m a c h i n e f a n u c o m——————后处理文件头definewordTN----------------------------定义字段;addressletter="TOOLTYPE:-"-----定义字段的返回值addresswidth=13定义字符宽度fieldwidth=25定义返回字的宽度enddefine结束定义defineformat(/G6STM1M2LPDEHO)第二段是定义字符的格式addresswidth=定义字符宽度addresswidth=定义字符宽度fieldwidth=2-------------定义返回字的宽度exponentwidth=0----------指数的宽度scalefactor=-比例因子:值乘以1scaledivisor=比例因子:值被1除tapeposition=字前留一个空格printposition=打印位置sign=none-----用于不需要G代码和进给率sign=ifnegative仅标识负坐标sign=always如果需要+/-号notpermanent--------不需要行号notmodal------------仅当改变时需要重复的字为modal。
powermill后处理修改方法(PowerMILL post-processingmodification method)Machine fanucom -- -- post-processing file headerDefine word TN ---------------------------- defined fields;Address letter = "TOOL TYPE:-" - defines the return value of the fieldAddress width = 13 defines character widthField width = 25 defines the width of the word returned End define end definitionThe define format (/ G6, S, T, M2, L, P, D, E, H, O) M1 is defined in the form of theAddress width = 1------------ defines character width Address width = 1------------ defines character widthField width = 2 - definition of return word widthExponent width = 0 - width indexScale factor = 1 - scale factor: value multiplied by 1 Scale divisor = 1 - scale factor: value divided by 1Leave a space before the word "tape position = 1-----------"Print position = 1 - print positionSign = none----- is used without the need for G code and feed rateSign = if negative only identifies negative coordinatesSign = always, if needed + / -Not permanent - does not require line numberNot modal - only when changes need to repeat the word for modal. (modal).Typically, the G code is X, Y, and Z are coordinates of modal,But the I, J, and K codes that are usually used by the center are usually not, so they are not modalMetric formats - MetricLeading zeros = false - leading 0Trailing zeros = true - Guide 0Decimal point = false --- does not need a decimal pointDecimal places = 2 - 2 decimal pointsImperial formats - InchWord order===================== word orderWord order = (OP, N, G1, G2, G5, G3, G4, etc)Word order = (+, G6, G7, X, Y, Z, B, C)Word order = (+, I, J, K, R, D, S, T)Word order = (+, H, M1, M2, MS, MSG, EM, Q)Word order = (+ Q1, Z2, R2, ID, F)Word order = (+, TN, TD, TR, DY, MT, YR, PM)The third paragraph of define keys is the definition keyBlocknumber = N - defined programPreparatory function = G1 - defines the ready function instructionsAux function = M1 - definition of auxiliary function instructionX feedrate not used X -- definition of feed rate instructionY feedrate not used Y -- definition of feed rate instructionZ, feedrate, not, used -- define the Z feed rate instructionsCircle, angle, not, used -- circumferential angleX coordinate = X -- -- -- defines the X coordinate axis Y coordinate = Y -- -- -- defines the Y coordinate axis Z coordinate = Z -- -- -- defines the Z coordinate axis Key i = I - X - I bond axis vector definitionKey J = J - - Y axis vector JKey K = K - Z - K bond axis vector definitionFeedrate = F - - - defines feed rate instructionsFeedrate per revolution = F--- defines the feed rate instruction per turnSpindle = S -- -- -- defining spindle instructions chair number = t - - 定义刀具指令 ------ translated dwell not used ----------- 不使用循环停留 cycle--------------- 定义暂停时间键值 dwell = xlength = h ------------ 定义刀具长度补偿指令 chairthe chair ------------ 定义刀具半径补偿指令 radius = ddrill peck depth = q1 - - - - 钻孔的啄钻深度drill hole depth = z2 定义钻孔深度...----------- 定义安全平面高度 clearplane = r2.--------- 定义注释的开始符 message start = msmessage itself ----------- 定义注释的结束符 = emopskip = op - - - - --------- 定义跳段符号radius... -------- 键定义半径 r = rprogram id = id... - - - 定义程序号azimuth axis = b - - - - --------- 在多轴加工中, 定义方位轴elevation axis = c --------- 在多轴加工中, 定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = zero... 在多轴加工中, 定义第三旋转轴not used (% 领导不使用 leaderthe x vector not used x矢量不使用 meddra system organ class y vector not used y矢量不使用 meddra system organ classz vector not used z矢量不使用 meddra system organ classerror 错误不使用 not used "define yourselfdefine ------------- --------- 定义指令值 codesrapid = 0 = = = = = g1 ---------- -------- 快速点定位linear = g1 = = = = = "1 直线插补circle cw = = = = = = g1 2 ------------- 顺圆插补circle ccw = = = = = = g1 3 ------------ 逆圆插补dwell = = = = ------------------- 暂停、准确停止 g6 4.the g3 xy plane = = = = = = = 17 平面 ------------- xyzy plane = = = = = = g3 19 --------- - - - - 平面 plastic tray xz plane = 18 = = = = = g3 平面 ------------- zxcompensation off = 40 = = ------ translated 取消刀具半径补偿g2compensation is left = = = = = 刀具半径左补偿 g2 41 compensation is right = g2 42 = = = 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = 20 = = = = = g4 --------- 英寸输入metric data 21 = = = = = g4 ---------- 毫米输入 = = =absolute data = = = = = ----------- g5 90 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = = = = = -------- g5 91 指定增量坐标编程from = = = = = = g3 54 ------------------- 制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used = = = = = = 每分钟进给feedrate per revoluti not used = = = = = 每转进给spindle rpm not used 每分钟转速 meddra system organ classconstant surface speed not used 恒定的表面速度 ------ translateddrill = = = = = ------------------- g4 81 钻孔循环锪镗循环break the g4 chip = = = = --------------- 钻孔循环或反镗循环82deep drill = = = = = = g4 83 = ----------- 深孔钻循环tap = = = = = = g4 84 = = ------------------ 攻丝循环bore 85 = = = 1 = g4 --------------- 镗孔循环 = = = =the g4 bore 2 = = = = = = = 86 --------------- 镗孔循环the g4 bore 3 = = = = = = = 87 (% 背镗循环孔4 = 88 ====== ----------------镗孔循环G4孔5 = 89 ====== ----------------镗孔循环G4端钻= G4 80 ====== ----------固定循环取消宏开始不习惯======= ---------宏程序模态调用不使用===== -------------宏程序模态调用取消宏结束宏调用不使用======== ---------宏程序调用周期收回= G6 99 = = ------------固定循环返回到R点刀具长度偏置= = = = = ----- G3 43正向刀具长度补偿不使用========插补方式-------------花键花键停止0 = = = = = M1 ---------------------程序停止选择停止= M1 1 ===== ----------------选择停止在CW = M1 3 ===== -----------主轴正转主轴在CCW = M1 4 ===== ----------主轴逆转主轴主轴停止= M1 5 ===== -------------主轴停止自旋对CW = ----------------- M1 13冷却液旋转逆时针= ---------------- M1 14冷却液旋转冷却液= M1 5 = = = = --------冷却液关换刀= M1 6 ===== ------------自动换刀冷却液雾= = = = ----------雾状冷却液M1 7冷却液对M1 8 = = = = = ---------------冷却液开洪水= M1 8 = ------------冷却液开冷却剂(喷出)冷却液= M1 9 ===== -------------冷却液关夹在不使用------ -------------主轴锁紧不要用--------------------主轴锁紧不使用夹磁带结束= M1 2 ===== -------------程序结束结束程序= M1 30 ===== ------------程序结束1不使用----------------变速范围1不使用档2不使用----------------变速范围2不使用档3不使用----------------变速范围3不使用档恒定的速度不-----持续的轮廓速度不使用轮廓2不使用恒定轮廓速度----持续的轮廓速度2不使用字钻不------------------钻孔指令不使用字断屑不使用------------不使用断屑深不------------------孔深不使用字字不------------------冷却水不使用水龙头字孔1不使用---------------孔1不使用字孔2未使用字孔3未使用字孔4未使用字孔5未使用自来水不习惯-------------冷却液不使用冷却剂不使用====== -----------刚性攻丝刚性攻丝螺旋钻不------------螺旋钻孔螺旋收缩不------螺旋钻孔不使用钻最后定义===========================定义变量打印头=“Delcam后处理器”= = = =定义打印标题机器名称=“fanuc6m 1.2版”= = =机器名点==================================小数点零=“0”=============================零磁带头= 1 =======================纸带标题整数6 = 2 ====================== = = =定义冷却液开(M07、M08)的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项--0:在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1:在下一段中单独输出;2:在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
message output = false
N ; "G17G90G80G40G49"
end define
define block tape end
N ; "M05"
N ; "M30"
end define
3、运行:ductpost -w [控制器类型] > [控制器类型].opt ,从而生成OPT文件,这个选最接近你机床的控制器。如:ductpost -w hurco > hurco.opt 。 这时就可以用文本编辑器来打开这个opt文件了:
PM后处理修改方法教程powermill 后处理--------------------------------------------------------------------------------对于后处理格式,一般的用户有三个层次的需求:一、powermill自带的后处理中有适合自己机床要求的,不过要修改、增删些代码。
3、运行:ductpost -w [控制器类型] > [控制器类型].opt ,从而生成OPT文件,这个选最接近你机床的控制器。
如:ductpost -w hurco > hurco.opt 。
这时就可以用文本编辑器来打开这个opt文件了:1、程序头、程序尾的改写:这个在以下的定义里面:define block tape startend definedefine block tape endend define你可以根据自己的需要添加,如:define block tape start"%"N ; "G17G90G80G40G49"end definedefine block tape endN ; "M05"N ; "M30"end define不过注意这种引号方法优点是简单明了,但控制器只是把它当字符处理,而不能以模态存在,具体可参见其它说明2、是否需要N行号?%:0001N10G28G91X0Y0Z0N30T1M6N40G0G90X-25.Y-40.S800 M3如这上面的N10、N30、N40,另外行号的起始、增量、最大都可以定义。
p o w e r m i l l后处理修改精华帖修订版IBMT standardization office【IBMT5AB-IBMT08-IBMT2C-ZZT18】m a c h i n e f a n u c o m——————后处理文件头define word TN ---------------------------- 定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE :- " ----- 定义字段的返回值address width = 13 定义字符宽度field width = 25 定义返回字的宽度end define 结束定义define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O ) 第二段是定义字符的格式address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度field width = 2 ------------- 定义返回字的宽度exponent width = 0 ---------- 指数的宽度scale factor = 1 ------------- 比例因子:值乘以 1scale divisor = 1 ------------ 比例因子:值被 1 除tape position = 1----------- 字前留一个空格print position = 1 -----------打印位置sign = none----- 用于不需要 G代码和进给率sign = if negative 仅标识负坐标sign = always 如果需要 + / - 号not permanent -------- 不需要行号not modal ------------ 仅当改变时需要重复的字为 modal 。
通常 G 代码和 X, Y 和 Z 为坐标为 modal,但圆心通常使用的 I, J, K 代码通常不是,因此它们为 not modal .metric formats --------------- 公制leading zeros = false --------- 前导 0trailing zeros = true ----------后导 0decimal point = false ------ 不需要小数点decimal places = 2 -------- 小数点后 2imperial formats ------------- 英制word order=====================语序word order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 )word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C )word order = ( + I J K R D S T )word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q )word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F )word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )define keys 第三段是定义键值blocknumber = N —————定义程序段号preparatory function = G1 ——定义准备功能指令aux function = M1 -------------定义辅助功能指令x feedrate not used ---------- 定义 X 进给率指令y feedrate not used ---------- 定义 Y 进给率指令z feedrate not used ——------ 定义 Z 进给率指令circle angle not used ————圆周角度x coordinate = X —————----定义 X 坐标轴y coordinate = Y —————----定义 Y 坐标轴z coordinate = Z —————--- 定义 Z 坐标轴key i = I —————---------- 定义 X 轴矢量 I 键key j = J ————— ----------定义 Y 轴矢量 J key k = K —————---------- 定义 Z 轴矢量 K 键feedrate = F —————------- 定义进给率指令feedrate per revolution = F--- 定义每转进给率指令spindle = S ——————----- 定义主轴指令tool number = T —————— --定义刀具指令cycle dwell not used-----------不使用循环停留dwell = X —————---------- 定义暂停时间键值tool length = H ——---------- 定义刀具长度补偿指令tool radius = D ——---------- 定义刀具半径补偿指令drill peck depth = Q1 ————钻孔的啄钻深度drill hole depth = Z2 ————-定义钻孔深度clearplane = R2 ———-------- 定义安全平面高度message start = MS ——------- 定义注释的开始符message end = EM ——--------- 定义注释的结束符opskip = OP ———— --------- 定义跳段符号radius = R ————— -------- 定义半径 R 键program id = ID ————— --- 定义程序号azimuth axis = B ---- ---------在多轴加工中,定义方位轴elevation axis = C ——------- 在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = null ----- 在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴leader not used----------------领导不使用x vector not used--------------X矢量不使用y vector not used--------------Y矢量不使用z vector not used--------------Z矢量不使用error not used-----------------错误不使用end definedefine codes ------------- --------- 定义指令值rapid = G1 0 =====---------- -------- 快速点定位linear = G1 1 ===== ----------------- 直线插补circle cw = G1 2 =====------------- 顺圆插补circle ccw = G1 3 =====------------ 逆圆插补dwell = G6 4 === ------------------- 暂停、准确停止xy plane = G3 17 ======------------- XY 平面zy plane = G3 19 =====--------- ---- YZ 平面xz plane = G3 18 =====------------- ZX 平面compensation off = G2 40 == ------ 取消刀具半径补偿compensation on left = G2 41 ==== 刀具半径左补偿compensation on right = G2 42 === 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = G4 