1. 美国美国的医疗保险制度是世界上最昂贵的,而且被认为是最不公平的。
2. 加拿大加拿大是一个公共医疗保险制度的典型例子。
3. 英国英国的国民医疗系统(NHS)是全球最古老、最完整的公共医疗保险制度之一。
4. 澳大利亚澳大利亚的医疗保险系统基于公共医疗和私人医疗两种制度。
5. 日本日本的医疗保险制度是一种典型的社会医疗保险制度。
6. 新西兰新西兰的医疗保险制度基于公共医疗和私人医疗两种制度。
虽然美国在医疗方面的技术和设备先进,但是其医疗制度却存在一系列的问题:1. 医疗保险制度不完善美国的医疗保险制度比较分散,政府提供的医疗保险只覆盖了一小部分人,而大部分人则需要选择私人医疗保险。
2. 医生过剩或缺乏美国医疗制度的另一个问题是医生的过剩和缺乏。
3. 医疗效率低下美国医疗制度的效率比较低下,因此导致了医疗服务的通货膨胀。
4. 医疗技术先进却缺乏普及美国的医疗技术非常先进,但是对于普通人来说却不可负担。
针对以上问题,美国的政府和各医疗机构应该注重以下方向进行优化:1. 完善医疗保险制度政府应该加大对医疗保险的覆盖范围和投入,让更多的人群能够享受到医疗保险的福利,降低医疗市场的价格,减少医疗资源的浪费。
2. 调整医疗服务的布局政府应该加大对医疗服务的布局调整,合理分配医生资源,增加医疗服务的供给和满足人民日益增长的医疗需求。
二、美国医疗制度1. 私人保险主导2. 政府医疗保险(如Medicare和Medicaid)3. 高昂的医疗费用4. 医疗质量与效率三、英国国家卫生服务(NHS)1. 全民免费医疗服务2. 政府资助和运营3. 长期资金和资源分配问题4. 等待时间较长四、加拿大医疗制度1. 公共医疗保险体系2. 政府主导,私人补充3. 医疗服务的普遍性和平等性4. 医疗资源分配与等待时间五、德国医疗制度1. 社会保险制度2. 强制性健康保险3. 私人健康保险选项4. 高质量医疗服务与成本控制六、日本医疗制度1. 国民健康保险2. 政府与私人部门合作3. 高度发达的医疗技术4. 长寿社会的医疗需求七、新加坡医疗制度1. 综合医疗保险计划2. 政府主导的医疗储蓄计划3. 私人医疗服务的补充4. 医疗资源的高效利用八、比较与分析1. 医疗制度的覆盖范围2. 医疗费用的承担与分配3. 医疗服务的可及性与质量4. 医疗制度的可持续性和改革九、结论不同国家的医疗制度反映了各自的社会价值观、经济实力和政策选择。
十、建议1. 强化基本医疗保障2. 鼓励医疗创新与技术发展3. 优化医疗资源配置4. 促进医疗体系的透明度和公平性请注意,以上内容仅为模板,具体分析和建议需要根据实际情况和详细数据进行调整。
英国NHS实行全面公费医疗,政府拥有强大的管理职能。NHS由中央和地方政 府共同管理,中央政府负责制定政策,地方政府负责具体实施。管理方式以公共 机构为主导,同时引入市场竞争机制,以提高服务质量和效率。此外,英国还建 立了患者权益保护机构,以确保患者权益得到维护。
英国可以借鉴美国的竞争机制以提高效率。将市场竞争引入NHS体系中可以促 进医疗服务提供方的竞争意识和服务质量的提升这将有助于提高患者满意度和资 源利用效率。此外,英国可以进一步扩大医疗保障范围将更多的人群纳入到NHS 体系中来提高全民的健康水平。
美国则可以从英国的全面公费医疗模式中汲取经验扩大医疗保险的覆盖范围 让更多的人享受到医疗保障服务这将有助于降低医疗服务成本提高国民健康水平。 此外美国可以进一步完善医疗救助制度使得贫困人群也能享受到基本的医疗服务 实现医疗服务的全民覆盖目标。
美国的医疗保障制度则以私人医疗保险为主导,政府在其中起到补充和完善 的作用。联邦政府设立了医疗保险和医疗救助服务中心,负责管理医疗保险和医 疗救助计划。此外,美国各州政府也设立了相应的机构,负责管理本州范围内的 医疗保障事务。在管理流程方面,美国医疗保险的管理相对复杂,涉及到多个保 险公司、医疗服务提供方和患者之间的协调。
美国的医疗供给则以私人医疗机构为主导。美国拥有庞大的医疗服务网络, 包括医院、诊所、药店等。由于市场竞争激烈,美国医疗机构在技术创新和服务 质量方面具有较高水平。此外,美国在医疗人才培养和医疗技术方面也具有较强 实力。
英国和美国的医疗保障制度各有优缺点。英国NHS制度全面公费医疗为全民提 供免费医疗服务,但效率较低;而美国的医疗保障制度以私人医疗保险为主导, 效率较高,但保障范围有限。两国在政策方面可相互借鉴,以完善各自的医疗保 障制度。
美国和中国医疗系统区别英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Differences Between American and Chinese Healthcare SystemsHi there! My name is Alex and I'm a 4th grader. Today for my English class essay, I want to tell you about the big differences between how hospitals and doctors work in America compared to China. It's a pretty interesting topic once you learn about it!In America, we have something called private health insurance. That means families have to pay money each month to an insurance company. The insurance companies are businesses that make money. When you get sick or hurt and go to the hospital, the insurance company helps pay the bill so you don't have to pay the entire huge cost all by yourself.But even with insurance, hospitals and doctors in America can be really expensive! My dad complains about how much he has to pay for our health insurance plan through his work. And my mom is always calling the insurance company to see whatthey will cover for my baby sister's earache or my grandpa's heart medicine. It can be confusing and frustrating!In China, things work in a totally different way. China has something called a universal public healthcare system. That's kind of like having an insurance plan, but it's provided by the government instead of a private company. All citizens can get healthcare for cheap or even free, with the bill paid by the government.From what I've learned, the Chinese government keeps costs down by only allowing a small number of pharmaceutical companies to make drugs and medical supplies. They negotiate good deals for affordable prices. The government also owns and operates many hospitals and clinics across the country. Plus, the doctors in China generally make lower salaries than American doctors.Another big difference is that in America if you don't have health insurance, you might not be able to afford to go to the doctor or hospital when you need it. But in China, pretty much everyone is covered by the public healthcare system so you can get taken care of regardless of your income level.Of course, every system has its pros and cons. One downside of China's public healthcare system is that sometimes there arereally long wait times to see doctors, get surgery, or get certain treatments. Since it's cheap for everyone, tons of people try to access it so you have to wait in a huge line.My mom says the American system is more flexible, with shorter wait times if you have good private insurance. You can often see a specialist doctor more quickly than you could in China's public system. But of course, that "flexibility" comes with a much higher price tag!Something else to consider is the quality of medical care. From what I've read, many of China's doctors and hospitals, especially in the big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, areworld-class with excellent training and equipment. But the quality can be more uneven in the rural countryside areas of China where resources are limited.Meanwhile in America, we generally have very high quality care no matter which state or city you live in. But again, that high