
目 录

2012年浙江财经大学金融硕士(MF)金融学综合真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 名词解释 3. 计算题 4. 简答题 5. 论述题单项选择题1.在必要时迅速转变为现金而不致遭受损失的能力是指金融工具的( )。
2.大额可转让定期存单的发行使商业银行引入了哪种经营策略?( )。
3.由地方政府和地方政府机构所发行的债券是:( )。
4.我国同业拆借市场利率的英文简称是:( )。
A.HIBORB.LIBORC.CHIBORD.SHIBOR解析:①HIBOR(Hongkong InterBank Offered Rate),是香港银行同行业拆借利率。
②伦敦同业拆借利率(UBOR),LIBOR是英文London InterBank Offered Rate 的缩写,即伦敦银行同业拆放利率。
③即中国银行间同业拆借利率(China.Interbank Offered Rate),1996年中央银行推出,以各银行同业拆借实际交易利率的加权平均值来确定。
④Shibor全称是“上海银行间同业拆放利率”(Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate,SHIBOR),被称为中国的LIBOR(London Interbank Offered Rate,伦敦同业拆放利率)。
5.中国发挥“最后贷款人”职责的银行是:( )。

考生们在日语备考中都会看大量资料,做大量习题来提高日语水平,可是在能力考前还是不能确定自己的掌握情况,那就让往年二级真题来帮你检测一下吧!問題13 次の文章を読んで、後の問いに対する答えとして最もよいものを、1 、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。

新年伊始,首先祝准备考研的同学们新年快乐2012年日语能力等级考试答案CET4 ++蔻寇《⒏⒐⒍⒈⒏⒐⒎⒊⒎》常言道:一年之计在于春!新年从新春开始,春总是给人以新生的感觉,已经历过的不快或不如意可以从此尘封,一个全新的你款款走来,难道你没有感觉到自己的潜力正蠢蠢欲动、整装待发吗?


2012年12月日语能力考试N2解析問題1問題1 ではまず質問を聞いてください。
それから話を聞いて、問題用紙の1 から4 の中から、最もよいものを一つ選んでください。
1 番正解:41 しりょうをさがす2 ファイルにしりょうの名前を書く3 しりょうをならべなおす4 しりょうの分類方法の案を作る会社で女の人と男の人が話しています。
整理、お願いしてもいい?M: はい、わかりました。
2 番正解:21 じゅこうりょう2 かいいんしょう3 包丁4 エプロン電話で、料理教室の人と女の人が話しています。

考生们在日语备考中都会看大量资料,做大量习题来提高日语水平,可是在能力考前还是不能确定自己的掌握情况,那就让往年二级真题来帮你检测一下吧!問題11 次の(1)から(3)の文章を読んで、後の問いに対する答えとして最もよいものを、1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。
(1) 僕は学校が好きだった。

2012年12月日语能力考N2真题及答案、問題1 ____の言葉の読み方として最もよいものを、1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。
1. 田中さんの話は抽象的で分かりにくかった。
1) ちゅうしょうてき2) ちゅうぞうてき3) ゆうしょうてき4) ゆうぞうてき2. その本は、明日までに必ず返却してください。
1) へんきょく2) へんきゃ3) へんきゃく4) へんきょ3. 針が見つからなくて困った。
1) ねじ2) はり3) くぎ4) かぎ4. 山田さんはいつもここから夕日を撮影している。
1) さつえい2) さいけい3) さつけい4) さいえい5. ガラスの破片が落ちているから、気をつけてください。
1) ひがた2) はがた3) ひへん4) はへん問題2 _____の言葉を漢字で書くとき、最もよいものを1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。
6. 夏になると、この島には多くの観光客がおとずれる。
1) 往れる2) 伺れる3) 参れる4) 訪れる7. 今年はたくさんの野菜がしゅうかくできたそうだ。
1) 集穫2) 集得3) 収穫4) 収得8. 餌をあげたとたん、その犬がすごいいきおいで食べ始めたのでびっくりした。
1) 乱い2) 勢い3) 荒い4) 暴い9. そしきが大きくなると、運営も大変になる。
1) 祖識2) 組識3) 組織4) 祖織10. 町のいたるところに花が植えられている。
1) 至るところ2) 及るところ3) 満るところ4) 総るところ問題3 ()に入れるのに最もよいものを、1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。
11. 昨日、()夜中に電話で起こされた。
1) 正2) 実3) 本4) 真12. 昨日の選挙の投票()は非常に高かった。
1) 割2) 率3) 値4) 比13. この本棚の本は、作家名のアルファベット()に並んでいます。
1) 順2) 番3) 序4) 位14. 外からあまり見えないように、この窓は()透明のガラスにしてある。

2012 年攻读浙江财经学院硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
科目代码:881 科目名称:专业综合
Part One Translation (90 points)
I. Put the English passage into Chinese (5 points).
A reader in Florida, apparently bruised by some personal experience, writes in to complain “if I steal a nickel’s worth of merchandise, I am a thief and punished; but if I steal the love of another’s wife, I am free.”
But love is not a commodity; the real thing cannot be bought, sold, traded or stolen. It is an act of the will, a turning of the emotions, a change in the climate of the personality.
Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spurned love, the vengeful feeling that someone else has “come between” oneself and a beloved. This is always a distortion of reality, for people are not the captives or victims of others -- they are free agents, working out their own destinies for good or for ill.

考生们在日语备考中都会看大量资料,做大量习题来提高日语水平,可是在能力考前还是不能确定自己的掌握情况,那就让往年二级真题来帮你检测一下吧!問題10 次の(1)から(5)の文章を読んで、後の問いに対する答えとして最もよいものを、1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。
(1) 人が「白い、皿、置く」と言いながら、白い皿を置いて見せると、「白い」「皿」「置く」ということばの意味を理解して、手足を動かして同じ動作をすることができる人工知能が入ったロボットが開発されたそうだ。
55. このロボットが今までのものと違うのはどんな点か。
1) 「白い、皿、置く」と言いながら両手で実際に白い皿を置くこと2) 人が言ったり、したりすることを理解して同じように動けること3) 世界で初めて人工知能が用いられたロボットであるということ4) 単語や文法を覚えさせておけば外国語もできるようになること(2)(注)提供する:自分の持っている物を他の人のために出す56. バザーに出せるのはどれか。
1) 箱に入った未使用のヘゕドラヤーと説明書2) 電気ポットと一度だけ使用したコーヒーカップ3) 一度しか使っていない新品同様のお皿のセット4) バーゲンセールで買ったが一度も着なかった服(3) 言葉というものは、それが無意識のうちに使われれば使われるほど、何か秘された重要な意味を持っているものである。

考生们在日语备考中都会看大量资料,做大量习题来提高日语水平,可是在能力考前还是不能确定自己的掌握情况,那就让往年二级真题来帮你检测一下吧!問題11 次の(1)から(3)の文章を読んで、後の問いに対する答えとして最もよいものを、1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。
(吉田新一郎『会議の技法』による)(注1)従来:今まで(注2)ないし:または(注3)本音:本当に思っていること(注4)かつ:そのうえ(注5)成否:うまくいくかいかないか(注6)決定的な:ここでは、重要な60. 一番地位の高い人が会議で議長役をすることについて、筆者はどのように考えているか。

2012年攻读浙江财经学院硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 科目代码:681 科目名称:综合英语答案请写答题纸上Part I READING COMPREHENSION (50 MIN, 50 points)In this section there are five reading passages followed by a total of 25 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and finish the multiple choices. Text APeople do not analyze every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a similar problem. They often accept the opinions or ideas of other people. Other times they begin to act without thinking; they try to find a solution by trial and error. However, when all these methods fail, the person with a problem has to start analyzing.There are six stages in analyzing a problem.First the person must recognize that there is a problem. For example, Sam's bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must see that there is a problem with his bicycle.Next the thinker must define the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must find the reason why it does not work. For instance, he must determine if the problem is with the gears, the brakes, or the frame. He must make his problem more specific.Now the person must look for information that will make the problem clearer and lead to possible solutions. For instance, suppose Sam decides that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the gear wheels. At this time, he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about gears. He can talk to his friends at the bike shop. He can look at his gears carefully.After studying the problem, the person should have several suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as an illustration. His suggestions might be: put oil on the gear wheels; buy new gear wheels and replace the old ones; tighten or loosen the gear wheels.Eventually one suggestion seems to be the solution to the problem. Sometimes the final idea comes very suddenly because the thinker suddenly sees something new or sees something in a new way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees that there is a piece of chewing gum between the gear wheels. He immediately realizes the solution to his problem: he must clean the gear wheels.第 1 页共 17 页Finally the solution is tested. Sam cleans the gear wheels and finds that afterwards his bicycle works perfectly. In short, he has solved the problem.1.What is the best title for this passage?A.Six Stages for Repairing Sam's Bicycle.B.Possible Ways to Problem-solving.C.Necessities of Problem Analysis.D.Suggestions for Analyzing a Problem.2.In analyzing a problem we should do all the following except_________.A.recognize and define the problemB.look for information to make the problem clearerC.have suggestions for a possible solutionD.find a solution by trial or mistake3. By referring to Sam' s broken bicycle, the author intends to_________.A.illustrate the ways to repair his bicycleB.discuss the problems of his bicycleC.tell us how to solve a problemD.show us how to analyze a problem4.Which of the following is NOT true?A.People do not analyze the problem they meet.B.People often accept the opinions or ideas of other people.C.People may learn from their past experience.D.People can not solve some problems they meet.5.As used in the last sentence, the phrase "in short" means________.A.in the long runB.in detailC.in a wordD.in the endText BFast food, a mainstay of American eating for decades, may have reached a plateau in the United States as the maturing baby-boom generation looks for a more varied menu. Fast food still represents a $ 102 billion a year industry, but growth has turned sluggish recently amid tough competition from retail food stores and a more affluent population willing to try new things and spend more, analysts say. Signs of trouble in fast food include price-cutting by industry leaders, including efforts by McDonald's to attract customers with a 55 cent hamburger, and major players pulling out or selling. O'Pepsico, for example, is selling its fast-food restaurant division that includes Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and KFC.