



商务与经济统计案例题答案1、.(年温州一模考)以下不属于会计特点的是()[单选题] *A会计具有一整套科学实用的专门方法B会计是以货币作为主要计量尺度C会计具有连续性、系统性、综合性、全面性D会计是一种经济管理活动(正确答案)2、企业的下列固定资产中,不计提折旧的是()。

[单选题] *A.闲置的房屋B.租入的设备C.临时出租的设备D.已提足折旧仍继续使用的设备(正确答案)3、已达到预定可使用状态但未办理竣工决算的固定资产,应根据()作暂估价值转入固定资产,待竣工决算后再作调整。

[单选题] *A.市场价格B.计划成本C.估计价值(正确答案)D.实际成本4、企业购进货物用于集体福利时,该货物负担的增值税额应当计入()。

[单选题] *A.应交税费——应交增值税B.应付职工薪酬(正确答案)C.营业外支出D.管理费用5、委托加工应纳消费税产品(非金银首饰)收回后,如直接对外销售,其由受托方代扣代交的消费税,应计入()。

[单选题] *A.生产成本B.应交税费——应交消费税C.委托加工物资(正确答案)D.主营业务成本6、当法定盈余公积达到注册资本的()时,可以不再提取。

[单选题] *A.10%B.20%C.50%(正确答案)D.30%7、计提固定资产折旧时,可以先不考虑固定资产残值的方法是()。

[单选题] *A.年限平均法B.工作量法C.双倍余额递减法(正确答案)D.年数总和法8、企业发生的公益捐赠支出应计入()。

[单选题] *A.销售费用B.营业外支出(正确答案)C.其他业务成本D.财务费用9、企业专设销售机构发生的办公费应计入()科目。

[单选题] *A.管理费用B.财务费用C.制造费用D.销售费用(正确答案)10、根据准则的规定,企业收到与日常活动无关的政府补助应当计入()科目。

[单选题] *A.投资收益B.其他业务收入C.主营业务收入D.营业外收入(正确答案)11、下列各项税金中不影响企业损益的是()。



第一章数据与统计资料P 1825. 表1-8是一个由25只影子股票组成的数据集,(表略)a 数据集中有几个变量?答:数据集中有5个变量。


c对交易所变量,计算AMEX、NYSE 和OTC频数或百分数频数。


e 平均市盈率是多少?答:利用EXCEL的求平均值功能得出平均市盈率是20.2第二章表格法和图形法P 235按字母顺序,美国最常见的6个姓氏为:布朗、戴维斯、约翰逊、琼斯、史密斯和威廉姆斯。


mstotal 50 b构建条形图c 构建饼形图d根据这些数据,最常见的3个姓氏是哪些?答:最常见的3个姓氏分别是史密斯、约翰逊和威廉姆斯。

P5051 表2-17 给出了50家《财富》500强公司的所有者权益、市场价值和利润数据。



b. 计算(a)中交叉分组表的行百分数。

P 5153. 参考表2-17中的数据集a. 绘出显示利润和所有者权益变量之间关系的散点图。

b. 评价这两个变量之间的关系。



案例2-1 Pelican 商店1. 主要变量的百分数频数分布2. 条形图或饼形图,以显示因促销活动而使顾客购买的百分数。

3. 顾客类型(常规性或奖励性)与销售额的交叉分组表,并评价其相似性与差异性。





(2) 拉丁方阵在商务与经济统计中的应用:拉丁方阵实验设计案例
研究 5 位兽医师对 5 头奶牛的血色素测定是否有显著差异。该试验为提高试验的精确性,
对 5 头奶牛的血样分别使用 5 支试管。该试验的处理为:5 位兽医师;以 5 头不同的奶牛,
2.9 试同时以定类、定序和定距三个个量化层次测量下列变项,并写出测量语句。 (1)收入;(2)入学成绩;(3)教育。
(1)收入 定类:将收入高低进行分类 定序:将收入分为低收入、中等收入、高收入 定距:将 0—1000 分为低收入,1000—2000 分为中等收入,2000-3000 分为高收入 (2)入学成绩 定类:将入学成绩高低进行分类 定序:将入学成绩按不及格、合格、良好、优秀分类 定距:60-70 为一个分数段,70-80 为一个分数段,80-90 为一个分数段,90-100 为一个分 数段 (3)教育 定类:将教育程度高低进行分类 定序:按小学、初中、高中、大学、研究生进行分类 定距:将受教育年限以 5 年为一个阶段,从低到高排列进行分类
补充: (1) 标准拉丁方阵、一般拉丁方阵以及拉丁方阵的一个定理
拉丁方阵是一种 n×n 的方阵,方阵中恰有 n 种不同的元素,每种元素恰有 n 个,并 且每种元素在一行和一列中恰好出现一次。当一个拉丁方阵的第一行与第一列的元素按顺序 排列时,即为拉丁方阵的标准型,称为"reduced Latin square, normalized Latin square, 或 Latin square in standard form"。一般拉丁方阵也就是区别于标准拉丁方阵且符合拉丁方阵条件的



