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Ancient Greece is the cradle of European culture, is also a pioneer in Western European architecture, but after all still in the embryonic and fetal period, they are also the type of small, very simple shape, structure, rather naive, because it was perfectly art To.??????Ancient Greek monuments in the 8th century BC, roughly the formation of the 5th century BC, has matured into a 4th century BC, and technology shape the broader period of development. As far as religion in ancient society have an important role, which is often the ancient temple state of the art of architecture in this country the highest achievements of the representatives of Greece is no exception. Pantheism is a country of ancient Greece, people of each city, each natural phenomena that dominated by a god, so the Greeks built temples enshrine various gods. Greek temple is not only a religious center and a city-state of civil society activities and business activities, workplace, or storage areas of public wealth. This became the Greek temple of worship in the Holy Land, Greece, the oldest living temple building is a rectangle with noble porch construction. In their view, to where the temple of God, and God is perfect, however, so the temple is more advanced but also the residential people.


柱式: 柱式是指一整套古典建筑立面形式生成的原则。基本原理就是以柱径为一个单位,按照一定的比例原则,计算出包括柱础(Base)、柱身(shaft)和柱头(Capital)的整个柱子的尺寸,更进一步计算出包括基座(Stylobate)和山花(Pediment)的建筑各部分尺寸。古希腊的建筑从公元前7世纪末,除屋架之外,均采用石材建造。神庙是古希腊城市最主要的大型建筑,其典型型制是围廊式。由于石材的力学特性是抗压不抗拉,造成其结构特点是密柱短跨,柱子、额枋和檐部的艺术处理基本上决定了神庙的外立面形式。古希腊建筑艺术的种种改进,也都集中在这些构件的形式、比例和相互组合上。公元前6世纪,这些形式已经相当稳定,有了成套定型的做法,即以后古罗马人所称的“柱式”。

1, 3 column Ancient Greece??????Column: column refers to the set of the classical form of the facade of the principle of generation. The idea is that in order to column diameter as a unit, according to some principle of proportionality, calculated including the column bases (Base), column shaft (shaft) and stigma (Capital) the size of the entire column, and further calculated including the base (Stylobate ) and the Shanhua (Pediment) parts of the building dimensions. Ancient Greek architecture from the 7th

century, in addition to roof trusses, the are built with stone. The main temple is the ancient Greek city of big buildings, the typical type system is a veranda-style. Since the mechanical properties of stone is not tensile compression, resulting in a dense column of its structural features short span, columns, and eaves beam at the Ministry of artistic treatment largely determine the form of the temple's facade. Ancient Greek architecture all the improvements, are also concentrated in these elements of form, proportion and mix with each other. 6th century BC, these forms have been fairly stable, with the complete set of stereotypes, that Houguluoma people call "column."


多立克柱式:希腊多立克柱式(Doric Order)的特点是比较粗大雄壮,没有柱础,柱身有20条凹槽,柱头没有装饰,多立克柱又被称为男性柱。著名的雅典卫城(Athen Acropolis)的帕提农神庙(Parthenon)即采用的是多立克柱式。

爱奥尼柱式:希腊爱奥尼柱式(Ionic Order)的特点是比较纤细秀美,柱身有24条凹槽,柱头有一对向下的涡卷装饰,爱奥尼柱又被称为女性柱。爱奥尼柱由于其优雅高贵的气质,广泛出现在古希腊的大量建筑中,如雅典卫城的胜利女神神庙(Temple of Athena Nike)和伊瑞克提翁神庙(Erechtheum)。

Ancient Greek architecture is basically three main column:?????Doric: the Greek Doric order (Doric Order) is characterized by relatively thick majestic, no column bases, there are 20 grooves of the pillar, there is no stigma decorated Doric column is also known as male column. The famous Acropolis (Athen Acropolis) of the Parthenon (Parthenon) that is used is Doric.?????Ionic order: the Greek Ionic order (Ionic Order) is characterized by relatively thin and beautiful, there are 24 grooves of the pillar, the stigma has a pair of decorative scroll down, Ionic column is also known as female column. Ionic column because of its elegant and noble qualities, widespread large number of buildings in ancient Greece, such as the Acropolis, Temple of the victory of the goddess (Temple of Athena Nike) and Yiruiketi Wong Temple (Erechtheum).

科斯林柱式:希腊科斯林柱式(Corinthian Order)的比列比爱奥尼柱更为纤细,柱头是用毛莨叶(Acanthus)作装饰,形似盛满花草的花篮。相对于爱奥尼柱式,科林斯柱式的装饰性更强,但是在古希腊的应用并不广泛,雅典的宙斯神庙(Temple of Zeus)采用的是克林斯柱式。

Corserine column: Greece corserine column (Corinthian Order) of 比列比爱奥尼columns more slender, the stigma is Ranunculus leaves (Acanthus) for decoration, the shape of a basket full of flowers. Relative to the Ionic order, a more decorative Corinthian style, but not widely applied in ancient Greece, Athens, Zeus Temple (Temple of Zeus) by the Collins column.


