
建设工程施工合同中英文对照版中英文建设工程施工合同Contract for Construction Project本合同是由承包人(以下简称“甲方”)和业主(以下简称“乙方”)共同订立,旨在规定双方在建设工程项目中的权益和义务。
This contract is entered into by and between the Contractor (hereinafter referred to as "Party A") and the Owner (hereinafter referred to as "Party B") to regulate the rights and obligations of both parties in the construction project.总则 General Provisions第一条项目名称及工程地点:本工程名称为_________,位于_________。
Article 1: Project Name and Location: The name of the project is__________, located in __________.第二条总承包范围:甲方应按照乙方的要求,完成工程项目的设计、施工、验收等工作。
Article 2: Scope of General Contracting: Party A shall complete the design, construction, and acceptance of the project in accordance with PartyB's requirements.第三条施工期限:本工程的施工期限为_________,甲方必须按时完成工程,并交付乙方使用。
Article 3: Construction Period: The construction period of this project is __________. Party A must complete the project on time and deliver it to Party B for use.义务与责任 Obligations and Responsibilities第四条甲方责任:甲方应根据乙方的要求,制定合理的工程施工方案,并保证工程按照合同和法律法规的要求进行。

施工合同中英文模板CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTTHIS CONTRACT is made and entered into as of [Insert Date], by and between [Insert Client Name], hereinafter referred to as "Client," and [Insert Contractor Name], hereinafter referred to as "Contractor."1. SCOPE OF WORKThe Contractor agrees to perform the construction services described in the attached Statement of Work (SOW) for the project identified as [Insert Project Name].2. CONTRACT AMOUNTThe total contract price for the work described in the SOW is [Insert Total Contract Price]. This price includes all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work.3. PAYMENT TERMSThe Client shall make payments to the Contractor as follows: a. [Insert Percentage] percent of the total contract price upon signing of this contract.b. [Insert Percentage] percent of the total contract price upon completion of [Insert Milestone].c. The remaining balance upon satisfactory completion of the work and acceptance by the Client.4. SCHEDULEThe work shall commence on [Insert Start Date] and be completed by [Insert Completion Date].5. PERFORMANCE BONDThe Contractor shall provide a performance bond in the amount of [Insert Bond Amount] to guarantee the completion of the work.6. WARRANTYThe Contractor warrants that all work will be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the SOW.7. TERMINATIONEither party may terminate this contract for cause upon written notice to the other party if there is a material breach of any of the terms of this contract.8. DISPUTESAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be resolved by [Insert Method of Dispute Resolution, e.g., arbitration, mediation, etc.].9. APPLICABLE LAWThis contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction].10. ENTIRE AGREEMENTThis contract, including the attached SOW and any exhibits, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties andsupersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements.11. AMENDMENTSThis contract may be amended only in writing signed by both parties.12. NOTICESAll notices required or permitted by this contract shall be in writing and delivered to the addresses set forth below or to such other addresses as either party may designate in writing.Client: [Insert Client Name and Address]Contractor: [Insert Contractor Name and Address]IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract as of the date first above written.CLIENT[Insert Client Name]By: [Insert Authorized Signature]CONTRACTOR[Insert Contractor Name]By: [Insert Authorized Signature]Title: [Insert Title]STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW)1. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONA detailed description of the project, including the objectives, deliverables, and any specific requirements.2. WORK SCHEDULEA detailed schedule of the work, including milestones and deadlines.3. QUALITY REQUIREMENTSThe quality standards that the work must meet.4. SAFETY REQUIREMENTSSafety protocols and procedures that must be followed during the project.5. SUBMISSIONSA list of all documents, reports, or other submissions required from the Contractor.6. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCEProcedures for the Client's inspection of the work and acceptance of the project.7. CHANGE ORDERSProcedures for requesting and implementing changes to the scope of work.8. COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENTCriteria for determining when the work is complete and the conditions for final payment.9. WARRANTY AND MAINTENANCEDetails of any warranties provided by the Contractor and any maintenance services included.10. ADDITIONAL TERMSAny other specific terms and conditions relevant to the project.Please note that this is a template and should be reviewed by a legal professional to ensure it meets the specific needs and legal requirements of your project.。