quality care is expensive! And there are still some communities and populations in America that don't have affordable access to top doctors and hospitals.Overall, I think both the American private insurance system and the Chinese public system have major trade-offs when it comes to costs, wait times, quality of care, and overallaccessibility. There are good things and not-so-good things about each approach.I guess there's no perfect one-size-fits-all solution, which is why healthcare keeps being such a huge debate and political issue in both of our countries! People are always arguing over how to best provide affordable, quality care to everyone while managing costs. It's a really complex challenge with no easy answers.Those are just some of my thoughts comparing the healthcare systems of America and China based on what I've learned so far. Let me know if you have any other questions! I'd be curious to hear your perspectives too. Thanks for reading my essay!篇2The Healthcare Systems of the United States and ChinaHi! My name is Lily and I'm going to tell you about the healthcare systems in the United States and China. Healthcare is really important because it helps keep people healthy and treats them when they get sick or injured. Let me explain how it works in these two countries.In the United States, they have something called private health insurance. That means people have to pay money to an insurance company every month, and in return, the insurance company agrees to pay for most of their medical bills if they need to go to the doctor or hospital. Grown-ups usually get health insurance through their jobs. If their job doesn't offer insurance, they have to buy it themselves, which can be really expensive!Most Americans have health insurance, but there are still millions who don't have any insurance at all. For those people, it can cost a ton of money even just to go to the doctor for a regular check-up. That's why the U.S. government has programs like Medicaid and Medicare to help some groups likelow-income families, senior citizens, and people with disabilities get healthcare coverage.On top of that, the U.S. has lots of private hospitals and clinics run by companies, not the government. Patients can choose to go wherever they want for medical care. But it gets really confusing because every insurance plan has different rules about which doctors and hospitals are "in-network" and how much they'll pay for different services. It's a hassle to figure out!Now let me talk about China. In China, they have something called a universal healthcare system. That means the government provides affordable basic medical services for everybody through public hospitals and clinics using money from taxes. Isn't that nice? You don't have to buy any special insurance!When people in China need medical care, they just go to one of the public hospitals or clinics and show their government ID card. Then they only have to pay a small part of the total cost out of their own pocket, while the government covers the rest from the taxes everyone pays.However, the quality of medical care can be pretty different between the big city public hospitals and the smaller clinics in rural areas. The city hospitals are usually better with more modern equipment and talented doctors. A lot of Chinese people try their best to go to the nicer city hospitals when they're sick because they think the care is better there.Despite having basic universal healthcare though, many people in China's bigger cities still choose to buy extra private health insurance too. That's because the public system doesn't cover every medical treatment, certain medications, or篇3The Differences Between the American and Chinese Healthcare SystemsHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm going to tell you about the healthcare systems in the United States and China. This is a really important topic because healthcare is super duper important for keeping people healthy and alive.In the United States, we have what is called a private healthcare system. That means that healthcare companies are businesses that try to make money. People have to pay for private health insurance plans from these companies in order to go to the doctor and hospital without paying totally crazy high prices.Some people get health insurance from their employer or job. The company pays part of the insurance costs and the employee pays the other part out of their paycheck. Other people have to buy insurance all by themselves through websites like . Older people over 65 get Medicare which is paid for by the government.No matter what kind of health insurance you have, you usually have to pay some money out of your own pocket when you go to the doctor or hospital. You pay what is called a co-pay, like 20 for a regular check-up or 50 to see a specialist doctor. Youalso have to pay deductibles, which could be thousands of dollars per year before your insurance coverage kicks in.The biggest downside of