
1. “热心人”夏洛蒂•夏洛蒂表面上被描述为友善、关心他人的人物,但实际上她只在乎自己的利益。
2. 贝内特夫妇的婚姻观念•贝内特夫妇对于女儿的婚姻观念可以说是滑稽可笑的。
3. 夏洛蒂的婚姻观念•夏洛蒂与贝内特夫妇有着相似的婚姻观念,她将婚姻看作是一种经济交易。
4. 达西先生的傲慢•达西先生被描述为一个傲慢自大的人物。
5. 伊丽莎白·班内特•伊丽莎白·班内特是小说中的主角,她具有睿智和独立的性格。

节 的喜剧 处理上 。 《 傲慢 与偏见 》中最具讽 刺场景 的是柯林 斯 向伊 丽莎 白求婚 的场 景 : “ 我差不多一进 屋子 ,就挑 中了 你做 我的终身伴侣 ”。他还像读道文一样虔诚 并严正声 明了 自己的结 婚有 四条理 由 ,让人觉得十分 恶心但又好笑 。虽几
次 三番的被拒绝却还死 缠烂打 ,一个不 知廉 耻的小丑形象跃
然纸 上。
参考 文献 :
… 徐琳 . 永恒的主题 : 人为和 自然 的对 比—— 评简 ・ 奥斯汀 的 《 傲 慢与 偏 见 》[ J 】 . 合肥学 院学报( 社会科学版) , 2 0 0 7 ( 3 ) .
题 ,这与他对人 陛的透彻理解分不开 。
简・ 奥斯 丁 的语 言都是 经过千百 锤炼 的 ,她在对 话上讲 究 幽默 、讽 刺 ,并 以风 趣诙 谐 的语 言来 烘 托人 物 的性 格 特
征 ,进 而表 现作品的主题 。在 塑造 达西与伊丽莎 白这两位 主 人公 时 ,作 者通过对话 中蕴含 的讽 刺意味来描写 主人公性 格 特征 。例如 ,当达西放下傲慢 主动 邀请 伊丽莎 白跳舞 时 ,伊 丽莎 白为了维护 自己的尊严 ,说 “ 达西先生太客气 了。”回
主题 上 的反 讽
文章一开 始 ,就运用反讽的语言把主题拱托 出来 。在卷
首的第一句话就宣称 : “ 凡是有财产的单身汉 ,必定需要娶位 太太 ,这 已经成 了一条举世公认的真理了”。这表面上是对现 实的描述 ,所谓真理其实是嘲讽把这个 当作真理的人 ,作者真
舞会上 ,却受 到 “ 傲 慢”达西 的冷落 ,发誓 不再理会达西 。 她又被韦翰迷 惑 ,听信 了他 的谗言 ,拒 绝了达西 的求婚 ,并 对达西 的行 为和品德大加指责 , “ 陷入 了偏 见” 。随着达西 放下 门第差别 和骄傲 ,并为班纳特 家所 做出的一切 ,使她 醒

《傲慢与偏见》是以日常生活为素材,通过贝内特家的五个女儿对待终身大事的不同处理方式, 表现出乡镇中产阶级家庭出身的少女对婚姻、爱情问题的不同态度, 从而反映了作者本人的婚姻观。
关键词:反讽;主题;人物塑造;构思;语言风格从18 世纪末到19 世纪初,庸俗无聊的“感伤小说”和“哥特小说”充斥着英国文坛,而简·奥斯丁的小说一反常规地展现了当时尚未受到资本主义工业革命冲击的英国乡村中产阶级的日常生活和田园风光,给沉闷的英国文坛带来了一股清新的文风,在英国文学史上起了重要的承上启下的作用。



在阅读具有反讽艺术的作品过程中,人们需要充分联系上下文以及实际的语境实现对作者想要表达的真实含义的理解[1] 。
作者在处理文本结构的过程中,常常会应用一些颇具荒诞色彩的却被众人信服的真理来体现,如班奈特太太认为,她的未婚女儿的财产是这个世界上所有富裕的单身汉; 人们认为如果一个单身汉很富有,那么他总有一天会脱离单身状态等。

三门峡职业技术学院学报JOURNAL〇F SANMENXIA POLYTECHNIC第17卷第2期文史哲专题研究论反讽运用在简■奥斯汀作品中的艺术张力—以《傲慢与偏见》为例◎李东青(太原旅游职业学院外语系,太原030000)摘要:简•奥斯汀的作品中充满了各种各样的反讽,反讽艺术手法在《傲慢与偏见》中的使用尤为突出,在这部世界闻名的小说中,简•奥斯汀运用多样化的反讽手法来表现主题,刻画人物,组织情节,从 而使她的小说包含一种普遍张力,可以说弥漫全书的反讽的基调成就了这部不朽的杰作&关键词:反讽艺术;多样化;普遍张力中图分类号!1106.4文献标识码:A文章编号:1671-9123(2018)02-0079-03收稿日期:2018-02-07作者简介:李东青(1977-),女,山西芮城人,太原旅游职业学院外语系讲师&简•奥斯汀是英国十八世纪末著名的女作家,她的作品在当时的英国文坛具有非常大的影响力。
尽 管奥斯汀的作品关注的都是她所处时代中产阶级妇女的爱情观和婚姻观,看似平淡无奇,但简的高明 之处在于她把反讽的艺术手法在自己的作品中运用得酣畅淋漓。
正如反讽学家德克缪克(D.C.M uecke)所指出的所有好的文学本质上都是反讽的”,而简•奥斯汀小说的魅力,“归根结底在于 的反讽的基调”。
反讽是文学作品中经常使用的艺术表现手法之一,《傲慢与偏见》被认为是反讽的典范,在这部世 界闻名的小说中,简•奥斯汀采用的不是单一的反讽手法,而是 的反讽手法 ,刻画人物,组织情节,从而使她的小说包含有一种普遍的张力,简以她细腻的文笔、幽默诙谐的语调和讽刺口 的作。
书的开篇就提到了一个“公认的事实”,'It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in want of a w ife.(—^个拥有财富的单身汉必须娶一个妻子,这是 世公认的 )”在 ,奥斯汀展现了她独特的反讽艺术,当时的社会现状应该是每一位女士都想嫁给一个拥有 的,但是班纳特太太却反其意来说。


《傲慢与偏见》的反讽艺术摘要:作为19 世纪英国文学界最受读者欢迎的作家, 简奥斯丁以其作品中轻松诙谐的喜剧艺术、细致入微的反讽风格而备受世人喜爱。
傲慢与偏见作为简奥斯丁反讽艺术使用最完美、最富有幽默性语言的经典作品, 以它为代表解读作者的作品风格。
傲慢与偏见是奥斯丁借助反讽手法悉心雕凿的艺术精品, 它对于反讽的使用主要体现在四大方面: 一、以反讽表现主题; 二、以反讽刻画人物; 三、以反讽组织情节;四、以组织反讽语言。
简奥斯丁继承了欧洲文学的反讽传统, 以高度的艺术自觉, 创造了打上她个性烙印的更加成熟和更加精炼的反讽艺术, 构筑了一部又一部反讽艺术的精品—《理智与情感》、《傲慢与偏见》、《诺桑觉寺》、《曼斯斐尔德庄园》、《爱玛》、《劝导》。
在这6 部完整的作品中, 反讽贯穿始终,是其最显著地、精彩地区别于其他作家的主要艺术特征。
通过她的小说,我们不仅可以看到反讽的语调、嘲弄挖苦的文字,而且在塑造人物、安排情节、表现主题诸方面, 她都自觉地以反讽为手段; 以至于人们把反讽看成是奥斯丁理解和评价生活的满意的载体, 当作她的小说的基调和风格的标志。



1. 引言1.1 引言《傲慢与偏见》作为英国文学史上的经典之作,以其幽默反讽的手法深受读者喜爱。
2. 正文2.1 幽默反讽的定义幽默反讽是一种文学手法,通过讽刺的方式将荒谬、愚蠢或矛盾的事物暴露出来,达到引人发笑、讥讽的效果。
[浅论《傲慢与偏见》中的反讽艺术]论傲慢与偏见的反讽艺术简・奥斯丁(Jane Austen,1775 -1817)是英国19世纪著名的女性作家,其作品多以英国乡村为背景,描写当时中产阶级绅士淑女间的婚姻和爱情风波。
Abrams认为,反讽包括言语反讽(verbal irony),情景反讽(situational irony),结构反讽(structural irony),稳定反讽(stable irony),浪漫反讽(romantic irony),宇宙反讽(cosmic irony)等,可见反讽类型的复杂性和用法的多样性。

达西的傲慢是整个故事的反讽起点。他的高傲自大和偏见让他在舞会上对伊丽 莎白产生了误解,然而,正是这种傲慢和偏见,引发了伊丽莎白对他的不屑和 排斥。然而,在故事的后半段,达西在面对伊丽莎白的姐姐的婚礼计划时,却 表现出了他真诚善良的一面。这一刻,达西的反讽形象被彻底颠覆,读者看到 的不是一个傲慢的贵族,而是一个富有同情心和责任感的男士。
其次,从情节构建来看,作者在小说中精心设计了诸多反讽元素。例如,伊丽 莎白和达西之间的感情发展是整部小说的核心情节。然而,这个情节的推动力 并不是传统的爱情,而是二人的矛盾和冲突。这种独特的情节构建方式不仅增 加了小说的戏剧性,更在深层次上揭示了社会的矛盾和问题。
最后,从文本解读来看,《傲慢与偏见》中的语言表达形式也充满了反讽艺术。 作者运用夸张、讽刺等手法,将人物性格和社会的荒谬之处展现得淋漓尽致。 例如,达西对自身地位和财富的自负在文本中被生动地描绘出来,而伊丽莎白 对这种傲慢的反感则通过讽刺和暗示得到了充分表达。这些反讽手法在文本中 的运用,不仅丰富了语言表达形式,更在深层次上揭示了社会的种种弊病。
《傲慢与偏见》的反讽艺术也为我们提供了一个独特的视角,让我们能够更全 面、更深入地理解那个时代的社会风貌和人们的生活态度。
《傲慢与偏见》是英国女小说家简·奥斯汀的代表作之一,被视为世界文学经 典之作。本次演示将对该作品中的反讽艺术进行初步探讨。