20 ===== --------- 英寸输入metric data = G4 21 =======---------- 毫米输入absolute data = G5 90 ====----------- 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = G5 91 ====-------- 指定增量坐标编程from = G3 54 ===== -------------------制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used ====== 每分钟进给feedrate per revoluti not used ===== 每转进给spindle rpm not used -------------- 每分钟转速constant surface speed not used------ 恒定的表面速度drill = G4 81 ==== -------------------钻孔循环锪镗循环break chip = G4 82 === ---------------钻孔循环或反镗循环deep drill = G4 83 ======----------- 深孔钻循环tap = G4 84 ======= ------------------攻丝循环bore 1 = G4 85 =======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 2 = G4 86 ======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 3 = G4 87 ======---------------- 背镗循环bore 4 = G4 88 ======---------------- 镗孔循环bore 5 = G4 89 ====== ----------------镗孔循环end of drill = G4 80 ======---------- 固定循环取消macro start not used ======= ---------宏程序模态调用macro end not used =====------------- 宏程序模态调用取消macro call not used ========--------- 宏程序调用cycle retract = G6 99 ==------------ 固定循环返回到 R 点tool length offset = G3 43 ====----- 正向刀具长度补偿spline not used ========------------- spline 插补方式stop = M1 0 ====--------------------- 程序停止opt stop = M1 1 =====---------------- 选择停止spindle on cw = M1 3 =====----------- 主轴正转spindle on ccw = M1 4 =====---------- 主轴逆转spindle off = M1 5 =====------------- 主轴停止spin coolant on cw =----------------- M1 13spin coolant on ccw =---------------- M1 14spin coolant off = M1 5 ====-------- 冷却液关change tool = M1 6 ===== ------------ 自动换刀coolant on mist = M1 7 === ---------- 雾状冷却液coolant on = M1 8 ====--------------- 冷却液开coolant on flood = M1 8 =------------ 冷却液开(喷出)coolant off = M1 9 ===== -------------冷却液关clamp on not used ------ -------------主轴锁紧clamp off not used--------------------主轴锁紧不使用end of tape = M1 2 =====------------- 程序结束end of prog = M1 30 ===== ------------程序结束gear range 1 not used---------------- 变速范围1不使用gear range 2 not used---------------- 变速范围2不使用gear range 3 not used---------------- 变速范围3不使用constant contour speed not used----- 持续的轮廓速度不使用constant contour speed 2 not used----持续的轮廓速度2不使用word drill not used------------------钻孔指令不使用word break chip not used------------不使用断屑word deep not used------------------孔深不使用word tap not used------------------冷却水不使用word bore 1 not used---------------孔1不使用word bore 2 not usedword bore 3 not usedword bore 4 not usedword bore 5 not usedcoolant on tap not used-------------冷却液不使用rigid tap not used ======----------- 刚性攻丝helical drill not used ------------ 螺旋钻孔helical retract drill not used------螺旋钻孔不使用end define=========================== 定义变量Print header ="Delcam Post processor"==== 定义打印标题machine name = "Fanuc6m version 1.2" === 机器名point ================================== 小数点zero = "0" ============================= 零tape headers = 1 ======================= 纸带标题integer 6 = 2====================== === 定义冷却液开(M07 、M08 )的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0 :在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1 :在下一段中单独输出;2 :在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
powermill后处理修改精华帖machine fanucom ——————后处理文件头define word TN ---------------------------- 定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE :- " ----- 定义字段的返回值address width = 13 定义字符宽度field width = 25 定义返回字的宽度end define 结束定义define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O ) 第二段是定义字符的格式address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度field width = 2 ------------- 定义返回字的宽度exponent width = 0 ---------- 指数的宽度scale factor = 1 ------------- 比例因子:值乘以1scale divisor = 1 ------------ 比例因子:值被1 除tape position = 1----------- 字前留一个空格print position = 1 -----------打印位置sign = none----- 用于不需要G代码和进给率sign = if negative 仅标识负坐标sign = always 如果需要+ / - 号not permanent -------- 不需要行号not modal ------------ 仅当改变时需要重复的字为modal 。
通常G 代码和X, Y 和Z 为坐标为modal,但圆心通常使用的I, J, K 代码通常不是,因此它们为not modal .metric formats --------------- 公制leading zeros = false --------- 前导0trailing zeros = true ----------后导0decimal point = false ------ 不需要小数点decimal places = 2 -------- 小数点后2imperial formats ------------- 英制word order=====================语序word order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 )word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C )word order = ( + I J K R D S T )word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q )word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F )word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )define keys 第三段是定义键值blocknumber = N —————定义程序段号preparatory function = G1 ——定义准备功能指令aux function = M1 -------------定义辅助功能指令x feedrate not used ---------- 定义X 进给率指令y feedrate not used ---------- 定义Y 进给率指令z feedrate not used ——------ 定义Z 进给率指令circle angle not used ————圆周角度x coordinate = X —————----定义X 坐标轴y coordinate = Y —————----定义Y 坐标轴z coordinate = Z —————--- 定义Z 坐标轴key i = I —————---------- 定义X 轴矢量I 键key j = J —————----------定义Y 轴矢量Jkey k = K —————---------- 定义Z 轴矢量K 键feedrate = F —————------- 定义进给率指令feedrate per revolution = F--- 定义每转进给率指令spindle = S ——————----- 定义主轴指令tool number = T ——————--定义刀具指令cycle dwell not used-----------不使用循环停留dwell = X —————---------- 定义暂停时间键值tool length = H ——---------- 定义刀具长度补偿指令tool radius = D ——---------- 定义刀具半径补偿指令drill peck depth = Q1 ————钻孔的啄钻深度drill hole depth = Z2 ————-定义钻孔深度clearplane = R2 ———-------- 定义安全平面高度message start = MS ——------- 定义注释的开始符message end = EM ——--------- 定义注释的结束符opskip = OP ————--------- 定义跳段符号radius = R —————-------- 定义半径R 键program id = ID —————--- 定义程序号azimuth axis = B ---- ---------在多轴加工中,定义方位轴elevation axis = C ——------- 在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = null ----- 在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴leader not used----------------领导不使用x vector not used--------------X矢量不使用y vector not used--------------Y矢量不使用z vector not used--------------Z矢量不使用error not used-----------------错误不使用end definedefine codes ------------- --------- 定义指令值rapid = G1 0 =====---------- -------- 快速点定位linear = G1 1 ===== ----------------- 直线插补circle cw = G1 2 =====------------- 顺圆插补circle ccw = G1 3 =====------------ 逆圆插补dwell = G6 4 === ------------------- 暂停、准确停止xy plane = G3 17 ======------------- XY 平面zy plane = G3 19 =====--------- ---- YZ 平面xz plane = G3 18 =====------------- ZX 平面compensation off = G2 40 == ------ 取消刀具半径补偿compensation on left = G2 41 ==== 刀具半径左补偿compensation on right = G2 42 === 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = G4 20 ===== --------- 英寸输入metric data = G4 21 =======---------- 毫米输入absolute data = G5 90 ====----------- 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = G5 91 ====-------- 指定增量坐标编程from = G3 54 ===== -------------------制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used ====== 每分钟进给feedrate per revoluti not used ===== 每转进给spindle rpm not used -------------- 每分钟转速constant surface speed not used------ 恒定的表面速度drill = G4 81 ==== -------------------钻孔循环锪镗循环break chip = G4 82 === ---------------钻孔循环或反镗循环deep drill = G4 83 ======----------- 深孔钻循环tap = G4 84 ======= ------------------攻丝循环bore 1 = G4 85 =======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 2 = G4 86 ======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 3 = G4 87 ======---------------- 背镗循环bore 4 = G4 88 ======---------------- 镗孔循环bore 5 = G4 89 ====== ----------------镗孔循环end of drill = G4 80 ======---------- 固定循环取消macro start not used ======= ---------宏程序模态调用macro end not used =====------------- 宏程序模态调用取消macro call not used ========--------- 宏程序调用cycle retract = G6 99 ==------------ 固定循环返回到R 点tool length offset = G3 43 ====----- 正向刀具长度补偿spline not used ========------------- spline 插补方式stop = M1 0 ====--------------------- 程序停止opt stop = M1 1 =====---------------- 选择停止spindle on cw = M1 3 =====----------- 主轴正转spindle on ccw = M1 4 =====---------- 主轴逆转spindle off = M1 5 =====------------- 主轴停止spin coolant on cw =----------------- M1 13spin coolant on ccw =---------------- M1 14spin coolant off = M1 5 ====-------- 冷却液关change tool = M1 6 ===== ------------ 自动换刀coolant on mist = M1 7 === ---------- 雾状冷却液coolant on = M1 8 ====--------------- 冷却液开coolant on flood = M1 8 =------------ 冷却液开(喷出)coolant off = M1 9 ===== -------------冷却液关clamp on not used ------ -------------主轴锁紧clamp off not used--------------------主轴锁紧不使用end of tape = M1 2 =====------------- 程序结束end of prog = M1 30 ===== ------------程序结束gear range 1 not used---------------- 变速范围1不使用gear range 2 not used---------------- 变速范围2不使用gear range 3 not used---------------- 变速范围3不使用constant contour speed not used----- 持续的轮廓速度不使用constant contour speed 2 not used----持续的轮廓速度2不使用word drill not used------------------钻孔指令不使用word break chip not used------------不使用断屑word deep not used------------------孔深不使用word tap not used------------------冷却水不使用word bore 1 not used---------------孔1不使用word bore 2 not usedword bore 3 not usedword bore 4 not usedword bore 5 not usedcoolant on tap not used-------------冷却液不使用rigid tap not used ======----------- 刚性攻丝helical drill not used ------------ 螺旋钻孔helical retract drill not used------螺旋钻孔不使用end define=========================== 定义变量Print header ="Delcam Post processor"==== 定义打印标题machine name = "Fanuc6m version 1.2" === 机器名point ================================== 小数点zero = "0" ============================= 零tape headers = 1 ======================= 纸带标题integer 6 = 2====================== === 定义冷却液开(M07 、M08 )的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0 :在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1 :在下一段中单独输出;2 :在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
下面我们先来看一个比较完整的后处理文件,并把它分为数段,把需要修改的地方做个必要的解释:machine fanucom ——————后处理文件头=========================== 第一部分是定义字符段==============================define word TNaddress letter = "TOOL TYPE:- "address width = 13field width = 25end define具体解释:define word TN ——————————————定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE:- " —————定义字段的返回值,比如在后处理文件里有“MS=C ; TN ToolType ; EM =C”,而在写程式的时候选用的是端铣刀,那么在CNC程式里就会有(TOOL TYPE:- ENDMILL);address width = 13 ———————————定义字符宽度,如上"TOOL TYPE:- ",从T开始算起一共13位,包括空格;field width = 25 ———————————定义返回字的宽度,如上"ENDMILL",如果fieldwidth = 2,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回EN;如果field width = 25,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回ENDMILL。
选中任务树窗口中的"Fanuc OM.pmopt Commands-Start Program"项,在右边图形窗口中,选中程序中不需要的部分,再点击上方的删除图标,可以删除该部分内容;如程序中默认的机床回参考点程序段"G91G28XOYOZO",如在程序启动时不必首先回参考点,可删除该段内容。
在任务树窗口中的"Fanuc OM.pmopt-Commands-Finish Program"项中可以定义程序尾部分的内容。
选中任务树窗口中的"Fanuc OM.pmopt -Commands-Tool Control-Load First Tool"项,可以通过选中图形窗口中的"M6"项,点击添加"BlockNumber",使T指令和M6指令分行;同样可以使Change Tool项中的T指令和M6指令分行;如采用手动换刀,则NC程序中不需换刀程序,可右键点击"Load First Tool"和"Change Tool",在快捷键中选中"Deactivate,以关闭换刀程序。
选中任务树窗口中的"Fanuc OM.pmopt-Settings-Machine Kinematics"项,右边图形窗口中"KinematicModel"的选项,默认的"3-Axis"项则关闭第4轴;"4-Axis"项则打开第4轴,第4轴打开后,需对其方向、原点及行程范围等进行设置。
m a c h i n e f a n u c o m——————后处理文件头define word TN ---------------------------- 定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE :- " ----- 定义字段的返回值address width = 13 定义字符宽度field width = 25 定义返回字的宽度end define 结束定义define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O ) 第二段是定义字符的格式address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度field width = 2 ------------- 定义返回字的宽度exponent width = 0 ---------- 指数的宽度scale factor = 1 ------------- 比例因子:值乘以 1scale divisor = 1 ------------ 比例因子:值被 1 除tape position = 1----------- 字前留一个空格print position = 1 -----------打印位置sign = none----- 用于不需要 G代码和进给率sign = if negative 仅标识负坐标sign = always 如果需要 + / - 号not permanent -------- 不需要行号not modal ------------ 仅当改变时需要重复的字为 modal 。