the U.S. healthcare system is that millions of Americans don't have any health insurance at all because it is so expensive. Without insurance, seeing a doctor or going to the hospital could literally cost thousands and thousands of dollars! That's like a bajillion dollars for a kid. So those people often avoid getting healthcare until they get super duper sick.In China, there is what is called a universal basic healthcare system. That means the government pays for everyone's basic health needs. All Chinese citizens can get low-cost healthcare services covered by public health insurance programs.When Chinese people need to see a regular doctor or go to a standard hospital, they only have to pay a small portion of the total costs out of their own money. The government insurance programs cover the rest. For example, a person might only pay 5 or 10 to see a doctor for a regular check-up instead of 100 or more in the United States.However, if a Chinese person needs very expensive procedures like major surgery or treatment for serious diseases like cancer, they may have to pay a bigger portion of the totalcosts. Or they may choose to use a private hospital or doctor that accepts higher payments for better services and shorter wait times.The cool thing about China's healthcare system is that virtually everybody can get affordable basic medical care without going completely broke. But one of the downsides is that there are often really long wait times to see doctors, get surgery, or receive certain treatments through the public system.Another issue in China is that many rural areas don't have very good hospitals or medical facilities. City hospitals are way nicer and have better doctors, but country folks might have to travel really far to get there. That's not much of a problem for people living in big cities like Beijing or Shanghai though.So in summary, the United States has a way more privatized healthcare system based on health insurance companies. Millions don't have insurance and costs are crazy high, but medical care can be very good quality if you can afford it.China has more of a government-backed universal healthcare system where everybody can get low-cost basic medical services. But there can be long waits, quality issues, and higher costs if you need fancy private care or major medical procedures.Those are the biggest differences between the healthcare systems of the U.S. and China from what I understand as a10-year-old kid. Making sure all people can get good affordable healthcare is definitely a tough challenge for every country in the world. I just hope people smarter than me can keep working on making it better for everybody!篇4The Differences Between Healthcare in America and ChinaHi there! My name is Alex and I'm going to tell you about the big differences between the healthcare systems in America and China. This is an important topic because everyone gets sick sometimes and needs to go to the doctor or hospital. Having good healthcare is super important!In America, we have a system called private health insurance. That means families have to pay a company monthly fees, kind of like a subscription. Then when someone needs to go to the doctor or hospital, the insurance company pays most of the bill. The fees can be pretty expensive for families though, like hundreds of dollars per month! And the insurance doesn't always cover everything.People who don't have insurance or can't afford the fees still get healthcare, but they have to pay the full cost themselves which can be really, really expensive. That's why having insurance is so important. Some people get help from the government to pay for insurance if their family doesn't make a lot of money.The insurance companies are private businesses, not run by the government. There are lots of different insurance companies and they all operate a little differently with different costs, coverages, and doctor networks.In China, they have a very different system called universal public health insurance. Basically, the government provides health insurance for everyone in the whole country through public insurance programs. Instead of monthly fees paid to a private company, the costs are covered by taxes that everyone pays.When someone needs healthcare in China, they just go to any hospital or clinic and show their national insurance card. The government insurance program pays most of the costs so the person only has to pay a small portion out of their own pocket. Even those costs are calculated based on the person's income level so lower income people pay less.From what I understand, the quality of healthcare is generally pretty good in both America and China. They have excellent doctors, medicine, and healthcare facilities, especially in the big cities. But one big difference is that in America, healthcare costs a whole lot more overall both for the government and for individuals and families.Another key difference is that in America, tens of millions of people don't