
there seems to be no article or text provided for me to edit。
Please provide the necessary n.1.XXX problems.2.The strong XXX.3.His XXX.4.XXX.5.XXX.6.XXX.7.XXX audience.8.XXX.9.XXX.10.XXX XXX the audience.XXX:1.He was up all night studying for his exam.2.She is working on a new project for her company.3.The cat jumped up onto the table.4.XXX up the ladder to fix the roof.5.She walked up to the front of the room to give her XXX.6.He was on the phone with his boss for an hour.7.She works as a nurse in the hospital.8.He ran out of the building when the fire alarm went off.XXX:1.He prefers starting early rather than leaving everything to the last minute.2.She would rather be the boss and organize others XXX.3.My brother would rather take all the blame himself than let it fall on an XXX.XXX:Warm-up:1.XXX to fix the machine were unsuccessful.2.XXX support from the community helped the family through their difficult time.3.XXX immense pressure to succeed was too much for him.1.His XXX.2.The sound of the XXX.3.XXX.1.XXX her dream job after years of hard work.2.The fuel in the car's tank was running low.3.XXX injury.Unit 2:Language focus:Word in use:1.The XXX was too good to pass up.2.XXX XXX only made her work harder.3.His XXX inspiring to those around him.4.XXX.5.Despite his overwhelming failures。

Unit 3 Cultu r e makes me what I am.Done with this task. Your curre n t score : 100%Unit 3 testNextDirec t ions : Click on the speak e r to the left to start playi n g the audio recor d ings f Parts I, II and III . They will be playe d conti n uous l y. Once the recor d ing start s playi pleas e do NOT click on eithe r the speak e r icon or the 'Unit Quiz' link in the menu above . Other w ise, you may lose the chanc e of heari n g the compl e te recor d ing.Part I Scrip t Direc t ions : Liste n to the short dialo g s, and then choos e the corre c t answe r s to the quest i ons. You will hear the recor d ing twice . After the first playi n g, there will be time for you to choos e the corre c t answe r s. Use the secon d playi n g to check your answe r s. 1. (Liste n to the audio recor d ing for the quest i on.)A. Every b ody hurri e s, so thing s are done quick l y.B. Every b ody hurri e s, but thing s are done slowl y .C. Peopl e have diffe r ent opini o ns on wheth e r we shoul d hurry .D. More and more peopl e think they shoul d not hurry . 2. (Liste n to the audio recor d ing for the quest i on.)A. One shoul d not take pictu r es in crowd e d place s .B. One's perso n al space shoul d be respe c ted.C. Crowd i ng cause s less respe c t for perso n al space .D. Old peopl e deser v e more respe c t.3.(Listen to the audiorecord ing for the questi on.)A. Put the knifeand fork in a 90 degree on the table.B. Put the knifeand fork in a 90 degree on the plate.C. Put the knifeand fork parall eledon the table.D. Put the handke rchie f on the table.4.(Listen to the audiorecord ing for the questi on.)A. Street soccer.B. Skatin g.C. Hip-hop.D. Doodle.5.(Listen to the audiorecord ing for the questi on.)A. A womanshould apolog ize for beinglate.B. A man should arrive aheadof time.C. Import ant men can be late for an appoin tment.D. Womencan be late for an appoin tment.Part II ScriptDirect ions:Listen to the passag e threetimes. When the passag e is read for the firsttime, listen for the genera l idea. When the passag e is read the second time, fill in the blanks number ed from S1 to S7 with the exactwordsyou hear. For blanks number ed from S8 to S10, writedown either the exactwordsyou hear or the main points in your own words.When the passag e is read the thirdtime, checkyour answer s.Most socia l scien t ists belie v e that the sport s that are organ i zed by a socie t y gener a lly refle c t the basic t y and attem p t tostren g then them in the minds and emoti o ns of its peopl e . There f ore, organ i zed sport s have a more serio u s socia la neou s , unorg a nize d play by indiv i dual s . This is certa i nlyd State s , where the three most popul a r organ i zed sport s are footb a ll, baske t ball , and baseb a ll. of democ r acy bette r illus t rate d than insport s . Organ i zed sport s are seen by Ameri c ans as an inspi r ing examp l e of(5)t unit y in actio n . In sport s , peopl e of diffe r entand econo m ic backg r ound s get an equal chanc e to excel . For this reaso n , notes socio l ogis t Harry Edwar d s, Ameri c ans view organ i zed sport s as "ain which young men, regar d less of socia l class , can learn the advan t ages and rewar d s of a compe t itiv e syste m ".(8)Women 's sport s are growi n g in popul a rity in the Unite d State s , and they now have more fundi n g and suppo r t at the colle g e level than in the past . The 1996 Olymp i cs provi d ed evide n ce of the incre a sed inter e st in women 's organ i zed sport s . Ameri c an women won gold medal s for sever a l team sport s —softb a ll, baske t ball , socce r , and gymna s tics . The idea of compe t itio n is at the very heart of organ i zed sport s in the Unite d State s .(9)This train i ng, in turn , stren g then s Ameri c an socie t y as a whole . "It is commo n ly held," says one sport s write r , "that(10)(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)(6)(7) labor(8)(9)(10)Part III ScriptDirect ions:Listen to the follow ing record ing, and then choose the correc t answer s to the questi ons. You will hear the record ing twice. Afterthe firstplayin g, therewill be time for you to choose the correc t answer s. Use the second playin g to checkyour answer s.1.Whichof the follow ing wouldbe the best titlefor the passag e?A. Britai n on the Declin eB. Britis h Cultur e on the Declin eC. Britis h Cultur e Remain s Influe ntialD. The Replac ement of Britis h Cultur e by Americ an Cultur e2.How do Britsview the United States?A. They admitits succes s.B. They turn a blindeye to its succes s.C. They hate it.D. They believ e theircountr y is superi or to it.3.What is true of the articl e in The Econom ist?A. Americ an Englis h is now as influe ntial as Britis h Englis h.B. Americ an Englis h is more influe ntial than Britis h Englis h.C. Americ an Englis h is stillless influe ntial than Britis h Englis h.D. Both Americ an and Britis h Englis h are declin ing in import ance.4.Why does the passag e mentio n "Big Mac"?A. To show Americ ans like fast food.B. To show Britsare beginn ing to like fast food.C. To show Americ ans are no good at litera ture.D. To show the growin g influe nce of Americ an cultur e.5.What does the passag e want to proveby mentio ningthe movieLord of theRings?A. Its popula ritywith childr en.B. The former gloryof Britis h cultur e.C. The superi ority of Britis h movies over Hollyw ood movies.D. The powerf ul influe nce of contem porar y Britis h writer s.Part IVDirect ions:Choose the best answer to each of the follow ing statem ents.1.Many girlswant to look more attrac tivethan the girls_______ next to themin class.A. satB. sitC. seatedD. sittin g2.The rootsof the work ethicwere in the teachi ng of the Christ ian Purita nswho firstsettle d in _______ is now the northe aster n stateofMassac huset ts.A. whereB. whatC. placeD. locati on3.Americ ans have for centur ies believ ed that they were guilty _____sin ifu lly and hard as they couldwhen they did anythi ng.they did not work as carefA. ofB. inC. withD. for4.Workah olics have gone _______ the usualsenseof dilige nce. They areespeci allyattrac ted to the notion of "climbi ng the ladder".A. overB. aboveC. beforeD. beyond5.Rememb er thesetips and you will be _______ to a succes sfulintern ation albusine ss career.A. in your wayB. during your wayC. at your wayD. on your way6.People who are runnin g late for an appoin tment oftencall ______ to letthe others know of the delay.A. forB. onC. aheadD. forwar d7.Cultur es that stress indivi duali sm such as Englan d, the United States,German y, and Austra lia genera lly demand more spacethan collec tivecultur es ____.A. doB. haveC. areD. that8.In Mexico, the physic al distan ce betwee n people when engage d in aconver satio n is closer than what is usual_______ the border.A. northB. northofC. northtoD. to northof9.______is the case with most of our behavi or, our use of spaceis direct lylinked to the valuesystem of our cultur e.A. WhatB. AsC. WhichD. So10.Cigars are a dime a dozenin Cuba. We have more of them than ______ whatto do with.A. we knowB. that we knowC. what we knowD. who we knowSearch onliWord tipsLangu a ge and cultu r e tipsOverv i ewLearn i ng strat e gies Scrip tQuest i on 1W: It's hard for one cultu r e to under s tand anoth e r. Weste r ners are alway sin a hurry to make thing s happe n . M: But at the same time , becau s e every o ne has the right to voice his opini o n, it seems to take forev e r to get somet h ing done. Q: What does the man think is true in the West?Quest i on 2W: Some peopl e are very rude . Did you see that man cut right in front of the old coupl e takin g a pictu r e? M: It's a diffe r ent cultu r e. Peopl e who live in crowd e d citie s with a large popul a tion find it more diffi c ult to respe c t other peopl e 's perso n al space .Q: What does the man say? Quest i on 3M: Lisa, I'm invite d to a Wester n dinner tonigh t. Can you give me some sugges tions on etique tte?W: One thingI want to remind you is that if you excuse yourse lf for a whileduring the dinner, you should put your knifeand fork in a 90 degree angleon the platerather than put them parall el righton the platewhichsugges ts finish ing eating.Q: What should the man do if he wantsto excuse himsel f for a whileduring the dinner?Questi on 4W: Can you name a few popula r formsof Street Cultur e in our city?M: That's easy! To name just a few, street soccer, doodle, hip-hop, COSPLA Y...Q: What kind of street cultur e is NOT mentio ned?Questi on 5M: You're late. We were suppos ed to meet at 5:00, and here it is, alread y 5:15. What's the matter with you?W: Don't get so excite d. Don't you know that womenare entitl ed to be late?And anyway I'm only a few minute s late.Q: What does the womansay aboutan appoin tment?Most social scient istsbeliev e that the sports that are organi zed by a societ y genera lly reflec t the basicvalues of that societ y and attemp t to streng thenthem in the mindsand emotio ns of its people. Theref ore,organi zed sports have a more seriou s social purpos e than sponta neous, unorga nized play by indivi duals. This is certai nly true in the United States, wherethe threemost popula r organi zed sports are footba ll,basket ball,and baseba ll. Nowher e are the ways and wordsof democr acy better illust rated than in sports. Organi zed sports are seen by Americ ans as an inspir ing exampl e of equali ty of opport unity in action. In sports, peopleof differ ent racesand econom ic backgr ounds get an equalchance to excel. For this reason, notessociol ogist HarryEdward s, Americ ans view organi zed sports as "a labora toryin whichyoungmen, regard lessof social class,can learnthe advant agesand reward s of a compet itive system".Althou gh Edward s specif icall y mentio ns youngmen, youngwomenalso compet ein organi zed sports withou t regard to theirrace or econom ic backgr ound. Women's sports are growin g in popula rityin the United States, and they now have more fundin g and suppor t at the colleg e levelthan in the past. The 1996 Olympi cs provid ed eviden ce of the increa sed intere st in women's organi zed sports. Americ an womenwon gold medals for severa l teamsports—softba ll, basket ball, soccer, and gymnas tics. The idea ofcompet ition is at the very heartof organi zed sports in the United States. Many Americ ans believ e that learni ng how to win in sports helpsdevelo p the habits necess ary to compet e succes sfull y in laterlife. This traini ng, in turn, streng thens Americ an societ y as a whole. "It is common ly held," says one sports writer, "that the compet itive ethictaught in sports must be learne d and cultiv atedin youthfor the future succes s of Americ an busine ss and milita ry effort s."Ever wonder what oppone nts of global izati on used to protes t aboutbefore therewere Coca-Cola and McDona ld's? Well, therewas that firstpromot er of global izati on, the Britis h Empire, over whichit was said the sun neverset. Whilethe worldmap is no longer dotted by Britis h territ orialposses sions, the voices of the Empire are heardin many otherareas.The Britsare good sports men. They feel it's import ant to conced e defeat gracio usly.That is why contem porar y discus sions of Britis h cultur e in the United Kingdo m oftenturn to acknow ledgm ent of how the Americ ans domina te the world.An articl e in the 2002 Christ mas issueof The Econom ist, for exampl e, admitt ed that the Englis h langua ge that is now sweepi ng the globeis closer to the langua ge spoken in Brookl yn, New York, than at Oxford or Cambri dge. Indeed, U.S. movies are everyw hereand kids in even the remote st partsof the worldare famili ar with such essent ial wordsof the Englis h langua ge as Big Mac and the Chicag o Bulls.But it wouldbe a mistak e to claimthat the Britis h Empire whichorigin allyspread Englis h all over the worldis dead and buried.Far from it. Just look at worldlitera ture. It's not surpri singthat the Britsinvent ed some of the most popula r litera ry genres of the past 150 years.One such exampl e is the detect ive novelwhichsprung from Sir Arthur ConanDoyleand his famous charac ter Sherlo ck Holmes.Anothe r exampl e of Britis h litera ry excell enceis with childr en'slitera ture,whereAlicein Wonder landbecame trulya global phenom enon.Evenafterthe Britis h Empire vanish ed, today's Britis h writer s are making new contri butio ns. The two global blockb uster movies of recent yearsHarryPotter and Lord of the Ringsshow the influe nce that even the post-WorldWar II genera tionof Britis h writer s stillhas on childr en around the world.。