Construction Contract工程合同PO No.: XXXXXXX Buyer:. Date of signature:甲方:签约日期:Seller:乙方:This Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller: Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:甲乙双方经友好协商,一致就供应下列产品,达成如下条款:1. Scope of Supply and Price工作范围及价格明细2. Technical Requirement, Quality Requirement, Standard & Warranty Period: Seller shall carried out the construction in strict accordance with the National Standard and the requirements stipulated in the Technical Agreement No. ________which both party signed (see attached documents). The warranty period shall be 1 year after placement of Goods in service.技术要求、质量要求、技术标准和质保期限: 按国家标准和双方签定(de)技术协议(编号:______见附件)施工,质保期为投产后1年.3. Job Sites:施工地点:4. Construction Equipment, Tools & Field Personnel Management:施工设备工具及现场人员管理:(1) All the construction equipment and tools shall be provided by Seller.所有施工用设备及工具由乙方自带.(2) Buyer will coordinate and arrange the electricity and water supply on the site.现场施工用水电由甲方协调安排.(3) Buyer will be responsible for all the lifting work during the constructionon site.现场施工过程中(de)吊装工作由甲方负责.(4) Seller shall be responsible for the management of its field personnel safety; Seller should provide reasonable protection and insurance for its personnel’s safety. All the personnel injury and property damage caused by Seller’s failure of management shall be borne by Seller.现场施工人员管理由乙方负责.乙方应对人员(de)安全等方面提供合理(de)保障,由于乙方管理原因造成(de)人身伤亡及财产损失由乙方承担.5. Construction Time, delay and Postpone合同工期、工期延误、工期顺延:(1) Buyer shall issue a Notice to Seller about the construction one week prior the date of the construction start.甲方提前一周通知乙方施工时间.(2) Construction period will be15 days from the date of issuance of the order to commence the construction from Buyer.自甲方发出开工令之日算起,工程工期15天.(3) Construction period may be postponed as Buyer agreed after he certified that the delay not caused by Seller.非乙方原因造成工期延误,须经甲方确认后工期顺延.(4) The start time of the construction shall be subject to the order to commence by Buyer. Seller shall unconditionally follow the overall project schedule ofBuyer. Buyer shall be entitled to evaluate and adjust Seller’s construction plan.开工时间以甲方开工令为准.乙方应无条件服从甲方(de)整体进度计划,甲方有权对乙方制定(de)工期安排进行审核、调整.(5) Liquidated Damage: If seller fails to complete the construction on time as stipulated in the Contract, Seller agrees to pay a penalty at the rate of 1% of the Total Value per day of delay. No bonus for early completion.合同工期(de)延期损失赔偿费:工期每延期一天,乙方承担(de)工期违约罚款为乙方承包范围内(de)工程结算价款(de)1%.提前工期不予奖励.6. Standard and method of acceptance inspection:Subject to the requirement in the Attached Technical Agreement.验收标准、方法: 按照技术协议(de)要求进行验收.7. Payment Term 结算方式和期限:(1) 50% of the Total Contract Value will be paid by T/T within 10 working daysafter the first lot of material arrived at the site and accepted by Buyer, Seller shall provide VAT invoice with the total contract value to Buyer. 第一批材料到现场后经甲方验收合格,乙方开具合同全额(de)17%增值税发票10个工作日内,付合同总金额50%.(2) 40% of the Total Contract Value will be paid by T/T within 10 working days after the construction completed and accepted by Buyer.施工完成经甲方验收合格10个工作日内支付合同总金额(de)40%.(3) 10% of the Total Contract Value will be paid by T/T after one year normaloperation of the facility and the Warranty Period expired.剩下(de)10%作为质保金,设备正常运行1年后付清.(4) In case of the site construction in Iran, Buyer will be responsible for visa, round-trip fares and traveling expense, food and accommodation, and 30 US Dollar daily subsidies for each of Seller’s construction personnel on Iran Site. All of the cost will be paid by T/T within 10 working days after the construction completed and Buyer received related bills provided by Seller and accepted these bills..若需乙方前往伊朗项目现场施工,甲方负责乙方施工人员(de)签证、往返车旅费、食宿,并补助乙方每人30美金/天.以上费用于现场施工完毕后,乙方提交相关票据,甲方收到票据核实无误10个工作日内结算.8. Delay and Penalty 违约责任:(1) If there is any defect or mistake of construction quality, Seller shall repair and replace immediately at its own cost. If Seller fails to solve defect or mistake could not be , Buyer shall have right to return the Goods and claim to Seller for loss there caused.如果乙方施工质量出现问题,乙方需无偿即时修复或更换,如再不能解决,甲方可向乙方退货、索赔.(2) In case Seller’s construction can not accomplish as per Buyer’s project schedule, and failed to keep up with the schedule, thus to seriously influence the whole schedule, or Seller’s poor quality of construction resulted Buyer’swhole project quality could not satisfy Owner’s quality standard, Seller shall compensate all Buyer’s loss there caused in addition to the normal delay penalty..如因乙方(de)原因使该项目(de)施工不能按照甲方(de)进度计划完成,并经甲方纠偏无效且实际影响了甲方(de)整个工程进度,或因该项目(de)验收质量导致甲方整个工程(de)质量达不到业主质量标准,除扣除正常(de)工期延期罚款外,经业主认定后乙方应赔偿由此给甲方造成(de)损失.9. Contract price and adjustments 合同价款及调整:(1)Contract price:The contract price is FFP (Firm Fixed Price), include tender documents, technical requirement, drawings, site inspection, risk premium, etc. The contract price will not be adjusted at settlement and during the whole project, if Buyer would not change the design and sign site visa. Contract price will not be adjusted and neither party could change it during contract execution. except the factor listed in Sub article 2.合同价款:合同价款采用固定合同总价(de)方式确定,招标文件、技术要求、图纸、现场考察、风险费等等全部包干,甲方不提出设计变更,现场签证,结算时合同价款不予调整.合同执行过程中其它任何一方不得擅自更改,除下列第2条中规定(de)调整因素需在结算时进行调整外,合同价款均不予调整.(2) The adjustment factor of contract price:合同价款(de)调整因素:a. Change Order issued by Buyer ;甲方发出(de)变更或指令.b. Change of Material: if Buyer need to change the pourable material that Buyer has stipulated in the tender documents due to technical issue, Buyer and Seller would discuss and determine to the adjustment of the Contract Price after verifying the price of the material in the market.材料变更:对于甲方在招标文件中认定(de)浇注材料,如因甲方技术原因需要变更,经市场核实材料价格后,甲方与乙方协商对合同总价进行变更和确认.10. Material Inspection 材料检验:(1) Inspection of Material and Facility:All the material and facility for this project shall be sampled and tested by Seller under supervision and witness of Buyer before putting into use , the sampling and testing shall be in strict compliance to laws and regulations, related standard and codes, and contract’s requirement.材料和设备(de)检验:本工程一切材料设备在用于本工程之前,均应按照法律、法规和有关标准、规范(de)规定以及本合同(de)约定,在甲方(de)监督、见证下,由乙方负责取样并做试块.(2) Program of Test:The program of test, including test time, place, method of sampling, and test frequency test items shall be prepared by Seller according to laws and regulations, related standard and codes, and contract’s requirement, submitted to Buyer for confirmations, and performed after accepted by Buyer.检验内容:材料设备(de)检验时间和地点、取样办法、检验频次和内容由乙方根据法律、法规和有关标准、规范(de)规定以及本合同(de)约定提出,报甲方确认后施行. (3) Normal Check:Buyer will enter the construction site to supervise the construction quality at any reasonable time, and Seller should provide all the convenience assistance when Buyer enters.随时检查:甲方代表在一切合理(de)时间内均应能进入施工现场对工程质量进行监督,乙方应为他们进入上述场所提供一切便利和协助.11. Settlement of Disputes: 争议解决All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached, either Party may be referred to institute legal proceedings to the court located at the prosecutor’s address, or at the place where the Purchase Contract was executed.解决合同纠纷方式如出现质量问题和工期延后问题,按合同执行或双方协商解决.协商不通,可在甲方所在地通过法律手段解决.12. others其他约定事项:(1) This Purchase Contract is in both Chinese and English.本合同为中英文双语合同,如果双语之间出现任何矛盾,以中文为准.(2) This Purchase Contract shall be made in four originals, one for Seller and three for Buyer. All have the same legal force.本合同一式肆份,甲执三份,乙执一份.(3) This Purchase Contract will come to effective once it was signed by the legal persons or their authorized representatives of the two Parties and chopped with the stamps of the two Parties. Fax copy of the Contract signed by the two parties will have the same legal force.本合同双方代理人签字盖章后生效.(4) Technical Agreement and Technical data and documents will be the Attachment of this contract.技术协议和技术资料文件作为本合同(de)附件.(5) This Purchase Contract will come to effective on Feb 2nd, 2010 and will be expired on Feb 2nd, 2011.本合同有效期限:2010年2月2日至2011年2月2日.。

工程合同中英双语【合同名称】Contract Name: 建设工程合同Construction Contract【甲方(发包方)】arty A (Emloyer): ______________________【乙方(承包方)】arty (Contractor): ______________________鉴于甲乙双方根据平等自愿的原则,就以下工程项目的施工达成如下协议:Whereas arty A and arty have reached the following agreement ased on the rincile of equality and voluntariness regarding the construction of the roject elow:第一条合同项目及范围Article 1 Scoe of the Contract roject1.1 本合同项目为[具体项目名称],位于[具体地点]。
The contract roject is [secific roject name], located at [secific location].1.2 工程范围包括[详细描述工程内容和范围]。
The scoe of the roject includes [detailed descrition of the roject content and scoe].第二条合同金额Article 2 Contract Amount2.1 本合同总金额为[金额数额]人民币/美元。
The total amount of this contract is [amount in RM/USD].2.2 合同金额包含所有施工成本及乙方预期利润。
The contract amount covers all construction costs and arty 's exected rofits.第三条工期要求Article 3 Construction eriod Requirements3.1 工程开工日期为[具体日期],竣工日期为[具体日期]。