have any health insurance at all because they can't afford the monthly fees or their job doesn't provide it. In China, literally everyone is covered by the government insurance so no one goes completely uninsured.On the other hand, some people in China complain about long wait times, shortages of supplies, or having to go to different hospitals to get different treatments covered. And some medical technologies and new drugs get introduced faster in America.All in all, both systems have their pros and cons. America's system gives more choices but can be crazy expensive for regular families. China's public system makes sure everyone can get healthcare for low costs, but some people think it's not quite as efficient or modern as America's system in some ways.Personally, I think I would prefer China's system when I'm an adult because I wouldn't have to worry about going bankrupt if someone in my family gets really sick and needs a lot of expensive treatments. But I can see why some people like having more options through the private insurance companies in America too. It's a complex issue!Anyway, I hope this gives you a better understanding of how healthcare works differently in these two major countries. Making sure everyone can access good affordable healthcare is a huge challenge all countries are trying to figure out. It's a super important human right in my opinion! Let me know if you have any other questions.篇5The Differences Between Healthcare in America and ChinaHi there! My name is Lily and I'm a 10-year-old student. Today I want to tell you about the differences between the healthcare systems in the United States where I live, and China where my grandparents are from. Healthcare is really important because it helps keep people healthy and alive. But the way it works is pretty different between the two countries!In America, we have something called private health insurance. That means my mom and dad have to pay a company money every month to get healthcare coverage for our family. Their work helps pay for some of the cost too. The insurance company then pays most of the bills when we go to the doctor or hospital. But we still have to pay some extra money too, called a co-pay or deductible.The insurance companies can be really expensive though. And they don't always cover everything, like special medicine or eye doctor visits. Some people can't afford any insurance at all if they don't have a job or are really poor. Then they have to go to special free clinics or try to get government help to pay their medical bills.In China, they have a national healthcare system that is run by the government and covers everybody. People don't have to pay extra private insurance companies on their own. Instead, the money comes out of the taxes that workers and businesses pay.My grandparents in Beijing can just go to any hospital and only have to pay a small part of the total cost, while the government covers the rest through the national insurance program. Even poor people without any income get healthcare services for free or low cost.However, the quality of medical care can be different in China compared to the United States. In big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, the hospitals and care are just as modern and advanced as here. But in rural areas of the country, the smaller clinics and county hospitals don't always have the latest technology and best doctors like we do in America. Some people have to travel far to get quality treatment.There are good things and bad things about both healthcare systems. In America, the medical care can be among the most high-quality in the world, but it's really expensive if you don't have good insurance from your job. Getting everything covered properly can be a hassle too with all the paperwork and bills.In China, the government guarantees healthcare for everybody as a basic right. But sometimes there can be shortages of medical supplies or long waits in certain areas because there are so many people using the system. The level of care might not be as advanced compared to top American hospitals as well.Personally, I think I prefer the American way because my parents have good healthcare coverage from their jobs. We can see expert doctors and get the latest treatments whenever we need them without worrying too much about the cost. But Iknow other families struggle a lot with paying the big medical bills if they don't have insurance or their insurance doesn't cover everything.The Chinese system seems more fair and affordable for everyone since the costs are spread out. But I've heard some of the hospitals and clinics there can be overcrowded with not enough doctors, especially outside the big cities. So there are pros and cons to both ways of doing healthcare.Maybe the best system would be something in between, with the government providing basic health insurance for everyone, but people having the option to get extra private coverage if they want premium medical