首先,奥斯汀在《傲慢与偏见》中运用了大量反讽手法,使得小说在情节、人 物和主题等方面都充满了幽默和讽刺的色彩。例如,小说中的主角达西先生被 描述为一位非常高傲、自负的人物,但在他高傲自大的外表下,却隐藏着对爱 情的真挚追求和善良的心。这种反讽手法使得达西先生的人物形象更加生动有 趣,同时也揭示了奥斯汀对当时社会中上层阶级虚伪和矫情的批判。


语言文学研究简•奥斯丁小说中的“反讽”艺术安 琦(内蒙古民族大学外国语学院,内蒙古通辽018043)摘要:简.奥斯丁是一位成功借助反讽技巧提高作品水准的伟大作家。
纵观简.奥斯丁的六部小说,反讽可谓是丰富作 品艺术性的统一手段。
她敏锐地抓住了现实生活中的各种矛盾,通过言语反讽、戏剧反讽和情境反讽,巧妙地塑造了傲慢、骄 傲、天真或自大的人物形象,那些本是生活中的普通人在其笔下变得更加具有深度和韵味。
关键词:简.奥斯丁 言语反讽戏剧反讽情境反讽弗吉尼亚.伍尔芙曾说:“在所有的伟大的作家中,简奥 斯丁的伟大之处是最难以捕捉到的。
”奥斯丁的作品之所以 能在国内外文学界享誉盛名,不仅仅局限于描绘的中产阶 层绅士淑女之间的爱情故事,她的小说语言特色也为提高 她作品的水准起着至关重要的作用。
作者运用大量反讽语 言塑造出个性鲜活的人物 有的故事情,以说反讽是奥斯丁小说的 ,“她 的作用幽默反讽戳穿流行小说中的虚伪与造作”'1]。
不动声色说[不 的反 ,者不 。
反讽 重奥斯丁的作品,奥斯丁的作品有 的,的。
一、奥斯丁小说中的言语反讽“言语反讽”是最 的一种反讽形式,也称为“字面反讽”。
名 ,“言语反讽”指的是语言层,说者所说的语与行为 不 ,的“言在 在”。
在“言语反讽”中,语言外 之间产的,因此是 作品中最容易被识破的一种“反讽”类型。
在奥斯丁的六部小说中,几乎每一部小说都涉及“言语 反讽”。
在《与 *中,作为奥斯丁的言人,她以幽默、讽刺的 特太太、伍德豪斯、达什伍夫妇、沃尔特爵士等人,这些人物是一些愚蠢、无聊的色,但奥斯丁在设置语言时并没有过于生 硬,是宽容、客气的,这正体现了“语言反讽”的技巧所在。
小说中里行间透露出的“反讽”语调传递着奥斯丁的态 。
小说的开篇写道:“凡是有钱的单身汉,必定要娶一位 ,这已经成了一条举世公认的 。
”这 充满了“反讽”味,在接下来的情中,特 为了让女儿们嫁给有钱人,迫不及待要认宾格莱,这样的情与开篇的语形成,达到讽的效果。

小姐明知达西先生认为伊丽莎白的母亲行为粗俗 、 愚 蠢而可笑 , 没有一点有趣 的细胞 , 但她却故意反说 , 因为她发现 自己一直 以来深深爱慕 的、 有钱却又傲慢 的单身汉——达西先生竞对伊丽莎白表现 出了爱慕 之情 , 她一 时 间 醋意 大 发 , 故 意用 c h a r mi n g 这 一 饱 含 赞 美之 意 的词 来 形 容 班奈 特 太太 , 表现 出讽 刺 、 挖 苦
并以“ 她会永远跟你待在一起呆在彭伯里” 态度或其对某件事物的评价 , 但其实际上却隐含着一 的态度 , 来警醒达西 , 使他放弃对伊丽莎白的爱。在这段文本 种截然相反的态度或评价 。 中, 尽管奥斯 丁对宾利小姐的性格特征未着一词 , 未 但 言 语 中 的反 讽 却 使 其 善 妒 、 多疑 、 狭 隘 的 相较于言语反讽 , 情景反讽更注重一种整体化效 用 一 墨 , 性格 特征 跃然 纸上 , 人 物形 象栩 栩如 生 。 果, 其 是 文 本 的主题 立 意 、 情 节 编撰 、 叙 事 结 构 等文 ( 二) 情景 反讽 突显故事 情 节 体结构要素共同孕育出的一种 内在张力。 由此可见 , 情 景 反 讽 是 将 反 讽 从 语 言层 面 扩展 到小 说 的 某 情景反讽的隐蔽性更强 , 其往往不着痕迹 , 但也正是
关键词 : 《 傲慢与偏见》; 情景反讽 ; 结构反讽 ; 言语反讽 中图分类号 :1 5 6 1 . 0 7 4 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1 0 0 8 — 9 6 4 0( 2 0 1 7 ) 0 7 — 0 0 3 9 . 0 2
反 讽概 述
重 意思 的结 构特 征 , 使反讽 的基调 贯穿 作 品始终 。
讽、 情 景 反讽及 结构 反讽 。

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Irony in Jane Austen’s Novelsby******December, 2009*************AbstractIrony is an important feature of Jane Austen’s Novels, and is also the cornerstone of creation. It is used in the expressing of theme, characterization and plot development vividly and incisively. And it has its own distinct characteristics. This thesis aims to discuss the classification of irony, the use of irony in Jane Austen’s novels and function of irony from three aspects, namely the expressing of theme, characterization and plot development. Irony in Jane Austen’s novels is more than a stylistic device. Jane Austen criticizes the money-oriented attitude to life and marriage by use of irony.Key words: Jane Austen, Irony, Verbal Irony, Situational Irony, Structural Irony, Model Irony论简·奥斯汀小说中的反讽艺术摘要反讽是简·奥斯汀小说的重要特色,也是她创作的基石。
关键词:简·奥斯汀;反讽;言语反讽;情景反讽;结构反讽;模式反讽Contents1 INTRODUCTION (1)2 DEFINITIONS OF IRONY (1)2.1T HE CONCEPT OF IRONY (1)2.2T HE CLASSIFICATION OF IRONY (1)2.2.1 Verbal Irony (1)2.2.2 Situational Irony (2)2.2.3 Structural Irony (3)2.2.4 Model Irony (4)3 THE FUNCTION OF IRONY (4)3.1T O PERFORMANCE THE THEME (5)3.2T O SHAPE CHARACTERS (6)3.2.2 The irony of flat figures (6)3.2.2 The irony of round figures (7)3.3T O ORGANISE THE PLOT AND LANGUAGE (8)4 CONCLUSION (9)BIBLIOGRAPHY (10)ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (11)1 IntroductionThe end of 18 and beginning of 19 centry is the era of growth and development of women writers. Jane Austen is so long-lasting that she occupies an important position in English literary history, She inherited the Irony tradition of European literature. Her novels describe everyday life with her unique style. She makes irony, as a device used in novels, more concisely and maturer. She creats six novels, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield park, and Emma. Her masterpiece---“pride