
Background Information
• 3. In 449, Angles, Saxon, and Jutes from Northwest of Germany , conquered the most part of England • English --- old English • 4. 9th century, Scandinavian conquest Danish (language) • 5. 11th century Norman Conquest for 400 years French (language) Middle English • 6. British people conquered the conquest again. English won its recognition. Modern English • 7. American English has become the dominant world variety.
To appreciate the language features
Teaching Contents
• 1. Background information • 2. Text analysis • 3. Detailed study: Vocabulary and structure, paraphrase • 4. Stylistic features & Rhetorical devices • 5. Exercises
Background Information
The History of Britain • 1.The native people in Britain – --- Celt (language) • 2. Roman Conquest 43 AD, ruled for 400 years – Latin (language)

The title of this piece is not very aptly chosen.
Relationship? pub talk king's English
what makes good conversation.
The writer illustrates his point by describing the charming conversation he had with some people one evening in a pub on the topic “the King's English".
Global Reading
Part I: Para. 1-3
Part III: Para. 18-21
Part II: Para. 4-17
•Main idea: What is and what makes a good conversation.
•Para.4-11: The topic “the king’s English” was discussed unawares during a pub talk.
The history of English
Early Modern English (1500-1800): From the 16th century, the British had contact with many peoples from around the world. Many Latin and Greek words and phrases entered the language during Renaissance. Spelling and grammar became fixed, and the dialect of London became the standard. In 1604 the first English dictionary was published.
Pub Talk and the King's English中英对照

Pub Talk and the King’s English(酒吧闲谈与标准英语)Henry Fairlie (亨利·费尔利)1.Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities. And it is anactivity only of humans. However intricate the way in which animals communicate with each other, they do not indulge in anything that deserves the name of conversation. 人类的一切活动中,闲谈是最具交际性的,也是人类特有的。
2.The charm of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere,and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows. The enemy of good conversation is the person who has “something to say.” Conversation is not for making a point. Argument may often be a part of it, but the purpose of the argument is not to convince.There is no winning in conversation. In fact, the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose. Suddenly they see the moment for one of their best anecdotes, but in a flash the conversation has moved on and the opportunity is lost. They are ready to let it go. 闲谈的引人入胜之处就在于它没有一个事先设定好的主题。

Pub Talk and the King s English(酒吧闲谈与标准英语)Henry Fairlie (亨利·费尔利)1. Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities. And it is an activity only of humans. However intricate the way in which animals communicate with each other, they do not indulge in anything that deserves the name of conversation. 人类的一切活动中,闲谈是最具交际性的,也是人类特有的。
2. The charm of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows. The enemy of good conversation is the person who has “something to say.” Conversation is not for making a point. Argument may often be a part of it, but the purpose of the argument is not to convince. There is no winning in conversation. In fact, the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose. Suddenly they see the moment for one of their best anecdotes, but in a flash the conversation has moved on and the opportunity is lost. They are ready to let it go. 闲谈的引人入胜之处就在于它没有一个事先设定好的主题。
Pub Talk and the King’s English中英对照翻译

Pub Talk and the King’s English中英对照翻译谁也说不准。
3.The English language has always been XXX。
andn has always been the best way to understand and enjoy thelanguage。
But there is a XXXbe called “pub talk.” Pub talk is not really XXX at all。
It is amonologue。
It is XXX。
not to clarifybut to confuse。
not to shed light but to obscure.英语一直以来都非常适合于闲谈,而闲谈也一直是理解和享受语言的最佳方式。
4.XXX XXX at the same time。
It isXXX。
and playful because thepeople who take part in it are XXX。
It is like a game withrules。
but the rules are there to be broken。
and the best players are thosewho break them most XXX is also like a dance。

Pubs are social places based on the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, and most public houses offer a range of beers, wines, spirits, alcopops and soft drinks. Many pubs are controlled by breweries, so beer is often better value than wines and spirits, whilst soft drinks can be almost as expensive. Beer served in a pub may be cask ale or keg beer. The beer lends most pubs a pleasant, memorable aroma. [weasel words] All pubs also have a range of non-alcoholic beverages available. Traditionally the windows of town pubs are of smoked or frosted glass so that the clientele is obscured from the street. In the last twenty years in the UK and other countries there has been a move away from frosted glass towards clear glass, a trend which fits in with brighter interior decors.
pub talk and king'sEnglish高级英语

