初一英语剧本 5人

5人英语简短话剧1.5人英语短话剧剧本以下A\B\C\D\E来代表依次5人我也是初一的..A:HelloB,whyareyoucry?B:Ohmygod!!!Ilostmybag.C:Whatcolo risit??B:It'sblue.Yesblue!!!!C:Isityours?B:No,Ithinkthat'sD 'sbag.D:YesIt'smine.A:AndIsityours?B:No,It'sblack,Ithinktha t'sE's.E:Look!yourbagisoverthere!B:Where?E:Underthetree!B:O hthanks!That'smine!A:Lookthatcat!Itbitesyourbag!B:No!!!No!! !Getouthere!!!你给ABCDE各定义一个名字,再代入文章。
2.急~~~英语短话剧剧本5人话剧《荆轲刺秦王》旁白(Aside)/介绍(Introduction):Longagotherewasacrazycountry,inthiscrazyco untrythereweresomecrazypeople,tryingtoshowthecrazyhistoryby crazyways.MrJingkewasthemostfamousswordsmanandwassenttokill kingofQing,“Yingzheng”.Butfinallyhefailed.Doyouwanttoknow whathappenedatthattime?Okay,nextshowwilltellyouthetruth.Act ionI太子丹(上,掏出镜子梳头,做自恋状):Mirror,mirror,tellme,whoisthemostprettymanintheworld?(画外音:It'syou,PrinceDan!太子丹高兴状)Thankumirror!(面对观众)I'mPrinceDan,themagicmirrorsaidIamthemostattractivemanintheworld.ButYingZhengisajealousguy,Ifeelhewillkillmeifmirrorto ldhimthetruth.Iamsoscared.SowhatcanIdo?(向幕里大叫)Whereismyminister?阿三(毕恭毕敬):Honey,Iamcoming.太子丹:I'vetoldyouagainandagainthatyoushouldcallme“mymostbeautifu l、graceful、handsome、charming、cute、smartanddearestPrinceDan”!阿三:Sure,honey!Ihaveagoodidea.WecanfindaherotokillYingZheng~~~(作杀状)太子:Ohyeah~~~.Whatisthemostexpensivecommodityinthiscentury?Tale nt!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!这句话要跟观众交流,最好由观众来回答,然后拍阿三肩膀,做赞许状)Goodidea!Butwhoistherightcandidate?阿三:AfterscreeningIhavetwopromisingpersonsonhand.OneisMissLiMoC hou,theotherisMrJinKe.TomorrowtheywillPKfortheNO1killerofth eworld.太子:Well,showmethewinnerassoonaspossible,OK?阿三:Yes.ActionII(《十面埋伏》中刘德华&金成武决斗时的音乐)荆轲AreyouLimochou?李莫愁Yes.荆轲OK.I'mJingke,youknow,IwillletyouknowIamthekingofthekillers' world.李莫愁Areyouchallengingme?荆轲Offcourse!耸耸肩表示同意李莫愁Comeon!音乐起两人冲上前来“人在江湖漂啊,哪有不挨刀啊,一刀砍死你啊,两刀砍死你啊。

英语五人话剧剧本Title: A Letter from a StrangerCharacters:1. Sarah - A young woman searching for her birth parents2. James - Sarah's best friend3. Rebecca - Sarah's adoptive mother4. David - Sarah's adoptive father5. Stranger - A mysterious person who holds the key toSarah's pastSetting: A small cafe, Sarah's home, and a parkScene 1: Cafe(Sarah sits alone at a table, looking at a letter she received)Sarah: (reading) "Dear Sarah, if you're reading this, it means you've finally found me. Meet me at the park tomorrow at noon. - A Stranger." (pauses) Who could have sent me this letter?James: (entering the cafe) Sarah, what's wrong?Sarah: James, look at this letter I received. It's from a stranger who claims to know something about my birth parents.James: That's incredible! Let's go and meet this person tomorrow.Scene 2: Sarah's Home(Sarah sits with Rebecca and David, explaining the situation) Rebecca: Sarah, we support you in whatever you decide. Finding answers about your past is important.David: Just be cautious, Sarah. You never know whom you're dealing with.Sarah: I understand, Mom and Dad. I'll be careful.Scene 3: Park(Sarah and James nervously wait at the park. The Stranger approaches them)Sarah: Are you the one who sent me the letter?Stranger: I am. There are things you need to know about your past.James: Can you prove it?Stranger: I have a birth certificate and a photo of your birth mother.(Sarah receives the documents and tears up)Sarah: (emotional) This is really happening. Thank you for giving me this information.Scene 4: Sarah's Home(Sarah enters her home, holding the documents. Rebecca and David wait anxiously)Sarah: (teary-eyed) Mom, Dad, I've found them. I've found my birth parents.Scene 5: Sarah's Journey(Sarah visits her birth parents and discovers why she was put up for adoption)Sarah's Birth Mother: Sarah, we loved you so much, but circumstances made it impossible to keep you. Putting you up for adoption was the hardest decision we ever made.Sarah: I understand, and I hold no grudges. I've had aloving family who raised me, and I couldn't be more grateful.Scene 6: Forgiveness and Moving Forward(Sarah, Rebecca, David, James, and Sarah's birth parents sit together)Sarah: I've been given a gift - two sets of parents who love me. Moving forward, I want both sets of parents to be a part of my life.Everyone: (smiling) Of course.(Scene fades out with everyone embracing)End of playNote: The word count for the play script provided is around 565 words, which is half of the minimum word count required. You may add more dialogue, descriptions, or additional scenes to reach the desired word count.。

5人搞笑英语话剧剧本(英语学习)5人搞笑英语话剧剧本Today’s Yang bailao and Huang Shiren ———编剧:方彦龙Character::杨白劳Y, 喜儿X,王大春(喜儿男朋友)D,王大婶(王大春的母亲)W, 穆仁智(黄的管家)M,黄世仁HPart 1:In 杨白劳’home旁白:(“喜洋洋”背景音乐起)---New Year’s Eve,Xi’er is talking with her boyfriend on the phone, suddenly ,doorbell sounded.(叮咚!叮咚……)喜: Oh! ok! Someone is knock at the door! So I have to hung up!Bye!(开门)杨: 喜儿! 喜儿! What’s this喜: Oh! computer!(高兴地看笔记本)That’s a Laptop!杨: Ha ha! Today I’m able to buy a computer! Next year, I will plan to buy a car!喜: Really Buys a carGreat!杨: Ok, now we will go out ,are you ready喜: Ha ha,I’m ready ok and waiting for you to come back!(门铃再次响起)Oh,I think there must be Aunt Wang and Dacun coming.(开门,)王婶, 大春, 杨, 喜(四人齐声贺道)Happy New Year!hah(喜儿和大春去一边嘻嘻哈哈,窃窃私语不知所言)王婶:(走到杨白劳跟前)Mr Yang,I heard Dachun said, going to jump the disco dancing after dinner.Right杨:Right,What do you think王婶:I’m gald to,oh,are you prepared to go out杨: Sure!.王婶: Ok,go(问杨白劳)杨: Let’s go,(朝喜儿他俩那边喊)Xi’er,Dachun,go!(四人出门下)Part 2: In Huang Shiren’home黄: (黄世仁上台,气势汹汹地说)Hello,everyone!Do you know Huang ShirenTt’s me! Ha ha……But today is not yestady!You see Mu Renzhi coming!穆:(穆仁智走上来)Mr Huang , give me a litte,ok黄: Not! I wouldn’t give you,because I haven’t money!(不耐烦的样子)穆: New Year coming,My wages, a year--(哀求着)黄: Really does not have!穆:(拉着黄的手说)You are so kind in my eyes,can you give me litte money,ok黄: No way,what’s moreYang Bailao has not return the money to me, what can I do for you(无奈的样子)穆: You might ask for him!黄:Asking himI think he couldn’t give me!穆:Why He has contracted the farm, and made many money!黄:I know! But,he——穆:(打断黄的话)Tries!Ok黄: (想了想)Ok! You go together with me!穆: Let’s go! (两人出门下)Part 3: In enlightens the hall旁白: Yang Bailao, Xi’er, Dachun and Aunt Wang finished eating dinner and tojump the disco dancing.(迪斯科音乐起,四人在舞台上狂欢着)(一会儿,杨的电话响了,他走到前台接电话)杨:This is Yang Bailao, please speaking! ... oh... oh!--王婶:(王大婶看见,向杨走过来)Who’s that杨:Huang Shiren, he said he coming here immediately.喜:(停止跳舞,朝这边问)Huang Shiren Is all right(杨白老点头示对)大春: Nothing! We would take them away if they appeared!杨, 喜, D, W: Ha ha (四人继续跳舞)(黄世仁和穆仁智一前一后的东张西望地从下面走上台前)黄: Oh! Everyone,Happy New Year!(大家看了看,没人理睬)杨:(杨朝黄走了过去)The same to you!(音乐停,其他人也走了过来)黄: (和杨握手)Recently alright杨: Fina, but if you ask the money that’s wrong!(自己先坐下,示意让黄世仁坐,这时大春用脚把凳子往后一勾了下,黄坐到地上了,尴尬的看看大家)大春:Oh, I resemble see to have the dirty thing, but not,sits down!黄: (朝杨白老问)Who is this(穆仁智扶黄起来)杨:He is Wang Dachun,Xi’er’s boyfriend.黄:(打量大春说)Are you Xi’er’s boyfriend大春:Yes! (喊道)Is not my that is you黄:No,no!you!(胆怯的坐下)杨:What’s the mater黄:I’m sorry, but, today is the last of the year!en—Debt is--- 杨:(打断黄的话) Does not have!黄: I know you are good man, give a litte,ok(乞求的样子) 杨: No matter what you said to,nothing!黄(抱住杨白老的腿哀求到)Mr Yang ,a litte,just a litte…… 杨: No money,only a life have!黄: just a litte……杨:(很无情地说) No money,only a life have!黄: (无助地向四处环顾)En----大春: (不耐烦地说)You have not heard Does not have!黄:(朝喜儿望去)Miss, you help us!help us !ok(哀求着)王婶:(和喜儿站一块的王大婶说)What you want to do大春:Boils!Go out!(语气非常强烈)( 杨白劳推开黄,喜儿,王大春,王大婶赶黄世仁和穆仁智走)穆:(拉着杨白老的手求到)Do not expel me go, I want to leave,from now, I do for you ,I cound drive---杨: (排了排穆仁智)Ha ha, nice!ok! (穆仁智和所有的人都赶黄世仁出门)黄:(冲穆仁智喊道)Mu Renzhi! Mu Renzhi!Do you know you is my housekeep穆:No!Go out!(全部下)5人搞笑英语话剧剧本。

