管理,11e (罗宾斯/库尔特)10章基本组织设计1) 组织结构被定义为组织内工作的正式安排。
答案: 真页次: 265主题: 设计组织结构目的: 1困难: 容易分类: 概念性2) 组织结构是组织中标准化程序的程度。
答: 假页次: 265主题: 设计组织结构目的: 1困难: 容易分类: 概念性3) 工作专业化也被称为分工。
答案: 真页次: 265主题: 设计组织结构目的: 1困难: 容易分类: 概念性4) 管理人员今天继续认为工作专门化是重要的, 因为它帮助员工提高效率。
答案: 真页次: 266主题: 设计组织结构目的: 1困难: 容易分类: 概念性5) 客户部门化则工作良好, 因为它强调监视和响应客户需求的变化。
答案: 真页次: 268主题: 设计组织结构目的: 1困难: 容易分类: 概念性6) 指挥链是一项原则, 规定一个人只能向一个老板报告。
答: 假页次: 268目的: 1困难: 容易分类: 概念性7) 所有其他事情不变, 控制范围越窄, 组织效率越高。
答: 假Page Ref: 271主题: 设计组织结构目的: 1困难: 容易分类: 概念性8) 鉴于其他情况不变, 受过良好培训和经验丰富的雇员的管理人员可以在更广泛的控制范围内发挥作用, 而不是那些有才华的员工。
答案: 真Page Ref: 272目的: 1困难: 容易分类: 概念性9) 低级员工的决策能力越高, 组织越分散。
答案: 真Page Ref: 272主题: 设计组织结构目的: 1困难: 容易分类: 概念性10) 在频谱的一端, 组织可以绝对集中, 而在另一端, 它们可以完全分散。
答: 假Page Ref: 272主题: 设计组织结构目的: 1困难: 容易分类: 概念性11) 员工授权使员工有更多的权力作出决定。
答案: 真Page Ref: 273主题: 设计组织结构目的: 1困难: 容易分类: 概念性12) 在高度形式化的组织中, 员工在如何工作方面有更大的判断力。
管理学第9版练习题附答案Chapter 6 Decision Making: The Essence of the Manager’s JobTRUE/FALSE QUESTIONSTHE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS1.Problem identification is purely objective.2.The second step in the decision-making process is identifying a problem.3. A decision criterion defines what is relevant in a decision.4.The fourth step of the decision-making process requires the decision maker tolist viable alternatives that could resolve the problem.5.Once the alternatives have been identified, a decision maker must analyze eachone.6.The step in the decision-making process that involves choosing a best alternativeis termed implementation.THE MANAGER AS DECISION MAKER7.Making decisions is with the essence of management.8.Managerial decision making is assumed to be rational.9.One assumption of rationality is that we cannot know all of the alternatives.10.Managers tend to operate under assumptions of bounded rationality.11.Studies of the events leading up to the Challenger space shuttle disaster pointto an escalation of commitment by decision makers.12. Managers regularly use their intuition in decision making.13.Rational analysis and intuitive decision making are complementary.14.Programmed decisions tend to be repetitive and routine.15.Rules and policies are basically the same.16.A policy is an explicit statement that tells a manager what he or she ought orought not to do.17.The solution to nonprogrammed decision making relies on procedures, rules, andpolicies.18.Most managerial decisions in the real world are fully nonprogrammed.19.The ideal situation for making decisions is low risk.20.Risk is the condition in which the decision maker is able to estimate thelikelihood of certain outcomes.21.Risk is a situation in which a decision maker has neither certainty norreasonable probability estimates.22.People who have a low tolerance for ambiguity and are rational in their way ofthinking are said to have a directive style.23.Decision makers with an analytic style have a much lower tolerance for ambiguitythan do directive types.24.Individuals with a conceptual style tend to be very broad in their outlook andwill look at many alternatives.25. Behavioral-style decision makers work well with others.26.Most managers have characteristics of analytic decisionmakers.27.According to the boxed feature, “Managing Workforce Diversity,” diverseemployees tend to make decisions faster than a homogeneous group of employees.28.The anchoring effect describes when decision makers fixate on initial informationas a starting point and then, once set, they fail to adequately adjust for subsequent information.29.The availability bias describes when decision makers try to create meaning out ofrandom events.30. The sunk cost error is when decision makers forget that current choices cannotcorrect the past.DECISION MAKING FOR T ODAY’S WORLD31.Today’s business world revolves around making decisions, usually with completeor adequate information, and under minimal time pressure.32.Managers need to understand cultural differences to make effective decisions intoday’s fast-moving world.33.According to the boxed feature, “Focus on Leadership,” when identifyingproblems, managers might be from a culture that is focused on problem solving, or their culture might be one of situation acceptance.34.According to the boxed feature, “Focus on Leadership,” findings from studies byGeert Hofstede and from GLOBE researchers show that inhigh uncertainty avoidance countries, decision making tends to be based more on intuition than on formal analysis.35.Highly reliable organizations (HROs) are easily tricked by their success.MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS36.Decision making is typically described as ________________, which is a view thatis too simplistic.a.deciding what is correctb.putting preferences on paperc.choosing among alternativesd.processing information to completion37.A series of eight steps that begins with identifying a problem and concludes withevaluating the decision’s effectiveness i s the ________________.a.decision-making processb.managerial processc.maximin styled.bounded rationality approach38.________________ is the existence of a discrepancy between an existing and adesired state of affairs.a.An opportunityb. A solutionc. A weaknessd. A problem39.In identifying the problem, a manager _________________./doc/d417811801.html,pares the current state of affairs with where they would like to beb.expects problems to be defined by neon lightsc.looks for discrepancies that can be postponedd.will not act when there is pressure to make a decision40.Which of the following statements is true concerning problem identification?a.Problems are generally obvious.b. A symptom and a problem are basically the same.c.Well-trained managers generally agree on what is considered a problem.d.The problem must be such that it exerts some type of pressure on the managerto act.41. What is the second step in the decision-making process?a.identifying decision criteriab.allocating weights to the criteriac.analyzing alternativesd.identifying a problem42.To determine the _____________, a manager must determine what is relevant orimportant to resolving the problem.a.geocentric behavior neededb.number of allowable alternativesc.weighting of decision criteriad.decision criteria43.What is the third step in the decision-making process?a.allocating weights to the criteriab.analyzing the alternativesd.implementing the alternative44.If all criteria in the decision making are equal, weighting the criteria______________.a.improves decision making when large numbers of criteria are involvedb.is not neededc.produces excellent decisionsd.improves the criteria45.In allocating weights to the decision criteria, which of the following is helpfulto remember?a.All weights must be the same.b.The total of the weights should sum to .c.Every factor criterion considered, regardless of its importance, must receivesome weighting.d.Assign the most important criterion a score, and then assign weights againstthat standard.46.What is the step where a decision maker wants to be creative in coming up withpossible alternative?a.allocating weights to the criteriab.analyzing alternativesc.developing alternativesd.identifying decision criteria47. When analyzing alternatives, what becomes evident?a.the strengths and weaknesses of each alternativec.the list of alternativesd.the problem48.When developing alternatives in the decision-making process, what must a managerdo?a.list alternativesb.evaluate alternativesc.weight alternativesd.implement alternatives49.Selecting an alternative in the decision-making process is accomplished by__________________.a.choosing the alternative with the highest scoreb.choosing the one you like bestc.selecting the alternative that has the lowest priced.selecting the alternative that is the most reliable50.In Step 6 of the decision-making process, each alternative is evaluated byappraising it against the _____________.a.subjective goals of the decision makerb.criteriac.assessed valuesd.implementation strategy51.______________ includes conveying a decision to those affected and getting theircommitment to it.a.Selecting an alternativeb.Evaluating the decision effectivenessc.Implementing the alternativesd.Analyzing alternatives52.Which of the following is important in effectively implementing the chosenalternative in the decision-making process?a.getting upper-management supportb.double-checking your analysis for potential errorsc.allowing those impacted by the outcome to participate in the processd.ignoring criticism concerning your chosen alternative53. The final step in the decision-making process is to _______________.a.pick the criteria for the next decisionb.reevaluate the weightings of the criteria until they indicate the correctoutcomec.evaluate the outcome of the decisiond.reassign the ratings on the criteria to find different outcomes54.Which of the following is important to remember in evaluating the effectivenessof the decision-making process?a.You should ignore criticism concerning the decision-making process.b.You may have to start the whole decision process over.c.You will have to restart the decision-making process if the decision is lessthan 50 percent effective.d.Ninety percent of problems with decision making occur in the implementationstep.THE MANAGER AS DECISION MAKER55.Managers are assumed to be ______________; they make consistent, value-maximizingchoices within specified constraints.a.rationalb.leaders/doc/d417811801.html,anizedd.satisficers56.It is assumed that a perfectly rational decision maker ______________.a.does not follow rational assumptionsb.does not consider value maximizing as an objectivec.offers inconsistent decisionsd.would be objective and logical57.Managers can make rational decisions if _________________.a.the problem is ambiguousb.the goals are unclearc.the alternatives are limitedd.time constraints exist58. Which of the following is not a valid assumption about rationality?a.The problem is clear and unambiguous.b. A single, well-defined goal is to be achieved.c.Preferences are clear.d.Preferences are constantly changing.59.When managers circumvent the rational decision-making model and find ways tosatisfice, they are following the concept of _________________.a.jurisprudenceb.bounded rationalityc.least-squared exemptionsd.self-motivated decisions60.B ecause managers can’t possibly analyze all information on all alternatives,managers ______________, rather than ______________.a.maximize; satisficeb.maximize; minimizec.satisfice; minimized.satisfice; maximize61.The type of decision making in which the solution is considered “good enough”is known as _________________.a.intuitionb.satisfyingc.maximizingd.satisficing62.When a decision maker chooses an alternative under perfect rationality, she______________ her decision, whereas under bounded rationality she chooses a ______________ decision.a.minimizes; satisficingb.satisfices; maximizingc.maximizes; satisficingd.maximizes; minimizing63. An increased commitment to a previous decision despite evidence that it may havebeen wrong is referred to as _______________.a.economies of commitmentb.escalation of commitmentc.dimensional commitmentd.expansion of commitment64.Intuitive decision making is _______________.a.not utilized in organizationsb. a conscious process based on accumulated judgmentc.making decisions based on experience, feelings, and accumulated judgmentd.important in supporting escalation of commitment65.In studying intuitive decision making, researchers have found that__________________.a.managers do not make decisions based on feelings or emotionsb.managers use data from their subconscious mind to help make their decisionsc.rational thinking always works better than intuitived.accumulated experience does not support intuitive decisions66.All of the following are aspects of intuition except __________________.a.experienced-based decisionsb.affect-initiated decisionsc.cognitive-based decisionsd.programmed decisions67._____________ are straightforward, familiar, and easily defined.a.Unstructured problemsb.Structured problemsc.Unique problemsd.Nonprogrammed problems68.Structured problems align well with which type ofdecision making?a.programmedb.satisficingc.intuitiond.gut feeling69. ______________ decision making is relatively simple and tends to rely heavily onprevious solutions.a.Nonprogrammedb.Linearc.Satisficingd.Programmed70.A procedure _______________.a.is an explicit statement detailing exactly how to deal with a decisionb.is a series of interrelated sequential steps to respond to a structuredproblemc.is a set of guidelines that channel a manager’s thinking in dealing with aproblemd.allows a manager to use broad decision-making authority71.A ______________ is an explicit statement that tells a manager what he or she canor cannot do.a.procedureb.policyc.ruled.solution72.A policy ____________.a.typically contains an ambiguous termb.is used frequently when a manager faces a structured problemc.allows little discretion on the part of the managerd.offers strict rules as to how a problem should be solved73.What is a difference between a policy and a rule?a. A policy establishes parameters.b. A rule establishes parameters.c. A policy is more explicit.d. A rule is more ambiguous.74.A ______________ typically contains an ambiguous term that leaves interpretationup to the decision maker.a.systemb.rulec.solutiond.policy75.A business school’s statement that it “strives for productive relationshipswith local org anizations” is an example of a ________________.a.ruleb.policyc.procedure/doc/d417811801.html,mitment76.Unstructured problems _____________.a.are easily solvedb.present familiar circumstancesc.force managers to deal with incomplete or ambiguous informationd.are routine77.Nonprogrammed decisions are best described as ________________.a.recurring, but difficult to makeb.very similar to problems in other areas of the organizationc.requiring more aggressive action on the decision maker’s thought processesd.unique and nonrecurring78.When problems are ______________, managers must rely on ______________ in orderto develop unique solutions.a.structured; nonprogrammed decision makingb.structured; pure intuitionc.unstructured; nonprogrammed decision makingd.unstructured; programmed decision making79.Lower-level managers typically confront what type of decision making?a.uniqueb.nonroutinec.programmedd.nonprogrammed80.Which of the following is likely to make the most programmed decisions?a.the CEO of PepsiCo.b.the vice president of General Motors Cadillac Division.c.the head of the Minute Maid Division at Coca-Cola.d.the manager of the local McDonald’s.81.______________ is a situation in which a manager can make accurate decisionsbecause the outcome of every alternative is known.a.Certaintyb.Riskc.Uncertaintyd.Maximaxe.Maximin82.If an individual knows the price of three similar cars at different dealerships,he or she is operating under what type of decision-making condition?a.riskb.uncertaintyc.certaintyd.factual83.A retail clothing store manager who estimates how much to order for the currentspring season b ased on last spring’s outcomes is operating under what kind of decision-making condition?a.seasonalb.riskc.uncertaintyd.certainty84.