services or need special treatments. That way nobody falls through the cracks, but those who can afford it can pay extra for higher quality care.No matter what though, I'm just glad both America and China have healthcare systems in place to help people live longer, healthier lives. Doctors and nurses are amazing and work so hard to take care of us when we're sick or hurt. We're lucky to have them!So those are some of the key differences I've learned about healthcare between the U.S. and China from my grandparents and in school. Let me know if you have any other questions!Making sure everyone can see a doctor and get medicine is super important around the world. I hope you found this comparison helpful in understanding how two major countries approach this important issue. Thanks for reading my essay!篇6The Healthcare Systems in America and ChinaHave you ever wondered what it's like to go to the doctor or hospital in a different country? The way healthcare works can be very different depending on where you live! Today, I'm going to tell you about the healthcare systems in the United States and China.In the United States, we have a mixed healthcare system. That means some healthcare is provided by the government, and some is provided by private companies. The government healthcare programs are called Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is for older adults over 65 and some disabled people. Medicaid is for people with low incomes.However, most Americans get their healthcare from private insurance companies. These are businesses that you or your parents pay money to each month. In return, the insurance company helps pay your medical bills when you go to the doctoror hospital. The insurance companies can be for-profit, which means they try to make money.One of the biggest issues in the U.S. healthcare system is the cost. Healthcare in America is very expensive, even with insurance! Things like doctor visits, hospital stays, medical tests, and prescription drugs can cost a lot. Many Americans struggle to afford their medical bills.Now let's talk about the healthcare system in China. China has a universal healthcare system, which is very different from the U.S. Universal healthcare means the government provides affordable basic medical services for everyone in the whole country. It doesn't matter how much money you make.In China, the government runs public hospitals and clinics in cities and rural areas. Chinese citizens have to join a medical insurance plan, usually provided by their employer or local authority. The insurance plans cover most of the costs for basic medical care like doctor visits, but patients still have to pay some fees themselves.One of the challenges in China's healthcare system is that high-quality medical resources are very concentrated in the big cities like Beijing and Shanghai. Rural areas often lack goodhospitals, equipment, and skilled doctors. So many Chinese people travel long distances to get better medical care.Another issue is that public hospitals in China can get extremely crowded and have really long wait times. At some hospitals, you have to arrive at 4am just to get a slot to see the doctor that day! Hospitals often don't have enough resources like beds to meet the huge demand.Both the U.S. and Chinese healthcare systems face challenges with cost, access to care, and keeping up with the medical needs of their large populations. But they take very different approaches.In the U.S., we rely a lot on private insurance companies. In China, the government provides basic universal healthcare. Each system has its own pros and cons.Personally, I feel lucky to have access to good doctors and hospitals where I live. But I know many people in both countries struggle to get the affordable, quality medical care they need. I hope that as I grow up, the leaders in America and China can keep working to improve healthcare for all their citizens.What did you think about learning the differences between the U.S. and Chinese healthcare systems? It's pretty interesting tosee how countries approach such an important issue in various ways. Let me know if you have any other questions!。
英美医疗保险体系比较研究及对中国的启示摘要: 各国的医疗保险体系究其实质都是政府安排与市场机制的某种混合体,政府作用权重的大小以及政府介入的途径在事实上塑造了不同模式的医疗保险体系。
关键词: 医疗保险体系,医疗保险,政府,市场一、引言总体来看,已有的研究往往是基于对市场或政府的评判推出另一方的作用范围,在方法论上遵从实证主义、在本体论上奉行规范主义。
由Sekhri and Savedoff(2005)的研究可以推断,商业医疗保险在一国医疗保险体系中重要性的上升与该国财富水平的提高和制度发育的逐步成熟相关,但是,这至多只能解释目前许多转轨经济中出现的普遍趋势——政府在医疗保险体系中的融资角色都有不同程度的削弱,商业保险的重要性日渐上升,而很难解释发达国家的医疗保险制度模式为什么会有显著的差别。
在英国,医疗保障的受益资格被认为是一种普遍的公民权利,由政府出面组织制度化的全民健保制度(National Health Service,NHS),商业医疗保险只是一种有益的补充,一些支付能力较高的个人为了确保能够及时地获取所需的医疗服务,会选择到私立医院就诊,并购买商业医疗保险提供相应保障。
英国正是在三项原则的指导下不断完备社会保障项f7 .逐渐形成了一套“从摇篮到坟墓”的社会保障制度。
了解世界各国的医疗保健制度一、世界各国医疗保健制度概述二、发达国家医疗保健制度特点1. 美国的私人医疗保险体系2. 加拿大的全民医疗保健制度三、欧洲国家的医疗保健制度1. 英国的国民医疗服务(NHS)2. 德国的社会保险模式四、亚洲国家的医疗保健制度1. 日本的全民性社会化医疗保险制度2. 新加坡的强力个人责任模式五、综合评估与展望一、世界各国医疗保健制度概述医疗保健是每个人都关注并需要参与的重要领域。
1. 美国的私人医疗保险体系美国的医疗保健制度主要依赖于私人保险公司提供服务,被称为“社会化医疗保障”。
