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阿里巴巴和四十大盗(英文版)2011-05-24 12:54:27| 分类:English | 标签:baba ali thieves kassim morgiana |字号大中小订阅Ali Baba is a popular figure in the 1001 Nights, he probably lived in a village near the forests of Northern Iran. Ali Baba and his elder brother Kassim were the sons of a wealthy Merchant. After the death of their father, the greedy Kassim outcasts Ali Baba from their father's inheritance and business.The young Ali Baba collects valued fire-wood in the forest and happens to overhear a group of forty thieves visiting their treasure store in the forest where he is cutting wood. The treasure is in a cave, the mouth of which is sealed by magic. It opens on the words "Open, Simsim" (commonly written as "Open Sesame" in English), and seals itself on the words "Close, Simsim" ("Close Sesame"). When the thieves are gone, Ali Baba enters the cave himself, and takes some of the treasure home.Ali Baba borrows his sister-in-law's scales to weigh this new wealth of gold coins. Unbeknownst to Ali, his brother's wife has put a blob of wax in the scales to find out what Ali is using them for, as it is known that Ali was too impoverished to need a scale for use. To her shock, she finds a gold coin sticking to the scales and tells her husband, Ali Baba's rich and greedy brother, Kassim. Ali Baba tells Kassim about the cave. Kassim goes to the cave to take more of the treasure, but in his greed and excitement over the treasuresforgets the magic words to get back out of the cave. The thieves find him there, and kill him. When his brother does not come back, Ali Baba goes to the cave to look for him, and finds the body, cut into many pieces and displayed just inside the entrance of the cave to discourage any similar attempts in the future. Ali Baba brings the body home and, with the help of Morgiana, a clever slave-girl in Kassim's household, Ali finds an old tailor known as Baba Mustafa whom he pays, blindfolds, and leads to Kassim's house. There, overnight, the tailor stitches Kassim back together, so that no one will be suspicious. Ali and his family are able to give Kassim a proper burial without anyone asking awkward questions.The thieves, finding the body gone, realize that yet another person must know their secret, and set out to track him down. One of the thieves goes down to the town and asks around. He discovers that a tailor was seen leaving a house in the early morning, and guesses that the house must belong to the thieves' victim. The thief finds the tailor Mustafa and asks him to lead the way to the house. The tailor is blindfolded again, and in this state he is able to find the house. The thief marks the door with a symbol. The plan is for the other thieves to come back that night and kill everyone in the house. However, the thief has been seen by Morgiana and she, loyal to her master, foils his plan by marking all the houses in the neighbourhood with a similar marking. When the 40 thieves return that night, they cannot identify the correct house and the head thief kills the unfortunate man. The next day, the thieves try again, only this time, a chunk is chipped out of the stone step at Ali Baba's front door. Again Morgiana foils the plan by making similar chips in all the other doorsteps. The second thief is killed for his stupidity as well. At last, the head thief goes and looks for himself. This time, he memorizes every detail he can of the exterior of Ali Baba's house.The chief of the thieves pretends to be an oil merchant in need of Ali Baba's hospitality, bringing with him mules loaded with thirty-eight oil jars, one filled with oil, the other thirty-seven with the other remaining thieves. Once Ali Baba is asleep, the thieves plan to kill him. Again, Morgiana discovers and foils the plan, killing the thirty-seven thieves in their oil jars by pouring boiling oil on them. When their leader comes to rouse his men, he discovers that they are dead, and escapes.To exact revenge, after some time the thief establishes himself as a merchant, befriends Ali Baba's son (who is now in charge of the late Kassim's business), and is invited to dinner at Ali Baba's house. The thief is recognized by Morgiana, who performs a dance with a dagger for the diners and plunges it into the heart of the thief when he is off his guard. Ali Baba is at first angry with Morgiana, but when he finds out the thief tried to kill him, he gives Morgiana her freedom and marries her to his son. Thus, the story ends happily for everyone except the forty thieves and Kassim.阿里巴巴英文版阿里巴巴和四十大盗ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVESIn a certain town in Persia there lived two brothers, one named Cassim, and the other Ali Baba.Cassim had married a rich wife, and lived like a lord and did nothing. While Ali Baba, who had married for love, and not for money, had to work hard for his living. Every day he went to cut wood in the forest, loaded his three asses with it, and then brought it back to sell in the town.Now one day, while Ali Baba was in the forest, he noticed, far off, a great cloud of dust, and as it came nearer he saw that the dust was made by a company of men galloping along."They must be robbers, " said Ali Baba to himself, trembling.Ali Baba was a cautious man;so hiding his asses he climbed a tree which stood near a great rock, and hid himself among the branches, where he could see without being seen. By and by a band of horsemen appeared. Ali Baba counted forty. When they came under the tree, they all dismounted and began to take off their saddlebags, which, Ali Baba guessed, were filled with gold.Then the Captain of the band went up to the rock, and in a loud voice said, "Open Sesame. "And behold!A door which was hidden in the rock swung slowly open, and the whole band of robbers marched in. After a while they came out again, and the Captain shouted, "Shut Sesame." The door at once closed behind them, and no one could have guessed that there was any opening in the solid rock.As soon as the robbers had mounted and ridden off, Ali Baba climbed quickly down, and as remembered the words he had heard, he went up to the rock and cried, "Open Sesame."The door swung wide open, Just as it had done before, and Ali Baba walked in. He found himself in a huge cave piled up with rich wares and great bags of gold and silver. He went out and brought his asses to the door, and loaded them with six bags full of gold, which he carefully covered with bundles of wood. Then he cried aloud, "Shut Sesame," and the door closed without a sound, and there was no trace of the opening left.Now when Ali Baba arrived home, and his wife saw the bags of gold she looked at him most sorrowfully." O my husband, " she cried, "can it be that you have become a----""No, I am not a thief,”answered Ali Baba, and he told her of his adventure in the cave, and how he had found the gold.Then the poor woman was joyful indeed, and began to try to count the gold which Ali Baba had poured out of the bags."That is a foolish thing to do,”said Ali Baba, "it would take weeks to count. Leave it alone, and I will dig a hole in the garden and hide it.""But it would surely be wiser to know how much we have,”said his wife. “I will go and borrow a measure from your brother Cassim, and then I can weigh the gold while you are digging the hole."So she went to Cassim ' s house, and as he was out she begged his wife to lend her a measure."With pleasure,”answered Cassim' s wife. But she wondered why Ali Baba should want a measure. So she rubbed the bottom of the measure with a little lard, hoping that some of whatever was put into it might stick to the bottom.V ery hastily Ali Baba ' s wife went home, and having measured out the gold, carried the measure back to here sister-in-law. But she never noticed that a piece of gold had stuck to the bottom of the measure."What is this?" cried Cassim' s wife, when she discovered it. " So Ali Baba is too rich to count his gold, and is obliged to measure it!"When Cassim came