第 2 页共 17 页"It's becoming harder and harder for these firms to grow," said Jim Brown, a professor of marketing at Virginia Tech University. "I think in the United States fast food has reached a saturation point because of the number of competitors and the number of outlets."Fast-food restaurant revenues grew 2. 5 percent in 1996, according to industry figures, the slowest since the recession of 1991. That is for cry from the levels of the 1970s and 1980s. According to the Food Marketing Institute, consumers are using supermarkets for 21 percent of take-home food, nearly double the level of a year ago. While fast-food restaurants still lead, their share slipped significantly, from 48 percent in 1996 to 41 percent in 1997."Consumers have never been more demanding than they are today," said Michael Sansolo, senior vice president of the Supermarket Trade Group. "They are pressed for time. Money is still an issue…but their tastes are increasingly diverse--whether it's gourmet foods, ethnic foods or organic offerings."Meanwhile, the aging of the baby-boom population--and the growth in the number of so-called "empty nesters" with grown children--has meant a surge in the number of people willing to spend more for upscale items. This generation "will have the luxury of being more discriminating" as their children leave home, notes Harry Balzer, vice president of the Chicago-based NPD consulting group. Balzer said some 18 million baby boomers will become empty-nesters in the next l 0 years, leaving them with more disposable income to spend on dining out. "Fast and cheap will still be driving factors..., but our definitions of fast and cheap may be changing."Various reports suggest industry leader McDonald's is struggling, losing market share, with lower same-store sales while cutting back the number of new outlets in the United States, partly due to pressure from franchisers who don't want to be squeezed. The company replaced the head of its 12,000 US restaurant chain last October amid a slump in US market share.6.What does the passage mainly tell about?A.Fast food disappoints consumers.B.People prefer less expensive food.C.McDonald's dominates the market of fast food.D.Fast food is losing its attraction.7. What can we learn from the passage?A.O'Pepsico goes bankrupt.B.The number of supermarkets doubles.C.Jim Brown takes a negative attitude towards the development of fastfood.D. McDonald's survives from the competition with retail food stores.8.What is NOT true about baby-boom generation?第 3 页共 17 页A.They seek a variety of food.B.They have come of age.C.They will spend more money on food.D.They tend to have luxurious food.9.Which of the following is not mentioned as an influence on people's choicesof food?A.Speed and price of the food.B.Diversity of the food.C.Tastes of the consumers.D.Age of the consumers.10. What brings trouble to fast food industry?A.Customers' demand and competition with retailers.B.The aging baby-boomer and diversity of food.C. Competition with retailers and diversity of food.D. Customers' demand and the aging of baby-boomer.Text CIt was going to have roughly the effect of a neutron bomb attack on high streets and shop ping malls. The buildings would be left standing but the people would vanish. Such was the superior efficiency of selling things via the Internet that brick-and-mortar stores would be unable to compete on price, choice or even service. Book and music sellers had already been "Amazoned". Soon web-based "category-killers", in everything from toys to pet supplies, would overwhelm their physical-world competitors. Shoppers would never be more than a mouse-click from the best deals. Traditional retailers, terrified of cannibalizing (同类相食) sales and destroying the value of their expensive properties, were already too late to meet the challenge. "In some categories," said Mary Meeker, a seer of the Internet at Morgan Stanley, "it's already game over."These are convenient beliefs for anyone justifying some e-commerce share prices, but they are already mostly wrong. The reasons should surprise no one. The Internet is not a dominant technology but rather a network of people. It is a rich and highly flexible means of communicating that is rapidly achieving pervasiveness because more and more people find it easy and convenient to use. But it is those people's preferences that will count; and for most people, shopping is more than just a means to an end. Even if the Internet