



2024下半年雅思口语题库1. 2024下半年雅思口语题库,哇塞,这可是烤鸭们超级关心的东西呢!就像探险家寻找宝藏地图一样,我们都想提前知道里面有啥。


2. 2024下半年雅思口语题库哟,你知道这对于我们考雅思的人来说意味着什么吗?那简直就是黑暗中的灯塔啊。


想象一下,你要是清楚题目,准备起来是不是就像开了挂?3. 嗨,2024下半年雅思口语题库啊。



4. 2024下半年雅思口语题库!这可太重要啦。



5. 哇哦,2024下半年雅思口语题库呀。




6. 2024下半年雅思口语题库,这就像我们航行在雅思海洋里的指南针。




7. 嘿,2024下半年雅思口语题库呢。




8. 2024下半年雅思口语题库,天呐,这是每个雅思考生心心念念的呀。



雅思模拟考试题及答案听力部分:Section 1: 旅游信息1. 旅游地点的名称是?A. 蓝山B. 绿谷C. 红岩Answer: A. 蓝山2. 旅游团的出发时间是?A. 早上6点B. 早上7点C. 早上8点Answer: B. 早上7点3. 旅游团的费用包括以下哪项?A. 交通B. 住宿C. 餐饮Answer: A. 交通4. 旅游团不包括以下哪项?A. 导游服务B. 保险C. 个人消费Answer: C. 个人消费5. 旅游团的联系电话是多少?A. 0123456789B. 9876543210C. 1234567890Answer: C. 1234567890Section 2: 学术讲座6. 讲座的主题是?A. 气候变化B. 可持续发展C. 环境保护Answer: B. 可持续发展7. 讲座的地点是?A. 图书馆B. 讲堂C. 实验室Answer: A. 图书馆8. 讲座的主讲人是谁?A. 教授B. 学生C. 研究员Answer: A. 教授9. 讲座的时间是?A. 周三下午3点B. 周四下午3点C. 周五下午3点Answer: B. 周四下午3点10. 讲座的参与者需要提前准备什么?A. 笔记本B. 笔记本电脑C. 录音设备Answer: B. 笔记本电脑阅读部分:Passage 1: 城市化的影响11. 根据文章,城市化带来的主要问题是什么?Answer: 城市化导致了交通拥堵和环境污染。

12. 文章提到了哪些解决城市化问题的方法?Answer: 提倡公共交通使用和增加绿地面积。

Passage 2: 教育的重要性13. 文章认为教育对于个人发展的重要性体现在哪些方面?Answer: 教育可以提高个人技能,增强社会参与感,促进个人成长。

14. 文章提到了教育对社会的哪些积极影响?Answer: 教育可以减少犯罪率,提高社会整体的生产力。

写作部分:Task 1: 图表分析15. 描述以下图表,分析其反映的趋势和可能的原因。



雅思考试口语模拟试题新增题目:你会选择谁和你一起旅行Cue cardTalk about a person you would choose to travel with.Please say:- Where would you travel?- Why did you choose this person?- Tell me about the person ' s character and qualities.Talk about the car you would choose if you could buy any car. Please say:- What car would you buy?- Why would you buy this particular car? DiscussionQuestions about public transport.你崇拜的一位家人Discussion- What qualities does a person need to be a good traveling companion?- Would you prefer traveling alone or with someone?Why? 你住过的一家旅馆Cue cardDescribe a hotel you stayed in or know about. Please say:- What is it ' s name?- Where is it?- What does it look like?- Explain why people like to stay there.Discussion- Have you ever stayed in hotels?- Do you think hotels attract tourists in your country?- What is the impact of tourism on economic condition of your country?你理想中的房子Cue CardDescribe your ideal house. Please say- Where do you want the house to be?- What should it look like?- How many people should it accommodate?Discussion- Do you think people in cities are better off than those in rural areas, and why?- Do you think cities will grow bigger and bigger in coming years?- What problems are involved when cities grow bigger? - Is there something that can be done to restrict thegrowth of cities?你会购买的一种汽车(如果你有能力购买)Cue cardCue CardDescribe a person you admire in your family. Please say- Who is this person?- Why have you chosen this person as a role model?- When did you last meet this person?Discussion - Who makes decisions in your family?- Is it necessary to consider everybody ' so pinion infamily?- Who makes decisions mostly in families in your country in general?- What is the importance of joined and nuclear family?- What will be the future family structure?- Why do people prefer nuclear families?你喜欢的一位外国人Cue CardTell me something about a foreigner that you like the most. Please say:- Where did you meet that person?- Why did you like him/her?- What do you learn from him/ her?Discussion - Do you like making friends with foreigners?Why?- Is it easy to spot foreigners?- What do you think about immigration?- Why do you think people immigrate to other countries?- What are the advantages and disadvantages immigration?一家成功的小公司Cue CardDescribe a small company in your hometown that think is successful, please say- Why you think it is successful,youofyou- How you know it,- What they produce,- Explain how you think it became successful.Discussion- How do you think some business companies become successful?- What companies are successful in your hometown? Are they small or big?- Why are some companies more successful than others?- Is it easier to work as an employee or to manage a company? Why?攒钱买的一件东西Cue cardDescribe a thing you bought, that you had to save money for, please say- what it was,- how long you saved money for it,- what you felt when you bought it.Discussion- Do you think children should be taught to save money fromtheir childhood? Why?- Should parents buy everything their child asks for? Why?- Is it easy for you to save money?- Do people in countryside have different shopping attitude than people in a city? Why?和他人一起合作完成的工作Cue cardDescribe a project or a piece of work you did together with someone, please say- who it was,- what you have done,-why you have chosen this person.Discussion- Do you think it is important to do something with another person?- Is it important for children to have subjects in school that include working with another person?- What subjects would those be?- How could businesses work together with schools or universities?- How could wealthy countries help poor countries?三道高难度考题1.一项法律Cue CardTalk about a law or a rule that you would suggest to improve your country, please say- what law/ rule that is, - why you think it is needed,- explain how it would improve the situation in your country.Discussion - Do you think that being a policeman is an easy job in your country?- Do you think men and women make equally good police officers? - In general, is policeman ' s job easy?- Do you think it is a good idea for the police to carry guns around?- What do you think are the responsibilities of a good lawyer? - Do you think men and women make equally good lawyers?- Are lawyers respected in your country?- Is it fair that lawyers are paid very well?2 为保护环境而做的一件事Cue CardTalk about an activity that you do to protect the environment, please say- what activity that is,- how often you do it,- who else does it with you,- how it helps with protecting the environment.Discussion - How can we change the life style that environment negatively?- How do you think we can solve the problem of industrial pollution?3.一种野生动物Cue CardTalk about a wild animal you would like to find, you should say: - What is the animal?- Where would you find it?- Why that particular animal?Discussion- What is the effect of humans on animals?- Is animal conservation important?- How can we contribute as citizens to the conservation of animals?- Do you think zoos are necessary?- Do you think people are being fair when they kill wild animals?人物类1.一位你心目中的成功人士affects theCue CardDescribe someone who you think is successful, please say- who he/she is,- what his/her achievements are,- what made him/her be your choice,- how his/her success contributed to the society.Discussion- In your own opinion, is a rich person considered to be successful?- Does work matter to you more than your family?2.一位主持人Cue CardTalk about a TV or Radio broadcaster you know, please say- What is his / her name?- What type of program do they present?- Do you enjoy his / her program and why?Discussion- What is the impact of technology on broadcasting?- What are the required qualities of a news caster?3.一位艺术家Cue cardDescribe one of your favorite artists (an actor, a musician, a painter), you should say:- Who is the person?- What about that person influenced you?- How do you know about him / her?Discussion- What is the favorite art in your country?- Do you think schools should teach arts?- Do you think it is necessary to develop the art of literature in colleges?- Whether the art was more popular in the past or at present.4.一个说另一种语言的人Cue CardTalk about a person who speaks a different language to yours whom you have met. Please say- Where & how did you meet this person?- What was so special about this person?- What did you learn from him/her?Discussion- What are the best ways for immigrants to learn the language of the new country after immigration? (Other than language courses) - Why do people immigrate? - What are the benefits for countries that accept immigration?5.好久前遇见的一位朋友Cue CardTalk about a friend that you ' ve met a long time ago. Please say- How did you meet?- How do you keep in touch?- Why is this person important to you?Discussion- Do you think technology has played an important role in friendships?- What do you think are the characteristics of a good friend? - Have you ever met someone through the Internet?- Do you think that in the future friendships are going to be virtual and people are not going to have the need of physical contact?6.和你一起生活过的人Cue CardDescribe a person you lived with, please say:- What is the name of the person?- How are you related to the person?- How long have you lived with this person?- What interests do you have in common with this person?Discussion- What are the advantages and disadvantages of living athome and away from home?- What are the disadvantages of living alone?- Can the attitude of a person change over time?7.儿童时代教过你的一位老师Cue CardTalk about a teacher from your childhood that you would like to meet again. Please say:- What is the name of the teacher?- What did you learn from this teacher?- How much do you want to meet this teacher again?Discussion- Is teaching a good job?- Would you choose teaching as a profession?- In your opinion, what qualities should a good teacher have? - What do you think about people not being into teaching nowadays?- What can the government do to encourage people to take up teaching?- Can a good teacher still remain good even if her students are bad in class?8.你曾经帮助过的人Cue CardTalk about a person that you know who you once helped, please say- Who that person was,- What they needed help with,- Why you helped them,- How you felt about it.Cue CardTalk about a person that you once helped or that helped you, please say- who the person that you helped / that helped you was,- why he/she needed help / why you needed their help,- how does it feel to help people?Discussion- Do you like helping people?- What is the difference between helping/taking caring of young children and elderly people?- Who would you prefer to help, a child or an elderly person?9 一个你喜欢的家庭(不是自己的)Cue cardTalk about a family (not your own) you like to spent time with, please say:–Who they are,–How you met them,–Why you like to spend time with them.Follow up question: is it important to spend time with your family regularly?Discussion- We spend more time with friends than with family these days.Is this a good or a bad thing?10 一位老年人Cue CardTalk about an old person who has influenced you, pleasesay- who that old person is,- how he/she has influenced you,- what you like in him / her.Discussion- Do you think the future generation will change the attitude towards elderly people?- Do you think in the next generation old people would haveto live separated from their families?- What is the solution?11. 一位最好的朋友Cue CardDescribe your best friend, please say- How did you meet? - How do you converse?- What do you like about your friend?- How often do you see each other?Discussion- Do you think friendship is important in life? If yes, how? - How important is to keep in touch with friends?- Do you have many friends?- What type of friends do you like?12. 你的家庭Cue CardTalk about your family, please include in your speech the following points- Name a family member whom you admire.- When did you meet him/her last time?- How often do you meet him / her?- Why do you admire him/her?Discussion- Are you familiar with problems of large or small families? - Do you like a large or a small family?- Will it be necessary for women of the family to work in the future?- What are the benefits of living in large families?媒体类1.知识问答的电视节目Cue CardDescribe a knowledge quiz show on TV; please say- Why do you like this kind of show?- Is it easy to prepare for this show?- Would you like to participate in it?Discussion- Let ' s talk about competition in your life. Do you think you are a competitive person?- Is it important to be competitive? Why?- In business, do companies need to be competitive?- Should companies promote competition? Why?- What are the advantages and disadvantages competition? 2.一个不喜欢的电视节目Cue cardTell me about a recent TV program that you didnyou should say:- what program it was,- when you saw it,- what it was about,- why you didn ' t like it.Discussion- Do you think that nowadays quality of TV programs has dropped?- Do you think nowadays TV artists are getting a fair pay? - What type of TV program do you like?- How many hours a day do you watch TV for?- Do you think TV programs influence people?- What should the government do to improve quality of TV programs?3.一个喜欢的电视节目Cue CardDescribe a TV program that you enjoyed. You should say:- What was the program?- Where did you watch it and who was with you?- Why did you enjoy that program?Discussion- What TV program is popular in your country?- Why is it so popular?- What are the advantages of TV programs?- Do you think that TV will be more popular in the future?4.一则电视广告Cue CardTalk about an advertisement that you saw recently on TV.Please say- What is your favorite advertisement and why?- What is it about?- What audience was the advertisement for?Discussion- What do you think about advertisements using children?- What do you think about producers spending a lot of money tomake an advertisement?- What do you think about advertisements using just goodlooking people?5. 上次看的一场电影Cue CardTalk about the last film you saw, please sayof - Where did you watch it?- What did you like about it?- What did you dislike about the film?- Why did you choose to watch that film?' t like,Discussion- Would you watch that movie again?- What do you prefer, staying home to watch a movie on DVD orgoing out to the movies?- Do you find time to relax at home?- Do you relax while watching a movie?- What are the effects of movies on children?- Do you learn other people ' s culture via television?- How does watching a film/movie affect a person?- What do you think about movie stars of today and theiractions?6. 本国一种流行音乐Cue CardTalk about the type of music which is popular in your country,please say- What type of music that is, and- Why this music is popular in your country.Discussion- Why preferences of music keep on changing with the passage oftime?- Do young people and old people like the same kind of music?- What do you think, should music remain as hobby or is itbetter to see music as a business?- Do you think parents need to determine for their children what kind of toys they should play with?1.一件出故障的东西Cue CardDescribe a situation when something in your house broke or stopped working. Please say- What was it?- What happened when it broke/stopped working?- How did you feel about it?Discussion - Why do you think people buy second-hand products? - Why do people sell second-hand goods and advertise them on the internet?- Do you think advertising fools people?2.你送给别人的一件礼物Cue CardTalk about a gift you gave to another person, you should say:- what the gift was,- who you gave it to,- why you gave this gift to that person, and- why you think the person liked it.Discussion- What do you think is better, giving or receiving?- Why is it sometimes difficult to give people gifts?- Do you donate to charities?- Do people still have faith in charities?- Do you think in the future the number of charities will increase or decrease?3.儿时玩具Cue CardDescribe a toy that you played with when you were a child.You should say:- Who gave it to you?- Why did you like it?- Whom did you play with?- Explain why you enjoyed playing with that toy.Discussion- Do you still have that toy? Why?- Do you think the toys for boys and girls should be different? - What is your opinion about children spending a lot of time in front of the TV? - Who do you think is responsible for that, parents or children? - Do you think parents should prevent their children from watching too much TV?4.一封有意义的信Cue cardTalk about an meaningful letter that you received, you should say:- Who it was from,- When you received the letter,- What it was about,- Why it was meaningful for you.Discussion- What is the impact of illiteracy on your country?- How could we encourage people to learn how to read and write? - Why it is important that we begin learning how to write at school?- Is it important to not have any illiteracy in the society?事件/ 活动/ 经历类1.你儿时做的淘气事儿Cue CardDescribe something naughty you did when you were a child, please say- what you did,- why you did it,- what happened after thatand why you remembered this incident.Discussion - What is a child ' s attitude influenced by?- What is the effect of parents ' attitude on children?- Should children listen to parents? Why?- While choosing a career what responsibilities should be keptin mind?2.本国的庆祝活动Cue CardDescribe any of the cultural events celebrated in your country, please say- what the event is,- what people do in the event,- when this is happening,- why you think this event is important.Discussion- What is the importance of culture in your country?- How are the celebrations important in your culture?- How can people protect their culture?3.你所学过的技能(比如:做饭或开车)Cue cardTalk about any skill that you have learned (e.g. cooking or driving) and found beneficial.Please consider the following in your speech:- why you learned the skill,- the problems you had while learning it,- how it is useful now.Discussion - Do you think there are some skills that allow children to learn faster than adults?- What are they and why do you think so?4.为保护环境而做的一件事Cue CardTalk about an activity that you do to protect the environment, please say- what activity that is,- how often you do it,- who else does it with you,- how it helps with protecting the environment.Discussion- How can we change the life style that affects the environment negatively?- How do you think we can solve the problem of industrial pollution?5.一次迟到的经历Cue CardDescribe the last time when you were last late for an important appointment. Please say- When did it happen?- What was the meeting for?- Why were you late?- Explain the results of being late for that meeting.Discussion- Are you angry with people who are late?- Do you think that people have less free time today than in the past? Why?- Do you think that the quality of living is increasing? How?- Today people use machinery to automate everything, is it good or bad?- How does modern technology help to save time?- Do you agree that people should let machinery do everything?6.一件你擅长做的事情Cue Card Talk about something that you can do very well. Please say- what it is,- where you learned to do this, - how often you are doing this. Discussion- Why do you think some children are more talented than others? - Should parents develop their children ' s talents? - Do you think it is good if children are too clever?7.一件朋友做的并且令你崇拜的事情Cue CardTalk about a work that was done by your friend for whichyou admire him/her. Please say:- who that friend is,- why you admire him/her, and- explain why it was important.Discussion- What do you think, what type of personality do people of the young generation admire?- Do you think admiration varies according to age?- What do you think, how important is education in one life?- Do you think today education is in demand more than it was in the past?8.一次拜访Cue cardTalk about a time when someone visited you, please say- who it was,- where it was,- what did you do together.Discussion- Are you going to invite that person again?- Do you want to visit that person?- How do you welcome visitors in your country?- Do you eat outside or at home?- How do you make them feel welcome?- Where do visitors to a country like to visit?- Do you think knowing cultural differences is important?9.和朋友的一次散步Cue cardTalk about a walk with a friend that you remember, you should say- when it was,- with whom it was,- why you remember it.Discussion- Are we walking less or more these days?- Will our walking habits grow in the future?- Why do you think exercise is important?10.放松的一天Cue CardTalk about a day off that you took to relax from work, please say- what you did,- where you went,- who was there with you, and- what you did to relax.Discussion - Do you think sleep is the best way to relax?- Do you think that sleep is important?- What do you think about the sleeping patterns of people of all ages?- Where do you usually go on vacation?- What do you like to do on vacation?- Do you think paid leave is necessary?- Do you think people get enough paid leave?- How many hours of paid leave should one get a month?- What are the advantages of paid leave?11.你喜欢的一种户外活动Cue CardTalk about an outdoor activity that you like, please say- Where do you do it?- How often do you do it?- Why is this activity important?Discussion - What kinds of jobs exist where you have to work outdoors?- What are the differences between countryside and towns?- What are the advantages of working indoors and outdoors?- What are the disadvantages of working indoors and outdoors?12.最近申请的一份工作Cue CardDescribe a job that you applied for recently, please say - What type of job was it?- How did you find out about it?- Would you take the job, if you were accepted?- Explain why you were interested in that job.Discussion - How have work conditions changed recently and why? - Do you think that certain jobs should be well-paid and why?- What other things should be given to employees in addition to their salaries and why?- What do you think about working long hours?- What ' s the difference between work and leis ure activities?13.一次晚宴Cue CardTalk about your latest meal, please say- what you ate,- where you ate,- how it made you feel.Discussion- What can government do to encourage consumers to eat more healthy foods?14.一次应用电脑的体验Cue CardTalk about a useful application of computer that you had a personal experience with, please say:- How did you do this?- Was it difficult for you?- Has anyone helped you?Discussion- What are the other uses of computers?- What is the difference between adults and young people in the way they use computers?- Should governments provide people with computers for free? Why?地点类1. 一个喜欢的商店Cue card- Is computer useful for families? How?Describe a shop that you like, please say- what shop it is,- what they sell,- why you like it.Discussion- Why do you think people like shopping?- What is it about shopping that makes people happy?- What is the difference between men and women when it comes to shopping?- Do you think online shopping will be popular in future?- What do you think about credit cards?- Do you think it is good for children to have credit cards?- What impact on shopping credit cards have?2.一家成功的小公司Cue CardDescribe a small company in your hometown that you think is successful, please say- Why you think it is successful,- How you know it,- What they produce,- Explain how you think it became successful.Discussion- How do you think some business companies become successful?- What companies are successful in your hometown? Are they small or big? - Why are some companies more successful than others?- Is it easier to work as an employee or to manage a company? Why?3.儿时学校- Do young children need strict rules to cope with homework?- What social values did you learn besides studying in your school?- How can the school affect social values that a student learns and in which way?- Who teaches the students more about values, parents or school, and why?4.一家旅店Cue cardDescribe a hotel you stayed in or know about. Please say:- What is it ' s name?- Where is it?- What does it look like?- Explain why people like to stay there.Discussion- Have you ever stayed in hotels?- Do you think hotels attract tourists in your country?- What is the impact of tourism on economic condition of your country?Cue cardSpeak about a school that you attended as a young child, please say: - Where was it?- What did you learn there?- What were the classrooms like?- Why did you like your teacher?Discussion- What do you prefer: studying in a small class or in a larger one? - What are the key features of a good teacher?。