通常 G 代码和 X, Y 和 Z 为坐标为 modal,但圆心通常使用的 I, J, K 代码通常不是,因此它们为 not modal .metric formats --------------- 公制leading zeros = false --------- 前导 0trailing zeros = true ----------后导 0decimal point = false ------ 不需要小数点decimal places = 2 -------- 小数点后 2imperial formats ------------- 英制word order=====================语序word order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 )word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C )word order = ( + I J K R D S T )word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q )word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F )word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )define keys 第三段是定义键值blocknumber = N —————定义程序段号preparatory function = G1 ——定义准备功能指令aux function = M1 -------------定义辅助功能指令x feedrate not used ---------- 定义 X 进给率指令y feedrate not used ---------- 定义 Y 进给率指令z feedrate not used ——------ 定义 Z 进给率指令circle angle not used ————圆周角度x coordinate = X —————----定义 X 坐标轴y coordinate = Y —————----定义 Y 坐标轴z coordinate = Z —————--- 定义 Z 坐标轴key i = I —————---------- 定义 X 轴矢量 I 键key j = J ————— ----------定义 Y 轴矢量 J key k = K —————---------- 定义 Z 轴矢量 K 键feedrate = F —————------- 定义进给率指令feedrate per revolution = F--- 定义每转进给率指令spindle = S ——————----- 定义主轴指令tool number = T —————— --定义刀具指令cycle dwell not used-----------不使用循环停留dwell = X —————---------- 定义暂停时间键值tool length = H ——---------- 定义刀具长度补偿指令tool radius = D ——---------- 定义刀具半径补偿指令drill peck depth = Q1 ————钻孔的啄钻深度drill hole depth = Z2 ————-定义钻孔深度clearplane = R2 ———-------- 定义安全平面高度message start = MS ——------- 定义注释的开始符message end = EM ——--------- 定义注释的结束符opskip = OP ———— --------- 定义跳段符号radius = R ————— -------- 定义半径 R 键program id = ID ————— --- 定义程序号azimuth axis = B ---- ---------在多轴加工中,定义方位轴elevation axis = C ——------- 在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = null ----- 在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴leader not used----------------领导不使用x vector not used--------------X矢量不使用y vector not used--------------Y矢量不使用z vector not used--------------Z矢量不使用error not used-----------------错误不使用end definedefine codes ------------- --------- 定义指令值rapid = G1 0 =====---------- -------- 快速点定位linear = G1 1 ===== ----------------- 直线插补circle cw = G1 2 =====------------- 顺圆插补circle ccw = G1 3 =====------------ 逆圆插补dwell = G6 4 === ------------------- 暂停、准确停止xy plane = G3 17 ======------------- XY 平面zy plane = G3 19 =====--------- ---- YZ 平面xz plane = G3 18 =====------------- ZX 平面compensation off = G2 40 == ------ 取消刀具半径补偿compensation on left = G2 41 ==== 刀具半径左补偿compensation on right = G2 42 === 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = G4 20 ===== --------- 英寸输入metric data = G4 21 =======---------- 毫米输入absolute data = G5 90 ====----------- 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = G5 91 ====-------- 指定增量坐标编程from = G3 54 ===== -------------------制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used ====== 每分钟进给feedrate per revoluti not used ===== 每转进给spindle rpm not used -------------- 每分钟转速constant surface speed not used------ 恒定的表面速度drill = G4 81 ==== -------------------钻孔循环锪镗循环break chip = G4 82 === ---------------钻孔循环或反镗循环deep drill = G4 83 ======----------- 深孔钻循环tap = G4 84 ======= ------------------攻丝循环bore 1 = G4 85 =======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 2 = G4 86 ======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 3 = G4 87 ======---------------- 背镗循环bore 4 = G4 88 ======---------------- 镗孔循环bore 5 = G4 89 ====== ----------------镗孔循环end of drill = G4 80 ======---------- 固定循环取消macro start not used ======= ---------宏程序模态调用macro end not used =====------------- 宏程序模态调用取消macro call not used ========--------- 宏程序调用cycle retract = G6 99 ==------------ 固定循环返回到 R 点tool length offset = G3 43 ====----- 正向刀具长度补偿spline not used ========------------- spline 插补方式stop = M1 0 ====--------------------- 程序停止opt stop = M1 1 =====---------------- 选择停止spindle on cw = M1 3 =====----------- 主轴正转spindle on ccw = M1 4 =====---------- 主轴逆转spindle off = M1 5 =====------------- 主轴停止spin coolant on cw =----------------- M1 13spin coolant on ccw =---------------- M1 14spin coolant off = M1 5 ====-------- 冷却液关change tool = M1 6 ===== ------------ 自动换刀coolant on mist = M1 7 === ---------- 雾状冷却液coolant on = M1 8 ====--------------- 冷却液开coolant on flood = M1 8 =------------ 冷却液开(喷出)coolant off = M1 9 ===== -------------冷却液关clamp on not used ------ -------------主轴锁紧clamp off not used--------------------主轴锁紧不使用end of tape = M1 2 =====------------- 程序结束end of prog = M1 30 ===== ------------程序结束gear range 1 not used---------------- 变速范围1不使用gear range 2 not used---------------- 变速范围2不使用gear range 3 not used---------------- 变速范围3不使用constant contour speed not used----- 持续的轮廓速度不使用constant contour speed 2 not used----持续的轮廓速度2不使用word drill not used------------------钻孔指令不使用word break chip not used------------不使用断屑word deep not used------------------孔深不使用word tap not used------------------冷却水不使用word bore 1 not used---------------孔1不使用word bore 2 not usedword bore 3 not usedword bore 4 not usedword bore 5 not usedcoolant on tap not used-------------冷却液不使用rigid tap not used ======----------- 刚性攻丝helical drill not used ------------ 螺旋钻孔helical retract drill not used------螺旋钻孔不使用end define=========================== 定义变量Print header ="Delcam Post processor"==== 定义打印标题machine name = "Fanuc6m version 1.2" === 机器名point ================================== 小数点zero = "0" ============================= 零tape headers = 1 ======================= 纸带标题integer 6 = 2====================== === 定义冷却液开(M07 、M08 )的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0 :在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1 :在下一段中单独输出;2 :在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
下面我们先来看一个比较完整的后处理文件,并把它分为数段,把需要修改的地方做个必要的解释:machine fanucom ——————后处理文件头============第一部分是定义字符段=================================== define word TNaddress letter = "TOOL TYPE:- "address width = 13field width = 25end define具体解释:define word TN ——————————————定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE:- " —————定义字段的返回值,比如在后处理文件里有“MS =C ; TN ToolType ; EM =C”,而在写程式的时候选用的是端铣刀,那么在CNC程式里就会有(TOOL TYPE:- ENDMILL);address width = 13 ———————————定义字符宽度,如上"TOOL TYPE:- ",从T开始算起一共13位,包括空格;field width = 25 ———————————定义返回字的宽度,如上"ENDMILL",如果field width = 2,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回EN;如果field width = 25,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回ENDMILL。
end define========================== 第二段是定义字符的格式================================== define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O )address width = 1field width = 2exponent width = 0scale factor = 1scale divisor = 1tape position = 0print position = 1sign = nonenot permanentnot modalmetric formatsleading zeros = falsetrailing zeros = truedecimal point = false 控制公制尺寸的前导零、后导零,小数点decimal places = 0imperial formatsleading zeros = falsetrailing zeros = truedecimal point = false 控制英制尺寸的前导零、后导零,小数点decimal places = 0end defineword order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 )word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C )word order = ( + I J K R D S T )word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q ) 注册字符word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F )word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )========================== 第三段是定义键值======================================== define keysblocknumber = N ——————定义程序段号preparatory function = G1 ———————定义准备功能指令aux function = M1 ——————定义辅助功能指令x feedrate not used —————定义X进给率指令y feedrate not used —————定义Y进给率指令z feedrate not used —————定义Z进给率指令circle angle not used —————圆周角度x coordinate = X ——————定义X坐标轴y coordinate = Y ——————定义Y坐标轴z coordinate = Z ——————定义Z坐标轴key i = I ——————定义X轴矢量I键key j = J ——————定义Y轴矢量J键key k = K ——————定义Z轴矢量K键feedrate = F ——————定义进给率指令feedrate per revolution = F ———————定义每转进给率指令spindle = S ——————定义主轴指令tool number = T ——————定义刀具指令cycle dwell not useddwell = X —————定义暂停时间键值tool length = H ——————定义刀具长度补偿指令tool radius = D ——————定义刀具半径补偿指令drill peck depth = Q1 ——————钻孔的啄钻深度drill hole depth = Z2 ——————定义钻孔深度clearplane = R2 —————定义安全平面高度message start = MS —————定义注释的开始符message end = EM ————定义注释的结束符opskip = OP ————定义跳段符号radius = R —————定义半径R键program id = ID —————定义程序号azimuth axis = B —————在多轴加工中,定义方位轴elevation axis = C —————在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = null —————在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴leader not usedx vector not usedy vector not usedz vector not usederror not usedend define=============== 定义指令值======================================== define codesrapid = G1 0 ========== 快速点定位linear = G1 1 =========== 直线插补circle cw = G1 2 =========== 顺圆插补circle ccw = G1 3 ========== 逆圆插补dwell = G6 4 ========= 暂停、准确停止xy plane = G3 17 ========= XY平面zy plane = G3 19 ========= YZ平面xz plane = G3 18 ========= ZX平面compensation off = G2 40 ========== 取消刀具半径补偿compensation on left = G2 41 =========== 刀具半径左补偿compensation on right = G2 42 =========== 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = G4 20 ============ 英寸输入metric data = G4 21 ============ 毫米输入absolute data = G5 90 ============ 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = G5 91 ============ 指定增量坐标编程from = G3 54 ========== 制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used ================ 每分钟进给feedrate per revolution not used ================= 每转进给spindle rpm not usedconstant surface speed not useddrill = G4 81 =========== 钻孔循环锪镗循环break chip = G4 82 =========== 钻孔循环或反镗循环deep drill = G4 83 ============ 深孔钻循环tap = G4 84 ========== 攻丝循环bore 1 = G4 85 ========== 镗孔循环bore 2 = G4 86 ========== 镗孔循环bore 3 = G4 87 ========== 背镗循环bore 4 = G4 88 ========== 镗孔循环bore 5 = G4 89 ========== 镗孔循环end of drill = G4 80 ============= 固定循环取消macro start not used ============ 宏程序模态调用macro end not used =========== 宏程序模态调用取消macro call not used ============ 宏程序调用cycle retract = G6 99 ========== 固定循环返回到R点tool length offset = G3 43 =========== 正向刀具长度补偿spline not used ======== spline插补方式stop = M1 0 ==== 程序停止opt stop = M1 1 ===== 选择停止spindle on cw = M1 3 ===== 主轴正转spindle on ccw = M1 4 ===== 主轴逆转spindle off = M1 5 ===== 主轴停止spin coolant on cw = M1 13spin coolant on ccw = M1 14spin coolant off = M1 5 ====== 冷却液关change tool = M1 6 ====== 自动换刀coolant on mist = M1 7 ===== 雾状冷却液coolant on = M1 8 ==== 冷却液开coolant on flood = M1 8 ===== 冷却液开(喷出)coolant off = M1 9 ===== 冷却液关clamp on not usedclamp off not usedend of tape = M1 2 ===== 程序结束end of prog = M1 30 ===== 程序结束gear range 1 not usedgear range 2 not usedgear range 3 not usedconstant contour speed not usedconstant contour speed 2 not usedword drill not usedword break chip not usedword deep not usedword tap not usedword bore 1 not usedword bore 2 not usedword bore 3 not usedword bore 4 not usedword bore 5 not usedcoolant on tap not usedrigid tap not used ====== 刚性攻丝helical drill not usedhelical retract drill not usedend define================ 定义变量====================================== print header = "Delcam Postprocessor" ================== 定义打印标题machine name = "Fanuc6m version 1.2" ========= 机器名point = "." ================================ 小数点zero = "0" =============================== 零tape headers = 1 ============================== 纸带标题(integer 6 、integer 7):定义coolant output(冷却液输出)integer 6 = 2 ============== 定义冷却液开(M07、M08)的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0:在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1:在下一段中单独输出;2、在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