home and heard the story he was filled with rage, and went over at once to his brother' s house."What do you mean by deceiving me?" He cried, " My wife has found out that you have so much gold that you can not even count it. Tell me this moment how you came by it."Ali Baba saw at once how his secret had been discovered, and so he told his brother the whole story, and even repeated to him the magic words, begging him to keep the secret well.Then Cassim went home, and taking twelve donkeys, set out to find the cave which Ali Baba had pointed out. When he came to it, he tied his donkeys outside, and then said, "Open Sesame," and at once the secret door was open!Now Cassim was a very greedy man, and he was so glad when he saw all the robbers' treasure that he danced for joy. He chose twenty-four of the largest bags of gold and dragged them to the door. Then he found, to his great alarm, that he had forgotten the magic words."Open Barley,”he cried. But the door remained shut. You must know that Sesame is a kind of grain in Persia, and Cassim thought Barley would do as well. Then he tried to remember every kind of grain he had ever heard of, but it was no use, the door never opened an inch.Just then the robber band came riding up, and when the Captain shouted “Open Sesame,”and walked in, he found Cassim there with all the bags of gold which he was trying to carry off.Great was the rage of the robbers when they found that their secret hiding-place was discovered. They fell upon Cassinm and cut him up into pieces, and hung the pieces just inside the cave as a warning to any one who should try to steal their gold.When night came and Cassim did not return home, his wife was much alarmed, and went to Ali Baba to beg him to find out what had become of her husband. So very early in the morning, Ali Baba took his three asses and went off to the robbers' cave."Open Sesame,”he cried, and when the door opened he walked in.Alas!It was as he had feared. His brother had been killed by the robbers and cut into pieces. Ali Baba took the pieces down and placed them on one of his asses. But he loaded the other twoasses with four more bags of gold.Then he returned home, and when he knocked at the door of Cassim' s house it was opened by a slave called Morgiana, who was the cleverest and best of all his brother' s servants.Ali Baba took Morgiana aside and spoke secretly to her. " Your master has been killed by robbers and cut into pieces,”he said, "but no one must know about it. Think therefore of some plan to keep it secret." For he knew what a clever girl Morgiana was.Then he went into the house and told Cassim' s wife the sad news."Do not grieve," he said, "You shall come and live with me and my wife and share all our treasure. Only we must be careful that no one guesses our secret."So they unloaded the pieces of Cassim, and told all the neighbours that he had died suddenly in the night.Then Morgiana went to an old cobbler who lived some distance off, and begged him to come with her, and bring his needles and thread with him. “Your work must be secret,”she said, "and I must blindfold you before I lead you to the house."At first the old cobbler refused, but when Morgiana slipped a piece of gold into his hand, he let himself be blindfolded and led to Cassim' s house. Then Morgiana bade him sew together the pieces of her master' s body, and he did it so neatly that no one could see the joins. Then she again blindfolded him and led him home.So it seemed as if the secret was safe, and Ali Baba and his wife went to live with Cassim' s wife.But when the robbers returned to the cave and found the body gone, as well as four bags of gold, they were filled with rage and fury."Some one else knows our secret," they cried. "We must discover at once who this some one is."So it was agreed that one of the robbers should disguise himself, go into the town, and try to find out the man who had carried off the body and stolen their gold.Now it so happened that as the robber entered the town very early the next morning, the first shop he saw open belonged to the old cobbler who had sewed Cassim' s body together."Good Morning, honest man," said the robber;"you begin work early. Surely your eyes are too old to see well in this early hour?""Old as I am, I have very good eyes," answered the cobbler. " Why, only yesterday I sewed four pieces of a man' s body together, so that nobody could see the joins.""Indeed," said the robber, "and who might the man be?""That I could not tell you if I would," answered the cobbler, "for I was led blindfold to his house, and brought back the same way."Then the robber slipped a piece of gold into the cobbler' s hand, and begged him to try to show him the house."I will blindfold you," said he, "and you can lead me the same way as you were taken yesterday. If you can show me the house you shall have more gold."So at last the cobbler consented, and when he was blindfolded he walked slowly until he came to Cassim' s house and there he stopped. "This must be the place," he said, "as far as I can remember."Then the robber took a piece of chalk out of his pocket and made a white mark on the door so that he might know it again. When he had done this he returned in great spirits to his companions in the forest.Not long after, as Morgiana was carrying water into the house, her sharp eyes noticed a strange mark upon the door. “This is some evil sign which may work mischief against my master," she said.So she fetched a piece of chalk and marked all the houses in the street with the same mark.Now when the robbers heard that their companion had discovered the house belonging to the man they had cut into pieces, they were very glad, but when that very night the cobbler led them to the street, behold!Every door had the same mark upon it, and it was impossible to tell which house was the one they sought."Fool," cried the robber chief angrily, "is this your clever work?You shall be put to death at once, and I myself will discover where this thief lives."So the next day the Captain disguised himself, and went to the old cobbler, who again led the way to Cassim 's house. But the Captain was too clever to mark the house with chalk this time. He looked carefully at it until he was sure he would know it again, and then he went back to prepare for the night' s work.First he bought twenty mules and then thirty-nine large jars for holding oil. One of these jars he filled with oil, but in each of the other empty jars a robber hid himself, and the Captain loaded the mules with the jars and set out for the town.When they came to the house which the Captain had so carefully noted, he found Ali Baba standing outside enjoying the evening air."Good evening,”said the Captain, with a low bow, "may I lodge with you this night, and will you allow me to leave my oil-jars in your courtyard?I am an oil merchant and have come from afar.""Come in, come in," said Ali Baba kindly, and he opened the gate for the mules to go into the yard. Then he ordered Morgiana to get ready a hot supper for the guest.Now the Captain had told each of the robbers that the moment he threw a pebble into the yard they were to jump out of the jars and come to help him. So they sat patiently、waiting in the jars, until the signal should be given.Meanwhile Morgiana was busily cooking the supper, but was obliged to stop because her lamp went out suddenly, and she found there was no oil in the house. " I can easily take a little from the great jars in the yard," she said to herself. So she took her lamp and went to fill it, but as she came near the first jar a voice whispered, "Is it time?""Not yet,”she said, going to the next jar. From each jar came the same question, and to each she gave the same answer, until she came to the last jar, and this she saw was really filled with oil."Aha!" said Morgiana, "pretty oil merchant this is!It is a plot to rob and murder my master."Then she quickly filled a great pot with oil out of the last jar, and set it to boil on the