Translation:Construction ContractParty A: (Developer)Party B: (Contractor)This contract is signed by the two Parties Party A and Party B according to the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Contraction law of the People’s Republic of China , and other relevant national laws and regulations, as well as the specific nature of this project. On the basis of honesty and credit, equality, voluntariness, party A and party B have reached consensus through negotiations and signed this contract.1.Project Introduction1.1 Name of Project:1.2 Location of Project: From to .1.3 Scope and content of the project: .1.4 The design of construction drawings: .2.Nature of Contracting: Contract for labor and materials .3.Construction periodThis project will take 20 days after the receive of the beginning notice from Party A (including reception time after completion),and including the beginning date and completion date.4.Quality of ProjectQuality of Project: qualified .5.Contract Amount5.1 Contract Amount: be RMB 400,000 Yuan tentatively (The actual settlement shall prevail).5.2 Adjustment of contract amount: .6.Final Audit of the project6.1 The condition and steps for Party A pay the project funds to Party B:Party A agrees to pay Party B for RMB150,000Yuan three days after the beginning of the project,the balance will be paid 97% after the qualified completion, and 3% warranty guarantee fee will be paid one years if there is no quality problem.6.2 Mode of payment: .6.3 Party B shall submit to Party A equivalent invoice before Party A’s each period payment, otherwise, Party A can refuse to pay until the receiving of t he Party B’s invoice.6.4 The invoice provided by Party B should be valid. Any falls invoice provided byParty B which are found by relevant office, the Party B should not only provide the valid invoice to Party A, but also bear the responsible caused by the invalid invoice.7.Variation of design and visa7.1During the process of the project, any contract list, technology checking list ( not include the variation, addition, substitution, and reduction on the drawings and project fee) concerning about this project shall only be regarded as effective with the confirmation of the representative Party A in writing.7.2 Any variation notice list, technology checking list, contract list, technology checking list ( include the drawings design) concerning about this project shall only be regarded as effective with the confirmation of the seal of Party A.7.3In the event of Party B fails to complete the project according to the drawing variation, Party B shall pay to Party Aas penalty for the breach.Party B will also bear the responsible and the reworking fee caused by the continued working regardless of the new design.7.4Party B shall take full responsibility for any loss caused by delaying for more than days applying for extension vise from Party A days after the receiving of changed design.8. Acceptance and Final Audit of the project8.1 Acceptance of the project8.1.1This project should meet the national quality acceptance standards and should beaccepted at the first inspection after completion. The Quality Acceptance Criteria of Construction of nation must be regarded as the acceptance standards for the project. Party B shall inform Party A in writing of all kinds of inspection and acceptance withi n 3 days.Party A shall arrange inspection and acceptance within 3 working days after receiving the notification.8.1.2Party B shall be responsible for the re-inspection cost, and the project period shall not be extended.8.2 Final Audit of the projectIf the result of re-inspection has passed acceptance standards, Party B shall submit the audit report and materials to Party A for verification within 7 days. (the materials include ).9.Obligations of Party A and Party B9.1. Obligations of Party A:9.1.1.Party A appoints as the on-site representative to supervise the fulfillment of contract obligations, to oversee the quality control and check the project progress, and to handle issues such as acceptance and variations and withdraw the representative at any time.9.1.2. Days before beginning of the project, Party A shall provide Party B .9.1.3. Party A shall confirm the variation and suggestion days after providing todesign drawings and scheme to Party B.9.1.4.Party A shall be responsible for coordinating the relationship with the engining.9.2. Obligations of Party B.Party B appoints WangZhirong as the on-site representative of Party B to take charge of fulfilling the contract obligations. The on-site representative of Party B shall organi ze the construction according to contract requirements so that the project can be comp leted according to the quality and quantity requirements and on a timely manner..Party B shall observe safetypolicies of on-site management by the state and Guangxi , Nanning government authorities and shall independently and fully assumes responsible for the loss caused by violation.9.2.3Party B shall observe policies of on-site management by the state and local gover nment authorities as well as Party A's rules and regulations; Party B shall compensate for the losses to any facilities, equipment or pipelines both inside and outside of the co nstruction yard caused by party B.9.2.4.During construction, Party B should make such adjustment to the construction pl an and the progress schedule per Party A's instruction and change-orders.9.2.5. Party B should transfer the construction site within days after the qualified completion.10.Agreement on SafetyParty B must strictly adhere to the Safety and Technical Standards of Construction an d Infrastructure Installation and regulation of China, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning Safety Standards and other relevant regulations and standards.the construction spot should meet all standards of the People's Republic of China. And bearing the safety fees which are not caused by party A.11.The concerning material supply11.1. Party A or Party B should be responsible for the material ,equipments,which should meet the qualified design request with qualification guarantee books.11.2. Any material,equipment which is bought by the Party B, if not agree with the quality request or specification contain difference,should forbid any usage.the Party B should rebuy the equipment and bear the responsibility to make sure no delay on the project.if Party B refuses to change the materials, Party A has the right to terminate the contract and asks for loss from Party B.11.3 Any material,equipment which is bought by the Party A, if not agree with the quality request or specification contain difference,should forbid any usage.the Party A should rebuy the equipment and bear the responsibility to make sure no delay on the project.12.Warranty12.1.Warranty scope: as state in the contract.12.2.Warranty period: 1 year after the qualified completion.12.3During the warranty period, Party B shall fix within 2 days after receiving the notice from Party A. In the event of Party B fails to fix the defects on a timely manner, Party A has the right to hire a third Party to do the repair, and any costs incurred shall be burdened by Party B.12.4. Mode of notices: phone, fax, e-mail, and so on.12.4.1 in the way of call the phone or faxing: Party B ’s TEL:,Fax: . These contact ways will be regarded as the evidence of warranty notice to Party B after the calling and faxing.12.4.2.in the way of posting: Party B ’s address:. These contact ways will be regarded as the evidence of warranty notice to Party B after e-mailing.12.4.3. in the way of e-mailing: Party B ’s e-mail: . These contact ways will be regarded as the evidence of warranty notice to Party B after e-mailing.12.4.4. The fees of noticing Party B will be borne by Party B.12.5. Project quality retention fee(tip: the blue words will be suite for under the condition of withing the Project quality retention fee)12.5.1Project quality retention fee: , which will be deduce from the project funds of Party B.12.5.2 After the expire date, Party A will return the rest of the quality retention fees without interest to Party B. This will be applied by Party B within ten days after the completion of qualified project.13. Liabilities for Breach13.1.In the event of Party A fails to make payment according to the payment terms, Party A should pay a late fee to Party B; Daily rate of the late fee is % of the payment. If the delay of the payment is caused by Party A and is delayed for more tha n days, then Party B can terminate this contract.13.2In the event of Party B fails to complete the project according to the construction period in the contract, Party B shall pay % of the t otal contract amount for each day overdue as penalty for the breach. Daily rate of the l ate fee is % of the payment.13.3.Party A can terminate this contract and Party B shall take full responsibility for a ny loss caused by this when one of these condition takes place.13.3.1 Overdue over days.13.3.2Party B transfers the contract and any part of the contract and its corresponding to any third party without Party A's consent in writing.13.3.3.Be ordered to shut down by the administrative organ caused by Party B over days.13.3.4.Safety and quality accidents.13.3.5. The materials provided by Party B differs from the QAcertificate and the Report of Quality Assurance Test. And Party B can not make change on these material.13.4.Party B should make salary/wages payment to all construction staffs in time on a monthly basis, and will be fully responsible for any liabilities caused by any loss or da mage to Party A as a result of Party B's failure to pay salaries and wages according to the requirements. In the event of migrant workers create a disturbance on group site, Party A's premises, office space, Party B should paid penal sum Yuan each time.13.5.In the event anyParty shall fail to complete the work in time owing to reasons that the contractor shall be held liable, the Party shall pay a penalty for RMB Yuan, and bear all be loss of the other Party.13.6. penal sums and other penalty fees that Party B should to Party A , Party A can take out the same amount of money directly from the project fees. (including quality retention fee).14.Other provisions14.1 Party A and Par ty B will deal with each party’s property and life insurance and assume their insurance costs respectively.14.2.Both Parties shall timely discuss each other for the settlement of any disputearising during the execution of this Contract. In case that such discussion fails, any Party can appeal to local people's court.14.3.Supplementary agreement could be made between the two parties in case that any additional clause shall be added. The supplementary agreement shall have the same effect and power as this Contract.14.4.This Contract shall come into force beginning from the date when both parties have stamped it with official Seal (or special stamp for contract) and signed it.14.5This contract will be printed and signed in 4 copies and Party A shall hold 3 copies. Party B shall hold 1 copies. And all have the same power and effect.15.Attachments:Party A: Party B:Legal Representative: Legal Representative:Address: Accounting Bank:Tel: Bank Account No.:Date: 2023-07-28 Address:Tel:Date: 2023-07-28。