2. 加拿大的全民医疗保健制度相比之下,加拿大是世界上少数几个实行全民免费医疗服务制度的国家之一。
1. 英国的国民医疗服务(NHS)英国的NHS是世界上最大的社会化医疗系统之一。
2. 德国的社会保险模式德国拥有一个复杂但高效的社会保险体系。
加强医疗费用公示和信息公开,增加医疗服务的透明度,让患者 明明白白消费。
建国初期,我国医疗体系以公办医疗机构为主,医疗资源 有限,服务覆盖面窄。
改革开放后,随着经济和社会的发展,医疗体系逐步完善 ,私立医疗机构开始出现并发展。
比较各国居民的平均医疗费用支出,包括个人自付和医保报销后 的实际负担。
分析各国在控制医疗费用过快增长方面的政策措施,包括价格管制 、医保支付方式改革等。
医疗费用持续上涨,给患者家 庭和社会带来沉重负担,导致 部分贫困人口难以获得必要的 医疗服务。
医保制度存在覆盖面不够广、 报销比例不高、异地就医报销 困难等问题,需要进一步完善
通过政策引导和财政支持,优化医疗 资源配置,提高基层和农村地区的医 疗服务水平。
1.美国、英国政府信息公开立法的比较与借鉴 [J], 李云驰
2.大学生医疗保险制度国际比较与借鉴 [J], 王海荣;周绿林;林枫
3.国际卫生保健体制之综观:比较与借鉴——美国、英国、荷兰、墨西哥 [J], 洪光华
4.发达国家教育精准扶贫的政策比较与借鉴——以美国、英国、法国和日本为例[J], 陈群
5.欧洲社会医疗保险制度的演变与世界各国医疗保险制度概况——美国加利福尼亚大学公共卫生学院法学教授鲁玛博士在我全国卫生立法研讨会上的发言 [J], 乔柏顺
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A Comparative Study on Health Care ModeBetween British and American(By Class1 苏华虹20102401160)Instruction:As we all know, in recent years, China government has made great effort in our country’s healthy care system reform, with a tortuous development process. To prevent from more mistakes, we China also try to learn from other health care system mode and the experience when taking the system into practice of some developed countries such as the UK and the USA. Therefore it is meaningful to make a comparation between these two countries. In this passage, we will talk about the characteristics of the US and UK’s medical system and the mode of operation; the expense of the health care; the problems of these two system, at the end of it; we will talk about what we can learn from these two system to build a better healthy care system.Key words: Medical healthy care mode, government-leading, market, comparison, revelation.BodyComparing the two health care modes UK and U.S., it is obvious there are both similarities and differences between them. The similarities include: 1.The two modes hold the same goal of providing medical service to the nations 2.Each mode is in accordance with the value, spirit and will of the nations. (The American advocate for freedom and they don’t like to led by the government while the British are taken for granted that every citizen has right to enjoy medical services provided by the government) 3. Both the two mode are not perfect. Problems come along when taking the mode into practicing and both British and the American government is trying to reform the mode to get a better one. The differences are also obvious: 1.The British mode is leading by government, while the American mode is more based on the market in accordance with the principles of competition. 2. Most of the Britishhospitals owned by the state and the medical system is almost entirely supported by the progressive income tax. While there are much more non-profit and private hospitals and the government only bear the medical cost for the elderly, the poor and the disable and most of the rest are by the medical insurance. 3. The whole nations of UK can enjoy medical service from NHS while in USA; there is still 10% of the population lack medical insurance cover. 4. The mode of USA cost more than that of UK. Then in this text, we will focus on the differences.The medical mode of UK and USA is quite different depending on differences in values and politics in these two countries. Generally speaking, the United Kingdom martins a British government-led medical model. The United States is one of very few industrialized nations that do not provide some type of universal service. The medical care system of United States is guided mostly by the market without a national health system.The British government bare responsibility of health care of the nations for large part. Regional asylum Act of 1808, the metropolitan poor Act of 1867 and the Local Government Act 1929, both stress the importance of the government providing medical service for nations. On July 5, 1948, the United Kingdom created a national health system (NHS), which is a typical government-led model, to provide comprehensive services to all in need of medical services, and this day was called by many people “the greatest British historian of the day”. British residents, including foreigners legally residing in the United Kingdom, can enjoy free medical services. All residents receive equal health care services, receiving direct services guaranteed by the government. Health care system in the UK is almost entirely supported by the progressive income tax. Most of the hospitals owned by the state, almost all health care workers are state employees. Britain also has a relatively small medical insurance market; few hospitals provide medical services to holders of individual insurance. Private insurance is an option for those who wish to utilize it, and some employers offer private insurance as part of their hiring packages, but the great majority of Britons use the NHS exclusively.Different from Great Britain, the medical care system of United States is not ledby its government but decided mostly by the market principle of free composition, which reflects its advocate for