
无论您面临什么样的储罐计量库存测量挑战,我们的解决方案可帮助取得业务优质绩效:• 确保高效运营• 提升安全水平• 确保精确测量系统特性 4–7雷达液位测量 8-10温度测量 11库存管理软件与功能 12-13安全性:防溢罐、证明试验、浮顶监测14-18升级/扩展项目:模拟和无线通讯 19-23液化气全容储罐完整存储解决方案 24-25雷达储罐计量发明者的解决方案26-27运营数据,着手可得。
效率安全精度可扩展性实时访问精确数据促进工厂运营效率防溢罐保护解决方案满足 API 2350 和 IEC 61511 要求可靠的净体积计算,基于 API和 ISO 标准开放通讯标准使设备添加与更换更方便让您的罐区运营尽在掌控之中储罐计量的精度、可靠性和安全性根据 API 行业标准组织所规定,储罐计量系统应能够提供高精度的净体积和质量库存计算。
OIML 标准 R 85:2008 定义了贸易交接应用储罐液位计的最高精度要求。

长期以来罗斯蒙特公司已提供世界上最优秀的变送器而闻名,自从Dieterich Standard Inc.(DSI)公司加入罗斯蒙特公司后,我们可以同时提供一次测量元件(Annubar阿牛巴,孔板等)和二次仪表(差压变送器3051,3095等)并且是世界上唯一将二者在制造厂内结合成一体化的流量计Probar 和MassProbar,从而提供差压流量测量的全面解决方案.目录1、罗斯蒙特阿牛巴流量计系列―――――――――――――――――――― 12、罗斯蒙特285阿牛巴传感器―――――――――――――――――――-333、罗斯蒙特紧凑型孔板流量计系列――――――――――――――――――424、罗斯蒙特一体化孔板流量计系列――――――――――――――――――575、罗斯蒙特1495、1595、1496、1497孔板――――――――――――――726、罗斯蒙特3095多参数变送器―――――――――――――――――――85产品性能资料2006差压流量1阿牛巴流量计系列行业领先的一体化差压流量计通过将压力变送器电子元件与阿牛巴平均皮托管(APT )实现一体化,罗斯蒙特可提供具有最佳性能的插入式差压流量计。
实时质量流量测量可采用一体化温度传感器设计获得专利的 T 形传感器包括密封的压力保持热电偶套管,只需要单个管道贯穿孔就可在所有尺寸的管线上进行质量流量测量。

它是将热电偶产生的热电势经冷端补偿放大后,再帽由线性电路消除热电势与温度的非线性误差,最后放大转换为4~20mA 电流输出信号。

重设量程 比例数模修正 (4–20 mA 输出 ) 自检 ( 变送器 ) 传感器信息 传感器温度 传感器修正点 状态
快键顺序 1, 4, 2, 7 1, 4, 3, 2, 4 1, 4, 3, 3, 3 1, 4, 3, 3, 4 1, 3, 7, 2 1, 4, 3, 4, 3 1, 3, 6 1, 3, 4, 1 1, 3, 4, 2 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 1, 4, 4, 1, 7 1, 4, 4, 1 1, 2, 3, 3 1, 2, 3, 1, 1 1, 4, 4, 1, 7 1, 2, 2 1, 2, 3, 3, 2 1, 3, 4, 3 1, 4, 3, 4 1, 4, 3, 3, 2 1, 4, 3, 3, 1 向左箭头 , 4, 1, 1 1, 3, 3 1, 2, 3, 1 1, 2, 3, 2, 2 1, 2, 1, 1 1, 4, 4, 2 1, 1, 4 1, 2, 3, 3, 5 1, 2, 1, 2
侧面或底部。 3. 将引压管内充满冷却水。
罗斯蒙特 3051
00825-0106-4001, 版本 DA 2003 年 8 月
Coplanar 法兰
罗斯蒙特 3051
Traditional 法兰
Rosemount 3051T Rosemount 3051H
(1) 面板的安装螺栓由用户自己提供。
00825-0106-4001, 版本 DA 2003 年 8 月
罗斯蒙特 3051
步骤 2: 外壳旋转
通过外壳旋转以便改进现场的配线或能更好地观察 LCD 显示表头 :
1. 松开外壳上的旋转固定螺钉。 2. 首先按顺时针方向旋转外壳,2%。总的电阻负载等于信号线电阻,控制 仪、指示仪以及相关部件的负载电阻的总和。应注意,若使用本质安全 栅,则安全栅的电阻必须计入其中。
艾默生 Rosemount 644导轨安装温度变送器 数据表

产品数据表00813-0306-4728, Rev AA2021 年 12 月Rosemount™ 644 导轨安装温度变送器带 RK 选项和 HART® 7 协议2021 年 12 月功能与优点采用可定制的变送器设计,在一个型号产品系列内满足您的需求■导轨安装型外形■4–20mA/HART®第 7 修订版■公认的第三方机构对在达到 SIL 3 要求的仪表安全系统中的使用进行了 IEC 61508 认证。
■用于 RTD、热电偶、mV 和欧姆的单或双传感器输入■诊断套件■变送器-传感器匹配(卡伦德-范·杜森常数)标准变送器设计在过程环境中提供灵活、可靠的性能■通过将传感器直接连接到数字控制系统,可以提供更高的测量准确度和可靠性,同时降低总体安装成本■一年稳定性保证,可节省维护费用■开路/短路传感器诊断功能有助于检测传感器回路的问题■环境温度补偿能力提高变送器的性能内容功能与优点 (2)订购信息 (4)技术规格 (7)产品认证 (22)尺寸图 (34)/Rosemount研究整套罗斯蒙特温度测量解决方案的优点■通过“组装到传感器”选项,艾默生提供全套温度测量点方案,提供可直接安装的变送器和传感器组件。
通过此功能,您可以:■在您的 MyEmerson 账号上访问设备图纸、图表、技术文档和故障排除信息■优化维修和保持效率的平均时间■确保您定位了正确的设备■省去耗时的先定位和抄录铭牌再查看资产信息的工作HART设备版本表 1: 更改摘要:Rosemount 644 导轨安装型 HART 设备版本(1)NAMUR 软件版本位于设备的硬件标牌上。
使用 HART 通讯工具可读取 HART 软件版本。
罗斯蒙特 644 温度变送器快速安装指南说明书

