GRE-Arguement 七种常见错误-个人总结

精心整理一.经不起推敲的类推(false analogy)This argument relies on what might be a false analogy between A and B C.(开头)In order for BC to serve as models that A should emulate,causal relationship with correlation )The argument concluded based on a known correlation between A and B.Yet the correlation alone is only a scant evidence of theclaimed “cause-and –effect” relationship. Perhaps…..Moreover, the argument overlooks the fact that….The arguer has not accounted for the possibility that…. If this is the case, than the conclusion would lack any meritWithout considering and ruling out these and other alternative means of…., the arguer cannot confidently conclude that…..must do…in order to achieve the goal.(收尾)b)The recommendation depends on the additional unsubstantiated assumption that…..would by itself improve……(指出不一定能达到目标)Absent evidence that this is the case, it is equally possible that…..It is unreasonable to draw any conclusions about….based on statistics about….(指出数据不可依赖)The arguer fails to make clear the exact number of….If only small portions of the whole population are…..then the case might be that …(数据太小)Even if the sample size chosen from….is large enough, the statistics might also be incredible.Depending on the total number of….., it is entirely possible that…..are not representative of….For example, perhaps…..are particularly….were anonymous, or even confidential.If they were not, then respondents might have provided responses that they believed their superiors would approve of, regardless of whether the responses were truthful.In either event, the survey results would be unreliable for thepurpose of drawing any conclusions about….., let alone about…..七认为一切事情是永恒不变的a) 使用以前的数据证明当下This claim unfairly infers from….in the past that…..this yearstatistics and the….., the greater the possibility thatthe …..has changed over this time span, and the less justifiable the arguer’s reliance on the statistics to support the claim that…..攻击假设可以说The arguer simply assumes that ….. but he does not provide any evidence that……The recommendation depends on the assumption that …. Yet no evidence is offered to substantiate this assumption.In order for …… the arguer must assume that …..However,In either event, the survey results would be unreliable for the purpose of drawing any conclusions about….., let alone about…..(2 ×)Any of these scenarios, if true, would serve to undermine the claim that…..(3×)让步句Therefore, even though….., there is no guarantee that….. Even assuming that…., the arguer provides no clear evidence that…..Even if we accept the arguer’s assumption that….thecredibilitylogically acceptable persuasive concrete 【证明】relies on substantiate infer justifyreveal demonstrate。

near the freeway”和“the opposite side of the city”共同构建了以下哪种错误:
the price of milk at the local Excello Food Market has increased from $1.50 to over
per gallon. To prevent farmers from continuing to receive excessive profits on an
“W图书馆最常被借出的书是mystery novel”,因此认为“人们并不喜爱literary
species that are found in the western preserve, though in larger numbers, and to the
salicylates and a steady decline in the average number of headaches reported by study
At the time when the study concluded, food-processing companies had just
years ago, as part of a comprehensive urban renewal program, the city of Transopolis
GRE argument 逻辑错误