and prejudice”has been listed in the most famous novels of world’s top ten. All of these had become models of pure English.Researching Austen's novel can improve our English and deepen our understanding of the Westernworld. In this world of accelerated globalization, we are very beneficial for researching Jane Austen .The irony is the most commonly used method of Jane Austen. By studying Jane Austen’s novel, we can understand the social patterns and people’s values of marriage. Jane Austen, as one of the United Kingdom's most famous writers in modern times, the humanistic Western society, customs and the spirit reflected in her novels is worth studying.2 Definitions of irony2.1 The concept of ironyIrony is one of the most common Micro-rhetorical skills. It’s the skill which allegory people or things from the opposite side, or by using ironic words. But the real mean is hidden in the lines. And the reader also can understand. Since we can narrative plot, shape characters, show the author's emotional attitude by using irony, people draw attention to this technique. Though the words seems small, the topic is profound, powerful and meaningful .2.2 The classification of ironyAs a literary technique, irony can be divided into Verbal Irony, Situational Irony, Structural Irony, Model Irony by YangJun. We can see that irony is one of the main means of artistic in Jane Austen’s novels and is also a principal way to comprehend the world.2.2.1 Verbal IronyVerbal Irony contains a metaphor meaning. The speaker's remarks on the surface are usually contrary to real meaning. The author's true intentions are inclued, we can get it easy. This ironic statement can express an attitude or evaluation of the speaker. However it implicit the different even oppsite attitude or evaluation. Verbal Irony is reflected in the surface of language, used in f iction’s narrative, description, and dialogue. By using irony, the auther can stimulate the reader's imagination. It’simplicit rhetoric.For example, in the novel Emma, the Verbal Irony is abound, when we read the novel at the first time, we can find that the irony is widely used.“Emma Woodhouse, handsome.clever,and rich,with a comortable home and a happy disposition ,seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence ;and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little ti distress or vex her .”At the beginning of the novel, Jane Austen uses the adjectives which are of broad and unclear meanings, such as “clever”, “handsome”and so on. These broad and unclear word also are used in Jane Austen‘s other novels,Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility,Pride and Prejudice. These words not only can describe the roles’character truly, but hint that clever people may be victims of their own cleverness.Jane Austen uses those words to discribe Emma, and this means that it is a story of “Clever people may be victims of their own cleverness”. Besides , the writer uses “seem”, this hint the fact is not like this case. And her life is too good to be unbelive. As expected, next paragraph is that she's fly in the ointment ---her wayward. Estimates of their own highly . In the pride and prejudice, “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man inpossession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife”. In the famous opening sentence, the author gives a hint of irony. In her description of the society, parents are always taking money as the standard when looking for their daughter's husband. Therefore, this work is the model for both Structure Irony and verbal Irony.2.2.2 Situational IronySituational Irony, extends to the novel the scene and circumstances of a relatively independent from the language