我的家乡——武汉 英文介绍 ppt课件
第二课时 用电知识的“二知道”、“二不”、“一定期”
当一个岗位出现空缺,是否需要招人填补值得慎重考虑。如果这一岗位的部分职责,由于结构上的调整而变得多余时,可以考虑聘用 临时工。倘若该工作需要不同技能,可以让几个人分担,或者保留一个愿意做临时工的雇员。如果这一工作只在特定时期需要,可以 使用自由职业者或短期合同工。出于财务方面的考虑,你可以尝试用两个初级雇员替代一个工资高的雇员,或者用一个工资高的雇员 替代两个初级雇员。
• 武汉位于中国中部,是湖北省省会和政治、经济 及文化中心。世界第三大河长江及其最大的支流 汉水在此相汇,市区由隔江鼎立的武昌、汉口、 汉阳三部分组成,通称武汉三镇。全市现辖13个 区、 3 个国家级开发区(武汉经济技术开发区、 东湖新技术开发区、吴家山台商投资区),总面 积 8494 平方公里,常住人口 858 万人。
• As a typical garden city featuring mountains and waters, Wuhan is home to hundreds of hills and nearly 200 lakes of various sizes. With a water area making up 25.8% of its entire territory, Wuhan is ranked the first among major Chinese cities in water resources. East Lake, China's biggest downtown lake, covers an area of 33 k㎡
步行街夜景 第三个原则,把握时机。
面试内部应聘者要容易得多,因为他们已经熟悉公司情况及其工作氛围。但不要忘记他们最初被招进来是做不同工作的,他们适合现 在的工作吗?另外内部招聘并不能降低总费用。如果内部的人一旦来填补这一岗位,他们原来的岗位也需要填补。
第二课时 用电知识的“二知道”、“二不”、“一定期”
当一个岗位出现空缺,是否需要招人填补值得慎重考虑。如果这一岗位的部分职责,由于结构上的调整而变得多余时,可以考虑聘用 临时工。倘若该工作需要不同技能,可以让几个人分担,或者保留一个愿意做临时工的雇员。如果这一工作只在特定时期需要,可以 使用自由职业者或短期合同工。出于财务方面的考虑,你可以尝试用两个初级雇员替代一个工资高的雇员,或者用一个工资高的雇员 替代两个初级雇员。
• 武汉位于中国中部,是湖北省省会和政治、经济 及文化中心。世界第三大河长江及其最大的支流 汉水在此相汇,市区由隔江鼎立的武昌、汉口、 汉阳三部分组成,通称武汉三镇。全市现辖13个 区、 3 个国家级开发区(武汉经济技术开发区、 东湖新技术开发区、吴家山台商投资区),总面 积 8494 平方公里,常住人口 858 万人。
• As a typical garden city featuring mountains and waters, Wuhan is home to hundreds of hills and nearly 200 lakes of various sizes. With a water area making up 25.8% of its entire territory, Wuhan is ranked the first among major Chinese cities in water resources. East Lake, China's biggest downtown lake, covers an area of 33 k㎡
步行街夜景 第三个原则,把握时机。
面试内部应聘者要容易得多,因为他们已经熟悉公司情况及其工作氛围。但不要忘记他们最初被招进来是做不同工作的,他们适合现 在的工作吗?另外内部招聘并不能降低总费用。如果内部的人一旦来填补这一岗位,他们原来的岗位也需要填补。
武汉英文介绍 My Hometown Wuhan
![武汉英文介绍 My Hometown Wuhan](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/268573350b4c2e3f5727639b.png)
Andy ☺←
Yellow Crane Tower
Bordering on the Changjiang River and crouching on the top of the Snake Hill, the Yellow Crane Tower is one of the three most famous towers on the south bank of the Changjiang River. (the other two are Yueyang Tower in Hunan and Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi) First built in 223 AD, the tower has a history of over 1700 years.
Hubei province was the origin of state of Chu in Zhou Dynasty Spring and Autumn period (IN 977 BCE before common era) . Therefor you can find many Chu style building in Wuhan especially at EastLack. In the legend people live in Wuhan is like a kind of 9 heads bird.