Construction Contract工程合同PONo.:No.: XXXXXXXBuyer:. Date of signature:甲方:签约日期:Seller:乙方:This Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller: Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:甲乙双方经友好协商,一致就供应下列产品,达成如下条款:1. Scope of Supply and Price工作范围及价格明细2. Technical Requirement, Quality Requirement, Standard & Warranty Period:Seller shall carried out the construction in strict accordance with the National Standard and the requirements stipulated in the Technical Agreement No. ________which both party signed (see attached documents). The warranty period shall be 1 year after placement of Goods in service.技术要求、质量要求、技术标准和质保期限: 按国家标准和双方签定的技术协议(编号:______见附件)施工,质保期为投产后1年。
3. Job Sites:施工地点:4. Construction Equipment, Tools & Field Personnel Management:施工设备工具及现场人员管理:(1) All the construction equipment and tools shall be provided by Seller.所有施工用设备及工具由乙方自带。

xxxx施工合同Construction Contract of xxxx发包方(甲方)xxxxParty A: xxxx承包方(乙方)xxxxParty B: xxxx本合同由如上列明的甲、乙双方按照《中华人民共和国合同法》、《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》以及国家相关法律法规的规定,结合本合同具体情况,于xx年x月x日在xx签订。
This contract is signed by the two Parties in xxxx on xxxx according to the “Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China”, the “Regulation on Building and Installation Contracting Contract”, and other relevant national laws and regulations, as well as the specific nature of this project第一条总则Article 1 General Principles1.1合同文件Contract Documents本合同包含合同、展示、施工图纸、作法说明、招投标文件以及合同所指的其他文件,它们均被视为合同的一部分。
This contract includes the contract itself, exhibits, construction drawings, explanations of work procedures, tender documents, as well as other documents specified by the contract. The contract documents should be mutually explainable and mutually descriptive. The documents that constituted the contract and the priority hierarchy of explanations of the documents are as follows: this contract; the official letter of winning the tender; Letter of bidding and its annex, standards, guidelines, and relevant technical documents, drawings, Bill of Quantity (BOQ), quotation of prices, and project budget. During the implementation of the contract, any written agreements or documents between two parties such as change-orders are also regarded will be deemed as part of this contract.1.1.1项目概况Project Introduction1.1.2工程名称:xxxxName of Project: xxxx1.1.3工程地点:xxxxLocation of Project: xxxx1.1.3.1工程范围:除了本合同其他条款另有说明外,乙方应提供为履行合同所需的所有服务,用品以及其他保障工程进行所需的必要花费以完成下列工作:Scope of the project: unless otherwise explained by other articles in this contract, Party B shall provide all services, utensils, and other necessary cost for the implementation of this contract; the scope of project includes, but not limited to:※室内装饰工程,详见附件一和附件二Inner decoration, see appendix 1 & 2※室外装饰工程(门窗、屋面、台阶等),详见附件一和附件二Façade(including doors, windows, roof and stairs) see appendix 1 & 2※电器工程,详见附件一和附件二Electronic Engineering, see appendix 1 & 2※空调工程,详见附件一和附件二Air Conditioning System, see appendix 1 & 2※给排水及采暖工程,详见附件一和附件二Water Supply, Sewage and Heating System, see appendix 1 & 2※消防工程Fire Control System, see appendix 1 & 2※其他图纸上所列项目(任何对原定设计的变更应提供新的图纸并有甲方的签字确认)以上所有的工程项目以下统称为“工程”。

建筑施工合同中英文对照版本甲方:Party A乙方:Party B根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚信的原则基础上,就甲方委托乙方进行建筑施工事宜,经友好协商,达成以下协议:Article 1: General Provisions1.1 This Contract shall be effective from the date of signing by both Parties and shall expire upon the completion of the Construction Project.1.2除非本合同另有规定,本合同未尽事宜,可由双方另行协商达成补充协议,补充协议与本合同具有同等法律效力。
Article 2: Construction Scope and Objectives2.1 Party A entrusts Party B with the Construction Project (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") located at ____________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Construction Site").2.2 The Construction Scope of the Project shall include, but not limited to, the following:(1)____________;(2)____________;(3)____________;2.3 The objectives of the Project are to complete the construction within the agreed timeand budget, and to achieve the required quality standards.Article 3: Construction Period3.1 The Construction Period of the Project shall be ____________ days from the date of signing this Contract.3.2 Party B shall notify Party A in writing if it expects to extend the Construction Period. The extension shall not be unreasonably denied by Party A. The extension period shall be agreed upon by both Parties.Article 4: Construction Cost4.1 The total Construction Cost of the Project shall be ____________ RMB (Renminbi), including taxes and other related fees.4.2 The payment schedule shall be as follows:(1)____________ RMB upon signing this Contract;(2)____________ RMB upon the completion ofthe____________ phase of the Project;(3)____________ RMB upon the finalcompletion of the Project.4.3 Party A shall pay Party B theConstruction Cost within 30 days after receiving the relevant invoices and supporting documents.Article 5: Quality and Standards5.1 The construction work shall comply with the relevant laws, regulations, codes, standards, and specifications required by the Construction Project.5.2 Party B shall be responsible for the quality of the construction work. Party B shall repair or replace any defective work within areasonable time after the completion of the Project at its own expense.Article 6: Safety and EnvironmentalProtection6.1 Party B shall ensure the safety of the construction site, and shall take necessary measures to protect the environment and prevent pollution.6.2 Party B shall be responsible for anyinjury or damage caused by its employees or agents during the performance of this Contract.Article 7: Force Majeure7.1 Neither Party shall be liable for the failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under this Contract due to force majeure events such as acts of God, war, strikes, riots, etc.7.2 The Party affected by the force majeure shall notify the other Party in writing as soon as possible, and shall take necessary measures to minimize the losses.Article 8: Dispute Resolution8.1 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be firstly resolved through friendly negotiation.8.2 If the negotiation fails, the disputes shall be submitted to the____________ people's court with jurisdiction over the place of performance of this Contract.Article 9: Miscellaneous9.1 This Contract may not be assigned by either Party without the prior written consent of the other Party.9.2 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.9.3 In case any clause of this Contract is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the remaining clauses shall not be affected.9.4 The headings in this Contract are for convenience only and shall not be used to interpret the contents of the clauses.Article 10: SignatureThe Parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Party A: ________________Representative: ________________Date: ________________Party B: ________________ Representative: ________________ Date: ________________。