1、Loose generalizations 过于宽泛的概括2、Drawing conclusions about groups of people on the basis of stereotypes.3、在原型的基础上得出关于整个群体的某个结论4、Example: French people are more romantic.5、Hasty generalizations 草率概括6、Arriving at a conclusion without enough evidence.7、没有足够证据得出一个结论8、Example: Asian-American students are better in math.9、Circular Reasoning 循环论证10、Restating in different words what has already been stated.用不同的词重新论证已经论述过的东西Example: Dieting is hard because it requires consuming fewer calories.4、Single cause-effect 单调因果Claiming that only one event caused another when there may be no real connection.声称只有一个事件引起另一个事件,而它们之间可能没有真正的联系Example: When I sat down at the computer it stopped working, so I must have done something wrong.5、Slippery SlopeAssumes a chain of cause-effect relationships with very suspect connections.以非常可疑的联系假定一个因果关系Example: Because I failed my exam, my parents were mad, I lost my wallet, my car wouldn't start, and I got fired.6、Non Sequitur 没有推理The first part of the idea does not relate to the other.观念的第一个部分和其他部分没有关系Example: I did well in school because I always wore nice clothes.7、Either/Or 非此即彼Suggesting only two alternatives when the issue may be much more complex.认为只有两个选择,非此即彼,然而可能复杂得多(有第三、四种可能)Example: America--love it or leave it!8、False Authority 错误的权威Draws attention away from the evidence and leans on the popularity of someone who may have little knowledge of the issue or product.将注意力从证据上引开,而依赖一些在这方面了解很少的流行人物Example: Kathie Lee Gifford, a popular TV celebrity, says that cruises are wonderful, so they must be.9、Ad Hominem 从个人偏好出发Attacking the person instead of the ideas.攻击人而非观点Example: Don't vote for Jerry Brown; he's a left-wing fanatic, a throwback to the 60s who meditates and eats health foods.10、Bandwagon ThinkingClaiming that most people agree so it must be right.声称大多数人赞成所以就一定是对的Example: I wouldn't have cheated on my income taxes, but everyone else does, so why shouldn't I11、Stacking the deckGiving a slanted view of the issue by focusing only on one side.仅集中在某一面,而得出一个关于这个问题的歪曲的观点Example: I deserve to get an A in the class because I like the teacher, work hard, and attend class.12、Appeal to Emotion 诉诸情绪Exploiting the audience's feeling in order to get them on your side.激起读者的情绪感受,以使他们站在作者这边Example: I believe I deserve a scholarship because I am an orphan who grew up in a dysfunctional foster family.13、Ignoring the question 忽略问题Changing the topic before it is really consideredExample: The criminal won't say where he was on the night of the crime, but he does remember being teased relentlessly as a child.14、Trivial objections 琐碎的缺陷(微不足道的反驳理由)Can be similar to ad hominem in that it focuses on things unimportant to the issue at hand.当“从个人偏好出发”关注于对这个问题不重要的东西时,Trivial objections的这种逻辑错误和其相似Example: I think Ross Perot would make a terrible president. His ears are huge.。

argument 的结构⽐较固定,易于掌握。
argument 每题由两个部分构成。
因果关系错误(causal relationship oversimplification)因果关系错误,顾名思义,就是在做因果推理时,太过于简单⽽忽略了因果关系的复杂性。
下⾯就以⼀个具体的因果关系错误来说明:The following appeared in a letter sent by a committee of homeowners from the Deer haven Acres to all homeowners in Deer haven Acres."Seven years ago, homeowners in nearby Brookville community adopted a set of restrictions on how the community's yards should be landscaped and what colors the exteriors of homes should be painted. Since then, average property values have tripled in Brookville. In order to raise property values in Deer haven Acres, we should adopt our own set of restrictions on landscaping and house painting."【太傻译⽂】“七年前,附近的Brookville社区的业主实施了⼀系列关于该社区的庭院应如何布置以及房屋应涂何种颜⾊的规定。