level. In the Situational Irony, the writer and readers understand the present or the future development of the situation, yet the people in the novels are unaware, so they do what incompatible with the actual situation and things go contrary to their wishes. In other words, Situational Irony, is the p lot’s development or character’s idea in the novel runs counter to other side. Or even contrary to the expectation of the readers. And the atmosphere is disharmonious with character's inner flow. Both of them formed a great contrast.In Jane Austen's novels, most of the heroine have the same weaknesses:"divorced from reality, the reality of imagination is too romantic and legendary , imagine people, according to their own aesthetic standard”, and this is all Jane Austen heroine s “sin”. In the novel Emma, Emma is not a exception. And perhaps her imagination is the most active. With Jenny Fairfax and Frank Churchill have returned to Highbury, her imagination has been activated. At this time, readers can think her as the object of situational irony and have fun. In accordance with the heaviest principle in Germany·Ke·muker’s definition of Situational Irony that "The target of irony areunknown or ignored.” The other things except the present thing to put it simply, the reason why we feel that a situation is an ironic sense, because someone think it is a very ignorant. Emma is such an irony object. When she is flirting with Frank; when she and Frank laugh at Jane Fairfax, make joking and ridicule, she has never thought of she is actually the object and victim of irony in this situation .Even the reader is also kept in the dark. For suspense of this part of the story, the authors try to keep readers aren’t aware of Frank and Jenny's marriage and who give Jenny the piano. When the readers read at the second time, they can find the tension of a dramatic irony after the mystery is exposed, learn Emma prepare an abyss of erro for herself, even those who first reading will be able to identify the secrets of Churchill, who also particularly feel the effect of irony. When Emma and Frank is together, her naive and ignorant are even more impressive. Because Frank is “the only person wh o can outguess Emma” in the story and also "conceited, a small smart. like her’. But he beat her, in her own game, because he is not self-deception like her. Heroine was manipulated for the first time in the story by an even better person in the. In Pride and Prejudic e, at first, Elizabeth, was with a strong prejudice of Darcy, so when Darcy proposed to her with arrogant rhetoric for the first time , Elizabeth rejected him firmly. When read at this point, readers are still doubt the possibility of their combining, but they overcome their own arrogance and prejudice to become a pair of well-being, which is a typical Situational Irony.2.2.3 Structural IronyStructural Irony is to introduce a double meaning, to contain the structural features of the whole work. Which starting from the overall structure of the novel. Common technique of Structural Irony is to creat a naive protagonist or an unnormal narrator. Their naive always lead them to make a variety of simple or strange interpretation of many things . Readers understand the author's satirical intent and thus be able to get a different evaluation ,while the parties concerned do not know.In Emma , Emma first imagined frustratedly because she misjudged the intentions of Mr. Elton and she had specially strong control of Harriet. In this section, the authors use the Structure Irony mainly. According to the definition of Man·He·Abrams(MH Abrams), Structure I rony is to create “a pure (female) protagonist, or a simple narrator, (her) his simple-minded can’t overcome or a stupid cause (she) he is stubborn.” While the reader is able to realize the truth and can share the author's point of view behind the simple figure and follow the author’s request to correct the error of this figure. Structural Irony depends on that readers can share the author's satirical intention. I n fact, the author’s practicing of this irony is giving a compliment of reader's intelligence. The key of Structural Irony is to create a simple and dull hero or heroine. Readers and writers would share the truth at the same time.Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever and rich, with a comortable home and a happy disposition, was spoiled by a loving and indulgent father and a docile and obedient female family teachers. Despite her cheerful disposition, she is stubborn, and always indulged by imagination. Her most fundamental characteristic is that "only trust her own judgments”, She handled matters completely according to the imagination and speculation, so “she often explained things with wrong inference. ” As a result of his father and the family teacher’s overindulgence, Emma cultivated a habit of control others. Therefore, after Miss Taylor (the female Family teachers) got married, she need to control and patronize people. And that is why she choose Harriet Smith as her companion. Harriet is the kind of peole Emma likes patronizing, because she is tempered and not calculating, moreover she is “ignorant”. In addition, she is negligible. At least Emma’s vanity can be satisfied, because she can enjoy a sense of superiority by transforming Harriet. As Howard.Sa.Barber said, "when in the favors of others, she also raised her own status at the same time.2.2.4 Model IronyModel Irony is reflected by comparing with other fictions, is to smash the old model of ficti on’s genre, character, structure, plot ect. Model Irony creates a different novel model to satirize the old mode.In the history of women writers’ literature, Jane Austen made a pioneering effort to the lierature. Her novel Pride and Prejudice completed the oversteping of narrative’s mode of the literary by the construction of omnidirectional narrative pattern. In the 18 century to the early 19th century, English literature is full of vulgar, silly sentimental novel and the Gothic novel. and Austen brought new ideas forth for her novels. Her novels comes out the daily life of the British rural middle classes and the rural scenery without the impact of the capitalist industrial revolution. Her works, often mock people's stupidity, selfishness, snobbery and blind self-confidence, contemptible weakness ridiculous through the comic scenes. Austen's novels appeared in the early 19th century. She swept away the popular pseudo-romantic trend of that moment, inherited and developed the good tradition of British 18th-century realist and prepared for the climax of the 19th-century realist novel. Although reflection of the breadth and depth in her work is limited, her works reflects the whole social formation and the ways of the world from a small window such as“two i nches ivory". And she played a good role of changing the vulgar culture of creation. She is the nexus in the history of the novel in British and is known as a writer on an equal footing with Shakespeare.3 The function of ironyThe function of irony is 1.To performance the theme 2. To shape characters 3. Inorder to organize the plot and words.3.1 To performance the themeIn Pride and Prejudice, Austen criticized the single-minded pursuit of money and status of marriage in the society at that time by using irony. At the openning of the novel, the writer contrast the theme by using Verbal Irony. The first paragraph of the