快速安装指南00825-0206-4728, Rev LB2022 年 5 月Rosemount™ 644 温度变送器采用 4-20 mA HART®协议(第 5 和第 7 版)快速安装指南2022 年 5 月内容关于本指南 (3)系统准备 (5)变送器安装 (6)安全仪表系统 (25)产品认证 (26)符合性声明 (44)中国 RoHS (52)2Rosemount 6442022 年 5 月快速安装指南1关于本指南本指南提供 Rosemount 644 温度变送器的基本安装指导。
更多说明,请参阅Rosemount 644 参考手册。
快速安装指南3快速安装指南2022 年 5 月警告过程泄漏过程泄漏可能导致死亡或严重受伤。
罗斯蒙特 644H温度变送器 快速说明书

¢00825-0100-482利用基金会TM 现场总线的罗斯蒙特 644H 温度变送器开始结束© 2006 罗斯蒙特股份有限公司版权所有。
该安装指南为罗斯蒙特 644 提供基本指导原则,但并不提供详细的组态、诊断、维护、维修、故障检修或安装指南。
欲了解更多指南,请参阅 644 参考手册(文件编号 00809-0106-4728)。
欲浏览电子版参考手册和快速安装指南(QIG),请访问网站: 。
Rosemount Division8200 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN USA 55317T (US) (800) 999-9307T (Intnl) (952) 906-8888Fax (952) 949-7001RosemountTemperature GmbHFrankenstrasse 2163791 Karlstein GermanyT 49 (6188) 992 0F 49 (6188) 992 112Emerson Process Management Asia Pacific Private Limited1 Pandan Crescent Singapore 128461T (65) 6777 8211F (65) 6777 0947第一步:固定变送器将变送器安装于配管管段内的较高点,以防止水分进入变送器外壳。

输入/验证 Callendar Van-Dusen 常数
1. 在 Home 屏幕上,选择 1 设备设置,3 配置,2 传感器配置,1 传感器 1,3 校准 Van-Dusen。把控制回路设置为手动模式。选择确定。
2. 在提示输入传感器类型时,选择 Cal Van-Dusen。 3. 在提示输入传感器连接时,选择适当的接线数目。 4. 利用附接到专门订购的传感器的标牌信息,输入 Ro、Alpha、Beta 和 Delta 值。 5. 在把控制回路返回到自动控制模式之后,选择确定。
1. 打开 644R 轨道安装型变送器的前门。 2. 把开关设置到所需位置。
罗斯蒙特 644
罗斯蒙特 644
00825-0106-4728,BC 版 2011 年 2 月
第 4 步:安装变送器
罗斯蒙特 644
00825-0106-4728,BC 版 2011 年 2 月
© 2011 罗斯蒙特有限公司。保留所有权力。所有标识均为其所有者的财产。Rosemount 和 Rosemount 标识均为罗斯蒙特 有限公司的注册商标。
罗斯蒙特 644
快捷键 1, 3, 2, 1 1, 3, 3, 3 1, 3, 3, 4 1, 1, 6 1, 1, 8 1, 3, 3, 3, 2 1, 3, 3, 1, 4 1, 3, 3, 1, 3 1, 1, 7 1, 1, 9 1, 1, 5 1, 3, 3, 2 1, 2, 2, 3 1, 3, 1 1, 3, 1, 5 1, 3, 4, 1 1, 3, 5 1, 2, 1 1, 3, 2, 1, 2 1, 2, 2, 1 1, 2, 2, 1, 2 1, 3, 2, 1, 1 1, 3, 2, 1, 1 1, 3, 2, 1, 4 1, 3, 5, 3 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1 1, 1 1, 1 1, 2, 1, 1 1, 2, 2, 1, 3 1, 3, 5, 4 1, 4 1, 2, 2 1, 3, 5, 1 1, 3, 3, 3, 1
SIERRA 640S指导手册

第 4 章 故障查找和维护
流量仪表故障处理……………………………………………………………..4-1 设备退回厂家处理……………………………………………………………..4-3
附录 A 技术参数
1-1 640S 系列仪表传感器部分…………………………………………..1-2 2-1 推荐安装管道长度………………………………………………...2-2 2-2 低压在线插拔开孔插入深度……………………………………………2-4 2-3 高压在线插拔开孔插入深度……………………………………………2-5 2-4 NEMA 4X 非危险场合外壳接线………………………………………2-5 2-5 危险场合外壳接线…………………………………………………2-6 2-6 A C 电 源 连 接 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . 2 - 6 2-7 Ferrite 导线夹具安装……………………………………………………2-7 2-8 NEMA 4X 外壳 DC 电源连接……………………………………2-7 2-9 危险环境 DC 电源连接……………………………………………2-8 2-10 NEMA 4X DC 输出信号接线………………………………………..2-8 2-11 危险环境 DC 输出信号接线…………………………………………2-9 2-12 负载电阻与输入电压…………………………………………………2-9 2-13 隔离 4~20mA 电流环路连接………………………………………..2-10 2-14 非隔离 4~20mA 电流环路连接…………………………………..2-10 2-15 隔离 4~20mA 电流环路连接……………………………………..2-10 2-16 非隔离 4~20mA 电流环路连接…………………………………..2-11 2-17 隔离报警输出接线…………………………………………………2-11 2-18 非隔离报警输出接线………………………………………………2-12 2-19 隔离报警输出接线…………………………………………………2-12 2-20 非隔离报警输出接线………………………………………………2-12 2-21 远程流量变送器至传感器接线………………………………………2-13 2-22 传感器 J-Box 至远程变送器接线……………………………………2-13 2-23 远程变送器至传感器接线………………………………………2-13 2-24 传感器 J-Box 至远程变送器接线……………………………………2-14 2-25 量程选择接线……………………………………………………….2-14 2-26 量程选择接线…………………………………………………….…2-14