They are ready to let it go.
They are ready to give up the opportunity to tell
one of their best anecdotes because the conversation has moved onto other subjects.
part 1:para1-3
• The writer puts forward the statement: • 1. Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities. • 2. Bar conversation has a charm of its own.
part II
• par. 4-11
• an example to support the thesis • no fixed topic --- the King's English -- Australia -Saxon churls -- the language barriers • The example has well explained where its charm lies.
What is the passage about?
What’s the main idea of the passage?
Do you think the author develop the title well in his passage? After reading the passage, what title do you think is more appropriate for the text?

1. To learn the methods in developing an expository writing, esp. the use of examples 2. To know how to make good conversation
3. To learn the differences between “pub talk” and the King’s English 4. To analyse the features of spoken English 5. To appreciate the language features
5.Early modern English (c. 1450 — 1750)
• This age includes the Renaissance, the Elizabethan era and Shakespeare. The role of the church, of Latin and of French declined and English became a language of science and government. Britain grew commercially and acquired overseas colonies. English was taken to America, Australia, and India. Slave trade carried black speakers of African languages to Caribbean and America, giving rise to English Creoles克里奥尔语. English acquired a typographic排字印刷 identity with the rise of printing. There were many attempts to "standardize and fix" the language with dictionaries and grammars.
Pub Talk and the King’s English中英对照翻译

第一课:Pub Talk and the King’s English(酒吧闲谈与标准英语)1.Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities. And it is anactivity only of humans. However intricate the way in which animals communicate with each other, they do not indulge in anything that deserves the name of conversation.人类的一切活动中,闲谈是最具交际性的,也是人类特有的。
2.The charm of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere,and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows. The enemy of good conversation is the person who has “something to say.” Conversation is not for making a point. Argument may often be a part of it, but the purpose of the argument is not to convince. There is no winning in conversation. In fact, the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose. Suddenly they see the moment for one of their best anecdotes, but in a flash the conversation has moved on and the opportunity is lost. They are ready to let it go.闲谈的引人入胜之处就在于它没有一个事先设定好的主题。

高级英语p u b t a l k a n d t h e k i n g 27s e n g l i s h中英笔记(注释)L3. Pub Talk and the King’s English(酒吧闲谈与标准英语) Henry Fairlie (亨利·费尔利)1. Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities. And it is an activity only of humans. However intricate the way in which animals communicate with each other, they do not indulge in anything that deserves the name of conversation.人类的一切活动中,闲谈是最具交际性的sociable(主题句),也是人类特有的。
1.And it is an activity only of humans. (para1) 并且它是人类特有的一种活动。
And conversation is an activity which is found only among human being.Sociable [ˈsoʊʃəbl] adj.随和的,好交际的,友善的 friendly or agreeable,eapecially in an easy,informal way(用书)intricate (adj) : hard to follow or understand because full of puzzling parts,details,or relationships错综复杂的;难以理解的,难懂的Indulge: 任凭自己沉溺于……;耽于to allow yourself to have or do sth that you like,eapecially sth that is considered bad for you ----indulge in sth, indulge yourself.例: Women do not indulge in to the same extent as men. deserve: 值得;应得2. The charm of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go as it meander s or leap s and sparkle s or just glow s. The enemy of good conversation is the person who has“something to say.”Conversation is not for making a point. Argument may often be a part of it, but the purpose of theargument is not to convince. There is no winning in conversation. In fact, the best conversationalist s are those who are prepared to lose. Suddenly they see the momentfor one of their best anecdote s, but in a flash the conversation has moved on and the opportunity is lost.They are ready to let it go.2. 闲谈的引人入胜之处就在于它没有一个事先设定好的主题。
pub talk and the king's english 翻译