novel, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” T his sentence seems to be a description of the facts and may arise the readers’ think widely. However, she immediately said that “However the little feelings or views of such a man may be known when his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters”. The beginning insinuate d Mrs. Bennett has been trying to marry her five pretty daughters to the rich. So it is not a rich bachelor have to marry a wife, but single daughter have to marry a man with industry.The whole process is full of situational irony, Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriage is the most successful marriage combination in the novel. At first they didn’t like each other at all, but they attracted each other and later loved each other and marriaged at last. In the 19th century, hero and heroine are perfect in the traditional romance novels, they usually fall in love at first sight. Yet in Pride and Prejudice arrangement is opposite. A certain extent, this model is the irony to a traditional novels’ mode in the 19th century. Darcy appeared as a handsome, rich man, but was known as an arrogant, indifferent and unpolite guy. when he met Elizabeth in the ball for the first time, he insulted her, so it lead to the girl’s extreme antipathy. However, after meeting again and again, he was atrracted by Elizabeth’s astute and wit, and fell in love with her.After the long repression, Darcy finally proposed marriage to Elizabeth, even though Elizabeth's status is low and her family is not so good.However, this marriage proposal was refused by the girl, This scenario arrangement, the outcome of rejected is the irony to good match concept of marriage in the upper classes of society.At first, Elizabeth thought Darcy with a strong prejudice, so when he proposed to her for the first time, Elizabeth firmly rejected him, and claimed that she was much unwilling to marry such a person like Darcy in the world. When we read at this point, all readers is still doubt the possibility of the combining of them. They overcome their own arrogance and prejudice to become a pair of well-being. This is a typical scenario irony. But in any case, such an arrangement is the same as the beginning of the novel, the theme is the money and the status is still the basic of the marriage. Although Elizabeth refused Darcy beause of her own prejudice and emotion, but in the end she was married to the single people of wealth and status.In the Pride and Prejudice, the four marriages, four types of marriages, all have happy endings. When we laugh, we could also see the writer how to criticize the real face of of the bourgeois marriage.3.2 To shape charactersE·W·Foster divided the novels’ characters into flat figures and the round figures according to a single-system and multi-faceted of character. Jane Austen extensively used Verbal Irony and Situational Irony, When she shaped these two types of people.3.2.1 The irony of flat figuresThe flat figures are the persons who are relatively simple, and sneered at by the narrator. They are minor character. In the "Pride and Prejudice", the most typical “flat people” is Mrs. Bennet and Collins.The irony of Mrs. Bennet, is Mrs. Bennet is a poor intelligence, moody woman”. The business of her life was to get her daughters married, visiting and asking about news”. In t he novel’s first chapter, when Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Bennet talk about Mr. Bingley, she had some wonderful performances. The words of the bennets are root in the opening words---It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” Mr. Bennet disagreed the truth of this article about the “man of large fortune”---Bingley. It seemed