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A Comparative Study on Health Care Mode

Between British and American

(By Class1 苏华虹20102401160)


As we all know, in recent years, China government has made great effort in our country’s healthy care system reform, with a tortuous development process. To prevent from more mistakes, we China also try to learn from other health care system mode and the experience when taking the system into practice of some developed countries such as the UK and the USA. Therefore it is meaningful to make a comparation between these two countries. In this passage, we will talk about the characteristics of the US and UK’s medical system and the mode of operation; the expense of the health care; the problems of these two system, at the end of it; we will talk about what we can learn from these two system to build a better healthy care system.

Key words: Medical healthy care mode, government-leading, market, comparison, revelation.


Comparing the two health care modes UK and U.S., it is obvious there are both similarities and differences between them. The similarities include: 1.The two modes hold the same goal of providing medical service to the nations 2.Each mode is in accordance with the value, spirit and will of the nations. (The American advocate for freedom and they don’t like to led by the government while the British are taken for granted that every citizen has right to enjoy medical services provided by the government) 3. Both the two mode are not perfect. Problems come along when taking the mode into practicing and both British and the American government is trying to reform the mode to get a better one. The differences are also obvious: 1.The British mode is leading by government, while the American mode is more based on the market in accordance with the principles of competition. 2. Most of the British

hospitals owned by the state and the medical system is almost entirely supported by the progressive income tax. While there are much more non-profit and private hospitals and the government only bear the medical cost for the elderly, the poor and the disable and most of the rest are by the medical insurance. 3. The whole nations of UK can enjoy medical service from NHS while in USA; there is still 10% of the population lack medical insurance cover. 4. The mode of USA cost more than that of UK. Then in this text, we will focus on the differences.

The medical mode of UK and USA is quite different depending on differences in values and politics in these two countries. Generally speaking, the United Kingdom martins a British government-led medical model. The United States is one of very few industrialized nations that do not provide some type of universal service. The medical care system of United States is guided mostly by the market without a national health system.

The British government bare responsibility of health care of the nations for large part. Regional asylum Act of 1808, the metropolitan poor Act of 1867 and the Local Government Act 1929, both stress the importance of the government providing medical service for nations. On July 5, 1948, the United Kingdom created a national health system (NHS), which is a typical government-led model, to provide comprehensive services to all in need of medical services, and this day was called by many people “the greatest British historian of the day”. British residents, including foreigners legally residing in the United Kingdom, can enjoy free medical services. All residents receive equal health care services, receiving direct services guaranteed by the government. Health care system in the UK is almost entirely supported by the progressive income tax. Most of the hospitals owned by the state, almost all health care workers are state employees. Britain also has a relatively small medical insurance market; few hospitals provide medical services to holders of individual insurance. Private insurance is an option for those who wish to utilize it, and some employers offer private insurance as part of their hiring packages, but the great majority of Britons use the NHS exclusively.

Different from Great Britain, the medical care system of United States is not led