五人英语小品剧本经典英语小品剧本参考BOSSY: Whiskey! Give me whiskey!DAISY: No more whiskey. You’ve drunk too much. Now go to bed to have a rest.BOSSY: Just wine is enough。
OK! If you don’t take it, I’ll get it myself!DAISY: No way! You mustn’t do that.BOSSY: You old witch!DAISY (cry):Help!NOISY: Shall we go to the park?LAZY: Good idea!CRAZY: That sounds really good. But you see, we are not sure if your father will let us go out, so you’d better ask him first.LAZY: Yes, you’re right. Let’s go to ask him.LAZY: Daddy?BOSSY:。
LAZY: You look so handsome today。
and very kind. And I think if you let us go to the park. You’ll be the best father in the world.BOSSY: Really? OK. Go ahead.DAISY: Stop!。
Both of you can go, no problem, but Noisy must stay here.NOISY: Well. I just want to go with them and then do my housework.DAISY: Yes, you mustn’t go anywhere until all the work is finishes.LAZY: But I want her to go with me! You see, if I go there without her, then I won’t enjoy myself!CRAZY: Why? That sounds really strange! You said you cannot leave her, why is that? She is only a maid!LAZY: Shut up! You don’t understand at all. She is, she is my GF!CRAZY: What! I。
多人剧英语剧本 4-5人英语话剧剧本-英汉双语

第一幕:Bill and Marry are all students, they have fallen in love with each other for nearly 2 months. The class is over, Bill promised to meet Marry after class.女生跑出教学楼,男生迎了上去。
B:Darling, the class is so long, I have waited for you for nearly one hour. 女:对不起,那个数学老师拖堂了四十分钟。
G:Sorry, Bill, the mathematics teacher has runned overtime for nearly 40 minutes.男:没事的。
B:That’s all right. Haha, look, how beautiful a Orange it is.女:你对我真好。
)G:You are so nice to me.女:我们分着吃吧。
G:Let us eat it together , ok?男:我吃过了。
)B:Baby, I have ate it, This Orange is special for you.女:真好吃,我们一起去图书馆看书吧。
G:It tastes so delicious. Let’s go to the library and read books.男:好的,走吧。
B:Ok, let’s go.第二幕:After one year, the two students graduate from school, they work at different corporation. They rent a small house far away from their work places, for the rent cost is mach small.两个人都毕业了,分别在两家公司上班。

五人英语短剧剧本场景1五人英语短剧剧本Cathy 秦Susan 桂Angel and Servant 孔Evil and Clerk 周Aside 傅SummaryCathy很苗条,Susan很胖,她们是好朋友,不过却都羡慕对方……This story is about two good friends Cathy and Susan. Cathy is a very thin girl; on the other hand, Susan is a very heavy girl. Therefore Cathy and Susan want to change themselves.Scene I(Cathy and Susan encounter each other on a street.)Cathy: Hello, Susan. How are you?Susan: I’m not doing well.Cathy: Why not?Susan: I’m too fat. I want to lose some weights.Cathy: Really? But I want to become fat.Susan: Are you crazy? Being fat is a terrible thing. Look at me. My abdomen:['?bd?men]腹部 looks like a swimming belt. It is so ugly.(Cathy touches Susan’s abdomen:['?bd?men].)Cathy: But it is tender 柔软的and makes me feel content.Susan: You’re so kind. Your words make me happy.Cathy: I’m serious, no kidding.Susan: God! (Touches her own forehead and sigh)Why are you not me and I am not you?(Susan seems to intend doing something.)Susan: We don’t like our figures and want to change ourselves, we can work hard together.Cathy: It sounds good. I can help you and you can help me. T hat’s wonderful. (Saying loudly)Susan: We begin planning right away.Cathy: Uh! Let’s go.接着下一幕,尽请期待......。
五人英语话剧剧本-The Silber Swindle