machine fanucom ——————后处理文件头define word TN ---------------------------- 定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE :- " ----- 定义字段的返回值address width = 13 定义字符宽度field width = 25 定义返回字的宽度end define 结束定义define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O ) 第二段是定义字符的格式address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度field width = 2 ------------- 定义返回字的宽度exponent width = 0 ---------- 指数的宽度scale factor = 1 ------------- 比例因子:值乘以1scale divisor = 1 ------------ 比例因子:值被1 除tape position = 1----------- 字前留一个空格print position = 1 -----------打印位置sign = none----- 用于不需要G代码和进给率sign = if negative 仅标识负坐标sign = always 如果需要+ / - 号not permanent -------- 不需要行号not modal ------------ 仅当改变时需要重复的字为modal 。
通常G 代码和X, Y 和Z 为坐标为modal,但圆心通常使用的I, J, K 代码通常不是,因此它们为not modal .metric formats --------------- 公制leading zeros = false --------- 前导0trailing zeros = true ----------后导0decimal point = false ------ 不需要小数点decimal places = 2 -------- 小数点后2imperial formats ------------- 英制word order=====================语序word order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 )word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C )word order = ( + I J K R D S T )word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q )word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F )word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )define keys 第三段是定义键值blocknumber = N —————定义程序段号preparatory function = G1 ——定义准备功能指令aux function = M1 -------------定义辅助功能指令x feedrate not used ---------- 定义X 进给率指令y feedrate not used ---------- 定义Y 进给率指令z feedrate not used ——------ 定义Z 进给率指令circle angle not used ————圆周角度x coordinate = X —————----定义X 坐标轴y coordinate = Y —————----定义Y 坐标轴z coordinate = Z —————--- 定义Z 坐标轴key i = I —————---------- 定义X 轴矢量I 键key j = J —————----------定义Y 轴矢量Jkey k = K —————---------- 定义Z 轴矢量K 键feedrate = F —————------- 定义进给率指令feedrate per revolution = F--- 定义每转进给率指令spindle = S ——————----- 定义主轴指令tool number = T ——————--定义刀具指令cycle dwell not used-----------不使用循环停留dwell = X —————---------- 定义暂停时间键值tool length = H ——---------- 定义刀具长度补偿指令tool radius = D ——---------- 定义刀具半径补偿指令drill peck depth = Q1 ————钻孔的啄钻深度drill hole depth = Z2 ————-定义钻孔深度clearplane = R2 ———-------- 定义安全平面高度message start = MS ——------- 定义注释的开始符message end = EM ——--------- 定义注释的结束符opskip = OP ————--------- 定义跳段符号radius = R —————-------- 定义半径R 键program id = ID —————--- 定义程序号azimuth axis = B ---- ---------在多轴加工中,定义方位轴elevation axis = C ——------- 在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = null ----- 在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴leader not used----------------领导不使用x vector not used--------------X矢量不使用y vector not used--------------Y矢量不使用z vector not used--------------Z矢量不使用error not used-----------------错误不使用end definedefine codes ------------- --------- 定义指令值rapid = G1 0 =====---------- -------- 快速点定位linear = G1 1 ===== ----------------- 直线插补circle cw = G1 2 =====------------- 顺圆插补circle ccw = G1 3 =====------------ 逆圆插补dwell = G6 4 === ------------------- 暂停、准确停止xy plane = G3 17 ======------------- XY 平面zy plane = G3 19 =====--------- ---- YZ 平面xz plane = G3 18 =====------------- ZX 平面compensation off = G2 40 == ------ 取消刀具半径补偿compensation on left = G2 41 ==== 刀具半径左补偿compensation on right = G2 42 === 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = G4 20 ===== --------- 英寸输入metric data = G4 21 =======---------- 毫米输入absolute data = G5 90 ====----------- 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = G5 91 ====-------- 指定增量坐标编程from = G3 54 ===== -------------------制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used ====== 每分钟进给feedrate per revoluti not used ===== 每转进给spindle rpm not used -------------- 每分钟转速constant surface speed not used------ 恒定的表面速度drill = G4 81 ==== -------------------钻孔循环锪镗循环break chip = G4 82 === ---------------钻孔循环或反镗循环deep drill = G4 83 ======----------- 深孔钻循环tap = G4 84 ======= ------------------攻丝循环bore 1 = G4 85 =======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 2 = G4 86 ======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 3 = G4 87 ======---------------- 背镗循环bore 4 = G4 88 ======---------------- 镗孔循环bore 5 = G4 89 ====== ----------------镗孔循环end of drill = G4 80 ======---------- 固定循环取消macro start not used ======= ---------宏程序模态调用macro end not used =====------------- 宏程序模态调用取消macro call not used ========--------- 宏程序调用cycle retract = G6 99 ==------------ 固定循环返回到R 点tool length offset = G3 43 ====----- 正向刀具长度补偿spline not used ========------------- spline 插补方式stop = M1 0 ====--------------------- 程序停止opt stop = M1 1 =====---------------- 选择停止spindle on cw = M1 3 =====----------- 主轴正转spindle on ccw = M1 4 =====---------- 主轴逆转spindle off = M1 5 =====------------- 主轴停止spin coolant on cw =----------------- M1 13spin coolant on ccw =---------------- M1 14spin coolant off = M1 5 ====-------- 冷却液关change tool = M1 6 ===== ------------ 自动换刀coolant on mist = M1 7 === ---------- 雾状冷却液coolant on = M1 8 ====--------------- 冷却液开coolant on flood = M1 8 =------------ 冷却液开(喷出)coolant off = M1 9 ===== -------------冷却液关clamp on not used ------ -------------主轴锁紧clamp off not used--------------------主轴锁紧不使用end of tape = M1 2 =====------------- 程序结束end of prog = M1 30 ===== ------------程序结束gear range 1 not used---------------- 变速范围1不使用gear range 2 not used---------------- 变速范围2不使用gear range 3 not used---------------- 变速范围3不使用constant contour speed not used----- 持续的轮廓速度不使用constant contour speed 2 not used----持续的轮廓速度2不使用word drill not used------------------钻孔指令不使用word break chip not used------------不使用断屑word deep not used------------------孔深不使用word tap not used------------------冷却水不使用word bore 1 not used---------------孔1不使用word bore 2 not usedword bore 3 not usedword bore 4 not usedword bore 5 not usedcoolant on tap not used-------------冷却液不使用rigid tap not used ======----------- 刚性攻丝helical drill not used ------------ 螺旋钻孔helical retract drill not used------螺旋钻孔不使用end define=========================== 定义变量Print header ="Delcam Post processor"==== 定义打印标题machine name = "Fanuc6m version 1.2" === 机器名point ================================== 小数点zero = "0" ============================= 零tape headers = 1 ======================= 纸带标题integer 6 = 2====================== === 定义冷却液开(M07 、M08 )的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0 :在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1 :在下一段中单独输出;2 :在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
powermill后处理修改方法[整理] powermill后处理修改方法machine fanucom ——————后处理文件头define word TN ---------------------------- 定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE :- " ----- 定义字段的返回值address width = 13 定义字符宽度field width = 25 定义返回字的宽度end define 结束定义define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O ) 第二段是定义字符的格式address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度 address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度 field width = 2 ------------- 定义返回字的宽度exponent width = 0 ---------- 指数的宽度 scale factor = 1 ------------- 比例因子: 值乘以 1scale divisor = 1 ------------ 比例因子:值被 1 除tape position = 1----------- 字前留一个空格 print position = 1 -----------打印位置 sign = none----- 用于不需要 G代码和进给率sign = if negative 仅标识负坐标 sign = always 如果需要 + / - 号not permanent -------- 不需要行号 not modal ------------ 仅当改变时需要重复的字为 modal 。
(模态) 。
通常 G 代码和 X, Y 和 Z 为坐标为 modal, 但圆心通常使用的 I, J, K 代码通常不是,因此它们为 not modal .metric formats --------------- 公制 leading zeros = false --------- 前导 0 trailing zeros = true ----------后导 0 decimal point = false ------ 不需要小数点 decimal places = 2 -------- 小数点后 2 imperial formats ------------- 英制word order=====================语序 word order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 ) word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C ) word order = ( + I J K R D S T ) word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q ) word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F ) word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )define keys 第三段是定义键值blocknumber = N —————定义程序段号 preparatory function = G1 ——定义准备功能指令aux function = M1 -------------定义辅助功能指令x feedrate not used ---------- 定义 X 进给率指令y feedrate not used ---------- 定义 Y 进给率指令z feedrate not used ——------ 定义 Z 进给率指令circle angle not used ————圆周角度 x coordinate = X —————----定义 X 坐标轴 y coordinate = Y —————----定义 Y 坐标轴 z coordinate = Z —————--- 定义 Z 坐标轴 key i = I —————---------- 定义 X 轴矢量 I 键key j = J ————— ----------定义 Y 轴矢量 Jkey k = K —————---------- 定义 Z 轴矢量 K 键feedrate = F —————------- 定义进给率指令 feedrate perrevolution = F--- 定义每转进给率指令spindle = S ——————----- 定义主轴指令 tool number = T —————— --定义刀具指令 cycle dwell not used-----------不使用循环停留 dwell = X —————---------- 定义暂停时间键值tool length = H ——---------- 定义刀具长度补偿指令tool radius = D ——---------- 定义刀具半径补偿指令drill peck depth = Q1 ————钻孔的啄钻深度 drill hole depth =Z2 ————-定义钻孔深度 clearplane = R2 ———-------- 定义安全平面高度message start = MS ——------- 定义注释的开始符message end = EM ——--------- 定义注释的结束符opskip = OP ———— --------- 定义跳段符号 radius = R ————— -------- 定义半径 R 键 program id = ID ————— --- 定义程序号 azimuth axis = B ---- ---------在多轴加工中,定义方位轴elevation axis = C ——------- 在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = null ----- 在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴leader not used----------------领导不使用 x vector not used--------------X矢量不使用 y vector not used--------------Y矢量不使用 z vector not used--------------Z矢量不使用 error not used-----------------错误不使用 end definedefine codes ------------- --------- 定义指令值rapid = G1 0 =====---------- -------- 快速点定位linear = G1 1 ===== ----------------- 直线插补 circle cw = G1 2=====------------- 顺圆插补 circle ccw = G1 3 =====------------ 逆圆插补dwell = G6 4 === ------------------- 暂停、准确停止xy plane = G3 17 ======------------- XY 平面 zy plane = G3 19 =====--------- ---- YZ 平面 xz plane = G3 18 =====------------- ZX 平面compensation off = G2 40 == ------ 取消刀具半径补偿compensation on left = G2 41 ==== 刀具半径左补偿compensation on right = G2 42 === 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = G4 20 ===== --------- 英寸输入 metric data = G4 21 =======---------- 毫米输入 absolute data = G5 90 ====----------- 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = G5 91 ====-------- 指定增量坐标编程from = G3 54 ===== -------------------制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used ====== 每分钟进给feedrate per revoluti not used ===== 每转进给 spindle rpm not used -------------- 每分钟转速constant surface speed not used------ 恒定的表面速度drill = G4 81 ==== -------------------钻孔循环锪镗循环break chip = G4 82 === ---------------钻孔循环或反镗循环deep drill = G4 83 ======----------- 深孔钻循环tap = G4 84 ======= ------------------攻丝循环 bore 1 = G4 85=======--------------- 镗孔循环 bore 2 = G4 86 ======--------------- 镗孔循环 bore 3 = G4 87 ======---------------- 背镗循环bore 4 = G4 88 ======---------------- 镗孔循环 bore 5 = G4 89 ====== ----------------镗孔循环 end of drill = G4 80 ======---------- 固定循环取消macro start not used ======= ---------宏程序模态调用macro end not used =====------------- 宏程序模态调用取消macro call not used ========--------- 宏程序调用cycle retract = G6 99 ==------------ 固定循环返回到 R 点tool length offset = G3 43 ====----- 正向刀具长度补偿spline not used ========------------- spline 插补方式stop = M1 0 ====--------------------- 程序停止 opt stop = M1 1=====---------------- 选择停止 spindle on cw = M1 3 =====----------- 主轴正转 spindle on ccw = M1 4 =====---------- 主轴逆转 spindle off = M1 5 =====------------- 主轴停止 spin coolant on cw =----------------- M1 13 spin coolant on ccw =---------------- M1 14 spin coolant off = M1 5====-------- 冷却液关 change tool = M1 6 ===== ------------ 自动换刀coolant on mist = M1 7 === ---------- 雾状冷却液coolant on = M1 8 ====--------------- 冷却液开 coolant on flood = M1 8 =------------ 冷却液开(喷出)coolant off = M1 9 ===== -------------冷却液关clamp on not used ------ -------------主轴锁紧 clamp off not used--------------------主轴锁紧不使用end of tape = M1 2 =====------------- 程序结束 end of prog = M1 30===== ------------程序结束 gear range 1 not used---------------- 变速范围1不使用gear range 2 not used---------------- 变速范围2不使用gear range 3 not used---------------- 变速范围3不使用constant contour speed not used----- 持续的轮廓速度不使用constant contour speed 2 not used----持续的轮廓速度2不使用word drill not used------------------钻孔指令不使用word break chip not used------------不使用断屑 word deep not used------------------孔深不使用 word tap not used------------------冷却水不使用word bore 1 not used---------------孔1不使用 word bore 2 not used word bore 3 not usedword bore 4 not usedword bore 5 not usedcoolant on tap not used-------------冷却液不使用rigid tap not used ======----------- 刚性攻丝 helical drill not used ------------ 螺旋钻孔 helical retract drill not used------螺旋钻孔不使用end define=========================== 定义变量 Print header ="Delcam Post processor"==== 定义打印标题machine name = "Fanuc6m version 1.2" === 机器名point ================================== 小数点zero = "0" ============================= 零 tape headers = 1======================= 纸带标题integer 6 = 2====================== === 定义冷却液开(M07 、M08 )的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0 : 在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出; 1 : 在下一段中单独输出;2 :在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