1. Where are the speakers?A. In a restaurant.B. In a library.C. In a coffee shop.2. What does the man order?A. A cup of tea.B. A cup of coffee.C. A glass of water.3. When will the woman go shopping?A. This evening.B. Tomorrow morning.C. This weekend.4. What time will the woman come to the man's house?A. At 2 o'clock.B. At 4 o'clock.C. At 6 o'clock.5. How does the man usually go to work?A. By car.B. By bus.C. By bike.第二节听下面一段对话,然后回答问题6至10。

6. What is the woman doing now?A. Watching TV.B. Cleaning the room.C. Cooking dinner.7. When does the man plan to visit his parents?A. This weekend.B. Next week.C. Next month.8. How long does it take to drive to the man's parents' house?A. About 30 minutes.B. About 1 hour.C. About 2 hours.9. Why can't they go there by train?A. There is no train station near there.B. The train is too slow.C. The train tickets are too expensive.10. What will the man buy for his parents?A. A box of chocolates.B. A bottle of wine.C. A bouquet of flowers.第三节听下面一段独白,然后回答问题11至15。



雅思模拟考试题及答案一、听力部分1. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。

A. 火车将在10分钟后到达。

B. 火车已经晚点了20分钟。

C. 火车将在30分钟后出发。

答案:B2. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。

A. 男士建议女士去看医生。

B. 女士建议男士去看医生。

C. 两人都同意去看医生。

答案:A二、阅读部分Passage 1阅读以下短文,并回答以下问题。

The history of the bicycle can be traced back to the early 19th century, when it was first invented as a means of transportation. Over the years, the bicycle has evolved from a simple wooden frame to a complex machine with gears and brakes.3. 根据短文,自行车的历史可以追溯到哪个世纪?A. 18th centuryB. 19th centuryC. 20th century答案:B4. 短文中提到自行车最初是由什么制成的?A. 金属B. 木头C. 塑料答案:BPassage 2阅读以下短文,并回答以下问题。

Many people believe that the internet has changed the way we communicate. With the advent of social media, people can now share their thoughts and experiences with others instantly.5. 根据短文,互联网改变了什么?A. 我们的工作方式B. 我们的沟通方式C. 我们的学习方式答案:B6. 短文中提到的社交媒体允许人们做什么?A. 立即分享他们的想法和经历B. 与朋友面对面交流C. 通过邮件发送信息答案:A三、写作部分Task 1根据所给图表,描述以下趋势。



ITELS Test4CompletionComplete each sentence or statement.INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the sentences with one word for each blank.1. A ____________________ is a period of time which covers ten years, such as the 1930s or 1950s.2. Teachers give lessons to pupils in schools, but at colleges students are given lectures and tutorials by college____________________.3. ____________________ went all over North America to seek and gather examples of popular folk music;they were looking for the true music of the people.4. A ____________________ is a single part of a collection or set of reference books in which poems, folkmusic or stories are brought together.5. Written material such as stories, poems or songs which have been collected together but not printed in a bookor made widely available to the public are known as ____________________ collections.6. Another three-word hyphenated phrase for 'state-of-the art' is____________________-____________________-____________________.7. Someone who gives advice to an organisation for no payment, or a very small token sum, is called an____________________ consultant.8. The serious shortage of trained musicians caused a ____________________ in the supply of violin playersfor the city orchestra, and only two could be found.9. If someone doesn't want to make money out of their research or their interests and they give their services toan organisation for nothing, they can be said to have a no ____________________ ____________________for their activities.10. In the United Kingdom, the head of a prison is a governor, but in the USA, a ____________________ is thehighest figure of authority.11. When I had chosen the books I wanted to borrow from the library, I gave them to the____________________ to check them out to me.12. The rebels were described as ____________________ because their ideas and activities were secret and theyintended to damage or destroy the established system of government.13. To survive in the wild, animals like lions have purely ____________________ reactions, and it is inevitablethat they will attack and kill weaker animals.14. If people are treated badly by the government in power, they are likely to behave in a____________________ way, by disobeying laws, becoming angry and trying to illegally overthrow theestablished order.15. Sometimes books like the Harry Potter stories ____________________ equally to both children andgrown-ups, and they are therefore difficult to classify as either children's literature or adult fiction.16. The female equivalent of the word 'hero' is ____________________.17. One of the tasks an ____________________ is responsible for, is checking a writer's work for errors before itis sent to a publisher.18. Many children's books deal with the ____________________ for treasure, where the characters set out todiscover valuable items such as diamonds or money.19. The publishers printed too many books and they had to sell the ____________________ production atreduced prices.20. The ____________________ is the chief character in a play or story, around whom the action takes place.21. ____________________ is the branch of knowledge dealing with scientific and industrial methods and theirpractical use in industry.22. Our ____________________ are the people who lived in past times and passed on their ideas and culture toour modern civilisations.23. A ____________________, for example a donkey, is a living thing produced from the parents of differentbreeds.24. In electronic circuits, the various components such as resistors, transistors or capacitors are not drawn exactlyas they are, but are represented by ____________________.25. A ____________________ is a set of beliefs, which could be religious or scientific, which people areexpected to accept without challenging it.26. The results of the experiment were uncertain and it is now ____________________ whether we shall receivefurther funding from the university to continue our research.27. An ____________________ is produced by artists when they use knives or chisels to cut their designs into ametal or wooden surface which is later inked and printed onto paper.28. Many travelling families who previously lived their lives in mobile caravans, moving from place to place, arenow building ____________________ camp sites to find a more settled way of life.29. The ____________________ is the bone structure which surrounds and protects our brains.30. ____________________ is the term used for trees which are taken from forests to provide wood for use in theconstruction of buildings.Multiple ChoiceIdentify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.INSTRUCTIONS: Read the sentence and decide which answer: a, b, or c, best matches the meaning of theunderlined words. Write your answer: a, b, or c, in the space provided.____ 31. Someone who is thought of highly could be an academic who is well-known by the public and respected nationally.a. has a good reputeb. enjoys a good reputationc. has a reputation____ 32. To undertake market research, researchers often conduct nationwide surveys to gather as much balanced and in-depth information as possible.a. research in local area onlyb. research in more than one countryc. research throughout their own country only____ 33. The professor's library research reinforced his belief that there was a serious shortage of certain types of folk song material.a. field workb. academic study workc. telephone enquiries____ 34. Great children's books may be described as great pieces of written works of art.a. literateb. literaturec. literal____ 35. The changing of the behaviour of two characters in The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett represents a paradigm.a. a very clear or typical exampleb. an exceptionc. something rare and valuable____ 36. Adult fiction usually deals with three themes: sex, money and death. But the first, sex, is absent from classic children's literature.a. always includedb. never includedc. sometimes included____ 37. Our ancestors began to adorn their bodies with beads, pendants and tattoos in the Stone Age.a. decorateb. hidec. camouflage____ 38. Humans have inhabited the African continent for millennia.a. hundreds of yearsb. thousands of yearsc. millions of years____ 39. Genetics does not tell the whole story of the shaping of the modern human brain.a. the study of ancient objectsb. the study of historyc. the development of living things through substances passed on through their cells____ 40. The huge collection of artefacts on loan to the museum required them to have a mathematical system to keepa tally of what was owned by whom.a. to keep a count ofb. to describec. to labelMatchingMatch the beginnings of sentences with the appropriate endings.a. The professor wanted to embark onb. Funds are sometimes given to researchers byc. Some critics say that books for children should be taken seriously becaused. In the world of childhood, as shown by childrens books,e. 40,000 years ago people decorated their bodies with designs and artefacts____ 41. such as tattoos and beads.____ 42. a pastoral convention is maintained.____ 43. a nationwide collecting project to gather information.____ 44. this kind of writing is sometimes subversive.____ 45. academic institutions such as libraries or learned societies.Essay46. Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic.In some countries, mainly in the east, such as China and Japan, old people are still shown respect by youngpeople. Seats will still be given up on buses to older citizens or doors held open for them. Behaving this wayin public contributes to a stable and well-mannered, respectful society where old people are valued.However, in the west, such as in the United Kingdom and the USA, respect for the older generation isdeclining. It is, for example, unusual for grandparents to live in the same house as their children. Rather thanlook after elderly parents, many families choose to place them in old folks' homes, leaving their care to otherpeople. Old people are seen as a burden and a nuisance and have little value in a modern, materialistic society.Discuss both these views and give your opinion.You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples andrelevant evidence.Write at least 250 words.47. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The charts below show how sending text messages by mobile phone affects the daily lives of young people.The text message has led to a social revolution in the way we communicate simple messages as well asinfluencing our emotional contact with each other. In October this year, 2004, Britain's 52 million mobilephone users sent 2.3 billion text messages.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.Write at least 150 words.The rapid growth in text messaging.Results of Mori PollTotal number of people with mobile phones = 687Other48. Read the topic card below carefully. You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have oneminute to think about what you are going to say. You can make notes to help you if you wish.Describe the most beautiful place you have visited.You should say:where it was - the country or locationwhat it was likewho you went with and explain what impressed you most and why you remember it so well.ITELS Test4Answer SectionCOMPLETION1. ANS: decadeREF: Test 1: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion2. ANS: professorsREF: Test 1: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion3. ANS: CollectorsREF: Test 1: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion4. ANS: volumeREF: Test 1: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion5. ANS: unpublishedREF: Test 1: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion6. ANS: up-to-dateREF: Test 1: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion7. ANS: honoraryREF: Test 1: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion8. ANS: dearthREF: Test 1: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion9. ANS: profit motiveREF: Test 1: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion10. ANS: wardenREF: Test 1: Reading passage 1 TOP: Sentence completion11. ANS: librarianREF: Test 1: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion12. ANS: subversiveREF: Test 1: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion13. ANS: instinctiveREF: Test 1: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion14. ANS: rebelliousREF: Test 1: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion15. ANS: appealREF: Test 1: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 16. ANS: heroineREF: Test 1: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 17. ANS: editorREF: Test 1: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 18. ANS:questsearchREF: Test 1: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 19. ANS: surplusREF: Test 1: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 20. ANS: protagonistREF: Test 1: Reading passage 2 TOP: Sentence completion 21. ANS: TechnologyREF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 22. ANS: ancestorsREF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 23. ANS: hybridREF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 24. ANS: symbolsREF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 25. ANS: dogmaREF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 26. ANS: doubtfulREF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 27. ANS: engravingREF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 28. ANS: permanentREF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 29. ANS: skullREF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completion 30. ANS: TimberREF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Sentence completionMULTIPLE CHOICE31. ANS: B REF: Test 1: Reading passage 1 TOP: Paraphrasing multiple choice32. ANS: C REF: Test 1: Reading passage 1 TOP: Paraphrasing multiple choice33. ANS: B REF: Test 1: Reading passage 1 TOP: Paraphrasing multiple choice34. ANS: B REF: Test 1: Reading passage 2 TOP: Paraphrasing multiple choice35. ANS: A REF: Test 1: Reading passage 2 TOP: Paraphrasing multiple choice36. ANS: B REF: Test 1: Reading passage 2 TOP: Paraphrasing multiple choice37. ANS: A REF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Paraphrasing multiple choice38. ANS: B REF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Paraphrasing multiple choice39. ANS: C REF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Paraphrasing multiple choice40. ANS: A REF: Test 1: Reading passage 3 TOP: Paraphrasing multiple choice MATCHING41. ANS: E REF: Test 1: Reading passages 1-3 TOP: Sentence matching42. ANS: D REF: Test 1: Reading passages 1-3 TOP: Sentence matching43. ANS: A REF: Test 1: Reading passages 1-3 TOP: Sentence matching44. ANS: C REF: Test 1: Reading passages 1-3 TOP: Sentence matching45. ANS: B REF: Test 1: Reading passages 1-3 TOP: Sentence matching ESSAY46. ANS:Various answersREF: Test 1: Writing Task 2 TOP: Essay47. ANS:Answers will varyREF: Test 1: Writing Task 1 TOP: GraphOTHER48. ANS:Various answersREF: Test 1: Speaking Part 2 TOP: Long turn topic card。



