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hold the key to sth/ is the key to 在于

envoy 大使

socialist modernization drive 社会主义现代化建设

uphold; adhere to; aside by 遵守/坚持/恪守

in a history that spans more than 5000 years 在五千多年的历史中

along its arduous/tortuous course of national development 也经历了曲折而艰辛的道路poverty and backwardness贫穷和弱小

fight courageously and unyieldingly顽强斗争

through pioneering enterprise with painstaking efforts通过艰难的创业


consultation collaboration 磋商协作

crack down on terrorism打击反恐

five principles of peaceful co-existence和平共处五项原则

remarkable achievements that draw the attention of the world举世瞩目的成就

literacy and numeracy skills 读写能力和计算能力

dramatic consequence 严重的后果

prestigious university worldwide 世界著名学府

enthusiastic young faces莘莘学子青春洋溢的脸庞

distinctive academic atmosphere书香浓郁的空气

the unique way of school management 独特的办学风格

sincerely hope 衷心地希望/祝愿

zero-sum game 零和游戏

security has begun to take on wider connotations安全的内涵不断扩大

represented by terrorism 以恐怖主义为代表的

military antagonism and conflicts triggered by territorial disputes由领土引发的军事对抗和冲突remain unresolved尚未消除

mission 代表团

join me in the toast to 和我一起举杯

electronic and telecommunication 电子和通讯

full commitment and substantial investment 完全承诺大量投资

US-Chinese,British-Chinese,Canada-Chinese 美中,英中,加中

Pharmaceutical co. Ltd. 制药有限公司

QR code = quick response code 二维码

Deputy managing director 副总经理

I’ve heard of you for years 久仰大名

Help you out 为您排忧解难

If you should encounter any inconvenience in your life and work您在生活或工作中若有

Host a reception banquet in your honour 设宴为您洗尘

Guesthouse 招待所

Head office 总部

the wealth of the Confucianism and Taoism 博大精深的儒家思想和道家思想

a real expert on China 中国通

the Customs 海关

avail myself of this opportunity to do 我借此机会……

A remark in sth can best express what I feel now 我现在的心情可以用sth中的一句话来表达A frequent exchanges of visits 频繁互访

A country has to strengthen itself before it can be sure of its place in the world 一个国家只有首先自强,才能在世界上自立

Build a moderately prosperous society in all respects 全面建设小康社会

It is still at the primary stage of building socialism and will remain so for many years to come仍然处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段

Unswervingly uphold the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics 坚定不移地高举社会主义的伟大旗帜

The scientific outlook on development 科学发展观

Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导

Lift restrictions on commodity and technology exports to China 取消对华商品的出口和技术的限制

Correct the wrong practices of trade protectionism纠正贸易保护主义的错误做法Multilateral economic organization多边经济组织

The Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations日内瓦外交与国际关系学院Honorary doctorate 荣誉博士

New uncertainties 新的变数

Regional hotspot issues 地区热点问题

The proliferation of the mass destruction weapons 大规模杀伤性武器的扩散

A closer examination 进一步检查

Upside 积极方面downside 消极方面

The new mantra is “return on quality”新的行话是“从质量中求得效益”

Chinese territory 中华大地

Five thousand years of splendid Chinese civilization have contributed to the extraordinary enchanting beauty of this poetic and picturesque land.

Crowned as the most famous of China’s five great mountains 中国五岳之首

Tourists will invariably marvel at the ……让游客目不暇接,叹为观止

Ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers历代文人雅士墨客

Temples with glazed tiles 琉璃瓦寺庙

Best represents……集中代表了……

Subject/issue under discussion 讨论议题

the host city/country of the meeting/conference大会主办城市/大会东道国

to address the meeting on the topic of environmental protection就环境保护问题进行发言how to rise up to the challenge in the new century 如何在新世纪迎接挑战

in the hope that it will help you a better understanding of my country希望有助于诸位对于中国的了解

the current annual meeting 本届年会

reach an agreement/ reach common ground 达成共识

permanent resident 常住居民

Maglev train 磁悬浮列车

Yangtze River delta 长江三角洲

Pillar industry 支柱产业
