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Step 2

掌握核心术语 学习时间5分钟
Step 3

理解并背诵核心概念 学习时间5分钟
Step 4


理解课文的意思 对难句进行语法和结构讲解 学习时间30分钟

教师在讲解课文时,除对课文进 行翻译之外,还要顺带讲解一下 难句的语法结构。
The purpose of a warehouse Warehouses and distribution centres have a primary aim, which is to facilitate the movement of goods from suppliers to customers. In this sense, warehouses, and passenger terminals alike, should be a trans-shipment area where goods or people are received, dispatched or transported efficiently. 仓库的目的 仓库和配送中心有一个基本目的,就是促使物资从供应商向客 户流转。这样,仓库应当成为一个为物资或人进行高效接 收、发放或运输的转运区,客运车站的情况也一样。
Warehouse management 仓库管理
The nature of a warehouse
Warehouses are typically viewed as a temporary place to store inventory, very much as airports act as terminal hubs for passengers who are then distributed across the world, or coach stations distribute passengers across the country. These serve as static units matching product (goods or people) with consumer demand (places to go).
第二部分 Section 2
本单元核心概念 Core concepts
What is a
Warehouses are typically viewed
as a temporary place to store inventory, very much as airports act as terminal hubs for passengers who are then distributed across the world, or coach stations distribute passengers across the country. These serve as static units matching product (goods or people) with consumer demand (places to go).
• • •
SWOT分析法 – 对实力和 弱点、外部机会和威胁进 行分析 STEP分析法 – 对经营环境 中的政治、经济、社会和 技术因素进行分析
This may, internally, include allowing only authorized people to deal with valuable or hazardous goods, or the use of MHE (Mechanical Handling Equipment) into certain areas. (to be
Some valid reasons for holding stock include the following: As a buffer between two production processes To cover demand during suppliers’ lead time To enable savings to be made through bulk purchases or discounts To cope with seasonal fluctuations To provide a variety of product in a centralized location
Unit 20
Warehouse management 仓库管理
授课教师 授课专业/班级
讲授单元 单元讲授时长 讲授内容
Unit 20 二学时 物流术语、课文、课堂练习

掌握本单元的物流专业术语 掌握本单元的核心概念 熟悉本单元的常用物流英语表达法 熟悉本单元的物流流程
仓库通常被视为是存储货物的临时性场所, 非常像飞机场担当乘客们的集散中心一 样,把乘客们分散到世界各地; 或是像 长途汽车站一样,把乘客们分散到全国 各地。这些(集散中心)具有静态单位的 作用,把产品(货物或人)和消费者的需 求(所去的地方)相匹配。
As a channel of distribution, the warehouse becomes a support unit for numerous retail outlets. Computerized systems have been developed to speed up information flow, order picking and delivery. Efficient warehousing now offers a method of reducing storage and handling costs, and is now seen as an integral part of just in time (JIT). 作为一个配送渠道,仓库成了众多零售网点的支持单位。计算 机系统被开发出来以加快信息流、订单分拣和交货的速度, 高效的仓储管理现在提供了一种降低存储及搬运成本的方 法,并被看成是即时制(JIT)的一个必要的组成部分。
在线分拣屏 经理们应当把仓库看作是一个向客 户转运货物的临时地点,它 (指仓库)也许会涉及到临时 性的贮存,但是从本质上来说, 这是一个承担着完成客户订单 的场所,可能会分割大宗产品、 并从各处把单个物件拼装起来。
第一部分 Section 1
本单元核心术语 Core terms
warehousing 仓储 trans-shipment 转运 bulk purchase 批量采购 split bulk items 分割散装 品种 MHE 机械搬运设备

(Mechanical Handling Equipment )
从内部来讲,这可以包括只允许授权人员来经手贵重品或危 险品,或在某些区域使用MHE(机械搬运设备)。(待续)
持有库存的正当理由包括下列方面: 作为两个生产流程之间的缓冲 在供货前置期间内满足产品的需求 通过批量采购或批量折扣来实现资金的节省 应付季节性的(需求)波动 在一个集中场所提供多种产品
An online picking screen Managers should view a warehouse as a temporary place to transship goods to customers. It may involve some temporary storage but essentially it is a place to undertake customer order completion, possibly splitting bulk products and consolidating individual items from various locations.
运营仓库的成本 取决于其运营的性质,仓库营运成本会有巨大的差别。主要成 本如下: 员工成本 建筑物服务、维护及设施管理 仓库设备,包括材料搬运设备(MHE)和车辆的维护
Security Logistics managers have not been showing enough concern about the issue of security, but it is none the less important. In analyzing security, managers should take into account the value of stock held and the perceived risks. Internal and external warehouse security should be reviewed. (to be continued) 安全 物流经理们还没有对安全问题表现出足够的关注,但它并非不 重要。在分析安全情况时,经理们应当考虑到所持库存品 的价值以及所觉察到的风险,内部和外部的安全情况均应 得到检查。(待续)
性场所,非常像飞机场担当乘客们 的集散中心一样,把乘客们分散到 世界各地; 或是像长途汽车站一样, 把乘客们分散到全国各地。这些 (集散中心)具有静态单位的作用, 把产品(货物或人)和消费者的需求 (所去的地方)相匹配。
Step 1

由教师当堂领读生词 纠正学生的发音 领读完之后给学生留出5分钟的 时间来温习单词。
An online picking screen
Costs of running a warehouse Warehouse running costs vary widely depending on the nature of their operations. The main costs are as follows: Staffing Building services, maintenance and facilities management Warehouse equipment, including maintenance of materials handling equipment (MHE) and of vehicles
continued) (续)
这项任务有两种方法:SWOT分析法和STEP分析法,这应 当包括通行限制、使用权限制、备份数据库限制或供电 限制的方法。(待续)

SWOT – analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses, external Opportunities and Threats STEP – analysis of social, technological, economical and political factors in the business environment
There are two approaches to this task: SWOT analysis and STEP analysis, which should include the methods to restrict access, use, backup databases, or power supplies. (to be