m a c h i n e f a n u c o m——————后处理文件头define word TN ---------------------------- 定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE :- " ----- 定义字段的返回值address width = 13 定义字符宽度field width = 25 定义返回字的宽度end define 结束定义define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O ) 第二段是定义字符的格式address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度field width = 2 ------------- 定义返回字的宽度exponent width = 0 ---------- 指数的宽度scale factor = 1 ------------- 比例因子:值乘以 1scale divisor = 1 ------------ 比例因子:值被 1 除tape position = 1----------- 字前留一个空格print position = 1 -----------打印位置sign = none----- 用于不需要 G代码和进给率sign = if negative 仅标识负坐标sign = always 如果需要 + / - 号not permanent -------- 不需要行号not modal ------------ 仅当改变时需要重复的字为 modal 。
通常 G 代码和 X, Y 和 Z 为坐标为 modal,但圆心通常使用的 I, J, K 代码通常不是,因此它们为 not modal .metric formats --------------- 公制leading zeros = false --------- 前导 0trailing zeros = true ----------后导 0decimal point = false ------ 不需要小数点decimal places = 2 -------- 小数点后 2imperial formats ------------- 英制word order=====================语序word order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 )word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C )word order = ( + I J K R D S T )word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q )word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F )word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )define keys 第三段是定义键值blocknumber = N —————定义程序段号preparatory function = G1 ——定义准备功能指令aux function = M1 -------------定义辅助功能指令x feedrate not used ---------- 定义 X 进给率指令y feedrate not used ---------- 定义 Y 进给率指令z feedrate not used ——------ 定义 Z 进给率指令circle angle not used ————圆周角度x coordinate = X —————----定义 X 坐标轴y coordinate = Y —————----定义 Y 坐标轴z coordinate = Z —————--- 定义 Z 坐标轴key i = I —————---------- 定义 X 轴矢量 I 键key j = J ————— ----------定义 Y 轴矢量 J key k = K —————---------- 定义 Z 轴矢量 K 键feedrate = F —————------- 定义进给率指令feedrate per revolution = F--- 定义每转进给率指令spindle = S ——————----- 定义主轴指令tool number = T —————— --定义刀具指令cycle dwell not used-----------不使用循环停留dwell = X —————---------- 定义暂停时间键值tool length = H ——---------- 定义刀具长度补偿指令tool radius = D ——---------- 定义刀具半径补偿指令drill peck depth = Q1 ————钻孔的啄钻深度drill hole depth = Z2 ————-定义钻孔深度clearplane = R2 ———-------- 定义安全平面高度message start = MS ——------- 定义注释的开始符message end = EM ——--------- 定义注释的结束符opskip = OP ———— --------- 定义跳段符号radius = R ————— -------- 定义半径 R 键program id = ID ————— --- 定义程序号azimuth axis = B ---- ---------在多轴加工中,定义方位轴elevation axis = C ——------- 在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = null ----- 在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴leader not used----------------领导不使用x vector not used--------------X矢量不使用y vector not used--------------Y矢量不使用z vector not used--------------Z矢量不使用error not used-----------------错误不使用end definedefine codes ------------- --------- 定义指令值rapid = G1 0 =====---------- -------- 快速点定位linear = G1 1 ===== ----------------- 直线插补circle cw = G1 2 =====------------- 顺圆插补circle ccw = G1 3 =====------------ 逆圆插补dwell = G6 4 === ------------------- 暂停、准确停止xy plane = G3 17 ======------------- XY 平面zy plane = G3 19 =====--------- ---- YZ 平面xz plane = G3 18 =====------------- ZX 平面compensation off = G2 40 == ------ 取消刀具半径补偿compensation on left = G2 41 ==== 刀具半径左补偿compensation on right = G2 42 === 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = G4 20 ===== --------- 英寸输入metric data = G4 21 =======---------- 毫米输入absolute data = G5 90 ====----------- 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = G5 91 ====-------- 指定增量坐标编程from = G3 54 ===== -------------------制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used ====== 每分钟进给feedrate per revoluti not used ===== 每转进给spindle rpm not used -------------- 每分钟转速constant surface speed not used------ 恒定的表面速度drill = G4 81 ==== -------------------钻孔循环锪镗循环break chip = G4 82 === ---------------钻孔循环或反镗循环deep drill = G4 83 ======----------- 深孔钻循环tap = G4 84 ======= ------------------攻丝循环bore 1 = G4 85 =======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 2 = G4 86 ======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 3 = G4 87 ======---------------- 背镗循环bore 4 = G4 88 ======---------------- 镗孔循环bore 5 = G4 89 ====== ----------------镗孔循环end of drill = G4 80 ======---------- 固定循环取消macro start not used ======= ---------宏程序模态调用macro end not used =====------------- 宏程序模态调用取消macro call not used ========--------- 宏程序调用cycle retract = G6 99 ==------------ 固定循环返回到 R 点tool length offset = G3 43 ====----- 正向刀具长度补偿spline not used ========------------- spline 插补方式stop = M1 0 ====--------------------- 程序停止opt stop = M1 1 =====---------------- 选择停止spindle on cw = M1 3 =====----------- 主轴正转spindle on ccw = M1 4 =====---------- 主轴逆转spindle off = M1 5 =====------------- 主轴停止spin coolant on cw =----------------- M1 13spin coolant on ccw =---------------- M1 14spin coolant off = M1 5 ====-------- 冷却液关change tool = M1 6 ===== ------------ 自动换刀coolant on mist = M1 7 === ---------- 雾状冷却液coolant on = M1 8 ====--------------- 冷却液开coolant on flood = M1 8 =------------ 冷却液开(喷出)coolant off = M1 9 ===== -------------冷却液关clamp on not used ------ -------------主轴锁紧clamp off not used--------------------主轴锁紧不使用end of tape = M1 2 =====------------- 程序结束end of prog = M1 30 ===== ------------程序结束gear range 1 not used---------------- 变速范围1不使用gear range 2 not used---------------- 变速范围2不使用gear range 3 not used---------------- 变速范围3不使用constant contour speed not used----- 持续的轮廓速度不使用constant contour speed 2 not used----持续的轮廓速度2不使用word drill not used------------------钻孔指令不使用word break chip not used------------不使用断屑word deep not used------------------孔深不使用word tap not used------------------冷却水不使用word bore 1 not used---------------孔1不使用word bore 2 not usedword bore 3 not usedword bore 4 not usedword bore 5 not usedcoolant on tap not used-------------冷却液不使用rigid tap not used ======----------- 刚性攻丝helical drill not used ------------ 螺旋钻孔helical retract drill not used------螺旋钻孔不使用end define=========================== 定义变量Print header ="Delcam Post processor"==== 定义打印标题machine name = "Fanuc6m version 1.2" === 机器名point ================================== 小数点zero = "0" ============================= 零tape headers = 1 ======================= 纸带标题integer 6 = 2====================== === 定义冷却液开(M07 、M08 )的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0 :在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1 :在下一段中单独输出;2 :在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
PowerMILL后处理制作教程define word TNaddress letter = "TOOL TYPE:- "address width = 13field width = 25end define具体解释:define word TN ——————————————定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE:- " —————定义字段的返回值,比如在后处理文件里有“MS =C ; TN ToolType ; EM =C”,而在写程式的时候选用的是端铣刀,那么在CNC程式里就会有(TOOL TYPE:- ENDMILL);address width = 13 ———————————定义字符宽度,如上"TOOL TYPE:- ",从T 开始算起一共13位,包括空格;field width = 25 ———————————定义返回字的宽度,如上"ENDMILL",如果field width = 2,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回EN;如果field width = 25,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回ENDMILL。
end define========================== 第二段是定义字符的格式=============================define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O )address width = 1field width = 2exponent width = 0scale factor = 1scale divisor = 1tape position = 0print position = 1sign = nonenot permanentnot modalmetric formatsleading zeros = falsetrailing zeros = truedecimal point = false 控制公制尺寸的前导零、后导零,小数点decimal places = 0imperial formatsleading zeros = falsetrailing zeros = truedecimal point = false 控制英制尺寸的前导零、后导零,小数点decimal places = 0end defineword order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 )word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C )word order = ( + I J K R D S T )word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q ) 注册字符word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F )word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )========================== 第三段是定义键值===================================define keysblocknumber = N ——————定义程序段号preparatory function = G1 ———————定义准备功能指令aux function = M1 ——————定义辅助功能指令x feedrate not used —————定义X进给率指令y feedrate not used —————定义Y进给率指令z feedrate not used —————定义Z进给率指令circle angle not used —————圆周角度x coordinate = X ——————定义X坐标轴y coordinate = Y ——————定义Y坐标轴z coordinate = Z ——————定义Z坐标轴key i = I ——————定义X轴矢量I键key j = J ——————定义Y轴矢量J键key k = K ——————定义Z轴矢量K键feedrate = F ——————定义进给率指令feedrate per revolution = F ———————定义每转进给率指令spindle = S ——————定义主轴指令tool number = T ——————定义刀具指令cycle dwell not useddwell = X —————定义暂停时间键值tool length = H ——————定义刀具长度补偿指令tool radius = D ——————定义刀具半径补偿指令drill peck depth = Q1 ——————钻孔的啄钻深度drill hole depth = Z2 ——————定义钻孔深度clearplane = R2 —————定义安全平面高度message start = MS —————定义注释的开始符message end = EM ————定义注释的结束符opskip = OP ————定义跳段符号radius = R —————定义半径R键program id = ID —————定义程序号azimuth axis = B —————在多轴加工中,定义方位轴elevation axis = C —————在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = null —————在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴leader not usedx vector not usedy vector not usedz vector not usederror not usedend define========================== 定义指令值========================================define codesrapid = G1 0 ========== 快速点定位linear = G1 1 =========== 直线插补circle cw = G1 2 =========== 顺圆插补circle ccw = G1 3 ========== 逆圆插补dwell = G6 4 ========= 暂停、准确停止xy plane = G3 17 ========= XY平面zy plane = G3 19 ========= YZ平面xz plane = G3 18 ========= ZX平面compensation off = G2 40 ========== 取消刀具半径补偿compensation on left = G2 41 =========== 刀具半径左补偿compensation on right = G2 42 =========== 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = G4 20 ============ 英寸输入metric data = G4 21 ============ 毫米输入absolute data = G5 90 ============ 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = G5 91 ============ 指定增量坐标编程from = G3 54 ========== 制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used ================ 每分钟进给feedrate per revolution not used ================= 