Yangtze River Bridge
This was the first modern river crossing at this location and is still known as "The First Bridge", It was built under the direction of Russian engineers using Chinese materials and construction crews. Before this was available, railroad trains would be barged across the river, taking up to an entire day to cross. This bridge carries two tracks of railroad below and four lanes of vehicular traffic above and joins Snake Hill with its Yellow Crane Tower on the South to Turtle Hill.
位于武汉武昌东部,故此得名,是中国第二大的城中湖,现 为中国水域面积最为广阔的城中湖之一,·分为四个区域:听 涛景区、东湖磨山景区、落雁景区和吹笛景区,四个景区各 具特色。 毛主席一生钟爱东湖,将其称为“白云黄鹤的地方”。
位于东湖畔,是我国重要的国家级博物馆,馆藏文物丰富, 有中国规模最大的古乐器陈列馆。 ·越王勾践剑、曾侯乙编钟、郧县人头骨化石、元青花四爱图 梅瓶是最值得看的是四大镇馆之宝。 ·由综合陈列馆、楚文化馆、编钟馆等仿古建筑构成,体现古 楚国建筑的的建筑布局。 ·馆内的日常展览,具有鲜明的古楚文化和古长江文明的特征 。 ·每天有编钟表演,馆内展出文物和陈列位可能会因需求而变 动,可以依照馆内的指示牌进行参观。
武汉四季明显,武汉是中国著名的三大“火炉”之一,湿度很大,夏季体感温度很高,建议穿着短裤短袖,常备雨伞, 做好防晒措施; 冬季虽然气温并不是很低,最低温度只有-7、-8℃,但潮湿寒冷的气候也让很多人感到不适,羽绒服、秋裤也是必不可少 的; 春秋两季温度比较舒适,在武汉只需一件外套即可。但在初春和晚秋的时候应带上薄毛衣,以免感冒。
3-5月是樱花开放的季节,武大和磨山樱园是赏花的好去处。另外梅园、植物园、华农(华中农业大学)也是春季赏花人 气很旺的地方。11-12月,汉口江滩的大片芦苇丛,也是人气极高的地方。最好不要在6-8月和12月底至2月去武汉,火炉 般的夏季,以及潮湿寒冷的冬季会给你的旅程大打折扣。
武汉海关Fra bibliotek汉口一瞥
归 元 寺 雕 像
归 元 寺 夜 景
归 元 寺 雕 像
树 林
武 汉 大 学 门 口
Thank You!
As a typical garden city featuring mountains and waters, Wuhan is home to hundreds of hills and nearly 200 lakes of various sizes. With a water area making up 25.8% of its entire territory, Wuhan is ranked the first among m a j o r C hi n e s e c it i e s i n w a t e r r e s o u rc es . E as t L a k e , C hi n a ' s biggest downtown lake, covers an area of 33 k㎡
江 城 武 汉
武汉位于中国中部,是湖北省省会和政治、经济 及文化中心。世界第三大河长江及其最大的支流 汉水在此相汇,市区由隔江鼎立的武昌、汉口、 汉阳三部分组成,通称武汉三镇。全市现辖13个 区、 3 个国家级开发区(武汉经济技术开发区、 东湖新技术开发区、吴家山台商投资区),总面 积 8494 平方公里,常住人口 858 万人。
Wuhan:A River City
归 元 寺 雕 像
归 元 寺 夜 景
归 元 寺 雕 像
树 林
武 汉 大 学 门 口
Thank You!