第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
21.——Wang Ping is made monitor of our class .——Really ?——Don’t you believe it ? You know , now .A.I wasn’t joking B.I didn’t joke C.I’m not joking D.I haven’t joked 22.He raised his gun , pointed it at a bear and aim , shot at it .A.took careful B.taking careful C.to take careful D.taken careful23.In China bicycle is popular means of transportation .A.the ; the B.the ; a C.a; 不填D.a; the24.On stepping into the room , he was astonished to find the floor covered with looked like tiny insects .A.that B.something C.anything D.what25.——You ought to have given them some advice .——, but who cared what I said .A.So did you B.So I do C.So ought you D.So I should have 26.Don’t bother them when they off their feet .A.rush B.have rushed C.are rushed D.will be rushed 27.He tried many times to crawl over the fence after evening class , each time by the guards in our school .A.being caught B.to be catching C.only to be caught D.catching28.He is a strict but kind-hearted teacher , his students respect but are afraid of .A.one whom B.for whom C.which D.that29.——Can the teacher give us some examples to show how useful the computer is ?——Of course, people get information from it every day .A.A good many ; a great deal of B.All kinds of ; a lotC.Many a ; plenty of D.A great many ; a large number of 30.——Have you seen Steven recently ?——Yes , in fact I saw him this morning . I him for two years .A.didn’t see B.haven’t seen C.hadn’t seen D.don’t see 31.What is it has made my mother that ?A.that ; angry B.which ; angry C.that ; anger D.which ; anger32.If you know the answer the question ,please answer in a loud voice .A.to ; above all B.of ; at all C.to ; at all D.of ; after all 33.You can’t go swimming in your holiday your parents you .A.until ; allow B.unless ; allow C.until ; agree D.unless ; agree 34.The visiting professor giving lectures to students invited to meeting at a time .A.preferred to ; rather than B.preferred ; than beingC.preferred ; to be D.preferred ; to being35.——Would you like me to turn down the radio a bit ?——. I am used to working with the radio on .A.No , it’s all right B.Yes , it doesn’t matterC.No , I don’t like it D.Yes , please第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项Have you ever been at a meeting while someone was making a speech and realized suddenly that your mind was a million miles 36 ? You probably felt sorry and made up your mind to pay attention and always 37 told that daydreaming is a waste of time .“On the contrary ,” says L. Giambra , an expert in psychology , “daydreaming is quite 38 .” Without it , the mind couldn’t get done all the thinking it has to do during a norm al day . You can’t 39 do all your thinking with a conscious (有意识) mind . Instead , your unconscious mind is 40 problems all the time . Daydreaming then may be one way that the unconscious and conscious states of mind have 41 dialogues .Early experts in psychology paid 42 attention to the importance of daydreams or even considered them harmful . At one time daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some43 illnesses . They did not have a better 44 of daydreams until the late 1980s . Eric Klinger , a professor of psychology , is the 45 of the book Daydreaming . Klinger says , “We know now that daydreaming is one of the 46 ways that we organize our lives , learn from our experiences , and plan 47 our futures . Daydreams really are a window on the things we fear and the things we 48 in life .”Daydreams are usually very simple and direct , quite 49 sleep dreams , which may be hard to understand . It’s easier to 50 a deep understanding of your life by paying close attention to your daydreams 51 by trying to examine your sleep dreams carefully . Daydreams help you recognize the difficult situations in your life and 52 a possible way of dealing with them .Daydreams cannot be predicated (预料). They move of in unexpected 53 which may be creative and 54 ideas . For many famous artists and scientists , daydreams were and are a main 55 of creative energy .36.A.far B.long C.away D.over37.A.has been B.have been C.had been D.were 38.A.possible B.smooth C.fine D.necessary 39.A.likely B.fairly C.possibly D.naturally 40.A.working out B.working at C.working for D.working on 41.A.usual B.exciting C.aloud D.silent42.A.a little B.much C.no D.some 43.A.physical B.minding C.feeling D.mental44.A.thought B.sense C.understanding D.scene 45.A.author B.reporter C.printer D.designer 46.A.unusual B.main C.natural D.common 47.A.with B.on C.beyond D.for 48.A.long for B.want to C.think up D.would like 49.A.dislike B.like C.unlike D.likes 50.A.earn B.receive C.accept D.gain 51.A.and B.so C.than D.or 52.A.look out B.find out C.keep out D.pick out 53.A.distance B.situation C.roads D.directions 54.A.full of B.unreasonable C.fond of D.correct。

continclick on eitherA. He does not like what the woman boughtB. He does not remembC. He does not remembD. He remembA. She did not take the shoppiB. She did not write a shippiC. She does not want to shop in a crowdeD. She wants to finishA. He has lost his memoryB. He has lost his sight.C. He drank heavilD. He dancedA. He remembB. He remembC. He remembnurserD. He remembnurserA. He has a bad memoryB. The woman has a bad memoryC. The coupleD. The coupleA. VariouB. MethodC. AssociD. NothinA. Only mentalB. Only physicC. GettinD. MemoriA. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.A. Great concenB. RefresC. Low levelsD. Less intereA. ActiviB. Being slow, graspiC. BreaksD. BreaksA. remindB. remindC. memoriD. memoriA. photoB. photogC. photogD. photogA. remembB. remindC. remindD. memoriA. droppiB. fallinC. failinD. flunkiA. To put it simplyB. To put it simpleC. To take it simpleD. To make it simplyA. He missed there.B. He missedC. He studieD. He studieA. Write a statemB. ReviseC. Fill in forms for the woman.D. Apply to an AmericA. The gradinB. The teachiC. Both A) and B).D. NeitheA. Three parts.B. Two parts.C. One part.D. Less than one part.A. She wants to go to EuropeB. She can't affordC. She has got a part-time job.D. She will borrowA. BecausB. BecausborrowC. BecausimportD. Becausthe textboA. He comparreadinB. He puts more emphas those from his readinC. He writesin his notes.D. He emphasA. He writesB. He writesC. He scans the lessonD. He gets ready to rush out.A. AskingB. ShowinC. DisplaD. Both A) and B).A. SecretB. MethodC. DifferstudenD. DifferA. electiB. electsC. electiD. selectA. keep up withB. keep forth withC. keep up onD. keep forwarA. runninB. runninC. runninD. runninA. from your mindB. away from your mindC. out your mindD. out of your mindA. goB. comeC. turnD. leaveUnit 3 Quiz单元小测验continclick on eitherA. HusbanB. DaughtC. MotherD. Two colleaA. Contem husbanB. ModernC. At the marria her husbanD. At the marria her husbanA. At a railwaB. At a bus stopC. At a hospitD. At an airporA. MarrieB. MarriaC. It is betterD. It is betterA. One had betterB. One shouldC. DivorcD. DivorcA. The importB. The reasonC. Ways of preparD. ChildrA. They will find the man threatB. They will leave home.C. They will treat the man as a friendD. They will be eager to have a new fatherA. They can make up their minds to find a new spouseB. They can see the issue from a new angle.C. They will undersD. Both A) and B).A. ChildrB. ParentC. YoungeD. Older childrA. The steppaB. The steppaC. The biologD. The steppaA. separaB. separaC. divorcD. divorcA. listenB. have listenC. have listenD. had listenA. putB. postedC. positiD. presseA. inB. forC. toD. atA. him namesB. his namesC. him nameD. his namingUnit 7 Quiz单元小测验Your percent age score is 64%.Quiz resulthas been recorde d success fully.Part IDirecti ons: Listento the short dialogs, then choosethe correct answers to the questio ns. You will hear the recordi ng twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choosethe correct answers. Use the secondplaying to check your answers.1. (Listento the audio recordi ng for the questio n.)A. It is the biggesB. It is the secondC. It is importD. It is not importA. The wildfiB. The wildfiC. Her son studieD. Her son is protecA. To protecB. To write a paper on the enviroC. To do a good job for his classmD. To make a mess of his classmA. Both the man and woman think it shouldB. NeitheC. Only the man thinksD. Only the woman thinksA. The same as the man's.B. The enviroC. The enviroD. The enviro(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)A. WidespB. The changeC. The globalD. IncreaA. PeacefB. CheerfC. solitaD. Lonely A. The temperB. The rainfaC. The panda does not like to live in zoos.D. The panda likes to live alone.A. BecausB. BecausanimalC. BecausD. BecauscloninA. How to save the giant panda.B. The dangerC. The importD. SuccesA. barsC. prevenD. destruA. awayB. offC. ofD. out ofA. to panicB. to get panicC. to be panicD. panickA. happenB. gettinD. going onA. fineB. be fineC. be finedD. get fine。
新视野大学英语3 听说UNIT QUIZ答案

MAW UNIT 1 (85%)1~5 B A B A D6~10 C B C C D11.passed12.occupied13.aware14.previous15.take up16.advanced17.recording18.They all got put down in his diary19.when her husband stopped leaving it around20.--------UNIT 2 ( 95% )1~5 B A A D B6~10 A D B A A11.Initially12.patience13.sensation14.integrate15.charge16.calming17.promotes18.such as an increased sense of control over events in their lives19.improve balance and strength and reduce their chance of taking a fall20.how to build energy,move it and use it for health and self-defenseUNIT 3 (65%) 尽力了……1~5 A B C D D6~10 D B A C A 11.addressed 12.————13. engage ?14. significant15.flexible16.majorable ?17.persuit ?18.*******19.******20.******UNIT 4 (85%)1~5: A C B D D 6~10: B A D D B11.theory12.childhood13.walked14.in the business15.provided16.origin17.joke18.led to the idea that Uncle Sam represented the federal government (?)19.is an invention in some articles (?)20is very different from Uncle Sam's traditional appearance(?)UNIT 5 (85%)1~5 C D A D D6~10 D B B D A11.freedom12.impressed with13.effects14.masters15interfere16.protest17.explains18.tells about his daily life in a simple cabin was(?)19.-------20.-------UNIT 6(80%)1~5 B C C A D6~10 C A B C D11.amount12.population13.growth14.billion15.produce16.permanent(?)17.height18.should be taking great care not to reduce it further(?)19.-------20.*****UNIT 7 (85%)1~5 D B A A D6~10 B D D C B11.activity12.religiousfortable14.identify15.afford16.important17.appetite18.can help a great deal in cheering you up and (?)19.when they feel insecure or think that no one likes them(?)20.even become weak or sick from not having enough food (?)UNIT 8 (85%)1~5 A C C D B6~10 C A D B A11.biological12.firmly13.efforts14.suspect15.objectors16.originality17.modest18.to use his cloning technology to improve livestock (?)19.should be kept strictly at the level of cells and proteins (?)20.****UNIT 9(85%)1~5 C A D D A6~10 A A D C D11.focused12.emotionally13.distant14.cancer15.retirement16.crossed17.increasingly18.regardless of your age,you can make a number of important changes in your current lifestyle(?)19.We know much more about preventive health today than our parents and grandparents did in the past(?)20. And these new knowledge can be transmited to our children to help them become healthier than our generation(?)UNIT 10(80%)1~5 C D C C A6~10 B A B A C11.primitive12.illusions13.waking14.tends15.inconsistent16.external(?)17.ringing18.Experiments has been carried out to investigate the connection between intentionally inflicted pain and dreaming(?) 19. depend on the associations of the discomfort in the mind of somebody who is sleeping(?)20.Some people say they dream every night ,and others only say very occasionally(?)。

Unit 1 The Way to SuccessSection A1 Understanding the text.1 He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage.2 They were thought to be slow learners in childhood, but they overcame their childhood difficulties and made magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today.3 His strong will.4 It means to keep their focus on achieving a positive end result, instead of letting small problems get in the way of good results.5 Because they have the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals, and have the passion for success.6 Because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather than risk hiringa female lawyer, which was unprecedented.7 We should never give up on our dream, and one day we can change the world and make it a better place.8 The secret of success is built upon a burning inward desire---a robust, fierce will and focus---that fuels the determination to act, to keep preparing, to keep going even when we are tired and fail.2 Critical thinking1 You may have tried and failed many times before you finally get success. But it does not matter. What matters is whether you can summon up(鼓起)all your courage again and again to face the hardships standing in the way of success.2 Luck, talent, good relationships with your colleagues, etc.3 When I have realized that I am pursuing something that is hard to achieve,I would try to stick to the goal. But l will begin to think of what I can do to improve the situation. When it still doesn't work, I would try to analyze what the problem is and then make some changes and probably reset my goal. Yes, sometimes we are pursuing the wrong goal which can never be achieved, only tofind ourselves in deep frustration and profound fatigue. In this situation, I may give up the wrong goal and set up another goal that is achievable.4 Following the guidance of senior people.●Getting sound advice from our parents.●Setting a correct goal.●Achieving success step by step.●Developing good interpersonal relationships.Language focus3 Words in usel whereby 2 pursuit 3 inhibit 4 maintain 5 patriotic 6 transcended 7 endeavors 8 dedication 9 prestige 10 nominate4 Word buildingWords learned New words formed-antinhabitant inhabitparticipate participantattend attendantpollute pollutantdescend descendantcontest contestanttolerate tolerantresult resultant-fulneglect neglectfulresource resourcefulboast boastfulrespect respectful5l resultant 2 tolerant 3 pollutants 4 inhabited 5 contestants 6 descendants 7 attendants 8 respectful 9 participants 10 neglectful11 resourceful 12 boastful6 Banked cloze1 F2 G3 H4 J5 E6 A7 N8 I9 K l0 M7 Expressions in usel removed from 2 failed in 3 in the pursuit of 4 deviated from 5 precludes; from 6 triumph over 7 work their way into 8 written off9 Translation世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所贡献。

