describe person

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description always has specific and descriptive details rather than just general remarks.) 2.
Describing delicately with the accurate use
of language and rhetorical devices. ( create vivid and exquisite image and make the paragraph attractive)
4. Write specifically and delicately
How to describe a person?
In spatial order
Physical appearance
face ( eyes, eyebrows, hair, mouth, nose, ears, teeth, complexion) , facial expressions, voice, body and build, age, clothes, and so on.
Order of adjectives: Length/size+ kind/shape+ shade/color
Exercise 1, 2
Exercise 2 Exercise
1. Betty has large round blue eyes. 2. Does he have thick white eyebrows? 3. Both Tom and Bill have long curly black eyelashes. 4. My grandpa has a big red nose and an auburn beard. 5. Do the twins have medium-length dark blond ponytails? 6. My grandmother had a pointed nose and long saltand-pepper hair.
3. Organizing the paragraph in spatial order when focusing on describing the physical appearance. Sometimes we blend physical appearance and personality.
Physical appearance
Sampleຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu: P93-P95
1.How does the writer narrow down his description to one point?
2.What central impression does the writer provide? 3. Are the supporting details specific or general? 4. Have the writer described delicately? 5.How are the supporting details organized?
3. There are some language problems
Improved version:
My younger brother has an extraordinary nose. It is so big and wide that you always see his nose first everywhere you catch the sight of his face. But no one feels uncomfortable about it. On the contrary, it is loved by most people because of the comic steak it adds to the face. It often reminds us of the lovely big nose of a clown in the circus. Sometimes, especially when he smiles, the big nose has such a soothing effect that you smile with him, forgetting your troubles. He gave himself the nickname “Biggie”. We all like his name and his big nose.
character traits, habits, interests, manners, tastes, actions, and so on
Useful expressions to describe the Physical appearance physical appearance: P95-96
The order of several adjs
Describe with a focus– central overall Physical appearance one paragraph impression in
Problem: when students are asked to describe
a person, they see that person from a dimensional perspective, and they are inclined to write as many things about this person as possible, ignoring the limitation of a short paragraph that does not allow them to do so.
How to describe a person?
1. Two major aspects
Physical appearance Personality/character 2. Describe with a focus– central/dominant overall impression 3. Write in spatial order
narrow down the description to one
Describe with a focus– central overall Physical appearance impression
Topic sentence: the topic sentence should
Exercise 2
Exercise 4
Major problems of the paragraph:
1. The paragraph has no focus. We do not know what impression the writer wants to produce.
2. Since the paragraph is not particularly about the boy’s nose, the writer gives too much attention to it.
Email the paragraph to
The due date is Nov. 16th. You can search for some information or details and apply them to your writing.
Writing task
Arthur is the most typical pleasure-seeking American I’ve ever met. On hot summer days, if you look through our office window, you can easily spot him in noisy-colored shorts and a pair of sandals, bare-footed. At lunch time, he is often seen seated in a Xinjiang restaurant, munching roast mutton, and humming a tune at the same time: “A-La-Mu-Han.” He comments: “How can I refuse the temptation of Chinese food even though I’m already overweight!” He considers that life would be dull if there is no beauty
show the writer’s attitude or impression of a person to create a central overall impression at the beginning
P 92 Samples
Supporting details:
1.Using relevant and specific details ( a good Physical appearance
Group writing (Assignment 2 after class)
Four or five students a group. Each group describes one famous person in a paragraph without mentioning his/her name. The paragraph must create a central impression (try to describe delicately).
Ex 3
Improved sample:
the important points of the lessons we have learned. If you do this, you won’t feel nervous about the exam and can keep a clear mind to solve the questions. This is what I have been doing with my exams and it has worked well for me. In conclusion, no matter how clever one is, working hard in the course of everyday study is the most important thing if one wants to get good marks in an exam.
Ex 3
Improved sample:
How can we do well in an exam? According to my experience, first, we must study hard. It’s impossible to get high scores if you don’t accumulate enough knowledge. It doesn’t mean that we only study hard for a few weeks before exams. We should study hard every day. Therefore, we will have confidence in ourselves when we take the exams. Besides, reviewing is important for exams. In order to prepare for an exam, we must go over the lessons and master all
Exercise 2
Assignment 1 after class
Please find more words or expressions to describe physical appearance and personality/character, and then categorize them.
Unit 2 Describe a person
Teaching focus:
1.Learn to describe people 2. Learn to organize the paragraph in spatial order when describing one’s physical appearance.