注: 若为出现此条提醒消息,则表面已安装了最新的设备描述文件。即使没有最新版本,通 信器也能正确通信。但是当变送器配置为使用变送器的高级特性时(例如某个新增加的 传感器输入类型),用户会遇到通信问题,系统会提示关闭通信器。为了防止发生这种 情况,应升级到最新的设备描述文件,或者回答否 (NO),此时会默认使用一般的变送器 功能。
德科蒙过程控制(武汉)有限公司 027-51013708
00825-0106-4728,BC 版 2011 年 2 月
罗斯蒙特 644
罗斯蒙特 644H 与 644R 智能温度变送器
第 1 步: 配置(工作台校准) 第 2 步:验证配置 第 3 步:设置开关 第 4 步:安装变送器 第 5 步:接线和通电 第 6 步:进行回路测试 产品认证
罗斯蒙特 644
00825-0106-4728,BC 版 2011 年 2 月
表 2. 设备仪表板界面快捷键序列
功能 写保护 仪表配置 仪表小数点 硬件版本 阻尼值
快捷键 2, 2, 4, 6 2, 2, 3, 1 2, 2, 3, 2 1, 7, 9, 3 2, 2, 1, 6
输入/验证 Callendar Van-Dusen 常数
带 LCD 显示屏(仅 644H) 1. 把回路设置为手动模式(若适用)并断开电源。 2. 卸下电子装置外壳盖。 3. 直接拿下显示屏。 4. 把开关设置到所需位置。 5. 重新装好 LCD 显示屏和电子装置外壳盖
(考虑 LCD 显示屏的朝向 - 按 90 度增量旋转)。 6. 通电,并把回路设置为自动控制模式。

罗斯蒙特变送器选型及技术参数本公司所选用的产品大部分为直插式经典的表压和绝压3051S_T系列变送器3051S_T系列产品的选择仪表配置:•性能指标高达 0.04% 的精度,量程比 200: 1。
•提供 10 年的稳定性与有限寿命期的保证•标定量程从 0.15 至 10000 psi•提供多种过程连接件•过程隔离膜片材质为 316L 不锈钢、哈氏合金 C•参考精度、环境温度影响及静压影响结合起来的误差提出的性能:±0.15% ;在温度变化±50°F(28°C)考虑性能要求:•0.065% 的精度,100: 1量程比外壳与过程连接:•工厂管控网外壳详细的技术规格参考精度:± 0.065% 精度; 超过 10:1量程比,精度 = ±[ 0.0065 (量程上限/量程 )%;上述的参考精度包括测量的线性度、迟滞性与重复性。
总体性能:±0.15% ;在温度变化± 50°F(28°C),相对湿度 0-100%、1000 psi (68.9 bar) 静压,从 1:1 到 5:1 量程比;总体性能是根据参考精度、环境温度影响及静压影响结合起来的误差提出的性能。
长期稳定性:±0.125% ;在温度变化± 50°F(28°C),相对湿度 0-100%、1000 psi (68.9bar) 静压动态性能:总体响应间 (Td + Tc):3051S_C 量程 2-5: 100 毫秒量程 1: 255 毫秒量程 0: 700 毫秒3051S_T: 100 毫秒停滞时间 (Td ):45 毫秒更新速率:22次/秒环境温度每变化 50°F (28°C) 的影响:±(0.025 %量程上限+ 0.125% 量程), 1:1至 30:1 ±(0.035 %量程上限+ 0.125% 量程), 30:1至100:1 量程1: ±(0.025 %量程上限+ 0.125% 量程), 1:1至10:1 ±(0.05 %量程上限+ 0.125% 量程), 10:1至100:1 量程5: ±(0.1% 量程上限+ 0.15% 量程)静压每变化1000 psi (69 bar) 的影响:零点误差静压由 0 至 2000psi 误差为±0.05%量程 0: 每变化100psi 误差为±0.125%量程1: ±0.25%满量程误差±0.1%量程 0: 每变化100psi 误差±0.15%量程1: ±0.4%安装位置的影响:零漂最高为 2.5 英寸水柱 , 可标定抵消掉 ; 对量程无影响振动影响所有型号:误差小于量程上限的±0.1% ,选项代码 1J 、1K 、1L,误差小于量程上限的±0.1% 。

Read this manual before working with the product. For personal and system safety, and for optimum product performance, make sure to thoroughly understand the contents before installing, using, or maintaining this product. The United States has two toll-free assistance numbers and one international number: Customer Central 1-800-999-9307 (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. CST) National Response Center 1-800-654-7768 (24 hours a day) Equipment service needs International 1-952-906-8888
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4148, Rev BB
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4148, Rev BB
1Section 1: Introduction
1.1 Safety messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.1 Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2.1 Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2.2 Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3.2 Mechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3.3 Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3.4 Environmental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.4 Return of materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.5 Product Recycling/Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
罗斯蒙特 644H 温度变送器

2012 年 4 月
功能 硬件版本 HART 锁定 间歇传感器检测 回路测试 查找设备 锁定状态 LRV (量程下限值) LSL (传感器下限值) 信息 打开传感器延迟 量程百分比 传感器 1 配置 传感器 2 配置 传感器 1 序列号 传感器 2 序列号 传感器 1 类型 传感器 2 类型 传感器 1 单位 传感器 2 单位 传感器 1 状态 传感器 2 状态 模拟数字信号 软件版本 位号 详细位号 端子温度 URV (量程上限值) USL (传感器上限) 变量映射 2 线制偏移传感器 1 2 线制偏移传感器 2
HART 5 1, 8, 2, 3
2, 2, 7, 4, 2 3, 5, 1
2, 2, 5, 5, 3 2, 2, 1, 7, 2 2, 2, 7, 1, 3 2, 2, 7, 3 2, 2, 5, 2 2, 1, 1 2, 1, 1 2, 2, 1, 6 2, 2, 2, 7 2, 2, 1, 2 2, 2, 2, 2 2, 2, 1, 4 2, 2, 2, 4
图 2. 设备仪表板现场通信器界面
2012 年 4 月
表 2. 设备版本 8 和 9 (HART 5 和 7), DD 版本 1 快键序列
功能 报警值 模拟校准 模拟输出 平均温度设置 突发模式 通信状态 配置其它消息 配置热备 数 / 模转换微调 阻尼值 日期 显示设置 描述符 设备信息 温差设置 漂移警报 滤波 50/60 Hz 第一个良好温度值设置

00813-0100-4801, Rev BA January 2002
Model 3051S Series
Model 3051S Selection Guide
Model 3051S_C Coplanar™ Differential, Gage, and Absolute
• Two-valve, three-valve, and five-valve configurations available
See ordering information on page 22. • Performance up to 0.04% accuracy with 200:1 turndown • Available 10 year stability and limited lifetime warranty • Coplanar platform enables integrated manifold,
primary element and diaphragm seal solutions • Calibrated spans from 0.1 inH2O to 4000 psi
(0,25 mbar to 276 bar) • 316L SST, Hastelloy® C, Monel®, Tantalum, gold-plated
• 10 year stability and limited lifetime warranty
• 0.065% accuracy, 100:1 turndown
• 5 year stability