1. With his index finger, Paterson pointed toward a plain color-coded box beneath a long wooden table.2. He disguised himself as a waiter and watched what was going on around.3. He often whistles a tune during the morning tea break when his boss is not around.4. There were certain people in that room, like Peter and John, who had failed to grasp what I was saying.5. And again she shouted in a high-pitched voice, word by word, with no attempt to restrain herself, “I cannot stand any more.”6. During that time I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood.7. I’m just praying that the board of directors will take steps before it is too late.8. She was the director’s faithful assistant in whom he could have absolute confidence.9. These developers pledge to build low-income housing units when the supply of affordablehousing for poor people continues to shrink.10. People have been mobilized to build defense and drain flooded land as heavy rains continueto fall11. Church Mill, although of fairly moderate size compared with some of its neighbors, is adelightful two-story building of stone.12. If your weight remains constant you must be using up all your calories, but if you aregaining weight then some of the calories you consume are..13. I don’t think it advisable that Tim be assigned the job since he has no experienced.14. Meals also have to be modified from their original state so that they will have a beneficialeffect on the body15. His face was very red, which was a clear evidence of his fever.16. Families with children tend to be restricted as to when they can take their vacations.17. They calculate that the aging population is adding one percent yearly to health service costs18. In the case of a polluted river, the remedy lies in the hands of the national government.19. The change in leadership will have a huge impact on government policy.20. Given sufficient time, with other things remaining unchanged, prices and wages wouldeventually be adjusted and full employment may be achieved.21. Education should aim to cultivate a child’s mind to its utmost potential.22. We have tried to make the test simple but comprehensive so that it will give us a basic ideaof what you do and do not understand.23. This controversial book was both praised and criticized, but whether it was read by artistsleave to further research.24. Three independent daily newspapers have been ordered to suspend publication.25. They offered me only 5 for a whole day’s work- I felt really insulted.26. The lab director said that the experiment was at its preliminary stage and they would needmore time to come to a final result.27. They must know how to make use of and, when necessary, to replace the old, conventionalrules.28. It is made quite clear in the report that China will stick to its reform and opening-up policy.29. One of the things many of us hope for is a chance to contribute something worthwhile tothe world.30. The reports have attacked considerable publicity although only a tiny proportion of thereports have been debated in the house.31. This means they have been inspected by a team of professional experts and the standard oftheir work has been approved.32. The Statue of Liberty had just arrived from P aris and was being assembled so it was not inNew Y ork Harbor when they arrived.33. This reaction to the event is rather exaggerated but on the other hand there’s something in it34. Police had trouble understanding who was responsible for the accident, because everyonewho saw it made different versions of what happened.35. It is an almost universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we actuallyexercise the skills we initially used to perform it.36. His appointment has not been formally approved yet.37. It’ s getting more and more difficult to recruit experienced staff.38. He insisted that the idea evolved out of work done by British scientists39. They are the ordinary citizens for whom the honor system was designed-people havededicated their lives to duty.40. His expression became very solemn when we told him what had happened.41. A very promising football player back home, Kamte decided to switch to golf and turnedprofessional in 2002.42. The cabbages have already started to decay and we have to throw them away.43. Many elderly people feel more secured knowing that if they need help, there is alwayssomeone with them, caring for them.44. The Toyota Matrix that we were driving was shaking vigorously; some of its screws weregetting loose.45. They went up to the gate, which slid open at the push of a button.46. During the colonial period, the church was closely allied with the government, giving fullsupport to the government and, in return, receiving special privileges.47. The baby had woken up for another feed after an interval of three or four hours.48. In this paper I will give a broad outline of the research we have been doing.49. I knew that he had been in Cuba the preceding year because he constantly mentioned Hava.50. If he is only interested in your looks, that just shows how shallow he is.1. I hate to hear the monitor say “I’ll tell on you” whenever I did something that did not please her.2. The police have failed to track down any of the people responsible for the attack, though they think the same group was responsible for last year’s attack.3. I think the father and son do have some trouble in their relationship, and I feel they should try to work it out.4. I don’t know why he’s always picking on me. I haven’t done anything wrong; on the contrary, I’ve done good business for the company.5. No car, no house, and no wife-these are the problems to be reckoned with for the time being.6. When the leading lady dropped out of the movie, the producers had no choice but to call on the cleaning lady to save the day.7. When he was a student at LU, he had a chance to travel around the world on his own.8. I thought if we could get through the next year on our father’s income, things would be easieras I would graduated and get a job by then.9. The unshaven old man in the park turned out to be a police officer in disguise.10. There is nothing remarkable about the narrative, which revolves around a traditional lovetriangle.11. He felt depressed when his suggestion was refused, but it didn’t take long for him to bounceback.12. At the end of the class the teacher summed up the main points of the lesson in three sentences13. Up to 1,000 people attended the opening ceremony.14. The children there are being put at risk every day because many care workers still do notknow how to protect them from HIV.15. The spirit of the football team went to zero after the team’s third defeat.16. The demand for iron goes up as people do more physical exercises.17. Unfortunately, your feelings about writing interfere with your ability to write.18. These vitamins and minerals, ultimately derived from food, are the necessary sources ofenergy for animals.19. In general, about 70% of graduates are offered positions upon application.20. It’s good to stand on top of the hill and take in fresh air.21. His girlfriend’s father saw him as a man who could not make a living.22. The course was canceled over the students’ will.23. The problem is so difficult that we cannot work it out the help of our teacher.24. Children tend to do their utmost when they know their parents are making similar efforts.25. The new teaching program didn’t work well in the school at the outset.26. I was kind of excited when I received the letter that offered me an interview.27. The school is scheduled to open on September.28. They appeared to offer a free computer, complete with software and a printer.29. In spite of hardships, they made real efforts that have resulted in more progress than expected.30. Many people make things more difficult for themselves because they still operate on theprinciple that you should not ask for help, or you might seem weak.31. The project he worked on last year fell through as it was costly.32. The committee did not approve of the plan to build a new bridge over the river.33. Although some members slipped away, the meeting went ahead without them.34. There are some houses for sale in the economic development zone.35. Have you come up with an idea of how to deal with test cheating?36. This second-hand dress can be refashioned into a rather pretty skirt.37. It is often the case that popular music stars rise to fame at a young age.38. What captures my attention about the paintings is the neck that is stretched a little bit and theface that is sour-looking.39. The theories discussed below may have evolved from different assumptions, but it is stilldifficult to tell them apart.40. The road is named after the old man who has paid all the money for building it.41. The young woman reached for her bag and pulled out a gun.42. It’s completely dark, so I had to feel for the car key with my fingers.43. Thomas turned his head, trying to avoid breathing in the vapor.44. He always covers his mouth when coughing so wha t he won’t spread germs.45. John managed to accomplish his work in time.46. It is very strange that the old lady seemed to be able to sense my thoughts.47. We did not provide for such a sudden and large-scale enemy attack..48. His intervention may have spared me a bloody nose.49. I was shocked when I read about his success in turning his small family business into aninternational company within three years.50. I don’t want to be a teacher any more; the problem is I don’t quite know how to go about it.。