中英文版施工合同-xxx工程合同中英文版甲方(业主): [Party A (Owner)]乙方(承包商): [Party B (Contractor)]第一部分:合同条款第一条工程概况1.1 工程名称:[Name of the Project]1.2 工程地点:[Location of the Project]1.3 工程范围:[Scope of the Project]1.4 工程内容:[Content of the Project]第二条合同价格2.1 合同总价:[Total Contract Price]2.2 价格调整:[Price Adjustment]第三条工程质量3.1 质量标准:[Quality Standards]3.2 质量保证:[Quality Assurance]第四条工程进度4.1 开工日期:[Commencement Date]4.2 竣工日期:[Completion Date]4.3 进度计划:[Progress Schedule]第五条工程变更5.1 变更通知:[Change Notification]5.2 变更费用:[Change Costs]第六条工程验收6.1 验收标准:[Acceptance Standards]6.2 验收程序:[Acceptance Procedures]第七条付款方式7.1 预付款:[Advance Payment]7.2 进度款:[Progress Payment]7.3 最终结算:[Final Settlement]第八条违约责任8.1 违约定义:[Definition of Breach]8.2 违约赔偿:[Compensation for Breach]第九条争议解决9.1 争议解决方式:[Dispute Resolution Method]9.2 适用法律:[Applicable Law]第十条其他条款10.1 保密协议:[Confidentiality Agreement]10.2 合同变更:[Contract Modification]10.3 合同终止:[Contract Termination]第二部分:附加条款[Additional Clauses as per the specific requirements of the project]第三部分:签字页甲方(业主)代表签字:[Signature of Party A's Representative]乙方(承包商)代表签字:[Signature of Party B's Representative]日期:[Date]Construction ContractContract No.: [Contract No.]Date of Contract: [Date of Contract]Party A (Owner): [Party A (Owner)]Party B (Contractor): [Party B (Contractor)] Part I: Contract TermsArticle 1: Project Overview1.1 Project Name: [Name of the Project]1.2 Project Location: [Location of the Project] 1.3 Project Scope: [Scope of the Project]1.4 Project Content: [Content of the Project]Article 2: Contract Price2.1 Total Contract Price: [Total Contract Price] 2.2 Price Adjustment: [Price Adjustment]Article 3: Project Quality3.1 Quality Standards: [Quality Standards]3.2 Quality Assurance: [Quality Assurance]Article 4: Project Schedule4.1 Commencement Date: [Commencement Date]4.2 Completion Date: [Completion Date]4.3 Progress Schedule: [Progress Schedule]Article 5: Project Changes5.1 Change Notification: [Change Notification]5.2 Change Costs: [Change Costs]Article 6: Project Acceptance6.1 Acceptance Standards: [Acceptance Standards]6.2 Acceptance Procedures: [Acceptance Procedures]Article 7: Payment Method7.1 Advance Payment: [Advance Payment]7.2 Progress Payment: [Progress Payment]7.3 Final Settlement: [Final Settlement]Article 8: Liability for Breach of Contract8.1 Definition of Breach: [Definition of Breach]8.2 Compensation for Breach: [Compensation for Breach]Article 9: Dispute Resolution9.1 Dispute Resolution Method: [Dispute Resolution Method] 9.2 Applicable Law: [Applicable Law]Article 10: Other Terms10.1 Confidentiality Agreement: [Confidentiality Agreement] 10.2 Contract Modification: [Contract Modification]10.3 Contract Termination: [Contract Termination]Part II: Additional Terms[Additional terms as per the specific requirements of the project]Part III: Signature PageSignature of Party A's Representative: [Signature of Party A's Representative]Signature of Party B's Representative: [。

建设工程施工合同中英文对照版建设工程施工合同Construction Contract for Building Projects 甲方:________(中文名称)Party A:________ (Chinese Name)乙方:________(中文名称)Party B:________ (Chinese Name)第一章项目概况1.1 项目名称:________(中文名称)Project Name:________ (Chinese Name)1.2 项目地质:________(中文地质)Project Address:________ (Chinese Address) 1.3 项目内容:________Project Scope:________1.4 项目规模:________Project Scale:________1.5 工程进度:________Project Schedule:________第二章合同签订2.1 合同签署日期:________ Contract Signing Date:________ 2.2 合同有效期:________ Contract Duration:________2.3 合同价款:________Contract Price:________2.4 付款方式:________Payment Terms:________第三章工程设计及施工图纸3.1 设计文件:________Design Documents:________3.2 施工图纸:________ Construction Drawings:________ 3.3 变更设计:________Design Changes:________第四章工程质量4.1 施工质量标准:________Construction Quality Standards:________ 4.2 质量检验与验收:________Quality Inspection and Acceptance:________ 4.3 保修期限:________Warranty Period:________第五章施工进度5.1 工期计划:________Construction Schedule:________5.2 施工延期:________Construction Delays:________5.3 里程碑节点:________Milestone Points:________第六章安全与环境保护6.1 安全管理:________Safety Management:________6.2 环境保护:________Environmental Protection:________第七章分包与进场7.1 分包合同:________Subcontracting Contracts:________7.2 分包管理:________Subcontracting Management:________7.3 进场准备:________Site Mobilization:________第八章合同变更8.1 变更范围:________Scope of Changes:________8.2 变更手续:________Change Procedures:________8.3 变更后价款及工期调整:________ Adjustment of Price and Schedule:________第九章履行保证9.1 甲方履行保证:________Party A's Performance Guarantee:________9.2 乙方履行保证:________Party B's Performance Guarantee:________第十章违约责任10.1 甲方违约责任:________Party A's Breach of Contract Liability:________ 10.2 乙方违约责任:________Party B's Breach of Contract Liability:________十第一章争议解决11.1 合同争议解决方式:________Contract Dispute Resolution Mechanism:________ 11.2 适用法律:________Applicable Laws:________11.3 仲裁地点:________Arbitration Venue:________附件:________附件一:________设计文件附件二:________施工图纸附件三:________分包合同法律名词及注释:________1.甲方:________建筑工程的委托方,负责支付合同价款和提供项目要求。

工程施工合同中英对照【合同名称】Contract Name: Construction roject Agreement甲方(业主)arty A (Owner): _________________乙方(承包商)arty (Contractor): _________________鉴于双方基于平等、自愿的原则,经过友好协商,就________项目的建设达成如下协议:Whereas oth arties, on the asis of equality and voluntariness, have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation concerning the construction of the ________ roject.一、项目概述 roject Overview:1. 工程名称 Name of the roject: _____________2. 工程地点 Location of the roject: _____________3. 工程规模 Scale of the roject: _____________4. 工程内容 Content of the roject: _____________5. 工期要求 Duration Requirements: _____________二、合同金额 Contract Amount:1. 合同总价 Total Contract rice: _____________2. 付款方式 ayment Method: _____________3. 付款条件 ayment Conditions: _____________三、工程进度 roject Schedule:1. 开工日期 Start Date: _____________2. 竣工日期 Comletion Date: _____________3. 进度安排 Schedule Arrangement: _____________四、质量要求 Quality Requirements:1. 标准规范 Standard Secifications: _____________2. 验收标准 Accetance Criteria: _____________3. 质量保证措施 Quality Assurance Measures: _____________五、变更与索赔 Changes and Claims:1. 变更程序 Change rocedures: _____________2. 索赔条件 Claim Conditions: _____________3. 处理流程 Handling rocess: _____________六、违约责任 Liaility for reach:1. 违约定义 Definition of reach: _____________2. 违约处罚 enalties for reach: _____________3. 解决方式 Resolution Methods: _____________七、争议解决 Disute Resolution:1. 协商解决 Negotiated Settlement: _____________2. 仲裁条款 Aritration Clauses: _____________3. 适用法律 Alicale Law: _____________八、其他事宜 Miscellaneous:1. 附加条款 Additional rovisions: _____________2. 通知方式 Notice Method: _____________3. 合同生效条件 Effective Conditions of the Contract: _____________九、附件 Annexes:1. 设计图纸 Design Drawings: _____________2. 技术规范 Technical Secifications: _____________3. 相关文件 Relevant Documents: _____________本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