雅思全真模考试题答案听力部分第一部分:介绍和面试1. 场景:旅游咨询公司2. 目的:获取关于即将到来的假期的信息3. 推荐假期:新西兰的冒险之旅4. 推荐理由:提供各种户外活动,如漂流和攀岩5. 住宿:建议住在一家提供自助早餐的小旅馆第二部分:地图和路线1. 地点:大学校园2. 图书馆:位于学校的中心,有大量的学习资源3. 体育馆:靠近宿舍区,提供各种体育设施4. 学生中心:举办各种社交活动和俱乐部5. 餐厅:提供各种国际美食,价格合理第三部分:学术讲座1. 主题:气候变化对农业的影响2. 讲师:来自环境科学的教授3. 内容:讨论气候变化如何影响作物产量和农业实践4. 研究:介绍了最新的农业技术,以适应气候变化5. 建议:鼓励学生参与可持续农业项目第四部分:讨论和问题1. 问题:关于讲座内容的疑问2. 讨论:学生之间就如何减少农业碳排放进行讨论3. 解决方案:提出使用有机农业和减少化肥使用的建议4. 结论:强调了采取行动对抗气候变化的重要性阅读部分第一部分:广告和宣传A. 产品:新款智能手机B. 特点:高清摄像头,长久电池寿命C. 优惠:购买即赠送蓝牙耳机D. 购买地点:各大电子产品零售商第二部分:学术文章1. 背景:城市化导致许多历史建筑被拆除2. 问题:失去文化身份和历史价值3. 措施:政府和社区合作保护和再利用历史建筑4. 案例:成功保护的历史建筑案例分析第三部分:报告和研究标题:现代工作场所的压力管理1. 研究目的:探索有效管理工作压力的方法2. 方法:对不同行业的员工进行问卷调查3. 结果:定期休息和良好的工作生活平衡是关键4. 建议:企业应提供压力管理培训和支持第四部分:观点和论证标题:全球化对教育的影响1. 正面影响:提供国际视野和文化交流的机会2. 负面影响:可能导致本土文化的丧失3. 讨论:如何平衡全球化和本土文化的重要性4. 结论:需要制定策略以保护和促进本土文化写作部分任务一:图表描述1. 图表类型:柱状图2. 主题:2000年至2010年某国四种不同能源的消耗量3. 描述:煤炭和天然气消耗量逐年增加,而石油和核能消耗量相对稳定4. 趋势:可再生能源如风能和太阳能的使用在2010年有所上升任务二:议论文题目:是否应该在学校中禁止使用手机1. 引言:手机在学生中的普及及其潜在影响2. 正方观点:禁止手机可以减少干扰和网络欺凌3. 反方观点:手机可以作为学习工具和紧急联系手段4. 结论:应该制定合理的手机使用政策,而不是完全禁止口语部分第一部分:个人介绍和问题1. 个人信息:姓名、工作/学习、家乡2. 爱好:描述一项喜欢的爱好及其原因3. 日常生活:谈论一天中的典型活动第二部分:个人经历和喜好1. 经历:描述一个难忘的旅行经历2. 喜好:谈论最喜欢的音乐类型及其原因3. 比较:比较过去和现在的生活方式第三部分:讨论和观点1. 讨论:城市化对环境的影响2. 观点:表达对公共交通发展的看法3. 建议:提出减少交通拥堵的策略第四部分:深入讨论1. 话题:全球化对文化多样性的影响2. 分析:探讨全球化如何改变人们的价值观和生活方式3. 预测:预测未来全球化可能带来的变化以上是一份雅思全真模拟考试题的答案,涵盖了听力、阅读、写作和口语四个部分。



Crowded place1.ls the city where you live crowded?2.ls there a crowded place near where you live?3.Do you like crowded places?4.Do most people like crowded places?5.When was the last time you were in a crowded place?Singing1.Do you like singing? Why?2.Did you learn to sing at school?3.Who do you want to sing for?4.Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?Money1.How do you save money?2.Do you prefer to save money or spend money?3.Do you use a payment app on your mobile phone to buy things?4.Do you use a credit card to buy things?5.Do you think cash will still be popular in the future?Celebrities1.Who is your favourite celebrity in your country?2.What kind of famous people do you often see in the news?3.Do you pay attention to famous people in the news?4.Do you believe that the news about famous people in the media is true?5.Would you like to be famous?Work/Studies1. Do you work or are you a student?2. What do you do?3. Why did you choose to do this type of work?4. Do you like your job? Why/Why not?5. What do you find the most interesting about the work you do? Why?6. Will you need to do any more study for your job?7. Where do you work?8. Is it a good place to work?9. Would you like the place where you work to make any changes?10. What technology do you use at work?11. What subjects are you studying?12. Why did you choose to study this subject?13. What do you like about your course?14. What would you like to do after you finish your course?15. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?16. Do you think you will miss being a student once you finish your studies? Why/why not?17. What technology do you use when you study?18. Are you enjoying your studies at the moment? Why/why not? Hometown1. Where is your hometown?2. What kind of place is it?3. How long have you lived there?4. What is one of the best things about living there?5. Is there anything you dislike about it?6. Do you know many people who live nearby?7. Do you have any relatives who still live in your hometown? Why/Why not?8. Do you often go back to visit your hometown? Why/Why not? Home/Accommodation1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?2. Do you prefer living in a house or an apartment?3. Do you live with anyone else? Why/Why not?4. Do you like the place you currently live in? Why/Why not?5. What is your favourite room in your house/apartment?6. Would you like to change anything in your house/apartment?7. Would you like to move to a different house/apartment in the future?8. What do you think makes a place comfortable to live in?The area you live in1. Where are you living at the moment?2. What kind of area is it?3. How long have you lived there?4. Do you know any of your neighbours?5. What do you like about living there?6. What changes have taken place in the area recently?7. Would you like to change anything about your area? Why/Why not?8. Would you like to continue living there in the future? Why/Why not?。



雅思考试全真模拟试题及答案听力部分Section 1场景:旅行咨询题型:填空题1. 旅行的目的地是 _______。

2. 旅行日期是 _______。

3. 旅行者需要预订的酒店类型是 _______。

4. 酒店的房间号是 _______。

5. 旅行者需要的额外服务包括 _______。

6. 旅行者需要支付的总费用是 _______。

7. 旅行者选择了哪种支付方式 _______。

8. 旅行者需要在 _______ 之前完成支付。

9. 旅行者预订的航班号是 _______。

10. 旅行者需要在 _______ 之前到达机场。

答案:1. Paris2. 15th June3. Luxury4. 2045. Airport shuttle6. £3507. Credit card8. 10th June9. BA12310. 2 hoursSection 2场景:图书馆介绍题型:选择题11. 图书馆的开放时间是?A. 8:00 - 22:00B. 9:00 - 21:00C. 10:00 - 20:0012. 图书馆提供哪种类型的学习空间?A. Silent study areaB. Group study roomC. Both A and B13. 图书馆的自助打印机如何使用?A. Scan and print using the appB. Insert coins and printC. Use a library card14. 图书馆的在线数据库可以在哪里访问?A. Library websiteB. University portalC. Both A and B15. 图书馆的借书期限是多少?A. 2 weeksB. 3 weeksC. 1 month答案:11. B12. C13. A14. C15. B阅读部分Passage 1主题:城市化的影响题型:判断题16. 城市化导致人口密度增加。



雅思官方机考模拟试题雅思(IELTS)是国际英语语言测试系统(International English Language Testing System)的简称,是全球范围内最受欢迎的语言能力测试之一。



一、听力部分1. 请听录音,选择正确的答案。

题目:What is the main topic of the lecture?A. The history of jazz music.B. The influence of jazz music on popular culture.C. The role of women in jazz music.2. 请听录音,回答问题。

Question: What is the man worried about?Answer: He is worried about his upcoming job interview.3. 请听录音,填入正确的缺失信息。

题目:The Great Wall of ChinaThe Great Wall of China is one of the most famous ________ in the world, spanning over 13,000 miles in length.二、阅读部分1. Passage 1题目:What is the main idea of the passage?A. The benefits of exercise for mental health.B. The history of the Olympics.C. The importance of a balanced diet.2. Passage 2题目:In paragraph 3, the word "sustainable" most closely meansA. temporaryB. manageableC. long-lasting3. Passage 3题目:What is the author's attitude towards climate change?A. OptimisticB. PessimisticC. Neutral三、写作部分请用150字写一篇关于“Climate Change”话题的短文。