每转进给spindle rpm not usedconstant surface speed not useddrill = G4 81 =========== 钻孔循环锪镗循环break chip = G4 82 =========== 钻孔循环或反镗循环deep drill = G4 83 ============ 深孔钻循环tap = G4 84 ========== 攻丝循环bore 1 = G4 85 ========== 镗孔循环bore 2 = G4 86 ========== 镗孔循环bore 3 = G4 87 ========== 背镗循环bore 4 = G4 88 ========== 镗孔循环bore 5 = G4 89 ========== 镗孔循环end of drill = G4 80 ============= 固定循环取消macro start not used ============ 宏程序模态调用macro end not used =========== 宏程序模态调用取消macro call not used ============ 宏程序调用cycle retract = G6 99 ========== 固定循环返回到R点tool length offset = G3 43 =========== 正向刀具长度补偿spline not used ======== spline插补方式stop = M1 0 ==== 程序停止opt stop = M1 1 ===== 选择停止spindle on cw = M1 3 ===== 主轴正转spindle on ccw = M1 4 ===== 主轴逆转spindle off = M1 5 ===== 主轴停止spin coolant on cw = M1 13spin coolant on ccw = M1 14spin coolant off = M1 5 ====== 冷却液关change tool = M1 6 ====== 自动换刀coolant on mist = M1 7 ===== 雾状冷却液coolant on = M1 8 ==== 冷却液开coolant on flood = M1 8 ===== 冷却液开(喷出)coolant off = M1 9 ===== 冷却液关clamp on not usedclamp off not usedend of tape = M1 2 ===== 程序结束end of prog = M1 30 ===== 程序结束gear range 1 not usedgear range 2 not usedgear range 3 not usedconstant contour speed not usedconstant contour speed 2 not usedword drill not usedword break chip not usedword deep not usedword tap not usedword bore 1 not usedword bore 2 not usedword bore 3 not usedword bore 4 not usedword bore 5 not usedcoolant on tap not usedrigid tap not used ====== 刚性攻丝helical drill not usedhelical retract drill not usedend define================================ 定义变量======================================print header = "Delcam Postprocessor" ================== 定义打印标题machine name = "Fanuc6m version 1.2" ========= 机器名point = "." ================================ 小数点zero = "0" =============================== 零tape headers = 1 ============================== 纸带标题(integer 6 、integer 7):定义coolant output(冷却液输出)integer 6 = 2 ============== 定义冷却液开(M07、M08)的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0:在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1:在下一段中单独输出;2、在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
PowerMILL后处理制作教程define word TNaddress letter = "TOOL TYPE:- "address width = 13field width = 25end define具体解释:define word TN ——————————————定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE:- " —————定义字段的返回值,比如在后处理文件里有“MS =C ; TN ToolType ; EM =C”,而在写程式的时候选用的是端铣刀,那么在CNC程式里就会有(TOOL TYPE:- ENDMILL);address width = 13 ———————————定义字符宽度,如上"TOOL TYPE:- ",从T 开始算起一共13位,包括空格;field width = 25 ———————————定义返回字的宽度,如上"ENDMILL",如果field width = 2,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回EN;如果field width = 25,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回ENDMILL。
end define========================== 第二段是定义字符的格式=============================define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O )address width = 1field width = 2exponent width = 0scale factor = 1scale divisor = 1tape position = 0print position = 1sign = nonenot permanentnot modalmetric formatsleading zeros = falsetrailing zeros = truedecimal point = false 控制公制尺寸的前导零、后导零,小数点decimal places = 0imperial formatsleading zeros = falsetrailing zeros = truedecimal point = false 控制英制尺寸的前导零、后导零,小数点decimal places = 0end defineword order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 )word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C )word order = ( + I J K R D S T )word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q ) 注册字符word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F )word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )========================== 第三段是定义键值===================================define keysblocknumber = N ——————定义程序段号preparatory function = G1 ———————定义准备功能指令aux function = M1 ——————定义辅助功能指令x feedrate not used —————定义X进给率指令y feedrate not used —————定义Y进给率指令z feedrate not used —————定义Z进给率指令circle angle not used —————圆周角度x coordinate = X ——————定义X坐标轴y coordinate = Y ——————定义Y坐标轴z coordinate = Z ——————定义Z坐标轴key i = I ——————定义X轴矢量I键key j = J ——————定义Y轴矢量J键key k = K ——————定义Z轴矢量K键feedrate = F ——————定义进给率指令feedrate per revolution = F ———————定义每转进给率指令spindle = S ——————定义主轴指令tool number = T ——————定义刀具指令cycle dwell not useddwell = X —————定义暂停时间键值tool length = H ——————定义刀具长度补偿指令tool radius = D ——————定义刀具半径补偿指令drill peck depth = Q1 ——————钻孔的啄钻深度drill hole depth = Z2 ——————定义钻孔深度clearplane = R2 —————定义安全平面高度message start = MS —————定义注释的开始符message end = EM ————定义注释的结束符opskip = OP ————定义跳段符号radius = R —————定义半径R键program id = ID —————定义程序号azimuth axis = B —————在多轴加工中,定义方位轴elevation axis = C —————在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = null —————在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴leader not usedx vector not usedy vector not usedz vector not usederror not usedend define========================== 定义指令值========================================define codesrapid = G1 0 ========== 快速点定位linear = G1 1 =========== 直线插补circle cw = G1 2 =========== 顺圆插补circle ccw = G1 3 ========== 逆圆插补dwell = G6 4 ========= 暂停、准确停止xy plane = G3 17 ========= XY平面zy plane = G3 19 ========= YZ平面xz plane = G3 18 ========= ZX平面compensation off = G2 40 ========== 取消刀具半径补偿compensation on left = G2 41 =========== 刀具半径左补偿compensation on right = G2 42 =========== 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = G4 20 ============ 英寸输入metric data = G4 21 ============ 毫米输入absolute data = G5 90 ============ 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = G5 91 ============ 指定增量坐标编程from = G3 54 ========== 制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used ================ 每分钟进给feedrate per revolution not used ================= 每转进给spindle rpm not usedconstant surface speed not useddrill = G4 81 =========== 钻孔循环锪镗循环break chip = G4 82 =========== 钻孔循环或反镗循环deep drill = G4 83 ============ 深孔钻循环tap = G4 84 ========== 攻丝循环bore 1 = G4 85 ========== 镗孔循环bore 2 = G4 86 ========== 镗孔循环bore 3 = G4 87 ========== 背镗循环bore 4 = G4 88 ========== 镗孔循环bore 5 = G4 89 ========== 镗孔循环end of drill = G4 80 ============= 固定循环取消macro start not used ============ 宏程序模态调用macro end not used =========== 宏程序模态调用取消macro call not used ============ 宏程序调用cycle retract = G6 99 ========== 固定循环返回到R点tool length offset = G3 43 =========== 正向刀具长度补偿spline not used ======== spline插补方式stop = M1 0 ==== 程序停止opt stop = M1 1 ===== 选择停止spindle on cw = M1 3 ===== 主轴正转spindle on ccw = M1 4 ===== 主轴逆转spindle off = M1 5 ===== 主轴停止spin coolant on cw = M1 13spin coolant on ccw = M1 14spin coolant off = M1 5 ====== 冷却液关change tool = M1 6 ====== 自动换刀coolant on mist = M1 7 ===== 雾状冷却液coolant on = M1 8 ==== 冷却液开coolant on flood = M1 8 ===== 冷却液开(喷出)coolant off = M1 9 ===== 冷却液关clamp on not usedclamp off not usedend of tape = M1 2 ===== 程序结束end of prog = M1 30 ===== 程序结束gear range 1 not usedgear range 2 not usedgear range 3 not usedconstant contour speed not usedconstant contour speed 2 not usedword drill not usedword break chip not usedword deep not usedword tap not usedword bore 1 not usedword bore 2 not usedword bore 3 not usedword bore 4 not usedword bore 5 not usedcoolant on tap not usedrigid tap not used ====== 刚性攻丝helical drill not usedhelical retract drill not usedend define================================ 定义变量======================================print header = "Delcam Postprocessor" ================== 定义打印标题machine name = "Fanuc6m version 1.2" ========= 机器名point = "." ================================ 小数点zero = "0" =============================== 零tape headers = 1 ============================== 纸带标题(integer 6 、integer 7):定义coolant output(冷却液输出)integer 6 = 2 ============== 定义冷却液开(M07、M08)的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0:在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1:在下一段中单独输出;2、在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
m a c h i n e f a n u c o m——————后处理文件头definewordTN----------------------------定义字段;addressletter="TOOLTYPE:-"-----定义字段的返回值addresswidth=13定义字符宽度fieldwidth=25定义返回字的宽度enddefine结束定义defineformat(/G6STM1M2LPDEHO)第二段是定义字符的格式addresswidth=1------------定义字符宽度addresswidth=1------------定义字符宽度wordorder=(+TNTDTRDYMTYRPM)definekeys第三段是定义键值blocknumber=N—————定义程序段号preparatoryfunction=G1——定义准备功能指令auxfunction=M1-------------定义辅助功能指令xfeedratenotused----------定义X进给率指令yfeedratenotused----------定义Y进给率指令zfeedratenotused——------定义Z进给率指令circleanglenotused————圆周角度xcoordinate=X—————----定义X坐标轴ycoordinate=Y—————----定义Y坐标轴zcoordinate=Z—————---定义Z坐标轴keyi=I—————----------定义X轴矢量I键keyj=J—————----------定义Y轴矢量Jkeyk=K—————----------定义Z轴矢量K键feedrate=F—————-------定义进给率指令feedrateperrevolution=F---定义每转进给率指令spindle=S——————-----定义主轴指令toolnumber=T——————--定义刀具指令cycledwellnotused-----------不使用循环停留dwell=X—————----------定义暂停时间键值xyplane=G317======-------------XY平面zyplane=G319=====-------------YZ平面xzplane=G318=====-------------ZX平面compensationoff=G240==------取消刀具半径补偿compensationonleft=G241====刀具半径左补偿compensationonright=G242===刀具半径右补偿imperialdata=G420=====---------英寸输入metricdata=G421=======----------毫米输入absolutedata=G590====-----------指定绝对坐标编程incrementaldata=G591====--------指定增量坐标编程from=G354=====-------------------制定工作坐标系feedrateperminutenotused======每分钟进给feedrateperrevolutinotused=====每转进给spindlerpmnotused--------------每分钟转速constantsurfacespeednotused------恒定的表面速度drill=G481====-------------------钻孔循环锪镗循环breakchip=G482===---------------钻孔循环或反镗循环deepdrill=G483======-----------深孔钻循环tap=G484=======------------------攻丝循环bore1=G485=======---------------镗孔循环bore2=G486======---------------镗孔循环endoftape=M12=====-------------程序结束endofprog=M130=====------------程序结束gearrange1notused----------------变速范围1不使用gearrange2notused----------------变速范围2不使用gearrange3notused----------------变速范围3不使用constantcontourspeednotused-----持续的轮廓速度不使用constantcontourspeed2notused----持续的轮廓速度2不使用worddrillnotused------------------钻孔指令不使用wordbreakchipnotused------------不使用断屑worddeepnotused------------------孔深不使用wordtapnotused------------------冷却水不使用wordbore1notused---------------孔1不使用wordbore2notusedwordbore3notusedwordbore4notusedwordbore5notusedcoolantontapnotused-------------冷却液不使用rigidtapnotused======-----------刚性攻丝helicaldrillnotused------------螺旋钻孔helicalretractdrillnotused------螺旋钻孔不使用enddefineinteger12=1=======================定义M代码的输出方式,此变量共有二个选项代码的输出方式0:在遇到主轴相关指令时不输出M;1:在遇到主轴相关指令时输出Minteger13=0NOlinkwithspindleMcodetocoolant主轴冷却液没有链接代码=1OutputcoolantwithspindleMcode主轴M码输出的冷却液toolresetcoordinates=2============定义刀具复位后(M06后)的坐标处理方式,有1、2、3、4 cycleoutput=1====================定义循环指令(定义循环指令(G80~G89)的输出方式,此变量共有两个选项——0:不输出循环移动指令;1:输出循环指令(默认值为G81)integer20=1====================定义圆弧(M02、M03)的输出坐标此变量共有两个选项——0:不输出圆弧的X、Y坐标;1:输出圆弧的X、Y坐标。
PowerMILL后处理制作教程define word TNaddress letter = "TOOL TYPE:- "address width = 13field width = 25end define具体解释:define word TN ——————————————定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE:- " —————定义字段的返回值,比如在后处理文件里有“MS =C ; TN ToolType ; EM =C”,而在写程式的时候选用的是端铣刀,那么在CNC程式里就会有(TOOL TYPE:- ENDMILL);address width = 13 ———————————定义字符宽度,如上"TOOL TYPE:- ",从T 开始算起一共13位,包括空格;field width = 25 ———————————定义返回字的宽度,如上"ENDMILL",如果field width = 2,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回EN;如果field width = 25,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回ENDMILL。