4.49 4.33 (a)H = husband watching W= wife watching P(H\W) =商务统计习题解答4.41 (7)(3)(3)= 63〃! _ 7! _(7)(6)(5)X!(〃一 X )! 4!(3!)(3)(2)(1)P(WIH)・P(H) P(W I H)・P(H) + F(W 1H')・P(H')0.4 • 0.6 0.24 2 八 y0.4 • 0.6 + 0.3 • 0.4 - 036 ~ 3 - *(b) P(IV) = 0.24+0.12 =0.36 5.11 If p-0.25 and n = 5,(a) RX= 5) =0.0010(b) I\X> 4) = RX=4) + RX=5) = 0.0146+0.0010 =0.0156(c) 0) = 0.2373(d) F\X < 2) = RX=0) + RX= 1) + RX=2)=0.2373 + 0.3955 + 0.2637 = 0.89655.21(a) 0) = 0.0907 (b) RX= 1)=0.2177(c) I\X> 2)=0.6916 (d) RXv 3) = 0.56976.11 (a) P(X v 180) = P(Z v — 1.50) = 0.0668(b) P(180 v X v 300) = P(— 1.50 v Z v 1.50) = 0.9332 - 0.0668 = 0.8664(c) P( 110 v X v 180) = P(— 3.25 v Z v — 1.50) = 0.0668 - 0.00058 =0.06622(d) P(X v A) = 0.01 P(Z v - 2.33) = 0.01A = 240 - 2.33(40) = 146.80 seconds6.19(a) mean = 678.85, median = 675.5, range = 54,6(Sx ) =88.5734, interquartile range = 20, 1.33(S X ) = 19.6338 Since the mean is approximately equal to the median and the interquartile range isvery close to 1.33 times the standard deviation, the data appear to be approximatelynormally distributed.(b)710X±Z- 350±1.96- 100V64 325.5 < 辱 374.50The normal probability plot suggests that the data appear to be approximately normally distributed. 7.9 (a)P(叉 < 0.75) = P(Z < -1.3693) = 0.0855 (b)P(0.70 <X < 0.90) = P(—2.7386 <Z<2.7386) = 0.9938 (c) P(A< X < B) = P(- L2816 < Z < 1.2816) = 0.80A =0.8-1.2816 (0.0365) = 0.7532 B= 0.8 +1.2816 (0.0365) = 0.8468(d) P(X <A) = P(Z< 1.2816) = 0.90 A = 0.8 +1.2816 (0.0365) = 0.8468Note: The above answers are obtained using PHStat. They may be slightly different whenTable E.2 is used.7.19 (a) P(0.15 vp v0.25) = P(- 1.25 <Z< 1.25)=0.7887(b) P(A<p<B) = P(- 1.6449 <Z< 1.6449) = 0.90A = 0.2 - 1.6449(0.04) = 0.1342B = 0.2 + 1.6449(0.04) = 0.2658(c) P(A v p v B) = P(- 1.960<Z< 1.960) = 0.95A =0.2 - 1.960(0.04) = 0.12160.2+ 1.96(0.04) = 0.27848.8 (a)(b) No. The manufacturer cannot support a claim that the bulbs last an average 400 hours.Based on the data from the sample, a mean of 400 hours would represent a distanceof 4 standard deviations above the sample mean of 350 hours.(c) No. Since is known and n = 64, from the Central Limit Theorem, we may assumethat the sampling distribution of X is approximately normal.(d) The confidence interval is narrower based on a process standard deviation of 80hours rather than the original assumption of 100 hours.Normal Probability Plot690 680670660700650 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.51 Z Value 1.5 2a loo sMp(a)8.18 (a) X±F・S “,c 八4.6024 -7= = 23 ±2.0739•― 4nV23 $21.01 <//< $24.99一cr80~F= = 350 ± 1.96 • —f=X ± Z ・4tr V64(b) Based on the smaller standard deviation, a mean of 400 hours would represent adistance of 5 standard deviations above the sample mean of 350 hours. No,the manufacturer cannot support a claim that the bulbs have a mean life of400 hours.(b) You can be 95% confident that the mean bounced check fee for the population issomewhere between $21.01 and $24.99.又◊又 (\n 77 . 7〔P(l ? P n77 . j QA /0.77(0.23)8.28 (a) p= 0.77 p ± Z • ------------------------- =().77 ±1.96」 ------------------------------\ n V 10000.74 <7t< 0.80(b)p = 0.77 p ± Z •、格王=0.77 ± 1,645/wWV n v 10000.75 <7T< 0.79(c)The 95% confidence interval is wider. The loss in precision reflected as a widerconfidence interval is the price you have to pay to achieve a higher level ofconfidence.Z2<T2 1.962 - 40028.38 (a) n =——=-------------- -—— =245.86 Use n = 246& 50~, Z2cr2 1.962 -4002八”八TT八睥(b) n = ——-— = --------------- ---- =983.41 Use n = 984& 2529.30 (a) Ho: " =375 hours. The mean life of the manufacturers light bulbs isequal to 375 hours.H\: // #375 hours. The mean life of the manufacturer9s light bulbs differs from375 hours.Decision rule: Reject 仇if Z v - 1.96 or Z > + 1.96.Test statistic: Z =与人笔尹=-2.00Decision: Since Z c^ = 一2.00 is below the critical bound of - 1.96, reject There isenough evidence to conclude that the mean life of the manufacturer's light bulbsdiffers from 375 hours.(b) ^-value = 2(0.0228) = 0.0456.Interpretation: The probability of getting a sample of 64 light bulbs that will yielda mean life that is farther away from the hypothesized population mean than thissample is 0.0456-(c)Test statistic: t = s 商 315.33/应y!n<64 (d) The results are the same. The confidence interval formed does not include thehypothesized value of 375 hours.9.58 (a) H Q : // < 400 The mean life of the batteries is not more than 400 hours. H 、: 〃> 400 The mean life of the batteries is more than 400 hours.X 一以 473.46-400 t “ --------------- 7= = 7= = 1 .230 / s/y/n 210.77/J13 Decision: Since t < 1.7823, do not reject H 。

国际经济学(中文版) 克鲁格曼 第八版

国际经济学(中文版) 克鲁格曼 第八版
3. Besides size and distance; culture, geography, multinational corporations, and the existence of borders influence trade.
4. Today, most trade is in manufactured goods, while historically agricultural and mineral products made up most of trade.
➢ 用产品W(酒)来表示的产品C(奶酪) 的相对价格指的是交换一单位奶酪所需 要的酒的数量。
➢ 用 的 资美表 ,元示用价PwCC格奶表。酪示用的奶w美酪W元产表价业示格的酒,美产用元业P工的W资表美示元酒工
单一要素经济是完全竞争的,因此没有利润存 在。奶酪部门的小时工资率等于工人每小时的 产值,即PC/aLC。而酒部门工人的小时工资率 则等于PW/aLW
比较优势建立在机会成本的比较之上。如果 一个国家生产某种产品的机会成本较低,则在 这种产品上具有比较优势
■如果每一个国家按照比较优势(较低的机会成 本)进行专业化(specialization)生产,然后 进行贸易,则这种贸易对双方都有好处。
■比较优势是如何决定的? 对这一问题的回答将帮助我们了解国家间的
第三章 劳动生产率和比较优势: 李嘉图模型
■ 国家间进行国际贸易出于两个基本原因: 国家之间在气候、土地、资本、劳动以及技术