Construction Contract工程合同PO No.: XXXXXXXBuyer:. Date of signature:甲方:签约日期:Seller:乙方:This Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller: Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:甲乙双方经友好协商,一致就供应下列产品,达成如下条款:1. Scope of Supply and Price工作范围及价格明细2. Technical Requirement, Quality Requirement, Standard & Warranty Period:Seller shall carried out the construction in strict accordance with the National Standard and the requirements stipulated in the Technical Agreement No. ________which both party signed (see attached documents). The warranty period shall be 1 year after placement of Goods in service.技术要求、质量要求、技术标准和质保期限: 按国家标准和双方签定的技术协议(编号:______见附件)施工,质保期为投产后1年。
3. Job Sites:施工地点:4. Construction Equipment, Tools & Field Personnel Management:施工设备工具及现场人员管理:(1) All the construction equipment and tools shall be provided by Seller.所有施工用设备及工具由乙方自带。

建设工程施工合同中英文版Construction Contract for Construction Projects工程编号:__________________Project No.:合同编号:__________________Contract No.:工程名称:Name of project:工程地点:Location of project:发包人:Client:承包人:Contractor:住房和城乡建设部国家工商行政管理总局Made byMinistry of Housing Urban-Rural DevelopmentState Administration for Industry & Commerce of the P. R.C目录Table of Contents (17)第一部分合同协议书……………………………………………………Part I Contract Agreement ……………………………………… (17)一、工程概况 (17)I. Project Overview (17)二、合同工期 (18)II. Project Duration under Contract (18)三、质量标准 (18)III. Quality Standard (18)四、签约合同价与合同价格形式 (18)IV. Contract Price and Form of Contract Price (18)五、项目经理 (19)V. Project Manager (19)六、合同文件构成 (19)VI. Composition of Contract Prices (19)七、承诺 (20)VII. Undertakings (20)八、词语含义 (20)VIII. Meanings of Terms (20)九、签订时间 (21)IX. Time of Signing (21)十、签订地点 (21)X. Place of Signing (21)十一、补充协议 (21)XI. Supplementary Agreement (21)十二、合同生效 (21)XII. Effectiveness of Contract (21)十三、合同份数 21XIII. Counterparts of Agreement (21)第二部分通用合同条款 (23)Part Two General Conditions of Contract (23)1. 一般约定 (23)1. General Stipulations (23)1.1 词语定义与解释 231.1 Definitions and Interpretations (23)1.2 语言文字 (29)1.2 Language (29)1.3 法律 301.3 Applicable Laws (30)1.4 标准和规范 301.4 Standards and Specifications (30)1.5 合同文件的优先顺序 311.5 Order of Priorities of Contract Documents (31)1.6 图纸和承包人文件 321.6 Drawings and Contractor’s Documents (32)1.7 联络 331.7 Contacts (33)1.8 严禁贿赂 341.8 Bribery Strictly Forbidden (34)1.9 化石、文物 341.9 Fossils, Cultural Relics (34)1.10 交通运输 351.10 Traffic and Transportation (35)1.11 知识产权 371.11 Intellectual Property Rights (37)1.12 保密 381.12 Confidentiality (38)1.13 工程量清单错误的修正 391.13 Correction of the Errors in the Bill of Quantities (39)2. 发包人 (39)2. The Client (39)2.1 许可或批准 392.1 License or Approval (39)2.2 发包人代表 402.2 Representative of the Client (40)2.3 发包人人员 402.3 Personnel of the Client (40)2.4 施工现场、施工条件和基础资料的提供 412.4 Supply of Construction site, Construction Conditions and Basic Information.412.5 资金来源证明及支付担保 422.5 Certificate of Source of Funds and Payment Guarantee (42)2.6 支付合同价款 422.6 Payment for Contract Price (42)2.7 组织竣工验收 432.7 Acceptance of the Project Completion (43)2.8 现场统一管理协议 432.8 Overall Administration & Management Agreement of Worksite (43)3. 承包人 (43)3. The Contractor (43)3.1 承包人的一般义务 433.1 General Obligations of the Contractor (43)3.2 项目经理 453.2 Project Manager (45)3.3 承包人人员 473.3 Personnel of the Contractor (47)3.4 承包人现场查勘 483.4 Field Survey by the Contractor (48)3.5 分包 493.5 Sub-contracting (49)3.6 工程照管与成品、半成品保护 503.6 Care of Project; Protection of Finished/Semi-finished Products (50)3.7 履约担保 513.7 Performance Guarantee (51)3.8 联合体 523.8 Integrated Complex (52)4. 监理人 (52)4. The Supervisor (52)4.1监理人的一般规定 524.1 General Provisions on the Supervisor (52)4.2监理人员 534.2 Supervisory Personnel (53)4.3监理人的指示 534.3 Instructions from the Supervisor (53)4.4 商定或确定 544.4 Consensus or Decision (54)5. 工程质量 (55)5. Quality of Project (55)5.1质量要求 555.1 Quality Requirement (55)5.2质量保证措施 555.2 Quality Assurance Measures (55)5.3 隐蔽工程检查 575.3 Inspections of Concealed Works (57)5.4不合格工程的处理 595.4 Handling of the Unqualified Works (59)5.5 质量争议检测 595.5 Quality Disputes Detection (59)6. 安全文明施工与环境保护 606. Safe and Civilized Construction and Environmental Protection (60)6.1安全文明施工 606.1 Safe and Civilized Construction (60)6.2 职业健康 656.2 Occupational Health (65)6.3 环境保护 666.3 Environment Protection (66)7. 工期和进度 677. Project Duration and Progress (67)7.1施工组织设计 677.1 Construction Organization Design (67)7.2 施工进度计划 687.2 Construction Progress Schedule (68)7.3 开工 697.3 Commencement of Construction (69)7.4测量放线 707.4 Measurement and Setting-Out (70)7.5工期延误 717.5 Delay in Project Duration (71)7.6 不利物质条件 727.6 Adverse Physical Conditions (72)7.7异常恶劣的气候条件 737.7 Extraordinarily Vicious Weather Conditions (73)7.8 暂停施工 737.8 Suspension of Construction (73)7.9 提前竣工 767.9 Earlier Completion (76)8. 材料与设备 778. Materials and Equipment (77)8.1发包人供应材料与工程设备 778.1 The Materials and Engineering Equipment Supplied by the Client (77)8.2承包人采购材料与工程设备 778.2 The Materials and Engineering Equipment to be Purchased by the Contractor (77)8.3材料与工程设备的接收与拒收 788.3 Acceptance and Rejection of Materials and Engineering Equipment (78)8.4材料与工程设备的保管与使用 798.4 Custody and Use of Materials and Engineering Equipmentnt (79)8.5 禁止使用不合格的材料和工程设备 808.5 Use of Unqualified Materials and Engineering Equipment Not Allowed (80)8.6 样品 818.6 Samples (81)8.7 材料与工程设备的替代 828.7 Substitution of the Materials and Engineering Equipment (82)8.8 施工设备和临时设施 838.8 Construction Equipment and Temporary Facilities (83)8.9材料与设备专用要求 848.9 Exclusive Usages of the Materials and Equipment (84)9. 