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结尾敬语和 落款偏右
Th e Elect r olu x Cor p .
1 J&J Plaza New Brunswick, NJ 089333 U.S.A. Tel: 732-524-0400 Fax: 732-525-0622 E-mail: carrie@jnj.com
Date: 22nd July, 20-Soft Health Care Product Corp. Room 2301 Yili BLD, 35 Nanjing Road, Shanghai, China
Dat e: 30t h Mar ch , 20--
Wit h r efer en ce t o you r or d er No. F 256 of F eb r u ar y 5 for 1,000 set s of F r eezer s, we’ r e p leased t o in for m you t h at t h e good s h ave b een load ed on b oar d t he s/s “ P eace ” , wh ich is sailin g for you r p or t on Ap r il 1st . We’ve sen t a t elex t o t h e ab ove effect t h is mor n in g. P lease in su r e t h e good s as con t r act ed an d mak e p r ep ar at ion for t ak in g t he d eliver y. We ar e n ow mak in g ou t t h e n ecessar y d ocu men t s for n egot iation . We assu r e you t h at ou r good s will b e fou n d sat isfact or y u p on ar r ival at you r p or t . We also h op e t hat we can close mor e b u sin ess wit h you in t h e fu t ur e. You r s faith fu lly,
Chapter 1 Layout of a Business Letter 商务信函的结构
1.信封格式 2.书信基本结构
Chapter 2 Inquiries and Offer 询盘与发盘 Chapter 3 Counter Offers 还盘 Chapter 4 Order and Payment订货与付款 Chapter 5 Review 总复习
Doris Fergoson
Doris Fergoson (Manager)
双方关系的建立与发展 具体用语


Thank you
(收信人地址,地址要详细,所以可能要占两行或者三行。) (收信人姓名,字体稍大一点) (寄信人地址、姓名,可写可不写,最好写上)
寄件人名称与地址,etc. Peter Smith Victory Company 104 France Lane, Suit 4 Aan Bruno, CA 83077 (710)339-6544

B20 3NS UK

5th March, 2014
3.ABC Household Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd. 收信人名称和地址 Suite 8, Office Building 9
No. 10, Zhangyang Rd. Shanghai, 200135 PRC (the people’s republic of china)
邮寄记录,etc. Ordinary Mail
收件人名称与地址,etc. 21 Century Company Ms Lucy Black Sates Department 204 Fifth Ave Brookyn NY 11208-3901
2. 书信基本结构

书信基本结构包括:The letterhead(信头);dateline(日期); inside address/the receiver’s address(封内地址);the salutation(开头称呼语);body of the letter(信函正文);the complimentary close(结尾敬语);the writer’s signature and designation(写信人签名或签署);the attention line(经办人姓名); the subject line (事由、标题);the reference(归档或参考行); the enclosure(附件);the carbon copy notation(抄送);the postscript(再启)。
Faithfully yours, John Davis (Signature) 落款
Sales Manager of CBA Company
11. Enc(Enclosures).: Brochure of our company
12. CC: General Manager


建立贸易联系是业务的开始。现在我们假定英国有一公 司(CBA公司)在《中国日报》上看到有关的广告,写信给 中国一公司(ABC公司),希望建立贸易联系。

CBA Co., Ltd.
132 Grosvenor Rd. Handsworth
8.Attention: Purchasing Manager . 具体收信人
4.Dear Sirs,
9.RE: Desire to establish business relationship with you
We are writing for the purpose of establishing business relationship with you. We have your name and address from the China Daily of March 1st, 2014. Of all the companies introduced in the paper, we feel great interest and confidence in your company. …… We would be very much obliged if you could answer us as soon as possible when this letter reaches you. Look forward to your answer. Faithfully yours,
Messr s. William & War n er 和事由居中 105 Roller Road Syd ney, Au st r alia At t en tion : Mr. Don n ason , Mar k et in g Dep t . Dear Sir, Re: Sh ip p in g Ad vice of F r eezer s
段落之间用 空格
除信头外全 部左对齐
Attention: Mr. Wang , Import Dept. Dear Sir, Re: SHAMPOO We’ve received your letter of July 10th enquiring about our JOHNSON'S® Baby Shampoo With Natural Lavender, but unfortunately, the stock of this product is running low due to the heavy demand. But we will inform you as soon as the new supplies come up. We sell a wide variety of Baby’s Shampoo. All of them are made of the NO MORE TEARS formula. For your reference, we enclose an illustrated catalogue of our shampoos and we hope you will find it interesting. We hope that we can close business to our mutual advantage in the future. Yours faithfully, Johnson & Johnson
Inside Address
(The Receiver’s address)
具体收信人(Attention Line)

1. 收信人名称地址之下 2. 齐头式靠左,缩格式居中

结尾敬语(Complimentary Close)

Chapter 1 Layout of a Business Letter 商务信函的结构

2. 书信基本结构
Background 背景知识
பைடு நூலகம்
Private 私人 Confidential 机密信 Registered mail 挂号邮件 Express 快递邮件 Ordinary Mail 平信 Immediate(Urgent ) 急件 Printed Matter 印刷品 Sample 样品 Top Secret 绝密 Photographs: Please Do Not Bend 照片,请勿折叠

3.Faithfully yours, 4.Truly yours,

Yours sincerely, 或 Sincerely yours,
St Gan gs g at an 143 St o c k ho lm, 105 45 Swed en Telex: 53892 SHELEC SS H/W—T008 Tel: 46-8-738-6000 F ax: 46-8-738-6016 E-mail: h wlee@elect r olu x.com Ou r Refer en ce No. You r Refer en ce No.