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[------------------------- ---interval
includes m
[------------------------- -------------------------]
Sampling distribution of
1 - of all
© 2011 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Slide 5
Interval Estimate of a Population Mean:
s Known
There is a 1 - probability that the value of a sample mean will provide a margin of error of
or less.
Slide 1
Chapter 8 Interval Estimation
n Population Mean: s Known n Population Mean: s Unknown n Determining the Sample Size



商务统计试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 商务统计中,数据的收集方法不包括以下哪一项?A. 观察法B. 实验法C. 调查法D. 推算法答案:D2. 在统计学中,总体是指:A. 研究对象的全体B. 研究对象的一部分C. 研究对象的个体D. 研究对象的样本答案:A3. 下列哪个选项不是描述数据集中趋势的统计量?A. 平均数B. 中位数C. 方差D. 众数答案:C4. 在商务统计中,相关系数的取值范围是:A. -1到1之间B. 0到1之间C. 1到10之间D. 任何实数答案:A5. 以下哪种图表最适合展示时间序列数据的变化趋势?A. 条形图B. 饼图C. 折线图D. 散点图答案:C6. 假设检验的目的是:A. 确定总体参数B. 估计总体参数C. 验证样本数据D. 验证总体参数答案:D7. 在回归分析中,自变量和因变量之间的关系是:A. 正相关B. 负相关C. 无关D. 线性关系答案:D8. 下列哪个选项不是统计分析中常见的数据类型?A. 定类数据B. 定序数据C. 定距数据D. 定性数据答案:D9. 标准差是衡量数据离散程度的统计量,其计算公式为:A. 平均数的平方B. 平均数的平方根C. 方差的平方根D. 方差的倒数答案:C10. 以下哪个统计量用于衡量数据的偏态?A. 均值B. 方差C. 偏度D. 峰度答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 下列哪些是商务统计中常用的数据收集方法?A. 观察法B. 实验法C. 调查法D. 推算法答案:ABC2. 在商务统计中,描述数据集中趋势的统计量包括:A. 平均数B. 中位数C. 方差D. 众数答案:ABD3. 以下哪些是描述数据离散程度的统计量?A. 标准差B. 方差C. 偏度D. 峰度答案:AB4. 在统计学中,总体参数和样本统计量的区别在于:A. 总体参数是固定的B. 样本统计量是估计值C. 总体参数是估计值D. 样本统计量是固定的答案:AB5. 下列哪些是商务统计中常见的数据类型?A. 定类数据B. 定序数据C. 定距数据D. 定性数据答案:ABC三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 商务统计中,数据收集的方法只有调查法和观察法。



第6、7章研讨问题的参考答案6.6 某公司人事资料,如表6-19所示。

表6-19 某公司人事资料表单位:人试计算该公司技术人员占全体员工的平均比重。

6.7 阳光货仓商场8月份上、中、下旬销售额分别为7.2万元、6.8万元、8.8万元。

8月初库存额为9.7万元,8月15日库存额为10.1万元,8月底库存额为8. 6万元。



6.8 某公司产品销售利润1995年比1990年增长80%,1997年比1990年增长1.25倍,如果1995年的产品销售利润为2500万元。

试计算:(1)1997年比1995年的增长率;(2)“八·五”期间每年平均增长率;(3)1990年和1997年的产品销售利润;(4)如果“九·五”期间继续以“八·五”期间的速度增长,该公司2000年的产品销售利润是多少?6.9 1980年我国GNP为4470亿元,1991年我国GNP增至19580亿元,试计算在该期间GNP每年的平均增幅。

若保持该发展速度,需花多少年我国GNP才会达到28400亿元?6.10 在“一五”计划期间,我国基本建设投资额如表6-20所示。



7.5 若某一时问序列分别按17项和26项移动平均,则它们移动平均后分别导致了多少项的信息损失?为什么?7.6 某地区1996-2016年工业总产值资料,如表7-20所示。


表7-201996-2016年某地区工业总产值表单位:亿元7.7 某地2007-2016年基础建设经费投放资料,如表7-21所示:表7-212007-2016年某地基础建设经费投放表单位:亿元(1)试判断该时间序列为何种长期趋势。



