictures with a beautiful song.
2.Divide the students into two groups:
鲁科版四下Unit 1 Countries-Lesson 4教学设计

鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit 1 Countries Lesson 4 Again, please!教学设计****实验学校***Unit 1 CountriesLesson 4 Again, please!教学设计一、教材分析本教材是由山东科技技术出版社出版的五四学制的小学英语教材,全套教材根据《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》编写,三年级起点。
本节课选在第三册,四年级下册第一单元第四课Unit 1 Countries Lesson 4 Again,please!(教材第10-11页)。
三、教学目标(一)知识与能力目标1.复习巩固四会单词(听懂、会说、认读、书写):China, from, her, live.2.复习巩固三会单词(听懂、会说、认读):Canada, the U.S., Britain, Australia, India, France, Ottawa, London, famous, Washington D.C. .3.能运用句型“I’m from… I live in … London is…”等句型进行自我介绍。
4.能够初步认识字母j, w, u 的发音规律并尝试在单词中进行拼读运用,拼读未学过的单词。

英语四年级下册第一单元教案Unit 1 Countries【单元教材分析】功能:询问和了解他人的国籍及居住地。
教学重点:能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where are you from”“I’m from …”“Where’s he/she from”“He’s /She’s from …”“Where do you live”“I live in …”教学难点:在实际生活中能灵活运用所学知识并掌握Australia, America, Canada等单词的读音。
【单元教学目标】1.能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词:China, from, her, live, please;能听懂、会说、认读单词:famous, America, Australia, France, Britain, India, Ottawa, London, Washiington , 并能结合句型灵活运用。
2.能听懂、会说、认读句型:“Where are you from ”“I’m from …”“Where’s he/she from”“He’s/She’s from …”“Where do you live ”“I live in …”3.学会运用所学句型询问对方的国籍及居住地,并能简单描述居住地情况。
4.初步了解字母j, w, u 在单词中的发音规律。
【分课时教学设计】Lesson 1 I’m from Britain.(第一课时)一、教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:China,from,Canada,America,Britain.2.能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where are you from”“I’m from…”3.学会运用所学句型询问对方的国籍。
二、教学重难点:重点:能听懂、会说、认读并灵活运用句型:“Where are you from”“I’m from…”.难点:单词America,Canada,Britain的发音及运用。
2017鲁科版英语四年级下册Unit 1《Lesson 4 Again, please》教案

Unit 1 CountriesLesson4 Again, please.一、教学目标:1.复习前三课所学单词及句型,在情境中进行运用。
三、教学过程Step 1 Warm up游戏:快速组句,巩固前三课知识。
句子结构是:Where are you from? I’m from…Where is he/she from? He’s/She’s from … Where do you live? I live in …Step2 Presentation1.出示Let’s talk 部分四个人物及四个国家名称:China, Britain, America, India.让学生观看文本动画,连线。
2. Listen and imitate.3.Read the text by themselves.4.Act.Step 3 Practice1.Let’s do.自读文本部分,教师提供人物头饰及胸牌,学生自选头饰及相应的胸牌,对同桌介绍:Hello,my name’s Mary. I’m ten. I’m from Britain. I live in London. London is famous. I like it.2.完成Fun time 部分。
教师先出示Fun time 部分的国家单词,采用“快速闪现单词卡”方式复习一下国家名称。
教师根据Fun time 部分的图片,讲解游戏规则,请一名学生做示范:先选择喜欢的图片藏好,然后模仿图片中动物的动作,全班同学快速抢猜并说出:You’re from …表演的学生判断:Yes或No.3.学习Let’s read 部分。