noboby care what he thinks in the final analysis .That was just wishful thinking of Mrs. Bennet.She talked to her husband about the news of the arrival of Mr. Bingley fluently and endlessly. She couldn’t say something about irony and aphorism, her words usually are long and she always shout emotionally. This is the mental, deficient, temperamental, Mrs. Bennet's conversation.There were many wonderful performances. when Lydia and Wickham eloped , she worried about her daughter's whereabouts and no new wedding dress for marriage, these two kinds of feelings were intertwined. They Turned to torture her. After Elizabeth refusing Collins's proposal of marriage, “man of large fortune” was robbed by Lucas instantly in the neighboring villages, Mrs. Bennet fell ill --- at least she thought she was ill. She was not so much worried about her daughter, but her own Frustration. At that time, sister-in-law’s visit made her happy. In her own words, You come just in time, give me great comfort, I like to hear you speak of those long sleeves fashionable news. This is Mrs Bennet, a woman who is clumsy and looked funny.Anther flat fingure is Mr. Collins. When he had not yet appeared, he had been disclosed in the letter to be a philistine man. That clumsy, cumbersome but pretentious writing style betrayed him. He showed his own self-conceited, narrow-minded, stupid vividly, when he said his first word. He was condescending, like charity benefactorand declared he was ready to marry a daughter of the Bennet, so as to compensate the damage of his inheritance of their property. He first set the goal to Jane. After Mrs bennet’s hint, he chose Elizabeth as his marriage partners.When Collins proposed marriage to Elizabeth, what he said is pious and orderly like reading the sermon. It seemed to be particularly tedious and distasteful. The most ironic thing is meet Mrs. Bennet when out of the living room. Althought Elizabeth refused him very clearly. Collins thought it was “This is nothing but paying lip service as usual”. Mrs. Bennet was unimaginable her daughter dare to negative the “truth universally acknowledged,” and refused the suitor. So the two stubborn fool congratulated each other. Thus Austen used many Verbal Irony and Situational Irony, combined with exaggerated comic style to shape these two “flat people”.The characters fooled themseves. They are very funny and despised.3.2.2 The irony of round figuresThe irony of the round figures refer to the hero and heroine in the novel. It needed more complicated and profound things to shaping their character. Shaping the character often run through the whole story, so when we analysis, we should based on the entire novel. And we can be accurate on Austen's use of irony skills to shape the protagonist of the novel, but sometimes not so direct and obvious. The way of shaping round finguer is different from the flat finguer. The character is to show the quirks, illusion, self-contradictory of characters. By the use of irony, f igure’s character at different stages contrast. From composite irony, we can come to understand the process of character development.Elizabeth is Jane Auste n ‘s favorite character. she was given a lot of irony by the writer. Elizabeth is undoubtedly the most outstanding figures in the book.Compared with her sisters, she was more intelligent, lively, and generous. Compared with the snobbish Miss Bingley, she has human dignity, spiritual superiority. In her world, that is full of fools, she is the only one who is “reasonable person”.Nevertheless, she also failed to avoid the impact of the truth which universally acknowledged. And she took part in Mr Bingley’s ball unconsciously, was snubed by Darcy. So that was a mockery