新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册quiz答案Unit 1 Quiz Part I 1. B. He does not remember the price of the shirt. . She did not take the shopping list along with her. 3. C. He drank heavily last night. He remembers his life in primary school but not that in the nursery. 5. B. The woman has a bad memory. Part II Scientists are working to develop new drugs that someday may slow, reverse, or prevent the S1 caused by Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. In the meantime, people who have no dementia S2 can try to keep their memory S3 . Some suggestions include developing interests or hobbies and staying S4 in activities that stimulate both the mind and body. Giving careful attention to physicalS5 and exercise may also go a long way toward keeping a healthy state of S6 . Limiting the use of alcoholic drinks is important because heavy drinking S7 time can cause permanent brain damage. Many people find it useful to plan tasks; make %use notes, calendars, and other memory aids. S8 , such as a familiar name, song, or lines from a poem. S9 . Forgetfulness caused by these emotions usually is temporary and goes away when the feelings are over. However, if these feelings last for a long period of time, getting help from a professional is important. Some physical and mental changes occur with age in healthy people. However, S10 , not only part of normal aging. (1)damage (2) symptoms (3)sharp (4) involved (5)fitness (6)mind (7)over(8)Thelso may remember things better by mentally connecting them to other meaningful things(9)Stress,anxiety, or depression can make a person more forgetful(10) much pain and suffering can be avoided if older people, their families, and their doctors recognize dementia as a disease Part III is the speaker mainly talking about?B. Methods to remember things better. does the speaker mean by “activity”?C. Getting actively involved in what you are doing. many techniques does the speaker describe before giving a short summary?B. Three.. does the speaker say \A. Great concentration and energy. are the last three techniques the speaker mentions?D. Breaks, grasping the basics, and interest. Part IV big sign on the back of my door that says \B. remind me to take wish I was like David. He has a _______ memory, you know. How useful that would be!C. photographic read an article in a scientific journal that linked studying with ____, based on recentresearch into the remembering ’d better write down my instructions because I know your memory is _______.C. failing 5._________, you should use your memory as much as To put it simply Unit 2 quiz Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. He missed home at first and then got used to studying there. B. He missed home and has never done well in studies.C. He studies well and never misses home.D. He studies well though he always misses home. Your answer Correct answer A A 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Write a statement for the woman.B. Revise what the woman will write.C. Fill in forms for the woman.D. Apply to an American university for admission. Your answer Correct answer B B 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The grading system there is different. B. The teaching methods there are different.C. Both A) and B).D. Neither A) nor B). Your answer Correct answer C C 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Three parts.B. Two parts.C. One part.D. Less than one part. Your answer Correct answer D D 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She wants to go to Europe for studies. B. She can’t afford an education in Europe. C. She has got a part-time job. D. She will borrow cash to pay her tuition.Your answer Correct answer B B Part II Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers. As you may have already discovered, paying S1 a quality education in the United States can be very expensive. But S2 proper preparation, you may minimize the costs of this extraordinary S3 ; visit our Financing page to learn more about paying for S4 . In this section, we S5 money matters that you may S6 on a daily basis during your S7 in the States. S8 . There are other options such as creditcards or traveler’s checks, which are all valid forms with which to pay for things in S9 . I f you choose to carry traveler’s checks with you from your home country to the States, be sure they are denominated in funds. Most businesses—except taxi drivers and public transportation personnel—will accept -denominated traveler’s checks during regular business hours, typically between 9 and 5 , Monday through Friday. S10 . Your answer Correct answer (1) for For (2) with with (3) opptiunity opportunity (4) tutition tuition (5) explore explore (6) adventure encounter (7) adventure (8) As with any country, it is not advisable to carry large amounts of cash around with you (9) Traveler’s checks are one of the safest and easiest ways to transport money, because you may have them replaced if they get lost or stolen (10)It is wise to bring about $100 with you in cash, so you will be able to manage upon your arrival in the States Part III Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. According to Jones, why do top students take notes in class? A. Because the notes help you remember the text. B. Because students who failed to attend the lecture will borrow the notes. C. Because teachers will test you on what they believe to be important. D. Because teachers give them additional information beside the textbook. Your answer Correct answer D D 2. What is special about Jack Smith’s \ A. He compares his notes from the lecturewith those from his reading. B. He puts more emphasis on his notes from the lecture with those from his reading.C. He writes one or two summary sentences about each lesson in his notes.D. He emphasizes listening attentively instead of taking notes. Your answer Correct answer A A 3. What does Anderson do right before the bell rings? A. He writes down the last few sentences the teacher says. B. He writes a short summary of the main ideas of the lesson. C. He scans the lesson for the next day. D. He gets ready to rush out. Your answer Correct answer B B 4. What does class participation involve? A. Asking the teacher questions. B. Showing interest in learning. C. Displaying one’s potential. D. Both A) and B). Your answer Correct answer C C 5.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Secrets of successful students. B. Methods for academic success and the reasons.C. Difference between top students and poorly performing students.D. Different ways of taking notes. Your answer Correct answer A APart IV Directions: Choose the right answer.1. \you chosen your ___________ for next term yet? Are you taking French writing again?\ A. elections B. elects C. electives D. selections Your answer Correct answer C C2. Although the teacher expects a lot, I believe I can ___________ everyone else in the class.A. keep up withB. keep forth withC. keep up onD. keep forward on Your answer Correct answer D A3. The student discovered having fun was expensive, and he was rapidly ___________ money. A. running short B. running out of C. running from D. running over Your answer Correct answer B B4. Seeing his wife was going to give the son so much money, the husband yelled, \___________ . He’ll just spend it all in a couple of weeks. A. from your mind B. away from your mind C. out your mind D. out of your mind Your answer Correct answer D D5. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls ___________ unanswered. A. go B. come C. turn D. leave Your answer Correct answer A A Unit 3 Quiz Your percentage score is 68%. Quiz result has been recorded successfully. Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose thecorrect answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Husband and wife.B. Daughter and father.C. Mother and son.D. Two colleagues. Your answer Correct answer C C 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Contemporary women no longer want to obey their husband. B. Modern girls no longer love their husbands.C. At the marriage ceremony the bride should promise to obey her husband.D. At the marriage ceremony the bride should show loyalty to her husband. Your answer Correct answer A A 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. At a railway station.B. At a bus stopC. At a hospital.D. At an airport. Your answer Correct answer D D 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Married couple should have a mansion. B. Marriage should be based on love.C. It is better to have loved and lost.D. It is better not to have ever loved. Your answer Correct answer B B 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. One had better forget the divorce. B. One should find a new spouse as early as possible.C. Divorce is very painful.D. Divorce is not very painful. Your answer Correct answer C C Part II Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanksnumbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers. In a powerful new Mercedes a married couple are driving along a highway S1 60 miles per hour, the wife behind the S2 . Her husband suddenly looks over at her. From the S3 of his voice and the S4 on his face, it’s obvious he’s enjoying this moment. He says, \married for 20 years, but I want a S6 .\The wife says nothing, but slowly increases the S7 to 70 mph. He then says, \Again the wife stays quiet, but speeds up as her rage increases. \ The wife speeds up to 80 mph. He says, \By now she’s up to 90 mph. S9 The wife slowly starts to veer toward a bridge. This makes him a bit nervous, so he says, \The wife says, \\Seconds before they slam into the bridge at a speed of 100 mph, the wife smiles and says, \airbag.\ Your answer Correct answer (1) at at (2) husband wheel (3) tone (4) smile expression (5) Honey (6) divorce divorce (7) speed speed (8) anymore I don’t want you to try to talk me out of it because I don’t love you amy more (9) Oh ,right \ (10) No, I’ve got everything I need. Part III Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. What is the topic discussed in the passage? A. The importance of remarriage. B. The reasons for a remarriage. C. Ways of preparing for a blended family.D. Children’s problems in a blended family. Your answer Correct answer D D 2. How will children view the man their single mother is dating if she says \A. They will find the man threatening.B. They will leave home.C. They will treat the man as a friend.D. They will be eager to have a new father. Your answer Correct answer B A 3. How can single parents benefit from advice? A. They can make up their minds to find a new spouse quickly.B. They can see the issue from a new angle.C. They will understand their former spouse better.D. Both A) and B). Your answer Correct answer B B 4. According to the passage, which of the following is true in the case of a divorce?A. Children are sadder than parents.B. Parents are sadder than children.C. Younger children have more problems than older children.D. Older children have more problems than younger children. Your answer Correct answer C C 5. Which people are mentioned in the passage who must make adjustments in a blended family? A. The stepparent and the biological parent.B. The stepparent and the children.C. The biological parent and the children.D. The stepparent, the biological parent, and the children. Your answer Correct answer A A Part IV Directions: Choose the right answer.1. Amy, sit down, we need to talk. Your mother and I are going to ________________. A. separate B. separate with each other C. divorce ourselves D. divorce with each other Your answer Correct answer A A2. So you’re still single? If you________________ to me and used the Internet, you’d have a husband by now.A. listenB. have listenC. have listenedD. had listened Your answer Correct answer D D 3. I ________________ an online ad that read “Husband Wanted.” A. put B. posted C. positioned D. pressed Your answer Correct answer B B 4. I do have a right ________________ stability for my children and myself, don’t I? A. in B. for C. to D. at Your answer Correct answer C C 5. Do you yell at him and call ________________? A. him names B. his names C. him name D. his naming Your answer Correct answer A A Unit 4 Quiz 单元小测验Your percentage score is 88%. Quiz result has been recorded successfully. PartI Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. He is seeking help. B. He is offering advice. C. He is trying to look calm. D. He is having an interview. Your answer Correct answer A A 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She is weak in doing projects. B. She is weak in studies.C. She tends to work whole-heartedly.D. She is not willing to start a project. Your answer Correct answer C C 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Send in her CV by email. B. Send in her CV by mail.C. Call the company.D. Visit thecompany in person. Your answer Correct answer D D 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She has accepted the offer. B. She has declined the offer.C. She is interested in becoming an accountant.D. She will leave the current job for more money. Your answer Correct answer B B 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She should keep the present job. B. She might as well find a new job. C. She might as well find an online job. D. She should perfect her present position. Your answer Correct answer B B Part II Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 withthe exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers. There are various types of questions asked at a job interview. Most job interviews start with chit-chat type of questions. They are designed to break the S1 and get the conversation flowing. S2 are questions like\you able to find S3 ?\Most of these just require a\no problem\type of S4 ; you can elaborate if you wish. However, ensure that you don’t S5 information that will give them a bad S6 . If you say something like\ to get here. The traffic was so bad; I hate traveling to this side of town\ More questions will be asked to find out a bit more about you. S9 , or they may be hypothetical questions starting with\if...?\These are aimed at finding outhow you would handle a situation or at finding out your personal views in certain areas. Whenever answering a job interview question, give as much information as you can. Tell them why, where, when and how. In other words use samples to prove what you are saying. S10 . Your answer Correct answer (1) ice ice (2) Examples Examples (3) parking parking (4) response response (5) provide provide (6) impression impression (7) ages ages (8) If this is the place where you would be working, they would automatically be worried that you will be late for work everyday (9) They might be historical questions regarding your previous employment or education (10) Make a statement, then support it by giving a sample of a situation and how you handled it Part III Directions: Listen to the followingrecording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. The significance of exact numbers in a resume. B. The role of three techniques in an interview.C. How to write a resume.D. The importance of a resume. Your answer Correct answer C C 2. Which of the following is better in a resume, according to the speaker?A. Lots of teaching experience.B. 7,300 teaching hours.C. 7,000 teaching hours.D. Thousands of teaching hours. Your answer Correct answer B B 3. According tothe speaker, which of the following does a holiday company NOT sell? A. Holidays. B. Adventure. C. Relaxation. D. Sand. Your answer Correct answer A A 4. What is the third technique the speaker recommends? A. A neat resume.B. A handwritten cover letter.C. Identifying an employer’s needs.D. All of the above. Your answer Correct answer C C 5. What skills are important in a resume? A. The skills the applicant is especially good at. B. The skills the applicant has learned in his internship. C. Only the skills indicated in the job ad, to attract the employer’s attention. D. Mainly the skills listed in the advertisement, but also other skills the employer needs. Your answer Correct answer D D Part IV Directions: Choose the right answer.1. Did you pick up the paper for me today?I really want to check the job _____________. A. emptiness B. empties C. vacant D. vacancies Your answer Correct answer D D 2. You don’t have enough experience or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could _____________ the position?A. handleB. handle withC. dealD. cope Your answer Correct answer A A 3. A good resume should list your experience in (the) _____________ chronological order. A. back B. reverse C. diverse D. overturned Your answer Correct answer B B 4. I would feel proud to work for a company like this and to contribute a great deal _____________ its success. A. in B. at C. to D. for Your answer Correct answerC C 5. The young student can understand so much of the world. He seems very mature _____________ his age.A. inB. forC. withD. at Your answer Correct answer B B Unit 5 Quiz 单元小测验Your percentage score is 60%. Quiz result has been recorded successfully. Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Tuesday morning at her office. B. Tuesday morning at his office. C. Tuesday afternoon at her office. D. Tuesday morning at his office. Your answer Correct answer A A 2. (Listen to the audio recording for thequestion.) A. The football match should be called off. B. The meeting should not include new items.C. The meeting should have another two items.D. The football should be included in the agenda. Your answer Correct answer B B 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Telling his team everything. B. Continuing the discussion on the last issue. C. Starting the meeting. D. Finishing the meeting. Your answer Correct answer D D 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Eating noodles.B. Finding a supermodel for the café.C. Drawing up a business plan.D. Finding a waitress on the Internet. Your answer Correct answer C C 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. A relative of hishelped him to get over the difficulty.B. His caféwas a big success.C. He no longer has a business.D. He has lost both his business and house. Your answer Correct answer C C Part II Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers. Sometimes markets surge for no apparent reason; masses of people suddenly want something, and the S1 demand can’t be met immediately. For example, during the SARS epidemic, there was a high S2 for facial masks in several countries --- andmany entrepreneurs capitalized S3 this business idea.B. The owner of the bar welcomes only visitors in football shirts.C. The barmen and barmaids have gone to watch the football final.D. The bar is closed. Your answer Correct answer A A 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She will run as fast as she can. B. She will defend herself. C. She will be scared to death. D. She will buy a can of hairspray. Your answer Correct answer B B 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Take a rubbish bin (垃圾桶) to the train station.B. Remove the rubbish bins from the railway station.C. Look at what is in the rubbish bin.D. Throwsomething into the rubbish bin. Your answer Correct answer D D Part II Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers. How can a teen be convinced to stop smoking--or persuaded never to take up the S1 at all? Those questions became even more S2 last week when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that tobacco use S3 teenagers increased by nearly one-third in the last S4 . In 1994, % of teens used cigarettes, smokeless tobacco or cigars. In2004, % S5 . Teens have their own S6 , their own pressures. What works for S7 smokers may not work for adolescents. S8 says April Roeseler, a health educator and chief of local programs for the Tobacco Control Section of the California Department of Health Services, which runs the California Smokers’Helpline. With teenagers, counselors aim to be more conversational. S9 . In the next few weeks, the counselor sets up additional telephone appointments, with up to a total of eight sessions. S10 , says Lester Brown, assistant professor of family and preventive medicine at the UC San Diego School of Medicine and the principal investigator for the project. Researchers want to see whether the teens who quit remain nonsmokers. \ Your answer Correct answer (1) habithabit (2) crucial crucial (3) among among(4) decade decade (5) did did (6) issues issues (7) adultadult (8) To survey the teens, the questions must be carefully phrased because \you ask them a lot of direct questions ,\ (9) The first phone call generally takes about 45 minutes, with discussion about why the teen began smoking and the extent of the habit (10) Now 260 teens who have participated in the program are being followed Part III Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. World Day Against Child Labor B. Child Labor—an International Problem C. The Reasons for Child Labor D.The Solutions to Child Labor Your answer Correct answer A A 2. About how many children are doing dangerous jobs? A. About 120 million. B. Over 180 million.C. About 250 million.D. Nearly 750 million. Your answer Correct answer B B 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned among the worst forms of child labor? A. Illegal sex trade. B. Illegal drug trade. C. Robbery D. Wars. Your answer Correct answer C C 4. Where are the most children forced to work? A. In Asia and Latin America. B. In Asia and Africa.C. In Africa and Latin America.D. In Asia, Africa and Latin America. Your answer Correct answer B B 5. What should be governments’ first step to reduce and end child labor? A. To find out the worst forms of child labor.B. To identify the worst areas of child labor in the world.C. To punish governments that do not fight against child labor.D. To carry out special programs with time limits. Your answer Correct answer D D Part IV Directions: Choose the right answer. 1. Believe me, I’ll never again be a slave ____________ smoking.A. atB. inC. toD. with Your answer Correct answer C C 2. It’s the local “youth” throwing firecrackers. Don’t go out. They’re likely to throw one ____________ you if you bother them. A. to B. at C. for D. through Your answer Correct answer B B 3. The beggars really ____________. I can’t help but feel sorry for them. They look so miserable.A. get to meB. get in meC. make to meD. make in me Your answer Correct answer A A4. Someone must’ve made a copy of your credit card. Y ou’ll have to cancel it at once and get a new one. Hopefully, the bank will ____________ the damage. A. include B. embrace C. cover D. pay with Your answer Correct answer C C5. My accountant is preparing my income tax ____________, and I need to go over some of the receipts with her. A. turn B. return C. pay D. report Your answer Correct answer B B Unit 7 Quiz 单元小测验Your percentage score is 76%. Quiz result has been recorded successfully. Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for youto choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. It is the biggest problem. B. It is the second most important problem. C. It is important but not the most urgent problem.D. It is not important. Your answer Correct answer B C 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The wildfire in Spain is a good thing. B. The wildfires are changing the climate. C. Her son studies environmental protection in college. D. Her son is protecting the environment. Your answer Correct answer D D 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. To protect the environment.B. To write a paper on the environment.C. To do a good job for his classmate.D. To make a mess of his classmate’s work.。