provided a perfectly efficient way to shop it would not provide a satisfactory alternative to the physical enjoyment of sniffing a ripe melon, say, or trying on a cashmere sweater.Of course, some products, such as music and banking, can be distributed第 4 页共 17 页electronically with success and cost saving. But most purchases cannot be reduced to digital code. And distributing physical goods is cumbersome and expensive. Behind even the most exciting user interface there are old-fashioned warehouses and lorries, customers who decline to sit at home waiting for purchases to arrive, and goods that must be re-wrapped and expensively returned. No wonder that the cost of getting goods to customers' homes so often soaks up the notional price advantages of e-commerce.What Internet shoppers have quickly realized is that the web is an addition to, and not a substitute for, their shopping habits. It is wonderful for gathering up-to-date information about products and prices. Cyber Dialogue, a research firm, estimates that in 1998 23m Americans sought information online, but then made their purchases offline, compared with only 17.7m who did the whole thing online.11.The author compares ______ of the online sale to the effect of neutron bombattack.A.the efficiencyB.the choiceC.the priceD.the service12.According to Mary Meeker, ______.A.traditional retailers can't compete with online ones on price, choice orserviceB.the battle between traditional retailers and online retailers is overC.online retailers have prevailed over traditional ones in the market ofcertain productsD.online retailers have destroyed the value of traditional retailers'properties13.According to the passage, shopping for most people ______.A.is a flexible means of communicatingB.is not just a means to gaining an endC.does not provide an alternative to physical enjoymentD.provides a perfectly easy and efficient way of living14. The cost of goods delivery brings about the result that ______.A.distributing goods becomes troublesome and expensiveB.the notional price advantages of e-commerce are eliminatedC.old-fashioned warehouses and lorries have to be still in useD.goods must be wrapped again and expensively returned15.According to Cyber Dialogue, ______.A.online shopping will not replace the traditional shopping habits第 5 页共 17 页B.customers seek information via the Internet more often than via anyother meansC.Internet users prefer to seek information online without making realpurchasesD.fewer and fewer people purchase what they want via the InternetText DLondon's Heathrow Airport is notorious for queues and delays. Why is this happening and what can you do to avoid the frustration?In the film Catch Me If You Can, Leonardo DiCaprio plays a dashing young con artist who fools an airline into believing he is one of their captains. He strolls through a sleek and futuristic air terminal flanked by a gaggle of stewardesses, his progress serene. The message is clear: Air travel is glamorous, sexy and a total breeze.Cut to Heathrow, 2007, and what is still the world's largest airport (by passenger numbers) is stretched to breaking point, beset by delays and hampered by a creaking infrastructure. Ken Livingstone, London's garrulous Mayor, says the airport is "shaming London". How did it come to this?In a sense, Heathrow's key role in the development of Britain's (and the world's) aviation industry has been its undoing. First opened to commercial flights in 1946, Heathrow has always been there first; consequently, it has inherited a legacy of aging terminal buildings. Then September 11 happened, and security protocols went through the roof. The 2005 London bombings didn't help matters.The queues to clear Heathrow's security can take hours to clear, especially when not all the x-ray machines are open. At the other end of the process, passengers have faced seemingly never-ending waits for luggage. A recent Association of European Airlines report showed that between April and June this year the luggage system at Heathrow broke down 11 times.The British government, spurred on by angry airlines, passenger groups and an increasingly vocal media, has announced an enquiry into how the airport is run. Heathrow, like seven other major airports in the UK, is run by the British Airports Authority (BAA), who has been accused of putting the profits from the vast shopping malls in each terminal before investment in security and staff. Ryanair, British Airways and the head of the International Air Transport Association have all criticized the running of the airport, blaming under-investment.A spokesman for Heathrow notes that all may not be lost quite yet. Ninety-seven per cent of passengers get through security after less than 10 minutes of queuing. The baggage rules for using UK airports have been the第 6 页共 17 页same for a while now, so travelers should be getting used to the plastic bags and one item of hand-luggage rule. And BAA is recommending that people don't turn up earlier than they should--three hours for long-haul, two for short haul and 90 minutes for domestic should be fine. Heathrow has also employed 500 new security staff and opened nine new security lanes this year.And then there's Terminal Five, the gleaming, light-filled Richard Rodgers creation, complete with a landscaped civic space, due to open in March 2008. It will be British Airways' new home and should take the pressure off the rest of the airport. Far more suitable for a Leonardo-style sashay.16.Leonardo's performance conveys the idea that air travel is ________A.dangerous.B.enchanting.C.frustrating.D.time-consuming.17.