fire. And when the oil was boiling she poured some of it into each of the jars in which the robbers were hidden and killed them all.Thus, when the Captain threw his pebble into the yard not a robber appeared, and when he came down and looked into the jars he found that all his men were dead. His plan was discovered, and he fled for his life.The next morning Morgiana led Ali Baba into the yard and showed him the jars. He started with terror when he looked into the first and saw a man inside, but Morgiana quickly told him the whole story, and showed him that all the robbers were dead.Great indeed was the joy of Ali Baba when he saw what a danger he had escaped."From this moment you are no longer a slave," he said to Morgiana;"I set you free, and you shall have other rewards as well."The Captain meanwhile had returned to the cave, but he was so lonely and miserable without his men that he could not stay there. Besides, he was more eager than ever to be revenged on AliBaba, and so he thought of another plan. He disguised himself as a great merchant, and took a shop exactly opposite to the one belonging to Ali Baba' s son.The great merchant was so rich and so friendly that Ali Baba 's son soon became very fond of him and invited him to his father's house to supper, wishing to pay him great honour.But when the false merchant arrived, he said to Ali Baba, "Much as I should like to sup with you, I fear I cannot. I have made a vow never to taste salt, and thus my food has to be specially prepared.""That is an easy matter, " said Ali Baba;"I will order that no salt be put into any of the food tonight."When Morgiana heard the order she thought there was something very strange about it, and she looked attentively at the guest when she carried in the dishes.What was her horror when she knew the man to be the Captain of the robbers, and saw that he had a dagger hidden in his sleeve !"No wonder he would not eat salt with the man he means to kill," she said.Then she dressed herself as a dancer, and when supper was finished she took a dagger in her hand, and went to dance before Ali Baba and the company.She danced so wonderfully that every one was delighted, and the false merchant took out his purse to drop a piece of gold into her tambourine. But as she held the tambourine out to him, with the other hand she plunged the dagger into his heart."Oh, Morgiana," cried Ali Baba, "What have you done to my guest?""I have saved your life," cried Morgiana. "See here," and she showed them the dagger hidden in the merchant's sleeve, and then told them who he really was.Then Ali Baba embraced Morgiana, for he was grateful indeed."You shall marry my son ," he cried, "and become my daughter, for you deserve well the greatest reward that I can give."For a long time after this Ali Baba was afraid to return to the wonderful cave, but at the end of a year he went back once more, and found that everything had been left untouched since the death of the robbers. There was nothing now to fear. So Ali Baba became richer than any one else in all that land, for the cave never failed to open its secret door to him when he uttered the magic word, " Open Sesame."along[+>S&R]adv.向前ass[$K]n.驴band[B$QD]n.(匪徒等的)帮,一帮branch[br%::QtM]n.(树)枝bring[briR]vt.(brought,brought)搬,运bring back运回by and by不久Cassim[>E$KP] n.卡西姆(人名)cautious[>E&:M+K]adj.小心的certain[>K+:C+Q]adj.某个climb[Ea!P]vt.爬,攀cloud[ESa(D]n.云,云状物(如烟雾、尘埃)company[>E)PA+Q!]n.群,队dust[D)KC]n.尘土far[G%:]adv.远far off在远处forest[>G7 &T!KC]n.森林gallop[>g$S+A]vi.奔驰hard[O%:D]adv.努力地have to不得不,必须hide[Oa!D]vt.藏hide oneself 躲藏起来living[>S!H!R]n.生活,生计for one' s living谋生load[S+(D]vt.装载,垒货load…with…把…装载在…上面lord[S&:D]n.王侯marry[>P$T!]vt.与…结婚men[P-Q]n.人(复数)near[Q!+]adv.近,接近nearer[>Q!+]adv.near的比较级notice[>Q+(C!K]vt.注意到off[&(:)G]adv.离开one day有一天Persia[>A+:M+]n.波斯rock[T&E]岩石say to oneself对自己说,自言自语see[K!:] vt.(saw,seen)看见sell[K-S]vt.卖stand[KC$QD]vi.(stood,stood)站,立tremble[>CT-PBS]vi.颤抖without[V!>Ja(C]prep.不wood[V(D]n.木头,薪appear[+>A!+]vi.出现ass[$K] n.驴band[B$QD] n.(匪徒等的)一队,一帮begin[bi>gin]vt.(began,begun)开始behind[b>haind]prep.在…后面behold[b>h+(SD]vi.看,瞧(用于祈使语气)bring[briR]vt.(brought ,brought)搬,运carefully[>k#+G(S!]adv.小心地cave[keiv]n.岩洞climb[klaim]vi.爬,攀climb down爬下cry[krai]vt.喊,叫count[kaunt]vt.数cover[>k)H+]vt.盖,遮盖dismount[>dis>maunt]vi.下马do[强du:;弱du]vi.(did ,done) 做(用于代替前文出现过的动词)fill[fil]vt.装满be filled with…装满了…find[faind]vt.(found,found) 发现full[ful]adj.full of 满是…guess[ges]vt.猜到,料到hide[haid]vt.藏horsemen[>h&::::sm+n]n.horseman (骑马的人)的复数huge[hju:d*]adj.巨大的just[d*)st]adv.完全,正(如)load[l+(d]vt.装,载loud[la(d]adj.大声的march[ma:tM]vi.列队走mount[maunt]vi.上马once[w)ns]n.一次opening[>+(A+Q!R]n.开口,入口pile[pail]vt.堆pile up 堆满着quickly[>kwikli]adv.迅速地remember[ri>memb+]vt.记得ride[raid]vi.(rode,ridden)(骑马、乘车等)行,行进rock[r&k]n.岩石saddle[>s$dl]n.芝麻shout[Maut]vt.叫shut[M)C]vi.关,关闭slowly[>sl+(li]adv.慢慢地solid[>s&lid]adj.坚实的soon[su:n]adv.不久,立即as soon as 一当…(就)…swing[swiQ]vi.(swung,swung) 摆动swing open(门、窗等)倏地打开take off 取下voice[v&is]n.声音ware[w#+]n.器皿while[hwail]n.一会儿after a while 过了一会儿whole[h+(S]adj.全部wide[waid]adv.宽,敞开地word[w+:D]n.词,词语Adventure[+d>venCM+]n.冒险,昌险经历alone[+>l+(Q]adv.独自,单独leave alone 不管,不理会aloud[+>laud]adv.大声地arrive[+>raiv]vi.到达arrive home 到家begin[bi>gin]vt.(began,begun)开始beg[beg]vt.恳求,请求beg…to do…请求…(做某事)borrow[>b&T+(]vt.借bundle[>b)ndl]n.束,捆Cassim卡西姆cave[>keiv]n.岩洞close[kl+(z]vi.关闭count[>kaunt]vt .,vi.数,计数cry[krai]vt.叫,喊cry aloud 大声喊dig[dig]vt.挖foolish[>fu:lis]adj.愚蠢的find[faind]vt.(found,found)发现,找到hide[haid]vt.藏hole[h+(S]n.洞how[hau]conj.怎样,如何husband[>h)zb+nd ]n.丈夫indeed[in>di:d]adv.的确,实在joyful[>DN&!G(S]adj.快活leave[li:v]vt.(left,left)离开,留下leave…alone…不管,把…置之不顾look[luk]vi.看look at …看着measure[>me*+]adv.much 的最高级O[+(] interj.噢,哟opening[>+(AQ!R]n.开口,入口out of …从…出来pleasure[>ple*+]n.愉快,满足with pleasure 愉快地pour[A&:,A&+:]vt.倒,倾倒pour out of …从…倒出来sorrowfully[>s&T+G(S!)adv.悲伤地sound[saund]n.声音surely[>M(+S!]adv.肯定take[teik]vt.用,花费(时间)tell[tel]vt.(told,told)告诉tell…of…把…告诉…then[J-!] adv.于是thief[I!::G]n.贼trace[treis]n.痕迹try[trai]vt.试,试图weigh[wei]vt.称…的重量wiser[>waiz+]adj.wise(明智的)的比较级wood[wud]n 木(柴)beg[beg]vt.恳求,请求bottom[>b&C+P]n.底carry[>E$ri]vt.搬,运送come by…得到…come home 回家来count[kaunt]vt.数,计数cry[krai]vi.叫,喊deceive[di>si:v]vt.欺骗,蒙骗discover[dis>k)v+]vt.发现even[>i:v+n] adv.甚至fill[fil]vt.充满find[faind] vt.(found,found)发现find out 发现,得知go home 回家去hastily[>heistili]adv.匆心地hear[>hi+]vt.(heard,heard)听见hope[h+(A]vt.希望keep[ki:p]vt.保持keep the secret保守秘密lard[la:d]n.猪油magic[>m$DN!E] adj.魔法的,有魔力的mean[mi:n]vt.意思是measure[>meN+]n.量具moment[>m+(P+QC]n.时刻never[>nev+] adv.决不,从未notice[>n+(C!K]vt.注意到oblige[+>blaiDNb] vt.使不得不be obliged to …不得不,必须once[w)ns]n.一次at once 立刻over[>+(H+]adv.到那边piece[pi:s]n.块put[put]vt.放rage[reiDN]n.愤怒,怒气repeat[ri>pi:t]vt.复述,复诵rub[r)b]vt.抹rub…with…在…上面抹…secret[>si:krit]n.秘密→keep the secret sister-in-law[>sist+rinl&:]n.嫂,弟媳so…that…如此…以致于…stick[stik]vi.(stuck,stuck)粘,粘附stick to …粘在…上面tell[tel]vt.(told,told)告诉too…to…太…以致不能…well[wel]adv.很好地whatever[hw&t>ev+]pron.无论什么whole[h+(S]adj.全部,整个wonder[>w)nd+]vt.好奇,想知道word[w+:d]n.字,词语Alarm[+>la:m] n.吃惊,惊慌to one' s alarm使某人惊慌as well 同样地band[b$nd]n.(匪徒等的)一队,一帮barley[>ba:li]n.大麦carry[>k$ri]vt.搬,运carry off 搬走cave[keiv]n.岩洞choose[tM(:L]vt.(chose,chosen)挑,选cry[krai]vt.叫,喊dance[da:ns]vi.舞蹈,手舞足蹈discover[dis>k)v+]vt.发现donkey[>d&Rki]n.驴drag[dr$g]vt.拖ever[>ev+]adv.曾经find[faind]vt.(found,found)发现forget[f+>get]vt.(forgot,forgotten)忘记glad[gl$d]adj.高兴grain[grein]n.谷物greedy[>gri:d]adj.贪婪的hear[hi+]vt.(heard,heard)听见hear of…听见过hiding-place[>haidiR?pleis]n.躲藏处,藏物处inch[inCM]n.英寸,少许joy[DN&!]n.快活for joy由于快活kind[kaind]adj.和善,n.种类a kind of 一种magic[>m$DN!E]adj.魔法的,有魔力的never[>nev+]adv.决不,完全不off[&(:)f]adv.离开once[w)ns]n.一次,曾经at once 立刻outside[aut>said]adv.在外面Persia[>p+:M+] 波斯point[p&int]vi.指point out 指出rage[reiDN]n.愤怒,怒火remain[ri>mein]vi.保持,仍然是remember[ri>memb+]vt.记起,回忆起ride[raid]vi.(骑马、乘车等)行,行进secret[>si:krit]n.秘密sesame[>ses+mi]n.芝麻set out 出发shout[Ma(C] vi.叫,喊shut[M)C]adj.关闭的so…that…如此…以致于…take[teik]vt.带,带领though[J+(]conj.虽然tie[tai]vt.系,拴treasure[>tre*+]n.宝藏,财宝[1] [2] 下一页本篇文章来源于外语爱好者网站() 转载请以链接形式注明出处网址:/syy/seyy/201002/16645.html。