商务与经济统计精要版答案【篇一:经管类书单推荐】与管理学院 2016.10.17管理类推荐读物孙耀君,《西方管理学名著提要》,江西人民出版社1)管理学邢以群,《管理学》,浙江大学出版社周三多,《管理学》,复旦大学出版社2)管理信息系统kenneth udon/ jane udon ,《管理信息系统—网络化企业的组织与技术》(第六版,影印版),高等教育出版社薛华成,《管理信息系统》(第三版),清华大学出版社小威廉d.佩勒尔特 e.杰罗姆.麦卡锡,《市场营销学基础》:全球管理(英文版.第12版)--国际通用mba教材》,机械工业出版社郭毅等,《市场营销学原理》,电子工业出版社malhotra,n.k.著,《市场营销研究应用导向(第3版)》,电子工业出版社4)战略管理项保华,《战略管理——艺术与实务》,华夏出版社斯蒂文斯(英),《战略性思维》,机械工业出版社arthur a. thompson, jr. and a. j. strickland Ⅲ.crafting implementing strategy. 6th ed. richard d. irwin, inc., 1995中文版《战略管理学:概念与案例(英文版.第十版)-- 国际通用mba教材》,机械工业出版社david besanko, david dranove, mark shanley. the economics of strategy. john wiley sons, inc., 1996alan j. rowe; et al.. strategic management: a methodological approach. 4th ed. addison-wesley publishing company, inc., 19945)组织行为学卢盛忠等,《组织行为学:理论与实践》,浙江教育出版社英文版《human resource management: gaining a competitive advantage》,清华大学出版社约翰.m.伊万切维奇,《人力资源管理(英文版.原书第8版)-- 国际通用mba教材》,机械工业出版社luis r. gomez-mejia,david b.balkin,robert l. cardy,《管理人力资源 managing human resources 》(英文版第三版),北京大学出版社、培生教育出版集团7)财务管理8)管理统计david r.anderson dennis j.sweeney thomasa.william,《商务与经济统计(第七版)-- 经济教材译丛》,机械工业出版社david r.anderson;dennis j.sweeney;thomas a.william,《商务与经济统计(英文版.第8版)--21世纪经典原版经济管理教材文库》,机械工业出版9)会计学张启銮等,《会计学――工商管理硕士(mba)系列教材》,大连理工大学出版社cktde p.stickney roman l.weil,《财务会计(英文版第9版) --国际通用mba教材》,机械工业出版社ronald w.hilton,《管理会计(英文版.第三版)-- 国际通用mba教材》,机械工业出版10)西方经济学[美]平狄克等:《微观经济学》,中国人民大学出版社梁小民,《宏观经济学》,中国社会科学出版社梁小民,《西方经济学导论》,北京大学出版社宋承先,《现代西方经济学》(宏观经济学),复旦大学出版社[美] h.克雷格.彼得森等:《管理经济学》,中国人民大学出版社[美]s.charles maurice christopher r.thomas, managerial economics, 机械工业出社,2000年影印版11)运筹学胡运权,《运筹学教程(第二版)》,清华大学出版社蒋绍忠,《运筹学讲义》,浙江大学管理学院12)经济法高程德,《经济法》(第九版),上海人民出版社13)电子商务daniel amor,《电子商务:变革与演进--经济教材译丛》,机械工业出版社14)组织理论[美]达夫特著,李维安译.《组织理论与设计精要》,机械工业出版社[英]bernard burnes.《变革时代的管理》,云南大学出版社15)质量管理刘广第,《质量管理学(第二版)》,清华大学出版社16)生产管理陈荣秋、马士华,生产与运作管理,高等教育出版社,1999潘家轺等,现代生产管理学,北京:清华大学出版社,1994黄卫伟,生产与作业管理,北京:人民大学出版社,199717)项目管理毕星、翟丽,《项目管理》,复旦大学出版社,2000[美]杰克.吉多等著, 《成功的项目管理》,机械工业出版社,1999白思俊主编, 《现代项目管理》(上,中,下),机械工业出版社,20022.认知心理学,robert j.sternberg,中国轻工业出版社3.人格理论,jess feist,gregory j.feist,人民卫生出版社4.社会心理学,elliott aronson等,中国轻工业出版社5.集合起来——群体理论与团队技巧,david w. johnson等,中国轻工业出版社8.招贤纳士自有道,lance a. berger等,清华大学出版社11. 内向者优势,martin olsen laney,华东师范大学出版社13. 超级冷静,铃木丈织,上海人民出版社31. 刘墉的书:我不是教你诈、你不可不知的人性、人生的真相补充书籍:经济类专业推荐读物 1、《摩根财团——美国一代银行王朝和现代金融业的崛起》第二版获得1990年美国国家图书奖推荐理由:摩根家族的发迹史和19-20世纪美国金融市场和银行业发展演变的全景图,前任财政部副部长、现任亚洲开发银行副行长金立群先生的翻译代表了中文相关专业译著的最高水平。



3.41 数值型数据的中心趋势包括平均数,中位数和众数,主要体现了一组数据的基本均衡点,能大致反应数据的基本情况。

3.47 经验法则说明大约有68%的数据分布在离均值一个标准差的范围内,大约有95%的数据分布在离均值两个标准差的范围内,大约有99%的数据分布在离均值三个标准差的范围内。

3.52:a.平均43.88889标准误差 4.865816中位数45众数17标准差25.28352方差639.2564峰度-0.90407偏度0.517268区域76最小值16最大值92求和1185观测数27最大(1) 92最小(1) 16置信度10.00183(95.0%)所以平均值是43.88889;中位数是45;上四分数是18;下四分数是63;B.极差是76;内距是45;方差是639.2564;标准差是25.28352;变异系数是57.61%。




3.53a.平均43.04标准误差 5.92924中位数28.5众数 5标准差41.92606方差1757.794峰度 1.309326偏度 1.487586区域164最小值 1最大值165求和2152观测数50最大(1) 165最小(1) 1置信度11.91525(95.0%)平均值是43.04;中位数是28.5;上四分数是13.75;下四分数是55.75;b.极差是164;内距是27.25;方差是1757.794;标准差是41.9261;变异系数是97.4119% Arrayc.3.54a.平均8.420898标准误差0.0065878中位数8.42众数8.42标准差0.0461146方差0.0021266峰度0.0358142偏度-0.485681区域0.186最小值8.312最大值8.498求和412.624观测数49最大(1) 8.498最小(1) 8.312置信度(95.0%) 0.0132456平均值是8.420898;中位数是8.42;极差是0.186;标准差是0.04611;b..最大值是8.498;最小值8.312;中位数是8.42;上四分数是8.405;下四分数是8.458;因为最小值与中位数的差值0.108大于最大值与中位数的差值0.078,所以这些数据的分布呈轻微的左偏分布d.这些数值均在8.31~8.61之间,所以所有的器材都符合公司的标准。