end define========================== 第二段是定义字符的格式=============================define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O )address width = 1field width = 2exponent width = 0scale factor = 1scale divisor = 1tape position = 0print position = 1sign = nonenot permanentnot modalmetric formatsleading zeros = falsetrailing zeros = truedecimal point = false 控制公制尺寸的前导零、后导零,小数点decimal places = 0imperial formatsleading zeros = falsetrailing zeros = truedecimal point = false 控制英制尺寸的前导零、后导零,小数点decimal places = 0end defineword order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 )word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C )word order = ( + I J K R D S T )word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q ) 注册字符word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F )word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )========================== 第三段是定义键值===================================define keysblocknumber = N ——————定义程序段号preparatory function = G1 ———————定义准备功能指令aux function = M1 ——————定义辅助功能指令x feedrate not used —————定义X进给率指令y feedrate not used —————定义Y进给率指令z feedrate not used —————定义Z进给率指令circle angle not used —————圆周角度x coordinate = X ——————定义X坐标轴y coordinate = Y——————定义Y坐标轴z coordinate = Z ——————定义Z坐标轴key i = I ——————定义X轴矢量I键key j = J ——————定义Y轴矢量J键key k = K ——————定义Z轴矢量K键feedrate = F ——————定义进给率指令feedrate per revolution = F ———————定义每转进给率指令spindle = S ——————定义主轴指令tool number = T ——————定义刀具指令cycle dwell not useddwell = X —————定义暂停时间键值tool length = H ——————定义刀具长度补偿指令tool radius = D ——————定义刀具半径补偿指令drill peck depth = Q1 ——————钻孔的啄钻深度drill hole depth = Z2 ——————定义钻孔深度clearplane = R2 —————定义安全平面高度message start = MS —————定义注释的开始符message end = EM ————定义注释的结束符opskip = OP ————定义跳段符号radius = R —————定义半径R键program id = ID —————定义程序号azimuth axis = B —————在多轴加工中,定义方位轴elevation axis = C —————在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = null —————在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴leader not usedx vector not usedy vector not usedz vector not usederror not usedend define========================== 定义指令值========================================define codesrapid = G1 0 ========== 快速点定位linear = G1 1 =========== 直线插补circle cw = G1 2 =========== 顺圆插补circle ccw = G1 3 ========== 逆圆插补dwell = G6 4 ========= 暂停、准确停止xy plane = G3 17 ========= XY平面zy plane = G3 19 ========= YZ平面xz plane = G3 18 ========= ZX平面compensation off = G2 40 ========== 取消刀具半径补偿compensation on left = G2 41 =========== 刀具半径左补偿compensation on right = G2 42 =========== 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = G4 20 ============ 英寸输入metric data = G4 21 ============ 毫米输入absolute data = G5 90 ============ 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = G5 91 ============ 指定增量坐标编程from = G3 54 ========== 制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used ================ 每分钟进给feedrate per revolution not used ================= 每转进给spindle rpm not usedconstant surface speed not useddrill = G4 81 =========== 钻孔循环锪镗循环break chip = G4 82 =========== 钻孔循环或反镗循环deep drill = G4 83 ============ 深孔钻循环tap = G4 84 ========== 攻丝循环bore 1 = G4 85 ========== 镗孔循环bore 2 = G4 86 ========== 镗孔循环bore 3 = G4 87 ========== 背镗循环bore 4 = G4 88 ========== 镗孔循环bore 5 = G4 89 ========== 镗孔循环end of drill = G4 80 ============= 固定循环取消macro start not used ============ 宏程序模态调用macro end not used =========== 宏程序模态调用取消macro call not used ============ 宏程序调用cycle retract = G6 99 ========== 固定循环返回到R点tool length offset = G3 43 =========== 正向刀具长度补偿spline not used ======== spline插补方式stop = M1 0 ==== 程序停止opt stop = M1 1 ===== 选择停止spindle on cw = M1 3 ===== 主轴正转spindle on ccw = M1 4 ===== 主轴逆转spindle off = M1 5 ===== 主轴停止spin coolant on cw = M1 13spin coolant on ccw = M1 14spin coolant off = M1 5 ====== 冷却液关change tool = M1 6 ====== 自动换刀coolant on mist = M1 7 ===== 雾状冷却液coolant on = M1 8 ==== 冷却液开coolant on flood = M1 8 ===== 冷却液开(喷出)coolant off = M1 9 ===== 冷却液关clamp on not usedclamp off not usedend of tape = M1 2 ===== 程序结束end of prog = M1 30 ===== 程序结束gear range 1 not usedgear range 2 not usedgear range 3 not usedconstant contour speed not usedconstant contour speed 2 not usedword drill not usedword break chip not usedword deep not usedword tap not usedword bore 1 not usedword bore 2 not usedword bore 3 not usedword bore 4 not usedword bore 5 not usedcoolant on tap not usedrigid tap not used ====== 刚性攻丝helical drill not usedhelical retract drill not usedend define================================ 定义变量======================================print header = "Delcam Postprocessor" ================== 定义打印标题machine name = "Fanuc6m version 1.2" ========= 机器名point = "." ================================ 小数点zero = "0" =============================== 零tape headers = 1 ============================== 纸带标题(integer 6 、integer 7):定义coolant output(冷却液输出)integer 6 = 2 ============== 定义冷却液开(M07、M08)的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0:在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1:在下一段中单独输出;2、在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
machine fanu ——————后处理文件头define word TN ---------------------------- 定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE :- " ----- 定义字段的返回值address width = 13 定义字符宽度field width = 25 定义返回字的宽度end define 完毕定义define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O ) 第二段是定义字符的格式address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度address width = 1------------ 定义字符宽度field width = 2 ------------- 定义返回字的宽度exponent width = 0 ---------- 指数的宽度scale factor = 1 ------------- 比例因子:值乘以1scale divisor = 1 ------------ 比例因子:值被1 除tape position = 1----------- 字前留一个空格print position = 1 -----------打印位置sign = none----- 用于不需要G代码和进给率sign = if negative 仅标识负坐标sign = always 如果需要+ / - 号not permanent -------- 不需要行号not modal ------------ 仅当改变时需要重复的字为modal 。
通常G 代码和X, Y 和Z 为坐标为modal,但圆心通常使用的I, J, K 代码通常不是,因此它们为not modal . metric formats --------------- 公制leading zeros = false --------- 前导0trailing zeros = true ----------后导0decimal point = false ------ 不需要小数点decimal places = 2 -------- 小数点后2imperial formats ------------- 英制word order=====================语序word order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 )word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C )word order = ( + I J K R D S T )word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q )word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F )word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )define keys 第三段是定义键值blocknumber = N —————定义程序段号preparatory function = G1 ——定义准备功能指令aux function = M1 -------------定义辅助功能指令x feedrate not used ---------- 定义X 进给率指令y feedrate not used ---------- 定义Y 进给率指令z feedrate not used ——------ 定义Z 进给率指令circle angle not used ————圆周角度x coordinate = X —————----定义X 坐标轴y coordinate = Y —————----定义Y 坐标轴z coordinate = Z —————--- 定义Z 坐标轴key i = I —————---------- 定义X 轴矢量I 键key j = J ————— ----------定义Y 轴矢量Jkey k = K —————---------- 定义Z 轴矢量K 键feedrate = F —————------- 定义进给率指令feedrate per revolution = F--- 定义每转进给率指令spindle = S ——————----- 定义主轴指令tool number = T —————— --定义刀具指令cycle dwell not used-----------不使用循环停留dwell = X —————---------- 定义暂停时间键值tool length = H ——---------- 定义刀具长度补偿指令tool radius = D ——---------- 定义刀具半径补偿指令drill peck depth = Q1 ————钻孔的啄钻深度drill hole depth = Z2 ————-定义钻孔深度clearplane = R2 ———-------- 定义平安平面高度message start = MS ——------- 定义注释的开场符message end = EM ——--------- 定义注释的完毕符opskip = OP ———— --------- 定义跳段符号radius = R ————— -------- 定义半径R 键program id = ID ————— --- 定义程序号azimuth axis = B ---- ---------在多轴加工中,定义方位轴elevation axis = C ——------- 在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = null ----- 在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴leader not used----------------领导不使用x vector not used--------------X矢量不使用y vector not used--------------Y矢量不使用z vector not used--------------Z矢量不使用error not used-----------------错误不使用end definedefine codes ------------- --------- 定义指令值rapid = G1 0 =====---------- -------- 快速点定位linear = G1 1 ===== ----------------- 直线插补circle cw = G1 2 =====------------- 顺圆插补circle ccw = G1 3 =====------------ 逆圆插补dwell = G6 4 === ------------------- 暂停、准确停顿xy plane = G3 17 ======------------- XY 平面zy plane = G3 19 =====--------- ---- YZ 平面xz plane = G3 18 =====------------- ZX 平面pensation off = G2 40 == ------ 取消刀具半径补偿pensation on left = G2 41 ==== 刀具半径左补偿pensation on right = G2 42 === 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = G4 20 ===== --------- 英寸输入metric data = G4 21 =======---------- 毫米输入absolute data = G5 90 ====----------- 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = G5 91 ====-------- 指定增量坐标编程from = G3 54 ===== -------------------制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used ====== 每分钟进给feedrate per revoluti not used ===== 每转进给spindle rpm not used -------------- 每分钟转速constant surface speed not used------ 恒定的外表速度drill = G4 81 ==== -------------------钻孔循环锪镗循环break chip = G4 82 === ---------------钻孔循环或反镗循环deep drill = G4 83 ======----------- 深孔钻循环tap = G4 84 ======= ------------------攻丝循环bore 1 = G4 85 =======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 2 = G4 86 ======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 3 = G4 87 ======---------------- 背镗循环bore 4 = G4 88 ======---------------- 镗孔循环bore 5 = G4 89 ====== ----------------镗孔循环end of drill = G4 80 ======---------- 固定循环取消macro start not used ======= ---------宏程序模态调用macro end not used =====------------- 宏程序模态调用取消macro call not used ========--------- 宏程序调用cycle retract = G6 99 ==------------ 固定循环返回到R 点tool length offset = G3 43 ====----- 正向刀具长度补偿spline not used ========------------- spline 插补方式stop = M1 0 ====--------------------- 程序停顿opt stop = M1 1 =====---------------- 选择停顿spindle on cw = M1 3 =====----------- 主轴正转spindle on ccw = M1 4 =====---------- 主轴逆转spindle off = M1 5 =====------------- 主轴停顿spin coolant on cw =----------------- M1 13spin coolant on ccw =---------------- M1 14spin coolant off = M1 5 ====--------冷却液关change tool = M1 6 ===== ------------ 自动换刀coolant on mist = M1 7 === ---------- 雾状冷却液coolant on = M1 8 ====--------------- 冷却液开coolant on flood = M1 8 =------------ 冷却液开〔喷出〕coolant off = M1 9 ===== -------------冷却液关clamp on not used ------ -------------主轴锁紧clamp off not used--------------------主轴锁紧不使用end of tape = M1 2 =====------------- 程序完毕end of prog = M1 30 ===== ------------程序完毕gear range 1 not used---------------- 变速围1不使用gear range 2 not used---------------- 变速围2不使用gear range 3 not used---------------- 变速围3不使用constant contour speed not used----- 持续的轮廓速度不使用constant contour speed 2 not used----持续的轮廓速度2不使用word drill not used------------------钻孔指令不使用word break chip not used------------不使用断屑word deep not used------------------孔深不使用word tap not used------------------冷却水不使用word bore 1 not used---------------孔1不使用word bore 2 not usedword bore 3 not usedword bore 4 not usedword bore 5 not usedcoolant on tap not used-------------冷却液不使用rigid tap not used ======----------- 刚性攻丝helical drill not used ------------ 螺旋钻孔helical retract drill not used------螺旋钻孔不使用end define=========================== 定义变量Print header ="Delcam Post processor"==== 定义打印标题machine name = "Fanuc6m version 1.2" === 机器名point ================================== 小数点zero = "0" ============================= 零tape headers = 1 ======================= 纸带标题integer 6 = 2====================== === 定义冷却液开〔M07 、M08 〕的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0 :在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1 :在下一段中单独输出;2 :在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
m a c h i n e f a n u c o m——————后处理文件头define word TN ---------------------------- 定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE :- " ----- 定义字段的返回值address width = 13 定义字符宽度field width = 25 定义返回字的宽度end define 结束定义define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O ) 第二段是定义字符的格式address width = 定义字符宽度address width = 定义字符宽度field width = 2 ------------- 定义返回字的宽度exponent width = 0 ---------- 指数的宽度scale factor = 1 ------------- 比例因子:值乘以 1scale divisor = 1 ------------ 比例因子:值被 1 除tape position = 字前留一个空格print position = 1 -----------打印位置sign = none----- 用于不需要 G代码和进给率sign = if negative 仅标识负坐标sign = always 如果需要 + / - 号not permanent -------- 不需要行号not modal ------------ 仅当改变时需要重复的字为 modal 。