______________ is a situation in which a decision maker has neither certainty norreasonable probability estimates available.a.Certaintyb.Riskc.Uncertaintyd.Maximax85.Nonprogrammed decisions are typically made under a condition of ________________.a.certaintyb.low levels of riskc.uncertaintyd.reliability86. A person at a horse racetrack who bets all of his or her money on the odds-basedlong shot to “win” (rather than “place” or “show”) is making what kind of choice?a.maximaxb.maximinc.minimaxd.minimin87.What best describes the psychological orientation of an individual making a“maximax” choice?a.optimistb.realistc.pessimistd.satisficer88.Optimistic managers could be expected to utilize their maximax orientation whenthey _______________.a.maximize the maximum payoffb.maximize the minimum payoffc.minimize the maximum regretd.minimize the minimum regret89.What is the psychological orientation of a decision maker who makes a “maximin”choice?a.optimistb.realistc.pessimistd.satisficer90.Which of the following best describes “maximizing the minimum possible payoff”?a.maximaxb.maximinc.minimaxd.minimin91.A manager who desires t o minimize his or her maximim “regret” will opt for a______________ choice.a.maximaxb.maximinc.minimaxd.minimin92. Decision makers using what decision-making style make fast decisions and focuson the short run?a.directiveb.behavioralc.analyticd.conceptual93.What types are characterized as careful decision makers with the ability to adaptor cope with unique situations?a.directive decision makersb.behavioral decision makersc.analytic decision makersd.conceptual decision makers94.Who are concerned about the achievements of thosearound them and are receptiveto suggestions from others?a.directive decision makersb.behavioral decision makersc.analytic decision makersd.conceptual decision makers95.Many managers use __________ or rules of thumb to simplify their decision making.a.heuristicsb.biasesc.errorsd.habits96.When decision makers tend to think they know more than they do or holdunrealistically positive views of themselves and their performance, they are exhibiting _______________.a.self-serving biasb.the anchoring effectc.immediate gratification biasd.overconfidence bias97.When decision makers seek out information that reaffirms their past choices anddiscount information that contradicts past judgments, they are exhibiting _______________.a.availability biasb.the anchoring effectc.self-serving biasd.confirmation bias98.When decision makers assess the likelihood of an event based on how closely itresembles other events or sets of events, they are using _______________.a.availability biasb.framing biasc.selective perception biasd.representation bias99.What is the tendency for decision makers to falsely believe that they would haveaccurately predicted the outcome of an event once that outcome is actually known?a.the hindsight biasb.the sunk costs errorc.the randomness biasd.the selective perception biasDECISION MAKING FOR TODAY’S WORLD100.According to the boxed feature, “Focus on Leadership,” when _______________, managers might come from a culture that gathers facts or from a culture that is more intuitive in gathering ideas and possibilities.a.developing alternativesb.implementing alternativesc.searching for informationd.identifying problems101.To make effective d ecisions in today’s fast-moving world, managers need to -_______________./doc/d417811801.html,e the five-stage decision-making processb.know when it is time to call it quitsc.ignore cultural differencesd.identify their style of decision making102.What is a characteristic that the experts say an effective decision-making process has?a.It is inconsistent.b.It acknowledges only objective thinking.c.It focuses on all factors—even those that do not seem important.d.It requires only as much information and analysis as is necessary.103. What term is used by Navy aviators to describe a gut feeling that something isn’t right?a.leemersb.the creepsc.uneasinessd.regret104.Managers of highly reliable organizations (HROs) get the input of _______________ and let them make decisions.a.CEOsb.frontline workersc.customersd.suppliers105.When highly reliable organizations (HROs) face complexity, they -_______________.a.try to simplify datab.aim for deeper understanding of the situationc.defer to the expertsd.act, then thinkSCENARIOS AND QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESSDecisions, Decisions (Scenario)Sond ra needed help. Her insurance company’s rapid growth was necessitating making some changes, but what changes? Should they add to the existing information system or should they buy a new system? She was given the responsibility of analyzing the company’s pr esent information system and deciding what the company should do that would give them plenty of room. She was confused and needed help in making the correct decision.106.According to the decision-making process, the first step Sondra should take is to _____________.a.analyze alternative solutionsb.identify decision criteriac.evaluate her decision’s effectivenessd.identify the problem107. According to the decision-making process, the second step Sondra should take is to ____________.a.analyze alternative solutionsb.identify decision criteriac.evaluate her decision’s effectivenessd.allocate weights to the criteria108.Allocating weights to the criteria is the step in the decision-making process that occurs between identifying the decision criteria and ______________.a.developing the alternativesb.selecting alternativesc.implementing the alternatived.identifying the problem109.When Sondra is conveying her decision to those affected and getting their commitment to it, she is performing which stepin the decision-making process?a.analyzing alternative solutionsb.selecting alternativesc.implementing the alternatived.identifying the problem110.The very last step Sondra should take, according to the decision-making process, is to __________.a.analyze alternative solutionsb.select alternativesc.implement the alternatived.evaluate the decision’s effectivenessThe Car (Scenario)Colleen is a student, and her older brother has loaned her an old car. The car is in need of several repairs before she will feel comfortable driving it.111.Colleen needs a vehicle, but she has to decide if the vehicle is worth repairing. She is facing a(n) _____________, a discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs.a.alternativeb.weighted problem setc.problemd.certainty avoidance situation112.In talking with an automotive repair person, Colleen needs to prioritize the repairs. Her first concern is safety of the vehicle. This step in the decision-making process is called __________________.a.weighting the decision criteriab.analyzing of alternativesc.identifying decision criteriad.selecting an alternativeTHE MANAGER AS DECISION MAKERThe Car (Scenario)Colleen is a student, and her older brother has loaned her an old car. The car is in need of several repairs before she will feel comfortable driving it.113.Colleen decides to have all of the problems fixed on the car. She assumes that the repair person has found all the problems and that there will be no problem correcting the imperfections within a specified budget. This is an example of a __________ decision.a.parochialb.irrationalc.ethicald.rational114.Colleen’s brother has a different view of the repairs. He assumes that the repair person is using the best information available, but there may be other unexpected repairs that might surface and that a higher budget might be more reasonable. He is using ______________.a.rational decision makingb.risk avoidancec.bounded rationalityd.Stage 4 decision making115.Colleen’s brother feels the car is worth repairing because he has owned several cars made by the same manufacturer as this car, and he has driven this car for several years. He is using _________ to determine that the car has value despite its need of repair.a.intuitive decision makingb.selective coordination of thought processesc.sunk costsd.return on investmentThe First Job (Scenario)Upon graduation, you search for a job with the university’s job placement center. Although you have studied and prepared to work in an advertising agency, the first job that you are offered is a supervisor in a manufacturing company working the afternoon shift from 3:00 . until 11:00 .116.If you had made a larger search using the Internet and other employment search processes, you might have been able to find more employment opportunities. This would have been a more _________ decision-making process.a.nonprogrammableb.uncertaind.perfectly rational117.Under bounded rationality, you would be expected to search for a job by ________________.a.looking at all the opportunities that can be analyzed in the time availableb.looking at all the opportunities availablec.looking “outside the box” in your searchd.analyzing all the opportunities until you find the perfect job118.If you use a shortened process of searching for a job, it is likely that you ___________ rather than maximized in your decision process.a.minimizedb.rationalizedc.satisficedd.agreed119.During your job search, you depend on __________ decision making by making your decision based on accumulated judgment and experience.a.experientialb.legalc.intuitived.formidableIs the Picture Clear? (Scenario)Sharon was the regional manager of a large cable television company. She faced many problems and decisions daily, such as how to price each market, who to hire, what kind of technology she should purchase, and how she should handle the increasing customer complaints. She needed some help sorting these issues out.120.When a customer calls and requests a refund for a partial month’s usage of cable, the fact that such situations are routine and most likely have a standard response would make the response a ______________ decision.a.standardb.routinec.policyd.programmed121.Sometimes Sharon follows a ______________, a series of interrelated sequential steps for responding to a structured problem.a.rulec.procedured.suggestion122.Sometimes Sharon instructs her local managers to follow ______________ when confronted with problem situations. Theseestablish parameters for the manager making the decision rather than specifically stating what should or should not be done.a.rulesb.proceduresc.policiesd.orders123.Unfortunately, Sharon also faces issues containing information that is ambiguous or incomplete, such as what kind of technology to purchase. These are known as ______________ problems.a.unstructuredb.variablec.randomd.hit-and-missManaging Your Career (Scenario)Michelle has a new job and is learning to perform the tasks assigned to her. Different situations demand different decision-making processes.124.Michelle finds a situation that instructs her in specific, interrelated, sequential steps to respond to a problem. This is referred to as a _____________.a.ruleb.policyc.broad guidelined.procedure125.Michelle finds a company directive that specifically restricts her from taking certain actions. This is a _____________.a.ruleb.policyc.broad guidelined.procedure。
罗宾斯管理学考研简答题罗宾斯管理学是许多管理学专业研究生入学考试中常见的参考教材,以下是一些可能出现在考研简答题中的题目示例:1. 简述罗宾斯提出的管理的四大职能及其内涵。
2. 简述罗宾斯在《管理学》中提到的管理者应具备的主要技能有哪些?答案要点:罗宾斯指出管理者需要具备三种主要技能:技术技能(Technical Skills)、人际技能(Interpersonal Skills)以及概念技能(Conceptual Skills)。
3. 根据罗宾斯的观点,简述影响个体工作满意度的因素有哪些?答案要点:罗宾斯研究指出,影响个体工作满意度的因素众多,其中包括:工作本身的内容和性质(如工作的挑战性、自主性等)、工作环境(如物理环境、心理环境等)、薪酬待遇、晋升机会、同事关系、上下级关系、工作与个人生活平衡等。
第一章:管理和组织1. 什么是管理?管理的目标是什么?管理是指通过计划、组织、领导和控制等一系列活动,使组织能够有效地实现其目标。
2. 什么是组织?组织的类型有哪些?组织是指由一群人共同协作,追求共同目标的社会系统。
3. 管理者的角色有哪些?请举例说明。
第二章:管理环境1. 什么是管理环境?管理环境对组织有何影响?管理环境是指组织所处的外部环境和内部环境。
2. 请列举几个影响管理环境的因素,并简要说明其影响。
第三章:管理理论1. 请简要介绍几个著名的管理理论。
第一章管理与组织导论......1 一、管理及其具体含义......1 二、管理的职能 (1)管理角色(简述)三、管理角色(09 简述)……1 管理技能与管理层次之间的关系(名词解释)四、管理技能与管理层次之间的关系(06 名词解释)……1 五、管理者工作的变化……2 组织的特征(简述)六、组织的特征(06 简述)……2 七、职责和职权……2 八、管理和领导的联系与区别……2 第二章管理理论……3 一、管理理论……3 二、科学管理理论……3 三、一般行政管理理论……3 四、定量方法理论……3 五、组织行为理论……3 六、系统论……3 七、权变理论……4 八、管理理论当前的问题……4 第三章组织文化环境……4 管理万能论,一、管理万能论,管理象征论……4 组织文化及如何评价一个组织的文化(简述)二、组织文化及如何评价一个组织的文化(08 简述)……4 三、组织文化对管理实践的影响……5 环境对管理者的影响(判断分析)四、环境对管理者的影响(05 判断分析)……5 五、管理与组织环境的关系……5 利益相关者及其如何管理利益相关者关系(名词解释,论述)六、利益相关者及其如何管理利益相关者关系(05 名词解释,06 论述)……5 第五章社会责任与管理道德……6 社会义务和社会响应(名词解释)一、社会义务和社会响应(05 名词解释)……6 社会责任的两种观点,为什么出现关于社会责任的争论(论述)二、社会责任的两种观点,为什么出现关于社会责任的争论(08 论述)……6 管理的绿色化及组织走向绿色化的主要方式的绿色化及组织走向绿色化的主要方式(简答)三、管理的绿色化及组织走向绿色化的主要方式(07 简答)……7 共享价值观的作用及其建立共享价值观的建议(,简述)四、共享价值观的作用及其建立共享价值观的建议(05,09 简述)……7 五、影响管理道德的因素……7 第六章制定决策……7 决策假设的前提,结合实际论述理性和有限理性的决策观点(简述)一、决策假设的前提,结合实际论述理性和有限理性的决策观点(08 简述)……7 决策制定的过程(简述、判断分析)二、决策制定的过程(05 简述、判断分析) (8)决策风格(简述)三、决策风格(06 简述)……8 如何制定合理的决策(论述,简述)四、如何制定合理的决策(05 论述,09 简述)……9 第七章计划的基础……9 计划(分析判断,名词解释,案例分析)一、计划(05 分析判断,名词解释,08 案例分析)……9 区别传统的目标设立与目标管理(简答)二、区别传统的目标设立与目标管理(07 简答)......10 第八章战略管理......11 一、战略管理......11 管理者如何选择企业战略(论述,,案例)二、管理者如何选择企业战略(05 论述,07,08 案例)......11 三、公司业务组合分析中的BCG 矩阵法......12 业务层战略的特点、实现途径和适用条件(案例分析)四、业务层战略的特点、实现途径和适用条件(05,07 案例分析) (12)五、波特五力(05 案例分析)……13 波特五力(案例分析)核心竞争力(案例分析)六、核心竞争力(05,07 案例分析)……13 公司战略、七、公司战略、业务层战略和职能层战略的关系……14 第十章组织结构与设计……14 一、组织结构……14 影响组织集权和分权的因素(简答,论述)二、影响组织集权和分权的因素(07 简答,09 论述)……14 机械式组织和有机式组织的异同……15 三、机械式组织和有机式组织的异同指挥链(名词解释)四、指挥链(06 名词解释)……15 传统的组织设计(简述)五、传统的组织设计(05 简述)……15 现代的组织设计(简答)六、现代的组织设计(07 简答)……15 项目型结构和矩阵型结构的异同……16 七、项目型结构和矩阵型结构的异同第十一章第十一章管理沟通与信息技术……16 沟通(名词解释)一、沟通(05 名词解释)……16 二、沟通障碍……17 跨部门沟通的方法(案例分析)三、跨部门沟通的方法(05 案例分析)……17 小道消息,对付小道消息的方法……18 四、小道消息,对付小道消息的方法第十二章人力资源管理……18 一、人力资源管理……18 人力资源规划过程(简述)二、人力资源规划过程(06 简述)……18 三、人力资源管理过程……18 四、绩效评估方法……19 人力资源管理中面临的新问题(简述)五、人力资源管理中面临的新问题(09 简述)……19 第十三章变革与创新管理……20 一、变革的两种力量……20 二、变革过程的两种观点……20 管理变革的方法(,简答)三、管理变革的方法(07,08 简答)……20 四、创造与创新……21 管理者如何减缓员工压力(论述)五、管理者如何减缓员工压力(06 论述)……21 第十五章群体和团队……21 群体的发展阶段(名词解释)一、群体的发展阶段(05 名词解释)……21 二、群体决策的优缺点……22 关于冲突的不同观点(简述)三、关于冲突的不同观点(05 简述)……22 四、团队……22 工作团队的类型(简述)五、工作团队的类型(06 简述)……23 如何管理高效率团队(论述)六、如何管理高效率团队(05 论述)……23 第十六章激励……23 动机(名词解释)一、动机(05 名词解释)……23 早期动机理论(案例分析)二、早期动机理论(06 案例分析)……24 当代动机理论(简述,论述,案例分析)三、当代动机理论(05 简述,07 论述,09 案例分析)……25 联系实际,如何激励员工(年论述)四、联系实际,如何激励员工(09 年论述)……27 职务设计选择(简述)五、职务设计选择(08 简述)……28 工作特征模型(论述)六、工作特征模型(05 论述)……28 第十七章领导……29 领导者权力体系的来源与构成……29 一、领导者权力体系的来源与构成二、早期领导理论(06、08 论述,09 论述、案例分析)......29 早期领导理论(、论述,论述、案例分析)领导的权变理论(论述,案例分析)三、领导的权变理论(07,08 论述,09 案例分析)......30 领导的最新观点(案例分析)四、领导的最新观点(09 案例分析)......32 第十八章控制......33 一、控制......33 控制的焦点的内容(简述)二、控制的焦点的内容(08 简述)......33 三、控制的类型及其优缺点 (34)第一章管理与组织导论一、管理及其具体含义管理及其具体含义管理是在特定的组织内外环境下,通过协调和监督他人的活动,能够有效率和有效果地管理与别人一起或者通过别人实现组织目标的过程。
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Organizational Structure and Design
PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama
Exhibit 10–1 Purposes of Organizing
• Divides work to be done into specific jobs and departments. • Assigns tasks and responsibilities associated with individual jobs. • Coordinates diverse organizational tasks. • Clusters jobs into units. • Establishes relationships among individuals, groups, and departments. • Establishes formal lines of authority. • Allocates and deploys organizational resources.
• Discuss Woodward’s findings on the relationship of technology and structure.
• Explain how environmental uncertainty affects organizational design.