五人英语话剧剧本-The Silber Swindle5人Actors:Tavern Keepe:(男主角)Young ManKeeper's Wife(女主角)Young ManOld ManSummary:Once upon a time, there was a tavern. Travelers and hunters would exchange silver ingots for copper coins and eat some food there. The tavern keeper and his wife were very greedy. They always played tricks on the scales and cheated their customers. One day they played a trick on an old man as usuaL They were so happy. They thought they made a big fortune. Th their surprise, a young man in the tavern began snickering. "It looks like you've been cheated this time." He told them that the silver ingots had lead in them. The old man was a con artist in fake silver for years. How could it be this way? A smart money changer ilke the tavern keeper was outwitted by an old man!Narrator:Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. Today I will tell you a story. Once upon a time somewhere at the foot of the Changpai mountain, therewas a tavern at which travelers and hunters exchanged money to be used inside and outside the small town. Most people knew that the keeper of the tavern and his wife were very greedy. They cheated people by playing tricks on the scales and even charged additional fees for no reasons.One day~Scene I(Customers are talking, laughing and drinking in the tavern. A traveler just comes in, finds a seat and sits down.)Hunter 1: We hunted many animals today. (laughing) Let's have some more drink.Hunter 2: Yeahl That's a good idea.Hunter 1: Let's eat.Waiter: (sees the traveler come in) Welcome in, sir. What would you like to order? We have good food here and, of course, good wine, too. Traveler 1: Bring me your best dishes!Waiter: That's nice, sir. Your food will be here soon.Traveler 2: (walks to the checkout counter) Hey! How much should I pay?T.O.: It's ten for food, five for wine, and three for the service. It's all cost eighteen coins.Traveler 2: What! It's too expensive. You rip me off.T.K.: If you want to eat free, you will get a misfortune.Traveler 2: (throws some coins on the counter reluctantly and marching out angrily) Don't expect I will come back again.(Meanwhile, an old man comes downstairs andorders some food before checking out.)O.M.: Excuse me. May I order now?T.K.: (walks from behind the counter) Hello! Mydearfriend.Youdidn'tpay me yesterday. It's fifty coins for lodging, thirty-five for food, and five coins for cleaning.O.M.: (surprisingly) What! I just stayed for one single night. And I have to pay so much money. It's ridiculous!T.K.: Don't you dare to stay in my tavern for free!(One of the two young men comes up to the old man.)Y.M.1: Calm down, you two. (to the old man respecifully) Uncle Wang, how are you recently?O.M.: Fine. And you?Y.M.1: Fine. Thank you.T.K.: (interrupts their greeting) Pay me first and take your time chatting. Y.M.1: (to the keeper) Please wait a minute.(turns to the old man)Your son has been doing business with me in Changchou. He wanted me to give you this letter and some silver ingots before I left Chavgchou. I did not expect to meet you here. (hands the old man a letter and a bundle ofsilver ingots) Please take this.O.M.: Thank you. Do you want to have a drink with me?Y.M.1: Oh, no. I can't. I have to leave here for another business.(The young man leaves hastily after giving the old man a big bundle of silver ingots.)O.M.: (to the tavern keeper) My son again gives me money as my living expenses. But, please read this letter for me since my eyesight is not as good as it used to be. I have money more than enough now. Could I trouble you to read this letter from my son? I will pay you ten more coins as tips.T.K.: Why do I have to read this letter for you?K.W.: (moving from behind the counter) There's nothing to argue about. (pulls the tavern keeper aside and whispers to her husband) We don't have any lose.T.K.: (tears open the letter reluctantly and read the letter)Dear Father, How are you recently? I am now in Changchou doing business. My wife is pregnant again. kids are all filial to us. They can recite some poems. I'm sorry that I can't travel with you. Afler doing business for three years, I made a big fortune. So here are 50 taels of silver for you. And I think its enough for you to live in comfort. I'll be home in two months. ~Nish you well.Your sonO.M: (giving the bundle to the tavern keeper's wife) What a good son! Now take what I owe you and exchange the rest for coins, please.K.W.: (opens the bundle shockingly) Wait a moment! That's really a big future.T.K.: (to the old man) All right. You have money now. You can pay us. K.W.: Well. The silver you gave me is more than you need to pay. Ah..., let me see. (pretends to be weighing the silver ingots on the scales) Mmm.... They're exactly 50 taels. The current exchange rate for 50 taels is 5000 copper coins. You have to pay us 100 coins. So, here are 4000 and 900 coins you keep yourself.O.M.: That's what my son told me in the letter. So, good-bye now.K.W.: Waiter.Waiter. Show the gentleman to the door.(The old man takes the coins and leaves the tavern.)K.W.: You can't believe it. That 50 taels of silver weights 60. His son must have been too busy to check the weight. The old man didn't know they could exchange for 6000 copper coins. So we eamlO taels.T.K.: It's so great . We made a big fortune today.Y.M.2: (snikering and walking to the keeper)Are yousure about the silver cotent? You'd better check them again.T.K.: What did you mean by saying that?K.W.: (cuts open one of the ingots) My gosh IT.K.: Oh, God! We were cheated. I have to get back my money. Do you know where I can find him?Y.M.2.: (smiling and putting out his hand over) I know but...T.K.: No problem. Only if you tell me where to find him and I'll give you a tael of silver ingoY.M. 2: A taels?... He is in a town.T.K.: Tell me more and I'll give you three taels.Y.M. 2: Three taels? He is in a village.T.K. : O.K. Five taels and no more.Y.M. 2: Five taels?... In the east of a village, there is a temple...T.K. : O.K., O.K. Ten taels and you tell me the exact place.Y.M. 2: That's a deal.Hunter 1: Let's go with him.K.W.: Waiter. Take the scale and go with them(Most of the customers go along.)Scene II(The tavern Keeper leaves his wife and went to the place the young man described. It's a wine shop. The old man is drinking wine there with lots of people.)T.K.: So, here you are. You, swindler. You cheated me and you dare to have fun here.O.M.: Oh, come on my friend. Have a dink with me.(The tavern Keeper pushes away the old man's hand.)T.K.: Don't talk so much. Return my money.O.M.: Did I cheat you? It was a mistake, my friend.T.K.: (angrily) Hmm~! You can't deny it! Those pieces of silver ingots you gave me are fake. They're with lead inside.O.M.: How do you know the silver ingots are mine.T.K.: Let me show to you.(The tavern Keeper puts the silver ingots on the scales.)O.M.: (showing the letter from his son to the others) You see. They weigh 60 taels of silver. What my son writes in this letter is 50 taels. Don't fool me. These are not the silver ingots I gave you.T.K.: I I this this...Onlookers: (grabs the tavern keeper and beat him hard) You are not honest. And you are trying to buff this poor old man. Let's throw him out. (Light dims out)Scene III(The tavern Keeper leaves the village wearily.)K.W.: (expecting his husband) Oh! My goodness! What happened to you?T.K.: Stop talking to me. Close the door.K.W.: What happened, my dear?T.K.: Just close the door. It's my decision.(The tavern Keeper utters the sentence dismally.)K.W. : I'm asking you what happened to you! Why are you so upset! T.K.: l... Do you believe it? I was made a fool of by the old man.K.W. : Oh oh ! My goodness! How could it be? Oh -'.T.K.: Now you can understand why I am so upset,K.W.: I am as angry and sad as you are? Why are you mad with me? T.K.: (shouts at his wife) Those two guys outwitted us. Just be quiet. K.W.: (dismally) You! You!(To the surprise of the couple, the old man appears in a smoke suddenly.)O.M.: Look at me closely and see who I am.T.K.: (surprisingly) How How come you are here?O.M.: Don't be afraid! You are in a dream. Tell you the truth. I am a godand both of the two young men are my sons.! came here to teach you a lesson. Don't deceive people any more, my friend! Do your business honestly. You will suffer from what you do if you don't stop cheating people.(Finishing his advice, the old man disappears in a smoke.)T.K.: I don't dare to deceive people any more.K.W.: Yes! Me too!Scene IVTraveler 4: May I get my bill?T.K.: Won't you stay longer? Don't you satisfy with our service? Traveler 4: No. No. Everything is great.T.K.: All right. Please wait a minuet and have some tea. It's all cost thirty coins.Traveler 4: It's cheap. Thank you very much. You are really a good man. So goodbye now.T.K.: Goodbye.Narrator: Ever after, the tavern keeper and his wife treated people with kindness. What's more, they even helped poor people in need.The End。

5人英语剧本:一个凶杀案破案悬疑的剧本(英语学习)John, the Butlerby Ms. Hsing-Lin Lai5人剧本.一个凶杀案破案悬疑剧本,好不好自己看看吧.人物ChannelVivianMichelle and Police officerWilliamJohn——————————————————————————–SummaryWilliam likes to have affairs with pretty young women. His wife, Channel, cares only for his money. John, the butler, loves William, but William doesn’t know it. He is very jealous about the fact that William is head over heels in love with his daughter, Vivian.SCENE I(Early in the morning, William’s body is found by his door. A police officer is questioning everyone in the house.)Channel: What happenedJohn: What’s the matterPolice officer: Who was the last one with William last eveningChannel: Vivian was with him.Police officer: What happened between you and WilliamVivian: It couldn’t be me. I went to bed early last evening because Ididn’t feel well.Police officer: But you were the last one with him last evening.Vivian: How could a small woman like me be a murdererPolice officer: (Questioning Channel) Then, it’s you, Channel. I suspect your motives. You killed your husband in order to inherit his wealth.Channel: Everyone knows my husband’s very rich. But I love him dearly. How could I kill him(Then the police officer starts staring at John.)John: Not me, officer. I swear to god that I’m innocent.(But John’s face starts turning white, and he’s wiping his forehand with a handkerchief.)Police officer: (Yelling) You are the murderer! The bloodstain on the handkerchief proves itself.John: No… I respect and admire my master so much. How could I kill him I can explain why I’ve got the mark on my handkerchief. I cut my finger when I tried to unscrew the cap of a bottle last night. All the maidservants in the kitchen can prove it!Police officer: Then can anyone tell me who killed himSCENE II(Last evening, William hosted a birthday party in his house. William and Channel entered the living room.)William’s friends: Happy birthday to you, William.Channel: Happy birthday, darling.William: Thank you. Welcome to my birthday party. I’m so happy. Now, make yourself at home and enjoy the food and drinks.John: What would you like to drink, sir (John goes over to William.)William: Uh, one whisky, please.John: Ok, coming right up. (He calls Vivian and she comes over.) Give master a whisky.(To Vivian.)Vivian: Yes, father.SCENE III(After the party, Vivian goes home and John stays there. Then William follows Vivian as he decides to confess his love to her.)William: I want to tell you that I love you so much. In fact, I’ve been fallen in love with you at first sight.Vivian: Oh, you are so romantic!William: May I have the honor to be your loverVivian: But you are married!William: The truth is I love you more than my wife.Vivian: Then what are you going to do about your wifeWilliam: Trust me. I’ll give you happiness that you’ve never had in your life.Vivian: Will you give me some time to think about itWilliam: Of course, I’ll wait for you, my love. (William sings love songs to her.)(John feels shocked and furious when he overheard the conversation between William and Vivian. And he goes over to Vivian.)Vivian: Dad, I think he’s a great person and a wonderful lover.John: You’d better break up with him immediately before it is too late!SCENE IV(John tells Channel about what happened between Vivian and William.)John: Master said he loves my daughter. Why Why he loves my daughterChannel: What My husband loves another woman again It’s not a big deal! I only care about his money!John: He’s cheating on you and fooling with my daughter.Channel: This time, I must do something about it.(A few minutes later, Channel calls Michelle.)Channel: Hello. May I speak to MichelleMichelle: Password, please.Channel: You are a genius and I am a fool.Michelle: Yes, you got it. Anything I can be of service to youChannel: I…I…I…want… (Stammering)Michelle: Hey, don’t be afraid. Speak up!Channel: Please kill a person for me.Michelle: What You want me to kill a personChannel: Yes, could you do it for me, pleaseMichelle: Ha, I’m just kidding. Of course, that’s what I am here for. I accept the case. And you know, I need a great deal of money as a reward.Channel: Yes, no problem at all.Michelle: Ok, done.SCENE V(William is missing Vivian very much after he has being warned by John to break up with his daughter. So he couldn’t help himself to try to meet Vivian again.)William: I miss you so much, Vivian. You drive me crazy.Vivian: How could you leave me aloneWilliam: Vivian, let’s go for a walk and I’ll tell you about it. OkVivian: All right.(They date in the woods at night. John is very angry when he sees William coming back happily from his date with Vivian.)John: How could you fall in love with my daughter Don’t you know I’m the person who loves you the mostWilliam: Nonsense! Don’t forget you are just a butler!John: You know nothing at all.(John tries to hit William but misses. Eventually he managed to trip William up and made him bump against the wall and died on the ground in the dark.)(Back to “now”. William jumps up and catches John’s leg suddenly.)William: You are the murder. I’ll never forgive you!John: No, my goodness. No… (Crying loudly)。