2700/1700面板操作一. 屏幕显示说明:SELECT--- 确认键 SCROLL---- 选择键LED---状态指示灯二. 显示器密码:如果需要密码,CODE的字样就会出现在密码屏幕的顶部. 输入密码时候,通过使用SCROLL来选择数字, 并用SELECT移到下一个字符, 一次只好输入一个字符.如果你面对显示器密码屏幕, 却不知道密码, 在60秒内不按下任何显示器光敏开关.则此密码屏幕将自动退回到初始屏幕.三. 调零步骤:四. 显示器回路测试:五. 显示器查看报警:LED指示灯状态及报警查看六. 管理累积量和库存量:七: 测量单位设置:SELECT+SCROLL 按4秒SEE ALARM [SCROLL]OFFLINE MAINTAIN [SELECT] [SCROLL]CONFIG [SELECT] MASS [SELECT]可以按SCROLL选择你要的单位选定后按SELECT按SCROLL直到出现EXIT [SELECT]体积单位和密度单位设置和上述步骤相同八量程设置(LRV URV)[SELECT+SCROLL] 按4秒SEE ALARM [SCROLL]OFFLINE MAINTAIN [SELECT] 继续按SCROLL直到出现MAO1 [SELECT] SRC MAO1 [SELECT]MFLOW [SELECT] SRC MAO1 [SCROLL]4 MAO1 输入最小量程 [SCROLL+SELECT] 4 MAO1[SCROLL] 20 MAO1 [SELECT] 输入最大量程 [SELECT+SCROLL] 20 MAO1 [SCROLL] EXIT 按SELECT退出.其他量程设置和上述步骤相同.NOTE: SELECT+SCROLL 表示两个键同时按下九: 报警代码和解决办法。

差压流量产品手册更具灵活性的流量测量方式“罗斯蒙特差压流量”更具灵活性的流量测量方式应用领域 – 液体,气体,蒸汽流量测量面临的挑战技术标准的不确定性带来的高风险潜在泄漏点带来的安全隐患特殊工况无法实现停车检修双向流、腐蚀介质、小管道流量导致测量难度大读数误差、小流量测量和直管段不足会降低测量精度大管径管道测量带来的高成本测量时压损过大带来的能源损失降低使用风险一体化流量计出厂前通过整体标定保证系统测量精度一体化设计和出厂前泄漏检测可大幅减少泄漏点,从而避免潜在安全隐患严格的原材料管理体系,保证所有物料可追溯,实现产品质量有效控制应对特殊工况针对无法停车检修的工况,可采用在线插拔安装方式一次元件可提供多种不同材质,来应对腐蚀工况面对双向流测量,可根据实际情况,提供更理想解决方案减少运营成本一体化安装可降低施工及维护成本阿牛巴流量计,在保证超强差压信号的前提下,更大程度减少永久压损调整型孔板大幅降低直管段需求,从而降低管道成本性能出色实时动态多参量补偿,提高流量测量精度可提供15年稳定性,15年质保流量计量程比大,适用范围广Rosemount差压流量计的优势13051SMV实时动态补偿实现蒸汽质量流量的精准测量挑战石化行业蒸汽总管线与分支管线流量差值很大,平衡率仅为70%。
方案优势提高测量的准确性和可重复性,实现更好的工艺控制通过精确的流量控制,帮助工厂有效的进行能源管理,能耗平衡率达到92%以上2多参量流量变送器大幅提高流量测量精度一流的性能变送器最高精度可达到读数的0.04%一台表可以同时测量并计算六个流量相关的变量:差压、压力、温度、质量/体积流量、热量累积器 兼容不同种类流量测量元件严格的流量计量标准内嵌IAPWS-IF97数据库: 水蒸汽计量全球标准 符合国家标准蒸汽热值输出标准动态补偿为流量方程中多达25个流体变量参数提供实时动态补偿优化能源计量提高收益变送器直接显示补偿后的质量流量或能量流量变送器三合一卓越特性Calendar-Van Dusen 传感器匹配提高温度测量精度提高精度 75%真正的表压传感器更容易标定简化维护小流量信号切除可停止无流量时的累计改善精度差压传感器静压传感器减少管道开孔,降低安装成本易于组态和标定EA 软件实现快速且简单的过程组态 可兼容市面上不同种类的差压流量测量元件节约安装和维护成本3差压变送器压力变送器温度变送器阿牛巴的广泛应用大管道的蒸汽流量精确测量流量计,压损小,测量精度高,不仅精确测蒸汽流量,还可实现蒸汽的热值输出。
罗斯蒙特 644 顶部接线盒和导轨安装温度变送器 说明书

极限值高三倍。因此,您所拥有的设备性能很有可能要高于我们所发 所示为 644、Pt 100 RTD 传感器精确度分布,
温度范围 0 至 100 °C
相反,如果供应商不用过程控制对产品进行“评级”或者不承诺产品 性能达到技术规格 ± 3σ,所装运的大部分装置都将极有可能仅在所
达到± 3σ(1)。我们承诺对产品继续进行改进,以确保产品设计、可靠
例如,644 型温度变送器参考精度分布如右图所示。我们的技术规格 极限值为 ± 0.15 °C,但如阴影部分所示,接近 68% 的装置其性能比
和 mV)、mA 和百分比量程。可对显示器进行配置,以在 外壳
选定显示项目之间进行切换。可以根据标准变送器组态在 油漆
工厂对显示器设置进行预配置。使用 HART 或基金会现场 封盖 O 形环:
丁纳橡胶 N
644R 直接与墙壁或 DIN 导轨连接。将 644H 安装在一个
·转换块包含实际温度测量数据,包括传感器 1 和终端温
·LCD 块用于配置本地显示器(如果正在使用 LCD 显示
Rosemount 644 温度传感器说明书