Unit 3 Culture makes me what I am.Done with this task. Your current score: 100%Unit 3 testNextDirections: Click on the speaker to the left to start playing the audio recordingsParts I, II and III. They will be played continuously. Once the recording starts playiplease do NOT click on either the speaker icon or the 'Unit Quiz' link in the menuabove. Otherwise, you may lose the chance of hearing the complete recording.Part I ScriptDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, and then choose the correct answersto the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing,there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playingto check your answers.1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Everybody hurries, so things are done quickly.B. Everybody hurries, but things are done slowly.C. People have different opinions on whether we should hurry.D. More and more people think they should not hurry.2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. One should not take pictures in crowded places.B. One's personal space should be respected.C. Crowding causes less respect for personal space.D. Old people deserve more respect.3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Put the knife and fork in a 90 degree on the table.B. Put the knife and fork in a 90 degree on the plate.C. Put the knife and fork paralleled on the table.D. Put the handkerchief on the table.4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Street soccer.B. Skating.C. Hip-hop.D. Doodle.5.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. A woman should apologize for being late.B. A man should arrive ahead of time.C. Important men can be late for an appointment.D. Women can be late for an appointment.Part II ScriptDirections: Listen to the passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read the third time, check your answers.Most social scientists believe that the sports that are organized by a society generally reflect the basicstrengthen them in the minds and emotions of its people. Therefore, organized sports have a more serious socialplay by individuals. This is certainlythe three most popular organized sports are football, basketball, and baseball.sports. Organized sports are seen by Americans as an inspiring example of(5)opportunity in action. In sports, people of differentand economic backgrounds get an equal chance to excel. For this reason, notes sociologist Harry Edwards, Americans view organized sports as "ain which young men, regardless of social class, can learn the advantages and rewards of a competitive system".(8)Women's sports are growing in popularity in the United States, and they now have more funding and support at the college level than in the past. The 1996 Olympics provided evidence of the increased interest in women's organized sports. American women won gold medals for several team sports —softball, basketball, soccer, and gymnastics. The idea of competition is at the very heart of organized sports in the United States.(9)This training, in turn, strengthens American society as a whole. "It is commonly held," says one sports writer, "that(10)(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)(6)(7) laboratory(8)(9)(10)Part III ScriptDirections: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Britain on the DeclineB. British Culture on the DeclineC. British Culture Remains InfluentialD. The Replacement of British Culture by American Culture2.How do Brits view the United States?A. They admit its success.B. They turn a blind eye to its success.C. They hate it.D. They believe their country is superior to it.3.What is true of the article in The Economist?A. American English is now as influential as British English.B. American English is more influential than British English.C. American English is still less influential than British English.D. Both American and British English are declining in importance.4.Why does the passage mention "Big Mac"?A. To show Americans like fast food.B. To show Brits are beginning to like fast food.C. To show Americans are no good at literature.D. To show the growing influence of American culture.5.What does the passage want to prove by mentioning the movie Lord of theRings?A. Its popularity with children.B. The former glory of British culture.C. The superiority of British movies over Hollywood movies.D. The powerful influence of contemporary British writers.Part IVDirections: Choose the best answer to each of the following statements.1.Many girls want to look more attractive than the girls _______ next to themin class.A. satB. sitC. seatedD. sitting2.The roots of the work ethic were in the teaching of the Christian Puritanswho first settled in _______ is now the northeastern state ofMassachusetts.A. whereB. whatC. placeD. location3.Americans have for centuries believed that they were guilty _____ sin ifthey did not work as carefully and hard as they could when they did anything.A. ofB. inC. withD. for4.Workaholics have gone _______ the usual sense of diligence. They areespecially attracted to the notion of "climbing the ladder".A. overB. aboveC. beforeD. beyond5.Remember these tips and you will be _______ to a successful internationalbusiness career.A. in your wayB. during your wayC. at your wayD. on your way6.People who are running late for an appointment often call ______ to letthe others know of the delay.A. forB. onC. aheadD. forward7.Cultures that stress individualism such as England, the United States,Germany, and Australia generally demand more space than collective cultures ____.A. doB. haveC. areD. that8.In Mexico, the physical distance between people when engaged in aconversation is closer than what is usual _______ the border.A. northB. north ofC. north toD. to north of9.______ is the case with most of our behavior, our use of space is directlylinked to the value system of our culture.A. WhatB. AsC. WhichD. So10.Cigars are a dime a dozen in Cuba. We have more of them than ______ whatto do with.A. we knowB. that we knowC. what we knowD. who we knowSearch onliWord tipsLanguage and culture tipsOverviewLearning strategiesScriptQuestion 1W: It's hard for one culture to understand another. Westerners are alwaysin a hurry to make things happen. M: But at the same time, because everyone has the right to voice his opinion,it seems to take forever to get something done. Q: What does the man think is true in the West?Question 2W: Some people are very rude. Did you see that man cut right in front of theold couple taking a picture? M: It's a different culture. People who live in crowded cities with a largepopulation find it more difficult to respect other people's personal space. Q: What does the man say? Question 3M:Lisa, I'm invited to a Western dinner tonight. Can you give me some suggestions on etiquette?W:One thing I want to remind you is that if you excuse yourself for a while during the dinner, you should put your knife and fork in a 90 degree angle on the plate rather than put them parallel right on the plate which suggests finishing eating.Q:What should the man do if he wants to excuse himself for a while during the dinner?Question 4W:Can you name a few popular forms of Street Culture in our city?M:That's easy! To name just a few, street soccer, doodle, hip-hop, COSPLAY...Q:What kind of street culture is NOT mentioned?Question 5M:You're late. We were supposed to meet at 5:00, and here it is, already 5:15. What's the matter with you?W:Don't get so excited. Don't you know that women are entitled to be late?And anyway I'm only a few minutes late.Q:What does the woman say about an appointment?Most social scientists believe that the sports that are organized by a society generally reflect the basic values of that society and attempt to strengthen them in the minds and emotions of its people. Therefore, organized sports have a more serious social purpose than spontaneous, unorganized play by individuals. This is certainly true in the United States, where the three most popular organized sports are football, basketball, and baseball. Nowhere are the ways and words of democracy better illustrated than in sports. Organized sports are seen by Americans as an inspiring example of equality of opportunity in action. In sports, people of different races and economic backgrounds get an equal chance to excel. For this reason, notes sociologist Harry Edwards, Americans view organized sports as "a laboratory in which young men, regardless of social class, can learn the advantages and rewards of a competitive system".Although Edwards specifically mentions young men, young women also competein organized sports without regard to their race or economic background. Women's sports are growing in popularity in the United States, and they now have more funding and support at the college level than in the past. The 1996 Olympics provided evidence of the increased interest in women's organized sports. American women won gold medals for several team sports—softball, basketball, soccer, and gymnastics. The idea of competition is at the very heart of organized sports in the United States. Many Americans believe that learning how to win in sports helps develop the habits necessary to compete successfully in later life. This training, in turn, strengthens American society as a whole. "It is commonly held," says one sports writer, "that the competitive ethic taught in sports must be learned and cultivated in youth for the future success of American business and military efforts."Ever wonder what opponents of globalization used to protest about before there were Coca-Cola and McDonald's? Well, there was that first promoter of globalization, the British Empire, over which it was said the sun never set. While the world map is no longer dotted by British territorial possessions, the voices of the Empire are heard in many other areas.The Brits are good sportsmen. They feel it's important to concede defeat graciously. That is why contemporary discussions of British culture in the United Kingdom often turn to acknowledgment of how the Americans dominate the world.An article in the 2002 Christmas issue of The Economist, for example, admitted that the English language that is now sweeping the globe is closer to the language spoken in Brooklyn, New York, than at Oxford or Cambridge. Indeed, U.S. movies are everywhere and kids in even the remotest parts of the world are familiar with such essential words of the English language as Big Mac and the Chicago Bulls.But it would be a mistake to claim that the British Empire which originally spread English all over the world is dead and buried.Far from it. Just look at world literature. It's not surprising that the Brits invented some of the most popular literary genres of the past 150 years. One such example is the detective novel which sprung from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his famous character Sherlock Holmes.Another example of British literary excellence is with children'sliterature, where Alice in Wonderland became truly a global phenomenon. Evenafter the British Empire vanished, today's British writers are making new contributions. The two global blockbuster movies of recent years Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings show the influence that even the post-World War II generation of British writers still has on children around the world.。
Unit 3 2023级大学英语III 新视野及新思路Test 3 答案

Test for Unit 3 (Keys for reference)Part I. Listening ComprehensionLong conversation 11-5 B A C B CScript:Sandra: Tim, how's your new job going?Tim: Pretty well, thanks, Sandra.Sandra: How are you finding your new boss?Tim: He's quite energetic, determined and always knows how to bring competitive drive to the team. Sandra: Would you rather have him or your old boss back?Tim: My former boss never knew how to listen to her team members. She's always so bossy. This boss is much better. He always recognizes the skill of each member and how they can be used.Sandra: That's really a born leader.Tim: I can't agree with you more.Sandra: How about your new co-workers? Are they friendly to you?Tim: They are all pretty easy-going. We know the importance of getting along with each other. Sandra: Do you miss your old co-workers?Tim: Of course. I spent so much time at my old workplace that I got to know them all very well. They were like family to me.Sandra: Do people in different departments get along with each other?Tim: Definitely. Since we work together in teams, we have to get along with each other.Sandra: Do you like working with people from different departments?Tim: Yes, it helps me appreciate different opinions, especially when there is a conflict of ideas. Sandra: Do you like this teamwork?Tim: Sure! It's much better than my last one.Long Conversation 26-10 D C A B DScriptM: If you were looking for a flatmate, what would you like to know about them?W: For me, an important question is, "Do you keep yourself to yourself, or do you tend to be around alot?"M: What are you trying to find out?W: I suppose I'm seeking a balance. The last thing I want is a person who comes in and goes straight up to their room, and whom I never see again until the next morning. You know, I'm quite sociable, and I like having friends around.M: Yeah.W: But on the other hand, I don't want a flatmate who's always there, not giving me any personal space. So yeah, I'd like someone who is quite sociable but not overly so.M: I can understand that, and I suppose another important question is about cleanliness.W: Yes, something like, "Are you a tidy person?"M: What answer would you like to hear?W:I'd like them to say, "Oh yes, extremely!" I really don't want to live with someone who is untidy, someone who just leaves their stuff all over the place. That would drive me crazy.M: What about money?W: It can be a problem. I had a flatmate who used to say, "I know I have to pay the electricity bill, but can I pay it next week?" She always promised to pay, but then she never did.M: Oh yeah. You need to know whether they can afford the rent.W: But I wouldn't ask, "Could you tell me how much you earn?" I think I'd mention that the rent needs to be paid in advance. So, I'd ask,"Can you pay three months' rent in advance?" and then see what they say. M: That sounds like a good idea!Section BPassage 111-15 C D B C ANow, sports teams win because they practice. But you can only practice if you have the same members over time. And so you can think of teaming. Sports teams embody the definition of a team, the formal definition. It's a stable, bounded, reasonably small group of people who are interdependent in achieving a shared outcome. You can think of teaming as a kind of pickup game in the park, in contrast to the formal, well-practiced team. Now, which one is going to win in a playoff? The answer is obvious.So why do I study teaming? It's because it's the way more and more of us have to work today. With 24/7 global fast-paced operations, crazy shifting schedules and ever-narrower expertise, more and more ofus have to work with different people all the time to get our work done. We don't have the luxury of stable teams. Now, when you can have that luxury, by all means do it. But increasingly for a lot of the work we do today, we don't have that option.One place where this is true is hospitals. This is where I've done a lot of my research over the years. So it turns out hospitals have to be open 24/7. And patients, they're all different. They're all different in complicated and unique ways. The average hospitalized patient is seen by 60 or so different caregivers throughout his stay. They come from different shifts, different specialties, different areas of expertise, and they may not even know each other's name. But they have to coordinate in order for the patient to get great care. And when they don't, the results can be tragic.Passage 216-20 B C C C BScriptsLiving in a community means we're likely to encounter disputes with our neighbors from time to time. Disputes can range from trivial matters, such as noise complaints, to more serious issues like property damage. Here are some tips for handling such situations:Get to know each other. Being a good neighbor doesn't mean you have to take family vacations together. It could be as simple as knowing your neighbors well enough to say "hello" or perhaps occasionally borrowing things like a cup of sugar or a gardening tool. All these actions can help build trust and understanding. Issues are much more likely to occur among strangers than among even casual acquaintances.Head off problems before they become problems.If you are going to throw a party, visit all neighbors who might be affected and offer them a card with your phone number. If they find the noise intolerable or if other problems occur, your neighbors can call you directly instead of involving the police.Communicate your concerns clearly. Tell your neighbors what's bothering you - don't assume they know what the problem is. Be open and direct, not passive-aggressive. Ask for their opinions and, whenever possible, suggest a solution that reaches a middle ground or demonstrates your willingness to compromise. Stay cool and remain positive, even if your neighbors do not.Involve more neighbors. See if anyone else on your block is experiencing similar issues - they may be willing to help you resolve the situation together. If some of your neighbors have a good relationshipwith the person causing problems, consider having them join the conversation when you talk it out.Bottom line? Resolving disputes with our neighbors is all about effective communication.Remember, the goal isn't to win an argument but to live in harmony with those around us.Section C (24年6月第一套真题中的新闻听力news 1 和news 3)News 121-22 B AScriptSix people had to move away from their home to another place after a fire broke out in a building on Main Street Saturday, officials said. Firefighters responded to the three-story building shortly after 1 p.m. for a reported structure fire, according to Norwalk Deputy Fire Chief Adam Markowitz.Markowitz said crews encountered heavy smoke coming from the second floor when they arrived. A team of about 25 firefighters then spent about 25 minutes extinguishing the flames. Officials described the structure as a mixed-use building that features commercial businesses on the first floor and residential on the second and third floors.Town records list four apartments in the building.[21]Due to smoke and heat damage, the four apartments were declared uninhabitable, and the six residents had to move to another place, officials said. No injuries were reported in connection with the fire.[22]The Norwalk Fire Marshal is investigating the cause and origin of the fire.News 223-25 D D DScriptGenetic researchers in China have made a clone of a star police dog. The clone was born in a laboratory in Beijing in December. Tests show that the clone and her mother are almost identical genetically. The mother dog helped solve multiple murders and many other crimes.[23]The clone has already performed better than traditionally bred dogs on several tests[24] If the clone continues to perform as well as expected, it could mean a huge reduction in the training time for police dogs, which usually takes about five years. The ultimate goal of scientists is to produce clones of talented police dogs that can be trained in months instead of years.[25] However, this goal is notyet possible due to the current costs of the technology.This is not the first time a clone has been made of a star police dog. In South Korea, six clones began working with the police in 2008.Part II. Banked Cloze1.C2. E3. B4. D5. A6. J7. E8. C9. G 10. FPart III. Reading ComprehensionPassage 1(24年6月第一套真题第二篇)1-5 B C D A CPassage 2 (选自U校园AI版第三单元的单元测试阅读题)6-10 C B C C APart IV. Translation1. The Old Town of Lijiang, located at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain, is a town of scenic beauty, known for its history and culture. It is also one of China's well-preserved old towns of ethnic minority groups. With the boom in Lijiang's tourism, the Old Town of Lijiang is receiving a growing number of tourists from home and abroad. In December 1997, the Old Town succeeded in applying to be recognized as a World Cultural Heritage Site, becoming one of the first noted historical and cultural cities in China to be included on the World Cultural Heritage List.2. The most important thing we can learn from the past is that China and America stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation. Although a great deal has changed in the world and in both countries, this valuable lesson still holds true today and must continue to guide our interactions. We must stay the course without any doubts. Exaggerating our competition out of all proportion would squeeze our space for cooperation. The right attitude is to focus on expanding our cooperation, which is in our mutual interest.Part V. Writing (略)。
新视野大学英语第三册Unit 3--Vocabulary for Text A