通常 G 代码和 X, Y 和 Z 为坐标为 modal,但圆心通常使用的 I, J, K 代码通常不是,因此它们为 not modal .metric formats --------------- 公制leading zeros = false --------- 前导 0trailing zeros = true ----------后导 0decimal point = false ------ 不需要小数点decimal places = 2 -------- 小数点后 2 imperial formats ------------- 英制word order=====================语序word order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 )word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C )word order = ( + I J K R D S T )word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q )word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F )word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )define keys 第三段是定义键值blocknumber = N —————定义程序段号preparatory function = G1 ——定义准备功能指令aux function = M1 -------------定义辅助功能指令x feedrate not used ---------- 定义 X 进给率指令y feedrate not used ---------- 定义 Y 进给率指令z feedrate not used ——------ 定义 Z 进给率指令circle angle not used ————圆周角度x coordinate = X —————----定义 X 坐标轴y coordinate = Y —————----定义 Y 坐标轴z coordinate = Z —————--- 定义 Z 坐标轴key i = I —————---------- 定义 X 轴矢量 I 键key j = J ————— ----------定义 Y 轴矢量 Jkey k = K —————---------- 定义 Z 轴矢量 K 键feedrate = F —————------- 定义进给率指令feedrate per revolution = F--- 定义每转进给率指令spindle = S ——————----- 定义主轴指令tool number = T —————— --定义刀具指令cycle dwell not used-----------不使用循环停留dwell = X —————---------- 定义暂停时间键值tool length = H ——---------- 定义刀具长度补偿指令tool radius = D ——---------- 定义刀具半径补偿指令drill peck depth = Q1 ————钻孔的啄钻深度drill hole depth = Z2 ————-定义钻孔深度clearplane = R2 ———-------- 定义安全平面高度message start = MS ——------- 定义注释的开始符message end = EM ——--------- 定义注释的结束符opskip = OP ———— --------- 定义跳段符号radius = R ————— -------- 定义半径 R 键program id = ID ————— --- 定义程序号azimuth axis = B ---- ---------在多轴加工中,定义方位轴elevation axis = C ——------- 在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = null ----- 在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴leader not used----------------领导不使用x vector not used--------------X矢量不使用y vector not used--------------Y矢量不使用z vector not used--------------Z矢量不使用error not used-----------------错误不使用end definedefine codes ------------- --------- 定义指令值rapid = G1 0 =====---------- -------- 快速点定位linear = G1 1 ===== ----------------- 直线插补circle cw = G1 2 =====------------- 顺圆插补circle ccw = G1 3 =====------------ 逆圆插补dwell = G6 4 === ------------------- 暂停、准确停止xy plane = G3 17 ======------------- XY 平面zy plane = G3 19 =====--------- ---- YZ 平面xz plane = G3 18 =====------------- ZX 平面compensation off = G2 40 == ------ 取消刀具半径补偿compensation on left = G2 41 ==== 刀具半径左补偿compensation on right = G2 42 === 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = G4 20 ===== --------- 英寸输入metric data = G4 21 =======---------- 毫米输入absolute data = G5 90 ====----------- 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = G5 91 ====-------- 指定增量坐标编程from = G3 54 ===== -------------------制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used ====== 每分钟进给feedrate per revoluti not used ===== 每转进给spindle rpm not used -------------- 每分钟转速constant surface speed not used------ 恒定的表面速度drill = G4 81 ==== -------------------钻孔循环锪镗循环break chip = G4 82 === ---------------钻孔循环或反镗循环deep drill = G4 83 ======----------- 深孔钻循环tap = G4 84 ======= ------------------攻丝循环bore 1 = G4 85 =======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 2 = G4 86 ======--------------- 镗孔循环bore 3 = G4 87 ======---------------- 背镗循环bore 4 = G4 88 ======---------------- 镗孔循环bore 5 = G4 89 ====== ----------------镗孔循环end of drill = G4 80 ======---------- 固定循环取消macro start not used ======= ---------宏程序模态调用macro end not used =====------------- 宏程序模态调用取消macro call not used ========--------- 宏程序调用cycle retract = G6 99 ==------------ 固定循环返回到 R 点tool length offset = G3 43 ====----- 正向刀具长度补偿spline not used ========------------- spline 插补方式stop = M1 0 ====--------------------- 程序停止opt stop = M1 1 =====---------------- 选择停止spindle on cw = M1 3 =====----------- 主轴正转spindle on ccw = M1 4 =====---------- 主轴逆转spindle off = M1 5 =====------------- 主轴停止spin coolant on cw =----------------- M1 13spin coolant on ccw =---------------- M1 14spin coolant off = M1 5 ====-------- 冷却液关change tool = M1 6 ===== ------------ 自动换刀coolant on mist = M1 7 === ---------- 雾状冷却液coolant on = M1 8 ====--------------- 冷却液开coolant on flood = M1 8 =------------ 冷却液开(喷出)coolant off = M1 9 ===== -------------冷却液关clamp on not used ------ -------------主轴锁紧clamp off not used--------------------主轴锁紧不使用end of tape = M1 2 =====------------- 程序结束end of prog = M1 30 ===== ------------程序结束gear range 1 not used---------------- 变速范围1不使用gear range 2 not used---------------- 变速范围2不使用gear range 3 not used---------------- 变速范围3不使用constant contour speed not used----- 持续的轮廓速度不使用constant contour speed 2 not used----持续的轮廓速度2不使用word drill not used------------------钻孔指令不使用word break chip not used------------不使用断屑word deep not used------------------孔深不使用word tap not used------------------冷却水不使用word bore 1 not used---------------孔1不使用word bore 2 not usedword bore 3 not usedword bore 4 not usedword bore 5 not usedcoolant on tap not used-------------冷却液不使用rigid tap not used ======----------- 刚性攻丝helical drill not used ------------ 螺旋钻孔helical retract drill not used------螺旋钻孔不使用end define=========================== 定义变量Print header ="Delcam Post processor"==== 定义打印标题machine name = "Fanuc6m version " === 机器名point ================================== 小数点zero = "0" ============================= 零tape headers = 1 ======================= 纸带标题integer 6 = 2====================== === 定义冷却液开(M07 、M08 )的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0 :在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1 :在下一段中单独输出;2 :在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。
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By mymould(风影爱人)一、完整的后处理文件介绍一个完整的后处理文件通常有:定义字符段、定义字符格式段、定义键值段、定义指令值段、变量定义、程序格式段等部分组成。
下面我们先来看一个比较完整的后处理文件,并把它分为数段,把需要修改的地方做个必要的解释:machine fanucom ——————后处理文件头=========================== 第一部分是定义字符段============================== define word TNaddress letter = "TOOL TYPE:- "address width = 13field width = 25end define具体解释:define word TN ——————————————定义字段;address letter = "TOOL TYPE:- " —————定义字段的返回值,比如在后处理文件里有“MS=C ; TN ToolType ; EM =C”,而在写程式的时候选用的是端铣刀,那么在CNC程式里就会有(TOOL TYPE:- ENDMILL);address width = 13 ———————————定义字符宽度,如上"TOOL TYPE:- ",从T开始算起一共13位,包括空格;field width = 25 ———————————定义返回字的宽度,如上"ENDMILL",如果fieldwidth = 2,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回EN;如果field width = 25,那"TOOL TYPE:- "就返回ENDMILL。
end define========================== 第二段是定义字符的格式============================= define format ( / G6 S T M1 M2 L P D E H O )address width = 1field width = 2exponent width = 0scale factor = 1scale divisor = 1tape position = 0print position = 1sign = nonenot permanentnot modalmetric formatsleading zeros = falsetrailing zeros = truedecimal point = false 控制公制尺寸的前导零、后导零,小数点decimal places = 0imperial formatsleading zeros = falsetrailing zeros = truedecimal point = false 控制英制尺寸的前导零、后导零,小数点decimal places = 0end defineword order = ( OP N G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 )word order = ( + G6 G7 X Y Z B C )word order = ( + I J K R D S T )word order = ( + H M1 M2 MS msg EM Q ) 注册字符word order = ( + Q1 Z2 R2 ID F )word order = ( + TN TD TR DY MT YR PM )========================== 第三段是定义键值=================================== define keysblocknumber = N ——————定义程序段号preparatory function = G1 ———————定义准备功能指令aux function = M1 ——————定义辅助功能指令x feedrate not used —————定义X进给率指令y feedrate not used —————定义Y进给率指令z feedrate not used —————定义Z进给率指令circle angle not used —————圆周角度x coordinate = X ——————定义X坐标轴y coordinate = Y ——————定义Y坐标轴z coordinate = Z ——————定义Z坐标轴key i = I ——————定义X轴矢量I键key j = J ——————定义Y轴矢量J键key k = K ——————定义Z轴矢量K键feedrate = F ——————定义进给率指令feedrate per revolution = F ———————定义每转进给率指令spindle = S ——————定义主轴指令tool number = T ——————定义刀具指令cycle dwell not useddwell = X —————定义暂停时间键值tool length = H ——————定义刀具长度补偿指令tool radius = D ——————定义刀具半径补偿指令drill peck depth = Q1 ——————钻孔的啄钻深度drill hole depth = Z2 ——————定义钻孔深度clearplane = R2 —————定义安全平面高度message start = MS —————定义注释的开始符message end = EM ————定义注释的结束符opskip = OP ————定义跳段符号radius = R —————定义半径R键program id = ID —————定义程序号azimuth axis = B —————在多轴加工中,定义方位轴elevation axis = C —————在多轴加工中,定义仰角轴3rd rotation axis = null —————在多轴加工中,定义第三旋转轴leader not usedx vector not usedy vector not usedz vector not usederror not usedend define========================== 定义指令值======================================== define codesrapid = G1 0 ========== 快速点定位linear = G1 1 =========== 直线插补circle cw = G1 2 =========== 顺圆插补circle ccw = G1 3 ========== 逆圆插补dwell = G6 4 ========= 暂停、准确停止xy plane = G3 17 ========= XY平面zy plane = G3 19 ========= YZ平面xz plane = G3 18 ========= ZX平面compensation off = G2 40 ========== 取消刀具半径补偿compensation on left = G2 41 =========== 刀具半径左补偿compensation on right = G2 42 =========== 刀具半径右补偿imperial data = G4 20 ============ 英寸输入metric data = G4 21 ============ 毫米输入absolute data = G5 90 ============ 指定绝对坐标编程incremental data = G5 91 ============ 指定增量坐标编程from = G3 54 ========== 制定工作坐标系feedrate per minute not used ================ 每分钟进给feedrate per revolution not used ================= 每转进给spindle rpm not usedconstant surface speed not useddrill = G4 81 =========== 钻孔循环锪镗循环break chip = G4 82 =========== 钻孔循环或反镗循环deep drill = G4 83 ============ 深孔钻循环tap = G4 84 ========== 攻丝循环bore 1 = G4 85 ========== 镗孔循环bore 2 = G4 86 ========== 镗孔循环bore 3 = G4 87 ========== 背镗循环bore 4 = G4 88 ========== 镗孔循环bore 5 = G4 89 ========== 镗孔循环end of drill = G4 80 ============= 固定循环取消macro start not used ============ 宏程序模态调用macro end not used =========== 宏程序模态调用取消macro call not used ============ 宏程序调用cycle retract = G6 99 ========== 固定循环返回到R点tool length offset = G3 43 =========== 正向刀具长度补偿spline not used ======== spline插补方式stop = M1 0 ==== 程序停止opt stop = M1 1 ===== 选择停止spindle on cw = M1 3 ===== 主轴正转spindle on ccw = M1 4 ===== 主轴逆转spindle off = M1 5 ===== 主轴停止spin coolant on cw = M1 13spin coolant on ccw = M1 14spin coolant off = M1 5 ====== 冷却液关change tool = M1 6 ====== 自动换刀coolant on mist = M1 7 ===== 雾状冷却液coolant on = M1 8 ==== 冷却液开coolant on flood = M1 8 ===== 冷却液开(喷出)coolant off = M1 9 ===== 冷却液关clamp on not usedclamp off not usedend of tape = M1 2 ===== 程序结束end of prog = M1 30 ===== 程序结束gear range 1 not usedgear range 2 not usedgear range 3 not usedconstant contour speed not usedconstant contour speed 2 not usedword drill not usedword break chip not usedword deep not usedword tap not usedword bore 1 not usedword bore 2 not usedword bore 3 not usedword bore 4 not usedword bore 5 not usedcoolant on tap not usedrigid tap not used ====== 刚性攻丝helical drill not usedhelical retract drill not usedend define================================ 定义变量====================================== print header = "Delcam Postprocessor" ================== 定义打印标题machine name = "Fanuc6m version 1.2" ========= 机器名point = "." ================================ 小数点zero = "0" =============================== 零tape headers = 1 ============================== 纸带标题(integer 6 、integer 7):定义coolant output(冷却液输出)integer 6 = 2 ============== 定义冷却液开(M07、M08)的输出方式,此变量共有三个选项——0:在后处理时遇到相关指令时输出;1:在下一段中单独输出;2、在下一段中和坐标移动一起输出。