英语爱情剧本5人短句1.五人英语短句剧本关于家庭的爱Role:Older sister(O) Mum(M) Father(F) Daughter(D) The daughter's boyfriend(B) D: We have been in love for so long.Now I want you to meet my family members.So B: Oh,I am a little nervous but more excited to meet them.Let's go.D: First,let's go to her very inconvenient.B: Ok。
..D: Hey,Summer.I'm here.O: Oh,You came, dearest.It is really a terrible day!I am mistreated by my employer and I am angry.D: Lighten up!Everything will be all right tomorrow.I will introduce my boyfriend to you.This is Jack.O: oh,this man is your boyfriend.How do you do,Jack?B: How do you do.Er。
Here is a surprise for you.O: Oh,thanks a lot.What is it?B: It is a gift I prepared for you.O: You're so considerate。
.M: Anita and her boyfriend are coimg.Do you konw something abou that boy?F: I hear that he is a foreigner.And I'm afraid that he has marry my daughter.M: Don't we should do now is to prepare the dishes and just wait for them。

英语五人话剧剧本旁白:In n 1.we see Beauty's family facing hard times after losing all their ships in a storm。
Beauty's father must leave to find work。
Beauty and her sister worry about their father's safety and the future of their family.旁白:n 2出场人物:野兽、美女)旁白:While her father was away。
Beauty went into the woods to find him。
But instead。
she XXX captured her father。
and Beauty offered to take his place as the beast's prisoner.野兽:You have trespassed in my castle。
Why are you here?美女:Please。
XXX.野兽:I have your father。
If you want him to be free。
you must take his place as my prisoner.美女:(hesitant) I will do it。
let my father go.旁白:In n 2.we see Beauty bravely offering to take herfather's place as a prisoner of the beast。
She hopes to save herXXX from further harm.旁白:n 3出场人物:野兽、美女)旁白:As time passedXXX。
多人剧英语剧本 五人英语话剧剧本

五人英语话剧剧本-The Silber Swindle5人 Actors:Tavern Keepe:(男主角)Young ManKeeper's Wife(女主角)Young ManOld ManSummary:Once upon a time, there was a tavern. Travelers and hunters would exchange silver ingots for copper coins and eat some food there. The tavern keeper and his wife were very greedy. They always played tricks on the scales and cheated their customers. One day they played a trick on an old man as usuaL They were so happy. They thought they made a big fortune. Th their surprise, a young man in the tavern began snickering. "It looks like you've been cheated this time." He told them that the silver ingots had lead in them. The old man was a con artist in fake silver for years. How could it be this way? A smart money changer ilke the tavern keeper was outwitted by an old man!Narrator:Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. Today I will tell you a story. Once upon a time somewhere at the foot of the Changpai mountain, there was a tavern at which travelers and hunters exchanged money to be used inside and outside the small town. Most people knew that the keeper of the tavern and his wife were very greedy. They cheated people by playing tricks on the scales and even charged additional fees for no reasons.One day~Scene I(Customers are talking, laughing and drinking in the tavern. A traveler just comes in, finds a seat and sits down.)Hunter 1: We hunted many animals today. (laughing) Let's have some more drink.Hunter 2: Yeahl That's a good idea.Hunter 1: Let's eat.Waiter: (sees the traveler come in) Welcome in, sir. What would you like to order? We have good food here and, of course, good wine, too. Traveler 1: Bring me your best dishes!Waiter: That's nice, sir. Your food will be here soon.Traveler 2: (walks to the checkout counter) Hey! How much should I pay? T.O.: It's ten for food, five for wine, and three for the service. It's all cost eighteen coins.Traveler 2: What! It's too expensive. You rip me off.T.K.: If you want to eat free, you will get a misfortune.Traveler 2: (throws some coins on the counter reluctantly and marching out angrily) Don't expect I will come back again.(Meanwhile, an old man comes downstairs andorders some food before checking out.)O.M.: Excuse me. May I order now?T.K.: (walks from behind the counter) Hello! Mydearfriend.Youdidn'tpay me yesterday. It's fifty coins for lodging, thirty-five for food, and five coins for cleaning.O.M.: (surprisingly) What! I just stayed for one single night. And I have to pay so much money. It's ridiculous!T.K.: Don't you dare to stay in my tavern for free!(One of the two young men comes up to the old man.)Y.M.1: Calm down, you two. (to the old man respecifully) Uncle Wang, how are you recently?O.M.: Fine. And you?Y.M.1: Fine. Thank you.T.K.: (interrupts their greeting) Pay me first and take your time chatting. Y.M.1: (to the keeper) Please wait a minute.(turns to the old man)Your son has been doing business with me in Changchou. He wanted me to give you this letter and some silver ingots before I left Chavgchou. I did not expect to meet you here. (hands the old man a letter and a bundle of silver ingots) Please take this.O.M.: Thank you. Do you want to have a drink with me?Y.M.1: Oh, no. I can't. I have to leave here for another business. (The young man leaves hastily after giving the old man a big bundle of silver ingots.)O.M.: (to the tavern keeper) My son again gives me money as my living expenses. But, please read this letter for me since my eyesight is not as good as it used to be. I have money more than enough now. Could I trouble you to read this letter from my son? I will pay you ten more coins as tips. T.K.: Why do I have to read this letter for you?K.W.: (moving from behind the counter) There's nothing to argue about. (pulls the tavern keeper aside and whispers to her husband) We don't have any lose.T.K.: (tears open the letter reluctantly and read the letter)Dear Father, How are you recently? I am now in Changchou doing business. My wife is pregnant again. kids are all filial to us. They can recite some poems. I'm sorry that I can't travel with you. Afler doing business for three years, I made a big fortune. So here are 50 taels of silver for you. And I think its enough for you to live in comfort. I'll be home in two months. ~Nish you well.Your sonO.M: (giving the bundle to the tavern keeper's wife) What a good son! Now take what I owe you and exchange the rest for coins, please.K.W.: (opens the bundle shockingly) Wait a moment! That's really a big future.T.K.: (to the old man) All right. You have money now. You can pay us. K.W.: Well. The silver you gave me is more than you need to pay. Ah..., let me see. (pretends to be weighing the silver ingots on the scales) Mmm.... They're exactly 50 taels. The current exchange rate for 50 taels is 5000 copper coins. You have to pay us 100 coins. So, here are 4000 and 900 coins you keep yourself.O.M.: That's what my son told me in the letter. So, good-bye now.K.W.: Waiter.Waiter. Show the gentleman to the door.(The old man takes the coins and leaves the tavern.)K.W.: You can't believe it. That 50 taels of silver weights 60. His son must have been too busy to check the weight. The old man didn't know they could exchange for 6000 copper coins. So we eamlO taels.T.K.: It's so great . We made a big fortune today.Y.M.2: (snikering and walking to the keeper)Are yousure about the silver cotent? You'd better check them again.T.K.: What did you mean by saying that?K.W.: (cuts open one of the ingots) My gosh IT.K.: Oh, God! We were cheated. I have to get back my money. Do you know where I can find him?Y.M.2.: (smiling and putting out his hand over) I know but...T.K.: No problem. Only if you tell me where to find him and I'll give you a tael of silver ingoY.M. 2: A taels?... He is in a town.T.K.: Tell me more and I'll give you three taels.Y.M. 2: Three taels? He is in a village.T.K. : O.K. Five taels and no more.Y.M. 2: Five taels?... In the east of a village, there is a temple... T.K. : O.K., O.K. Ten taels and you tell me the exact place.Y.M. 2: That's a deal.Hunter 1: Let's go with him.K.W.: Waiter. Take the scale and go with them(Most of the customers go along.)Scene II(The tavern Keeper leaves his wife and went to the place the young man described. It's a wine shop. The old man is drinking wine there with lots of people.)T.K.: So, here you are. You, swindler. You cheated me and you dare to have fun here.O.M.: Oh, come on my friend. Have a dink with me.(The tavern Keeper pushes away the old man's hand.)T.K.: Don't talk so much. Return my money.O.M.: Did I cheat you? It was a mistake, my friend.T.K.: (angrily) Hmm~! You can't deny it! Those pieces of silver ingots you gave me are fake. They're with lead inside.O.M.: How do you know the silver ingots are mine.T.K.: Let me show to you.(The tavern Keeper puts the silver ingots on the scales.)O.M.: (showing the letter from his son to the others) You see. They weigh 60 taels of silver. What my son writes in this letter is 50 taels. Don't fool me. These are not the silver ingots I gave you.T.K.: I I this this...Onlookers: (grabs the tavern keeper and beat him hard) You are not honest. And you are trying to buff this poor old man. Let's throw him out. (Light dims out)Scene III(The tavern Keeper leaves the village wearily.)K.W.: (expecting his husband) Oh! My goodness! What happened to you? T.K.: Stop talking to me. Close the door.K.W.: What happened, my dear?T.K.: Just close the door. It's my decision.(The tavern Keeper utters the sentence dismally.)K.W. : I'm asking you what happened to you! Why are you so upset!T.K.: l... Do you believe it? I was made a fool of by the old man. K.W. : Oh oh ! My goodness! How could it be? Oh -'.T.K.: Now you can understand why I am so upset,K.W.: I am as angry and sad as you are? Why are you mad with me?T.K.: (shouts at his wife) Those two guys outwitted us. Just be quiet. K.W.: (dismally) You! You!(To the surprise of the couple, the old man appears in a smoke suddenly.) O.M.: Look at me closely and see who I am.T.K.: (surprisingly) How How come you are here?O.M.: Don't be afraid! You are in a dream. Tell you the truth. I am a god and both of the two young men are my sons.! came here to teach you a lesson. Don't deceive people any more, my friend! Do your business honestly. You will suffer from what you do if you don't stop cheating people. (Finishing his advice, the old man disappears in a smoke.)T.K.: I don't dare to deceive people any more.K.W.: Yes! Me too!Scene IVTraveler 4: May I get my bill?T.K.: Won't you stay longer? Don't you satisfy with our service? Traveler 4: No. No. Everything is great.T.K.: All right. Please wait a minuet and have some tea. It's all cost thirty coins.Traveler 4: It's cheap. Thank you very much. You are really a good man. So goodbye now.T.K.: Goodbye.Narrator: Ever after, the tavern keeper and his wife treated people with kindness. What's more, they even helped poor people in need.The End。

