L12_Deal and Kennedy
我在准备issue过程中用到的查到的一些词及词组,我发现在引用例子的时候很多时候是知道用中文怎么说却常常被一个词的英文说法而难住了,所以我就一个个都查了出来,可能不能满足大家所有的要求,也希望对大家有点帮助吧,祝大家杀G成功:1)The flight of Apollo 11; lunar landing mission ,阿波罗11号的登月计划另外,Apollo 13号的登月很惊险,大家可能都知道吧?看过电影“阿波罗13”的人都知道这段历史吧?不知道的兄弟姐妹上百度搜一下就知道啦!,还有,“挑战者号”Challenger;哥伦比亚号Columbia2)杨氏双缝实验(大学物理讲过的,呵呵):Young’ double-slit experiment,严格来说,这个实验是用classical theory cannot explain,这里面涉及到quantum theory,即量子理论,我不是学物理的,但是据我查的资料上说,其实人类对量子理论并没有完全地明白,也没法用它解释一切,这个观点我觉得可能用来说明人类的认识过程是由不知到知的认识过程,要用发展的眼光来看问题。
3)火星登月计划:Mars Exploration Rover Mission which costs $425 million every year for the assembly, test and launch process which is just the same amount as it costs to the film Titanic and Pearl Harbor,哇,够狠,老美有钱!另外,moon rover是月球车的意思,同理Mars rover.4)Manhattan Project,曼哈顿计划,就是当年Einstein 和Oppenheimer(奥本海默,这小子狠,被称为原子弹之父,一定要记住,这小子在听说美国在对Hiroshima,即日本广岛投原子弹之后,曾感叹自己当初不应该研制原子弹which给人类带来了灾难,科技与人性的题目能用到)5)多利Dolly,不用说了,我想顺着这只名羊提一提关于基因工程( genetic engineering),转基因技术:transgenics,人体胚胎:human embryo,DNA分子双螺旋结构:the double-helix structure of DNA,还有两个牛人,就是发现DNA分子双螺旋结构的沃森和克里克,Waston and Crick6)二战纳粹德国在活人上做实验,用大量的犹太妇女人活体实验为的是研制避孕药(oral contraceptive)7)关于丑闻:Bill Clinton’s sexual scandal with Monica Lewinsky;Nixon’s Watergate scandal;兴奋剂:stimulant;猥亵(针对那个把自己黑皮染白的那个小子的):v. molest; n. molestation;Kobe Bryant Rape case;8)垃圾邮件:不要再说junk mail啦,老土!有个更native的词:spam,记住哟!9)环境问题:氟利昂:freon,臭氧层:ozonosphere/ ozone layer,臭氧空洞:ozone hole;赤潮:red tide 10)关于美国总统:刺杀总统;岂今为止,美国一共有四位总统被刺杀,第一位是Abraham Lincoln,最后一位是John F. Kennedy,还有许多刺杀未遂的,比如刺杀Roosevelt,Truman等等,这可以被用来例子表明领导者不可能让每一个人都满意.另外,罗斯福是个残疾人,大家知道吧?脊髓灰质炎导致坐在轮椅上,不过他并不是小时候得的病,挺奇怪,小儿麻痹并不是像我们想象的那样只能小时候得谈到杜鲁门,我得多说一句,当年美国的曼哈顿计划是罗斯福批的,知道美国要研究原子弹的人并不多,甚至许多后来参加研制的科学家都不知道自己在从事什么研究工作,保密工作做的相当严密,以致后来罗斯福下台,杜鲁门上台的时候都不知道美国已经研制出了原子弹.11)北美最大范围的停电:blackout (or power failure )in eastern US and Canada,人类对科技依赖的例证.12)巨牛的深蓝电脑,就是下棋的那个Deep Blue,是IBM的电脑,有256个processor,另外IBM还有个别称Big Blue13)直线加速器linear accelerator,回旋加速器cyclotron accelerator14)永动机perpetual motion machine15)名人Albeit Einstein:photo electronic effect (光电效应) ;question classical mechanics, quantum theory,不要墨守成规stick to conventions,头脑要灵活,不能太固执adamant/ obstinate/ stubborn/ headstrong,质能方程:mass-energy equationGalileo: did experiment on Leaning Tower of Pisa to discover law of uniform acceleration of falling bodies; discovered that moon shines with reflected light; denounced for advocating Copernican system ;was later tried by Inquisition(宗教法庭) and forced to recant(改变信仰); 哥白尼Copernicus,日心说:sun-centered system地心说:earth-centered system,布鲁诺Bruno,火刑be burned at stakeIsaac Newton:经典力学classical mechanics, 万有引力universal gravitation,be inspired by the falling apple;stand on the shoulders of giantsHegel 黑格尔: 1770-1831 German philosopher; his dialectic process for reconciling opposites influenced Existentialists, Marx, etc.Karl Marx 的辩证唯物主义来自于黑格尔的辩证法dialectic 和费尔巴哈Feuerbach的唯物论Vincent van Gogh:梵高,作品sunflowerMonet莫奈作品sunriseSteven Hawking: British theoretical physicist noted for his research into the origin of the universe. His work influenced the development of the big bang(宇宙大爆炸理论)and black hole(黑洞)theoryMandela(曼德拉), (struggle against segregation in South Africa)the South African black political leader and former president, was awarded 1993 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to antiracism and antiapartheid. Nelson Mandela is one of the great moral and political leaders of our time: an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight against racial oppression in South Africa won him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. Since his triumphant release in 1990 from more than a quarter-century of imprisonment, Mandela has been at the centre of the most compelling and inspiring political drama in the world. He is revered everywhere as a vital force in the fight for human rights and racial equality.Beethoven, the German Composer, began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was entirely deaf by 1819. However, this obstacle could not keep him from becoming one of the most famous and prolific composers in art history. His music, including 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, several senates and so on, forms a transition from classical to romantic composition. Individual, Companies, Leadership and Internal controlDiscriminating services may cause misunderstanding and unpleasant result.The best example is [Toshiba |, one of the largest Japanese companies. In 2000, the Company announced that among notebook computers it produced, one model had serious defect. Users in North America could choose either replacements with an upgraded model or full refund. However, no such offer for users in China. Chinese users were outraged at the company's discrimination and refused to use any of Toshiba's notebook computers. What the company lost is not only the temporary revenue but also the consumer's confidence, which contribute to the long-term success of the company.Roosevelt: the 32nd president and the only president elected for 4th terms (1933-45); developed reforms and projects known as the New Deal. Under his sagacious leadership, America successfully walked out the shadow of Recession and conquered the notorious fascism in the Second World War. And according to a poll conducted at Harvard in 1950, Roosevelt is highly renowned as one of the greatest president of American, ranking only after Washington and Lincoln.Washington: 1st president of the U.S. (1789-1797); established many precedents that permanently shaped the character of the office of president; universally regarded as father of his country. Abraham Lincoln: 16th president of the U.S. (1861-65); successfully preserved the Union during the American Civil War; issued Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in rebelling states; made famous address dedicating cemetery at Gettysburg; assassinated five days after end of Civil War.Jefferson: chief author of Declaration of Independence (1776); 3d president of the U.S. (1801*09); purchased Louisiana from France, sent Lewis and Clark to explore it; prohibited importation of slaves; instrumental in founding U. of Virginia. From him we can see the importance initially laid upon education. He required his progenies to carve such epitaph on his tombstone as ‘chief author of Declaration of Independence; author of the Freedom Law of Religion in Virginia; Father of the Virginia Uni.’ Without mentioning of his presidenc y. It reflected vividly what a status of education in Jefferson’s heart and this status was inherited by his successors. It is why American’s being super power of the world today.Wright Brothers(怀特兄弟):It lasted only 12 seconds, but those 12 seconds changed history. On December 17, 1903, two brothers named Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first airplane flight 哥俩的飞机就在天上呆了12秒.Marie Curie: probed the mysteries of radioactivity and X rays. In 1903, she and her husband won the Nobel Prize in physics, one of the most important awards in science. In 1911, Marie Curie won a second Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry. She is one of very few people in history to win two Nobel prizes.Martin Luther King, Jr. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!”Captain James Cook : sailed around the world twice. He was the first European to reach Hawaii and New ZealandOsama bin LadenConfucius孔子,Mencius孟子16)偷窥:peep,窃听: wiretap17)颁布法律:enact a law18)弱肉强食:the law of jungle19)路易十六Louis XVI,就是被最终砍头(be guillotined)的那个法国国王。
kennedy分类依据【实用版】目录1.肯尼迪分类的背景和意义2.肯尼迪分类的具体内容3.肯尼迪分类的应用领域4.肯尼迪分类的优缺点分析正文1.肯尼迪分类的背景和意义肯尼迪分类,全称为肯尼迪超声分类法(Kennedy classification),是一种根据超声表现对甲状腺结节进行分类的方法。
这一分类法由肯尼迪医生于 1960 年代提出,目的是为了更好地对甲状腺结节进行诊断和鉴别诊断。
2.肯尼迪分类的具体内容肯尼迪分类根据甲状腺结节的超声特征将其分为四类,具体如下:I 类:均质回声结节,无声影。
II 类:均质回声结节,有声影。
这类结节也多为良性,但恶性的可能性较 I 类略高。
III 类:不均质回声结节,无声影。
IV 类:不均质回声结节,有声影。
美国大学课件:组织文化和关键原理(企业文化)Organizational Culture Theory and Critical Theory
Organizational Culture Theory
more fluid and irrational Societal consciousness-raising regarding oppressive
atmosphere in organizations for workers, women, and minorities Inequities and Oppressive Circumstances
Multi-level Perspective on Culture
Schein’s Model of Organizational Culture
Three Interrelated Levels of Culture
Values - basic beliefs and concepts (concrete guidelines for success) Heroes - personify cultural values Rites and rituals - public performances that display and enact values Cultural network - primary carrier of cultural information (stories, myths, legends,
Organizational Culture Defined
Organizational culture is a communicatively constructed, historically based system of assumptions, values, and interpretive frameworks that guide and constrain organizational members as they perform their organizational roles and confront the challenges of their environment.
