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Unit 4

Task 1


1, tactful, 机智的,圆滑的。

2, expertise, 专门知识。

eg, The appropriate handing of a meeting depends on a chairman’s adequate preparations, expertise in the topic of the meeting and tactful chairing manners.

3, credential, 学术经历,成就。

eg, I am going to start by covering Randy’s academic credentials.

4, tenure, 长期聘用。

eg, He was granted tenure a year early at Shandong university.

5, delegate, 代表。Distinguished delegates.

6, reservoir, 水库。

eg, Everyone has an enormous untapped reservoir of potential.

7, exponentially, 以指数方式地。

eg,If you want to keep your wealth and grow it exponentially, please join me in …8, adjourned, 休会

eg, I declare the plenary session adjourned until tomorrow.

9, recital, 朗诵

biography, 传记

anecdotes, 轶事

eg, Avoid boring the audience with a long recital of the speaker’s biography or with a long series of anecdotes about your acquaintance with him.

10, prestige, 威望、声望

eg,The less well-known the speaker is, the more you will need to build up his prestige.

11, venue, 地点

eg, Be in attendance at the venue minutes.

12, rehearse, 排练

eg, You should rehearse your remarks several times before you chair a meeting. 13, podium, 乐队指挥台,讲台

eg, You should walk confidently to the podium, stand erect .

14, salute, 致敬,欢迎

e g, “Your Excellencies” used to salute a head or heads o

f government present.

15, allotted, 分配的

eg, You should also indicate the allotted time for each presentation.

16, courteous, 有礼貌地,谦恭地

eg, A good chairperson needs to deal with unexpected events in a firm but courteous manner.

17, affiliated, 附属的,有关联的,就职于

eg, From 2000 to 2004, he was affiliated with the Institute for Social.

18, verse, 诗

crystallized, 趋于完美的

eg, Over time, his verse id simplified and crystallized.


1, plenary session 全体会议。

2, cater to 迎合,为……服务。

3, zest for 对……热心。

4,back up 支持。

5,pay one’s tribute to 表达对某人的致敬、称赞。

6, refreshment arrangement 提神饮料地。

7, to name but a few 仅以这些为例。

Task 2


1, propagate, 传播

eg, It is an effective tool for propagating an idea, outlining a plan and explaining a problem.

2, mitigate, 减弱,缓和

eg, Wetlands can mitigate extreme weather events.

3, buffer, 缓冲物

eg, Coastal wetlands appear to be a buffer for the waves of storms.

4, glaciers, 冰川、冰河

eg, Now global warming is causing the glaciers to disappear.

5, intact, 完整的

eg, Millions of people depend for their livelihoods on intact and functioning wetlands.

6, corridors, 走廊

Intrusion, 侵入

eg, The wetlands act as transport corridors and provide protection against floods and saltwater intrusion.

7, integrate, 整合

eg, Sustainable development therefore means recognizing and integrating these environmental values.

8, violated, 侵犯

eg, Women are most often the ones whose human rights are violated.

9, echo, 反复、共鸣

eg, If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that …10, heed, 注意、留心

eg, ;Let us heed that call so we can create a word in which …

11, rhetoric, 华丽的辞藻,修辞

eg, We must move beyond rhetoric.

12, symposium, 讨论会

canvass, 讨论、细查

eg, The canvass of the symposium is very large.

13, divergence, 分歧

eg, There is often a divergence between a person’s actual abilities, contributions and needs.