Unit 3 Life StoriesText A Audrey HepburnNew Words:◆noteworthy: adj. 值得注意的;显著的Related words:airworthy: adj. 适航的seaworthy: adj. 适宜航海的roadworthy: adj. 适合行驶的creditworthy: adj. 信誉好的;可信赖偿还借贷的newsworthy: adj. 有新闻价值的trustworthy: adj. 值得信赖的praiseworthy: adj. 值得称赞的◆domain: n. (知识、活动的)领域,范围,范畴;(尤指旧时个人、国家等拥有或统治的)领土,领地,势力范围;(计)域,定义域e.g. The care of older people is being placed firmly within the domain of the family.照顾老人仍然被确认为是家庭范围的事。
public domain: (sing.) (用于不受版权保护的财产)公有领域,公有事业e.g. The information has been placed in the public domain. 这资料不受版权保护。
public domain software 无版权软件◆portray: v. 描绘,描画;描写(=depict);将…描写成,给人以某种印象,表现(=represent);扮演(=play)e.g. Her father will be portrayed by Sean Connery. 肖恩·康纳利将饰演她的父亲。
Related Words:1)portrayal: n. 描绘,描述,描写,展现方式2)portrait: n. 肖像,半身画像,半身照;详细的描述,描绘e.g. a full-length portrait 全身画像self-portrait 自画像3) portraiture: n. 画像技法,人像摄影法,肖像,画像◆exemplary: adj. 典范的,可作榜样的,可作楷模的;严厉的,儆戒性的,惩戒性的e.g. a man of exemplary character 一个具有模范品德的人Related Words:1)exemplar: n. 模范,榜样,典型,范例2)exemplify: v. 是…的典型(或典范、榜样);举例说明,例证,例示e.g. His food exemplifies Italian cooking at its best. 他的菜肴代表了意大利烹饪的最高峰。

新视野⼤学英语3读写教程Unit3课本练习答案Unit 3Comprehension of the TextI1. It operates on the principle that if you teach students the merit of such values as truth, courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern, then academic achievement naturally follows.2. It is famous for its work with troubled youngsters.3. Because teachers protested the program’s demands and the strain associated with more intense work.4. The community feared the school would attract inner-city minority and troubled students.5. In the Hyde School, besides taking courses such as English, history, math and science, all students are required to take performing arts and sports, and provide a community service. For each course, students get a grade for academic achievement and for “best effort”.6. They must agr ee to accept and demonstrate the school’s philosophies and outlook.7. The biggest obstacle for many parents is to recognize their own weaknesses.8. Faculty evaluations are conducted by the students.VocabularyIII1 cultivate2 comprehensive3 controversial4 suspend5 insulted6 preliminary7 conventional8 reform9 worthwhile 10 publicityIV1. His girlfriend’s father saw him as a man who could not make a living.2. The course was canceled over the students’protest.3. The problem is so difficult that we cannot work it out without the help of our teacher.4. Children tend to do/try their utmost when they know their parents are making similar efforts.5. The new teaching program didn’t work well in the school at the outset.6. I was kind of excited when I received the letter that offered me an interview.7. The school is scheduled to open on September 1.8. They appeared to offer a free computer, complete with software and a printer.9. In spite of hardships, they made real efforts that have resulted in more progress than expected.10. Many people make things more difficult for themselves because they still operate on the principle that you should not ask for help, or you might seem weak.VF M K D CG L O I BVI1 cold2 competition3 debate4 desire5 fear6 heat7 interest8 love 9 pleasure 10 enthusiasmVII1 historic2 atomic3 optimistic4 energetic5 economic6 heroicVIII1. responsibility2. rapidity3. mobility4. curiosity5. publicity6. complexity IX1 In Britain, as in America, there is a great demand for educational reform.2. In Greece, as in Italy, people use a lot of olive oil in cooking.3. As in the Hyde School, values such as courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern are the first, most important lesson in some public inner-city schools in Maryland.4. In China, as in Japan, a large number of middle school students take supplementary classes in order to get into a famous university.5. As in the middle of the 1950s, many young people went down to the countryside in the late 1960s and early 1970s.X1 Once you’ve practiced a bit, you’ll find that it’s quite easy.2. Once the meal was finished, the discussions began.3. Once you show any fear, he will attack you.4. Once parents make a commitment to the program, they will be daily role models for their children.5. Once customers come to rely on these systems, they almost never take their business elsewhere.XI1. In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional.2. Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them.3. In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one’s study after graduating from university instead of going to work directly.4. As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally.5. It is said that the meeting, which is scheduled to be held this month, will be put off till next month.6. The school sees its job as preparing its students for life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can benefit all of them.XII1. 跟在法国⼀样,美国在20世纪60年代也发⽣过⽂化⾰命。

1 Street dancing C
2 bungee jumping E
3 flower arranging D
Opening up
1 Look at the pictures and read the activities. Then match the activities 1-6 to the pictures A-F
Listening to the world
Sharing Listening Viewing
Listening to the world
BEFORE you listen
1 Discuss the questions.
1 How much money do you usually spend when you go out for an evening? Usually I spend about 200 to 300 yuan when I go out for an evening.
4 go-karting A
5 aerobics B
6 water skiing F

Unit2 (100%)BAADB ADBAAInitiallypatiencesensationintegratechargecalmingsuch as an increased sense of control over events in their livesimprove balance and strength and reduce their chance of taking a fallhow to build energy,move it and use it for health and self-defenseUnit3 (85%)ABCDD DBACAaddressedhostileengagedsignificantcrediblemajoritypursuehas all the answers to the difficult questions in our education systemthe current strategy of simply blocking new ideas and blaming others for poor resultswill insure they have the necessary skills for a lifetime of employmentQuiz 4:(80%)1-5: ACBDD6-10: BADDB 单词:11:feeling 12: childhood 13: walked 14: in the business 15: provided16: origin 17: joke句子:18:let the new idea that Uncle Sam represented the federal governmentQuiz 6:(80%)1-5: BCCAD6-10: CABCD 单词:11: amount 12: population 13: growth 14: billion 15: produce16: —— 17:height句子:——unit7 70%1.D2.C3.A4.A5.D6.B7.D8.D9.C 10.D11.activity12 ..religiousfortable14.indentify15.afford16.important17.appetite18.can help you come over, cheer you up and making you feel content and relaxed19.sometimes when they are teur or they think some people who do not like them20.become very wick or titan when feel there are not enough food for they to eatQuiz 8:(75%)1-5: ACCDB6-10: CADBA单词:11: biological 12: firmly 13: efforts 14: suspect 15:—— 16—— 17:modest句子:——unit 9 (75%)1~5 DADDA 6~10AACDD 11、focused 12、emotionally 13、distant 14、cancer 15、retirement 16、crossed 17、increasingly 18、Regardless of your age,it is possible for you to make change 19、We know more about prevented health today than our parents and grandparents (X) 20、And this new knowledge can be transmitted to our children to help them become healthierQuiz 10:(75%)1-5: CDCCA6-10: BABAC 单词:11:—— 12:false 13:waking 14:tends 15: inconsistent16:—— 17:ringing句子:18:——19:depend on the social of discomfort of the mind which is in sleeping20: some people say they dream every night,while,others say they dream only occasionally。

第一单元Sec tion A1、with his index finger, Patters on pointed toward a plan color-coded box beneath a long woodentable.他的食指向帕特森表示计划颜色盒长的木头桌子下面。
2、He disguis ed himself as a waiterand watched what was going on around.他把自己伪装成一个服务员看着周围发生了什么事情。
3、He often whistle s a tune duringthe morning tea break when his boss is not around.他经常口哨曲子在上午茶休息的时候,他的老板不在身边。
4、And again she shouted in a high-pitched voice, word by word, with no attempt to restrai n herself,“I cannonstand any more.她又喊高音,一字一句,没有试图克制自己,“我炮忍受。
5、There were certain peoplein that room, like perterand John, who had failedto grasp what I was saying.这个房间一定的人,像彼得和约翰,谁没有明白我在说什么。
6、Duringthat time I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocen t days of early childho od. 那段时间我不胜向往纯真的童年时光。
7、I’m just praying that the board of directo rs will take steps beforeit is too late. 我只是祈祷,董事会将采取的步骤之前,已经太晚了。

CE1-_12: Quiz detailsPart 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the right preposition or adverb)(每小题: 分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb. Fill in each blank with only ONE word. 1.are the first, most important lesson. 2. as a hopelessly inefficient mechanism for this purpose.3.matter how much time is required.4. She says that many women are being forced5.The students are asked to make evaluations of the teachers6.make you healthy and fit enough to enjoy many differentaspects of life.The idea that success is measurednot academic achievement, is controversial.8.9.Cultural factors affect management behavior10.11.There was a driveamong students.pace.13.management behavior develops from cultural forces.14.15.In the "I to you" approach, decision-making proceeds16.And in government, we are leading a drive17.Because of the difference in emphasis, time is seen18.What we need is to put more focus on creatingfashionableness, image, and quality.Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the right preposition or adverb) (每小题: 0.5 分; 满分:9 分) 小题得分对错我的答案客观1. 0.5 on on2. 0.5 on in/on/upon3. 0.5 on on4. 0 on into5. 0 of on6. 0 on with7. 0 on by8. 0 between to9. 0.5 in in10. 0.5 to to11. 0 of for/towards12. 0.5 at at13. 0 (未答) By14. 0 with for15. 0 to from16. 0 to for17. 0 as in/from18. 0 (未答) bySubtotal: 3 老师评语:Part 2 Multiple Choice(每小题:分)Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choicesmarked A, B, C and D.1.Can you give me a (an) _____________ of how much it willcost to take the journey?A. assessmentB. evaluationC. admissionD. estimate2.He badly _____________ his back digging in the public gardenon Children's Day.A. stretchedB. exertedC. pulledD. strained3.His plan sounds ________, so you'd better carry out.A. feasibleB. uselessC. worthyD. weak4.When we shook hands I was conscious of his firm_____________ .A. fistB. handholdC. styleD. grip5.It is a joy to hear ________ apologies that are from thebottom of one's heart.A. realB. trueC. sincereD. realistic6.Drinking alcohol can ________ your ability to drive properly.A. effectB. affectC. removeD. avoid7.The purpose of the seminar is to train some of the employeesto work ________ in the branch offices abroad.A. laterB. lateC. latelyD. latest8.Climate and weather affect every ________ of our lives.A. factorB. respectC. aspectD. consideration9.It might be ________ to give your attitude towards study asecond thought.A. worthB. worthyC. worthwhileD. worthily10.Over half of the population of the country ________ intraditional sports.A. takesB. practicesC. goes forD. participates11.She isn't beautiful. But she is ________ pretty.A. kind ofB. a kind ofC. of a kindD. a sort of12.We must ________ a better way to save money if we are tobuy a new house.A. work outB. work atC. work byD. work for13.If he had been more careful with the details, his plan wouldnot have ________.A. fallen offB. fallen throughC. fallen awayD. fallen over14.We'll visit Europe next year ________ we have enough money.A. providedB. untilC. butD. unless15.These two areas are similar ________ they both have a highrainfall during this season.A. to thatB. in thatC. besides thatD. except that16.If I hadn't stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell,you ________ now.A. wouldn't be smilingB. couldn't have smiledC. won't smileD. didn't smile17.________ in the conditions of simple living was what herparents wished for.A. The girl was educatedB. The girl to be educatedC. The girl educatedD. The girl's being educated18.________ the calculation is right, scientists can never be surethat they have included all variables and modeled themaccurately.A. Even ifB. As far asC. If onlyD. So long as19.All flights ________ because of the snowstorm, manypassengers could do nothing but take the train.A. were canceledB. had been canceledC. having been canceledD. have been canceled20.This crop does not do well in soils ________ the one for whichit has been specially developed.A. further thanB. other thanC. beyondD. rather than21.As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants andanimals _____________ a substance to absorb harmfulchemicals.A. avoidB. employC. dismissD. discard22.Because a degree from a good university is the means to abetter job, education is one of the most _____________ areasin Japanese life.A. sophisticatedB. competitiveC. considerateD. superficialPart 2 Multiple Choice (每小题: 0.5 分; 满分:11 分)小题得分对错我的答案客观1. 0.5 D D2. 0.5 D D3. 0.5 A A4. 0 (未选) D5. 0.5 C C6. 0.5 B B7. 0.5 A A8. 0.5 C C9. 0.5 C C10. 0.5 D D11. 0.5 A A12. 0.5 A A13. 0.5 B B14. 0.5 A A15. 0.5 B B16. 0.5 A A17. 0 C D18. 0.5 A A19. 0.5 C C20. 0.5 B B21. 0 C B22. 0.5 B BSubtotal: 9.5 老师评语:。