As a typical garden city featuring mountains and waters, Wuhan is home to hundreds of hills and nearly 200 lakes of various sizes. With a water area making up 25.8% of its entire territory, Wuhan is ranked the first among m a j o r C hi n e s e c it i e s i n w a t e r r e s o u rc es . E as t L a k e , C hi n a ' s biggest downtown lake, covers an area of 33 k㎡
江 城 武 汉
武汉位于中国中部,是湖北省省会和政治、经济 及文化中心。世界第三大河长江及其最大的支流 汉水在此相汇,市区由隔江鼎立的武昌、汉口、 汉阳三部分组成,通称武汉三镇。全市现辖13个 区、 3 个国家级开发区(武汉经济技术开发区、 东湖新技术开发区、吴家山台商投资区),总面 积 8494 平方公里,常住人口 858 万人。
Wuhan:A River City
large as the West Lake of hangzhou
• 33 sq.km.
The East Lake
Sakura in Wuhan University.
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
The bridges of Wuhan
The bridges of Wuhan
The bridges of Wuhan
The bridges of Wuhan
The bridges of Wuhan
The three towns
“The Eastern Chicago”
“江城” “City On Rivபைடு நூலகம்rs”
“No. 1 tower among all the landscapes”
Yellow Crane Tower
• Stand at the top of the Snake Hill • At the south of the Yangtze River
Five floors Height:49m Diameter:30m
Artistic carvings
Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge
*Length:1670m *Double deck *Dual use
The bridges of Wuhan
Wuhan 2nd Yangtze River Bridge
The bridges of Wuhan
• 33 sq.km.
The East Lake
Sakura in Wuhan University.
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
The bridges of Wuhan
The bridges of Wuhan
The bridges of Wuhan
The bridges of Wuhan
The bridges of Wuhan
The three towns
“The Eastern Chicago”
“江城” “City On Rivபைடு நூலகம்rs”
“No. 1 tower among all the landscapes”
Yellow Crane Tower
• Stand at the top of the Snake Hill • At the south of the Yangtze River
Five floors Height:49m Diameter:30m
Artistic carvings
Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge
*Length:1670m *Double deck *Dual use
The bridges of Wuhan
Wuhan 2nd Yangtze River Bridge
The bridges of Wuhan
Hankou Riverbank
Wuyhan Yangtze Bridge
Optical Valley Pedestrian Street
Wuchang Railway station
Jianghan Road
Grand Ocean Department Store
Optical Valley Square(night view)
The metropolitan(大城市的) area comprises(组 成,构成) three parts - Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang, commonly called the “Three Towns of Wuhan” (hence the name “Wuhan”, combining “Wu” from the first city and “Han” from the other two). The consolidation(合并) of these three cities occurred in 1927 and Wuhan was thereby established. Thther across the rivers and are linked by bridges, including one of the first modern bridges in China, known as the "First Bridge".
An Introduction to Wuhan
Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province, People‘s Republic of China, and is the most populous(人口稠密的) city in Central China. It lies at the east of the Jianghan Plain, and the intersection(交汇处) of the middle reaches of the Yangtze and Han rivers. Arising out of the conglomeration (聚集) of three boroughs(市镇), Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang, Wuhan is known as “the nine provinces’ leading thoroughfare(通行)”; it is a major transportation(交通) hub(中心), with dozens of railways, roads and expressways passing through the city.
Hubei province ,occupying 400 squares. Wudang Mountain has 72 peaks with steep valleys and beautiful scenery. The main peak, Tianzhu peak (天柱峰),is 1,612 meters above sea
upturned eaves 飞檐
night scene 夜景
Close-range 近景
aerial perspective俯瞰图
Wudang Mountain is located to the southwest of Danjiangkou(丹江口), a city on the northwest of
According to records, the tower was first built in 223 A.D during the Three Kingdoms period (220-280). At first it was only used for warfairs. After completion, the tower served as a gathering place for celebrities and poets to party and compose poetry. It was estimated that up to the Tongzhi Reign of the Qing dynasty, as many as 300 poems about the tower had been found in historical literature.
upturned eaves 飞檐
night scene 夜景
Close-range 近景
aerial perspective俯瞰图
Wudang Mountain is located to the southwest of Danjiangkou(丹江口), a city on the northwest of
According to records, the tower was first built in 223 A.D during the Three Kingdoms period (220-280). At first it was only used for warfairs. After completion, the tower served as a gathering place for celebrities and poets to party and compose poetry. It was estimated that up to the Tongzhi Reign of the Qing dynasty, as many as 300 poems about the tower had been found in historical literature.