freedom. Its government bears responsibility for a part of rather than the whole of the medical services and medicines as well as paying directly which mainly provided by commercial insurance, federal and state government-funded public medical insurance, supplemented by commercial organizations in accordance with market principles of free competition. In fact, the U.S. health care system is a hybrid system of a national, private, non-profit organization. Medical service providers in the United States are based on market: the number of non-profit and private hospitals is more than half of the total number of medical institutions, which shows the very high degree of market. In US, the poor and the old can get medical help from the state and federal government according the Medicare. Others may have the medical insurance, which are usually provided by the employers for the employee. The health insurance rate of large enterprises (over 200) and group is more than 80%. U.S. health insurance coverage is about 85%, of which nearly 60% by employer-sponsored insurance. For those without medical insurance or help from the government, they have to bear the medical fee themselves or the uninsured who can not afford to the cost of medical, they turn to the emergency because U.S. hospitals may not refuse emergency patients and they haven’t pay for the emergency.In a word, in UK, the government responsible for your healthy, that is to say, people in Great Britain do not have to dig into their pockets to pay for medical costs, money is no longer constitute barriers to access to good medical services. While in USA, unless you have got either a medical insurance or the federal and state government’s assistance or your employer, you must pay for the medical fee yourself.While, with difference health care mode, how much specificly should people in these two country pay for the medical care respectively and which country use less money to provide better medical service? Are the nations satisfied with their health care mode? The statistics will answer these questions.According to the World Health Organization, the United Kingdom has a population of 61.56 million, $ 36 240 per capita GDP, per capita health careexpenditure of $ 3399, total health spending accounted for 9.3 percent of GDP. How about in US.? In 1962, the U.S. health care expenditure as a percentage of GDP was less than 6 percent; in 2007, quickly rose to 16%. In 2009, health expenditure as a percentage of GDP was 16.2 percent, per capita health expenditure of $ 7.41 thousand, which is the world's most expensive health care system, because of the use and popularization of the high-tech pharmaceutical products. It means that Americans must pay much more money in medical treat than Brtishes cost.However, does it mean that America use more money to provide better medical service and the nations of USA are more satisfied with their health care mode? The statistics shown below can answer these questions. In the 2000, an overall assessment made by the World Health Organization in its hotly contested ranking of countries in terms of health system performance placed the United Kingdom 18th and the United States 37th out of 191 countries studied. Around 45 million Americans under the age of 65 lack health insurance cover, and far more US citizens than UK citizens report that the cost of health care is a barrier to access. Although the majority of the public in both the United Kingdom and United States express dissatisfaction with their healthcare systems, a higher proportion of the British population think their system works well, and a lower proportion believe the system needs to be rebuilt completely, than in the United States.As we all know, no system or policies are perfect so do the health care mode of UK and USA. When the nations enjoy the profits from the medical system, problems come along.For USA, high health care cost is the main problem, both for the nations and the government. Although the employers’ high insurance costs are paid by the employer s, they have to assume a relatively small part of the cost. The Medicare for the poor and the elderly has become the biggest burden of the fiscal. And also for the American firms, the cost of medical insurance is paid by the employer for the employee in accordance with the law has also become a heavy burden of U.S. companies. While, the output of the American medical system doesn’t equal to its high cost, as the largest and richest economies, there are still more than 10 percent of the population lack ofmedical insurance. Actually, the government in USA all stress on the medical system reform. There some examples : In 1933, Roosevelt proposed the health care system reform, which got accusation of medical experts, and not really legalized; In 1962, President Kennedy called for the establishment of health insurance for the elderly, has not yet passed by Congress; In 1976, President Carter initiated a universal health care reform