ISSUE的五种题目分析类型一、因果类(1)这个因果关系推理中的原因是否成立?(2)假设这个原因成立,从他能否推出结果?Whether mutually shared ideas can make people learn more from each other is quite a personal matter.It's true that disagreement can cause stress and sometimes inhibit our learning, and as a result we might learn more from people whose views we share than from those whose views contradict our own. Anyhow, people are at least easier to understand each other when they find them sharing the same ground in most cases.However, disagreement can also benefit us greatly. On the one hand, distinct perspectives on an issue may turn out to sharpen our mind, broaden our ken and shed some new light on the issue in question, and therefore enhance our learning. On the other hand, throughout the human intellectual history, it is always the different schools of thought rather than those who share, on any issue, identical ideas with each other that combine to boost scientific and technological progress.All in all, which one, disagreement or agreement, will promote our learning from others is quite a personal matter which depends on so many factors such as one’s age, motivations, psychological maturity, personal understanding with each other and so on.二、建议类(1)题目中的建议可行性如何?(2)如果实施题目中的建议,能否导致同初始目的相矛盾或其他荒谬的结果?(3)有无替代或折中方案?Connecting the courses on collegiate campus with the actual professional know-how is not always the necessary condition for improving the teaching quality in those courses.Workshop experience can really enrich subjects in classroom. This is especially true for such subjects as engineering, machinery manufacturing, economics, and so forth.But such cases by no means indicate that bridging workshops and classrooms can always work magic. In fact, for some subjects theoretical physics and some mathematical researchers in these areas to directly apply their knowledge to practical work. These sciences seem only to perform well within the brain cells.As for methods contributing to the teaching quality, they include many apart from sharing workshop experience, such as the long-term academic atmosphere, the good timing birth of geniuses etc.三、是非类(1)这种价值判断的标准是什么?(2)这种价值判断的标准是否值得修订?The statement that ”the human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds” sounds precarious for failing to clearly define the meaning of “superior”.When we say one thing is superior to another because the latter is a tool of the former, we are judging their relative status in a social or ethical sense. As a matter of fact, we human beings sometimes feel quite self-conceited before the nature is right forour assurance that we can, with the aid of science and technology, turn, sooner or later, all the things around us into a tool.But obviously, the ter m “superior” allows a definition from many perspectives. It can refer to the memory power, speed, creativity, extensibility, flexibility, and so forth. In these senses, can we still say that the human mind always performs better than machines?The above analysis might remind us human beings of a bare fact: yes, we are sitting on top of thepyramid of creatures on earth; but we are not perfect. Sometimes, it is man who brings himself to the dead mire, just because he is overly confident.四、定义类(1)题目中的定义是否抓住了问题的本质?(2)能否给出我自己的、更为恰当的定义(恰当的定义就是能很好解释自己的论点、论据以及所列举的现象的定义)?关键:若想使你的ISSUE作文有深度、有你自己独到见解,记住“下定义”这个十分重要的技巧。

GRE写作中的两篇文章要求不同,ISSUE 作为立论文类似大家常写的议论文难度不大。

既然这样,那完全有可能最终4分是来源于3分的argue 加5分的issue,而不是反之。

34,72,79,88,105,114,126,129,133,145,153,154,211,227,23223, Confusing concurrence with causality:同时发生不为因果The most important problem is the underlying assumption that it is ...that resulted in ... The author only points out that the two events occurred during the same period, however, we all know that merely a coincidence of two events could not sufficiently demonstrate a causal relationship between them. (many other factors could also lead to the result/the author should conduct controlled study to demonstrate the causal relationship )Many other factors could also lead to ... which might include ... Without ruling out such factors, we could not be convinced that the actual cause of ...1,53,59,60,72,75,90,91,101,105,129,142,153,173,23824, Post hoc, ergo propter hoc:前后发生不为因果The author concludes that responsible for ... the assumption is based on the mere fact that ...occurred after ...however, the sequence of the two events, in itself, does not sufficiently prove that the former caused the later one.(many other factors could also lead to the result/the author should conduct controlled study to demonstrate the causal relationship )...might has resulted from other factors, such as ...Without ruling out these possible scenarios, the author could not establish a causal relationship between ...and ...2,9,16,25,30,92,99,102,110,119,123,170,180,195,205,215,218,230,237,239,242证据25, Insufficient evidence:证据不足The author claims showing that....however, but this piece of information in itself is far from sufficient to demonstrate the assumption that...Although (the information provided by the author) may has some relation with ... (we need more critical important information about the case studied. ) More solid evidence are needed before we could be convinced that ...5,6,7,14,18,23,24,27,29,31,33,36,37,40,44,46,47,52,54,56,57,58,61,67,69,70,73,74,81,93,94,110,111,115,117,130,131,136,138,143,148,150,155,157,165,171,179,190,193,198,201,202,204,211,213,223,231,236,237,238,241Failing to consider the credibility of the evidence:46,47,66,72,76,88,118,136,151,176,22626, Unwarranted assumption/credibility of the evidence:无证据假设,攻击背景The assumption that open to doubt, since the author does not provide any single evidence to substantiate the assumption. (many other possibilities might render the assumption suspect. )Given other possibilities about... the author could not hastily assumes that...6,8,11,12,13,14,15,17,21,22,23,25,28,33,50,53,56,62,64,66,67,74,75,78,83,84,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,95,100,101,102,104,105,108,110,112,113,114,118,120,121,122,125,126,127,128,129,130,132,134,136,137,140,142,144,145,146,148,151,152,156,157,160,161,163,164,169,170,172,174,177,178,179,181,191,192,194,195,19 7,202,204,205,206,208,210,212,216,218,219,221,222,223,225,228,231,235,236,239,24227, Definition critique:对某一专用名词没有解释,比如药One problem involves the definition of ...The author fails to give a clear definition of ... thus we could not evaluate if... (the definition might be different from what we commonly consider the term to be )As we commonly accept, ually means ... Therefore, if defined as ... then ... is irrelevant to (the author’s conclusion)In one word, without a clear definition of ... it is impossible to assess the strength of the argument.53,72,81,91,105,141,153,167,179,195,196,211,219,223,226,239。