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Heathrow Airport has the largest surface area in the world.B.Heathrow Airport is about to collapse as a result of huge passengernumbers.C.The significant position of the airport in history has become the maincause for its present situation.D.The airport is determined to renovate its old terminal buildings.18. It can take hours to pass the airport security, especially whenA.all the X-rays machines are shut down.B.luggage checked over and over again.C.the luggage system breaks down.D.only some of the X-ray machines arc open.19.Who's to blame for the under-investment in British airports?A.British Airports Authority.B.Association of European Airlines.C.Heathrow Airport.D.International Air Transport Association.20.According to BAA, when should domestic passengers arrive at the airport?A. 1 hour before boarding.B. 1.5 hours before boarding.C. 2 hours before boarding.D. 3 hours before boarding.Text E第 7 页共 17 页Every minute of every day, what ecologist James Carlton calls a global "conveyor belt" redistributes ocean organisms. It's planet wide biological disruption that scientists have barely begun to understand.Dr Carlton -- an oceanographer at Williams College in Williamstown, Mass. -- explains that, at any given moment, "there are several thousand (marine) species (traveling)... in the ballast water of ships." These creatures move from coastal waters where they fit into the local web of life to places where some of them could tear that web apart. This is the larger dimension of the infamous invasion of fish-destroying, pipe- clogging zebra mussels.Such voracious invaders at least make their presence known. What concerns Carlton and his fellow marine ecologists is the lack of knowledge about the hundreds of alien invaders that quietly enter coastal waters around the world every day. Many of them probably just die out. Some benignly -- or even beneficially -- join the local scene. But some will make trouble.In one sense, this is an old story. Organisms have ridden ships for centuries. They have clung to hulls and come along with cargo. What's new is the scale and speed of the migrations made possible by the massive volume of ship-ballast water -- taken in to provide ship stability -- continuously moving around the world...Ships load up with ballast water and its inhabitants in coastal waters of one port and dump the ballast in another port that may be thousands of kilometers away. A single load can run to hundreds of gallons. Some larger ships take on as much as 40 million gallons. The creatures that come along tend to be in their larva free-floating stage. When discharged in alien waters they can mature into crabs, jellyfish, slugs, and many other forms.Since the problem involves coastal species, simply banning ballast dumps in coastal waters would, in theory, solve it. Coastal organisms in ballast water that is flushed into midocean would not survive. Such a ban has worked for North American Inland Waterway. But it would be hard to enforce it worldwide. Heating ballast water or straining it should also halt the species spread. But before any such worldwide regulations were imposed, scientists would need a clearer view of what is going on.The continuous shuffling of marine organisms has changed the biology of the sea on a global scale. It can have devastating effects as in the case of the American comb jellyfish that recently invaded the Black Se[A]. It has destroyed that sea's anchovy fishery by eating anchovy eggs. It may soon spread to western and northern European waters.The maritime nations that created the biological "conveyor belt" should support a coordinated international effort to find out what is going on and what should be done about it.