4、According to different ways of calculating, general index
aggregate index、mean value index。
Chapter5 Statistical Index STAT
5.2 Integrative Index
5.2.1: Definition: first integrate(+)、then contrast(、–)total index。
(1)difficult phenomenal populationunit numbers and quantity characters can’t be added directly.
The sale of a market: Q0(1999) Q1(2000)
TV (set )
changing direction and degree of phenomenal quantity.
unit 1
q 0
population 1
1.5 4 30 135.11%
q 1.2 5 20
Chapter5 Statistical Index STAT
5.1.2、Classification of index number
groceryand so on
q1 q0
total index
p1 p0
total index
sales price
(3)Index of class:relative numbers that reflect the quantity



Unit 2 第二单元 Estimation:Population Mean, Proportion and Variance总体均值,总体比例和总体方差的
8.1 Interval Estimationof a Population Mean:Large-Sample Case总体均值的区间估计:大样本--2学时练习8.1 8.2 Interval Estimationof a Population Mean:Small-Sample Case总体均值的区间估计:小样本练习8.2 8.3 Determining the Sample Size样本数量的确定---2学时练习8.3 8.4 Interval Estimationof a Population Proportion总体比例 的区间估计练习8.4
总复习 Ex4.1-4.3 Ex5.2-5.4 Ex6.2 Ex7.5-7.6 Ex3.1-3.5 Ex8.1-8.4 Ex9.1-9.6 Ex10.3-10.5、11.1 Ex12.4-12.9 附录1:SAS的数据输出 附录2用SAS作直方图的过程
模拟试卷 参考书1:电子版概率论与数理统计 参考书2:电子版SAS操作入门


本例中我们采用统计中图表法来对数据中的某些特征进行对比分 析。 譬如借助Excel采用作带状图进行分类对比 以上数据做图如下

下面带状图是业务类别为组,比较每个业务类别内三个 年度销量百分数
下面带状图是以年份为组比较同一年三个业务类 别的销量百分数
Unit 5 第五单元 imple Linear Regression Method 简单线性回归模型---2学时 12.2 Least Squares Method最小二乘法 12.3 Coefficient of Determination系数的确定 12.4 Model Assumption模型假设---2学时 12.5 Testing for Significance显著性检验 练习12.4-12.5


Mode: 15.3
17.2 17.4 18.3 18.5 18.6 18.6 18.7 19.0 19.2 19.4 19.4 20.6 21.1
Mode:18.6, 19.4
The median and modal mileages are also better in the country than in the city.
9.Be able to compute a weighted mean.
10, 12, 16, 17, 20
Median = 16 (middle value)
10, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21
Median =
3.15, 20, 25, 25, 27, 28, 30, 32
For the samples we see that the mean mileage is betterin the country than in the city.
13.2 14.4 15.2 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.9 16 16.1 16.2 16.2 16.7 16.8
Q1(3rd position) = 45
Q3(7th position) = 55
Median = 25
Do not report a mode since five values appear twice.
ing the mean we get =15.58, = 18.92
3.Understand the purpose of measures of variability.



商务统计试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 商务统计的主要目的是:A. 收集数据B. 分析数据C. 做出决策D. 预测未来2. 下列哪项不是描述性统计的内容?A. 均值B. 方差C. 相关性D. 抽样3. 正态分布的特点是:A. 所有数据都集中在中间B. 大部分数据分布在两端C. 数据分布是对称的D. 数据分布是不规则的4. 在商务统计中,相关系数的取值范围是:A. -1 到 1B. 0 到 1C. -∞ 到+∞D. 1 到 105. 以下哪个是假设检验的步骤?A. 确定显著性水平B. 收集数据C. 计算样本均值D. 所有选项都是二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)6. 简述商务统计中的抽样误差和非抽样误差的区别。

7. 解释什么是置信区间,并举例说明其在商务决策中的应用。

8. 描述回归分析在商务决策中的作用。

三、计算题(每题25分,共50分)9. 假设你是一家零售公司的分析师,你收集了以下数据,显示了过去10天的日销售额(单位:千元):120, 130, 110, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200。

请计算:- 均值- 中位数- 方差- 标准差10. 假设你正在分析两个变量X和Y之间的关系,收集到以下数据点(X, Y):(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 5), (4, 7), (5, 9)。

请计算:- 线性回归方程- 相关系数- 预测当X=6时的Y值答案一、选择题1. C. 做出决策2. D. 抽样3. C. 数据分布是对称的4. A. -1 到 15. D. 所有选项都是二、简答题6. 抽样误差是由于从总体中抽取的样本不能完全代表总体而产生的误差。


7. 置信区间是指在一定置信水平下,总体参数可能取值的范围。


8. 回归分析可以帮助预测一个变量(因变量)如何依赖于一个或多个其他变量(自变量)。






5.什么是个体指数? 什么是总指数?它们的作用分别是什么?6.试简要说明总量指标、平均指标和相对指标的在统计学中的作用。






2.统计调查方式除了重点调查,典型调查之外,另三种主要方式是 3.加权调和平均公式为4.异众比率公式是其含义是5.一组数据中非众数组所占的比率叫做,它可测度分类数据的趋势;离散系数测度的是总体的平均离散程度,它的计算公式是v?=。

6.将下列指标分类:(1)2005年我国人均占有粮食产量(2)我国第五次人口普查总人口数(3)股价指数(4)销售量指数(5)单位产品成本(6)某商店全年销售额(7)某企业在岗职工人数和下岗职工人数的比例 (8)我国高等院校“十五”期间年平均招生人数哪些是时期指标哪些是时点指标;哪些是一般平均数, 哪些是序时平均数;哪些是相对指标7.个体指数是反映项目或变量变动的相对数;反映多种项目或变量变动的相对数是。