Chapter 4 Managing in a Global EnvironmentWHAT’S YOUR GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE?1.In a global marketplace ____________.a.the entire world is a marketplaceb.national borders are irrelevantc.the potential for organizations to grow expands dramaticallyd.all of the above(d; moderate; p. 90; AACSB: Globalizations)2.To succeed in a global marketplace, managers must _____________.a.constantly develop new strategies to maintain their parochial viewsb.expect competitors to suddenly appear at any time from any placec.implement only the best practices of their home countriesd.downplay the effect of the values and customs of other cultures(b; difficult; p. 90; AACSB: Globalizations)3.One reason for parochialism in the United States is that Americans tend to study_____________ in school.a.only Englishb.only two languagesc.English and Frenchd.English and Spanish(a; easy; p. 91; AACSB: Globalizations)4.Which of the following describes the current state of the world use of languages?a.Germans and Italians, unlike other Europeans, only speak their native language.b.Americans tend to study many other languages in school.c.More than 75 percent of all primary school children in China now learn English.d.Americans tend to think of English as the only international business language.(d; moderate; p. 91; AACSB: Globalizations)5.Ethnocentric views concentrate on their _____________.a.home countryb.host countryc.world orientationd.racial orientation(a; easy; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)6.Parochialism is ____________.a.acceptance of diverse points of viewb. a desire to leave one’s own culture for a foreign culturec. a tendency to view the world through a single perspectived.recognition of diverse religious beliefs(c; moderate; p. 91; AACSB: Globalizations)7.For U.S. businesses to have successful global management, which of the following statementsprovides the best advice?a.Americans should continue to push for the use of English only.b.Stick to your own customs to avoid embarrassing incidents.c.Make sure foreign businesspeople know you are American so they will speak to you inEnglish.d.Develop an understanding of multicultural differences.(d; moderate; p. 93; AACSB: Globalizations)8.Which of the following is the least favorable attitude for an American manager who wishes tobe successful in international business?a.multiculturalb.multicentricc.ethnocentricd.polycentric(c; easy; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)9.Managers with a(n) ___________ attitude view every foreign operation as different and hardto understand.a.geocentricb.polycentricc.ethnocentricd.transnational(b; moderate; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)10.Successful global management requires an attitude that is best described as _____________ .a.ethnocentricb.parochialc.polycentricd.geocentric(d; easy; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)11.A(n) __________ attitude is characterized by parochialism.a.geocentricb.acculturatedc.polylinguisticd.ethnocentric(d; moderate; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)12.A(n) _____________ attitude is the view that host-country managers know the best practicesfor running their operations.a.ethnocentricb.polycentricc.geocentricd.international(b; easy; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)13.The geocentric attitude is a _____________ view.a.nationalisticb.world-orientedc.culture-boundd.franchise-based(b; moderate; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)14.Successful _____________ management requires enhanced sensitivity to differences innational customs and practices.a.ethnocentricb.polycentricc.globald.parochial(c; moderate; p. 93; AACSB: Globalizations)UNDERSTANDING THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT15.The _____________ was created by the unification of 12 countries in Europe.a.European Common Marketb.European Unionc.Western European Allianced.Trans-European Market (TEM)(b; moderate; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)16.The principle reason for the formation of a regional trading alliance in Europe was to reassertmembers’ economic positions against the strength of the United States and _________.a.Canadab.Mexicoc.Japand.Russia(c; moderate; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)17.The European Union covers ______________.a.border controls, taxes, and subsidiesb.nationalistic policies and travelc.employment, investment, and traded.all of the above(d; moderate; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)18.The _____________ is a collection of countries that use a common currency.a.European Common Marketb.European Unionc.Western European Allianced.Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)(d; difficult; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)19.The single EU currency is called the ____________.a.francb.franc-markc.poundd.euro(d; moderate; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)20.The European Union currently consists of ___________.a.12 countriesb.15 countriesc.10 countriesd.25 countries(d; difficult; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)21.Which of the following countries is not a member of the European Union?a.Icelandb.Irelandc.Cyprusd.Slovenia(a; moderate; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)22._______ is expected to join the European Union in 2007.a.Hungaryb.Estoniac.Romaniad.Turkey(c; moderate; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)23.The executive body of the EU, based in Brussels, is known as the ________.a.Maastricht Officeb.FTAAc.Euro Protectorated.European Commission(a; moderate; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)24.Among the member countries of the North American Free Trade Agreement, trade has___________ since the treaty was signed.a.decreased initially, but increased steadilyb.increasedc.decreasedd.increased in commodities, but decreased in manufactured goods(b; moderate; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)25.The North American Free Trade Agreement includes _________________.a.Mexico, Canada, and the United Statesb.Canada, Mexico, and Brazilc.the United States, Canada, and Hondurasd.Columbia, Mexico, and the United Sates(a; easy; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)26.The North American Free Trade Agreement has resulted in which of the following?a.It increased imports from Mexico by 106 percent.b.It eliminated duties on imports from Venezuela.c.It increased exports to Canada by 62 percent.d.It increased trade with the European Union.(a; easy; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)27.Which of the following is currently under negotiation by thirty-four countries inthe Western Hemisphere?a.NAFTAb.FTAAc.Mercosurd.ASEAN(b; difficult; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)28.The North American Free Trade Agreement eliminated all of the following except________________.a.the need for import licensingb.tariffs on traded commoditiesc.customs user feesd.China’s role as a U.S. trading partner(a; moderate; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)29.The Association of Southeast Asian Nations includes ________________.a.the members of the European Union and Indiab.the members of NAFTA and CAFTAc. a membership of 10 Southeast Asian nationsd.none of the above(c; moderate; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)30.Each of the following is a member of ASEAN except ________________.a.Bruneib.Singaporeosd.Japan(d; moderate; p. 96; AACSB: Globalizations)31.How many member nations belong to the African Union (AU)?a.46b.53c.62d.67(b; moderate; p. 96; AACSB: Globalizations)32.Nepal belongs to which of the following regional trade alliances?a.EUb.SAARCc.AUd.ASEAN(b; moderate; p. 96; AACSB: Globalizations)33.The World Trade Organization evolved from which of the following?a.GATTb.Mercosurc.UNIDIRd.Marshall Plan(a; moderate; p. 96; AACSB: Globalizations)34.The World Trade Organization is centered around which of the following?a.public protestsb.economic sanctionsc.trade agreementsd.peace treaties(c; moderate; p. 96; AACSB: Globalizations)35.The goal of the World Trade Organization is to ___C_____.a.help develop environmental policyb.help regulate international marketsc.help businesses conduct their businessd.help reduce conflicts between nationsc moderate; p. 96; AACSB: Globalizations)DOING BUSINESS GLOBALLY36.International businesses have been around since about what date?a.the fifteenth centuryb.the seventeenth centuryc.the nineteenth centuryd.the twentieth century(c; difficult; p. 97; AACSB: Globalizations)37.Multinational corporations (MNCs) have only become commonplace since approximatelywhat date?a.mid-1960sb.mid-1970sc.1945d.mid-1980s(a; moderate; p. 97; AACSB: Globalizations)38.Multidomestic corporations are known for _______________.a.ethnocentric attitudesb.polycentric attitudesc.multicentric attitudesd.having their holdings in one country(b; moderate; p. 97; AACSB: Globalizations)39.Which of the following is an MNC that tailors marketing strategies to the host country’sunique characteristics?a.borderless organizationb.global companyc.multidomestic corporationd.transnational organization(c; moderate; pp. 97-98; AACSB: Globalizations)40.Multidomestic corporations _________________.a.maintain operations in multiple counties, but do not allow managers in eachcountry to make their own decisionsb.utilize ethnocentric attitudes in financial decisions, but favor polycentricviews in human resources issuesc.utilize decentralization to make decisions in management in local countriesd.follow the tastes, preferences, and values of the home country(c; moderate; p. 97; AACSB: Globalizations)41.When an organization drops its structure based on countries and reorganizes according toindustries, it is pursuing a global organizational operation known as ___________.a.ethnocentrismb.polycentrismc.borderless organizationd.multinational organization(c; moderate; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)42.Transnational organizations are also known as ________.a.ethnocentric organizationsb.polycentric organizationsc.borderless organizationsd.multidomestic organization(c; moderate; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)43.Transnational organizations are focused on _________________.a.increasing efficiencyb.developing INVsc.reinforcing structural divisionsd.all of the above(a; moderate; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)44.Which of the following types of business is global from its inception?a.international new ventureb.global companyc.born globald.joint economic market(c; difficult; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)45.Which of the following is a basic definition of a multinational corporation?a. a company that maintains operations in multiple countriesb. a company that maintains franchises in multiple countriesc. a company that has multiple home bases and manufacturing plantsd. a company that pays corporate taxes in at least two countries(a; difficult; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)46.Which of the following is the basic difference between multidomestic corporations and globalcompanies?a.Multidomestic corporations typically do business with more countries than globalcompanies do.b.Multidomestic corporations are run by global companies but must be owned by a local,national company.c.Multidomestic corporations decentralize management to the local country,while global companies centralize management in the home country.d.Multidomestic corporations pay more in taxes than global companies do.(c; difficult; pp. 97-98; AACSB: Globalizations)47.Which of the following is not a feature of a multidomestic corporation?a.Decision making takes place at the local level.b.Nationals are typically hired to run operations in each country.c.Marketing strategies are tailored to each country’s culture.d.Products are manufactured only in the local country.(d; easy; pp. 97-98; AACSB: Globalizations)48.Which of the following types of global organizations reflects the geocentric attitude?a.multidomestic corporationb.transnational organizationc.global companyd.regional organization(b; difficult; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)HOW ORGANIZATIONS GO GLOBAL49.Importing and exporting represent a more significant global investment than which of thefollowing?a.licensingb.franchisingc.global sourcingd.strategic alliance(c; easy; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)50.In an attempt to be more aggressive, a company might export and import more. These stepsusually require ____________.a.minimal investment and minimal riskb.conducting business in a polycentric mannerc.the establishment of strategic alliancesd.abnormal operations for a geocentric organization(a; easy; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)51.Franchising is primarily used by ________________.a.political organizationsb.manufacturing organizationsc.service organizationsd.legal organizations(c; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)52.In the later stages of doing business globally, if an organization is ready to make a more directinvestment, it might utilize ______________.a.foreign subsidiariesb.strategic alliancesc.joint venturesd.all of the above(d; moderate; pp. 99-100; AACSB: Globalizations)53.An international company is most likely to develop foreign subsidiaries _______________.a.before it develops licensing agreementsb.before it develops franchising agreementsc.before it begins importing and exportingd.after it establishes strategic alliances(d; moderate; p. 100; AACSB: Globalizations)54.The process of making products domestically and selling them abroad is known as ________.a.exportingb.importingc.franchisingd.joint ventures(a; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)55.Which of the following is usually found in the final stage of an organization’s globalevolution?a.exporting its products to other countriesb.cross-culturally training its managersc.establishing strategic alliances with partnersd.licensing another firm to use its brand name(c; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)56.Joint ventures are a type of ____________.a.licenseb.franchisec.foreign subsidiaryd.strategic alliance(d; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)57.Foreign subsidiaries are usually managed ______________.a.through local control onlyb.through centralized control onlyc.through local or centralized controld.none of the above(c; easy; p. 100; AACSB: Globalizations)58.A domestic firm and a foreign firm sharing the cost of developing new products orbuilding production facilities in a foreign country is called a ____________.a.franchising agreementb.joint venturec.foreign subsidiaryd.brokering agreement(b; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)59.Which of the following would most likely occur last in an organization’s global evolution?a.cross-cultural training of the company’s managersb.sending domestic employees on regular foreign business tripsc.hiring foreign brokers to represen t the organization’s product lined.creating a joint venture with suppliers around the globe(d; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)60._____________ present(s) the greatest risk to an organization going international.a.Joint venturesb.Strategic alliancesc.Licensingd.Foreign subsidiaries(d; difficult; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)MANAGING IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT61.Which of the following is not considered to be one of the three major areas of significantchallenge for an American manager working in a foreign country?a.legal environmentb.economic environmentc.cultural environmentd.religious environment(d; difficult; pp. 101-103; AACSB: Globalizations)62.From an economic standpoint, a threat to the global manager is _________________.a.widely fluctuating inflation rates in foreign countriesb.marginal revenues exceeding marginal costsc. a stable exchange rate between currencies in various countriesd.all of the above(a; moderate; p. 102; AACSB: Globalizations)pared to many other countries, the U.S. legal–political environment is considered____________.a.radicalb.stablec.unstabled.fixed(b; moderate; p. 101; AACSB: Globalizations)pared to many other countries, changes to the U.S. legal–political environment areconsidered ___________.a.very fast and effectiveb.fast, but not efficientc.radicald.slow(d; moderate; p. 101; AACSB: Globalizations)65.The reason that a nation’s cultural differences are the most difficult to gain information aboutis because __________________.a.people tend to be sensitive about their own cultureb.providing this information to foreign organizations reduces a competitive businessadvantagec.there is little written on the issued.