一、阿里巴巴的英文版本如图5-15所示,阿里巴巴的英文版本网页上方有Trade Leads 、产品目录(Product Catalog )、企业列表(Company List )、商业中心(Business Center )等几个栏目。


在图5-16中可见产品分类(Product Catalog )和产品浏览项(View Products )。




例如,选择工业产品供应商(Industrial Suppliers )类目中的建筑机械(Construction Machinery only )项目,可以进入建筑机械的原材料供应商页面(如图5-17所示)。


插图旁列明了公司行号和单价(Unit Price ),如果可以接受,直接按“加入篮中”(Add to Basket )即可。

如想进一步了解情况后再做决定,可以点击“更多信息”(More Information )按纽,进入详细介绍该产品的网页(如图5-18所示),该网页上说明价格尚可协商(Negotiable ),因此企业还可以点击“询价”(Request Quote )按钮与之讨价还价,最终决定购买与否。




阿里巴巴英文版介绍阿里巴巴英文介绍About Company OverviewAbout Our operational headquarters is based in Hangzhou in eastern China. We have field sales and marketing offices in more than 30 cities in China, Hong Kong, Switzerland and the United States. The company had more than 4,400 full-time employees as of June 30, 2007.History & MilestonesJack Ma, our lead founder and chairman, and 18 other founders launched in his Hangzhou apartment in 1999. Originally, operated as a bulletin board service for businesses to post buy and sell trade leads, and later became a vibrant marketplace for small and medium enterprises around the world to identify potential trading partners and interact with each other to conduct business online. listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on November 6, 2007 and is the flagship business of the Alibaba Group.October 2000Gold Supplier membership launched to serve China exporters.August 2001International TrustPass membership launched to serve exporters outside of China.March 2002China TrustPass membership launched to serve SMEs engaging in domestic China trade.July 2002Keyword services launched on our international marketplace.November 2003TradeManager instant messaging software launched to enable users to communicate in real time on our marketplaces.March 2005Keyword bidding launched on our China marketplace.April 2007Gold Supplier membership launched to serve Hong Kong exporters.November listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, under stock code 1688.。



《福布斯》的封面文章曾这样介绍他:凸出的颧骨,扭曲的头发,淘气的露齿而笑,拥有一副五英尺高,一百磅重的顽童模样,这个长相怪异的人有拿破仑一样的身材,同时也有拿破仑一样的伟大志向……就是这段介绍马云的"Forbes" the cover article once like this introduced him: Protrudes the cheekbone, the distortion hair, the mischievous dew tooth smiles, has five foot high, 100 pound heavy naughty child appearances, this appearance strange person has the Napoleon same stature, simultaneously also has Napoleon same great ambition ...... <dnt> </dnt> is this section introduced that Ma Yun <dnt> the </dnt> who can give me English first edition <dnt> </dnt> to be deeply grateful ~阿里巴巴创始人马云英文简介Like many entrepreneurs, Ma's success story started with borrowed capital and a dream. In 1999, Ma, a former English teacher, invited 18 people over to his home, pitched the idea of a business-to-business e-commerce site, and snagged $60,000 in funding. Today Alibaba's multitiered empire, which includes e-commerce, consumer retail, and payment platforms and ownership of China Yahoo, now plays a major role in China's booming economy.就很多企业家一样,马云的成功开始于一个风险投资商和一个梦想。



p Mission: Promote open, transparent, and share the responsibility, new business civilization
p Vision: The first share data platform,the highest happiness index of the enterprise,"Live for 102 years" p
Horizontal Integration
CompetiLeabharlann orsCompetitors
Financial Data
Important Events
• 2011 Alibaba Group announces its plan to build a network of warehouses across China and, together with its partners, drive major investment in logistics development in the country. (January) • Alibaba Group reorganizes Taobao into three separate companies, Taobao Marketplace, and eTao, to capture the Chinese consumer e-commerce opportunities. (June) • 2012 changes its Chinese name to strengthen its positioning as a source of highquality, brand-name products. (January)



alibaba阿里巴巴英文简介公司阿里巴巴网络技术有限公司,是以曾担任英语教师的马云为首的18人于1999年在杭州创立,下面是店铺为你整理的alibaba英文简介,希望对你有用!阿里巴巴网简介Alibaba network technology co., LTD(hereinafter referred to as:Alibaba group,) is a former English teacherJack ma,Led by 18 people in 1999hangzhouFounded, they believeThe InternetT o create fair competition environment for small businesses to expand business through innovation and technology, and participate in domestic or globalCompetition in the marketBe in a better position.Alibaba group, a number of business, and also from associated company's business and services support on the business ecosystem.Business, and associated company's business include:taobao、Tmall、Bargain,、The global speed sell tong, alibaba international trading market,1688、Ali mother、Ali cloud、The ant gold dress、Novice networkAnd so on. On September 19, 2014 in alibaba groupThe New York stock exchangeOfficially listed, the stock code "BABA", founder and chairman of the boardJack ma,.Throughout 2015, alibaba total revenue of 94.384 billion yuan, net profit is 68.844 billion yuan RMB.On April 6, 2016, alibaba announced has become the world's largestretailTrading platform.On July 5, 2016, a third party app store"peas"Announced that its application distribution services incorporated into alibaba mobile enterprise group, the two sides have formally signed a merger agreement.In August 2016, alibaba group in the "2016 China top 500 enterprises" ranked te January 19, 2017, the international Olympic committee in davos, Switzerland with alibaba group announced that the two sides reach a long-term cooperation period until 2028.Alibaba worldwide will join The Olympic Partner (The Olympic Partner, "TOP") sponsorship, become a "cloud services" and "e-commerce platform service," The official partners, as well as The founding Partner of The Olympic channel.Founded in February 2017, alibaba headquarters of Australia, New Zealand.阿里巴巴网发展历程In September 1999, jack ma, led by 18 founders was formally established in the apartment in hangzhouAlibaba group,, the group's first website alibaba wholesale trade markets around the world is English.In the same year, alibaba group launched focus on domestic wholesale trade trading city in ChinaField (now called "1688").In October 1999, alibaba group raised $5 million from several investment institutions.In January 2000, alibaba group, softbank from several investment institutions such as the financing of $20 million.In September 2000, alibaba group hold firstThe west lake amongBusiness, the Internet and opinion leaders to discuss important issues in the industry.In December 2001,alibabaThe number of registered users beyond 1 million.In December 2002, alibaba group for the first time to meet the annual positive cash flows.In May 2003, taobao shopping website founded ma the apartment.In February 2004, alibaba group raised $82 million from several line investment agency, to become the largest Chinese Internet old at the time of private financing.In June 2004, alibaba group, held for the first timealifestAt the prize presentation ceremony, held during the first ten big electronic retailing.In July 2004, taobao let buyers and sellers of release instant text, voice and video communication the PC version of the communication softwareAli wangwang,。



阿里巴巴和四十大盗scene 1旁白:In a town in Persia there are two brothers, one named Cassim, the other Ali Baba. Cassim was married to a rich wife and lived in plenty, while Ali Baba had to maintain his wife and children by cutting wood in a neighboring forest and selling it in the town.And one day…(轻快的bgm响起,阿里巴巴上场,假装砍柴。

)阿里巴巴:What’s that? Are they robbers? Oh, no! I’d better climb into a tree!(说着爬上旁边的树。


)强盗首领:(走到阿里巴巴藏身那棵树下面,对着石头说)Open, Sesame!(黑衣人把门打开,强盗走进去,门自动关上)旁白:They stayed some time inside, and Ali Baba, fearing they might come out and catch him, was forced to sit patiently in the tree.(门打开,强盗出来。

)强盗首领:Shut, Sesame!(黑衣人关门。


)阿里巴巴:(对着门)Open, Sesame!(门打开,阿里巴巴进去)旁白:Ali Baba was greatly surprised to find it large and well lighted, hollowed by the hand of man in the form of a vault, which received the light from an opening in the ceiling. He saw rich bales of merchandise -- silk, stuff-brocades, all piled together, andgold and silver in heaps, and money in leather purses. He went in and the door shut behind him.(装上几袋金币,离开。




Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, first saw the Internet in 1995 and when he went to Seattle as an interpreter for a trade delegation and a friend showed him the Internet. They searched for the word “beer” on Yahoo and discovered that there was no data about China. We decided to launch a website and registered the name China Pages.
Alibaba's Startup

He borrowed $2,000 to set up his first company and at the time knew nothing about personal computers or e-mails or had never touched a keyboard before. He described the experience as "blind man riding on the back of a blind tiger."