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Chapter 21Sample SurveyLearning Objectives1. Learn what a sample survey is and how it differs from an experiment as a method of collecting data.2. Know about the methods of data collection for a survey.3. Know the difference between sampling and nonsampling error.4. Learn about four sample designs: (1) simple random sampling, (2) stratified simple random sampling,(3) cluster sampling, and (4) systematic sampling.5. Lean how to estimate a population mean, a population total, and a population proportion using theabove sample designs.6. Understand the relationship between sample size and precision.7. Learn how to choose the appropriate sample size using stratified and simple random sampling.8. Learn how to allocate the total sample to the various strata using stratified simple random sampling.Chapter 21Solutions:1. a. x = 215 is an estimate of the population mean.b. 2.7386xs=c. 215 ± 2(2.7386) or 209.5228 to 220.47722. a. Estimate of population total = N x = 400(75) = 30,000b. Estimate of Standard Error =xNs400320xNs=c. 30,000 ± 2(320) or 29,360 to 30,6403. a. p= .30 is an estimate of the population proportionb. .0437ps=c. .30 ± 2(.0437) or .2126 to .38744. B = 15222(70)490072.983067.1389(15)(70)4450n===+A sample size of 73 will provide an approximate 95% confidence interval of width 30.5. a. x= 149,670 and s = 73,42010,040.83xs==approximate 95% confidence interval149,670 ± 2(10,040.83)or$129,588.34 to $169,751.66b. X= N x= 771(149,670) = 115,395,570xs= Nxs= 771(10,040.83) = 7,741,479.93Sample Surveyapproximate 95% confidence interval115,395,770 ± 2(7,741,479.93)or$99,912,810.14 to $130,878,729.86c.p= 18/50 = 0.36 and .0663p s =approximate 95% confidence interval0.36 ± 2(0.0663)or0.2274 to 0.4926This is a rather large interval; sample sizes must be rather large to obtain tight confidence intervals on a population proportion.6. B = 5000/2 = 2500 Use the value of s for the previous year in the formula to determine the necessary sample size.222(31.3)979.69336.00512.9157(2.5)(31.3)4724n ===+A sample size of 337 will provide an approximate 95% confidence interval of width no larger than$5000.7. a. Stratum 1: = 138 Stratum 2: 2x = 103Stratum 3: 3x = 210b. Stratum 1 1x = 1381 6.3640x s =138 ± 2(6.3640)or125.272 to 150.728Stratum 22x = 103Chapter 2124.2817xs==103 ± 2(4.2817)or94.4366 to 111.5634 Stratum 33x= 21038.6603xs==210 ± 2(8.6603)or192.6794 to 227.3206c.200250100138103210550550550stx⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=++⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭= 50.1818 + 46.8182 + 38.1818= 135.1818stxs=3.4092=approximate 95% confidence interval135.1818 ± 2(3.4092)or128.3634 to 142.00028. a. Stratum 1:11N x = 200(138) = 27,600Stratum 2:22N x = 250(103) = 25,750Stratum 3:33N x = 100(210) = 21,000b.stN x = 27,600 + 25,750 + 21,000 = 74,350Note: the sum of the estimate for each stratum total equalsstN xc.stN x= 550(3.4092) = 1875.06 (see 7c)Sample Surveyapproximate 95% confidence interval74,350 ± 2(1875.06)or70,599.88 to 78,100.129. a. Stratum 11p = .501.1088p s ==50 ± 2(.1088)or.2824 to .7176Stratum 22p = .782.0722p s.78 ± 2(.0722)or.6356 to .9244Stratum 33p = .213.0720p s =.21 ± 2(.0720)or .066 to .354b. 200250100(.50)(.78)(.21).5745550550550st p =++=c.st p s =.0530==d.approximate 95% confidence intervalChapter 21.5745 ± 2(.0530)or.4685 to .680510. a.[]222222300(150)600(75)500(100)(140,000)92.8359196,000,00015,125,000(20)(1400)300(150)600(75)500(100)2n ++===+⎛⎫⎡⎤+++⎪⎣⎦⎝⎭Rounding up we choose a total sample of 93.1300(150)9330140,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭2600(75)9330140,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭3500(100)9333140,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭b. With B = 10, the first term in the denominator in the formula for n changes.2222(140,000)(140,000)305.653049,000,00015,125,000(10)(1400)15,125,0004n ===+⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭Rounding up, we see that a sample size of 306 is needed to provide this level of precision.1300(150)30698140,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭2600(75)30698140,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭3500(100)306109140,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭Due to rounding, the total of the allocations to each strata only add to 305. Note that even thoughthe sample size is larger, the proportion allocated to each stratum has not changed.222(140,000)(140,000)274.606056,250,00015,125,000(15,000)15,125,0004n ===++Rounding up, we see that a sample size of 275 will provide the desired level of precision.The allocations to the strata are in the same proportion as for parts a and b.Sample Survey1300(150)27598140,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭2600(75)27588140,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭3500(100)27598140,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭Again, due to rounding, the stratum allocations do not add to the total sample size. Another item could be sampled from, say, stratum 3 if desired.11. a. 1x = 29.53332x = 64.7753x = 45.2125 4x = 53.0300 b. Indianapolis29.5332± 29.533 ± 10.9086(.9177)or19.5222 to 39.5438Louisville64.7752± 64.775 ± 17.7248(.9068)or48.7022 