Quick Start Guide00825-0200-4728, Rev HCMay 2019 Rosemount™ 644 Temperature Transmitterwith 4–20 mA HART® Protocol (Revision 5 and 7)Quick Start Guide May 2019 Safety messagesThis guide provides basic guidelines for installing the Rosemount™ 644 Temperature Transmitter. Itdoes not provide instructions for detailed configuration, diagnostics, maintenance, service,troubleshooting, or installation. Refer to the Rosemount 644 Reference Manual for more instruction.The manual and this guide are also available electronically on /Rosemount.ImportantRead this manual before working with the product. For personal and system safety, and for optimum product performance, make sure to thoroughly understand the contents before installing, using, ormaintaining this product. The United States has two toll-free assistance numbers and one international number.Customer Central: 1-800-999-9307 (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central Standard Time)National Response Center: 1-800-654-7768 (24 hours a day). Equipment service needsInternational: 1-(952)-906-8888WARNINGPhysical accessUnauthorized personnel may potentially cause significant damage to and/or misconfiguration ofend users’ equipment. This could be intentional or unintentional and needs to be protected against.Physical security is an important part of any security program and fundamental to protecting yoursystem. Restrict physical access by unauthorized personnel to protect end users’ assets. This is truefor all systems used within the facility.WARNINGFollow instructionsFailure to follow these installation guidelines could result in death or serious injury.Ensure only qualified personnel perform the installation.WARNINGExplosionsExplosions could result in death or serious injury.Installation of the transmitters in a hazardous environment must be in accordance with theappropriate local, national, and international standards, codes, and practices. Please review theProduct Certifications section for any restrictions associated with a safe installation.Do not remove the connection head cover in explosive atmospheres when the circuit is live.Before connecting a handheld communicator in an explosive atmosphere, ensure theinstruments are installed in accordance with intrinsically safe or non-incendive field wiringpractices.Verify the operating atmosphere of the transmitter is consistent with the appropriatehazardous locations certifications.All connection head covers must be fully engaged to meet explosion-proof requirements./RosemountMay 2019Quick Start Guide WARNINGProcess leaksProcess leaks could result in death or serious injury.Do not remove the thermowell while in operation.Install and tighten thermowells and sensors before applying pressure.WARNINGElectrical shockElectrical shock could cause death or serious injury.Avoid contact with the leads and terminals. High voltage that may be present on leads can causeelectrical shock.ContentsSystem readiness (5)Transmitter installation (6)Safety instrumented systems (24)Product certifications (25)Quick Start Guide3Quick Start Guide May 2019 /RosemountMay 2019Quick Start Guide 1System readiness1.1Confirm HART® revision capability•If using HART based control or asset management systems, confirm the HART capability of those systems prior to transmitter installation. Not allsystems are capable of communicating with HART Revision 7 Protocol.You can configure thie transmitter for either HART Revision 5 or 7.1.2Confirm correct device driverProcedure1.Verify the latest Device Driver files are loaded on your systems toensure proper communications.2.Download the latest Device Driver at /Device-Install-Kits/Device-Install-Kit-SearchTable 1-1 provides the information necessary to ensure the correctDevice Driver files and documentation are being used.Table 1-1: Device Revisions and Files(1)NAMUR software revision is located on the hardware tag of the device. HART softwarerevision can be read using a HART communication tool.(2)Device Driver file names use Device and DD Revision, e.g. 10_01. HART Protocol is designedto enable legacy device driver revisions to continue to communicate with new HART devices.To access new functionality, download the new Device Driver. Emerson recommendsdownloading new Device Driver files to ensure full functionality.(3)HART Revision 5 and 7 Selectable, Dual Sensor support, Safety Certified, AdvancedDiagnostics (if ordered), Enhanced Accuracy and Stability (if ordered).Quick Start Guide5Quick Start Guide May 2019 2Transmitter installation2.1Set the alarm switchSet the alarm switch before putting the device into operation.Procedure1.Set the loop to manual (if applicable) and disconnect the power2.Remove the LCD display by detaching from the transmitter (ifapplicable).3.Set the switch to the desired position.H indicates High; L indicates Low.4.Reattach the LCD display to the transmitter (if applicable).5.Reattach the housing cover. Ensure covers must be fully engaged tomeet explosion-proof requirements.6.Apply power and set the loop to automatic control (if applicable).ExampleFigure 2-1: Alarm Switch PlacementAA. Alarm switchNoteIf using an LCD display, remove the display by detaching it from the top ofthe device, set the switch to the desired position, reattach the LCD display,and reattach the housing cover. Enclosure covers must be fully engaged tomeet explosion-proof requirements./RosemountMay 2019Quick Start Guide2.2Verify configurationUpon receiving your transmitter, verify its configuration using any HART®-compliant configuration tool. See the Rosemount™ 644 Reference Manualfor configuration instructions using AMS Device Manager.The transmitter communicates using the Field Communicator(communication requires a loop resistance between 250 and 1100 ohms).Do not operate when power is below 12 Vdc at the transmitter terminal. Seethe Field Communicator Reference Manual for more information.2.2.1Verify configuration with a Field CommunicatorTo verify configuration, you must install a Rosemount™ 644 DD (DeviceDescriptor) on the Field Communicator.Fast Key sequences for the latest DD are shown in Table 2-1. For Fast Keysequences using legacy DD's, contact your local Emerson representative.Perform the following steps to determine if an upgrade is required.Procedure1.Connect the sensor.See the wiring diagram located on the device’s top label.2.Connect the bench power supply to the power terminals (“+” or “–”).3.Connect a Field Communicator to the loop across a loop resistor or atthe power/signal terminals on the transmitter.The following message will appear if the communicator has a previousversion of the DDs:Device Description Not Installed…The DeviceDescription for manufacturer 0x26 model 0x2618 devrev 8/9 is not installed on the