试验与检验 859. Tests and Inspections (85)9.1试验设备与试验人员 859.1 Test Equipment and Personnel (85)9.2取样 859.2 Sampling (85)9.3 材料、工程设备和工程的试验和检验 869.3 Testing and Inspection of the Materials, Engineering Equipment and Project (86)9.4 现场工艺试验 879.4 Onsite Process T est (87)10. 变更 (87)10. Change (87)10.1变更的范围 8710.1 Scope of Change (87)10.2 变更权 8810.2 Rights of Change (88)10.3变更程序 8810.3 Procedures for Change (88)10.4变更估价 8910.4 Change of Estimates Price (89)10.5 承包人的合理化建议 9010.5 Rationalization Proposals of the Contractor (90)10.6 变更引起的工期调整 9110.6 Adjustments of Project Duration Caused by the Change (91)10.7 暂估价 9110.7 provisional Estimates Price (91)10.8 暂列金额 9410.8 Provisional Amount (94)10.9 计日工 9410.9 Daywork (94)11. 价格调整 (95)11. Price Adjustments (95)11.1 市场价格波动引起的调整 9511.1 Adjustment Caused by Fluctuation of Market Prices (95)11.2 法律变化引起的调整 10011.2 Adjustments Cause by Changes in Laws (100)12. 合同价格、计量与支付 10112. Contract Prices, Measurements and Payments (101)12.1 合同价格形式 10112.1 Forms of Contract Prices (101)12.2 预付款 10212.2 Advance Payments (102)12.3 计量 10312.3 Measurements (103)12.4 工程进度款支付 10512.4 Progress Payment of Project (105)12.5 支付账户 11012.5 Accounts of Payments (110)13. 验收和工程试车 11013. Acceptance and Trial run of Project (110)13.1 分部分项工程验收 11013.1 Acceptance of the Sub-project (110)13.2竣工验收 11113.2 Final Acceptance (111)13.3工程试车 11413.3 Trial Run of Project (114)13.4提前交付单位工程的验收 11613.4 Acceptance of the Units of Project Handed over in Advance (116)13.5 施工期运行 11713.5 Operational during the Constructional Period (117)13.6 竣工退场 11813.6 Withdrawal after Completion (118)14. 竣工结算 (119)14. Final Account on Completion (119)14.1 竣工结算申请 11914.1 Application for Final Account on Completion (119)14.2 竣工结算审核 11914.2 Examination on Final Account on Completion (119)14.3 甩项竣工协议 12114.3 Agreement on Part of the Works to be Completed after the Completion Date (121)14.4 最终结清 12114.4 The Final Settlement (121)15. 缺陷责任与保修 12215. Defect Liabilities and Warranty (122)15.1 工程保修的原则 12215.1 Guidelines for the Warranty of the Project (122)15.2 缺陷责任期 12315.2 Defect Liability Period (123)15.3 质量保证金 12415.3 Quality Bond (124)15.4 保修 12515.4 Warranty (125)16. 违约 (127)16. Breach of Contract (127)16.1 发包人违约 12716.1 Breach by the Client (127)16.2 承包人违约 13016.2 Breach by the Contractor (130)16.3 第三人造成的违约 13316.3 Breach Caused by the Third Party (133)17. 不可抗力 (134)17. Forces Majeure (134)17.1 不可抗力的确认 13417.1 Confirmation of Forces Majeure (134)17.2 不可抗力的通知 13417.2 Notification of Forces Majeure (134)17.3 不可抗力后果的承担 13517.3 Responsibilities for Consequences of Forces Majeure (135)17.4 因不可抗力解除合同 13617.4 Dissolution of the Contract due to Forces Majeure (136)18. 保险 (137)18. Insurance (137)18.1 工程保险 13718.1 Insurance on Project (137)18.2 工伤保险 13818.2 Employment Injury Insurance (138)18.3 其他保险 13818.3 Other Insurance (138)18.4 持续保险 13818.4 Sustained Insurances (138)18.5 保险凭证 13918.5 Insurance Vouchers (139)18.6 未按约定投保的补救 13918.6 Remedies for Failure to make the Insurance Contract (139)18.7 通知义务 13918.7 Obligations of Notification (139)19. 索赔 (140)19. Claims (140)19.1 承包人的索赔 14019.1 Contractor’s Claims (140)19.2 对承包人索赔的处理 14119.2 Handling of the Contractor’s Claims (141)19.3 发包人的索赔 14219.3 Client’s Claims (142)19.4 对发包人索赔的处理 14219.4 Handling of Client’s Claims (142)19.5 提出索赔的期限 14319.5 Time Limits for Claims (143)20. 争议解决 (143)20. Resolution of Dispute (143)20.1和解 14320.1 Conciliation (143)20.2调解 14320.2 Mediation (143)20.3争议评审 14420.3 Review of Dispute (144)20.4仲裁或诉讼 14520.4 Arbitration or Lawsuit (145)20.5争议解决条款效力 14520.5 Effectiveness of the Clauses for Resolution of Dispute (145)第三部分专用合同条款 (146)Part III Special Conditions of Contract (146)1. 一般约定 (146)1. General Stipulations (146)2. 发包人 (151)2. The Client (151)3. 承包人 (152)3. The Contractor (152)4. 监理人 (156)4. The Supervisor (156)5. 工程质量 (157)5. Quality of Project (157)6. 安全文明施工与环境保护 1576. Safe and Civilized Construction and Environmental Protection (157)7. 工期和进度 1587. Project Duration and Progress (158)8. 材料与设备 1608. Materials and Equipment (160)9. 试验与检验 1619. Test and Inspection (161)10. 变更 (161)10. Change (161)11. 价格调整 (164)11. Price Adjustment (164)12. 合同价格、计量与支付 16512. Contract Price, Measurement and Paymen (165)13. 验收和工程试车 16813. Acceptance and Trial Run of Project (168)14. 竣工结算 (170)14. Final Account on Completion (170)15. 缺陷责任期与保修 17115. Defect & Liability Period and Warranty (171)16. 违约 (172)16. Breach of Contract (172)17. 不可抗力 (174)17. Force Majeure (174)18. 保险 (174)18. Insurance (174)20. 争议解决 (175)20. Resolution of Dispute (175)附件 (176)Appendix说明Explanations为了指导建设工程施工合同当事人的签约行为,维护合同当事人的合法权益,依据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《中华人民共和国招标投标法》以及相关法律法规,住房城乡建设部、国家工商行政管理总局对《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》(GF-1999-0201)进行了修订,制定了《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》(GF-2013-0201)(以下简称《示范文本》)。