新视野大学英语读写教程3(第三版)课后标准答案完整版Unit 1TEXT ALanguage focusWord in use[3]1.whereby2. pursuit3. inhibit4. maintain5. patriotic6. transcend7. endeavor8. dedication9. prestige 10. nominateWord building[4]-antinhabitant inhabitparticipate participantattend attendantpollute pollutantdescend descendantcontest contestanttolerate tolerantresult resultant-fulneglect neglectfulresource resourcefulboast boastfulrespect respectful[5]1.resultant2. tolerant3. pollutants4. inhabited5.participants6. descendants7. attendants8. respectful9.contestants 10. neglectful 11. resourceful 12.boastfulBanked cloze[6]1.eventually2. premier3. endeavor4. bypass5. handicaps6. committed7. attained8. transcend9. feats 10. slightestExpressions in use[7]1. removed from2. failed in3. in pursuit of4. deviated from5.precluded from6. triumph over7. work their way into8.written offTEXT B Understanding the text [2]CBADBBCD Language focus Word in use[4]1.indulge2. propelled3.aggravated4.dazzled5. alleviated6.renowned7.eloquent8. destined9.scorns10. Applause Expressionin use [5]1. up2.in3.on4.up5.to6.on7.as8.outsentence structure[6]1.He prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last minute2.She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge andto organize others rather than be organized bysome whom she may not even rate very highly.3.My brother prefers to take the whole blamehimself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent.[7]1.Try as he would2.Search as they would3.Hard as we workTry as we mightCollocationWarm-up1.repeated2.overwhelming3.immense1.heroic2.sound3.substantial1.attained2.fueled3.achieved[8]1. sudden opportunities2. immense obstacles3. amazing determination4. profound difficulties5. overwhelming failures6. poverty-stricken7. substantial hardship8. repeated misfortunes9. sheer persistence10. dazzle audiences 11. achieve fame12.strong will Unit 2 Language focusWord in use[3]1.intervene2.underestimate3.recede4.deem5.bleak6.appraise7.paralyzed8. symptoms9. dismay10. brink Word building[4]dominate dominanceavoidavoidancerely relianceacquaintacquaintanceclearclearanceannoyannoyanceadmitadmittanceresemble resemblanceassure assuranceboreboredprivilege privilegeddistractdistracted[5]1.bored2.priviledged3. assurance4. dominance5.aviodance6. acquaintance7. reliance8. clearance9. distracted 10. annoyance 11. admittance12. resemblance Banked cloze[6]1.characterized2.aspects3. amount4. recede5. exposed6.vicious7. challenge8. excessive9. reaction10. paralyzeExpressions in use[7]1.pulled to a stop2. black out3. pop up4. stopped short5. plowed through6. threw himself into7. let yourself go8. grabbed forLanguage focusWord in use[4]1.vertical2.evaporate3.plight4.intent5.abort6.vulnerable7.proximity8.evoke9.lofty10.necessitateExpression in use[5]1.in the event of2.immuned to3.settled back4.on board5.in/into position6.was?stunned by7.for sure8. hint ofSentence structure[6]1.Nothing excites me as much as a brilliant movie with an interesting plot, fantastic acting ,wild visual and a strong script.2.Over the course of her entire life, she’d longed for nothing as much as knowledge about her mother.3.Her daughter is at a state hospital and wantsnothing as much as to be part of a family.[7]1.In teaching practice, it is essential that we (should)teach students proper grammar, sentencesstructures and writing skills.2.It is important that students should be given opportunities to express their perspectives to cultivate their responsibility and independence.3.It is crucial that the younger generation should pursue an active and positive role in promoting environmental protection. CollocationWarm-up1. massive2. incredible3. terrible4. relaxed5. absolutely6. unremarkable[8]1.emotionally impossible2. amazing power3. visibly frightened4.incredible impact5.impromptus rescues6.instantaneously hysterical7.calm confidence8. true courage 9. massive waves10.would-be rescuer 11. vicious waves 12. rough waterUnit3Language focusWord in use[3]1.integral2. cherish3.afflicted4. noteworthy5. portray/doc/5a14581664.html,pliment7.domain8. anonymous9. conscientious10.perpetualWord building[4]general generalizenormal normalizepublicpublicizeminimum minimizemobile mobilizeinvestinvestordictate dictatorconquerconquerorinvestigate investigatormoderate moderatorelevator elevate[5]1.normalize2. moderator3.immunized4. investors5. mobilize6. conqueror7. elevate8. publicizes9. investigator10. minimized 11.generalize 12.dictator Banked cloze[6]1)domain2) define3) popularity 4) mentally 5) diplomatic6) committed7) devote 8) surviving 9) embarked10) humanitarianExpressions in use[7]1.embark on2. be deprive of3. turn down4. taken captive5. live on6. share in7. was stricken by8. led by exampleWord in use[4]1.skeptical2. coincidence3. mounted4. contrive5. simulated6. manifest7. divert 8. infected9. upgraded 10.temperamentExpressions in use[5]1.on2.in3. as4. into5.to6.to7. with8. under/onSentence structure[6]1.It is not his carefree attitude that made him seem eccentric。