System Card…seeProgramming Utility for details on DeviceDescription updates…Do you wish to proceed inforward compatibility mode?If this notice does not appear, the latest DD is installed. If the latest version isnot available, the communicator will communicate properly; however, whenthe transmitter is configured to utilize advanced transmitter features, therewill be trouble communicating and a prompt to turn off the communicatorwill display. To prevent this from happening, upgrade to the latest DD oranswer NO to the question and default to the generic transmitterfunctionality.Quick Start Guide7Quick Start Guide May 2019 NoteEmerson recommends installing the latest DD to access the completefunctionality. Visit /Field-Communicator for information onupdating the DD Library.2.2.2Field Communicator user interfaceTwo user interfaces are available to configure this device.Figure 2-2 may be used for transmitter configuration and startup.Figure 2-2: Device Dashboard Field Communicator InterfaceTable 2-1: Device Revision 8 and 9 (HART® 5 and 7), DD Revision 1 FastKey Sequence/RosemountMay 2019Quick Start GuideQuick Start Guide9Quick Start Guide May 20192.2.3Input or verify Callendar Van-Dusen constantsIf using sensor matching with this combination of a transmitter and sensor,verify the constants input.Procedure1.From the HOME screen, select2 Configure→2 Manual Setup→1Sensor.2.Set the control loop to manual and select OK.3.At the ENTER SENSOR TYPE prompt, select Cal VanDusen.4.At the ENTER SENSOR CONNECTION prompt, select theappropriate number of wires.5.Enter the Ro, Alpha, Delta, and Beta values from the stainless steeltag attached to the special-order sensor when prompted.6.Return the control loop to automatic control and select OK.7.To disable the transmitter-sensor matching feature from the HOMEscreen select 2 Configure→2 Manual Setup→1 Sensor→10Sensor Matching-CVD.8.Choose the appropriate sensor type from the ENTER SENSORTYPE prompt./Rosemount2.2.4Verify configuration with local operator interface (LOI)The optional LOI can be used for commissioning the device. The LOI is a two-button design. To activate the LOI, push any button.LOI button functionality is shown on the bottom corners of the display. SeeTable 2-2 and Figure 2-4 for button operation and menu information.Figure 2-3: Local Operator InterfaceTable 2-2: LOI Button OperationFigure 2-4: LOI Menu2.2.5Switch HART® Revision modeNot all systems are capable of communicating with HART Revision 7Protocol. You can configure this transmitter for either HART Revision 5 or 7using a HART capable configuration tool.Updated configuration menus include a HART Universal Revision parameterthat can be configured to 5 or 7 if accessible by your system. See Table 2-1for the Fast Key sequence.If the HART configuration tool is not capable of communicating with HARTRevision 7, the configuration menus in Table 2-1 will not be available. Toswitch the HART Universal Revision parameter from generic mode, followthe instructions below.ProcedureGo to Configure→Manual Setup→Device Information→Identification→Message.a)To change your device to HART Revision 7, enter HART7 in theMessage field.b)To change your device to HART Revision 5, enter HART5 in theMessage field.NoteSee Table 2-1 to change HART Revision when the correct Device Driver isloaded.2.3Mount the transmitterMount the transmitter at a high point in the conduit run to prevent moisturefrom draining into the transmitter housing.2.3.1Head mount transmitter with DIN plate style sensor installationProcedure1.Attach the thermowell to the pipe or process container wall.2.Install and tighten the thermowell before applying process pressure.3.Verify the transmitter failure mode switch position.4.Assemble the transmitter to the sensor. Push the transmittermounting screws through the sensor mounting plate.5.Wire the sensor to the transmitter.6.Insert the transmitter-sensor assembly into the connection head.a)Thread the transmitter mounting screw into the connectionhead mounting holes.b)Assemble the extension to the connection head.c)Insert the assembly into the thermowell.7.If using a cable gland, properly attach the cable gland to a housingconduit entry.8.Insert the shielded cable leads into the connection head through thecable entry.9.Connect the shielded power cable leads to the transmitter powerterminals.Avoid contact with sensor leads and sensor connections.10.Connect and tighten the cable gland.11.Install and tighten the connection head cover.Enclosure covers must be fully engaged to meet explosion-proofrequirements.A.Connection head coverB.Connection headC.ThermowellD.Transmitter mounting screwsE.Integral mount sensor with flying leadsF.Extension2.3.2Head mount transmitter with threaded sensor installation (two orthree conduit entries)Procedure1.Attach the thermowell to the pipe or process container wall.2.Install and tighten thermowells before applying process pressure.3.Attach necessary extension nipples and adapters to the thermowell.4.Seal the nipple and adapter threads with silicone tape.5.Screw the sensor into the thermowell. Install drain seals if requiredfor severe environments or to satisfy code requirements.6.Verify the transmitter failure mode switch is in the desired position.7.Verify the correct installation of Integral Transient Protection (optioncode T1).a)Ensure the transient protector unit is firmly connected to thetransmitter puck assembly.b)Ensure the transient protector power leads are adequatelysecured under the transmitter power terminal screws.c)Verify the transient protector’s ground wire is secured to theinternal ground screw found within the universal head.NoteThe transient protector requires the use of an enclosure of at least3.5-in. (89 mm) in diameter.8.Pull the sensor wiring leads through the universal head andtransmitter center hole.9.Mount the transmitter in the universal head by threading thetransmitter mounting screws into the universal head mountingholes.10.Mount the transmitter-sensor assembly into the thermowell, orremote mount if desired.11.Seal adapter threads with silicone tape.12.Pull the field wiring leads through the conduit into the universalhead. Attach the sensor and power leads to the transmitter.Avoid contact with other terminals.13.Install and tighten the universal head cover.Enclosure covers must be fully engaged to meet explosion-proofrequirements.ExampleA.Threaded thermowellB.Threaded style sensorC.Standard extensionD.Universal head (transmitter inside)E.Conduit entry2.3.3Field mount transmitter with threaded sensor installationProcedure1.Attach the thermowell to the pipe or process container wall. Installand tighten thermowells before applying process pressure.2.Attach necessary extension nipples and adapters