美国文化知识竞赛参考资料(2)美国文化竞赛参考资料(2)Part ⅡChoose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question:51. The United States has ______ states on the continent.A. 50B. 49C. 48D. 3552. The state of ______ is the largest in area of all the states.A. AlaskaB. HawaiiC. TexasD. Florida53. The U. S. lies in ______ North America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlantic to its ______ and the Pacific to its ______.A. northern, east, westB. central, east, westC. southern, west, eastD. western, east, west54. The largest river in the U. S. is ______ . 。
A. the Missouri RiverB. the Mississippi RiverC. the Ohio RiverD. the Colorado River55. Some of the world famous universities like Harvard. Y ale and MIT are located ______ .A. in the SouthB. along the Pacific CoastC. in New EnglandD. in the Midwest56. ______ is located on the U. S. -Canadian border between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.A. Y ellowstone National ParkB. The Grand CanyonC. Niagara FallsD. The Great Salt Lake57. The native Alaskan population includes the following except the ______.A. IndiansB. EskimosC. AleutsD. Blacks58. The largest minority in the United States is the ______.A. Pacific IslandersB. BlacksC. Native AmericansD. Asians59. The Immigrants Act of 1924 restricted the further immigration into the Uni tedStates, particularly from ______.A. EuropeB. AsiaC. AfricaD. South America60. The characteristic of dominant American culture is ______.A. English-speaking, northern European, Roman Catholic and middle-classB. English-speaking, western European, Roman Catholic and upper-classC. English-speaking, northern European, Protestant and upper-classD. English-speaking, western European, Protestant and middle-class61. The first successful English colony in North America was founded at ______ in ______.A. Jamestown, LouisianaB. Boston, MassachusettsC. Jamestown, VirginiaD. Plymouth, Georgia62. Pilgrim Fathers are a group of ______ who came to America to avoid persecution in England.A. ProtestantsB. PuritansC. CatholicsD. Christians63. The Seven Y ears’ War occurred between the ______.A. French and American IndiansB. French and SpaniardsC. French and BritishD. British and American Indians64. “No taxation without representation” was the rallying slogan of ______.A. the settlers of VirginiaB. the people of PennsylvaniaC. the colonists in New EnglandD. the people of the 13 coloni es65. The first shots of the American War of Independence were fired in ______.A. ConcordB. LexingtonC. PhiladelphiaD. Boston66. In May 1775, ______ was held in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government.A. the First Continental CongressB. the Second Continental CongressC. the Boston Tea PartyD. the Congress of Confederation67. Abraham Lincoln issued ______ to grant freedom to all slaves.A. Declaration of IndependenceB. ConstitutionC. Emancipation ProclamationD. Bill of Rights68. The policy of the United States was ______ at the beginning of the twoworld wars.A. neutralityB. full involvementC. partial involvementD. appeasement69. President ______ applied New Deal to deal with the problems of the Great Depression.A. WilsonB. TrumanC. RooseveltD. Kennedy70. The Vietnam War was a long-time suffering for Americans, and it continued throughout the terms of Presidents ______ , ______.A. Johnson, Nixon and FordB. Truman, Eisenhower and KennedyC. Kennedy, Johnson and NixonD. Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson71. The U. S. Constitution came into effect in ______.A. 1787B. 1789C. 1791D. 179 372. The Constitution of the United States ______.A. gives the most power to CongressB. gives the most power to the PresidentC. tries to give each branch enough power to balance the othersD. gives the most power to the Supreme Court73. The Bill of Rights ______.A. defines the rights of Congress and the rights of the PresidentB. guarantees citizens of the United States specific individual rights and fr eedomsC. is part of the Declaration of IndependenceD. has no relationship with the Constitution74. The following except ______ are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.A. freedom of religionB. the right to get into people’s house by policeC. freedom of speech and of pressD. the right to own one’s weapon if one wishes75. All the following except ______ cannot make legislative proposal.A. the SenatorB. the RepresentativeC. the Secretary of StateD. the President76. The following except ______ are all powers of the President.A. vetoing any bills passed by CongressB. appointing federal judges when vacancies occurC. making lawsD. issuing executive orders77. According to the Constitution, candidate for President must be ______.A. at least 35 years oldB. at least a 14 years’ resident of the United StatesC. born in AmericaD. All of the above78. The terms for a Senator and Representative are ______ and ______ yearsrespectively.A. two, fourB. two, threeC. two, sixD. six, tw o79. The Supreme Court is composed of ______ justices.A. sixB. sevenC. eightD. nine80. The President is directly voted into office by ______.A. all citizens of AmericaB. the citizens over 18 years oldC. electors elected by the votersD. the senators and representatives81. ____ is American’s most important agricultural area.A. The MidwestB. New England.C. The Great PlainsD. The intermountain area.82. Jazz began in the early 20th century as a music of ________.A. black AmericansB. IndiansC. AsiansD. Hispani cs83. _______ is the nation’s leading center of heavy industry in the United Stat es.A. NorthwestB. MidwestC. SouthwestD. West84. The most function of the Congress is to ________ in America.A. pass lawsB. appoint officialsC. make investigationsD. carry out executive orders85. ______ is the leading commercial crop in the South of America.A. CottonB. CornC. WheatD. Rice86. From the mid-seventies onwards, the United States suffered from “______”, that is, the occurrence of stagnation and inflation at the same time.A. stagflationB. crisisC. depressionD. crash87. Of the three cornerstones of the postwar economic boom, _______ was not related to the upsurge in births.A. automobileB. defense industriesC. housingD. all of the above88. The first immigrants in American history came from _____ and ______.A. Ireland/FranceB. England/ChinaC. Scotland/EnglandD. England/ the Netherlands89. During the Missile Crisis, Soviet Union sent missiles to Cuba except ______.A. long-range missilesB. medium missilesC. Chinese CivilD. Vietnam Civil90. Presidential election is held every _________ years in November in the U. S.A.A. towB. threeC. fourD. five91. The United States and the People’s Republic of China establisheddiplomatic relations in _____.A. 1972.B. 1974.C. 1978D. 197992. On June 5,1947,______ suggested that the US should offer economic aid t o Western Europe so as to protect the region from Soviet expansion.A. George MarshallB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. George KennanD. anti-Communist93. McCarthyism was a full-scale, _______ hysteria in the United States in the 1950s.A. NaziB. FascistC. CommunistD. anti-Communist94. Marshall Plan was announced on June 5,_______.A.1947B.1948C.1949D.195095. Education was made a function of the state under the ______ Amendment to the US Constitution.A. Tenth.B. EleventhC. TwelfthD. Thirteenth96 Of the following, ________ is not a nationally observed holiday.A. ChristmasB. Thanksgiving DayC. New Year’s DayD. Easter Sunday.97. The United States is by far the ______ industrial country in the world.A. biggestB. second biggestC. third biggestD. fourth biggest.98. The safeguards against misuse of powers come in the form of _______.A. separation of powersB. executive ordersC. presidential electionsD. party political99. In America, junior colleges include the following colleges except _______ one.A. juniorB. BibleC. communityD. technical100. The second busiest port in the United States is ______.A. New YorkB. HoustonC. Los AngelesD. New Orleans。
Historians rank Lincoln best US presidentDays after celebrations honoring his bicentennial, Abraham Lincoln kept his rank as best US president, according to a survey of 65 historians that landed George W. Bush 36th out of 42 overall.Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865), the first US president George Washington (1789-1797) and New Deal architect Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945) were ranked the top three out of the 42 men who have been the country's former chiefs, according to a survey by cable channel C-SPAN.John F. Kennedy came in sixth, ahead of Ronald Reagan (10th) and Bill Clinton, who jumped to 15th from 21st during the last survey in 2000, when Lincoln also ranked first.Of all modern presidents, Bush, who left office last month after an eight-year tenure, fared worst at 36th, nearly 10 spots behind Richard Nixon (27th), who was forced to resign in disgrace in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal.Bush scored lowest in international relations, where he ranked 41st, and in economic management, where he placed 40th. His best ranking was 24th, in having "pursued equal justice for all." He placed 25th in crisis leadership, and for his vision and agenda setting.Reagan faired well in public persuasion, where he was propelled to third spot, from his 10th place overall.Bill Clinton also received accolades for his public persuasion, landing a 10th spot in that category, up from 15th overall.But presidential historians were critical of the last Democratic president's moral authority, placing him 37th, ahead of Richard Nixon (41st), but behind Bush (35th).Jimmy Carter fell from 22nd to 25th overall, and many other presidents moved positions. The fluidity of perceptions of past presidents reflects contemporary concerns, according to Edna Medford, a survey leader and participant."Today's concerns shape our views of the past, be it in the area of foreign policy, managing the economy or human rights," she said in a statement.Presidents James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce and William Henry Harrison ranked worst overall.在美国纪念已故前总统亚伯拉罕林肯诞⾠两百周年之际,⼀项对65位历史学家开展的调查显⽰,在美国历任42位总统中,林肯被认为是最出⾊的总统,⽽⼩布什则仅排在第36位。
•Communal Culture (High sociability/High solidarity).Members think and act friendly to each others; Adhere to company’s value; High degree of cohesion.•Network Culture (High sociability/Low solidarity).Members act friendly but think different to each other; High competitive environment.•Mercenary Culture (Low Sociability/High solidarity).Members think alike but are not friendly to each others; High competitive environment.•Fragment Culture (Low sociability/Low solidarity): Members think and act differently and unfriendly; Depend on key individuals.Actually, one organisation often has different culture in different sections. For example, at L'Oréal cosmetic company, product researching department has task culture but marketing and accounting departments own role culture. And, these cultures are not fixed forever, they would change as company personal and strategy changed.Analysis Based o n Schein’s ModelEdgar Schein, an MIT Sloan School of Management professor, His model of culture now is widely accepted worldwide. According to Schein, culture has three cognitive levels (Figure 1). The first level is the surface manifestation of culture, also called ‘observable culture’. It included the most visible things (e.g. ceremonials, courses, heroes, language, legends, mottoes, norms, sagas, slogans, stories, symbols and others) produced by a culture. The second one is organisational values. These are accumulated beliefs about how do employees work and how their solve problems. Values can distinguish on organisation from another. The third level is basic assumption. Basic assumptions are invisible understandings held by members in an organisation, concerning “the nature of reality and the organisation’s relationship to its environment” (She in, 1997). It can be summarized in brief statements such as quality, morality, stability, responsibility and innovativeness.Figure 1: Schein’s Level of Culture (Schein, 2004)Based on Schein’s model, the author tries to analyse the organisational culture of L’Oreal Company. L’Oreal is the world’s largest cosmetics and beauty Group, and has more than 890 different companies around the world, selling hair care, skin care, make-up, perfumes and other beauty products in over 130 countries. Walking into an L’Oreal’s retail store, you will notice thatstaff here look confident and exude style feeling. Table 2 clearly shows the surface elements of culture at L’Oreal.Table 2. Example of Surface Manifestations of Culture at L’OrealManifestation L'Oréal as ExampleArtefacts Numbered golden name badges, formal work suit, stationery,Ceremonials Make up competition, Fun days, Annual partyCourses Service selling program for salesman, advanced management program for managers, makeup and image design course for beauty advisers, advancedtraining for research staffHeroes Eugene Schueller (the founder)Legends O’cap considered as the first hair conditioner, Elnett hair spray, Innéov isthe first oral beauty productMottoes Savoir saisir ce qui commence (seize new opportunities).Norms Ethics, respect, innovation, beautySagas In 1988, the research and development pioneer Charles Zviak, hands over the reins of the company to Lindsay Owen-Jones, a truly outstandingdirector, Who successful lead the Group to become the world leader incosmetics.Slogans You Deserve it!Stories After graduate