During the dot-com bubble, there were layoffs, such that by 2002 there was only enough cash to survive for 18 months. We had a lot of free members using our site, and we didn't know how we'd make money. But they then developed a product for China exporters to meet U.S. buyers online which Ma said saved the company. By the end of 2002, we made $1 in profits! Each year since it has improved in profitability to the position where it was launched on the stock market.



阿里巴巴审计报告意见段内容英文版全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone, today I'm here to tell you about the audit report opinion on Alibaba. So, let's get started!First of all, what is an audit report opinion? Well, it's basically a report that gives the auditor's opinion on a company's financial statements. It tells us if everything looks good or if there are any problems that need to be fixed.Now, let's talk about Alibaba. Alibaba is a gigantice-commerce company from China. It sells all kinds of things online, like clothes, electronics, and even food! It's super popular all over the world.So, what did the auditors have to say about Alibaba? Well, they looked at all the financial statements and transactions of the company. They checked if everything was recorded correctly and if there were any mistakes.After looking at everything carefully, the auditors gave their opinion. They said that Alibaba's financial statements areaccurate and reliable. This means that they think the numbers and information in the statements are correct.But wait, there's more! The auditors also said that Alibaba has good internal controls. This means that the company has rules and systems in place to make sure everything is done properly and to prevent any mistakes or fraud.In conclusion, the audit report opinion on Alibaba is positive. The auditors think that the company's financial statements are accurate and that it has good internal controls. So, we can trust that Alibaba is doing well and is a reliable company.That's all for today, thanks for listening!篇2Ali Baba Audit Report AdviceYo guys! Do you know what an audit report is? It's like when someone checks to make sure everything in a business is going smoothly and all the money is in the right place. So, we did an audit for Ali Baba, the cool e-commerce company, and we want to tell you what we found out!First of all, we looked at Ali Baba's financial statements and we gotta say, they are looking pretty good. All the numbers seemto be adding up and there were no big mistakes or problems. But, there were a few tiny errors here and there that we think Ali Baba should fix up.Next, we checked out Ali Baba's internal controls, which is like the rules and systems they have in place to make sure everything is running smoothly. We found that some of these controls could be improved to make sure the company is safe from any fraud or mistakes.Lastly, we talked to Ali Baba's management team and they were super nice! They told us about their plans for the future and how they are going to keep growing and improving. We think they have some great ideas, but they also need to make sure they are following all the rules and regulations.Overall, we think Ali Baba is doing a great job, but there are some areas where they can improve. We gave them some advice on how to make things even better and we hope they take it seriously. Keep up the good work, Ali Baba! You're on the right track!篇3Dear everyone,Today I'm going to tell you about the audit report of Alibaba. The auditors checked Alibaba's financial statements and transactions to see if they are accurate and reliable. They also looked at the company's internal controls to make sure everything is in order.The auditors found some issues during their audit. They found that some of Alibaba's transactions were not properly recorded, which could lead to financial problems in the future. They also found that some of Alibaba's internal controls were not strong enough to prevent fraud or errors.Based on these findings, the auditors have some recommendations for Alibaba. They suggest that the company improve its financial reporting procedures and strengthen its internal controls. This will help Alibaba to better manage its finances and reduce the risk of errors or fraud.Overall, the auditors believe that Alibaba can improve its financial management practices and become more successful in the future. It's important for companies to have accurate and reliable financial information so they can make good decisions and grow their business.That's all for today's audit report on Alibaba. Thank you for listening!Yours sincerely,[Your Name]篇4Dear friends, today I'm going to tell you about an audit report of Alibaba.The audit report found that Alibaba Group Holding Limited's financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2021, were presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).However, there were some issues that were identified during the audit. The audit report noted that there were weaknesses in Alibaba's internal control over financial reporting. This means that there were some problems with the way Alibaba was handling its financial information.The audit report recommended that Alibaba should improve its internal control over financial reporting to ensure that its financial statements are accurate and reliable. This is important because investors and other stakeholders rely on Alibaba's financial statements to make decisions about the company.In conclusion, the audit report of Alibaba found that the company's financial statements were fairly presented, but there were some weaknesses in its internal control over financial reporting. Alibaba should take steps to improve its internal control to ensure that its financial statements are accurate and reliable.That's all for today, thanks for listening!篇5Ali Baba Audit Report OpinionHey everyone! Today we're going to talk about the audit report for Ali Baba. The auditors checked out Ali Baba's financial statements and they said that everything looks good. But they also found some areas where Ali Baba can improve. Let's dive into the details!First of all, the auditors said that Ali Baba's financial statements give a true and fair view of the company's financial position. That's great news! It means that Ali Baba is doing a good job of keeping track of its money and assets.But the auditors also pointed out some areas where Ali Baba can do better. For example, they found that Ali Baba needs toimprove its internal controls. Internal controls are like rules and procedures that help a company run smoothly and prevent fraud. So Ali Baba needs to tighten up its controls to make sure everything is running smoothly.Another thing the auditors mentioned is that Ali Baba needs to be more transparent in its financial reporting. Transparency means being open and honest about the company's financial situation. If Ali Baba can be more transparent, it will help investors and other stakeholders understand the company better.Overall, the auditors gave a clean opinion on Ali Baba's financial statements. They said that Ali Baba is on the right track, but there's always room for improvement. So let's cheer on Ali Baba as they work to make their company even better! Go Ali Baba!篇6Hey guys! Today we are going to talk about the audit report opinion of Alibaba. So, the auditor looked at all the money and stuff Alibaba has and they had some things to say.First of all, the auditor said that Alibaba's financial statements are in good shape and they show a true and fair viewof the company's financial position. That's great news because it means Alibaba is doing well and everything is looking good.But, the auditor also found some things that Alibaba needs to work on. They said that there were some weaknesses in the company's internal controls. This means that Alibaba needs to make sure they have better processes in place to make sure everything is going smoothly. It's like when you're playing a game and you need to make sure all your pieces are in the right place to win.The auditor also mentioned that there were some potential risks for Alibaba. They said that there were some uncertainties in the market that could affect the company's future performance. It's like saying there might be some storm clouds on the horizon that Alibaba needs to watch out for.Overall, the auditor gave Alibaba a qualified opinion. This means that they think Alibaba is doing well, but there are some things they need to work on to make sure everything is running smoothly. It's like getting a report card with mostly good grades, but with a few areas to improve in.So, that's the audit report opinion for Alibaba. Let's hope they can work on those weaknesses and risks and keep on doing well in the future!篇7Title: Alibaba Audit Report Opinion SectionHey everyone! Today I’m going to talk about the audit report opinion of Alibaba. Alibaba is a really big company that does lots of cool stuff like selling things online and helping people find what they need.In the audit report opinion, the auditors looked at Alibaba’s financial statements and how they do their business. They checked to make sure everything was being done correctly and that the numbers all added up. The auditors also looked at Alibaba’s internal controls to see if they were working well.After looking at everything, the auditors gave their opinion on Alibaba’s financial statements. The y said that the financial statements are accurate and can be relied on. This is really important because it means that people can trust Alibaba’s numbers and know that they are true.The auditors also said that Alibaba’s internal controls are good and are working like they should. This is great because it means that Alibaba is doing a good job of making sure that everything runs smoothly and that there are no big problems.Overall, the auditors gave a positive opinion on Alibaba’s financial statements and internal controls. This means that Alibaba is doing well and is a reliable company to do business with. Yay for Alibaba!That’s all for now, see you next time!篇8Alibaba Audit Report OpinionHey guys, today I am going to tell you about the audit report opinion of Alibaba. So, you know Alibaba is a really big company that sells lots of stuff online, right? And every year, they have to do an audit to make sure everything is going well.Well, in the audit report opinion, the auditors give their thoughts on how well Alibaba is doing. They check all the financial statements and make sure they are accurate. They also look at all the company's financial processes and controls to see if they are working properly.In the latest audit report, the auditors said that Alibaba's financial statements are accurate and that all the processes and controls are in place. This means that Alibaba is doing a good jobof keeping track of their money and making sure everything is running smoothly.But the auditors also mentioned a few things that Alibaba could do better. They said that Alibaba should improve their risk management and internal controls to make sure they are prepared for any challenges that might come up in the future. They also suggested that Alibaba should be more transparent about their financial information so that investors and customers can trust them even more.Overall, the audit report opinion of Alibaba is pretty positive. The auditors think Alibaba is doing a good job, but they also have some suggestions for how the company could improve. And that's what audits are all about – making sure companies are doing their best and helping them get even better. And that's the end of my report on Alibaba's audit report opinion. Thanks for listening, guys!篇9Hi everyone, this is the audit report of Alibaba Group. Our audit team has carefully reviewed the financial statements of Alibaba and we would like to share our findings with you all.Overall, we found that Alibaba's financial statements are fairly presented and reflect the company's financial position accurately. However, we do have a few recommendations for improvement.Firstly, we noticed that there were some discrepancies in the inventory valuation method used by Alibaba. We recommend that the company review and revise their inventory valuation policies to ensure consistency and accuracy in reporting.Secondly, we found that Alibaba has a high level of accounts receivable turnover, indicating that the company may have difficulty collecting outstanding payments from customers. We recommend that Alibaba strengthen its credit policies and procedures to minimize the risk of bad debts.Lastly, we recommend that Alibaba enhance its internal control procedures to prevent potential fraud and errors. It is important for Alibaba to implement stronger controls over financial reporting processes and safeguarding of assets.In conclusion, while Alibaba's financial statements are reliable, there are areas for improvement in inventory valuation, accounts receivable management, and internal controls. We hope that Alibaba will consider our recommendations and take necessary actions to enhance their financial reporting practices.Thank you for your attention and we look forward to seeing Alibaba's continuous growth and success in the future.篇10Oh, hi friends! Today I want to tell you about a report from Alibaba's audit. So, the auditors looked at all the money and stuff that Alibaba has and they found some things that need to be fixed. It's like when we clean our rooms and find some toys that need to be put away properly.The auditors said that Alibaba needs to be more careful when they are counting their money. They also said that Alibaba needs to keep better records of all the things they buy and sell. It's like when we need to keep track of our allowance or toys so we don't lose them.The auditors also said that Alibaba needs to do more checks to make sure everything is going well. It's like when we have to make sure our homework is done right before we turn it in to our teacher.So, Alibaba should listen to the auditors and fix these things so they can be a better company. It's like when we listen to our teachers and parents to become better students and kids. Let's all work hard to be better at what we do!。