“natives” are least capable of explaining the unique characteristics of theirown culture(d; difficult; p. 104; AACSB: Globalizations)66.Which of the following developed a valuable framework to help managers better understanddifferences between national cultures?ton Friedmanb.Michael Porterc.Geert Hofsteded.Abraham Maslow(c; moderate; p. 104; AACSB: Globalizations)67._____________ is a cultural dimension in which people expect others in their group to lookafter them and protect them when they are in trouble.a.Power distanceb.Collectivismc.Achievementd.Uncertainty avoidance(b; easy; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)68.Which of the following would you find in a country with a high power distance?a.Society accepts narrow differences in organizations.b.Title carries little power, but status power is high.c.There is little respect for those in authority.d.Titles, rank, and status carry a lot of weight.(d; moderate; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)69.The GLOBE framework assesses how many cultural dimensions?a.fiveb.sixc.nined.twelve(c; moderate; p. 106; AACSB: Globalizations)70._____________ is a cultural measure of the degree to which people will tolerate risk andunconventional behavior.a.Power distanceb.Uncertainty avoidancec.Achievementd.Nurturing(b; easy; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)anizations in which of the following cultures are likely to have formal rules and littletolerance for unusual ideas and behaviors?a.high power distanceb.low power distancec.high uncertainty avoidanced.low uncertainty avoidance(c; easy; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)72.In a society with a highly ______________ culture, strong value is placed on relationshipsand concern for others.a.collectivistb.achievement-orientedc.nurturingd.uncertainty avoidant(c; moderate; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)73._____________ is a national culture attribute describing the extent to which societal valuesare characterized by assertiveness and materialism.a.Power distanceb.Uncertainty avoidancec.Achievement orientationd.Long-term orientation(c; moderate; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)74._____________ is a national culture attribute that places a high value on future occurrences.a.Power distanceb.Uncertainty avoidancec.Long-term orientationd.Leisure orientation(c; moderate; p. 105; AACSB: Globalizations)75.Which of the following are most alike in terms of individualism, power distance, anduncertainty avoidance?a.Singapore and Swedenb.Australia and Englandc.France and Greeced.United States and V enezuela(b; easy; p. 106; AACSB: Globalizations)76.Which of the following scores the highest in terms of power distance?a.Greeceb.Swedenc.Canadad.England(a; easy; p. 106; AACSB: Globalizations)77.Which of the following dimension from the GLOBE framework has no equivalent inHofstede’s framework?a.future orientationb.humane orientationc.gender differentiationd.uncertainty avoidance(c easy; p. 106; AACSB: Globalizations)SCENARIOS AND QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.WHAT’S YOUR GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE?First Visit Abroad (Scenario)Bill Sanderson is halfway over the Atlantic and is excited about his first European business trip. Bill is confident about this trip but is somewhat concerned about the strange habits and foreign languages he will encounter. “If only they would just speak English like everyone else!” Bill thinks.78.Bill’s tendency to view the world only through his U.S.-based perspective is an internationalbusiness problem known as which of the following?a.nondiversityb.discriminationc.parochialismd.monolingualism(c; moderate; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)79.If Bill is to become successful as a global manager, he must _______________.a.attempt to change other cultures to American waysb.learn and accept other culturespete internationally but remain in the United Statesd.learn to manipulate other business cultures(b; moderate; p. 93; AACSB: Globalizations)Cultural Training (Scenario)Jane wants to expand her career opportunities in international operations of a company. She is 19 years old and currently attends a university. She has only lived in her current country and has never traveled to foreign countries.80.Jane decides to enroll in a foreign language class to help her overcome her ______________.a.parochialismb.ethnocentric attitudec.monolingualismd.polycentric attitudes(c; moderate; p. 91; AACSB: Globalizations)81.In talking with her advisor at the university, Jane decides she probably has a(n)__________ attitude, as she has never traveled abroad and only relates well to people from her home country.a.culturally focusedb.polycentricc.ethnocentricd.geocentric(c; moderate; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)82.Jane becomes involved with an international student association to give her experiences thatwill allow her to understand the views of students from other countries. She is trying to become more _________ in her attitude.a.parochialisticb.polycentricc.ethnocentricd.geocentric(d; difficult; p. 92; AACSB: Globalizations)UNDERSTANDING THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTA Foreign Alliance Talk (Scenario)As manager of the international department for your company, you have been asked by the local Chamber of Commerce to deliver a speech on foreign trade. The Chamber president even goes so far as to say “and be sure to include the EU, NAFTA, and all that stuff because we’re afraid that Ross Perot is right—all the good jobs will leave the United States.” As you pour over your notes, you try to choose the best information to present in the allotted half hour.83.You plan to explain during your talk that the acronyms EU, NAFTA, FTAA, and ASEANrefer to ________________.a.regional trade alliancesb.foreign airlinesc.soccer teams in Europed.new multinational corporations(a; difficult; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)84.One of the hottest topics of your talk will be NAFTA. One of the points that you emphasize isthat ______________.a.the United States has definitely come out the worst of the three nationsb.Canada is profiting the most in this arrangementc.the expansion of NAFTA has benefited North America’s competitiveness andeconomic powerd.U.S. high-tech companies, such as computer manufacturers, have been hit hard by theNAFTA provisions(c; difficult; p. 95; AACSB: Globalizations)85.You will also give participants a likely view of the future of the EU, which suggests that_______________.a.it will likely disband by the year 2010b.it is expected to merge with NAFTA by 2020c.Bulgaria will probably join in 2007d.Cuba has applied to join the EU(c; moderate; p. 94; AACSB: Globalizations)DOING BUSINESS GLOBALLYBusiness Expansion Plan (Scenario)As a business expansion director, Shana’s goal is to scout out potential locations and basically provide input on how her company should proceed with its planned expansion to Europe. There are many options, including maintaining the business’s head office in the United States and sending over company representatives when necessary or establishing separate operations facilities abroad and hiring locals as managers.86.If Shana’s company decides to open another company in France but maintain its managementin the United States, it would be considered _________________.a. a transnational corporationb. a global companyc. a regional trade allianced. a multidomestic corporation(b; moderate; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)87.If Shana’s company decides to open a completely new operation in Germany, tailoring thecompany to local customs and marketing strategies and hiring local managers, they would beconsidered _______________.a. a transnational corporationb. a global companyc. a regional trade allianced. a multidomestic corporation(d; moderate; p. 97; AACSB: Globalizations)88.If Shana’s company eliminates country-designated locations and reorganizes based onindustry groups, it would best be considered a __________________.a.borderless organizationb.strategic partnershipc.global business allianced.multidomestic corporation(a; moderate; p. 98; AACSB: Globalizations)89.One section of Shana’s company’s business plan involves strategic alliance s and jointventures. This section is most likely focused on the _________ phase of the company’s global business expansion.a.legalb.middlec.finald.preliminary(c; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)The European Expansion (Scenario)You have been hired by a company to look at the ways to best move the company into the European market, but you have to first determine what kind of company you are dealing with.90.If the company that has hired you is primarily used by manufacturingorganizations, it is a ___________.a.licensing companyb.franchising companyc.strategic allianced.joint venture(a; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)123.If the company that has hired you is really a partnership between an organization and a foreign company, in which both share resources and knowledge in developing new products, then it is a _______________.a.licensing companyb.franchising companyc.strategic allianced.joint venture(c; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)Software Entrepreneurial Venture (Scenario)Theodore and James have formed an entrepreneurial venture to develop software for banks and other financial institutions. Their company is growing, but in looking for opportunities in the future, they decide to explore international operations.124.The international operations in their firm continue to grow. Theodore and James have come to see that decentralized management using foreign nationals to run operations in the host countries works well. Their firm has developed into a(n) ____________ organization.a.transnationalb.multidomesticc.borderlessd.franchise(b; moderate; p. 97; AACSB: Globalizations)125.A new and exciting opportunity has appeared that enables Theodore and James to form a joint venture with an insurance company in Japan. This will move their firm into the global role of an organization with a(n) ______________.a.minimized level of business riskb.indirect international investmentc.direct international investmentd.independent foreign subsidiary(c; moderate; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)126.Theodore and James decide to allow a firm in Europe to use the rights to their software, its brand name, and software specifications in return for a lump-sum payment. The firm is a service organization that plans to use the software to assist its customers. This agreement is known as a ________________.a.strategic allianceb.licensing agreementc.franchised.foreign subsidiary(c; difficult; p. 99; AACSB: Globalizations)MANAGING IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTA Different View (Scenario)John has done well in his company. In only 5 years, he has risen to the position of divisional manager. However, he knows that in order to rise to the level of senior management, he needs to spend some time managing abroad in his company’s foreign subsidiaries. Although he has。
图表 10–7 常见的几种传统组织设计优缺点
简单结构 • 优点: 快速、灵活、维持成本低、责任明确 • 缺点: 对成长后的组织不适用,且过于依赖个人有风险
职能型结构 • 优点: 成本节约,处理相似任务的员工便于交流 • 缺点: 追求职能目标管理的领导者看不到整体的最佳利益,职能专家相互隔离
职能型结构 • 优点: 强调结果—事业部经理对特定产品或服务的经营负责 • 缺点: 活动和资源的重复配置导致成本上升,效率下降
•© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. *
图表 10–8 现代的组织设计
团队结构 • 定义 • 优势 • 劣势 矩阵—项目结构 • 定义
• 工作专业化
➢ 描述组织中的任务被划分为各项专门工作的程度,每 个步骤由不同的人来完成
➢ 过分的专业话将导致人员非经济性、厌倦、疲劳、压 力、劣质品、常旷工、高离职流动率等缺点
•© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. *
•© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. *
图表 10–8 (续) 现代的组织设计
无边界组织 • 定义 • 优势
• 劣势
横向的、纵向的或外部的边界不受定义或限定的一种结构 高度的灵活性和反应能力 能吸引任何地方的人才 缺乏控制 沟通困难
第10章基本的组织设计 罗宾斯《管理学》第九
Chapter 7 – Foundations of PlanningTrue/False Questions4. Research indicates that managers who plan always outperform managers who do not plan.False (moderate)9. Plans that specify the details of achievement of the overall objectives are calledoperational plans.True (difficult)10. Directional plans have clearly defined objectives.False (moderate)12. Standing plans are created in response to programmed decisions that managers make andinclude policies, rules, and procedures.True (moderate)13. The greater the environmental certainty, the more plans need to be directional andemphasis placed on the short term.False (moderate)22. An organization's real goals are what they actually plan on accomplishing, rather thanwhat they hope to accomplish.False (moderate)24. Real goals are official statements of what an organization says its goals are.False (easy)Multiple Choice36. One purpose of planning is that it minimizes ______________ and ______________.a. cost; timeb. time; personnel needsc. waste; redundancy (difficult)d. time; wastee. mistakes; cost38. What does the evidence suggest about organizations that plan compared to organizationsthat do not plan?a. Planning organizations always outperform nonplanning organizations.b. Nonplanning organizations always outperform planning organizations.c. Planning organizations generally outperform nonplanning organizations (easy)d. Nonplanning organizations generally outperform planning organizations.e. They generally perform at about the same level.45. Which of the following is the foundation of planning?a. employeesb. goals (easy)c. outcomesd. computerse. the planning department46. According to the text, _____________ are documents that outline how goals are going tobe met and which typically describe resource allocations, schedules, and other necessary actions to accomplish the goals.a.strategiesb.goalsc.plans (moderate)d.policiese.procedures50. Which of the following is true concerning an organization's stated objectives?a. They issue identical objectives to all constituents.b. Organizations typically have internal and external sets of objectives.c.They may issue different objectives to stockholders, customers, employees, and thepublic.