四年级下册英语教案Unit 1 Lesson 4 Again, please 鲁科版五四制教学内容本课为鲁科版五四制四年级下册英语教科书《Again, please》的第四课。
教学目标1. 让学生能够熟练地运用已学过的家庭成员词汇。
2. 培养学生运用动词过去式描述过去发生的事情的能力。
3. 通过情境模拟,提高学生的英语口语交流能力。
4. 增强学生对英语学习的兴趣和自信心。
教学难点1. 动词过去式的正确运用,尤其是不规则动词的过去式形态。
2. 学生在口语交流中能够自然地使用过去式描述过去的事件。
3. 家族成员词汇的记忆和应用。
教具学具准备1. 英语教科书。
2. 多媒体教学设备,用于播放课件和音频资料。
3. 教学卡片,包括家庭成员和动词的原形及过去式。
4. 小组活动记录表。
板书设计1. 家族成员词汇表。
2. 动词原形和过去式的对照表。
3. 重点句型展示。
4. 课堂练习题。
作业设计1. 完成教科书上的练习题。
2. 写一篇关于自己家庭成员的小短文,使用过去式描述他们昨天的活动。
3. 家长签字确认孩子完成作业。
鲁科版英语四年级下册《Lesson 1 Can I help you》教学设计

5.Act the text.第四遍跟读,要尽力模仿录音中的地道的语音和语调,让学生分角色朗读课文。
Step 4Production
T:Here are some tasks.Please choose! (课件出示任务包)
1.Li Ming的外婆病了,Li Ming和他的父母亲想买些水果(fruit)去看望她。现在,他们到了水果店。水果店有下列水果:apple, pear, orange, banana等
教师板书Can I help you?
I’d like a toy, please.新授单词help,引导学生理解Can I help you?这句话的意思。领读句子,机械操练。教师问学生回答,男生问女生回答,女生问男生回答,同位互问互答。
3.巩固句型Let’s sing.(两只老虎)
Can I help you?Can I help you?
Yes, yes, yes!Yes, yes, yes!
I’d like a toy.I’d like a toy.
I’d like a toy.I’d like a toy.
4.Lieten and repeat.第三遍边指边听边看对话内容,注意语音和语调,画出不懂的地方。教师讲解: How about this toy bus?All right.we’ll是we will的缩写。We’ll take it.我们要买下。教师补充:Can I help you?除了可以用I’d like...还可以用I want...回答。

Unit 1 Countries单元备课一、本单元教学要求:知识目标:1.能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词:China, from, her, live, please;能听懂、会说、认读单词:famous, America, Australia, France, Britain, India, Ottawa, Lo ndon,Washington D.C, 并能结合句型灵活运用。
2.能听懂、会说、认读句型:“Where are you from? ”“I’m from …”“Where’s he/she from?”“He’s/She’s from …”“Where do you live? ”“I live in …”能力目标:学会运用所学句型询问对方的国籍及居住地,并能简单描述居住地情况。
初步了解字母j, w, u 在单词中的发音规律。
二、本单元教材分析:本单元共4课:Lesson 1 I like eggs. Lesson2 Do you like fish? Lesson 3 I’d like some apple juice. Lesson 4 Again, Please!12个认读单词,7个听说单词。
三、教学重难点:教学重点:能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’m from …”“Where’s he/she from?”“He’s /She’s from …”“Where do you live?”“I live in …”教学难点:在实际生活中能灵活运用所学知识并掌握Australia, America, Canada等单词的读音。
四、教学时间:Lesson 1 I’m from Britain. 1课时Lesson 2 Where’s she from? 1课时Lesson 3 I live in Beijing. 1课时Lesson 4 Again, Please! 1课时单元测试与评价:1课时。