阿里巴巴合伙人制度(英文版)IntroductionSince our founders first gathered in Jack Ma's apartment in1999,they and our management have acted in the spirit of partnership.We view our culture as fundamental to our success and our ability to serve our customers,develop our employees and deliver long-term value to our shareholders.In July2010,in order to preserve this spirit of partnership and to ensure the sustainability of our mission,vision and values,we decided to formalize our partnership as Lakeside Partners,named after the Lakeside Gardens residential community where Jack Ma and our other founders started our company.We refer to the partnership as the Alibaba Partnership.We believe that our partnership approach has helped us to better manage our business,with the peer nature of the partnership enabling senior managers to collaborate and override bureaucracy and hierarchy.As of the date of this annual report,the Alibaba Partnership has a total of28members.The number of partners in the Alibaba Partnership may change fromtime to time due to the election of new partners,the retirement of partners and the departure of partners for other reasons.Our partnership is a dynamic body that rejuvenates itself through admission of new partners each year, which we believe enhances our excellence,innovation and sustainability.Unlike dual-class ownership structures that employ a high-vote class of shares to concentrate control in a few founders,our approach is designed to embody the vision of a large group of management partners.This structure is our solution for preserving the culture shaped by our founders while at the same time accounting for the fact that founders will inevitably retire from the company.Consistent with our partnership approach,all partnership votes are made on a one-partner-one-vote basis.The partnership is governed by a partnership agreement and operates under principles,policies and procedures that have evolved with our business and are further described below.Nomination and Election of PartnersThe Alibaba Partnership elects new partners annually after a nomination process whereby existing partners propose candidates to the partnership committee as described below.The partnership committee reviews the nominations and determines whether the nomination of a candidate will be proposed to the entire partnership for election.Election of new partners requires the approval of at least75%of all of the partners.Partners should be employees of Alibaba Group.To be eligible for election,a partner candidate must have demonstrated the following attributes:∙a high standard of personal character and integrity;∙continued service with Alibaba Group for not less than five years;∙a track record of contribution to the business of Alibaba Group;andbeing a"culture carrier"who shows a consistent commitment to,and traits and actions consonant with, our mission,vision and values.We believe the criteria and process of the Alibaba Partnership applicable to the election promote accountability among the partners as well as to our customers,employees and shareholders.In order to align the interests of partners with the interests of our shareholders,we require that each partner maintain a meaningful level of equity interests in our company during his or her tenure as a partner.Since a partner nominee must have been our employee for at least five years,as of the time he or she becomes a partner,he or she will typically already own or have been awarded a personally meaningful level of equity interest in our company through our equity incentive and share purchase or investment plans.Duties of PartnersThe main duty of partners in their capacity as partners is to embody and promote our mission, vision and values.We expect partners to be evangelists for our mission,vision and values,both within ourorganization and externally to customers,business partners and other participants in our ecosystem.Partnership CommitteeThe partnership committee must consist of at least five but no more than seven partners,including partnership committee continuity members,and is currently comprised of Jack Ma,Joe Tsai,Daniel Zhang, Lucy Peng,Xiaofeng Shao and Eddie Wu.The partnership committee is responsible for administering partner elections and managing the relevant portion of the deferred cash bonus pool,with any amounts payable to partners who are our executive officers or directors or members of the partnership committee subject to approval of the compensation committee of our board of directors.Either one or two partners may be designated as partnership committee continuity partners,and currently the partnership committee continuity members consist of Jack Ma and Joe Tsai. Other than partnership committee continuity members, the partnership committee members serve for a term of five years and may serve multiple terms.Elections of partnership committee members are held once everyfive years.Partnership committee continuity members are not subject to election,and may serve until they cease to be partners,retire from the partnership committee or are unable to discharge duties as partnership committee members as a result of illness or permanent incapacity.A replacement partnership committee continuity partner is either designated by a retiring or,as the case may be,the remaining, partnership committee continuity member.Prior to each election,the partnership committee will nominate a number of partners equal to the number of partnership committee members that will serve in the next partnership committee term plus three additional nominees less the number of the serving partnership committee continuity members.Each partner votes for a number of nominees equal to the number of partnership committee members that will serve in the next partnership committee term less the number of the serving partnership committee continuity members, and all except the three nominees who receive the least votes from the partners are elected to the partnership committee.Director Nomination and Appointment RightsPursuant to our Articles of Association,the Alibaba Partnership has the exclusive right to nominate or,in limited situations,appoint up to a simple majority of the members of our board of directors.The election of each director nominee of the Alibaba Partnership will be subject to the director nominee receiving a majority vote from our shareholders voting at an annual general meeting of shareholders.If an Alibaba Partnership director nominee is not elected by our shareholders or after election departs our board of directors for any reason,the Alibaba Partnership has the right to appoint a different person to serve as an interim director of the class in which the vacancy exists until our next scheduled annual general meeting of shareholders.At the next scheduled annual general meeting of shareholders,the appointed interim director or a replacement Alibaba Partnership director nominee (other than the original nominee)will stand for election for the remainder of the term of the class of directors to which the original nominee would have belonged.If at any time our board of directors consists of less than asimple majority of directors nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership for any reason,including because a director previously nominated by the Alibaba Partnership ceases to be a member of our board of directors or because the Alibaba Partnership had previously not exercised its right to nominate or appoint a simple majority of our board of directors,the Alibaba Partnership will be entitled(in its sole discretion and without the need for any additional shareholder action)to appoint such number of additional directors to the board as necessary to ensure that the directors nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership comprise a simple majority of our board of directors.In determining the Alibaba Partnership director nominees who will stand for election to our board,the partnership committee will propose director nominees who will be voted on by all of the partners,and those nominees who receive a simple majority of the votes of the partners will be selected for these purposes.The director nominees of the Alibaba Partnership may be partners of the Alibaba Partnership or other qualified individuals who are not affiliated withthe Alibaba Partnership.The Alibaba Partnership’s right to nominate or appoint up to a simple majority of our directors is conditioned on the Alibaba Partnership being governed by the partnership agreement in effect as of the completion of our initial public offering in September2014,or as may be amended in accordance with its terms from time to time.Any amendment to the provisions of the partnership agreement relating to the purpose of the partnership,or to the manner in which the Alibaba Partnership exercises its right to nominate a simple majority of our directors,will be subject to the approval of the majority of our directors who are not nominees or appointees of the Alibaba Partnership and are“independent directors”within the meaning of Section303A of the NYSE Listed Company Manual.The provisions relating to nomination rights and procedures described above are incorporated in our Articles.Pursuant to our Articles,the Alibaba Partnership’s nomination rights and related provisions