(moderate)d. It is illegal to issue conflicting stated objectives.e. Stated objectives are usually in line with short-term actions.54. What should a person do to understand what are the real objectives of the organization?a. observe organizational member actions (moderate)b. attend a stockholders annual meetingc. read their statement of purposed. read their annual reporte. watch television news reports59. When we categorize plans as being single-use versus standing, we categorize them by______________.a. breadth.b. specificity.c. frequency of use. (easy)d. depth.e. time frame.61. Based on the information presented in the text, ______________ are short term,specific, and standing.a. operational (moderate)b. long-termc. strategicd. specifice. directional67. An organizational plan that has a 6-year time frame would be considered what type ofplan?a. operationalb. short-termc. strategicd. intermediatee. long-term (moderate)68. Strategic plans tend to include a time period of usually ______________.a. 1 year.b. 1-3 years.c. 3 years or more. (moderate)d. 5 years or more.e. at least 10 years.71. Compared to directional plans, what type of plan has clearly defined objectives?a. strategicb. single-usec. short-termd. specific (moderate)e. standing76.Planning accuracy with a high degree of environmental change tends to produce which ofthe following results?a. Planning accuracy is likely.b. Planning accuracy becomes much more important.c. Planning accuracy becomes less important.d. Planning accuracy is less likely. (moderate)e. Planning accuracy occurs in the long-run.78. A ______________ plan is a one-time plan designed to meet the needs of a uniquesituation and created in response to nonprogrammed decisions that managers make.a. single-use (easy)b. short-termc. directionald. standinge. strategic79. A small town's preparation for a visit by the President of the United States would beconsidered what type of plan?a. strategicb. directionalc. standingd. long-terme. single-use (moderate)81. A city's policy concerning skateboarding on downtown sidewalks providing guidance forpolice action would be considered what type of plan?a. standing (difficult)b. contingencyc. directionald. single-usee. strategic84. Where in the organizational hierarchy are traditional goals determined?a. front-line employeesb. team leadersc. lower-level managersd. middle managerse. top managers (moderate)89. A management system in which specific performance goals are jointly determined byemployees and their managers is known as ______________.a.management by objectives. (moderate)b.means-ends chain.c.traditional goal setting.d.management by opinions.91. Which of the following is not one of the four common elements of Management ByObjectives (MBO)?a. goal specificityb. participative decision-makingc. an explicit time periodd. a systems loop (difficult)e. performance feedback93. Management By Objectives (MBO) can be described by which of the following statements?a. an autocratic systemb. a "bottom up" systemc. a "top down" systemd. both a "top down" and a "bottom up" system (difficult)e. a static system105. According to the boxed feature, “Managing in an E-Business World,” probably the biggest change for planning in e-business is that ______________.a.the environment is more stable.b.customers are calling the shots. (moderate)c.employees are making the demands.d.only a few competitors exist.Essay Questions122. In a short essay, list and discuss the four reasons for planning.Answera.Planning establishes coordinated effort. It gives direction to managers andnonmanagers alike. When employees know where the organization or work unit aregoing and what they must contribute to reach goals, they can coordinate theiractivities, cooperate with each other, and do what it takes to accomplish thosegoals. Without planning, departments and individuals might be working at cross-purposes, preventing the organization from moving efficiently toward its goals.b.Planning reduces uncertainty by forcing managers to look ahead, anticipate change,consider the impact of change, and develop appropriate responses. It alsoclarifies the consequences of actions managers might take in response to change.Even though planning can’t eliminate change, managers plan in order to anticipatechanges and develop the most effective response to them.c.Planning reduces overlapping and wasteful activities.When work activities arecoordinated around established plans, wasted time and resources and redundancy canbe minimized. Furthermore, when means and ends are made clear through planning,inefficiencies become obvious and can be corrected or eliminated.d.Planning establishes goals or standards that are used in controlling. If managersare unsure of what they are trying to accomplish, they will be unable to determinewhether or not the goal has actually been achieved. In planning, goals and plansare developed. Then, through controlling, actual performance is compared againstthe goals, significant deviations are identified, and necessary corrective actionis taken. Without planning, there would be no way to control.(moderate)127. In a short essay, list and discuss five characteristics of well-defined goals.Answer(1) A well-designed goal should be written in terms of outcomes rather than actions.The desired end result is the most important element of any goal and, therefore, thegoal should be written to reflect this. (2) Next, a goal should be measurable and quantifiable. It’s much easier to determine if a goal has been met if it’s measurable. In line with specifying a quantifiable measure of accomplishment, (3) a well-designed goal should also be clear as to a time frame. Although open-ended goals may seem preferable because of their supposed flexibility, in fact, goals without a time frame make an organization less flexible because a manager is never sure when the goal has been met or when he or she should call it quits because the goal will never be met regardless of how long he or she works at it. (4) Next a well-designed goal should be challenging but attainable. Goals that are too easy to accomplish are not motivating and neither are goals that are not attainable even with exceptional effort.(5) Next, well-designed goals should be written down. Although actually writing downgoals may seem too time consuming, the process of writing the goals forces people to think them through. In addition, the written goals become visible and tangible evidence of the importance of working toward something. (6) Finally, well-designed goals are communicated to all organizational members who need to know the goals.Making people aware of the goals ensures that they’re “on the same page” and working in ways to ensure the accomplishment of the organizational goals.(moderate)128. In a short essay, list and discuss the five steps in the goal-setting process.Answera.Step 1: Review the organization’s mission, the purpose of the organization.These broad statements of what the organization’s purpose is and what it hopes toaccomplish provide an overall guide to what organizational members think isimportant. It’s important to review these statements before writing goals becausethe goals should reflect what the mission statement says.b.Step 2: Evaluate available resources. A manager doesn’t want to set goals thatare impossible to achieve given the available resources. Even though goals shouldbe challenging, they should be realistic. If the resources a manager has to workwith doesn’t allow for the achievement of that goal no matter how had the managertries of how much effort is exerted, that goal shouldn’t be set.c.Step 3: Determine individually, or with input from others, the goals. These goalsreflect desired outcomes and should be congruent with the organizational missionand goals in other organizational areas. These goals should be measurable,specific, and include a time frame for accomplishment.d.Step 4: Write down the goals and communicate them to all who need to know.Writing goals down forces people to think them through and also makes those goalsvisible and tangible evidence of the importance of working toward something.e.Step 5: Review results and whether goals are being met. Make changes, as needed.Once the goals have been established, written down, and communicated, a manager isready to develop plans for pursuing the goals.(difficult)129. In a short essay, list and discuss the three contingency factors that affect planning.Answera.Level in the organization–for the most part, operational planning dominatesmanagers’ planning efforts at lower levels. At higher organizational levels, theplanning becomes more strategy oriented.b.Degree of environmental uncertainty–when environmental uncertainty is high,plans should be specific, but flexible. Managers must be prepared to reword andamend plans as they’re implemented. At times, managers may even have to abandon their plans.c.Length of future commitments –the more that current plans affect futurecommitments, the longer the time frame for which managers should plan. This commitment concept means that plans should extend far enough to meet those commitments made when the plans were developed. Planning for too long or for too short a time period is inefficient and ineffective.(moderate)。
True/False QuestionsA MANAGER’S DILEMMA1.According to the boxed feature, “A Manager’s Dilemma,” Nokia was once involved in industriesranging from paper to chemicals and rubber.True (moderate)2.A ccording to the boxed feature, “A Manager’s Dilemma,” Nokia has been competing in thetelecommunications industry since 1965.False (moderate)DEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTUREanizational design is the organization's formal framework by which job tasks are divided,grouped, and coordinated.False (difficult)4. The concept of work specialization can be traced back a couple of centuries to AdamSmith's discussion of division of labor.True (moderate)5. The degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs is divisionof labor.True (moderate)6. Historically, many organizations have grouped work actions by functiondepartmentalization.True (moderate)7. Grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow is termed customerdepartmentalization.False (moderate)8.Geographic departmentalization has greatly increased in importance as a result oftoday’s competitive business environmentFalse (moderate)9. A group of individuals who are experts in various specialties and who work together isa cross-functional team.True (moderate)10. Authority is the individual's capacity to influence decisions.False (difficult)11. Authority is synonymous with responsibility.False (easy)12. Responsibility is the rights inherent in a managerial position.False (easy)13. A manager's span of control refers to the number of subordinates who can be effectively and efficiently supervised.True (moderate)14. The classical view of unity of command suggests that subordinates should have only one superior to whom they report.True (easy)15. The trend in recent years has been toward smaller spans of control.False (easy)16. When decisions tend to be made at lower levels in an organization, the organization is said to be decentralized.True (moderate)17. Decentralization describes the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization.False (moderate)18. In the last 35 years, there has been a trend of organizations moving toward increased decentralization.True (easy)19. Appropriate organizational structure depends on four variables: the organization's strategy, size, technology, and degree of environmental uncertainty.True (difficult)20. Standardization refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.False (moderate)ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONS21. An organic organization tends to be characterized by high specialization, extensive departmentalization, narrow spans of control, high formalization, a limited information network, and little participation in decision-making by low-level employees.False (moderate)22. An organic organization would likely be very flexible.True (moderate)23. Innovators need the efficiency, stability, and tight controls of the mechanistic structure.False (easy)24.The relationship between organizational size and structure tends to be linear.False (difficult)25. Joan Woodward attempted to view organizational structure from a technological perspective.True (moderate)26. Woodward demonstrated that organizational structures adapted to their technology.True (moderate)firm.False (moderate)28.The strength of the functional structure is that it focuses on results.False (moderate) it is the strength of divisional structure.29.According to the text, a functional structure creates strategic business units.False (moderate)COMMON ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGNS30. Project structures tend to be rigid and inflexible organizational designs.False (easy)Multiple ChoiceA MANAGER’S DILEMMA31.According to the company profile in “A Manager’s Dilemma,” the organizationalstructure of Nokia is best described as ______________.a.mechanisticanic (moderate)c.centralizedd.formalized32.The factor contributing the most to Nokia’s success in the mobile phone industryaccording to the company profile in “A Manager’s Dilemma” is ______________.a.new product development (moderate)ernment subsidiesc.national trade barriersd.weak competition33.______________ is the process of creating an organization's structure.a. H uman resource managementb. Leadingc. O rganizing (moderate)d. Planninge. D epartmentalizationDEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE34. According to the text, a(n) ______________ is the formal framework by which jobtasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated.a.mission statementb.environmental scanc.internal resource analysisanizational structure (moderate)35. Which of the following is not one of the six key elements in organizational design?a. w ork specializationb. departmentalizationc. c hain of commandd. bureaucratic design (difficult)e. s pan of control36. Work specialization is also known as ______________.a. d epartmentalization.c. s pan of control.d. formalization.e. division of labor. (easy)37. The term ______________ is used to describe the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs.a.work ethicsb.managerial capitalismc.social responsibilityd.work specialization (moderate)38.When did the idea of enlarging, rather than narrowing, job scope begin?a. 1950sb. 1960s (moderate)c. 1970sd. 1980se. 1990s39.Which of the following is not an example of the classical view of division of labor?a. a ssembly-line productionb. Burger Kingc. T aco Belld. TQM (moderate)e. K entucky Fried Chicken40. ______________ is the basis on which jobs are grouped in order to accomplish organizational goals.a.Departmentalization (moderate)b. Centralizationc. F ormalizationd. Coordinatione. E fficiency41. A local manufacturing organization has groups of employees who are responsible for sales, marketing, accounting, human resources, etc. These are examples of what concept?a. a uthorityb. chain of commandc. e mpowermentd. departmentalization (moderate)e. s ocial grouping42. Grouping sporting equipment in one area, men's clothing in another area, and cosmetics in a third area, is an example of what kind departmentalization?a. c ustomerb. product (easy)c. g eographicd. processe. o utcomewestern regions would be an example of ______________ departmentalization.a. p roductb. geographic (easy)c. p rocessd. outcomee. c ustomer44.Grouping activities on the basis of customer flow is ______________.a. f unctional departmentalization.b. product departmentalization.c. g eographical departmentalization.d. process departmentalization. (moderate)e. t echnological departmentalization.45. What type of departmentalization expects that each department will specialize in one specific phase of the process or product production?a. p roductb. geographicc. p rocess (easy)d. outcomee. c ustomer46. What kind of departmentalization would be in place in a government organization where different public service responsibilities are divided into activities for employers, children, and the disabled?a. p roductb. geographicc. p rocessd. outcomee. customer (moderate)47. Which of the following is not a form of departmentalization suggested by your text?a. f unctional departmentalizationb. product departmentalizationc. g eographical departmentalizationd. process departmentalizatione. technological departmentalization (difficult)48. Today's competitive business environment has greatly increased the importance of what type of departmentalization?a. g eographicb. customer (difficult)c. p roductd. processe. o utcome49. According to the