of her. She strongly retaliated Darcy, gained the personality, showed her personality, it seemed that she was very sharp, but she was cheated by Wickham, and believed what he said, was fascinated by his hospitality and grace. The results is she was fooled by him. This undoubtedly exposed her narrow-mindedness and liking to hear flattery.When she refused Darcy’s courtship, she criticized him plausibly, this behavior was ridiculous and unwitting. This satirized her prejudice. Then, she overcome her prejudice after reading Darcy’s letter. She was ashamed and sorry, after the trip toPemberley she realized she was stereotypes, ridiculous, and admiring Darcy. Lidiya’s elopement made her hopoless on the love. Mrs. De Bauer’s obstructio is a false alarm to her love. At last. Darcy proposed marriage again. After they knew each other’s love ,she removed her prejudice and enjoyed love. This course is irony that how hard the reasonable person remove her prejudice.The writer used irony in characterization of fingure, and made mockery of Elizabeth. For she was unaware of herself and other persons. All of the irony revealed her intellectuality and prejudice in the different aspects of the change of her character. Form the ironic contrast in short, character’s change in later stages compared character in the previous stage is ironic contrast. And this showed th e character’s update, which toward a higher consciousness level.To sum up, she shaped characters whether it was flat character or round character, with plentiful irony skills. Even more valuable, she not only showed the character of the novel features, but also profoundly revealed the process of development of character by the skillfully use of irony.3.3 To organise the plot and languageIn the Pride and Prejudice, the plot is consist of a series of dramatic scenes. In the novel, Irony is ubiquitous. It is hiden in the plots and scenes. As the basic unit of the plot, the main scene is countless balls, mang banquet and card games, a lot of walks and so on. What make up these scenes is not landscape and characteristics of figures, but their dialogues. The plots have become a collection of dialogue, the writer hided bebind the fingures, and she let characters to talk free. And irony is hidden in the dialogue. Jane Austen expressed her irony through the dialogues. Elizabeth and Collins, Darcy, Catherine’s dialogue constitutes the backbone of the plot. The plot is a concentrated expression of irony.4 ConclusionIrony runs through Jane Austen’s six novels, which is the most prominent and most beautiful artistic feature and distinguishes her from other writers. She is good at using humor, and sarcastic details to portray a true British town life. Her works vividly depict a small world, consisting of country gentleman, dude, wealthy ladies, housewives, and other rural residents.Through her novels, not only can we see the tone of innuendo and mockery of sarcastic language, but also she consciously uses irony as a means in shaping the characters, arranging plot and showing various aspects of the theme. Irony is cozy carrier of Auste n’s understanding and evaluation of life. It is also her typical feature. Irony r eflects the Jane Austen’s ideas. Jane attacks the values of marriage, life in the the capitalist society.BibliographyAbrams, H. A Glossary of Literary Terms[M]. Beijing:Foreign language Teaching and Research Press, 2004.Laura Cooner Lambdin & Robert Thomas Lambdin. Austen Studies[M].USA: Greenwood Press, 2000.Austen, J. Emma[M]. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.Austen, J. Pride and Prejudice [M] . 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I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.。