七年级下册英语剧本【初一英语剧本5人】七年级下册英语剧本【初一英语剧本5人】On The Way Home回家的路上Six high school students are walking on their way home, talking, laughing, ...六个高中生走在回家的路上,一边聊天,一边笑.A: hey, guys, what are you going to do when youget home?喂,哥们,你们放学后干什么啊?B: I"m going to watch the soccer game replay.My parents won"t let me watch in the early morning.I"m so mad at them.我要看足球重播.我爸妈不让我大清早起来看.我还在生他们的气呢.All:(sing)If you"re mad and you know it stamp your feet(everybody stamps his feet)大伙(唱) 如果你知道你生气你就跺跺你的脚(跺脚)C: I think I"m going to get something to eat first. I"m so hungry.我一回家就要找吃的.饿死我了.ALL:(Sing) If you"re hungry and you know it touch your tummy,mmm...(everybody toches his tummy) 大伙(唱)如果你知道你饿了你就摸摸你的肚皮(摸肚皮) A:(to D) what about you?A(对D说) 你呢?D:(pretend to yawn)I can"t wait to lie down on my sofa. I"m so sleepy.(yawn again)D:(装打哈欠)我恨不得马上躺在沙发上.真困!(打哈欠) All except E:(sing)If you"re sleepy and you know it take a nap(pretend to take a nap while yawning) 大伙E除外:(唱)如果你知道你困了你就打个盹(打盹)all of a sudden, A realizes E is nowhere to be found.突然,A 意识到E不见了.A:(to B)E,where is E?A(对F说) E, F 呢?B: I have no idea. He was with us one minute ago.不知道呀.刚才还在啊.Eeverybody turns around looking for E.大伙四处寻找EC: Look! there he is! (pointing )在那! 他在那!(手指远处)D: oh oh, he is with a stray dog.不好了,他和一个流浪狗在一起.B: I know he likes dogs.他喜欢狗.C: but that dog looks mean.但那狗样子很凶唉.A: we’d better tell him to stay away from that mean looking dog.我们快叫他别理那狗.Everybody: (shouting) E! Come back! Come Back!大伙(大声叫)E! 回来!回来!B: Oh my god! He is bleeding!天啊!他流血了!C: The dog bit him!他被狗咬了!D: Hurry up!快过去看看!Everybody runs to E. E moans in pain.(pretend moaning)大伙跑过去.E 疼痛地叫着(装疼叫)ALL: (to E)are you all right?你怎么样?E: (shakes his head and keeps moaning) (摇头,疼叫)A: let’s call for help!快叫救护.!All: help! Help!有人被狗咬了!有人被狗咬了!They can not find any help nearby.附近没有人.B: Let me carry him to the hospital.我背他去医院吧!All: let’s go!走!B picks up E and carries him on his back.B 背起E.They go to the hospital.他们朝医院走去.The End剧终不知道你们会不会唱那首歌”If you’re happy and you know it”, 如果不会就照读好了.唱歌的话效果会好些.这涉及到了五个人,但是E的台词比较少。

Thief - A cunning and sneaky thief
Police Officer - A diligent and determined law enforcer
Scene 1: In the park
(Samantha and Tom are walking in the park, enjoying a sunny day)
Lucy: (approaching them) I'm glad everything worked out for you.
Samantha: I can't thank you enough for your help.
Lucy: It was the least I could do. I'm just glad you got your necklace back.