text, managers are using ______________, which are groups of individuals who are experts in various specialties and who work together.a.specialized teamsb.cross-demanded teamsc.cross-functional teams (moderate)d.simple structured teams50. Which of the following is a contemporary addition to the historical view of departmentalization?a. i ncreased rigidityb. cross-functional teams (moderate)d. elimination of product departmentalizatione. a ddition of sales departmentalization51. Bringing together the company's legal counsel, research engineer, and marketing specialist for a project is an example of a(n) ______________.a. e mpowered team.b. process departmentalization.c. p roduct departmentalization.d. cross-functional team. (moderate)e. c ontinuous improvement team.52. The ______________ is the continuous line of authority that extends from upper organizational levels to the lowest levels and clarifies who reports to whom.a.chain of demandb.chain of command (easy)c.demand hierarchyd.continuous design structure53. To whom a worker reports concerns which aspect of organizational structure?a.chain of command (moderate)b. departmentalizationc. p ay structured. line of commande. a uthority framework54. ______________ entitles a manager to direct the work of a subordinate.a. R esponsibilityb. Legitimate powerc. R ankd. Operating responsibilitye. Authority (moderate)55. ______________ is the obligation to perform assigned activities.a. A uthorityb. Responsibility (easy)c. C hain of commandd. Unity of commande. F ormalization56. The ______________ principle (one of Fayol’s 14 principles of management) helps preserve the concept of a continuous line of authority.a.unity of demandb.unity of command (moderate)c.demand structured.continuous demand57. Span of control refers to which of the following concepts?a. h ow much power a manager has in the organizationb. the geographic dispersion of a manager's subunits of responsibilityc. h ow many subordinates a manager can effectively and efficiently supervise (moderate)d. the number of subordinates affected by a single managerial ordere. t he amount of time it takes to pass information down through a manager's line of command58. Other things being equal, the wider or larger the span of control, the more ______________ the organizational design.a. b ureaucraticb. democraticc. e ffectived. efficient (difficult)e. c lassical59. Wider spans of control may be viewed as more efficient, but eventually, wider spans tend to have what effect on organizations?a.reduced effectiveness (difficult)b. increased turnoverc. l oss of managerial powerd. customer dissatisfactione. r igid chains of command60. An organization that spends money on maintaining a well-trained work force can expect which of the following span-of-control outcomes?a. i ncreased contempt for managementb. increased voluntary turnoverc. c entralized authorityd. less direct supervision (moderate)e. i ncreased need for managerial-level employees61. A high-tech manager who supervises the development of a new computer chip needs ______________ compared to a manager who supervises the mailing of unemployment insurance checks at the local government office.a. a bout the same span of controlb. a narrower span of control (difficult)c. a wider span of controld. a more informal span of controle. e limination of the span of control62. In general, span of control is ______________ for managers.a.increasing (easy)b. decreasingc. s taying the samed. significantly decreasinge. n o longer important63. ______________ describes the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization.a.Decentralizationb.Centralization (moderate)c.Transnationalismd.Cross sectional analysis64. If lower-level employees provide input or are actually given the discretion to make decisions, the organization is ______________.a. f ormalized.c. d ecentralized. (easy)d. mechanistic.e. o rganic.65. Recently, there has been a distinct trend toward ______________.a. smaller spans of control.b. decentralized decision-making. (moderate)c. d ecreased flexibility.d. emphasis on chain of command.e. m echanistic organizations.66. Which of the following factors WOULD NOT influence an organization to have a higher degree of centralization?a. E nvironment is stable.b. Company is geographically dispersed. (difficult)c. C ompany is large.d. Decisions are significant.e. O rganization is facing a crisis.67. ______________ refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.a. S tandardizationb. Centralizationc. C hain of commandd. Strategye. Formalization (moderate)68. All of the following factors indicate that a decentralized organization would be most effective EXCEPT when ______________.a. t he environment is complex.b. decisions are relatively minor.c. t he organization is facing a crisis. (difficult)d. the company is geographically dispersed.e.effective implementation of strategies depends on managers having involvement andflexibilityto make decisions.69. Which of the following factors describes an environment in which a high degree of decentralization is desired?a.Environment is complex, uncertain. (moderate)b. Lower-level managers do not want to have a say in decisions.c. D ecisions are significant.d. Company is large.e. O rganization is facing a crisis or the risk of company failure.70. The ______________ organizational structure is characterized by high specialization, extensive departmentalization, narrow spans of control and high formalization.a.mechanistic (easy)b. organicc. c ontingencye. f unctional71. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a mechanistic organization?a. h igh specializationb. wide spans of control (moderate)c. h igh formalizationd. limited information networke. e xtensive departmentalization72. What type of organizational form follows classical principles such as unity of command?a. o rganicb. linearc. d ecentralizedd. mechanistic (moderate)e. a dhocracyORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONS73. Which of the following would likely be found in mechanistic organizations?a. w ide span of controlb. empowered employeesc. d ecentralized responsibilityd. few rules and/or regulationse. standardized job specialties (difficult)74. All of the following are characteristics of an organic organization EXCEPT:a.narrow spans of control. (moderate)b. cross-hierarchical teams.c. free flow of information.d. low formalization.e. cross-functional teams.75. In the early years of Apple Computers, its desire for highly proficient and creative employees who operated with few work rules was an example of what type of organization?a. b ureaucraticb. mechanisticc. v olatiled. nouvellee. organic (difficult)76. Which of the following is true concerning an organic organization's problem-response time?a. I t requires strict adherence to efficiently developed rules.b. Its speed demands clear lines of command.c.Response times are slower than mechanistic organizations, but answers tend to bemoreaccurate.d. Professional standards guide behavior. (difficult)e. T he response time is quick due to the centralized design.77. Which of the following is not one of the four contingency variables that help determine appropriate organizational structure?a. o rganizational sizeb. organizational strategyc. o rganizational technologyd. organizational age (moderate)e. d egree of environmental uncertainty78. Which of the following is an accurate statement?a.Strategy follows structure.c.Strategy and structure are not linked.d.Structure follows strategy. (moderate)e.Mechanistic and organic organizations have distinct differences in the application ofthe relationship between strategy and structure.79. Most current strategy-structure contingency frameworks tend to focus on threestrategy dimensions. These dimensions are ______________.a. r evenue maximization, customer satisfaction, and visibility.b. customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and ethics.c. i nnovation, cost minimization, and imitation. (difficult)d. legal considerations, profit maximization, and innovation.e. l ong-term survival, profit maximization, and customer satisfaction.80. What kind of relationship is there between organizational size and degree of mechanistic structure?a. -1.0b. unclearc. p ositive (moderate)d. bimodale. e xponential81. Joan Woodward's research was the first major attempt to view organizational structure from a ______________ perspective.a. s trategicb. contingencyc. s ized. departmentale. technological (easy)82. The three production categories that Joan Woodward divided organizations into inorder to uncover relationships between organizational structure and technology are ______________.a.unit, mass, process (difficult)b. unit, product, costc. p roduct, cost, customerd. mass, process, coste. p rocess, unit, product83. According to Woodward's studies, what type of production works best with a mechanistic structure?a. u nitb. processc. p roductd. mass (moderate)e. j ust-in-time84. Which of the following is not a characteristic that would suggest unit production wouldbe a best "fit"?a. l ow horizontal differentiationb. low vertical differentiationc. s mall-batch, custom productse. mechanistic structure (difficult)85. A characteristic that both unit production and process production have is that the most effective organizational structure for both technologies is ______________.anic. (difficult)b. mechanistic.c. a dhocracy.d. matrix.e. t eam.86. Woodward's studies generally demonstrate that organization ______________ should adapt to their ______________.a. p rocesses; environmentb. employees; leadersc. t echnologies; legal constraintsd. structures; technology (moderate)e. o utputs; resources87. Which type of environment is best suited for mechanistic organizations?a. d ynamicb. manufacturingc. s erviced. combinatione. stable (moderate)88. According to the text, all of the following are examples of the more traditional organizational designs EXCEPT:a.the simple structure.b.the functional structurec.the matrix structure (moderate)d.the divisional structure89. Which of the following is not characteristic of a simple organizational structure?a.narrow spans of control (moderate)b. low degree of departmentalizationc. c entralized decision-makingd. little formalizatione. i nformation arrangement of employeesCOMMON ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGNS90. Which of the following terms is associated with a simple organizational structure?a. e laborateb. high-complexityc. f ormald. decentralizede. flat (moderate)91. A wine store that employs six people most likely has what kind of organizational structure?a. b ureaucracyb. simple (difficult)c. f unctionald. divisionale. t eam-based92. All of the following are strengths of a simple organizational structure EXCEPT:a. I t's fast.b. It's inexpensive to maintain.c. I t's less risky. (moderate)d. Accountability is clear.93. A bureaucratic or mechanistic design may use a ______________ structure which groups similar or related occupational specialties together.a. m atrixb. functional (moderate)c. d ivisionald. geographice. t eam-based94. A ______________ structure creates strategic business units.a. m atrixb. functionalc. d ivisional (difficult)d. geographice. t eam-based95. What type of organizational structure is made up of autonomous, self-contained units?a. b ureaucracyb. simplec. f unctionald. divisional (moderate)e. t eam-based96. In what type of organizational structure is empowerment most crucial?a. b ureaucracyb. simplec. f unctionald. divisionale. team-based (easy)97. The ______________ is an organizational structure that assigns specialists from different functional departments to work on one or more projects being led by project managers.a.functional structureb.simple structurec.matrix structure (moderate)d.divisional structure98. The matrix approach violates what classical principle?a.unity of command (moderate)b. decentralizationc. c ustomer focusd. linear lines of responsibilitye. l arge spans of control99. What type of organization assigns specialists from different functional departments to work on one or more projects led by a project manager?a. c lassicalb. contemporaryc. m atrix (easy)d. evolutionarye. p roduct-based100. A ______________ organization is not defined by, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical, or external boundaries imposed by a predefined structure.a. t eam-basedb. boundarylessc. m echanisticd.project (moderate)e. s imple101. A ______________ organization has developed the continuous capacity to adapt and change.a. s impleb. mechanisticc. b ureaucraticd. team-basede. learning (moderate)MANAGING IN AN E-BUSINESS WORLD102. According to the boxed feature, “Manag ing in an E-Business World,” all of the following are needed for E-business to achieve the characteristic necessary for success in the digital world EXCEPT:a.high vertical, horizontal, and lateral communication.b.cross-hierarchical and cross-functional teams.c.extensive employee empowerment.d.high formalization. (moderate)103. According to the boxed feature, “Managing in an E-Business World,” ’s organizational structure is best described as ______________.a.mechanisticanic (moderate)c.formald.diagonal104. According to the boxed feature, “Managing in an E-Business World,” the ______________ organization is the concept that describes an E-business organization.a.mechanisticb.boundaryless (moderate)c.functionald.diagonal105. The important characteristics of a learning organization revolve around all of the following EXCEPT:anizational design.b.market capitalization (moderate)rmation sharing.d.leadership.e.culture.ScenariosDEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTUREOrganizational Structure (Scenario)Michelle is a registered nurse in charge of a new unit in her hospital. She would like to have a more laid-back approach to dealing with her new staff, but the hospital demands that there are strict hierarchical levels and that all decisions must be signed off by Michelle. Sometimes this drives Michelle nuts; the constant filling out of forms, etc. She also feels that the numerous levels of hierarchy are unnecessary and place barriers between her and her staff. She isn't sure why things have to be so "organized" and is thinking about speaking with her boss to attempt changing her unit to have more flexibility and fewer rules.106. Michelle is concerned about her unit's ______________, the unit's formal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped and coordinated.a. f ormal organizational chartb. organizational structure (moderate)c. s taffd. span of controle. c ommunication lines107. Michelle is required to sign off on all decisions, suggesting that they have a ______________ form of decision-making authority.a.centralized (moderate)b. formalc. a utocraticd. policye. s trict108. Michelle has noticed that everyone is very concerned about the ______________, the line of authority within the organization.a. r esponsibilityb. chain of command (easy)c. s pan of controld. organizational strategye. e nvironmentConsultants R Us (Scenario)Beth Ann has been hired as a consultant for XYZ Consulting, and her first assignment is to apply the work of Joan Woodward to her client, Custom Leather, Inc. Custom Leather makes expensive leather furniture.109. Woodward felt that the effectiveness of the organization would be related to the ______________ fit.a. e mployee/productb. technology/structure (moderate)c. e nvironment/processd. process/employeee. e mployee/environment______________ production.a. m assb. processc. u nit (moderate)d. environmentale. p rocedural111. If Custom Leather produces in large batches, this is termed ______________ production.a.mass (moderate)b. processc. u nitd. environmentale. p rocedural112. Custom Leather is unable to use a continuous process, or ______________ production, because leather is a unique item.a. m assb. process (moderate)c. u nitd. environmentale. p roceduralORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONSYou Can Bank on It (Scenario)Susan's employer, Western Bank, like many others, had recently undergone decruitment in order to "right size" the organization. The Board of Directors felt that their sagging stock price could be improved with some labor cost cutting. Along with other new challenges, a problem now existed with span of control and decision-making authority. In the past, her bank's policy was that no manager should supervise more than six subordinates and only managers should make decisions for their individual units. But now, with the cuts in middle management, upper management had increased the span of control but still insisted on managerial-only decision-making. The result was that managers spent all of their time putting out fires and subordinates felt they were getting answers too slowly and wanted to start having the authority to make decisions on their own. Clearly, something had to change.113. Of the following, which is not a reason that would be consistent with Western Bank's wanting to maintain a centralized form of decision-making?a.Environment is uncertain. (moderate)b. Environment is stable.c. C ompany is large.d. Decisions are more significant.e. O rganization is facing a crisis.114. Of the following which is not a reason Western Bank would not change to a more decentralized form of decision-making?a. l ower-level managers are capable of decision-makingb. company is geographically dispersedc. d ecisions are relatively minore. l ower-level managers want a voice in decisionsORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONS115. Susan believes that Western Bank should be highly adaptive and flexible. She would like for Western Bank to be a(n) ______________ structure.anic (easy)b. mechanisticc. f ormalizedd. technologicale. s trategic116. The contingency approach would consider all of the following variables EXCEPT the ______________.a. o rganization's strategy.b. organization's size.c. o rganization's age. (moderate)d. organization's technology.e. d egree of environmental uncertainty.Food for Thought (Scenario)Burgess owned a ToutLeMart, a store that sold food and nonfood items in a warehouse environment. He employed 350 people and had them work in very specialized areas. Some people only unloaded the pallets from the trucks or drove the pallets onto the floor, while still others unloaded the pallets in their specific area of responsibility. He had managers controlling each specific area. For example, the automotive manager was in charge of all functions; accounting, purchasing, sales, etc. This arrangement had generally worked well, but recently, he noticed that employees seemed bored and turnover and absenteeism had risen. In addition, he found that attempting to get special projects completed, such as creating their new "First-Class Customer" card, had turned into a nightmare due to the lack of cooperation and misunderstanding between the groups.117. ToutLeMart currently operates under the classical view of the division of labor. This is characterized by which of the following?a. Y ou only report to one manager.b. Employees specialize in doing part of a task. (easy)c. E mployees specialize in doing one complete task.d. People are divided according to their work interest.e. E mployees are trained to do many tasks to increase flexibility.118. The type of departmentalization practiced by ToutLeMart is best described as ______________.a.product. (moderate)b.function.c.customer.d.geographic.e.process.119. If ToutLeMart decided to reorganize their departmentalization so that one manager was in charge of accounting, one manager in charge of food stuffs, one manager in charge of nonfood items, etc., this would be described as ______________ departmentalization.a. p roductb. function (moderate)c. c ustomerd. geographice. p rocess120. If Burgess regularly put together teams made up of specialists from different areas to tackle new projects, like the "First-Class Customer" card project, these would be called ______________.a.cross-functional teams. (easy)b. quality circles.c. t otal quality management.d. special project teams.。
第七章一、选择题1·( )是正式计划而非非正式计划的特征。
a.组织内部很少或没有共同目标 b.计划工作是普遍的c.为实现目标存在具体的行动计划 d.关注结果2·( )属于计划工作的四个原因之一。
a.计划自动地增加灵活性 b.计划减少不确定性c.计划即使不确定也具有价值d·计划不是件容易的工作,需要经过高强度训练才能制定好的计划3·( )是个体、群体和整个组织期望的产出。
a.计划 b.目 c.战略 d.政策4·( )是组织向外界宣称的试图使各种利益相关群体相信的正式的陈述。
a.真实目标 b.陈述目标c·目标管理 d.方向性计划5.不是融资目标例子的是( )。
a.较大的现金流 b.较高的分红、c·较高的红利和较好的信用等 d.较大的市场份额6·( )构成了组织的整体目标,( )具体表明整体目标怎样达到。
a.战略计划;运营计划 b.长期计划;短期计划c.具体计划;方向性计划 d.持续性计划;一次性计划7.长期计划的时间框架是( )。
a·小于一年 b.大于一年c·超过两年 d.超过三年8·短期计划的时间框架是( )。
a.一年左右 b.两年左右 c.三年左右 d.四年左右9·制定一般指导原则的灵活性计划是( )。
a·运营计划 b.战略计划 c.具体计划 d.方向性计划l0·当环境的不确定性很高时,( )更好。
a·战略计划 b.方向性计划c·运营计划 d.持续性计划11为满足特定情况需要,对非程序性决策作出反应而制定的计划是L )。
a·短期计划 b.具体计划 c.方向性计划 d.一次性计划12·( )计划提供了对重复进行的活动的持续指导。
a·方向性 b.持续性c·运营 d.一次性13‘窑三…:中j首先设立组织的最高目标,然后将其分解为每一个组织层次的子目标。
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Chapter 10 – Organizational Structure and DesignTrue/False QuestionsA MANAGER’S DILEMMA1.According to the boxed feature, “A Manager’s Dilemma,” Nokia was once involved in industries rangingfrom paper to chemicals and rubber.True (moderate)2.A ccording to the boxed feature, “A Manager’s Dilemma,” Nokia has been competing in thetelecommunications industry since 1965.False (moderate)DEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTUREanizational design is the organization's formal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, andcoordinated.False (difficult)4. The concept of work specialization can be traced back a couple of centuries to Adam Smith's discussion ofdivision of labor.True (moderate)5. The degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs is division of labor.True (moderate)6. Historically, many organizations have grouped work actions by function departmentalization.True (moderate)7. Grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow is termed customer departmentalization.False (moderate)8.Geographic departmentalization has greatly increased in importance as a result of today’s competitivebusiness environmentFalse (moderate)9. A group of individuals who are experts in various specialties and who work together is a cross-functionalteam.True (moderate)10. Authority is the individual's capacity to influence decisions.False (difficult)11. Authority is synonymous with responsibility.False (easy)12. Responsibility is the rights inherent in a managerial position.False (easy)13. A manager's span of control refers to the number of subordinates who can be effectively and efficientlysupervised.True (moderate)14. The classical view of unity of command suggests that subordinates should have only one superior to whomthey report.True (easy)15. The trend in recent years has been toward smaller spans of control.False (easy)16. When decisions tend to be made at lower levels in an organization, the organization is said to bedecentralized.True (moderate)17. Decentralization describes the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in theorganization.False (moderate)18. In the last 35 years, there has been a trend of organizations moving toward increased decentralization.True (easy)19. Appropriate organizational structure depends on four variables: the organization's strategy, size, technology,and degree of environmental uncertainty.True (difficult)20. Standardization refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and the extent towhich employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.False (moderate)ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONS21. An organic organization tends to be characterized by high specialization, extensive departmentalization,narrow spans of control, high formalization, a limited information network, and little participation in decision-making by low-level employees.False (moderate)22. An organic organization would likely be very flexible.True (moderate)23. Innovators need the efficiency, stability, and tight controls of the mechanistic structure.False (easy)24.The relationship between organizational size and structure tends to be linear.False (difficult)25. Joan Woodward attempted to view organizational structure from a technological perspective.True (moderate)26. Woodward demonstrated that organizational structures adapted to their technology.True (moderate)27. Woodward's findings support that there is "one best way" to organize a manufacturing firm.False (moderate)28.The strength of the functional structure is that it focuses on results.False (moderate) it is the strength of divisional structure.\\\\\\\29.According to the text, a functional structure creates strategic business units.False (moderate)COMMON ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGNS30. Project structures tend to be rigid and inflexible organizational designs.False (easy)Multiple ChoiceA MANAGER’S DILEMMA31.According to the company profile in “A Manager’s Dilemma,” the organizational structure of Nokia is bestdescribed as ______________.a.mechanisticanic (moderate)c.centralizedd.formalized32.The factor contributing the most to Nokia’s success in the mobile phone industry according to the companyprofile in “A Manager’s Dilemma” is ______________.a.new product development (moderate)ernment subsidiesc.national trade barriersd.weak competition33.______________ is the process of creating an organization's structure.a. Human resource managementb. Leadingc. Organizing (moderate)d. Planninge. DepartmentalizationDEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE34. According to the text, a(n) ______________ is the formal framework by which job tasks are divided,grouped, and coordinated.a.mission statementb.environmental scanc.internal resource analysisanizational structure (moderate)35. Which of the following is not one of the six key elements in organizational design?a. work specializationb. departmentalizationc. chain of commandd. bureaucratic design (difficult)e. span of control36. Work specialization is also known as ______________.a. departmentalization.b. centralization.c. span of control.d. formalization.e. division of labor. (easy)37. The term ______________ is used to describe the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided intoseparate jobs.a.work ethicsb.managerial capitalismc.social responsibilityd.work specialization (moderate)38.When did the idea of enlarging, rather than narrowing, job scope begin?a. 1950sb. 1960s (moderate)c. 1970sd. 1980se. 1990s39.Which of the following is not an example of the classical view of division of labor?a. assembly-line productionb. Burger Kingc. Taco Belld. TQM (moderate)e. Kentucky Fried Chicken40. ______________ is the basis on which jobs are grouped in order to accomplish organizational goals.a. Departmentalization (moderate)b. Centralizationc. Formalizationd. Coordinatione. Efficiency41. A local manufacturing organization has groups of employees who are responsible for sales, marketing,accounting, human resources, etc. These are examples of what concept?a. authorityb. chain of commandc. empowermentd. departmentalization (moderate)e. social grouping42. Grouping sporting equipment in one area, men's clothing in another area, and cosmetics in a third area, is anexample of what kind departmentalization?a. customerb. product (easy)c. geographicd. processe. outcome43. Sales responsibilities divided into the southwest, midwest, southern, northern, and western regions would bean example of ______________ departmentalization.a. productb. geographic (easy)c. processd. outcomee. customer44.Grouping activities on the basis of customer flow is ______________.a. functional departmentalization.b. product departmentalization.c. geographical departmentalization.d. process departmentalization. (moderate)e. technological departmentalization.45. What type of departmentalization expects that each department will specialize in one specific phase of theprocess or product production?a. productb. geographicc. process (easy)d. outcomee. customer46. What kind of departmentalization would be in place in a government organization where different publicservice responsibilities are divided into activities for employers, children, and the disabled?a. productb. geographicc. processd. outcomee. customer (moderate)47. Which of the following is not a form of departmentalization suggested by your text?a. functional departmentalizationb. product departmentalizationc. geographical departmentalizationd. process departmentalizatione. technological departmentalization (difficult)48. Today's competitive business environment has greatly increased the importance of what type ofdepartmentalization?a. geographicb. customer (difficult)c. productd. processe. outcome49. According to the text, managers are using ______________, which are groups of individuals who areexperts in various specialties and who work together.a.specialized teamsb.cross-demanded teamsc.cross-functional teams (moderate)d.simple structured teams50. Which of the following is a contemporary addition to the historical view of departmentalization?a. increased rigidityb. cross-functional teams (moderate)c. enhanced centralizationd. elimination of product departmentalizatione. addition of sales departmentalization51. Bringing together the company's legal counsel, research engineer, and marketing specialist for a project isan example of a(n) ______________.a. empowered team.b. process departmentalization.c. product departmentalization.d. cross-functional team. (moderate)e. continuous improvement team.52. The ______________ is the continuous line of authority that extends from upper organizational levels to thelowest levels and clarifies who reports to whom.a.chain of demandb.chain of command (easy)c.demand hierarchyd.continuous design structure53. To whom a worker reports concerns which aspect of organizational structure?a. chain of command (moderate)b. departmentalizationc. pay structured. line of commande. authority framework54. ______________ entitles a manager to direct the work of a subordinate.a. Responsibilityb. Legitimate powerc. Rankd. Operating responsibilitye. Authority (moderate)55. ______________ is the obligation to perform assigned activities.a. Authorityb. Responsibility (easy)c. Chain of commandd. Unity of commande. Formalization56. The ______________ principle (one of Fayol’s 14 principles of management) helps preserve the concept ofa continuous line of authority.a.unity of demandb.unity of command (moderate)c.demand structured.continuous demand57. Span of control refers to which of the following concepts?a. how much power a manager has in the organizationb. the geographic dispersion of a manager's subunits of responsibilityc. how many subordinates a manager can effectively and efficiently supervise (moderate)d. the number of subordinates affected by a single managerial ordere. the amount of time it takes to pass information down through a manager's line of command58. Other things being equal, the wider or larger the span of control, the more ______________ theorganizational design.a. bureaucraticb. democraticc. effectived. efficient (difficult)e. classical59. Wider spans of control may be viewed as more efficient, but