雅思考试模拟试题及答案解析(9)(1~10/共10题)SECTION 1Play00:00…Volume第1题Answer the questions below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Example AnswerWhere is Mrs Grey going? SingaporeHow long does it take to fly from Singapore to Hong Kong SAR?第2题What time should the Greys check in?第3题What is the reason they cannot change their flight dates?第4题What date will the Greys fly back to Hong Kong SAR?第5题What does Mrs Grey want to do as soon as she gets back?第6题Complete the sentences below.Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Bert will ______ the confirmation details to Mrs Grey.第7题The maximum weight for ______ luggage is 10 kilograms.第8题Mr and Mrs Grey will check in one ______ at extra cost.第9题The reservation number is ______.第10题Mrs Grey's preference is for a seat next to the ______.下一题(11~20/共10题)SECTION 2Play00:00…Volume第11题What does the speaker say about the following events?Write the correct letter, A, B, or C, next to questions 11-16.A. They are arts-focused.B. They are land-based.C. They are water-based.The National Selections Competition第12题The National Championships第13题The Seriously Social Competition第14题The Women's Only Event第15题The Autumn Festival第16题The Kingstown Youth Tournament第17题Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.School Holiday Programmes# Place Type A ctivitiesOne Prince Park sporting athletics, football, swimming,7Two Lord Hall creative cooking, 8 , craft,hair stylingThree Duke Recreational Area 9 skate boarding, rafting, orienteering, 10 , trekking第18题第19题第20题上一题下一题(21~30/共10题)SECTION 3Play00:00…Volume第21题Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Julia and Bob's science project is dueA.next week.B.next month.C.next year.第22题All the materials they use must beA.recycled.B.inexpensive.C.available in the lab.第23题A Cartesian diver was called a 'devil' by some people becauseA.they saw it was black.B.they believed in the supernatural.C.they wanted the inventor to be famous.第24题Choose TWO letters, A-E.Julia and Bob find some of the items they needA. in Bob's pencil case and the recycling bin.B. in the cafeteria and the Resource Centre.C. in the shop and Julia's locker.D. in Bob's bag and his pocket.E. in Tara's packet and on the floor.第25题第26题Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.AssemblyStep 1Fold 6 in half.Step 2Use 7 to secure the ends.Step 3Attach 8 to diver.Step 4Fill bottle with water and replace 9 .Step 5Demonstrate by squeezing and releasing bottle. Compression causes diver to sink because diver becomes 10 .第27题第28题第29题第30题上一题下一题(31~40/共10题)SECTION 4Play00:00…Volume第31题Complete the summary below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Every day the human body is fighting off 1 by destructive pathogens. A person in good health has natural protection in the form of an immune system which works best against familiar microorganisms which may have been encountered during a previous 2 or passed on by the mother before or after birth.Vaccination is a way to cause 3 immunisation by introducing a small amount of pathogen into the body—just enough for the body's 4 to react by making antibodies. Passive immnnisation can be used as a way of treating someone who is already sick. Proteins from animal 5 are introduced into the patient to give him the necessary antibodies to fight the disease. Dr. Edward Jenner observed that people who had suffered and recovered from a serious disease called smallpox did not get it again. He also noted that victims of a milder disease, cowpox, which they caught from 6 , were immune to smallpox. He carried out a successful 7 by deliberately giving a child cowpox in order to make him immune to smallpox.第32题第33题第34题第35题第36题第37题第38题Complete the diagram below.Choose your answers from the box below and write the letters A-F next to questions 38-40.图片A. antibodyB. agglutinationC. antigenD. germsE. plasmaF. B-lymphocyte第39题第40题上一题下一题(41~54/共14题)PASSAGE 1图片第41题Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?In boxes 1-9 on your answer sheet, writeTRUE if the statement agrees with the informationFALSE if the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN if there is no information on thisCalls you make to Citywide Customer Service are not billed to you by the phone company.第42题Every Citywide customer receives a 15% discount.第43题If you do not have enough money in your bank account when the direct debit is due, a penalty of 2% is added to your bill.第44题With Internet banking, the bank does not automatically transfer the funds.第45题Automatic payment suits people on low incomes.第46题You should pay your bill straight away if you are using telephone transfer.第47题Citywide does not accept all credit cards.第48题There are no postage costs associated with sending a cheque to Citywide in the mail.第49题You should use cash to pay in person.第50题The following text has five sections, A-E.Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.Write the correct number, ⅰ-ⅷ, in boxes 10-14 on your answer sheet.图片List of HeadingsⅰAdd shineⅱReturn to original conditionⅲAvoid excessive wetnessⅳPrevent damageⅴHeat the straightening ironsⅵMove the irons through the hairⅶTake only a secondⅷRemove moistureSection A第51题Section B第52题Section C第53题Section D第54题Section E上一题下一题(55~67/共13题)PASSAGE 2Setting up pay structures in your workplace:When it comes to setting up a pay structure for your new business, there are two broad options to choose from: the internal equity method, or the market pricing method.The internal equity methodThe internal equity method of pay structuring involves creating a series of grades with each grade representing a different level of pay within the company. Employment positions are set within these grades depending on the rank of internal advancement the job represents.A company determines how many grades it needs based on the number of employees and the variety of jobs in the organisation. The number of grades can be expanded at any point. As a result of their frequent use of hybrid positions, small businesses do not always benefit from pay grades.Each grade should also be given a spread, so that employees can move within their grade as they progress within their current position. Creating a minimum and a maximum spread for the company is also recommended. There should be a 15 percent progression between grades. This is vital for ensuring that promotions incur meaningful pay increases and maintain incentives for the employee to rise within the company.Market pricing methodAn alternative to this more traditional, grid-based method of remuneration is what is called the market pricing approach. This is quickly becoming the dominant method of pricing jobs. This approach involves an employee's position being compensated in relation to the market value ofthat job, not the level that specific position holds within the organisation.Using the internal equity method, for example, the chief financial officer (CFO) will probably be in the top grade and remunerated higher than an information technology worker in that organisation. Under the market pricing method there is no guarantee of this. An information technology worker with a highly demanded skill-set may be paid much more than what the OFO earns.Which is right for your business?Only you can decide which pay method is right for your business. As a general rule you may find that small, dynamic, high-turnover and high-speed growth-orientated businesses respond well to the market pricing method. This way you can individually select the most qualified and skilled candidates for each position by remunerating them at or just above the market rate so that your precious capital is not wasted on simply rewarding status.For those companies that seek to expand in a firm, controlled and more cautious manner while maintaining robust internal cohesion and high levels of staff loyalty and discipline, the internal equity method may be more suited.第55题Complete the notes below.Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 15-23 on your answer sheet.Internal equity methodPay organised according to a range of 1 —each one denotes different level of pay based on employee's position within the company.The company decides on the number of grades according to how many workers and how many different2Not suitable for 3 which often have 4 .Gaps between pay grades are important to 5 for promotion.Market pricing methodPay is based on the job's 6 .A worker with sought-after 7 may earn more than a CFO.How to decide?Internal equity good for maintaining steady growth and keeping constant, reliable 8 .Market pricing—Money does not go on paying for 9 alone, but acquiring the best performers.第56题第57题第58题第59题第60题第61题第62题第63题第64题If you want to find a job that motivates you, maybe change your career or start out on your ownin a small business or as a freelancer, or even make a fresh start after redundancy, think about making a quick planner to help you identify your interests and motivating factors.To be successful and happy at work, you have to figure out what it is you really love—you need to recognise your passion. To do well at self-employment or freelance work too, you need to know what your own personal strengths are. More than that, you should be aware of your working styles—things like whether you are good around people or not; whether you are better at working with figures, design or text. Perhaps you like working with machinery or certain materials. The next step is very important: investigate the potential for your ideas, in other words, carry out some research and educate yourself about all the possibilities. Don't rush it. Let your ideas take shape slowly and work out your plans for the future. Time is crucial for refining and developing what you have to offer. At the end of it all, you'll be in the most appropriate and fulfilling job for you whether it's running your own business or enjoying being in a new occupation.Complete the flow chart below.Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 24-27 on your answer sheet.identify 10↓identify 11↓identify preferred working style↓do 12↓allow ideas to form↓take time to develop↓new 13 or career第65题第66题第67题上一题下一题(68~81/共14题)PASSAGE 3Does water have memory?The practice of homeopathy was first developed by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. During research in the 1790s, Hahnemann began experimenting with quinine, an alkaloid derived from cinchona bark that was well known at the time to have a positive effect on fever. Hahnemann started dosing himself with quinine while in a state of good health, and reported in his journals that his extremities went cold, he experienced palpitations, an "infinite anxiety", a trembling and weakening of the limbs, reddening cheeks and thirst—"in short", he concluded, "all the symptoms of relapsing fever presented themselves successively..." Hahnemann's main observation was that things which create problems for healthy people cure those problems in sick people, and this became his first principle of homeopathy: simila similibus (with help from the same). While diverging from the principle of apothecary practice at the time—which wascontraria contrariis (with help from the opposite)—the efficacy of simila similibus was reaffirmed by subsequent developments in the field of vaccinations.Hahnemann's second principle was minimal dosing—treatments should be taken in the most diluted form at which they remain effective. This negated any possible toxic effects of simila similibus. In 1988 the French immunologist Jacques Benveniste took minimal dosing to new extremes when he published a paper in the prestigious scientific journal Nature in which he suggested that very high dilutions of the anti-lgE antibody could affect human basophil granulocytes, the least common of the granulocytes that make up about 0.01% to 0.3% of white blood cells. The point of controversy, however, was that the water in Benveniste's test had been so diluted that any molecular evidence of the antibodies no longer existed. Water molecules, the researcher concluded, had a biologically active component that a journalist later termed "water memory". A number of efforts from scientists in Britain, France and the Netherlands to duplicate Benveniste's research were unsuccessful, however, and to this day no peer-reviewed study under broadly accepted conditions has been able to confirm the validity of "water memory".The third principle of homeopathy is "the single remedy". Exponents of this principle believe that it would be too difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain the potential effects of multiple homeopathic remedies delivered simultaneously. If it did work, they suggest, one could not know quite why it worked, turning homeopathy into an ambiguous guessing game. If it did not work, neither patient nor practitioner would know whether the ingredients were all ineffective, or whether they were only ineffective in combination with one another. Combination remedies are gaining in popularity, but classical homeopaths who rely on the single remedy approach warn these are not more potent, nor do they provide more treatment options. The availability of combination remedies, these homeopaths suggest, has been led by consumers wanting more options, not from homeopathic research indicating their efficacy.Homeopathy is an extremely contentious form of medicine, with strong assertions coming from both critics and supporters of the practice. "Homeopathy: There's nothing in it" announces the tagline to 10:23, a major British anti-homeopathy campaign. At 10.23 a.m. on 30 January 2010, over 400 supporters of the 10:23 stood outside Boots pharmacies and swallowed an entire bottle each of homeopathic pills in an attempt to raise awareness about the fact that these remedies are made of sugar and water, with no active components. This, defenders of homeopathy say, is entirely the point. Homeopathic products do not rely on ingredients that become toxic at high doses, because the water retains the "memory" that allows the original treatment to function.Critics also point out the fact that homeopathic preparations have no systematic design to them, making it hard to monitor whether or not a particular treatment has been efficacious. Homeopaths embrace this uncertainty. While results may be less certain, they argue, the non-toxic nature of homeopathy means that practitioner and patient can experiment until they find something that works without concern for side effects. Traditional medicine, they argue, assaults the body with a cocktail of drugs that only tackles the symptoms of disease, while homeopathy has its sights aimed on the causes.Homeopaths suggest this approach leads to kinder, gentler, more effective treatment. Finally, critics allege that when homeopathy has produced good results, these are exceedingly dependent on the placebo effect, and cannot justify the resources, time and expense that the homeopathic tradition absorbs. The placebo effect is a term that describes beneficial outcomesfrom a treatment than can be attributed to the patient's expectations concerning the treatment rather than from the treatment itself. Basically, the patient "thinks" himself into feeling better. Defenders suggest that homeopathy can go beyond this psychological level. They point to the successful results of homeopathy on patients who are unconscious at the time of treatment, as well as on animals.第68题Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-K, below.Write the correct letter, A-K, in boxes 27-32 on your answer sheet.A. avoid the unpredictable outcomes of combining many remedies at once.B. explain the success of 18th century apothecary medicine.C. produce fever-like symptoms in a healthy person.D. keep antibody molecules active in parts as low as 0.01%.E. support the notion of simila similibus.F. offer more remedial choice.G. produce a less effective dose.H. recreate the original results.I. retain qualities of an antibody to which they were previously exposed.J. satisfy the demand of buyers.K. treat effectively someone with a fever.In the late 18th century, Hahnemann discovered that quinine was able to第69题The effectiveness of vaccinations also helps to第70题Benveniste argued in the journal Nature that water molecules possess the ability to第71题Attempts to verify Benveniste's findings were unable to第72题The purpose of the single remedy is to第73题Classical homeopaths suggest combination remedies have been created to第74题Complete the table below.Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 33-40 on your answer sheet.Arguments against homeopathy Arguments for homeopathyHas no 7 ingredients. Does not become 8 whentaken in large quantities.Lack of a 9 makes success orfailure of treatments difficult to10 Remedies can be trialed with no risk of11 ; treatments tackle causesand not just 12 .Too much reliance on the 13 .Works psychologically but not physically. Proven to work on people who are14 .第75题第76题第77题第78题第79题第80题第81题上一题下一题(1/2)Writing第82题You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.You and your family are on holiday abroad. You are staying in a hotel, but you are not satisfied with some aspects of the accommodation. Write a letter to the hotel manager. In your letter, you should●introduce yourself●explain what is wrong with the hotel room, and●say what action you would like the hotel manager to take.Write at least 150 words.You do NOT need to write any addresses.Begin your letter as follows:Dear Sir or Madam,...上一题下一题(2/2)Writing第83题You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Nowadays, people are generally not as fit as they have been in previous generations.What are some of the reasons for this trend? What can be done about it?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250 words.上一题下一题(1/3)Speaking Module第84题Introduction (compulsory)●Good morning/afternoon. My name is ______. Can you tell me your full name, please?●What should I call you?●Could you tell me where you're from?●Can I see your identification, please?Thank you. Now in this first part I'd like to ask you some questions about yourself.Interview (choose 1)Let's talk about where you live.●Can you tell me something about the town or city you grew up in?●Do you still live in the same town or city?●Which tourist attractions would you recommend in the town or city you grew up in?Let's talk about your studies.●Where are you studying at the moment?●How do you hope to use your studies in the future?●What do you like most about your studies?Interview (choose 2)Now, let's talk about morning routines.●What time do you usually get up in the mornings? Why?●What sort of things does your morning routine include?●Have you always had a similar morning routine?●Would you say you are a person who prefers mornings or nights? Why?Let's talk about reading.●What types of reading material do you prefer to read? Why?●Do you read as much now as you did when you were younger? Why/Why not?●Where do you usually read? Why?●What do you like most about reading? Why?Now let's talk about relaxing.●How do you normally relax? Why?●Have you always relaxed in the same way?●Do you prefer to relax by yourself or with other people? Why?●Do you think men and women relax in different ways? Why?上一题下一题(2/3)Speaking Module第85题Now, I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk, you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand?Here's some paper and a pencil for making notes and here's your topic:I'd like you to describe an item that you bought, but don't really use.Describe something you bought but don't really use.You should saywhat it waswhere and when you bought itwhy you don't use itand say what you finally did with the item.Rounding off questions:●Did it cost a lot of money?●Do you often buy things that aren't useful?上一题下一题(3/3)Speaking Module第86题We've been talking about something you bought but did not use and now I'd like to discuss with you oneor two more general questions related to this. Let's consider first the topic of recycling.●There is a growing trend towards introducing public recycling schemes in many countries. Whatare the reasons for and the results of this?●Do you believe individuals or governments should be responsible for recycling? Why?●What can be done to encourage people to recycle more?Now let's talk about consumerism.●Some people think that owning the latest products and goods is extremely important. What's youropinion?●Are there any disadvantages to having a wide array of choice of similar items?●Do you think people will buy more, or less in the future?上一题交卷交卷答题卡答案及解析(1~10/共10题)SECTION 1Play00:00…Volume第1题Answer the questions below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Example AnswerWhere is Mrs Grey going? SingaporeHow long does it take to fly from Singapore to Hong Kong SAR?参考答案:3/three hours/hrs 40/forty minutes/mins详细解答:[听力原文]BERT: Good morning, Mrs Grey, this is Bert Stock speaking from Finnegan's Flight Centre. I can now confirm your flight to Singapore.MRS GREY: Oh good. No problems, I hope?BERT: No, everything is in order.MRS GREY: So we got the dates we wanted?BERT: Yes, leaving from Hong Kong on the 25th of July and arriving in Singapore later the same day.MRS GREY: How long does the flight last?BERT: Oh, about three hours forty minutes.MRS GREY: So, we'd get there at...BERT: 9:45.MRS GREY: In the evening?BERT: No, 9:45 am.MRS GREY: But that means we'd be leaving at...?BERT: Your flight leaves Hong Kong at 6:05 am.MRS GREY: So, we'd have to check in an hour before that...?BERT: Mrs Grey, check-in closes 60 minutes before your scheduled departure. If you arrive after check-in has closed, you will not be able to board the flight and you may forfeit your entire fare. I would strongly recommend that you arrive at the check-in counter at least 120 minutes before your departure time.MRS GREY: So you're saying we should be at the airport no later than 4:05 am?BERT: That's correct.MRS GREY: But we'd have to get up in the middle of the night to arrive by that time! Can't we get a later flight?BERT: Not on July 25th. Now there is a later flight on certain weekdays but not at the weekend. MRS GREY: Well, we must go with what we've got then because we're not at all flexible on the dates because of work commitments.BERT: Can I confirm that you want to return on August 7th?MRS GREY: Yes, that's the idea.BERT: Flight VQ 239 will depart from Singapore at 9:20 am on August seventh.MRS GREY: Oh, that's a much more civilized time. Tell me, the time zone is the same, isn't it? We don't gain or lose an hour along the way?BERT: There's no change in the time zone so you can expect to be back at around I pm Does that suit you?MRS GREY: Oh, absolutely. I'll have time to unpack before dinner—we're expecting to meet friends at the new seafood restaurant at 8 o'clock. ...............................................................................BERT: Mrs Grey, I'll send you all these details by an email or letter of confirmation. Which do you prefer?MRS GREY: Well, email is faster but we've been having difficulties with our Internet connection so if you could post it out, I'd appreciate that.BERT: Now, just one or two other things to check before final confirmation...You're booked on a Liteflite ticket.MRS GREY: What does that mean exactly?BERT: Well, you'll only have carry-on baggage, is that right?MRS GREY: Oh yes, that was the original idea. It's so much quicker not having to wait around at the luggage carousel, but...BERT: Yes?MRS GREY: Can you remind me of the allowance again?BERT: With a Liteflite ticket you're allowed ten kilos of hand baggage.MRS GREY: I'm not sure that's such a good idea now.BERT: Oh?MRS GREY: Well, apparently we're going to have to attend quite a few formal functions while we're away so I think I'm going to need a real suitcase to fit the extra clothes and shoes in. BERT: Well, that's not a problem—I can upgrade you to the next level and change your ticket to 'Easyflite'. There will be an extra charge of course.MRS GREY: How much?BERT: $30 per checked-in item of luggage weighing no more than 22 kilos per item.MRS GREY: Well, we'll probably manage with just a single suitcase between the two of us. Is itpossible to do it like that?BERT: Yes, of course. You can take the 'Easyflite' option and your husband can stay with the 'Liteflite' ticket.MRS GREY: Great.BERT: I'll give you your reservation number now so if you need to make any further changes or enquiries you can just quote this reference, okay?MRS GREY: Yes, I have a pen and paper—what is it?BERT: L4GBWF.MRS GREY: L4GBUF?BERT: WF.MRS GREY: Thanks, I've got it now.BERT: At this point I can actually book your seat numbers. Do you have any preference—window or aisle?MRS GREY: Oh, not by the window, Bert. You see, I'm quite a nervous flier and I don't like looking out. What's more, my husband likes a bit of room to stretch his legs. Aisle would be good. BERT: Great. That's sorted then. As I said, I'll send you the details and if you need to talk to the agency again just quote that reference number I gave you.MRS GREY: Thanks so much. Bye.第2题What time should the Greys check in?参考答案:4:05am详细解答:第3题What is the reason they cannot change their flight dates?参考答案:work (commitments)详细解答:第4题What date will the Greys fly back to Hong Kong SAR?参考答案:7(th) Aug(ust)/Aug(ust) 7(th)详细解答:第5题What does Mrs Grey want to do as soon as she gets back?参考答案:unpack详细解答:第6题Complete the sentences below.Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Bert will ______ the confirmation details to Mrs Grey.参考答案:post详细解答:第7题The maximum weight for ______ luggage is 10 kilograms.参考答案:hand/carry-on详细解答:。