Unit 1 Countries【单元教材分析】功能:询问和了解他人的国籍及居住地。
教学重点:能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’m from …”“Where’s he/she from?”“He’s /She’s from …”“Where do you live?”“I live in …”教学难点:在实际生活中能灵活运用所学知识并掌握Australia, America, Canada等单词的读音。
【单元教学目标】1.能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词: China, from, her, live, please;能听懂、会说、认读单词:famous, America, Australia, France, Britain, India, Ottawa, London, Washington D.C, 并能结合句型灵活运用。
2.能听懂、会说、认读句型:“Where are you from? ”“I’m from …”“Where’s he/she from?”“He’s/She’s from …”“Where do you live? ”“I live in …”3.学会运用所学句型询问对方的国籍及居住地,并能简单描述居住地情况。
4.初步了解字母j, w, u 在单词中的发音规律。
Lesson1 I’m from Britain.课型:新授课一、教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:China, from, Canada, America, Britain.2.能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’mfrom…”3.学会运用所学句型询问对方的国籍。
二、教学重难点:重点:能听懂、会说、认读并灵活运用句型:“Where are you from?”“I’m from…”.难点:单词America,Canada,Britain的发音及运用。

四年级下册英语教案Unit 1 Lesson 1 I’m from Britain教学内容本课为鲁科版五四制四年级下册英语教科书第一单元第一课。
教学目标1. 语言知识:学生能够掌握并运用关于国家和国籍的基本词汇,如“Britain”、“China”等。
2. 语言技能:学生能够流利地使用“I’m from…”的句型介绍自己的国籍。
3. 情感态度:培养学生对不同国家和文化的兴趣和尊重。
4. 学习策略:通过小组活动、游戏等方式,提高学生的学习兴趣和合作能力。
教学难点1. 正确发音和记忆关于国家和国籍的词汇。
2. 熟练运用“I’m from…”的句型进行自我介绍。
教具学具准备1. 英语教科书和练习册。
2. PPT课件,包含关于国家和国籍的图片和词汇。
3. 小组活动卡片。
4. 录音机及教学录音带。
教学过程1. 导入:通过PPT展示不同国家的图片,引导学生猜测并说出这些国家的名称。
2. 新课内容学习:学习关于国家和国籍的词汇,以及“I’m from…”的句型。
3. 小组活动:学生分组,每组选择一个国家,然后用“I’m from…”的句型进行自我介绍。
4. 课堂练习:完成教科书和练习册上的相关练习,巩固所学知识。
板书设计1. 关于国家和国籍的词汇列表。
2. “I’m from…”的句型及其例句。
3. 课堂练习的答案。
四年级下册英语教案-lesson 1 Can I hep you_ 鲁科版