Part I1. B. He does not remember the price of the shirt..2.A. She did not take the shopping list along with her.3. C. He drank heavily last night.4.C. He remembers his life in primary school but not that in the nursery.5. B. The woman has a bad memory.Part IIScientists are working to develop new drugs that someday may slow, reverse, or prevent the S1 caused by Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. In the meantime, people who have no dementia S2can try to keep their memory S3 . Some suggestions include developing interests or hobbies and staying S4 in activities that stimulate both the mind and body. Giving careful attention to physical S5and exercise may also go a long way toward keeping a healthy state of S6 . Limiting the use of alcoholic drinks is important because heavy drinking S7time can cause permanent brain damage. Many people find it useful to plan tasks; make "things to do" lists; and use notes, calendars, and other memory aids. S8 , such as a familiar name, song, or lines from a poem. S9 . Forgetfulness caused by these emotions usually is temporary and goes away when the feelings are over. However, if these feelings last for a long period of time, getting help from a professional is important. Some physical and mental changes occur with age in healthy people. However, S10 , not only part of normal aging.(1)damage (2)symptoms (3)sharp (4) involved (5)fitness (6)mind (7)over(8)Thelso may remember things better by mentally connecting them to other meaningful things(9)Stress, anxiety, or depression can make a person more forgetful(10) much pain and suffering can be avoided if older people, their families, and their doctors recognize dementia as a diseasePart III1.What is the speaker mainly talking about?B. Methods to remember things better.2.What does the speaker mean by “activity”?C. Getting actively involved in what you are doing.3.How many techniques does the speaker describe before giving a short summary?B. Three..4.What does the speaker say "breaks" can bring?A. Great concentration and energy.5.What are the last three techniques the speaker mentions?D. Breaks, grasping the basics, and interest.Part IV1.The big sign on the back of my door that says "keys" is to ________my keys when I go out.B. remind me to take2.I wish I was like David. He has a _______ memory, you know. How useful that would be!C. photographic3.I read an article in a scientific journal that linked studying with ____, based on recent research into the brain.A. remembering4.You’d better write down my instructions because I know your memory is _______.C. failing5._________, you should use your memory as much as possible.A. To put it simplyPart IDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. He missed home at first and then got used to studying there.B. He missed home and has never done well in studies.C. He studies well and never misses home.D. He studies well though he always misses home.Your answer Correct answerA A2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Write a statement for the woman.B. Revise what the woman will write.C. Fill in forms for the woman.D. Apply to an American university for admission.Your answer Correct answerB B3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The grading system there is different.B. The teaching methods there are different.C. Both A) and B).D. Neither A) nor B).Your answer Correct answerC C4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Three parts.B. Two parts.C. One part.D. Less than one part.Your answer Correct answerD D5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. She wants to go to Europe for studies.B. She can't afford an education in Europe.C. She has got a part-time job.D. She will borrow cash to pay her tuition.Your answer Correct answerB BPart IIDirections: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers.As you may have already discovered, paying S1 a quality education in the United States can be very expensive. But S2 proper preparation, you may minimize the costs of this extraordinary S3 ; visit our Financing page to learn more about paying for S4 . In this section, we S5 money matters that you may S6 on a daily basis during your S7 in the States.S8 . There are other options such as credit cards or traveler's checks, which are all valid forms with which to pay for things in U.S.A.S9 . If you choose to carry traveler's checks with you from your home country to the States, be sure they are denominated in U.S. funds. Most businesses—except taxi drivers and public transportation personnel—will accept U.S.-denominated traveler's checks during regular business hours, typically between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. S10 .Your answer Correct answer(1)for For(2)with with(3)opptiunity opportunity(4)tutition tuition(5)explore explore(6)adventure e ncounter(7)adventure(8)As with any country, it is not advisable to carry large amounts of cash around with you (9)Traveler's checks are one of the safest and easiest ways to transport money, because you may have them replaced if they get lost or stolen(10)It is wise to bring about $100 with you in U.S. cash, so you will be able to manage upon your arrival in the StatesPart IIIDirections: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. According to Jones, why do top students take notes in class?A. Because the notes help you remember the text.B. Because students who failed to attend the lecture will borrow the notes.C. Because teachers will test you on what they believe to be important.D. Because teachers give them additional information beside the textbook.Your answer Correct answerD D2. What is special about Jack Smith's "homemade" system?A. He compares his notes from the lecture with those from his reading.B. He puts more emphasis on his notes from the lecture with those from his reading.C. He writes one or two summary sentences about each lesson in his notes.D. He emphasizes listening attentively instead of taking notes.Your answer Correct answerA A3. What does Anderson do right before the bell rings?A. He writes down the last few sentences the teacher says.B. He writes a short summary of the main ideas of the lesson.C. He scans the lesson for the next day.D. He gets ready to rush out.Your answer Correct answerB B4. What does class participation involve?A. Asking the teacher questions.B. Showing interest in learning.C. Displaying one's potential.D. Both A) and B).Your answer Correct answerC C5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Secrets of successful students.B. Methods for academic success and the reasons.C. Difference between top students and poorly performing students.D. Different ways of taking notes.Your answer Correct answerA APart IVDirections: Choose the right answer.1. "Have you chosen your ___________ for next term yet? Are you taking French writing again?" "Yes I am, but it's compulsory for us next term."A. electionsB. electsC. electivesD. selectionsYour answer Correct answerC C2. Although the teacher expects a lot, I believe I can ___________ everyone else in the class.A. keep up withB. keep forth withC. keep up onD. keep forward onYour answer Correct answerD A3. The student discovered having fun was expensive, and he was rapidly ___________ money.A. running shortB. running out ofC. running fromD. running overYour answer Correct answerB B4. Seeing his wife was going to give the son so much money, the husband yelled, "You're ___________ . He'll just spend it all in a couple of weeks.A. from your mindB. away from your mindC. out your mindD. out of your mindYour answer Correct answerD D5. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls ___________ unanswered.A. goB. comeC. turnD. leaveYour answer Correct answerA AUnit 3 QuizYour percentage score is 68%.Quiz result has been recorded successfully.Part IDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Husband and wife.B. Daughter and father.C. Mother and son.D. Two colleagues.Your answer Correct answerC C2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Contemporary women no longer want to obey their husband.B. Modern girls no longer love their husbands.C. At the marriage ceremony the bride should promise to obey her husband.D. At the marriage ceremony the bride should show loyalty to her husband.Your answer Correct answerA A3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. At a railway station.B. At a bus stopC. At a hospital.D. At an airport.Your answer Correct answerD D4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Married couple should have a mansion.B. Marriage should be based on love.C. It is better to have loved and lost.D. It is better not to have ever loved.Your answer Correct answerB B5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. One had better forget the divorce.B. One should find a new spouse as early as possible.C. Divorce is very painful.D. Divorce is not very painful.Your answer Correct answerC CPart IIDirections: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers.In a powerful new Mercedes a married couple are driving along a highway S1 60 miles per hour, the wife behind the S2 .Her husband suddenly looks over at her. From the S3 of his voice and the S4 on his face, it's obvious he's enjoying this moment. He says, "S5 , I've got a surprise for you. I know we've been married for 20 years, but I want a S6 ."The wife says nothing, but slowly increases the S7 to 70 mph.He then says, "S8 .Again the wife stays quiet, but speeds up as her rage increases."I want the house," he insists, pressing his luck.The wife speeds up to 80 mph.He says, "I want the car, too," but she just drives faster and faster.By now she's up to 90 mph.S9The wife slowly starts to veer toward a bridge.This makes him a bit nervous, so he says, "Isn't there anything you want?"The wife says, "S10 ""Oh, really," he says, "So what have you got?"Seconds before they slam into the bridge at a speed of 100 mph, the wife smiles and says, "The airbag."Your answer Correct answer(1)at at(2)husband wheel(3)tone(4)smile expression(5)Honey(6)divorce divorce(7)speed speed(8)anymore I don't want you to try to talk me out of it because I don't love you amy more(9)Oh ,right "All right," the man says, "I want the bank accounts, and all the credit cards, too." (10)No, I've got everything I need.Part IIIDirections: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. What is the topic discussed in the passage?A. The importance of remarriage.B. The reasons for a remarriage.C. Ways of preparing for a blended family.D. Children's problems in a blended family.Your answer Correct answerD D2. How will children view the man their single mother is dating if she says "we're just friends"?A. They will find the man threatening.B. They will leave home.C. They will treat the man as a friend.D. They will be eager to have a new father.Your answer Correct answerB A3. How can single parents benefit from advice?A. They can make up their minds to find a new spouse quickly.B. They can see the issue from a new angle.C. They will understand their former spouse better.D. Both A) and B).Your answer Correct answerB B4. According to the passage, which of the following is true in the case of a divorce?A. Children are sadder than parents.B. Parents are sadder than children.C. Younger children have more problems than older children.D. Older children have more problems than younger children.Your answer Correct answerC C5. Which people are mentioned in the passage who must make adjustments in a blended family?A. The stepparent and the biological parent.B. The stepparent and the children.C. The biological parent and the children.D. The stepparent, the biological parent, and the children.Your answer Correct answerA APart IVDirections: Choose the right answer.1. Amy, sit down, we need to talk. Your mother and I are going to ________________.A. separateB. separate with each otherC. divorce ourselvesD. divorce with each otherYour answer Correct answerA A2. So you're still single? If you ________________ to me and used the Internet, you'd have a husband by now.A. listenB. have listenC. have listenedD. had listenedYour answer Correct answerD D3. I ________________ an online ad that read “Husband Wanted.”A. putB. postedC. positionedD. pressedYour answer Correct answerB B4. I do have a right ________________ stability for my children and myself, don't I?A. inB. forC. toD. atYour answer Correct answerC C5. Do you yell at him and call ________________?A. him namesB. his namesC. him nameD. his namingYour answer Correct answerA AUnit 4 Quiz单元小测验Your percentage score is 88%.Quiz result has been recorded successfully.Part IDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. He is seeking help.B. He is offering advice.C. He is trying to look calm.D. He is having an interview.Your answer Correct answerA A2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. She is weak in doing projects.B. She is weak in studies.C. She tends to work whole-heartedly.D. She is not willing to start a project.Your answer Correct answerC C3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Send in her CV by email.B. Send in her CV by mail.C. Call the company.D. Visit the company in person.Your answer Correct answerD D4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. She has accepted the offer.B. She has declined the offer.C. She is interested in becoming an accountant.D. She will leave the current job for more money.Your answer Correct answerB B5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. She should keep the present job.B. She might as well find a new job.C. She might as well find an online job.D. She should perfect her present position.Your answer Correct answerB BPart IIDirections: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numberedfrom S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers.There are various types of questions asked at a job interview. Most job interviews start with chit-chat type of questions. They are designed to break the S1 and get the conversation flowing. S2 are questions like"Did it take you long to get here?","Did you find the place all right?","Were you able to find S3 ?" Most of these just require a"yes, no problem" type of S4 ; you can elaborate if you wish. However, ensure that you don’t S5 information t hat will give them a bad S6 . If you say something like"It took me S7 to get here. The traffic was so bad; I hate traveling to this side of town", it would not make a good impression. S8 .More questions will be asked to find out a bit more about you. S9 , or they may be hypothetical questions starting with"What if...?". These are aimed at finding out how you would handle a situation or at finding out your personal views in certain areas.Whenever answering a job interview question, give as much information as you can. Tell them why, where, when and how. In other words use samples to prove what you are saying. S10 .Your answer Correct answer(1)ice ice(2)Examples E xamples(3)parking parking(4)response response(5)provide provide(6)impression impression(7)ages ages(8)If this is the place where you would be working, they would automatically be worried that you will be late for work everyday(9)They might be historical questions regarding your previous employment or education (10)Make a statement, then support it by giving a sample of a situation and how you handled itPart IIIDirections: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. The significance of exact numbers in a resume.B. The role of three techniques in an interview.C. How to write a resume.D. The importance of a resume.Your answer Correct answerC C2. Which of the following is better in a resume, according to the speaker?A. Lots of teaching experience.B. 7,300 teaching hours.C. 7,000 teaching hours.D. Thousands of teaching hours.Your answer Correct answerB B3. According to the speaker, which of the following does a holiday company NOT sell?A. Holidays.B. Adventure.C. Relaxation.D. Sand.Your answer Correct answerA A4. What is the third technique the speaker recommends?A. A neat resume.B. A handwritten cover letter.C. Identifying an employer’s needs.D. All of the above.Your answer Correct answerC C5. What skills are important in a resume?A. The skills the applicant is especially good at.B. The skills the applicant has learned in his internship.C. Only the skills indicated in the job ad, to attract the employer's attention.D. Mainly the skills listed in the advertisement, but also other skills the employer needs.Your answer Correct answerD DPart IVDirections: Choose the right answer.1. Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job _____________.A. emptinessB. emptiesC. vacantD. vacanciesYour answer Correct answerD D2. You don't have enough experience or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could _____________ the position?A. handleB. handle withC. dealD. copeYour answer Correct answerA A3. A good resume should list your experience in (the) _____________ chronological order.A. backB. reverseC. diverseD. overturnedYour answer Correct answerB B4. I would feel proud to work for a company like this and to contribute a great deal _____________ its success.A. inB. atC. toD. forYour answer Correct answerC C5. The young student can understand so much of the world. He seems very mature _____________ his age.A. inB. forC. withD. atYour answer Correct answerB BUnit 5 Quiz单元小测验Your percentage score is 60%.Quiz result has been recorded successfully.Part IDirections: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Tuesday morning at her office.B. Tuesday morning at his office.C. Tuesday afternoon at her office.D. Tuesday morning at his office.Your answer Correct answerA A2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The football match should be called off.B. The meeting should not include new items.C. The meeting should have another two items.D. The football should be included in the agenda.Your answer Correct answerB B3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Telling his team everything.B. Continuing the discussion on the last issue.C. Starting the meeting.D. Finishing the meeting.Your answer Correct answerD D4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Eating noodles.B. Finding a supermodel for the café.C. Drawing up a business plan.D. Finding a waitress on the Internet.Your answer Correct answerC C5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. A relative of his helped him to get over the difficulty.B. His café was a big success.C. He no longer has a business.D. He has lost both his business and house.Your answer Correct answerC CPart IIDirections: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers.Sometimes markets surge for no apparent reason; masses of people suddenly want something, and the S1 demand can't be met immediately. For example, during the SARS epidemic, there was a high S2 for facial masks in several countries --- and many entrepreneurs capitalized S3 this business idea.A similar effect is also created by larger social S4 . There is much more of a demand for home-care services for the S5 than is currently being supplied. And the S6 for pets to be treated as family members continues, creating demand for all kinds of S7 services that didn't exist even ten years ago.S8 . If there is, develop business ideas to fit the market gap.Do you have any ideas for starting a business now? Write your business ideas down. Think about them for some time. S9 . You don't have to run with the first business idea you think of; you want to discover the idea that's best suited to your skills and desires. S10 .Your answer Correct answer(1)results resulting(2)demand demand(3)on on(4)trains trends(5)elderly elderly(6)trained trend(7)pack-related pet-related(8)Look at existing businesses and the products and services they offer, and then determine if there's a need for more of those products or services(9)Keep an open mind and continue to assess everything you read and hear from a business point of view(10)Dream, think, plan, and you'll be ready to transform that business idea into the business you've always wantedPart IIIDirections: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. Why does the speaker mention anti-virus software?A. To show the importance of protecting the computer.B. To show how bad computer viruses are.C. To illustrate a future market demand.D. To identify a possible market decline.Your answer Correct answerD C2. What is the use of an iris-recognition machine?A. To guard against an explosion.B. To ensure security.C. To recognize the value of safety.D. To avoid computer viruses.Your answer Correct answerB B3. How can one benefit from old gardeners?A. By learning from the products sold in North America.B. By selling the gardeners more software.C. By studying how much more they earn than before.D. By studying what could help them to work longer and more easily.Your answer Correct answerD D4. What is true of most of the people in the speaker's town?A. They overlooked the value of wild blueberries.B. They eat a lot of wild blueberries.C. They like to eat both blueberries and wild blueberries.D. They eat neither blueberries not wild blueberries.Your answer Correct answerA A5. Which of the following would be a suitable title for the passage?A. Wild blueberry --- a thriving business.B. Best business opportunities arising from computer software.C. How to find business opportunities.D. How to make use of the business connections.Your answer Correct answerC CPart IVDirections: Choose the right answer.1. We're upgrading all our staff equipment, and we'll need 50 laptops _______________ the 1st of next month.A. as ofB. as onC. inD. sinceYour answer Correct answerA A2. We ordered 50 laptops from your company, but on the invoice I see there's an extra charge for shipping. I thought shipping was included in the _______________.A. reportB. demandC. invoiceD. quoteYour answer Correct answerC D3. This was a time-sensitive document! There's no _______________ in delivering it three hours late!A. placeB. pointC. circleD. meanYour answer Correct answerB B4. We want to keep our clients happy, and unfortunately we've _______________ this time.A. dropped shortB. dropped longC. fallen shortD. fallen longYour answer Correct answerD C5. I can't wait to get some of my own business leads. You know, start making new _______________.A. connectionsB. combinationsC. relationsD. tiesYour answer Correct answerA AUnit 6 Quiz。
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CE1-_12: Quiz details
Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the right preposition or adverb)
(每小题: 分)
Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposit ion or adverb. Fill in each blank with only ONE word. 1.
The school operates
are the first, most important lesson. 2. They agreed as a hopelessly inefficient mechanism for this purpose.
The Japanese insist
matter how much time is required. 4.
She says that many women are being forced
arranged marriages, homelessness and denial of education.
5.The students are asked to make evaluations of the teachers
Your success
make you healthy and fit enough to enjoy many different
aspects of life.
The idea that success is measured
not academic achievement, is controversial.
I don't think he's superior
father is an important man.
Cultural factors affect management behavior
many ways.
This approach
among students.
The plans are being prepared
management behavior develops from cultural forces.
She has received considerable publicity
excellent performance in the film The Last Flower.
0.5 on 0.5 on 0.5 on
between 0.5 in
0.5 to
0.5 at
2.He badly _____________ his back digging in the public garden
on Children's Day.
A. stretched
B. exerted
C. pulled
D. strained
3.His plan sounds ________, so you'd better carry out.
A. feasible
B. useless
C. worthy
D. weak
4.When we shook hands I was conscious of his firm
_____________ .
A. fist
B. handhold
C. style
D. grip
bottom of one's heart.
A. real
B. true
C. sincere
D. realistic
6.Drinking alcohol can ________ your ability to drive properly.
A. effect
B. affect
C. remove
D. avoid
7.The purpose of the seminar is to train some of the employees
to work ________ in the branch offices abroad.
A. later
B. late
C. lately
D. latest
8.Climate and weather affect every ________ of our lives.
B. respect
C. aspect
D. consideration
9.It might be ________ to give your attitude towards study a
second thought.
A. worth
B. worthy
C. worthwhile
D. worthily
10.Over half of the population of the country ________ in
traditional sports.
A. takes
B. practices
C. goes for
D. participates
11.She isn't beautiful. But she is ________ pretty.
B. a kind of
C. of a kind
D. a sort of
12.We must ________ a better way to save money if we are to
buy a new house.
A. work out
B. work at
C. work by
D. work for
13.If he had been more careful with the details, his plan would
not have ________.
A. fallen off
B. fallen through
C. fallen away
D. fallen over
14.We'll visit Europe next year ________ we have enough money.
B. until
C. but
D. unless
15.These two areas are similar ________ they both have a high
rainfall during this season.
A. to that
B. in that
C. besides that
D. except that
16.If I hadn't stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell,
you ________ now.
A. wouldn't be smiling
B. couldn't have smiled
C. won't smile
D. didn't smile
17.________ in the conditions of simple living was what her
parents wished for.
A. The girl was educated
B. The girl to be educated
C. The girl educated
D. The girl's being educated
18.________ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure
that they have included all variables and modeled them
A. Even if
B. As far as
C. If only
D. So long as
19.All flights ________ because of the snowstorm, many
passengers could do nothing but take the train.
A. were canceled
B. had been canceled
C. having been canceled
D. have been canceled
20.This crop does not do well in soils ________ the one for which
0.5 D 0.5 D 0.5 A
( 0.5 C 0.5 B 0.5 A 0.5 C 0.5 C 0.5 D 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.5 B 0.5 A 0.5 B 0.5 A
C 0.5 A 0.5 C 0.5 B
C 0.5 B。