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1.When is Peter’s birthday?

A.On June 11th .

B. On June 12th .

C. On June 13th.

2.What does the woman’s husband like?

A.Playing ball games.

B. Running.

C. Watching sports programs.

3.What does the woman think of driving?

A. Dangerous.

B. Safe.

C. Comfortable.

4. What does the man want to drink?

A. Wine.

B. Beer.

C. Water.

5. How far is it from here to the church?

A. 300 meters.

B. 500 meters.

C. 800 meters.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有



6. How long has the woman been in this area?

A. For a week.

B. For two weeks.

C. For three weeks

7. What did the woman do yesterday?

A. She saw a movie.

B. She went to the beach.

C. She went shopping.


8. What’s the most possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Colleagues.

B. Friends.

C. Neighbors.

9. How old is the man?

A. 7.

B. 17.

C. 27.

10.What does the woman want the man to do?

A. To attend her party.

B. To make less noise.

C. To share the apartment. *听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。

11. Where does the man want to go?

A. To New York.

B. To New Jersey.

C. To Hawaii.

12. When will the man leave?

A. In the morning.

B. In the afternoon.

C. In the evening.

13. How much does one ticket cost?

A. $310.

B. $325.

C. $620.


14. What day is it today?

A. Thursday.

B. Friday.

C. Saturday.

15. What food does Bob like best?

A. Italian food.

B. Japanese food.

C. Chinese food.

16. What do they plan to buy?

A.A bike.

B.A camera.

C. A mobile phone.

17. When will the two speakers meet?

A. At 2:00 pm.

B. At 3:00 pm.

C. At 4:00 pm.


18. What should people do when a crocodile attacks them?

A. Hit it on the nose.

B. Hit it on the head.

C. Hit it on the stomach.

19. Which animal does NOT attack things they think are dead?

A. A crocodile.

B. A bear.

C. A bull.

20. What should people do when a bull attacks them?

A. Wave their arms.

B. Climb up the tree.

C. Throw something away. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)