from France’s national chemical engineering school in 1904, Eugène Schueller created his first hair dye formulae, using a blend ofharmless chemical compounds. These dyes produced a subtle range ofcolors, and easily won the market.Symbols L’Oreal brandSource: personal communication from employees and store managerAccording to one manager introduce, that in order to hold operations together and guide employees’ b ehavior,L'Oréal uses a strong organisational culture named ‘L'Ore al Spirit’ relies on following values:First, all employees at L’Oreal believe that everyone aspires to beauty. So help people around world relies this aspiration and express beauty is the G roup’s mission. Second, every employee is entitled to a safe and health working environment. There are many various kinds of potted plants in L’Oreal’s office, made people feel relax and mild. Moreover, the company encourages an atmosphere of openness, generosity, courage and respect, therefore all members here feel free to convey their ideas and opinions. The third value focus on respect: employees need respect for other people and their skill or special knowledge. The fourth value is about environment. Give avery small example: you can see a very special shutter which embedded into two pieces of glass in L’Oreal’s workplace. Two-pieces glass window could maintain the room temperature, and the designed shutter could change its angle automatically along with outdoor lights, which keep the room bright without lamp, in great extent save the energy. This small detail help L’Oreal install environment concern in employees’ day-to-day work.In addition, the Group generously offers opportunities for young staffs with great potential to put their abilities to full use. This talent cultivation consists of two specific ways: Career development and rewards (i.e. encourages mobility through transfer position promotions; rewards through pay rise, transfer promotion or internal promotion); Employee training and education (e.g. various training sessions in room; Bi-annual development interviews). Mr. Agon’s career development may be a best example here. In 1991, after two years he joined the Group, only 24-year-old talented Mr. Agon was appointed as general manager of company’s Greek branch. Then, the company provided him opportunities to try out various different innovations, including introducing new business policies. In the end, Mr. Agon brought his Greek Branch to success. Generally, compared to other company’s value, L’Oreal prefer to offer many opportunities for young employees to challenge themselves.The last but most important value is diversity. From various people who make up its team to the products developed, diversity has always been a priority for the company. This diversity includes several aspects: diversity of origins, encourage gender equality, encourage employment of the people with disabilities and so the forth. For example, in order to guarantee diversity in function, L’Oreal, for many years, kept hiring almost same number of female and male employees, and giving equal treatment in terms of salary and training to them(Chart 3). For another instance, when company recruits, there are no much more specific requirements about what an employee should like. The company only pays much attention on candidates’ personality, such as leadership, innovation capability and enthusiasm, rather than gender, educational background or study major.Chart 3. Gender equality indicator at L’OrealSource:L’Oreal diversity reportConclusionAbove all, the author considered L’Oreal as an appreciated with a ‘mild, tolerate and fashionable’ culture. ‘Be m ild’because company made employees feel free to share their own idea and complain; ‘Be tolerate’ because company promoted diversity in almost aspects; ‘Be fashionable’。
Business Culture and Strategy ofJ D WetherspoonReported by: Lang SongContents PageIntroduction P.3 Section 1 External Environment P.31.1 SPELT Analysis for J D Wetherspoon P.31.2 SWOT analysis in 21st century P.41.3 Guidelines for J D Wetherspoon P.4 Section 2 Organization Culture P.52.1 Organization culture in J D Wetherspoon P.52.2 The type of culture for J D Wetherspoon P.62.3 Relationship between Organizational culture andOrganization behavior P.62.4 A different type of culture for J D Wetherspoon to choose P.7 Section 3 Business Strategy P.73.1 Brief introduction of four strategies in an organization P.73.2 The strategy that use during the 1980s and 1990s P.73.3 Compare the strategy between 21st and 80s and 90s P.83.4 The factors considered when changing business strategy P.83.5 ‘Business strategy’ and ‘Business choice’P.93.6 Key issues considered when managing its strategy P.9 Section 4 Change P.94.1 Forces for change P.94.2 Social Responsibility P.104.3 The role of the management of J D Wetherspoon P.104.4 Overcome any resistance to change P.10 Conclusion P.11 References P.11IntroductionJ D Wetherspoon plc was founded by Tim Martin who opened the first J D Wetherspoon pub in 1979. He based his model for a pub on a 1946 essay by George Orwell which referred to an imaginary pub called …Moon Under Water‟. This offered cheap beer, good conversation and solid architecture. As a result, the company motto of J D Wet herspoon is …cleanliness, beer, service and maintenance‟. J D Wetherspoon, incidentally, takes its name from a Mr Wetherspoon who was Tim Martin‟s primary school teacher. The …JD‟ is from a character in a television programme …Dukes of Hazzard‟. J D Wether spoon became a plc in 1992 at which time it consisted of a chain of 44 pubs. It now has over 600 pubs, which means that it has expanded on average at the rate of about one new pub each week. In 2000, for example, it opened over 90 new pubs and over 50% of the finance for the new developments came from cash generated by the business. In 2002, about 10 years after flotation, its share price rose to more than ten times its original value.In my report, I will refer four knowledge points, such as external environment, organization culture, business strategy and change. In order to analysis whether J D Wetherspoon plc remains a successful business, what factors made J D Wetherspoon to achieve its goals, and to show how the company to take appropriate measures to deal with problems.Section 1: External Environment1.1 SPELT Analysis for J D Wetherspoon♦Social factorThis factor had an influence J D W company on the licensing trade during 2002-2004, supermarket began selling drinks, particularly premium large, at loss-leader prices. This makes it difficult for pubs to compete on price and encourages drinking at home. ♦Political factorThere was increasing public and government concern about binge drinking and the consequent anti-social behavior, particularly in city centers. Pubs of J D Wetherspoon plc cannot be seemed to be encouraging this state of affairs as it brings them bad publicity.♦Economic factorJ D Wetherspoon plc offered cheap beer and sold a wide range of real ale beers at relatively low prices. During 2002-2004, supermarket began selling drinks, particularly premium large, at loss-leader prices.♦Legal factorThe traditional link between the brewing companies and pubs known as the …tied house‟ system had been broken by a ruling from the Monopolies and Mergers Commission which severely limited the number of pubs which a brewer could operate. This had forced J D Wetherspoon plc to choose between brewing and retailing. Monopolies and Mergers Commission have been given responsibility to control, usually for the government.♦Technological factorIn the J D W pubs, the plasma screens can make a special atmosphere of the pubs. And it makes up disadvantage that the lack of TV sets.1.2 SWOT analysis in 21st centuryI will show you a diagram about the J D W‟s internal factors and external factors which consisting of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats by SWOT1.3 Guidelines for J D Wetherspoon♦O and T can be identified by using a classificationAny organisation will want to maximize strengths and minimize weaknesses. In order to seize opportunities and remove threats. Change way arises from any of these four areas. Organisations need to monitor their SWOT, especially at times of crisis, and be responsive to changes that have already occurred. They also need to plan for anticipated changes and be fully prepared to meet them. SWOT analysis is a very useful tool but it is only a starting point.♦Strengths and weaknesses can be identified an internal audit.Strength and weakness depend on the company‟s performance in the past. They can be found using internal audit. For example, the JDW are including the provision of specially adapted toilets for customers with disabilities, this strength is belong to J D W‟s internal advantages.♦Past O and T may lead to current S and WFor example, the JDW seized the opportunity to using new information communication technology innovations—Wi Fi, so it has attract more customers. Furthermore, if the JDW did not deal with the potential threats well, this may be become its weakness.♦S, W, O and T change over timeIn most time, the JDW without TV screens may be can become a strength, because it can offer a quite and comfortable atmosphere to customers, make them enjoy themselves in the pub; but on the other hand, when the World Cup or other Tournaments held, it cannot show the televised football, here, the strength become a weakness.♦Strengths and weaknesses can be at the same instantFor example: In JDW, they do not play music or TV programmers, the strengths is that it can provide a quiet atmosphere for customers to socialize and converse; meanwhile, this make the competitors‟ premises more attractive.♦Interpretation for SWOT with cautionTo some extent, SWOT analysis is subjective, so it has limitation, the JDW using this analysis need be treated with caution.♦The use of SWOTThe SWOT analysis does not determine strategy, it used in conjunction with other tools for audit and analysis, so you can choose the highlight factors used into account. ♦Basic attention on using SWOTJDW can take action on any one or more of the four elements in a SWOT, but they can not only pay attention to its single aspect, such as threats, and ignore its opportunities, they should consider things from every angle.Section 2: Organization Culture2.1 Organization culture in J D W♦Definition of Organization cultureOrganization culture is the pattern of assumptions, values and norms shared by organizational members. The culture of an organization can significantly affect theway in which the company operates, particularly in terms of its effectiveness. Culture is the environment that surrounds staff at work all of the time. It is a powerful element that shapes the staff‟s work enjoyment, work relationships and work process. However, it sometimes cannot actually see.♦Definition of shared values and taken-for-granted assumptionGenerally speaking, shared values means formal culture while taken-for-granted assumptions informal culture. In this sense, control systems, organizational structure, power and structures can be regarded as shared values; rituals, stories, physical symbols and common languages can be called taken-for-granted assumptions.♦Examples of shared values and taken-for-granted assumptionIn this case, one example from J D Wetherspoon of shared values is that the company empowered its staff kept in touch with weekly newsletters, a monthly company video and by publicizing the minutes of Board meetings. This policy reflected the company‟s power structure, which was a deliberate attempt by senior management to develop a particular set of value, which encouraged the employees to work actively and creatively.The example of taken-for-granted assumption is that J D Wetherspoon welcomes people form all kinds of different backgrounds to join the company. This reflected the company‟s symbols.2.2 The type of culture for J D WetherspoonWhen the customers have the new demanded, such as the new taste of beer, pubs will get the rapid feedback. Meanwhile, if a pub cannot make profit any more, it will withdraw the market easily. In other word, the risk is lower. According to the Deal and Kennedy‟s Model, I think J D Wetherspoon‟s culture is the type of work-hard and play-hard culture.Work-hard and play-hard culture‟s stress comes form the quantity of the work rather than uncertainly. The high-speed action will lead to the high-speed reaction. The basic concepts and beliefs of this type are focusing on the customers. They should find the customers‟ need and meet it. J D Wetherspoon is the pub that concern on its services. It should find and know the customers‟ needs timely and meet them. Otherwise the power of competition becomes lower. For example, each of J D Wetherspoon pubs has a ventilation system because majority customers do not like smelling of smoking. It also offers specially adapted toilets for customers with disabilities. It is obviously that when the company knows the customers needs, it make reaction quickly.2.3 Relationship between Organizational culture and organization behavior Wetherspoon‟s has consistently claimed that people are its best asset and offers the flexible training policy. Every member of staff is considered as potential management material. It is the formal culture. So the company gives every staff‟s lifelong training and provides equity opportunity to gain relevant qualifications. Thus the sense ofloyalty will be build. The culture influences the behavior.The company has adopted some suggestions from employees, such as starting training courses later in the day to save on travel costs, introducing a …hotness‟ rating on the curry menu and so on. It is obviously that the company has the policy that staff can be involved to discussion the company‟s operations. The behavior reflects the culture. The culture and behavior in J D Wetherspoon are identically.2.4 A different type of culture for J D Wetherspoon to chooseProcess is the type which has low feedback and low risk. The stress of it may come from the internal policies and stupidity of the system. They focus on the security of past and of the future. This type of organization concerns on work patterns and titles. If J D Wetherspoon chooses the type of process, the result is may be worried. The company cannot get the information about market and make reaction quickly. The management will not flexible and become stability. Furthermore, the company cannot renovate the customers‟needs and new technology. It will cause loss the power of competition.Section 3: Business Strategy3.1 Brief introduction of four strategies in an organization♦Market PenetrationIt markets its existing products to existing customers. This strategy increases revenue by promoting the product, repositioning the brand and enlarging its business.