第 8 页共 17 页21.According to Dr. Carlton, ocean organisms are_________.A.being moved to new environmentsB.destroying the planetC.succumbing to the zebra musselD.developing alien characteristics22. Oceanographers are concerned because________.A.their knowledge of this phenomenon is limitedB.they believe the oceans are dyingC.they fear an invasion from outer spaceD.they have identified thousands of alien webs23.According to marine ecologists, transplanted marine species_________.A.may upset the ecosystems of coastal watersB.are all compatible with one anotherC.can only survive in their home watersD.sometimes disrupt shipping lanes24. The identified cause of the problem is___________.A.the rapidity with which larvae matureB. a common practice of the shipping industryC. a century-old speciesD. the worldwide movement of ocean currents25.The article suggests that a solution to the problem________.A.is unlikely to be identifiedB. must precede further researchC.is hypothetically easyD.will limit global shippingPart II GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN,20 Points) There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.1.Which of the following is the world's smallest continent?.B.Australia.C. Europe.D.Africa.2.Ronald Reagan used to be a ______.A.basketball playerB.sports radio announcerC.conservative political columnistD. sports writer第 9 页共 17 页3.What is the generation with a sudden, large increase in birthrate called in theUnited States after World War Ⅱ from 1947 to 1961?A.Baby Boomer.B. Last Generation.C.Yuppies.D. Dinks.4. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed to thank ______.A.GodB.their ancestorsC.their parentsD.the Pilgrims5. Nathaniel Hawthorne was most famous for ______.A.Annabel LeeB.The Scarlet LetterC.The RavenD.Moby Dick6.Who was the "father of English poetry"?A.Francis Bacon.B. John Milton.C.Robert Burns.D.Geoffrey Chaucer.7.Bunyan's most important work is ______, written in the old-fashioned,medieval form of allegory and dream.A.The FootprintB.On His BlindnessC.Vanity FairD.The Pilgrim's Progress8. ______ can be simply defined as the study of meaning.A.SyntaxB.SemanticsC.PragmaticsD.Linguistics9.Which of the following is NOT one of the major branches of linguistics?A.Phonetics.B.Syntax.C.Synchronic.D. Semantics.10.Which of the following words has most morphemes?A.undertake.B.undesirablity.C.pickpocket.第 10 页共 17 页D.announcement.PART III PROOFREADING & ERROR CORRECTION(20 MIN, 20 points)The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage, correct them and write your answer on the answer sheet in the following way:EXAMPLEWhen art museum wants a new exhibit, it 1. When an artmuseum … never buys things in finished form and hangs 2. …it never buysthings in…them on the wall. When a natural history museumwants an exhibition, it must often build it. 3. …wants an exhibit,it …A newly published 2010 report on Chinese people’sphysical health sent a warning: if you don’t move you willget old faster. The report called everyone’s attention to thefact that the nation is premature aged. The physiological 1.ages of people aged from 35 to 50 are 10 years ahead oftheir chronological ages, 54 percent of people aged 45 toyoung. 2.themselvesconsidered54In urban areas the vast majority of people now workin sedentary occupations and works under more pressure. 3. Meanwhile the fast change from famine to feast has also beendangerous to our health. China, a nation once considered tohave one of the fattest populations, now has an obesity 4.epidemic due to changes to the traditional diet, high levels 5.of physical activity and sedentary lifestyles.The number of obese people has risen from 18 million in2005 to 100 million last year. They’re prime candidates fordiabetes and heart disease. Perhaps even more worried 6.is that the physical constitution of people aged from 25 to29 was found to be deteriorating the fastest.We also have the world’s largest army of couch potatoes.It is said that more than half of Chinese citizens above the age of第 11 页共 17 页16 did manage to participate in any form of sporting activity 7.last year.While China’s obesity rate is still less than that in the US,Britain and Australia, it has led to a worrying rise in chronicly 8.non-communicable diseases such as cancer, strokes, heart diseaseand diabetes.Experts are predicting that the number of overweight andobese people in China could double in the next two decades,posing a serious threats to China’s health system and putting a 9.brake on the country’s economic growth.The government has yet to take serious action to address theproblem and many people still lack the aware to recognize 10.obesity as a problem. The country needs a comprehensiveinitiative to let the whole nation move so it has healthier citizens.PART IV CLOZE (20 MIN, 20 points)The passage contains TWENTY blanks. Read the whole passage and fill in the missing word for each blank. Then write your answers on the Answer Sheet.The Constitution makes clear that a child born in the United States is a citizen of the United States. But it is silent on the subject of children born to Americans outside the country. This month, the Supreme Court heard arguments about a tiny subset of this group—children born to an American____1____ not only out of the country but also ____2____ of wedlock—and