5人英语话剧剧本范文大全第一篇:5人英语话剧剧本5人英语话剧剧本-Yes Means No(似是而非)Teddy Lawson is going to marry Edith Merrill and he asks his father, wson, to finance his honeymoon.However, Teddy's father wants him to learn to say NO first because Teddy always says YES to everyone who makes a request.They make a deal that wson will give Teddy one hundred dollars for every time Teddy says NO in half an hour, but if Teddy says YES just once, Teddy forfeits every wson's secretary, Miss Collins, will make the strict account of every NO.In order to have a nice honeymoon, Teddy tries hard to carry out his father's orders and answer NO as many as possible to everything asked, even though he is running the risks of breaking his father's deal with T.J.Morgan and losing his own sweet heart,Edith Merrill...TEDDY:(Coming to his father's desk L.)Dad, there's something I want to tell WSON: Oh, is that so!What is it?TEDDY: Well, Dad, I've just proposed to Edith Merrill and she's accepted WSON: Going to get married, eh? When do you intend doing this?TEDDY: Right away.That's why I wanted to see you, and of course I know you'll finance the WSON: Oh...I will, will I?(Pounds desk, rises and comes to Teddy C.)I'll tell you that I'm ashamed of you.You haven't any backbone...you can't say NO!I left you in charge of my business last week just to see how you'd conduct it.And you did great.Ha!...If I'd stayed away another week, you'd have ruined me(Strolls up C.)TEDDY: I did the best I could!LAWSON: Then you'd make a fine business man.(Comingdown C.)The most essential thing in a business man's life is to be able to say “NO.” At all times NO.Especially in a credit business like mine.But you said YES to everyone who asked for extra time.(Takes a few steps L.)TEDDY: But they always cried to me and I just couldn't say “no.”LAWSON: Well, you'll learn to say “no” before I finance any honeymoon.(Lawson is below desk L.Phone rings, Lawson turns to his desk, grabs phone quickly and sits down.)Lawson talking...!(Listens a second.)NO!!I...said...NO.(Listens again.)Then I'll foreclose.That's final..NO!(Lawson hangs up receiver.Turns to Teddy.)That's how I make my money..being able to say NO..NO..NO.(Pounds desk with each “No!” Rises and comes to Teddy C.)And that's the way I want my son to be before he shoulders the responsibility of marriage.TEDDY: Well, give me another chance, Dad...and I'll try to make WSON:(He sneers the last word and takes a stroH up C.)Do you mean it?TEDDY: You betl doLAWSON:(Coming down L of Teddy.)TEDDY: All right...I'll give you another chance.You want money for a honeymoon?...Very well!You take charge of this office while I go to lunch and I'll give you one hundred dollars for every time you say WSON: One hundred dollars?TEDDY: Right!Do you think you can do it? LAWSON: I'll try.TEDDY:(Crosses R to Miss Collins.)Miss Collins, I want you to remain in this office with my son while I'm gone.You can sit at my desk.(Miss Collins doesn't move immediately.)NOW!(She jumps and crosses stage.)COLLINS: Yes, sir!LAWSON:(Crosses L.)And I don't want you to leave it for a second.Understand?(Miss Collins nods.)And I want you to keep strict account of every time my son says NO.But remember, if heanswers YES just once...he forfeits every “NO.”(Turning to Teddy.)Are you on? TEDDY: Yes.(He realizes what he has said and clasps hand over his mouth.)LAWSON:(Crossing R to door, taking coat and hat from hall-tree.)Very well.You'll be in charge here for one-half hour...(Looks at watch.)Now remember...not one “Yes.”...It must be “NO” to everything.(Lawson exits and slams door.)(Teddy stands for a second smiling.Phone rings, and he rushes across stage to phone on desk L, and picking it up shouts into it.TEDDY: NO..POSITIVELY NO!(Hangs up.Strolls across stage, grinning at Miss Collins, who is amazed.)That's two...put them down.COLLINS:(Writing.)Yes, sir.(Phone rings.Teddy grabs it again, while Miss Collins warns him to be careful.)You better hear who it is, sir.It may be important.TEDDY: Hello?(Repeating what is said to him.)Is wson in? NO!Do I mind speaking for him? NO!What?...NO!COLLINS:(Rising and pleading.)Don't you think you'd better hang up, sir?TEDDY:(To Miss Collins.)No.Put them all down...there were five of them.(Into phone.)No, no, no!(Raising three fingers to Miss Collins.)I wasn't talking to you...I was talking to wson's secretary.What? No!I should worry? No!(Hangs ughing heartily at his results so far.)COLLINS:(Fearfully.)Aren't you going a little too far, sir?TEDDY: No!There's another.Are you keeping strict account of them?(Crosses to desk L.)How many are there?COLLINS: Just...just thirteen, sir.TEDDY:(Taking C and dancing a step.)Thirteen, eh? COLLINS: But isn't that an unlucky number, sir?TEDDY: No!That makes fourteen!(Teddy crosses to desk R.)Well, that's a trip to California, anyway.(Phone rings.But thistime Miss Collins gets it first.)COLLINS: Hullo? Just a second, please.(Now to Teddy in a whisper.)It's T.J.Morgan to see your father.TEDDY: No!COLLINS: Shall I tell him to come back?TEDDY: No!COLLINS: But he wants to know if he can see wson? TEDDY: Tell him NO!(Emphatically.Crosses R.)COLLINS:(Into phone.)No!(Hangs up.)TEDDY:(Enjoying it all immensely.)Add three more to the list.How many is that now?(Teddy crosses to desk L.)(At this point T.J.Morgan rushes into room unceremoniously.)MORGAN: What's the idea of telling me I can't see Lawson? Is he in?(Comes C as Teddy circles below him to R.)TEDDY: No!(Miss Collins keeps marking every “no.”)MORGAN:(Turning to Miss Collins L.)Then who said Lawson wouldn't see me? Was it you?(Mill Collins starts to answer but Teddy butts in.)TEDDY: No!(Hoists a finger for Miss Collins to get the additional “no” on the record.)MORGAN:(Turning back to Teddy R.)Oh, then it was you? TEDDY:(Gulping.)No!MORGAN:(Confused.)Then who was it? Was there anybody else in the office? TEDDY: No!MORGAN: Can't you say anything but “NO-O-O!?” TEDDY:(Imitating his dragged out “No.”)“NO-O-O!”MORGAN:(Waving his hand in disgust.)You're a silly ass...Will you deny that? TEDDY: For a hundred dollars?..NO!(Signals Miss Collins to add it on the list.)MORGAN: You're impossible.You tell him that T.J.Morgan was here to see him about that lumber deal.He likes to make moneythe same as everybody, doesn't he? TEDDY: Why...er..NO!MORGAN: What?(He shakes his finger in Teddy's face.)Do you mean to tell me he's not interested in that lumber deal any more?(Miss Collins tries to speak.Morgan turns to her quickly.)Were you going to say something? TEDDY: No..Shefifteen-TEDDY: Don't skip any.COLLINS: Just forty-six, sir.TEDDY:(Excitedly, taking stage.)Forty-six? Why, it'll be a trip around the world.I must make it an even fifty.(Offstage R, Lawson's voice is heard in warm argument.)LAWSON: You just come in here with me.We'll see what this is all about.(He enters swiftly, followed by Edith and Mr.Morgan.They surround T eddy who has sneaked to C, half frightened.)Now Miss Merrill, ask him before me.EDITH:(Half crying.)Didn't you tell me your father paid you to break off our engagement? TEDDY: NO!(She staggers back amazed.) MORGAN: When I asked you about the lumber deal, what did you say? TEDDY: NO!LAWSON:(Coming toward Teddy and shaking his fist.)Don't you know any better than that? TEDDY: NO!(Calling to Miss Collins on opposite side.)That makes fifty!!LAWSON:(Bewildered)What's the idea?TEDDY: The idea is that I've carried out your orders...I haven't said one...(Catches himself.)what you said not to WSON:(Shaking fist in Teddy's face.)Do you think I'm a complete idiot? TEDDY: No!(T o Miss Collins.)There's another one...put it WSON:(To Miss Collins.)Don't you DARE put that down.I've had enough of this.MORGAN:(Approaching Lawson L, and brushing Teddy aside.)I think I understand it all now.It was WSON: Absolutely!(Going to door R with Morgan.)We'll talk it over at the club tonight.(Morgan exits R.)TEDDY:(Meeting his father C, and grasping his coat lapel.)Make a check for me...for five thousand dollars.Fifty “No's,” you WSON:(Crossing to desk L.)How could anyone say fifty “No's” in fifteen minutes? Imagine what I could do in an hour.My middle name is WSON: All right, I'm the goat.I'll give you the check.Then use some of that speed in getting out of here.(He turns to desk L, and sees Miss Collins seated at it.)Well, what are you doing at my desk?COLLINS:(Rising, frightened.)Why, you told me to sit here, sir.Shall I go to my own desk, sir? LAWSON:(Shouting.)YES!(Miss Collins crosses R, to her own desk.)TEDDY:(Crossing to his father's desk.)Did I hear you say YES? LAWSON: NO!(Writes in checkbook.)EDITH:(Coming to Teddy C.)Oh, Teddy, I see it all now.“No” meant “Yes”..when you said “no.”TEDDY: “No”..“Yes”...wait...When I said “No”...when I said...I...(Conflised.)Oh, I only know we are going on a honeymoon.(They kiss and embrace.)LAWSON:(Rises with check in hand and comes C.)Here's your check.I made it out for ten thousand instead of five, because ten will take you farther away and keep you away longer.TEDDY:(Taking check and looking at it.)Why, Dad!You're wonderful..you're marvelous..you're...(Changing tone.)IS IT GOOD?(Father swells with satisfaction on praise, but turns furiously on last line.)Well, come on, darling.Good-bye, Dad...(They both start for door R.)(T eddy catches hand of Edith who waits for him in door R, and they plunge off happily together.)(Lawson and Miss Collins stare after them, Miss Collins chuckling with delight.)The End第二篇:英语话剧剧本Have you finished packing?情景一Mike :Hi, we are going to take advantage ofour two weeks vacation to have a relaxed trip.So where do you want to go for our trip?Mina :Awesome!I am looking forward to going to London.!we are going to take advantage of the beautiful London’s scenery in the winter and have a” winter date week”Dave : Oh, that sounds nice!London is always extremelypretty this time of year.I just love it!Mike: Nice , but this long distance trip is starting to wear me down.I amthinking that we’d do a little hiking.No matter where we gobut there is a really nice trail about five hour away from our house.It’s through the woods and so I’m sure it will look beautiful.Mina: Oh ,brother, You know that London is the place where I really want to go.I had read online that it was a decent place ,an d I can’t forget how beautiful that is!Dave : I agree with Mina.We have two weeks vacation not two days, sowe should have a long trip.Mike: Ok, ok, I guess I’ll agree to that , but only on one condition.市销话剧第二组Mina and Dave: what’s that?Mike: I want take some beautiful photos in this vacation ,so you must promisethat there are many beautiful sceneriesin the place where we go for trip.Mina: London is home to some of the most iconic attractions in the word from historic landmarks such as the Tower of London to more recent constructions likes the London Eye.So there is no need to worry about that.Dave: I believe that you will be snapping away like crazy.So we will go to London.情景二Mike : what should we prepare for our trip? We should make a plan before we start packing.Mina :Sounds like a good idea.Weshould get the tourist visa and book plane tickets.Dave :Oh ,dear, How about my plants and dog?Mike : Don’t worry ,how about give our house key to Haining Zhang, and she will take care of our house when we out.Mina : That sounds great.What’s more don’t forget to unplug TV and electrical stuff.Mike :So I will call Haining zhang.But where is my cell phone?市销话剧第二组Oh, my cell phone!I lost my cell phone!Dave :The kitchen.It’s in the kitchen.I saw it this morning.Mike :I get it.Ta-dahMina and Dave are packing.Haining: Hi, Mike ,this is Haining Zhang, how are you ? Mike : I am fine ,and you ?Haining: I am fine , anythingalse?Mike : Dear, we well have a two weeks trip, could you take care of our house in that time.Haining : Ok, no problem.What can I do for you?Mike : Could you water my plants and feed my dog? I don’t want to put the dog in the kennel.Haining : Sure, it’s my pleasure.Have you finished packing? Mike : yeah , I have finished everything.Dave and Mina ar e packing now.these two they’re never prepared.Mina : Oh my god, where is my wallet!I can’t find it anywhere.Mike Bathroom.Mina : Are you sure? So strange.(hold up he wallet)I get it.Dave : Where is the tourist visa and tickets, and do you know where I put it ?市销话剧第二组Mike : Here, on the table.Dave get it.Mina :Mike!we’ll be late!Let’s go!Haining :Have a great trip!Mina ,Mike ,Dave, Bye , Haining.Mike : Does everyone have everything?Mina , Dave: Yep!Mike , Let’s go!情景三Dave :I don’t remember where I p ut the tourist visa and plane tickets.Mike: Oh ,no!there are only one hour left.Dave : Let me think, oh ,there it is ,I put it on the dresser.Mike ,Mina : what a relief!now ,London here come!市销话剧第二组第三篇:英语话剧剧本英语话剧剧本在一个鸟语花香的一个早上,站长一如既往地坐在办公室,一边翘着二郎腿,一边单手拿起一本咖啡喝。
role play(英语5人剧本)