♦Market DevelopmentHere we market our existing product range in a new market. This means that the product remains the same, but it is marketed to a new audience. Exporting the product, or marketing it in a new region, is examples of market development.♦Product DevelopmentThis is a new product to be marketed to our existing customers. Here we develop and innovate new product offerings to replace existing ones. Such products are then marketed to our existing customers. This often happens with the auto markets where existing models are updated or replaced and then marketed to existing customers.♦DiversificationThis is where we market completely new products to new customers. There are two types of diversification, namely related and unrelated diversification. Related diversification means that we remain in a market or industry with which we are familiar. For example, a soup manufacturer diversifies into cake manufacture (i.e. the food industry). Unrelated diversification is where we have no previous industry or market experience. For example a soup manufacturer invests in the rail business.3.2 The strategy that use during the 1980s and 1990sThe strategy that be used in 1980s and 1990s are market penetration. It is the existing product to the existing customer. The company relied on growth at that time by acquiring suitable sites and converting them into J D Wetherspoon pubs. The company did not open it in other country or take the pub into other forms. So the products and th e market are both don‟t change.The J D Wetherspoon chooses that strategy have some advantages as follows:1. The staff has a loyalty in the company. It is useful for the company to growth.2. The expansion of company does quickly and stably. It means that the profit for the company from sales is good.3. The company growth organic, the share price rise ten times than its original value.4. The company quickly responds the change of environment. It attracts more customers that some characteristics that other pub do not possess. It builds good loyalty with customers.3.3 Compare the strategy between 21st and 80s and 90sIn 21st the strategy is product development. The company entered into new market and the company also does some changes on their original services such as reduce alcohol in cocktail pitchers or providing breakfast.The strategy used in 80s and 90s make the company grows stably. It helps the company build a good loyalty with the customer. The company has enough capital to run the company as the sales grow quickly. The strategies that use in 21st help the company expand the business and improve the competitiveness.J D Wetherspoon seems to be following a different strategy which called Focused differentiation during the 21st century. For example, pubs now serve breakfast and open earlier in the morning before normal licensing hours begin at 11:00 a.m.. The strategy in 1980s to 1990s didn‟t help the company exist well in today‟s competitive market. So, the company changed its strategy to maintain its market share and develop its profit.3.4 The factors considered when changing business strategyThe situation may also accident. Changes in an organization‟s strategy are caused by changes in the environment within which organisation operate. If the structure needs to be changed, the manager will change their strategy. The staff may be willing to follow the strategy. However, if the company takes the new product in the market; it can help the company get high market share.♦Social factorIf JDW change its business strategy, there are many factors should be considered, such as the changes in current marketing environment. The social attitudes to binge drinking indicate the threat to JDW.♦Culture factorIn addition, another factor is existing management. Tim Martin may have been committed to the old strategy, while others may have taken advantage of theslowdown in profits and growth to sideline him. His style may have been perceived by others as more appropriate to a previous time. The involvement and communication of staff can be an advantage but maybe a hindrance for them.3.5 ‘Business strategy’ and ‘Business choice’♦Concepts of business strategy and strategy choiceBusiness strategy is for every manager, needs to be effective and well plan to steer an organisation as efficiently and successfully as possible. It must make a correct business strategy in right time.Strategic choice is viewed as an ongoing process in which the planned management of uncertainty plays a crucial role.♦The connection between the terms business strategy and strategy choice During the 1980s and 1990s, JDW adopt the differentiation as their business strategy. They do not play music or show TV programmers in their pubs and also established at least a quarter of space is non-smoking area. Though this strategy, it became more attractive and intensify its marketing competitiveness.3.6 Key issues considered when managing its strategy♦Communication with staffManagement should be clear about the message and ensure that it always expresses it in a similar manner regardless of the audience. From the case, Wetherspoon‟s has consistently claimed that people are its best asset. Every member of staff is considered as potential management material and 20% of senior managers began as bar staff or cleaners. It recognizes that employees will not stay with it for all their working lives but does wish to build a sense of loyalty.♦O ffering consumers ‘a unique value’Another key issue is that offering consumers …a unique value‟, perceived or real. Combining from the organization‟s products and services so that the organization can offer more benefits to the consumer for a lower price. For example, supermarkets began selling drinks, particularly premium lager, at loss-leader prices. This makes if difficult for JD Wetherspoon pubs to compete on price and encourages drinking at home. Thereby, the company should make a suit of price strategy. Let consumers realize JD Wetherspoon without end offer good service and that concrete price. Section 4: Change4.1 Forces for change♦Increase competitionBy the start of the twenty first century, J D Wetherspoon was facing much more competition. Supermarkets began selling drinks, particularly premium larger, atloss-leader prices. There was increasing public and government concern about binge drinking and the consequent anti-social behaviors, particularly in city centre. Restraining forces also exist in J D Wetherspoon. At the early time of this company‟sdevelopment, the management kept using their traditional method of operation and did not want to change. In this case, they did not play music or show TV programmes in pubs.♦Influences from changeThe changes have affected J D Wetherspoon. Their sales and profit growth have slowed down and the share price also fell. They should sell drinks in low-price than the previous year to attract more customers and gain the market share. But the profit growth will be dropped.4.2 Social ResponsibilityThe social responsibility factors can affect product design, and spending by customers.As the pub, J D Wetherspoon has its especially social responsibility. It will limit the drinking. In other word, J D Wetherspoon pubs will not encourage unrestricted drinking. Meanwhile, the government is also concerning the anti-social behavior because of binge drinking. So J D Wetherspoon makes the modification of its produces. The pubs reduce the amount of alcohol in its cocktail pitchers and remove the price incentives to dink larger measures of spirits. However, the situation is not satisfied. The sales of spirits and cocktails are not increase. The profit has been affected.4.3 The role of the management of J D WetherspoonThe management of J D Wetherspoon could play an important role which is the Action Research Model in dealing with the changes that have occurred during the period since the year 2000.Successful action is based on analyzing the situation correctly, identifying all the possible alternative solutions and choosing the most appropriate to the situation at hand. So the company collects the suggestions from members of staff.In this case, at the beginning of the 21st Century, the retail licensing market had adapted to the changes in the …tied house‟ system a nd other retail pub chains like Regent Inns and Punch Taverns had been developing their businesses. The basic approach to J D Wetherspoon outlets remains unaltered but it has made some changes, such as, pubs now serve breakfast and open earlier in the morning before normal licensing hours begin at 11:00 a.m.4.4 Advice to the management of JDW♦Advice for overcoming resistanceIn order to overcome any resistance to change, management of J D Wetherspoon should concern on something and take any actions. Don not make unnecessary changes is the key element. Managers need to ensure people know why the changes are needed. They can accord to education and communication with employees. Negotiate and bargain with staff rather than dictate. Managers also can analysis what will happen if the changes are not made.HND DE3X 35: Business Culture and StrategyLang Song trade 07 11Advice for analyzing changeJ D Wetherspoon can create a climate for change. For example, the company can reduce the fear of change, encourage innovation and eliminate any …blame culture ‟. The company also can try to identify small but effective changes to introduce the idea of change and create a climate for change. These are few examples of simple ways to introduce effective and accept changes.ConclusionIn this report, I analyzed the structure and organization culture of JDW from four aspects: external environment, organizational culture, business strategy and change. For the section one, I mainly through SPELT analysis and SWOT analysis to show which factors affected JDW and its strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. In the section two, I mainly introduced some information about organization culture of JDW. And then I explained the strategy that JDW adopt the different period in section three. Finally, the section four indicates the information of forces for change and against change in JDW. Then gave the suggestions on analyzing change and overcoming resistance to the management of JDWIn JDW, the passionate and skillful employees, who help create JDW as a comfortable place for customers to enjoy the “Wetherspoon Experience ” is an important part of JDW. The great brand recognition and high customer satisfaction made it widely accepted by a variety of consumers. Furthermore, it has a good management, organization culture and strategy. It not only meets the needs of modern consumer culture, but also adopted the flexibility strategies —it takes appropriate model of cooperation based on the different marketing. Due to these key factors, the JDW could be so successfully nowadaysReferencesBusiness Culture and Strategy: An Introduction topic 5.1, 5.2Business Culture and Strategy: Advanced topic 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5http:// http:// http:// http:// 。
John F. Kennedy
约翰· 菲茨杰拉德· 肯尼迪(John FitzgerF. F· Kennedy)、JFK或杰克· 肯尼迪(Jack Kennedy),),美国第35任总统,美国著名的肯 尼迪家族成员,他的执政时间从1961年1月20日开 始到1963年11月22日在达拉斯遇刺身亡为止。
After the war, he became a Democratic Congress man and advanced to the Senate in 1953. In 1955, he wrote a book called Profiles in Courage 《勇敢者传略》 and won the Pulitzer Prize普 利策奖, he was the only Pulitzer Prize-winning president
肯尼迪的就职演说与富兰克林· 德拉诺· 罗斯福 的第一次就职演说被并称为20世纪最令人难 忘的两次美国总统就职演说。
Jacqueline Kennedy 杰奎琳· 肯尼 迪
Kennedy's death is still a mystery
John F. Kennedy
• In September 1936, Kennedy enrolled at Harvard College • in 1940 ,Kennedy graduated from Harvard and entered the navy • In 1943, despite injuries, he led survivors to safety after his PT boat was sunk by a Japanese destroyer
Kennedy's inaugural address and the Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first inaugural address to be known as the 20th century, the two most memorable inaugural address
Contribution to America
Kennedy started and strongly supported for the Apollo project. It was an achievement of a landmark in the history of the world space.