to the thermowell.3.Seal the nipple and adapter threads with silicone tape.4.Screw the sensor into the thermowell. Install drain seals if requiredfor severe environments or to satisfy code requirements.5.Verify the transmitter failure mode switch is in the desired position.6.Mount the transmitter-sensor assembly into the thermowell orremote mount if desired.7.Seal adapter threads with silicone tape.8.Pull the field wiring leads through the conduit into the field mounthousing. Wire the sensor and power leads to the transmitter.Avoid contact with other terminals.9.Install and tighten the covers of two compartments.Enclosure covers must be fully engaged to meet explosion-proofrequirements.ExampleAC BDEA.Threaded thermowellB.Threaded style sensorC.Standard extensionD.Field mount housing (transmitter inside)E.Conduit entry2.4Wire and apply power2.4.1Wire the sensor to the transmitterThe wiring diagram is located on the device’s top label below the terminalscrews.Figure 2-5: Rosemount™644 Head Mount TransmitterFigure 2-6: Rosemount 644 Head Mount - Single and Dual Input Wiring Diagrams•The transmitter must be configured for at least a three-wire RTD in order to recognize an RTD with a compensation loop.•Emerson provides a four-wire sensors for all single element RTDs. Use these RTDs in three-wire configurations by leaving the unneeded leads disconnected and insulated with electrical tape.Figure 2-7: Rosemount 644 Field Mount TransmitterFigure 2-8: Rosemount 644 Field Mount - Single and Dual Input Wiring Diagrams2.4.2Power the transmitterAn external power supply is required to operate the transmitter.Procedure1.Remove the housing cover (if applicable).2.Connect the positive power lead to the “+” terminal. Connect thenegative power lead to the “–” terminal.If a transient protector is being used, the power leads will now beconnected to the top of the transient protector unit. See thetransient label for indication of “+” and “–“terminal connections.3.Tighten the terminal screws. When tightening the sensor and powerwires, the max torque is 6 in-lb (0.7 N-m).4.Reattach and tighten the cover (if applicable).Enclosure covers must be fully engaged to meet explosion-proofrequirements.5.Apply power (12–42 Vdc).2.4.3Load limitationThe power required across the transmitter power terminals is 12 to 42.4Vdc; the power terminals are rated to 42.4 Vdc. To prevent damaging thetransmitter, do not allow terminal voltage to drop below 12.0 Vdc whenchanging the configuration parameters.2.4.4Ground the transmitterTo ensure proper grounding, it is important the instrument cable shield be:•Trimmed close and insulated from touching the transmitter housing.•Connected to the next shield if cable is routed through a junction box.•Connected to a good earth ground at the power supply end.NoteShielded twisted pair cable should be used for best results. Use 24 AWG orlarger wire and do not exceed 5,000 ft. (1500 m).2.4.5Ungrounded thermocouple, mV, and RTD/Ohm inputsEach process installation has different requirements for grounding. Use thegrounding options recommended by the facility for the specific sensor typeor begin with grounding option 1 (the most common).Ground the transmitter: option 1Procedure1.Connect sensor wiring shield to the transmitter housing.2.Ensure the sensor shield is electrically isolated from surroundingfixtures that may be grounded.3.Ground signal wiring shield at the power supply end.ExampleBACDCSDA.Sensor wiresB.TransmitterC.Shield ground pointD.4–20 mA loopGround the transmitter: option 2Procedure1.Connect signal wiring shield to the sensor wiring shield.2.Ensure the two shields are tied together and electrically isolated fromthe transmitter housing.3.Ground shield at the power supply end only.4.Ensure the sensor shield is electrically isolated from the surroundinggrounded fixtures.BACDCSDA.Sensor wiresB.TransmitterC.Shield ground pointD.4–20 mA loop5.Connect shields together, electrically isolated from the transmitter. Ground the transmitter: option 3Procedure1.Ground sensor wiring shield at the sensor, if possible.2.Ensure the sensor wiring and signal wiring shields are electricallyisolated from the transmitter housing.3.Do not connect the signal wiring shield to the sensor wiring shield.4.Ground signal wiring shield at the power supply end.BACDCSDA.Sensor wiresB.TransmitterC.Shield ground pointD.4–20 mA loop2.4.6Grounded thermocouple inputsGround the transmitter: option 4Procedure1.Ground sensor wiring shield at the sensor.2.Ensure the sensor wiring and signal wiring shields are electricallyisolated from the transmitter housing.3.Do not connect the signal wiring shield to the sensor wiring shield.4.Ground signal wiring shield at the power supply end.DCSACDA.Sensor wires B.Transmitter C.Shield ground point D.4–20 mA loop2.5Perform a loop testThe loop test command verifies transmitter output, loop integrity, andoperation of any recorders or similar devices installed in the loop.2.5.1Perform a loop test using a Field CommunicatorProcedure1.Connect an external ampere meter in series with the transmitter loop(so the power to the transmitter goes through the meter at somepoint in the loop).2.From theHome screen, enter the Fast Key sequence.3.In the test loop, verify the transmitter’s actual mA output and theHART ® mA reading are the same value.If the readings do not match, either the transmitter requires anoutput trim or the meter is malfunctioning.After completing the test, the display returns to the loop test screenand allows the user to choose another output value.4.To end the loop test, select End and Enter.2.5.2Perform a loop test using Device ManagerProcedure1.Right click on the device and select Service Tools.2.In the left navigation pane select Simulate.3.On the Simulate tab in the Analog Output Verification group box,select the Perform Loop Test button.4.Follow the guided instructions and select Apply when complete.2.5.3Perform a loop test using the LOIReference the figure below to find the path to the Loop Test in the LOImenu.Figure 2-9: Configuring the Tag with LOI3Safety instrumented systemsFor Safety Certified installations, refer to the Rosemount™ 644 ReferenceManual. The manual is available electronically at /Rosemountor by contacting an Emerson representative.4Product certificationsRev: 0.14.1European Directive InformationA copy of the EU Declaration of Conformity can be found at the end of theQuick Start Guide. The most recent revision of the EU Declaration ofConformity can be found at /Rosemount.4.2Ordinary Location CertificationAs standard, the transmitter has been examined and tested to determinethat the design meets the basic electrical, mechanical, and fire protectionrequirements by a nationally recognized test laboratory (NRTL) as