四级模拟考试题目IntroductionRecently, there has been an increasing demand for simulation exercises as part of language learning and testing. Simulating real-life scenarios allows learners to apply their language skills in a practical context. In this article, we will present a simulated exam question for the English proficiency test known as the CET-4 (College English Test) in China. This question aims to gauge the students' listening, reading, and writing abilities.Listening sectionInstructions: In this section, you will hear a short conversation followed by three questions. Choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.1. Conversation:Woman: Have you seen my umbrella? I can't find it anywhere.Man: I think I saw it in the hallway. You should check there.Question 1: Where does the man suggest the woman look for her umbrella?a) In the kitchenb) In the hallwayc) In her bedroomd) Near the front doorQuestion 2: What is the woman looking for?a) Her bagb) Her umbrellac) Her keysd) Her jacketQuestion 3: Why does the man think the woman's umbrella is in the hallway?a) He saw someone take it there.b) He left it there himself.c) He noticed it while passing by.d) He heard the woman talking about it.Reading sectionInstructions: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Youth Employment ProgramThe Youth Employment Program (YEP) is designed to assist young individuals in gaining valuable work experience. Participants have the opportunity to learn essential workplace skills, such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. YEP strives to bridge the gap between education and employment, preparing the next generation for successful careers.Question 4: What is the main purpose of the Youth Employment Program?a) To provide financial assistance to young individuals.b) To help young individuals gain vital work experience.c) To offer educational courses to young individuals.d) To promote the importance of teamwork and communication.Question 5: What skills can participants acquire through YEP?a) Cooking and gardening skillsb) Research and writing skillsc) Workplace and communication skillsd) Leadership and management skillsWriting sectionInstructions: Write an essay of approximately 250 words on the following topic.Topic: The advantages and disadvantages of online learningIn recent years, online learning has gained significant popularity, especially due to the widespread availability of the internet. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online learning, and provide examples to support your arguments.ConclusionSimulated exams offer students an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the format and expectations of the actual test. By practicing with realistic exam questions, students can develop their skills and improve their performance. In preparation for the CET-4 exam, it is crucial for students to practice listening, reading, and writing tasks, as showcased in the simulated questions provided above. Good luck with your exam preparation!。



雅思模拟考试试题及答案听力部分:Section 11. 学生需要参加的课程是:A. 计算机科学B. 艺术史C. 环境科学2. 课程的开始时间是:A. 9:00 AMB. 10:00 AMC. 11:00 AM3. 学生需要在课程开始前做什么?A. 填写在线表格B. 阅读课程大纲C. 购买教材4. 学生可以获得的额外帮助是:A. 每周一次的辅导B. 每月一次的讲座C. 学期初的研讨会5. 学生需要准备的作业是:A. 一篇论文B. 一个项目C. 一份报告答案:1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. BSection 26. 图书馆的开放时间是:A. 8:00 AM - 10:00 PMB. 9:00 AM - 9:00 PMC. 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM7. 图书馆的哪个区域提供安静的学习环境?A. 第一层B. 第二层C. 第三层8. 图书馆提供哪些服务?A. 打印和复印B. 无线网络和电脑C. 书籍和杂志9. 图书馆的哪个部门可以帮助学生找到参考资料?A. 咨询台B. 信息技术部C. 参考资料部10. 图书馆的借书期限是多久?A. 一周B. 两周C. 一个月答案:6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B阅读部分:Passage 1The article discusses the impact of technology on education. It highlights how the use of digital tools has made learning more interactive and accessible. The article also mentions the challenges faced by educators in integrating technology into their teaching methods.Questions 11-1411. What is the main topic of the article?A. The challenges of technology in educationB. The benefits of technology in educationC. The history of educational technology12. What does the article suggest about the use of digital tools?A. They are becoming less popular.B. They are making education more interactive.C. They are only useful for certain subjects.13. What is one of the challenges mentioned in the article?A. The cost of digital tools.B. The lack of training for educators.C. The resistance to change from traditional methods.14. What is the overall tone of the article?A. CriticalB. OptimisticC. Neutral答案:11. B 12. B 13. B 14. B写作部分:Task 1The chart below shows the percentage of people in a city who used public transport, walked, or drove cars to work in 2010 and 2020.[Chart]Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task 2Some people believe that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others think there are better ways to improve it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.[Essay]口语部分:Part 11. What do you usually do in your free time?2. Do you prefer to stay at home or go out during your free time?3. Do you think people need to have hobbies? Why?Part 2 & 31. Describe a place you often visit that is important to you.2. Why is this place important to you?3. How often do you go there?4. Do you think this place will change in the future? Why?结束语:以上就是雅思模拟考试的试题及答案,希望能够帮助考生们更好地准备考试。



雅思入门测试(模拟考试)(72分)感谢您参加雅思入学测试,现在我们就马上开始吧!LISTENINGSECTION 1Questions 1-101、Questions 1-6Complete the notes below. WriteNO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR ANUMBER for each answer.【多项填空】1________________________(1分)正确答案: by minibus(回答与答案完全相同才得分)2________________________(1分)正确答案: 15(回答与答案完全相同才得分)3________________________(1分)正确答案: April 18th(回答与答案完全相同才得分)4________________________(1分)正确答案: Pallisades(回答与答案完全相同才得分)2、Questions 5 and 6 ChooseTWO lettersA-E. WhichTWO things are included in the price of the tour? 【多选题】A.Afishing tripB.B guided bushwalk(1分)C.C reptile park entryD.Dtable tennis(1分)E.Etennis正确答案: BD(少选得部分分;错选得0分)3、Questions 7-10 Complete the sentences below. WriteNO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 7 The tour costs $............... 8 Bookings must be made no later than……………………days in advance. 9 A……………deposit is required. 10 The customer’s reference number is……………… 【多项填空】7________________________(1分)正确答案: 280(回答与答案完全相同才得分)8________________________(1分)正确答案: 14(回答与答案完全相同才得分)9________________________(1分)正确答案: 20%(回答与答案完全相同才得分)10________________________(1分)正确答案: 39745T(回答与答案完全相同才得分)SECTION 2 Questions 11-204、Questions 11-19 Complete the table below. WriteNO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for eachanswer. 【多项填空】11________________________(1分)正确答案: move around(回答与答案完全相同才得分)12________________________(1分)正确答案: brakes(回答与答案完全相同才得分)13________________________(1分)正确答案: fingers(回答与答案完全相同才得分)14________________________(1分)正确答案: satisfactory(回答与答案完全相同才得分)15________________________(1分)正确答案: put it together(回答与答案完全相同才得分)16________________________(1分)正确答案: too wird(回答与答案完全相同才得分)17________________________(1分)正确答案: dangerous(回答与答案完全相同才得分)18________________________(1分)正确答案: wheels(回答与答案完全相同才得分)19________________________(1分)正确答案: best(回答与答案完全相同才得分)5、Question 20 Complete the notes below.WriteONE WORD ONLYfor the answer.l Metal should not be rusted or bentlEdges of cot should not be20………… 【填空题】________________________正确答案: sharp(回答与答案完全相同才得分)SECTION 3Questions 21-30 Questions 21-23Choose the correct letter,A, BorC6、21.Andrew has worked at the hospital for. 【单选题】A.Atwo yearsB.Bthree years.C.C five years.正确答案: B7、22. During the course Andrew’s employers will pay ________ 【单选题】A.Ahis fees.B.Bhis living costs.C.C his salary.正确答案: A8、23. Thr part-time course lasts for ________ 【单选题】A.Aone whole year.B.B18 months.C.Ctwo years.正确答案: C9、Questions 24 and 25 ChooseTWO lettersA-E. WhatTWO types of coursework are requiredeach monthon the part-time course? 【多选题】A.Aa case studyB.Ban essay(1分)C.Ca surveyD.Da short report(1分)E.Ea study diary正确答案: BD(少选得部分分;错选得0分)10、Questions 26-30 Complete the summary below. WriteNO MORE THAN THREE WORDSAND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 【多项填空】26________________________(1分)正确答案: full-time(回答与答案完全相同才得分)27________________________(1分)正确答案: a term(回答与答案完全相同才得分)28________________________(1分)正确答案: intensive(回答与答案完全相同才得分)29________________________(1分)正确答案: two modules(回答与答案完全相同才得分)30________________________(1分)正确答案: a topic(回答与答案完全相同才得分)SECTION 4Questions 31-4011、Questions 31-35 Complete the sentences below. WriteNO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 31. According to George Bernard Shaw, men are supposed to understand…………… economics and finance. 32. However, women are more prepared to ………… and a house 33. Women tend to save for ………… and a house. 34. Men tend to save for ………… and for retirement.35. Women who are left alone any have to pay for ………… when they are old. 【多项填空】31________________________(1分)正确答案: politics(回答与答案完全相同才得分)32________________________(1分)正确答案: learn(回答与答案完全相同才得分)33________________________(1分)正确答案: children's education(回答与答案完全相同才得分)34________________________(1分)正确答案: a car(回答与答案完全相同才得分)35________________________(1分)正确答案: nursing care(回答与答案完全相同才得分)12、Questions 36-40 Complete the summary below. WriteNO MORE THANN THREE WORDSAND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. 【多项填空】36________________________(1分)正确答案: crisis(回答与答案完全相同才得分)37________________________(1分)正确答案: early twenties(回答与答案完全相同才得分)38________________________(1分)正确答案: confidence(回答与答案完全相同才得分)39________________________(1分)正确答案: money management(回答与答案完全相同才得分)40________________________(1分)正确答案: low-risk investments(回答与答案完全相同才得分)READINGPASSAGE 1You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-1, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.Johnsons Dictionary13、Questions 1-3 ChooseTHREElettersA-H. Write your answers in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet. NBYour answers may be given in any order. Which THREE of the following statements are true of Johnson’sDictionary? 【多选题】A.AIt avoided all scholarly words.B.BIt was the only English dictionary in general use for 200 years.C.CIt was famous because of the large number of people involved.D.D It focused mainly on language from contemporary texts.(1分)E.EThere was a time limit for its completion.(1分)F.FIt ignored work done by previous dictionary writers.G.GIt took into account subtleties of meaning.(1分)H.H Its definitions were famous for their originality.正确答案: DEG(少选得部分分;错选得0分)Questions 4-7 Complete the summary. ChooseNO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 4-7 on your answer sheet.14、In 1764 Dr Johnson accepted the contract to produce a dictionary. Having rented a garret, he t ook on a number of4…………, who stood at a long central desk. Johnson did not have a5………… available to him, but eventually produced definitions of in excess of 40,000 words written down in 80 large notebooks. On publications, the Dictionary was immediately hailed in many European countries as a landmark. According to his biographer, James Boswell, Johnson’s principal achievement was to bring6……… to the English language. As a reward for his hard work, he was granted a7………by the king. 【多项填空】4________________________(1分)正确答案: clerks(回答与答案完全相同才得分)5________________________(1分)正确答案: library(回答与答案完全相同才得分)6________________________(1分)正确答案: stability(回答与答案完全相同才得分)7________________________(1分)正确答案: pension(回答与答案完全相同才得分)15、8The growing importance of the middle classes led to an increased demand for dictionaries.9 Johnson has become more well known since his death. 10 Johnson had been planning to writea dictionary for several years. 11 Johnson set up an academy to help with the writing of his Dictionary. 12 Johnson only received payment for his Dictionary on its completion. 13Not all of the assistants survived to see the publication of the Dictionary. 【多项填空】8________________________(1分)正确答案: TRUE(回答与答案完全相同才得分)9________________________(1分)正确答案: FALSE(回答与答案完全相同才得分)10________________________(1分)正确答案: NOT GIVEN(回答与答案完全相同才得分)11________________________(1分)正确答案: FALSE(回答与答案完全相同才得分)12________________________(1分)正确答案: FALSE(回答与答案完全相同才得分)13________________________(1分)正确答案: TRUE(回答与答案完全相同才得分)READING PASSAGE 2 You should spend about 20 minutes onQuestions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.16、Questions 14-19 Reading Passage 2 has nine paragraphs,A-I. Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letterA-Iin boxes 14-19. (请写大写字母) 14. a biologial explanation of the teacher-subjects’ behaviour 15. the explanation Milgram gave the teacher-subjects for the experiment 16. the identity of the pupils 17. the expected statistical outcome 18. the general aim of sociobiological study 19. the way Milgram persuaded the teacher-subjects to continue 【多项填空】14________________________(1分)正确答案: F (回答与答案完全相同才得分)15________________________(1分)正确答案: A (回答与答案完全相同才得分)16________________________(1分)正确答案: B (回答与答案完全相同才得分)17________________________(1分)正确答案: D(回答与答案完全相同才得分)18________________________(1分)正确答案: I(回答与答案完全相同才得分)19________________________(1分)正确答案: C(回答与答案完全相同才得分)Questions 20-22 Choose the correct letter,A, B, CorD. Write your answers in boxes 20-22 on your answer sheet.17、20 The teacher-subjects were told that were testing whether _________ 【单选题】A.Aa 450-volt shock was dangerous.(1分)B.Bpunishment helps learning.(1分)C.Cthe pupils were honest.D.Dthey were suited to teaching.正确答案: 每个选项都可自定义分值18、21 The teacher-subjects were instructed to___________ 【单选题】A.A stop when a pupil asked them to.B.B denounce pupils who made mistakes.C.C reduce the shock level after a correct answer.D.D give puishment according to a rule.正确答案: D19、22 Before the experiment took place the psychiatrists ______________ 【单选题】A.A believed that a shock of 150 volts was too dangerous.B.B failed to agree on how the teacher-subjects would respond to instructions.C.C underestimated the teacher-subject s’ willingness to comply with experimentalprocedure.D.D thought that many of the teacher-subjects would administer a shock of 450 volts.正确答案: C20、23. Several of the subjects were psychology students at Yale University. 24. Some people may believe that the teacher-subjects’ behaviour could be explained as a positive survival mechanism. 25. In a sociological explanation, personal values are more powerful than authority.26. Milgram’s experiment solves an important question in sociob iology. 【多项填空】23________________________(1分)正确答案: NOT GIVEN(回答与答案完全相同才得分)24________________________(1分)正确答案: TRUE(回答与答案完全相同才得分)25________________________(1分)正确答案: FALSE(回答与答案完全相同才得分)26________________________(1分)正确答案: FALSE(回答与答案完全相同才得分)READINGPASSAGE3 You should spend about 20 minutes onQuestions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.21、27. Environmentalists take a pessimistic view of the world for a number of reasons 28. Data on the Earth’s natural resources has onl y been collected since 1972. 29. The number of starving people in the world has increased in recent years. 30. Extinct species are being replaced by new species. 31. Some pollution problems have been correctly linked to industrialisation. 32. It would be best to attempt to slow down economic growth. 【多项填空】27________________________(1分)正确答案: YES(回答与答案完全相同才得分)28________________________(1分)正确答案: NOT GIVEN(回答与答案完全相同才得分)29________________________(1分)正确答案: NO(回答与答案完全相同才得分)30________________________(1分)正确答案: NOT GIVEN(回答与答案完全相同才得分)31________________________(1分)正确答案: YES(回答与答案完全相同才得分)32________________________(1分)正确答案: NO(回答与答案完全相同才得分)Questions 33-37 Choose the correct letter,A, B, CorD. Write your answers in boxes 33-37 on your answer sheet.22、33What aspect of scientific research does the writer express concern about in paragraph 4? 【单选题】A.A the need to produce resultsB.B the lack of financial supportC.C the selection fo areas to researchD.D the desire to solve every research problem正确答案: C23、34 The writer quotes from the Worldwide Fund for Nature to illustrate how _________ 【单选题】A.A influential the mass media can be.B.B effective environmental groups can be.C.C the mass media can help groups raise funds.D.D environmental groups can exaggerate their claims.正确答案: D24、35. The writer suggests that newspapers print items that are intended to ____________ 【单选题】A.A educate readers.B.B meet their readers’ expectations.C.C encourage feedback from readers.D.D mislead readers.正确答案: C25、36What does the writer say about America’s waste problem? 【单选题】A.A It will increase in line with population growth.B.B It is not as important as we have been led to believe.C.C It has been reduced through public awareness of the issues.D.D It is only significant in certain areas of the country.正确答案: BQuestions 38-40 Complete the summary with the list of wordsA-Ibelow. Write the correctletterA-I in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.26、GLOBAL WARMING The writer admits that global warming is a38…………….challenge, but says that it will nto have a catastrophic impact on our future, if we deal with it in the39…………… way. If we try to reduce the levels of greenhouse gases, he believes that it would only have a minimal impact on rising temperatures. He feels it would be better to spend money on the more40………… health problem of providing the world’s population with clean drinking water. 【多项填空】38________________________(1分)正确答案: E(回答与答案完全相同才得分)39________________________(1分)正确答案: D(回答与答案完全相同才得分)40________________________(1分)正确答案: I(回答与答案完全相同才得分)WRITINGWRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.27、please write your article here. 【填空题】________________________WRITING TASK 2 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Many people think cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people freedom to travel further. However, others think this leads to environmental problem, so air travel should be more expensive in order to discourage people from having it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Write at least 250 words.28、please write your article here. 【填空题】________________________SPEAKINGYou will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.。