❖ On July 13,1960 the Democratic party nominated him as its candidate for President.
Brief Introduction(2)
❖ At the age of 43,Kennedy was the youngest man elected President and the first Catholic.
famous inaugural address
Kennedy published his famous inaugural address in the 1960s coincided with the intense Cold War of the two camps which are the United States and the Soviet Union. And it is said to have strong political overtones. In this aspect, the Kennedy speech elaborated his own political leanings and longing for peace and freedom.
His specific policy was mainly to break the apartheid in the field ofቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱeducation and housing. What’s more, he supported that black shoud be equally treated in public.
Politics & Law:丑闻Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Thomson and John Kennedy had extramarital affairs. Thomas Jefferson, many believe, fathered children, by one of his slaves. And Grover Cleveland confessed to having an illigitionate child.当权过久而昏庸腐败的领导者的例子路易十六执政18年,残暴昏庸,奢华无度,这是由于他的执政期间的种种暴行导致了法国大革命的爆发。
Louis XVI, who was brutal and fatuous, was in power for 18 years. His life was extravagant. It is his atrocities that led to the outbreak of the French Revolution.不稳定的社会对极端行为如何反应的例子In Somalia, a troublous and anarchic country, there are a lot of extremists and millions of people die in the battles between extremists. 索马里法律的实质和作用Law, body of official rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions, legislation,judicial opinions, and the like, that is used to govern a society and to control thebehavior of its members. The nature and functions of law have varied throughouthistory.法律的作用这个大啊,一段赞扬性排比:Law serves a variety of functions. Laws against crimes, for example, help to maintain a peaceful, orderly, relatively stable society. Courts contribute to social stability by resolving disputes in a civilized fashion. Property and contract laws facilitate business activities and private planning. Laws limiting the powers of government help to provide some degree of freedom that would not otherwise be possible. Law has also been used as a mechanism for social change; for instance, at various times laws have been passed to inhibit social discrimination and to improve the quality of individual life in matters of health, education, and welfare.法律当然和风俗,思想,情感不一样:Formal legal rules and actions are usually distinguished from other means of social control and guides for behavior such as mores, morality, public opinion, and custom or tradition.而且很不一样Laws resemble morality because they are designed to control or alter our behaviour. But unlike rules of morality, laws are enforced by the courts; if you break a law -- whether you like that law or not -- you may be forced to pay a fine, pay damages, or go to prison.法律好呀!例子多呀!For example, the law in Canada states that we must drive our cars on the right-hand side of a two-way street. If people were allowed to choose at random which side of the street to drive on,driving would be dangerous and chaotic. Laws regulating our business affairs help to ensure that people keep their promises. Laws against criminal conduct help to safeguard our personal property and our lives.和平解决纠纷Even in a well-ordered society, people have disagreements and conflicts arise. The law must provide a way to resolve these disputes peacefully. If two people claim to own the same piece of property, we do not want the matter settled by a duel: we turn to the law and to institutions like the courts to decide who is the real owner and to make sure that the real owner's rights are respected.适度的法律维护公民尊严,过度的法律变成集权:We need law, then, to ensure a safe and peaceful society in which individuals' rights are respected. But we expect even more from our law. Some totalitarian governments have cruel and arbitrary laws, enforced by police forces free to arrest and punish people without trial. Strong-arm tactics may provide a great deal of order, but we reject this form of control.讲法律对个人与社会的好总结:The Canadian legal system respects individual rights while, at the same time, ensuring that society operates in an orderly manner.又是作用:1.不光限制公民的行为,还要对公民负责干实事In our society, laws are not only designed to govern our conduct: they are also intended to give effect to(使实行起来)social policies. For example, some laws provide for benefits when workers are injured on the job, for health care, as well as for loans to students who otherwise might not be able to go to university.2.维护公平,保护弱势The law is a set of rules for society, designed to protect basic rights and freedoms, and to treat everyone fairly.Another goal of the law is fairness. This means that the law should recognize and protect certain basic individual rights and freedoms, such as liberty and equality. The law also serves to ensure that strong groups and individuals do not use their powerful positions in society to take unfair advantage of weaker individuals.法律也不是刻在石头上的死字,要与实俱进的说:However, despite the best intentions, laws are sometimes created that people later recognize as being unjust or unfair. In a democratic society like Canada, laws are not carved in stone, but must reflect the changing needs of society法律的稳定和发展的辨证关系例子大荟萃!:Social aspects社会发展所以法律要发展,因为法律是为社会服务的,保证社会有良好的秩序.民主也是在不断进步的,使法律得以不断完善.例子Take the United States for example.(1) democracy. 1787, the first Constitution was born, instead of being fixed, 1791 ten amendments were added to the Constitution to ensure human rights. Until now, there has been twenty-seven amendments, much more words than the initial Constitution.美国在1787年制定了《美利坚合众国宪法》,1791年就作出了史称“人权法案”的10条宪法修正案,迄今为止,美国宪法修正案已经有27条,超过正文三倍之多(2) the blacks. During the Civil war, Lincoln enacted the laws that entitled the equal rights to theblacks with the whites.Business world:法律随着出现的经济问题而发展,不断完善,确保市场的稳定和繁荣。
1. 创新类型分类法:1.1 技术创新:指的是通过引入新技术和改进现有技术来改善产品、服务或生产过程。
参考内容:《技术创新与管理》(林炳文,2013)1.2 组织创新:指的是通过改变组织结构、流程和文化等方面来实现创新。
参考内容:《显性创新:新思维带来组织变革》(邢立明,2014)1.3 产品创新:指的是通过创建新产品、改进现有产品或开辟新市场来实现创新。
参考内容:《战略创新与产品定位》(何恺,2015)2. 创新过程分类法:2.1 开放式创新:指的是通过合作、共享和开放的方式来实现创新。
参考内容:《开放创新:如何"给别人加个翼膀"?》(郑海波,2014)2.2 封闭式创新:指的是通过内部研发和控制的方式来实现创新。
参考内容:《创新旺盛的企业:好的内研创新组织+高效的管理创新流程=金矿》(董庆华,2014)3. 创新影响分类法:3.1 市场创新:指的是通过引入新产品、开拓新市场或改变市场格局来实现创新。
参考内容:《市场新常态:九大市场创新策略带来商机爆发!》(陈颖,2015)3.2 社会创新:指的是通过解决社会问题或满足社会需求来实现创新。
Kennedy's peace strategy was based on military strength, proposing the improvement of status of the western Allies by a peaceful way.
In the relationship with the Soviet union and other socialist countries, they would promote the "peaceful e v o l u t i o n " (和平演 变)
development of economy in
Western Europe resulted in the
reinforcement of independence
from the United States.
The unity of the western world led by the United States began to split.
Due to the progress of industrialization, a large number of them flowed into cities.