19.(错误类比或草率推广)Even if Ad Lib’s serves are necessary to chieve the manage’s goal, it is entirely possible that[the experiences/measures/policy in A]Ad Lib’s service would not suffice to ensure similar [the result in B] sucess elsewhere—due to the sort of factors mentioned above that might have contributed to[the result in A] the Megalopolis success but would not come into play in other cities.152.The mere fact that on nearby Batia replenishing beach sand has served to protect shore-line buildings is scant evidence that Tria would achieve its goals by following Batia’s example. Perhaps the same course of action would be ineffective on Tria due to geological differences between the two islands. Or perhaps Batia is in a far better position than Tria financially to replenish its sand on a continual basis. In short, lacking evidence that conditions on the two islands are relevantly similar, the author cannot convince me on the basis of Batia’s experience that the proposed course of action would be effective in attaining Tria’s goals.155.The editorial continues by claiming that listening to audiocassettes will make children better readers beacuse when parents read aloud to their children these children become better readers. This argument by analogy is wholly unpersuasive.The latter allows for interaction between parent and child, while the former does not. The latter allows for the child to view written words as the parent reads—that is, to read—while the former does not. Besides, common sense and experience tell us that audiocassettes, which provide for passive listening, are likely to serve as crutches that dissuade children from active reading—instead of encouraging them to read.160.A threshold problem with the argument is that it assumes that what improves memory and learning in rats will also improve memory and learning in humans. Although this is entirely possible, the argument provides no evidence to support this assumption. Without such evidence the argument can be rejected out of hand.162.The argument assumes that the difference in soy consumption is the only possible explanation for this disparity in the occurrence of fatigue and depression. Yet the argument fails to substantiate this mon sence informs me that any one of a myriad of other differences—environmental, dietary, and genetic—might explain why North Americans suffer from these problems to a great extent than asians do. Without considering and ruling out alternative reasons for this disparity, the argument’s conclusion that soy is the key to the disparity is indefensible.168.Even assuming that the survey data accurately reflect the auto industry, the argument unfairly assumes that supervision affects worker productivity similarly at PPC. Perhaps PPC employscertain unique equipment or processes that require close worker supervision—even for older, more experienced workers. For that matter[同样] pehaps youth or inexperienced is an advantage in working productively at PPC, whereas in the auto industry either is a disadvantage. In short, without accounting for possible differences between PPC and auto manufacturers the director cannot convince me that his recommendation for PPC is sound.210.The argument depends on the hasty assumption that the kinds of tasks robots perform in space are similar to the ones they would perform in factories, and that there are no differences between the two environments that would render robots less effective in factory jobs than in space missions. Perhaps the effectiveness of robots in space missions is due largely to the weightless environment of space. Or perhaps the average space-mission robot performs less work than a typical factory robot would be required to work. In either case, the fact that robots are effective in space would amount to scant support for the author’s argument.214.(错误类比及总量和比例混淆)A Third assumption upon which the argument rests is that the percentage of residents who attend public schools is about the same in both cities.The argument indicates only that the total population of the two cities is about the same.If a comparatively small percentage of Blue City residents attend public schools, then the comparatively small amount of money Blue City devotes to those schools might be well justified despite an equal level of concern about the quality of public-school education among residents in the two cities.。