智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料雅思听力剑桥雅思模拟试题test1section4精解-智课教育出国考试备考雅思,除了剑桥真题以外,模拟试题也是必备的参考资料。

下面是智课教育雅思小编为大家分享的雅思听力剑桥雅思模拟试题test1s ection1精解的内容,希望对大家的雅思听力备考有帮助。

剑桥雅思模拟试题听力部分test1section4试题SECTION 4. QUESTIONS31-40Questions 31-33Complete the information about the Great Barrier Reef.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.The Great Barrier Reef is made up of 3,000 31.......... and 600 32..........Over 400 binds of 33..........can be found there.Questions 34-38Choose FIVE letters, A—I. WhichFIVE of these binds of animals inhabiting the Great Barrier Reef are mentioned?A sharks F dolphinsB starfish s G sea turtlesC seahorses H crocodilesD clams I frogsE whalesQuestions 39 and 40Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.39 What causes coral bleaching?40 What has been one response to this problem?答案及解析31-individual reefs32-islands33-coral34-A35-D36-B37-H38- I39- rising sea temperatures40-shading the reefSECTION 4场景介绍主题:关于介绍大堡礁的一个讲座题型介绍题型:摘要填空题,多选题,简答题测试技能:聆听具体细节信息必备词汇和词组1)the Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁2)coral reef 珊瑚礁3)scatter vi. 分散,散开;散射4)compose vt. 构成,组成5)coral n.珊瑚,珊瑚虫6)inhabit vt. 栖息;居住于;占据7)mollusk n. (美)[无脊椎] 软体动物8)clam n. 蛤9)mammal n. 哺乳动物10) abound vi. 富于;充满11) breeding ground滋生地,繁殖地12)reptile n.爬行动物13)crocodile n. 鳄鱼14)amphibian n.两栖动物15)bleaching n.漂白16)response n. 响应;反应;回答考题精解Question 31 individual reefs通过审题考生可以看到明显的关键词3000来进行定位,因此考生听到音频中3000后面的individual reefs时,即为正确答案,其中bemade up of 与音频中is composed of相互对应。

IELTS 雅思模拟考试及答案

IELTS 雅思模拟考试及答案

雅思模拟考试与答案语法部分IELTS SAMPLE TESTPART A:This is a talk to high school students. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of one of the verbs in the box, and a preposition. Some of them can be used twice.It's that time of year again when our final-year students start to (1) ________university and all of the decisions that need to be made before then. Your teachers felt that you needed some advice on this subject and I quite (2) _____________ them, so I have come along today to do just that. First, talk to your teachers. Not only do they (3)_______________ (you) their subjects, but they can also give you some very useful advice about your strengths and weaknesses. Secondly, make a list of what you already(4) ________________ university study. That will help you pinpoint what you still need to(5) ________________ .The internet can be an invaluable tool, but there is little point in searching for information if you don't know what you are (6) _______________, otherwise you can waste hours of valuable study time just (7) ________________ the computer screen.PART B: Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.1 I agree to what you are saying, but I think there is another side to the argument.2 The difference with your essay and mine is that I only answered part of the question.3 Our teacher stressed the importance to checking our writing for spelling mistakes.4 Fruit bats emerge in night to feed on the many fruit trees in the area.5 Can you meet me tomorrow morning in 10:00?6 I've been working in this coffee shop in six months.7 My birthday is in 8th November; when is yours?8 Alex started piano lessons on July last year.PART C: Add the correct prepositions to the following conversation.Mary: Thanks for coming everyone. As you know, Jane, our receptionist is off sick and it may be some time before she's back (1) _______ work. I'll have a replacement tomorrow, but today we'll all need to help out.Tom: Well, I teach (2) _______ the afternoons, but I could cover reception(3) ________ an hour this morning. I just need to make sure I have time to prepare for my presentation (4) ______ the university (5) ________29th March.Mary: OK, I'll put you down for 9:00 to 10:00. What about you Sabina?Sabina: Actually, I can do a couple of hours this afternoon because I managed to get a lot of work done (6) ________ the weekend. I've promised to take my class to see a play (7) ________. Friday, so I really need to get that organized this morning.Mary: That's fine. I did have a meeting (8) _____ the city (9) ____ 11:00 but I can cancel that and cover (l0) ______ three hours from 10:00 to 1:00 myself. Well done, everyone! Thank you.PART D Underline the correct answer.1 I quite agree to / with you.2 'What's Ann doing?' 'She's looking at / for her passport.'3 I must apologize for / to being late; my car broke down.4 After a few hours, mum finally agreed to / with take us to the movies.5 I stopped at the shops on the way home because / because of I needed some milk.6 'Where's Bill?' 'He's at the art gallery looking at / for the paintings.'7 Tim and Bob couldn't go to the party because / because of their tennis match.8 I apologized for / to everyone when my phone rang during the meeting.PART E: Complete the letter using the information from the table.Dear SirI am writing to complain about a recent holiday I took with your company.First, our accommodation was terrible. It was very noisy as a result of(1)________, so builders were working on it day and night. Not only that, but we couldn't use the pool because of (2)__________ We would have liked to go to the beach more often, but on the first day my son cut his foot badly as a result of (3) __________ in the sea there, and we discovered there was a lot of broken glass in the sand.Secondly, we paid a great deal of money for two trips. The first one to Mt Etna was ruined because of (4) __________. In fact we couldn't even see the top of the mountain because of (5) __________ The second trip was to a show in the local town. However, we missed the start of the show as a result of (6) on the way there. Furthermore, my wife ended up in hospital as a result of (7) __________ at the restaurant there.I would be grateful if you could refund the cost of our trip.Yours faithfullyJohn Mart答案PART A :1 think about2 agree with3 teach you about4 know about5 find out about6 looking for7 looking atPART B:1 I agree with what you are saying ...2 The difference between your …3 ...the importance of checking ….4 Fruit bats emerge at night to feed ...5 tomorrow morning at 10:00?6 this coffee shop for six months.7 My birthday is on 8th November ...8 ...piano lessons in July last year.PART C:1 at2 in3 for4 at5 on6 at7 on8 in9 at10 for PART D1 with2 for3 for4 to5 because6 at7 because of8 toPART E:1 the hotel not being finished2 the water being so dirty3 swimming4 the weather being so bad5 it being covered by cloud6 the bus breaking down7 eating undercooked chicken。



2019年雅思考试阅读模拟试题:段落标题(1)Volcanoes-earth-shattering newsWhen Mount Pinatubo suddenly erupted on 9 June 1991, the power of volcanoes past and present again hit the headlinesAVolcanoes are the ultimate earth-moving machinery. Aviolent eruption can blow the top few kilometres off amountain, scatter fine ash practically all over the globe andhurl rock fragments into the stratosphere to darken the skiesa continent away.But the classic eruption—cone-shaped mountain, big bang, mushroom cloud and surges of molten lava—is only a tiny partof a global story. Vulcanism, the name given to volcanicprocesses, really has shaped the world. Eruptions have rifted continents, raised mountain chains, constructed islands andshaped the topography of the earth. The entire ocean floorhas a basement of volcanic basalt.Volcanoes have not only made the continents, they arealso thought to have made the world's first stable atmosphereand provided all the water for the oceans, rivers and ice-caps. There are now about 600 active volcanoes. Every yearthey add two or three cubic kilometres of rock to thecontinents. Imagine a similar number of volcanoes smokingaway for the last 3,500 million years. That is enough rock toexplain the continental crust.What comes out of volcanic craters is mostly gas. Morethan 90% of this gas is water vapour from the deep earth:enough to explain, over 3,500 million years, the water in theoceans. The rest of the gas is nitrogen, carbon dioxide,sulphur dioxide, methane, ammonia and hydrogen. The quantityof these gases, again multiplied over 3,500 million years, isenough to explain the mass of the world's atmosphere. We arealive because volcanoes provided the soil, air and water weneed.BGeologists consider the earth as having a molten core, surrounded by a semi-molten mantle and a brittle, outer skin.It helps to think of a soft-boiled egg with a runny yolk, afirm but squishy white and a hard shell. If the shell is evenslightly cracked during boiling, the white material bubblesout and sets like a tiny mountain chain over the crack—like an archipelago of volcanic islands such as the HawaiianIslands. But the earth is so much bigger and the mantle belowis so much hotter.Even though the mantle rocks are kept solid by overlying pressure, they can still slowly 'flow' like thick treacle.The flow, thought to be in the form of convection currents,is powerful enough to fracture the 'eggshell' of the crustinto plates, and keep them bumping and grinding against eachother, or even overlapping, at the rate of a few centimetresa year. These fracture zones, where the collisions occur, arewhere earthquakes happen. And, very often, volcanoes.CThese zones are lines of weakness, or hot spots. Everyeruption is different, but put at its simplest, where thereare weaknesses, rocks deep in the mantle, heated to 1,350℃, will start to expand and rise. As they do so, the pressuredrops, and they expand and become liquid and rise moreswiftly.Sometimes it is slow: vast bubbles of magma—molten rock from the mantle—inch towards the surface, coolingslowly, to show through as granite extrusions (as on Skye, orthe Great Whin Sill, the lava dyke squeezed out liketoothpaste that carries part of Hadrian's Wall in northernEngland). Sometimes—as in Northern Ireland, Wales and theKaroo in South Africa—the magma rose faster, and then flowedout horizontally on to the surface in vast thick sheets. Inthe Deccan plateau in western India, there are more than twomillion cubic kilometres of lava, some of it 2,400 metresthick, formed over 500,000 years of slurping eruption.Sometimes the magma moves very swiftly indeed. It doesnot have time to cool as it surges upwards. The gases trappedinside the boiling rock expand suddenly, the lava glows withheat, it begins to froth, and it explodes with tremendousforce. Then the slightly cooler lava following it begins toflow over the lip of the crater. It happens on Mars, ithappened on the moon, it even happens on some of the moons of Jupiter and Uranus. By studying the evidence, vulcanologistscan read the force of the great blasts of the past. Is thepumice light and full of holes? The explosion was tremendous.Are the rocks heavy, with huge crystalline basalt shapes,like the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland? It was a slow,gentle eruption.The biggest eruptions are deep on the mid-ocean floor,where new lava is forcing the continents apart and wideningthe Atlantic by perhaps five centimetres a year. Look at mapsof volcanoes, earthquakes and island chains like thePhilippines and Japan, and you can see the rough outlines ofwhat are called tectonic plates—the plates which make up the earth's crust and mantle. The most dramatic of these is thePacific 'ring of fire' where there have been the most violent explosions—Mount Pinatubo near Manila, Mount St Helen's inthe Rockies and El Chichón in Mexico about a decade ago, not to mention world-shaking blasts like Krakatoa in the SundaStraits in 1883.DBut volcanoes are not very predictable. That is because geological time is not like human time. During quiet periods, volcanoes cap themselves with their own lava by forming apowerful cone from the molten rocks slopping over the rim ofthe crater; later the lava cools slowly into a huge, hard,stable plug which blocks any further eruption until thepressure below becomes irresistible. In the case of Mount Pinatubo, this took 600 years.Then, sometimes, with only a small warning, the mountain blows its top. It did this at Mont Pelée in Martinique at 7.49 a.m. on 8 May, 1902. Of a town of 28,000, only twopeople survived. In 1815, a sudden blast removed the top1,280 metres of Mount Tambora in Indonesia. The eruption wasso fierce that dust thrown into the stratosphere darkened theskies, cancelling the following summer in Europe and North America. Thousands starved as the harvests faded, after snowin June and frosts in August. Volcanoes are potentially world news, especially the quiet ones.。