Passage 1Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it,and to go in to their offices or schools every day by train,car or bus,even though this means they haveto get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening.One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper.Even a smallflat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent.With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own.Then, in the country one can really get away from the noise and hurry of busyworking lives. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trainsor buses,one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings,one can enjoy the fresh,clean air of the country.If one likes garden,one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one otherjobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up,one has got the reward together with those who have shared the secret of Nature.Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happinesslies in the town,with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worthliving if they had to live it outside London. An occasional walk in one of the parks and a fortnight’s(two weeks)visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite prepared to leave to those who are glad to get awayfrom London every night.1. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.People who love Nature prefer to live outside the city.B.All the people who work in London prefer to live in the country.C.Some people enjoying city life prefer to work and live inside London.D.Many nature lovers, though working in London, prefer to live outside.2. With the same money needed for ________, one can buy a little house with a gardenin the country.A. getting a small flat with a gardenB. having a small flat with a gardenC. renting a small flat without a gardenD. buying a small flat without a garden3. When the garden is in blossom, the one ________ has been rewarded.A.living in the countryB.having spent time working in the garden.C.having a garden of his own.D.having been digging, planting and watering4. People who think happiness lies in the city life would feel that ________ if theyhad to live outside London.A. their life was meaninglessB. their life was invaluableC. they didn ’t deserve a happy lifeD.they were not worthy of their happy life5. The underlined phrase “get away from ” in the 3rd paragraph refers to ________.A. deal withB.do away withC.escape fromD.prevent from好多在伦敦工作的人喜爱住在伦敦郊野,而后每日乘火车、汽车和公交车去上班或上学。
• Identify the type of organizational culture with
provided reasons for your judgment
Reasons for your
Tough guy/macho
Work hard/play hard
loss/gain of reward • Often applies to fast-moving financial activities
such as brokerage, police office or athletic competition
• Jimmy is a high flying graduate from Command and Staff College. He is so eager to becoming an excellent officer and joined the anti-drug police. It is a real tough trial for Jimmy since his tasks are often emergent and risky. One of his colleagues was forbidden to take gun with him as a result of discharging accidentally. Jimmy, 31 already, an excellent officer among the police, still single. However, he just loves taking the risks and get excited by the emergent actions which can bring him 第10页,共17页。 meanings. He is
约翰·肯尼迪《我们选择登月》英语演讲稿n this 1962 speech given at Rice University in Houston, Texas, President John F. Kennedyreaffirmed America's commitment to landing a man on the moon before the end of the 1960s.The President spoke in philosophical terms about the need to solve the mysteries of spaceand also defended the enormous expense of the space program.President pitzer Mr. Vice President, Governor, Congressman Thomas, Senator Wiley, andCongressman Miller, Mr. Webb, Mr. Bell, scientists, distinguished guests, and ladies andgentlemen:I appreciate your president having made me an honorary visiting professor, and I will assureyou that my first lecture will be very brief.I am delighted to be here and I'm particularly delighted to be here on this occasion.We meet at a college noted for knowledge, in a city noted for progress, in a state noted forstrength, and we stand in need of all three, for we meet in an hour of change and challenge, ina decade of hope and fear, in an age of both knowledge and ignorance. The greater ourknowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds.Despite the striking fact that most of the scientists that the world has ever known are alive andworking today, despite the fact that this Nation's own scientific manpower is doubling every 12years in a rate of growth more than three times that of our population as a whole, despitethat, the vast stretches of the unknown and the unanswered and the unfinished still faroutstrip our collective comprehension.No man can fully grasp how far and how fast we have come,but condense, if you will, the50,000 years of man's recorded history in a time span of but a half-century. Stated in theseterms, we know very little about the first 40 years, except at the end of them advanced manhad learned to use the skins of animals to cover them. Then about 10 years ago, under thisstandard, man emerged from his caves to construct other kinds of shelter. Only five years agoman learned to write and use a cart with wheels. Christianity began less than two years ago.The printing press came this year, and then less than two months ago, during this whole 50-year span of human history, the steam engine provided a new source of power. Newtonexplored the meaning of gravity. Last month electric lights and telephones and automobilesand airplanes became available. Only last week did we develop penicillin and television andnuclear power, and now if America's new spacecraft succeeds in reaching Venus, we will haveliterally reached the stars before midnight tonight.This is a breathtaking pace, and such a pace cannot help but create new ills as it dispels old,new ignorance, new problems, new dangers. Surely the opening vistas of space promise highcosts and hardships, as well as high reward.So it is not surprising that some would have us stay where we are a little longer to rest, to wait.But this city of Houston, this state of Texas, this country of the United States was not built bythose who waited and rested and wished to look behind them. This country was conquered bythose who moved forward--and so will space.William Bradford, speaking in 1630 of the founding of the Plymouth Bay Colony, said that allgreat and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must beenterprised and overcome with answerable courage.If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that man, in his quest forknowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred. The exploration of space willgo ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time, and nonation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in this race forspace.Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrialrevolution, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and thisgeneration does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. We mean tobe a part of it--we mean to lead it. For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moonand to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostileflag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not seespace filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge andunderstanding.Yet the vows of this Nation can only be fulfilled if we in this Nation are first, and, therefore, weintend to be first. In short, our leadership in science and industry, our hopes for peace andsecurity, our obligations to ourselves as well as others, all require us to make this effort, tosolve these mysteries, to solve them for the good of all men, and to become the world'sleading space-faring nation.We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained, and new rights to bewon, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people. For space science, likenuclear science and all technology, has no conscience of its own. Whether it will become aforce for good or ill depends onman, and only if the United States occupies a position of pre-eminence can we help decide whether this new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new terrifyingtheater of war. I do not say that we should or will go unprotected against the hostile misuse ofspace any more than we go unprotected against the hostile use of land or sea, but I do saythat space can be explored and mastered without feeding the fires of war, without repeating themistakes that man has made in extending his writ around this globe of ours.There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet. Its hazards arehostile to us all. Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind, and its opportunity forpeaceful cooperation many never come again. But why, some say, the moon? Why choosethis as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago,fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas?We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the otherthings, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve toorganize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one thatwe are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win,and the others, too.It is for these reasons that I regard the decision last year to shift our efforts in space from lowto high gear as among the most important decisions that will be made during my incumbencyin the office of the Presidency.In the last 24 hours we have seen facilities now being created for the greatest and mostcomplex exploration in man's history. We have felt the ground shake and the air shatteredby the testingof a Saturn C-1 booster rocket, many times as powerful as the Atlas whichlaunched John Glenn, generating power equivalent to 10,000 automobiles with theiraccelerators on the floor. We have seen the site where five F-1 rocket engines, each one aspowerful as all eight engines of the Saturn combined, will be clustered together to make theadvanced Saturn missile, assembled in a new building to be built at Cape Canaveral as tall asa 48 story structure, as wide as a city block, and as long as two lengths of this field.Within these last 19 months at least 45 satellites have circled the earth. Some 40 of them weremade in the United States of America and they were far more sophisticated and supplied farmore knowledge to the people of the world than those of the Soviet Union.The Mariner spacecraft now on its way to Venus is the most intricate instrument in thehistory of space science. The accuracy of that shot is comparable to firing a missile fromCape Canaveral and dropping it in this stadium between the 40-yard lines.Transit satellites are helping our ships at sea to steer a safer course. Tiros satellites have givenus unprecedented warnings of hurricanes and storms, and will do the same for forest fires andicebergs.We have had our failures, but so have others, even if they do not admit them. And they may beless public.To be sure, we are behind, and will be behind for some time in manned flight. But we do notintend to stay behind, and in this decade, we shall make up and move ahead.The growth of our science and education will be enriched by new knowledge of our universeand environment, by new techniques of learning and mapping and observation, by newtoolsand computers for industry, medicine, the home as well as the school. Technical institutions,such as Rice, will reap the harvest of these gains.And finally, the space effort itself, while still in its infancy, has already created a great numberof new companies, and tens of thousands of new jobs. Space and related industries aregenerating new demands in investment and skilled personnel, and this city and this state, andthis region, will share greatly in this growth. What was once the furthest outpost on the oldfrontier of the West will be the furthest outpost on the new frontier of science and space.Houston, your city of Houston, with its Manned Spacecraft Center, will become the heart of alarge scientific and engineering community. During the next 5 years the National Aeronauticsand Space Administration expects to double the number of scientists and engineers in this area,to increase its outlays for salaries and expenses to $60 million a year; to invest some $200million in plant and laboratory facilities; and to direct or contract for new space efforts over $1billion from this center in this city.To be sure, all this costs us all a good deal of money. This year's space budget is three timeswhat it was in January 1961, and it is greater than the space budget of the previous eightyears combined. That budget now stands at $5,400 million a year--a staggering sum, thoughsomewhat less than we pay for cigarettes and cigars every year. Space expenditures will soonrise some more, from 40 cents per person per week to more than 50 cents a week for everyman, woman and child in the United States, for we have given this program a high nationalpriority--even though I realize that this is in some measure an act of faith and vision, for wedo not now know what benefits await us. But if I were to say,my fellow citizens, that we shallsend to the moon, 240,000 miles away from the control station in Houston, a giant rocketmore than 300 feet tall, the length of this football field, made of new metal alloys, some ofwhich have not yet been invented, capable of standing heat and stresses several times morethan have ever been experienced, fitted together with a precision better than the finestwatch, carrying all the equipment needed for propulsion, guidance, control,communications, food and survival, on an untried mission, to an unknown celestial body, andthen return it safely to earth, re-entering the atmosphere at speeds of over 25,000 miles perhour, causing heat about half that of the temperature of the sun--almost as hot as it is heretoday--and do all this, and do it right, and do it first before this decade is out--then we mustbe bold.I'm the one who is doing all the work, so we just want you to stay cool for a minute.However, I think we're going to do it, and I think that we must pay what needs to be paid. Idon't think we ought to waste any money, but I think we ought to do the job. And this will bedone in the decade of the Sixties. It may be done while some of you are still here at school atthis college and university. It will be done during the terms of office of some of the people whosit here on this platform. But it will be done. And it will be done before the end of thisdecade.And I am delighted that this university is playing a part in putting a man on the moon as partof a great national effort of the United States of America.Many years ago the great British explorer George Mallory, who was to die on Mount Everest, wasasked why did he want to climb it. He said, "Because it is there."Well, space is there, and we're going to climb it, and the moon and the planets are there, andnew hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God'sblessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man hasever embarked.Thank you.。
英文版 企业文化
1. the strongman culture, This culture enco ura ges int e rnal co m peti tio n a n d innovation, encourages risk-taking. 2. Work hard to enjoy culture ,This culture to both work and play, and encouraging employees to complete a less risky job. 3. Bet-type culture, It has features in a detailed analysis based on the desperate. 4. Process-type culture. This culture, focusing on how to do basic work feedback, employees are difficult to measure the work they do.
2.Constraint Functions Constraint functions of the corporate culture is through the improvement of management systems and ethics. Constraint functions is reflected in the following two aspects ,that is E f f e c t i v e r e g u l a t o r y constraints, Ethics constrainulture
Deal and Kennedy thought that corporate culture was an overview of the theoretical system for the five elements, namely, business environment, values, heroes, cultural ceremonies and cultural network.