The city of hundred lakes(百湖之城)
One of Chinese three furnace One of the birthplace of chu culture "first shot" of Xinhai revolution and so on
Charm Of Wuhan
Charm Of Wuhan
gourmand in Wuhan
Hot-and-dry noodles is no longer only friend is a kind of snacks, but a kind of feeling.
hot-and-dry noodles
Seafood Tofu
Charm Of Wuhan
East lake landscape
Walk along at the lakeside in SPRING Swimming in SUMMER
Appreciating sweet laurel in AUTUMN
The largest lake in the city in China Known as the ninety-nine bay Has formed six distinctive Admiring snow in WINTER recreational area
Qi turtle
Qi bamboo
Bordering on the Changjiang 昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼。 River and crouching on the top of the Snake Hill, the 黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠。 Yellow Crane Tower is one Myof thefriend, bids farewell old three most famous towers on the south bank of to me in the westRiver. (the the Changjiang at Yellow Crane Tower. Amid April’s other two are Yueyang Tower in Hunan and mist and flowers, he goes do Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi) wn First built in 223His distant to Yangzhou. AD, the image disappears in of over tower has a history blue 1700 years. It all I only an emptiness. And is not see is the important scenic spot, to the long river flowing but also a symbol of "piping edge of thepeace" in people's times of sky. minds.
我的家乡——武汉 英文介绍
![我的家乡——武汉 英文介绍](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f9d04f04763231126edb112f.png)
Wuhan University is a key university directly under the administration of the Education Ministry of the People's Republic of China. It is located in Hubei Province's capital Wuhan known as "The thoroughfare leading to nine provinces". The university has rolling physical features with the scenic Luojia Hill in it and the beautiful East Lake by its side, seeming in picturesque disorder. Its campus is wooded and green, and has fragrant flowers everywhere all the year round, the buildings are in special architectural styles, magnificent and mansionlooking. For the above reasons, Wuhan University is widely known as one of the most beautiful universities in the world. By the year of 2010, it will be built into a high-level university well known both at home and abroad as well as a main force for vitalizing China and Hubei through science and education. On this basis, still greater efforts are to be make to raise the teaching, scientific research and every other work of the university to international advanced levels so that the university can enjoy high position and great prestige in the international academic circles before the middle twenty-first century when Wuhan University will be built into a first-rate university of the world.
我的家乡——武汉 英文介绍 ppt课件
![我的家乡——武汉 英文介绍 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6372a5208e9951e79b892752.png)
Dou pi – The No. 2 must-try breakfast in Wuhan is sticky rice mixed with other ingredients: vegetables and beans, in this case, wrapped in sheets of bean curd, then pan-fried until golden. The bean curd was tasty, but I discarded most of the rest; I’m just not Chinese enough to have both noodles and rice for breakfast.
Wuhan University is a key university directly under the administration of the Education Ministry of the People's Republic of China. It is located in Hubei Province's capital Wuhan known as "The thoroughfare leading to nine provinces". The university has rolling physical features with the scenic Luojia Hill in it and the beautiful East Lake by its side, seeming in picturesque disorder. Its campus is wooded and green, and has fragrant flowers everywhere all the year round, the buildings are in special architectural styles, magnificent and mansionlooking. For the above reasons, Wuhan University is widely known as one of the most beautiful universities in the world. By the year of 2010, it will be built into a high-level university well known both at home and abroad as well as a main force for vitalizing China and Hubei through science and education. On this basis, still greater efforts are to be make to raise the teaching, scientific research and every other work of the university to international advanced levels so that the university can enjoy high position and great prestige in the international academic circles before the middle twenty-first century when Wuhan University will be built into a first-rate university of the world.