雅思阅读考试模拟试练习题及答案解析Time to cool itFrom The Economist print edition1 REFRIGERATORS are the epitome of clunky technology: solid, reliable and just a little bit dull. They have not changed much over the past century, but then they have not needed to. They are based on a robust and effective idea--draw heat from the thing you want tocool by evaporating a liquid next to it, and then dump that heat by pumping the vapour elsewhere and condensing it. This method of pumping heat from one place to another served mankind well when refrigerators' main jobs were preserving food and, as air conditioners, cooling buildings. Today's high-tech world, however, demands high-tech refrigeration. Heat pumps are no longer up to the job. The search is on for something to replace them.2 One set of candidates are known as paraelectric materials. These act like batteries when they undergo a temperature change: attach electrodes to them and they generate a current. This effect is used in infra-red cameras. An array of tiny pieces of paraelectric material can sense the heat radiated by, for example, a person, and the pattern of the array's electrical outputs can then be used to construct an image. But until recently no one had bothered much with the inverse of this process. That inverse exists, however. Apply an appropriate current to a paraelectric material and it will cool down.3 Someone who is looking at this inverse effect is Alex Mischenko, of Cambridge University. Using commercially available paraelectric film, he and his colleagues have generated temperature drops five times bigger than any previously recorded. That may be enough to change the phenomenon from a laboratory curiosity to something with commercial applications.4 As to what those applications might be, Dr Mischenko is still a little hazy. He has, nevertheless, set up a company to pursue them.He foresees putting his discovery to use in more efficient domestic fridges and air conditioners. The real money, though, may be in cooling computers.5 Gadgets containing microprocessors have been getting hotter fora long time. One consequence of Moore's Law, which describes the doubling of the number of transistors on a chip every 18 months, is that the amount of heat produced doubles as well. In fact, it more than doubles, because besides increasing in number, the componentsare getting faster. Heat is released every time a logical operationis performed inside a microprocessor, so the faster the processor is, the more heat it generates. Doubling the frequency quadruples theheat output. And the frequency has doubled a lot. The first Pentium chips sold by Dr Moore's company, Intel, in 1993, ran at 60m cycles a second. The Pentium 4--the last "single-core" desktop processor--clocked up 3.2 billion cycles a second.6 Disposing of this heat is a big obstruction to further miniaturisation and higher speeds. The innards of a desktop computer commonly hit 80℃. At 85℃, they stop working. Tweaking theprocessor's heat sinks (copper or aluminium boxes designed to radiate heat away) has reached its limit. So has tweaking the fans that circulate air over those heat sinks. And the idea of shifting from single-core processors to systems that divided processing power between first two, and then four, subunits, in order to spread the thermal load, also seems to have the end of the road in sight.7 One way out of this may be a second curious physical phenomenon, the thermoelectric effect. Like paraelectric materials, thisgenerates electricity from a heat source and produces cooling from an electrical source. Unlike paraelectrics, a significant body of researchers is already working on it.8 The trick to a good thermoelectric material is a crystal structure in which electrons can flow freely, but the path ofphonons--heat-carrying vibrations that are larger than electrons--is constantly interrupted. In practice, this trick is hard to pull off, and thermoelectric materials are thus less efficient thanparaelectric ones (or, at least, than those examined by Dr Mischenko). Nevertheless, Rama Venkatasubramanian, of Nextreme Thermal Solutionsin North Carolina, claims to have made thermoelectric refrigerators that can sit on the back of computer chips and cool hotspots by 10℃. Ali Shakouri, of the University of California, Santa Cruz, says his are even smaller--so small that they can go inside the chip.9 The last word in computer cooling, though, may go to a system even less techy than a heat pump--a miniature version of a car radiator. Last year Apple launched a personal computer that is cooled by liquid that is pumped through little channels in the processor,and thence to a radiator, where it gives up its heat to the atmosphere. To improve on this, IBM's research laboratory in Zurichis experimenting with tiny jets that stir the liquid up and thus make sure all of it eventually touches the outside of the channel--thepart where the heat exchange takes place. In the future, therefore, a combination of microchannels and either thermoelectrics or paraelectrics might cool computers. The old, as it were, hand in hand with the new.(830 words)Questions 1-5Complete each of the following statements with the scientist or company name from the box below.Write the appropriate letters A-F in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.A. AppleB. IBMC. IntelD. Alex MischenkoE. Ali ShakouriF. Rama Venkatasubramanian1. ...and his research group use paraelectric film available from the market to produce cooling.2. ...sold microprocessors running at 60m cycles a second in 1993.3. ...says that he has made refrigerators which can cool the hotspots of computer chips by 10℃.4. ...claims to have made a refrigerator small enough to be built into a computer chip.5. ...attempts to produce better cooling in personal computers by stirring up liquid with tiny jets to make sure maximum heat exchange.Questions 6-9Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?In boxes 6-9 on your answer sheet writeTRUE if the statement is true according to the passageFALSE if the statement is false according to the passageNOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage6. Paraelectric materials can generate a current when electrodes are attached to them.7. Dr. Mischenko has successfully applied his laboratory discovery to manufacturing more efficient referigerators.8. Doubling the frequency of logical operations inside a microprocessor doubles the heat output.9. IBM will achieve better computer cooling by combining microchannels with paraelectrics.Question 10Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in box 10 on your answer sheet.10. Which method of disposing heat in computers may have a bright prospect?A. Tweaking the processors?heat sinks.B. Tweaking the fans that circulate air over the processor抯heat sinks.C. Shifting from single-core processors to systems of subunits.D. None of the above.Questions 11-14Complete the notes below.Choose one suitable word from the Reading Passage above for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.Traditional refrigerators use...11...pumps to drop temperature. At present, scientists are searching for other methods to produce refrigeration, especially in computermicroprocessors....12...materials have been tried to generate temperature drops five times bigger than any previouslyrecorded. ...13...effect has also been adopted by many researchers to cool hotspots in computers. A miniature version of a car ...14... may also be a system to realize ideal computer cooling in the future.Key and Explanations:1. DSee Paragraph 3: ...Alex Mischenko, of Cambridge University. Using commercially available paraelectric film, he and his colleagues have generated temperature drops...2. CSee Paragraph 5: The first Pentium chips sold by Dr Moore's company, Intel, in 1993, ran at 60m cycles a second.3. FSee Paragraph 8: ...Rama Venkatasubramanian, of Nextreme Thermal Solutions in North Carolina, claims to have made thermoelectric refrigerators that can sit on the back of computer chips and cool hotspots by 10℃.4. ESee Paragraph 8: Ali Shakouri, of the University of California, Santa Cruz, says his are even smaller梥o small that they can go inside the chip.5. BSee Paragraph 9: To improve on this, IBM's research laboratory in Zurich is experimenting with tiny jets that stir the liquid up and thus make sure all of it eventually touches the outside of the channel--the part where the heat exchange takes place.6. TRUESee Paragraph 2: ...paraelectric materials. These act like batteries when they undergo a temperature change: attach electrodes to them and they generate a current.7. FALSESee Paragraph 3 (That may be enough to change the phenomenon from a laboratory curiosity to something with commercial applications. ) and Paragraph 4 (As to what those applications might be, Dr Mischenko is still a little hazy. He has, nevertheless, set up a company to pursue them. He foresees putting his discovery to use in moreefficient domestic fridges?8. FALSESee Paragraph 5: Heat is released every time a logical operation is performed inside a microprocessor, so the faster the processor is, the more heat it generates. Doubling the frequency quadruples the heat output.9. NOT GIVENSee Paragraph 9: In the future, therefore, a combination of microchannels and either thermoelectrics or paraelectrics might cool computers.10. DSee Paragraph 6: Tweaking the processor's heat sinks ?has reached its limit. So has tweaking the fans that circulate air over those heat sinks. And the idea of shifting from single-core processors to systems?also seems to have the end of the road in sight.11. heatSee Paragraph 1: Today's high-tech world, however, demands high-tech refrigeration. Heat pumps are no longer up to the job. The search is on for something to replace them.12. paraelectricSee Paragraph 3: Using commercially available paraelectric film, he and his colleagues have generated temperature drops five times bigger than any previously recorded.13. thermoelectricSee Paragraph 7: ...the thermoelectric effect. Like paraelectric materials, this generates electricity from a heat source and produces cooling from an electrical source. Unlike paraelectrics, asignificant body of researchers is already working on it.14. radiatorSee Paragraph 9: The last word in computer cooling, though, may go to a system even less techy than a heat pump--a miniature version of a car radiator.。