1、结论无据(gratuitous assumption)The author falsely depends on gratuitousassumption that.... However, no evidence is stated in the argument to supportthis assumption. In fact, this is not necessarily the case. For example, it ismore likely that.... Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling outsuch possibility.2、无因果联系The author commits a fallacy of causaloversimplification. The line of the reasoning is that because A occurred beforeB, the former event is responsiblefor the latter. (The author uses thepositive correlation between A and B to establish causality. However, the factthatA coincides withB does not necessarily prove that A causedB.) But thisis fallacious reasoning unless other possible causal explanations have beenconsidered and ruled out. For example, perhaps C is the cause of these eventsor perhaps B is caused by D.3、样本不足(insufficient-sample)The evidence the author provides isinsufficient to support the conclusion drawn from it. One example is logicallyunsounded to establish a general conclusion (The statistics from only a fewrecent years are not necessarily a good indicator of future trends), unless itcan be shown that A1 is representative of all A.4、二者择一(Either-Orchoice)The author assumes that AA and BB aremutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground.However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either-or choice. Commonsense tells us that adjusting both AA and BB might produce better results.5、错误类比(based on a false analogy )The argument rests on the assumptionthat A isanalogous to B in all respects. This assumption is weak, sincealthough there are points of comparison between A and B, there is muchdissimilarity as well. For example, A..., however, B.... Thus, it is likelymuch more difficult for B to do....6、时地全等(all thingsare equal)The author commits the fallacy of “all things are equal”. The fact thathappened two years ago is not a sound evidence to draw a conclusion that....The author assumes without justification that the background conditions haveremained the same at different times or at different locations. However, it isnot clear in this argument whether the current conditions at AA are the same asthey used to be two years ago. Thus it is impossible to conclude that....TIPS:GRE写作两部分权重相同由于AA的写作不牵涉自己观点的展开,只须指出作者逻辑上的漏洞,因此在经过训练以后,写起来并不困难;而AI的写作需要自己展开自己设立的观点,不但需要逻辑上的洞察能力,还需要论证观点的能力,语言组织的能力,因此对于中国考生来讲比较困难,难以短期内有较大提高。

99.99%的学生都会犯的GRE写作逻辑错误GRE高分作文的评分标准1.sentence variety最好长短句结合,藐视总用短句的人:Since most of the sentences are short and choppy, the ideas they try to communicate are also choppy.2.insightful position在有全面深刻理解的基础上,观点最好新颖独到(对来说),但必须保证能自圆其说。
3.conveys meaning skillfully可用于论证的一切技巧,比如*的行文方向,起承转合不用明显的标志词,比如first, second, however, on the other hand, thesecond example illustrating my point,而是依靠论述的内在脉络自然而然的引到下一块内容。
4pelling reasons这是最重要的一个得分点。
5.persuasive examples用来支持reason的,使抽象的reason更具体,更易被读者理解,从而产生共鸣,或使其更可信,更有说服力。
8.connecting ideas licallyusing transitional phrases起承转合词,过渡句,或有此种作用的句子,总之起到help organize the ideas and move the argument forward。
英语考试作文-GRE写作切忌陈词滥调 4种常见扣分原因详尽分析

英语考试作文GRE写作切忌陈词滥调 4种常见扣分原因详尽分析在GRE写作中,很多考生明明做好了充分的准备,写出的文章也颇为精彩,却因为误踩一些扣分地雷而最终没能取得理想的成绩。
比如:“The subject of this essay is purpose of schooling.”或“I would like to write about the causes and solutions of juvenile delinquency.”这类句子不能出现在主体段做论点,也不适合做GRE写作的话题引入。
比如:“Mobile phones have changed our life greatly. ”这句只是说手机很大程度上改变了人们的生活,但是并未点明从哪些方面上带来了改变,因此把这个观点具化一下:“Mobile phones can serve as a connection to the Internet, which can be extremely convenient for obtaining information wherever you may be.”再比如:“Advertising has bad effects on all of society. ”这一句说广告有不良影响,我们需要写出具体的方面“Advertisements which exaggerate the function of the products may mislead the consumers.”论点狭窄无展开第三种误区,与第二种误区相反,有写考生的GRE写作论点写的过于狭窄以至于没有展开的空间甚至没有进一步支持的必要。