2.每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题号的答案标号涂黑。
Format IDirections:There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marker A,B,C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on The Answer Sheet.(40 points)Passage OneQuestions I to 5 are based on the following passage:A U.N. report says water is in demand around the world as temperatures on Earth’s surface rise and demand grows along with populations. The report was released this week at the World Water Forum in Brasilia. The conference has been described as the world’s larg est water-related event.Federal District Governor Rodrigo Rollemberg spoke at a panel discussion on Tuesday at the forum. He described water shortages as a worldwide problem. “Here in Brasilia, it is no different,” he added.The public water supply has less water because of low rainfall as well as fast and disorderly growth in Brasilia, which is part of the Federal District, Rollemberg said. In January 2016, after three years of little rain, district officials began limiting how much water people could use. The governments of the Federal District and the nearby state of Goias also gave $166 million to develop water infrastructure (基础设施).Demand around the world is expected to increase by nearly one-third by 2050. By then, 5 billion people could be left with poor access to water, the U.N. warned in its 2018 World Water Development Report. To avoid such a crisis, U.N. officials called for “nature-based solutions” that use or copy natural processes that should beused to increase water availability. They said solutions could include changing farming methods so fields keep more moisture and nutrients, collecting rainwater, and protecting wetlands. The officials also proposed reestablishing floodplains and said that plants could be grown on housetops. Such proposals will become more important as water industries grow.1. Who talked about water shortages in Brasilia at a panel discussion?A. A journalistB. A.U.N. officialC. A Federal District officialD. An official from the state of Goias.2. What is among the reasons for less public water supply Brasilia?A. Waste of rainwaterB. Insufficient rainfallC. Growing plants on the roofsD. Development in infrastructure3. What did the Federal District government do to deal with water shortages?A. They controlled populationB. They limited water consumptionC. They invested in artificial rainmakingD. They suggested"nature-based solutions”4. What is not a"nature-based solution"?A. Gathering rainwaterB, Preserving wetlandsC. Sustaining water in soilD. Building houses on floodplain.5. What is the main idea of this passage?A.Brasilia is facing the problem of water shortagesB. The world has found a solution to water shortagesC. The world is facing the problem of water shortagesD. A report was released at the World Water Forum in Brasilia.Passage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:The Queen has only given one interview while a sovereign(君主). Her true personality remains elusive to the public. However, one thing is clear: Queen Elizabeth is an introvert.Introverts prefer quiet environments and feel energized from spending time alone or with people they know well. They aren’t necessarily shy, but they do tend to be more reserved and guarded with strangers. Fellow introverts will appreciate how draining an average day for Her Majesty must be.Fortunately, the Queen has some tricks to make public engagements easier. Just like us commoners rely on friends to save us from awkward situations or boring conversations, she subtly signals to her staff when she wants an intervention(介入). If she places her handbag on the table, it indicates that she wants the event to end in the next five minutes. For more urgent situations, putting her bag on the floor shows that she wants her lady-in-waiting to rescue her immediately.Most comfortable in the countryside, the Queen has a well-known passion for horses and dogs. There is a scene in the hit Netflix show The Crown which reveals a fascinating side of the monarch. While giving Jackie Kennedy a personal tour of Buckingham Palace, the two women find themselves bonding over their respective positions as introverted women who have found themselves in the limelight. Surrounded by the Queen’s beloved corgis, both women admit they are happi est around animals and that their extroverted sisters would have been much better suited to their public roles.6.The underlined word"draining"( Paragraph 1)is the closest in meaning to________A. frustratingB.exhaustingC. demandingD.aspiring7. To be rescued immediately in a public engagement, the Queen would__________A. end the event within five minutesB. place her handbag on the tableC.wave to her lady-in-waitingD. put her bag on the floor8. In the last paragraph, the underlined expression "the two women find themselves bonding overtheir respective positions"means that the two ladies______A. admire each otherB. help each other in publicC.grow closer to each otherD. show respect for each other9.Queen Elizabeth and Jackie Kennedy share the following traits or facts EXCEPT that________A. both have sisterB. both love animalsC. Both enjoy being in publicD.both are introverted other10. The author's attitude can be described as_________A.neutralB. criticalC.pessimisticD. subjectivePassage ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passageBack when Disney products were to be watched, not experienced Walt Disney had a theme park that felt like stepping into a magical new place. Now,we can finally witner Walt's first dream. Before construction could start, Walt needed funding. He and his friend Ryman put their heads together and mapped but their dream for the Disneyland weekend, their idea came to life on paper you f notice by remarkable similarities to the modern Anaheim California park.Like today, visitors would have entered the park into a street USA-type area. The tunnels aren't as wide as they were imagined more than 60 years ago, but park-goers are still greeted with a train passing overhead as they make their way to word the magic.( Even with a modern Disneyland map, it's tough to find these secret Disney park spots you never knew existed.)Walt always hoped a castle as a focal point of the park Its real-life copy changed from his initial dream. The first palace was a sprawling fortress, hiding a massive carrousel(旋转木马) beyond its walls ow,Sleeping Beauty Castle has more intricate towers, and King Arthur Carrousel takes its spins in Fantasy land, behind the palacelalr Walts vision for the Mark Twain steamboat circling around Tom Sawyer Island and its Pirate's Lair(t/t) hasn't changed much, though at that point it was called Frontier Country instead Frontier land. That was n,t the only name change, though. World of Tomorrow turned into Tomorrow land--and eventually lost its rocket. Astronauts walked on the moon 14 years after the par was built, making the Rocket to the Moon seem out-of-date. Meanwhile, True-Life Adventure land lost its first word, while most.11. What was Walt Disney's first dream?A. To build a theme parkB. To draw a map on paperC. To travel in a magical placeD. To design a series of products12. Before construction started, Walt Disney did the following things EXCEPT .A.getting fundingB. planning the parkC. drawing the park on paperD.daydreaming with a Friend13. Which of the following park spots has not changed much since Walt's vision came to life on paper?A. A Main Street areaB. World of TomorrowC. Sleeping Beauty CastleD. True-Life Adventureland14. How many name changes have been mentioned in this passage?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD.Four15. What is the theme of this passage?A. A tour in DisneylandB. Walt Disney's life storyC. The future of DisneylandD.Walt Disney's First dream.Passage fourQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passageYou’ve made it. You managed to navigate your way through the world’s largest airport you breezed through security and you successfully boarded the plane. Now you’re comfortable in your seat in the cabin, and there’s even a little bit itof elbow room, as the flight isn’t fully booked for once. With the hassle behind you, you settle in with your neck pillow, pop some Kenny G on your iPod, and get ready to spend quality time sleeping on a plane. And you’re ab outo make a huge mistake that will put your health at risk, as reported by Travel + Leisure.It’s not because of the Kenny G. It’s the shuteye part. According to Medline Plus, falling asleep during landing or takeoff could cause serious damage to your ears. It all has to do with the rapid changes in air pressure in the cabin. If you’re awake, a natural response to alleviate pressure on your eardrums during takeoff and landing is to “pop” them, to maintain a pressure equilibrium. If you’re sleeping on a pla ne, you can’t actively work to relax those muscles and release the tension, so you can become susceptible to dizziness, ear infections, eardrum damage, hearing loss and nose bleeds. “A quick change in altitude affects the air pressure in the ear,” says Angel Chalmers, a British pharmacist, via Express. “This leads to a vacuum in the Eustachian tubes(咽鼓管) which makes the ears feel blocked and sound dull.”Keep those Eustachian tubes clear and keep those eyes open for at least another few minutes. Crack open that book you just bought in the terminal. After all, there are some major perks to buying your reading material at the airport.16.The underlined sentence"you've made it .”(Paragraph 1) means that you have managed_____.A. to board the planeB. to get a bit of elbow roomC. to get ready to sleep after boardingD. to make yourself comfortable after boarding17. What would damage your health when the plane lakes off or lands?A. Using a neck pillow.B. Shutting your eyesC.Listening to musicD. Falling asleep.18. The underlined word"alleviate"( Paragraph 2) is the closest in meaning to “____”.A.increaseB. reduceC.maintainD,escape19. Having a vacuum in the Eustachian tubes during takeoff and landing could cause unpleasant symptoms to the following body parts EXCEPT____.A. the throatB. the noseC. the carsD. the head20. The author suggests that you read a book____during the plane taking off and landingA. to amuse yourselfB. to stay awakeC. to keep your ears clearD. to make yourself comfortableFormat IIDirections: In the following passage, some sentences have been removed. For questions 21 to 25 choose the most suitable sentence from choices A to G lo it into each of he numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit into any of the blanks. You should decide o the best Choice and blacken the corresponding letter on The Answer Sheet.(10 point)Whether it's a hotel stay, shopping or dining out, a vacation to Paris Can be a pricey proposition. But there are plenty of ways to stretch your dollar in the City of Lights and have a high-end getawayBarkley Hickcox, a Paris specialist and an owner of Local Foreigner, a travelconsultancy, has a few tips to help travelers make the most of their Parisian getaway.21____The ideal tine to visit Paris is between November and April, when hold prices are their lowest. Some high-end properties offer even further discounts if you book a stay several months in advance.22____Families traveling to Paris should consider stay in high-end apartment instead of a hotel, Ms Hickcox said. "An apartment is less expensive than booking multiple rooms at a five-star hotel, and since you have a kitchen, you can save money on food costs by eating in occasionally, "she said.23____Paris is known for fine cuisine, but rather than dining at one of the city's renowned restaurants at dinnertime, go for lunch, when the tab will be much lower and the cuisine just as good. "you'll find lots of great eateries where you can have dinner with wine for 35 to 50 euros a person, "she said.24____Ms. Hickcox's favorite way to explore Paris is on foot. "You can fully appreciate the city's beauty by walking, and it's designed for walkers because there are walking paths and sidewalks everywhere” she said.For longer distances, she suggested using the city's bike share system, Velib. A weeklong pass costs 15 euros, and there are stations everywhere. There is another choice if you are not so much fond of biking. 25____ Paris' subway system. it's convenient, and you can buy daily and weekly passes.A. Dine outB. Eat smartC. Try the MetroD. Stay in a hotelE. Ditch taxis and carsF. Travel at the right timeG. Choose the right accommodationsSection B Banked Cloze (每小题 1分,共 10分)Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of' choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Please blacken the corresponding letter for each choice on The Answer Sheet. You may not use any of the words in the word bank more than once (10 points)I knew this woman who was afraid to tell people what she wanted. She didn't know26 to say no. Instead, she got herself tangled in a web of obligations, anxiety, and white lies. She was 27 .28 recently, I decided I'd had enough. As an experiment, I began 29 up for myself, even at the risk of alienating (疏远) everyone and having 30 entire life come crashing down around me.Th at didn’t happen.Here’s what I did: I stopped making petty excusesSaying “no” is so much easier. if someone asks me to do somethings. I have zero interest 31 , I'm polite but honest. The phrase: I’m sorry, I don’t think that’s really 32 me,” slips out my mouth faster than some lame excuse.My friends and family didn't mind. 33 I stopped people pleasing, no one cared. A good friend asked me to go for coffee at 5 PM. I was 34 to hit the gym. I said," Sorry, I've got things I want to do tonight.” She said,”That’s fine. Maybe another time.”Learning how to say “no" has added several extra hours to my days, days 35 my weeks,and what feels like months to my years. Saying"no has set me free.A. facing 、B. to 、C. her 、D. in 、E. fir、F. what、G. standing 、H. And 、I. my 、J. But、K. me、L. When、M. on 、N. planning 、O. howPart II Integrated Testing (30 points, 30minutes)Section A cloze (每小题 1分,共 20分)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits intothe passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on The Answer Sheet.