initiatives, but this initiative has been shelved due to the tough economic situation; In 1994, President Clinton and his wife, Hillary proposed the most ambitious proposal, also suffered the worst defeat. On March 21, 2010, the U.S. Congress passed health care reform bill proposed by President Barack Obama to increase government responsibility, and expand insurance coverage, which will allow the U.S. government in 10 years to invest $ 940 billion, 32 million without insurance U.S. people into the health care system to improve U.S. health care coverage from 85% to 95%. This new bill through the United States "has taken a big step." However, all the reforms do not change the U.S. health care market-based mode of operation It seems that the medical system of UK works better than that of USA. But does it operate without problems? Of course not! Actually, although the NHS is seen as the envy of the world, with the increasing demand for public health services, the scale of the NHS continuing to expand, the increase in population, the NHS gradually caused grievances due to overload, of which an appointment, inefficiency become the focus of the grievances. And facing the emergence of financial pressure, the government had to start reform the NHS. Therefore, the UK also has medical reform since the past 30 years and in some ways the UK tries to learn from the health care mode of USA, which you may think is paradoxical but evidence is everywhere. Back in the 1980s, the Thatcher government drew on ideas advocated by the Stanford economist, Alain Einthoven, in formulating its plans for an internal market for the NHS. More recently, the Blair government's reforms to the NHS have led to a renewed interest in importing policies from across the Atlantic, most obviously in the introduction of a new system for paying hospitals that draws heavily on the use of prospective payment in the United States. Ten years after the release of the new national health care system in 1997, the British model has once again become the envy of the world an example.Although the current Cameron, the Conservative Party and Liberal Democratic Party coalition government are also various aspects of the reform, the UK government dare not to reduced or even canceled the universal welfare-style health system, for the nations are in favor of the NHS. For example, in 2009, the United Kingdom announced that the treatment of kidney cancer can no longer use the precious drugs; the result was a public outrage. Therefore, the reform to the medical system is just adjustment for better operation of the NHS but not change the British health care government-leading mode of operationConclusion:The two modes reflect the different value, spirit and polities of USA and UK, so China couldn’t just copy any mode. With the development of economy and teleology, Chinese government tries to improve the quality of medical service of the nation, and is trying to build a better medical system that can work efficiently. From studying the two health care modes of UK and USA, we can be clearer about what can learn from these two modes. After learning from the two modes, we should realize that: 1. the British and the USA mode have both similaraties and differences and neither may be the best mode but maybe they are the most suitable ones according to the value, spirit and politics of UK and USA respectively. 2. The British mode is fairer while the American mode is more efficient. We shouldn’t judge which one is better easily. 3. Whatever we China learn from, we must take the value, spirit and will of our nations and the national conditions into consideration but not just copy.From where I stand, the mode of USA is more efficient and use the limited money to help those who are really in need, but it seems ignore the responsibility of the government and not fit for our socialism, which is not good for the further development. For the mode of UK, it benefits the nations a lot but acquires a larger medical expense of government, and as a developing countries, it is hard for our government to provide national health system for our huge population of more than 13 billion. Meanwhile, I think if the British mode adopted in China, we have to wait longer than the British because of the huge population. And there is a huge gapbetween the rich and the poor in China, so in my opinion, we should use the limited funds to help the poor and once our government is powerful enough, all the people can be treated. In a word, either the mode of UK or that of USA is not what we China need during the developing period. Maybe we can adopt a mixture of the government-lea mode and the market-driven mode to build a better system that is fit for our national conditions as a developing countries and with huge population. I believe after ten years or decades, efforts, we Chinese will be able to build a better Chinese health model that and provides better medical service for nations and our Chinese people are proud of !。