纳什作于1593年的《截获信函奇闻》中就有过“标准英语”(Queen’s English)的提法。
1602年德克写到某人时有句话说:“你把‘标准英语’(King’s Engligh)简化了”。
3Pub Talk and the King’s English(张汉熙高级英语 2)

Mme. Deffand
Lesson Three
Pub Talk and the King’s English
Pre-Text Questions
What do you know about PUB ?
What does Pub Talk and the King’s English refer to respectively?
it should not be laid down as an edict, … change from below. people should not be ordered to speak the King’s English and they should be allowed to introduce changes into the language I have an unending love affair with dictionaries. Auden What literary devices are used in this sentence? I’ve always had an intense and eager interest in dictionaries. Translate this sentence into Chinese. Why does the writer switch the topic from the King’s English to dictionaries ? dictionaries are instruments of common sense
What does the new ruling class refer to?
Why the cultural barrier is against him?

Unit 1 Pub Talk and the King’s English人类的一切活动中,只有闲谈最宜于增进友谊,而且是人类特有的一种活动。

张汉熙《高级英语(2)》(第3版重排版)学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】目录Lesson 1 Pub Talk and the King’s English 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 2 Marrakech 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 3 Inaugural Address (January 20, 1961) 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 4 Love Is a Fallacy 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 5 The Sad Young Men 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 6 Loving and Hating New York 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 7 The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas (Excerpts) 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 8 The Future of the English 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 9 The Loons 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 10 The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 11 Four Laws of Ecology (Part I) 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 12 Four Laws of Ecology (Part Ⅱ) 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 13 The Mansion: A Subprime Parable (Excerpts) 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 14 Faustian Economics 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案Lesson 15 Disappearing Through the Skylight 一、词汇短语 二、课文精解 三、文体修辞 四、全文翻译 五、练习答案弘博学习网————各类考试资料全收录内容简介本书是《高级英语(2)》(第3版重排版)的学习辅导用书,按照原教材的课次进行编写,每单元涉及词汇短语、课文精解、单元语法、全文翻译以及练习答案等内容。
高级英语pub talk and the king's english

高级英语Pub Talk and the King’s English人类的一切活动中,只有闲谈最宜于增进友谊,而且是人类特有的一种活动。
Pub talk and the king's english 高级英语2整理

Unit1Pub Talk and the King's EnglishParaphrase:1.And it is an activity only of humans.(para1)并且它是人类特有的一种活动。
And conversation is an activity which is found only among human being.2.Conversation is not for making a point.(para2)交谈并不是为了表明一种看法。
Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or point of view.3.In fact,the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose.(para2)实际上,最好的交谈者,是那些准备输的人。
In fact a person who really enjoys and is skilled at conversation will not argue to win or force others to accept his point of view.4.Bar friends are not deeply involved in each other's lives.(para3)酒吧友人没有深层次地涉及彼此的生活。
People who meet each other for a drink in the bar of a pub are not intimate friends for they are not deeply absorbed or engrossed in each other’s lives.5.it could still go ignorantly on(para6)大伙仍旧可以糊里糊涂地扯下去。