Characters:R:River B2:Angela B1:Alice W:woodman P:旁白Act IP:Once upon a time, there was a beautiful forest. And there are two little birds lived in the forest, one lived in the east, the other lived in the west.A river forms the northern boundary of the forest, and everyday in the morning, two birds would have a meeting by the riverside.This was a wonderful morning ……R:Good morning everyone! My name is River, R-I-V-E-R, River. Yes! Actually I’m just the active river which rush through the big forest. I have seen so many perfect things in the woods.——a single dandelion, a bean leaf, a sorrel, a horse-fly and a bumblebee. I even have seen the north wind, an April shower, and a January thaw……I have seen so many things in the nature that I think I could be a philosopher now……What I want to say just now is:1.Life should be like a river--Small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushingpassionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, they become merged in the sea without any visible break……2.Go and come with a strange liberty in nature, you will become a part of herself.P:One bird, Alice, came to the river bank.B1:River, River, tell me ,who is the most pretty bird in the world?R:It’s you. My most beautiful, graceful, charming, cute and smart little bird……B1:oh, my dearest River, thanks for your admiring. Well, how have you been today?R:Not bad, life is as flat as usual.Oh, Alice, you look perky. Anything wrong with you?B1:I’m not myself today, nothing works. I don’t know why. Maybe I am still a little worried about the wood chopper, you know, they have already destroyed the south of the forest……R:Cheer up! Alice ,don’t let you down, take care of yourself ——We’ll find a way out. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile……B1:Thanks foe your words, but I still feel a little nervous——oh, Angela is coming……B2:Hi,Alice. How is it going?B1:Not bad. Angela, can you believe I even thought I haven’t seen you for ages——been like forever……B2:Alice,I know you’ve been dying to see me, but…but we just meet each other yesterday…B1:oh ,Angela, you know, you are everything to me——especially when our forest now is at the risk of the crazy woodman’s crazy plan——they want to destroy our home!B2:oh, Alice, that what I want to tell you : the wood chopper is coming towards your house now, if you need any help…B1:Man, I can’t believe it !It’s too terrible…my pretty tree…Angela, what should I do? Help me out…B2:Fight, and you may die. Run, and you'll live at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now. Would you be willing to trade? All the days from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take。
5人英语话剧剧本――Justice Is The Winner(正义必胜)

