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dream---dreamed---dreamed / dreamt---dreamt---dreamt

区别: 在英式英语中用不规则变化;在美式英语中用规则变化。

1) n. 梦,梦想

eg. Have a good dream. 祝你做个好梦。

/ Have a sweet dream.

Have a bad dream. 做恶梦。

eg. Life is a dream. 人生如梦,世事无常。

eg. He realized his dream at last. 他终于实现了自己的梦想。

eg. His dream was realized at last. 他的梦想终于实现了。

/His dream came true at last.

dream-boat 梦中情人(梦寐以求的东西)

Mr. Right 白马王子

2) n. (口)美好的事物,美丽的东西(梦一般的)

eg. Your dress is a perfect dream. 你的裙子真美啊。

perfect[ˈpəːfɪkt; (for v.) pəˈfekt] adj. 完美的;最好的;

3) v. 做梦,幻想,梦想

dream of sth 梦想得到某物

dream of doing sth 梦想做某事

/dream about sth

/dream about doing sth

eg. I never promised to lend you my car, you must be dreaming.


eg. He dreamed of becoming president one day. 他梦想有一天会成为总统。president ['prezɪd(ə)nt] n. 总统;董事长;校长

eg. I never dreamed of receiving a rise. 我从来没有想过会涨工资。

eg. She is daydreaming. 她在做白日梦。/开小差。


Dream on! 做梦去吧!

eg. So you want that girl? Dream on! 你想追那个女孩?做梦去吧!

“I have a dream.”


“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.”creed [kriːd] n. 信条self-evident ['self'evidənt]不言而喻的;不证自明的create[kriː'eɪt]创造equal ['i:kwəl]平等的

age n.

1) 年龄,寿命,成年,法定年龄,时代

eg. You should never ask a lady’s age.你不应该问一位女士的年龄。

eg. He bears his age well. 他不显老。

/He carries his age well.

eg. He lived to a great age. 他高寿。

eg. We have a son of your age. 我们有个和你同龄的儿子。

eg. This belongs to the Bronze Age. 这件东西的年代属于属于青铜器时代。bronze [brɒnz] n. 青铜

come of age 达到法定成年年龄

look one’s age看上去与真实年龄相当

2) very long time 很久

eg. It took us ages to find a place to park. 我们找地方停车花了很长时间。

eg. Haven’t seen you for ages.好久不见。

channel n.

1) 海峡

the English Channel英吉利海峡

/ the Channel

cut a channel 开凿水道

2) (喻)(新闻,信息等传递的)途径,路线,渠道

the black-market channels of foreign goods 外国货的黑市渠道

proper channel 正当途径

proper['prɒpə] adj. 适当的;本身的

a television channel 电视频道

eg. Let’s see what’s on the other channel, shall we?


throw v. 投,抛,掷,扔


throw the bottle into the sea 把瓶子扔进海里

throw the book at sb (口)警告某人须按照规定办(否则可能受处分)

throw cold water on sb 泼冷水

/pour cold water on sb

throw sth away 丢弃,抛掉

eg. He threw up his dinner. 他把吃的饭都呕吐了。

eg. The soldiers threw up an earthwork. 士兵们赶造了一座土垒。

earthwork ['ɜːθwɜːk] n. [建] 土方工程

throw up a ball into the air 向空中抛球

throw out 伸(四肢),挺胸

eg. She threw out a leg and made him fall. 她伸出一条腿将他绊倒。

within a stone’s throw近在咫尺

within[wɪð'ɪn] prep. 在…之内

make a nice throw 投得好

a good throw (篮球等)好球

Key structures



accuse[ə'kjuːz]控告 approve[ə'pruːv]赞成 assure[ə'ʃʊə; ə'ʃɔː]让…放心beware[bɪ'weə]谨防 boast[bəʊst]夸耀 complain[kəm'pleɪn]抱怨

consist[kən'sɪst]由……组成 convince[kən'vɪns]使信服

cure[kjʊə; kjɔː]治愈 despair[dɪ'speə]丧失希望 dream幻想

expect期望 hear听到……消息

be/get rid[rɪd] [过去式rid或ridded 过去分词]摆脱

semll闻到 suspect[ˈsʌspekt; (for v.) səˈspekt]猜测

think思考 tired厌烦 warn警告……有危险


borrow从……借 defend[dɪ'fend]保护,使免于 demand[dɪ'mɑːnd]向……要求differ['dɪfə]有别于 dismiss[dɪs'mɪs]解雇 draw从……中得出

emerge[ɪ'mɜːdʒ]从……出现 escape[ɪ'skeɪp; e-]逃脱 excuse允许不;免除某人的责任等 hinder['hɪndə]阻止,妨碍 prevent[prɪ'vent]阻止