(20 points) Brazilian Zarela Mosquera moved to the United States as a teenager. The adjustment to a new place was 36 .Mosquera says she became a bratty (顽皮的) teenager, as a result. But it was not just the 37 that affected her behavior. Mosquera says there was another major stress in her life at that time She was the only member of her 38 who spoke English.Being in a country with my family that doesn’t speak Spanish and my parents do 39 , my parents were trying to give me all these responsibilities. "Along with Spanish and English, Mosquera also speaks Portuguese. But there was another universal language she learned to love as a child.:art.Zarela Mosquera connected with drawing and painting while in school. 40 she mostly dismissed art as a path to a career. She says her Dad 41 always say,"Think about the 42 ” Mosquera did not think he would support the study of 43 once she went to college.But to her 44 , It was her parents who suggested just that. They urged her to 45 to technical and liberal arts schools. "One of them was Rhode island School of Design, which was like was like my 46 choice. "RISD, as it is called, 47 Mosquera as well. She enrolled in industrial design.“It's basically to design 48 and services. I could be doing something more technical or something more 49 to problem solving. Whether it's 50 out a better way to filter water or developing a type of specific shelter 51 refugees for example.”Mosquera says the course of study was 52 including me at working , woodworking and model making. She says in one class she just drew cubes for an entire month, which led her to a 53 : "Wow! Do I really want to do this?” But, she says, she 54 the cube study. And, then she began 55 on more Interesting projects.”Mosqurera is now a design strategist for Manhall Moya Design, an architecture and interior design company in Washington, D.C36.A.successful B.important C.necessary D.difficult37.A.age B.growth C.adjustment cation38.A.family B.peers C.friends D.class39.A.Spanish B.English C.Portuguese D.French40.A.So B.Moreover C.And D.But41.A.could B.should C.would D.might42.A.time B.past C.present D.futurenguage B.art C.technology D.design44.A.disappointment B.surprise C.annoyance D.dissatisfaction45.A.apply B.cater C.adapt D.move46.A.top B.moral C.natural D.popular47.A.failed B.rejected C.chose D.urged48.A.machines B.shelters C.filters D.products49.A.adjusted B.relate C.affiliated D.expose50.A.figuring B.wiping C.filling D.ruling51.A.with B.for C.on D.in52.A.easy B.pleasant C.tough D.smooth53.A.question B.problem C.door D.road54.A.undertook B.funded C.started D.survived55.A.puting B.funded C.working D.counting非选择题部分注意事项用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸无,不能答在试题卷Section B Short Answer Questions(每小题 3 分,共 10 分)Directions: In this part there is a short passage followed by five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements with no more than 10 words. Please write your answers ou The Answer Sheet.(10 points)Researchers in Japan and Australia say they have made progress in developing bloodtest that could one day help doctors identify who might get Alzheimer’s disease. The scientists said the test can recognize a protein known as amyloid (涛粉样蛋) beta, which other studies have linked to Alzheimer's. They said it was correct more than 90 percent of the time in a study involving over 370 people. The findings were published in the journal Nature.Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of demenna(痴呆). Experts believe dementia affects close to 50 million people worldwide. By the year 2050, it is expected to affect more than131 million people. Those numbers come from Alzheimer's Disease International, a non-profit group. Currently, doctors have two ways to identify a buildup of amyloid beta in the brain. One is brain scan or brain imaging; the other is a spinal tap(脊椎抽液). But both tests are invasive,costly and may only show results when the disease has already started to progress. There is no treatment that can slow the progression of Alzheimer's. Current drugs can only case some of the effects of the disease.Having a simple, low-cost blood test could make it easier for drug companies to find enough people who are at risk of developing Alzheimer's to test new medicines, said Katsuhiko Yanagisawa. He was one of the leaders of the study. He works at the Japanese National Center for Geriatrics and GerontologyAlzheimer's disease is thought to start developing years before patients have any signs of memory loss. Experts say an important factor in finding an effective treatment will be the ability to recognize signs of the disease early. "You have got to walk before you run, "said Colin Masters, a co-leader of the study and a professor at the University of Melbourne in Australia. " You have to learn to diagnose the disease directly before you can hope to see the effect of therapeutic interve ntion. And that’ s where the real value in this test will come. " Masters added.56.This passage reports the development of a test to diagnose Alzheimer's disease57. One advantage of the present test is that it costs than the previous tests.58. All th e three tests identify Alzheimer’s disease by detecting a protein named .59. Can doctors cure or slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease today?60. Alzheimer's disease may have already started before patients have any signs of memory .Part III Translation(30 points,30 minutes)(每小题 3分,共 30分)Section A Chinese-English translationDirections: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese expressions given in the brackets. Please write your translation on The Answer Sheet.(15 points)61. _____________________(起源于汉朝), Shadow-play(皮影戏) became popular among ordinary people in Tang dynasty.62.Trade between West and East moved through Central Asia along the fame silk Road, bringing__________ (发展与繁荣).63.The Grand Canal flows southwards__________ (纵贯四省)of Hebei , Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.64. BYD is now famous for its"plugin electric hybrid cays,which,_______________(名称所示),can be recharged by plugging them into electricity sockets.65. If you are to study for______________(学士学位),you have to take standardized examinations on a couple of subjects.Section B English-Chinese TranslationDirections: Translate into Chinese the underline sentences in the following passage. Please write your translation on The Answer Sheet.(15 points)When asked how far engineers had done towards creating artificial intelligence(AI),Stephen W. Hawking replied: 66. Once humans develop artificial intelligence, it would take off on its own. It will redesign itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete with them. We would be replaced.”In my view, the late Cambridge professor is wrong because there are strong grounds for believing that computers will never copy all human cognitive abilities. 67. AI has historically failed to copy human mentality, and it will continue to fail. Three fundamental problems explain why.First, computers lack true understanding. A US philosopher John Searle proposes how a computer program can appear to understand Chinese stories by responding to questions, but fail to truly understand anything of the interaction.Second, computers lack consciousness. Some researchers hold 68. if a robot experiences a conscious sensation as it interacts with the world, consciousness will exist in everything everywhere:in the cup of tea I am drinking, in the seat that I am sitting on. But does everything in this world have souls or minds? If we rejectthis idea, we must reject machine consciousnessLastly, computers lack mathematical insight. Can the human mind be completely realized by mere computations my role as an Al expert on the International Committee for Robot Arms Control.I am particularly concerned by the potential development of robotic weapons systems. 69. These systems can engage themselves in military action without human instruction. This is because current AI is not similar to human intelligence. When fighting against each other, poorly designed autonomous systems have the potential to make the situations worse rapidly. Such systems can exhibit true artificial stupidity.It is possible to agree that 70. AI may pose an existential threat to humanity, but it will never become more intelligent than us.Part IV Writing(30 points,30 minutes)(每小题 30分,共 30分)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Population Transformation in China. You should write about 120 words following the Chinese outline given below, taking the information available in the following table us evidence. Please write your composition on The Answer Sheet. (30 points)第 71 题表: Population Transformation in China(1)简述表格内容,概括中国人口变化(2)简要说吸人口变化可能带来的社会影响,如居民养老、代际关系、劳动力人口下降等(3)提出相应的建议和措施。
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Cultural Traits in American Organizations
Deal and Kennedy
• Deal and Kennedy (1982) proposed a cultural model which emphasizes on inner values, rites, rituals, and communication styles • They identified four different types of organizations, based on
Process Culture
• Slow feedback/reward and low risk • Happens in bureaucracies where procedures and regulations are more emphasized but not results • This culture produces consistent results • Low stress but internal politics can be pressurized
Deal and Kennedy
Work hard/Play hard Culture
• Fast feedback and reward, low risk • Typical in large organizations that strive for high-quality customer service • Stress comes from quantity of work rather than uncertainty • Focus on high-speed action, high levels of energy. • Restaurants and software companies
– how quickly organizations receive feedback on the success of management decisions or strategies? – the level of risks that they take
Feedback Speed
• How quickly are feedback and rewards provided (through which the people are told they are doing a good or a bad job). • If feedback is relatively quick, it will ensure that any ineffective behavior is promptly corrected • If the feedback takes longer to arrive, then mistakes can remain uncorrected
Process Culture
• Typical examples: bureaucracies, banks, insurance companies, public services. Focus on security and maintaining status quo
• Bob is a departmental manager at a bank. He is a smart business man with a well-ordered way of living. He is quite a cautious person looking into details for every steps he takes. He has gained a good honor among his colleagues after 10 years of working in the bank. The CEO sets him as an example who can always produce a budget based on systematic review of a company. With his status goes up, his power increases. However, just as he stated, that whichever level you are, there is always endless procedures and policies for you to study. Everyone has a boss, which is the company policy. The complicated interpersonal relationships within the company also made him a very quiet person. Somehow, Bob enjoys the stability over there since he is methodic by nature. Besides, he has a 10-year house loan to pay.
• Jane works in a luxury hotel on a small African island, a beautiful paradise attracting thousands of visitors every year. Throughout the year, the hotel often receives customers from all over the world, from Hollywood stars to backpackers. During busy seasons, Jane rarely has time for entertainment since her schedule is filled up with work shifts. As a duty manager, she deals with customer conflicts, staff training and customer relations. Her performance can be reviewed very fast by customers feedback on their stay and the number of repeated customers. She enjoys the working atmosphere in the hotel, just as what she says, ‘You do your best, and take any opportunity to correct your behavior. It is not a rocket science, anyway.’
Degree of Risk
• The level of risk taking (degree of uncertainty). • High-risk companies are more likely to include people who enjoy taking a gamble and able to manage the risk • In low-risk companies, people tend to take risks when they are at an accepted level but not above • These two factors gave rise to f
Tough guy/macho culture
• • • • Fast feedback and reward, high risk Focus on the present rather than the future Individualism prevails over teamwork. Stress comes from high risk and potential loss/gain of reward • Often applies to fast-moving financial activities such as brokerage, police office or athletic competition
Bet-the-company Culture
• Slow feedback/reward and high risk • Happens where big stakes and decisions are taken and it may be a long time before the results are known • Focus on long-term, preparation and planning. • Stress may come from high risk and delay before knowing if actions have paid off • Oil prospecting or aviation manufacturing departments, prospecting companies
• Jimmy is a high flying graduate from Command and Staff College. He is so eager to becoming an excellent officer and joined the anti-drug police. It is a real tough trial for Jimmy since his tasks are often emergent and risky. One of his colleagues was forbidden to take gun with him as a result of discharging accidentally. Jimmy, 31 already, an excellent officer among the police, still single. However, he just loves taking the risks and get excited by the emergent actions which can bring him meanings. He is also very careful when selecting new entrants for his team. People who enjoy regular meals and emotionally unstable in nature are often rejected. His approach in leading his team is aggressive and tough, which enables his team to act fast and accurately.