5人英语话剧剧本——Justice Is The Winner(正义必胜)这个短剧讲的是:搞笑的匪徒,搞笑的绑架案,不错的剧本。
人物Bunny Cheng:Bunny ChenEliza Lin:DaughterCeline Tu:Reporter et AsideSano Hsieh:Small gangster(小流氓)Trent Cheng:Big gangster(大流氓)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCENE IA mother is doing exercise in the living room when the phone is ring. And her daughter is inthe school now.Mom:Hello~Caller:(A boy is crying.) Ha! Your kid is here. Do you hear his voice? If you want to saveyour kid, prepare the ransom.Mom:Are you crazy? I don’t have a son Don’t try to cheat me. Stupid guy!The mother is very angry and hung up the phone. But later… the phone is ring again…Mom:Hello~Caller:Hello~ Are you busy now?Mom:(I recognize the voice.) You are a fraud, right? Do you want to trick me again? Is itfun? Don’t do such a boring thing, O.K.? I won’t believe you.Caller:Really? Listen to this.(A girl is crying on t he phone, ”mom, help me~ helpme~)Mom:Oh~ you are a good actor. This time is better but I still won’t fall into your trap torobmeofmymoney!Ifyoucallagain,Iwillcallthecop.Doyouunderstand?(Hanguptheph one more angrier.)But the voice sounds like her daughter’s and the mom is not disturbed. She decides to go to theelementary school to see her daughter. The mom got there…Mom:Eliza~Eliza:Mom:Ya~ are you happy in the school? Let’s go home. I want to tell you something onthe way home.Mom tells Eliza about the phone scam and wants her to be careful from now on.SCENE IIBecause the mother didn’t believe the two gangsters really kidnapped her kid, the gangsters werefurious. So they decided to kidnap her daughter this time.The gangsters have found the school her daughter studies in, and observed for many days. Todayis the day they plan to kidnap the child.Thebiggangsteralwaysfocusesonwhathe’sdoingbutthesmallgangsterisuallyabsent -minded.Big gangster:Hey! Concentrate!! (The big gangster hit the small gangster’s head)Small gangster:Ouch! O.K. O.K.At this moment, the girl appears.Small gangster:(Check the picture.) Hey!! Buddy!! Look! Is that her?Big gangster:Ha! Ha! Ha! It’s hunting time.Smallgangster:I’msoexcited!!Oh~whatabeautifulgirl.Justlikeafairy.Mysweetheart…Buddy do you know? I feel that I get butterflies in my stomach!Big gangster:(Hitting the small gangster’s head again.) Hey! Wake up!! Stop day-dreaming.Let’s make a move!Small gangster:Big gangster:Hey!! Lady!! Can you do me a favor?Eliza:Sure! What can I do for you?Small gangster:(Murmuring) This beautiful lady has a beautiful heart.Big gangster:Sorry. Ignore what he said.Eliza:Never mind!Big gangster:Thanks! I want to go to Tunghai University. Do you know how can I get there?Eliza:Oh…youshouldgostraightuntilthetrafficlight,thenturnrightuntil you see a convenience store at the corner and turn left. Keep going straight and you wouldsee the university.Big gangster:Go straight until the first traffic light, turn right and we will see a supermarketat the end of the street. And…Eliza:No! No! No! Go straight until thetraffic light, then turn right untilyou see a convenience store at the corner and turn left. Keep going straight and you would see theuniversity.Small gangster:Go straight until the first traffic light, then turn left and go straight to the end ofthe street, then we can see the university.Eliza:Oh, my! No! Wrong again! You two are really a stupid guy.Big gangster:Eliza was confused. But she is a kind person and she likes to help people.Eliza:Umm… let me think… okay!! Let’s go!Small gangster:How kind of you!! My little girl.Big gangster:Sorry. Just ignore him. Thank for your help.Eliza goes with the gangsters.In the gangsters’ car, the small gangster suddenly shows a sharp knife. And shouts, “Don’t move!”Eliza is shocked and starts screaming.Eliza:What are you doing?Small gangster:I’m kidnapping you!Eliza:Oh~ I am so scared.Small gangster:(Talk to the big gangster.) Did you hear that, she is scared?Big gangster:Ya~ we are professional.Eliza:Not funny! I’m hungry. I want to go home! I want to go home!Small gangster:Shut up. Don’t be so noisy!Eliza keeps crying.Small gangster:You! Get out of the car!Big gangster:(Hit the small gangster angrily!) Idiot! I have a stupid partner. (Disappointed)Eliza:I agree! (Nod head.)Big gangster:Don’t cry baby, I give you a lollipop.Eliza:Thank you. How kind of you.SCENE IIIMother is preparing dinner.Mom:Eliza! Eliza! Time for dinner! I’m hungry! Hurry up!No one answers her. And she realizes there is something wrong.Mom:Eliza, where are you? Don’t play hide and seek with me! It’s not funny.I’m hungry.As the mother is finding her daughter, the phone rings.Mom:Hello~ this is Anderson. I’m busy finding my daughter. Don’t botherme!Big gangster:Are you finding your daughter? Ha! Ha! Ha… she is right here.Mom:Good job! Tell her it’s time for dinner. I’m hungry!Biggangster:Hey!Youareclueless.Ihavealreadykidnappedyourdaughter,ElizaAnderson!Mom:Hey! Buddy! Don’t trick me!Big gangster:Sure! Listen! (The gangster takes the phone to Eliza.)Eliza:Hello! Mom! I’m here! They are so kind. They gave me a lollipop.The gangster takes the phone away.Big gangster:000."Mom:Too expensive! 20% off.Big gangster:Are you buying clothes?Mom:Bargain is my hobby.Big gangster:No negotiation you should bring the ransom to Tunghai Lake at 8:00 pm. Andrember don’t call the cop. Or you will find your daughter in the lake.Mom:O.K. See you then!Mom:Ha! (Mom shouts.)The gangsters and Eliza are shocked. And the small gangster’s fish is falling down on the floor.Small gangster:Oh,! My fish! Who’s there?Mom:It’sme,BunnyAnderson, Eliza’smother,Anderson’swife.Whereismy daughter? Release my daughter.Eliza:Where is the ransom?Mom:Release my daughter first!Big gangster:Give me the ransom first!No way!And the battle begins.Mom:Justice is always the winner.Eliza:Oh~ Yeah! Mom, you win!Celine:Ha! I got it! I got it! A new…… headline.Celine:IamatTunghaiLake.Earlier,therewasaviolentfighting.AwatermelonknifeV.S.AB.B.Q.fork.Accordingtothewitnesses,amotherfoughtwithegangsters for her daughter. And the mother won. Now, let’s interview the personsinvolved.Celine:Do you feel regretful? Do you feel sorry to this society?Small gangster:I……Celine:I…… I know. You are very sorry and regretful. How about you? (Turnto the big gangster.)Big gangster:None of your business. (Run to the wall.) Leave me alone.Me! Me!Celine:What do you want to say?Eliza:Uh…My mom is so cool. She came to save me!Mom:My turn. My turn.Celine:O.K. O.K. What do you want to say after winning the fight?Mom:Well……Celine:Well, you are very happy and proud of yourself to be the winner in the battle.Mom:Yes. And the gangsters…Celine:Oh, the gangsters are very stupid and silly.Mom:Right. And they…Celine:They want to trick you, but…Mom:But… enough. I’m hungry. I want to go home with my daughter.Celine:Next time, if you receive a phone call from a scam artist, here are the things youcan do to avoid being tricked. First, stay clam and be skeptical about it. The caller hopes to foolyou with a moving story, causing you to forget your good judgment. A little doubt can protect you.Second, verify the story. Call the organization to make sure the story is true. Third, report it tothepolice.Anddon’tdealwithevillainsonyourown.Onephonecallwilloftenexposeatrapq uickly. However, to tell the truth, the mother is really very brave. She is my idol. I want to keepher sign. This is reporter Celine reporting from Tunghia Lake for TVAS.11/ 11。

英语五人话剧剧本Beauty and the Beast(美女与野兽)>修改版Play characters:旁白(旁白):ABeauty XXX(美女的父亲):BBeauty sister(美女的姐妹):CBeauty(美女):DBeast(野兽):E剧本:------------------------------旁白:Hello。
I am aside.每个人依次介绍自己的角色:I am……)旁白: Today I will tell you an incredible story~旁白:n 1出场人物:美女的父亲、美女的姐姐、美女)旁白:One day,XXX and would have to move to a XXX edge of the woods.美女父亲(依依不舍的):I’m sorry,but all my ships had been lost in a storm。
we have to move to a tiny cottage on the edge of the woods.My deardaughters,I must go to find another job.美女:XXX will be alright,daddy.XXX的姐姐:Where will you go,father?Don't leave us。
We don't have anyservants and the house is so small.XXX的父亲:I must go to a faraway place,to talk a big business.If I talk succeed,then I will make very much money。
And we can move back home.玉人的姐姐:What。
Oh yeah。

The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威)5人英语话剧剧本中英对照,《狐假虎威》是一则流传了千余年的寓言故事。
Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very athletic. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find a little food. Oh, there’s nothing here. Oh, I’m very hungry. (Sleep soundly)老虎:我是一只伟大的老虎。
(酣然昏眠)Fox: I’m a fox. You can see, I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at cheating and telling lies. Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is!狐狸:我是狐狸。
它多么可口啊!Tiger: Ah, a fox. A good meal. Ah, a good meal.老虎:Ah,一只狐狸。
Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, a good idea. Hello! Tiger sister! How are you?狐狸:噢,我的上帝! 我该怎么办? 是,我有一个好想法。
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D:(pretend to yawn)I can't wait to lie down on my sofa. I'm so sleepy.(yawn again)
All except E:(sing)If you're sleepy and you know it take a nap(pretend to take a nap while yawning)
B: I know he likes dogs.
C: but that dog looks mean.
A: we’d better tell him to stay away from that mean looking dog.
Everybody: (shouting) E! Come back! Come Back!
They can not find any help nearby.
B: Let me carry him to the hospital.
All: let’s go!
B picks up E and carries him on his back.
大伙跑过去.E 疼痛地叫着(装疼叫)
ALL: (to E)are you all right?
E: (shakes his head and keeps moaning)
A: let’s call for help!
All: help! Help!
all of a sudden, A realizes E is nowhere to be found.
突然,A 意识到E不见了.
A:(to B)E,where isno idea. He was with us one minute ago.
All:(sing)If you're mad and you know it stamp your feet(everybody stamps his feet)
大伙(唱) 如果你知道你生气你就跺跺你的脚(跺脚)
C: I think I'm going to get something to eat first. I'm so hungry.
B 背起E.
They go to the hospital.
The End
不知道你们会不会唱那首歌”If you’re happy and you know it”, 如果不会就照读好了.唱歌的话效果会好些.
B: I'm going to watch the soccer game replay.My parents won't let me watch in the early morning.I'm so mad at them.
大伙(大声叫)E! 回来!回来!
B: Oh my god! He is bleeding!
C: The dog bit him!
D: Hurry up!
Everybody runs to E. E moans in pain.(pretend moaning)
ALL:(Sing) If you're hungry and you know it touch your tummy,mmm...(everybody toches his tummy)
A:(to D) what about you?
On The Way Home回家的路上
Six high school students are walking on their way home, talking, laughing, ...
A: hey, guys, what are you going to do when you get home?
Eeverybody turns around looking for E.
C: Look! there he is! (pointing )
在那! 他在那!(手指远处)
D: oh oh, he is with a stray dog.