Wuhan University is a key university directly under the administration of the Education Ministry of the People's Republic of China. It is located in Hubei Province's capital Wuhan known as "The thoroughfare leading to nine provinces". The university has rolling physical features with the scenic Luojia Hill in it and the beautiful East Lake by its side, seeming in picturesque disorder. Its campus is wooded and green, and has fragrant flowers everywhere all the year round, the buildings are in special architectural styles, magnificent and mansionlooking. For the above reasons, Wuhan University is widely known as one of the most beautiful universities in the world. By the year of 2010, it will be built into a high-level university well known both at home and abroad as well as a main force for vitalizing China and Hubei through science and education. On this basis, still greater efforts are to be make to raise the teaching, scientific research and every other work of the university to international advanced levels so that the university can enjoy high position and great prestige in the international academic circles before the middle twenty-first century when Wuhan University will be built into a first-rate university of the world.
We are in Wuhan
of wuhan
The capital of hubei province composed of the three towns of Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang The most populous of city in the middle of china The city of hundred lakes(百湖之城) One of Chinese three furnace One of the birthplace of chu culture "first shot" of Xinhai revolution and so on
dongpo red cliff
These dishes are named after his name
The medical sage——Li Shizhen
Compendium of Materia Medica
mugwort (蕲艾)
long-noded pit viper(蛇)
Charm Of Wuhan
gourmand in Wuhan
longer only friend is a kind of snacks, but a kind of feeling.
Seafood Tofu
make of by: sticky rice green bean pork eggs shelled fresh shrimps mushroom
We are in Wuhan
of wuhan
The capital of hubei province composed of the three towns of Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang The most populous of city in the middle of china The city of hundred lakes(百湖之城) One of Chinese three furnace One of the birthplace of chu culture "first shot" of Xinhai revolution and so on
dongpo red cliff
These dishes are named after his name
The medical sage——Li Shizhen
Compendium of Materia Medica
mugwort (蕲艾)
long-noded pit viper(蛇)
Charm Of Wuhan
gourmand in Wuhan
longer only friend is a kind of snacks, but a kind of feeling.
Seafood Tofu
make of by: sticky rice green bean pork eggs shelled fresh shrimps mushroom
武汉英文介绍 PPT
![武汉英文介绍 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b604989acc1755270622089f.png)
继续保持 安静
The East Lake
• The biggest lake
in the city
• Six times as
large as the West Lake of hangzhou
• 33 sq.km.
Bean skin or Doupi is a popular local dish. It's a mixture of soft glutinous s,rice,egg,mushroom and pork, tucked into two pieces of tofu skin and then pan-fried until golden brown.
Li Na: the Chinese women's tennis players. 2008 Beijing Olympic Games women's singles fourth, 2011 France Tennis Open, 2014 Australian Open women's singles champion, Asia's first Grand Slam women's singles champion, Asian history, women's singles ranked the world's highest player.
The stadium facilities are complete
Wuhan is exploring how to put different kinds of volunteer services into civilization education practice of Wuhan, so as to promote college volunteer services joint with civiliazation construction of the city and normalized “Learning from Leifeng” activity. By the college volunteer organization construction, we should cultivate more students to be the volunteers in the city which will educate college students to become the advocators of good ethics, communicators and practitioner of socialistic civilization.
Sakura in mar.
• Show the culture of
Plant park
Snack street
That’s all
The walking street of jianghan road
• foreign settlement • In 1906
commercial street
The east lake
• The biggest lake
in the city Six times as large as the West Lake of hangzhou 30 sq.km.