the conditions under which they may become ____3____.The problem ____4____ the court is that existing law blatantly discriminates against men, making it substantially more difficult for____5____ fathers to pass along their citizenship to children born abroad than it is for unmarried mothers to do ____6____. But there’s no reason—other than outdated gender stereotypes—for an American mother to____7____ stronger rights than an American father. The court should strike ____8____ this unfair law.Ruben Flores-Villar, born out of wedlock in Mexico but ____9____ in San Diego by his American father, faced deportation after ____10____ the United States illegally. He insisted that he couldn’t be deported because he was a U.S. citizen. But federal law at the time of his birth granted citizenship to foreign-born, out-of-wedlock children of male U.S. citizens ____11____ if the father had resided ____12____ the United States for 10 years before the child’s birth, including five years after the father’s 14th birthday—a requirement Flores-Villars’ father failed to ____13____.By contrast, a female U.S. citizen hoping to pass along citizenship to an第 12 页共 17 页out-of-wedlock child born abroad needed only to have lived in the United States continuously for one year any time before the child’s ____14____. This disparity is a relic of a time when it was assumed that mothers always had a closer connection than fathers ____15____ their children.The Obama administration argued to the Supreme Court in ____16____ of preferential treatment for unwed mothers, saying it serves the purpose of reducing the number of “stateless” children because other countries would be ____17____ to grant citizenship to out-of-wedlock children. But the same argument supports making it easier for unwed fathers to be able to pass along citizenship to their children.Some justices seemed inclined to uphold the law because of Congress’ traditional discretion over matters of immigration and naturalization. But ____18____ the law involved in Flores-Villar’s ____19____ nor the current version can be reconciled with the constitutional guarantee of “equal protection of the laws.” The court should rule that unwed mothers and unwed fathers be treated ____20____. Then Congress should go further and abolish all distinctions in the law, treating children born out of wedlock and children of married couples the same.PART V WRITING (70 MIN, 40 points)Section ATo summarize an essay, you should not include your own thoughts on the matter, but describe the essay as objectively as possible, whether you agree with it or not. Try to use pertinent quotations by the author, working them in gracefully where appropriate. Also, any important or conspicuous words, phrases, or terms should be put in quotation marks.Write a 150-word summary based on the following passage.Why do some of us reject consensus on a whole range of scientific findings? As Professor Stephan Lewandowsky explains, it often comes down to the way we look at the world. What does Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity have to do with the human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV)? What does acid rain have to do with the fact tobacco smoking causes lung cancer? What does Reye’s syndrome have in common with the CFCs that caused the hole in the ozone layer? And what do all those issues have to do with the fact our climate is rapidly changing due to human greenhouse gas emissions?第 13 页共 17 页。

考生们在日语备考中都会看大量资料,做大量习题来提高日语水平,可是在能力考前还是不能确定自己的掌握情况,那就让往年二级真题来帮你检测一下吧!問題7 次の文の( )に入れるのに最もよいものを、1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。
33. 電子メールが普及している今の時代であるから( )、手書きの手紙に温かい気持ちを感じる。
1) こそ 2) さえ 3) すら 4) だけ34. 母「また寝てるの?せっかくの休みなんだから、寝て( )いないで、外に出かけたら?」息子「わかったよ。
」1) しか 2) でも 3) ぐらい 4) ばかり35. 人は通勤に多くの時間を使っている。
( )通勤に往復2時間かけるとすると、1年間で480時間も通勤に使っている計算になる。
1) たとえ 2) かりに 3) ようやく 4) かえって36. 先月電子レンジを買ったが、いくらも( )壊れてしまった。
1) 使っていると 2) 使っているうちに 3) 使わないと 4) 使わないうちに37. 彼は小説家になってから、1年に1冊のペースで長編小説を( )、来月出る小説で10冊目となる。
1) 発表しつつ 2) 発表しており 3) 発表するにつれ 4) 発表したところで38. 駅前に新しくできたラーメン屋はいつも込んでいる。
昨日も大雨( )行列ができていた。
1) にしても 2) にしたって 3) にかぎらず 4) にもかかわらず39. 川村「青木くんは、今日お休み?」山田「うん。
」川村「青木くん( )ね。
」1) らしい 2) みたいだ 3) のようだ 4) のことだ40. 最近は夜遅くまで開いているスーパーが多くなってきた。
スーパーに( )、24時間営業のところもある。
1) よっては 2) とっても 3) ついても 4) おいては41. 先輩「受験する大学は決まった?」後輩「いえ、僕は海外の大学に行きたいんですけど、両親は僕を自宅から通える大学に( )」1) 行かせてほしいんです2) 行こうとしてほしいんです3) 行かせたがっているんです 4) 行こうとしたがっているんです42. 最近は毎月決まった金額でかけ放題の国際電話サービスがある。

12年12月真题問題1 ____の言葉の読み方として最もよいものを、1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。
1. 田中さんの話は抽象的で分かりにくかった。
1) ちゅうしょうてき2) ちゅうぞうてき3) ゆうしょうてき4) ゆうぞうてき2. その本は、明日までに必ず返却してください。
1) へんきょく2) へんきゃ3) へんきゃく4) へんきょ3. 針が見つからなくて困った。
1) ねじ2) はり3) くぎ4) かぎ4. 山田さんはいつもここから夕日を撮影している。
1) さつえい2) さいけい3) さつけい4) さいえい5. ガラスの破片が落ちているから、気をつけてください。
1) ひがた2) はがた3) ひへん4) はへん問題2 _____の言葉を漢字で書くとき、最もよいものを1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。
6. 夏になると、この島には多くの観光客がおとずれる。