极端态度观点假如大家读过一些专业性较强的原版杂志报纸,比如《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》或《经济学人》,就会发觉其中许多文章都具备GRE 作文考试最喜爱的特质:思索全面,观点平衡,有理有据。
不清晰的表述用词在GRE写作的题目中,诸如“few”, “many”, “more”, “less”, and“some”之类的用词常可以看到,这些词虽然在肯定程度上具备数字含义,本身却并无法表达出详细的数字,可以说是含义相对模糊不清的用词。

Argument【Common Fallacies in topics】1.Flaws in evidence1)Problems about survey/statistics/studya.Selective sample 选择性样本b.Do the statistics make any difference? 有意义?c.Quantity of the sample 样本数量d.What questions was asked in the survey? 问题是否恰当e.Who conducted the survey? 机构f.When was the survey conducted? 时效性g.Are the respondents forthright? 回应者是否诚实h.Are the respondents representative? 回应者代表性2)Problems about data/informationa.Vague data 模糊数据b.Incomplete information 信息完整性2.Flaws in the reasoning line1)False analogy 错误类比(A与B是否有可比性)2)Confusing comparison and variation 横向对比与纵向对比混淆3)Incomplete comparison and selective comparison 不完整对比4)Hasty Generalization 草率推广a.Unrelated concepts 无关概念b.Changing scopes 差异范围c.Inferring a future condition from a past condition 过去 将来5)Failing to weigh the advantages and disadvantages thoroughly/unexpected consequences 正负得失6)False dilemma 非此即彼,极端选择7)Cause-Effect fallacies 因果关系a.Non-causal relationship 直接无因果b.Confusing the cause and the effect 因果倒置c.Confusing concurrence with causal relationship 同时性混淆为因果性d.(after this, therefore because of this) 时间先后混淆为因果性3.Flaws in the conclusion1)Necessity and Sufficiency of the Solution 对策的充分性&必要性2)Failing to consider the feasibility of the conclusion 可行性。
GRE argument逻辑错误

)攻击关键词:respondent,many,several,...years ago,past,future等。
通用句:The argument does not indicate who conducted the poll,who responded,or how the poll was conducted.Until these questions are answered, the survey results are worthless as evidence for public opinion about....调查的时效:这个大家肯定都清楚。
模糊数据:So many,several,...percentage等被调查者是否坦言(小错误...算了吧。
英语考试作文-GRE写作ARGUMENT5大常见逻辑错误分析 实例讲解驳论文正确写法思路

下面就结合GRE 写作ARGUMENT写法实例来分析作文高分写法套路。
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GRE写作Argument非此即彼类错误是GRE Argument 7种逻辑错误中的一种,这种逻辑错误经常伴有极端的逻辑思维,所以需要考生掌握其特点,然后对症下药,方能掌握该类错误的逻辑论证思路。
The author assumes that AA and BB are mutually exclusive alternatives and there is no room for a middle ground. However, the author provides no reason for imposing an either or choice. Common sense tells us that adjusting both AA and BB might produce better results。
2. 非此即彼类错误往往应用于辩论中,通过先认定对方观点错误,然后提出自己的观点。
3. 非此即彼类错误通常看似符合逻辑,但是实际上是错误的,所以有些时候很难被考生所察觉。
1. 错误比较
The arguer commits a false comparison for the reason that there is no evidence which can show that A and B is comparable at every aspect…(自己的论证) Therefore, without showing that A and B are really comparable at most or even all of their each aspects, the arguer’s comparison is meaningless.
The author’s recommendation is based on the assumption that no alternative means of doing sth are available or better than the method mentioned above. However, there may be lots of other ways that may be even better than this method. Without weighing the proposal against alternatives, the article’s claim that …is the “best”means of achieving …is wholly unconvincing.
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