to 80.8478St. Louis45.21252± 45.2125 ± (13.7238) (.9487)or32.1927 to 58.2323Memphis53.03002±53.0300 ± 18.7719(.9258)or35.6510 to 70.4090Chapter 21c.381455803705.426923362338233823310st p ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=+++= ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭d.11111115(1)66()38(32)33.777815p p N N n n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪⎪-⎝⎭⎝⎭-==-22222253(1)88()45(37)55.747817p p N N n n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪⎪-⎝⎭⎝⎭-==-33333335(1)88()80(72)192.857117p p N N n n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪⎪-⎝⎭⎝⎭-==-44444455(1)1010()70(60)116.666719p p N N n n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪⎪-⎝⎭⎝⎭-==-.0857st p s ==approximate 95% confidence interval.4269 ± 2(.0857)or.2555 to .598312. a. St. Louis total = 11N x = 80 (45.2125) = 3617In dollars: $3,617,000b. Indianapolis total = 11N x = 38 (29.5333) = 1122.2654 In dollars: $1,122,265c.3845807029.533364.77545.212553.030048.7821233233233233st x ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=+++= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭2211111(13.3603)()38(32)36,175.5176s N N n n -==2222222(25.0666)()45(37)130,772.18s N N n n -==Sample Survey2233333(19.4084)()80(72)271,213.918s N N n n -==2244444(29.6810)()70(60)370,003.9410s N N n n -==st x s =3.8583==approximate 95% confidence interval2st st x x s ±48.7821 ± 2(3.8583)or41.0655 to 56.4987In dollars: $41,066 to $56,499d.approximate 95% confidence interval2st st x Nx Ns ±233(48.7821) ± 2(233)(3.8583)11,366.229 ± 1797.9678or9,568.2612 to 13,164.197In dollars: $9,568,261 to $13,164,19713.[]222222250(80)38(150)35(45)(11,275)27.33943,404,0251,245,875(30)(123)50(80)38(150)35(45)4n ++===+⎛⎫⎡⎤+++ ⎪⎣⎦⎝⎭Rounding up we see that a sample size of 28 is necessary to obtain the desired precision.150(80)281011,275n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭238(150)281411,275n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭335(45)28411,275n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭Chapter 21b. [][]2222222250(100)38(100)35(100)123(100)333,404,025123(100)(30)(123)50(100)38(100)35(100)4n ++===+⎛⎫⎡⎤+++ ⎪⎣⎦⎝⎭150(100)331312,300n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭238(100)331012,300n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭335(100)33912,300n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭This is the same as proportional allocation . Note that for each stratumh h N n n N ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭14. a. 7501550i c i x x M ∑===∑ c X M x = = 300(15) = 450015.3050i c i a p M ∑===∑ b. 2()i c i x x M ∑- = [ 95 - 15 (7) ]2 + [ 325 - 15 (18) ]2 + [ 190 - 15 (15) ]2 + [ 140 - 15 (10)]2 = (-10)2 + (55)2 + (-35)2 + (-10)2 = 44501.4708c x s == c x X s Ms == 300(1.4708) = 441.242()i c i a p M ∑- = [ 1 - .3 (7) ]2 + [ 6 - .3 (18) ]2 + [ 6 - .3 (15) ]2 + [2 - .3 (10) ]2 = (-1.1)2 + (.6)2 + (1.5)2 + (-1)2 = 4.82.0484c p s c. approximate 95% confidence Interval for Population Mean: 15 ± 2(1.4708) or12.0584 to 17.9416d. approximate 95% confidenceInterval for Population Total:4500 ± 2(441.24)or3617.52 to 5382.48e. approximate 95% confidenceInterval for Population Proportion:.30 ± 2(.0484)or.2032 to .396815. a.10,400 80130c x ==c X M x = = 600(80) = 48,00013.10130c p ==b. 2()i c i x x M ∑- = [ 3500 - 80 (35) ]2 + [ 965 - 80 (15) ]2 + [ 960 - 80 (12) ]2+ [ 2070 - 80 (23) ]2 + [ 1100 - 80 (20) ]2 + [ 1805 - 80 (25) ]2= (700)2 + (-235)2 + (0)2 + (230)2 + (-500)2 + (-195)2= 886,1507.6861c x s =approximate 95% confidenceInterval for Population Mean:80 ± 2(7.6861)or64.6278 to 95.3722c. X s = 600(7.6861) = 4611.66approximate 95% confidenceInterval for Population Total:48,000 ± 2(4611.66)or38,776.68 to 57,223.322()i c i a p M ∑- = [ 3 - .1 (35) ]2 + [ 0 - .1 (15) ]2 + [ 1 - .1 (12) ]2 + [4 - .1 (23) ]2+ [ 3 - .1 (20) ]2 + [ 2 - .1 (25) ]2= (-.5)2 + (-1.5)2 + (-.2)2 + (1.7)2 + (1)2 + (-.5)2 = 6.68.0211c p sapproximate 95% confidenceInterval for Population Proportion:.10 ± 2(.0211)or.0578 to .142216. a.2000 4050c x ==Estimate of mean age of mechanical engineers: 40 yearsb. 35.7050c p ==Estimate of proportion attending local university: .70c. 2()i c i x x M ∑- = [ 520 - 40 (12) ]2 + · · · + [ 462 - 40 (13) ]2= (40)2 + (-7)2 + (-10)2 + (-11)2 + (30)2 + (9)2 + (22)2 + (8)2 + (-23)2+ (-58)2= 72922.0683c x s ==approximate 95% confidenceInterval for Mean age:40 ± 2(2.0683)or35.8634 to 44.1366d. 2()i c i a p M ∑- = [ 8 - .7 (12) ]2 + · · · + [ 12 - .7 (13) ]2= (-.4)2 + (-.7)2 + (-.4)2 + (.3)2 + (-1.2)2 + (-.1)2 + (-1.4)2 + (.3)2+ (.7)2 + (2.9)2= 13.3.0883c p s =approximate 95% confidence Interval for Proportion Attending Local University:.70 ± 2(.0883)or.5234 to .876617. a.17(37)35(32)57(44)11,24036.9737173557304c x ++⋅⋅⋅+===++⋅⋅⋅+Estimate of mean age: 36.9737 yearsb. Proportion of College Graduates: 128 / 304 = .4211Proportion of Males: 112 / 304 = .3684c. 2()i c i x x M ∑- = [ 17 (37) - (36.9737) (17) ]2 + · · · + [ 57 (44) - (36.9737) (44) ]2= (.4471)2 + (-174.0795)2 + (-25.3162)2 + (-460.2642)2 + (173.1309)2+ (180.3156)2 + (-94.7376)2 + (400.4991)2= 474,650.682.2394c x s ==approximate 95% confidenceInterval for Mean Age of Agents:36.9737 ± 2(2.2394)or32.4949 to 41.4525d. 2()i c i a p M ∑- = [ 