Lesson 3 Pub Talk and the King’s English人类的一切活动中,只有闲谈最宜于增进友谊,而且是人类特有的一种活动。
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L3. Pub Talk and the King’s English(酒吧闲谈与标准英语)Henry Fairlie (亨利·费尔利)1.Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities.And it isan activity only of humans. However intricate the way in which animals communicate with each other, they do not indulge in anythingthat deserves the name of conversation.人类的一切活动中,闲谈是最具交际性的sociable(主题句),也是人类特有的。
1.And it is an activity only of humans. (para1) 并且它是人类特有的一种活动。
And conversation is an activity which is found only among human being.Sociable [ˈsoʊʃəbl] adj.随和的,好交际的,友善的friendly or agreeable,eapecially in an easy,informal way(用书)intricate (adj) : hard to follow or understand because full of puzzling parts,details,or relationships错综复杂的;难以理解的,难懂的Indulge: 任凭自己沉溺于……;耽于to allow yourself to have or do sth that you like,eapecially sth that is considered bad for you ----indulge in sth, indulge yourself.例:Women do not indulge in to the same extent as men.deserve: 值得;应得2.The charm of conversation is that it does not really start fromanywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go as it meander s or leap s and sparkle s or just glow s. The enemy of good conversation is the person who has “something to say.”Conversation is not for making a point. Argument may often be a part of it, but the purpose of the argument is not to convince. There is no winning in conversation.In fact, the best conversationalist s are those who are prepared to lose.Suddenly they see the moment for one of their best anecdote s, but in a flash the conversation has moved on and the opportunity is lost. They are ready to let it go.2. 闲谈的引人入胜之处就在于它没有一个事先设定好的主题。
他们也许会偶然间觉得该把自己最得意的奇闻轶事anecdote选出一件插进来讲一讲,但一转眼in a flash大家已谈到别处去了,插话的机会随之丧失,他们也就听之任之了。
meander: n. (比喻)proceed in an aimless way ; ramble漫谈,闲聊例:The discussion meandered on for hours.讨论会漫无边际的进行了几个小时。
make a point: explain fully what one is proposing. 表明一种看法,证明一个论点例:All fight,you’ve made your point;now keep quiet and let the others say what they think.好啦,你已经把话说清楚了;那就别说了,让别人谈谈看法。
Conversationalist: n. 健谈的人Sparkle: v. be full of life and wit活力和才智换发。
She always sparkles at parties.在聚会上,他总是神采奕奕。
Glow: glow with pride/joy/pleasure.Anecdote: [ˈænɪkdoʊt] n.奇闻轶事(关于真人真事的短小有趣的事)in a flash: suddenly,very quickly瞬间,非常突然。
Without any delay例:Just wait here.I’v be back in a flash.就在这儿等我,我马上就回来。
2.Conversation is not for making a point.(para2)交谈并不是为了表明一种看法。
Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or point of view.(说服convincing, taking sb. over)3.In fact, the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose.(para2) 实际上,最好的交谈者,是那些准备输的人。
In fact a person who really enjoys and is skilled at conversation will not argue to win or force others to accept his point of view.meander (v.) : wander aimlessly or idly;ramble漫步;闲逛conversationalist (n.) : a person who converses;esp.,one who enjoys and is skilled at conversation交谈者;(尤指)健谈者anecdote (n.) : a short,entertaining account of some happening,usually personal or biographical 轶事,逸事3.Perhaps it is because of my upbringing in English pubs that I thinkbar conversation has a charm of its own. Bar friends are not deeply involved in each other’s lives. They are companions, not intimate s.The fact that their marriages may be on the rock s, or that their love affair s have broken or even that they got out of bed on the wrong side is simply not a concern. They are like the musketeer s of Dumas who, although they lived side by side with each other, did not delve into each other’s lives or the recess es of their thoughts and feelings.3. 或许是从小混迹于(upbringing n. 培养,养育)英国小酒吧的缘故吧,我觉得酒馆里的闲聊是别有韵味的。
酒馆里的朋友们对彼此的生活毫不了解(involve in 使牵扯到),他们只是临时的伙伴,相互之间并无深交(intimate密友,知己)。
这些人之中,也许有人的婚姻面临破裂(on the rock婚姻的破坏),有人恋爱受挫,有人碰到别的什么不顺心的事儿(go out of bad on the wrong side),但这些都无关紧要。
他们就像大仲马笔下的三个火枪手(musketeer火枪手)一样,虽然朝夕相处,却从来不过问(delve 发掘)彼此的私事(recess 私事),也不去打探别人内心的秘密。
4. Bar friends are not deeply involved in each other's lives. (para3)酒吧友人没有深层次地涉及彼此的生活。
People who meet each other for a drink in the bar of a pub are not intimate friends for they are not deeply absorbed or engrossed in each other’s lives.(close friends密友)intimate (n.) : a close friend or companion密友,知己on the rocks :in or into a condition of ruin or catastrophe(婚姻)破坏的,失败的例:Tim’s marriage is on the rocks.提姆的婚姻亮起了红灯。