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学号: 0809810026 专业:应用物理







Capacitive material level measurement technology are widely used in the construction, petroleum, chemical, mining, transportation and other areas of industrial production, to improve product quality, optimize process control plays a very important role. The capacitive level gauge of several common used to make presentation. One of the radio frequency admittance measurement principle is discussed and derived, is given by the elimination of material hanging effect, measuring the true level method. Then in detail elaborated the principles of radio frequency admittance circuit, including a power supply circuit, reset circuit, an excitation signal generation circuit, a signal detection circuit, a filter circuit and a signal collecting circuit. The capacitive level gauge how to overcome the influence of the stray capacitance signal, to obtain accurate measurement results, is the focus of this article. Based on the comparison of several measurement of small capacitance method selection of charging and discharging method, based on the charging and discharging method, this paper designs two kinds of circuit, the two circuit compares the performance of the best, and, in the signal transmission process in the application of" method of driving cable" developed the measurement stability, strong anti-interference ability of the circuit schem e. Keywords: Capacitor; level meter; radio frequency admittance

前言 (1)

一电容式物位计的基本原理 (2)

二电容式物位计的应用 (4)

2.1 射频导纳物位测量 (4)

2.1.1电容式液位计的测量转换电路 (4)

2.1.2 导电介质挂料对测量的影响 (4)

2.1.3 射频导纳物位测量仪的工作原理 (5)

2.1.4 测量系统的实现 (6)

2.2 HX型分段物位计的应用 (7)

2.2.1 分段电容式物位计检测方法简介 (7)

2.2.2 实检测方法的实现 (8)

2.3 电容式物位计在碱蒸发器上的应用 (9)

三电容式物位计在应用中应注意的几个问题 (9)

3.1 选型 (9)

3.2 测量回路中接地点的处理 (10)

3.3 应用中常见的故障 (11)

3.4 标定方法 (11)

结束语 (13)

参考文献 (14)

致谢 (15)

物位是工业生产及过程控制中的重要参量,传感器是一种物理装置或生物器官,能够探测、感受外界的信号、物理条件(如光、热、湿度)或化学组成(如烟雾),并将探知的信息传递给其他装置或器官。电容式物位测量以其测量仪表结构简单、性能可靠、价格低廉、测量结果与介质密度及化学成份等因素无关而广泛应用于各种工况条件下。但当待测液体是具有黏附性的导体物料时, 物料会黏附在传感电极的外套绝缘罩上, 形成挂料, 造成虚假物位, 产生较大的测量误差, 使仪表不能正常工作, 这是传统的电容式物位测量仪的致命缺陷。随着电子技术的广泛应用, 射频物位检测技术得到了迅猛发展, 射频物位仪通过同时检测电容和电阻较好地解决了被介质的挂料测量误差而广泛应用于现代工业生产及过程控制的物位测量。本文对电容式物位计应用一些常用以及推广的最佳性能的物位测量做出详细介绍。