of our Articles may only be changed upon the vote of shareholders representing95%of the votes present in person or by proxy at a general meeting of shareholders.Alibaba Partnership has not fully exercised its director nomination right.Our board of directors currently consists of ten members,six are independent directors nominated by our nominating and corporate governance committee,four are Alibaba Partnership nominees.Current PartnersThe following table sets forth the names,in alphabetical order by surname,and other information regarding the current partners of the Alibaba Partnership.Name GenderYearJoinedAlibabaGroupCurrent Position withAlibaba GroupLijuan CHEN(陈丽娟)F2003Vice PresidentTrudy ShanDAI (戴珊)F1999Director and ChiefExecutive Officer,Taobaoand Tmall GroupDirector,AlibabaName GenderYearJoinedAlibabaGroupCurrent Position withAlibaba GroupLucy Lei PENG (彭蕾)†F1999Partner,AlibabaPartnershipDirector,Local ServicesGroupDirector,AlibabaInternational DigitalCommerce GroupXiaofengSHAO(邵晓锋)†M2005Senior Vice PresidentJie SONG (宋洁)F2000Vice President,AlibabaInternational DigitalCommerce GroupLijun SUN (孙利军)M2002Director-General,AlibabaFoundationName GenderYearJoinedAlibabaGroupCurrent Position withAlibaba GroupLei WANG (王磊)M2003Senior Vice President,CloudIntelligence GroupWinnie JiaWEN (闻佳)F2007President,PublicAffairsDirector,Digital Mediaand Entertainment GroupMaggie Wei WU(武卫)F2007DirectorDirector,Digital Mediaand Entertainment GroupEddie Yongming WU(吴泳铭)†*M1999Senior Vice PresidentChairman,Taobao andTmall GroupDirector,Local ServicesGroupDirector,AlibabaInternational DigitalCommerce GroupName GenderYearJoinedAlibabaGroupCurrent Position withAlibaba GroupZeming WU (吴泽明)M2004Group ChiefTechnology OfficerDeputy Head of AlibabaDAMO AcademyChief TechnologyOfficer,Local ServicesGroupDirector,CloudIntelligence GroupDirector,Taobao andTmall GroupDirector,Local ServicesGroupSara SiyingYU(俞思瑛)F2005Group General CounselDirector,Digital Mediaand Entertainment GroupYongfu YU M2007Chairman and ChiefName GenderYearJoinedAlibabaGroupCurrent Position withAlibaba Group(俞永福)Executive Officer,LocalServices GroupJeff Jianfeng ZHANG (张建锋)M2004Head of Alibaba DAMOAcademyDaniel Yong ZHANG(张勇)†*M2007Group Chairman andChief Executive OfficerChairman and ChiefExecutive Officer,CloudIntelligence GroupJessie Junfang ZHENG (郑俊芳)F2010Director and Chief RiskOfficer,Cloud IntelligenceGroupShunyan ZHU (朱顺炎)M2014Chairman and ChiefExecutive Officer,AlibabaName GenderYearJoinedAlibabaGroupCurrent Position withAlibaba GroupHealthDirector,Local ServicesGroup†Member of the partnership committee.*Effective September10,2023,Joe Tsai will succeed Daniel Zhang as Group Chairman and Eddie Wu will succeed Daniel Zhang as Group Chief Executive Officer.CompensationOur board of directors,acting on the recommendation of our compensation committee, approves an annual cash bonus pool for our management,calculated based on a percentage of our adjusted pretax operating profits.Once the annual cash bonus pool is calculated,our compensation committee determines the proportion allocated and payable to our management for the year,and approves the amount of individual cash bonus payable to our executive officersand directors and members of the partnership committee.The remaining portion of the annual cash bonus pool is available for the partners and may,upon the approval of our compensation committee,be deferred,and used as determined by the partnership committee,with any amounts payable to our executive officers or directors or members of the partnership committee individually be also subject to approval of the compensation committee of our board of directors.The board,acting on the recommendation of our compensation committee,may determine the remuneration to be paid to non employee directors.We do not provide employee directors with any additional remuneration for serving as directors other than their remuneration as our employees.Pursuant to our service agreements with our directors,neither we nor our subsidiaries provide benefits to directors upon termination of employment.We do not separately set aside any amounts for pensions,retirement or other benefits for our executive officers,other than pursuant to relevant statutory requirements.Management members who are partners of the Alibaba Partnershipmay receive retirement payments from the deferred portion of the annual cash bonus pool available to the Alibaba Partnership.Retirement and RemovalPartners may elect to retire from the partnership at any time.All partners except continuity partners are required to retire upon reaching the age of sixty or upon termination of their qualifying employment.Jack Ma and Joe Tsai are designated as continuity partners,who may remain partners until they reach the age of seventy (and this age limit may be extended by a majority votes of all partners),elect to retire from the partnership,die or are incapacitated or are removed as partners.Any partner,including continuity partners,may be removed upon the vote of a simple majority of all partners present at a duly-called meeting of partners for violations of certain standards set forth in the partnership agreement,including failure to actively promote our mission,vision and values,fraud,gross misconduct or gross negligence.As with other partners, continuity partners must maintain the shareholding levels required by us of all partners as described below.Partners who retire from the partnership upon meeting certain age and service requirements may be designated as honorably retired partners by the partnership committee.Honorably retired partners may not act as partners,but may be entitled to allocations from the deferred portion of the annual cash bonus pool described below as post-retirement payments. Continuity partners will not be eligible to receive allocations from the annual cash bonus pool if they cease to be our employees even if they remain partners,but may be entitled to receive allocations from the deferred bonus pool if they are honorably retired partners.Restrictive ProvisionsUnder our Articles of Association,in connection with any change of control,merger or sale of our company,the partners and other holders of our ordinary shares shall receive the same consideration with respect to their ordinary shares in connection with any of these types of transactions.In addition,our Articles provide that the Alibaba Partnership may not transfer or otherwise delegate or give a proxy to any third-party with respect to its right to nominatedirectors,although it may elect not to exercise its rights in full.In addition,as noted above,our Articles also provide that the amendment of certain provisions of the Alibaba Partnership agreement relating to the purpose of the partnership or the manner in which the partnership exercises its rights to nominate or appoint a majority of our board of directors will require the approval of a majority of directors who are not appointees of the Alibaba Partnership and are “independent directors”within the meaning of Section 303A of the NYSE Listed Company Manual.Amendment of Alibaba Partnership AgreementPursuant to the partnership agreement, amendment of the partnership agreement requires the approval of75%of the partners in attendance at a meeting of the partners at which not less than75%of all the partners are in attendance,except that the general partner may effect certain administrative amendments.In addition,certain amendments relating to the purposes of the Alibaba Partnership or the manner in which it exercises its nomination rights with respect to our directors require the approval of amajority of our independent directors not nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership.Alibaba Group Equity Interest Holding Requirements for PartnersEach of the partners holds his or her equity interests in our company directly as an individual or through his or her affiliates.Each partner is required to enter into share retention agreement with us.These agreements provide that a period of three years from the date on which a person becomes a partner,which ranges from January2014to June2023for our existing partners, we require that each partner retain at least60%of the equity interests(including shares underlying vested and unvested awards)that he or she held on the starting date of the three-year period.Following the initial three-year holding period and for so long as he or she remains a partner,we require that the partner retain at least40%of the equity interests(including shares underlying vested and unvested awards)that he or she held on the starting date of the initial three-year holding period.Exceptions to the holding period rulesdescribed in the share retention agreements must be approved by a majority of the independent directors.Weighted Voting Rights(WVR)StructureWe have one class of Shares,and each holder of our Shares is entitled to one vote per Share.Pursuant to our Articles of Association,the Alibaba Partnership has the exclusive right to nominate or,in limited situations, appoint,up to a simple majority of the members of our board of directors.These rights are categorized as a weighted voting rights structure,or WVR structure, under the Hong Kong Listing Rules.As a result,we are deemed as a company with a WVR structure.。