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ACADEMIC LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 5SECTION 1 Questions 1 - 10Questions 1 - 5Complete the form below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR SOME NUMBERS for each answer.BUS PASS APPLICATION FORMNAMENathalie (1) ______________________________ADDRESS45 (2) ___________________________________NewlandsAdelaide POSTCODE(3) _____________________________________DATE OF BIRTH(4) 13th May 1982TEL NUMBER(4) _____________________________UNIVERSITY CARD SHOWNYes ZONES REQUIRED(5) _____________________________________ExampleAnswer PASS APPLIED FOR1 month ACADEMIC MODULE PRACTICE TEST 5Questions 6 - 10Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR SOME NUMBERS for each answer.Adelaide Day Trips on the Bus1 The MacDonald Nature ParkOutward Journey Leaves 8.00amLength of Journey 2 hoursReturn Journey Leaves (6) ______________________________________Things to do/see Walk nature trails + MacDonald RiverBring A camera2 Pearl BayOutward Journey Leaves 9.00amLength of Journey (7) ______________________________________Return Journey Leaves 4.00pmThings to do/see Walk along (8) _____________________ + see viewLie on the beach + swimBring Swimming gear + a towel3 The Huron Gold MineOutward Journey Leaves 9.30amLength of Journey Half an hourReturn Journey Leaves (9) ______________________________________Things to do/see Go round the museum and tunnelsFind some gold!!Bring (10) ______________________________________SECTION 2 Questions 11 - 20Questions 11 - 16Complete the sentences below.Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.11 The highest point of the bridge is 134m above __________________________________.12 The two pairs of pylons are made of __________________________________.13 _______________________________% of the steel for making the bridge came fromthe UK.14 800 families from __________________________________ homes were moved withoutcompensation to accomodate the construction of the approaches to the bridge.15 People _________________________________ was the main cause of death of workerswhile constructing the bridge.16 Three __________________________________ were made to mark the opening of thebridge. One is worth several hundred dollars today.Questions 17 - 20Which FOUR of the following facts are NOT true about the Sydney Harbour Bridge today?Choose FOUR letters (A - J) and write them in boxes 17 - 20 on your answer sheet.A There are no more trams crossing the bridge.B There are eight traffic lanes on the bridge.C Trains still cross the bridge.D People are allowed to walk across the bridge.E Buses are allowed to cross the bridge.F The Harbour Tunnel has not helped traffic congestion on the bridge.G More than 182 000 vehicles cross the bridge daily.H Horses can no longer cross the bridge.I Bicycles are not allowed to cross the bridge.J To go back and forward across the bridge costs $6.SECTION 3 Questions 21 - 30Questions 21 - 27Complete the sentences below.Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.21 While waiting for Phil, Mel and Laura were _______________________________________.22 A telephone survey was rejected because it would be ______________________________.23 A mail survey was rejected because it would _____________________________________.24 The best number of people to survey would be ___________________________________.25 If their survey only included 100 people, it would not be ____________________________.26 The number of people that Laura, Phil and Mel agree to survey was __________________.27 The number of questions in the survey was agreed to be ___________________________.. Questions 28 - 30Circle THREE letters A - G.What are the three locations that Laura, Phil and Mel chose for their survey?A The town squareB The train stationC The university cafeteriaD Dobbins department storeE The corner of the High Street and College RoadF The bus stationG The corner of the High Street and Wilkins RoadSECTION 4 Questions 31 - 40Questions 31 - 34Complete the table below by matching the individual with their role (Questions 31 - 34) in the lecture on the coelacanth.Write the approprate letters (A - F) on your answer sheet.NB There are more roles than individuals so you will not need to use them all.INDIVIDUAL ROLEDr. J.L.B. Smith(31) _____________________Marjorie Courtney-Latimer(32) _____________________Dr. Mark Erdmann(33) _____________________Captain Goosen(34) _____________________ROLESA Paid fishermen for unidentified finds.B Caught a strange looking fish.C Contacted scientists in Indonesia.D Photographed a coelacanth seen by accident.E First recognised the coelacanth for what it was.F Bought a specimen of a coelacanth in a market.Questions 35 - 40Choose the correct letters A - C.35 The coelacanth was...A well known to Indonesian fishermen.B unknown to Indonesian fishermen.C a first in the market.36 The only difference between the Comoros coelacanth and the Sulawesi coelacanth is...A their intercranial joint.B their paired fins.C their colour.37 Coelacanths seemed to have their greatest population...A 360 million years ago.B 240 million years ago.C 80 million years ago.38 Modern coelacanths probably left no fossilised remains over the past 80 million yearsbecause...A of too much clay sediment.B conditions where they lived were not favourable for fossilisation.C volcanoes are needed for fossilisation.39 Scientists had a better understanding of the coelacanth after 1991 because...A the French government had previously limited study on the Comoros coelacanth.B the Comoros were far away and difficult to reach.C the Comoros opened an airport.40 On the 1991 expedition, scientist studied the coelacanth...A only from fishermen’s specimens.B through the windows of their submarine.C from diving down.ACADEMIC READING PRACTICE TEST 5READING PASSAGE 1 Questions 1 - 13You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1 – 13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.Questions 1 - 4Reading Passage 1 has 5 paragraphs (A – E).From the list of headings below choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B – E.Write the appropriate number (i – viii) in boxes 1 – 4 on your answer sheet.NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.Example AnswerParagraph A iiii Climate Conditionsii Solutions from the Airiii Fire Startersiv Battling the Blazev The Lie of the Landvi Rain – The Natural Saviourvii Fuelling the Flamesviii Fires and TreesWildfiresAWildfires are usually the product of human negligence. Humans start about 90% of wild fires and lightning causes the other 10%. Regular causes for wildfires include arson, camping fires, throwing away cigarettes, burning rubbish, and playing with fireworks or matches. Once begun, wildfires can spread at a rate of up to 23 kph and, as a fire spreads over a landscape, it could undertake a life of its own – doing different things to keep itself going, even creating other blazes by throwing cinders miles away.Three components are necessary to start a fire: oxygen, fuel and heat. These three make up “the fire triangle” and fire fighters frequently talk about this when they are attempting to put out blazes. The theory is that if the fire fighters can remove one of the triangle pillars, they can take control of and eventually put out the fire.BThe speed at which wildfires spread depends on the fuel around them. Fuel is any living or dead material that will burn. Types of fuel include anything from trees, underbrush and grassland to houses. The quantity of inflammable material around a fire is known as “the fuel load” and is determined by the amount of available fuel per unit area, usually tons per acre. How dry the fuelis can also influence how fires behave. When the fuel is very dry, it burns much more quickly and forms fires that are much harder to control.Basic fuel characteristics affecting a fire are size and shape, arrangement and moisture, but with wildfires, where fuel usually consists of the same type of material, the main factor influencing ignition time is the ratio of the fuel’s total surface area to its volume. Because the surface area of a twig is not much bigger than its volume, it ignites rapidly. However, a tree’s surface area is much smaller than its volume, so it requires more time to heat up before ignition.CThree weather variables that affect wildfires are temperature, wind and moisture. Temperature directly influences the sparking of wildfires, as heat is one of the three pillars of the fire triangle. Sticks, trees and underbrush on the ground receive heat from the sun, which heats and dries these potential fuels. Higher temperatures allow fuels to ignite and burn more quickly and add to the speed of a wildfire’s spread. Consequently, wildfires tend to rage in the afternoon, during the hottest temperatures.The biggest influence on a wildfire is probably wind and this is also the most unpredictable variable. Winds provide fires with extra oxygen, more dry fuel, and wind also makes wildfires spread more quickly. Fires also create winds of their own that can be up to ten times faster than the ambient wind. Winds can even spread embers that can generate additional fires, an event known as spotting. Winds also change the course of fires, and gusts can take flames into trees, starting a “crown fire”.Humidity and precipitation provide moisture that can slow fires down and reduce their intensity, as it is hard for fuel to ignite if it has high moisture levels. Higher levels of humidity mean fewer wildfires.DTopography can also hugely influence wildfire behaviour. In contrast to fuel and weather, topography hardly changes over time and can help or hamper the spread of a wildfire. The principal topographical factor relating to wildfires is slope. As a rule, fires move uphill much faster than downhill and the steeper the slope, the quicker fires move. This is because fires move in the same direction of the ambient wind, which generally blows uphill. Moreover, the fire can preheat fuel further uphill as smoke and heat rise in that direction. On the other hand, when the fire reaches the top of a hill, it has to struggle to come back down.EEach year thousands of fire fighters risk their lives in their jobs. Elite fire fighters come in two categories: Hotshots and Smokejumpers. Operating in 20 man units, the key task of hotshots is to construct firebreaks around fires. A firebreak is a strip of land with all potential fuel removed. As their name suggests, smokejumpers jump out of aircraft to reach smaller fires situated in inaccessible regions. They attempt to contain these smaller fires before they turn into bigger ones.As well as constructing firebreaks and putting water and fire retardant on fires, fire fighters also use “backfires”. Backfires are created by fire fighters and burn towards the main fire incinerating any potential fuel in its path.Fire fighters on the ground also receive extensive support from the air with tankers dropping thousands of gallons of water and retardant. Dropped from planes and helicopters, retardant is a red chemical containing phosphate fertilizer, which slows and cools fires.Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Questions 5 - 9Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from Reading Passage 2, answer the following questions.Write your answers in boxes 5 - 9 on your answer sheet.5 Complete the last pillar of the fire triangle.Δ(5) _______________fuelheatsource6 What is measured in tons per acre?7 When do wildfires burn at their fiercest?8 What can travel in the wind to create fires at some distance from the initial fire?9 Name a method using an additional fire that fire fighters use to control wild fires.Questions 10 - 13Complete each of the following statements (Questions 10 - 13) with words taken from Reading Passage 1.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 10 - 13 on your answer sheet.10 The most important factor in how quickly a wildfire catches fire is the surfaceto volume _____________________.11 The most significant weather factor to affect wildfires’ actions is _____________________.12 Fires on the tops of trees are known as _____________________.13 Wildfires usually travel much faster _____________________ because of the typicaldirection of prevailing winds.READING PASSAGE 2 Questions 14 - 27You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14 – 27 which are based on Reading Passage 2 on the following pages.PROBLEMS WITH WATERNearly half the world’s population will experience critical water shortages by 2025, according to the United Nations (UN). Wars over access to water are a rising possibility in this century and the main conflicts in Africa during the next 25 years could be over this most precious of commodities, as countries fight for access to scarce resources. “Potential water wars are likely in areas where rivers and lakes are shared by more than one country,” says Mark Evans a UN worker. Evans predicts that “population growth and economic development will lead to nearly one in two people in Africa living in countries facing water scarcity or what is known as ‘water stress’ within 25 years.” Water scarcity is defined as less than 1,000 cubic metres of water available per person per year, while water stress means less than 1,500 cubic metres of water is available per person per year. The report says that by 2025, 12 more African countries will join the 13 that already suffer from water stress or water scarcity. What makes the water issue even more urgent is that demand for water will grow increasingly fast as larger areas are placed under crops and economic development. Evans adds that “the strong possibility that the world is experiencing climate change also adds to this urgency.”How to deal with water shortages is in the forefront of the battle between environmental activists on the one hand and governments and construction firms on the other. At the recent World Summit o n S ustainable D evelopment i n J ohannesburg a ctivists c ontinued t heir c ampaign t o h alt d am construction, while many governments were outraged about a vocal minority thwarting their plans.One of the UN’s eight millennium development goals is to halve the proportion of people without “sustainable” access to safe drinking water by 2015. How to ensure this happens was one of the big issues of the summit. Much of the text on this was already agreed, but one of the unresolved issues in the implementation plan was whether the goal on water would be extended to cover sanitation. The risks posed by water-borne diseases in the absence of sanitation facilities means the two goals are closely related. Only US negotiators have been resisting the extension of goals to include sanitation due to the financial commitment this would entail. However, Evans says the US is about to agree to this extension. This agreement could give the UN a chance to show that in one key area the world development agenda was advanced in Johannesburg.But the UN has said Johannesburg was not about words alone, but implementation. A number of projects and funding initiatives were unveiled at the summit. But implementation is always harder, as South Africa has experienced in its water programme. Graham Bennetts, a water official in the South African government explains: “Since the 1994 elections government has provided easy access to water to 7 million people, but extending this to a further 7 million and ensuring this progress is sustainable is one of South Africa’s foremost implementation challenges.” In South Africa, access to water is defined as 25 litres a person daily, within a distance of 200m from where they live. “Although South Africa’s feat far exceeds the UN millennium goal on water supply, severe constraints on local government capacity make a more rapid expansion difficult,” says Bennetts.For some of those who have only recently been given ready access to water, their gains are under threat as the number of cut-offs by municipalities for non-payment rise, says Liane Greef of the Environmental Monitoring Group. Greef is programme manager for WaterJustice in southern Africa. Those who have their water supply cut off also automatically forfeit their right to 6000 free litres of water for a family a month under South Africa’s “water for all” policy. In the face of continued increases in unemployment, payment for water and other utilities has the potential to fast undo government’s high profile feats in delivery since 1994.It is also the way of ensuring sufficient water supply and its management that will increasingly become a political battleground in South Africa. Water Affairs director-general Mike Muller says South Africa is near the end of its dam-building programme. However, there are big projects proposed elsewhere in southern Africa that could possibly be halted by activists who could bring pressure on funding agencies such as the World Bank. Greef says her group will campaign during the summit against the proposed Skuifraam Dam, which would be built near Franschhoek to supply additional water to Cape Town.Rather than rely on new dam construction, the city should ensure that water is used wisely at all times rather than only in dry spells, Greef says. Another battleground for her group is over the privatisation of water supply, she says. Water supply, she insists, is best handled in the public interest by accountable government.There is increasing hope from advances in technology to deal with water shortages. It is agricultural production which takes up about 90% of water consumed for human purposes, says the UN. To lower agricultural demand for water the Sri Lanka-based International Water Management Institute is researching ways of obtaining “more crop per drop” through the development of drought resistant crops, as well as through better water management techniques. One of the institute’s research sites is the Limpopo River basin. According to the institute’s director-general, Frank Rijsbereman, rice growers in China use a quarter of the water a ton of produce to those in South Africa. The institute hopes the “green revolution” in crop productivity will soon be matched by the “blue revolution” in improving water utilisation in agriculture. Questions 14 – 21Match the views (25 – 32) with the people listed below.14 Water needs to be utilised more prudently by some people.15 South Africa has almost completed its plans for building dams.16 Local government has excluded some South African households from getting free waterfor not meeting their bills.17 The World Summit in Johannesburg will soon have its aims on hygiene agreed among allparticipants.18 Faster development of water supply in South Africa is limited by the facilities of communityadministrations.19 Water use is more efficient than in South Africa in some foreign food production.20 Government should be answerable for water delivery and not private companies.21 The water question’s importance has been increased due to the risk of global weathertemperature rises.MM Mike MullerFR Frank RijsberemanME Mark EvansLG Liane GreefGB Graham BennettsQuestions 22 - 27Read the passage about problems with water again and look at the statements below.In boxes 22 - 27 on your answer sheet write:TRUE if the statement is trueFALSE if the statement is falseNOT GIVEN if the information is not given in thepassage22 Some African countries are currently at war over water resources.23 A recent report says by 2025 that 25 African countries will suffer from water scarcity alone.24 Vocal environment activists were arrested at the World Summit.25 Questions at the World Summit over including water sanitation have not yet been agreed.26 The World Summit had many good ideas but had little contribution on how to put the ideasinto practice.27 Plants are being introduced that can flourish with little water.READING PASSAGE 3 Questions 28 - 40You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 28 – 40 which are based on Reading Passage 2 on the following pages.The History of Papermaking in the United Kingdom The first reference to a paper mill in the United Kingdom was in a book printedby Wynken de Worde in about 1495. This mill belonged to a certain John Tate and wasnear Hertford. Other early mills included one at Dartford, owned by Sir John Speilman,who was granted special privileges for the collection of rags by Queen Elizabeth and one built in Buckinghamshire before the end of the sixteenth century. During the first half ofthe seventeenth century, mills were established near Edinburgh, at Cannock Chase in Staffordshire, and several in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Surrey. The Bank of England has been issuing bank notes since 1694, with simple watermarks in them since at least 1697. Henri de Portal was awarded the contract in December 1724 for producing the Bank of England watermarked bank-note paper at Bere Mill in Hampshire. Portals have retained this contract ever since but production is no longer at Bere Mill.There were two major developments at about the middle of the eighteenth century in the paper industry in the UK. The first was the introduction of the rag engine or hollander, invented in Holland sometime before 1670, which replaced the stamping mills, which had previously been used, for the disintegration of the rags and beating of the pulp. The second was in the design and construction of the mould used for forming the sheet. Early moulds had straight wires sewn down on to the wooden foundation, this produced an irregular surface showing the characteristic “laid” marks, and, when printed on, the ink did not give clear, sharp lines. Baskerville, a Birmingham printer, wanted a smoother paper. James Whatman the Elder developed a woven wire fabric, thus leading to his production of the first woven paper in 1757.Increasing demands for more paper during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries led to shortages of the rags needed to produce the paper. Part of the problemwas that no satisfactory method of bleaching pulp had yet been devised, and so only white rags could be used to produce white paper. Chlorine bleaching was being used by the endof the eighteenth century, but excessive use produced papers that were of poor quality and deteriorated quickly. By 1800 up to 24 million pounds of rags were being used annually, to produce 10,000 tons of paper in England and Wales, and 1000 tons in Scotland, the home market being supplemented by imports, mainly from the continent. Experiments in using other materials, such as sawdust, rye straw, cabbage stumps and spruce wood had been conducted in 1765 by Jacob Christian Schäffer. Similarly, Matthias Koops carried out many experiments on straw and other materials at the Neckinger Mill, Bermondsey around 1800, but it was not until the middle of the nineteenth century that pulp produced using straw or wood was utilised in the production of paper.By 1800 there were 430 (564 in 1821) paper mills in England and Wales (mostly single vat mills), under 50 (74 in 1823) in Scotland and 60 in Ireland, but all the production was by hand and the output was low. The first attempt at a paper machine to mechanise the process was patented in 1799 by Frenchman Nicholas Louis Robert, but it was not a success. However, the drawings were brought to England by John Gamble in 1801 and passed on to the brothers Henry and Sealy Fourdrinier, who financed the engineer Henry Donkin to buildthe machine. The first successful machine was installed at Frogmore, Hertfordshire, in 1803. The paper was pressed onto an endless wire cloth, transferred to a continuous felt blanket and then pressed again. Finally it was cut off the reel into sheets and loft dried in the same way as hand made paper. In 1809 John Dickinson patented a machine that that used a wire cloth covered cylinder revolving in a pulp suspension, the water being removed through the centre of the cylinder and the layer of pulp removed from the surface by a felt covered roller (later replaced by a continuous felt passing round a roller). This machine was the forerunnerof the present day cylinder mould or vat machine, used mainly for the production of boards. Both these machines produced paper as a wet sheet, which require drying after removal from the machine, but in 1821 T B Crompton patented a method of drying the paper continuously, using a woven fabric to hold the sheet against steam heated drying cylinders. After it had been pressed, the paper was cut into sheets by a cutter fixed at the end of the last cylinder.By the middle of the nineteenth century the pattern for the mechanised productionof paper had been set. Subsequent developments concentrated on increasing the size and production of the machines. Similarly, developments in alternative pulps to rags, mainly wood and esparto grass, enabled production increases. Conversely, despite the increase in paper production, there was a decrease, by 1884, in the number of paper mills in England and Wales to 250 and in Ireland to 14 (Scotland increased to 60), production being concentrated into fewer, larger units. Geographical changes also took place as many of the early mills were small and had been situated in rural areas. The change was to larger mills in, or near, urban areas closer to suppliers of the raw materials (esparto mills were generally situated near a port as the raw material was brought in by ship) and the paper markets.Source: Paper Technology March 1999 / British Association of Paper Historians Questions 28 - 34Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer of the reading passage on The History of Papermaking in the U.K.?In Boxes 28 - 34 write:YES if the statement agrees with the writerNO if the statement doesn’t agree with the writerNOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this28 The printing of paper money in the UK has always been done by the same company.29 Early paper making in Europe was at its peak in Holland in the 18th century.30 18th Century developments in moulds led to the improvement of a flatter, more even paper.31 Chlorine bleaching proved the answer to the need for more white paper in the 18th and 19thcenturies.32 The first mechanised process that had any success still used elements of the hand madepaper-making process.33 Modern paper making machines are still based on John Dickinson’s 1809 patent.34 The development of bigger mills near larger towns was so that mill owners could takeadvantage of potential larger workforces.Questions 35 - 40Match the events (35 – 40) with the dates (A - G) listed below.Write the appropriate letters in boxes 35 - 40 on your answer sheet.35 Invention of the rag engine.36 A new method for drying paper patented.37 First successful machine for making paper put into production.38 Manufacture of the first woven paper.39 Watermarks first used for paper money.40 The first machine for making paper patented.DATESA 1803B 1757C 1821D 1697E 1799F 1670。