3 - .4211 (17) ]2 + · · · + [ 25 - .4211 (57) ]2= (-4.1587)2 + (-.7385)2 + (-2.9486)2 + (10.2074)2 + (-.1073)2 + (-3.0532)2+ (-.2128)2 + (.9973)2= 141.0989.0386c p s =approximate 95% confidenceInterval for Proportion of Agents that are College Graduates:.4211 ± 2(.0386)or.3439 to .4983e. 2()i c i a p M ∑- = [ 4 - .3684 (17) ]2 + · · · + [ 26 - .3684 (57) ]2= (-2.2628)2 + (-.8940)2 + (-2.5784)2 + (3.6856)2 + (-3.8412)2 + (1.5792)2+ (-.6832)2 + (5.0012)2= 68.8787.0270c p s =approximate 95% confidenceInterval for Proportion of Agents that are Male:.3684 ± 2(.0270)or.3144 to .422418. a. p = 0.190.0206p s ==Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:0.19 ± 2(0.0206)or0.1488 to 0.2312b. p = 0.310.0243p s ==Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:0.31 ± 2(0.0243)or0.2615 to 0.3585c. p = 0.170.0197p s ==Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:0.17 ± 2(0.0197)or0.1306 to 0.2094d. The largest standard error is when p = .50.At p = .50, we get0.0262p s =Multiplying by 2, we get a bound of B = 2(.0262) = 0.0525For a sample of 363, then, they know that in the worst case (p= 0.50), the bound will beapproximately 5%.e. If the poll was conducted by calling people at home during the day the sample results would only berepresentative of adults not working outside the home. It is likely that the Louis Harris organization took precautions against this and other possible sources of bias.19. a. Assume (N - n) / N≈ 1p= .550.0222s==pb. p= .31s==0.0206pc. The estimate of the standard error in part (a) is larger because p is closer to .50.d. Approximate 95% Confidence interval:.55 ± 2(.0222)or.5056 to .5944e. Approximate 95% Confidence interval:.31 ± 2(.0206).2688 to .351220. a. 204.9390s==xApproximate 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Annual Salary:23,200 ± 2(204.9390)or$22,790 to $23,610b. N x = 3000 (23,200) = 69,600,000s = 3000 (204.9390) = 614,817xApproximate 95% Confidence Interval for Population Total Salary:69,600,000 ± 2(614,817)or$68,370,366 to $70,829,634c. p= .73.0304psApproximate 95% Confidence Interval for Proportion that are Generally Satisfied:.73 ± 2(.0304)or.6692 to .7908d. If management administered the questionnaire and anonymity was not guaranteed we would expect adefinite upward bias in the percent reporting they were “generally satisfied” with their job. Aprocedure for guaranteeing anonymity should reduce the bias.21. a. p= 1/3.0840ps=Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:.3333 ± 2(.0840)or.1653 to .5013b. 2X = 760 (19 / 45) = 320.8889c. p= 19 / 45 = .4222.0722psApproximate 95% Confidence Interval:.4222 ± 2(.0722)or.2778 to .5666d.38010760192607.3717 140030140045140025stp⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=++=⎪⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭(1)(1/3)(2/3)()380(350)129h h h h h h p p N N n n ⎡⎤-∑-=⎢⎥-⎣⎦(19/45)(26/45)(7/25)(18/25)760(715)260(235)4424++= 1019.1571 + 3012.7901 + 513.2400 = 4545.1892.0482st p s ==Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:.3717 ± 2(.0482)or.2753 to .468122. a. X = 380 (9 / 30) + 760 (12 / 45) + 260 (11 / 25) = 431.0667Estimate approximately 431 deaths due to beating.b. 38097601226011.3079140030140045140025st p ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=++= ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭[](1)()1h h h h h h p p N N n n -∑--= (380) (380 - 30) (9 / 30) (21 / 30) / 29 + (760) (760 - 45) (12 / 45) (33 / 45) / 44 + (260) (260 - 25)(11 / 25) (14 / 25) / 24= 4005.5079.0452st p s ==Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:.3079 ± 2(.0452)or.2175 to .3983c. 380217603426015.7116140030140045140025st p ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=++= ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭[](1)()1h h h h h h p p N N n n -∑--= (380) (380 - 30) (21 / 30) (9 / 30) / 29 + (760) (760 - 45) (34 / 45) (11 / 45) / 44 +(260) (260 - 25) (15 / 25) (10 / 25) / 24= 3855.0417.0443st p s =Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:.7116 ± 2(.0443)or.6230 to .8002d. X = 1400 (.7116) = 996.24Estimate of total number of black victims ≈ 99623. a. []222222223000(80)600(150)250(220)100(700)50(3000)(20)(4000)3000(80)600(150)250(220)100(700)50(3000)4n ++++=⎛⎫+++++ ⎪⎝⎭366,025,000,000170.73651,600,000,000543,800,000==+Rounding up, we need a sample size of 171 for the desired precision.13000(80)17168605,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭2600(150)17125605,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭3250(220)17116605,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭4100(700)17120605,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭550(3000)17142605,000n ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭24. a.14(61)7(74)96(78)23(69)71(73)29(84)18,06675.27514796237129240c x +++++===+++++Estimate of mean age is approximately 75 years old.b.122308102284.3514796237129240cp+++++===+++++2()i c ia p M∑-= [12 - .35 (14) ]2 + [ 2 - .35 (7) ]2 + [30 - .35 (96) ] 2+ [ 8 - .35 (23) ]2 + [ 10 - .35 (71) ]2 + [ 22 - .35 (29) ]2= (7.1)2 + (-.45)2 + (-3.6)2 + (-.05)2 + (-14.85)2 + (11.85)2= 424.52.0760cps=Approximate 95% Confidence Interval:.35 ± 2(.0760)or.198 to .502X= 4800 (.35) = 1680Estimate of total number of Disabled Persons is 1680.。