1) 往れる2) 伺れる3) 参れる4) 訪れる7. 今年はたくさんの野菜がしゅうかくできたそうだ。
1) 集穫2) 集得3) 収穫4) 収得8. 餌をあげたとたん、その犬がすごいいきおいで食べ始めたのでびっくりした。
1) 乱い2) 勢い3) 荒い4) 暴い9. そしきが大きくなると、運営も大変になる。
1) 祖識2) 組識3) 組織4) 祖織10. 町のいたるところに花が植えられている。
1) 至るところ2) 及るところ3) 満るところ4) 総るところ問題3 ()に入れるのに最もよいものを、1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。
11. 昨日、()夜中に電話で起こされた。
1) 正2) 実3) 本4) 真12. 昨日の選挙の投票()は非常に高かった。
1) 割2) 率3) 値4) 比13. この本棚の本は、作家名のアルファベット()に並んでいます。
1) 順2) 番3) 序4) 位14. 外からあまり見えないように、この窓は()透明のガラスにしてある。
1) 弱2) 中3) 低4) 半15. 海外のホテルでも日本()のサービスを取り入れるところが増えているらしい。

2012.7日语能力考试真题N2考试总时间:155 分钟,卷一:105 分钟,卷二:50 分钟文字词汇問題1 ____の言葉の読み方として最もよいものを、1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。
1. これは水をきれいにする装置です。
1) しょち 2) しょうち 3) そち 4) そうち2. この店の客は女性が80%を占める。
1) しめる 2) つめる 3) せめる 4) うめる3. 間違って、大事なメールを削除してしまった。
1) しょうじ 2) しょうじょ 3) さくじ 4) さくじよ4. 今回の国際会議では人口問題が議論の焦点になった。
1) しようてん 2) しゅうてん 3) じょうてん 4) じゅうてん5. 最近は、「就職活動」を略して「就活」と言うことがある。
1) やくして 2) かくして 3) りゃくして 4) きゃくして問題2 _____の言葉を漢字で書くとき、最もよいものを1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。
6. 先生の一言が、私をこの研究にみちびいてくれた。
1) 招いて 2) 導いて 3) 誘いて 4) 伴いて7. こわれやすいので、丁寧にあつかってください。
1) 拠って 2) 吸って 3) 扱って 4) 処って8. ゼミにはせっきょくてきに参加してほしい。
1) 責局的 2) 積局的 3) 責極的 4) 積極的9. 最初のうちはていこうを感じていたが、いつの間にか慣れてしまった。
1) 底抗 2) 抵抗 3) 底坑 4) 抵坑10. 昨日からかたが痛いんです。
1) 腰 2) 腹 3) 背 4) 肩問題3 ()に入れるのに最もよいものを、1、2、3、4から一つ選びなさい。
11. その事件の犯人は、ビジネスマン()の男だったらしい。
1) 状 2) 式 3) 風 4) 流12. 今はまだ()採用だが、いずれ本採用になるはずだ。
1) 副 2) 短 3) 仮 4) 半13. ここは国際()の豊かな都市として知られている。
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2012年攻读浙江财经学院硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 科目代码:251 科目名称:二外日语答案请写答题纸上文字・語彙(25点)問題一、次の下線の付いた言葉はどう読みますか。
( )2.頭が痛いから、学校を休みました。
( )3.昨夜10チャンネルには怪物の番組が出た。
( )4.あの店はサービスもいいし、品物の値段も安い。
( )5.以前は国際電話をかけるのはとても難しかったが、今は簡単にかけられるようになった。
( )6.午後になって、空が暗くなりました。
( )7.大通りで遊ぶのは危なくて、しないほうがいいです。
( )8.雨が降るかもしれないので、みんな傘を持って出かけました。
( )9.この問題は、よく考えてから答えてください。
( )10.子供たちは庭で凧揚げや羽根突きをして遊んでいます。
( )問題二、次の下線の付いた言葉はどう書きますか。
( )12.田中さんはかいものをしたあとで、家に帰りました。
( )13.スーパーには、いろいろなしゅるいの商品があります。
( )14.電気製品のおかげで、家事のじかんはとても短くなりました。
( )15.すぐ11月ですから、朝や夜のきおんが低くなります。
( )16.日本は国土がせまいが、人口が多いから、密度が高いのです。
( )17.芝居の内容はとてもむずかしくて、わかりませんでした。
( )18.かさを田中さんに返すのをわすれました。
( )19.おかげで、夏休みを楽しくすごすことができました。
( )20.三日には、田中さんの家に、親戚の人があつまることになりました。
( )第 1 页共 8 页問題三、()にどの言葉を入れるか。
(5×1点=5点)21.卒業してから、東京に( )を借りて、一人暮らしを始めた。
A. デパートB. アパートC. マンションD. キャンパス22.仕事が忙しくて、料理ができない時には、( )を食べます。
A. インスタントラーメンB. コーヒーC. エレベーターD. ワイン23.( )を入れると、美しい画面が出てきました。
A. コンセントB. スピーチC. スイッチD. スリップ24.多くの( )は出勤に2時間もかかって、とてもつらい生活をしているそうです。
A. パンB. コーチC. リーダーD. サラリーマン25.出かけなくても、家で買い物をすることができるのは、( )のおかげです。
A. ラジオB. インタネットC. テレビD. セールスマン文 法(35点)問題四、()に何を入れるか。
(35×1点=35点)26.今日、私はバスで隣の人( )足を踏まれました。
A. がB. にC. でD. へ27.田中さんは毎日家のそばの公園( )散歩します。
A. がB. をC. にD. は28.誕生日のプレゼントに先生( )面白い本をいただきました。
A. からB. をC. へD. まで29.花が咲いたときに、いいにおい( )しました。
A. をB. にC. とD. が30.上海は四季( )あきらかな都市です。
A. でB. のC. にD. は31.私はサッカーをすること( )できるが、テニスをすること( )できない。
第 2 页共 8 页A. は・はB. が・がC. を・をD. か・か32.もう四月( )、天気が暖かくなりません。
A. だがB. だからC. ならD. なのに33.北へ行けばいく( )、山が少なくなります。
A. ほどB. ではC. てもD. だけ34.バスに乗ったときには、財布を盗まれない( )きをつけてください。
A. ためでB. からC. ようにD. みたいに35.今、授業( )で、入ることはできませんよ。
A. じゅうB. ちゅうC. の場合D. ためで36.子供が寝ている( )、スーパーへ買い物に行きたい。
A. あいだにB. ところがC. まえにD. うちに37.私の仕事は文章を書く( )です。
A. ものB. ところC. ことD. ところ38.( )すれば、自分の考えをはっきり表現することができるのです。
A. これB. こんなC. このD. こう39.時間がかなり必要で、8時までに帰れ( )。
A. つもりはないB. こともないC. ものではないD. そうもない40.鈴木さんの言う( )やってみてください。
A. みたいにB. ようでC. そうにD. とおりに41.日本人は外国で生活( )。
A. したくないB. したがらないC. するつもりはないD. 予定はない42.家を出る( )、お姉さんから電話が来た。
A. ところB. ところでC. ところがD. ところへ43.親が帰る( )家で待っていなければならない。
A. までB. までにC. うちにD. あいだに44.このところは夏に天気が変わりやすく、あめ( )だ。
A. やすいB. らしいC. がちD. みたい45.時間が( )、一緒にコーヒーを飲みませんか。
A. あってB. あったらC. あるのにD. あると46.普通の切符は途中で( )、使えなくなります。
A. 降りてはB. 降りても第 3 页共 8 页C. 降りないとD. 降りないなら47.「新しいものが出ましたよ。
いまから見に( )ところです。
」A. いっているB. いったC. いきそうなD. いく48.友達がテレビに出て大人気を呼んだことを( )驚きました。
A. 聞いたB. 聞いてC. 聞いていてD. 聞く49.私は佐藤さんと時々この映画館で映画を( )ことがあります。
A. 見たB. 見るC. 見ているD. 見ていた50.ちょっと手紙をとってきたから、ここで待って( )ね。
A. いてB. いるでC. いたD. いって51.複雑で時間が( )そうだったが、やったら、案外に簡単だった。
A. かかりB. かかるC. かかっているD. かかった52.パソコンゲームを( )ばかりいると、成績が下がるよ。
A. 遊ぶB. 遊んだC. 遊ぼうD. 遊んで53.母は毎朝早くて、朝ごはんを( )会社へ行きます。
A. 食べなくB. 食べないC. 食べないでD. 食べなくて54.彼女は一日でも早く家を( )と思って、遠い北の大学に入った。
A. 離れてB. 離れたC. 離れるD. 離れよう55.昨日パーティーで歌を( )人はだれですか。
A歌う B. 歌った C. 歌って D. 歌い56.「今日佐藤さんは元気がなさそうですね。
」「たぶん昨日雨に降られて風邪を( )。
」A. 引いたのだろうB. 引くでしょうC. 引くのですかD. 引くのだろう57.飲まなければ、上司に言われるから、たくさん( )。
A. 飲まれたB. 飲まれC飲ませた D. 飲まされた58.はい、こちらは山田商事で( )が、どちらさまでしょうか。
A. いますB. ございますC. くださいますD. いらっしゃいます59.先生が( )ように、今度失敗したのは相手を馬鹿に扱ったせいだ。
A. 申したB. いたしたC. 申し上げたD. おっしゃった第 4 页共 8 页60.いつお宅へ( )ば、よろしいでしょうか。
A. 伺えばB. いらっしゃればC. お越しになればD. おいでになれば読 解(20点)問題五、次の文章を読んで、文章の内容にあっている文に○、あっていない文に×をつけなさい。
( )62.風邪を引いたが、会社へ行きました。
( )63.病院で薬をもらって、家に帰って、全部飲みました。
( )64.佐藤さんはお風呂に入って、それからすぐ寝ました。
( )65.佐藤さんはのどが痛くて、咳が出たが、熱が出ませんでした。
( )(文章2)12月の終わりは日本ではお正月の準備でみんな忙しくなります。
( )第 5 页共 8 页67.子供にお正月料理を作らせます。
( )68.ご主人に買い物を手伝ってもらいます。
( )69.12月31日の夜はお正月の準備でとても疲れるので、何もしないで、早く寝ます。
( )70.奥さんは一年中忙しいので、お正月は何もしなくていいのです。
( )問題六、次の文章を読んで、後の問に答えなさい。