中英文版建设工程施工合同Construction Engineering Contract合同编号: [Contract No.]合同日期: [Date of Contract]甲方(业主): [Party A (Owner)]乙方(承包商): [Party B (Contractor)]第一部分通用条款Part I General Provisions第1条定义Article 1 Definitions本合同中使用的术语和表达,除非另有明确说明,应按照本合同的规定解释。
The terms and expressions used in this contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of this contract, unless otherwise expressly stated.第2条合同文件Article 2 Contract Documents构成本合同的文件包括但不限于:本合同协议书、中标通知书、投标书及其附件、本合同专用条款、本合同通用条款、标准、规范及有关技术文件、图纸、工程量清单和工程报价单或预算书。
The documents constituting this contract include, but are not limited to: this contract agreement, the notice of award, the tender and its attachments, the special provisions of this contract, the general provisions of this contract, standards, specifications and relevant technical documents, drawings,bill of quantities, and the engineering quotation or budget.第3条语言和法律Article 3 Language and Law本合同使用中文和英文两种语言,两种文本具有同等法律效力。

施工合同中英文模板Construction ContractTHIS CONTRACT is made and entered into on the [Date] between [Contractor Name], hereinafter referred to as "Contractor," and [Client Name], hereinafter referred to as "Client."WHEREAS, the Client desires to engage the services of the Contractor for the construction of a project described as [Project Description], and the Contractor agrees to perform the work according to the terms and conditions set forth herein.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Scope of Work: The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the work as outlined in the attached [Scope of Work] document.2. Payment Terms: The total contract price is [Total Contract Price]. The Client shall make payments to the Contractor as follows: [Payment Schedule].3. Commencement and Completion: The work shall commence on [Commencement Date] and shall be completed by [Completion Date].4. Delays: The Contractor shall not be liable for any delay caused by factors beyond its control, including but not limited to acts of God, labor disputes, or shortages of materials.5. Changes and Variations: Any changes to the work shall be documented in writing and agreed upon by both parties. The cost and time implications of such changes shall be adjusted accordingly.6. Warranties: The Contractor warrants that all work will be performed in a professional manner and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations.7. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising out of orrelating to this contract shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Body].8. Termination: This contract may be terminated by either party upon written notice if the other party breaches any material term of this contract and fails to cure such breach within [Cure Period] days after receipt of written notice.9. Governing Law: This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [Jurisdiction].10. Entire Agreement: This contract, including all attachments, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and understandings.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract as of the date first above written.[Contractor Name]By: [Authorized Signatory]Address: [Contractor Address][Client Name]By: [Authorized Signatory]Address: [Client Address]施工合同本合同由 [日期] 签订于 [承包商名称],以下简称“承包商”,与[客户名称],以下简称“客户”。

xxx engineering contract xxx工程合同Contract No.:合同编号:Party A: xxxCompany Limited甲方:xxx有限公司Party B:xxx Company Limited乙方:xxx有限公司This contract is made and entered into on the day of , 2014 by the following Parties in .本合同于2014年月日由以下当事方在签署。
Party A: xxx Company Limited,甲方:xxx有限公司,xxx经营的公司,住所地为xxx,(下称“甲方”),法定代表人:xxxParty B:xxx Company Limited,乙方:xxx有限公司,一家xxx经营的公司,注册地址是:xxx,(下称“乙方”),法定代表人:xxx Party A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party.甲方和乙方在本合同项下统称为“双方”,单独称为“一方”。
1. Work Content and Requirements1. 工作内容、要求1.1 In accordance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Projectstandard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry of Engineering of the Union of xx.1.1 依据本合同所限定的条款,乙方应以xx工程部规定的建筑标准和质量要求执行本工程。

编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载工程施工合同中英文版甲方:___________________乙方:___________________日期:___________________Construction ContractPO No.: XXXXXXXBuyer:. Date of signature:甲方:签约日期:Seller:乙方:This Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller: Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 甲乙双方经友好协商,一致就供应下列产品,达成如下条款:1. Scope of Supply and Price工作范围及价格明细2. Technical Requirement, Quality Requirement, Standard & Warranty Period:Seller shall carried out the construction in strict accordance with the National Standard andthe requirements stipulated in the Technical Agreement No.which both party signed (see attached documents). The warranty period shall be 1 year after placement of Goods in service.技术要求、质量要求、技术标准和质保期限:按国家标准和双方签定的技术协议(编号:附件)施工,质保期为投产后1年。
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工程施工合同中英文版Construction ContractPO No.: XXXXXXXBuyer:. Date of signature:甲方: 签约日期:Seller:乙方:This Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller: Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:甲乙双方经友好协商,一致就供应下列产品,达成如下条款:1. Scope of Supply and Price工作范围及价格明细2. Technical Requirement, Quality Requirement, Standard & Warranty Period:Seller shall carried out the construction in strict accordance with the National Standard and the requirements stipulated in the Technical Agreement No. ________which both party signed (see attached documents). The warranty period shall be 1 year after placement of Goods in service.技术要求、质量要求、技术标准和质保期限: 按国家标准和双方签定的技术协议(编号:______见附件)施工,质保期为投产后1年。
3. Job Sites:施工地点:4. Construction Equipment, Tools & Field Personnel Management:施工设备工具及现场人员管理:(1) All the construction equipment and tools shall be provided by Seller.所有施工用设备及工具由乙方自带。
(2) Buyer will coordinate and arrange the electricity and water supply on the site.现场施工用水电由甲方协调安排。
(3) Buyer will be responsible for all the lifting work during the construction on site.现场施工过程中的吊装工作由甲方负责。
(4) Seller shall be responsible for the management of its field personnel safety; Seller should provide reasonable protection and insurance for its personnel’s safety. All the personnel injury and property damage caused by Seller’s failure of management shall be borne by Seller.现场施工人员管理由乙方负责。
5. Construction Time, delay and Postpone合同工期、工期延误、工期顺延:(1) Buyer shall issue a Notice to Seller about the construction one week prior the date of the construction start.甲方提前一周通知乙方施工时间。
(2) Construction period will be 15 days from the date of issuance of the order to commence the construction from Buyer.自甲方发出开工令之日算起,工程工期15天。
(3) Construction period may be postponed as Buyer agreed after he certified that the delay not caused by Seller.非乙方原因造成工期延误,须经甲方确认后工期顺延。
(4) The start time of the construction shall be subject to the order to commence by Buyer. Seller shall unconditionally follow the overall project schedule of Buyer. Buyer shall be entitled to evaluate and adjust Seller’s construction plan.开工时间以甲方开工令为准。
(5) Liquidated Damage: If seller fails to complete the construction on time as stipulated in the Contract, Seller agrees to pay a penalty at the rate of 1% of the Total Value per day of delay. No bonus for early completion.合同工期的延期损失赔偿费:工期每延期一天,乙方承担的工期违约罚款为乙方承包范围内的工程结算价款的1%。
6. Standard and method of acceptance inspection:Subject to the requirement in the Attached Technical Agreement.验收标准、方法: 按照技术协议的要求进行验收。
7. Payment Term 结算方式和期限: *(1) 50% of the Total Contract Value will be paid by T/T within 10 working days after the first lot of material arrived at the site and accepted by Buyer, Seller shall provide VAT invoice with the total contract value to Buyer. *第一批材料到现场后经甲方验收合格,乙方开具合同全额的17%增值税发票10个工作日内,付合同总金额50%。
*(2) 40% of the Total Contract Value will be paid by T/T within 10 working days after the construction completed and accepted by Buyer. *施工完成经甲方验收合格10个工作日内支付合同总金额的40%。
(3) 10% of the Total Contract Value will be paid by T/T after one year normal operation of the facility and the Warranty Period expired. *剩下的10%作为质保金,设备正常运行1年后付清。
(4) In case of the site construction in Iran, Buyer will be responsible for visa, round-trip fares and traveling expense, food and accommodation, and 30 US Dollar daily subsidies for each of Seller’s construction personnel on Iran Site. All of the cost will be paid by T/T within 10 workingdays after the construction completed and Buyer received related bills provided by Seller and accepted these bills..若需乙方前往伊朗项目现场施工,甲方负责乙方施工人员的签证、往返车旅费、食宿,并补助乙方每人30美金/天。
8. Delay and Penalty 违约责任:(1) If there is any defect or mistake of construction quality, Seller shall repair and replace immediately at its own cost. If Seller fails to solve defect or mistake could not be , Buyer shall have right to return the Goods and claim to Seller for loss there caused.如果乙方施工质量出现问题,乙方需无偿即时修复或更换,如再不能解决,甲方可向乙方退货、索赔。
(2) In case Seller’s construction can not accomplish as per Buyer’s project schedule, and failed to keep up with the schedule, thus to seriously influence the whole schedule, or Seller’s poor quality of construction resulted Buyer’s whole project quality could not satisfy Owner’s quality standard, Seller shall compensate all Buyer’s loss there caused in addition to the normal delay penalty..如因乙方的原因使该项目的施工不能按照甲方的进度计划完成,并经甲方纠偏无效且实际影响了甲方的整个工程进度,或因该项目的验收质量导致甲方整个工程的质量达不到业主质量标准,除扣除正常的工期延期罚款外,经业主认定后乙方应赔偿由此给甲方造成的损失。