eventually, wider spans tend to have whateffect on organizations?a. reduced effectiveness (difficult)b. increased turnoverc. loss of managerial powerd. customer dissatisfactione. rigid chains of command60. An organization that spends money on maintaining a well-trained work force can expect which of thefollowing span-of-control outcomes?a. increased contempt for managementb. increased voluntary turnoverc. centralized authorityd. less direct supervision (moderate)e. increased need for managerial-level employees61. A high-tech manager who supervises the development of a new computer chip needs ______________compared to a manager who supervises the mailing of unemployment insurance checks at the local government office.a. about the same span of controlb. a narrower span of control (difficult)c. a wider span of controld. a more informal span of controle. elimination of the span of control62. In general, span of control is ______________ for managers.a. increasing (easy)b. decreasingc. staying the samed. significantly decreasinge. no longer important63. ______________ describes the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in theorganization.a.Decentralizationb.Centralization (moderate)c.Transnationalismd.Cross sectional analysis64. If lower-level employees provide input or are actually given the discretion to make decisions, theorganization is ______________.a. formalized.b. centralized.c. decentralized. (easy)d. mechanistic.e. organic.65. Recently, there has been a distinct trend toward ______________.a. smaller spans of control.b. decentralized decision-making. (moderate)c. decreased flexibility.d. emphasis on chain of command.e. mechanistic organizations.66. Which of the following factors WOULD NOT influence an organization to have a higher degree ofcentralization?a. Environment is stable.b. Company is geographically dispersed. (difficult)c. Company is large.d. Decisions are significant.e. Organization is facing a crisis.67. ______________ refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and the extentto which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.a. Standardizationb. Centralizationc. Chain of commandd. Strategye. Formalization (moderate)68. All of the following factors indicate that a decentralized organization would be most effective EXCEPTwhen ______________.a. the environment is complex.b. decisions are relatively minor.c. the organization is facing a crisis. (difficult)d. the company is geographically dispersed.e.effective implementation of strategies depends on managers having involvement and flexibilityto make decisions.69. Which of the following factors describes an environment in which a high degree of decentralization isdesired?a. Environment is complex, uncertain. (moderate)b. Lower-level managers do not want to have a say in decisions.c. Decisions are significant.d. Company is large.e. Organization is facing a crisis or the risk of company failure.70. The ______________ organizational structure is characterized by high specialization, extensivedepartmentalization, narrow spans of control and high formalization.a. mechanistic (easy)b. organicc. contingencyd. adhocracye. functional71. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a mechanistic organization?a. high specializationb. wide spans of control (moderate)c. high formalizationd. limited information networke. extensive departmentalization72. What type of organizational form follows classical principles such as unity of command?a. organicb. linearc. decentralizedd. mechanistic (moderate)e. adhocracyORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONS73. Which of the following would likely be found in mechanistic organizations?a. wide span of controlb. empowered employeesc. decentralized responsibilityd. few rules and/or regulationse. standardized job specialties (difficult)74. All of the following are characteristics of an organic organization EXCEPT:a. narrow spans of control. (moderate)b. cross-hierarchical teams.c. free flow of information.d. low formalization.e. cross-functional teams.75. In the early years of Apple Computers, its desire for highly proficient and creative employees who operatedwith few work rules was an example of what type of organization?a. bureaucraticb. mechanisticc. volatiled. nouvellee. organic (difficult)76. Which of the following is true concerning an organic organization's problem-response time?a. It requires strict adherence to efficiently developed rules.b. Its speed demands clear lines of command.c.Response times are slower than mechanistic organizations, but answers tend to be moreaccurate.d. Professional standards guide behavior. (difficult)e. The response time is quick due to the centralized design.77. Which of the following is not one of the four contingency variables that help determine appropriateorganizational structure?a. organizational sizeb. organizational strategyc. organizational technologyd. organizational age (moderate)e. degree of environmental uncertainty78. Which of the following is an accurate statement?a.Strategy follows structure.b.Strategy and structure are equal in temporal importance.c.Strategy and structure are not linked.d.Structure follows strategy. (moderate)e.Mechanistic and organic organizations have distinct differences in the application of the relationshipbetween strategy and structure.79. Most current strategy-structure contingency frameworks tend to focus on three strategy dimensions. Thesedimensions are ______________.a. revenue maximization, customer satisfaction, and visibility.b. customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and ethics.c. innovation, cost minimization, and imitation. (difficult)d. legal considerations, profit maximization, and innovation.e. long-term survival, profit maximization, and customer satisfaction.80. What kind of relationship is there between organizational size and degree of mechanistic structure?a. -1.0b. unclearc. positive (moderate)d. bimodale. exponential81. Joan Woodward's research was the first major attempt to view organizational structure from a______________ perspective.a. strategicb. contingencyc. sized. departmentale. technological (easy)82. The three production categories that Joan Woodward divided organizations into in order to uncoverrelationships between organizational structure and technology are ______________.a. unit, mass, process (difficult)b. unit, product, costc. product, cost, customerd. mass, process, coste. process, unit, product83. According to Woodward's studies, what type of production works best with a mechanistic structure?a. unitb. processc. productd. mass (moderate)e. just-in-time84. Which of the following is not a characteristic that would suggest unit production would be a best "fit"?a. low horizontal differentiationb. low vertical differentiationc. small-batch, custom productsd. low formalizatione. mechanistic structure (difficult)85. A characteristic that both unit production and process production have is that the most effectiveorganizational structure for both technologies is ______________.a. organic. (difficult)b. mechanistic.c. adhocracy.d. matrix.e. team.86. Woodward's studies generally demonstrate that organization ______________ should adapt to their______________.a. processes; environmentb. employees; leadersc. technologies; legal constraintsd. structures; technology (moderate)e. outputs; resources87. Which type of environment is best suited for mechanistic organizations?a. dynamicb. manufacturingc. serviced. combinatione. stable (moderate)88. According to the text, all of the following are examples of the more traditional organizational designsEXCEPT:a.the simple structure.b.the functional structurec.the matrix structure (moderate)d.the divisional structure89. Which of the following is not characteristic of a simple organizational structure?a. narrow spans of control (moderate)b. low degree of departmentalizationc. centralized decision-makingd. little formalizatione. information arrangement of employeesCOMMON ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGNS90. Which of the following terms is associated with a simple organizational structure?a. elaborateb. high-complexityc. formald. decentralizede. flat (moderate)91. A wine store that employs six people most likely has what kind of organizational structure?a. bureaucracyb. simple (difficult)c. functionald. divisionale. team-based92. All of the following are strengths of a simple organizational structure EXCEPT:a. It's fast.b. It's inexpensive to maintain.c. It's less risky. (moderate)d. Accountability is clear.e. It's flexible.93. A bureaucratic or mechanistic design may use a ______________ structure which groups similar or relatedoccupational specialties together.a. matrixb. functional (moderate)c. divisionald. geographice. team-based94. A ______________ structure creates strategic business units.a. matrixb. functionalc. divisional (difficult)d. geographice. team-based95. What type of organizational structure is made up of autonomous, self-contained units?a. bureaucracyb. simplec. functionald. divisional (moderate)e. team-based96. In what type of organizational structure is empowerment most crucial?a. bureaucracyb. simplec. functionald. divisionale. team-based (easy)97. The ______________ is an organizational structure that assigns specialists from different functionaldepartments to work on one or more projects being led by project managers.a.functional structureb.simple structurec.matrix structure (moderate)d.divisional structure98. The matrix approach violates what classical principle?a. unity of command (moderate)b. decentralizationc. customer focusd. linear lines of responsibilitye. large spans of control99. What type of organization assigns specialists from different functional departments to work on one or moreprojects led by a project manager?a. classicalb. contemporaryc. matrix (easy)d. evolutionarye. product-based100. A ______________ organization is not defined by, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical, or external boundaries imposed by a predefined structure.a. team-basedb. boundarylessc. mechanisticd.project (moderate)e. simple101. A ______________ organization has developed the continuous capacity to adapt and change.a. simpleb. mechanisticc. bureaucraticd. team-basede. learning (moderate)MANAGING IN AN E-BUSINESS WORLD102. According to the boxed feature, “Manag ing in an E-Business World,” all of the following are needed for E-business to achieve the characteristic necessary for success in the digital world EXCEPT:a.high vertical, horizontal, and lateral communication.b.cross-hierarchical and cross-functional teams.c.extensive employee empowerment.d.high formalization. (moderate)103. According to the boxed feature, “Managing in an E-Business World,” ’s organizational structure is best described as ______________.a.mechanisticanic (moderate)c.formald.diagonal104. According to the boxed feature, “Managing in an E-Business World,” the ______________ organization is the concept that describes an E-business organization.a.mechanisticb.boundaryless (moderate)c.functionald.diagonal105. The important characteristics of a learning organization revolve around all of the following EXCEPT:anizational design.b.market capitalization (moderate)rmation sharing.d.leadership.e.culture.ScenariosDEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTUREOrganizational Structure (Scenario)Michelle is a registered nurse in charge of a new unit in her hospital. She would like to have a more laid-back approach to dealing with her new staff, but the hospital demands that there are strict hierarchical levels and that all decisions must be signed off by Michelle. Sometimes this drives Michelle nuts; the constant filling out of forms, etc. She also feels that the numerous levels of hierarchy are unnecessary and place barriers between her and her staff. She isn't sure why things have to be so "organized" and is thinking about speaking with her boss to attempt changing her unit to have more flexibility and fewer rules.106. Michelle is concerned about her unit's ______________, the unit's formal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped and coordinated.a. formal organizational chartb. organizational structure (moderate)c. staffd. span of controle. communication lines107. Michelle is required to sign off on all decisions, suggesting that they have a ______________ form of decision-making authority.a. centralized (moderate)b. formalc. autocraticd. policye. strict108. Michelle has noticed that everyone is very concerned about the ______________, the line of authority within the organization.a. responsibilityb. chain of command (easy)c. span of controld. organizational strategye. environmentConsultants R Us (Scenario)Beth Ann has been hired as a consultant for XYZ Consulting, and her first assignment is to apply the work of Joan Woodward to her client, Custom Leather, Inc. Custom Leather makes expensive leather furniture.109. Woodward felt that the effectiveness of the organization would be related to the ______________ fit.a. employee/productb. technology/structure (moderate)c. environment/processd. process/employeee. employee/environment110. If Custom Leather produces couches for individual orders, this is termed ______________ production.a. massb. processc. unit (moderate)d. environmentale. procedural111. If Custom Leather produces in large batches, this is termed ______________ production.a. mass (moderate)b. processc. unitd. environmentale. procedural112. Custom Leather is unable to use a continuous process, or ______________ production, because leather is a unique item.a. massb. process (moderate)c. unitd. environmentale. proceduralORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONSYou Can Bank on It (Scenario)Susan's employer, Western Bank, like many others, had recently undergone decruitment in order to "right size" the organization. The Board of Directors felt that their sagging stock price could be improved with some labor cost cutting. Along with other new challenges, a problem now existed with span of control and decision-making authority. In the past, her bank's policy was that no manager should supervise more than six subordinates and only managers should make decisions for their individual units. But now, with the cuts in middle management, upper management had increased the span of control but still insisted on managerial-only decision-making. The result was that managers spent all of their time putting out fires and subordinates felt they were getting answers too slowly and wanted to start having the authority to make decisions on their own. Clearly, something had to change. 113. Of the following, which is not a reason that would be consistent with Western Bank's wanting to maintain a centralized form of decision-making?a. Environment is uncertain. (moderate)b. Environment is stable.c. Company is large.d. Decisions are more significant.e. Organization is facing a crisis.114. Of the following which is not a reason Western Bank would not change to a more decentralized form of decision-making?a. lower-level managers are capable of decision-makingb. company is geographically dispersedc. decisions are relatively minord. organization is in risk of failure (easy)e. lower-level managers want a voice in decisionsORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONS115. Susan believes that Western Bank should be highly adaptive and flexible. She would like for Western Bank to be a(n) ______________ structure.a. organic (easy)b. mechanisticc. formalizedd. technologicale. strategic。