Can I help you?Instructional DesignI. Class Type: Listening and SpeakingⅡ. Grade: Grade FourⅢ. Analysis of the reading materialThe topic of this material is Can I help you? It’s mainly about shopping language. Students have already learned words like “help, shopping, take...” and sentences like “I’d like a ...”. They are expected to use sentences “Can I help you?” “I’d like a ...” fluentlyin shopping. At the same time, students are expected to improve their ability of listening and speaking by learning the dialogue.Ⅳ. Learning goals1.Knowledge goal1) All the students will be able to get the main idea of the dialogue and know shopping language very well.2) All the students can read and say the following words and sentences: toy, bus, car, fast, cheap; Can I help you? I’d like a ...;How about ... ?; I’ll take it.3) 90% of the students will be able to retell the dialogue in class.2. Ability goal1) 90% of the students will be able to use the shopping language in Part two: Let’s talk.2) 85% of the students will be able to use the shopping language in different situations.3. Emotion goalHelp students’ develop a reasonable consumption concept and ask students to be well-behaved when they go shopping.Ⅴ. Key points and difficult pointsUse the shopping language in different situations based on the dialogue they learn in this class.Ⅵ. Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warm-upFree-talk. I’m your new English teacher today. I’m so happy to see you. Nice to meet you. Before our class, let’s enjoy a song and try to sing along.【Purpose】Make the students and teacher much closer by free talk.2. Now who can tell me what this song is about.Yes. It’s about shopping. I like shopping. I often go shopping at the weekend. Look! I bought lots of things for my daughter last weekend. What are they? They’re all toys. Oy says/oi/. My daughter is two and a half years old. She likes toys and she likes shopping too. Do you like shopping? Our friend Li Ming also likes shopping. Look! He and his mother are shopping now. Can you guess what Li Ming wants to buy?【Purpose】Review “I often... at the weekend.” in unit 4 and lead in the topic and introduce the background. Try to lay a foundation for the new lesson by guessing.Step 2. Presentation1. Watch and answerLead students to watch the cartoon and get the answer to the questions:What does Li Ming want to buy?【Purpose】Students can get the main idea of the dialogue.2.Listen and saySet up two questions : 1) When we want something, we can say...2)When we go shopping, we can say...Ask students to find the answer by listening specific information. And try to make more sentences in pairs.Then set up another two questions to help students understand the dialogue.3)Will they take the toy car? Why do they take this car?【Purpose】Students can know more details about the dialogue. Help them to analyze the structure the the dialogue. At the same time, they can learn the new words and key sentences.Reason: It goes fast. And it’s cheap. So, Li Ming buys a cheap car. When you go shopping, what kinds of things will you buy?【Purpose】Help students develop a reasonable consumption concept and ask students to be well-behaved when they go shopping.3.Summarize the dialogue【Purpose】Help students to know the dialogue better. Improve students’ capability of language application.4.Watch and follow【Purpose】Students can imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Andcomprehend the dialogue as a whole..Step 3. Practice1.Work in groups and read in different roles.2.Let’s talk (Choose one task to do)e the pictures and sentences on Page 53 to practiceB.Make up a new dialogue.【Purpose】Students can practise according to their own English level. Step 4. Production1. Introduce three different situations and ask students to choose one or create one situation to make a dialogue.【Purpose】Use shopping language in different situations and improve students’ capability of language application.2. Introduce a picture book and enjoy reading【Purpose】To relax and offer an English environment to read.Step 5. SummarySummarize what we learn in this class【Purpose】To recall the sentences in shopping and the emotional goal.Step 6. Homework1. Tell your parents and friends the shopping language you learned today.2. Enjoy the picture book and read more.【Purpose】Develop students’ ability to use the sentences in daily life.Blackboard DesignCan I help you?May I have a ...? I’d like a ..., please.How about...?I’ll take it.。
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Step2Presentation1.T:Look,thisisouroldfriendLiMing.T:NowI’mLiMing.(老师带上头饰)I’mfromChina.(板书句子“I’mfromChina.”)Chinaisourcountry.Showthewordcardandreadthewordtogether.“China”theletter“i”ispronounced/a i/.“from”theletter“o”ispronounced/?/.Girlsreadtogether.Boysreadtogether.2.T:OK,class.I’mfromChina.Whereareyoufrom?(板书) ThenletSsuse“I’mfromChina.”toanswer.3.Readthenewsentencestogether.4.T:Inthisclass,I’llintroducesomenewfriendstoyou. WatchtheCD-Rom,let’ssee“WhocomestoChina?”Checktheanswers:Jim,Mike,Danny,Mary.5.Let’slistentothetapeagain,andfindouttheanswers.(1) IfyouareJim,whereareyoufrom?(2) IfyouareMike,whereareyoufrom?(3) IfyouareMary,whereareyoufrom?6.Thenchecktheanswersandteachthenewwords:Canada, America,Britain.7.Readthenewwordstogether.8.Listenandimitate.9.Readthetextingroups.Step3Practice1.Playagame:Sharpeyes.ShowfourpicturesofActivity2.T:Whereareyoufrom?S:I’mfrom…2.Singasong:《Whereareyoufrom》两只老虎的曲调Whereareyoufrom?Whereareyoufrom?I’mfromChina.I’mfromChina.Whereareyoufrom?Whereareyoufrom?I’mfromCanada.I’mfromCanada.1) Tsings.2)Sssing.3)学生小组内根据歌曲自编。
3. Let’sdo.提前给学生每人发一张代表国家的小卡片。