accreditedby the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 4.3North AmericaThe US National Electrical Code® (NEC) and the Canadian Electrical Code(CEC) permit the use of Division marked equipment in Zones and Zonemarked equipment in Divisions. The markings must be suitable for the areaclassification, gas, and temperature class. This information is clearly definedin the respective codes.4.4USA4.4.1E5 USA Explosionproof, Non-Incendive, Dust-IgnitionproofCertificate:[XP & DIP]: 3006278; [NI]: 3008880 & 3044581Standards:FM Class 3600: 2011, FM Class 3615: 2006, FM Class 3616:2011, FM Class 3810: 2005, ANSI/NEMA® 250: 2003,ANSI/IEC 60529: 2004Markings:XP CL I, DIV 1, GP B, C, D; DIP CL II / III, DIV 1, GP E, F, G; T5(–50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +85 °C); Type 4X; IP66; See I5 description for Non-Incendive markingsCertificate:1091070Standards:FM Class 3600: 2011, FM Class 3615: 2006, FM Class 3616:2011, UL Std. No. 61010-1-12, UL Std. No. 50E, CAN/CSAC22.2 No. 60529-05Markings:XP CL I, DIV 1, GP B, C, D; DIP CL II / III, DIV 1, GP E, F, G; T5 (–50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +85 °C); Type 4X; IP66;4.4.2I5 USA Intrinsic Safety and Non-IncendiveCertificate:3008880 [Headmount Fieldbus/PROFIBUS®, RailmountHART® ]Standards:FM Class 3600: 2011, FM Class 3610: 2010, FM Class 3611:2004, FM Class 3810: 2005, NEMA – 250: 1991Markings:IS CL I/II/III, DIV I, GP A, B, C, D, E, F, G; NI CL I, DIV 2, GP A, B,C, DSpecial Conditions for Safe Use (X):1.When no enclosure option is selected, the Rosemount 644Temperature Transmitter shall be installed in an enclosure meetingthe requirements of ANSI/ISA S82.01 and S82.03 or other applicableordinary location standards.2.Option code K5 is only applicable with a Rosemount enclosure.However, K5 is not valid with enclosure option S1, S2, S3, or S4.3.An enclosure option must be selected to maintain a Type 4X rating.Certificate:3044581 [Headmount HART]Standards:FM Class 3600: 2011, FM Class 3610: 2010, FM Class 3611:2004, FM Class 3810: 2005, ANSI/NEMA – 250: 1991,ANSI/IEC 60529: 2004; ANSI/ISA 60079-0: 2009; ANSI/ISA60079-11: 2009Markings:[No Enclosure]: IS CL I, DIV I, GP A, B, C, D T4; CL I ZONE 0 AExia IIC T4 Ga; NI CL I, DIV 2, GP A, B, C, D T5 [With Enclosure]: ISCL I/II/III, DIV 1, GP A, B, C, D, E, F, G; NI CL I, DIV 2, GP A, B, C,D; Type 4X; IP68Special Conditions for Safe Use (X):1.When no enclosure option is selected, the Rosemount 644Temperature Transmitter shall be installed in a final enclosuremeeting type of protection IP20 and meeting the requirements ofANSI/ISA 61010-1 and ANSI/ISA 60079-0.2.The Rosemount 644 optional housings may contain aluminum and isconsidered a potential risk of ignition by impact or friction. Care mustbe taken during installation and use to prevent impact and friction.Certificate:1091070Standards:FM Class 3600: 2011, FM Class 3610: 2010, FM Class 3611:2004, UL Std. No. 61010-1-12, UL Std. No. 50E, CAN/CSAC22.2 No. 60529-05, UL Std. No. 60079-11: Ed. 6Markings:IS CL I/ II/ III, DIV 1, GP A, B, C, D, E, F, G; CL I ZONE 0 AEx ia IIC;NI CL I, DIV 2, GP A, B, C, DSpecial Conditions for Safe Use (X):1.When no enclosure option is selected, the Rosemount 644Temperature Transmitter shall be installed in a final enclosuremeeting type of protection IP20 and meeting the requirements ofANSI/ISA 61010-1 and ANSI/ISA 60079-0.2.Option code K5 is only applicable with a Rosemount enclosure.However, K5 is not valid with enclosure options S1, S2, S3, or S4.3.An enclosure option must be selected to maintain a Type 4X rating4.The Rosemount 644 optional housings may contain aluminum and isconsidered a potential risk of ignition by impact or friction. Care mustbe taken during installation and use to prevent impact and friction.4.5Canada4.5.1I6 Canada Intrinsic Safety and Division 2Certificate:1091070Standards:CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0-10, CSA Std C22.2 No. 25-1966, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 94-M91, CSA Std C22.2 No. 142-M1987, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 157-92, CSA Std C22.2 No. 213-M1987, C22.2No 60529-05, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-11:14, CAN/CSAStd. No. 61010-1-12Markings:[HART] IS CL I GP A, B, C, D T4/T6; CL I, ZONE 0 IIC; CL I, DIV 2,GP A, B, C, D[Fieldbus/PROFIBUS] IS CL I GP A, B, C, D T4; CL I, ZONE 0 IIC;CL I, DIV 2, GP A, B, C, D4.5.2K6 Canada Explosionproof, Dust-Ignitionproof, Intrinsic Safety andDivision 2Certificate:1091070Standards:CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0-10, CSA Std C22.2 No. 25-1966, CSAStd. C22.2 No. 30-M1986, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 94-M91, CSAStd C22.2 No. 142-M1987, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 157-92, CSAStd C22.2 No. 213-M1987, C22.2 No 60529-05, CAN/CSAC22.2 No. 60079-11:14, CAN/CSA Std. No. 61010-1-12 Markings:CL I/II/III, DIV 1, GP B, C, D, E, F, GSee I6 description for Intrinsic Safety and Division 2 markings4.6Europe4.6.1E1 ATEX FlameproofCertificate:FM12ATEX0065XStandards:EN 60079-0: 2012+A11: 2013, EN 60079-1: 2014, EN60529:1991 +A1:2000+A2:2013Markings:II 2 G Ex db IIC T6…T1 Gb, T6(–50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +40 °C), T5…T1(–50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +60 °C)See Table 4-1 for process temperatures.Special Conditions for Safe Use (X):1.See certificate for ambient temperature range.2.The non-metallic label may store an electrostatic charge and becomea source of ignition in Group III environments.3.Guard the LCD display cover against impact energies greater than 4joules.4.Flameproof joints are not intended for repair.5. A suitable certified Ex d or Ex tb enclosure is required to be connectedto temperature probes with Enclosure option “N”.6.Care shall be taken by the end user to ensure that the externalsurface temperature on the equipment and the neck of DIN StyleSensor probe does not exceed 130 °C.7.Non-Standard Paint options may cause risk from electrostaticdischarge. Avoid installations that cause electrostatic build-up onpainted surfaces, and only clean the painted surfaces with a dampcloth. If paint is ordered through a special option code, contact themanufacturer for more information.4.6.2I1 ATEX Intrinsic SafetyCertificate:[Headmount HART]: Baseefa12ATEX0101X[Headmount Fieldbus/PROFIBUS]: Baseefa03ATEX0499X[Railmount HART]: BAS00ATEX1033XStandards:EN IEC 60079-0: 2018, EN 60079-11: 2012Markings:[HART]: II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6…T4 Ga; [Fieldbus/PROFIBUS]:II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 GaSee Table 4-5 for Entity Parameters and Temperature Classifications.。

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