烟雨莽苍苍 龟蛇锁大江
• Double deck • Dual use
View from above
• China Everbright Bank • The National City Bank of • • •
New York Steamship of Japan Former site of American consulate Chinese customs
“The Eastern Chicago”
“No. 1 tower among all the landscapes”
Yellow Crane Tower
• Stand at the top of the Snake Hill • At the south of the Yangtze River
Charm of Wuhan
numbu ever been to Wuhan?/Did you
The history of Duck Neck can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty in China At that time, it was a dish for the upper class Later, it gradually became popular among ordinary people
Recipe: The preparation of Doupi requires careful selection of ingredients and processing techniques The flow and sugar should be mixed even, and the frying temperature should be controlled accurately to achieve the perfect texture and taste
Duck Neck is a common dish in Wuhan that is made from duck neck and a variety of seasons It has a unique flavor and texture, and is often preserved as a cold dish or appetizer
History: The history of Doupi can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty in China At that time, it was a snap for the upper class Later, it gradually became popular among ordinary people
武汉英文介绍 My Hometown Wuhan
![武汉英文介绍 My Hometown Wuhan](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/268573350b4c2e3f5727639b.png)
Thank you ( ^_^ )/~~ and have a nice day! ☺
Marshland & Jianghan Road Walking Street
On the Jianghan Road Walking Street and River Bank you will easily find many old European architecture most of them were old Bank and concession area during early 20 Century. Because at that time Wuhan was one of the most valuable and significant place same as Shanghai. And today this area become the city landmark. Many clubs shopping Centers and government all established there. Andy ☺ ←
Xinhai Revolution Andy ☺ ←
Popular foods
Hot and Dry Noodle, "Re gan mian" mian (热干面) is a kind of noodle which is very popular in this city.The Chinese word "Re" means hot and "gan" means dry. The most 'Wuhaneseful' food. Duck's Neck, "Ya Bo Zi" (鸭脖子) is a local version of this popular Chinese dish, made of duck necks and spices. Bead Pan, "Dou Pi" (豆皮)is a popular local dish with a soy skin containing egg, rice, beef, mushrooms and beans. Bao"(汤包)is a Soup Bun, "Tang Bao" kind of dumpling with thin skin made of flour, steamed with very juicy meat inside, it is called Tang(soup)Bao(bun) is this, because every time one takes a bite from it the soup inside spills out. Wo"(面窝) is Salty Doughnut, "Mian Wo" a kind of doughnut with salty taste. It's much thinner than common doughnut, and is a typical Wuhan local food.
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Re gan mian – These “hot dry noodles” are the local breakfast standard, the bacon and eggs (or bagel and cream cheese) of Wuhan, and the original reason I came to the alley. My preboiled noodles were flash-dunked in hot water, then mixed with sesame paste, scallions, soy sauce and a few other dashes of vegetables and liquids I couldn’t identify. They were hearty, fresh and not too spicy. I could see why millions of Wuhan residents start their day with them.
Wuhan University is a key university directly under the administration of the Education Ministry of the People's Republic of China. It is located in Hubei Province's capital Wuhan known as "The thoroughfare leading to nine provinces". The university has rolling physical features with the scenic Luojia Hill in it and the beautiful East Lake by its side, seeming in picturesque disorder. Its campus is wooded and green, and has fragrant flowers everywhere all the year round, the buildings are in special architectural styles, magnificent and mansionlooking. For the above reasons, Wuhan University is widely known as one of the most beautiful universities in the world. By the year of 2010, it will be built into a high-level university well known both at home and abroad as well as a main force for vitalizing China and Hubei through science and education. On this basis, still greater efforts are to be make to raise the teaching, scientific research and every other work of the university to international advanced levels so that the university can enjoy high position and great prestige in the international academic circles before the middle twenty-first century when Wuhan University will be built into a first-rate university of the world.
My hometown--wuhan
The Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, full-bridge 1670.4 meters long, was completed in October 1957. When I walked on the bridge, I was proud of it.
Because it is China's first bridge,
it has become a splendilow Crane Tower, located on Snake Hill in
Wuchang, is one of the "Three Famous Towers South of Yangtze River (the other two: Yueyang Tower in Hunan and Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi) Destroyed many times in successive dynasties, the tower was rebuilt time and again until 100 years ago when it was, for the last time, reduced to ashes. The present tower is a complete reconstruction and is the result of four years of work beginning in 1981. Where the old tower was only 15 meters wide, the ground floor of the new structure was increased to 20 meters wide. The tower, 51.4 meters high, is five-storied with yellow tiles and red pillars, overlapping ridges and interlocking eaves, more magnificent than the old one. The new Yellow Crane Tower is regarded as the symbol of Wuhan city