The target market of alibaba
E-commerce market
Production organization, production services, financial services, logistics services, information services, network marketing, etc
The development of alibaba
In 1999, 18 people led by Jack Ma founded Alibaba group ; In 2000, Alibaba group successfully financing $20 million ; In 2001, The registered users of Alibaba exceeded 1 million ; In 2002, Alibaba began to make profits in the first; In 2003, Alibaba set up Taobao and open B2C business; In 2004, Alibaba create a Alipay platform; In 2005, Alibaba and Yahoo reached a strategic cooperation, the same year in October to take over the Chinese Yahoo.; In 2006, Alibaba opened the Taobao university courses to provide e-commerce training services for platform users;



阿里巴巴英文故事概括In the ancient city of Baghdad, lived a poor boy named Alibaba. His life was a humble one, scraping by to make ends meet. Little did he know that fate had other plans for him, ones that would lead him to become a wealthy and powerful merchant, known throughout the world.One fateful day, while out collecting firewood, Alibaba stumbled upon a secret cave where forty thieves had hidden their treasures. They were led by a powerful and cunning thief named Cassim, who was not only rich but also had the ability to cloud people's minds. However, Alibaba, with his pure heart and strong will, was able to overcome the illusion and steal a bag of gold coins for himself.With this newfound wealth, Alibaba's life changed overnight. He used the gold to invest in business and soon became a wealthy merchant, known for his honesty and generosity. However, with success came new challenges. The jealous Cassim and his thieves were determined to get their revenge on Alibaba for stealing their gold. But Alibaba, with the help of his loyal servant Malik and the wise oldwoman, used their wits and courage to outsmart the thieves and save themselves from harm.The story of Alibaba does not end here. His success did not go unnoticed, and soon, merchants from all over the world came to trade with him. His business grew and expanded, and he became a powerful merchant prince, with his influence spanning across the globe.Alibaba's rise to power and wealth is not just a story of good fortune and luck. It is a tale of hard work, perseverance, and wisdom. It is a reminder that with courage and determination, one can overcome any obstacle and achieve their dreams.Today, the name Alibaba has become synonymous with success and innovation. Just like the ancient merchant, the Alibaba Group has transformed from a small enterprise into a global e-commerce giant, with its influence reaching far and wide. Led by its visionary founder Jack Ma, Alibaba has revolutionized the way people shop, sell, and transact business online.Alibaba's journey is a testament to the power of technology and the internet. It has connected buyers andsellers from all corners of the world, creating opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs to grow and prosper. The company's commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction, and social responsibility has not only made it a household name but has also earned it the respect and admiration of people across the globe.Just like Alibaba the merchant, who faced challenges and obstacles but never gave up, the Alibaba Group has always been resilient and adaptable. It has navigated through changes in technology, regulations, and consumer behavior to stay ahead of the curve and maintain its position as a leader in the global e-commerce industry.The story of Alibaba, both the ancient merchant and the modern-day company, is an inspiration to us all. It reminds us that with hard work, perseverance, and wisdom, we can achieve anything we set our minds to. It also serves as a reminder of the power of technology and the internet in connecting people and creating opportunities for growth and prosperity.**阿里巴巴的旅程:转型与全球霸主的故事**在古老的巴格达城,住着一个名叫阿里巴巴的穷孩子。



partners guidance service, etc
The target market of alibaba
Alibaba wireless occupies the absolute majority of the market share. There is no competitors .
In2016, Alibaba group platform turnover reached 3 trillion, reach 3.092 trillion yuan, up 27% from a year earlier. It suggests that Alibaba has become the largest mobile economic entity in the world. At the same time,it makes success breakthrough 100 billion yuan, which became the highest per capita capacity of Chinese Internet companies.
Mobile shopping
I steel net、global sources
Third-party competitorspayment来自Jingdong mall
Taobao market accounted for 96.5% of the absolute leading market share, there is no competitor in the market.
The introduction of alibaba



阿里巴巴故事英文简化版THERE once lived in a town in Persia two brothers, one named Cassim, and the other Ali Baba. Cassim had married a rich wife, but Ali Baba was poor, and made his living by cutting wood, which he brought upon three assesinto the town to sell.One day when he was in the forest cutting wood, he saw a troop of horsemen coming towardhim. Fearing they might be robbersa door opened in the rock. Then they all passed through, and the door closed after them.Ali Baba stayed in the tree, and after awhile the door opened again, and the robbers came out. Then the captain closed the door by saying, "Shut, Sesame," and they all rode away.When they were out of sight Ali Baba came down, and, going up to the rock, said, "Open, Sesame." The door at once opened, and Ali Baba, entering, found himself in a large cave, lighted from a hole in the top, and full of all kinds of treasure--rich silks and carpets, gold and silver warethe next morning. He opened the door by saying, "Open, Sesame," and when he went in, it closed after him. He beganto pile up bags of gold near the door, but when he was ready to go he found that he had forgotten the magic words which opened it, and before he could recallthem, the robbers returned. The moment they caught sight of him they rushed upon him with their swords and killed him, and then cut his body in four quarters and hung them up in the cave.When night fell, and Cassim had not returned, his wife was greatly alarmed and ran to Ali Baba. He tried to comfort her; but when morning came, and Cassim did not yet appear, he set out for the cave with his three asses. When he reached there, and saw his brother's body, he was struck with horror at the sight, but he quickly wrapped up the pieces and carried them home on one of the asses loading the other two again with gold.He now wished to get Cassim buried without letting anyone know that he had not died a natural death. Cassim's wife had a slave named Morgiana, who was very quick-witted, and Ali Baba took her into his confidence, and got her to assisthim. She went very early in the morning, to an old cobbler named Mustapha, and bribedhim to come and stitchthe body together, tying a handkerchief over hiseyes as she led him to and from the house, so that he would not know where he had done the work. Then it was given out that Cassim had died, and the funeral was held without betrayingthe secret of his death.The customs of the country allowed a man to have more than one wife, and it was also usual when a husband died that his brother should marry his widow. So, in order that he might enjoy his good fortune and live as a man of wealth without causing remarks to be made about his sudden rise in life, Ali Baba married Cassim's widow, who was known to be rich, and went to live in her house.。


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