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Unit 1 It’s on your head!

Where's my blue shirt,Mum?(妈妈,我的蓝衬衫在哪?)

It's in your schoolbag.(它在你的书包里。)

Where're my brown shoes,Mum?(妈妈,我的棕色鞋子在哪?)

They're under the chair.(他们在椅子下面。)

Where's my new coat,Mum?(妈妈,我的新外套在哪儿?

It's on the bed.(它在床上。)

Where's my new cap?(我的新帽子在哪里?)

It's on your head !(在你的头上!)

Where’s my book?(我的书在哪里?)

I put in on my desk.Where is it?(我放在我的桌上。它在哪里?)

Please stand up,Dino.(恐龙,请站起来。)

Here it is.Thank you,Dino.(在这里。谢谢你,恐龙。)

You are clever.(你真聪明。)

Five birds fly into Mary's room.The room is clean.They like it very much.We can see the blue bird on the chair.The red bird is under the chair.The brown bird is beside the books.The white bird and the black bird are on the desk.They are between the caps.(玛丽的房间飞进来五只小鸟,房间很干净,他们非常喜欢它,我看


Fill in the blanks.(填空)

1、The blue bird is the chair.

2、The white bird is the caps.

3、Where is the yellow bird? It’s .

4、How many birds can you see? .

Unit 2 spring is warm

I'm from Changsha. I like spring in Changsha. Spring is warm. 我来自长沙。我喜欢春天在长沙。春天是温暖的。

I'm from Sanya. I don't like summer. It's hot in Sanya.


I'm from Beijing. I like autumn. Beijing is cool in autumn.


I'm from Kunming. I like winter in Kunming. It's not cold.


Dear friend,

I'm Zhang Leilei. I live in Sanya. It's very hot in summer. I like winter here. It's not very cold. People come to Sanya in winter. I never see snow here.


Zhang Leilei




Dear Zhang Leilie,

My name is .

I live in .

In summer, it’s .

In winter,it’s .



Unit 3 what can you see?

What can you see?(你能看到什么?)

I can see a river.(我能看见一条河。)

I can see a lake and a boat.(我可以看到一个湖和一条船。)I can see white clouds and the blue sky.(我能看到白云和蓝天。)

What can you see, Peter?(彼得,你能看见什么?)

I can see mountains.(我可以看到山脉。)

What can you see, Ming ming?(明明,你能看见什么?)

I can see a cake!(我可以看到一个蛋糕!)

Let’s Read and Write

I have a map of my town. The town is near the sea. You can see a rive and some mountains, too. There’s a lake near my school. It’s not big, but very beautiful.




1.I can see white in the sky.

2.There is a small boat on the .

3.I can see many at night.

4.There are some ducks on the .

5.I can see the behind the clouds.

6.I can see a big ship on the .

Let’s Know More


It’s spring in Beijing. We go to the park. There are many beautiful flowers.

It’s summer in Changsha. We often go to the lake. We ride in boats there.

It’s autumn in Urumqi. We go to the high mountains. There are colourful trees there.

It’s winter in Harbin. There is the Ice Lantern Festival. Ice lanterns are beautiful.




